SEVIS fee - International Student and Scholar Services

International Student and Scholar Services  The Catholic University of America
Individuals seeking to obtain F-1 (I-20) or J-1 (DS-2019) status are required to pay a one-time SEVIS fee to
supplement the administration and maintenance costs of the *Student and Exchange Visitor Information System
(SEVIS). Individuals seeking the F-1 visa must pay $200. Individuals seeking the J-1 visa must pay $180.
Please follow the steps below when paying the SEVIS fee:
1. Receive I-20 or DS-2019 from Catholic University.
2. Make visa appointment with U.S. Embassy/Consulate (excluding citizens from Canada, Bermuda, or
contiguous islands. Please see back page for further instructions).
3. If paying with U.S. check/money order/foreign draft by mail, after paying wait to receive form I-797
payment receipt from immigration via mail and submit receipt with visa application. Be sure to allow
enough time for immigration to process fee and return receipt by mail. Mailing time may vary.
4. If paying with credit card on-line, submit SEVIS fee payment in time to allow immigration to process
payment at least 3 days prior to visa interview and print SEVIS fee payment receipt from Internet.
5. If paying by Western Union quick pay, locate the Western Union location nearest you and submit SEVIS
fee payment in time to allow immigration to process payment at least 3 days prior to visa interview and
obtain SEVIS fee payment receipt from Western Union.
6. Report to U.S. Embassy/Consulate for visa interview.
To Pay By U.S. Check/Money Order/Foreign Draft (by mail only)
Many foreign banks are able to
a. Go to the web site
issue checks or money orders
b. Click the link “Paper Form I-901 (PDF),” then print the form.
drawn on a U.S. bank. You may
c. Complete the Form I-901.
therefore obtain a check from: 1) a
i. Be sure to write your name exactly as it appears on your
bank chartered or operated in the
I-20 form.
United States; b) a foreign
ii. For item #14 the Catholic University codes are:
subsidiary of a U.S. bank, or c) a
 For I-20s - the school code is
foreign bank that has an
WAS214F0001300 (#2 on the I-20).
arrangement with a U.S. bank to
 For DS-2019s - the program number P101300
issue a check, money order, or
(#2 on the DS-2019).
foreign draft that is drawn on a
iii. The SEVIS number for question #15 is found in the top
U.S. bank
right-hand box of the I-20 or DS-2019 above the barcode.
This is a 10 digit number beginning with the letter “N”.
d. Prepare a U.S. check, international money order or foreign draft (drawn on US banks only1) in the amount
of $200 USD (if you are seeking a F-1 visa) or in the amount of $180 USD (if you are seeking a J-1 visa) ,
made payable to “The Department of Homeland Security.” Also, be sure to print your name and SEVIS
ID number in the lower left-hand corner of the check, money order or bank draft.
e. Mail the completed I-901 and payment to the address listed on Form I-901 Instructions.
f. Form I-797 receipt notice should be mailed within 3 days of processing the fee. Be sure to make copies
of your receipt, and keep it with your other important immigration documents.
To Pay by Western Union (not available in all countries)
a. Locate the nearest Western Union location and select a
country or call the telephone number of the Western Union Commercial Services Network Agent in your
country as listed in your phone book.
111 McMahon Hall • 620 Michigan Ave., NE • Washington, DC 20064 • Phone: 202-319-5618 • Fax: 202-319-6673
Web site:
This handout was originally created by the International Student Office at American University and modified and revised with their permission.
b. Go to the web site to print out the instructions for this
payment option. This is very important as you must provide information in certain fields that does not
correspond with what the printed form actually requests.
c. Go to the Western Union location, request a “Blue Form” – it may contain either “Payment Services” or
“Quick Pay” in your language. Provide the following information:
i. Company Name: US Bank DHS
ii. Company Code for those with I-20s: FMSEVISFEE, MO
iii. Company Code for those with DS-2019s: JSEVISFEE, MO
Your name as it appears on your I-20 or DS-2019
v. Your address in your home country
Your telephone number
Account Number: This is your SEVIS Number followed by a hyphen (-) followed by your date of
birth [SEVIS#-mm/dd/yyyy]. The SEVIS number is found in the top right-hand box of the I-20
or DS-2019 above the barcode. This is a 10 digit number beginning with the letter “N”.
 For example if your SEVIS number is N1234567890 and your date of birth is July 14,
1976, your Account number would be N1234567890-07/14/1976.
Reference Number: This refers to the Catholic University school codes:
 For I-20s - the school code is WAS214F00013000 (#2 on the I-20).
 For DS-2019s - the program number is P101300 (#2 on the DS-2019).
ix. Name/Department: indicate your gender (male or female) in this space.
d. Obtain a receipt.
e. Be sure to make copies of your receipt, and keep it with your other important immigration documents.
To Pay By Credit Card (online only)
a. Go to the web site
Please note: Due to alleged
b. Complete the form online and supply the necessary Visa,
fraud on the part of agents used
MasterCard or American Express information.
by students to pay the fee on
a. Be sure to write your name exactly as it appears on your I-20
their behalf, as of June 2009
citizens of the following
b. Catholic University codes are:
countries are unable to use the
i. For I-20s - the school code is WAS214F00013000
on-line method of payment,
(#2 on the I-20).
even if they are currently
ii. For DS-2019s - the program number is P101300 (#2
present in the U.S.:
on the DS-2019).
 Cameroon
c. The SEVIS number is found in the top right-hand box of the
I-20 or DS-2019 above the barcode. This is a 10 digit
 Ghana
number beginning with the letter “N”.
 Kenya
c. Print a copy of the online receipt. Do not exit the receipt page until
 Nigeria
you have successfully printed the receipt. You will not be able to
return to the receipt page.
d. Be sure to make copies of your receipt, and keep it with your other important immigration documents.
The SEVIS fee should be processed by immigration at least 3 business days prior to the consular interview. Fees
will not be payable at the consulate.
Visa application denials
If the F-1 or J-1 visa application is denied the SEVIS fee will not be refunded. However, if you reapply for a new
visa within 12 months of the denial, you will not have to pay the fee again.
111 McMahon Hall • 620 Michigan Ave., NE • Washington, DC 20064 • Phone: 202-319-5618 • Fax: 202-319-6673
Web site:
This handout was originally created by the International Student Office at American University and modified and revised with their permission.
Students from Canada, Bermuda, or contiguous islands are required to pay the fee
The SEVIS fee should be processed at least 3 business days prior to applying for admission at a U.S. port-ofentry by non-immigrants, who are exempt from the visa requirement.
Help with fee payment issues
If you are having a problem with the SEVIS fee payment process please visit the following website: Or E-mail address: Or call the
I-901 Customer Service hotline at 212-620-3418.
Revised 07/15/2009
Helpful Links:
U.S Embassies Abroad
USICE - Special Registration
DHS Special Notice
Special Visa Processing for citizens of North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Iraq & Libya
Visa Process Guide
Visas for Third Country Nationals in Canada or Mexico
Fees for Visa Services
Visa Photo Requirements
Visa Denials
Airport Security - Web videos in various languages
Airport Status
What to expect upon arrival at a U.S. port of entry
111 McMahon Hall • 620 Michigan Ave., NE • Washington, DC 20064 • Phone: 202-319-5618 • Fax: 202-319-6673
Web site:
This handout was originally created by the International Student Office at American University and modified and revised with their permission.