Remember to follow this structure:
1) Plan how you are going to answer your essay: If there are dates do not exceed them and know the factual evidence you
are to give.
2) If the question asks how far then you need to outline two sides of a debate and then in your intro, throughout your
essay and again in your conclusion explain how far you think
3) Give an overview introduction that outlines how you are to tackle the question and your main line of argument.
4) In your essay deal with the factor they give you first using as much evidence as you can to assess its significance.
5) Then in order of priority work through all the other factors in turn using as much evidence as you can and explain why
they are more or less important than the one you have chosen.
6) Finally sum up the major reasons and restate why your argument flowed the way it did.
Jan 2009
a) “The lives of German workers and peasants improved as a result of Nazi policies in the
years 1933 – 1939? How far do you agree or disagree with this view?
b) “In the later stages of the war Hitler still commanded widespread support” Explain why
you agree or disagree with this view.
Jan 2008
b) “Economic success was the MAIN reason for Hitler’s domination of Germany after
1933” How far do you agree or disagree with this view?
June 2006
a) How far do you agree or disagree that the impact of the Depression was the MAIN
reason for the rise of Hitler to power by January 1933?
b) How far do you agree or disagree that Hitler’s economic policy was successful in the
period 1933-39? Explain your answer.
Jan 2006
b) How far do you agree or disagree that Hitler’s control of Germany was based on fear?
June 2005
a) Assess the reasons why other political parties failed to prevent the rise of Hitler to power
(Do not include anything after 1933 in your answer)
b) “Hitler’s economic policies (1933-45) were ONLY concerned with preparation for war,
and then supplying the needs of war” How far do you agree or disagree with this
June 2004
b) How far do you agree or disagree that propaganda and indoctrination were the most
important tools used by the Nazi regime in the years 1933-39?
June 2003
b) How far do you agree or disagree that fear of the Gestapo and SS was the MAIN reason
why Hitler was able to stay in power after 1933.
Jan 2003
How far do you agree or disagree that Hitler’s economic policies brought benefits to the
German workers and peasants in the period 1933-39?
May 2002
a) How far do you agree or disagree that the MAIN reason for Hitler coming to power was
b) How far do you agree or disagree that propaganda was the most important method of
maintaining Hitler in power up to 1945?
Jan 2002
b) How far do you agree or disagree that terror was the MAIN REASON why Nazi rule was
maintained between 1933-9?
Life in Nazi Germany (12 markers)
1. The key to success is speed, accuracy and answering the question set
2. All of these require about 12 minutes maximum of writing time
3. In that time you need to negotiate the question
5. Create a hierarchy of 4 reasons
6. Explain why some are more important than others
7. A brief judgement conclusion sums up the main thrust of argument
8. There is no time for waffle, or an introduction.
9. You must show how significant the point is in the opening sentence of each paragraph
10. Good evidence must be shown in the middle of each paragraph
11. The final sentence must link back to the question
Topics they have and could cover:
Jan 09 Explain why Hitler replaced the trade unions with the German Labour Front
Explain why the invasion of the USSR changed the lives of those living in Germany in the years
1941 - 2
Chronological questions:
1. Explain why Hitler did not get in to power in 1932
2. Explain why Hitler was made Chancellor in Jan 1933
3. Explain why the Nazi Party banned the KPD after the Reichstag Fire
4. Explain why the Nazis did not win an absolute majority in the March Elections
5. Explain why Hitler was able to pass through the Enabling Law
6. Explain why the Nazi Party purged the Civil Service
7. Explain why Hitler signed a Concordat with the Catholic Church
8. Explain why disbanded the regional parliaments
9. Explain why Hitler created Gaues to replace the regional parliaments
10. Explain why Hitler purged the SA in the Night of the Long Knives
11. Explain why Hitler made the Army swear an oath of allegiance to him on the death of Hindenburg
12. Explain why Hitler became Fuhrer of the German Reich
13. Explain why Hitler did not properly organise the Reich Chancellery
14. Explain why Hitler enacted the Nuremburg Laws
15. Explain why Hitler banned and then locked up many socialists in the Dachau Summer
16. Explain why Hitler coordinated the regime between 1933-4 (Gleichschaltung)
17. Explain why Hitler wanted Lebensraum for Germany
18. Explain why Hitler wanted to create a War Ready Economy
19. Explain why Hitler spent heavily on public works programmes in the early 1930s
20. Explain why Hitler established the “Strength through Joy” and “Beauty of Labour Movements”
21. Explain why Hitler let baron’s compete for the Will of the Fuhrer
22. Explain why Hitler did not get involved in the day to day running of policy
23. Explain why Hitler replaced Schacht with Goering as Economics Minister
24. Explain why Kristallnacht happened
25. Explain why Germany went to war in September 1939
26. Explain why Germany joined with Austria (Anschluss)
27. Explain why Hitler wanted to reverse the Treaty of Versailles
28. Explain why Hitler persecuted minority groups in Germany
29. Explain why Hitler tried to create a Volksgemeinschaft
30. Explain why Hitler invaded Poland
31. Explain why Hitler wanted to take over the Sudetenland
AQA Style Questions – Documents
Jan 09 –
a) Use sources A and B and your own knowledge.
Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to Hitler’s
popularity (12)
b) Using all Sources and your own knowledge.
How far was Hitler’s rule based on a large measure of consent between 1933 and 1939 (24)
Jan 08
a) Use sources A and B and your own knowledge.
Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to Hitler’s
style of leadership (12)
b) Using all Sources and your own knowledge.
How far was Hitler’s “master of the Third Reich” up to 1939
Jun 07
a) Use sources A and B and your own knowledge.
Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to attitudes
to the Nazi Regime (12)
b) Using all Sources and your own knowledge.
How far did the Nazi Regime face dangerous opposition during 1935-44 (24)
Jan 07
a) Use sources A and B and your own knowledge.
Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to the
popularity of Nazi Youth Movements during the 1930s (12)
b) Using all the sources and your own knowledge.
How far did the Nazi Youth Movements play a major role in creating the National
Community (volksgemeinschaft)
Jun 06
a) Use sources A and B and your own knowledge.
Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to attitudes
to the Nazi revolution (12)
b) Using all the sources and your own knowledge.
How far was the Nazi Revolution complete by August 1934?
Jan 06
a) Use sources A and B and your own knowledge.
Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to antisemitism in Germany from 1935-38 (12)
b) Using all the sources and your own knowledge.
How far did the decision to implement the Final Solution arise MAINLY from a
longstanding and widespread hatred of the Jews.
Jun 05
a) Use sources A and B and your own knowledge.
Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to
Germans’ reactions to the pressures of war. (12)
b) Using all the sources and your own knowledge.
How far was Hitler’s popularity seriously damaged by the effects of war? (24)
Jan 05
a) Use sources A and B and your own knowledge.
Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to the
reasons why Hitler was appointed Chancellor in January 1933 (12)
b) Using all the sources and your own knowledge.
How far did the Nazis best exploit Germany’s political situation in early 1933? (24)