Curriculum Vitae - College of Education

Kimberly Smoak
132 Copper Ridge Rd.
Columbia, SC 29212
(803) 781-2811
Academic Degrees
May 1991
December 1987
USC-College of Education
233 Wardlaw
Columbia, SC 29208
(803) 777-6401
Master of Arts in Teaching Winthrop University
Secondary Social Studies Education
Bachelor of Arts University of South Carolina
Professional Experience
August 2008-present
USC Campus Director for SC Teaching Fellows Program
January 2007-present
Instruction and Teacher Education, USC-Columbia
Clinical Instructor and Advisor
August-December 2006
Instruction and Teacher Education, USC-Columbia
Adjunct instructor
Irmo High School, Columbia, SC
Social Studies Teacher
Courses taught included: geography, world cultures, global studies II, US
history, AP American history, American government, psychology, IB theory
of knowledge, and various electives
Waccamaw High School, Pawley’s Island, SC
Social Studies Teacher
Courses taught included: SC history, world geography, world history, and
US history
Faculty and Administrative Load at USC
Fall 2011
USC Campus Director for SC Teaching Fellows
Supervision of Secondary Social Studies Interns in Internship A
Advisor for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Interim program coordinator for for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Summer 2011
EDSE 558-Introduction to Methods for Teaching HS/MS Social Studies
Spring 2011
USC Campus Director for SC Teaching Fellows
EDSE 584-Seminar in Teaching HS/MS Social Studies
Supervision of Secondary Social Studies Interns in Internship B
Advisor for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Spring 2010
EDTE 402-Teachers and Teaching
Supervision of Secondary Social Studies Interns in Internship B
Advisor for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Fall 2009
USC Campus Director for SC Teaching Fellows
Supervision of Secondary Social Studies Interns in Internship A
Advisor for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Spring 2009
USC Campus Director for SC Teaching Fellows
Advisor for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Fall 2008
USC Campus Director for SC Teaching Fellows
University 101
Advisor for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Spring 2008
EDTE 402
EDSE 584 –Seminar in Teaching Middle and High School Social Studies
Advisor for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Supervision of Secondary Social Studies Interns in Internship B
Fall 2007
EDTE 402
EDSE 558
Advisor for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Supervision of Secondary Social Studies Interns in Internships A and B
Summer I 2007
EDTE 402 (co-taught)
Advisor for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Spring 2007
EDTE 402
EDSE 584 –Seminar in Teaching Middle and High School Social Studies
Advisor for MT/MAT Secondary Social Studies program
Supervision of Secondary Social Studies Interns in Internship B
Fall 2006 (as adjunct)
EDTE 402-Teachers and Teaching
Presenter for professional development for School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties
Higher Education Representative for SC Social Studies Standards Review for Education Oversight
Committee (2010)
Appointed Higher Education Representative to the CERRA Advisory Board (2011-2014)
Appointed representative to UNIV 101 Advisory Board (2010-present)
College of Education Department of Instruction and Teacher Education
Affirmative Action Representative on search committee for tenure track secondary social studies
education faculty
Co-secretary for department meetings (2009-present)
Clinical APR Committee (2010-present)
Taking Care of Each Other in ITE committee member (2008-2010)
ADEPT trainer for secondary students entering internships A and B (ongoing)
Assist Brookland-Cayce High School in its High Schools That Work initiative (2009-2010)
Parent Representative-School Improvement Council- Irmo Middle School (2009-10)
Current Professional Association Memberships
National Council for the Social Studies