ACCIDENT PREVENTION AND SAFETY 10 LIFE SKILLS I WILL: 1. FOLLOW SAFETY RULES IN MY HOME. Accident is a sudden unexpected event: preventing falls, fire safety, poisoning, fire arm safety, preventing suffocation, self-protection in school, work, and home. 2. STAY SAFE AT SCHOOL. Playground safety, violence and gangs at school, weapons, alcohol and drug free schools, follow school rules, teacher rules 3. FOLLOW SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR DIFFERENT WEATHER CONDITIONS AND DISASTER. Hot weather, cold, lightning, tornado, hurricanes, earthquakes, any weather or conditions local to your area. School policy and safety procedures were to go, what to do. 4. STAY SAFE IN MY COMMUNITY. Pedestrian safety, animal safety, self protection in public, weapons in the community, gangs, drugs, safe houses/places in community. 5. BE ABLE TO HELP FOR EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. CPR/first aid, how to contact people in case of emergency/non-emergency. 6. SKILLED IN BASIC FIRST AID PROCEDURES. CPR/first aid, control bleeding, respiratory emergencies, heimlich, poisoning, shock, stroke, fractures, dislocations, burns, eye injuries, 7. CHOOSE BEHAVIORS TO REDUCE MY RISK OF VIOLENCE. Self defense, identify human behavior in stressful situations, risk factors, able to identify risk behaviors/situations, 8. PROTECT MYSELF FROM PEOPLE WHO MIGHT HARM ME. Sexual abuse, self protection, sexual harassment, stalking 9. STAY SAFE WHILE RIDING IN A CAR. Alcohol/drunk driving, safety restraints, self defense driving strategies, infant/child/adult safety as passenger behavior 10.STAY SAFE WHILE EXERCISING. Sport safety, bike safety, water safety, nutrition, correct exercise habits CONSUMER AND COMMUNITY HEALTH 10 LIFE SKILLS I WILL: 1. CHOOSE SOURCES OF HEALTH-RELATED INFORMATION, PRODUCTS, AND SERVICES WISELY What a consumer is, making wise purchases, finding & analyzing health related materials 2. ANALYZE THE EFFECTS OF ADVERTISING ON MY CHOICES. What is advertising, types of appeals used in advertising: bandwagon, comedy, costs, effectiveness, endorsements/testimonials, scientific appeal, slogans/humor, snob appeal/superiority, social 3. RECOGNIZE AND REPORT QUACKERY. Quackery=consumer fraud, unproven treatments & products Make unbelievable promises, need to read the fine lines 4. SPEND MONEY WISELY. How to balance a budget, income, expenses, savings: how to shop wisely, choosing health care programs. 5. SPEND TIME WISELY. Create and use a time management plan 6. USE SCHOOL NURSE AND SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES WHEN APPROPRIATE. Know symptoms of diseases that require attention from higher health care. 7. USE HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS WHEN APPROPRIATE. Recognize difference of physicians and specialist: see handout!! 8. USE HEALTH CARE FACILITIES WHEN APPROPRIATE. Know when to use emergency, outpatient, or regular doctor 9. COOPERATE WITH PEOPLE WHO PROTECT MY HEALTH AND SAFETY. Know local and government agencies that can help 10.VOLUNTEER IN SCHOOL CLUBS, COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS AND AGENCIES THAT PROMOTE HEALTH. Local, state, school, and world agencies/clubs that they could join and the purpose of the group. FAMILY LIVING I WILL: 1. DEVELOP RELATIONSHIP SKILLS. Relationships are the connection people have w/others: healthful relationships promote selfesteem, destructive destroys self-esteem: develop social skills to interact with other people 2. AVOID DISCRIMINATION. Discriminating behavior against: ageism, sexism, racism, hetero/homosexualism, etc Hate crimes, stereotypes, and empathy for others 3. PRACTICE CONFLICT RESOLUTION Intrapersonal- conflict within a person: Interpersonal- occurs between 2 or more people: Intragroup- conflict between people who belong in the same group: Intergroup- conflict between 2 or more different groups Conflict response styles: Avoidance- denies there is a problem: Confrontation- attempts to settle a disagreement in a hostile, defiant, aggressive way: resolution- use skills to resolve a conflict in a healthful, safe, respectful way. 4. STRIVE FOR HEALTHFUL FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS Different types of families: typical, dysfunctional, step-mom, dad, brother, sisters, etc 5. MAKE HEALTHFUL ADJUSTMENTS TO FAMILY CHANGES To death, terminal illness, separation, divorce, parental dating, remarriages, and step families 6. FORM HEALTHFUL AND RESPONSIBLE FREINDSHIPS How to make friends, what is a friend, resistance to peer pressure 7. RECOGNIZE HARMFUL RELATIONSHIPS Abusive relationships, violent, codependency, gangs, self-protection strategies 8. IDENTIFY RESOURCES TO IMPROVE RELATIONSHIPS AND FAMILY COMMUNICATION Agencies, mentors, books, Internet, local and state agencies 9. DEVELOP SKILLS TO PREPARE FOR FUTURE RELATIONSHIP CHOICES- DATING, MARRIAGE, PARENTHOOD, AND FAMILY LIFE Love and intimacy, crushes, what is marriage, what is parenthood (single, together, pos/neg), male/female reproductive parts, monogamous 10.PRACTICE LIFE SKILLS TO PROMOTE ABSTINANCE Healthful and safe, respect for self and others, morals, values, life skills to support abstinence. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH I WILL: 1. BE CONCERNED ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Ozone layer, global warming, hazardous waste, air/water pollution, forest destruction, world population, environmental issues local, state, nation, world 2. KEEP THE AIR CLEAN Carbon monoxide, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, acid rain 3. KEEP THE WATER CLEAN Water pollution, water runoff/sewage, mercury, pesticide, lead, water conservation 4. KEEP MY INDOOR ENVIRONMENT FREE OF POLLUTION Asbestos, lead, carbon monoxide, radon gas, second hand smoke, proper smoke detectors in house, house safety 5. KEEP NOISE AT A HEALTHFUL LEVEL What is noise, decibel levels, hearing impairments, protection of hearing, use of headphones, loud music/noise 6. PROTECT MYSELF FROM RADIATION Ultraviolet rays, sun light, radiation from chemicals, skin cancer 7. DISPOSE OF SOLID WASTE PROPERLY Landfills use, incineration, hazardous waste, biodegradable 8. WILL RECYCLE How, why, where, the process, what products are made from recyclable material, importance 9. BE AWARE OF THE EFFECTS OF OVERCROWDING AND POVERTY Population growth, socioeconomic conditions, poverty, violence, how to ease overcrowding, conserve non-developed land, forest, national parks. 10.COOPERATE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCIES EPA= environmental protection agency OSHA= occupational safety and health administration MENTAL/EMOTIONAL HEALTH *Condition of a person’s mind and the ways that a person expresses feelings. I WILL: 1. STRIVE TO HAVE OPTIMAL HEALTH. Gain health knowledge and become health literate. Choose healthful behaviors: promote health, prevent illness, injury, and premature death, improve quality of environment, and avoid risk behaviors. Choose healthful situations and relationships. 2. GAIN HEALTH KNOWLEDGE. Strive to gain knowledge in 10 content areas. 3. MAKE RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS. Use proactive decision making styles versus inactive or reactive. 4. USE RESISTANCE SKILLS WHEN APPROPRIATE. Use skills with peer pressure, alcohol, drugs, inappropriate actions. 5. PRACTICE LIFE SKILLS FOR HEALTH. Life skills are action that promote health literacy, maintain and improve health, prevent disease, and reduce health related risk behaviors. Use skills that increase self-responsibility and discipline. 6. CHOOSE BEHAVIORS TO PROMOTE A HEALTHY MIND. Develop mental alertness and knowledgeable about mental disorders (anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive, etc). Know how to intervene or seek treatment for disorders. 7. DEVELOP POSITIVE SELF-ESTEEM. Develop others and myself self-esteem, try to reach the self-loving and not be self-centered or destructive. 8. COMMUNICATE WITH OTHERS IN HEALTHFUL WAYS. Communication is the sharing of feelings, thoughts, and information with another person. Use Imessages, develop active listening skills, and develop assertive behaviors rather than passive/aggressive behaviors toward others. 9. EXPRESS FEELINGS IN HEALTHFUL WAYS. Learn how to express and cope with emotions during times of life crisis or everyday. 10.PRACTICE STRESS MANAGEMENT AND SUICIDE PREVENTION SKILLS. Know difference of eustress (good) and distress (bad). GAS (general adaptation syndrome). Develop stress management skills. Learn ways to treat, help, or recommend places a person with suicide tendencies could go too. NUTRITION I WILL: 1. RECOGNIZE FOODS THAT CONTAIN THE SIX MAJOR NUTRIENTS. Nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, simple/complex carbohydrates, fiber, fats, vitamins, minerals, water 2. SELECT APPROPRIATE NUMBER OF SERVING FROM THE FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID. Calories, bread, cereal, rice, pasta group (6-11) servings: fruit group (2-4): vegetable group (3-5): milk, cheese, yogurt group (2-3): meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, & nuts group (2-3): fats, oil, sweets (sparingly) 3. FOLLOW THE DIETARY GUIDELINES. RDI (recommended daily intake) 4. READ FOOD LABELS. Calories=amount of heat energy needed to raise 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius: Serving size: Find percentage of fat from calories= 5. MAKE FOOD SELECTIONS THAT REDUCE MY RISK OF DISEASE. Heart disease, cholesterol, cancer, diabetes, hypoglycemia 6. MAKE HEALTHFUL FOOD SELECTIONS WHEN DINING OUT. Fast food, nutritional servings, how to make food lower in calories. Check out website: for restaurant information 7. CONSIDER FOOD SAFETY WHEN MAKING FOOD SELECTIONS. Processing foods, pesticides, additives, preservatives, sweeteners, fake fat, food irradiation, and food infections/allergies/intolerance 8. MAINTAIN MY DESIRABLE WEIGHT. Body compositions (endo, ecto, mesomorphs) difference between hunger/appetite, obesity, how exercies helps maintain body weight/fat 9. EAT FOR HEALTHFUL REASON. Yo-yo dieting, binge eating, cravings, eating and emotions associated (reward, anger, depression) 10. HAVE A HEALTHFUL BODY IMAGE AND RECOGNIZE SIGNS OF EATING DISORDERS. Anorexia, bulimia, Sexual identity, body images HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT I WILL: 1. CARE FOR MY BODY SYSTEMS. Skeletal, muscular, digestive, integumentary, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, and urinary systems 2. RECOGNIZE HOW MY BODY CHANGES AS I GROW. Adolescence, puberty, secondary sex characteristics, female/male reproduction systems, menstrual cycle 3. ACCEPT MY MALENESS OR FEMALENESS. Sexuality, sexual orientation, hetro/homosexual, bisexual 4. ACCEPT MY PHYSICAL UNIQUENESS. Heredity, body types (ecto, endo, meso) body image, growth spurts, individuality 5. ACCEPT AND DEVELOP MY LEARNING STYLE. Different learning styles, disabilities 6. ACHIEVE DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS FOR MY AGE GROUP. Handout 7. LEARN ABOUT CONCEPTION, PREGNANCY, AND CHILDBIRTH. Fertility, infertility, development of a fetus, stages of labor, prenatal care, birth defects, fetal alcohol syndrome, sexual intercourse 8. RECOGNIZE THE NEEDS OF PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT AGES. Infants, early childhood, preschool, elementary, adolescence, adult hood 9. PRACTICE BEHAVIORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO HEALTHFUL AGING. Causes of aging, effects of nutrition, alcohol, drugs, exercise on aging process 10.SHARE MY FEELINGS ABOUT DEATH AND DYING. Stages of death/dying: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance Making of wills, organ donations, grieving process PERSONAL HEALTH I WILL: 1. BE WELL-GROOMED. Cleaning of hair, skin, teeth: protecting the skin & body from sun damage: posture-scoliosis Controlling body odor & acne: clean clothing 2. CARE FOR MY EARS AND EYES. Regular exams and what happens at the exams: care for eyes in sun, water, wind: taking care of injuries to eyes Hearing impairments/loss: how to protect hearing around noise 3. HAVE REGULAR CHECKUPS. Symptoms of diseases: health history of family: immunizations: what happens at regular checkups: 4. FOLLOW A DENTAL HEALTH PLAN. Different types of teeth (incisors, cupids, bicuspid, and molars): Dental emergencies/care: Gingivitis, proper brushing and flossing 5. OBTAIN ADEQUATE REST AND SLEEP. Difference between rest and sleep: R.E.M= rapid eye movement: ways to relax and rest 6. PARTICIPATE IN MOVEMENT AND EXERCISE. Physical fitness and physically fit: benefits of physical fitness (increase cardiovascular, flexibility, body comp, etc) F.I. T.T= frequency, intensity, time, and type: calculate exercise range (60-85%) 7. FOLLOW GUIDELINES TO PREVENT INJURIES DURING EXERCISE. Training principles= warm up, cool down, specificity, overload, progression, and frequency 8. LEARN CORRECT FIRST AID PROCEDURES FOR EXERCISE INJURIES. CPR/First aid care for: blister, bruise, joint injuries, cramps, strains, sprains, fractures, heart attacks, bleeding, exhaustion, stroke, etc 9. ACHIEVE A DESIRABLE LEVEL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS. Muscular strength/endurance: flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, body comp., Exercises types: Isometric, isotonic, isokinetic, stretching 10.IMPROVE SKILL-RELATED FITNESS. Power, agility, reactive time, speed, balance, coordination. ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND OTHER DRUGS I WILL: 1. USE OVER THE COUNTER DRUGS AND PRESCRIPTION IN RESPONSIBLE WAYS. Difference of legal/non-legal drugs, medicine safe uses, over the counter drug types 2. RECOGNIZE THE RISK FACTORS AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH DRUG MISUSE AND ABUSE. Drug use = use of any drug legal/illegal for prescription Drug misuse = inappropriate use of a drug (to much, to many times, etc) Drug abuse = intentional misuse of a drug 3. NOT DRINK ALCOHOL. Risk factors of alcohol/alcoholism, types of alcohol, alcohol affects the body, diseases of alcohol, peer pressure resistance skills, other things to do than drink 4. NOT USE TOBACCO PRODUCTS. Reasons why people smoke, health effects on body, chewing/smoking diseases, advertisements 5. NOT MISUSE OR ABUSE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Controlled substances are: cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens, inhalants, narcotic, sedatives, and steroids. Illicit/illegal drugs, why people use/misuse/abuse drugs, peer pressure resistance skills. 6. REDUCE MY RISK OF HIV INFECTION BY NOT USING INTRAVENOUS DRUGS AND DRUGS THAT DULL MY DECISION-MAKING SKILLS. Human immunodeficiency virus, blood borne pathogens = blood, semen, transfusions, sharing of needles, sexual risk factors/behaviors 7. SEEK HELP FOR PERSONAL OR FAMILY DRUG MISUSE OR ABUSE. Drug & chemical dependency, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, treatments agencies (local, state, national, hotline) 8. BECOME AWARE OF SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INTERVENTION AND TREATMENT. Student/parent/community/school programs/agencies 9. REMAIN SAFE AND DRUG-FREE. Risk of drug use, benefits of being drug free, recognize social pressure to use 10.USE RESISTANCE SKILLS WHEN PRESSURED TO USE DRUGS. Peer pressure resistance skills, decision making skills, recognize peer/social pressures to use COMMUNICABLE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. I WILL: 1. RECOGNIZE THAT SOME DISEASES ARE COMMUNICABLE WHILE OTHERS ARE NONCOMMUNICABLE. Pathogens = disease causing organism, (communicable) disease not caused by a pathogen (non-communicable) 2. KEEP MY IMMUNE SYSTEM HEALTH. Immune system function, ways to help immune system, antibodies, lymphatic system 3. CHOOSE BEHAVIORS TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF PATHOGENS. Viruses, bacteria, ricketts, fungi, protozoa, parasitic worm, transmission of pathogens 4. CHOOSE BEHAVIORS TO REDUCE THE RISK OF INFECTION WITH COMMON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES. Ways/action to reduce chances of catching colds/flu, chickenpox, measles, mumps, influenza, pneumonia, hepatitis, mononucleosis, 5. CHOOSE BEHAVIORS TO REDUCE THE RISK OF INFECTION WITH STD’S. Abstinence, condom use, types of STD’s = chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, warts, other stds, sexual behaviors 6. CHOOSE BEHAVIORS TO REDUCE MY RISK OF HIV INFECTION. HIV = human immunodeficiency virus: AIDS = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, types of transmission (sex, needles, mother to fetus, blood transfusion) FIGHT THE MYTHS OF TRANSMISSION!! 7. OBTAIN INFORMATION ABOUT MY FAMILY HISTORY OF DISEASE. Type of family history of genetic type diseases 8. CHOOSE BEHAVIORS TO REDUCE MY RISK OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE. Coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis = hardening and thickening of arteries Atherosclerosis = fatty build on artery walls Ways to decrease = exercise, not smoking/drinking/drug use 9. CHOOSE BEHAVIORS TO REDUCE MY RISK OF CANCER. Tumors, cancer, types and places on the body, heredity factors, how to check your body for cancer, medical exams, regular check ups. 10.RECOGNIZE WAYS TO MANAGE CHRONIC DISEASES. Diabetes, arthritis, ulcers, long terms benefits of exercise, diet, relaxation, etc.