Default Normal Template

Project that enables many calculation via the net
Online Statistical Calculators and Tables
Related links:
Chi-square calculator (John Walker)
This JavaScript application may be used to compute critical values and pvalues for the chi-squared distribution.
Distribution/Density Calculators, Plotters and RNG's
This page provides graphs of PDFs and CDFs, computes probability and
cumulative probability values, and generates random numbers for a variety of
commonly used probability density functions.
F-table calculator (David M. Lane)
To use this JavaScript F-table calculator, enter the degrees of freedom for the
numerator and the denominator and the estimated F-statistic. The calculator
computes the associated p-value.
Probability Calculator (Javier R. Movellan)
This page provides critical values and p-values for the normal, F, t, Chisquare, binomial and uniform distributions.
Probability Distribution Functions (JavaStat)
The JavaScript application on this page computes either critical values or pvalues for the normal, t, F, or Chi-squared distribution functions.
Scientific Calculator (John C. Pezzullo)
A JavaScript calculator that computes critical values and p-values for normal,
t, F, and Chi-squared distributions.
Statistical Tables (Balasubramanian Narasimhan)
This Java applet can be used to compute critical values and p-values for the
binomial, poisson, normal, t, chi-squared, and F distributions.
Statlet: Calculate and plot probability distributions
This page provides a Java applet that calculates significance levels and pvalues and plots the PDF and CDF for 24 different density functions. (It also
plots the survivor, log survivor and hazard functions corresponding to these
density functions, but that's a topic for another course....)
Z table (David M. Lane - HyperStat Online)
This graphical Java applet can be used to compute and display either critical
values or p-values for a normal density function.
EpiTools R functions
Y | Z | Misc
--A-- [top] [end]
Calculate age-adjusted incidence rates and confidence intervals by
the direct or indirect method.
Calculate age-adjusted incidence rates and confidence intervals by
the direct method.
Calculate age-adjusted incidence rates and confidence intervals by
the indirect method.
--C-- [top] [end]
Find exact confidence intervals for binomial counts.
Find exact confidence intervals for Poisson counts.
--E-- [top] [end]
Calculate expected years of life lost for grouped-level data based on
an standard life expectancy curve.
Expand a multi-way table or flat frequency table into an individuallevel data frame.
Expand a multi-way table or flat frequency table into an individuallevel data frame.
--L-- [top] [end]
Find exact lower confidence limit for binomial count.
Find exact lower confidence limit for Poisson count.
--M-- [top] [end]
Calculate marginal, row, column, and joint distributions for a multiway table.
Plot point estimates and confidence intervals for Meta-Analysis.
--O-- [top] [end]
Find Mantel-Haenszel odd ratio and confidence interval for metaanalysis
--P-- [top] [end]
Calculate potential years of life lost for grouped-level data.
--U-- [top] [end]
Find exact upper confidence limit for binomial count.
Find exact upper confidence limit for Poisson count.
--Y-- [top] [end]
Calculate (expected) years lived with disability for individual-level
data with or without age-weighting and/or discounting.
Calculate (expected) years of life lost for individual-level data with
or without age-weighting and/or discounting.
Software & Tools
Epidemiology free software
EpiCalc 2000
FP Advisor
SOUNDEX Calculators
Statistical Utilities
Statistical calculator
Sample size calculator
Confidentiality of data /
duplicate records
Sample size calculator
for LQAS surveys
Sample size calculator
for a single rate
epidemiological utilities
(by Ray Simons and
Arcus Statistical Package
( This 16 bit Windows statistical software has been largely superceded b
This downloadable statistics package can be placed on a local machine and then
used to calculate odds ratios, relative risk and other clinical measures such a
Numbers Needed to Treat. It includes exact confidence intervals for all of thes
which is very rare. The package also includes calculation of pooled odds ratio
using the Mantel-Haenszel or Woolf method. It is made available by Dr Iain
Buchan, formerly of the Departments of Medicine and Primary Care
University of Liverpool. Arcus Biomedical for Windows is about to b
launched. Details of the beta site can be obtained from Iain Buchan, now a
Clinical Decision making
University of Nottingham TLTP (Teaching & Learning Technolog
Programme) project which aims to provide a suite of CAL (Computer Aided
Learning) programs that cover many diverse topics that all fall under th
heading of Behavioural Sciences.This particular package covers the area o
making decisions without bias in a clinical situation, using a mixture o
animation, graphics, text and interaction. There are five sections:- Processe
Affecting Decision Making, Assessing Performance Avoiding Bias In Decision
Making, Rationalising Decision Making and Outcome Assessment
InfoRetriever & InfoPointer
Software to bring evidence-based information to the point-of-care
InfoRetriever is software that claims to provide key resources for primary car
physicians in a highly portable, fully indexed format on the Newton
MP2000/2100 or E-Mate series of handheld computers. A demo may b
downloaded from their site. InfoRetriever includes: over 260 abstracts from th
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, with over 100 new reviews added
annually, over 240 critical appraisals from the Journal of Family Practic
POEMs feature, with 96 more added annually, a diagnostic test calculato
(sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, and post-test probabilities for over 20
common tests), a history and physical exam compendium, evidence tables and
summaries from key evidence-based treatment guidelines (AHCPR, USPSTF
others), useful clinical prediction rules for important conditions like chest pain
sore throat, and pneumonia. The producers plan to provide updates at leas
every 3 months, synchronized with the release of the quarterly update to th
Cochrane Library. Each update will include new Cochrane Library abstracts
RevMan is the Cochrane Collaboration's own systematic review software fo
producing Cochrane-type reviews. Technical support is only provided to th
members of the Cochrane Collaboration but the software is freely availabl
StatsDirect is a very easy to use, accurate and affordable statistical software. A
special emphasis is placed upon Epidemiology and statistical methods for health
research. Calculations employ state-of-the-art statistical and computationa
methods, and StatsDirect contains a statistical guide that supports learning, re
learning and scientific report writing with statistical knowledge
PEPI for Windows (WinPepi) Test Versions
Joe Abramson is currently working on producing a Windows version of th
renowned PEPI suite of programs. Although the present DOS-based PEP
programs can be run under Windows, theWindows format improves thei
integration, flexibility, ease-of-use, and appearance.
During the development phase this site will act as the distribution site for PEP
modules as they become available. The last update was posted to this site on 7t
November 2002.
Download PEPI for Windows TEST version (1.25MB)
The downloaded file will be called WinPep.exe. This is a self extracting ZIP fil
of currently available PEPI for Windows modules. At present it contains:
WHATIS.EXE - A calculator (an expression evaluator with 24
memory registers for constants, interim results, and formulae)
and computes probability values (and their inverse), confidence
intervals, and time spans. Current version number is 4.07a.
COMPARE2.EXE - Provides procedures for use in comparisons of
two independent groups or samples. It may be used for analyses
of cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, case-control studies and
trials, and for meta-analyses. This trial version can now be used
Compare two independent samples with
respect to proportions or odds, rates with
person-time denominators, clustered data,
nominal and ordinal categories, numerical data
(parametric and non-parametric) and survival
times. The program handles stratified data,
providing overall measures of association and
p-values, and heterogeneity tests, as well as the
fail-safe N, and sensitivity analyses for use in
Compute sample sizes for tests of equivalence
(of means and proportions) as well as for tests
of differences in proportions (including
stratified data), ordered categories, means,
numbers of events, and survival. For
comparisons of means, the program computes
the sample sizes needed to attain a desired
precision as well as a desired power.
comparisons of means, proportions, and
ordered categories, and Mantel-Haenszel tests.
Appraise the effect of misclassification on a 2by-2 table.
COMPARE2.EXE provides many of the functions served by the
and SURVIVAL. Current version number is 1.06. New features
are decribed in the documentation file, COMPARE2.TXT.
PAIRSetc.EXE - Provides functions to appraise differences and
agreement between matched samples or observations. It is so
named because it analyzes not only pairs, but larger matched
sets. It may be used in comparisons of two or more related
samples studied in cross-sectional, cohort, case-control studies,
trials, and in reliability studies that compare replicate
observations or methods of measurement. The program handles
stratified data, providing overall measures of association and
agreement and probabilities, and heterogeneity tests. Metaanalyses can be performed by entering each study as a separate
stratum. It can be used with any kind of dependent variable:
dichotomous, nominal or ordered categories, or numerical
(parametric and nonparametric procedures). PAIRSetc.EXE may
be used for the following purposes:
To test and measure differences between
matched samples, such as the differences
between cases and individually matched
controls (the number of controls per case can
be fixed or variable), or between measurements
made by different methods. In studies that
contrast exposure and non-exposure to a risk or
protective factor or treatment, the program
computes the number needed to avoid one
To compute measures of agreement (e.g.
kappa, concordance correlation coefficient,
95% limits of agreement) between matched
samples or between replicate measurements.
To compute sample sizes and power for studies
of matched observations.
To compute sample sizes and power for studies
of matched observations.
To appraise the effect of misclassification on
the association between paired dichotomous
The current version number is 0.76. New features are decribed in
the documentation file, PAIRSETC.TXT.
PEPI for Windows is a 16-bit Microsoft Windows application and will run
under Microsoft Windows 3.1x, '95, '98, and NT 3.51 or later. The program
are copyrighted, but may be freely copied and distributed for personal use
They may not be exploited commercially without permission.
PEPI for Windows is currently available only as a test version. Please report an
problems you experience or any suggestions you may have to improve th
package ...
E-mail your comments &c.
This will also place you on a mailing list of PEPI for Windows testers which wil
be used to notify you of new modules as they become available.
Miscellaneous Statistical Utilities
The programs on this page were all written by Ray Simons. They include:
IDR performs exact stratified analysis of rate ratios (relative risks) in fo
person-time data. The program accepts data from 2-by-2 tables or from simp
files, and outputs exact limits and p-values, stratum specific, stratified and cru
SCRINDEX provides a full set of indices, most with their confidence inte
performance of screening procedures. The program accepts data by 2-by
estimated index percentages. An expected-value-based chance test is included.
SCRINDEX but formatted differently.
STAT22 finds both mid-p and Fisher p-values with five often-used forms of the
p-values. The odds ratio and risk ratio with their respective asymptotic con
provided. A Tocher randomized test is automatically performed when the da
use. Risk and odds based attributable or prevented fractions are given w
likelihood or logit confidence intervals for the population fractions. The numb
prevent, NNT or NNP, is also included.
XLIM is a fast routine for finding the exact and asymptotic confidence interva
percentage comparison of approximate and exact methods is included. In each
approximation is compared to the mid-p exact and the continuity corrected
Fisher exact. XLIMP is identical to XLIM with the addition of calculation of
for Pi expected proportion.
XCIP is the same general routine as XLIM except that it does not contain the
nor does it provide the normal approximations. XCI is a change to decimal ra
formatting of XCIP.
XCIRR is an adaptation of the routines in XCI, XCIP and XLIM to the out
exact confidence intervals for the rate ratio for crude cohort person-time data
attributable fractions are also provided.
XBIN is a rewrite in Turbo Pascal of the Fortran program EXACTBIN by N
Kevin Sullivan. A much faster combination method was used making the calc
faster than EXACTBIN, and mid-P interval calculations were added.
FX is a fast and accurate extended factorial program.
PERCOM is a simple routine for quickly finding permutations and combinatio
All of these programs are 16-bit MS-DOS programs and can be run under any versi
under MS-DOS emulation on Macintosh and Linux systems. The programs, docume
contained in the self-extracting executable file MISCSTAT.EXE (428KB). This file
123 templates (.WK1 files) for biomedical / biostatistical work including:
CORNRR.WK1 calculates the asymptotic limits for a proportion using the q
Wilson, 1927 and the Fleiss, 1981, continuity corrected form. These limits
person-time data to provide Cornfield-type confidence intervals, with and wi
method used is based upon the paper by Miettinen and Nurminen, 1985
interval to rate ratio and rate difference in the stratified case. Rates and
square with p-values are included.
QCFIT.WK1 does a least-squares regression analysis and provides the e
coefficient of determination, projection efficiency coefficient and, with e
ML2.WK1 does a complete multiple linear regression analysis when two indep
involved. As with QCFIT, all parameters are provided and projection is availab
ML3.WK1 is similar to ML2 except that it will handle the case of three indepen
GAUSS.WK1 provides a regression analysis for data known to follow the norm
LINEXP.WK1 models many biological phenomena including dose response
times. Both x and y must be positive and greater than zero.
3x3CONT.WK1 provides for simple, prompted data entry and quickly outpu
by-3 contingency table.
The programs come with documentation and TURBO PASCAL source code (which y
for your own purposes). We hope that someone out there will take up the challe
programs to DELPHI or extract the tested and stable statistical routines that they co
Microsoft Windows .DLL file for use in other programs. If you do then please let m
has done this for the Fisher's exact test and for XCI. His routines (Microsoft Windo
are contained in the self-extracting executable MISCWIN.EXE (63KB). You can se
the Society for Computing and Technology in Anaesthesia.
COXSRV.ZIP 102K Multiple Regression by Cox
Proportional Hazards Model.
Program is useful in performing analysis of survival
data in clinical trials, and in retrospective
epidemiological studies of hospital registry-based
data. Written by Nelson Campos-Filbo and Eduardo
L. Franco, Ludwig Inst. for Cancer Reasearch, Sao
Paulo Branch, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit
EPI602_1.ZIP 1.1M Epi Info v6.02 (File 1/3)
Epi Info, a series of computer programs produced by
CDC and the World Health Organization provides
public-domain software for word processing, database
and statistics work in public health. Companion
programs include: EpiMap SSS1
EPI602_2.ZIP 1.2M Epi Info v6.02 (File 2/3)
EPI602_3.ZIP 933K Epi Info v6.02 (File 3/3)
EPICASE.ZIP 306K Meningitis Epidemic Case Study Tutorial
As described in Cuevas, LE et al. 1993. "The use of
hypertext to demonstrate the methods of investigating
an epidemic of meningitis" Med. Educ. v27 pp91-96.
EPID-CAI.ZIP 77K Clinical Epidemiology Tutorial Written
By Mark R. Dambro, MD
EPI_MAP.ZIP 8.5K CDC's Epi Map - (File 1 of 4)
Information Files
Geographical representation of epidemiological
information. Is capable of importing data from Epi
Info, Dbase files, or directly from keyboard. All four
files required.
EPIMAP1.ZIP 1.3M CDC's Epi Map - (File 2 of 4)
EPIMAP2.ZIP 1.2M CDC's Epi Map - (File 3 of 4)
EPIMAP3.ZIP 599K CDC's Epi Map - (File 4 of 4)
EPI_INFO.ZIP 17K Epi Info Information File
Epi Info, a series of computer programs produced by
CDC and the World Health Organization provides
public-domain software for word processing, database
and statistics work in public health. Companion
programs include: EpiMap SSS1
MULTLRZ.ZIP 84K MULTLR - Statistical software for
This program is for multiple logistic regression by
unconditional and conditional maximum liklihood
methods. (Amer. J. Epidemiol. 129(2): 439-444, 1989)
SSS1MAN.ZIP 1.1M SSS1 Manual SSS (File 1of 3)
Manual for "Stat Software for Public Health
Surveillance" (SSS1) which provides statistical
methods for analysis of public health surveillance
data. The modules included are: Time-Series Analysis
and Forecasting; Robust Trend Methods; MMWR
Graph/Figure 1 Chart; Completeness of Reporting The
programs are integrated into a single system by the
main menu. This software package may be used
independently or as an analysis tool complementary to
Epi Info (Version 3 or 6).
SSSDISK1.ZIP 823K CDC Statistic Software (File 2
of 3)
SSSDISK2.ZIP 377K CDC Statistic Software (File 3
of 3)
Useful and Free Software
Cluster Provides several methods for assessment of disease clusters. Includes samples
method. Can be downloaded from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
Epi Info A DOS-based word-processing, database and statistics program for epid
questionnaire construction, data entry and analysis. Manual is included in the software, o
Windows version should be available in the near future. Can be downloaded from the CDC
Epi Map A DOS-based program of geographic maps of countries, states, provinces, counti
counts or rates. Manual is included in the software. Can be downloaded from the CDC.
DoEpi A DOS-based program containing a series of studies and exercises designed to ep
Info. To use DoEpi, Epi Info must also be installed on your computer. Can be downloaded
Olyx A demo program of an injury data analysis package for Windows 3.1 (or higher) or
installation of Microsoft Excel 5.0. Developed by the Research Unit in Primary Health, I
SSS1 Designed for Box Jenkins Time Series analysis, robust trend analysis and comparin
data. Manual is included with the software. Can be downloaded from the CDC.
Win Episcope Epidemiologic program for calculating sample size, and for use in analy
studies. Developed by Veterinary Faculty, University of Zaragoza, Spain, and the Depa
Wageningen Agricultural University, Netherlands.
WinEpi Ratios Epidemiologic program from the developers of Win Episcope. Used to cal
of disease (prevalence, incidence, cumulative incidence, case-fatality rate, mortality rate).
Biostatistical software (data analyses, regression, tools)