PAY WARE – Payroll Windows System 2001 Year-End Tax Update Dear Pay-Ware Client: Happy Holidays. Enclosed is your Version 4.9 Year End Update CD, which contains 1) all "patches" & upgrades to version 4.9, 2) the 2001 Year End Close and W-2 processing routines as well as the 3) first round of year 2002 Federal & State Tax Table Updates. It is Critical to install this update BEFORE running the Year-End Closing routine and W-2’s for 2001. Win 95 is now 7 years and 5 “generations” old. Microsoft will not support it any longer and we thus cannot guarantee Pay-Ware for Windows performance on that operating system either. You should upgrade to Win’98 or NT or 2000 or XP. Included in this Pay-Ware update are all the documented changes to the tax tables which we have received as of Dec. 12, 2001. These changes are summarized on the next page. As a special note, be aware that all W-2s are now being generated through Crystal Reports. We have taken extra care to print them as precisely as possible. If the print lineup is not acceptable we strongly suggest you try various paper trays and/or other Printers & Printer drivers to see if the fit is improved. Crystal Reports may also be used to adjust margins/spacing as needed. Any modified reports should be "saved in the Payware\Custom folder and the Print W2 should be rerun. We will post updated Tax Changes to our Website after January 1 as a downloadable file with instructions. We will advise you by email with the required password when updates are posted if we have your E-mail address. Please E-mail us your E-mail address so we can do this: . We will NOT mail a January Tax Update disk unless you contact us and request it. Best Wishes for 2002 and thanks for using Pay-Ware. Service Technologies Staff Tax Table Changes The year 2002 Tax Table changes included in this update are summarized in the chart below. State New W/H Formula S. Ded / Exmp./ Dep. Chgs FED FICA AK AZ CA DC HI IA ID MD ME MI MN MO MT NC ND NJ NM NV OK OR RI UT WA WY Credits SUI Limit Inflation Adj Brackets To 4700S-6900H-7850M / 3000-Exmp OASDI to 84900 Incr to 26000 Red.- based on Fed Red.- New Tables To 2960S - 5920M&H/ Red – New Tables Red – New Tables Red –New Tables Red- Top bracket Red – New Tables Red – New Tables Red – New Tables Incr-new bracket New Tables To 79 Ea Incr to 29300 Incr to 18600 /To 2900/ /To 2400/ /To 3000/ Incr to 21000 Incr to 21000 Incr to 18900 Incr to 15500 Incr to 17400 EE ER /Incr 23500 Limit Incr to 15900 Incr to 20900 Incr to 10500 To 6900H - 4700S – 7850M / /To 3000/ /To 2900/ Based on Fed New Tables Red – based on Fed Red – New Tables To 146 / SDI to 44000 Incr to 28500 Incr to 14700 These are the updates we have received as of Dec 12. We expect additional changes will be reported after this disk is mailed. If you think there has been a reported tax item change for your area, which is not on this chart, please contact us so we can check into it. We will post updated Tax Changes to our Website after January 1 as a downloadable file with instructions. We will advise you by email with the required password when updates are posted. Please E-mail us your E-mail address so we can advise you of updates: . We will NOT mail a January Tax Update disk unless you contact us and request it. Installation and Setup 1. Installation Procedure – Network Server Files You will need a password from Service Technologies to Install this Update Identify the network Drive where Platinum for Windows system files are installed - (P: for example) Identify the name of Platinum for Windows system folder on that drive - (“Platinum” for example) Be sure all users are out of Platinum and Pay-Ware. Insert the 2001 Year End Update CD into the drive of your computer. 1)Open the Start>Run box. Browse to the CD Drive and select PW1201.exe. Once the path\Filename is in the box, Click OK and the "standard" Windows installer (2) should appear. 3)The 3rd box will ask for a password. 1) 2) 3) Enter "horse" for the password Once the update "unpacks" the usual sequence of installation windows will appear. Click "Yes" to accept the license agreement and then specify the Drive\Directory Path where Payware is installed. Once this is confirmed by clicking Next - the file movement process will begin. 2. Client File Installation The Pay-Ware Clients will need to be reinstalled on all Workstations running Pay-Ware. You will get an On-Screen Prompt the first time you try to start a Pay-Ware Menu Item indicating that the Client files need to be updated. This is generally an automatic process - Just follow the on-screen instructions until finished. Year-End Processing To insure a proper year-end close to your payroll system, the procedure below is suggested. 1. Be sure the enclosed Year-End Pay-Ware Update is installed before you close payroll for 2001. Payrolls can still be processed for 2001 after the update has been installed. 2. Completely finish the month of December (the Monthly Reports printed and the month closed; no January, 2002 Payroll dates or transactions should be entered yet). 3. Print and analyze the final Payroll Journal to be certain each employee’s Year-To-Date earnings are correct (include all employees: active, terminated, and leave of absence). 4. Make a backup of Pay-Ware Payroll for safety purposes Note: You do “NOT” have to copy the PB files from your company key directory to a new company key directory. The Year-End Close will automatically rename the current year balance files (Employee Balances, Attendance Balances, D/R/A Balances and the Tax Tables) with a file suffix “XX”, where “XX” is the year being closed (e.g.: PBEMPBAL.00). 5. Run Pay-Ware’s YEAR-END CLOSE routine on the Utilities Menu. Note: After this step is complete, you may run W-2s and Quarterly Reports for 2001 at your convenience, even after beginning 2002. 6. Set Pay Period Information to “NEW MONTH” (other fields will automatically update) and you are ready to process your first 2002 Payroll. W-2 Processing After the Year-End Close is performed, W-2s may be processed at any time. W-2 Processing is found on the Utilities Submenu. Pay-Ware will print the following W-2 Form formats. 2 up Track Feed Laser Form # 5405 Laser Forms 5206 or 5218 2 up Laser #520(1x2) 4 up “Box”(2x2) 4 up Horizontal (1x4) The information printed on W-2 forms is contained in a file named PBW2 located in the \PLATINUM SYSTEM\[Company Key] directory. When you run the Prepare W-2 Utility, the PBW2 file is updated with information from the Employee Master file and the Balance files. In order for a D/R/A plan to appear on the W-2, its Defaults (in File Maintenance > Cafeteria Plans) must have a W-2 Category assigned in field 4. We suggest you review these defaults for all Plans to ensure they are set up accordingly. The recommended process for generating end-of-year W-2 forms consists of five steps. Detailed instructions for each step follow this summary. 1. Run the Build W-2 Utility option to update the PBW2 file with all the information necessary to generate W-2 forms. 2. Run the Print W-2 Forms option in the ‘Trial’ mode to plain paper and check the printed output. 3. If corrections are necessary, use the W-2 Information Maintenance option to make the needed changes: This will update the PBW2 file with the changed details. 4. Print the forms again in ‘Trial’ mode to verify any changes made. 5. Align and Print the W-2’s to form stock in Trial Mode. This allows easy reprinting of "lost" forms. Reprinting in "Final" mode clears the working file and archives it to history (Printing may be done in "Final" Mode after April 30) Special note for LOCAL TAX Reporters. Be sure the Local Tax Description (field 8)on Tab 2 of the EE Master contains the name of any Local Tax Authority for these Employees. This name is fed to the Build W-2 Utility so it will automatically print on their W-2 Form. Otherwise you must add it after the fact. 1. Build W-2 Information This procedure updates the PBW2 file with all information necessary to generate the final W-2 forms. Select Build W-2 INFORMATION from the Utilities menu. This option (when initially accessed) provides a Report Maintenance screen similar to all Report Maintenance screens. You will receive this message when the file is successfully built. Tips Earning Class <Alt Z> Type (or select from the zoom window) the Earnings Type Key that is Used for tips. If tips are not used, specify None by typing a zero <0>. INCLUDE LOCAL TAXES IF ANY Type <Y> if local taxes should be reflected on the W-2’s. If local taxes should not be reflected, type <N> . YEAR TO SEARCH FOR D/R/A’S Type all four numbers of the calendar year for which you are generating the W-2’s and searching the DRA file (e.g. 01). Note: if DRA’s are to be included on the W2, you must set the W2 category on the Cafeteria Plan Defaults screen. The Trial w-2's may now be printed (see section 3) to plain paper and information verified for accuracy. Any adjustments are made as follows. 2. W-2 INFORMATION MAINTENANCE If, after examining the Printed Trial W-2’s, corrections are needed, use the W-2 INFORMATION MAINTENANCE Option. The Correct W-2’s Screen is where you can recall employee records and make any necessary changes exactly as they will appear on the W-2s. This option also updates the PBW2 file, when any changes are made and saved. Important Note: because this option only accesses the PBW2 file, changes made will not update any other Pay-Ware data files (such as the Employee Master or D/R/A files). If information is changed in those files, the BUILD W-2 INFORMATION Utility must be rerun so the PBW2 file will contain the most recent information. Employee records may be recalled by Employee Key, Employee Name, Dept or State/Soc. Sec.No. sequence. There are 3 Tabs showing all W-2 Fields. These values may be adjusted & resaved. 3. Print the W-2 Forms (Trial Mode) Trial Mode (Plain Paper recommended) The Print W-2 Forms option allows you to print “formatted” W-2’s, which should be examined carefully to determine if any changes are necessary. You can also specify whether you will be submitting W-2 information on magnetic media (diskettes). The MMREF-1 mag media file will be regenerated each time a trial printing is made. Trial mode W-2s may be reprinted to the Screen or to hard copy (usually plain paper) for easy review and verification. From the Utilities menu, select PRINT W-2 FORMS. From the “Order By” sub-menu, select the desired W-2’s print range & sequence Employee Key, Department, Employee Name or State/SSN. Fill out all appropriate fields on the parameter screen (below) and process. Check for alignment by comparing any hard copy output to the desired form. Tab 1 - Parameters BEGINNING KEY <F9> Define the range of W-2's to print (or generate Mag Media for). Press <Enter> to default <<FIRST>>(or select from the F9 Lookup) the key to start with. ENDING KEY <F9> Enter the ending Range key <F9> . PRINT EMP KEY AS CTRL NO. The Employee Key (as defined in the Employee master file) will be printed in Box 1 as the Control number if you specify Y in this field. Enter N, leaves Box 1 blank. PRINT COMPANY NAME Specify <Y> Yes to print the company name, Otherwise specify No <N>. TRIAL/FINAL A Trial (T) printing can be generated as often as desired, and should be examined to see if any changes should be made before printing in Final (F) mode. All information remains in the PBW2 file until the W-2’s are run in Final mode: the details for each employee are then moved to a history file called PBW200. Note that there is no file listing or report for this history file; however, a third party application (for example, Crystal) can be used to examine the history data. It is recommended NOT to run in final mode until after April 30. This will allow easy regeneration of misplaced individual W2s. Remember all W-2's are generated via Crystal Reports. They may be edited to allow for individual laser printer variations. Select the appropriate Format Option for the form you are using. Select ”A” - Default Setting will print 2-up Forms to either a Dot Matrix or to a Laser Printer - (EE & ER Versions). Select ”B” to print Laser Form 5405 4 up Box (2x2) EE Version. (Four copies of ONE EE per Pg.) “BR” prints ER copies of 4 up-Box. (ONE copy ea of Four DIFFERENT EE’s) Select “C” to print Laser Form 5206 (1x4-Full Width) EE Version. (ONE EE/Pg.) “CR” prints ER copies of Form (1x4). (ONE copy ea of Four DIFFERENT EE’s) Select “D” to print Laser Form 5218 (has Box 13 checkboxes ) (1x4-Full Width) EE Ver. (ONE EE/Pg.) “DR” prints ER copies of (1x4). (ONE copy ea of Four DIFFERENT EE’s) W-2 FORMAT Selection: <A> 2up/2EE per Pg. <B> & <BR> (ER copy) Form # 5405 <C> & <CR> (ER copy) 4up Box(2x2) Form # 5206 4up(1x4) No Checkboxes for Box 13 <D> & <DR> (ER copy) Form # 5218 4up(1x4) Has Checkboxes for Box 13 Options B, C & D print 4 copies for ONE Employee per Page. Options BR, CR & DR (Employer format) print 4 DIFFERENT Employees/Pg. Tab 2 Magnetic Media Generation – See SSA Website for complete information - GENERATE MAGNETIC MEDIA – Diskettes Only - MMREF-1 Format only Check the box to submit records on Magnetic Media using 3.5"diskettes. One or more files (depending on the amount of disk space needed) named W2REPORT.??? will be created in your \PLATINUM\[Company Key] directory when you output W-2’s. Each of the files will be of a size that can be copied to a floppy disk, and will have extensions of .001, .002, etc. An instruction screen will list the filenames created. SSA Filing Instructions are on its Website: All the following fields are REQUIRED for Magnetic Media. CONTACT NAME Enter a Contact name for your Organization. PHONE NO. Enter a Phone No. for your Organization. PERSONAL PIN NO. Enter a PIN No. for your Organization. E-MAIL ADDRESS Enter an E-mail Address for your Organization. FAX NO. Entera Fax No. for your Organization. RESUBMISSION FILE Enter (Y)es if this file is a Resubmission – Otherwise enter N. RESUBMIT TLC NO. If this is a Resubmitted File - include the SSA's provided Resubmit ID No. BUSINESS TERMINATED Enter a (Y)es here if this business has Terminated operations. BUSINESS CODE Select the appropriate Business Code from the Lookup Window <Alt Z>. Print W-2s to Form Stock for Distribution Once all changes are made, alignments have been verified and the File looks correct, the W -2s can be printed to Form stock for distribution to employees. Note that a Trial (T) printing can be generated as often as desired. We recommend against printing the forms in Final Mode until after April to allow easy review of W-2 data and generation of needed replacement W-2’s. All information will remain in the PBW2 file until the W-2’s are run in Final mode: the details for each employee are then moved to a history file called PBW2.00. Note that there is no file listing or report for this history file; however, a third party application (for example, Crystal) can be used to examine the history data. Remember all W-2s are now being generated through Crystal Reports. We have taken extra care to print them as precisely as possible. If the print lineup is not acceptable we strongly suggest you try various paper trays and/or other Laser Printers & Printer drivers to see if the fit is improved. Crystal Reports may also be used to adjust margins/spacing as needed. Any modified reports should be "saved in the Payware\Custom folder and the Print W2 should be rerun. Complete Magnetic Media filing information (including which states use the MMREF1 format) is available on the Social Security Website at End of Document