MINUTES VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 16, 2015 The one hundred fifth meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History was held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 16, 2015, at the Virginia Museum of Natural History, Martinsville, Virginia. Eleven of the fourteen trustees participated. Trustees Present: Christina Draper, Chairman Mark Crabtree, Treasurer Christine Baggerly Brandon Level Sammy Redd Mary Voigt James Severt, Vice-Chairman Janet Scheid, Secretary Lee Lester Monica Monday Gene Smith Trustees Absent: Brian Bates Lisa Wu Mervyn King Staff Present: Joe Keiper, Executive Director Jim Beard Cindy Gray Ryan Barber Denny Casey Others Present: Elizabeth Griffin, Virginia Attorney General’s Office Call to Order and Approval of Minutes Christina Draper, board chairman, called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. Mr. Severt moved that the minutes of the February 11, 2015 meeting be approved as submitted. Mr. Smith seconded, the motion carried unanimously. Treasurer’s Report Dr. Mark Crabtree, Treasurer, gave an overview of the quarterly financial report. Dr. Keiper gave an overview of the museum’s proposed annual budget. The budget is similar to last year with the exception of an approximate 7% reduction, in the amount of $203,295 - imposed by the General Assembly. The museum’s library was closed and a librarian position was lost to cover the current year’s 5% reduction. No personnel reductions are planned for FY16. Dr. Crabtree moved that the 2015-2016 Budget be adopted as presented. Mrs. Scheid seconded, the motion carried. 1 Research and Collections Committee Report Monica Monday, committee chairman, presented the Research and Collections Committee report. The Committee took the following actions: Reviewed acquisitions from last quarter, including a collection of otter skulls and materials for the Archaeology comparative collections. Approved the appointment of Katherine Ridgway as research associate for the museum. Ridgway is a conservator at the Department of Historic Resources. A new curator of Paleontology has been hired. Dr. Alex Hastings will begin work on 10 July. Education and Public Programs Report Jim Severt, committee chairman, presented the Education and Public Programs Committee report. Two grant proposals in process: JOIDES and NSF Homeschool programming is going well, averaging 27 students per session. 19 Summer Adventure Camps are scheduled. Executive Director’s Report Dr. Joe Keiper presented the Executive Director’s Report. An overview of Museum Without Walls (MWW) 2015-2020 was given. Dr. Keiper stated, with Board approval, he would like to edit the document to include suggestions received from the MWW community input meeting. Dr. Crabtree moved that suggestions from the MWW community input meeting be integrated into Museum Without Wall 2015-2020. Mr. Redd seconded, the motion carried. Martinsville-Henry County Historical Society has become an affiliate of VMNH. Living on the Water exhibit will come down this summer and portions of it will travel to the Virginia State Fair in September. VMNH Foundation held the annual Grapes & Grains fundraising event on Saturday, April 11. Proceeds benefit the VMNH Discovery Fund. Over 300 individuals purchased tickets for the event, a 23% increase over last year’s attendance. A list of upcoming events was given. Waynesboro Facility Update Janet Scheid, committee chairman, presented the VMNH/Waynesboro Committee report. 2 Action Item Status (February 11, 2015 BOT meeting) Action Item 1 – Conduct a fundraising feasibility study to determine if the money needed to build and support a new facility can be raised. Cost of the study will be more than anticipated, approximately $35,000 $40,000. 3 commitments have been received at a total of $39,000. City of Waynesboro submitted a grant to the USDA that they feel confident about. Will move ahead with choosing a firm. Study should take 3-4 months to complete. Action Item 2 – Write a RFP for an architectural design firm, just to be prepared if or when the appropriate time comes. Draft begun, need further guidance from BOT and results of fundraising feasibility study to complete. Action Item 3 – Schedule one or more fieldtrips to Waynesboro for board members to see the suggested site locations. 3 field trips were taken. Action Item 4 – Staff to continue ongoing outreach education opportunities that the museum is currently pursuing. Ongoing Action Item 5 – Have the Waynesboro Committee meet to go over items discussed during the February board meeting. Waynesboro Committee met April 13, 2015. Reviewed and studied again the potential sites in Waynesboro for the facility and recommended eliminating the Leggett Building and the Midblock Furniture Store from the list. Recommended keeping on the table the open municipal site and the G+W Motorwerkes building. Mr. Severt moved to adopt the Waynesboro Committee’s recommendation to consider the G+W Motorwerkes site and the open municipal site as possible locations for the Waynesboro facility. Mrs. Lester seconded, the motion carried. Nominating Committee A slate of nominees for the 2015-2016 Executive Committee was presented. Nominees were: James Severt II, Chairman; Mark Crabtree, Vice-Chairman; Christine Baggerly, Treasurer; Janet Scheid, Secretary. Mrs. Lester asked for nominations from the floor. Hearing none, Mr. Redd moved that nominations be closed. Mr. Smith seconded, the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Monday moved that the officers be accepted by acclamation. Mr. Level seconded, the motion carried. Board Resolutions Resolutions were read honoring Dr. Mervyn King (Attachment A), Lee Lester (Attachment B), and Christina Draper (Attachment C) for their years of service on the 3 Board of Trustees. Dr. Crabtree moved to accept the resolutions as read. Mr. Smith seconded, the motion carried. With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:46 am. Respectfully submitted, Janet Scheid Secretary James W. Severt, II Chairman-elect 4 Attachment A WHEREAS, Dr. Mervyn R. King has demonstrated an abiding interest in education and natural history through the years, WHEREAS, Dr. King has served 10 years on the Board of Trustees, WHEREAS, Dr. King has spent endless hours and much effort in promoting VMNH, WHEREAS, Dr. King has diligently and conscientiously performed his duties as a member of the Board in the best interests of all the citizens of the Commonwealth, WHEREAS, Dr. King has played an important role in the development of VMNH and his services will be greatly missed, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History gratefully expresses to Dr. Mervyn R. King its appreciation and the thanks of the citizens of the entire Commonwealth for the diligence and conscientious dedication with which he has served VMNH and wish him well in his future endeavors. Done this 16th day of May 2015, in Martinsville, Virginia, by a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History. _______________________________ _______________________________ Executive Director Chairman of the Board 5 Attachment B WHEREAS, Lee A. Lester has demonstrated an abiding interest in education and natural history through the years, WHEREAS, Mrs. Lester has served 10 years on the Board of Trustees, WHEREAS, Mrs. Lester has spent endless hours and much effort in promoting VMNH, WHEREAS, Mrs. Lester has diligently and conscientiously performed her duties as a member of the Board in the best interests of all the citizens of the Commonwealth, WHEREAS, Mrs. Lester has played an important role in the development of VMNH and her services will be greatly missed, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History gratefully expresses to Lee A. Lester its appreciation and the thanks of the citizens of the entire Commonwealth for the diligence and conscientious dedication with which she has served VMNH and wish her well in her future endeavors. Done this 16th day of May 2015, in Martinsville, Virginia, by a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History. _______________________________ _______________________________ Executive Director Chairman of the Board 6 Attachment C WHEREAS, Christina S. Draper has demonstrated an abiding interest in education and natural history through the years, WHEREAS, Ms. Draper has served 9 years on the Board of Trustees, WHEREAS, Ms. Draper served one term as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, WHEREAS, Ms. Draper has spent many hours and much effort in promoting VMNH, WHEREAS, Ms. Draper has diligently and conscientiously performed her duties as a member of the Board in the best interests of all the citizens of the Commonwealth, WHEREAS, Ms. Draper has played an important role in the development of VMNH and her services will be greatly missed, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History gratefully expresses to Christina S. Draper its appreciation and the thanks of the citizens of the entire Commonwealth for the diligence and conscientious dedication with which she has served VMNH and wish her well in her future endeavors. Done this 16th day of May 2015, in Martinsville, Virginia, by a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History. _______________________________ _______________________________ Executive Director Chairman of the Board 7