Agenda item 3a SWAN HOUSING GROUP AUDIT & RISK COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON: 5 MARCH 2012 at 18.00 PRESENT: Members: Steve King (Chair); Derek Morrison; Angela Lyon; Tony Holland; Colin Wannell and Keith Dabbs. Officers: Jamie Smith (Group Finance Director); Sandra Fawcett (Regional Director Housing – London); Simon Barry (Assistant Director Development) and Jan Collier (Committee Secretary). Also in attendance: Suzanne Lane – Nominated Senior Manager – RSM Tenon (part) Mark Jones – Director – RSM Tenon (part) Lee Cartwright – Mazars (part) Paul Naylor – Grant Thornton (part) Simon Brown – BDO LLP (part) 26/11/12 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies received from George Kieffer. 27/11/12 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest made. 28/11/12 A) MINUTES AGREED that the minutes of the meeting of the Audit & Risk Committee held on 14 November 2011 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. B) MATTERS ARISING Minute number 19/11/12 – Risk Management Update – paragraph 6. The Group Finance Director confirmed that the political risk around rent increases was included within the risk register. Minute number 17/11/12 – Internal Audit Tracker – the GFD confirmed that the procurement audit would be completed by 1 April 2012. 1 29/11/12 INTERNAL AUDIT TENDER RECEIVED a report from the Group Finance Director seeking authorisation for the appointment of RSM Tenon as internal auditors. NOTED: 1. following a tender process, two companies were invited to present to an internal audit tender review panel consisting of members of the Executive Team; the two companies in question were RSM Tenon Group and Mazars; 2. the GFD gave some brief background information on the two companies who had been invited to attend the meeting tonight to give a presentation to Members of the Audit & Risk Committee. Suzanne Lane and Mark Jones from RSM Tenon Group joined the meeting at 6.05 pm, and circulated a hard copy of their presentation 3. following the verbal presentation, the Chair asked for any questions from Members; 4. Tony Holland asked how they would work with the External Auditors. Suzanne Lane explained that a good working relationship would be formed from the beginning by setting out the audit plan and making sure that they were working together to minimise duplication and maximise the benefits of joint working; 5. Derek Morrison referred to the nugget training and asked how that would be delivered. Suzanne Lane said that it would be delivered in 15/30 minute ‘slots’ prior to an Audit & Risk Committee meeting. There would be no charge for the training as it had already been prepared for others and the auditors were attending the meeting anyway, so there would be no charge for attendance; Colin Wannell joined the meeting at 6.20 pm 6. pursuant to the Chair’s question around how they would find out what areas were appropriate to be audited, Suzanne Lane said that they would look through Swan’s corporate documents and discuss what was of concern and what needed to be covered in the Internal Audit plan, along with any issues that had previously been identified. They would also carry out a risk refresher exercise as well as meet with Members to understand the needs. Suzanne Lane said that RSM Tenon had a technical team that looked at the big issues within the sector (i.e. changes in regulation, value for money, funding, and for Swan HA, the change in approach with regard to the maintenance contract); 7. Tony Holland asked about the size of the other organisations that RSM Tenon work with as they were smaller than Swan. Suzanne Lane said that issues within the sector were quite generic despite size. Suzanne Lane and Mark Jones left the meeting at 6.25pm 2 Lee Cartwright from Mazars joined the meeting at 6.26pm 8. 9. 10. Lee Cartwright gave a verbal presentation and introduced Mazars; the Chair asked how Mazars would get to know Swan HA in order to recommend to Members how to tailor audits. Lee Cartwright said that there would be a lot of work carried out in the early days in order to produce the audit plan and would meet with the Senior Management team and Executive Team in order to understand the organisation. The Business Plan would be looked at with regards to key priorities going forward as well as the risk register; Derek Morrison noticed that the Lee Cartwright’s job specification covered a large geographical area and asked how the audit work for Swan HA would be resourced. Members were informed that Lee Cartwright would lead on the work with the support of his colleagues, and would attend most of the meetings. Lee Cartwright left the meeting at 6.46 pm 11. 12. 13. the GFD gave his views on the two companies; the two were price comparable; the review panel felt that with RSM Tenon the service received would be more flexible and would be able to be moulded to Swan’s requirements, whereas they did not feel that the same level of service would be received from Mazars (just a standard service). The GFD had sought references from companies that had used RSM Tenon and their experiences were generally very good and had found them positive and helped give added value to their businesses. The GFD added that he felt they would be capable of challenging management on audit findings; as Dan Harris, RSM Tenon’s Nominated Head of Internal Audit, was not available to attend the meeting tonight the Chair wanted the opportunity to meet with him to enable him to stress the points about being challenging and the responses required at the Audit & Risk Committee meetings. AGREED: to appoint RSM Tenon as internal auditors of Swan Housing Association for a period of three years, subject to a meeting with Dan Harris. The Chair agreed to take agenda item 11 next Paul Naylor from Grant Thornton joined the meeting at 7pm 3 30/11/12 AUDIT APPROACH MEMORANDUM RECEIVED the Audit Approach Memorandum from Paul Naylor, Grant Thornton NOTED: 1. the contents of the report; 2. the key audit issues and financial reporting matters (section 2) was discussed; 3. component accounting was the most important part of SORP 10. Grant Thornton had been fully involved with the finance team on the process and continued to work through the model. Paul Naylor confirmed that progress was good and there were no issues raised; 4. there continued to be impairment risks in the sector, particularly around shared ownership properties not being sold. The planned changes to the rent regime and grant funding allocations could also impact on the impairment reviews. This would be reported back at the June meeting; 5. a review of the work carried out by Savills on valuations was also being undertaken; 6. a review of forecasts, headroom and covenants would be undertaken; 7. accounting for Newham PFI contracts – would be reviewed to ensure that accounting entries were correct and still accounted for as agreed, and assumptions were still valid. There were no issues from the interim audit to draw Members’ attention to; 8. rent arrears – the review included service charges; 9. Paul Naylor added two more issues that were not on the report: 1. SSEG, Vivo and Hera had not been included in the audit; 2. HCA/TSA investigation: Paul Naylor confirmed that there were no material issues raised from an accounting perspective for the March 2012 Financial Statements, but would keep the Chair informed if any did arise. Paul Naylor left the meeting at 7.10 pm Simon Brown from BDO LLP joined the meeting at 7.12 pm 31/11/12 INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS Internal Audit Reports RECEIVED the internal audit reports from Simon Brown – BDO LLP. The Chair asked for the IT Infrastructure audit to be discussed first. 4 IT Infrastructure NOTED: 1. the contents of the report; 2. Derek Morrison felt that the recommendations raised were not difficult to implement and felt disappointed that they had not been fixed before the audit. Simon Brown felt confident that, following discussion with management, the issues would be completed quickly, and would have been completed by now. Derek Morrison asked whether processes were now in place to sustain the situation. The GFD said that these issues related to log in details not being deleted on Soprano when staff left Swan. A process was now in place where monthly emails were being sent identifying leavers. This would be looked at again when the new Internal Audit Plan was produced; 3. Tony Holland referred to page 16 – unauthorised access attempts – which had originally been raised in June 2009, and was concerned that the tracker system had not ensured that this had been resolved. The GFD said that he would follow this up with a more detailed report. Corporate Governance NOTED: 1. the contents of the report. Responsive Repairs NOTED: 1. the contents of the report; 2. the Chair felt that it would be helpful if the Regional Committees were also presented with the report as there were no residents Members on the Audit & Risk Committee. The Regional Director Housing (London) RDH(L) informed Members that the Terms of Reference for the Regional Committees do not give responsibility for overseeing audits and added that they do receive regular information on repairs etc, and care had to be taken not to duplicate reports too much; however she agreed to present it to the Regional Committees for information only and to ask them to note the items that had been completed; 3. Tony Holland referred to page 8 – variation orders – and the management response that did not cover the issue. The RDH(L) said that she would ask the Director of Asset Management to review the response. Anti-Fraud and Corruption NOTED: 1. the contents of the report; 2. Tony Holland asked if Swan’s Whistleblowing Policy reflected the issues concerned. The GFD said that the current policy was out of date and 5 the version being presented to the Finance & Personnel Committee was a first draft and an improvement of what Swan had. It would be presented again reflecting the comments raised in the internal audit. Recommendation Follow-Up NOTED: 1. the contents of the report. 32/11/12 INTERNAL AUDIT ANNUAL REPORT 2011-12 RECEIVED the Internal Audit Annual Report 2011-12 from Simon Brown. NOTED: 1. the contents of the report. Simon Brown left the meeting at 7.40 pm 33/11/12 INTERNAL AUDIT TRACKER RECEIVED the internal audit tracker from the Group Finance Director. NOTED: 1. the contents of the report; 2. the report would be updated to reflect the recently received internal audit reports. 34/11/12 RISK MANAGEMENT UPDATE RECEIVED a report from the Group Finance Director providing an update on the risk management process. NOTED: 1. the contents of the report; 2 the Chair suggested that the risk around the compliance audit investigation be discussed at the next meeting, dependant on the progress of the working party; 3. the GFD informed the Committee that the compliance audit gave rise to issues in the following areas: 1. governance 2. internal controls 3. repayment of grant 4. amount of disruption to the business 4. Tony Holland referred to paragraph relating to the four red risks being improved to amber risks and felt that they should not have 6 been moved without prior agreement from the Audit & Risk Committee. The GFD confirmed that they were part of the action plan presented at the last meeting provided by the Health & Safety Consultant which included details of the audits that had taken place and the proposed changes in risk status, but agreed that this should have been highlighted within the report. 35/11/12 BRIBERY ACT 2011 RECEIVED a report from the Group Finance Director giving Members an update on progress with regards to the Bribery Act. NOTED: 1. the contents of the report; 2. the Chair was pleased with the level of detail contained within the risk assessment which would help Swan to comply with the Act. 36/11/12 HEALTH & SAFETY UPDATE RECEIVED a report from the Group Finance Director on behalf of Jody Kennedy (Consultant – Swansafe), giving an analysis of Health & Safety risk. NOTED: 1. the contents of the report; 2. the GFD informed Members that Swan were shortly to be tendering for the provision of Health & Safety services with a view to appointing in June/July. 37/11/12 REVIEW OF FRAUD REGISTER RECEIVED AND NOTED. 38/11/12 ANY OTHER BUSINESS AGREED that the minutes of the meeting of the Special Audit & Risk Committee held on 20 February 2012 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. Terms of Reference for the working group. Members asked for the words ‘as representative of the Audit & Risk Committee’ to be included after George Kieffer’s name. AGREED: the Terms of Reference for the working group subject to approval from the TSA at the meeting on 6 March 2012. 7 39/11/12 DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING AGREED that the next meeting of the Audit & Risk Committee would take place on Tuesday 12 June 2012 @ 18.00 hours. The Chair closed the meeting at 18.40 hours ……………………………………………Chair 8