ANNEX - I LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Chairman Mr Jörg Volker Ketelsen First Counsellor Delegation of the European Commission in Bangladesh House 7, Rd. 84, Gulshan, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 882 4730 Fax: 880 2 882 3118 Delegate Mr A F M Sarwar Kamal Secretary, Ministry of Jute Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 861 2250 Fax: 880 2 861 8766 Alternate Mr Mainuddin Ahmed Chowdhury Joint Secretary (Industry) Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 861 7273 Fax: 880 2 861 7116 Advisor Dr Md Saiful Amin Khan Director General (MEA) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 955 1852 Fax: 880 2 955 5283 Advisor Dr A B M Abdullah Executive Director, Jute Diversification Promotion Centre 145 Monipuripara, Tejgaon, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 912 5581 Fax: 880 2 912 5248 Advisor Mr M A Halim Former Sr. Development Officer E C Delegation in Bangladesh 47 Palash Nagar, Mirpur Section 11 Dhaka Tel: 880 2 900 6591 Mr Esko Kentrschynskyj Ambassador Head of Delegation Delegation of the European Commission to Bangladesh House No. 7, Rod No. 84 Gulshan, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 882 4730 Fax: 880 2 882 3118 Mr Jörg Volker Ketelsen First Counsellor Delegation of the European Commission in Bangladesh House 7, Rd. 84, Gulshan, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 882 4730 Fax: 880 2 882 3118 MEMBERS Bangladesh European Community Representative Deputy Other members India Switzerland Mrs Fabienne Drout-Lozinski First Counsellor French Embassy, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 881 3811 Fax: 880 2 882 3612 Delegate Mr T Nandakumar Joint Secretary, Ministry of Textiles Udyog Bhavan, Moulana Azad Road New Delhi 110001, India Tel: 00 91 11 301 7626 Fax: 00 91 11 301 9929 Alternate Mr Subhakirti Majumdar Jute Commissioner Ministry of Textiles 20 B Abdul Hamid Street Kolkata 700 069, India Tel: 00 91 33 220 8496 Fax: 00 91 33 248 9658 Alternate Mr R R Dash Minister (E&C) Indian High Commission, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 988 9336 Fax: 880 2 988 9336 Delegate Mr Jürg Casserini Chargé d' Affaires a.i. Embassy of Switzerland House 31/B, Rd. 18 Banani, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 881 2874 Fax: 880 2 882 3872 OBSERVER COUNTRIES China Delegate Mr Wang Xiulin Tel: 880 2 882 5272 First Secretary Fax: 880 2 882 3082 Economic & Commercial Counsellor’s Office, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Plot No. 15, Park Road Block-I, Baridhara, Dhaka Advisor Mr Wang Jian Tel: 880 2 882 3313 Third Secretary Fax: 880 2 882 3082 Economic & Commercial Counsellor’s Office, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Plot No. 15, Park Road Block-I, Baridhara, Dhaka Morocco Delegate Mr Abdelhamid Lakhouit Tel: 880 2 882 3176 First Counsellor and Deputy Fax: 880 2 881 0018 Ambassador , Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco, House No. 44, United Nations Road Baridhara, Dhaka Nigeria Delegate Mr Thomas I. Aguiyi-Ironsi Minister (Political and Economic Officer) Nigeria High Commission House No. 1, Road No. 9 Baridhara, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 881 7999 Fax: 880 2 881 7989 Norway Delegate Ms Lena Hasle First Secretary Royal Norwegian Embassy House No. SW(B) 9, Road No. 111 Gulshan, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 882 3065 Fax: 880 2 882 3661 Pakistan Delegate Mr Faqir Syed Asif Hussain First Secretary High Commission for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan House No. NE(C) 2, Road No. 71 Gulshan, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 882 5388 Fax: 880 2 882 3677 Philippines Delegate Ms Adela S Baclig Cultural Officer & Attaché Embassy of the Philippines House No. 6, Road No. 101 Gulshan 2, Dhaka Tel.: 880 2 988 1590 Alternate Mr Alfredo Labrador IV Administrative Assistant Embassy of the Philippines House No. 6, Road No. 101 Gulshan 2, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 983 1590 United Nations Specialised Agencies FAO Delegate Ms Bui Thi Lan Tel: 880 2 811 8015 FAO Representative in Bangladesh Fax: 880 2 811 3446 Food and Agriculture Organisation(FAO) House 37, Rd 8, Dhanmondi, Dhaka Alternate Mr Md. Selim Tel: 880 2 811 8015 Programme Officer Fax: 880 2 811 3446 Food and Agriculture Organisation(FAO) House 37, Rd 8, Dhanmondi, Dhaka Non-governmental Organisations Bangladesh Jute Association Delegate Mr Mahfuzul Hoque Chairman, BJA, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 955 2916 Fax: 880 2 956 1122 Advisor Mr Sanjit Kumar Das, Member Executive Committee, BJA, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 955 2916 Advisor Mr Afzal Hossain, Member Executive Committee, BJA, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 955 2916 Advisor Mr Sk. Farook Hosain, Member Executive Committee, BJA, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 955 2916 Advisor Mr Puspendu Mohan Saha, Member Executive Committee, BJA, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 955 2916 Bangladesh Jute Spinners Association Advisor Mr Md. Rezaul Karim Member, BJA, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 955 2916 Advisor Mr Sirajul Hoque Prodhan Secretary, BJA, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 955 2916 Delegate Mr Ahmed Hossain Chairman, BJSA, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 955 1317 Fax: 880 2 956 2772 Advisor Mr Shahidul Karim Secretary, BJSA, Dhaka Tel: 880 2 955 1317 Fax: 880 2 956 2772 Mr Jan Valk Tel: 00 031 50 520 Product Manager Fax: 00 031 50 520 NNZ Industriële Verpakkingen bv 7800 Groningen 7801 NNZ Industriële Verpakkingen bv Groningen P O Box 104, 9700 AC Groningen The Netherlands ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IJSG Secretariat : Dr R Mandal, Officer-in-Charge Tel: 880 2 9125581-5 Dr G Mohiuddin, Project Leader, Bio-Pulping Project Fax: 880 2 9125248-9 ANNEX - II ADOPTED AGENDA A. Opening of the Session 1. 2. 3. 4. Ascertainment of quorum Adoption of agenda and organisation of work Statement by the Officer-in-Charge, International Jute Study Group Credentials of delegates: (a) Establishment of a Credentials Committee (b) Report of the Credentials Committee B. Establishment Matters 1. 2. Appointment of the first Secretary General Interim arrangement for holding the charge of the IJSG Secretariat C. Statement by Observers D. Other Business E. Dates of the Third Session of the Council F. Adoption of the Record of Decisions of the Session ANNEX-III UPDATED LIST OF DOCUMENTS C/(II)/1 Rev.1 Provisional Agenda and Notes C/(II)/2 Nomination of Candidates received for the post of Secretary General of the IJSG from the member countries C/(II)/3 Rev.1 Record of Decisions of the Council of the IJSG as adopted at its Second Session C/(II)/4 Report of the Second Session of the Council of the IJSG C(II)/C.R.P.-1 Auditors’ Report and Financial Statements of Administrative Account and Special Account of Trust for the IJSG for the period 12 October 2001 to 26 April 2002 ANNEX – IV RECORD OF DECISIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE IJSG AS ADOPTED AT ITS SECOND SESSION DECISION I (II) The Council of the IJSG: Noting the contents of the Secretariat document C(II)/2 relating to the Nomination of Candidates received for the post of Secretary General of the IJSG from the Member Countries; Noting further that the Secretariat has received only one nomination of Mr. T. Nanda Kumar, from the Government of India for the post of Secretary General of the IJSG; Considering the presentation made by Mr. T. Nanda Kumar before the Council during the Session; Considering also the unanimous acceptance by the members of the candidature of Mr. T. Nanda Kumar for the post of the first Secretary General of the IJSG; Decides: (a) to appoint Mr. T. Nanda Kumar, as the first Secretary General of the International Jute Study Group, for a period of three years; (b) to fix the salary of Mr. T. Nanda Kumar as Secretary General at the grade/level of D1/ Step 1 of the United Nations along with other admissible benefits, diplomatic privileges and immunities of the Secretary General of the IJSG; (c) To authorise the Chairman of the Council of the IJSG to issue a formal letter of appointment to Mr. T. Nanda Kumar as the Secretary General of the IJSG. DECISION II (II) The Council of the IJSG: Noting that Dr. R. Mandal, currently Officer-in-Charge of the IJSG has submitted resignation to the Chairman in order to relieve from his duties as Officer-in-Charge with effect from 7 July 2002; Noting also that the newly appointed Secretary General of the IJSG is likely to join with effect from 1 August 2002 and thus it has become necessary to make some interim arrangements for holding the charge of the IJSG Secretariat for the period from 7 July till the new Secretary General resumes charge of the Secretariat of the IJSG; Decides: (a) to relieve Dr. R. Mandal from his duties as Officer-in-Charge of the IJSG with effect from 7 July 2002; (b) to appoint Mr. A.F.M. Sarwar Kamal, Vice-Chairman of the Council of the IJSG, to hold the interim charge, as Officer-in-Charge of the IJSG Secretariat for the period from 7 to 31 July 2002 or till the joining of the first Secretary General, whichever is earlier. DECISION III (II) The Council of the IJSG: Noting that the representatives of China, Morocco, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines and NNZ Industries of the Netherlands participated for the first time in a Council Session of the IJSG as observers; Decides: To welcome their participation and accept them as observers of the IJSG. DECISION IV (II) The Council of the IJSG: Noting the Secretariat document C(I)/CRP-1 containing the report of the Auditors for the period from 12 October 2001 to 26 April 2002; Decides: To take note of the report of Auditors for the period from 12 October 2001 to 26 April 2002 relating to the Administrative and Special Account of the Trust for the IJSG. DECISION V (II) The Council of the IJSG Noting the priorities listed in the statement of the first Secretary General relating to the future work plan of the IJSG; Decides: To authorise the Secretary General to convene in consultation with the Members: - the Third Session of the Council of the IJSG between 15 and 20 December 2002; and to convene a meeting of the Private Sector Consultative Board prior to the Third Session of the Council of the IJSG; and request the Secretary General: - to work out a detailed work programme of the IJSG for one year taking into account, the observations and comments made during the Second Session of the Council of the IJSG and of the Private Sector Consultative Board and submit the same to the Council at its Third Session. ---------------