Page 1 of 10 Staff Linux Services Staff Information: Summary of changes to Staff UNIX based services AUTHOR DESCRIPTION ISSUE ISSUE DATE Tom Swigg First Draft 1 6th June 2010 Tom Swigg Updated with session directory recommendations 2 14th Oct 2010 Tom Swigg Removed legacy UNIX references 3 24th Oct 2011 London South Bank University, Staff Linux Services on Version 1 Page 2 of 10 Contents Staff Linux Services......................................................................................... 1 1. Background................................................................................................. 3 2. Interactive shell login ................................................................................. 4 2.1 Access ....................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Shell .......................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Authentication ............................................................................................................ 4 2.4 Software Details ......................................................................................................... 5 3. Web development ....................................................................................... 6 3.1. Access ............................................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Authentication .................................................................................................................. 6 3.3 Site Management ............................................................................................................. 6 3.2.4 Session Management .................................................................................................... 7 4 Mysql Support ............................................................................................... 8 4.1 Mysql Servers ................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Connection details ............................................................................................................ 8 4.3 Command Line Utilities..................................................................................................... 9 5. Summary ................................................................................................... 10 London South Bank University, Staff Linux Services on Version 1 Page 3 of 10 1. Background Staff UNIX based services at LSBU were migrated to Linux during the Summer recess of 2010. Three main services are available on Linux Servers. These services are 1) Interactive shell login 2) Web development 3) Mysql database services This document is a summary of these services for Staff who wish to use Linux based services. . London South Bank University, Staff Linux Services on Version 1 Page 4 of 10 2. Interactive shell login 2.1 Access The Linux server for Staff interactive login is It is a 64 bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1. This server is not used by students. It also only supports secure shell access. This access is supported using the Windows ssh client putty which can be downloaded from 2.2 Shell The default login shell for Staff users in this environment is now set as the Bash Shell. Customisations to the user login environment can now be made by editing the user login script ~/.bash_profile or the shell specific startup script ~/.bashrc 2.3 Authentication The Staff member’s Username on Linux is the same as the Windows Active Directory Username and the password is now the same as the Windows password If a Staff member wishes to change their password then this can be done in one of four ways a) From the Linux command line using the passwd command. This will update the Active Directory password and therefore affects the staff members next login to the LSBU domain. Note, the Linux passwd command is quite strict on choice of passwords. b) Requesting a password change via the ICT Help Desk. c) Via Outlook Web Access d) By hitting CTRL-ALT-DEL and selecting Change Password when logged into Windows on your PC. London South Bank University, Staff Linux Services on Version 1 Page 5 of 10 2.4 Software Details Software Operating System Bash PHP PHP Version Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1 64 bit 3.1 5.1.6 4.2.3 PHP 4.4 PHP 3.0.18 Perl Python Ruby GCC C compiler Mysql 5.8.8 2.4.3 1.8.5 4.1.2 5.0.22 Mysql 3.23.32 TCL JAVA Rubygems Drupal Spring Framework 8.4 1.4.2 1.2.0 6.13 2.5.5 London South Bank University, Staff Linux Services on Comment Kernel 2.6.18-53.el5 Bundled with OS Bundled For backwards compatibility /usr/local/php-4.2.3/bin/php For backwards compatibility /usr/local/php4-ssl/bin/php For backwards compatibility /usr/local/php-3.0.18/bin/php Bundled Bundled Bundled Bundled Via the separate mysql 5 server called For backwards compatibility Local to crito so connection strings will need to be changed Bundled Bundled TBD Download TBD Download TBD Download Version 1 Page 6 of 10 3. Web development 3.1. Access The new Linux server for Staff personal web services is It is 64 bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (release 5.1) It also only supports secure ftp access. This access is supported using the Windows Filezilla utility 3.2 Authentication The Staff member’s Username on Linux again is the same as the Windows Active Directory Username and the password is now the same as the Windows password. If a staff member wishes to change their password then this can be done in one of four ways a) From the UNIX command line using the passwd command. This will update the Active Directory password and therefore affects the Staff member’s next login to the LSBU domain. Note, the Linux passwd command is quite strict on choice of passwords. b) Requesting a password change via the ICT Help Desk. c) Via Outlook Web Access d) By hitting CTRL-ALT-DEL and selecting Change Password when logged into Windows on your PC. 3.3 Site Management Once a user has uploaded their web site files, the default setting for folders and files should ensure that ownerships and permissions are correct. If there are any problems they are advised to log in interactively and run the command wwwset whose purpose is to ensure web pages, folders and scripts have the correct user and group ownership as well as permissions. The location of web site files and scripts has been a matter of contention over the duration of the overall UNIX to Linux Migration project and pilot usage. The rationale surrounding the final configuration is dealt with in a separate document. In short we will continue to use the legacy structure. So web site files will still be located in the user’s ~/.public_html directory and any scripts should be placed in the ~/.public_html/cgi-bin directory. All scripts should be run by a CGI wrapper program via a Script Alias such as /php5c-cgiwrap . This has the following advantages London South Bank University, Staff Linux Services on Version 1 Page 7 of 10 a) The execution of scripts takes place in the context of the account holder thus providing isolation b) The execution of scripts is logged c) The execution of scripts from off campus can be controlled. The URL used to access the web site remains as Whilst URLs were shared with Students on UNIX, it has been decided that Staff and Student web sites should be separated and managed independently. It was felt that the myweb URLs should remain for Staff only as Staff members may have established published links using these URLs. So a new URL namespace will be used for Students from Academic Year 2010/2011 onwards. 3.2.4 Session Management There is a problem, that may very well have been present before the migration, where a second tab connection to a different www site generates a permission denied error when trying to open a session file. Here is an explanation and workaround. This problem occurs if you run both scripts in different tabs in the same browser. The first one starts a session and opens a session file. The second one tries to use the same session file, but cant because it is running under a different account, so does not have the right permissions. The solution is to have each account keep its session files in its own location. For each account: Create a new directory to hold session files. This can be anywhere the account has read/write access, e.g. /users/ms/ms/ercrecru/web/cgi-bin/php-sessions For PHP4 copy the php.ini file from /usr/local/php-4.2.3/bin/php.ini into the directory where your scripts live. For PHP5, make a copy of /etc/php.ini instead of /usr/local/php4.2.3/bin/php.ini Edit the session.save_path entry in your copy of php.ini to point to the new directory, e.g. session.save_path = /users/ms/ms/ercrecru/web/cgi-bin/phpsessions London South Bank University, Staff Linux Services on Version 1 Page 8 of 10 4 Mysql Support 4.1 Mysql Servers As part of the migration process any Staff member with a personal mysql database will be able to access that database from the new Linux Server by using the following connection information. The migration will be to a mysql 3 database running on In addition we will be supporting mysql5 on a server 4.2 Connection details Mysql Version Mysql Server Name Mysql Database Name Mysql User Name Mysql Password . Mysql Version Mysql Server Name Mysql Database Name Mysql User Name Mysql Password 3.23.32 Same as your Linux username Same as your Linux username Same as the Mysql password used for accessing your database before migration 5.0.22 Same as your Linux username Same as your Linux username A separate password distinct from your AD password Should you request this facility you will be expected to migrate the database from mysql3 to mysql5 yourself. London South Bank University, Staff Linux Services on Version 1 Page 9 of 10 4.3 Command Line Utilities The bundled mysql commands on crito will not work out of the box so wrapper scripts have been provided to connect to the local mysql 3 server or to the new mysql 5 server For Mysql3 [swiggtc@crito ~]$ mysql3 -u username -p dbname This is a wrapper script for the legacy mysql 3.23.32 Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 500662 to server version: 3.23.32 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer mysql> [swiggtc@crito ~]$ mysqldump3 -u username -p dbname > dbname.dmp This is a wrapper script for Enter password: the legacy mysql 3.23.32 For Mysql5 [swiggtc@crito ~]$ mysql5 -u username -p dbname This is a wrapper script for mysql 5 Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 500662 to server version: 3.23.32 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer mysql> [swiggtc@crito ~]$mysqldump5 -u username -p dbname > dbname.dmp This is a wrapper script for Enter password: London South Bank University, Staff Linux Services on mysql 5 Version 1 Page 10 of 10 5. Summary New Server Detail Login Server Name Login Password Windows Password Login Shell Bash Shell (bash/sh) Web Server Name SFTP User Password Windows Password PHP Version PHP 5.1.6 (with 3.0.18/4.2.3/4.4 for compatibility) Mysql Server ( for mysql 3 compatibility) MySQL Version Mysql 5.0.22 (with 3.23.32 for compatibility) Site Base Folder ~/.public_html CGI Folder ~/.public_html/cgi-bin Session directory ~/.public_html/cgi-bin/php-sessions CGIWrapper Script Alias /php5c-cgiwrap (with /php4-cgiwrap and /php-cgiwrap for backwards compatibility) London South Bank University, Staff Linux Services on Version 1