SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE USED IN RTS Use all the facilities provided by modern computer hardware and software technologies. All progressive methods of computer engineering are in the use while designing RTS. SOFTWARE LIFE CYCLE AND STANDARDS Usually life cycle of the software product has such steps as specification, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. According to MIL-STD2167A standard ( 2167A/DOD2167A.html) the software development process shall include the following major activities, which may overlap and may applied iteratively or recursively: System Requirements Analysis/Design Software Requirements Analysis Preliminary Design Detailed Design Coding and CSU (Computer Software Unit) Testing CSC (Computer Software Component) Integration and Testing CSCI (Computer Software Configuration Item) Testing System Integration and Testing. Computer Software Component (CSC) is a distinct part of a computer software configuration item (CSCI). CSCs may be further decomposed into other CSCs and Computer Software Units (CSUs). SOFTWARE LIFE CYCLE AND STANDARDS (CONT 1) In November, 1994 this standard was replaced by MIL-STD-498. Also ISO (International Standards Organization) Standard 9000 has ISO 9000-3 standard for software development. Waterfall models [Laplante, p. 88] also assume sequence of the following steps in software design: Concept phase – define project goals and feasibility study -> white paper Requirements phase – decide what the product must do -> requirements document (functional requirements and nonfunctional requirements, for example, programming language, programming style – no goto’s etc.) Document must be complete, correct (correspond to common laws), consistent, each requirement must be testable. Design phase – show how the project will meet the requirements -> design document (partition software into modules, develop test cases, prepare detailed document). Modules are to hide implementation of each design decision from the rest of the system. Must be fully defined their interfaces. Programming phase – build the system -> program code (each programmer must implement its own part – module(s) – clearly knowing interfaces and goals of this part; it is useful to have versions control). Parts must be developed, debugged, pass tests and integrated into the whole system. Test phase – check if the system meets the requirements -> test reports Maintenance phase – maintain system -> maintenance reports (product deployment, customer support, program errors correction). SOFTWARE LIFE CYCLE AND STANDARDS (CONT 2) Usually these phases are to be fulfilled in multiple iterations. Each next phase may find out inconsistencies in previous phases leading to inability of implementation of the next phase. Another approach therefore is to use spiral model, in which at first is made rough prototype, it is analyzed, accepted and then is made next approximation and so on. RTS SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN TECHNIQUE Specification is performed by customer and tells what product must do and under what restrictions; design tells how these goals can be achieved. SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES 1. Natural languages – they are good understandable for humans, but rather fuzzy and can’t clearly express goals. They can’t result in runnable codes. For example, task ‘dining philosophers’ may be described as follows: There are k philosophers in the room, interleaving philosophical thinking with taking a food. For each philosopher is fixed its plate; to eat philosopher needs in two forks, moreover he can use only forks, adjacent to his plate. It’s required to synchronize philosophers so that each of them could get for finite time access to his plate. It is assumed that duration of eating and thinking of the philosopher are finite, but are not known beforehand. SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 1) 2. Mathematical specification is precise and unambiguous. It promotes usage of methods for code generation, optimization and verification. But these methods may be hard for software engineers understanding. There are k parallel processes-philosophers Pi, i=0,..,k-1, there are k Boolean variables (forks) fi, i=0,..,k-1. Each process may be in one of the states T(thinking),E(eating),W(waiting). Initial state for each process is T and initial values of fi is TRUE, i=1,..,k-1. Process stays in state T during some time tt which may be determined as a random value. After this time tt expiration Pi analyses presence of necessary forks: fi and f(i+1)modk ==TRUE. If YES, then it takes forks: fi=FALSE, f(i+1)modk =FALSE, and transits to state E, in which he spends also some random time te. After te time expiration he returns forks: fi=TRUE, f(i+1)modk =TRUE and transits to state T. In the case of NO, process Pi transits to state W, in which he repeatedly checks presence of forks: fi and f(i+1)modk ==TRUE until they become available. In such a case he takes forks: fi=FALSE, f(i+1)modk =FALSE, and transits to state E. 3. Flowcharts – oldest modeling tool for software systems and good understandable. Not suitable for large projects (more than 10000 instructions) with parallel processes 4. Structure charts – calling trees – represent decomposition of the system on modules and show what modules are called by the module of higher level. Modules of the lower level are assumed to be called sequentially from left to right. Moving from top to bottom we get more details. Don’t provide conditional branching. SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 2) 5. Jackson charts (, Michael Jackson, not the singer, http: // dspace. dial. pipex. com/ jacksonma/) use Entity Structure Diagrams (ESD) and Network Diagrams (ND) to model a system. Entity Structure Diagrams (ESDs) illustrate the time-ordered actions entities perform within the system. An entity is an object that acts and is acted on by the system. The root of the ESD parent-child tree is a single entity (the only one on the diagram). Actions are carried out by entities and actions affect other entities. They are linked to the root entity and each other in a parent-child hierarchy. SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 3) Sequence construct illustrates actions that are executed in order from left to right. Constructs – Selection (a choice between two or more mutually exclusive actions) is represented by a small "o" (for option) on the upper right hand corner. If an action is repeated, place a small asterisk (*) in its upper right hand corner. There is usually only one action under an iteration construct. In an If-Else statement, a null component can illustrate a "do nothing" alternative. SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 4) Network Diagrams (NDs) show interaction between processes. They are sometimes referred to as System Specification Diagrams (SSDs). Processes represent system functions. A model process represents primary system functions. It is usually connected to an outside entity via a datastream. Datastreams connect processes and specify what information is passed between them. SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 5) State vectors are an alternative way of connecting processes. They specify the characteristic or state of the entity being changed by a process. For example, we can describe dining philosophers as follows Philosopher Philosopher's life Think Wait Eat or Wait O Eat Wait for forks O Eat Take forks Take forks * Eat for some time Return forks Eat for some time Return forks SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 6) Philosop her-1 f1,f4 f3,f4 Philosop her-4 Philosop her-2 f1,f2 f2,f3 Philosop her-3 6. Pseudocode and programming design languages (PDL) These are very abstract high-order languages. For PDL usually there exist compilers to some usual programming language. Usually as pseudocode are used constructions similar to present in C, Pascal and so on. Programming language Ada, Modula-2 was used as PDL. PDL is just a kind of a programming language in which user must be fluent. Cost for developing and maintenance of tools for PDL are significant enough. SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 7) ‘Dining philosophers’: k – number of processes fi=1, i=,..,k-1 Pi(i=0,..,k-1){ State from {T,E,W}; State=T; While(1){ Case state{ T: generate integer random tt>0; while(tt>0)tt--; If (fi and f(i+1)modk) { fi= f(i+1)modk =0;state =E;} Else state = W; E: generate integer random te>0; while(te>0)te--; fi= f(i+1)modk =1;state =T; W: If (fi and f(i+1)modk) { fi= f(i+1)modk =0;state =E;} }//end case }//end while }//end Pi par i=0,..,k-1//launch processes in parallel Pi; SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 8) 7. Finite state automata (FSA) There are three methods for FSA representation: set theoretic, diagrams, matrix. Automaton is a tuple (X,Y,S,S0,TF:X*S->S,OF:X*S->Y), where X and Y are sets of input and output signals, S is a set of automaton’s states, TF and OF are transition and output functions determining next state and output depending on current state and input signal. Two kinds of automata are distinguished: Moore FSA and Mealy FSA, which are mathematically equivalent. In Moore FSA output is defined just by the state, in Mealy FSA output depends both on the state and input signal. 0 1 0 Odd Eve n 1 ` Above is shown graph diagram for Moore FSA used as parity checker. Final state is marked by double line; initial state is marked by arrow. Edges are marked with signals initiating transitions from state to state. It is assumed that each discrete moment of the time next signal comes; absence of signal is treated as null signal. SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 9) 0/even 1/odd 0/odd Odd Even 1/even ` The same checker represented as Mealy FSA 8. Dataflow diagrams ( Data flow diagrams illustrate how data is processed by a system in terms of inputs and outputs. A process transforms incoming data flow into outgoing data flow. Datastores are repositories of data in the system. They are sometimes also referred to as files. Dataflows are pipelines through which packets of information flow. Label the arrows with the name of the data that moves through it. External entities are objects outside the system, with which the system communicates. External entities are sources and destinations of the system's inputs and outputs. A single process node on a high level diagram can be expanded to show a more detailed data flow diagram. Draw the context diagram first, followed by various layers of data flow diagrams. SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 10) A context diagram is a top level (also known as Level 0) data flow diagram. It only contains one process node (process 0) that generalizes the function of the entire system in relationship to external entities. The first level DFD shows the main processes within the system. Each of these processes can be broken into further processes until you reach pseudocode. SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 11) SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 12) 9. Petri nets Petri nets are well suited for representation of parallel processes. They are graphs having nodes of two types: places (P) and transitions (T). Only nodes of different type may be connected by edges (i.e. only transitions with places and vice versa). At initial time Petri net is labeled with marks associated with places. Each place may have several units of mark (several resources). For each transition there may be defined input places (their outputs are the inputs for transition node) and output places (to which go outputs of transition node). Transition node fires when each its input place has at least one mark. Firing is indivisible action leading to decrementing (by 1) of marks in each input place and incrementing (by 1) of marks in each output place. If two transitions without common input places can fire they fire independently and in parallel. If several transitions can fire and they have common input place with only one mark, then only one of these transitions can fire, and it is not determined what namely transition of them will fire. Transitions can be considered as processes waiting for readiness of necessary inputs; when all inputs are ready, process is performed, and supply results to output places. In Petri nets execution times of processes are not considered. Let’s consider representation of 4 dining philosophers in Petri nets SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUES (CONT 13) * * T1 * e1 * T2 T3 T4 * f1 * F2 e2 * F4 * F3 e3 E4