Coagulation Disorders NP06L022 Study Guide Reference: Adult Health Nursing, 4th Edition Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition,p 537-539 Introduction to Critical Care Nursing, 3rd Edition Student Study Assignment: Adult Health Nursing, 4th Edition, p252, 271-276 Introduction to Critical Care Nursing, 3rd Edition p 443-454 Terminal Learning Objective: Given a patient with a coagulation disorder, provide safe and effective care IAW Christensen Enabling Learning Objectives: A: Discuss normal hemostasis B: Compare the etiology/pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, assessment, diagnosis, medical management, medications that may have a thrombocytopenic effect, and nursing interventions of thrombocytopenia, hemophilia and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). C: Describe the treatment of von -Willebrand's disease D: Discuss the nursing process for a patient with a coagulation disorder A: Discuss normal hemostasis B: Compare the etiology/pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, assessment, diagnosis, medical management, ,medications that may have a thrombocytopenic effect, and nursing interventions of thrombocytopenia, hemophilia and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). 1. Define thrombocytopenia. 2. What are two observable signs of thrombocytopenia? 3. List four drugs that have thrombocytopenic effects. 4. Name four medical management tools for thrombocytopenia. 5. Name five nursing interventions associated with thrombocytopenia. Coagulation Disorders NP06L022 Study Guide 6. What is the antihemophilic factor and what does it do? 7. Discuss the genetic issues associated with hemophilia. 8. Define hemarthrosis. 9. Discuss the medical management associated with hemophilia. 10. List two precipitating causes for DIC for obstetrical, neoplastic, hematological, trauma, and other categories. 11. Define DIC. 12. What are two essential nursing measures for DIC? C: Describe the treatment of von -Willebrand's disease Coagulation Disorders NP06L022 Study Guide D: Discuss the nursing process for a patient with a coagulation disorder 1. Fill in three nursing interventions for each diagnosis. Nursing Diagnosis Altered tissue perfusion, related to hemorrhage Outcomes Patient will maintain adequate perfusion to all tissues Fluid volume deficit, related to hemorrhage Patient will maintain normal volume status Pain, related to thrombosis Patient will verbalize adequate pain control Nursing Interventions