6-10-09 CCPC Minutes - Santa Barbara County Education Office

Proposed minutes of June 10, 2009
Meeting held at Cachuma Lake Recreation Hall
Karin Dominguez, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.
Chair Dominguez welcomed the group and everyone introduced themselves
Approval of Minutes of May 10, 2009
Vishna Herrity moved to approve the minutes of May 13, 2009. Jennie Martinez seconded
the motion. MSC.
General Public Comment Period
Sadly, Hanne Sonquist, an outstanding leader for ECE for many years, passed away last
week. There will be a celebration of her life on the lawn at the UCSB Faculty Club on
Sunday, June 21 at 2:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Detailed information was sent
out by e-mail.
Outgoing Chair Appreciation
At the end of the meeting Susie West, Chair of Nominating Committee, thanked Karin for
her leadership and dedication as Chair of the Council for the past two years. Karin was
presented with a beautiful plant, a gift and a card signed by members.
State Budget Update
Hearings and discussions about the May Revise of the State Budget and the budget cuts
proposed by the Governor are still underway. Funding changes and the future of programs
are still very uncertain.
Child Development contractors received a message yesterday suggesting that there may be a
3.5% or more cut across the board for child development programs but contracts at current
funding levels are being sent out. If cuts are imposed amended contracts will be sent.
VOTE: Approve letter re: Proposed State Budget
Leslie Voss moved to approve the letter to the Governor regarding the proposed State
Budget. Jennie Martinez seconded the motion. No discussion. MSC.
VOTE: Approve Revised AB212 Plan & Budget
It has been recommended that there should be a review of awards and requirements for the
“credential” and “professional” stipend tracks of the AB 212 Plan. The matter will be
discussed by PIAT and the PQI project manager and a recommendation brought to the
It was noted that the AB 212 Plan has been submitted to CDD so this will just be a
resubmission to make two minor changes to stipend levels and requirements.
The vote was tabled until July.
Distribution of Completed 08-09 Internal Action Plan
The final updated 08-09 Council Internal Action Plan was distributed for members to
include in their Member binders. The updated document reports all the hard work and
accomplishments that the Council and its members have achieved this year. Everyone is
encouraged to review it.
It is requested that Ad Hoc Committees and Committees/Action Teams submit their plans
for 09-10 so that they can be consolidated in the 09-10 Council Internal Action Plan, which
Steering Committee would like to finalize by the end of June.
Review Council Retreat Evaluation and Outcomes
The evaluations were very positive. Everyone enjoyed the boat ride and thought that it was
a very positive start to the work of the day. It has been suggested that we should have an
outdoor experience at the beginnings of next year’s Retreat. Ideas include the SB Natural
History Museum, the Santa Barbara Zoo or nature walks, bird viewing etc. at Cachuma.
Strategies and groups of activities from the Strategic Plan identified as priorities for Council
action in 09-10 were reviewed.
The plans of the ad hoc committees convened at the Retreat respond to these priorities and
will be the focus of activity in 09-10. Some groups may need to further refine and focus
their planned activities. Strategies not addressed will be on-hold this year.
Individual commitments made by members were also shared. Some are very specific
commitments to a committee or a particular activity, while others are more philosophical.
All members will be asked to sign up for a committee, action team or ad hoc committee.
Sign-up for Committees & Action Teams, 2009-2010
There was an explanation of the difference between committees/action teams and ad hoc
 Committees and Action Teams are ongoing and must abide by the Brown Act. As
such, they must publicly notice meetings and action items and they must have a
quorum of members in attendance to conduct the scheduled meeting. It is critical
that committee/action team members commit to full participation so that the group is
able to hold meetings as scheduled and accomplish the work required of the group.
 Ad hoc committees are convened to complete specified, limited activities and are not
required to follow Brown Act regulations. Members commit to undertake some of
the specified work.
Committee chairs described the work of their committee and meeting dates and times
Committee/Action Team/Ad Hoc lists were circulated and individuals were asked to confirm
their current membership or sign up for another group. As part of becoming an official
Council member, everyone agrees to be a member of at least one committee, action team or
ad hoc group.
Council members not in attendance today will be asked to confirm their participation by email.
Approve Annual Calendar, 2009-2010
Members reviewed the draft calendar for Council, Steering and committees for 2009-2010.
It was noted that the July Council meeting is at Souza Center in Santa Maria. Regularly the
Council will be meeting at Cachuma on the second Wednesday of the month, 10 a.m. to
noon. In November the meeting has been rescheduled to November 18 because November
11 is a Federal holiday.
In 09-10, Steering is changing to the fourth Wednesday of the month instead of the fourth
Thursday. The meetings will be 9-11:30 a.m.
Members present accepted the proposed calendar. Committees will notify Dyan of any
changes to their meeting schedules.
Coordination of ECE Programs
Mattie Gadsby has requested that this be a regular item on the agenda so that programs have
an opportunity to share information and to initiate coordination of activities as appropriate.
An example of this is the current coordination efforts to apply for Early Head Start Funds.
It is anticipated that there will be an additional opportunity to coordinate funding/programs
and ensure that all State funds for child development programs allocated to the county are
fully expended. In San Mateo and San Francisco Counties, Planning Council Coordinators
have participated in a pilot program to broker agreements between state funded programs for
the temporary and voluntary transfer of funds for part of a fiscal year if one program is not
able to use all of their funds and another could use them. The purpose is to ensure that all
allocated funds are fully used within the county and, in doing so, provide services for as
many children as possible. The Management Bulletin has been drafted for this process and
it is hoped that it will be finalized soon. The role of Councils is to ensure that there is a fair
and transparent process for the transfers.
Coordinator Report
Priorities for 09-10 have been approved by the Superintendent and BOS and submitted to
Valerie thanked Sharol Viker, Leslie Voss and Karin Dominguez for helping to plan the
remaining three events of the Leadership Series. Marilynn Jorgensen has agreed to
present/facilitate the three activities being planned for August 28, October 23 and November
20. Each event will include a presentation, lunchtime discussion of reading material and the
presentation, and group sharing. It was noted that October 23 may not be a good date
because some people will be attending CCDAA. October 30 was suggested as an
alternative. Unfortunately, the Orfalea Foundation, which funded this year’s series, has
notified the Council that no funds will be available for continuation of the Leadership Series
in 2010. The Foundation is focusing on internal projects.
The Q campaign will continue to move forward. The newly convened Public Awareness Ad
Hoc Committee is planning strategies to strengthen the outreach with the quality message.
Victor Abalos, First 5 communications consultant, is helping us to get better air time on
radio for the Q PSA’s. The Quality Campaign logo and poster are being redesigned and
printed with the second tagline: Quality Child Care…. Understand it, Demand it!
Please take additional posters, magnets and bookmarks for distribution and keep a record of
where they have been distributed and who the likely audience is. Dyan is keeping a master
list of Q material distribution.
XIV. Other Business/Announcements/Outdoor Activities Update
 Diane Harmon reported that, as a Professional Growth Advisor for many years, she is very
happy to announce that Barbara Lopez is to receive her BA from Antioch this month. A
total of 20 people from SB County are graduating in ECE from Antioch and there are
graduates from the new ECE program at UCSB.
Susie West requested that everyone make an effort to recruit new Council members.
Member job descriptions and applications were passed out. Please have applicants return
the forms to the Council office.
Jennie Martinez reported that Theresa Weisglass is retiring this month. There will be an
event recognizing her many years of dedicated work on Tuesday, June 23, at noon at Chase
Palm Park community room. Contact Debbie Badger for additional information.
Hilda Zacarias announced that both SBFCC libraries are being upgraded at the SM and SB
Diane Jones is retiring from UCSB Children’s Center. A tea will be held in her honor on
Thursday, June 12, 4-6 p.m at UCSB Children’s Center on West Campus.
At the July 8 Council meeting there will be a lunch following the installation of officers and
recognition of members. Salads, fruit and drinks are still needed to complete the menu.
Please let Susie West or Jennifer Bergquist know if you are able to bring something to share.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.