S2 Research and Regulatory Affairs (317) 338-2194 RESEARCH DESCRIPTION FORM THIS FORM MUST BE NEATLY TYPED. (DO NOT TYPE ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF ANY FORMS). Note: To check a box on this form, double-click the box and select “Checked” under “Default Value.” RESEARCH PROPOSAL TITLE: IRB STUDY NUMBER: SECTION I: STUDY DESCRIPTION A. Succinctly describe the general purpose and nature of the research in lay terms. SECTION II: SUBJECT POPULATION A. State the number of subjects to be recruited both locally and nationally and number of research study sites (if a multi-center study). List total as a single number, rather than a range. B. Check all categories that are likely to be recruited for this study: None (Proceed to Section III) Children (Complete Section IIA) Pregnant Women (Complete Section IIB) Cognitively Impaired (Complete Section IIC) Prisoners (Complete Section IID) Economically/Educationally Disadvantaged (Complete Section IIE) Students/Residents/Fellows If any of the above subject populations are likely to be recruited, state the necessity for doing so: SUBSECTION IIA: VULNERABLE POPULATION: CHILDREN Federal Regulation 45 CFR 46 requires the IRB to make specific determinations whenever children are enrolled in research. To assist the IRB in making these determinations, please indicate below in which category the research belongs and state the rationale for that category’s selection: Category 1 (§46.404): Research not involving greater than minimal risk to children. Explain how adequate provisions are made for soliciting the assent of the children and the permission (informed consent) of their parents or guardians. Category 2 (§46.405): Research involving greater than minimal risk but presenting the prospect of direct benefit to the individual child. Explain why the anticipated benefit justifies the risk and why the relation of the anticipated benefit to the risk is at least as favorable as that of alternative approaches and explain how adequate provisions are made for soliciting the assent of the children and the permission (informed consent) of their parents or guardians. Category 3 (§46.406): Research involving greater than minimal risk and no prospect of direct benefit to the individual child, but likely to yield generalizable knowledge about the child’s disorder or condition. Explain why the risk represents only a minor increase over minimal risk, why the intervention or procedure presents experiences to the children that are reasonably commensurate with those inherent in their actual, or FRM-801 Research Description Form St. Vincent Institutional Review Board Page 1 of 10 Rev. 07/14 S2 expected medical, dental, psychological, social, or educational situations, and why the intervention or procedure is likely to yield generalizable knowledge about the children’s disorder or condition that is of vital importance for understanding or amelioration of the disorder or condition. Explain how adequate provisions are made for soliciting the assent of the children and the permission (informed consent) of their parents or guardians.* Category 4 (§46.407): This category should be utilized in any instance where minors will be involved with research that does not fall under any of the above categories. Any research falling under this category will have to be reviewed separately under HHS prior to approval. This is per 45 CFR 46.407, which reads: Research not otherwise approvable that presents an opportunity to understand, prevent, or alleviate a serious problem affecting the health or welfare of children. In order to allow the IRB and HHS to evaluate the impact on children, please explain why the proposed research presents a reasonable opportunity to further the understanding, prevention, or alleviation of a serious problem affecting the health or welfare of children and explain the risks involved.* * NOTE. When research is covered by categories §46.406 and §46.407, the informed consent must be obtained from both parents unless one parent is deceased, unknown, incompetent, or not reasonably available, or when only one parent has legal responsibility for the care and custody of the child. Please indicate safeguards you will use for this Vulnerable Population (Children): Youth Information Sheets (describe: ) Assent (for what ages: ) Extra monitoring (describe: ) Researchers credentialed in pediatrics Other health professionals with pediatrics experience Other (describe: ) SECTION IIB: VULNERABLE POPULATION: PREGNANT WOMEN Federal Regulation 45 CFR 46 requires the IRB to make specific determinations whenever pregnant women are enrolled in research. To assist the IRB in making these determinations, please indicate safeguards you will use for this Vulnerable Population (Pregnant Women): Inclusion is scientifically appropriate based on preclinical studies Information will be provided pertaining to how study intervention could impact the woman and the fetus Individuals engaged in the research will have no part in determining the viability of a neonate Other -- Describe: SECTION IIC: VULNERABLE POPULATION: COGNITIVELY IMPAIRED Federal Regulation 45 CFR 46 requires the IRB to make specific determinations whenever the cognitively impaired are enrolled in research. To assist the IRB in making these determinations, please indicate safeguards you will use for this Vulnerable Population (Cognitively Impaired): Verbal explanation of the research will be provided in lay language Extra time will be available to answer questions FRM-801 Research Description Form St. Vincent Institutional Review Board Page 2 of 10 Rev. 07/14 S2 At the potential study participant’s request, family members/significant others can participate in informed consent process Caregiver to assist with medications and identifying adverse events Extra monitoring -- Describe: Subjects will be withdrawn if they appear to be unduly distressed. Other -- Describe: SECTION IID: VULNERABLE POPULATION: PRISONERS Federal Regulation 45 CFR 46 requires the IRB to make specific determinations whenever prisoners are enrolled in research. To assist the IRB in making these determinations, please indicate safeguards you will use for this Vulnerable Population (Prisoners): Verbal explanation of the research will be provided in lay language Procedures for selection of subjects within the prison will be immune from arbitrary intervention by prison authorities or prisoners. Other -- Describe: SECTION IIE: VULNERABLE POPULATION: ECONOMICALLY/EDUCATIONALLY DISADVANTAGED Please indicate safeguards you will use for this Vulnerable Population (Economically Disadvantaged): Cost burden will be fully explained No financial incentives will be provided Social services will be available to assist study participant Other -- Describe: Please indicate safeguards you will use for this Vulnerable Population (Educationally Disadvantaged): Verbal explanation of the research will be provided in lay language Extra time will be available to answer questions At the potential study participant’s request, family members/significant others can participate in informed consent process Caregiver to assist with medications and identifying adverse events Extra monitoring -- Describe: Other -- Describe: SECTION III: RECRUITMENT & COMPENSATION A. Recruitment 1. Describe how potential subjects will be initially identified: Databases Medical records Advertisements Newsletters Self-referral Physician referral Clinics/office Other – Describe: FRM-801 Research Description Form St. Vincent Institutional Review Board Page 3 of 10 Rev. 07/14 S2 2. Describe how potential subjects who are identified will be contacted: Letter (must be approved by IRB) Phone call (script must be approved by IRB) Face-to-Face Other – Describe: 3. Who will be contacting them Physician Research Coordinator Nurse Other – Describe: 4. List and include a copy of all recruitment material to be shared with potential subjects B. Compensation 1. Will subjects be compensated for participation in the study (e.g., payment, free services, gifts, course credit, including extra credit)? No. Proceed to Section IV. Yes. Complete items 2, 3, and 4 below. 2. Explain the compensation arrangements (e.g., amount and timing of compensation and the proposed method of disbursement), including reimbursement of expenses. 3. Justify the proposed compensation arrangements described in section 2 (e.g., how this proposed compensation arrangement is not considered to be coercive). 4. Explain if there will be any partial compensation if the subject fails screening or otherwise withdraws prior to completion of the study. SECTION IV: STUDY PROCEDURES Provide a brief description of all procedures being performed solely for research purposes. Examples would include an investigational drug, a blood draw that is taken purely for research (not treatment purposes) or a standardized survey that is being completed solely for the purposes of this research. This section will be similar to the corresponding section of the informed consent, and should be documented by a billing grid/coverage analysis. Has a billing grid/coverage analysis been prepared for this study, and submitted to the St.Vincent Research and Regulatory Affairs Department? Yes No (If no, please indicate date this will be done FRM-801 Research Description Form St. Vincent Institutional Review Board ) Page 4 of 10 Rev. 07/14 S2 SECTION V: POTENTIAL RISKS State the potential risks – for example, physical, psychological, social, legal, loss of confidentiality or other – connected with the proposed procedures. SECTION VI: STUDY BENEFITS A. What, if any, benefit is to be gained by the SUBJECT? B. What information may accrue to SCIENCE or SOCIETY, in general, as a result of this work? SECTION VII: CONFIDENTIALITY & SAFEGUARDS A. Check the items below to explain how confidentiality and privacy of data collected for the purpose of the research study will be protected. Keep in mind that all members of the research team should only gather or share the minimum amount of Private Health Information (PHI) needed for the study. 1. Data Source (Please check all that apply) a. Treatment or Test Results, Medical and/or Dental Records, etc.: Paper Film Electronic b. Interviews (Phone or Face-to-Face) c. Survey or Questionnaire Paper Electronic d. Video e. Audio f. Photographs g. Other (Please describe): 2. Data Recording / Collection Method (Please check all that apply) a. Computer: Laptop Hard Drive Local Shared Drive Web-based CDs, thumb drives, etc. Other (Please describe): b. Smart Phone c. Paper (e.g., Notes, Case Report Form, etc.) d. Video e. Audio f. Other (Please describe): Please describe how you will safeguard data for all the Data Recording / Collection Methods described in VIII.A.2. by completing #3, #4 and #5 below. Please check all that apply. 3. Secure Storage a. Who will have access to the individually identifiable information/data? FRM-801 Research Description Form St. Vincent Institutional Review Board Page 5 of 10 Rev. 07/14 S2 Principal Investigator Research Coordinator Co-Investigators Governmental Agencies Research Sponsor, Monitor, Other Research Organizations Other (Please describe – e.g., outside multi-center collaborators, or other colleagues not listed as sub-investigators, etc.): b 4. Please describe the measures you are taking to safeguard the information/data: Locking cabinets and doors Information is located in an area with limited public access Computers and/or files will be password-protected Removable media (such as CDs, thumb drives, etc…) will kept in a secure location Regular back-ups of electronic data. NOTE: All electronic data should be backed up on a regular basis. Describe any other measures you are using to safeguard the data: Secure Disposal a. How long will you retain the data before discarding? Minimum of 3 years for non-health data Minimum of 7 years for health data, per Indiana State law Per sponsor requirements Indefinitely Other (Please describe): b. How will you discard the data? Paper will be shredded Delete files from or destroy thumb drives and CDs* Permanently delete data from computers and smart phones* Other (Please describe) 5. Sharing Data For this purpose, sharing may include releasing, transmitting or providing access to research and health data within the research team, to research sponsors, etc. You must use reasonable safeguards when sharing any form of research data, health or non-health. a. Will you share data in any of the following formats? Non-Health Data only. De-identified Data. Identifiable Data (i.e., includes patient identifiers, names, initials, Subject ID numbers, etc. Please answer items 1. and 2. below.) 1. Indicate which secure method(s) of transmission will be used? Check all that apply: Secured web site Encrypted email US Postal Service or other trackable courier services (not campus mail) Fax in a secured area Shared drive with password protection Personal delivery by authorized research personnel Private telephone conversation to authorized personnel Other: (describe) 2. Will you share identifiable health data with anyone not listed as a sub-investigator or sponsor? 1. No – Proceed to Section IX. 2. Yes – Please list those individuals or entities: Data will not be shared – Please explain: FRM-801 Research Description Form St. Vincent Institutional Review Board Page 6 of 10 Rev. 07/14 S2 SECTION VIII: FEDERAL FUNDING A. Has a proposal for funding been submitted to or is this study funded by a federal agency (e.g., NIH, CDC, etc.)? No. (Proceed to Section IX) Yes. Provide one copy of the entire funding proposal or explain why one is not needed (e.g., the investigator is not the direct recipient of the grant money [i.e., federal pass-through]): B. Is this study a National Institutes of Health (NIH) multi-center clinical trial that includes an NIH-approved sample informed consent? No. Yes. Provide a copy of the NIH-approved sample consent document. SECTION IX: GENE THERAPY A. Does this study involve the use of gene therapy or recombinant DNA? No. (Proceed to Section X) Yes. B. If the study involves the use of gene therapy or recombinant DNA please provide a description of biomedical materials involved and the need for pharmacy support: SECTION X: FINANCIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST A. Do any of the individuals or their immediate family (spouse and dependent children) listed under Section XII of this document have any of the following financial interests related to the research? Yes (check all that apply) Hold an ownership interest (equity or stock options) related to the research with value in excess of $5,000 Hold ownership interest (equity or stock options) related to the research with value that exceeds 5% ownership Have proprietary interest in the research, such as a patent, trademark, copyright, or licensing agreement Has received or will receive payments other than payment for the conduct of clinical research from the sponsor that exceed $5,000 in the last 365 days. Has received or will receive compensation with value that may be affected by the outcome of the study Is an employee of the agency or company sponsoring the research Is on the board of directors of the sponsor Has a financial interest that requires disclosure to the sponsor or funding source Has any other financial interest that the investigator believes may interfere with his or her ability to protect subjects. No, none of the above are true [Note: Complete a Financial Interest Disclosure form (FRM-1101) for each individual with financial interests related to the research. Completed forms should be included with the IRB submission package for this research proposal.] SECTION XI: INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS/DEVICES N/A (Proceed to Section XII) A. Investigational Drugs Name of Drug Sponsor: Name of Drug: Investigational New Drug (IND) Number: Study Phase: I II III FRM-801 Research Description Form St. Vincent Institutional Review Board IV Registry Page 7 of 10 Other – Describe: Rev. 07/14 S2 If this study involves the investigational use of a marketed drug or biologic, and in the opinion of the investigator does not require submission of an IND, six conditions must be met (e.g., responses to conditions listed below must be “yes” for an IND to not be required). Please respond to the following conditions: No The study is not intended to be reported to FDA in support of a new indication for use or to support any other significant change in the labeling for the drug. The study is not intended to support a significant change in the advertising for the product. The study does not involve a route of administration or dosage level, use in a subject population, or other factor that significantly increases the risks (or decreases the acceptability of the risks) associated with the use of the drug product. The study is conducted in compliance with the requirements for IRB review (21 CFR 56) and informed consent (21 CFR 50). The study is conducted in compliance with the requirement concerning the promotion and sale of drugs (21 CFR 312.7). The study does not intend to invoke 21 CFR 50.24 (Exception from informed consent for emergency research). B. Investigational Devices Name of Device Manufacturer: Name of Device: Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) Number: Type: IMPORTANT: Unless the device is exempt from the IDE requirements, the IRB is required to determine whether or not the device is significant risk. To help in this determination, please provide the sponsor’s documentation on the risk assessment and the rationale used in making the risk determination. Please provide the investigator’s assessment of the device risk below: Significant Risk Non-significant Risk IDE Exempt Risk assessment and rationale for above risk determination (if Non-significant Risk is checked, this section must be completed): SECTION XII: INVESTIGATORS List the principal investigator and any co-investigators and their respective departments. (If there are multiple investigators, please indicate only one person as the principal investigator; others should be designated as coinvestigators). A. Principal Investigator: Department B. Co-investigators: (Please include the respective department) List those directly interacting or intervening with subjects (including persons obtaining consent): Name Department C. List other co-investigators who are not directly interacting or intervening with subjects: FRM-801 Research Description Form St. Vincent Institutional Review Board Page 8 of 10 Rev. 07/14 Yes S2 D. If this study is a collaboration with investigators at unaffiliated institutions, and our IRB is providing the review and approval for their role in the study, list all such co-investigators, their respective institutions, and specify their role and what procedures they will be performing: Name of Co-investigator Institution Role Procedures performed COMPLETE THE REMAINING SECTIONS ONLY IF THIS PROPOSAL IS FOR AN INTERVENTIONAL DRUG, DEVICE, OR OTHER CLINICAL TRIAL SECTION XIII: RESEARCH RESOURCES A. How many actively accruing research studies, for which you are the PI, do you have open (including studies reviewed by IRBs other than the St.Vincent IRB)? B. How many study participants are currently receiving study intervention for studies on which you are the PI (including studies reviewed by IRBs other than the St.Vincent IRB)? C. How many research staff (research nurses/coordinators, data analysts, other) do you have supporting you in conducting your research studies (including studies reviewed by IRBs other than the St.Vincent IRB)? Please list each of these individuals, their role, and their research role FTE (e.g. if you employ a full-time assistant who devotes ½ of her time supporting your studies, the FTE listed here should be .5). D. Which processes will you, the PI, use to ensure that all persons assisting with the study are adequately informed about the protocol, the investigational product(s), and their trial-related duties and functions. E. What precautions will be used to ensure subject privacy is protected? (check all that apply) Use of drapes or other barriers for subjects who are required to disrobe Research intervention is conducted in a private room The collection of sensitive information about subjects will be limited to the amount necessary to achieve the aims of the research so that no unneeded sensitive information will be collected Other – Describe SECTION XIV: CONSENT PROCESS Please answer the following questions to describe the process used to introduce a trial to a potential study participant and obtain their informed consent. A. Where will the consent discussion take place? In a private room In a waiting room In a group setting In in-patient room in hospital In emergency situations – Describe: Online, in public, over the phone, or in another unusual situation – Describe: Other – Describe: FRM-801 Research Description Form St. Vincent Institutional Review Board Page 9 of 10 Rev. 07/14 S2 B. Who will conduct the consent discussion? Principal Investigator Sub-Investigator – Identify: Research Coordinator/Research Nurse Other – Describe: C. How will you be sure there is sufficient opportunity for the subject to consider whether to consent? Subjects will be allowed to take home the unsigned consent document prior to signing it Subjects will be allowed a waiting period of at least hours to consider their decision. Other – Describe: D. Which processes will you use to assess a potential study participant’s ability to provide consent and their understanding of the consent process? Participant asked to state their understanding of the study after initial consent discussion Participant asked specific questions about study after initial consent discussion Participant asked to “teach-back” the major elements of the study to the consenter Participant encouraged to ask questions during the consent process Other – Describe: E. Please indicate the language(s) of the subjects you plan to enroll. (All consent forms and other subject materials must be in a language easily understood by the subject, and you must have plans for conducting the consent discussion and for ongoing communication with the subject in that language). English Other Language(s) – Specify: FRM-801 Research Description Form St. Vincent Institutional Review Board Page 10 of 10 Rev. 07/14