Poetry Analysis Exam: Frost & Teasdale - High School

Read each question carefully and then choose the best answer. Record your
answers on the provided answer sheet.
Stopping by Woods On A Snowy Evening
By Robert Frost
Whose woods these trees I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch the woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of casy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
1. The speaker of the poem probably stops to
a) give his horse a rest
b) admire the woods
c) survey his neighbour’s property
d) have a sleep
2. The speaker in this poem is probably a person who
a) hates work
b) behaves dishonestly
c) loves beauty
d) regrets unhappiness
3. “But I have promises to keep” (line 14) suggests that
a) the speaker resents his obligations
b) the speaker is slow to keep his word
c) the speaker likes to make excuses
d) the speaker is a reliable person
4. “Miles” (lines 15, 16) suggests
a) obligations
b) distance
c) fatigue
d) exasperation
5. “Sleep” (line 15, 16) is used
a) literally
b) metaphorically
c) symbolically
d) ironically
6. The diction of this poem can best be described as
a) quiet and dreamy
b) soft and pleasant
c) harsh and discordant
d) heavy and serious
7. “He gives his harness bells a shake to ask if there is some mistake” is an example
of what?
a) metaphor
b) personification
c) onomatopoeia
d) hyperbole
8. The rhyme scheme is the same in all stanzas except the
a) first
b) second
c) third
d) fourth
9. The mood which the poet creates can best be described as
a) restless and nervous
b) frightened and alarming
c) happy and jovial
d) drowsy and peaceful
10. The theme can be most accurately stated as
a) Although we should not abuse our farm animals, we should get the most
possible work from them.
b) Although we sometimes desire to spend long hours in the fields and woods, we
should realize that rest and sleep are more important to healthy living.
c) Although we sometimes desire release from our human obligations, we are
more likely to choose to carry on with life and its burdens.
d) Although we love the natural beauties around us, we should realize that by
spending too long admiring them we are wasting valuable time that should be
more profitably spent.
11. From whose point of view is the poem being told?
a) first person
b) second person
c) third person limited
d) third person omniscient
The Bonsai Tree
The bonsai tree
in the attractive pot
could have grown eighty feet tall
on the side of a mountain
till split by lightning.
But a gardener
carefully pruned it.
It is nine inches high.
Every day as he
whittles back the branches
the gardener croons,
it is your nature
to be small and cozy,
domestic and weak;
how lucky, little tree,
to have a pot to grow in.
With living creatures
one must begin very early
to dwarf their growth;
the bound feet
the crippled brain,
the hair in curlers,
the hands you
love to touch.
12. Which statement about the bonsai tree is not made in the poem?
a) it is frightened by the gardener
b) it was split by lightning
c) it grows in an attractive pot
d) it has a crippled brain
13. In which line does the poet change the focus of the poem?
a) "Every day as he" (line 9)
b) "It is your nature" (line 12)
c) "how lucky, little tree' (line 15)
d) "With living creatures" (line 17)
14. "The gardener croons" (line 11) is a good example of
a) antithesis
b) alliteration
c) onomatopoeia
d) apostrophe
15. Lines 12-14 "it is your nature to be small and cozy, domestic and weak", apply to the
tree, and through implication in lines 20-24 to
a) women
b) the gardener
c) dwarfs
d) all trees
16. The relation to the overall meaning of the poem, the tone of lines 15 and 16 is
a) judgmental
b) ironic
c) humorous
d) predictable
17. In lines 17-24, the poet most probably means that
a) young people need more direct guidance
b) society limits the development of females through early training
c) living creatures need to be pruned and whittled back
d) growing up in the world is like growing up in an attractive pot
18. The meaning of the poem is expressed through the use of
a) analogy (a similarity between like features of two things, on which a
comparison may be based)
b) hyperbole
c) personification
d) simile
19. Judging from the poem, which would the poet most likely prize highly?
a) cheerfulness
b) honesty
c) faithfulness
d) individuality
20. From whose point of view is the poem told?
a) first person
b) second person
c) third person limited
d) third person omniscient
The Long Hill
By Sara Teasdale
I must have passed the crest a while ago
And now I am going down -Strange to have crossed the crest and not to know,
But the brambles were always catching the hem of my gown.
All the morning I thought how proud I should be
To stand there straight as a queen,
Wrapped in the wind and the sun with the world under me -But the air was dull, there was little I could have seen.
It was nearly level along the beaten track
And the bramble caught my gown -But it’s no use now to think of turning back,
The rest of the way will only be going down.
1. The subject of the poem is:
a) a journey through a foreign land
b) a journey through a forest
c) a journey through life
d) a journey after death
2. The word “crest” (line 1) means:
a) bottom
b) side
c) top
d) hem
3. “Brambles” (lines 4 and 10) represents:
a) problems
b) bushes
c) berries
d) virtues
4. The tone of the poem can best be described as:
a) critical
b) happy
c) bitter
d) regretful
5. The theme of this poem can best be described as:
a) People are so preoccupied with their own problems that they do not notice life
passing them by.
b) Hardships are a part of life which must be endured.
c) People have a tendency to enjoy the good things in life and ignore the less fortunate.
d) It is easy to get to the point of success but hard to accept the fact that it does not last