壹 - 國立彰化師範大學圖書館

系所: 行銷與流通管理研究所
科目: 經 濟 學
共 5 頁,第 1 頁
一、選擇題 (每題 2 %,共 50 %)
1. In the long run, fixed costs are:
a. equal to the costs of constructing a new plant.
b. zero.
c. lower than in the short run.
d. higher than in the short run.
2. When a firm experiences economies of scale, which of the following is true?
a. The firm’s cost elasticity is greater than one and its output elasticity is less than one.
b. The firm’s cost elasticity is less than one and its output elasticity is greater than one.
c. The firm’s cost elasticity is less than one and its output elasticity is less than one.
d. The firm’s cost elasticity is greater than one and its output elasticity is greater than one.
3. A firm produces and sells a product with price, P=$16.00, average variable cost, AVC=$12.00, and
total fixed cost, TFC=$60,000. Use breakeven analysis to find the level of output, Q, that will
allow the firm to break even. That level of output is:
a. $17,500
b. $ 7,500
c. $10,000
d. $15,000
4. The learning curve which shows the relationship between cost per unit and cumulative total output
is usually:
a. upward sloping.
b. downward sloping.
c. horizontal.
d. vertical.
5.The cost savings associated with the joint production of two or more outputs is called:
a. economies of scope.
b. economies of scale.
c. returns to scale.
d. economies of plant size.
6.The level of competition in a given market will tend to increase if:
a. significant barriers to exit are imposed.
b. the number of potential entrants decreases.
c. minimum efficient scale of firms increase.
d. the number of substitutes increases.
系所: 行銷與流通管理研究所
科目: 經 濟 學
共 5 頁,第 2 頁
7. In a perfectly competitive market:
a. sellers produce similar, but not identical products.
b. each seller can affect the market price by changing output.
c. sellers and buyers have perfect information.
d. entry and exit are difficult.
8. The demand curve for a unique product without substitutes is:
a. horizontal.
b. vertical.
c. upward sloping.
d. downward sloping.
9. The demand curve faced by a single firm in a competitive market is:
a. horizontal.
b. vertical.
c. upward sloping.
d. downward sloping.
10. A firm will earn zero economic profits when price:
a. equals marginal cost.
b. exceeds minimum average total cost.
c. equals average total cost.
d. equals average variable cost.
11. In the short run, a perfectly competitive firm will shut down and produce nothing if:
a. total variable cost exceeds total revenue.
b. the market price falls below the minimum average total cost.
c. excess profits equal zero.
d. total cost exceeds total revenue.
12. In the long run, firms will exit a perfectly competitive industry if:
a. total profits is less than zero.
b. excess profits equal zero.
c. excess profits exceed zero.
d. excess profits are less than zero.
13. A monopolist maximizes profits by producing a level of output where:
a. P < MC.
b. P = MC.
c. P = AC.
d. P > MC.
系所: 行銷與流通管理研究所
科目: 經 濟 學
共 5 頁,第 3 頁
14. In the short run, a monopolist:
a. will shut down if price is less than average variable cost.
b. will never shut down.
c. will shut down if price equals average total cost.
d. will shut down if price is less than average total cost.
15. In general, a perfectly competitive industry with the same costs of production as a monopoly will
a. less output at higher prices than a monopoly.
b. more output at lower prices than a monopoly.
c. less output at lower prices than a monopoly.
d. more output at higher prices than a monopoly.
16. At the profit maximizing level of output for a monopolist:
a. P > MC and MR = MC.
b. P = MR and AC = MC.
c. P = AR and AR = AC.
d. P = MC and MR > MC.
17. Derived demand is:
a. the first derivative of the demand function.
b. the demand for consumption products.
c. the demand for inputs used in production
d. the demand for products other than raw materials.
18. The demand function for a product states the relation between the aggregate quantity demanded
a. consumer utility.
b. the market price, holding all the other factors that influence demand constant.
c. all factors that influence demand.
d. the aggregate quantity supplied.
19. The demand curve for automobiles will shift to the left if:
a. the price of steel decreases.
b. the price of automobiles increases.
c. interest rates decrease.
d. advertising expenditures decrease.
20. The equilibrium market price of a good is:
a. the price that maximizes profit for sellers.
b. the price where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.
c. the price that buyers are willing and able to pay.
系所: 行銷與流通管理研究所
科目: 經 濟 學
共 5 頁,第 4 頁
d. the price that buyers are willing but unable to pay.
21. If demand and supply both decrease:
a. the quantity produced and sold will decrease while its equilibrium market price could increase,
decrease, or remain constant.
b. its equilibrium price will increase wile the quantity produced and sold could increase, decrease,
or remain constant.
c. its equilibrium price will decrease while the quantity produced and sold could increase,
decrease, or remain constant.
d. the quantity produced and sold will increase while its equilibrium price could increase, decrease,
or remain constant.
22. If demand increase while supply decreases for a particular good:
a. the quantity of the good produced and sold will increase while its equilibrium price could
increase, decrease, or remain constant.
b. its equilibrium price will decrease while the quantity of the good produced and sold could
increase, decrease, or remain constant.
c. its equilibrium price will increase while the quantity of the good produced and sold could
increase, decrease, or remain constant.
d. the quantity of the good produced and sold will decrease while its equilibrium price could
increase, decrease, or remain constant.
23. Costs which are invariant across all alternatives are called:
a. sunk costs.
b. explicit costs
c. incremental costs.
d. implicit costs.
24. When a firm, which produces a single product, increase output of that product in the short run, the
average total cost increases. As a result of this the:
a. slope of the total cost curve decreases.
b. total cost rises a decreasing rate.
c. marginal cost is above the average total cost and marginal cost rises.
d. marginal cost is below average total cost and marginal cost rises.
25. In economics, the short run is usually defined to be:
a. the period of time during which technology is fixed.
b. one year.
c. a period in which some inputs are fixed.
d. a period of sufficient length so that all inputs are variable.
系所: 行銷與流通管理研究所
科目: 經 濟 學
共 5 頁,第 5 頁
Suppose that the utility function for a consumer is U  f (q1 , q2 ) and his income level is y. The
prices of q1 and q2 are p1 and p2 , respectively. Show mathematically and graphically the
relation between the rate of commodity substitution and the price ratio at optimum if positive
amounts of both commodities are consumed. (25 %).
Suppose that the demand for money can be represented as M d  c0  c1Y  c2 r , where Y is the
income level, r the interest rate, and c1; c2  0 , and money supply is fixed at the level of M s .
Derive the slope of the LM curve (10 %) and show mathematically and graphically the effect of
an increase in money supply on the interest rate in the money market, holding income and other
variables constant (15 %).