List of common abbreviations used in medical notes PC HPC PMH PSH PPH presenting complaint history of the PC past medical history past surgical history past psychiatric history Drug history (prescribed DH OTC (bought over the counter, allergies) FH family history SH social history SE systemic enquiry frequently used interchangeably ODQ on direct questioning SOBOE shortness of breath on exertion PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea BOR bowels opening regularly PU passing urine SI sexual intercourse TOP termination of pregnancy (i.e a surgical or medical abortion) K=4/26menstrual cycle – period lasts for 4 days, coming on every 30 26 to 30 days G4P3+1 (pronounced “gravida 4 para 3 plus 1”) – a woman who has been pregnant (“gravid”) four times, and had 3 pregnancies (‘para’) proceeding beyond the 28th week. The ‘+1’ means she has had a pregnancy of less than 28 weeks (perhaps ending in a TOP or miscarriage). 1/7, 12/7 one day, twelve days (7 = days in a week) 3/52, 5/52 three weeks, five weeks (52 = weeks in a year) 2/12, 8/12 two months, eight months (12 = months in a year) C4/7 etc around four days etc VV varicose veins General Examination OE on examination T temperature P pulse BP blood pressure R respiration rate J jaundice TB tuberculosis Cy cyanosis °J, °Cy no jaundice, no cyanosis CVS Cardiovascular System 5ICSMCL HS PSM JVP JVP15cm PP 5th intercostals space, mid-clavicular line (the normal place for feeling the cardiac apical beat) heart sounds pan-systolic murmur jugular venous pulse a JVP raised by 15cm (with the patient lying at a 45° angle) peripheral pulses This patient has no palpable pulses in the right leg (femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis and tibialis anterior). All other pulses are palpable (carotids, ante-cubital, radial etc). HS I-II +0 normal heart sound with no murmurs HS I II 2/6 -- ax 1st and second HS with PSM, with m id-systolic exacerbation grade 2 audible murmur, radiating to the axilla RS Respiratory System exp TVF PN BS AE thoracic expansion on inspiration tactile vocal fremitus percussive note breath sounds air entry Sometimes the lungs may look like this:- (these might be some of the clinical sings associated with a R. basal pneumonia TVF PN AE Creps +++R.base Anterior Posterior GIS Gastrointestinal System Often the abdo examination is shown pictorially. The abdomen is drawn like this:- Or occasionally, to include renal areas like this:- It is split into nine surface anatomical areas to describe where features such as pain or a mass may lie:Areas of pain (which the patient feels) tenderness (which is elicited by the examiners palpation) or the location of masses are usually drawn on the diagram of the abdomen 1 R subcostal region 2 epigastric region 3 L subcostal region 4 R Flank 5 paraumbilical region 6 L flank 7 R inguinal region 8 suprapubic region 9 L inguinal region Nb when regions on a patient are described or drawn, one always refers to the patients left or right LKKS PR PV BS liver, kidneys and spleen (\°LKKS means no palpable liver, kidneys or spleen) per rectum – rectal examination per vaginum – vaginal examination bowel sounds (NB BS in RS exam = breath sounds) NS Neurological System CN I-XII PERLA PTS P2/5 etc B,BR,KJ,AJ P or P VS LT 1st to 12th cranial nerves pupils equal and reactive to power, tone and sensation power is grade 2 out of 5 (range is 0 to 5) biceps, brachioradialis, knee jerk and ankle jerk reflexes plantar response up- or down-going vibration sensation light touch sensation PR PP proprioception two-point pin prick discrimination Miscellaneous other things CXR AXR PA chest xray abdominal xray postero-anterior (ie xray plate in front of organ, xrays come from back to front) AP antero-posterior (ie xray plate behind the organ, xrays come from front to back) LSS XRlumbo-sacral spine xray CxS XRcervical spine xray USS ultrasound scan KUB kidneys, ureters and bladder CT computerised tomography (CAT = computerised axial tomography) MRI magnetic resonance imagery OGD oesophagogastroduodenoscopy ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangeopancreatogram (nb ERPC = evacuation of the retained products of conception) BSO bilateral salpingo-oÖphorectomy TAH total abdominal hysterectomy Scolon sigmoid colon Hx often a generic term for history Ex often a generic term for examination Ix often a generic term for investigations Rx treatment MSU mid stream specimen of urine EMU early morning specimen of urine AFB acid-fast bacilli ZN Ziehl-Neelsen stain MCS microscopy, culture and sensitivities FBC full blood count U&E’s urea and electrolytes CCT creatinine clearance test LFT liver function test AST aspartate transaminase Alk Phos alkaline phophatase gGT or GGT gamma-glutaryl transaminase RBC red blood count Hb haemoglobin WCC white cell count ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate OD omni die – daily BD bid die – twice daily TDS ter die sumendus – three times a day QDS quarter die sumendus – four times a day Nocte at night Mane in the morning Pr n pro re nata – when required AC ante cibum – before food PC post cibum – after food