Marketing Strategies

Marketing Strategies
Final Exam
Marks: 50%
Time: 3 hours
Section A-Multiple Choice Questions –(20%)
1. ____________is the act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a
distinctive place in the mind of the target market.
a. Value proposition
b. Positioning
c. Strategy
d. Communication
2.To communicate a company or brand positioning, a marketing plan shall include a
a. income statement
b.statement of intent
c.positioning statement
3. _______________is the process of adding a set of meaningful and valued differences
to distinguish the company’s offerings.
a. Distinction
b. Dealing
c. Differentiation
d. All of the above
4.A ________ is basic and distinctive mode of expression appearing in a field of human
a. fad
5.A___________is a cross functional group charged with developing a specific product
or business.
a.tag team product
c.venture team team
6.The most fundamental level is the________________.
c.core benefit
d.All of the above
7. _________________is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them
intended to identify the goods or services.
a. Laddering
b. Brand
c. Line modernization
d. Downmarket stretch
8.Combining two or more well-known brands is also known as_____________.
a. new brands
b.old brands
9. _____________________occurs when a company sells a product or service at two or
more prices that do not reflect a proportional difference in costs.
a. Promotional pricing
b. Loss leader pricing
c. Price discrimination
d. Price discounts
10.At the fourth level, the marketer prepares a/an ________________that exceeds
customer expectations.
a. basic product
b.augmented product
c.core product
d.expected product
11. A______________________, by contrast, comprises the producer,
wholesale(s), acting as a unified system.
a. channel dynamic system
b.vertical marketing system
c.horizontal marketing system
d.parallel marketing system
12. __________________occurs when a single firm uses two or more marketing channels
to reach one or more customer segments.
a. Single channel marketing
b. Triple channel marketing
c. Multichannel marketing
d. Double channel marketing
13.The______________ is the elapsed time between the order’s receipt, delivery, and
a. marketing elapsed timeframe
b.order-to-payment cycle
c.perfect order time
d.warehousing backlog time
14. Advertising, sales promotion, public relations & publicity, personal selling and direct
marketing are known as the ________________.
a. factors in setting the marketing mix
b. promotional tools
c. communications criteria
d. type of product market
15. The wide range of communications tools, messages, and audiences makes it
imperative that companies move toward_____________________.
a. buyer readiness state
b. product life cycle stage
c. integrated marketing communications
d. marketing integrity
16.The acronym AIDA of the communications framework model means?
a.attention, incident, desire, acting
b.attracting, international, distant, association
c.attention, interest, desire, action
d.attention, interest, decorum, action
17. ________________is the set of beliefs, ideas, and impressions a person holds
regarding and object.
a. Semantics
b. Differentials
c. Image
d. Public relations
18. __________________involves passing on company developed products, services, or
information from user to user.
a. Niche marketing
b. Viral marketing
c. Personal communication channels
d. Conversation value
19. The traditional four Ps marketing approaches works well for goods, but there are
additional three Ps for service marketing, which are?
a. place, prime time and people
b.people, plant and process
c.people, physical evidence and process
d.people, physical evidence and promotions
20.When customers fall into different user groups with distinct buying preferences and
practices, a __________________is desirable.
a. customer-management organizations
b.brand asset management team organizations
d. corporate divisional organization
Section B-Essay Questions - (30%)
Answer ALL Questions
1.Briefly describe the term ‘brand equity’ with regards to the amount of power and value
they have in the market place.
(5 marks)
2.What is organizational buying? .
(5 marks)
3.Briefly describe the levels and patterns of market segmentation.
(5 marks)
4.Describe product planning by illustrating and explaining then nature and contents of a
marketing plan.
5. You are required to critically analyze the scenario appended below and provide a
legible answer to support your position.
A well-known overnight delivery company discovered that most of its customers
packaged their shipments standard sized cartoons that could be processed by customer
remote data entry, barcode generation, attachment reading and tracking, and automated
sorting technology. But some customer wished to ship uncrated bicycles, another to ship
unpackaged mufflers and yet another to ship meshes bags of beach balls. Servicing these
customers required special handling, sorting and shipping space, and such special service
that doing business with these customers was unprofitable.
How should they analyze their customers behaviour with regards to wants and needs?
What should the company consider when deciding to raise its prices for these customers?
(10 marks)