YMCA Flag Football Rules

YMCA Flag Football Rules
Rule 1-The Game, Players and the Field
1. A team MUST have a minimum of 6 players to start a game.
2. Each coach shall designate to the game officials the team captain or captains. A field
captain's choice of any option shall be irrevocable. Each team will have a different captain or
captains each week.
3. The game shall be played under the supervision of the officials and team representatives,
including players, coach’s supervisor and team members, are subject to the rules of the game
and shall be governed by the decisions of the officials.
4. The lines bounding the sidelines and end zones are out of bounds, in their entirety, and those
lines bind the inbound area. The entire width of each goal line shall be part of the end zone.
5. Each team shall consist of 8 active players--5 lineman and 3 backfield men. The line consists
of a center, 2 guards and 2 ends. The backfield is the quarterback and 2 halfbacks. On the
offensive team, only the backs and ends are eligible for a pass. The center and 2 guards are
not eligible to carry the ball.
6. The ends may not line up more than 5 yards from the nearest offensive players.
7. The defense must have at least 3 down linemen, but no more than 5. Only the down linemen
can rush.
NO LINEBACKER BLITZING. The down linemen must line up 1 yard off the line of
scrimmage and may not line up directly across from the center. The linebackers must line up
1 1/2 yards off the line of scrimmage.
1. All players shall have parental permission to play. The player also must be cleared through
the YMCA.
1. De-flagging is the capture of a ball carrier's flag by a defensive player.
2. The flag must be cleanly taken from the ball carrier. If when attempting to take the flag, the
defensive player holds the ball carrier until the flag can be removed, this is a foul with a
penalty of 10 yards from the spot of the violation.
3. If the defensive player unnecessarily knocks the ball carrier down in attempting to capture the
flag, it is a foul with a penalty of 10 yards from the spot where the capture occurred.
4. A down shall be ended and the ball declared dead when a flag is taken from the ball carrier's
belt. The ball will be marked at the spot where the capture occurred.
5. Should the ball carrier lose a flag the ball is returned to that spot.
6. When in the act of de-flagging a ball carrier, a defensive player shall not intentionally push or
cause the carrier to fall to the ground. This is a 10-yard penalty. If the referee feels the
attempt was unnecessary roughness, the player will have to sit down for 4 downs.
7. A defensive player may intercept any pass providing his flags are attached to his belt. If the
flags are not attached the player may not advance the ball.
Ball Carrier Maneuvers
1. The ball carrier may not use his hands in any manner to protect his flag. He may not stick out
his hand or arm in any way. This action is a violation and the ball is down at the spot of the
violation. If such a foul is flagrant, the referee may penalize according to the unnecessary
roughness rule.
2. The ball carrier may not spin to avoid tackles. He is down at the spot where he made the spin.
1. Blocking shall be done by use of arms and body without the use of hands. No part of the
blocker's body, except his feet, shall be in contact with the ground through the play. No body
Defensive players are restricted in the use of their hands to the body and shoulders of the
offensive blockers.
There shall be no rolling blocks, butting, or use of the elbows. Illegal blocking will result in a
10-yard penalty.
Blocking or pushing a ball carrier who is running near a sideling for the purpose of knocking
him out-of-bounds and stopping his progress is a foul with a 10-yard penalty. A ball carrier's
progress can be stopped only by de-flagging him.
Knee blocking or tripping used in slowing down the ball carrier for the purpose of capturing
flags shall be a foul with a penalty of 10 yards.
1. The winning captain of the coin toss shall make his choice of the following options:
a. to kick off
b. to receive
c. to defend either goal line
2. The losing captain of the toss shall make his choice of the remaining options.
3. These privileges shall be reversed before the start of the second half.
4. The teams shall exchange goals before the start of the second and fourth periods and the ball
shall be placed in a position corresponding to where it was located at the end of the preceding
5. Playing time will consist of 10-minute quarters for the Grades 5-6, 8-minute quarters for
Grades 1-4. All game time will be on running clock. Clock will be stopped only during time
outs, official time outs and time required to respond to injuries. The clock may also stop the
last 2 minutes of the game if the point spread is 14 or less.
6. Intermission will be 1-minute in duration between the quarters. There will be a 5-minute
intermission between halves.
7. Time outs: Each team shall be instilled two time outs each half. Consecutive outs shall not
be allowed. When a team has used its two time outs, the referee shall notify the field captain
to that effect. A time shall not exceed 2 minutes, unless the referee deems it necessary for the
removal of any injured player.
8. Game delay: The player of each team must be in position for the kickoff at the starting time
for the first and second half. The ball must be put in according to rule after it is declared
ready for play by the referee.
The following acts shall be ruled as illegal play:
a. Interrupting the 40-second count, except for a free time out or an injury time out.
b. Consuming more than 40 seconds in putting the ball in play.
9. Substitutions: All coaches must play each player an equal amount of time regardless of
a. Incoming substitute or replacement players shall not be on the field simultaneously while
the ball is in play.
b. A team allowed an excess time out for an injured player shall be restricted to the
c. An injured player, whose injury caused a free time or officials time out charged to his
team shall leave the game for one series of downs.
d. A player suspended for unsportsmanlike conduct, or other flagrant violation, shall be
bared from further participation in the game and must leave the field of play.
e. A substitute may legally enter the game whenever the ball is dead; however, a
substitution shall not be attempted after the referee has declared the ball ready for play.
10. There will be no punting. Teams have two options: Play the fourth down or “Punt,” which
results in moving the ball the equivalent of two sections of the field.
1. Live ball: A dead ball becomes a live ball as a result of a legal snap from scrimmage or a free
2. Dead ball: A live ball becomes dead as a result of the following acts (any official of the game
may declare the ball dead by signal or whistle):
When the ball goes out of bounds in flight and strikes the ground, a player, or an obstacle
that is out of bounds.
When any part of the ball carrier, other than his hands or feet, touches the ground.
Removal of one or two flags from the ball carrier's belt.
When a touchdown, touchback, safety, fair catch, or try for a point is made.
When the ball touches the ground as a result of a muffed ball or fumbled ball.
When a forward pass strikes the ground or is caught simultaneously by opponents.
When a backwards pass touches the ground or lateral touches the ground, it shall be put
in play at the spot, or in line with the spot on the on the inbound line.
The Scrimmage
1. All plays from scrimmage must be started by a legal snap from a point between the boundary
2. There shall be 5 offensive players on the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. On
defense, no more than 5 players shall be on the line of scrimmage and no less than 3.
3. Players not assigned to the line must be at least 1 yard behind their line of scrimmage, with
the exception of the quarterback, if he takes a direct snap from behind the center.
4. No player shall interlock his or her legs.
5. No players may make contact with or interfere with an opponent before the ball is snapped.
6. No offensive player shall make a false start, including a false movement or variation in
signals to cause opponents to be offside. A penalty of 5 yards will be assessed.
7. When the ball is snapped, one offensive player may be in motion backwards, but if he leaves a
position on the line of scrimmage, he must be 5 yards behind it when the ball is snapped.
8. No player of the offensive team shall assume a position near the sidelines, which in any
manner whatsoever resembles a "sleeper" play. This isn't to be misconstrued with a split
formation, and is based on the sportsmanship aspect of the game. Players shall not line up
more than 5 yards from the nearest player.
9. If a team shifts (more than one player in motion after the ball is declared ready for play) all
players must come to a complete stop at their respective position for one full second before
the snap.
10. Interior linemen must be in a 3-point stance, both offense and defense.
11. Offensive player must huddle before each play. A no huddle offense may not be used.
The field will be divided into 15-yard sections. To make a first down the offensive team must
reach the next 15-yard line within 4 plays. Any down may be repeated if provided by a rule.
If the offensive team is penalized and the ball is placed behind another 15-yard marker, the
offensive team must make it to the original 15-yard marker, for a 1st down.
Any time that both teams commit a violation that has the same penalty, the down shall be
played over. However, if both teams are guilty of violation and the one team commits a more
serious violation (15 yard penalty), the more severe of the two violations will be upheld, with
the penalty assessed accordingly.
Free Kick
A free kick begins each half of a game and begins play following a touch down or safety. The
ball shall be put in play by a punt or a place kick from some spot on or behind the restraining
When the ball is kicked, all players of the kicking team, except the holder of a place kick,
must be behind the restraining line, and at least 3 players must be within 5 yards of the line.
The kicking team's restraining line for the kick off to start the game, second half, or kicking
the ball into play after a touchdown shall be their own 20-yard line unless changed by a
penalty. The receiving teams restraining line shall be 10 yards removed from the restraining
line of the kicking team
No player of the kicking team shall touch a free kick until it has crossed the restraining line of
the receiving team, or been first touched by the receiving team before crossing the line.
No on side kicks.
If a free kick is caught (other than a fair catch) by a player of the receiving team, the ball
remains in play until the player is de-flagged or goes out of bounds. If the ball is recovered
by a member of the kicking team, it becomes dead at the spot of such catch.
If a free kick is touched and fumbled by the receiving team, and there are defenders within 5
yards of the ball, it becomes a dead ball.
If a free kick goes out of bounds without being touched, a 5-yard penalty will be assessed and
the ball kicked over.
Scrimmaged and Returned Kicks
The kicker, on punts from scrimmage, shall be at least 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage.
All players on the line of scrimmage from both teams must remain stationary until the ball is
kicked. Violation of this free kick rule is a penalty of 5 yards.
Each team must have at least 5 players on the line of scrimmage for the free kick.
If a kicker fumbles the ball and/or the ball touches the ground, the ball is not dead, and the
punter is allowed to try to kick the ball again.
The offensive quarterback or team captain must announce to the officials that his team will
punt, so that both teams can prepare for the kick. Failure to do this is a 5-yard penalty.
When a scrimmage kick touches a player of the receiving team, and he/she loses possession,
the ball is declared dead, unless there are no defenders within 10 yards of the ball. A kicked
ball which strikes the ground at the out of bounds boundary line shall be declared dead at the
spot it touched out of bounds.
If a player of the kicking team catches a scrimmage kick beyond the line of scrimmage, the
ball becomes dead.
Fair Catch
A player of the receiving team, who is within the boundary lines, and who is in position to
touch any kick which is beyond the neutral zone, shall be given an unmolested opportunity to
catch the ball before it strikes the ground.
When a player makes a fair catch, the ball becomes dead where the player first touches it.
No player of the team, any member of which has signaled for a fair catch, shall carry the ball
more than two steps in any direction, unless it has been touched by an opponent and then
intercepted before striking the ground.
No player of the kicking team shall make any unnecessary contact with an opponent who has
completed a fair catch.
A fair catch signal shall be made when a player of the receiving team, who is beyond the
neutral zone, signals his intention by raising either arm, but only one arm, distinctively above
his head and waves it from side to side. Invalid signal shall be ruled as unsportsmanlike
conduct and penalized.
Backwards Pass
A ball carrier may hand or pass backwards at any time.
A backward pass or fumble may be intercepted by an opponent before the ball hits the ground
and can be advanced.
When a backwards pass or fumble hits the ground in bounds, out of bounds, or between the
goal line, it becomes dead and belongs to the team last in position of the ball at the spot where
the ball hit the ground or at the inbound line opposite the spot where the ball left the field of
If a backwards pass or fumble hits the ground in the end zone, other than a snap from
scrimmage touched only by the receiver of the snap, it shall be ruled a safety.
Forward Pass
The team putting the ball in play by scrimmage is entitled to throw a pass beyond the line of
scrimmage providing the pass is thrown from a point behind the scrimmage line.
Only the players on the end of the line of scrimmage, and the players in the backfield, are
eligible for a forward pass.
An eligible receiver leaving the field of play loses his eligibility, but may regain it again after
he returns to the field of play.
A forward pass is completed when caught by an eligible receiver of the passing team inbound
and is intercepted when caught by a member of the defensive team inbound.
If a legal forward pass is caught simultaneously by eligible receiver of opposing teams, the
ball becomes dead and belongs to the team that put the ball in play, unless such play was
fourth down and line to-gain has not been reached.
When a legal forward pass touches the ground inbound or anything out of bounds, it becomes
During a down in which a legal forward pass is thrown, contact which interferes with an
eligible player which is beyond the neutral zone, is pass interference except when two or more
eligible receivers make a simultaneous and bonafide attempt to reach, catch, or bat a pass or
when both lines are ruled off sides when the ball is snapped. Note: it is a legal pass attempt if
passing arm is in forward motion before de-flagging.
1. A touchdown shall be scored for the team to which the ball legally belongs, when down is
completed and any part of the ball is above or behind the opponents goal line, providing the
ball carrier has not been de-flagged by a defensive player prior to such crossing. If a legal
touchdown is scored, such action results in 6 points credited to the scoring team.
2. An opportunity to score one point, while time is out, shall be granted the team scoring a
touchdown and there shall be one scrimmage play from the 2 yard line, unless the point is
changed by a penalty. Note: teams shall have the option of using the scoring method of
running for one point or passing for two points.
3. The ball becomes dead and the offensive team loses their right to score when (point after
touchdown only):
a. The ball hits the ground as a result of a fumble or a pass intercepted by the defensive
b. An offensive player muffs a direct snap from center and it touches the ground.
c. The ball carrier is de-flagged by a defensive player before crossing the goal line.
4. It shall be a touch back when a team places the impetus on the ball which causes the ball to be
declared dead in their opponents end zone other than an incomplete pass, a try for point or
touchdown. It shall also be an optional touchback, or live ball, beyond the line of scrimmage.
When a touchback occurs, the ball is awarded to the team defending their goal, on their 15yard line if no other foul occurs.
5. It shall be a safety and 2 points are awarded when a team places the impetus on the ball,
which causes the ball to be declared dead on or beyond their own end zone. Following a
safety, the ball shall belong to the team scored upon and that team shall put the ball in play by
a free kick from their own 25-yard line.