Exam #3 - The Citadel

English 102
Exam #3
Part One. Objective. Each question is worth 2 points. Total = 50 points.
Multiple choice. Write the letter of the response that best answers the question.
1. The phrase “dulce et decorum est pro patria mori” comes from: (a) Ovid; (b)
Horace; (c) Juvenal; (d) Seneca; (e) none of the above.
2. The category that best describes "My Last Duchess" is: (a) elegy; (b) monody; (c)
threnody; (d) dramatic monologue; (e) none of the above
3. A carnation is a central symbol in (a) “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”; (b)
“Dulce et Decorum Est”; (c) “Paul’s Case” (d) none of the above.
4. The third person point of view is used consistently in: (a) “The Things They
Carried”; (b) “The Lottery”; (c) “Paul’s Case”; (d) all of the above; (e) none of
the above.
5. The archetype that best fits “A Family Supper” is the: (a) initiation story; (b)
communion; (c) birds and flight; (d) Garden of Eden; (e) none of the above.
6. “books from Boots’” appears as a reference in which text? (a) “Dulce et Decorum
Est”; (b) “Paul’s Case”; (c) “The Lady with the Pet Dog”; (d) none of the above.
7. Which set of terms applies to “The Lady with the Pet Dog?” (a) fish, smoking,
and family disloyalty; (b) poor health, boredom, and arranged marriage; (c)
adultery, embezzlement, and suicide; (d) a tunnel, a physician, and a hotel room.
8. Which of the following statements is true of “My Last Duchess?” (a) the Duke is
partly hard of hearing; (b) the Count is possibly a murderer; (c) the elegy form is
used consistently; (d) all of the above; (e) none of the above.
9. The process of “hunting for chinks in the dark” applies to which text? (a) “The
Things They Carried”; (b) “Root Cellar”; (c) “Dulce et Decorum Est”; (d) “The
Gospel According to Mark”; (e) none of the above.
10. Which biblical reference occurs in “The Gospel According to Mark?” (a) the
burning bush; (b) the immaculate conception; (c) the parting of the Red Sea; (d)
the tablets of law; (e) none of the above.
True or False. Write “T” or “F” in the appropriate blank on the answer sheet.
11. Chekhov was trained to write within 100 lines of newsprint, making for his
technique of compressed detail. TRUE
12. In “A Family Supper,” the type of food served at the meal is the fugu fish. FALSE
13. At the end of “The Lady with the Pet Dog,” Gurov and Anna part company
permanently because they cannot bear to leave their spouses. FALSE
14. In “My Last Duchess,” Claus of Innsbruck is an actual Renaissance-era sculptor.
15. At the end of “The Things They Carried,” the central character buries the letters
that Martha has sent him in the collapsed tunnel. FALSE
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16. Kikuko, the sister in “A Family Supper,” has decided to leave Japan and live in
California. FALSE
17. When Mr. Gutres “laughs a little strangely” in “The Gospel According to Mark,”
he is contemplating suicide. FALSE
18. The speaker of “Root Cellar” clearly sympathizes with the unwanted plants.
19. The primary setting of “Paul’s Case” is Pittsburgh. TRUE
20. The Grandmother in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” discovers, at the end, that she
and the Misfit are cousins. FALSE
Matching. Match the character on the left with the text on the right.
Espinosa (D)
Charley Edwards (E)
Jimmy Cross (A)
John Wesley (B)
Mr. Adams ©
A. “The Things They Carried”
B. “A Good Man is Hard to Find”
C. “The Lottery”
D. “The Gospel According to Mark”
E. “Paul’s Case”
Part Two. Essay. 350-400 words.
Mechanics and stylistics count in the evaluation, as well as
evidence and originality of thought. Be specific. 50 points.
Write an explication (a “close reading” of the text) of the following poem by Randall
Jarrell. State a central thesis about the poem, then analyze it line by line, paying close
attention to the language. Avoid generalizations.
“The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner”
From my mother's sleep I fell into the State,
And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze.
Six miles from earth, loosed from the dream of life,
I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters.
When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose.
Extra Credit. 1 point each.
1. What was the name of the father’s business associate in “A Family Supper?”
2. In what country was Borges born? Argentina
3. Which of Ishiguro’s novels was made into a well-known film? The Remains of the
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