___________________________________________________________________________ 2009/CTI2/GOS/SEM/PL Participant List Submitted by: United States Seminar on Commercial Realities of CrossBorder Services Trade Singapore 20 May 2009 PARTICIPANTS (ATTENDEES) LIST Economy: Australia S/N Title 1. Mr. Name David Jessup Position Director Organization Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) APEC Trade and Investment Section T: (61-2) 6261 1812 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mob: +61 434 223 078 Gender M David.Jessup@dfat.gov.au 2. Mr. Andrew Todd Assistant Secretary APEC Branch Andrew.Todd@dfat.gov.au M edward.sulikowski@dfat.gov.au M Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 3 Mr. Edward Sulikowski Director Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Economy: Brunei Darussalam S/N Title 4 Mr. Name Md. Hakashah Samad Position Asst. Director Organization MOFAT Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Hakashah.samad@mfa.gov.bn Gender M Economy: Chile S/N Title Name Position Organization Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Gender 5 Mr. Felipe Sandoval fsandoval@direcon.cl M 6 Mr. Rodrigo Monardes Rmonardes@direcon.cl M 7 Ms. Daniela Rivera drivera@pacific .net.sg F MFA Embassy of Chile (DLO) 1 Economy: People’s Republic of China S/N Title 8 Mr. Name Chen Chao Position Deputy Director Organization Ministry of Commerce Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Chenchao@mofcom.gov.cn Gender M Economy: Hong Kong, China S/N Title 9 Mr. Name Arthur CHAR Position Principle Trade Officer Organization Trade and Industry Department Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) (c/o. Paul Kwok ) paulkwok@tid.gov.hk Gender M Economy: Indonesia S/N Title 10 Mr. Name Sigit Setiawan Position Member Organization Coordinating Team on Services Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Gender Sigit_setiawan@depkeu.go.id M Ministry of Finance, Indonesia 11 Mr. Imam Pambagyo Member Ministry of Trade, Regional Trade Division imampambagyo@gmail.com M 12 Ms. Rully Mayrezasari Member Ministry of Trade, Regional Trade Division Rully.regional@gmail.com F 13 Mr. Rizal Affriandy Member Ministry of Trade, Regional Trade Division Rizal211262@yahoo.co.id M 14 Ms. Adelia Ogantini Official Dept. of Foreign Affairs – APEC Desk apecindonesia@gmail.com F 15 Mr. M. Bayu Pramonodjati Member Dept. of Foreign Affairs Bahen25@yahoo.com M 2 S/N Title 16 Mr. Name Arto Suryodipuro Position Organization DFA Official Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) suryodipuro@gmail.com Gender M Economy: Japan S/N Title 17 Ms. Name Fumiyo TSUDA Position Official Organization Services Trade Division Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Gender fumiyo.tsuda@mofa.go.jp F minori.ishii@mofa.go.jp F Kadoya-yutaka@meti.go.jp M d.kawasaki@soumu.go.jp M M2.ogawa@soumu.go.jp M Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan 18 Ms. Minori ISHII Official APEC Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan 19 Mr. Yutaka KADOYA Officer APEC Office International Economic Division, Trade Policy Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan 20 Mr. Daisuke Kawasaki Assistant Director Multilateral Economic Affairs Office Global ICT Strategy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan 21 Mr. Masahiko Ogawa Researcher Multilateral Economic Affairs Office Global ICT Strategy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan Economy: Republic of Korea 3 S/N Title 22. Ms. Name Miyon LEE Position Director Organization Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Gender MOFAT Mylee93@mofat.go.kr F Multilateral Trade Division 23. Mr. Jinmyung, Jeong Official Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jmjeong08@mofat.go.kr M 24. Mr. Youngwook, Koh Official Ministry of Strategy and Finance firstmind@mosf.go.kr M Economy: Malaysia S/N Title 25. Mr. Name Position Organization Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI) Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Gender Muhammad Zulhilmi Ahmad Pricipal Assistant Director 26. Ms. Sumathi Balakrishnan Principal Assistant Director Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) T: (603) 6203 4703 F: (603) 6203 1745 sumathi@miti.gov.my F 27. Ms. Gheeta Devi Rengasamy Asst. Director International Cooperation Division Malaysian Industrial Development Authority T: (603) 2267 3678 F: (603) 2274 8463 gheeta@mida.gov.my F c/o. Atasha Bt Mohd Noh M (atasha@miti.gov.my) Economy: New Zealand S/N Title 28. Mr. Name Wen Powles Position Organization New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 4 Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Wen.Powles@mfat.gov.nz Gender M 29. Ms. Jan Bailey New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade T: (41-2) 292 90357 F Jan.Bailey@mfat.gov.nz Economy: Peru S/N Title 30. Ms. Name Vanessa Uchiyana Position Trade Official Organization Ministry of Foreign Trade & Tourism Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) T: 51-1-5136100 (1246) Gender F vuchiyana@mincetur.gov.pe Economy: Philippines S/N Title Name 31. Mr. Ryan Gener 32. Mr. Michael Lyndon B. Garcia Position Organization Special Assistant to The Undersecretary for Int’l Econ. Relations Department of Foreign Affairs Principal Assistant – International Economic Relations Office Department of Foreign Affairs Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) T: 63-2-8343045 Gender M F: 63-2-8341451 ryangener@yahoo.com michaellyndonbgarcia@gmail.com M Economy: Singapore S/N Title 33. Ms Name Connie LEE Position Organization Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Asst. Director Workplace Policy and Strategy Division T: (65) 6534 1719 International Relations Unit Ministry of Manpower F: (65) 6534 0559 Connie_LEE@mom.gov.sg 5 Gender F S/N Title 34. Ms Name Norain Ali Position Executive Manager Organization IDA Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Gender norain_ali@ida.gov.sg F T: (65) 6552 8439 M Singapore 35. Mr. Justin Chew Asst. Director Ministry of Trade & Industry justin_chew@mti.gov.sg 36. Mr. Goh Yang Chuang Manager IDA T: (65) 6211 1851 Singapore F: (65) 6211 2220 M Goh_yang_chuang@ida.gov.sg 37. Ms. Danielle Yeow Deputy Director General Intellectual Property Office of Singapore T: 6330 2709 M Danielle_yeow@ipos.gov.sg 38. Mr. Tapas Roy Sr. Director ORACLE Corporation Tapas.roy@oracle.com M Economy: Chinese Taipei S/N Title 39. Ms. Name Ruby H.C. Liao Position Officer Organization Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Bureau of Foreign Trade T: (886-2) 23977233 Ministry of Economic Affairs F: (886-2) 23216445 Gender F rubyliao@trade.gov.tw Economy: Thailand S/N Title Name Position Organization 6 Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Gender S/N Title Name 40. Mr. Sakarn Saensopha Position Director for Multilateral Organization Department of Trade Negotiations Trade In Services Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) T: 662-507 7482 Gender M sakarns@moc.go.th Economy: The United States S/N Title Name Position Organization Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Gender 41. Ms. Lane Darnell Bahl APEC Coordinator American Embassy Singapore BahlLD@state.gov F 42. Ms. Michele Dastinvan Rijn Deputy Director U.S. Department of State T: (1-202) 647 2011 F Office of Economic Policy DastinMJ@state.gov Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs 43. Ms. Barb Rawdon Office of Service Industry T: (1-202) 482 0474 Manufacturing and Services F: (1-202) 482 2669 1401 Constitution Ave, NW Barb_rawdon@ita.doc.gov F Washington DC 20230 44. Ms. 45. Mr. Andrea DaSilva Senior Policy Analyst Charles Hooker U.S. Department of Commerce T: (1-202) 482 3686 International Trade Adm Andrea.dasilva@mail.doc.gov Office of Multilateral Affairs T: ( 1-202) 482 6299 U.S. Dept of Commerce F: (1-202) 482 5939 F M Charles_hooker@ita.doc.gov 46. Mr. Philip Matthew Ingeneri Trade Officer U.S. Dept of State T: (1-202) 647 1980 Economic, Energy, Business Affair Bureau IngeneriPM@state.gov 7 M S/N Title 47. Ms. Name Position Kate Cleman Organization CMI Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) T: (1-202) 624 2691 Gender F Economy: Viet Nam S/N Title 48. Ms. Name Pham Thu Hien Position Organization Ministry of Planning & Investment Official Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) T: (84-4) 8043150 Gender F gemsfairy@yahoo.com 49. Ms. Tran Thao Hanh Deputy Head of Division Ministry of Planning & Investment T: (84-4) 37343759 tranthaohanh@yahoo.com F Speakers S/N Title Name 50. Mr. Christopher Melly Position Deputy Assistant Organization Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) U.S. Trade Representative for Services T: +1 202 395 9581 Office of the United State Trade Representative christopher_melly@ustr.eop.gov Gender M Washington, DC 51. Dr. Roy Chun Lee Associate Research Fellow Chung-Hua Institution for economic Research (CIER) Chinese Taipei 52. Ms. Mona DumlaoValisno Presidential Assistant For Education Office of the Presidential Assistant for Education 8 T: +886 22735 6006 (Ext. 315) M c/o. Ms. Ruby H.C. Liao (rubyliao@trade.gov.tw) T: (632) 736 8616 / 736 8607 F: (632) 736 6919 F S/N Title 53. Mr. 54. Mr. Name Stephen Braim Noriyuki MITA Position Organization Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) Gender Office of the President of the Phillippines aklesquare@yahoo.com Vice President Governmental Programs IBM T: +91 11 4129 2002 Shanghai, China stebraim@in.ibm.com Director Economic Partnership Division Mita-noriyuki@meti.go.jp M Tokuro.furuya@mofa.go.jp M M Trade Policy Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan 55. Mr. Tokuro FURUYA Director Services and Trade Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan 56. Mr. Steven Okun Chairman American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore sokun@ups.com M 57. Mr. Edward Sulikowski Director Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia Edward.Sulikowski@dfat.gov.au M Alan.turley@fedex.com M Lee.Tuthill@wto.org F 58. Mr. Alan Turley Service Trade Negotiations Canberra, Australia Vice President FedEx International Affairs, Hongkong, Cina Asia-Pacific 59. Ms. Lee Tuthill Counsellor World Trade Organization Trade in Services Division Geneva, Switzerland 9 S/N Title 60. Ms. Name Gillian Joyce Virata Position Executive Director For Information and Research Organization Business Processing Association of the Philippines Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) T: (632) 817 2727 Gender F M: +639175319922 FL (632) 817 8141 gigivirata@bpap.org 61. Ms. Rhonda Bassett 62. Mr. Jacob Kirkegaard 63. Mr. Jai Motwane Director ORACLE University T: +613 861 63791 Asia Pacific Delivery Melbourne, Australia rhonda.bassett@oracle.com F Research Fellow Peterson Institute for International Economic T: +1 202 454 1374 F: +1 202 659 3225 jkirkegaard@piie.com M U.S.T.R. jmotwane@ustr.eop.gov M APEC Secretariat S/N Title 64. Ms. Name Joanne Lovejoy Position Program Director Organization APEC Secretariat T: (65) 6891-9607 Australia 65. Mr. Park Yung-Suh Program Director Hiroko Taniguchi Program Director APEC Secretariat T: (65) 6891-9653 Zaireen Omar Program Director F M pys@apec.org APEC Secretariat T: (65) 6891-9660 Japan 67. Ms. Gender jll@apec.org Korea 66. Ms. Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) F ht@apec.org APEC Secretariat T: (65) 6891 9662 Malaysia zo@apec.org 10 F S/N Title 68. Mr. 69. Ms. 70. Mr. Name Position Organization Phanpob Plangprayoon Program Director Linda Carroll Communications Manager APEC Secretariat Intern APEC Secretariat Chih Hung Chan APEC Secretariat Contacts ( Tel / HP / Fax / Email ) T: (65) 6891 9650 Thailand Gender M pp@apec.org T: (65) 6891 9672 F lac@apec.org T: (65) 9048 9916 cch@apec.org 11 M