Paintsville Independent Schools A E & POS 4.1 Core Content/DOK Reading/Language Arts Curriculum Map Second Grade Paintsville Elementary School Objectives Grade: 2nd Strategies/Activities/ Resources Content: Reading Assessment Schedule Big Idea: Forming a Foundation (Reading) Forming a foundation requires readers to develop and apply basic reading skills and strategies across genres to read and understand texts at the appropriate grade level. This involves reading a variety of texts at the word, sentence, and connected text level across all content areas. Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools. 1.2 Students make sense of the variety of materials they read. 1.3 Students make sense of the various things they observe. 1.4 Students make sense of the various messages to which they listen. The learner will The strategies are used through Assessments for entire year… These skills/concepts are EL-P-FF-U-1 RD-EP-1.0.1 Students will understand that knowing how letters are Students will apply word introduced, taught, and Read, write & use sight the year… linked to sounds to form letter-sound correspondence recognition strategies (e.g., re-enforced throughout words and spelling patterns can help determine unfamiliar the school year phonetic principles, context CTBS Use medial consonants, Reading Counts words while reading. Textbooks clues, structural analysis) to short, long vowels, 2 & Grade test for reading determine pronunciations or 3 letter blends, digraphs, Workbook recovery Big Books meanings of words in passages. EL-P-FF-U-2 final blends, vowel Unit reading Phonics readers combinations, rassessments Students will understand that fluency involves reading Phonics charts DOK 2 controlled vowels, Oral reading orally and silently with speed, accuracy, proper phrasing Transparencies hard/soft g & C and expression while attending to text features (e.g., High-Frequency CD’s Know and read silent punctuation, italics). words in passage letters and patterns of Vocabulary Cards Homework Reading Journal words EL-P-FF-U-3 Portfolio Demonstrate knowledge Library Club Open response Students will understand that developing breadth of Trade Books RD-EP-1.0.2 of compound words, Group tasks vocabulary improves reading comprehension and synonyms, or antonyms, Dictionaries Students will apply knowledge involves applying knowledge of word meanings and Parent Thesaurus rhyming words, word relationships. The larger the reader’s vocabulary of synonyms, antonyms or communication homophones/homonyms Encyclopedia compound words for the easier it is to make sense of text. Field trips Technology multiple meaning comprehension. Buddy reading Reading Recovery Demonstrate knowledge DOK 2 EL-P-FF-U-4 Whole/small group Leveled readers of prefixes, suffixes, Peer tutoring Students will understand that many words have root/base words, regular RD-EP-1.0.3 multiple meanings. Knowledge of syntax/language & irregular plurals, Students will know that some structure, semantics/meaning, context cues, and the abbreviations, inflected words have multiple meanings use of resources can help in identifying the intended 1 Paintsville Independent Schools meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text. reading high-frequency/grade-appropriate words with automaticity, identifying and reading single and multi-syllabic words using knowledge of sounds, word structure, syllable types, and word patterns producing rhyming words and recognize pairs of rhyming words Interpret punctuation clues, read with fluency & expression, & identify speaker , read and write sentences. Recognize plot, setting, identify character traits Distinguish between & talks about realistic fiction, fantasy, and non-fiction Will locate information, identify information in bold, italic print, and choose books with appropriate interest and ability. Asks appropriate questions to guide reading d) recognizing irregularly spelled words and such spelling patterns as diphthongs, special vowel spellings and common word endings e) using onsets (in a word, the sound of the letter or letters preceding the first vowel – sit) and rimes (the first vowel and remaining part of the word – sit) to create new words that include blends and digraphs f) EL-P-FF-S-2 Grade: 2nd Content: Reading endings, possessive, comparative /superlatives and identify the correct meaning as the word is used. DOK 2 EL-P-FF-S-1 Students will demonstrate an understanding of concepts RD-EP-1.0.4 of print, phonological awareness, and word Students will apply the identification strategies by: meanings of common prefixes or suffixes to comprehend a) distinguishing between printed letters and unfamiliar words. words, following text (e.g., one-to-one match DOK 2 of spoken words to print), finding key parts of books; identifying purposes of capitalization, RD-EP-1.0.5 punctuation, and text features (e.g., boldface Students will identify the type, italics, indentations) to make meaning of purpose of capitalization, the text punctuation, boldface type, italics or indentations to make b) recognizing, isolating, and combining sounds meaning of the text. to make words, identifying syllables and parts DOK 1 of words (prefixes, suffixes) c) Paintsville Elementary School 2 Paintsville Independent Schools Paintsville Elementary School Grade: 2nd Content: Reading Students will apply context and self-correction strategies while reading (e.g., using pictures, syntax, predictive language to predict upcoming words and text, RD-EP-1.0.6 monitoring own reading, self-correcting, confirming meaning, adjusting pace of reading or rereading to Students will formulate questions acquire meaning, previewing text selections) to guide reading. EL-P-FF-S-3 Students will read grade-appropriate material – orally and silently - with accuracy and fluency EL-P-FF-S-4 Students will use a variety of reading strategies to understand words, word meanings, and texts to develop breadth of vocabulary a) formulate questions to guide reading (before, during and after reading) b) apply word recognition strategies (e.g., phonetic principles, context clues, structural analysis) to determine pronunciations or meanings of words in passages c) use context clues to identify the correct meaning as the word is used d) apply knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms/homophones, or compound words to assist comprehension e) apply the meanings of common prefixes or suffixes to comprehend unfamiliar words f) organize words by categories (e.g., water is a 3 Paintsville Independent Schools Paintsville Elementary School Grade: 2nd Content: Reading liquid), functions (e.g., water is for drinking), or features (e.g., water flows) EL-P-FF-S-5 Students will use resources (e.g., picture dictionaries, dictionaries, glossaries) to determine correct spelling of words and to identify multiple meanings of words and content-specific meanings of word Big Idea: Developing an Initial Understanding (Reading) Developing an initial understanding of text requires readers to consider the text as a whole or in a broader perspective. Texts (including multicultural texts) encompass literary and informational texts (expository, persuasive, procedural texts and documents). Strategies for gaining a broad or literal understanding of print texts can also be applied to non-print texts (e.g., digital, environmental). Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools. 1.2 Students make sense of the variety of materials they read. 1.3 Students make sense of the various things they observe. 1.4 Students make sense of the various messages to which they listen. RD-EP-2.0.1 EL-P-DIU-U-1 Distinguish between & Students will understand that reading a wide range of Students will distinguish talks about realistic print and non-print texts builds an understanding of between fiction and non-fiction fiction, fantasy, and texts, of themselves, and of different cultures. texts. nonfiction RD-EP-2.0.2 EL-P-DIU-U-2 Students will understand that different purposes to read Students will describe include reading to acquire new information and reading characters, plot, setting or for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are plays, problem/solution of a passage. DOK 3 fiction and non-fiction, classic and contemporary works. RD-EP-2.0.3 EL-P-DIU-U-3 Students will locate key ideas or Students will understand that the use of comprehension information in a passage. strategies enhances understanding of text. EL-P-DIU-4 Students will understand that different types of texts place different demands on the reader. Understanding text features and structures, and characteristics associated with different genres (including print and non-print) facilitate the reader’s ability to make RD-EP-2.0.4 Students will interpret specialized vocabulary (words and terms specific to understanding the content). DOK 2 Listen & follow oral directions Demonstrate and listen for sequence, follow written directions, follow multi-step 4 Paintsville Independent Schools Paintsville Elementary School meaning of the text. EL-P-DIU-S-1 Students will use comprehension strategies (e.g., using prior knowledge, predicting, generating clarifying and literal questions, constructing sensory images, locating and using text features) while reading, listening to, or viewing literary and informational texts EL-P-DIU-S-2 RD-EP-2.0.5 Students will use text structure cues (e.g., sequence, Students will identify the description, compare/contrast) to aid in comprehension correct sequence. DOK 1 EL-P-DIU-S-3 Students will describe explicitly stated cause and effect relationships EL-P-DIU-S-4 Students will distinguish between fiction and nonfiction texts Grade: 2nd Content: Reading directions Identify/listen for main idea/details, make inferences, draw conclusions, predict outcomes, explain cause/effect, categorize and classify , alphabetize to the 3rd letter, Use a dictionary Locate information in books using paging, table of contents, titles and glossary, use library, locate author and title, organize and classify information Use listening skills for context clues, listen for answer to questions/interview Make inferences or draw conclusion RD-EP-2.0.7 Students will make inferences EL-P-DIU-S-5 or draw conclusions based on Students will identify unfamiliar words and specialized what is read. DOK 3 vocabulary EL-P-DIU-S-6 Students will make inferences based on what is read; make and check predictions 5 Paintsville Independent Schools Paintsville Elementary School Grade: 2nd Content: Reading EL-P-DIU-S-7 Students will demonstrate understanding of literary elements and literary passages/texts: a) identify and describe characters, major events/plot, setting or problem/solution b) identify characteristics (e.g., beginningmiddle-end, rhyme, dialogue) of different types of literary texts (e.g., stories, poems, plays, fairy tales) EL-P-DIU-S-8 Students will demonstrate understanding of structure and features of informational passages/texts: a) locate key ideas, facts or details b) use information from text to state and support the central/main idea c) identify text features (e.g., title, bold print) of different types of informational texts (e.g., lists, recipes, directions, children’s magazines, dictionaries) d) read and use functional messages encountered in daily life e) use information from texts to accomplish a specific task or to answer questions f) use text features and visual information (e.g., pictures, maps, charts, graphs, timelines, visual organizers) to understand text 6 Paintsville Independent Schools Paintsville Elementary School Grade: 2nd Content: Reading Big Idea: Interpreting Text (Reading) Interpreting text requires readers to extend their initial impressions to develop a more complete understanding of what is read. This involves linking information across parts of a text, as well as focusing on specific information. Texts encompass literary and informational texts (expository, persuasive, and procedural texts and documents). Strategies for interpreting print texts can also be applied to non-print texts (e.g., digital, environmental). Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools. 1.2 Students make sense of the variety of materials they read. 1.3 Students make sense of the various things they observe. 1.4 Students make sense of the various messages to which they listen. EL-P-IT-U-1 RD-EP-3.0.1 Uses prior knowledge Students will understand that interpretations of text Students will explain a and experience to involve linking information within and across parts of a character’s or speaker’s actions explain a character’s text and determining importance of the information based on a passage. actions presented. DOK 3 EL-P-IT-U-2 Students will understand that references from texts provide evidence to support conclusions, the information presented, or the author’s perspective. RD-EP-3.0.2 Students will explain how a conflict in a passage is resolved. RD-EP-3.0.3 EL-P-IT-U-3 Students will understand that authors make intentional Students will identify an choices that are designed to produce a desired effect on author’s purpose in a passage. the reader. RD-EP-3.0.4 Students will identify main Identify and listen for main ideas ideas or details that support EL-P-IT-S-1 and details them. Students will use comprehension strategies while DOK 3 reading, listening to, or viewing literary and informational texts (e.g., using prior knowledge, RD-EP-3.0.5 previewing text selections, making predictions, Students will identify fact or generating questions, constructing sensory images, listen for and identify opinion from a passage. using text features, making connections, determining DOK 2 fact/opinion importance of information) RD-EP-3.0.6Students will identify information in a 7 Paintsville Independent Schools EL-P-IT-S-2 Students will use text structure cues (e.g., sequence, compare/contrast) to aid in comprehension Paintsville Elementary School Grade: 2nd Content: Reading passage that is supported by fact. DOK 2 EL-P-IT-S-3 Students will identify author’s purpose (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to persuade) EL-P-IT-S-4 Students will discuss why an author might have chosen to use particular language (e.g., words, phrases) EL-P-IT-S-5 Students will examine relationships between earlier and later parts of a text and how these parts make sense together EL-P-IT-S-6 Students will summarize a variety of reading passages by selecting the main ideas and main events or key points EL-P-IT-S-7 Students will discuss the message of the text EL-P-IT-S-8 Students will record and organize ideas found within texts to show understanding (e.g., charting, mapping) 8 Paintsville Independent Schools Paintsville Elementary School Grade: 2nd Content: Reading EL-P-IT-S-9 Students will demonstrate understanding of literary elements and literary passages/texts: a) identify traits of main characters, interpret possible motives, and explain a character’s actions b) trace characters and plot across multiple episodes c) identify problems and explain how conflicts are resolved d) recognize author’s craft as appropriate to genre (e.g., figurative language/imagery, rhyme) EL-P-IT-S-10 Students will demonstrate understanding of informational passages/texts: a) distinguish between informative or persuasive passages b) identify commonly used persuasive techniques (e.g., emotional appeal, testimonial c) identify an author’s opinion d) use evidence from the text to state central /main idea and details that support them e) use text references to support conclusions based on what is read, for example, an author’s 9 Paintsville Independent Schools Paintsville Elementary School Grade: 2nd Content: Reading opinion about a subject f) distinguish between facts and opinions found in texts g) identify information in a passage supported by facts EL-P-IT-S-11 Students will pose questions and use a variety of print and non-print resources to find information to answer them EL-P-IT-S-12 Students will understand and interpret the concepts and relationships described in a text EL-P-IT-S-13 Students will evaluate information from multiple sources by determining necessary information and interpreting findings 10