Spanish American War

Name ____________________
Modern U.S. History
Mr. Kraft
Spanish American War
1. Spanish American War: April 11, 1898 – August 13, 1898 (4 months / 113 days)
a. What two countries fought in this war?
b. What “nickname” did Americans eventually give to this war? __________________
c. Where was this war fought?
2. Guam Battle: June 20, 1898
a. Who was the parent country of Guam before this battle? __________________________
b. Who was the U.S. Commander during this battle? _______________________________
c. What is the result of this battle? _____________________________________________
d. How many members of the U.S. military were killed during this battle? _________
3. Philippines Battle: May 1, 1898 (Pg. 360)
a. Who was the parent country of the Philippines before this battle? ___________________
b. Who was the U.S. Commander during this battle? _______________________________
c. Where was this battle mainly fought in the Philippines? ___________________________
d. Where was the U.S. Navy that surprise attacked the Spanish Navy stationed in the Philippines
stationed? _________________________
e. How long was the naval battle of this battle? __________
f. What are the results of this battle?
g. Who attacked and defeated the Spanish land forces? ____________________________
h. Battle Statistics:
Spanish Losses – 7 ships / 371 casualties
U.S. Losses – 10 casualties / 1 died of a heart attack and the other 9 were wounded
Members of what countries military were in the Philippines when this battle took place?
What country would they eventually attack using the same strategy that the U.S. used in
this battle against the Spanish? _______________
4. Cuban Battles: June 22 – July 3, 1898 (Pg. 360)
a. Who was the parent country of Cuba before this battle? __________________________
b. Explain the strategy that the U.S. military used in this battle? ______________________
c. What is the name of the volunteer U.S. Army Unit that fought during this battle?
Who was the commander of this unit?____________________________
What was his job prior to putting this unit together? ___________________________
d. Final Battle – Santiago Bay (July 3, 1898):
What happened? The Spanish Atlantic Navy attempting to escape Cuba was completely
destroyed by the U.S.
a. Battle Statistics:
o Spanish Losses – 6 ships / 474 causalties
o U.S. Losses – 12 casualties
e. What are the results of this battle?
5. Puerto Rico Battles: May 12 – August 13, 1898 (Pg. 360)
a. Who was the parent country of Puerto Rico before this battle? _____________________
b. Who was the U.S. Commander during this battle? _______________________________
c. Cease Fire – This was announced on August 13, 1898 after the Treaty of Paris was signed.
6. Spanish-American War Conclusion and Battle Statistics :
a. Who was the winner? _____________________
b. Cuban Losses – 10,665 Dead
c. U.S. Casualties:
 KIA – 345
 WIA – 1,645
 Diseased – 2,565
d. Spanish Casualties:
 KIA –560
 WIA – 400
 POW – 6,700
 Diseased – 13,000
e. What was the international view of the U.S. after this war was over?
7. Treaty of Paris 1898:
a. U.S. Gained Land and Population: 100,000 square miles and 10,000,000 people
b. What islands did the U.S. gain as a result of this war?
c. All of the land gained by the U.S. during this war was labeled as “unincorporated territory”,
what does this mean?
d. What country gained its independence under this treaty? _______________
8. Cuba’s Future: (1898 – 1959)
a. U.S. Military Presence (1898 – 1901) – The U.S. military stayed to help improve education,
medicine, the Cuban economy, and improve Cuban infrastructure.
b. Who gave the Cubans permission to write their own constitution? ___________________
c. Under the Platt Amendment (1901), the U.S. agreed to leave Cuba if the Cubans agreed to the
following terms.
d. What military base is currently in Cuba as a result of the Platt Amendment?
e. What was Cuba considered to be until it earned its independence in 1959?
9. Puerto Rico’s Future: “America’s 51st State” (1898 – Present)
a. U.S. Military Presence (1898 – 1900) – U.S. military withdrew its military and turned over
some control of the country to the Puerto Ricans over time.
b. Can Puerto Ricans become U.S. citizens even if they never come to the U.S.? ________
c. What is Puerto Rico currently considered to be?
10. The Philippines Future: (1898 – 1946)
a. U.S. Military Presence (1898 – 1946) – The U.S. military remained until 1946 when the
Philippines were finally granted independence.
b. What did the U.S. do when Filipino Rebels declared their country to be a Republic independent
of U.S. control?
c. List the Filipino and U.S. casualties as a result of a Filipino Insurrection (1899):
Filipino Rebels ____________
Filipino Civilians ____________
U.S. Soldiers ____________
d. Why did the U.S. grant the Philippines their independence after WWII?