Italy -Mark

Cities in Italy and Tourist Attractions
Venice is the world’s only pedestrian city.
People get around by water buses or water taxis.
It is also known for its gondola rides.
Located on the bank of the River Arno.
There is 1.5 million living in the city.
It is a very important city in Italian Fashion
The 2nd largest city in Italy.
Leonardo da Vinci lived in Milan.
Pisa is on the right bank of the Mouth of the River Arno
on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
It is also home to the Leaning tower of Pisa
Naples is Italy’s gateway to Pompeii, which is about 15 miles
from the city centre, where the still-active Mount Vesuvius also
looms. In 1997, UNESCO designated Pompeii a World
Heritage Site. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79AD
virtually obliterated Pompeii as it was. However, visitors to the
area can explore some of the excavated structures that reflect
how life was before the eruption.
Italian Customs
Eight days before Christmas, children go door to
door singing carols and saying Christmas poems.
After a midnight church service on Christmas Eve, a
special supper of ‘panettone’ (spiced bread) and
chocolate is enjoyed. The setting-up of the Christmas
manger is an important Italian custom. Presents are
delivered by a kind witch called Banana, on a
Similarities and Differences
– Ireland and Italy are both mainly Roman Catholic.
– They have the same currency – the Euro.
– They are both in huge debt.
– They both love soccer.
– Ireland is an island and Italy is not.
– Italy’s main food is pasta and pizza.
– Ireland’s main food is stew, bacon and cabbage.
– Ireland has no volcanoes but Italy does.
Famous people
Giovanni Trapottoni
Michael Angelo
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was an artist. He painted the
Mona Lisa. It is in a museum in France.
Michael Angelo painted the famous Sistine Chapel.
Giovanni Trapottoni is the Irish soccer manager.
Map of Italy
The colours of the flag represent the three
cardinal virtues:
Green - hope; White - faith; Red - charity.
There are two major mountain ranges in Italy, the Alps and the
Apennines. The Alps run west to east across Northern Italy and share
borders with France, Switzerland and Austria. The Apennine
Mountains run 1000km north to south along Italy’s eastern coast.
The broad plain of Lombardy, including the River Po valley, spreads
between the Alps and the Apennines. With the exception of this
plain in the north, most of Italy is mountainous or hilly, with only a
few large areas of flat land and of course beautiful lakes.
60 million people live in Italy (2011).
Mainly Christians – Roman Catholic 90%
The capital of Italy is Rome.
Pasta, pizza, mozzarella cheese and pesto are famous
Italian foods.