Schulenburg ISD Agricultural Science & FFA Student Handbook 2010-2011 1 Table of Contents Welcome 3 Officer Team 4 Officer Team Profile 5 Awards Program 7 Scholarship Opportunities 8 Competitive Team Activities 9 Leadership Activities 10 Ethics & Official Dress 11 Ag Science Course Offerings 12 FFA Fundraising Activities 13 FFA Member Participation 14 Hours Program 15 FFA History, Dues and Jackets 16 Overnight Trips 17 Calendar of Activities 18 Parent Travel Permission Form 21 Emergency Information Form 22 The Schulenburg ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disabilities in providing educational services, activities and programs, including Career and Technical Education programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; as amended, and the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 2 August 9, 2010 Dear Students and Parents: Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year and the Schulenburg FFA and Schulenburg Agricultural Science Department. It is enlightening to see the new and returning students in our program. This year’s program of activities is loaded with a wide array of challenges and activities for your participation. The Agricultural Science Program consists of three elements, Classroom Instruction, Supervised Agricultural Experience and the FFA. This is a unique program and we believe it will be a life-changing experience for you. There are many opportunities for you to develop leadership skills as well as experience personal growth throughout your participation. We look forward to each of you attending the plethora of activities and meetings available. It is a great way to make new friends and create camaraderie which will last a lifetime. Remember, as with any endeavor you pursue, you only get out of this organization what you put into it. We are here to offer guidance and support for each of you. Please do not hesitate to contact one of us if we can be of any assistance. Sincerely, Amy Hartman Brad Lux Shaye Beasley 3 2010-2011 Schulenburg FFA Officer Team President: Chelsea Hall Vice-President: Amber Matula Secretary: Kaitlin Wheeler Treasurer: Brandon Pavlica Reporter: Sami Hall Sentinel: Kori Dvorak Student Advisor: Haley Little Historian: Natalie Gabler 4 Officer Profiles Chelsea Hall Officer Position: President Parents: Ricky and Debbie Hall Grade in School: 11th Number of Years as an FFA Member: 3 Favorite FFA Activity: Quiz Team Most Memorable FFA Experience: Putting on District IV Leadership Camp Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, playing phase 10 at FFA activities, reading Life Goal: I’m not sure where I want to go to college or what I want to major in; I just know I want to help others in my career Amber Matula Officer Position: Vice President Parents: Stephen and Lisa Matula Grade in School: 12th Number of Years as an FFA Member: 4 Favorite FFA Activity: Showing Heifers Most Memorable FFA Experience: Attending the Washington Leadership Conference last summer, I enjoyed meeting FFA members from across the nation Hobbies: Phase 10 Life Goal: I would like to complete my degree from Texas A&M and then pursue a job in the Veterinary field Kaitlin Wheeler Officer Position: Secretary Parents: Sam and Julie Lewis Grade in School: 10th Number of Years as an FFA Member: 2 Favorite FFA Activity: Horse Judging Most Memorable FFA Experience: Falling through the bed at Officer Retreat Hobbies: Reading and hanging out with friends Life Goal: To get a college education in some Agriculture Field and make an impact in someone’s life Brandon Pavlica Officer Position: Treasurer Parents: Michael and Theresa Pavlica Grade in School: 12th Number of Years as an FFA Member: 4 Favorite FFA Activity: Wildlife Contest and Ag Mechanic Shows. Most Memorable FFA Experience: Attending the Washington Leadership Conference last summer, it was my first time to fly Hobbies: Hunting, fishing and building things 5 Life Goal: I would like to own a business after I get my welding and diesel mechanic certifications Sami Hall Officer Position: Reporter Parents: Ricky and Debbie Hall Grade in School: 10th Number of Years as an FFA Member: 2 Favorite FFA Activity: Chapter Conducting Most Memorable FFA Experience: Attending Area III Greenhand camp, it was an amazing experience Hobbies: Reading and hanging out with friends Life Goal: To better someone’s life Kori Dvorak Officer Position: Sentinel Parents: Kimberly Dvorak and Keith Dvorak Grade in School: 12th Number of Years as an FFA Member: 3 Favorite FFA Activity: Ag Issues Most Memorable FFA Experience: Doing the Moose at officer retreat last year with Cody. Hobbies: Swimming and singing at the top of my lungs in my car Life Goal: Become an RN and be happy in life Haley Little Officer Position: Student Advisor Parents: Ronny and Patty Little Grade in School: 10th Number of Years as an FFA Member: 2 Favorite FFA Activity: Land Judging Most Memorable FFA Experience: While we were at our officer retreat, Kaitlin stepped on one of the bottom bunks and it broke and she kind of fell through and scared everyone in the room. Hobbies: Reading and writing short stories Life Goal: To make a difference in at least one person’s life Natalie Gabler Officer Position: Historian Parents: Steve and Sylvia Gabler Grade in School: 12th Number of Years as an FFA Member: 4 Favorite FFA Activity: Dairy Cattle Judging Most Memorable FFA Experience: State FFA Convention in Corpus Christi Hobbies: Hanging out with family, playing with my dog Life Goal: To become a distinguished Veterinarian and own a successful practice 6 Awards Program The Schulenburg FFA Chapter has several award opportunities for members to participate. Each spring, the Schulenburg FFA hosts an Awards Banquet to recognize the achievements of FFA members. Members must complete an application and submit it before the required deadline which will be announced in the spring semester. Applications will be judged by an outside panel of Agricultural Science Teachers from the District and Area Associations. The following awards will be awarded on the chapter level: 1. STAR AWARDS Star Greenhand (First Year Member) Star Chapter Farmer Star Lone Star 2. PROFICIENCY AWARDS Members will be awarded certificates based upon their Supervised Agricultural Experience Program 3. OUTSTANDING FFA MEMBER 4. YOUNG FARMER LEADERSHIP AWARD 5. BLUE/GOLD AWARD 6. ELMO MEYER OUTSTANDING BREEDING AWARD 7. Member of the Month **Students may apply for Proficiency awards, Lone Star FFA Degree, and Star Awards beyond the chapter level based upon their completed record book for their FFA experience. Requirements for these awards are located in the National FFA Manual and the Texas FFA Degree Selection Procedures. This information is kept on file in the Agriscience teacher’s office. Please contact Ms. Hartman or Ms. Beasley or Mr. Lux if you wish to apply for advanced awards or for further information. 7 Scholarship Opportunities 1. Scholarship Opportunities through Texas FFA Association Scholarship Programs Graduating seniors apply during the Spring Semester at the District Degree Check. Scholarship is based on academic rank (must be in top 25% for Houston, top 50% for the others), SAT/ACT scores (minimum 950 on SAT, minimum of 20 on ACT), and FFA activities. Students will interview at the Area Degree Check. Ten members from the Area Association will advance to state interviews to compete for these awards. San Antonio Livestock Show $16,000 (13 offered) Star of Texas Livestock Show $15,000 (1 offered) Houston Livestock Show $15,000 (70 offered) o You do not have to be an Agricultural or Life Science Major to receive this scholarship. Dick Wallrath Scholarship $10,000 (71 offered) o You do not have to be an Agricultural or Life Science Major to receive this scholarship. Jim Bob Norman Memorial $10,000 (2 offered) C.J. “Red” Davidson $8,000 (2 offered) Southwestern Exposition $4,000 (2 offered) Farm Credit Bank of Texas $2,000 (4 offered) Texas Agricultural Education Fund $2,000 (1 offered) Young Farmers of Texas $2,000 (1 offered) 2. National FFA Scholarships Graduating seniors apply for various scholarships. Students may obtain an application from , the National FFA website. Eligibility requirements and award amounts are listed as well. 3. State Fair of Texas Scholarship Graduating seniors must complete an application and submit it prior to deadline. More information can be obtained at 4. Agriscience Fair Competition The Agriscience Fair offers the opportunity for members to demonstrate their Agriscience abilities through a science fair competition. Scholarships are awarded on the state and national levels. 5. Proficiency, Star Awards and Work Based Learning Students can obtain various scholarships through participation in advanced awards. Students who win on the state and national levels will receive scholarships. 6. Career Development Events Students can win various scholarships at various contests if they win high individual honors. Additionally, colleges scout judging team members and offer those students with exceptional abilities scholarships to judge at their universities or colleges, respectively. 7. Schulenburg FFA Graduating senior members of the FFA chapter can apply for the local chapter scholarships to help defray expenses of higher education. 8. Schulenburg Jr. Livestock Show Graduating seniors that have participated in the Livestock show are eligible to apply for these scholarships. 9. Schulenburg Young Farmers Graduating seniors can apply for this local scholarship to help defray expenses of higher education. The 2010 Graduating Schulenburg FFA members were awarded over $35,500 in FFA related scholarships. *** Other scholarship opportunities will be announced during class and at FFA meetings as they become available. *** 8 Competitive Team Activities Leadership Development Teams – Fall Semester Jr. Chapter Conducting Sr. Chapter Conducting Jr. FFA Skills Demonstration Sr. FFA Skills Demonstration Jr. FFA Quiz Team Sr. FFA Quiz Team Sr. Creed Speaking Jr. Creed Speaking Agricultural Issues Forum Radio Broadcasting Team FFA Public Relations Job Interview Career Development Teams – Spring Semester Soil and Water Stewardship Speaking Extemporaneous Speaking Jr. Prepared Public Speaking Sr. Prepared Public Speaking Wildlife Land Evaluation Livestock Judging Horse Evaluation Dairy Cattle Judging Floriculture Nursery Landscape Farm Business Management Poultry Judging Ag Sales Agricultural Communications 9 LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES The following activities are offered to all members in the Schulenburg FFA. Some activities may have prerequisites based upon leadership achievements. Fall Semester Texas Leadership Conference Area III Greenhand Leadership Camp District IV FFA Meeting State Fair of Texas Fayette County Fair National FFA Convention Leadership Development Events Spring Semester Elite Conference Career Development Events Fort Worth Livestock Exposition San Antonio Livestock Exposition Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Star Of Texas Livestock Show and Rodeo Schulenburg Jr. Livestock Show District IV Convention Area III Convention Summer Break State Leadership Conference for Area and State Officers Area III Leadership Conference for District Officers District IV Leadership Camp for Chapter Officers State FFA Convention Washington Leadership Conference 10 When you look good... The FFA Looks Great! FFA Code of Ethics We will conduct ourselves at all times in order to be a credit to our organization, chapter, school and community by: Dressing neatly and appropriately for the occasion Showing respect for others and being courteous at all times Being honest and not taking unfair advantage of others Respecting the property of others Refraining from boisterous talk, swearing and other unbecoming conduct Demonstrating good sportsmanship Attending meetings promptly Taking pride in our organization and its functions Sharing with others experiences and knowledge by attending state and national meetings Official Dress The uniform worn by FFA members at local, district, area, state, and national functions is called official dress. It provides identity and a distinctive, recognizable image to the organization. Female members should wear: Black skirt – hem should be between knee and calf White collared blouse Official FFA scarf Black nylon hosiery Black dress shoes – closed toe and closed heel Official FFA Jacket – zipped to top Male members should wear: Black pants or slacks White collared shirt Official FFA tie Black socks Black shoes (low top dress shoes) Official FFA Jacket – zipped to top CDE Dress for contests Buttoned down or Polo type collared shirt Nice Jeans or Slacks that fit at the waist and are free of fading or holes. Closed toe shoes are required Appropriate caps or hats for the contest Official Dress for Livestock Shows Buttoned down or polo type collared shirt Nice Jeans that fit at the waist and are free of fading or holes. Closed toe shoes are required – NO Tennis Shoes. Belt should be worn No caps or hats Hair should be pulled away from face and look orderly. In addition to the previous guidelines, the Schulenburg ISD Student Dress Code is in effect at all FFA activities and competitions. If it is inappropriate to wear to school, it is inappropriate to wear to an FFA activity. 11 Agricultural Science & Technology Course Offerings Schulenburg High School Principles of Agriculture Agricultural Mechanics Blinn Welding Wildlife Management Livestock Production Advanced Animal Science Food Technology Professional Communications Problems and Solutions (Yearbook) Floral Design Horticulture Diversified Career Preparations * All Agricultural Mechanics students must provide materials for personal projects. 12 FFA FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES The FFA provides many activities throughout the year that require money. The entry fees for contests, community service projects, the food and refreshments at meetings, animal projects assistance, and supplies for the banquet require a large sum of money. You are asked to participate in whatever fundraising activity that we have. The more money that our group makes, the more activities we can provide to you. Each family is asked to have the first member of the family sell 25 items and 10 for each additional family member. This year, as in the past, we are selling nutritional food products. We will be offering DJ’s meat items and Seitz’s fruit. These products will be delivered in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas orders. We will also be selling cheese items as well this year. These products are also great for selling to large businesses and families for Christmas presents. In addition, you must sell at least 25 items to be eligible to go on the end of the year trip. Students are also reimbursed $.50 per items sold to help defray the cost of gas for the delivery of the items sold. This year the top selling individual and the top selling family will receive $.75 per item sold. The FFA will also be in charge of the concession stands for all home football games. We encourage everyone to come and help out at the concession stands. The FFA will also host its annual BBQ chicken dinner in January. 13 FFA Member Participation Every FFA member should take advantage of the variety of activities that the FFA has to offer. We will recognize those members of the FFA who have actively participated in the many activities offered. Each different activity that an FFA member participates has an hour value. This system will also be used to determine what members can qualify to participate in the Schulenburg Livestock Show and to attend Area and State FFA Conventions. It will also be used to help select the various star awards. Twenty-five hours are required to participate in the Stock show and attend the State and Area FFA Conventions. Members reaching the 25 hour mark will be rewarded with an end of the year trip. Sign in sheets will be at each activity held, please make sure you sign your name on the sheet to receive credit. Activities: Chapter Meetings Fundraisers (Concession Stands, Meat/Fruit/Cheese Sales, BBQ Chicken Dinner) District FFA meetings Area Convention LDE’s-District, Area and State Local FFA activities CDE’s Exhibiting Animals at Major Livestock Shows (Fayette County Fair, State Fair, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston, Schulenburg Jr. Livestock Show, and Star of Texas) 14 Schulenburg FFA Hours Program The students of the Schulenburg FFA Chapter work each year to earn a spot on the San Antonio Spurs Night Trip. Members can earn a spot on the trip through their activities during the year. The Top 15 members in hours earn a spot on a trip in May. Members must have earned a total of at least 25 hours in order to be eligible for the end of the year trip. The only cost to the member is for food and souvenirs. Below you will find our hour verification sheets that are due at the February Meeting. How to Earn Hours: To be eligible to show in the Schulenburg Jr. Livestock Show, members must earn 25 hours by participating in FFA Activities. Below is a list of activities. Not all activities are listed on this page. Feel free to add approved activities in the blanks. Concession Stand – Members must work a minimum of 12 hours (This year we will have 5 Friday Football Games and 5 Thursday JV/JH Football Games. The concession stand will open earlier on Friday nights to accommodate Volleyball patrons.) Concession Stand (must have 12) Other Activities (13 hours) Houston Livestock Show San Antonio Livestock Show District Officer Elections District Degree Check Area III Convention Washing Leadership Conference District Officer Camp Officer Retreat State Convention FFA Meetings (attend 6) Area Greenhand Camp Leadership Development Events Career Development Events Career Development Events (Area/State) District IV Greenhand Meeting District IV Banquet Food Drive Pre-Shows BBQ Chicken Dinner Fruit/Meat/Cheese Sales __________ __________2 hours/activity __________2 hours/activity __________1 hour __________1 hour __________2 hours __________5 hours __________2 hours __________2 hours __________5 hours __________1 hour/meeting __________3 hours __________2 hours/event __________1 hour/event local level __________2 hours/event __________1 hour __________1 hour __________1 hour per $5 donated (85lbs) __________1 hour/show __________1 hour/15 tickets sold __________1 hour/shift worked __________3 hours (25 items 1st member, 10 items/additional member) Jackpot shows __________1 hour __________1 hour/show Additional Activities __________ Total Hours __________ (Each additional 5 items) 15 Schulenburg FFA History Schulenburg FFA was charted October 22, 1930. Throughout the chapter’s history, members have been competitive in all aspects of FFA. Schulenburg boasts several state, area and district officers. Members today are continuing to follow in the footsteps of excellence that have lain before them. FFA Dues Schulenburg ISD is participating in the Affiliation Fee program offered through National FFA. This program pays the FFA dues for every student enrolled in an Ag Science Classroom in grades 9-12. Jr. FFA is not involved in this program and will have dues of $15.00 per member. FFA Jackets FFA Jackets can be purchased for $60.00. This will include your jacket and a tie or scarf. Orders will be placed on the 1st Friday each month throughout the year and the orders will then be placed with the National FFA Supply Service. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. All members are encouraged to purchase an FFA Jacket. 16 Overnight Trips The opportunity to participate in the Schulenburg FFA is a privilege extended to SISD students. Participation in the Schulenburg FFA places a student in a position of recognition and often bestows the position of role model upon the member. Any student who elects to accept the privilege of participating in the Schulenburg FFA must recognize that he/she is a representative of the school and district, and will be held to a higher standard of conduct than that applied to the general student body. This applies to school related and non-school related activities. The member is subject to state law, school district policies, school rules and regulations, the Schulenburg FFA Constitution and By-laws, and University Interscholastic League (UIL) rules. Schulenburg ISD policy governs all trips taken by FFA members. Any student found in violation of these policies will be disciplined accordingly. Students will follow directions given by Advisors, as well as adult chaperones. Students will conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times. Students will stay with the group at all times. Students will not leave the hotel or site of activity for any reason. Students will follow all curfew times. Lights out will be at the discretion of the advisors. Students must stay in the room assigned to them. Female students will not be allowed in rooms of male students. Male students will not be allowed in rooms of female students. Students will wear official dress, except when notified by the Advisors. Schulenburg ISD dress code is in effect at all times. Violations to these guidelines will not be tolerated. 17 AUGUST 9- Welcome Back to School Meeting 7:00pm expo center 27- Van Vleck (V) (PN) 30- SJLS Steer Tag In 5:00pm SEPTEMBER 1-5 Fayette County Fair 1- Young Farmer Hay Show Mtg. 3- St. Joe (V) 6- School Holiday 8- SJLS Board Mtg. 7:00pm Expo 9- Officer Mtg. 9- Shiner (JV) 11- Livestock Show Supporters Lamb/Goat Show 9:00am Expo 11- Colorado Co. Fair Livestock CDE 13- District IV Greenhand Meeting - Columbus Supporter Mtg. 6:30pm Expo 20-24 Greenhand Week 23- Bloomington (JV) 28- Young Farmer Mtg. 7:30pm Expo 25 – Area III Greenhand Camp 30- Weimar (JH) OCTOBER 1- Weimar (V) 2- Ft. Bend Co. Fair Livestock 7- Officer Mtg. 7- East Bernard (JV) 9- Austin Co. Fair 11- Jr. FFA Mtg. 4:00pm Ag FFA Mtg. 7:00pm Expo Supporters Mtg. 6:30pm Expo 13- Jr. FFA Due Deadline 14- Danbury (JH) 15- Danbury (V) (Homecoming) 20-23– National FFA Conv. Indianapolis 21-Brazos ( JV) 26- Young Farmer Mtg. 7:00pm Expo 28- Tidehaven (JH) 29 - Tidehaven (V) 30 – FFA Open House 8- Jr. FFA Meeting 4:00pm Ag Supporters Mtg. 6:30pm Expo 13- AggieFest 15- District IV LDE Blinn Brenham 16- SJLS Swine, Lamb & Goat Tag In till 7pm 20- Area III LDE Blinn Brenham 24- Young Farmer Meeting 7:30pm Sale Barn 25-Thanksgiving FFA Mtg. 7:00pm Expo Supporter Mtg. 6:30pm Expo 14-16 – Young Farmer Convention (Odessa) 12- Stock show Board Mtg 7:00pm Expo 22- Pre Show (Swine, Lamb, Goat, Heifer, Steer) 25- Young Farmer Mtg. 7:00pm Expo 30- BBQ Dinner DECEMBER FEBRUARY 3-4 STATE LDE 9- Officer Mtg. 13- Jr. FFA mtg. 4:00pm Ag FFA Mtg. 7:00pm Expo Supporter Mtg. 6:30pm Expo 25- Christmas 3-20- San Antonio Livestock Expo 3- Officer Meeting 9- Stock Show Board Mtg. Expo Center 7:00pm 14- Jr. FFA Mtg. 7:00pm Expo FFA Meeting 7:00 Expo Stock show Supporter Mtg. 6:30 Expo 22-YF Meeting 25-26 Schulenburg Jr. Livestock Show JANUARY 6- Officer Mtg 7- Elite Conference and Mid Winter Conference Brenham 10- Jr. FFA Mtg. 4:00pm Ag NOVEMBER 4- Boling (JV) 18 MARCH 2-20 Houston Livestock Show 3- Officer Mtg 14- Stock Show Supporter Mtg. 6:30 pm Expo Jr. FFA Mtg 4:00pm AG FFA Mtg. 7:00pm Expo 9- Stock Show Board Meeting Expo Center 7:00pm 16-18 Spring Break 22- YF Meeting 23- McClennon CDE 24- Tarleton CDE 25- SWT Invite. CDE 26- TAMU CDE Clinic/ Area III Horse 28- District IV Officer Elections/ Banquet Royal APRIL 5-West of the Brazos Land & Wildlife CDE 6- Area III Dairy @Tarleton 9- Area III CDE @A&M 11- FFA Meeting 7:30 Jr. FFA Meeting 4:30 Stock Show Supporters 12- Region III Wildlife CDE 18- District IV Degree Check Brenham 21- Teacher Breakfast 22- Tarleton State CDE 23- SHSU State CDE 26- Officer Mtg 27- Chapter Officer Interviews 27- YF Meeting 27-30 TAKS 30- All Stock Show Record Books Due JULY 11-15 State Convention Lubbock, Texas 11- Stock Show Supporter Mtg. 6:30 pm Expo Center 13- Stock Show Board Mtg. 7:00pm Expo Center MAY 2- FFA Banquet 5- Area III Speaking Events Brenham 6- Area III Convention 7 – State CDE @ TAMU 10- State Wildlife CDE San Angelo 27- Last Day of School 28- Graduation JUNE 5-Stock Show Supporters Expo 6:30 pm 8-10- State Degree Check 17-18 - Area III Camp 20- YF Meeting 24-25- District Camp 19 Forms The following pages contain forms that need to be returned to the agriscience teachers. If you are going to participate in any FFA activity, we must have the permission slip and emergency information. We also need the website permission form so we may include you picture on the FFA website which is located under the Schulenburg Independent School District website. Finally, the Acknowledgement form indicating you have received the handbook needs to be completed and returned to your Agriscience teacher by 20 SCHULENBURG FFA / AGRISCIENCE DEPARTMENT PARENT TRAVEL PERMISSION FORM FACULTY SPONSORS: SHAYE BEASLEY, AMY HARTMAN, BRAD LUX STUDENT: ______________________________________ GRADE LEVEL: __________ PARENTS’ NAME___________________________________________________________ The above named student has my consent to travel to and/or from each event participated in by this organization during this school year including all errands and activities related to duties and assignments made to members enrolled in the FFA / AGRISCIENCE CLASS. The mode of transportation will be Schulenburg ISD provided transportation. 1. All students must abide by state, district and campus policies at all AGRISCIENCE/FFA sponsored events, whether held during normal school hours, after school hours, or on weekends and holidays. 2. I understand that students who violate said policies will be subject to disciplinary consequences in accordance with the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT, including possible removal from future participation in FFA events. 3. I understand that infractions to any of these said policies which include theft, vandalism, and possession of illegal substances will result in notification of parent/guardian and my child being returned to school at the parent’s expense with no reimbursement of funds. 4. I agree to, and hereby, release Schulenburg Independent School District and its trustees, employees, sponsors and volunteers from all legal responsibility from liability resulting from any activities of this organization, including liability caused by or related to the negligence of any such party. 5. I agree or do not agree (please circle one) to allow my child to swim at any events that swimming opportunities available. This form must be signed and returned to the sponsor before the student will be permitted to participate in any activities of this organization. This Schulenburg FFA & Agricultural Science Department Handbook has been published to help your son/daughter gain the greatest possible benefit from his/her agricultural science/FFA experience. The FFA needs your cooperation. It is very important that each FFA member understands the opportunities and regulations outlined in this handbook. Parents are to encourage their son/daughter to abide by all rules or regulations set forth in this handbook. Please go over all agreements outlined in this handbook and return them to your Agriscience teacher. Your signature and that of your child acknowledge the receipt of this FFA Member Handbook and the agreement to take full advantage of all the opportunities that are available to members. __________________________________________ Signature of Student ____________________ Date __________________________________________ Signature of Student ___________________ Date Date Received______________________________ 21 Schulenburg FFA Emergency Information This form must be completed by the parent/guardian of each member. This form is required of all students in an Ag Science Class. This form must be updated yearly or in the event that any of the information should change. WITHOUT THIS COMPLETED FORM, YOUR CHILD MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE FFA ACTIVITIES. STUDENT’S NAME_____________________________________________ GRADE______ DATE OF BIRTH_____________________ T-Shirt Size: _________ PARENT OR GUARDIAN’S NAME________________________________________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS_________________________________ CITY_________________________ ZIP____________ TELEPHONE #__________________ PARENTS HOME # (IFDIFFERENT) ___________________ MOM’S WORK #_____________________ DAD’S WORK#_______________________________ Parent’s Email Address____________________________________________________________ INSURANCE CARRIER____________________________________ _____________________ PHONE #_____________________________________________________________________ NAME OF INSURED____________________________________________________________ ID NUMBER___________________________________________________________________ GROUP #_____________________________________________________________________ PLAN #_______________________________________________________________________ Name and phone number of relative or friend who can be contacted in case of emergency when Parent/guardian is unavailable. NAME_________________________________________ PHONE #_____________________ RELATION__________________ NAME_________________________________________ PHONE #_____________________ RELATION__________________ FAMILY DOCTOR_______________________________PHONE#______________________ DENTIST_______________________________________PHONE#______________________ IF, IN THE JUDGEMENT OF ANY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SCHOOL, THE AVOVE STUDENT NEEDS IMMEDIATE CARE AND TREATMENT AS A RESULT OF ANY INJURY OR ILLNESS, I DO HEREBY REQUEST, AUTHORIZE, AND CONSENT SUCH CARE AND TREATMENT AS MAY BE GIVEN SAID STUDENT BY ANY MEDICALLY QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE. I DO HEREBY, AGREE, TO INDEMIFY AND SAVE HARMLESS THE SCHOOL AND ANY SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE FROM ANY CLAIM BY ANY SUCH PERSON OF SUCH CARE AND TREATMENT OF SAID STUDENT. ___________________________________ STUDENT’S SIGNATURE DATE __________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE DATE 22