1 of 28 Clinical Packet Medical-Surgical Nursing Part II Contents: Clinical Limitations Medication Knowledge Base Requirements Concept Mapping for Clinical Care Planning Care Plan Instructions and Guidelines Evaluation Criteria for Nursing Care Plans Draw a Diagram of Concept Mapping with Patient Profile Form Nursing Care Plan Forms Draw a Diagram of Concept Map for Overall Clinical Care Planning and Relationship between Diagnoses Form Student Signature Form Revised 12-22-2009 by Shu-Yi Wang & Lyman Spaulding 2 of 28 LIMITATIONS TO CLINICAL PRACTICE During this clinical rotation, students may, with preceptors’ consent and supervision, assume responsibility for all the nursing activities within the preceptors’ roles. The following are exceptions to this rule. Students may not do the following: 1. Witness any consent forms. 2. Administer any IV (intravenous) push medications without direct supervision by a Registered Nurse. 3. Perform any task that requires certification or advanced instruction (e.g., arterial blood gas (ABG) puncture, chemotherapy, removal of central venous catheters, interpretation/monitoring of EKGs). 4. Take physician orders either verbally or by phone. 5. Transcribe physician orders. 6. Initiate invasive monitoring. 7. Regulate epidural analgesia. 8. Remove epidural catheters. 9. Remove surgically inserted drains and/or tubes (e.g., chest tubes, Jackson-Pratt drains, Hemovac drains) 10. Solely monitor patient during and following conscious sedation. 11. Witness wasting or the sign out controlled medications in Accudose, Pyxis, or Meditrol medication delivery systems. 12. Perform end of shift controlled medication count (if applicable). 13. Have controlled medication keys in their possession (if applicable). 14. Verify blood products and/or witness blood administration forms. 15. Perform any invasive procedure on each other in any setting. (i.e., injections, catheterization, IV starts). 16. Interventions that the facility restricts the student from performing. 17. Any skill/procedure that has not been covered in a nursing lab. 18. Medication administration should not occur in NRS 105 Foundations of Nursing. 19. Any task outside the Registered Nurse’s scope of practice as identified by facility. Any questions regarding specific procedures or responsibilities should be directed to the Denver School of Nursing faculty. Students are expected to maintain standards of care of the facility and function within the scope of their knowledge, skills, and abilities. 3 of 28 MEDICATION KNOWLEDGE BASE Drug required knowledge is mandatory for each medication to be administered for each assigned patient. If you can memorize and retain information without writing it down, you may do this, but you may not pass medications without this knowledge at hand – use of reference materials at the cart side or at the PIXIS is time prohibitive and must be a rare back-up system. Student must be prepared to recite required knowledge base (as outlined below) at med-cart or PIXIS as requested by instructor. Using a drug knowledge tool is useful in review for future clinical rotations and for NCLEX review and to prepare for different patients. Medication knowledge base MUST include the MINIMAL information as reflected below: Medication Knowledge Base: Pt. initials Rm # Name of Drug Generic: Aspirin/acetylsalicylic acid – Brand: Ecotrin® Classification Antipyretic, non-narcotic analgesic. Anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet Use for this patient Reduce risk of MI by prevention of clots Prevention of clots due to anti-platelet action or reduces fever by action on hypothalamus heat-regulating center and vasodilation or reduces inflammation and pain by blocking prostaglandin synthesis, Varies dependant on use from 80mg qd to 1.3G q6h 80 mg qd for antiplatelet action N/A Hypersensitivity, bleeding disorders, use caution in pregnant/breastfeeding women. Tinnitus, hearing loss, N&V, bruising, bleeding Monitor hgb, hct, serum salicylate level (long-term use) 1. Give with food, milk 2. Monitor for abdominal pain or bleeding 3. Enteric-coated absorbed more slowly but less bleeding risk 4. Check with prescriber for use with OTC or other Rx drugs 5. Advise patient to report any increased bleeding, bruising, or nose bleeds 6. Advise patient to take with food Weekly skin checks for increased bruising Action – as applies to this patient Dosage Range Patient Dosage IV rate Contraindications Side Effects Labs Nursing Interventions/ Patient Teaching Must do * ‘Must do’ could be ‘Take pulse’ for drugs affecting heart rate or rhythm, ‘Take BP’ for drugs affecting BP, Check K+ before administering for potassium supplements, Check BG for insulin or other drugs affecting BG, etc. 4 of 28 CONCEPT MAPPING FOR CLINICAL CARE PLANNING Using the concept map synthesizes relevant data such as diagnoses, signs and symptoms, health needs, learning needs, nursing interventions, and assessments. Analysis of the data begins with the recognition of the interrelatedness of the concepts and a holistic view of the client's health status as well as those concepts that affect the individual such as culture, ethnicity, and psychosocial state. Example (King & Shell, 2002) 5 of 28 CONCEPT MAP FOR CLINICAL CARE PLANNING AND RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DIAGNOSES Note: Straight line =related to nursing diagnosis; dotted line=relationship between diagnoses Reference Critical thinking strategies: Concept mapping. Retrieved June 25, 2009, from http://cord.org/txcollabnursing/onsite_conceptmap.htm 6 of 28 NURSING CARE PLAN GUIDELINES AND INSTRUCTIONS In order to maintain consistency within the DSN nursing program, the following guidelines must be adhered to when writing nursing care plans. ADPIE (assessment, nursing diagnosis, plan, interventions, and evaluation) is used to teach the nursing process. Students will be taught the relationship between NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association), NIC (Nursing Interventions Classification), and NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification). Beginning in Foundations of Nursing, students will be taught, in detail, to use this format presented here. In addition, they will be instructed on how to use their nursing care plan reference. This format will be used for clinical rotations and other educational activities/assignments in foundations of nursing, medical-surgical nursing, and pediatrics. Please note that content mapping may be used as a teaching tool but cannot be used instead of the nursing care plan presented in this document. Three to five care plans (which include nursing diagnosis statement, plan, interventions, and evaluation), based on the student’s history and physical which is recorded on the “Patient Profile Database” form, are required for each patient you cared for during the clinical rotation. One nursing diagnosis should be addressed on psycho-social-cultural aspect. The data form can be found later in this packet. Each care plan needs to be on a separate “Nursing Care Plan Form.” These forms can be found on later in this packet. Please make copies of the data and nursing care plan forms and/or keep the electronic file that has been sent to you. Assessment Assessment should be recorded on the “Patient Profile Database” form The assessment is the basis for the nursing diagnosis statement Nursing Diagnosis Statement General format for an actual diagnosis: Nursing diagnosis related to X as evidenced by Y and Z. General format for a potential or “at risk” diagnosis: Nursing diagnosis related to X. 7 of 28 The nursing diagnosis statement is written using the PES (problem, etiology, signs/symptoms) format: Problem Nursing diagnosis Etiology or cause of problem The "related to" portion of the statement There should only be one cause stated per nursing diagnosis, because each etiology may have a different set of goals, outcomes and interventions, although the problem or nursing diagnosis may be the same. The etiology cannot be a medical diagnosis Signs & symptoms (also called defining characteristics) The "as evidenced by" portion of the statement These are determined through your assessment of the patient Two objective or subjective s/s must be listed per statement For potential or “at risk” diagnoses, signs and symptoms should not be included in the nursing diagnosis statement EXAMPLE OF A NURSING DIAGNOSIS STATEMENT Medical diagnosis: Stroke Nursing diagnosis statement: "Immobility related to motor track dysfunction as evidenced by weakness and lack of coordination." Notice the related to portion did not say stroke, rather it stated the pathophysiology behind the medical diagnosis that is causing the problem. Plan or Goals & Outcomes Statement General guidelines: The goals and outcomes statement make up the plan portion of the nursing process The goal and outcomes statement should be written as one statement Each nursing diagnosis should have two goals The goal and outcome should be prioritized within the care plan The goal is patient and/or family focused and should be mutually determined by the nurse and the patient and/or family The goal should not be the goal of the nurse The goal may be short-term (hours to a week) or long-term (> 1 week) 8 of 28 The goal and outcome statements are written using the SMART (specific, measurable. attainable, realistic, time-specific) format Specific: What needs to be accomplished? Measurable: How will the nurse, patient, and/or family know that the goal has been met? Attainable: Can the goal be met with the resources available? Realistic: Does the patient and/or family have the physical, emotional, and mental capacity to meet the goal? Time-specific: When will the goal be achieved by? EXAMPLES OF GOAL AND OUTCOME STATEMENTS For the stroke patient . . . Goal and Outcome #1: Patient will perform ROM exercises each hour during the shift. . Goal and Outcome #2: Patient will ambulate from bed to door twice by the end of shift Interventions with Rationale General guidelines: There should be at least two interventions with rationale for each goal statement. The interventions can be strictly nursing based or collaborative (e.g., medication for nausea as ordered by MD) in nature Interventions need to be specific: what, when, how much, and how often Each intervention should be referenced EXAMPLES OF INTERVENTIONS WITH RATIONALE For the stroke patient . . . Goal/outcome #1 interventions w/ rationale: 1) Educate patient about importance of ROM exercises. Rationale: If patient understands the importance of ROM exercises (to maintain and increase strength), the patient is more likely to participate in exercises (Potter & Perry, p. 4). 2) Assist patient with ROM exercises while teaching him how to perform ROM exercises. Rationale: Patient needs to be instructed on how to perform ROM exercises, and performing the exercises while instructing the patient will solidify his understanding so he can perform exercises on his own (Potter & Perry, p. 5). Goal/Outcome #2 interventions w/ rationale: 1) Determine amount of assistance needed to get patient out of bed and ambulate Rationale: Weakness and lack of coordination can cause the patient to be off balance which could put him at risk for a fall. 2) Clear walkway of hazards. Rationale: Patient is at risk for falls so clearing hazards will provide a safe path to ambulate (Potter & Perry, p. 3). 9 of 28 Evaluation General guidelines: Evaluation occurs to determine whether or not the goals were met Evaluation should occur at the end of the shift. If the goal was not met or partially met, the student should discuss why it was not met and state what should be done differently, if anything. EXAMPLE OF EVALUATION OF GOALS For the stroke patient . . . Evaluation of Goal #1: Patient understood the need to perform ROM exercises, but will need continued reinforcement until he is able to perform exercises independently. Will continue with the current plan. Evaluation of Goal #2: Patient exceeded goal by walking 4 times. Will modify current plan by increasing distance of walk (from bed to nurses’ station). References Ackley, B, & Ladwig, G. (2007). Nursing diagnosis handbook: A guide to planning care (8th ed.). St. Louis: Evolve Resources. class) Potter, P. & Perry, A. (2005). Fundamentals of nursing. (6th ed.) . St Louis: Elsevier Top Achievement. Creating S.M.A.R.T. goals. Retrieved March 25, 2008 from http://www.topachievement.com/smart.html 10 of 28 Sample Nursing Care Plan Student Name: Sally Jones Date: 3/17/08 Patient (initials only): R. N. Patient Medical Diagnosis: Stroke Nursing Diagnosis (use PES format): Immobility related to motor track dysfunction as evidenced by weakness and lack of coordination. Assessment Data (Include at least three-five subjective and/or objective pieces of data that lead to the nursing diagnosis) Goals & Outcome (Two statements are required for each nursing diagnosis. Must be Patient and/or family focused; measurable; time-specific; and reasonable.) Nursing Interventions (List at least two nursing or collaborative interventions with rationale for each goal & outcome.) Rationale (Provide reason why intervention is indicated/therapeutic; provide references.) Outcome Evaluation & Replanning (Was goal(s) met? How would you revise the plan of care according the patient’s response to current plan of care?) 1. +2 weakness on left upper and lower extremity Statement #1: Patient will perform ROM exercises each hour during the shift. 1. Educate pt about importance of ROM exercises. Rationale: If pt understands the importance of ROM exercises (to maintain and hopefully increase strength), the pt is more likely to participate in exercises (Potter & Perry, p. 4). 1. If patient understands the important of ROM exercises (to maintain and hopefully increase strength), the patient is more likely to participate in exercises (Potter & Perry, p. 4). Outcome #1: Pt partially met goals. He was open to and understanding of the need to perform ROM exercises, but he still needs guidance in how to perform. Will continue to with current plan. 2. Assist pt w/ ROM exercises while teaching him how to perform ROM exercises. 2. Inability to walk without assistance (patient shuffles when walks and gets confused as to which leg needs to move to propel forward) Statement #2: Patient will ambulate from bed to door twice by the end of shift. 2. Pt needs to be instructed on how to perform ROM exercises, and performing the exercises while instructing the patient will solidify his understanding so he can perform exercises on his own (Potter & Perry, p. 5). 1. Determine amount of assistance needed to get patient out of bed and ambulate. 1. Weakness and lack of coordination can cause the pt to be off balance which would put him at risk for a fall. Determining level if assistance needed before trying to assist out of bed and ambulate will prevent a fall for the patient (Potter & Perry, p. 2). 2. Clear walkway of hazards. Pt is at risk for falls so clearing hazards will provide a safe path to ambulate (Potter & Perry, p. 3). 2. Pt is at risk for falls so clearing hazards will provide a safe path to ambulate (Potter & Perry, p. 3). Outcome #2: Patient exceeded goal: he walked 4 times. Wil modify plan to increase distance (to nurses’ station). 11 of 28 EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR NURSING CARE PLANS (NCP) At least one nursing care plan (or update of care plan) will be evaluated per week on a pass-fail basis – fails will be required to revise until final care plan is adequate DAY 1 CARE PLAN IS A DRAFT – FACULTY TO REVIEW FOR SUGGESTIONS TOWARD FINAL PRODUCT – PASS-FAIL EVALUATION WILL BE ON DAY 2 CARE PLAN Patient Profile Database Form (24%) ______Assessment: All subjective and objective data are documented on form (10%) ______Pathophysiology: Should be based on the medical diagnosis (6%) ______Laboratory Data: Noted as normal or abnormal and reason abnormal (8%) Drug Cards (10%) ______ Medications: ________Medications with administration time should be listed on the “Patient Profile Database”. (1%) _______Exhibit knowledge required at time of setting up medications for administration (9%) Nursing Care Plan Forms (66%) ______Nursing Diagnosis Statements: (15% points possible-see breakdown below) _____Three statements are written (1 %/statement for a total of 3 possible points) _____Only NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses are used (1 %/statement for a total of 3 % possible) _____ Statements are written in PES (for actual diagnoses) or PE (for potential or “at risk” diagnoses) format (1%/statement for a total of 3% possible) _____Diagnosis is supported by assessment data (1%/statement for a total of 3% possible) _____ Nursing diagnoses are listed from highest to lowest priority. Life threatening diagnoses (e.g. ABCs, infection, etc.) come first, then safety, then all others. Usually existing problems come before “risk for" problems (1%/ statement for a total of 3% possible) ______Plan: Goals and Outcomes Statements: (12 % possible-see breakdown below) _____Two statements are required for each nursing diagnosis statement (2 %/ statement for a total of 6% possible) _____Statements are prioritized (1%/set of goals for a total of 3% possible) _____Statements are written in SMART format (1 %/ statement for a total of 3% possible) ______ Nursing Interventions with Rationale: (24 % possible-see breakdown below) _____ Each goal has two interventions (1%/goal for a total of 8% possible) _____ Each intervention has a rationale with a reference (1%/goal for a total of 8% possible) _____ Statements are specific (what, when, how much, how often) (1% per goal for total of 8% possible) ______Evaluation: (5 %) State if goal has been met; if not met or partially met, discuss whether will continue or modify plan (5%) ______Concept mapping for overall clinical care planning and relationship between diagnoses (10%) Final Grade: ___________ Date:____________ Instructor signature: __________________________ Evaluation minimum 85% required for a rating of ‘pass’, if not, student must rewrite care plan 12 of 28 PATIENT PROFILE DATA FORM Student Name: Date of Care: Patient Initials: Age: Gender: Male Female Admission Date: Reason for Hospitalization: Medical Diagnoses: Surgical Procedure(s): Date: Pathophysiology/Description of any current medical diagnosis or surgical procedure (Continue on back of this page, no less than 3-5 sentences per diagnosis/procedure, include symptoms to watch for and any current treatments pertinent to the patient) 13 of 28 Advance Directives Living Will: yes no Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR) yes no Medical Durable Power of Attorney: yes no (If yes, relationship?) Laboratory Data Write normal value range, exact value for patient, and indicate if this is normal, high, or low; if abnormal state pathophysiology resulting in abnormal value – students MAY NOT use the term WNL or chart by exception on this form. White Blood Count (WBC) Potassium Differential (Diff) Blood Glucose Hemoglobin (HGB) Glycohemoglobin Hematocrit (HCT) Cholesterol Platelets (PLT) Low-density Lipoproteins Prothrombin Time (PTT) Urine Analysis International Normalized Ratio (INR) Activate Partial Thromboplastin time (APTT) Other abnormal data related to patient’s situation: Description of overall data analysis 14 of 28 Diagnostic Tests Chest X-Ray EKG CT/MRI Other: Medications (Use back of sheet if more space is needed; required medication knowledge for each of these drugs must be present to pass medications) Medication/Time of Administration/Reason given Medication/Time of Administration/Reason given medication medication Allergies Last pain medication given Where is the pain? Pain rating on 0-10 scale Treatments (Eg: PT, OT, RT, etc) Treatment Treatment Support Services Consultations Other: 15 of 28 Diet/fluids Type of diet: Restrictions: Appetite: Fluid intake: Tube feedings (type and rate) Problems swallowing, chewing, dentures Needs assistance with feeding Nausea or vomiting Over-hydrated or dehydrated Other: Intravenous Fluids Type and rate Site(s) IV dressing dry, no edema or redness at site Other: Elimination Last bowel movement (LBM) Catheter yes no Type: 24 hour urine output: Circle problems that apply: Bowel Urinary Constipation Hesitancy Diarrhea Frequency Flatus Burning Incontinence Odor Other: Activity Ability to walk/Gait Type of activity orders Assistive Devices Fall risk assessment rating Side rails (number) Weakness Restraints yes no Physical Assessment Data BP TPR Height Weight 16 of 28 Write exactly what you see/hear/etc. and indicate if this is normal, abnormal, hyper, or hypo; if abnormal then state pathophysiology resulting in abnormal assessments – students MAY NOT use the term WNL or chart by exception on this form. Neurological/Mental Status ____ LOC A&OX3, Confused Motor ROM X 4 extremities Sensation X 4 extremities Pupils PERRLA Sensory deficits (hearing, vision, taste, smell, sensation) Other: Musculoskeletal System _____ Bones, joints, muscles (fractures, contractures, arthritis, spinal curvatures, etc.) Extremity circulation checks (pulses, temperature, sensation, edema) TED hose, Compression devices Cast/splint/collar/brace yes no Type: Other: Cardiovascular system ____ Pulses Capillary Refill Neck Vein Distention Edema (degree, pitting, location) Sounds: S1, S2, regular/irregular Chest pain Other: 17 of 28 Respiratory System ____ Cyanosis yes no Location: Breath Sounds: clear, rales, wheezes, location Depth, rate, rhythm Use of accessory muscles Sputum: color, amount Cough: productive, nonproductive Breath Sounds: clear, rales, wheezes, location Use of O2: nasal cannula, mask, trach collar Flow rate of O2 O2 humidification yes no Other: Pulse Oximetry: ____ % oxygen saturation Smoking History yes no Gastrointestinal System ____ Abdominal pain, tenderness, guarding, distention, soft, firm Bowel sounds X 4 quadrants NG tube: describe drainage Ostomy: describe stoma site & drainage Other: Skin and Wounds ____ Color, turgor Rash, bruises Describe wound(s) location, size Edges approximated yes no Drains (type & location) Characteristics of drainage Dressings (clean, dry, intact) Sutures, staples, steri-strips, other Risk for decubitus ulcer assessment rating Other: 18 of 28 Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat (EENT) ____ Eyes: redness, drainage, edema, ptosis Ears: drainage Nose: redness, drainage, edema Throat: pain, edema Other: Psychosocial and Cultural Assessment Religious preference Marital status Health care benefits and insurance Occupation Emotional state Other: Additional information to obtain from clinical units specific to patient diagnosis Standardized fall risk assessment Pressure Ulcer (Skin) Risk assessment Standardized Nursing Care Plans Patient Education Materials Advanced Assessment (Gordon 11 Functional Assessment) Health Perception-Health Management Pattern Objective 1. Mental Status (indicate assessment with a ) a. Oriented__ Disoriented__ Time: Yes__ No__; Place: Yes__ No__; Person: Yes__ No__; b.Sensorium Alert__ Drowsy__ Lethargic__ Stuporous__ Comatose__Cooperative__ Combative__ Delusional__ c. Memory Recent: Yes__ No__; Remote: Yes__ No__ 2. Vision a. Pupil size: Right: Normal__ Abnormal__; Left: Normal__ Abnormal__ b. Pupil reaction: Right: Normal__ Abnormal__; Left: Normal__ Abnormal__ 3. Hearing a. Hearing aid: Yes__ No__ 4. Cerebellar Exam (Balance, gait, coordination, etc.) 19 of 28 Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe:______________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5. Reflexes: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe: ______________________ _________________________________________________________ 6. Any enlarged lymph nodes in the neck? No__ Yes__ Location and size: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 7. General appearance: a. Hair: __________________________________________________ b.Skin: __________________________________________________ c. Nails: _________________________________________________ d.Body odor: _____________________________________________ Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern Objective 1.Skin examination a. Warm__ Cool__ Moist__ Dry__ b.Lesions: No__ Yes__ Describe: _______________________________ c. Rash: No__ Yes__ Describe: _________________________________ d.Turgor: Firm__ Supple__ Dehydrated__ Fragile__ e. Color: Pale__ Pink__ Dusky__ Cyanotic__ Jaundiced__ Mottled__ Other____________________________________________________ 2.Mucous Membranes a. Mouth i. Moist__ Dry__ ii. Lesions: No__ Yes__ Describe: __________________________ iii. Color: Pale__ Pink__ iv. Teeth: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe:____________________ v. Dentures: No__ Yes__ Upper__ Lower__ Partial__ vi. Gums: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe:____________________ vii. Tongue: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe:___________________ b.Eyes i. Moist__ Dry__ ii. Color of conjunctiva: Pale__ Pink__ Jaundiced__ iii. Lesions: No__ Yes__ Describe:___________________________ 3.Edema a. General: No__ Yes__ Describe:_______________________________ 4.Thyroid: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe: _________________________ 5.Jugular vein distention: No__ Yes__ 6.Gag reflex: Present__ Absent__ 7.Can patient move easily (turning, walking)? Yes__ No__ Describe limitations: __________________________________________ 8.Upon admission, was patient dressed appropriately for the weather? Yes__ No__ Describe: ________________________________________ Elimination Pattern 20 of 28 Objective 1.Auscultate abdomen: a. Bowel sounds: Normal__ Increased__ Decreased__ Absent__ 2.Palpate abdomen: a. Tender: No__ Yes__ Where?_________________________________ b.Soft: No__ Yes__; Firm: No__ Yes__ c. Masses: No__ Yes__ Describe: _______________________________ d.Distention (include distended bladder): No__ Yes__ Describe: _______ _________________________________________________________ e. Overflow urine when bladder palpated? Yes__ No__ 3.Ostomy present: No__ Yes__ Location: ___________________________ Activity-Exercise Pattern Objective 1.Cardiovascular a. Cyanosis: No__ Yes__ Where? _______________________________ b.Pulses: Easily palpable? Carotid: Yes__ No__; Jugular: Yes__ No__; Temporal: Yes__ No__ Radial: Yes__ No__; Femoral: Yes__ No__; Popliteal: Yes__ No__; Postibial: Yes__ No__; Dorsalis Pedis: Yes__ No__ c. Extremities: i. Temperature: Cold__ Cool__ Warm__ Hot__ ii. Capillary refill: Normal__ Delayed__ iii. Color: Pink__ Pale__ Cyanotic__ Other__ Describe: __________ ____________________________________________________ iv. Nails: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe: _____________________ v. Hair distribution: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe: ____________ ____________________________________________________ vi. Claudication: No__ Yes__ Describe: _______________________ ____________________________________________________ d.Heart i. Abnormal rhythm: No__ Yes__ Describe: ___________________ ____________________________________________________ ii. Abnormal sounds: No__ Yes__ Describe: ___________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.Respiratory a. Rate:__ Depth: Shallow__ Deep__ Abdominal__ Diaphragmatic__ b.Have patient cough. Any sputum? No__ Yes__ Describe: ___________ _________________________________________________________ c. Fremitus: No__ Yes__ d.Any chest excursion? No__ Yes__ Equal__ Unequal__ e. Auscultate chest: i. Any abnormal sounds (rales, rhonchi)? No__ Yes__ Describe: __ ____________________________________________________ 3.Musculoskeletal a. Range of motion: Normal__ Limited__ Describe: __________________ 21 of 28 b.Gait: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe: __________________________ c. Balance: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe: ______________________ d.Muscle mass/strength: Normal__ Increased__ Decreased__ Describe: ________________________________________________ e. Hand grasp: Right:: Normal__ Decreased__ Left: Normal__ Decreased__ f. Toe wiggle: Right: Normal__ Decreased__ Left: Normal__ Decreased__ g.Postural: Normal__ Kyphosis__ Lordosis__ h.Deformities: No__ Yes__ Describe: ____________________________ i. Missing limbs: No__ Yes__ Where? ____________________________ j. Uses mobility aids (walker, crutches, etc)? No__ Yes__ Describe: ____ _________________________________________________________ k.Tremors: No__ Yes__ Describe: ______________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4.Spinal cord injury: No__ Yes__ Level: ____________________________ 5.Paralysis present: No__ Yes__ Where? ___________________________ 6.Developmental Assessment: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe: _________ ___________________________________________________________ Sleep Rest Pattern Subjective 1.Usual sleep habits: Hours per night ___; Naps: No__ Yes__ a.m.__ p.m.__ Feel rested? Yes__ No__ Describe: ________________________ 2.Any problems: a. Difficulty going to sleep? No__ Yes__ b.Awakening during night? No__ Yes__ c. Early awakening? No__ Yes__ d.Insomnia? No__ Yes__ Describe: _____________________________ 3.Methods used to promote sleep: Medication: No__ Yes__ Name: _______ Warm fluids: No__ Yes__ What? __________________; Relaxation techniques: No__ Yes__ Describe: _______________________________ Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern Objective 1.Any overt signs of pain? No__ Yes__ Describe: _____________________ Subjective 1.Pain a. Location (have patient point to area) : __________________________ b.Intensity (have patient rank on scale of 0 to 10): __________________ c. Radiation: No__ Yes__ To where? _____________________________ d.Timing (how often: related to any specific events): ________________ _________________________________________________________ e. Duration: _________________________________________________ f. What done relieve at home? __________________________________ 22 of 28 g.When did pain begin? _______________________________________ Self-Perception and Self-Concept Pattern Objective 1.During this assessment, does patient appear: Calm__ Anxious__ Irritable__ Withdrawn__ Restless__ 2.Did any physiologic parameters change? Face reddened: No__ Yes__; Voice volume changed: No__ Yes__ Louder__ Softer__; Voice quality changed: No__ Yes__ Quavering__ Hesitation__ Other: ______________ ___________________________________________________________ Role-Relationship Pattern Objective 1.Speech Pattern a. Is English the patient’s native language? Yes__ No__ Native language is: __________________ Interpreter needed? No__ Yes__ b.During interview have you noted any speech problems? No__ Yes__ Describe: ________________________________________________ 2.Family Interaction a. During interview have you observed any dysfunctional family interactions? No__ Yes__ Describe: ___________________________ Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern Subjective Female 1.Date of LMP:___ Any pregnancies? Para__ Gravida__ Menopause? No__ Yes__ Year__ 2.Use of birth control measures? No__ N/A__ Yes__ Type: _____________ 3.History of vaginal discharge, bleeding, lesions: No__ Yes__ Describe: ___________________________________________________________ 4.Pap smear annually: Yes__ No__ Date of last pap smear: ____________ 5.Date of last mammogram: ______________________________________ 6.History of sexually transmitted disease: No__ Yes__ Describe: _________ ___________________________________________________________ Male 1.History of prostate problems? No__ Yes__ Describe: ________________ 2.History of penile discharge, bleeding, lesions: No__ Yes__ Describe: ___________________________________________________ 3.Date of last prostate exam: _____________________________________ 4.History of sexually transmitted diseases: No__ Yes__ Describe: ________ ___________________________________________________________ Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern Objective 1.Observe behavior: Are there any overt signs of stress (crying, wringing of hands, clenched fists, etc)? Describe: ____________________________ Value-Belief Pattern 23 of 28 Objective 1.Observe behavior. Is the patient exhibiting any signs of alterations in mood (anger, crying, withdrawal, etc.)? Describe: ___________________ ___________________________________________________________ Subjective 1.Religion: Protestant__ Catholic__ Jewish__ Muslim__ Buddhist__ None__ Other: _____________________________________________________ 2.Will this admission interfere with your spiritual or religious practices? No__ Yes__ How? ________________________________________________ 3.Any religious restrictions to care (diet, blood transfusions)? No__ Yes__ Describe: ___________________________________________________ 4.Would you like to have your (pastor/priest/rabbi/hospital chaplain) contacted to visit you? No__ Yes__ Who? _________________________ 5.Have your religious beliefs helped you to deal with problems in the past? No__ Yes__ How?____________________________________________ 24 of 28 DRAW A DIAGRAM OF CONCEPT MAP FOR OVERALL CLINICAL CARE PLANNING AND RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIAGNOSES Note: You may use different colored pen, dotted lines, etc to indicate relationships (See p.5) 25 of 28 Nursing Care Plan Form – Concept Mapping Format Can be used if Final Product Contains ALL elements Contained Below Student Name: Date: Patient (initials only): Patient Medical Diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis (use PES/PE format): Assessment Data (Include at least three-five subjective and/or objective pieces of data that lead to the nursing diagnosis) Goals & Outcome (Two statements are required for each nursing diagnosis. Must be Patient and/or family focused; measurable; timespecific; and reasonable.) Nursing Interventions (List at least three nursing or collaborative interventions with rationale for each goal & outcome.) Rationale (Provide reason why intervention is indicated/therapeutic; provide references.) Outcome Evaluation & Replanning (Was goal met? How would you revise the plan of care according the patient’s response to current plan ?) 1. Statement #1 1. 1. Outcome #1 2. 2. 3. 3. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 3. Statement #2 Outcome #2 26 of 28 Nursing Care Plan Form – Concept Mapping Format Can be used if Final Product Contains ALL elements Contained Below Student Name: Date: Patient (initials only): Patient Medical Diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis (use PES/PE format): Assessment Data (Include at least three-five subjective and/or objective pieces of data that lead to the nursing diagnosis) Goals & Outcome (Two statements are required for each nursing diagnosis. Must be Patient and/or family focused; measurable; timespecific; and reasonable.) Nursing Interventions (List at least three nursing or collaborative interventions with rationale for each goal & outcome.) Rationale (Provide reason why intervention is indicated/ therapeutic; provide references.) Outcome Evaluation & Replanning (Was goal met? How would you revise the plan of care according the patient’s response to current plan?) 1. Statement #1 1. 1. Outcome #1 2. 2. 3. 3. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 3. Statement #2 Outcome #2 27 of 28 Nursing Care Plan Form – Concept Mapping Format Can be used if Final Product Contains ALL elements Contained Below Student Name: Date: Patient (initials only): Patient Medical Diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis (use PES/PE format): Assessment Data (Include at least three-five subjective and/or objective pieces of data that lead to the nursing diagnosis) Goals & Outcome (Two statements are required for each nursing diagnosis. Must be Patient and/or family focused; measurable; timespecific; and reasonable.) Nursing Interventions (List at least three nursing or collaborative interventions with rationale for each goal & outcome.) Rationale (Provide reason why intervention is indicated/ therapeutic; provide references.) Outcome Evaluation & Replanning (Was goal met? How would you revise the plan of care according the patient’s response to current plan?) 1. Statement #1 1. 1. Outcome #1 2. 2. 3. 3. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 3. Statement #2 Outcome #2 28 of 28 DENVER SCHOOL OF NURSING STUDENT VERIFICATION OF INFORMATION RECEIVED By signing this form, I, ________________________________________, verify that 1) I have received the Student’s Name Printed DSN Clinical Packet; 2) the guidelines and information presented in the packet have been explained to me satisfactorily; and 3) I agree to abide by the guidelines and information presented in the packet. ______________________________________________ Student Signature __________________ Date ______________________________________________ Faculty Signature __________________ Date Faculty to return to the Education Administration Office.