106745485 ICAA5151B Team project assessment ICAA5151B Gather Data to Identify Business Requirements This project consists of a number of tasks which are to be completed in teams. This project involves the identification of key information sources, the analysis of business systems, and the identification and confirmation of business requirements through the use of formal processes and information gathering tools. There will be a group role play in the form of a Joint Application Design (JAD). The purpose of this JAD is for the systems analyst and key stakeholders to identify and agree on the business requirements for the proposed information technology system. Objective: Identifying business requirements is essential in order to develop information systems which meet the business needs. This project must demonstrate that the learner can accurately and clearly develop information gathering tools, communicate with a range of stakeholders and analyse and document business requirements. Resources Required: You should have access to the Internet, teaching resource notes and appropriate texts to assist in completing this project. Instructions: Please read Attachment A, the Assessment Scenario for Jet Ski Enterprise. Jet Ski Enterprise was introduced in Level 4 and further changes in the strategic direction of this business are the impetus for this project. As the analysis of business requirements requires a collaborative approach by key stakeholders within a business, it is important that the project tasks are carried out in a team. Each team needs to have 5 team members. Once all the project tasks have been completed the students must write an Individual Report based on the findings from the project tasks (Attachment F). It may assist the students to regularly document the project progress as the information can provide the research required to develop the individual reports. What is a Joint Application Design (JAD)? This is IBM’s proprietary approach to panel interviews conducted with analysts and key stakeholders to accomplish requirements analysis jointly. The motivation for using JAD is to create more stakeholder/user involvement with the new information system, to identify the needs of all stakeholders and to gain more acceptance for the proposed system as a result of this participative approach. The JAD participants/key stakeholders represent different areas within the business and they all bring a different perspective to the meeting. It is important that each participant is committed to the JAD approach and is actively involved. The JAD needs to be scheduled when all key stakeholders can commit to attending. Version 1 Page 1 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 Advantages of a JAD: Time saving over traditional one-on-one meetings and therefore cost saving Development occurs at a faster rate as the key stakeholders are jointly working through the systems proposal As the stakeholders are very involved in the new system, they are quicker to adapt and ‘own’ the new system. Drawbacks of JAD: Requires a large amount of stakeholders time Inadequate preparation for the JAD may lead to frustration at the session as the objectives have not been clearly defined prior to the session Role Play: The students in each team are to role play this JAD. JAD Purpose: Stakeholders and the Systems Analyst are to identify business requirements The JAD requires completing 1) a series of tasks including the identification of information sources 2) planning for the JAD 3) undertaking the JAD 4) analysing the findings from the JAD. In each group, the team members will act out the role of key stakeholders from Jet Ski Enterprise. The following are the key stakeholders/participants who need to attend the Joint Application Design: Ms Jones – Consultant Systems Analyst Mr Walmsley - Finance Director Mr Byrne, IT director Ms Flynn, Sales & Marketing Director Mr Keyes, Multimedia production Manager The teacher will act in the role of the CEO of Jet Ski Enterprise, Mrs Johnson. Version 1 Page 2 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 ICAA5151A Gather Data to Identify Business Requirements Task 1: Complete the following questions: 1. Explain the difference between a public company, a Pty Ltd company and a partnership 2. What is the main business function of Jet Ski Enterprise? 3. What is the existing business problem at Jet Ski Enterprise? 4. Identify the different sources of information within the current Jet Ski Enterprise system. What are typical organisational documents which Jet Ski would use? 5. What is the benefit for Jet Ski Enterprise in implementing Ecommerce? 6. What is the role of the Systems Analyst in Systems development? 7. Why is it important for the systems analyst to have an understanding of the current information system at Jet Ski Enterprise before redesigning the system? 8. Explain what the SDLC is and how Phase 1 of this methodology can assist the systems analyst in addressing Jet Ski Enterprise’s business requirements 9. What information gathering methods could be used to investigate Jet Ski’s business requirements and why would you select these methods? Version 1 Page 3 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 Task 2: The role of key stakeholders in Jet Ski Enterprises System Development Project: In order to analyse Mrs Johnson’s long term strategic proposal, it is necessary for the key stakeholders to be involved in the systems development project. These staff will be directly affected by the project Please identify the role of the following stakeholders in the development project (the role of the CEO has been supplied) Table explaining the role of the stakeholder in the systems development project Shareholder Mrs Johnson, CEO of Jet Ski Enterprise Consultant Systems Analyst Mr Walmsley, Finance Director Mr Byrne, IT Director Ms Flynn, Sales and Marketing Director Mr Keyes Multimedia Production Manager Mrs Roberts, Event Manager (not required to attend JAD but needs to provide Event information to the sessions and receive updates from JAD meetings) Version 1 Role In the Project Approves the final sign off of all system requirements documentation, vendor selection and the changeover, once the system has been developed, from a test to a production environment Monitors the progress of the project and ensures that milestones are reached on time and within budget Ensures that the development is progressing in line with the strategic plan for Jet Ski Enterprise Receives the output from all Joint Application Design Sessions (JAD) and oversees these sessions without attending each session Page 4 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 Task 3: Role Play of Joint Application Design Session (No. 1) at Jet Ski Enterprise. Purpose: To Identify Business Requirements Preparation for JAD: Please make sure that you are adequately prepared for JAD by completing the following: 1. Prepare an interview plan and complete the template for the interview plan (Appendix A). Ensure that Jet Ski’s quality assurance procedures are adhered to and include open, closed and probing questions in the interview plan From this interview plan, prepare and distribute an agenda to each participant Notify all participants in the group about the JAD The systems analyst needs to bring the interview plan to the JAD session. Refer to Task 2 (identifying the stakeholders and their roles), Assessment A, Jet Ski Enterprise, internet research and supporting business documentation to assist you in completing the interview plan template. 4. Identify the vision, strategic mission, and/or business objectives of Jet Ski Enterprise – also research the internet for other business documentation e.g annual reports 2. 3. During JAD: The team needs to refer to (1) the interview plan (2) Jet Ski Enterprise business documentation (assessment A) 3) research findings form Task 1 (4) other supporting business documentation such as annual reports to assist in the role play for JAD session no 1: Role of the Analyst in JAD: 5. State the objectives of the JAD session 6. Ask appropriate questions from the Interview Plan 7. Confirm business critical factors relating to the current and future direction of Jet Ski Enterprise 8. Monitor and document the progress of the JAD (take professional minutes of this meeting (Appendix D) Role of the Key stakeholders in JAD: 9. Explain your role within Jet Ski Enterprise 10. Explain how you use the current information system at Jet Ski and the strengths of this current information system 11. Identify the problems in the current information system 12. Identify your business requirements from the proposed information system 13. Discuss how the new information system will impact upon your area and how it will benefit your area 14. Identify possible problems for your area which will arise from this systems development Version 1 Page 5 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 The team needs to determine what the overall requirements are for the proposed system taking into account each stakeholder’s requirements and the CEO’s strategic vision for Jet Ski Enterprise. Discuss what the impact of Ecommerce and Wireless Networking will have on Jet Ski Enterprise. It is important that the team satisfactorily negotiates and resolves conflicts and that a consensus is reached for the requirements for the proposed system. The analyst will give expert opinion on any disproportionate costs for the proposed solutions during the JAD. The analyst will discuss this with Mr Walmsley to ensure that the proposed system is financially viable and within budget. After JAD: 15. Review the documentation brought to the JAD and document the results of the JAD (refer to the analyst’s minutes) 16. Examine and prioritise the requirements identified at JAD 17. Describe the system boundary and project scope 18. Identify the constraints which could impact upon this system development 19. Reach a consensus on the information system requirements of Jet Ski Enterprise and agree a project charter for this system development project Project Charter for Jet Ski Enterprise Project name Project Description Project Manager: Ms Jones, Systems Analyst Project Sponsor Mrs Johnson, CEO Proposed System Requirements Project Duration Estimated Project Cost Mrs Johnson Signature Ms Jones Signature Mr Walmsley Signature Mr Byrne’s Signature Ms Flynn’s Signature Mr Keyes’s Signature Version 1 Page 6 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 23. Collate all of the above information into a requirements document and submit this to the CEO for approval. 24. Confirm the system requirements with the Project Sponsor, Mrs Johnson, CEO of Jet Ski Enterprise (the teacher). Mrs Johnson will review the requirements documentation and sign-off the documentation if it reaches the required standard. The approval sign-off form is in Appendix B Task 4: Review the performance of team members Complete a Peer Evaluation form for each team member (Appendix C) Version 1 Page 7 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 Appendix A: Please Complete the Interview Plan Template for Each JAD Session Interview Plan Template for Jet Ski Enterprise Joint Application Design Steps In Planning the Interview Students to complete this column: 1 Research: Read Background Material; Summarise the most important information about the system development proposal: Read the assessment Jet Ski Enterprise. Three of the main proposals are Ecommerce, Wireless Networking and ERP – Research these systems. Research the internet to find out about these systems and bring this documentation to the JAD. 2 Establish the Interview Objectives Interview/JAD Objectives: Determine what the group need to achieve at the Joint Application Design Session Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 3 Decide who should attend the JAD. Note the key stakeholders nominated by Mrs Johnson need to attend the JAD session. 4 Notify all stakeholders about when the JAD will occur Objective 4 JAD Participants: Time of JAD: Date of JAD: Venue: Resources Required: 5 Decide on question types and structure Question type: open, closed, probing Structure: pyramid structure, funnel structure or diamond shaped structure (which is a combination of pyramid and funnel) Version 1 List relevant questions here: Page 8 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 Appendix B Approval/Sign-Off Form Jet Ski Enterprise Please sign below if you approve the recommendations/documentation proposals Project Sponsor Signature: Project Sponsor (Print name) Systems Analyst Signature: Systems Analyst (Print name) Date: ___/___/___ (Note: Include a bibliography of sources for the project) Version 1 Page 9 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 Appendix C Peer Group Evaluation Form for Jet Ski Enterprise Instructions: Please complete this form. Part 1 must be completed by each student in the group and it must clearly identify the student’s contribution to the group project. Student Name: Part 1: Describe the contribution which you have made to this project – clearly identify what tasks you helped to complete and what research you undertook Identify each of the team members and estimate each member’s contribution to the Project: Describe member’s contribution – tasks completed, research undertaken, team communication skills etc Names of group members 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part 2 Assessment Teacher Use Only / Student Mark / Event Mark Comments Version 1 Page 10 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 Appendix D Minutes of JAD Jet Ski Enterprise Date: Time: Location: Chairperson: Documents tabled: Present: Apologies: Agenda Item Key Points 1. 2a. 2b. 3. 4. 5. Version 1 Page 11 of 13 Action 6-Mar-16 By Whom Due Date Communication Strategy 106745485 Resources / References Physical resources Ideally assessment should take place in the workplace. For a range of reasons this is not always possible, therefore it is essential that assessment is conducted in an environment which reflects industry practices with access to suitable resources and equipment this involves: computer laboratory with standard software internet access (with specific access to relevant educational sites) a simulated technical business environment (if work placement is not available) standard Audio visual equipment The Teacher/trainer should have access to: a simulated environment or workshop (if available) or a standard class room environment a computer lab with required specifications and relevant software standard audio visual equipment library facilities Text books A useful bookshop website is: http://www.tertiarypress.com.au Burgeron, B. P., Blander, J. M. 2002, Business Expectations: Are You Using Your Technology to Its Fullest, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471208345 Burlton, R. 2001, Business Process Management: Profiting From Process, Sams, ISBN: 0672320630 Courage, C., Baxter, K. 2004, Understanding Your Users, First Edition: A Practical Guide to User Requirements Methods, Tools, and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN: 1558609350 Hay, D.C. 2002, Requirements Analysis: From Business Views to Architecture, Prentice Hall PTR; ISBN: 0130282286 Kendall, J, Kendall, K, Systems Analysis and Design, 7th edition, Prentice Hall, IBSN: 10:0-13224085-8 Olekalns, The IT Professional: You, the Client and the Project, Tertiary Press, ISBN: 0780864586391 (available from http://www.tertiarypress.com.au) Version 1 Page 12 of 13 6-Mar-16 106745485 Robertson, S., Robertson, J. 1999, Mastering the Requirements Process, Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN: 0201360462 Young, R. R. 2001, Effective Requirements Practices, Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN: 0201709120 Online resources: Web search engines such as: http://www.google.com http://www.yahoo.com.au http://www.lycos.com http://www.webwombat.com.au http://www.excite.com.au TAFE Resources at http://esd.tafensw.edu.au/2385/itcommon/tpres.htm http://www.answers.com/ http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/advanced http://techrepublic.com Windows IT Library http://www.windowsitlibrary.com http://www.pcguide.com/ Web search engines such as: www.google.com www.yahoo.com.au www.lycos.com www.webwombat.com.au www.excite.com.au Tech Republic - this is comprehensive source of information on computer related technical issues: http://techrepublic.com Windows IT Library http://www.windowsitlibrary.com https://www.skillsonline.net.au/ For more information, contact SkillsOnline, telephone: (02) 9244 5073, fax: (02) 9266 8549, email: skillsonline@det.nsw.edu.au . A good example of a recommendation report which has much in common with a feasibility report can be found at: http://www.io.com/~hcexres/tcm1603/acchtml/recomx2a_non.html - this links to more up to date website (www.io.com/~hcexres/textbook) Tutorial: Functional Specs http://www.mojofat.com/tutorial/index.html Sample of student report. Could be used in class discussion for students to critique. http://emhain.wit.ie/~p01csd19/index.h User requirements http://www.internettg.org/newsletter/june98/user_requirements.html http://builder.com.com/5100-6315_14-5054103.html (defaults to tech republic) http://www.idinews.com/life-cycle/requirements.html Example of user requirements www.e.govt.nz Version 1 Page 13 of 13 6-Mar-16