Teaching and Learning of the Nemeth Braille Code Registration Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Email: Employer: Occupation: Material Format Needed: Print Braille I will need a copy of the book: Yes No My Braille skills are: Beginner Intermediate Advanced You will need access to a computer or a Perkins Brailler. ICN site near you: 1st choice: 2nd choice: For a list of ICN sites go to: (there is an underscore between iowa and database) www.iptv.org/iowa_database/aeamap.cfm Your registration confirmation will list the ICN sites confirmed after all registrations are received. Registrations are due by January 13, 2012 to: Kathy Hintz Iowa Braille School 1002 G Ave Vinton, IA 52349 Fax: 319-472-5174 khintz@iowa-braille.k12.ia.us