ACTION COMPONENT District Name School Name Student Achievement X School Preliminary Component Manager Current Date Lewis County Laurel Elementary District Revised Jerry Bloomfield June 2004 Priority Need Goal Laurel Elementary CATS Assessment data indicates: Assessment data will reflect: 2004 2007 Academic Index 77.1 84.9 4th and 5th grade students proficient in all content areas 75.0 85.0 Percent accountability grade students (3rd and 6th) below 50 percentile 36.7 25.6 Percent Novice 14.2 10.1 Percent novice among females 30.5 (3% gap) 15.3 (1.5% gap) 35.5 17.8 Academic Index of 72.5 !00% of 4th & 5th graders scored proficient on the writing portfolio. 66% of 4 and 5 grade students scored proficient in one or more content areas (excluding writing). 19% of accountability grade students (3rd and 6th) below the 50th percentile. th th 16.15% novice 61% novice among females (6% gap) 71% novice among free/reduced lunch participants Percent novice among free/reduced lunch participants Did not meet AYP in 2003 due to Other Academic Indicatorsmeet 3 of 4 goals (75%). Math scores dropped to 59.8 – state mean 67.7. Reading Scores dropped to 69.7 – state mean 83.5. Causes of the Need Objectives For Reaching the Goal Curriculum: By the end of the 2007 school year: 1. Curriculum standards are not completely connected across all levels, allowing unnecessary overlaps and gaps in what students learn as they move from level to level and from school to school. 2. Curriculum is aligned with state standards such as the Learner Goals, Core Content for Assessment, and the Program of School Consolidated Plan • 1. Professional development sessions to address instructional methods, performance standards, ways to meet individual student needs and content will be scheduled throughout the School Improvement Plan time frame to refine curriculum standards to avoid unnecessary overlaps and gaps in student learning during transitions from level to level. (#1, #4, #6, #7, #9, #10, #11) 2. Component • Page 1 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 LES certified staff will have time to examine student work, plan instructional strategies to continue and expand curriculum instructional programs, discuss Studies but is not completely refined. assessment tasks and authentic assessment opportunities and fully implement the improvement plan activities to reflect real-life applications and student achievement needs. (#4, #2) Instruction: 3. Instructional practices and learning activities are not fully aligned with school, district, and state assessment expectations. 4. At-risk students need adequate access to additional assistance beyond their initial classroom instruction. 5. Technology is incorporated on a limited basis into classroom use. 6. Instructional time needs to be analyzed to maximize individual student learning. 3. Identified LES students will have access to additional assistance beyond their initial classroom instruction through Title I, ESS, Gifted/Talented, one-to-one reading tutors, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, mental health therapy and services provided by the school nurse to reduce student learning barriers. (#4, 11) 4. Use of technology as a learning tool will be reflected in student use/achievement.(#5) 5. Instructional time will be refined to allow for maximum student learning. (#6) 6. Student work samples will reflect evidence of varied instructional strategies to address individual learning styles and frequent, rigorous assessment opportunities that are aligned with performance standards and indicators. (#3, #5, # 8, #10, #12) 7. Students will understand academic expectations and proficiency level requirements. (#9) Standards and Assessments: 7. Classroom assessments of student learning are not sufficiently frequent, rigorous and aligned with Kentucky’s Core Content for Assessment. 8. Students cannot adequately explain the academic expectations in each class and what is required to be proficient 8. More LES parents will become involved in the development of their child’s educational plan through increased home/school communication. (#13, #14) 9. Improving system for analyzing samples of student work to inform instruction and assess student progress but needs refinement and practice. 9. LES will adopt a standards based math program K-6 that will be fully implemented in all grade levels. (# 16, 8, 6) Student/Community Needs: 10. Barriers to learning for some students still exist. 10. Special needs students will be provided with a special needs teacher to address their individual education plan and collaborate with regular education teachers to provide continuous, consistent service. (#15, 10, 12, 10) 11. Students will be provided core content/POS in specific grade groupings. ( #16, 8, 6) 11. Staff do not yet have the full knowledge they need on ways to meet individual student needs. 12. School does not adequately support students making a transition from one level to the next. 13. Families/community have not been made full, active partners in educating all students. Academic Areas: 14. Do not have a consistent, standards based math program in school/district. School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 2 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 15. Declining enrollment and increase in number of special needs students affect scores. 16. Multiage grouping patterns in 4/5 and 5/6 split classes inhibits complete coverage of core content especially in the reading core content. Evidence of Causes Measures of Objectives (Practice and Results) 1a. KY Core Content data 1a. Laurel Elementary staff will review and refine the aligned curriculum to identify and address overlaps and reduce gaps in student achievement by 50% during the 2002-04 biennium 55.75% of students scored below proficient level in one or more content areas 1b. Students scoring below state standard in content areas: Reading-57.9% Math-70% Science-57.9% Social Studies-50.9% On DemandWriting-89.5% Portfolio Writing-0% Arts/Humanities-80% Practical Living/Vocational Studies-48.9% School Consolidated Plan • 1b. PD logs and teacher growth plans will reflect adequate training and support in all content areas. 1c. Individual RAP sheets, IEPs, and remediation plans will reflect efforts to reduce achievement gaps among free/reduced lunch participants and special needs students. 2a*. Staff will continue to implement and expand curriculum instructional programs, authentic assessment opportunities and reduce achievement gaps by 50% as measured by 2004 CATS. 2b*. All LES staff will develop and implement four (4) standards-based interdisciplinary units to address state learning goals and assessment expectations as measured by 2006 CATS. 2c. Standards based units, student work samples, and lesson plans will indicate full implementation of CP activities as monitored by the principal. 3a. Comparing the 2003 and 2006 support staff roster, the number of LES students who will have access to additional assistance beyond initial classroom instruction through various Component • Page 3 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 support programs and staff will increase by 30%. 1c. CATS Desegregation data: 61 % of females scored novice in one or more content areas 55% of males scored novice in one or more content areas 71% of free/reduced lunch participants scored novice in one or more content areas 1d. STAR Assessment data: 35.8% of students (grades1-6) are reading below grade level 2a. See “1a” 3a. CTBS data: 47.6 % of accountability grade (3 rd and 6th ) students scored below the 50th percentile 3b. No data available to evidence lack of assistance beyond initial classroom instruction. 4a. According to teacher interviews, 80% of staff need additional professional development in using technology to enhance classroom instruction. 4a. Classroom instructional staff trained in the implementation of technology in classroom instruction and the use of technology during instruction will increase as evidenced by lesson plans, student work samples and principal observation during the 2002-04 biennium. 4b. Student assessments and work samples will reflect state assessment expectations as evidenced by lesson plans, assessments, and student performance. 5a. The instructional schedule at LES will be amended to reflect maximum student time as evidenced by Master Schedule beginning 2004-05 school year. 6a. By January, 2005 the faculty will have documentation of providing a minimum of 5 authentic assessment opportunities per classroom. 6b. Student work samples will continue to be analyzed by staff at the end of each 9 week grading period to reflect standards/indicators, student learning styles and varied instructional strategies throughout the school year. 7a. According the 2004 CATS student questionnaire and the student survey, the number of students who understand proficiency requirements will increase by 10%. 4b. Assessment samples, rubrics and lesson plan review does not always show evidence of state assessment expectations. 7b. School committee will develop a school-wide policy to set standards for analysis of student work samples to guide instruction and assess student interim progress by Fall 2006. 5a. The master schedule does not completely reflect a maximum of time on student achievement. 8a. School administrators will continue to document services to students reflecting efforts to respond to emotional, social and physical problems. 6a 9a. Professional development records will reflect teacher training in strategies to work with multiple intelligences and learning styles. No evidence available 6b. Student work samples, assessment samples and classroom observations do not indicate frequent, quality authentic assessment opportunities at all grade levels. 7a. Student questionnaire and student survey shows evidence that students are not aware of proficient requirements. 10a. Exit criteria will be developed by district committees for each grade level, sent to parents, and communicated clearly to faculty and students by 2006. 9a. Parent and community involvement will increase by 5% as measured by committee and parent activity rosters. 7b. No school policy on analysis of student work samples to inform instruction and assess student progress. 8a. Documentation of student emotional, social, and physical problems are recorded with school administration. 9a. Teacher interviews and survey data show that there is a need for School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 4 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 professional development addressing individual student learning styles. 10a. No exit criteria at each grade level. 10b. According to Effective Schools Survey, PTO, Parent/Teacher Conference sign-in sheets, all parents do not feel they are full active partners with the school. School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 5 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 Objective 1: Professional development sessions to address instructional methods, performance standards, ways to meet individual student needs, and subject content will be scheduled throughout the Consolidated Plan time frame to refine curriculum standards to avoid unnecessary overlaps and harmful gaps in student learning during transitions from level to level. Activity Measure Responsible Start End Date Cost Fund Source Person Date District sponsored training will be provided for staff to reviewand refine the curriculum, to expand curriculum maps to include core content/POS, essential questions, skills/knowledge, resources and assessment, revise course matrixes to eliminate overlaps and achievement gaps, and to develop exit criteria for all grade levels. 1a, 1b 3a Provide four ½ days of released time to analyze CATS data through the collaborative inquiry process, revise the school improvement plans, and to plan and reflect on assessment practices. 1a, 1b, 3a, 3b Instructional Supervisor July 2004 On- going SEEK PD Funds Principal Teachers Instructional Supervisor Oct., Jan., and Feb. 2005 Feb. 2005 SEEK Summer 2004 June 2005 SEEK Principal Summer June 2005 Teachers 2004 Principal July 2004 On going Principal June 2005 On-going SEEK Principal Summer, 2004 On going PD Funds Certified Staff Teachers will participate in training on “Differentiated Instruction” to address individual student needs and reduce achievement gaps. PD Coordinator PD Funds DFP School committee will develop a school literacy plan K-6 to increase student reading achievement and promote a climate for reading success based on the PERKS document. Staff will continue to develop standards based units based on policy that includes: 3b SEEK PD Funds NA SEEK A. Timeline for rough drafts and final drafts B. Feedback from principal C. Implementation date D. Follow-up procedures Teachers will have flexible professional development opportunities in online training such as KET, Annenburg, etc. Teachers will participate in content related PD as determined by the individual growth plan and have the opportunity to attend KDE, ASMP and ARSI summer academies, KEDC sponsored sessions, and state/national professional conferences. School Consolidated Plan • 1a, 3b Component • Page 6 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 PD Coordinator Primary teachers will have the opportunity to participate in all district provided Reading First professional development trainings starting in summer of 2004 and will be encouraged to attend the Reading First Institutes in the summer of 2005. District Reading First Coach Summer 2004 June PD Funds 2012 SEEK SEEK Training will be provided to teachers on the use/implementation of new math adoption kits/materials. 1a, 3a Program Consultants Summer 2004 Summer 2005 Faculty will chose two (2) research based instructional practices to implement school wide each year. Faculty will implement strategies and provide feedback to colleagues during team planning. (job-embedded PD) 1b, 3c, Certified Staff Fall, 2004 On going NA Principal SEEK PD Funds Teachers will have the opportunity to visit/observe reading instruction at KRP demonstration sites. Principal August 2004 June 2006 PD Funds Teachers will participate in 3 hours of training in “Inclusion/Collaboration” strategies to address the goals of special needs students and to differentiate instruction for all students. DOSE August June 2006 SEEK Teachers will participate in technology training determined by needs assessment that reflects the use of technology to increase student/teacher utilization in classroom instruction/projects. Technology Staff 2005 August 2004 PD Funds On-going SEEK PD Funds LES certified staff will have time to examine student work, plan instructional strategies to continue and expand curriculum instructional programs, discuss assessment tasks and authentic assessment opportunities, and fully implement the consolidated plan activities to reflect real-life applications and student achievement needs. Objective 2: Activity Measure LES staff will review, revise or develop policies addressing: Curriculum standards and assessment Portfolio scoring, analysis and instruction Evaluation of performance levels Instructional practices Homework Student assignment to classes and programs Staff time assignments ESS Writing Professional development 1a, 3a, 3b, 3c School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 7 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 Responsible Person Principal Start Date Fall, 2002 End Date Cost Fund Source June, 2007 NA NA Using student data when planning Reading: Full implementation of the Four Blocks framework will continue as a two hour uninterrupted block for Primary students and will be scheduled throughout the school day in intermediate grades. 3a Certified staff August, 2004 On going SEEK Teachers will continue to integrate Lightspan activities into their guided reading and working with words blocks in grades 2 and 3. 3a Certified staff August, 2004 On going SEEK All students below grade level will have a Reading Action Plan developed and monitored twice each year. 3a Certified Staff August, 2004 On going NA All students grades P2-6 will continue to participate in the Accelerated Reading Program. 3a Certified Staff Librarian August, 2004 On going Title VI Funds Instructional assistants will provide one-to-one assistance to struggling students. Principal August, 2004 On going 4a Title I Funds General Funds Increase the number of parent volunteers to assist with one-toone reading. 4a,9a Principal Fall, 2004 On going NA Skills Connection and Classroom Connection will be utilized to provide students will grade level reading practice and assessment 3a, 5a Principal Certified staff August, 2004 On going NA Use specific Marzano strategies to assist students with organizational and higher order thinking skills, study skills and classroom procedures. Principal Staff August 2004 June 2005 NA August 2004 NA Incorporated information and strategies from Reading First trainings to improve reading instruction in five areas: phonetic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Primary Teachers On-going Certified staff August 2006 On-going SEEK Reading exiting standards will be used to design instruction and provide for individualized reading instruction Design units of study and lesson plans that cover the core content in grades 4-6 based on specific grade groupings and creative scheduling. 4-6 teachers August 2004 On-going SEEK Use content reading strategies in grades 4-6 to provide students with skills to effectively read/understand a variety of reading genres. August 2005 On-going SEEK 4-6 teachers School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 8 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 Math: Continue the 75 minute math block for all students grades P2-6. 1a, 3a Certified Staff August, 2004 On going SEEK All students will receive math instruction (based on KY Core Content for Assessment and refined curriculum maps) that will be monitored by the principal on a regular basis. 1a, 3a Certified Staff August, 2004 On going SEEK All students will be engaged in a variety of learning experiences designed to develop mathematical discovery/reasoning and will be taught to use multiple problem solving strategies and to apply such strategies to routine and non-routine math problems. 1a, 3a Certified Staff August, 2004 On going SEEK Application of mathematical concepts to other subject areas and to the real world will be a part of daily math instruction in all classrooms. 1a, 1b, 3a Certified Staff Instructional Supervisor On going District PD Funds June 2005 SEEK ARSI Funds Staff will use manipulatives to explain math concepts for each bullet in the Core Content/Program of Studies at their respective grade levels. Students will use a variety of instructional resources, concrete objects and technological tools (calculator, computers, etc.) to develop their mathematical knowledge. 1a, 3a Certified Staff ARSI Consultant August 2004 1a, 3a, 5a Principal August 2004 On going Instructional Funds Textbook Funds 9a Principal Certified Staff August 2004 August, 2007 SEEK 1a, 3a, 4a, Principal Certified Staff August, 2004 On going SEEK Certified staff August, 2004 On going PD Funds Community resource people will be invited and scheduled to share with students the use and importance of math in their job/life throughout the CP time frame. Classroom instruction will include a developmentally appropriate balance of preteach/teach/reteach, review, guided practice, monitored classwork and independent homework. Teachers will emphasize the application of mathematical concepts to other subject areas and to the real world will be a part of daily math instruction in all classrooms. This will be listed as a strategy when teachers develop instructional units. 1a, 3a The school math program will move from a skills based instructional model to an inquiry/project based reflected in units of study. 1a, 3a, 3b, 3c K-6 teachers will adopt a standards based math program. School Consolidated Plan • Fall, 2004 Component • Page 9 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 Principal August, 2004 On going PD Funds Teachers Spring July 2004 Textbook Funds Principals 2004 August 2004 Teachers August 2004 School will supplement math program with necessary supplies to fully implement program K-6. Teachers will fully implement new math program to increase student’s math proficiency. Teachers will work with ARSI math consultant to increase mathematical content knowledge and strategies to implement new math program Instructional Supervisor Math teachers will meet as a district to review math program, implementation strategies, concerns, problems and solutions. Instructional Supervisor Jan 2005 1a, 3a, 3b DFP On-going On-going Writing: Part-time writing resource teacher will be available to work with P46 grade students on portfolio style writings (pending funding). Instructional Funds Title V Funds SEEK June 2004 District PD Funds June 2005 District PD Funds August 2004 On going Title II Fall 2004 All teachers will teach on-demand writing and continue to address open response questions/techniques and track their progress. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August 2004 On going SEEK Teachers will model writing (drafting, revising, sharing) as a demonstrator of processes as each type of writing is taught. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August 2004 On going SEEK SEEK Certified Staff August 2004 On going Students will write for real audiences, publish a class anthology, and publish in the local newspaper. All fourth grade students will be provided with an adult mentor to assist with the writing process throughout the year. 1a, 3a, 3b Continue the ESS enrichment program for developing writing skills. All grades will use KY Marker Papers and/or KY Writing Handbook to gauge writing development. Science: The shift from textbook to kit based science programs will focus on hands on activities that include observation activity, often designed by students, aimed a real discovery, employing a wide range of process skills and students hypothesizing to explain data will be a School Consolidated Plan • 1a, 3a, 3b Principal August 2004 June 2005 SEEK 1a, 3a, 3b ESS Staff August 2004 On going ESS Funds August, 2004 On going NA August 2004 On going Textbook Funds Instructional Funds Certified Staff 1a, 3a, 3b Component • Page 10 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 Certified Staff part of all classroom science curriculums. Students will focus on underlying concepts about how natural phenomena are explained by questioning, thinking, problem solving, using logic, planning inquiry, hypothesizing and inferring. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August 2004 On going SEEK Science units will integrate reading, writing, and math into science classroom instruction. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August 2004 On going SEEK Science content in the primary classrooms will be integrated into reading , math and practical living content. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August, 2004 On going SEEK Student evaluation will focus on scientific concepts, processes, and attitudes. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August 2004 On going SEEK Master Teacher will be available to support and model scientific processes, inquiry method and incorporate writing into the content areas in elementary classrooms. 1a, 3a, 3b Master Teacher Principal August 2004 On going SEEK ARSI Funds 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August 2004 On going Textbook Fund Instructional Fund SEEK Social Studies: Activities will engage students in inquiry and problem solving about significant human issues. Students will participate in interactive cooperative classroom study processes that bring together all ability levels. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August 2004 On going SEEK Social Studies will be integrated with other areas of the curriculum in all classrooms except the accountability grade who will have a consistent social studies time block. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August 2004 On going SEEK Fifth grade students will continue to receive economics instruction from Econ and Me Unit. 1a, 3a, 3b Fifth grade teachers August 2004 On going SEEK Students will have the opportunity to do Internet research and use virtual learning sites to enhance social studies concepts. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August 2004 On going Technology Funds SEEK 1a, 1b, 3a, 3b Principal August, 2004 On going District PD Funds Teachers will participate in district social studies cadres. School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 11 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 Teachers will use KY Performance Report to identify instructional weaknesses and use data to design units that address gaps in student achievement. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff August, 2004 On going PD Funds SEEK Teachers will encourage students to conduct an in-depth study of possible social studies topics to be taught based on Core Content and Program of Studies. 1a, 3a, 3b Certified Staff Principal August, 2004 On going NA Teachers will explore the possibilities of purchasing and implementing History Alive and Interact Materials. August, 2004 On going Textbook Funds Instructional Funds Arts/Humanities and Practical Living: Local resource people will be utilized to strengthen arts/humanities and practical living instruction. 1a, 3a 1a, 3a, 3b, 4a Principal August 2004 On going NA Principal STLP Facilitator Principal August 2004 On going ESS Funds Summer 2004 Summer 2007 PD Funds Principal Certified staff Principal PE Teacher Music Teacher Art Teacher Classroom Teachers Principal Certified Staff August, 2004 On going NA Spring 2004 On going NA August, 2004 On going NA Principal Staff August 2004 June 2005 SEEK A staff member will be selected to implement the STLP Program and facilitate small group computer sessions after school. 1a, 3a, 5a All teachers will be encouraged to attend arts/humanities summer academies. 1a,2b,3a Arts/Humanities teachers will utilize KET resource kits : Drama and Dance toolkits to teach arts/humanities. 1a,2a,2b All faculty responsible for teaching arts/humanities content(music, art, drama, dance) will organize and present a culminating performance at the end of each school year based on Core Content activities. 1a,2b,3a Practical Living/Vocational Studies Core Content will be integrated into interdisciplinary standards based units and implemented in all classrooms. 1a,3a,3b, 3c School will determine when/how drama core content will be implemented to address student performance in this area. School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 12 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 Objective 3 Identified LES students will have access to additional assistance beyond their initial classroom instruction through Title I, ESS, Gifted/Talented, one-to- one reading tutors, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, mental health therapy, and services provided by the school nurse to reduce student learning barriers. Activity Measure Responsible Person Principal ESS Staff Service Providers Start Date August 2004 End Date Continue to provide access to and enhance the above mentioned services to assist students beyond the initial classroom instruction. 4a Title I staff will be assigned to at-risk students to assist in meeting state proficiency standards. 3a, 4a Extended School Services will be available for all at risk students after school two days per week and 18 days each summer. 3a, 4a DARE Program will continue to be provided for all 6 th grade students by local law enforcement officers. 3a, 4a Special Needs students will be addressed through individual education plans and gifted school service plans. Part-time special ed teacher will provides services to special needs students. 3a, 4a Cost Title I Staff Instructional Assistants ESS Coordinator Principal ESS Staff Principal Local Law Enforcement Officers Special Ed. Staff G/T Staff August 2004 On going FRC Instructional Funds Title I Funds IDEA Funds Title I Funds August 2004 On going ESS Funds Fall, 2005 On going Title IV Funds August, 2004 On going G/T Funds IDEA Funds 4a Classroom teacher Counselor Law Enforcement Officer August 2004 On going NA 4a FRC Coordinator Mental Health Therapist Fall, 2004 On going FRC Funds Start Date End Date On going Fund Source Discipline: All students /teachers will receive classroom instruction concerning bullying and harassment three times during the school year. Mental Health: Family Resource Center will continue to furnish a mental health therapist one day per week (pending funding). Objective 4: Use of technology as a learning tool will be reflected in student use/instruction. Activity Measure Responsible Person School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 13 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 Cost Fund Source Through staff needs assessment, technology training needs will be determined and scheduled. A staff member will be trained to facilitate technology throughout the school and implement the STLP Program with small group computer sessions after school. Teachers will research and incorporate student/ teacher uses of technology to enhance and extend learning opportunities. 5a, 1b Principal July 2004 On going PD Funds 5a, 1b Principal ESS Staff August 2004 On going PD Funds 5a Principal Staff August 2004 On going SEEK Technology Director August 2004 On-going KETS Fund Responsible Person Principal Counselor Start Date August, 2004 End Date On going NA Principal Counselor August, 2004 Sept ,2004 NA Principal Counselor August 2004 Sept 2004 NA School will continue to purchase, upgrade and maintain hardware and software as determined by KETS plan. Objective 5: Instructional time will be refined to allow for maximum student learning. Activity Measure All students will receive a 120- minute language arts block and a 75 minute math block daily and other content areas will be addressed in standards based units with adequate time provided to cover all Core Content and Program of Studies bullets at each grade level. 6a Schedules will be reviewed by the principal to ensure six (6) hours of instructional time reflecting improvement plan components. Principal and counselor will provide feedback to the faculty and assistance in making scheduling adjustments. Schedules will be reviewed to determine if all areas of core content for instruction are reflected/implemented. 6a General Fund Cost Fund Source Objective 6: Student work samples will reflect evidence of varied instructional strategies to address individual student learning styles and frequent, rigorous assessment opportunities that are aligned with performance standards/ indicators. Activity Measure Responsible Start End Date Cost Fund Source Person Date Principal will monitor classroom instruction and lesson plans to ensure varied instructional strategies to address student learning styles, and standards based units are being used during daily classroom instruction. Classroom teachers will analyze student work samples to drive instructional strategies and assessment opportunities. Principal will monitor the use of standards based assessment in all classrooms and will provide feedback to the faculty in a timely manner. Faculty will document a minimum of 5 authentic assessment opportunities per semester in all classrooms. 3a, 7a Principal August, 2004 On going NA 3a, 7a Certified Staff On going NA 3a, 7a Principal On going NA 3a, 3c Certified Staff Principal August 2004 August 2004 August 2004 On going NA Principal Certified Staff August 2004 On-going NA Teachers will continue to use and refine the Tuning Protocol to analyze teacher made assessments School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 14 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16 Objective 8: Students will understand academic expectations and proficiency level requirements. Activity Measure Responsible Person A district committee comprised of principals and teacher representatives 8a Principals from each school/grade level will develop exit standards for each grade Certified Staff level which will reflect mastery of standards and what each child needs to Instructional know to make successful transitions to the next level. Supervisor Students/parents will receive a written copy of the exit criteria for their 8a, 8b Principal grade level at the beginning of each school year. Certified Staff Parents will be made aware of student progress toward exit criteria 8a, 8b Certified Staff standards during the fall parent/teacher conference. Start Date August 2002 End Date Cost Fund Source Spring 2004 PD Funds Fall, 2004 On going NA Fall, 2004 On going NA Objective 9: More LES parents will become involved in the development of their child’s educational plan through increased home/school communication. Activity Measure Responsible Start End Date Cost Fund Source Person Date FRC and PTO will recruit parents to attend the Commonwealth Institute 9a FRC Spring On going Prichard for Parent Leadership each year. Coordinator 2003 Committee Funds PTO President Parents will continue to enhance reading and math skills at home with 9a Principal August On going NA the use of Lightspan equipment and materials for students in grade 3-6. 2002 Parents School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 15 of 15 • Draft of 3/6/16