The Watsons Go to Birmingham Study Guide

The Watsons Go to Birmingham -- 1963 Study Guide
Chapter 1
1. Why does Kenny’s mom give his dad dirty looks whenever it’s cold? What interesting language
does the author use to describe how cold it is in Flint?
2. Why does Byron have the blanket tucked into the couch cushions?
3. What was the name of Momma’s other suitor?
4. According to their father, why should the kids be glad their momma didn’t marry him?
5. Explain why the chapter is called, “And You Wonder Why We Get Called the
Weird Watsons?”
6. What kind of relationship does Kenny have with his brother, Byron?
Chapter 2
7. For what special talent do Kenny’s teachers single him out?
8. Why do you think Kenny is afraid when he realizes that the reading he has been chosen to do will
be for Byron’s class?
9. What other reason do the kids at Clark Elementary tease Kenny?
10. What happens after the reading that surprises Kenny?
11. Kenny calls the boy his “personal saver.” Why?
12. Why is the chapter called, “Give My Regards to Clark, Poindexter”?
Chapter 3
13. What has Rufus done that so surprises Kenny?
14. What does Rufus do with the other half of the sandwich?
15. What does this say about Rufus’ economic status?
16. Why is the chapter called, “The World’s Greatest Dinosaur War Ever”?
17. How did LJ get the dinosaurs?
18. What did Kenny do to Rufus that was wrong and changed things?
Chapter 4
19. What story does Byron tell Kenny and Joetta to explain why their mother
makes them wear so many clothes in the winter?
20. What kind of relationship does Kenny have with Joetta? Can you give examples of things that
happen between them that make you think that?
21. Why is the chapter called “Froze-Up Southern Folks”?
22. Why do you think Byron stops Larry Dunn from giving Kenny a “Super Maytag” when Byron
often plays similar tricks on Kenny himself?
23. What was the only good thing about Momma being afraid of the cold?
24. What does Kenny do to help Rufus?
25. How does the author make the reader sympathize with Larry Dunn?
26. Explain what happened to Kenny’s gloves and what Byron did when he found out about it.
Chapter 5
27. What bad habit does Byron have?
28. What does Momma say she is going to do to Byron if he does it again?
29. What happened to Momma when she was little that made her so afraid of what Byron was
30. Why do you think Mrs. Watson speaks “Southern-style” when she gets angry?
31. Why was the chapter called, “Nazi Parachutes Attack America and Get Shot
Down over the Flint River by Captain Byron Watson and His Flamethrower of Death”?
32. If you were Mrs. Watson, how would you punish Byron when he plays with fire?
33. How did Joetta save Byron?
Chapter 6
34. Kenny says, “If you were stupid enough to ask your question again there would be the loudest
quiet in the world coming from Momma.” What does he mean by “loudest quiet”?
35. Why was Byron mad when his mom told him to sign for the food?
36. How did Byron get the cookies?
37. Explain what happened with the bird and Byron’s reaction to it.
38. Why do you think Byron reacted that way?
39. How does the author show that Byron is not as tough as he pretends to be?
40. Why was the chapter called, “Swedish Creams and Welfare Cheese”?
Chapter 7
41. What did Byron do to his hair?
42. What is your first clue about Byron’s latest misdeed?
43. Why do you think it made his momma so angry?
44. Why do you think Byron keeps doing things that his parents have forbidden?
45. What did their father do to Byron?
46. What was their Momma’s reaction?
47. When Byron misbehaves, who do you think handles the situation better, Mr. or Mrs.
48. Why is the chapter called “Every Chihuahua in America Lines Up to Take a Bite out of Byron”?
Chapter 8
49. Why do you think Kenny is so eager to have a real mustache like his dad’s?
50. What was the “final touch” Daddy bought for the car?
51. What was the surprise under the towel?
52. Where are the Watsons going and why?
53. Why is this chapter called “The Ultra-Glide”?
54. Why do the Watsons think sending Byron to Alabama will help him to behave better? Do you
think it will work?
Chapter 9
55. Why did Mr. Watson say they had decided to take Byron to stay with Grandma Sands?
56. What present did Mrs. Davidson give Joetta and why didn’t she like it?
57. What was Byron’s plan to show his parents and make them sorry?
58. Why do you think Mrs. Watson is so careful with her planning of the trip, such as where the
family is going to stay?
59. What was the only thing Kenny could call Byron to bug him?
60. Besides being the title of the novel, why is this chapter called, “The Watsons Go to Birmingham
-- 1963”?
Chapter 10
61. What kind of toilets did they have at the rest stop in Ohio?
62. What is Mr. Watson going to try to do on the trip that Mrs. Watson doesn’t know about?
63. What was so frightening to the Watsons in Tennessee? Explain.
64. Why is the chapter called “Tangled up in God’s Beard”?
65. At the end of the chapter, Kenny says, “What could be better than driving on a mountain while
‘Yakety Yak’ played and cool, light air blew all over you?” What would be the ingredients in your
perfect moment? Explain.
Chapter 11
66. When Kenny woke up the last time, what kind of music was his dad listening to? Why is this
67. What joke did Kenny and his daddy make about Momma’s name?
68. Why was Kenny so surprised at the way his grandma looked?
69. Why is this chapter called “Bobo Brazil Meets the Sheik”?
70. Who do you think Mr. Robert is? Explain.
71. Why do you think Byron “surrenders” to Grandma Sands like he does? Explain.
Chapter 12
72. Why is this chapter called, “That Dog Won’t Hunt No More”?
73. Besides the dog, what else is the title of the chapter referring to? Explain.
74. What is Grandma Sands’s relationship with Mr. Robert?
Chapter 13
75. Explain what happened down at Collier’s Landing and why they are supposed to stay away.
76. How does Byron explain a “Wool Pooh?”
77. What clues do we have that foreshadow something bad?
78. What does the dark figure that Kenny calls the Wool Pooh symbolize? Explain.
79. Why is the chapter called “I Meet Winnie’s Evil Twin Brother, the Wool Pooh”?
Chapter 14
80. Why does Kenny wonder if something is wrong with him?
81. What do you think the boom was? Why?
82. What does By say has happened?
83. Why does the Wool Pooh show up in the church? What does it symbolize? Explain.
84. Why is the image of the American flag (red, white, and blue) important in this scene of the
book? What message is the author trying to convey?
85. Joey says that she saw Kenny laughing and she chased him all the way home.
We know this didn’t really happen. How can you explain what Joey saw?
86. Why is this chapter called “Every Bird and Bug in Birmingham Stops and Wonders”?
Chapter 15
87. Where has Kenny been disappearing to?
88. Since he believes this spot has magical powers, why do you think he is going
there? Explain.
89. Now days, what would we say is wrong with Kenny?
90. What do you think Byron is trying to do? Why?
91. Why do you think Kenny was really crying?
92. Explain Kenny’s conclusions about the Wool Pooh and magic powers.
93. What are some of ways African Americans were discriminated against in the South?
Name four.
94. What is the NAACP and what were they fighting for?
95. Name four ways that African Americans and others protested segregation.
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