ابودabadīya infinite duration, endless time, eternity ا اa particle introducing direct and indirect questions; ا ― أمa - am in alternative questions; سواا ااا― أمsawā’un a ― am no matter whether - or; أاوa-wa particle indicating or implying doubt: or? perhaps?(atau/apakah) اَوتشوووووولا وووووو ا وووووول (tašukku) you wouldn't doubt it, would you? do you perhaps doubt it? or do you doubt it? اَالalā and اَموa-mā intensifying interjections introducing sentences: verily, truly, indeed, oh yes, etc., ( اَالا و ظروواfanẓurū) oh, do look! why, look! اَم و ااظ و (innahū) why, he is ... ! 1 آبدābid wild, untamed آبوودābida pl. اوابوودawābid2 unusual thing, prodigious event │ اوابوداا ودظيa. addunyā the Wonders of the World مؤبووووودmu'abbad eternal, endless, everlasting │( سوووووج امؤبووووودsijn) life imprisonment 1 ابوووibra pl. ابوووibar needle, pln; indicator (of an instrument); shot, injection (med.);sting, prick │ حق و اابووو ḥaqanahu ibratan to give s.o. an injection; ابوو اا واعووi. ar-rā‘ī geranium (bot.); ابوو ا ( مغ هيسوويةmagnāṯīsīya) magnetic needle; شغلااالبوšug1 al-i. needlework آبāb2 August = Agustus (month; Syr., Leb., Jord., Ir.) ابsee ابا 2 3 ابabba u to long, yearn, ( إ ووواوه ووilā waṯanihi for one's homeland) ابيبlook up alphabetically 4 ( اب تIt. abate) abātī abbot (Chr.) اب ةibāla, ibbāla bundle, bale ي اابتsee ابا ابجدabjad alphabet ابجودabjadī alphabetic(al); ابجوديelementary facts, simple truths │اا حوووواااالبجديووةthe letters of the alphabet ابودabada ( ابواubūd) to stay, linger ( بat a place); ― i u to roam in a state of wildness, run wild, be shy, shy away, run away (animal, game) II to make lasting or permanent, perpetuate, eternize ( هوs.th.) V to be perpetuated, become lasting or permanentl; to return to a state of wildness ابودabad pl. آبوābād endless, eternal duration, eternity; ابووداabadan always, forever; ever, (with neg.) never (in the future), not at all, on no account; (alone, without negation) never! not at all! By no means! │ علووواادبوودىاإ ووواادبوودand أبووداا وودهو abada d-dahri forever; ابودااببوديabada labadīn and إ ووواابوودااببووديilā abadi l-a. forever and ever مئبوmi'bar needlecase; pack needle 2 آب رābār see بئو ابويشويةabrašīya and ابووشوويةabrūšīya pl. -āt diocese, bishoprie (Chr.); parish (Chr.) ابوميسabramīs, ابواميسbream (zool.) ابويزpure gold 1 ابويسمibrīsam, ibrīsim silk ابويقibrīq pl. اب ريقabārīq2 pitcher, jug ابويلabril April ابزنabzan pl. اب زنabāzin2 washbowl ابزيمibzīm pl. اب زمabāzim2 buckle, clasp ابوubḍ pl. آبوābāḍ and موببma’biḍ pl. 2 مووو بma’ābiḍ hollow of the knee, popliteal space ابطV to take or carry under one's arm ( هوs.th.); to put one's arm ( هو, هaround s.o., around s.th.), hold in one's arm ( ه, هs.th.) ابطibṯ pl. آب هābāṯ m. and f. armpit ابوقabaqa i ( ابوibāq) to escape, run away (a slave from his master) ابقabaq a kind of hemp آبوووقābiq pl. escaped; a fugitive ابدabadi everlasting, eternal, endless االبدal-abadī eternity ابوووabara i u (abr) to prick, sting II to pollinate ( هa palm tree) ابوووubbāq runaway, 1 ابلibil (coll.) camel 2 اب ةibāla, ibbāla bundle, bale ابليزiblīz alluvial deposits (of the Nile) disdain ( هوs.th.): to deny ( علوواهوs.o. s.th.) │ ( ابوووااالاأنايفعل وillā an yaf’alahū) he insisted on doing it; ابووا اإالاأنGod willed that ... V to refuse, decline ابليسiblīs pl. اب سةabālisa devil, Satan 1 ابووII to celebrate, praise, eulogize ( هa deceased person), deliver a funeral oration ( هin praise of s.o.) ابوibā’, ابوibā’a rejection; dislike, distaste, aversion, disdain; pride اب ةubna passive pederasty اب وabīy disdainful, scornful: proud, lofty, lofty-minded ابو نibbān time: ابو نibbāna during, و ا اب نat the time of, during توووببيta’bīn commemoration (of a deceased person) │ حفلووةاتووببيḥaflat at-t. commemorative celebration (in honor of a deceased person) مووووببانma’būn catamite; mollycoddle, sissy; scoundrel 2 ابsee 1 آبābin pl. ابووووubāh reserved, standoffish; unwilling, reluctant, grudging ابيوبabīb the eleventh month of the Coptic calendar 2 ابيقارabīqūrī Epicurean weakling, ابيقارabīqūriya Epicureanism ب اتوووutrujj and اتوووظutrunj citron (Citrus medica; bot.) اب اسabnūs ebony ابabaha and abiha a (abh) to pay attention (ل, also بto), heed (ل, also بs.th.), take notice (ل, also بof) │ اموووواالايؤبووو ا ووو (yu'bahu) an insignificant, unimportant matter V to display proud, haughty manners; to turn away, keep one's distance, remain aloof ( ع وfrom), look down ( عوupon), think o.s. far above ( عو s.o. or s.th.) ابهووووووة ubbaha splendor, ostentation, pageantry; pride pomp, ابab pl. آبaba' father (also eccl.): ancestor, forefather: ي اابتyā abati O my father! االباانal-abawān the parents, father and mother; اباظabūnā reverend father, form of address and title of a priest (Chr). │اب اع اجد aban ‘an jaddin handed down from father to son, as s.th. inherited from forefathers; ابا اسعabū su’n marabou; ابا اا امabū nnaum poppy; ابا اا هالabū l-haul the Sphinx; ابا اا يقر نabū l-yaqẓān rooster, cock اباubūwa fatherhood, paternity اباabawī paternal, fatherly اباظيتebonite ( اباظيوFr. abonné) abūneh pl. -āt subscription; subscription card (e.g., for public conveyances, a concert season, etc.) ابوووabā a ( اب وibā’, اب وibā’a) to refuse, decline; to turn down, reject, scorn, ( آتشجTurk. ateşçi) ātešgī fireman, stoker مبتمma’tam pl. م تمma’ātim2 obsequies, funeral ceremony 1 اتو نatān pl. آتوātun, اتوutun, utn female donkey, she-ass 2 اتوانatūn, attūn pl. اتوutun, اتو تatātīn2 kiln, furnace, oven ات وitāwa pl. ات وىatāwā duty, tax, tribute ( اتابيسFr.) otobīs autobus, bus ( اتام تيكFr.) otomātīkī automatic اتامبيوولboyl lIا ووووd ( اتامابيوولFr.) otomobīl automobile اتووatā i ( اتيو نityān, اتووaty, مبتوto come ( هor ا وto; علوover s.o.), arrive ( هوor ا ووat); ب اتوووto bring, bring forward, produce, advance, accomplish or achieve s.th.; اتواها بto bring, give or offer s.o. s.th.; to do, perform ( هوa deed), carry out, execute ( هو e.g., movements); to commit, perpetrate ( هوa sin, a. crime); to mention ( علووs.th.); to finish off ( علووs.th., also s.o.); to finish, complete, carry through, dispose, settle, wind up, conclude, terminate, bring to a close ( علوووs.th.); to destroy, annihilate, eradicate, wipe out ( علووووs.th.); to eliminate, carry away, sweep away (علوو s.th.), do away ( علوووwith); to use up, exhaust (also a subject), present exhaustively, in great detail ( علوووs.th.), elaborate ( علوووon s.th.) │ اكموو ايووبتas follows; ( اتووووواعلووووواآ وووووهākhirihī) to complete, finish s.th.; to spend or use up the last of s.th.; اتوواعلووااد وواوا يو بسto destroy everything, wreak havoc;اتوووا ا ا بيا امو ااباابهوs.th. in the right way, knock on the right door; يوؤتوامو البولاyu’ta min qibali is undermined, weakened, ruined by III to offer furnish, give, afford ( بto s.o. s.th.), provide, supply ( بs.o. with); to be propitious, be favorable ( هfor s.o.), favor ( هs.o.); to turn out well (. for s.o.), be in favor ( هof); to suit, befit, become ( هs.o.), be appropriate ( هfor s.o.); to agree ( هwithا s.o.; food) │ ( اتوو هاكوولاشووkullu šai’in) everything was in his favor, turned out well for him, came his way IV to bring ( هو s.o. s.th.); to give ( هs.o. s.th.); to grant ( هو هto s.o. s.th.), bestow ( هوupon s.o. s.th.) │ ( آتووواا زك وzakāta) to give alms V to originate, stem, derive, spring, arise, result ( عوfrom); to end ( عوwith), result ( عو in); to get ( ا وto), arrive ( ا وat); to be easy to do, be feasible without difficulty, be attainable, go well, progress; to go about s.th. ( ) ووgently, cautiously X to ask to come, induce to come ( هs.o.) مبتوma’tan pl. موma’ātin place where s.th. comes from; place at which one arrives; access; pl. موplace of origin; origin, source, provenance; place where one has been or to which one has come; place where s.th. starts, where s.th. ends آātin coming, next; following │ ( ادسوبا اابتوusbū‘) the coming week, next week; ك بتas follows موووااmu’ātin, muwātin favorable, propitious, opportune, convenient, suitable اثaṯṯa u I a ( اث ثوةaṯāṯa) to be luxuriant, grow profusely (hair, plants) II to fix up, prepare ( هوووs.th.); to furnish ( هوووan apartment) V to be or become rich, wealthy, to prosper; to be furnished اثو ثaṯāṯ furniture, furnishings (of an apartment, of a room) تبثيثta’ṯīṯ furnishing اثaṯṯ, اثو ثaṯīṯ abundant, luxuriant, profusely growing (hair, plants) اثووaṯara u i (aṯr, اثو رaṯāra) to transmit, pass along, report, relate ( هوs.th., عوfrom, or based on the authority of, s.o.) II to affect, influence ( وor علووs.o., s.th.), act ( وor علوووupon), produce an effect, make an impression, have influence ( وor علووon); to induce (phys.) IV to prefer ( هو اعلووs.th. to), like ( هs.th.) more ( علوthan); to have a predilection, a liking ( هوfor), like ( هوs.th.), be fond ( هوof); to choose, deem wise or advisable ( انto do s.th.); to adore ( هو, ه s.o., s.th.) │( آثووواظفس و اب و يوnafsahū bi-lkair) to wish o.s. well, hope for the best for o.s. V to be impressed, be influenced; to let o.s. be impressed, be impressible; to be moved, be touched ( بor لby, also ;)مو to be excited, be stimulated; to be affected ( بby, said of materials, e.g., iron by acid); to be induced (phys.); to follow in s.o.’s ()ه tracks, follow s.o.’s example, emulate (ه s.o.); to pursue, follow up ( هوa question, a problem); to perceive, feel ( هوs.th.) X to claim a monopoly; to possess alone, with the exclusion of others, monopolize (ب s.th.); to appropriate ( بs.th.), take exclusive possession ( بof); to preoccupy ( هوs.th.), engross ( هوthe attention) │اسوأبثوا ابthe Lord has taken him unto Himself اثوaṯar pl. آثو رāṯār track, trace, vestige; sign, mark; touch; impression, effect, action, influence ( ووووon); tradition (relating the deeds and utterances of Mohammed and his Companions); work (of art, esp. of literature); ancient monument; آثووو رantiquities; remnants, vestiges; (religious) relics │‘ علوماابثو رilm al-a. archeology; اراابثووو رmuseum of antiquities; ( الااثوووا وووaṯara) ineffective, ineffectnal; ( بوووووبثوارجعوووووraj‘ī) with retroactive force (jur.); اصووباااثووواابعووداعووي aṣbaḥa aṯaran ba‘da ‘ainin to be destroyed, be wiped out, leave nothing but memory behind; ( اع هااثواابعوداعويa‘adahū) to destroy s.th. completely ; علوااثوه, ااثووه (also fī iṯrihī) on his (its) track, at his heels, after him; immediately afterwards, presently, thereupon; ;'11 j. immediately afterwards, presently اثووiṯra (prep.) immediately after, right after اثووaṯarī archeologic(a1); archeologist (also آثو رāṯārī); old, ancient, antique │ا عو مااثووarcheologist; ( غوةااثويوةluga) dead language اثوaṯir egoistic, selfish اثوaṯara selfishness, egoism اثيوaṯīr favored, preferred ( ع ودby s.o.), in favor ( ع ودwith s.o.); select, exquisite, noble; see also alphabetically اث و رaṯāra remainder, remnant; faint trace, vestige موبثوma’ṯara, ma’ṯura pl. مو ثوma’āṯir exploit, feat, glorious deed اثيولatīl and مؤثولmu’attal deep-rooted; of noble origin, highborn اثومatima a (itm, atam, موبثمma’tam) to sin, err, slip V to eschew sin, shun evil; to restrain o.s. hold back اثووومitm pl. آثووو مātām sin, offense, misdeed, crime 2 موووبثمma’tam pl. مووو ثمsin, offense, misdeed, crime تووبثيوta’ṯīr action, effect, influence, impression ( و, علوووon); effectiveness, efficacy; induction (phys.) تبثيمsin, offense, misdeed, crime آثومātim pl. اثموةatama and اثويمatīm pl. اثموatmā’ sinful, criminal, wicked, evil; sinner تووبثيوta’ṯīrī produced by induction, inductive, inductional, induced (phys.) إيثووووو رīṯār preference; predilection; love, affection altruism; توبثوta’aṯṯur being influenced; agitation, emotion, feeling; excitability, sensitivity; (pl. -āt) feeling, sensation, perception │ا سووويااا أووبثوeasily impressed, impressible, sensitive اثمدitmid antimony اثيوatīr ether اثيatīnā Athens اثيابيatyūbiyā Ethiopia اثيووابatyūbī Ethiopian; (pl.-ūn) an Ethiopian │اا بال ااالثيابيةEthiopia توووووبثوta’aṯṯurī: ا مووووولهباا أوووووبثو (madhab)the impressionistic movement اajja u i ( اجيajīj) to burn, blaze, flame (fire) II to light, kindle, start ( هa fire) V = I تبثويةta’atturīya impressionism م ااجmā’ ujāj bitter, salty water اسأئث رisti’tār arrogation of a monopoly; monopolization; presumption, presumptuousness; exclusive power موبثارma’tūr transmitted, handed down │(الوالاموبثارqaul) and ( كلموةاموبثارkalima) proverb مووؤثوmu’attir affecting, acting upon; effective; impressive; moving, touching, pathetic; (pl. -āt) influencing factor, influence 2 أثيوlook up alphabetically أثفيووةutfīya pl. أث و اatāfin trivet, tripod (in &ncient times: &ny one of the three stones supporting a cooking pot near the fire) │ اث ثوةاادثوthat which rounds out a number, caps s.th., puts the lid on s.th., the crowning touch اثوولatala i to consolidate, strengthen II to become rich V to be consolidated, be strengthened; to become rich اثوولatl pl. اثووالutūl (coll.; n. un. pl. atalat) tamarisk (bot.) اجajjāj burning, blazing, hot مأووووبج flaming muta’ajjij burning, blazing, اجبيةajabīya horologium (Copt.-Chr.) 2 أجوووajara u (ajr) to reward, recompense, remunerate ( هوs.o.) II to let for rent, let out, hire out, rent, lease ( هوs.th.); (with nafsahū) to hire s.o. out IV to let for rent, let out, hire out, rent, lease ( هوs.th.); to rent, hire, lease, hold under a lease ( هو s.th.), take a lease, ( هوon); to hire, engage, take on ( هs.o.), engage the services ( هof s.o.) X to rent, hire, lease, hold under a lease ( ه.th.), take a lease ( هon); to charter ( هوa vessel); to hire, engage, take on (ه s.o.), engage the service ( هof s.o.) اجوووajr pl. اجووارujūr wages, pay, honorarium, recompense, emolument, remuneration; price, rate, fee │ اجواراا سوفو u. as-safar fares اجووujra hire, rent, rental; price, rate, fee; fixed rate, (official) charge; postage │ا اجووو اا بويوودpostage; اجووو اا قوولu. an-naql آجوولājil delayed, protracted; deferred; later, future (as opposed to اعو جالااوا│)ع جل ’آجوالājilan au ājilan, و اع جلو ااواآجلوsooner or later, now or later on; و اا ع جولاوابجول now and in the future ابجل وةal-ājila the life to come, the hereafter مؤجولmu’ajjal delayed, late, postponed, deferred; fixed in time, deadlined transport charges, freight(age), carriage, cartage اجيوووajīr pl. اجووواujarā’ hireling; workman, laborer, day laborer; employee اجي ووajīra working woman, factory girl, female laborer; woman employee توبجيوta’jīr letting, leasing, hiring out, letting on lease; lease│امشووووو اا أوووبجيوا ( واإلع رi‘āra) Lend-Lease Act ايجو رījār pl. -āt rent; letting, leasing, hiring out, letting on lease│ ا إليج و رfor rent, to let اجو رijāra pl. -āt rent; letting, leasing, hiring out, letting on lease اسأئج رisti’jār rent, lease, tenure مووبجارma’jūr paid, salaried, on the payroll, gainfully employed; employee; mercenary, venal, hired, bribed مؤجوmu’ajjir pl. -ūn landlord, lessor مسووأبجوmusta’jir leaseholder, lessee, tenant; employer 5 2 آجوājurr (n. un. ) baked brick اجزاجsee جز اجزا ظةsee جز اج صijjāṣ pear اجولajala a (ajal) to hesitate, tarry, linger II to delay, postpone, put off, defer, adjourn (ه ا ا وووs.th. till) V to be postponed, be deferred, be adjourned ( موؤجوtill, to) X to request postponement ( هوof s.th.); to seek to delay ( هs.th.) اجلajal yes, indeed! certainly! by all means! دجلli-ajli or م ااجلmin ajli because of, on account of, for the sake of; for │ادجلا أنin order that, that, so that; م اأجل اهلا therefore, for that reason, on this account اجولajal pl. آجو لājāl appointed time, date, deadline; instant of death; respite, delay│ ب دجولon credit (com.); لصويواادجول short-term, short-time; short-lived: إ واأجولا ( غيوووووامسووووموgairi musammā) for an indefinite period, sine die, until further notice تبجيوووولta’jīl delay, postponement, adjournment, deferment, respite; appointment of a time or date اجمةajama, coll. اجومajam pl. -āt, اجومujum, آجو م ājām thicket, jungle, forest: reeds, canebrake اجميوةajamiya malaria│ ابعاضووةاادجميوةba‘ūḍat al-a. anopheles آجājin brackish (water) اج دajanda notebook احaḥḥa u (aḥḥ) to cough احودII to make into one, unite, unify ( هوs.th.) VIII اتحدsee وحد احودaḥad, f. احودىone: somebody, someone, anybody, anyone (esp. in negative sentences and questions); ادحوودthe One (God); Sunday│ احدهمaḥaduhum every one of them; يواماادحودyaum al-a. Sunday;اأحودا ا سعفاa. as-sa‘af Palm Sunday;اأحداا ع صو ا a. al-‘anṣara Whitsunday; آحودااد وااāḥād al-ulūf a few thousand (2-9000; as distinguished from عشووا ااد وااand مئو ا )اد اا احدaḥadī dominical, Sunday (adj.) احديةaḥadīya unity, oneness ابحدal-āḥād the units (math.) 1 ااحaḥina a (aḥan) to bate ( علوs.o.) اح وةiḥna pl. احوiḥan old feud, deep-rooted hatred 2 ااحيsee ااوح اخsee اا ا ا تsee اا ا ا ولaḳaḍa u (aḳḍ) to take ( هو موs.th. from orا out of): to take ( هوs.th.) along: to get, receive, obtain ( هو موs.th. from); to take up, seize ( هوs.th.); to grab ( بs.o., s.th.), take hold of ()ب: to perceive, notice ( هs.o., said of the eye); to gather, understand, infer, deduce ( هو موs.th. from), read ( هو s.th.) between the lines ( موof); to grip, captivate, thrill, spellbind ( بs.o.); to take up, acquire, make one's own ( بs.th., e.g., a method); to keep, adhere ( بto), observe, take over, adopt, embrace, follow, copy, imitate ( بs.th.); to accept ( بs.th.); to take, lead ( ب ا ووs.o. to); to admonish, urge, drive ( ه بs.o. to do s.th.); to enjoin, impose ( ه بon s.o. s.th.); to take away ( علوو هfrom s.o. s.th.), strip, deprive ( علو هs.o. of), cut off, bar ( علو هs.o. from); to reproach, hlame ( علوو هs.o. for); to hold against s.o. ( )علووthat ... ()ان, fix the blame ( علوووon s.o., انfor the fact that); to obligate ( علو بs.o. to); to learn ( علوor عو from s.o., هs.th.), acquire knowledge (علوو or عfrom s.o.), '( أ ولاا علوماع وilm) to study under s.o.; to begin, start ( وor بwith s.th. or s.th., with foll. imperf.: to do s.th.), prepare, set out, be about ( وor بto do s.th.) │ ( اأ ووولاأبهأوووuhbatahū) to make preparations, prepare o.s., get ready; أ ولا ( مب وولا ووالناma’ḳad) to adopt the same course as s.o. else, follow s.o.’s example; ا أ لام امب ولاto seize s.o., take possession of s.o. (a sensation, or the like); أ وولامجووواه (majrāhu) to take its course; أ وولامجلس و (majlisahū) to take one's seat, sit down; ( أ ولا ولرهḥidrahū) to be on one's guard; ( أ ولهاب حسو وḥusnā) to be friendly, be nice to s.o.; ( أ ولاب و هوهbi-ḳāṯirihī) to show o.s. complaisant toward s.o., try to please s.o.; ( أ ولابلظبوbi-danbihi) to punish s.o. for his offense; ( أ وولارأي وra'yahū) to ask s.o.’s opinion, consult s.o.; ( أ لاا وأ اعليuḳida rra'yu) the matter was put to a vote; أ ولا ( ببسوب بbi-asbābi) to embrace, adopt s.th., e.g., ( أ ولاببسوب باا ح و ر اادروبيوةḥaḍāra) to adopt European culture; ( أ لاب شدšidda) to deal with s.o. severely, give s.o. a rough time; أ ولاعليو اهويقوto obstruct s.o.’s way, hinder s.o. from moving on; أ لاعلواع تقto shoulder s.th., take s.th. upon o.s.; أ لاا عود ا ‘( لudda) to prepare, set out, get ready to do s.th.; ‘( أ ولاعليو اعهوداahdan) to put s.o. under an obligation, impose a commitment on s.o.; أ وولاعلوووايحووي ةاغووو uḳida ‘alā (ḥīni) girratin to be taken by surprise, be caught unawares; أ وولاب مق بلووة (muqābala) to repay like for like; ش ايب ولا ا قلوابs.th. which captivates the heart, a fascinating, thrilling thing; أ ووولظ اا م وووو (maṯarū) we got caught in the rain; أ ولا ( ب صووهbi-nāṣirihi) to help s.o., stand by s.o., take care of s.o., look after s.o.; أ ولا ( ظفسوnafasahū) to draw breath; أ ولاعليو ا أظف سوto take s.o.’s breath away; أ ولاا وام (naum) sleep overwhelmed him; أ وولابيووده (bi-yadihī) to help s.o., stand by s.o. II to lay under a spell, enchant, bewitch ( هs.o.) III to censure, blame (ب, ه علوووs.o. for s.th.); to punish (ب, ه علووs.o. for); to hold s.th. ( )علووagainst s.o. ()ه, resent ( علووs.th. ه, in s.o.)│ االاتؤا ولظlā tu’āḳidnī pardon me! forgive me! no offense, I hope! VIII ات ولittaḳada to take ( هs.th.); to take on, assume ( هوs.th.); to take up, occupy ( هو s.th.); to pass, adopt ( هوe.g., a resolution); to take, single out, have in mind ( هو هو, ه ه s.o. or s.th. as); to make use ( هوof s.th.), use ( هوs.th.); to imitate, affect ( هوe.g., s.o.’s manner of speaking); to make ( هو مو s.th. out of s.o. or s.th.)│( اات ولاشوكالšaklan) to take on a form or shape; ات وولامالف و (mauqifan) to take an attitude, assume a position; ات ووولاا أووودابيوااالزموووةto take the necessary measures; ( ات ولالوواراqarāran) to pass or adopt a resolution; ات لاا ماالااا جديود to take up new positions (troops) أ ولaḳd acceptance, reception; seizure; taking out, taking away, removal, etc.│اأ لا ا ووأ اa. ar-ra'y voting, vote; ( أ ولاور اwaradd) discussion, debate, dispute, argument; ( شو االايقبولاأ ولااوالار اyaqbalu) an indisputable matter; ( أ وولاوع وwa‘aṯā’) give-and-take; traffic, trade; dealings, relations (esp. business, commercial); discussion, debate; fight, battle أ لuḳda spell, charm أ يلaḳīd prisoner of war أ يلaḳīda booty, spoils أ ووو اaḳḳād captivating, fascinating, thrilling مب وولma’ḳad pl. م وولاma’āḳid2 place from which one takes s.th., source; O wall socket, outlet (el.); adoption, borrowing, loan; manner of acting, mode of procedure, approach; pl. م ووولاsource references, bibliography (in booke); reprehensible points, faults, flaws, defects, shortcomings│ اا مب وولاادلوووبthe simplest, easiest approach; لويباا مب ولeasy to handle or to use; see wao aḳada (middle of paragraph) ا مؤا وولmu’āḳada objection, exception; censure, blame│ ! (ا الامؤا وولmu’āḳadata) pardon me! no offense, I hope! turn, she in turn, اظو ااب ووI also; اناك ظوتا ( اد ووىin kānat) otherwise; مو اآناا وواآ وو from time to time; ( مو اسو ةاا وواا ووىاsana) from year to year; ( بووي ا أووو اوا وووىfatra) once in a while, from time to time; ( آوظوووة―ا ووووىawinatan) sometimes -sometimes, at times -- at times أ وولma’ḳūd taken, seized; taken by surprise, caught, trapped; surprised; taken ( بwith), fascinated ( بby); ا موب ا ابوin force, valid اد وىal-uḳrā the hereafter موووب ا اma’ḳūdāt receipts, takings, returns (com.) ا وووuḳrawī of or relating to the life to come or the hereafter ا ووII to delay, put off, defer, postpone, adjourn ( هووs.th.); to hinder, impede, obstruct, hold up ( هs.o., هوs.th.), slow down, retard ( هوs.th.); to draw out, delay ( عs.th. beyond its appointed time); to put back ( هو, هs.o., s.th.), shelve ( هوs.th.); to set back ( هوa watch, a clock); to suspend, discharge, dismiss, remove ( هs.o. from an office) V to be late; to be delayed, fall or lag behind ( )عو, tarry, linger, hesitate; to default ( ع وon), be behindhand, be in arrears ( عوwith), be behind ( عوin); to hesitate ( عوwith); to be suspended (from service), be discharged, be dismissed│ا وما يأووب وابعوودا وولام و اانafter that, he did not hesitate long before he …, presently, he ... آ ووāḳir pl. -ūn, -āt, اوا ووawaḳir2 last, ultimate, utmost, extreme; end, close, conclusion; foot, bottom (of a paper); ا اب ووand اب ووthe hereafter│ ا ودارااب وو the abode in the hereafter, the everlasting abode; اا وواآ ووهilā ākīirihī and so forth, et cetera; آ ووواادموووāḳir l-amri eventually, finally, in the end, after all; آ وواا ودهوāḳir d-dahri forever; آ ووواا زم و نa. az-zamān time at which the Day of Judgment is to be expected, the end of the world; عو اآ ووه to the last, down to the grass roots, entirely, completely, e.g., موووواعووو اآ ووووه (dummira) to be completely destroyed, be wiped off the map; مو اآ ووهfrom behind, from the rear; م ا اآ وendless, infinite; و ا آ ووااب ووafter all, last of all; اوا وواا شوهوa. aš-šahr the end of the month, the last ten days of the month; ا يووااو ويساآ وواlast but not least اب وal-āḳira the hereafter آ ووāḳar 2, f. ا ووىuḳrā, pl. comm. ا وو uḳar 2 (and آ ووووونāḳarūn or ا ويووو respectively) another, one more, اب ووthe other│( امو اا وىmarratan) once more; ه ا اد ووى, هواااب ووhe also, she also, he in ا يووووaḳīr last; latest; rearmost; the second of two; ا يوواeventually, finally, in the end, after all, at last; recently, the other day; اادول―اال يووthe former—the latter│اا يوااو يساآ واlast but not least مئ و رmi’ḳār palm which retains its fruit into the winter تووووووب يو ta’ḳīr delay, deferment, postponement; obstruction, retardation; putting back, temporary shelving تووب و.f ta’aḳḳar delay, lag, retardation; hesitation, tarrying, lingering; slowness, tardiness; backwardness, underdevelopment (of a country) موؤ وmu’aḳḳar rear part, tail, end; atern (of a ship); remainder, balance (of a sum, to be paid later); موووؤ واmu’aḳḳaran recently, lately, the other day; at last, finally, eventually موؤ وmu’aḳḳara rear, rear guard (of an army); rear positions or lines (mil.); stern (of a ship) مأوووب وmuta’aḳḳir delayed, belated, late; occurring later ( عووووthan); behind, behindhand in arrears; backward, underdeveloped; lagging, staying behind; defaulter; ا مأووب وونthe later, or modern, authors, writers, or the like (as opposed to ا مأووب وا ا ;)ا مأقودمانarrears, balance of a سum remaining due after previous payment│ ( اا بلووووداناا مأووووب وbuldān) the underdeveloped countries باه اuḳṯubūṯ octopus ا واIII to fraternize, associate as brothers (ه with s.o.) V to act or show o.s. as a brother or friend VI to fraternize, associate as brothers اخaḳ pl. ا واiḳwa, ا واانiḳwān brother; fellow man, neighbor; friend; pl. ا واان specif., brethren or members of an order; اإل ووواانreligious brotherhood of the Wahabi sect, militant in character, established by Ibn Sa‘ūd in 1910│ ايو اأ و my dear friend! ا ووووااثقووووةaḳū tiqa trustworthy, reliable; اخاشووووقيقbrother through both father and mother, brothergerman اد بand عوديمااد بill-mannered, ill-bred, impolite, uncivil; ‘( اد باا عووو مāmmī) popular literature; رجو لااد باliterati, men of letters; كليوةااب ابkullīyat al-ā. (= faculté des lettres) college of arts; آ ابrules, rules of conduct, e.g., آ اباا سووولاrules of decorum, etiquette; اب ابdecency, morals اا بووadabī moral, ethic(al); literary│ا واجوووباا بوووmoral obligation; ا بيووو اوم يووو adabiyan wa-māddīyan morally and physically; ( ا فلسووفةااد بي وةfalsafa) ethics, moral science ا وتuḳt pl. ا وااaḳawāt sister; (gram.) cognate; counterpart│ اا أهوthe other (of two), its mate, its counterpart (after a fem. noun) ا بيadabīyāt lliterature, belles-lettres ا ب ظووةadabḳāna pl. -āt toilet, water closet اḳuwaiy little brother ا اaḳawi brotherly, fraternal ا يووبadīb pl. ا بووudabā’ cultured, refined, educated; well.bred, wellmannered, civil, urbane; a. man of culture and refined tastes; man of letters, writer, author اا ايةaḳawīya brotherhood (as a religious association) ا وووiḳā’, ا ووواuḳūwa brotherhood, brotherliness, fraternity ا يبةadība authoress, writer ا ووو وiḳāwa fraternization, fraternity, brotherliness مب بوةma’duba pl. مو بma’ādib banquet, formal dinner ت خta’āḳin fraternization تب يووووبta’dīb education; discipline; punishment, chastisement; disciplinary punishment│ مجلووووساا أب يووووبmajlis at-t. disciplinary board ا ارaḳūr barn, stable اadda u i to befall, afflict ( هa.o.) امووااamr idd a terrible, evil, horrible thing ا بaduba u (adab) to be well-bred, wellmannered, cultured, urbane, have refined tastes; ― adaba i (adb) to invite (to a party or banquet, هs.o.), entertain ( هs.o.)│ا ( ا بامب بوةma'duba) to arrange a banquet, give a formal dinner II to refine, educate (ه s.o.); to discipline, punish, ehastise ( هs.o.) IV to invite as a guest ( هs.o.) V to receive a fine education; to be well-bred, welleducated, cultured, have refined tastes; to show o.s. polite, courteous, civil, urbane; to educate o.s., refine one’s tastes ( بby, through); to let o.s. be guided ( بby)│ا ( تب بابب بbi-adabihi) to follow s.o.’s moral example ا بadab pl. آ ابādab culture, refinement; good breeding, good manners, social graces, decorum, decency, propriety, seemliness; humanity, humaneness; the humanities; belleslettres│ بيوتااد بtoilet, water closet; لليولا توووب يبta'dībī disciplinary; punitive, retaliatory│(ال ووووووووووووووووووويةاتب يبيوووووووووووووووووووةqaḍīya) disciplinary action توووب بta’addub good breeding, good manners, civility, politeness, courteousness, tact آ بādib host موؤ بmu’addib pl. -ūn educator; teacher in a Koranic school (Tun.); ― mu'addab well-bred, well-mannered, civil, urbane ا رudra scrotal hernia ا رظوةadirna2 Edirne, Adrianople (city in NW Turkey) ( اال ي تيولFr. adriatique) al-adriyātīk and بحووا اال ي تيلbaḥr al-a. the Adriatic Sea 1 اا مadama i (adm) to take some additional food ( هوwith the bread), enrich ( هوthe bread) with some extra food or condiment ا ام 2 idām anything eaten with shortening, fatty ingredient bread; duty), realization, effectuation, accomplishment (of a task); rendition, reading (e.g., of a musical composition); fulfillment; payment│ احسو ااد اḥusn al-a. good rendition (of a work of art, of a musical composition) ا مadam, adama skin ا يوومadīm skin; surface; tanned skin, leather│ ا يماادرa. al-arḍ the surface of the earth تب يووةta’diya rendering (of a service); pursuit, performance, execution, discharge (of a duty), realization effectuation; accomplishment (of a task); fulfillment; payment ا امaddām tanner آ مādam2 Adam│ اب اآ مhuman being 3 آ موووādamī human; humane; poor, inferior, meager; (pl. -ūn, ( اوا مawadim2) human being مووووؤ ىmu’addan assignment, task, function; sense, meaning, signification, import, underlying idea آ ميووةādamīya humaneness, humanity; humanism ا اadāh pl. ا واadawāt tool; instrument; utensil, implement, device, appliance; apparatus; (gram.) particle│ اا ا اا حكومa. alḥukm machinery of government; ا ا ا ا أعويوفdefinite article (gram.); ا ا اا أ فيليوة (tanfīdīya) executive agency; pl. materials, equipment, gear, ( ا وا احوبيوةḥarbīya) war material; ( ا واو ااح ي هيوةiḥtiyāṯīya) standby equipment (techn.); ا وا ام ز يوووووة (manzilīya) household utensils, household effects اid 1. (introducing a verbal clause) (and) then; إ ا اid dāka (also written )إ اthen, at that time, at the same time, in doing so; 2. (conj.; temp. and caus.) as, when; since, as, the more so as, because; ا اانid anna since, as, in view of the fact that; for, because 1 اا ا1. (introducing a nominal clause the subject of which may he expressed by ب with foll. genit.) and then, and all of a sudden; (with noun in nominative case or with )بthere was … and all of a sudden there was …; 2. (conj.) when; if, whenever; whether, if (introducing indirect questions); ا ااموwhen, whenever; ( االاا اillā) unless if not; except when 2 )ا ن( اا اidan then, therefore, in that case, hence, consequently اد ونal-adōn (Hebr.) the Lord; Mr. ... (Isr.) ا ىII to convey, take, bring, lead, steer, channel ( هو, ب هs.o., s.th., ا ووto), see that s.o. or s.th. ( هو, هor )بgets to ( ;)ا ووto bring about, cause, effect, produce (ا ووو s.th.); to lead, contribute, be conducive ( ا ووووto a result); to amount, come practically ( ا وto); to tend ( ا وto), aim (ا وو at); to carry out, execute, discharge ( هو s.th.); to perform ( هوa ritual, etc.); to do ( واجبووwājibahū one’s duty); to fulfill ( وظيفووةa function, رس و ةa mission); to accomplish ( مبماريةa task); to take ( يمي وan oath; امأح ظ وan examination); to render ( دمةḳidmatan a service, لor ا وto s.o.; هو e.g., a meaning, a musical composition, etc.)│( ا ىsalām) to greet, salute V to lead, be conducive, contribute ( ا وووto results); to be carried out, be performed, be accomplished; to 10 arrive ( إ ووat), be lead ( إ ووto) X to demand, claim ( ه هوfrom s.o. s.th.) ا اadā’ pl. -āt (as verbal noun of II) rendering (of a service); pursuit, performance, execution, discharge (of a آ ارādār2 March (month; Syr., Leb., Jord., Ir.) 1 ا نadina a to listen ( إ ووto s.o..); to allow, permit ( ل وs.o. s.th.); to hear, learn ( بof s.th.), be informed ( بabout) II to call (ب to), esp. to call to prayer ( ;)ب صوالto crow (rooster) IV to announce, make known (ب s.th., ه ابto s.o. s.th.), inform, notify (ه s.o.); to call to prayer; to call upon s.o. ()ه, urge, admonish, exhort ( هs.o..) to do s.th. ( ;)بto herald ( بor هوووs.th.); to foreshadow ( بs.th.); to be on the verge ( انof doing s.th..)│)ب و زوال( اآ ناب سووقاه (zawāl) to show signs of the imminent downfall (end); ( آ ناا ليولاب ظأصو اlailu bintiṣāf) it was close to midnight V to herald, announce ( بs.th.) X to ask permission ( to do s.th., rarely ;)بto ask permission to enter ( علوs.o.'s house), have o.s. announced ( علووto s.o.); to take leave ( مof s.o.), say good-by ( مto) ا نidn permission, authorization; بو نا if God choose, God willing; (pl. ا ونudūn, ا وظوudūnāt) (postal) order│ اا ناا بويودpl. ا وظو اا بويودpostal money order; ا ناا باسوأ do. آراموārāmī Aramaean; Aramaic اربariba a (arab) to be skillful, proficient (ب in s.th.); -- araba i to tighten ( هوa knot) III to try to outwit ( هs.o.) اربarab pl. آرابārāb wish ( وfor), desire, need ( وof s.th.); purpose. aim, goal, end ا نudun, udn pl. آ انādan ear; handle (of a cup)│( اا أهووو بااال ناا اسووو وwusṯā) middle-ear infection, otitis media (med.) اربirb pl. آرابārāb limb│ مزلو ااربو ااربو (mazzaqahū) to tear s.th. to pieces or to shreds ا انadān call to prayer اربوووووةirba skill, cleverness, smartness ا ظيةudaina little ear; ear lobe مب ظووةma’dana, مئلظووةmidana pl. م و ن ma’ādin2 minaret اربةurba pl. اربurab knot, bow اري وبarīb skillful, resourceful, clever, intelligent ايووولانidān declaration, proclamation, announcement ( بof s.th..)│ااي ولظ اب ظأهوو ا ا حوديثindicating that the conversation is (was) ended مووب ونma’dūun authorized; slave with limited legal rights (Isl. Law); = موب ونا ( شوووعšar‘ī) official authorized by the cadi to perform civil marriages (Isl. Law) مب وظيوةma’dūnīya leave, furlough (mil. Syr.); license, franchise (Syr.) موؤ نmu’addin muezzin, announcer of the hour of prayer ا نidan see ا ا 2 ا ىadiya a to suffer damage, be harmed IV to hs.rm, hurt, wrong ( هs.o.); to molest, annoy, irritate, trouble ( هs.o.)│ الايوؤlā yu’dī innocuous, harmless, inoffensive V to suffer damage, be wronged; to feel offended, be hurt ا ىadan, ا اadāh, ا يوةadīya damage, harm; injury; trouble, annoyance, grievance, wrong, offense, insult ا ايوةidāya damage, harm, harmfulness, noxiousness ايووولاīdā’ harm, damage, prejudice; offense,. hurt; grievance, nuisance موؤmu’din hurtful, harmful, injurious, detrimental, prejudicial; annoying, irksome, troublesome; painful, hurting, offensive, insulting اراتيقوarātīqī and اراتيكوpl. اراتقوةarātiqa a heretic (Chr.) resourcefulness, مووبربma’rab pl. مو ربma’ārib2 wish, desire; object of desire, purpose, aim, goal, end اربيولarbīl Erbil (the ancient Arbela, city in N Iraq) ارتاازartuwaāzī artesian (well) 1 ارثII to sow dissension ( بيbetween, among) 2 ارثirt inheritance, heritage; estate (of inheritance) ارثا كس وurtūduksī orthodox; االرثا كسوويةthe Orthodox Church ا ووومااالرثا كسوar=rūm al-urtūduksī the Greek Orthodox Church ارarija a (araj, اريarīj) to be fragrant V do. ارaraj fragrance, sweet smell ارarij fragrant, sweet-smelling اريarīj fragrance, sweet smell ارجاII ta’arjaḥa to rock, swing مأبرجاmuta'arjiḥ fluctuating االرج أيal-arjantīn Argentina ارجاانurjuwān purple ارجاانurjuwānī purple(-colored) ارجوازpopular spelling (eg.) of ’ لووهاجوازaragōz (q.v.); Punch (in a Punch and Judy show) ارخII to date ( هوa letter, and the like, بwith a date); to write the history of s.th. ( )ه تو ريخta'rīḳ dating (of a letter, etc.); ta'rīḳ pl. تووااريخtawārīḳ2 date; time; history; chronicle, annals│ اتو ريخاا حيوt. al-ḥayāh biography; curriculum vitae; تووو ريخاعووو م (‘āmm) world history; علموو اا أوو ريخthe historians ت ريtārīḳī historic(al) مووؤرخmu'arriḳ pl. -ūn historiographer, historian, chronicler, annalist; -- mu’arraḳ dated ار بيلarḳabīl archipelago ( ار وάρχων) pl. ارا ووةarāḳina archon, pl. notables (Chr.-Copt.) ار بirdabb (now usually pronounced ardabb)pl. ارا بarādib2 ardeb, a dry measure (Eg.; = 1981) the ground, ground (adj.); underground, subterranean ارض اشاكarḍī šaukī artichoke ارaraḍ (coll.; n. un. woodworm ار ظوurdunni Jordanian│اا مملكوةااالر ظيوةا ا ه شوميةal-mamlaka al-u. al-hāšimīya the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (official designation) ارضووووومarḍurum2 Erzurum (city in NE Turkey) ( ارهووةalso )اورهووةurṯa pl. ارهuraṯ ()اوره battalion (formerly, Eg.; mil.) ارهقةarṯaqa pl. -āt heresy (Chr.) ت رياsee ريا ارغurgun pl. اراغaragin2 organ (mus. instr.) ارولurgūl, argūl a wind instrument (related to the clarinet, consisting of two pipes of unequal length) ارariqa a to find no sleep II to make sleepless ( هs.o.), prevent s.o. ( )هfrom sleeping ( ار وازFr. ardoise) arduwāz slate 1 اارزarz (n. un. ) cedar 2 اارزaruzz rice ارسarasa i (ars) to till the land ارaraq sleeplessness, insomnia اريكةarika pl. ارائلarā’ik2 couch, sofa; throne اركيلوةargīla pl. اراكيولarāgīl2 (syr.) water pipe, narghile اريسirrīs and arīs peasant, farmer ارسأقواهaristuqrāṯī aristocratic; ristocrat ار دirlandī Irish 1 ارسأقواهيةaristuqrāṯīya aristocracy ارشarš indemnity, amercement, fine, penalty; blood money (for the shedding of blood; Isl. Law) ( ارشووويدوFr. archiduc) archduke, ارشووويدولة archduchess ارarḍ f., pl. اراarāḍīn, اراضوانarāḍūn earth; land, country, region, area; terrain, ground, soil│( ااالر اا سوووفلوsuflā) the nether world; ( االر اا مقدسووةmuqaddasa) the Holy Land, Palestine ارضوarḍī terrestrial, of the earth; soil-, land- (in compounds); situated on or near اارمarama i to bite ارمurram molar teeth│احووووو ااالرم (ḥarraqa) to gnash one's teeth (in anger) ارس اarisṯū Aristotle ( ارش اابسقابسGr. ὰρχιεπίσϰοπος) archbishop ) termite; ارضيةarḍīya pl. -āt floor; ground (also, e.g., of a printed fabric, of a painting); ground floor, first floor (tun.); storage, warehouse charges ار بةirdabba cesspool االر نal-urdunn Jordan (river and country) earthly; اروموةarūma, urūma root, origin; stump of a tree مئومmi'ram root (of a tooth) 2 اآرامārām (= )ارامpl. of رئوومri'm) white antelopes االرمal-arman the Armenians ارمarmanī Armenian (adj. and n.) ارمي يarmēniyā Armenia االرظ وهal-arnāwuṯ the Albanians ارظ وهarnāwuṯī Albanian ارظوووبarnab f., pl. اراظوووبarānib2 hare; rabbit│ ( ارظباه دhindī) guinea pig ارظبةarnaba female hare, doe│اارظبةااالظوف a. al-anf tip of the nose; nose, muzzle (of an animal) ازazaqa i (azq) to be narrow V do. موبزma'ziq pl. مو زma’āziq2 narrow passageway, narrow pass, strait, bottleneck; predicament, fix, dilemma, critical situation, also ( مبز احوḥarij) ( ارظيوولTurk. örnek) urnīk pl. اراظيوولarānīk2 pattern, model; form, blank اروبurubbā Europe ازلazl pl. آزال āzāl eternity (without beginning), sempiternity اروبurubbī European (adj. and n.) 1 ارىary honey 2 آرىārī Aryan ازazali eternal, sempiternal از يةazalīya sempiternity, eternity ازمV to be or become critical, come to a head (situation, relations) آريةārīya Aryanism اريحarīḥā Jericho ازمةazma pl. azamāt emergency; crisis│ا ( ازمةااوزاريةwizāriya) cabinet crisis ازazza u i ( ازيوزaziz) to simmer; to hum, buzz; to whiz, hiss; to fizzle; to wheeze تبزمta'azzum: توبزماا ح وةt. al-hāla critical development, aggravation of the situation ازيوووووزazīz hum(ming), buzz(ing); whizzing, whizz, whistle (e.g., of bullets) 1 اازبazaba i (azb) to flow, run (water) مئزابmi'zāb pl. م زيبma'āzīb and ميزاب mīzāb pl. مي زيووبmayāzīb2 drain; gutter, eaves trough 2 2 مبزومma'zūm victim of a crisis ازميووizmīr2 Izmir (formerly Smyrna, sea-port in W Turkey) ازميلizmīl pl. ازاميلazāmīl 2 chisel ( ازوEngl.) azōt azote, nitrogen ازبizb dumpy, pudgy, stocky; small man ازوتazōtī nitrogenous االزبلal-uzbak the Uzbeks ازرazara i (azr) to surround ( هوs.th.) II to clothe ( هs.o. with an ازارizār q.v.); to cover, wrap up ( هs.o., هوووs.th.); to strengthen, brace ( هs.o., هوs.th.) III to help ( هs.o.); to support, back up, strengthen (ه s.o.) V and VIII to put on an izār (see below), wrap s.o. in an izār VI to help each other; to rally, unite, join forces ازرazr strength│ اشداازرهšadda azrahū or شدام ا ( ازرهmin azrihi) to help, support, encourage s.o., back s.o. up; šadda azruhū to be energetic, vigorous, lusty, courageous ازارizār m. and f., pl. ازرuzur loincloth; wrap, shawl; wrapper, covering, cover مئوزرmi’zar pl. مو زرma’āzīr2 apron; wrapper, covering, cover مووووؤازر mu’āzara assistance, backing support, aid, ت زرta’āzur mutual assistance ازاazila a (awaf, ازواuzūf) to come, approach, draw near (a time) ازىIII to be opposite s.th. ()ه, face ( هs.o., هو s.th.) ازاizā’a (prep.) opposite, face to face with, facing; in front of; in the face of (e.g., of a situation); as compared with; بو زاbi-izā’i opposite, face to face with, facing; in front of; ‘ علوواازاalā izā’i in the face of (e.g., of a situation) 1 آسās myrtle 2 آسpl. -āt ace (playing card) 3 آسII to found, establish, set up ( هوs.th.), lay the foundation ( هوfor) V to be founded, be established, he set up اسfoundation, basis; exponent of a power (math.) اسasās pl. اسوسusus foundation (also, of a building), fundament, groundwork, ground, basis; keynote. Tonic (mus.)│علووا ( اسو سwith foll. genit.) on the basis of, on the strength of, on account of, according to; ( الااسووو سا ووو امووو اا صوووحةasāsa, ṣiḥḥa) completely unfounded (news, rumor) اس سوووووasāsī fundamental, basic; elementary; essential; principal, chief, main│ حجوووووااسووووا foundation stone اس سوووووووي principles (ḥajar) asāsīyāt اسأ ظباistanbūlī of Istanbul cornerstone, fundamentals, ابسوأ ظةal-āsitāna, االسوأ ظةal-astāna, al-istāna Constantinople, Istanbul اسأبوistabraq brocade تبسوووويسta'sīs founding, foundation, establishment, setting up, institution; grounding, laying of the substructure (arch.); pl. -āt facilities, utilities; institutions تبسووويسta'sīsī founding; foundational, fundamental│ امجلوووووووساتبسيسووووووو (majlis) constituent assembly مؤسسmu'assis founder مؤسسووةmu’assasa pl. -āt foundation, establishment; firm (com.); institution; organization االسب نal-asbān, al-isbān the Spaniards اسب ظisbānī Spanish; (pl. -ūn) Spaniard اسأواتيجistrātījī strategic اسأواusturālī Australian اسأوا يusturālīyā Australia اسوأو يistarlīnī sterling│ اج يو ااسوأو يpound sterling; م قوووةااالسوووأو يminṯaqat al-i. sterling area اسأم رsee اامو ( اسأابةIt. stoppa) tow, oakum; cotton waste ( اسوأا ياIt.-Engl. studio) istūdiyō pl. istūdiyōhāt studio; atelier اسأاكها مistokholm Stockholm ( اسأاظيEngl.) istōniyā Estonia اسأي تيتI istiyātīt steatite, soapstone (min.) اسب ظخisbānaḳ spinach اساlook up alphabetically اسب ظيisbāniyā Spain اسوبداisbidāj and ceruse اسوأا ياه اسووبيداisbīdāj white lead, اسودasad pl. اسودusud, usd, اسواusūd, آسوāsād lion; Leo (astron.)│ ا ا ااالسووودleontiasis (med.) ( اسبوتاIt. spirito) isbirto alcohol اسبلي ةisbalīṯa epaulet استsee 1ست 1 اسأ تيكistātīkī static (el.) ( اسأFr. stade) istād stadium اسوأustād pl. اسو تلasātida master; teacher; professor (academic title); form of address to intellectuals (lawyers, journalists, officials, writers and poets); ledger (com.)│( ااالسووووأ اادعروووومa‘ẓam) Grand Master (of a lodge); االسوأ اادكبووtitle of the Rector of Al Azhar University; اسوأ اكوسو (kursī; Eg.) and ( اسووأ ابكوس وSyr.) full professor; ( اسووأ ابووالاكوس وSyr.) associate professor; ( اسأ امأفوغmutafarrig;Eg.) parttime professor (holding an office outside the university); ( اسوووأ امسووو عدmusā‘id) assistant professor (Eg.; Syr.); اسووأ ازائووو (Eg.; Syr.) visiting professor; اس تل ا اا جودل (jadal) they are masters of disputation اسوووووووووأ ية ustādīya professorship, professorate اسودX to display the courage of a lion (علوو against) mastership; اسأ ظبالistanbūl2 Istanbul, Constantinople اسوووasara i (asr) to bind, fetter, shackle, chain ( هs.o.); to capture, take prisoner (ه s.o.); to captivate, fascinate, hold spellbound ( هs.o.), absorb, arrest ( هوthe attention) X to surrender, give s.o. up as prisoner اسووasr (leather) strap, thong; capture; captivity│شوود ااالسووو šiddat al-a. vigor, energy اسووusra pl. اسووو usar, -āt family; dynasty; clan, kinsfolk, relatives; -- asirra see سويو ب سووووهbi-asrihī entirely, completely, altogether, جو وااب سووهمall of them came, they came one and all اسو رisār (leather) strap, thong; captivity; captivation, enthrallment│ اولواا و ااسو رهto be subjected to s.th., fall into the clutches of s.th. اسوويوasīr pl. اسووواusarā2, اسوووىasrā, اسو رىasārā prisoner, captive, prisoner of war bad! وي و ا الس وفwa-yā lal-asafi (or only ) السوفunfortunately; مواااالسوفand بكولااسوف bi-kulli asafin do. اسويوasīra pl. -āt female prisoner, slave girl اسوفasifa and اسويفasīf regretful, sorry, sad, grieved, distressed آسووووووو āsir winning, fascinating; captor captivating, مبسوووارma’sūr captivated, fascinated, enthralled ( بby) 2 اسوasirra see سويو 3 مبسارlook up alphabetically اسوووائيلisrā’īl2 Israel│ اب وواااسوووائيلbanū i. the Israelites; و وةااسووائيليةdaulat i. the State of Israel اسووووائيلisrā’īlī Israelitish; Israelite; Israeli (adj, and n.); اسوائيليJudaica اسوووا يلisrāfīl 2 Israfil, the angel who will sound the trumpet on the day of Resurrection اسوبusrub lead (metal) تبسفta'assuf regret آسوفāsif regretful, sorry, sad│اتوكأو اغيووا ( آسوفgaira āsifin) I left him without regret, I was only too glad to leave him مبسواااعليوma’sūf ‘alaihi mourned (esp. of a dead person, = the late lamented) مؤسفmu’sif distressing, sad, regrettable مأبسووفmuta’assif sad, sorry, regretful; ! مأبسفsorry! اسووف ظ خisfānāk and اسووف ظخisfānaḳ spinach│ا ( اسوف ظ خاروموrūmī) garden orach (Atriplex hortensis, bot.) اسفلتasfalt asphalt اسفisfanj,isfunj sponge اسف جisfanjī spongy; porous اس ظبالisṯanbūl2 Istanbul, Constantinople اس بلisṯabl pl. -āt stable, barn ( اس بةIt. stoppa) usṯubba tow, oakum اس والبasṯurlāb astrolabe اس قسisṯaqīs pl. -āt element اس و ااظusṯuwāna pl. -āt column (arch.); cylinder (math.; of an engine); phonograph record; -- pl. اسو هيasāṯīn2 high-ranking, prominent personalities; stars, celebrities, authorities, masters (e.g., of art: اس هي اا فa. al-fann) اس ااظوusṯuwānī cylindric(al) اسو ارusṯūra pl. اسو هيوasāṯīr legend, fable, tale, myth, saga اس ارusṯūrī fabulous, mythical, legendary اس الusṯūl pl. اس هيلasāṯīl fleet; squadron 2 اسف دانisfindān maple (bot.) اسفيداisfīdāj; white lead, ceruse اسفيisfīn pl. اس يasāfīn2 wedge اسوقوباهisqarbūṯī: ااسوقوباه scurvy (med.) ( مووmaraḍ) اسووقفusquf pl. اس و لفةasāqifa, اس و لفasāqif2 bishop│ ارئيسااالس لفةarchbishop اسقفusqufī Episcopal اسقفيةusqufīya episcopate, bishopric اسقموusqumrī, isqumrī mackerel (zool.) اسوقيلisqīl an Oriental variety of sea onion (Scilla) ( اسكأشEngl.) isketš sketch اسكأل داiskotlandā Scotland اسكأل دiskotlandī Scottish, Scotch □ اس و وusṯā (colloq. for )اس وأpl. اس و اا usṯawāt master; foreman, overseer; also form of address to those in lower callings, e.g., to a cab driver, coachman, etc. اسووووكلةiskila pl. اسوووو كلasākil2 commercial center (in the East) اسفasifa a (asaf) to regret ( علووor لs.th.), feel sorry ( علوfor), be sad ( علوabout) V do اسووك دروظةiskandarūna2 Iskenderon (formerly Alexandretta, seaport in S Turkey) اس وفasaf grief, sorrow, chagrin, regret│اواا ! اسوف هwā asafāh! Oh, what a pity! it's too االسوك دريةal-iskandarīya Alexandria (city in N Egypt) seaport, اسكملةiskamla stool, footstool اسك دي يiskandināfīya Scandinavia اسلII to sharpen, point, taper ( هs.th.) اسلasal (coll.) rush (bot.) اسولةasaIa pl. -āt thorn, spike, prong; point (also, e.g., of a pen = nib); tip of the tongue مااسوووووmuwāsāh (for mu’āsāh) consolation; charity; beneficence أسوواارiswār, uswār pl. أسو ورasāwir2, أسو ور asāwira bracelet, bangle أساانaswān Aswan (city in S Egypt) اساasūj Sweden ا حوووواااالسووليةal-ḥurūf al-asalīya the letters ز, سand ص اساجasūjī Swedish اسوsee اسا اسيلasīl smooth│( ا ودااسويلḳadd) smooth cheek آس ويāsiyā Asia│ ( آس وي اا صووغوىṣugrā) Asia Minor اس ةasāla eliptic, oval form مؤسلmu’assal pointed, tapered ( اس والمباvariant of Istanbul )اس وأ ظباislāmbūlī of اسالظدهislandā Iceland اسمsee 1سم اسم ظجاظasmanjūnī sky-blue, azure, cerulean اسموهasmara Asmara (capital of Eritrea) اسم تasmant, ismant cement اسم أasmantī cement (adj.) اسوasana i u and asina a to become brackish (water) آسāsin brackish ( اساand اسو )اسوasā u (asw, ااسوasan) to nurse, treat ( ه وa wound); to make peace ( بووي between, among); -- اسووasiya (اسوو, اسو asan) to be sad, grieved, distressed II to console, comfort ( هs.o.); to nurse ( هa patient) III to share (one’s worldly possessions, هwith s.o.), be charitable ( هto s.o.); to assist, support ( هs.o.); to console, comfort ( هs.o.); to treat, cure ( ه وs.th., medically) V to be consoled, find solace VI to share the worldly possessions; to assist one another, give mutual assistance اسوasan grief, sorrow, distress اسووواuswa, iswa example, model, pattern│ اسوا ابuswatan bi following the model or pattern of; along the lines of; in the same manner as, just as, like مبسوma’sāh pl. مو سma’āsin trogedy, drama تبسيةta’siya consolation, comfort آسوياāsiyawī Asiatic, Asian (adj. and n.) اسياهasyūt2 Asyūt (city in central Egypt) اشوبV to be mixed, heterogeneous, motley (a crowd) اش و بةušāba pl. اش و ئبašā’ib2 mixed, motley crowd اشببيليةišbīliya2 Seville (city in SW Spain) اشبيišbīn pl. اش بيsee شب اشووašara u (ašr) to sow ( هوs.th.); -- i to file, sharpen with a file ( هوs.th.) II to mark, indicate, state, enter, record ( هوs.th.); to grant a visa; to provide with a visa (علوو s.th.) اشوووووašar exuberance; impertinence liveliness, high spirits, wildness; insolence, اشووašir lively, sprightly, in high spirits, exuberant; wild; insolent, impertinent, arrogant مئش رminšār pl. مااشيوmawāšīr2 saw تبشووويوta’šīr issuance of an official endorsement; official endorsement; visa تبشويوta’šīra pl. -āt visa│اتبشويو اموووراt. murūr or تبشيو ااجأي زtransit visa مؤشوووmu’aššir indicator, needle (of a measuring instrument) مؤشووmu’aššar jagged, serrated; marked, designated ( بby, with) اشفوišfā pl. اش اašāfin awl, punch اش نušnān potash; saltwort (Salsola kali; bot.) اش ةušna moss اشارašūr Assyria اشارašūrī Assyrian (adj. and n.) اصوواuṣūlī in accordance with the rules, conforming to prevailing principles; traditional, usual; legist اصيصaṣīṣ pl. اصصuṣūṣ flowerpot اصدII to close, shut (a door, etc.) اصوويلpl. اصووالuṣalā’2 of pure, noble origin; original, authentic, genuine; pure; proper, actual; firm, solid; sound, reasonable, sensible; of strong, unswerving character; steadfast; deeprooted; native, indigenous│اادصوولاادصوويل the actual reason; اص ويلاا وووأof sound, unerring judgment اص ووiṣr pl. آص و رāṣār covenant, compact, contract; load, encumbrance, burden; sin; pl. آص رbonds, ties آصووāṣira pl. اواصووawāṣir2 bond, tie (fig. e.g., اواص وواا وواالa. al-walā’i bonds of friendship); obligation, commitment اص بلiṣṯabl pl. -āt stable, barn اصفه نiṣfahān Isfahan (city in W central Iran) 2 اصويلpl. آصو لāṣāl, اصو ئلaṣā’il2 time before sunset, late afternoon اصولaṣula u ( اصو ةaṣala) to be or become firmly rooted; to be firmly established; to be of noble origin II to found ( هوs.th.), give s.th. ( )هوa firm foundation, establish the foundation or origin of ( )هوV to be or become firmly rooted, deep-rooted, ingrained; to take root, be or become firmly established; to derive one's origin ( موfrom) X to uproot, root out, extirpate, exterminate, annihilate ( هوووs.th.); to remove ( هوووan organ by a surgical operation)│ (ااسأبصووووولاشوووووب أša’fatahū) to eradicate s.th., eliminate s.th. radically اصولpl. اصوالroot; trunk (of a tree); origin, source; cause, reason; descent, lineage, stock (esp., one of a noble character); foundation, fundament, basis; the origins! (e.g., of s book); pl. اصووالprinciples, fundamentals, rudiments, elements (e.g., of a science); rules; basic rules, principles, axioms; real estate, landed property; assets (fin.); -- اصوالaṣlan originally, primarily; (with neg.) by no means, not at all, not in the least│ اادصلoriginally, at first; اصالا ا فقوu. al-fiqh the 4 foundations of Islamic jurisprudence, i.e., Koran, Sunna, qiyās (analogy) and ijmā‘ (consensus); اص والا و صوامassets and liabilities; اصوالام و عفة (muḍā‘afa) double-entry bookkeeping; ( حسووووباادصووووالḥasaba) properly, in conformity with regulations اصولoriginal, primary, primal, initial; genuine, authentic, pure; basic, fundamental, principel, chief, main│اا وثم ا ( ادصوولtaman) cost price; ا جه و اادصوولية (jihāt) the cardinal points (of the compass); ‘( عووود ااصووولadad) cardinal number; ‘( ع اااصلuḍw) regular member اصووو ةaṣāla firmness, steadfastness, strength of character; nobility of descent, purity of origin; aṣālatan immediately, directly, personally│ ااصو ةاا ووأa. ar-ra’y clarity and firmness of judgment; judiciousness; ب الصووووووووو ةاعووووووووو اظفسووووووووو spontaneously, of one's own accord, in one's own name, personally, privately (as opposed to اصوو لاوظي بووة ;)ب ي بووةاعوو اغيوووه aṣālatan wa-niyābatan directly and indirectly تبصيلةta’ṣīla pedigree, genealeogy تبصلta’aṣṣu1 deep-rootedness اسأئصووووووووو ل isti’ṣāl extermination, (radical) removal by surgery extirpation, elimination; مأبصووولmuta’aṣṣil deep-rooted, deepseated; chronic (illness) اهيطaṯīṯ the mooning bray of a camel 1 اهووaṯara i u (aṯr) and II to bend, curve ( هو s.th.) اهو رiṯār pl. -āt, ااهووuṯur frame (also, of eyeglasses); tire (of a wheel); hoop (of a barrel, etc.) اه رiṯāra rim, felly (of a wheel) اه رiṯārī framelike, hoop-shaped 2 اهويةsee هوى اهوغلةuṯrugulla a variety of pigeon اهوونaṯrūn = ظ وون االهالظأيول, االهالظ يولal-aṯlantīk, al-aṯlanṯīq the Atlantic اهالظ يكaṯlanṯīqī and اهالظaṯlanṯī Atlantic اهلووسaṯlas2 satin; (pl. اه و سaṯālis2 atlas, volume of geographical maps اهلسaṯlasī Atlantic اهل وووaṯlanṯī Atlantic│ اا حلوووفااالهل ووووthe Atlantic Pact اهامaṯūm sea turtle اغوagā, آغوāgā pl. اغوااagawāt aga, lord, master, sir; eunuch, harem chamberlain االغويقal-igrīq, االغ رلةal-agāriqa the Greeks اغويقigrīqī Greek, Grecian (adj. and n.) اغس سagustus August (month) اااV to grumble, mutter in complaint ( م و about) اااuff dirt (in the ears or under the nails), earwax, cerumen ا اا uff interj. expressing anger or displeasure ا ووووفafaf grumble displeasure; grumbling, اال وظal-ifranj the Franks, the Europeans│ابال ا اال وظEurope ا وظجifranjī European ا وظس وifransī French; اال وظسوويةthe French language; اال وظسيانthe French ا ويوزifrīz pl. ا و ريزafārīz2 frieze; edge; curb; sidewalk│ ا ويوووووزاا مح وووووةi. al-maḥaṯṯa platform (of a railroad station); ا ويوزاا حو ئط molding (arch.) ا ويقوafrīqā f. and ا ويقيوifrīqiyā, now usually pronounced afrīqiyā f. Africa│اا ويقيووو ا ( ا شم يةšamālīya) North Africa ا ويق وifrīqī, now usually pronounced afrīqī African; (pl. -ūn, اا رلوةafāriqa) an African faraway countries, remote regions; provinces, interior of the country (as distinguished from the capital)│ اآ و اادر a. al-arḍ the remotest parts of the earth; آ اا بالa. al-bilād the outlying portions of the country; شووولا ااب وووšuddad al-a. foreigners, travelers ا قufqī horizontal آ لāfāqī coming from a distant country or region ا وaffāq wandering, roving, roaming; tramp, vagabond ا ولafaka i (afk) and afika a (ifk, afk, afak, اا وا ufūk) to lie, tell a lie ا ولifk and ا يكوةafīka pl. ا ئولafā’ik2 lie, untruth, falsehood اaffak liar, lying ا لafala u i ( ا الufūl) to go down, set (stars) ا الufūl setting (of stars) آ لāfil transitory, passing ا الهانaflāṯūn2 Plato اafan stupidity ا يafīn and مب انma’fūn stupid, foolish, fatuous; fool ا ودafandī pl. -īya gentleman (when referring to non-Europeans wearing Western clothes and the tarboosh); (after the name) a title of respect (eg.); ! ا ودمafandim! Sir! (eg.) afandim? (I beg your) pardon? What did you say? 20 ( ا اكو تاIt. avvocato) avokātō advocate, lawyer, attorney│ اال اكو تااا عموامrepresentative of the attorney general (= Fr. avocat général) ا يانafyūn opium│ روحااال يانal-a. laudanum آ ويāfirīn bravo! well done! الوةuqqa pl. -āt oka, a weight, in Eg. = 1.24s kg, in Syr. = 1.2s2 kg ا سو أيifsantīn, ifsintīn wormwood, absinthe (Artemisia absinthium; bot.) مؤلتsee ولت ا شيifšīn pl. ا شيafāšīn2 litany (Chr.) اال غ نal-afgān the Afghans; Afghanistan ا غ ظسأ نafgānistān Afghanistan ا غ ظafgānī Afghan (adj. and n.) ا وقufq, ufuq pl. آ وāfāq horizon; range of vision, field of vision; pl. distant lands, الحاانuqhūwān pl. ال حوaqāḥī daisy الوب يaqrabādīn composite medicament│اعلما ‘ االلوبووووو يilm al-a. pharmaceutics, pharmacology الوب يaqrabādīnī pharmaceutic(al) اليطaqīṯ cottage cheese الليدiqlīd look up alphabetically اللومaqlama to acclimate, acclimatize, adapt, adjust II ta'aqlama to acclimatize (o.s.) اللويمiqlīm pl. الو يمaqiilim climate; area, region; province, district; administrative district (Eg.; = االل و يم ;)مديويووةcountry, provinces (as distinguished from the city) 2 الليم وiqlīmī climatic; regional, local; territorial│( ا ميو هاااللليميوةmiyāh) territorial waters الليدiqlīd pl. ال يدaqālīd2 key الليدسiqlīdis Euclid ال وامuqnūm pl. الو ظيمaqānīm2 hypostasis, divine person within the Trinity (Chr.); constitutive element ( الاظةGr. είκών) iqūna icon (Chr.) الي ظاسيةuqyanūsiya Oceania اك ىakkādī Akkadian اك يميةakādīmīya academy اكأابوokctober October اكودII to assure ( ل هوs.o. of, انthat); to give assurance ( ل هs.o. of); to confirm ( هوs.th. a view) V to be or become convinced, convince o.s. ( موs.th.); to reassure o.s., make sure ( موof s.th.); to be sure ( موof); to be urgent, imperative, requisite تبكيووووودta'kīd pl. -āt assurance; confirmation; emphasis; ب أبكيوووودmost certainly! of course! تبكدta’akkud assurance, reassurance أكيوودakīd certain, sure; firm (resolve); definite (desire); urgent, imperative (need); أكيداakīdan certainly! surely! مؤك ودmu’akkad certain, definite, sure; confirmed مأبكدmuta'akkid convinced ( مof) 1 ااكوakara i (akr) to plow, till, cultivate ( هوthe land) اك رakkār pl. -ūn, اكوakara plowman 2 ااكوukra pl. اكوukar ball (for playing) اكزيمekzēmā eczema (med.) اشعةااكسaši‘‘at iks X-rays اكسأواextra اكسجيoksižēn oxygen اكسيوiksīr elixir اكفakuff see كف اكلakala u (akl, مبكلma’kal) to eat ( هs.th.); to eat up, consume, swallow, devour, destroy ( هوs.th.); to eat, gnaw ( هوat), 21 eat away, corrode, erode ( هوووs.th.); to spend unlawfully ( ه وs.th.). enrich o.s. feather one's nest ( هوwith)│ااكولاعليو اا وودهواوشوووب (dahru, šariba) to be old and worn out, be timeworn; ( اكولاا وبوribā) to take usurious interest; يعلومامو اايو اتؤكولاا كأوفya‘lamu min aina tu’kalu l-katif he knows how to tackle the matter properly; اكلووو اجلوووده (jهlduhū) his skin itched; اكوولا و اا صووح (ṣaḥn) to eat off a plate; ( اكولاحقوḥaqqahū) to encroach upon s.o.’s right II and IV to give s.o. ( )هs.th. ( )هوto eat, feed ( ه هوs.o. s.th.) III to eat, dine ( هwith s.o.) V to be devoured, be consumed; to be eaten away, corrode, undergo corrosion; to become old, worn, timeworn, full of cracks; to be destroyed by corrosion VI = V اكلakl food; meal, repast; fodder, feed│ا غو ةااالكلgurfat al-a. dining room; (eg.) اكلا ا بحووa. al-baḥr land washed away by the sea or the Nile (as opposed to )هوحاا بحو اكولukul, ukl food; fruit│ اآتووااكلوto bear fruit اكلوةakla pl. akalāt meal, repast; -- ukla bite, morsel ○ اك لukāl prurigo, itch eruption (med.) اكو لakkāl, اكيولakīl, اكوالakūl voracious, gluttonous; hearty eater, gourmand, glutton مبكلma’kal pl. م كلma’ākil2 food, eats تبك ولta’akkul wear; corrosion; erosion (geol.) ت كولta’ākul wear; corrosion; erosion (geol.) ائأكلi’tikāl erosion (geol.) آكلākil eater آكلةākila gangrenous sore موبكالma’kūl eatable, edible; pl. foodstuffs, eatables, edibles موبكاالfood, مؤاكلmu’ākil table companion مأبك ولmuta’akkil and مأ ك ولmuta’ākil corroded; eroded; worn, timeworn; full of cracks; rusty, rust-eaten (relative pronoun) he who, that which; who, which, that│ بعووداا لأي و اوا أ ووba‘da llutayyā wa-llatī after lengthy discussions, after much ado اكليووسiklīrūs clergy (Chr.) اكليووسيةiklīrūsīya clericalism اكليوكiklīrikī cleric(al) اكلي يكiklīnīkī clinical ( ا وزاسFr. Alsace) alzās2 Alsace (region of NE France) ا سII to belittle, disparage ( علوs.o.) 2 اكموةakama pl. -āt, اكو مikām, اكومukum, آكو م ākām (coll. اكوومakam) hill; reef; heap, pile│ ورا ااالكموووووووةامووووووو اورا هووووووو (warā’a) something's fishy! there is more to it than meets the eye الill pact, covenant; blood relationship, consanguinity 1 ااالa-lā and امa-mā see│a 2 ااالalā see 1ا ا 3 ااالallā (= اناالan lā) lest, that ... not, in order that ... not, so as not to 4 ااالillā (= انالin lā) unless if not; except, save; (after negation:) only, but, not until│االاان illā anna except that ..., yet, however, nevertheless (also introducing main clauses); االاا اillā idā unless, if not; except when; واالwa-illā (and if not =) otherwise, orelae; االاوهووواillā wa-huwa (with a preceding negation) unless he ..., except that he ... ; ومو اهو ااالاانwa-mā hiya illā an (with following verb in perf.) it was not long until ... ; presently, forthwith; ومو اهو ا احأوو... االااناwa-ma hiya illā an ... ḥattā no sooner had he ... than .... e.g..... م اهو ااالاأنا ( هماحأوا عولhamma) he had no sooner made his plan than he carried it out االسكalaska Alaska االىalay and آالىālay pl. -āt regiment 22 1 2 اا وبalaba u i (alb) to gather, join forces, rally II to incite ( ه علووs.o. against) V to rally, band together, plot, conspire ( علوagainst) اجب لااال بjibal al-alb the Alps اال ب نal-albān the Albanians ا ب ظيalbāniyā Albania ا وخabbreviation of ا وواآ ووهilā āḳirihī and so on, etc. ا ولىalladī f. ا أووallatī, pl. m. ا وليalladīna f. ا الت ووallātī, ا لووااتوallawātī, ا الئ ووallā’ī ا ووفalf pl. ا ووااulūf, آالاālāf thousand; millennium│( ا ااامؤ وفmu’allafa) or آالاا مؤ فووةthousands and thousands; عشوووا ا اال وااašarāt al-u. tens of thousands; مو ا اال ااmi’āt al-u. hundreds of thousands ا فووووalfī: ‘( عيوووداا فووووīd) millennial celebration, millenary 2 ا فalif name of the letter│ مو اا فو اا وواي ئوfrom beginning to end, from A to Z; يعووااا فو ا ( ويو هwa-yā’ahū) he knows it from A to Z; ا فابABC 3 اا وفalifa a (alf) to be acquainted, familiar, conversant ( هوووwith s.th.); to be on intimate terms ( هwith s.o.); to be or get accustomed, used, habituated ( هوto); to like ( هوs.th.), be fond of ( ;)هوto become tame II to accustom, habituate ( ه هوs.o. to s.th.); to tame, domesticate ( هوan animal); to form ( هوووe,g., a committee, a government); to unite, join, combine, put together ( بويdifferent things); to compile, compose, write ( هووa book) V to be composed, be made up, consist ( موof); to be united, be combined VI to be attuned to each other, be in tune, be in harmony; to harmonize ( مواwith) VIII to be united, be linked, be connected; to be on familiar, intimate terms ( بwith); to form a. coalition (pol.); to fit, سuit ( مواs.th.), go well, agree, harmonize ( مواwith); to be well-ordered, neat, tidy X to seek the intimacy, court the friendship ( هof s.o.) ا وفilf pl. االاullāf intimate; close friend, intimate, confidant; lover ا ووووووف ulfa familiarity, intimacy; friendship, love, affection; union, concord, harmony, congeniality ا يوووفalīf familiar, intimate; tame, domesticated (animal); friendly, amicable, genial; (pl. االئووفalā’if2) intimate, close friend, associate, companion ا وووااalūf familiar, intimate; tame, domesticated (animal); attached, devoted, faithful تب مta’allum sensation of pain, pain, ache موووؤ مmu’allim aching, painful; sad, grievous, distressing مب فma'laf object of familiarity توووب يفta’līf formation (e.g., of a government); union, junction, combination ( بووويof separate things); literary work; composition, compilation, writing (of a book, of an article); (pl. تو يف ta’ālīf2, )تاا يفwork, book, publication مأوب مmuta’allim aching, painful; in pain, suffering, deeply afflicted; tormented 2 ا موو سalmās (al sometimes interpreted as definite article) diamond اال م نal-almān the Germans توووو فta’āluf harmony; familiarity, intimacy, mutual affection; comradeship, camaraderie ا م و ظalmānī German; (pl. -ūn, ا م و ن almān) a German ائوووووأالاI’tilāf concord, harmony; agreement ( موواwith); union; coalition, entente (pol.) ا م ظيووةalmānīya German character or characteristics, Germanity ائأال ووووووو I’tilāfī coalition(in compounds)│ اوزار اائأال يةcoalition cabinet ا وII to deify ( هs.o.), make a god of s.o. ( )هV to become a deity, a godhead; to deify o.s. ا وفma’lūf familiar, accustomed; usual, customary; custom, usage 23 ا و, االهilāh pl. آ ه وةāliha god, deity, godhead ا م ظيalmāniyā Germany االهةilaha pl. -āt goddess مؤ وفmu’allif pl. -ūn author, writer; -mu’allaf composed, consisting, made up ( موof); written, compiled; (pl. -āt) book, publication; see also 1 ا فalf ا هووو, االهوووilāhī divine, of God; theological; االالهيوووووووو al-ilāhīyāt theological, spiritual concerns علومااالالهيو ‘i1m al-i. theology مأ فmuta’ālif harmonious ا قalaqa i, (alq) to shine, radiate, flash, glitter, glisten V and VIII do. allāh Allah, God (as the One and Only)│هللا رli-llāh darruka exclamation of admiration and praise, see ر ا قalaq brightness, brilliance ا لهومallāhumma O God!│( اا لهومااالillā) unless, were it not that, except that, or at best (after a negative statement); ا لهووماا ا (idā) at least if or when; if only; ا لهوماظعوم (na‘am) by God, yes! Most certainly! االallāq bright, shining, brilliant, radiant; glittering, flashing, sparkling تب قta’alluq glow, radiance, effulgence مأوب قmula’alliq bright, shining, brilliant, radiant ا اهيةulūhīya divine power, divinity ا كأووظelektrōnī electronic│ ‘( عقلاا كأووظaql) electronic computer 2 ااالمilā-mā see ا و تب يta’līh deification, apotheosis آālih (pagan) god ا ومalima a (alam) to be in pain, feel pain; to suffer (y from s.th.) II and IV to cause pain or suffering ( هto s.o.), pain, ache, hurt ( هs.o.) V = I; to complain ا ووومalam pl. آالمālām pain, ache, suffering, agony│( آالماظفسووو ظيةnafsānīya) mental agony; اسوووبا اابالمusbū‘ al-a. Passion Week (Chr.) ا ويمalīm aching, sore; sad, grievous, painful, excruciating; hurting آ هةāliha pl. -āt goddess آ هālihī divine مأبmuta’allih divine, heavenly ا الهاetc., see الها 1 اال يآ واةalā u to neglect or fail to do, not to do ( s.th.), desist, refrain ( from s.th.)│االا (يووب ااجهووداا وjahdan) he will go to any length, he spares no effort, goes out of his ḥibr cuttlefish squid; اماا حسوu. al-ḥasan (magr.) nightingale; اماا لووالu. al-ḳulūl river mussel (zool.); اما رم و نu. durmān Omdurman (city in central Sudan, opposite Khartoum); اماا ووواسu. ar-ra's skull, brain; cerebral membrane, meninges; امااربوووااواربعوويu. arba‘ waarba‘īn centipede; اماشوملةu. šamla(ta) this world, the worldly pleasures; بو ماا عويbi-u. l-‘ain or بو ماعي وwith one’s own eyes; اما ا قوووآنand اماا قوووآنthe first sura of the Koran; اماا قووىu. al-qura Mecca; اماا كأو ب also: the original text of the Book from which Koranic revelation derives; the uncontested portions of the Koran; اماا واه u. al-waṯan capital, metropolis; امهوو ا ا حواا ثthe most important events; امهو ا ا حووواmatrix (typ.); امهو اا مسو ئلthe main problems; امه اا مس ئلthe principal virtues way for IV to swear│ آ ووواعلووواظفسو اانhe promised himself that he ... ايالīlā’ oath 1 ( آ اFr. hallo) hello! ا ام يوووalūminyā aluminum 24 and ا ام يوووام aluminyom ا ووilā (prep.) to, toward; up to, as far as; till, until; ( ا وواانconj.) until│( ا وواآ ووهāḳirihī) and so forth, et cetera; ا وووا وولbesides, moreover, furthermore, in addition to that; ا وواغودtill tomorrow! ( ا وو ا لقوliqā’) goodby! االمilāma (= )ا وواموup to where! how far! ا ووامأووtill when! how long! ا يولاع و (‘annī) get away from me! away with you! ( ا وواج ظوبا ولjānibi d.) besides, moreover, in addition to that; هوولااا ووواانmoreover, furthermore; ( ا وواغيووا ولgair d.) and the like; ومو اا يوandاthe like, et cetera; ومو اا يو ا ( يا ويهمةwa-man) and other people like that; ( ا يولaddressing the reader) now here you have ... ; here is (are) ... ; following is (are) ..., e.g., وا واا قو ر اموin the following, the reader will find what ... ; اسولاباعبواظو ا ( ا وواا عوبيوةuslūb ‘ibrānī) a style of Hebrew approximating Arabic; الاا وواهولااوالاا ووا ا neither this way nor that way, belonging to neither group; االموواا يولit’s up to you, the decision is yours l 2 3 اموةumma pl. امومumam nation, people; generation│امووووووووةامحموووووووود Mohammed's community, the Mohammedans; االموووما ( ا مأحدmuttaḥida) the United Nations اموummī maternal, motherly; illiterate uneducated; (pl. -ūn) an illiterate اميووةummīya ignorance; illiteracy; see also under 2اماى اممumamī international اماموةumūma motherhood; motherliness, maternity ( آالpl. of ا وilan) benefits, blessings ا يوةalya, ilya pl. alayāt fat tail (of a sheep); buttock امو مamāma (prep.) in front of; in the presence of│( ا ووااالمو مamāmi) to the front, forward, onward, ahead; ( ومايكو ااالاانillā an) he had no other alternative but to ... ; ( ولوفاام موwaqafa) to oppose, resist, stop, check s.th. ا يiliyāda Iliad 1 امam or? (introducing the second member of an alternative question) 2 امةama pl. اموimā’, اموااamawāt bondmaid, slave girl 3 امووو موamāmī front, fore-, anterior, forward, foremost│( ظق ووووةاام ميووووةnuqṯa) outpost 25 امamma u (amm) to go, betake o.s., repair ( هو to a place), go to see ( هs.o.); -- (ام مووة imāma) to lead the way, lead by one’s example ( هs.i.); to lead ( هs.o.) in prayer; -( اماموةumūma) to be or become a mother II to nationalize ( هوs.th.) V to go, betake o.s. repair ( هوto a place), go to see ( هs.o.) VIII to follow the example ( بof s.o.) امumm pl. امه وummahāt mother; source, origin; basis, foundation; original, original version (of a book); the gist, essence of s.th.; pl. امهوmatrix (typ.)│ ااماا حبووu. al- امو مimām pl. ائموةa’imma imam, prayer leader; leader; master; plumb line ام موةimāma imamah, function or office of the prayer leader; imamate; leading position; precedence تبميمta’mīm pl. -āt nationalization 1 امa-mā see│a 2 اموammā (with foll . اfa) as to, as for, as far as... is concerned; but; yet, however, on the other hand│( امو ابعودba‘du) (a formular phrase linking introduction and actual subject of a book or letter, approx.:) now then …, now to our topic: ... 3 اموimmā if; اوامو-- امو اbe it -- or, either – or (also ااو--)ام ا امبواهارimbrāṯūr emperor امبواهارimbrāṯūrī imperialist(ic) امبواهاريوووووووة imbrātūrīya imperium; imperialism empire, امبيوambīr pl. ام بيوamābīr2 ampere (el.) امبيقimbiq = اظبيق اموتamt crookedness, curvedness, curvation, curvature; weakness امووودamad pl. آموووāmād end, terminus, extremity; period, stretch or span of time, time; distance│ م ولاامودابعيودfor a long time (past); لصوويوااالموودshort-dated; of short duration, short-lived; short-term امووamara u (amr) to order, command, bid, instruct ( هs.i. بto do s.th.), commission, charge, entrust ( هs.o. بwith s.th. or to do s.th.); -- amara, amura u ( امو رimāra) to become an emir II to invest with authority, make an emir ( هs.o., علووover) III to ask s.o. 's ( )هadvice, consult ( هs.o.) V to come to power; to set o.s. up as lord and master; to behave like an emir; to assume an imperious attitude; to be imperious, domineering VI to take counsel, deliberate together, confer, consult with each other; to plot, conspire ( علوووagainst) VIII to deliberate, take counsel) ( بabout); to conspire, plot, hatch a plot ( بagainst s.o.)│ اائأمواب موهto carry out s.o.’s orders اموووamr 1. pl. اواموووawāmir2 order, command, instruction ( بto do s.th.); ordinance, decree; power, authority; (gram.) imperative│‘( ااموواعو لālin) royal decree (formerly, Eg.); ‘( امووواعلووalīy) decree, edict of the Bey (formerly, Tun.); اموال ظاظordinance having the force of law (Tun.); ( االموواوا هوwa-nnahy) pl. االوامووا ( وا ووااهlit.: command and interdiction, i.e.) sovereign power; full power(s), supreme authority; ( اموووواتاريووودdelivery) order (com.); تحوتاامووat your disposal, at your service. -- 2. pl. اموارumūr matter, affair, concern, business│امووووووواوالووووووا (accomplished) fact; امووامعوووواcommon knowledge; و ااولااالم ووat first, in the beginning; ( الموواموamrin) for some reason or other; ا يسااالمواكول لisn't it so? امو اواالمووا ( كوول لammā wa-l-amru) things being as they are, there will, no doubt, ...; مهمو ايكو ا ( مو اامووmin amrin) whatever may happen; however things may be; هاابوي ااموويhe has two possibilities (or alternatives); االمواا ولى which (introducing a relative clause the antecedent of which is another clause); ل وواامووهqudiya amruhu it's all over with him; in the latter and similar phrases, امووه is a frequent paraphrase of "he" اموimmar simple-minded, stupid ام ووimra power, influence, authority, command│ اموتunder his command امو رamāra pl. -āt, امو ئوamā’ir2 sign, token, indication, symptom, mark, characteristic 26 امو رimāra position or rank of an emir; princely bearing or manners; principality, emirate; authority, power│ امو ر اا بحووi. albaḥr office or jurisdiction of an admiral, admiralty; ( امو را اسو حلاعمو نi. s. ‘ummān) Trucial Oman اميووamīr pl. اموواumarā’ commander; prince, emir; title of princes of a ruling house; tribal chief│(ااميوووووووااالىalay) commander of a regiment (formerly, Eg.; approx.: colonel; as a naval rank, approx.: captain); اميوااالموواapprox.: major general (Tun.); ( اميووواا بحوو رEg. 1939) approx.: admiral, ( كبيوااموا اا بح رEg. 1939) approx.: fleet admiral; اميوواا بحووa. al-baḥr admiral (when referring to a non-Arab officer of this rank; Eg. 1939 approx.: vice-admiral); اميووواا بحوووااالكبووواor اميووواا بحو رااالعروومfleet admiral (when referring to a non-Arab officer of this rank); اميوواا لوااa. al-liwā’ (Ir., since 1933) brigadier; اميوا واا اا عسوةa. l. al-‘assa commandant of the Bey's palace guard (formerly, Tun.); اميوواا موؤم ي a. al-mu’minīn Commander of the Faithful, Caliph اميوamīr pl. -āt princess اميووووamīrī (and □ ميوووو mīrī) goverment(a1), state-owned, state, public│ ( اار ااميووarḍ) government land (Syr.); ا م بعةااالميويةgovernment press ام و رammār constantly urging, always demanding ( بto do s.th.); inciting, instigating│ ( اا و فسااالم و ر اب سوواnafs, sū’) the baser self (of man) that incites to evil تووووبمارta’mūr soul, mind, spirit; pericardium (anat.)│ا أهووووووووو باا أوووووووووبمار pericarditis (med.) م وؤاموmu’āmara pl. -āt deliberation, counsel, conference; plot, conspiracy تووووووووبمو ta’ammur imperiousness, domineeringness; imperious deportment, overbearing manners تو موta’āmur joint consultation, counsel, deliberation, conference; plot, conspiracy ائأمووو رi’timār deliberation, counsel, conference; plot, conspiracy اسوووأئم رisti’māra (frequently written )اسأم رform, blank آمووووāmir commander; lord, master; orderer, purchaser, customer, client│اابمووا ا وووو هوabsolute master, vested with unlimited authority مووبمارma’mūr commissioned, charged; commissioner; civil officer, official, esp., one in executive capacity; the head of a markaz and qism (Eg.)│ موووبماراا بوووا يس commissioner of police; موووبماراا أفلسوووة (taflīsa) receiver (in bankruptcy; jur.); موووبمارm. al-ḥaraka traffic manager (railroad); موووبماراا أصوووفيةm. al-taṣfīya receiver (in equity, in bankruptcy; jur.) مبماريووووةma’mūrīya pl. -āt order, instruction; errand; task, assignment, mission; commission; commissioner's office, administrative branch of a government agency, e.g., مبماريووةال وو ئية (qaḍā’īya) judicial commission charged with jurisdiction in outlying communities (Eg.) مأوووو موون plotters muta’āmirūn, conspirators, مؤتمووووووان mu’tamirūn conspirators, plotters; members of a congress, convention, or conference, conferees موووؤتموmu’tamar pl. -āt conference; convention, congress│ مووؤتمواا صوولاm. aṣṣulḥ peace conference امووII ta’amraka to become Americanized, adopt the American way of life, imitate the Americans تبموta’amruk Americanization امو سamarillis amaryllis (bot.) امويكوamrīkā (formerly, also )امويقوAmerica│ا ( امويك اا ج ابيةjanūbīya) South America 27 امويك وamrīkī American; (pl. -ūn) an American االمويك نal-amrīkān the Americans امويكو ظamrīkānī American; (pl. -ūn) an American اموسamsu (but acc. امسوamsan) the day past, yesterday; the immediate past, recent time; -- amsi (adv.) yesterday; recently, lately, not long ago│ ابووو المسbi-l-amsi yesterday; not long ago; امووسااالولa. lawwal two days ago, the day before yesterday امسووويةumsīya pl. -āt, ام سووووamāsīy evening امسأو امamstirdām Amsterdam امشويوamšīr the sixth month of the Coptic calendar اموواimma‘ and امعووةimma‘a characterless person; opportunist, timeserver امولamala u (amal) to hope ( هوor بfor), entertain hopes ( هوor بof) II to hope; to expect ( هو موs.th. of s.o.); to raise hope. (ه in s.o.), hold out hope. ( هfor s.o.), give (ه s.o.) reason to hope or expect│ااملو ا يوووا (ḳairan) to let s.o. hope for the best V to look attentively ( هووو, وووat), regard, contemplate ( هو, وs.th.); to meditate; to consider, think over, ponder ( هو, وs.th.), reflect ( ه, on) امولamal pl. آمو لāmāl hope, expectation ( وof s.th., also اامولاكو ب│)بfallacious hope مبملma’mal pl. م ملma’amil2 hope تبموولta’ammul pl. -āt consideration; contemplation; pl. تبمالmeditations آملāmil hopeful مؤملmu’ammil hopeful مبمالma’mūl hoped for, expected مأبموووووول muta’ammil contemplative, meditative, reflective; pensive, wistful, musing āt) s.th. deposited in trust, a deposit, trust, charge; secretariat│ ام ظوووةاا صووو دوa. aṣṣundūq treasury department; ام ظوووةاع موووة (‘āmma) secretariat general; محوزنااالم ظو maḳzan al-a. baggage checkroom ام وamuna u ( ام ظووةamāna) to be faithful, reliable, trustworthy; -- amina a (amn, امو ن amān) to be safe, feel safe ( موor هوfrom) II to reassure ( هs.o.), set s.o.’s ( )هmind at rest; to assure, ensure, safeguard, guarantee, warrant, bear out, confirm, corroborate (علوو, هوs.th.); to insure (ضودا ا حويقagainst fire); to entrust ( هto s.o., علوو s.th.); to say "amen" ( علووto s.th.) IV to believe ( بin) VIII to trust ( هs.o.), have confidence, have faith ( هin); to entrust ( ه علووs.o. with, to s.o s.th.) X = VIII; to ask for protection, for a promise of security, for indemnity ( هs.o.) مبمma’man place of safety, safe place تووووبمي اta’mīn securing, protection; assurance; safeguarding; reassurance; ensuring; guaranty, warranty; security, surety; insurance│ ( اتووبمي ااجأم و عijtimā’ī) social security; ( توبمي اضوداا حويوقḍidda) fire insurance; ( توووبمي اعلوووواا حيوووḥayāh) life insurance ايم نiman faith, belief ( بin) ائأم نI’timān trust, confidence; credit اسأئم نisti’mān trust, confidence امووووamn safety; peace, security, protection│‘( االمو اا عو مāmm) public safety; رج لااالمthe police امووو ن amān security, safety; peace; shelter, protection; clemency, quarter (mil.); safeguarding, assurance of protection; indemnity, immunity from punishment│ ( وووو ااموووو ناa valedictory phrase) in God's protection! اموويamīn pl. ام وumanā’2 reliable, trustworthy, loyal, faithful, upright, honest; safe, secure; authorized representative or agent; trustee; guarantor ( علووووof); chief, head; superintendent, curator, custodian, guardian, keeper; chamberlain; master of a guild (Tun.); (mil.) approx.: quartermaster-sergeant (Eg. 1939)│ااالموووووووي ااالول (awwal) Lord Chamberlain (formerly, at the Eg. Court); كبيووووااالم وووapprox.: Chief Master of Ceremonies (ibid.); اموووي اا م وووزنa. almaḳzan warehouse superintendent; stock clerk; اموي اسوواا دو وةاa. sirr ad-daula and اموي اا سووa. as-sirr permanent secretary of state (Sy,.); اموي اا صو دوa. aṣ-ṣundūq and امووي اا م و لtreasurer; cashier; امووي اا ع صوومة mayor (esp. Ir.); ‘( اموي اعو ماāmm) secretary general; امي اا مكأوبa. al-maktab (formerly) a subaltern rank in the Eg. navy (1939) 28 آميāmīn amen! ام ظوةamāna reliability, trustworthiness; loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, fealty; integrity, honesty; confidence, trust, good faith; deposition in trust; trusteeship; (pl. - آمāmin peaceful مبمانma’mūn reliable, trustworthy مؤم اعليmu’amman ‘alaihi insured مؤمmu’min believing, faithful; believer موؤتمmu’taman entrusted ( علوووwith); confidant; sequestrator (jur.) ام يباسomnibus omnibus, bus 1 2 امووواىamawī of or like a bondmaid or handmaid اماumawī Ommiad (adj.) ب اااميةbanū umayya the Ommiads اميبamībā amoebae اميوالamīrāl admiral اميوك, اميوكamērikā, amērika America اميوا يةamīrālīya admiralty 1 انan (conj.) that; -- in 1. (conj.) if; وانwa-in although, even though, even if; ان – وانbe it -- or (be it); االillā (= )اناالlook up alphabetically 2. (particle) not, esp. in the phrase اناهواااالin huwa illā (f. )اناهو ااالit is nothing but, it is no more than 2 انanna (conj.) that; بم ااظوbi-mā annahū since he (it), because he (it); ‘ علووااظوalā annahū while he (it), whereas he (it); introducing a main clause: however, yet; و لااظوthat is to say, namely, to wit; -- innā (intensifying particle introducing a nominal clause) verily, truly (in most cases not translated in English) اظموinnamā but, but then; yet, however; rather, on the contrary 3 انanna i ( اظويanīn, تبظو نta’nān) to groan, moan ( مat) اظوةanna pl. -āt moan, groan│ ااظو اوآهو wails and laments اظويanīn plaintive sound, wail; groan, moan(ing) اظana I اظثوووuntā pl. اظوو ثināt, اظوو ثوanātā feminine; female; a female (of animals); االظثي نal-untayān the testicles اظثواىuntawī womanly, female, women's (in compounds); effeminate, womanish اظاثةunūta femininity, womanliness تبظيوثta’nīt the feminine, feminine form (gram.) مؤظثmu’annat (gram.) feminine (adj.) اظ ظanānī egotistic; egoistic(al), selfish اظثووبا اجيantrōbōlōjiyā anthropology اظ ظيةanānīya egoism, selfishness اظج صinjās (syr.) pear االظ ضلal-anāḍul Anatolia ( اظجلأواIt. Inghilterra) ingilterā England اظ ظ سanānas pineapple االظجليزal-ingəlīz the English اظوبII to blame, censure, reprehend, upbraid (ه s.o.) اظجليزىingəlīzī English; Englishman اظجيلinjil pl. اظ جيلanajīl2 gospel تبظيبta’nīb blame, censure, rebuke اظجيلوinjīlī evangelical; evangelist اظبوووو اظجيليةinjīlīya evangelical creed (pronounced ambā) Abba, a high ecclesiastic title of the Coptic Church, preceding the names of metropolitans, bishops, patriarchs, and saints (< Άββα) اظب و رanbār pl. اظ و بوanābir , اظ و بيوanābīr warehouse, storehouse, storeroom 29 2 2 ( اظب شووTurk. onbaşı) onbašī a mil. rank: corporal (formerly, Eg.); وكيوووولااظب شوووو approx.: private first class (Eg.) اظباب, اظبابةsee ظب اظبيقinbīq alembic اظتan-ta, f. anti thou, you (2nd pers. sing.); pl. m. اظوأمantum, f. اظوأantunna you (2nd pers. pl. and polite form of address); dual اظأمantumā both of you اظألاanta-dā it’s you! اظأيك ظةantīkḳāna museum اظأيكووةantīka pl. -āt (eg.) old, old-fashioned, outmoded اظأمانantimūn antimony اظووثanuta u ( اظاثووةunūta) to be or become feminine, womanly, womanish, effeminate II to make feminine; to effeminate, make effeminate; to put into the feminine form (gram.) V to become feminine (also gram.) االظد سal-andalus Spain اظدوظيسيindūnīsiyā Indonesia اظوووسanisa a and anusa u (uns) to be companionable, sociable, nice, friendly, genial; اظوسابوto like s.o.’s company, like to be together with s.o.; to be or get on intimate terms ( بor ا ووwith s.o.); to be used, accustomed, habituated ( ا ووto); to perceive, notice, find ( هوa quality, و, مو in s.o.); to sense, feel, make out, recognize ( هs.th., in, at)│ (ااظسا حديثوli-ḥadītihī) to like to listen to s.o. II to put at ease; to tame III to be friendly, nice ( هto s.o.); to entertain, amuse ( هs.o.) IV to keep s.o. ()ه company; to entertain, delight, amuse (ه s.o.); to perceive, discern, make out (with the eyes; هوs.th.); to sense ( هوs.th.); to find, see, notice, observe, e.g., آظسا ي اا كف يوة he saw that be was duly qualified, that he was a capable man V to become incarnate (Son of God) X to be sociable, companionable; to get on familiar terms, become intimate; to become tame; to be friendly, nice, kind ( هto s.o.); to accommodate o.s., accustom o.s., settle down; to be familiar, familiarize o.s., acquaint o.s. ( بor ا ووwith); to inform o.s., gather information ( بahout); to take into consideration, take into account, bring into play ( بs.th.), draw upon s.th. ( ;)بto listen ( لto s.th.), heed ( بan opinion) to resume, renew, recommence ( هوs.th.); (jur.) to appeal ( هa sentence) اظووووووس uns sociability; intimacy, familiarity, friendly atmosphere اظفanf pl. آظو اānāf, اظوااunūf nose; spur (of a mountain); pride│ ارغومااظفوragma anfihi in defiance of him, to spite him; كسوووااظف و (anfahū) to humiliate s.o., to put s.o.'s nose out of joint; ش و ماااالظووفstuck-up, haughty, proud اظسووunsī: ( كعوبااظسووka‘b) talus, inner anklebone (anat.) اظوسins (coll.) man, mankind, human race اظسinsī human; human being ظ سnās (coll.) and اظ سunās people ظ ساnāsūt mankind, humanity 30 اظ سووanāsīy (pl.) people, human beings, humans اظويسanīs close, intimate; close friend; friendly, kind, affable, civil, polite, courteous اظسو نinsan man, human being│ااظس و نا ا عيi. al-‘ain pupil (of the eye) اظس ظةinsāna woman اظسوووووو ظو insānī human; humanitarian, philanthropist humane; اظسو ظيةinsānīya humanity, humaneness; politeness, civility; mankind, the human race مؤاظس وةmu’ānasa intimacy, familiarity, friendliness, geniality, cordiality; sociability; conviviality اي ووو سīnās exhilaration; friendliness, geniality; familiarity, intimacy, cordiality; sociability تبظسta’annus incarnation (Chr.) ائأ سI’tinās social life, sociability آظسوةānisa pl. -āt, اواظوسawānis2 young lady, miss مبظاسma’nūs familiar, accustomed مسأبظسmusta’nis tame ( اظشEngl.) inš inch ( اظشاجةIt. acciuga) anšūga (eg.) anchovy اظ كيوةanṯākiya2 Antioch (ancient city in Syria; now Antakya, in S Turkey) اظ ا اجوonṯōlōjī ontologic(al) (philos.) اظوفanifa a (anaf) to disdain, scorn ( موs.th., ان to do s.th.); to reject haughtily ( هوs.th.) X اظفوanfī nasal اظفوةanafa pride; rejection; disdain ( موof s.th.) اظووااanūf proud, haughty, stuck-up, supercilious, disdainful اسووووووووأئ ا isti’nāf fresh start, recommencement, renewal, resumption, reopening (also, of a legal case); appeal (jur.)│ ( الوودمااسووأئqaddama) to appeal, make an appeal (jur.) اسووأئ وisti’nāfī of appeal, appellate; اسأئ يisti’nāfīyan by appeal آظووفānif preceding, above│اآظووفاا وولكو (dikr) preceding, above, above-mentioned; آظفوووānifan previously, above, in the foregoing مؤت وووفmu’tanaf primordial, virginal state; beginning ( اظفووسFr. Anvers) anvers Antwerp (city in N Belgium) اظفلاظزاinfluwanzā influenza, grippe اظوقaniqa a to be neat, trim, smart, spruce, comely, pretty; to be happy ( بabout), be delighted ( بby) IV to please ( هs.o.)│يؤظقو ا ( ا شوšai’u) he likes the thing V to apply o.s. eagerly and meticulously ( ووto); to be meticulous, fastidious, finical; to be chic, elegant اظ لةanāqa elegance اظي وقanīq neat, trim, spruce, comely, pretty; elegant, chic اظواanūq Egyptian vulture (Neophron perenopterus)│ ااعووزاموو ابووي ااالظوواa‘azz2 min baiḍi l-a. (lit.: rarer than the eggs of a vulture, i.e.) approx.: scarcer than hens’ teeth (proverbially for s.th. rare) تبظقta’annuq elegance 31 مؤظوووقmu’anniq, ماظوووقmūniq pretty, comely, winsome, nice, pleasing مأبظقmuta’anniq chic, elegant direction); how? wherever; however│اواظوا ...( ااالاallā) and why shouldn't he ... ? اظيسانanīsūn, آظيسانaniseed اظقوهanqara Ankara اظقليسanqalīs eel اظيميوanīmiyā anemia│○ اظيميو ا بيثوةpernicious anemia (med.) آظلānuk lead (metal) آهāhi! آهāhan! (interj.) oh! اظكش رىinkišārī pl. -īya Janizary اهوبII to prepare, make ready, equip (هو ل, ه s.o., s.th. for) V to be ready, be prepared; to prepare o.s., get ready; to equip s.o., be equipped ( لfor) اظكلأوا, ( اظكلأووIt. Inghilterra) ingilterā, ingiltera England اظكلاسكسانal-anglosaksūn the Anglo-Saxons اظكلاسكسووواظيةal-anglosaksūnīya AngloSaxondom االظكليزal-inglīz the Engliah اظكليزىinglīzī English; Englishman اظكليسankalīs eel االظ مal-anām and ( ابظ مcoll.) mankind, the human race اظماunmūdaj model, pattern; type, example; sample, specimen اظمانanamūn anemone (bot.) 1 اظووanā i to mature, become ripe; to draw near, approach, come (esp. time)│ااظوا و اان it is (high) time that he; esp. in negative statements: ا وومايووبنa-lam ya'ni? isn't it about time ...? V to act slowly, proceed unhurriedly, bide one's time, be patient X to take one's time, hesitate ( ووin, with); to wait اظووanan pl. آظوānā’ (span of) time, period│(ا واآظ اا ليلlaili) all night long; آظ ا ا ليولاواهوواااا هو رānā’a l-laili wa-aṯrāfa nnahār by day and by night اظ وanāh deliberateness; perseverance, patience│ اهووووالااالظووووṯūl al-a. longsuffering, great patience; هايولااالظوlongsuffering (adj.) اظinā’ pl. آظيوةāniya,ااوانawānin2 vessel, container, receptacle│ آظيووةاا ع و مa.. aṯṯa‘ām table utensils, dishes; mess kit تبنta’annin slowness, deliberateness مأووووبنmuta’annin deliberate 2 slow, unhurried, ااظووannā (interrog. part.) where ... from? why is it that ... ? why? Where? (place and اهبووووةuhba pl. اهووووبuhab preparation, preparedness, readiness, alertness; equipment, outfit, gear│ ااهبوةاا حووبu. alḥarb military equipment; علوووااهبووةاا وحيوول ready to set out; علوووااهبووةااالسووأعداfully prepared; on the alert (mil.); أ وولااهبأوto make one's preparations, get ready اه بihāb skin, hide تبهوبta’ahhub preparedness, readiness; (pl. -āt) preparation مأبهبmuta’ahhib ready, prepared اهولahala u ( اهوالuhūl) to take a wife, get married; -- ahila a to be on familiar terms ( بwith); -- pas. uhila to be inhabited, be populated (region, place) II to make fit or suited, to fit, qualify (هو ل, هs.o., s.th. for); to make possible ( ل ه وfor s.o. s.th.), enable ( ل هووs.o. to do s.th.), make accessible ( ل هوto s.o. s.th.); to welcome ( بs.o.) V to be or become fit, suited, qualified ( لfor s.th.); to 32 take a wife; to marry, get married X to deserve merit ( هو s.th.), be worthy ( هof) اهولahl pl. –ūn, اهو لahālin relatives, folks, family; kin, kinfolk; wife; (with foll. genit.) people, members, followers, adherents, possessors, etc.; inhabitants; deserving, worthy ( لof s.th.); fit, suited, qualified ( لfor); pl. ادهلووان, اده و وthe natives, the native population│ ااهولاا بيوتa. al-bait members (of the house, i.e.) of the family; the Prophet's family; اهولاا ودارthe people living in the house; ااهولاا حو وةa. alḥirfa people of the trade; اهولاا حلوفa. alḥilf people pledged by oath, members of a sworn confederacy; اهولاا بووa. al-ḳibra people of experience, experts; اهولاا سفسو ة a. al-safsata Sophists; اهلاا سو ةa. as-sunna the adherents of the Sunna, the Sunnis; اهلا ا موودراوا ووابوa. al-madar wa-l-wabar the resident population and the nomads; اهولا ا اج هوةa. al-wajāha people of rank and high social standing; اهوالاوسوهالاahlan wasahlan welcome! اهوووالابووولاahlan bika welcome to youl و ا و ا ارظ و ااهوولhe is a welcome guest in our house اهلووو اahlī domestic, family (adj.); native, resident; indigenous; home, national│ اب ولااهل و اnational bank (Eg.); ( حوووبااهليووةاḥarb) civil war; محكمووةااهليووةا (maḥkama) indigenous court (Eg.); ا ق و ا ( ادهلو اqaḍā’) jurisdiction of indigenous courts; ( اإلظأووو اادهلوووو اintāj) domestic production; ( ولفااهل اwaqf) family wakf اهليووووووة ahlīya aptitude, fitness, suitableness, competence; qualification │ا ادهليووةاا ق ظاظيووةthe civil rights; ك موولاادهليووة legally competent; عوووديماادهليوووةlegally incompetent, under tutelage آهوولahil and مووبهالma’hūl inhabited, populated (region, place) موووووؤهالmu’ahhilāt abilities, aptitudes qualifications, مأبهلmuta’ahhil married مسوووأبهلmusta’hil worthy, deserving, meriting; entitled اهلووويلihlīlaj myrobalan, emblic (fruit of Phyllanthus emblica L.; bot.); ellipse (geom.) اهليلجihlīlajī elliptic(al) اوau or; (with foll. subj.) unless except that 1 ( آب )اوبāba u (aub, اوبوةauba, ايو بiyab) to return; آب بto catch, contract, suffer, incur s.th., be in for s.th., be left with, get one’s share of مو اكولااوبmin kulli aubin from all sides or directions; ( م اكلااوباوصابṣaubin) do. اوبةauba return ايو بiyāb return │ ا ه ب و اواي بوdahāban wa-iyaban there and back; back and forth, up and down مو بma’āb place to which one returns; (used as verbal noun:) return │ا هواباومو ب coming and going 2 آبlook up alphabetically اوبوواand ( اوبوواIt. opera) ōpərā opera; opera house ( اوبويتFr.) ōpərēt operetta ( اوFr. août) August (month; mağr.) ( اوتابيسFr. autobus) otobīs autobus, bus ( اوتجوااFr.) otogrāf pl. -āt autograph اوتالواهoṯūqrāṯī autocratic ( اوتام تيكFr.) otomātīkī automatic ( اوتامابيلFr.) otombīl automobile ( اوتيلFr.) ōtēl pl. -āt hotel او auj highest point, acme, pinnacle; culmination, climax; apogee (astron.); peak (fig.; of power. of fame) 33 آحāḥ albumen, eggwhite O آحيāḥīn albumin ( آ )اوāda u (aud) to bend, flex, curve, crook ( هوs.th.); to burden, oppress, weigh down ( هوs.o.); -- اوawida a (awad) to bend; to be bent V to bend; to bow اوauda burden, load اوawad: الو مابو و هto provide for s.o.’s needs, stand by s.o. in time of need; أل و مااو ه (awadahū) do.; to support s.o., furnish s.o. with the means of subsistence اوارuwār heat, blaze; thirst اوربurubbā Europe اوربurubbī Europesn اورشليمūrušalīm2 Jerusalem )ارهووة =( اورهووةurṯa pl. ارهuraṯ battalion (formerly, Eg.; mil.) اورغاuruguwāy Uruguay ( اوركسأواIt.) arkestrā orchestra ( اورظيولTurk. örnek) urnīk pl. اراظيوولarānīk2 sample, specimen; model, pattern; form, blank اوروبurubbā, اوروﭙاEurope اوروبurubbī Europesn اوروجااuruguwāy Uruguay اوزII (eg.) to ridicule ( علووs.o.), make fun of s.o. ()علو اوزiwazz (col1.; n. un.) goose, geese آسās myrtle; see also alphabetically اوسأوا يusturāliyā Australia ( اوسأويIt.) austriyā Austria اوسلاOslo اوس وūsṯā see اس و اوشوويةūšīya pl. اواشawāšin prayer, oration (Copt.-Chr.) آ وةāfa pl. -āt harm, hurt, damage, ruin, bane, evil; epidemic, plague; plant epidemic مؤواma’ūf stricken by an epidemic ( او وولEngl.) ovirōl overalls ( آ )اوāqa u to bring s.o. ( )علووbad luck, cause discomfort or hardship ( علووto) II to burden ( هs.o.) with s.th. unpleasant, troublesome or difficult l 2 اولةsee الة اويقوuwaiqāt (dimin. of good times 3 اويقي ظس, اويقي ظاس )اولوshort times; oqiyānus, oqiyānūs ocean اوليوةūqīya pl. -āt ounce, a weight of varying magnitude (Eg.: 37.44 g; Aleppo 320 g; Jerusalem 240 g; Beirut 213.3 g) ( اوكو زيانFr. occasion) okazyōn clearing sale, special sale اوكواظيukrānīya Ukraine ( اوكسجيFr. oxygène) oksižēn oxygen ( آل )اولāla u (aul, مو لma’āl) to return, revert ( ا وووto); to go back, be attributed, be attributable ( ا وووto), spring, derive (ا ووو from); to lead, conduce, tend ( ا وووto), result eventually ( ا ووin); to come or go eventually ( ا ووto s.o.), pass into the hands of ( آلاادموواا وو │ )ا ووthe long and the short of it was that ... ; ( آلابو اا م و ااا ووmaṯāfu) he eventually got to the point where ... II to interpret, explain ( هs.th.) آل āl family, relatives, kinsfolk, clan; companions, partisans, people; mirage, fatamorgana آ وووةāla pl. -āt instrument, utensil; tool; apparatus; device, implement, appliance; machine│ اآال اا حووسā. al-ḥiss اsensoryا organs; ( اآ وةاب ريوةbuḳārīya) steam engine; آ وووةاا جووووā. al-jarr tractor; آ وووةاجه ميوووة (jahannamīya) infernal machine; آ وةاحوبيوةا (ḥarbīya) instrument of war; آ وةاا أحويول34 motor, engine; آ ووووةاح سووووبةcalculating machine; آ ووةاا حي كووةa. al-ḥiyāka power loom; آ وةاا ي هوةsewing machine; آ وةارا يوا radio; آ ووةارا عووةhoisting machine, crane, derrick; pump; آ ووةاا أس و يand آ ووةامس و ة (musaḳḳina) heater; آ وووووووةاا أصوووووووايو (photographic) camera; آ وةاا ب عوةprinting press; آ ةاا غسولa. al-gasl washing machine; آ ووةاا أفووويخincubator; آ ووةااالسووأقب لreceiver, receiving set (radio); ( آ وةامق ووmuqaṯṯira) distilling apparatus, still; آ وةاا كأ بوةand آ وةا ك تبووةtypewriter; آ ووةا عووباا قم و رa. la‘b alqimār slot machine; ( آ وةاماسويقيةmūsīqīya) musical instrument; آ وةاا أ بيوalarm; siren horn (of an automobile); ( آ ةاصمṣammā’) (fig.) tool, creature, puppet آ وووووālī mechanic(al); mechanized; motorized; instrumental; organic│ محوواثا ( آ وووmiḥrat) motor plow; ا قووواا ااب يوووة (quwāt) motorized troops; حوكووووةاآ يووووة (ḥaraka) a mechanical movement آ يةālīya mechanics آالتوālātī pl. آالتيوةālātīya (eg.) musician; singer اولawwal2, f. او ووūlā, pl. m. -ūn, اوائول awā’il2 first; foremost, most important, principal, chief, main; first part, beginning; (with def. article also) earlier, previous, former; see a1so under ا│و وو ( االظس نااالولinsān) primitive man; هبيوبااول physician-in-chief; االوائووول, االو وووانthe forebears, forefathers, ancestors; اوائلاا شوهو a. aš-šahr the first ten days of a month, beginning of a month; الولامووli-awwali marratin or لمو ااالو وfor the first time; م ا او و, مو ااوائلوsince its beginnings, from the very beginning; ( م و ااو و اا ووواآ وووهāḳirihī) from beginning to end, from A to Z; اولا االمووووawwala l-amr at first, in the beginning; االولا و الولeach time the first available; ( اولامووawwala) the moment when, just when; at the very outset of; اكثوا ( م ااالولaḳtara) more than before اوالawwalan first, firstly, in the first place; at first, in the beginning│ااوالابو ول and اوالا وبوالby and by, gradually, one after the other, one by one; اوالاوا يوواand اوالا ( وآ ووواāḳiran) first and I~st, altogether; simply and solely, merely او ووawwalī prime, primary, primordial, original, initial, first; elemental, fundamental, basic, principal, chief, main; elementary; primitive, pristine, primeval│ا ( مدرسووةااو يووةmadrasa) elementary school, grade school; ( موواا ااو يووةmawādd) raw materials; ‘( عود ااو ووadad) prime number; ( تار ااو يةfātūra) pro forma invoice آظلاānadāka that day, at that time, then اونaun calmness, serenity, gentleness اوانawān pl. آوظوةāwina time│ البولااواظو prematurely; و ااواظ وat the right time, timely, seasonably, وو اغيوووااواظووat the wrong time, untimely, unseasonably; بوي ا ابوظوةfrom time to time; بوي اابوظوةاواال ووى (uḳrā) and ( آوظوةاوأ ووىāwinatan, uḳrā) at times, sometimes; آوظوةا–اوأ ووىsometimes – sometimes, at times – at times; و ااالوان (fāta) it is too late; ( آنااالوانāna) the time has come, it is time ( لfor, to do s.th.) او يوةawwalīya pl. -āt fundamental truth, axiom; primary constituent, essential component, element; precedence; priority ايلayyil, iyyal, uyyal pl. اي ئلayā’il2 stag اي ةiyāla pl. -āt province; regency 2 ايلا ةailūla title deed (jur.) اوظب شوonbašī corporal, see اظب شو م و لma’āl end; outcome, final issue, upshot; result, consequence│ا و اا حو لاو و ا ا م لat present and in the future تبويوووولta’wīl explanation pl. -āt ااياانlook up alphabetically ( آه )اوهāha u and II to moan, sigh V to moan, sigh; to sigh with admiration ( لover), exclaim “ah!” اوهawwah (interj.) oh! interpretation, آهāhi, اآهāhan, اواهawwāhi oh! اوالulā’i, او ئوول, اوالئوولulā’ika these; those, pl. of the demonstr. pron. اand ل آهةāha pl. -āt sigh, moan; pl. آهوsighs of admiration; rapturous exclamations او مبوووووolimbī Olympic│ااال عوووو بااالو مبيووووةthe Olympic games تووووبوهta’awwuh moaning. sighing; admiring exclamation; plaintive sound, wail او مبيolimbiyād Olympiad او واulū (pl. of ) وowners, possessors, people (with foll.genit.: of)│ااو وواااالموووu. l-amr rulers, powerful leaders; او ااا حلاوا عقودu. lḥall wa-l-'aqd (lit.: masters of solving and binding) do.; او وووااا شوووبنu. š-ša’n the responsible people اوامuwām thirst 1 اومohm (el.) 35 2 اوم يباسomnībūs omnibus, bus 1 آنān time; ابنal-āna now│ ا وواآنand وواآنا واحودat the same time, simultaneously; مو ا ( آناا واآ ووāḳara) from time to time; مو ابوي ا ( آناوآ وwa-āḳara) and آظ ابعداآنsometimes, at times, now and then: once in a while; آظ ا ظوgradually, by and by, little by little; -آظو ا اوآوظووووووة(āwinatan) sometimes -sometimes, at times -- at times; لبوولاابن qabla l-āna before, previously, formerly; وآنli-l-āna and حأوواابنḥattā l-āna until now, hitherto, so far; بعوداابنba‘da l-āna from now on, henceforth, in the future; م ا ابنا ص عداmin al-āna fa-ṣā‘idan do. آظئلāna’idin that day, at that time, then اوىawā i to seek refuge, seek shelter ( ا ووat a place); to go ( ا ووto bed); to betake o.s., repair ( ا ووto a place); to shelter, house, put up, lodge, accommodate, receive as a guest ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) II to shelter, lodge, put up, accommodate, receive as a guest (ه s.o.) IV to seek shelter ( ا ووat a place), to retire ( ا ووto a place); to betake o.s., repair ( ا ووto a place); to shelter, house, put up, lodge, accommodate ( هs.o.) ايوووااīwā’ accommodation, lodging, housing, sheltering موبوىma’wan pl. مو وma’āwin place of refuge, retreat, shelter; abode; resting place; dwelling, habitation│امووووبوىا يلووووو (lailī) shelter for the night; doss house اب و اآوىibn āwā pl. ب و اآوىbanāt a. jackal 1 آيوةāya, coll. آāy, pl. -āt sign, token, mark; miracle; wonder, marvel, prodigy; model, exemplar, paragon, masterpiece ( وووof, e.g., of organization, etc.); Koranic verse, ( آ اا ولكواا حكويمāy ad-dikr) the verses of the Koran; passage (in a book), utterance, saying, word; ( آيوwith foll. genit.) moat solemn assurances (of love, of gratitude) 2 اىay that is (to say), i.e.; namely, to wit 3 اىī yes (with foll. God!) 4 وyes indeed! Yes, by اىayy, f. ايوةayya (with foll. genit. or suffix) which? what? what kind of? Whoever, whosoever; any, every, no matter what ... ; (with neg.) no; ايمووayyumā whatever, whatsoever│ايووةاك ظووت, اي و اك و نayyan kāna, ayyatan kānat whoever he (or she) is, no matter who he (or she) is; ا امو اكو نayyu man kāna whoever it may be, whosoever; ( علوواا احو لayyi ḥālin) in any case, at any 36 rate, at all events, by all means; اىاواحود ayyu wāḥidin any one; انا اشبظ ااىاشوبنinna lahū ša’nan ayya ša’nin it is of the greatest importance (lit.: it is of importance, and of what importance!); اعجوووبابووو اايمووو ااعجووو بu‘jiba bihi ayyama i‘jābin how much he admired him! he admired him greatly; البووولاعليووو اايمووو االبووو ل aqbala ‘alaihi ayyama iqbālin he showed the greatest interest in it ايو اiyyā with nominal suffix to express the accusative│ ايو اانtake care not to ..., be careful not to ...; اي ام, ايو اوbeware of ... ! ( وايوdial. wayyāk), ( وايو هwayyāh) with you, with him ( ايوي لEngl.) ēriyāl aerial, antenna ايزيسīzīs Isis ايسayisa a ( اي سiyās) to despair ( مof s.th.) اي سiyās despair ( ايشوبFr. écharp,) sash اي وaiḍan also, too, as well, likewise, equally; again; in addition, besides, moreover ي تبييودta’yīd corroboration, confirmation, endorsement, backing, support ( ايدروجيFr. Hydrogène) idrožēn hydrogen ايوair pl. ايارuyūr penis 2 اي رayyār2 May (Syr., Leb., Ir., Jord.) ايīṯālī Italian; (pl. -ūn) an Italian ( ايقاظوةGr. είκών) īqūna and ايقاظيوةīqūnīya pl. āt icon (Chr.) ايلaik (coll.; n. un. ) thicket, jungle 1 اايلand اي ةsee اول 2 اايلالailūl2 September (Syr., Leb., Ir., Jord.) 3 اايلا ةailūla title deed (jur.) ( آم )ايومāma i: ( آمامو ازوجأوzaujatihī) to lose one's wife, become or be a widower, آموتا ( مو ازوجهوzaujiha) to lose one’s husband, become or be a widow ايموةaima, ايوامuyūm and توبيمta’ayyum widowhood ايومayyim pl. ايو ئمayā’im2, ايو موayāmā widower, widow ايامaiwam2 see يام ايمayyumā see 4 اayy 1 ( آن )ايوāna i to come, approach, draw near (time)│( اآنااالوانawān) the time has come: آنا اانit’s time for him to ... آنsee اون ايوaina where? (= at or to what place?)│امو ا ايmin aina where … from? ا واايوwhere? (= to what place?) ايو اظحو اموhow far we still are from … worlds separate us from ... (fig.); ايووو اهووولاامووو ا اwhat is this compared with that! 37 ( ل بلةاايدروجي يةqunbula) hydrogen bomb 1 ايīṯālīyā Italy و اي رsee 2ايو ايودII to back, support (ه, s.o., هوa claim, an aspiration, etc.); to confirm, corroborate, endorse ( هوnews, a. judgment, etc.) V = pass. of II آ )ايāḍa i to return, revert ( ا وto s.th.); to become ( ا وs.th.) ( ايوانīrān Iran, Persia االيal-ainu the where; space (philos.) ايواظووīrānī Iranian, Persian; (pl. -ūn) a Persian, an Iranian اي مainamā wherever ايو داirlandā Ireland اي نayyāna when? (conj.) when ايو دىirlandī Irish; (pl. -ūn) Irishman 2 اايII to ionize ( هs.th.) V to be ionized (el.) ايانiyōn pl. -āt ion تبييta’yīn ionization 1 اببببba’ba’a to say “papa” (child) 2 بؤبوؤbu’bu’ root, source, origin; core, heart, inmost part; pupil of the eye, also بؤبوؤا عوي b. al-‘ain مأبيmuta’ayyin ionized ايوīhi, īha, īhin (interj.) well! now then! All right! ب بلbābil2 Babel, Babylon ب بلوbābilī Babylonian ايه وayyuhā, with fem. also ايأه وayyatuhā (vocative particle) O ... ! ب ب وbābih the second month of the Coptic calendar ايابayyūb2 Job ب باbābūj pl. باابbawābij2 slipper االيابيانal-ayyūbīyūn the Ayubites بو بارbābūr pl. -āt, بوواابيوbawābīr2 (=)وابووار locomotive, engine; steamship, steamer ايامaiwam2 see يام 1 اايانsee 2 اي 2 ااياانīwān pl. -āt recess-like sitting room with a raised floor, usually opening on the main room or courtyard through an arcade; estrade 1 بabbreviation of ب بchapter 1 بbi (prep.) in, at, on (place and time); with (indicating connection, association, attendance); with, through, by means of (designating instrumentality or agency, also with pass. = by); for (= at the price of); by (= to the amount of); by (introducing an oath)│ ب ليولbi-l-lail at (by) night, ب هوووو رbi-n-nahār during the daytime, by day; شوم الابشووšamālan bišarqin northeast; به و اوظعمووتfa-bihā wani’mat in that case it’s all right; يسابو اانit is not my intention to ... ; هولاابولاhādā bidāka now we are even, we are quits; لبولا ( مجيئو ابسو عةmajī’ihī) an hour before his arrival; “ بwith” frequently gives causative meaning to a verb, e.g., ظهو ا ( بشوlit.: to rise with s.tا., i.e.) to boost, further, promote s.th.; بلو ابو اا ووto cause s.o. to arrive at, lead s.o. to; for its use as copula after negations, etc., see grammar; بوالbi-lā without; بمو اانbi-mā anna in view of the fact that; since, as, inasmuch as, because; بم ا يbi-mā fīhi including بbā’ name of the letter ب ب ثا اجوbatōlōjī pathologic(al) ب ثا اجيbatōlōjiyā pathology 1 ب رbār pl. -āt bar; taproom 2 ببرba’ara a to dig a well بئووbi'r f., pl. آبو رābār, بئو رbi’ār well, spring بووؤرbu’ra pl. بووؤرbu’ar center, seat (fig.); site; pit; abyss ( ب راشاFr. parachute) bārāšūt parachute ب راغااىbārāguwāy Paraguay ب رباظsee بوباظو ( ب ركيFr.) barkēh parquet, parquetry floor ب رظ مsee بوظ م ب رbāra pl. -āt para (coin) ب روbārūd saltpeter; gunpowder بو روbārūda pl. بااريوودbawārīd2 rifle, carbine ب ريسbārīs2 Paris ب ريسوbārīsī Parisian بو زbāz pl. بيوزانbīzān and بوبزba’z pl. بوؤوز bu’ūz, بئزانbi’zān falcon ب زارbāzār pl. –āt bazaar ب بو واpope; papa, ب باىbābawī, ب ب وىpapal ب بايةbābawīya papacy ب تسأbati.ta batiste ب ظجو نbādijān and بيولظج نbaidinjān (coll.; n. un. pl. -āt eggplant, aubergine 38 ب ب بوbābā pl. بو بااbābawāt, father, daddy ب باظbābūnaj camomile (bot.) ب ز تbāzalt basalt ب زوب دbāzūband bracelet بوؤسba’usa u ( بوبسba’s) to be strong, brave, intrepid; -- بوئسba’isa a ( بوؤسbu’s) to be miserable, wretched VI to feign misery or distress VIII to be sad, worried, grieved بووئساا وجوولbi’sa r-rajulu what an evil man! ب وبسba’s strength, fortitude, courage, intrepidity (as verbal noun of بوؤسba’usa); harm, hurt, injury, impairment, detriment, wrong│اشووووووديداا بووووووبسcourageous, brave, intrepid; ( الابوووبسba’sa) there is no objection to it; unobjectionable; not bad, rather important, considerable, e.g., كميو ا الابووووووبسابهوووووو (kammīyāt) considerable quantities; ( الابووبسba'sa) never mind! it doesn't matter! it's all right! الابووبساانit doesn't matter that ... ; اىابووبسayyu ba'sin? what does it matter! what of it! يسا ( عليو ابوبساموba’sun) he will be none the worse for ... ; ( الاببساعليلba’sa) it won't do you any harm! don't worry! don't be afraid ب وووو ابوووووئسbanātu bi's calamities, adversities, misfortunes بوئسbu’s, ببسوba’sā’, بوؤسbu’ūs and بؤسووووbu’sā pl. ابوووؤسab’us misery, wretchedness, suffering, distress بئويسba’īs pl. بؤسوbu’asā’2 miserable, wretched ب ئسbā’is miserable, wretched ( ب سأيلFr.) bastē1 pastel ب سلbāsīl bacilli ب شbāš senior, chief (in compounds) ب شوج ويشbašcāwīš and ب شوج ويشapprox.: master sergeant (formerly, Eg.) ب شحكيمbāšḥakīm physician-in-chief ب شوويشbāšrayyis a naval rank, approx.: petty officer 3rd class (Eg.) ب شك تبbāškātib chief clerk ب شمفأوbāšmuftī chief mufti (Tun.) ب شمفأشbāamšmufattiš chief inspector ب شمه دسbāšmuhandis chief engineer ب شbāšā pl. ب شااbāšawāt ( )ب ش واpasha ب شوقbāšaq, bāšiq pl. بااشوقbawāšiq2 sparrow hawk ا ب شقوal-bāšqird the Bashkirs ب شكيوsee بشكيو ( ب صEngl.) bāṣ pl. -āt bus, autobus ب هانbātūn concrete, béton 39 ب غةbāgā celluloid; tortoise shell ا ب كسأ نal-bākistān Pakistan ب كسأ ظوbākistānī Pakistani (adj. and n.) 1 ب لbāl whale (zool.) 2 ب ةbala pl. -āt bundle, bale ا بوbalṯō pl. بو ااbalṯowāt, overcoat; paletot بالهوbalātī ( ب اIt. ballo ball, dance ب انbālūn) balloon جزراا ب ي رjuzur al-bāliyār the Balearic Islands ( ب يFr.) bālēh ballet ب ميوand ب ميوةbāmiya gumbo, okra (Hibiscus esculentus L., bot., a popular vegetable in Egypt) ب نsee بان ش شووةاب ظارامي وةšāša bānōrāmīya (= Fr. écran panoramique) cinemascope screen بؤوظوةba’ūna the tenth month of the Coptic calendar ب ىbāy, f. ب يوةbāya pl. -āt formerly, in Tunisia, a title after the names of the members of the Bey's family اراا بووو ىdār al-bāy (formerly) the Tunisian government ببوbabr pl. ببارbubūr tiger ببغوووbabgā2 (and babbayā’2) pl. babgāwāt parrot ببغووو وا بوتbatta u i (batt) to cut off, sever ( هوs.th.); to complete, finish, achieve, accomplish, carry out ( هوs.th.); to fix, settle, determine ( هوs.th.), decide ( هوs.th., ووon s.th.) II to adjudge, adjudicate, award ( هوs.th.) VII to be cut off; to be finished, be done; to be decided│ لودااظبوتااالمووابي و اوبيو همit's all over between him and them, they are through with each other بوتbatt settlement, decision; بأوbattan definitely, once and for all بأووةbatta pl. -āt adjudication, award; final decision; ا بأووةal-battata and بأووة battatan definitely, positively, decidedly, esp. with negations: absolutely not, definitely not بأوbattī definite, definitive بأيةbattiya, bittīya pl. بأو توbatātīy barrel; tub بأ تووووbatātan decidedly, definitely, positively, categorically, unquestionably, absolutely تبأيتtabtīt adjudication, award بوووbātt definite, definitive│ م ووواابووو (man‘) categorical interdiction 1 بأووbatara u (batr) to cut off, sever ( هوs.th.); to amputate ( هوs.th.); to mutilate, render fragmentarily ( هوa text) VII to be cut off, be severed, be amputated بأوووووbatr cutting separation; amputation off, severance, ابأوووabtar2 curtailed, docked, clipped, trimmed; imperfect, defective, incomplete; without offspring بأ رbattār cutting, sharp ب توbātir cutting, sharp مبأووووووار mabtūr broken, abrupt, unconnected; fragmentary, incomplete 2 بأووواbitrā’ , batrā’ Petra (ancient city of Edomites and Nabataeans; ruins now in SW Jordan) 2 2 بأوbatrak patriarch بأوولbatrūl, bitrōl petroleum ابأوواabta‘ an assonant intensifier of اجمووا ajma‘2 all, altogether, whole, entire 2 ب تاbāti‘ strong; full, whole, entire 40 بألII to cut off ( هs.th.) 1 ابأولbatala i u (batl) and II to cut off, sever ( هو s.th.); to make final, close, settle, make conclusive, clinch ( ه وs.th.) V to retire from the world and devote one's life to God ( ;)ا وواto be pious, chaste and selfdenying; to live in chastity VII to be cut off, be curtailed, be docked بأالbatūl virgin; ا بأالthe Virgin Mary بأاbatūlī virginal بأا يةbatūlīya virginity مأبأولmutabattil an ascetic, a. recluse; a pious, godly man 2 بأاالbatūlā birch tree بوثbatta (batt) to spread, unroll, unfold ( هو s.th., e.g., a rug); to scatter, disperse ( هو s.th.); to disseminate, propagate, spread ( ه s.th., e.g., a spirit, an ideology, a doctrine); to sprinkle ( هو هوs.th. on); to let s.o. (ه, also )لin on s.th. ( هو, esp. on a secret); to broadcast, transmit by radio │ بوثاا عيوانto peer around; بوثااد غو مto plant, or lay, mines IV to let ( هs.o.) in on a secret ( )هVII to be spread; to be scattered بووثbatta spreading, dissemina.tion, propagation; grief, sorrow بثووbatara i (batira a) and V to break out with pimples or pustules (skin) بثووbatr pl. بثوارbutūr (n. un. بثووbatra pl. batarāt) pimples, pustules بثوbatir, بثيوbatīr pustulate, pimpled بثوقbataqa i u (with ا هووan-nahra) to open flood gates so that the river will overflow its banks VII to break forth, burst out, well out, pour out, gush out; to emanate, proceed, spring ( مor عfrom) اظبثوoutpouring, effusion, outpour, outburst; emanation بجواbajiḥa a (bajaḥ) to rejoice ( بat) V to vaunt, flaunt ( بs.th.), boast, brag ( بof) تبجاtabajjuj bragging, braggery مأبجاmutabajjij braggart بجودbajda, bujda root, source. heart, essence, basis│ بجود اادمووthe heart of the matter, the actual state of affairs, the true facts; هاا ( ابو ابجودتهibn bujdatihā) he knows the job from the ground up, he is the right man for it ابجوabiar2 obese, corpulent بجوسbajasa u i (bajs) and II to open a passage (for the water), cause (the water) to flow V and VII to flow freely, pour forth copiously, gush out بجووسbajs, بجوويسbajīs flowing freely, streaming بجاbaja‘ (n. un. ) pelican بجولII to honor, revere, venerate, treat with deference ( هs.o.), show respect ( هوto s.o.); to give precedence ( هو علووor هto s.o. or s.th. over) V to be honored, be revered, be venerated بجلbajal syphilis (ir.) تبجيوووولtabjīl veneration, deference, respect reverence; مبجوووولmubajjal venerable respected; revered, بح ثةbaḥḥāta eminent scholar مبحوثmabḥāt pl. مب حوثmabāḥit subject, theme, field of investigation or discussion, object of research; research, study, examination; investigation بجوومbajama i (bajm, بجووامbujūm) to be speechless, dumfounded مب حثوووةmubāḥata pl. -āt negotiation, parley, conference, talk, discussion بجII to clinch ( هa nail) باbaḥḥa a (baḥḥ, بحاbaḥaḥ, بحواحbuḥūḥ, بحو ح baḥāḥ, بحاحوةbuḥūḥa, ابح حوةbaḥāḥa) to be or become hoarse, be raucous, husky, harsh (voice) II and IV to make hoarse (ه s.o.) ب حووثbāḥit pl. -ūn and بح و ثbuḥḥāt scholar, research worker; examiner, investigator بحةbuḥḥa hoarseness بحثووbaḥtara to disperse, scatter ( هوs.th.); to waste, squander, dissipate ( هووs.th.) II tabaḥtara pass. of I اباabaḥḥ2 hoarse بحثوbaḥtara waste, dissipation مبحاحmabḥūḥ hoarse 41 مبحثوmubaḥtir squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift بحوباII tabaḥbaḥa to be prosperous, live in easy circumstances; to enjoy o.s. have a good time بحباحbaḥbūḥ gay, merry بحباحوةbuḥbūḥa middle; life of ease and comfort, prosperity, affluence│ا و ابحباحووة amidst امبحباmubaḥbaḥ well-to-do, prosperous; enjoying an easy, comfortable life بحوتbaḥt pure, unmixed, sheer; exclusive, also بحأوو ;بحووتاادموووbaḥan merely, solely, purely, exclusively, nothing but ... بحأوbuḥtur stocky, pudgy, thickset بحأوbuḥturī stocky, pudgy, thickset بحوثbaḥata a (baḥt) to look, search ( هوor عو for s.th.), seek ( ه وor ع وs.th.); to do research; to investigate, examine, study, explore ( هوor عوs.th., less frequently with وor )علوو, look into ( هوor ;)عوto discuss ( هوa subject, a question) III to discuss (ه with s.o., وa question) VI to have a discussion, discuss together; to confer, have a talk ( ماwith s.o., about) بحوثbaḥt pl. بحواثbuḥūt, بحاثو, ابحو ثabḥāt search ( عووووfor), quest ( عووووof); examination, study; research; investigation, exploration; discussion; treatise; (pl. )ابحو ثstudy, scientific report ( on) بح ثbaḥḥāt scholar, research worker 1 بحووbaḥira a to be startled, be bewildered (with fright) 1 بحووII to travel by sea, make a voyage IV do.; to embark, go on board; to put to sea, set sail, sail, depart (ship); to go downstream, be sea-bound (ship on the Nile) V to penetrate deeply, delve ( وinto); to study thoroughly ( a subject) X = V بحوووbaḥr pl. بحو رbiḥār, بحووار, buḥūr, ابح و ر abḥār, ابحووabḥur sea; large river; a noble., or great, man (whose magnanimity or knowledge is comparable to the vastness of the sea); meter (poet.) │ ا و ابحووin the course of, during, ( ابحواسو أيsanatain) in the course of two years, within two years; ( ا بحواادبوي اا مأاسوطabyaḍ, mutawassiṯ) the Mediterranean (sometimes shortened to بحووواا بل يووق ;)ا بحووواادبوويb. al-balṯīq the Baltic Sea; بحواا ج وابb. al-janūb the South Seas; ا بحواادحموthe Red Sea (also بحواا قلوزم b. al-qulzum); بحووواا قووزرb. al-ḳazar the Caspian Sea (also بحواا ووم ;)ا بحواا كسبي تb. ar-rūm the Mediterranean; ا بحوووواادسوووا (aswad) the Black Sea; بحوواا رلموb. aẓẓulumāt the هtlantic; بحوا اهb. lūṯ and ا بحوا ( ا ميوتmayyit) the Dead Sea; ( بحوواا يولeg.) the Nile ا بحويal-baḥrain the Bahrein Islands بحواظوbaḥrānī of the Bahrein Islands; ا بح رظوةal-baḥārina the inhabitants of the Bahrein Islands بحووbaḥrī sea (adj.), marine; maritime; nautical; naval; navigational; (in Eg.) northern, baḥrīya (with foll. genit.) north 42 of; (pl. -ūn, ) sailor, seaman, mariner│بحوووو امووو هو approx.: seaman apprentice (Eg.); ( ا قواا اا بحويوةاqūwāt) the naval forces; ( ظب تو ابحويوةnabātāt) marine flora, water plants ب ارbaḳūr incense; frankincense│اب وارا مويمb. maryam cyclamen (bot.) اب وabḳar2 suffering from halitosis مب ووmabḳara pl. مبو وmabāḳir2 (also āt) censer; thurible; fumigator بحويةbaḥrīya navy تب يوtabḳīr fumigation بحوbaḥra pond, pool تب وtabaḳḳur evaporation, vaporization بحوو رbaḥḥār pl. -ūn, بحوو رbaḥḥāra seaman, mariner, sailor; pl. بح رcrew (of a ship, of an airplane) بو وbalfira pl. بواا وbawāḳir2 steamer, steamship بحيووbuḥaira pl. -āt, بحو ئوbaḥā’ir lake; (tun.)'vegetable garden, truck garden بحوووانbuḥrān crisis (of an illness); climax, culmination (also, e.g., of ecstasy) ب وسbaḳasa a (baks) to decrease, diminish, reduce ( هووs.th.); to lessen (e.g., ليمأوو qīmatahū the value of s.th.); to disregard, neglect, fail to heed ( هs.th.) تبحووtabaḥḥur deep penetration, delving ( into a subject), thorough study ( of) ب وسbaḳs too little, too low; very low (price) مأبحوووmutabaḥḥir thoroughly familiar ( وwith); profound, erudite, searching, penetrating بوووو سbaḳis unimportant 2 بحلقbaḥlaqa: ‘( بحلقاعي يainaihi) to stare, gaze ( at) باي وbuwaiḳira small steamboat small, little, trifling, ب شيشbaḳšīš pl. ب شيشbaḳāšīš 2 tip, gratuity ب واbaḳa‘a a (baḳ‘) with ظفسو: to kill o.s. (with grief, anger, rage) 1 بخابخbaḳ baḳ excellent! well done! Bravo! اب قabḳaq2 f. ب قbaḳqā’2 one-eyed 2 بوخbaḳḳa u (baḳḳ) to snore; to spout, spurt, squirt ( هوs.th.); to sprinkle, splatter (هو ب s.th. with) ب ولbaḳila a (baḳal), baḳula u (buḳl) to be niggardly, be stingy ( بwith s.th., عوor علووwith regard to s.o.), scrimp ( عو, علوو s.o., بfor), stint ( بin, عوor علووs.o.), withhold ( عو, علووfrom s.o., بs.th.) VI to give reluctantly, grudgingly ( عو, علوووto s.o., y s.th.) ة بbaḳḳāḳa nozzle ب ي ةbuḳḳēḳa squirt, syringe مب ةmibaḳḳa nozzle ب وتbaḳt luck; a kind of lottery│الليوولاا ب وت unIucky; سا اا ب تbad luck ب يتbaḳīt lucky, fortunate مب اmabḳūt lucky, fortunate ب أوII tabaḳtara to strut, prance ب ووII to vaporize, evaporate ( ه وs.th.); to fumigate ( هوs.th.); to disinfect ( هوs.th.); to perfume with incense, expose to aromatic smoke ( هوs.th.) V to evaporate (water); to volatilize, tum into smoke or haze; to perfume 0.8., or be perfumed, with incense ب و رbuḳār pl. -āt, اب ووabḳira vapor, fume; steam ب رbuḳārī steam (adj.), steam-driven ب لbuḳl avarice, cupidity, greed 43 ب يولbaḳīl pl. ب والavaricious, greedy; miser, skinflint مب لووةmabḳala cause of avarice, that which arouses avarice or greed ب وقbuḳnuq pl. ب و ظقbaḳāniq2 kerchief, veil (to cover the head) بbadda u (budd) to distribute, spread, disperse II to divide, distribute, spread, scatter, disperse ( • هوو.th.); to remove, eliminate ( ه وs.th.); to waste, squander, fritter away, dissipate ( هوs.th.) V pass. of II; X to be independent, proceed independently ( بin, e.g., in one's opinion, i.e., to be opinionated, obstinate, headstrong); to possess alone monopolize ( هو s.th.); to take possession ( هوof s.o.), seize, grip, overwhelm, overcome ( هوs.o.; said of a feeling, of an impulse); to dispose arbitrarily, highhandedly ( بof s.th.); to rule despotically, tyrannically, autocratically ( بover) wa-bad’an) ‘( عووا هاعلوووابدئ وaudahū ‘alā bad’ihī) or ( عا ااا وابودilā bad’in) he did it all over again, he began anew بودbudd way out, escape│اا اا ومايكو ابودامو ا ( انbuddun) if it is inevitable that ... ; الابود (budda) definitely, certainly, inevitably, without fail; by all means; الابوداموit is necessary, inescapable, unavoidable, inevitable, الابودا و ام وhe simply must do it, he can't get around it; مو اكولابودmin kulli buddin in any case, at any rate بوداbadā’a beginning, start; first step, first instance│ ابوودا ابوودbadā’ata bad’in right at the outset, at the very beginning بوودأbad’a, بديئووةbadī’a, بدايووةbidāya beginning, start│ ووو ابدايوووةاادمووووin the beginning, at first بدائbudā’ī primitive مبووودأmabda' pl. مبووو mabādi’2 beginning, start, starting point; basis, foundation; principle; invention; pl. principles, convictions (of a person); ideology; rudiments. fundamental concepts, elements│ اكأباا مبوkutub al-m. elementary books 44 اب يدabādīd 2 (pl.) scattered تبديووووودtabdīd scattering, dispersal, dispersion; removal, elimination; waste, dissipation مبووووودئ mabda’ī original, initial; fundamental, basic; مبووودئيmabda’īyan originally; in principle اسووووأبداistibdād arbitrariness, highhandedness; despotism; autocracy; absolutism ابأودائibtidā’ī beginning, start; novitiate (Chr.)│ اابأووودا اموووibtidā’an min from, beginning ... , as of (with foll. date) اسوأبداistibdādī arbitrary, highhanded, autocratic, despotic; اسوأبدا يistibdādīyāt arbitrary acts ابأوووودائibtidā’ī initial; preparatory, elementary, primary; of first instance (jur.); original, primitive│محكموووةاابأدائيوووة (maḥkama) court of first instance; ا أعلويما االبأودائوelementary education; مدرسوةاابأدائيوة (madrasa) lower grades of a high school, approx.: junior high school (as distinguished from شوووه اابأدائيوووة ;)ث ظايوووة (šahāda) approx.: junior high school graduation certificate مبوووودmubaddid scatterer, disperser; squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift مسووأبدmustabidd arbitrary, highhanded, autocratic, tyrannical, despotic; autocrat, tyrant, despot│ مسوووأبدابوأيووو (bira’yihī) opinionated, obstinate, headstrong بودأbada’a a ( بودأbad’) to begin, start ( بor و with s.th., هوs.th.; هwith s.o.; with foll. imperf.: to do s.th. or doing s.th. respectively); to set in, begin, start, arise, spring up, crop up II to put ( هوs.th., علوو before s.th. else), give precedence or priority ( هوto s.th., علووover s.th. else) III to begin, start ( بs.th., هwith regard to s.o.), make the first step, take the initiative or lead ( بin s.th., هtoward s.o.) e.g., بو أها ( بو كالمkalām) to accost s.o., speak first to s.o. IV to do or produce first ( هوs.th.). bring out ( هوs.th. new)│امو ايبود اومو ايعيودmā yubdi’u wa-mā yu‘īd he can't think of a blessed thing to say; يبود اويعيودhe says or does everything conceivable VIII to begin, start ( بwith s.th.) بودbad’ beginning, start│ م ولاا بودfrom the (very) beginning; ‘( عل اعا ااوبود اaudan بوbādi’ beginning, starting│ابو اادموو badi'a l-amr and وو ابوو اادموووin the beginning, at first; ابو اا ووأright away, without thinking twice, unhesitatingly; بو ا ابودbadi’a dī bad’in above all, first of all, in the first place, primarily; ا بو ا كوووهal-badi’u dikruhu (the person or thing) mentioned at the outset, the firstmentioned مبأوودmubtadi’ beginning; beginner; novice (Chr.) مبأودأmubtada' beginning, start; (gram.) subject of 8 nominal clause 1 بوودرbadara u to come unexpectedly, by surprise; to escape ( موs.o.; e.g., words in excitement) III to come to s.o.’s ( )هmind, occur to s.o. (t) all of a sudden, strike s.o. (idea, notion); to embark, enter ( ا ووupon s.th.) or set out ( ا ووto do s.th.) without delay; to rush, hurry ( ا وووto s.o., to a place); to hurry up (", with s.th.), بو راا وو with foll. verbal noun: to do s.th. promptly, without delay, hasten to do s.th.; to fall upon s.o ( )هwith ()ب, accost, assail, surprise ( ه بs.o. with s.th.; e.g., بو رهابكوالماغلويto snap rudely at s.o.); to react, respond ( ا ووto s.th.)│ بو راا ووااظجو زا ( ا اعودinjāzi l-wa‘d) to set out to fulfill a promise VI ( تبو راا وواا ولهdihn) to suggest itself strongly, be obvious; to appear at first glance as if (تبوو راا وووا ه و اأن ;)أن (dihnī) it occurred to me all of a sudden that ... ; ( تبووو راا وووواا فهووومfahm) to be immediately understood VIII to hurry, rush, hasten ( هوto); to get ahead of s.o. ()ه, anticipate, forestall ( هs.o.)│ابأووودره الووو ئال before she could say a word he exclaimed ... بدرbadr, pl. بدورbudūr full moon بودرbadra pl. badarāt, بودارbidār huge amount of money (formerly = 10,000 dirhams)│ بودرا اادمواالenormous sums of money بدارbadārī hurry! quick! مب رmubādara undertaking, enterprise بو رbādira pl. بوواا رbawadir2 herald, harbinger, precursor, forerunner, first indication, sign; unforeseen act; stirring, impulse, fit (e.g., of rage); blunder, mistake; بواا رstirrings, impulses│بو ر ا يوو b. ḳairin a good, or generous, impulse 2 ابيدرbaidar pl. بي رbayādir 2 threshing floor بوودرومand ( بوودرونTurk. bodrum) badrūm, badrūn pl. -āt basement بوودbada‘a a (bad‘) to introduce, originate, start, do for the first time ( هوs.th.), be the first to do s.th. ( ;)هوto devise, contrive, invent ( هوs.th.) II to accuse of heresy (ه s.o.) IV = I; to create ( هوs.th.); to achieve unique, excellent results ( وin); to be amazing, outstanding ( وin s.th.) VIII to invent, contrive, devise, think up ( هوs.th.) X to regard as novel, as unprecedented ( هو s.th.) بوووووود bad‘ innovation, novelty; creation│ بووودع اوعوووا اbad‘an wa-‘audan repeatedly 45 بودbid‘ pl. ابوداabdā‘ innovator; new, original; unprecedented, novel│ الابوودlā bid‘a no wonder! الابود اانlā bid‘a an no wonder that ... ; بود اموs.th. else than; unlike, different from بدعووةbid‘a pl. بوودbida‘ innovation. novelty; heretical doctrine, heresy; pl. creations (of fashion, of art)│ ااهولاا بودahl al-b. heretics بووودياbadi', بووودbud‘ unprecedented, marvelous, wonderful, amazing, admirable, singular, unique; creator│اعلوما ‘ ا بوودياilm al-b. the art or science of metaphors and (in general) of good style بديعوووةbadī‘a pl. بووودائاbadā’i‘2 an astonishing, amazing thing, a marvel, a wonder; original creation بديعbadī‘ī rhetorical ابوووودabda‘2 more amazing, more exceptional; of even greater originality ابوداibdā‘ creation, fashioning, shaping; a marvelous, unique achievement; uniqueness, singularity, originality; creative ability O ابداعibdā‘ī romantic (lit.) O ابداعيةibdā‘īya romanticism (lit.) مبوووودmubdi‘ producing, creating; creative; creator; exceptional, unique, outstanding (in an achievement, esp. of an artist) مبأدmubtadi‘ innovator; creator; heretic بيدlook up alphabetically بوودلbadala u to replace ( هوو بs.th. by), exchange ( هو بs.th. for) II to change, alter ( هو هوs.th. to), convert ( هو هوs.th. into); to substitute ( هوfor s.th., بor موs.th.), exchange, give in exchange ( هوs.th., بor مfor); to change ( هوs.th.) III to exchange ( ه هwith s.o. s.th.) IV to replace ( هو بs.th. by), exchange ( هو بfor s.th. s.th. else); to compensate ( ه ب هوs.o. for s.th. with s.th. else), give s.o. (ا)هs. th. ( )هوin exchange for ( )بV to change; to be exchanged VI to exchange ( هوs.th., also words, views, greetings) X to exchange, receive in exchange, trade, barter ( ه بand ب هs.th. for); to replace ( ب هوand ب هوs.th. by), substitute ( ه بand ب هfor s.th. s.th. else) بوودمbadal pl. ابوودالabdāl substitute, alternate, replacement; equivalent. compensation, setoff; reimbursement, recompense, allowance; price. rate; (gram.) appositional substantive standing for another substantive│ بوودلاا جوايوةb. aljirāya allowance for food; بودلاا سوفويةb. assafarīya travel allowance; بووودلااالشوووأوا subscription rate; بوووودلاا أمثيوووولexpense account, expense allowance بودلbadala (prep.) inetead of, in place of, in lieu of بودالاموbadalan min in place of, instead of, in lieu of بد وةbadla pl. badalāt, بودلbidal suit (of clothes); costume│بد وووةاا حمووو م b. alḥammām bathing suit; ( بد وةارسوميةrasmīya) uniform; ( بد وووةاتشوووويف تيةtašrīfātīya) fulldreas uniform بد يوووةbadalīya compensation, smart money بوودالbadāla (prep.) instead of, بوودالام و (conj.) instead of (being, doing, etc.) بوديلbadīl pl. بودالbudalā’ substitute, alternate ( عوor موfor); stand-in, double (theat.); (f. ) serving as a replacement or substitute│( امفوووز ابديلووةmafraza) reserve detachment (mil.) 2 بدالbaddāl grocer; money-changer بدا وةbaddāla culvert; pipeline; telephone exchange, central □ مب لmabādil2 see بدل تبديلtabdīl change, alteration 46 مب ةmubādala pl. -āt exchange│امب ال ا ( تج ريوووةtijārīya) commercial exchange, trade relations ابوووودالibdāl exchange, interchange, replacement ( بby), substitution ( بof); change; phonetic change تبووودلtabaddul change, shift, turn; transformation; transmutation, conversion تبو لtabādul (mutual) exchange│اتبو لا ا سوالمt. as-salam exchange of greetings, تب لاا ااهوthought transference, telepathy اسووأبدالistibdāl exchange, replacement, substitution مبووودلmubdil: مبووودلااالسووو ااظm. alusṯuwānāt automatic record changer مأب لmutabādil mutual, reciprocal بدنbaduna u and badana u to be fat, corpulent بوودنbadan pl. ابوودانabdān, ابوودنabdun body, trunk, torso بودظbadani bodily, corporal, physical, somatic بداظةbadāna corpulence, obesity بوديbadīn pl. بودنbudun stout, corpulent, fat, obese بدوظةbudūna corpulence, obesity بو نbādin pl. بودنbudn stout, corpulent, fat, obese بودهbadaha a to come, descend suddenly (هاupon s.o.), befall unexpectedly ( هs.o.); to surprise ( هs.o.) with s.th. ( )بIII to appear suddenly, unexpectedly ( ه بbefore s.o. with s.th.) VIII to extemporize, improvise, do offhand, on the spur of the moment ( هs.th.) بداهوووووةbadāha spontaneity, spontaneous occurrence, impulse; simple, natural way, naturalness, matter-of-factness; بداهوووووة badāhatan and ب بداهوووةاall by itself, spontaneously بديهوةbadīha s.th. sudden or unexpected; improvisation; impulse, inspiration, spontaneous intuition; intuitive understanding or insight, empathy, instinctive grasp, perceptive faculty│علووا ا بداهيوةall by itself, spontaneously; offhand; ح ضووووواا بديهووووةاquick-witted, quick at repartee; بديهةاح ضو اpresence of mind بوديهbadīhī and بودهbadahī intuitive, self-evident, a priori (adj.) بديهيووةbadīhīya pl. -āt an axiom, a fundamental or self-evident truth; truism, commonplace, platitude بدائوbadii'ih' fundamental or selfevident truths ( بوودا )بوودوbadā u to appear, show, become evident, clear, plain or manifest, come to light; to be obvious; to seem good, acceptable, proper ( لto s.o.) III to shaw, display, evince, manifest, reveal, declare openly│ ‘( بو ىاب عوداوadāwa) to show open hostility IV to disclose, reveal, manifest, show, display, evince ( هوووs.th.), to demonstrate, bring out, bring to light, make visible ( هوs.th.); to express, utter, voice ( هوs.th.)│ ( اابوودىارأيو ا وra'yahū) to express one's opinion about; ابوودىارغبووة (ragbatan) to expreas a wish or desire V = I, to live in the desert VI to pose as a Bedouin بدوbadw desert; nomads, Bedouins بدوbadawī Bedouin, nomadic; rural (as distinguished from urban); a Bedouin بدويوةbadawīya pl. -āt Bedouin woman, Bedouin girl بووداbadaJl pl. caprice; ill-humor بوودواbadawāt whim, بوولاbadā’ and بوولاbadā’a obscenity, ribaldry, foulness (of language); disgust, loathing, aversion, contempt بلخbadaḳa a to be haughty, proud بووولخbadaḳ luxury, pomp, splendor; haughtiness, pride بو خbādiḳ pl. بواا خbawādiḳ2 high, lofty; proud, haughty بولرbadara u (badr) to sow, disseminate ( هو s.th., seed, also fig. = to spread) II to waste, squander, dissipate ( هs.th.) بولرbadr pl. بولورbudūr, بولارbidār seeds, seed; seedling; pl. بولورpips, pits, stones (of fruit) بولرbadra (n. un.) a seed, a grain; pip, pit, stone (of fruit); germ; (fig.) germ cell (of a development, and the like) بلارbidār seedtime بووداوbadāwa and bidāwa desert life, Bedouin life; Bedouinism, nomadism 47 تبوووووليوtabdīr dissipation بيوداbaidā’2 desert, steppe, wilderness, wild مبووولرmubaddir squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift ابووداibdā’ expression, manifestation, declaration ب وbādin apparent, evident, obvious, plain, visible; inhabiting the desert; pl. بودا budāh Bedouins ب يوةbādiya desert, semidesert, steppe; peasantry; (pl. بوووااbawādin) nomads, Bdouins بدايةbidāya = بدا بولbadda u (badd) to get the better of ()ه, beat, surpass (s.o.) بوولbadd and bādd slovenly, untidy, shabby, filthy, squalid بوولاbadāda slovenliness, untidiness, shabbiness, dirtiness, filth بولأbada’a a to revile, abuse ( علووs.o.), rail ( علووat s.o.); -- بولbadi’a a, بولbadu’a u to be obscene, bawdy بوووولbadī’ disgusting, loathsome, nauseous, foul, dirty, obscene, bawdy, ribald waste, squandering, بيلlook up alphabetically بوللbadala i u (badl) to give or spend freely, generously ( هوs.th.); to sacrifice ( هوs.th.); to expend ( ه وs.th.); to offer, grant ( ه و s.th.)│( ابللاجهدهjahdahū) to take pains; بللا مجهوووووا اdo.; ( بوووووللاكووووولامسووووو عدkulla musā‘adatin) to grant every assistance; بللا ا مس عوto make efforts; بللاا عوةالto obey s.o., defer to s.o.; ( بوللاكولاغو لkulla gālin) and بوللاا غو واوا وو يصا و اسوبيلto spare no effort, go to any length, give everything, pay any price for or in order to; بوللامو ا ( وجه وmā’a wajhihī) to sacrifice one's honor; ( ع و ا والنor) بووللاظفس و ا ونا ووالنto sacrifice o.s. for s.o.; ( بللاوسوعwus‘ahū) to do one’s utmost, do one’s best V to fritter away one’s fortune, be over-generous; to prostitute o.s. (woman); to display common, vulgar manners VIII to wear out in common service, make trite, vulgar, commonplace, to hackney ( ه وs.th.); to abuse ( هوs.th.); to express o.s. in a vulgar manner, use vulgar language; ابأوللاظفسوto degrade o.s. demean o.s., sacrifice one's dignity بووللbadl giving, spending; sacrifice, surrender, abandonment; expenditure; offering, granting مبوووورmubarrir pl. -āt justification; excuse│ ( الامبوراmubarrira) unjustifiable 2 بل ةbadla suit (of clothes) مبللmibdal pl. مب لmabādil2 slipper; pl. مبو لcasual clothing worn around home│ النا امبso-and-so in his private life بووىbarrī terrestrial, land (adj.); wild (of plants and animals)│اسووووي ر ابويووووةام ئيووووة (sayyāra, mā’īya) amphibious vehicle ابأووولالibtidāl triteners, commonness, commonplaceness; banality; debasement, degradation بويووةā barrīya pl. بوووارىbarāarīy open country, steppe, desert; see also 1ابوأ ب لbādil spender 48 بواظوووbarrānī outside, outer, exterior, external; foreign, alien مأبللmutabaddil vulgar, common مبأوللmubtadal trite, hackneyed, banal, common, vulgar; everyday, commonplace (adj.) 2 ابووbarra (1st pers. perf. barirtu, barartu) a I (birr) to be reverent, dutiful, devoted; to be kind ( هor بto s.o.); to be charitable, beneficent, do good ( بto s.o.); to obey (ه s.o., esp. God); to treat with reverence, to honor ( بor هthe parents); to be honest, truthful; to be true, valid (sworn statement); to keep ( بa promise, an oath) II to warrant, justify, vindicate; to acquit, absolve, exonerate, exculpate, clear ( هو, ه s.o., s.th.)│ ( ابووراوجهوwajhahū) to justify o.s. by IV to carry out, fulfill ( هوs.th., a promise, an oath) V to justify o.s.; to be justified بووbirr reverence, piety; righteousness, probity; godliness, devoutness; kindness; charitable gift بووbarr and بو رbārr pl. ابووارabrār and بوورbarara reverent, dutiful ( بtoward), devoted ( بto); pious, godly, upright, righteous.; kind مبوووmabarra pl. -āt and مبو رmabar2 good deed, act of charity, benefaction; philanthropic organization; charitable institution, home or hospital set up with private funds تبويوtabrīr justification, vindication بو رbārr reverent, faithful and devoted; see also under بوbarr above مبووورmabrūr (accepted into the grace of the Lord, i.e.) blessed (said of a deceased person) ابووbarr land (as opposed to sea), terra firma, mainland; open country; بوواbarran out, outside│ ابوووااوبحووواbarran wa-baḥran by land and sea بوburr wheat 1 ابووأbara’a a ( بووbar’) to create ( هوs.th., said of God) بوbar’ creation بويوةbarīya pl. -āt, بوايوbarāyā creation (= that which is created); creature; see also 2ابو. ~ ا ب رىJ~I aI-bari' the Creator (God) 2 ابووbari’a a ( بوواbarā’a) to be or become free, be cleared ( موfrom, esp. from guilt blame, etc., ا وtoward s.o.); to recover ( مو from an illness) II to free, clear, acquit, absolve, exculpate ( هs.o., موووfrom suspicion, blame, guilt)│ابوووأاسوو حةاا وجوول (sāḥata r-rajul) he acquitted the man IV to acquit, absolve, discharge, exculpate (ه s.o.); to cause to recover, cure, heal (ه s.o.)│ ( اابووأا مأوdimmatahū) to clear s.o. or o.s. from guilt, exonerate s.o. or o.s. V to clear o.s. ( م وfrom suspicion, from a charge), free o.s. ( موfrom responsibility, etc.), rid o.s. ( م وof); to declare o.s. innocent, wash one’s hands ( موof); to be acquitted X to restore to health, cure, heal ( هs.o.); to free o.s. ( موfrom), rid o.s. ( مو of) بووووbur’ and burū’ convalescence, recovery بووbarī’ pl. ابويوabriyā’2, بوواburā’, birā’ free, exempt ( موfrom), devoid ( مو of); guiltless, innocent; guileless, harmless; healthy, sound 49 بواbarā’ free, exempt ( موfrom)│ا مأو ا ( بوا امdimmatuM) he is innocent of ... بوووواbarā’a being free; disavowal, withdrawal; innocence, guiltlessness; naiveté, guilelessness, artlessness; (pl. -āt) license, diploma, patent│ ابوووووا اا أوووووا patent on an invention; بوووووا اا أ فيوووول exequatur (a written authorization of a consular officer, issued by the government to which he is accredited); بووا اا ثقوةb. attiqa (Tun.) credentials (dipl.); علوووابوووا harmless; without guilt, innocent بوبيسlook up alphabetically تبوئوووووةtabri’a freeing, acquittal, absolution, exoneration بوبيسbarbīs barbel (zool.) exemption; discharge, مبوو رأmubāra’a mubarat, divorce by mutual consent of husband and wife, either of them waiving all claims by way of compensation (Isl. Law) ابوواibrā’ acquittal, absolution, release; release of a debtor from his liabilities, remission of debt (Isl. Law) اسوأبواistibrā’: اسوأبوا اا حمولist. al-ḥamal the ceremony of selecting and purifying the Host before Mass (Copt.-Chr.) بووبيشbarbīš (syr.) tube (of a narghile, of an enema, etc.) بوووبطbarbata to splash, paddle, dabble (in water) ( بوبوواظوIt. barbone) barbūnī, also بوبووانred mullet (Mullus barbatus; zool.) بوبوsee بوبة بوتغ لburtugāl Portugal بوتغ وburtugālī Portuguese بوتق لburtuqāl, ابوتق نburtuqān orange بوتقووو وburtuqālī, بوتقووو ظو orange, orange-colored بوثburtun, pl. بواثbarātin claw, talon 1 ابووV to display, show, play up her charms (woman); to adorn herself, make herself pretty (woman) 2 ابووburj pl. بوووburūj, ابوواabrāj tower; castle; sign of the zodiac│ ابوو اا حمو مb. alḥamām pigeon house, dovecot; بوو اا ميو هb. al-miyāh water tower 2 اب رجووةbārija pl. بووواارbawārij warship, battleship; barge 1 ا عوباا بوجو سla‘b al-birjās a kind of equestrian contest, joust, tournament 2 اا بوجيسal-birjīs Jupiter (astron.) بواجااىbaraguwāy Paraguay ا بوازيلal-bərāzīl Brazil ( بواسوويوىFr. brasserie) brāseri beer parlor, taproom بواغPrague ( بوا نFr. paravent) baravān folding screen بواهمbərahmā Brahma بوبووة birba and بوب وbirbā pl. بوابوووbarābī ancient Egyptian temple, temple ruins doting back to ancient Egypt (eg.); labyrinth, maze بوبخbarbaḳ pl. بوابخbarābiḳ2 water pipe, drain, culvert, sewer pipe بوبووbarbara to babble noisily (e.g., a large crowd), jabber, mutter, prattle ا بوبوal-barbar the Berbers بوبوووىbarbarī Berber (adj.); barbaric, uncivilized; -- (pl. بوابووووbarābira) a Berber; a barbarian بوبويووووووة barbarīya barbar(ian)ism, barbarity, savagery, cruelty مأبوبوmutabarbir barbaric, uncivilized burtuqānī بوجولbarjal pl. بواجولbarāhil2 compass, (pair of) dividers 50 بوجمووةburjuma pl. بووواجمbarājim2 knuckle, finger joint بووحbariḥa a ( بوواحbarāḥ) to leave ( هوor موaا place, ا وfor), depart ( هfrom, ا ووon one’s way to); with neg.: to continue to be (= مو ابووحا و │)زالhe is still in ... ; مو ابووحاغ يو (ganīyan) he is still rich; ( بووحاا فوḳafā’) the matter hall come out, has become generally known; غودااوبووحto come and go II to beset, harass, trouble, molest ( بs.o.) III to leave ( هوa place, ا ووfor), depart ( هو from, ا وon one's way to) بوواحdeparture; cessation, stop; a wide, empty tract of land, vast expanse, vastness; بواحbarāḥan openly and plainly, patently تبو رياtabārīh2 agonies, torments (e.g., of longing, of passion) war; غ يمةابو رan easy prey; ‘( عويشابو رaiš) an easy life; ( حجووةاب و رḥujja) a weak argument; ( تب اب رtibg) light, mild tobacco مب رحةmubāraḥa departure مبوmubarrid cooling, refreshing; pl. -āt refreshments (beverages, etc.) بو رحbāriḥ (showing the left side. i.e.) ill-boding, inauspicious, ominous (as opposed to ا ب رح ;)س ظاal-bāriḥa yesterday اا ب رحوووةal-bāriḥata yesterday│اا ليلوووةا ( ا ب رحوووةlailata) last night; اولاا ب رحوووة awwala l-b. the day before yesterday. two days ago مبوmubarrad cooled, chilled 2 بواbarrād fitter (of machinery) بواbirāda fitter's trade or work بواburāda iron filings مبووووووحmubarriḥ, violent, intense, excruciating, agonizing (esp., of pains) مبوحابوmubarraḥ bihi stricken. afflicted, tormented ابووbarada u to be or become cold; to cool, cool off (also fig.); to feel cold; to cool, chill ( هوs.th.); to soothe. alleviate ( هو pain); -- baruda to be or become cold II to make cold ( هs.th.); to refrigerate ( هوs.th.); to cool, chill ( هوs.th., also fig.); to soothe, alleviate ( هوpain) V to refresh o.s., cool o.s. off; to be soothed, be alleviated VIII to become cold, cool off مبوmibrad pl. مب رmabcirid2 file, rasp 3 بووbarad hail, hailstone بو ايةburdāya curtain, drape 51 4 بويودىbarīdī postal; messenger, courier; mailman 5 6 ب روlook up alphabetically بو ىbardī, burdī papyrus (bot.) بو يوةbardīya pl. -āt papyrus│ علوماا بو يو ‘ilm al-b. papyrology بووbarada (n. un.) بو اbardāq pl. بوا يقbarādīq2 jug, pitcher بوووووووburūd coldness, coolness, chilliness; emotional coldness, frigidity بووووووburūda coldness, coolness, chilliness; emotional coldness, frigidity│ا بوو اا دمb. ad-dam cold-bloodedness بو يووةbardīya ague, feverish chill; see also below بو اburadā’ 2 ague, feverish chill cold-storage بوIV to send by mail, to mail ( هa letter) بويدbarīd post, mail│( ا بويوداا جواىjawwī) air mail بووbarūd collyrium بووووواbarrāda refrigerator, icebox بوburd pl. ابواabrād garment بوburda Mohammed's outer garment 1 ابووbard coldness, chilliness, coolness; cooling; alleviation; cold, catarrh بوbarada u to file ( هa piece of metal, etc.) plant; تبويووودtabrīd cooling, chilling; cold storage, refrigeration; alleviation, mitigation│ جهووو اا أبويووودjahāz at-t. coldstorage plant, refrigerator; غو وووةاا أبويووود gurfat at-t. cold-storage room بو رbārid cold; cool, chilly; easy; weak; stupid, inane, silly, dull; dunce, blockhead│ ( ا حوووباا بوو رḥarb) the cold عباا بوla‘b al-b. bridge (game) بو خbardaḳa to polish, burnish ( هs.th.) □ بو عة = ابو عة بوتق ن = بو ل ن بو لاشbardaqūš (= )مو لاشmarjoram ( بو ورFr. bordure) badūra curbstone, curb بو عوةbarda‘a pl. بوواbarādi‘2 saddle, packsaddle (for donkeys and camels) بوا عوووbarādi‘ī maker of donkey saddle, saddler بوو ونbirdaun pl. بووا يbarādīn2 work horse jade, nag 1 بوزbaraza u to come out, show, appear, come into view, emerge; to jut out, protrude, stand out, be prominent (also fig.); to surpass, excel ( علوووs.o.) II to cause to come out, bring out, expose, show, set off, accentuate ( هوs.th.); to excel, surpass (وو علووs.o. in), stand out ( ووfor), distinguish o.s. ( وby) III to meet in combat or duel (ه s.o.); to compete in a contest ( هwith s.o.) IV to cause to come out, bring out, expose, make manifest ( هوووs.th.); to publish, bring out ( ه وa book, etc.); to present, show ( هوe.g., an identity card) V to evacuate the bowels VI to vie, contend 1 بوشتbirišt: ابوشت ( بيbaiḍ) soft-boiled eggs بوش ولاظةbaršīlōna Barcelona (seaport in NE Spain) بوشومbaršama to stare, gaze ( ا ووat s.th.); to rivet ( هs.th.) بوشمةbaršama riveting بوووووزburūz prominence, projection, protrusion بوشو مburšām and ( بوشو نn. un. ) pl. -āt wafer; Host (Chr.) بوازbirāz excrement, feces; competition, contest, match (in sports); duel بوش مةburšāma rivet بوي وزburaiza (birēza; eg.) ten-piaster coin بوش مجوburšāmjī riveter ابوووووزabraz2 more marked, distinctive; more prominent 1 بوشمجيةburšamjīya riveting more بوصbaraṣ leprosy ابوووازibrāz bringing out, displaying, setting off, accentuation; production; presentation ب رزbāriz protruding, projecting, salient; raised, embossed, in relief; marked, distinct, conspicuous; prominent (personality) مبوووزmubarriz surpassing ( علوووs.o.), superior ( علووto s.o.); winner. victor (in contest) مبوو رزmubāriz competitor, contender; combatant, fighter; fencer ( بويوزFr. prise) brīz pl. -āt (plug) socket, wallplug, outlet (syr.); بويوزbarīza pl. بوائوز barā’iz2 do. (eg.) 2 ابويزlook up alphabetically 2 بوزانbarazān trumpet بووزخbarzaḳ pl. بووازخbarāziḳ interval, gap, break, partition, bar, obstruction; isthmus بوزوburzūq sidewalk 1 بوس مbirsām pleurisy 2 ابويسمlook up alphabetically 3 بوسوووويمbirsīm clover, specif., berseem, Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum bot.) 1 بوشburš pl. ابواشabrāš mat ابوشabraš2 spotted, speckled 52 بوصbariṣa a (baraṣ) to be a leper بووووصburṣ wall gecko (Tarentola mauritanica, zool.) مب و رزmubāraza competition, contest, match, esp. in sports; duel; fencing 2 بوشlook up alphabetically ابوواصabraṣ2 leprous; leper│سو ماابوووص sāmm a. wall gecko 2 بوصةburṣa stock exchange بووbaraḍa u ( sprout (plant) بوووburūḍ) to germinate, بوهووازbarṯūz: بوهووازاا بحويووةb. a1-baḥrīya forecastle, crew quarters (on a merchant vessel) بوهاbarṯa‘a ( بوهعةbarṯa‘a) to gallop بوهولbarṯala ( بوهلوةbarṯala) to bribe ( هs.o.) II tabarṯala to take bribes, be venal بوهيلbirṯīl pl. بواهيلbarāṯīl2 bribe 1 بوهمbarṯama to rave, talk irrationally بوهوووامburṯūm, barṯūm trunk of an elephant 2 بوهمو نbarṯamān pl. -āt (syr. eg.) tall earthen or glass vessel (for preserves, oil. etc.) بووbara‘a a to surpass excel ( هs.o.); (also baru‘a u) to distinguish o.s., be skilful, proficient V to contribute. Give, donate (ب s.th.); to undertake (voluntarily, بs.th.). volunteer ( بor), be prepared, willing (ب to do s.th.); to be ready, be on hand (ب with) بواعوووووةbarā‘a skill, proficiency; efficiency, capability, capacity بووعوةburū‘a superior skill, outstanding proficiency مبوmabraq glitter, flash│وامبوو اا صوبا fī m. iṣ-ṣbḥ with the first rays of the morning sun تبوووtabarru‘ pl. -āt gift, donation; contribution بو رbāriq: hope ب و رbāri‘ skilled, skillful, proficient, capable. efficient; brilliant, outstanding (work of art) ب رلوةbāriqa pl. twinkle بوعمbar‘ama to bud, burgeon, sprout بوعمbur‘um pl. بواعمbarā‘im2 and بوعام bur‘ūm pl. بوواعيمbard'im' bud, burgeon; blossom, flower بوغوواثburgūt pl. بواغيووثbarāgīt2 f1ea; pl. ( بواغيووثsyr.) small silver coins│ابوغ واثا ا بحوb. a1-baḥr shrimp (zool.) بوغشbargaš (coll.; n. un. ) gnat(s), midge(s) 2 اا بولةal-barqa Cyrenaica (region of E Libya) 3 اابويقlook up alphabetically 4 1 بولشbirqiš finch بوولشbarqaša colorful medley, variety, variegation مبووولشmubarqaš colorful, variegated, many-colored بولواbarqa‘a to veil, drape ( هو, s.o., s.th.) II tabarqa‘a to put on a veil, veil o.s. بووbaraqa u to shine, glitter, sparkle, flash│ا ( بولوتاا سومsamā’u) there was lightning IV = I; to emit bolts of lightning (cloud); to flash up, light up; to brighten (face); to cable, wire, telegraph ( ا وto) بووbarq pl. بوووburūq lightning; flash of lightning; telegraph│( ابوو ا لوبḳullab) lightning without a downpour, used fig. e.g.. of s.o. given to making promises without ever living up to them 53 بول ووbarqī telegraphic, telegraph- (in compounds) بوليةbarqīya pl. -āt telegram, wire, cable بويووقbarīq pl. بوائووقbarā’iq2 glitter, shine, gloss, luster│ ( وابويوقامعودظma‘dinī) lustered, coated with metallic luster بوووواburāq Alborak, name of the creature on which Mohammed made his ascension to the seven heavens ( )معوا بوواbarrāq shining, lustrous, sparkling, flashing, glittering, twinkling ااسأبوlook up alphabetically بوولشbarqaša ( بوولشbarqš) to variegate, paint or daub with many colors ( ه وs.th.); to embellish ( هوs.th.; لا وone’s speech) II tabargaša reflex. and pass. of I ( بوغ ووTurk. ب وارغوburğų) burgī pl. بواغووو barāgī screw بوو ةlook up alphabetically بواارbawāriq2 gleam, مبوmubriq: مبو اك تبteletype بوغ ولburgul cooked, parched and crushed wheat, served together with other food (eg., syr.) بو يوbirfīr pl. بوا يوbarāfīr2 purple بو رb. al-amal glimpse of بولواburqu‘ pl. بوالواbarāqi‘2 veil (worn by women; long, leaving the eyes exposed) بولاbarqūq (coll.; n. un. ) plum 1 بوbaraka u to kneel down II and IV to make ( هوthe camel) kneel down II to invoke a blessing ( علووor ووon s.th., لon s.th.) III to bless ( وor هs.th., also لor )علوو, invoke a blessing on; to give one's blessing ( هوto s.th.), sanction ( هوs.th.) V to be blessed (ب by); to enjoy ( بs.th.), find pleasure, delight ( بin); to ask s.o.’s ( )بblessing VI to be blessed, be praised; ... تبو رtabāraka ... God bless …! X to be blessed بوكةbirka pl. بوbirak pond, small lake; puddle, pool│ ابوكوووةاا سوووب حةb. as-sibāḥa swimming pool بوكوووووةbaraka pl. -āt blessing, benediction│اللوووووووووةاا بوكوووووووووةqillat al-b. misfortune, bad luck ابوabrak2 more blessed تبويولtabrīk pl. -āt good wish; blessing, benediction مب رmubārak blessed, fortunate, lucky 2 مبوووومmabrūm:○( سووللامبوووومsilk) wire rope, cable ابواريلbarārīk2 (mor.) barracks بوك رbirkār compass, (pair of) divideers مبوومmubram firm, strong; irrevocable, definitely established; confirmed, ratified│( ل امبومqaḍā’) inescapable fate; بصار امبومةirrevocably بوك نburkān pl. بواكيbarākīn volcano 2 بوك ظوburkānī volcanic بو م نbarlamān parliament بو م ظوbarlamānī parliamentary بوموووةburma pl. بوووومburam, بووووامbirām earthenware pot بو م ظيةbarlamānīya parliamentarianism بومburmā Burma ( بو أوIt. brillante) brillantī brilliant, diamond بو يbarlīn Berlin 1 بوومbarima a (baram) to be or become weary, tired ( بof), be fed up, be bored ( بwith), find annoying, wearisome ( بs.th.) V to feel annoyed ( بby), be displeased (ب with); to be fed up ( بwith), be sick and tired (بof, also ;)م وto be impatient, discontented, dissatisfied; to grieve, be pained 54 بوومbarim weary, tired ( بof), disgusted ( بat, with); dissatisfied, discontented تبوووومtabarrum weariness, boredom, disgust; discontent, dissatisfaction; uneasiness, discomfort, annoyance مأبوومmutabarrim cross, peevish, vexed, annoyed 2 بوومbarama u (barm) to twist, twine ( هوa rope); to shape ( هوs.th.) round and long; to roll up ( هوthe sleeves); to settle, establish, confirm ( هوs.th.) IV to twist, twine ( هوa rope); to settle, establish, confirm ( هs.th.); to conclude ( هوa pact); to confirm ( هوa judicial judgment); to ratify ( هوa treaty, a bill) VII to be settled, be established, be confirmed; to be twisted, be twined 3 بوموووو ئوbarmā’ī amphibious│ب بووووةابوم ئيووووة (dabbāba) amphibious tank (mil.) ○ بوم ئيةbarmā’īya amphibian ( بوم ظ وتEngl.) barmanant permanent wave│ا بوم ظ تاعلواا ب رcold wave (in hair) بومقbarmaq pl. بواموقbarāmiq2 baluster; spike (of a wheel) بومه وbaramhāt the seventh month of the Coptic calendar بوم كه مBirmingham بومواbarmūda the eighth month of the Coptic calendar بوميولbarmīl pl. بواميولbarāmīl2 barrel; keg, cask; tun بوظيةbarnīya pl. بواظوbarānīy clay vessel بوظو مbarnāmaj pl. بووامbarāmij2 program, plan, schedule; roster, list, index; curriculum بوظجلburunjuk gauze, crepe 1 بوامةbarrāma pl. -āt drilling machine بواظسووووbarānisī pl. -īya maker of burnooses بويمbarīm rope; string, cord, twine بويموةbarrīma pl. –āt drill, borer, gimlet, auger, bit; ○ corkscrew بوم ○ بويميةbarrīmīya spirochete ابوووامibrām settlement, establishment; confirmation; conclusion (of a pact, etc.); ratification│ محكمووةاا و ق اواالبوووامmaḥkamat an-naqḍ wa-l-i. Court of Cassation (Eg.) بووظسburnus pl. بوواظسbarānis2 (also بوظواس barnūs, burnūs pl. بووووواظيسbaranīs2) burnoose, hooded cloak; casula, chasuble (of Coptic priests)│ ابووووظساا حمووو مb. alḥammām bathrobe 2 جب لاا بواظسjibāl al-barānis the Pyrenees بوظسbrins prince بوظسيسةbrinsēsa princess بوظطII tabarnaṯa to wear a hat بوظ يوووةburnaiṯa pl. -āt, بوووواظيطbarānīt2 (European) hat (men’s and women’s); lamp shade بوهوةburha pl. burahāt, بووهburah a while, a time; short time; instant, moment; بوهووة burllatan a little while│ ( ابووهأيafter two moments =) in a short time going; to break out, lot fly, explode (with words, esp. in anger or excitement) بوىbaran dust, earth بوايووةbarrāya, بوايووةااال ووالمb. al-aqlām pencil sharpener □ بوهمbarham (syr.) = موهمmarham بووهمbarahman pl. بواهموةbarāhima Brahman 55 مبواmibrāh pocketknife مب و راmubārāh pl. مب ري وmubārayāt contest tournament, match (in games and sports); competition, rivalry بوهميةbarahmīya Brahmanism بوهbarhana to prove, demonstrate ( علوor عو s.th.) بوهburhān pl. بواهيbarāhīn2 proof بوه ةbarhana proving, demonstration بووbawa waste, scrap بووتسووأ ظأbrotostantī Protestant; (pl. -ūn) a Protestant بووتسأ ظأيةbrotostantīya Protestantism ( بووتسوأاIt. protesto) brotostō protest (of a bill of exchange) ب ر: اعوطاا قواساب ريهوa‘ṯi l-qausa bāriyahā give the bow to him who knows how to shape it, i.e. always ask an expert مأبو رmutabārin participant in a contest, contestant, contender; competitor, rival 2 بوي ظيوbarīṯāniyā, biriṯāniyā Britain, بوي ظيو ا ( ا كبوىuẓmā) Great Britain بوي وووو ظ Britannic بارتاكالbrotokōl protocol بووتانproton باجوامbrogrām program 1 بووجوburūjī pl. -īya trumpeter, bugler بووزbarwaza to frame بووازbarwāz, birwāz pl. بواويزbarāwīz2 frame ( بووسيIt. Prussia) burūsiyā Prussia بووسburūsī Prussian بوو وةand ( بوووﭬ وةIt. prova) brōva, brōfa pl. -āt test. experiment; proof sheet; rehearsal 2 biriṯānī British; بوزbazza u (bazz) to take away, steal, wrest, snatch ( ه هوfrom s.o. s.th.). rob, strip ( ه هو s.o. of s.th.); to defeat, beat, outstrip, excel ( هs.o.), triumph, be victorious ( هover) VIII to take away, steal, pilfer ( هوs.th.); to take away, snatch ( ه وmoney, م وfrom s.o.); to rob, fleece ( هs.o.)│ابأوزاامواالاا و س to lift money out of people’s pockets, relieve people of their money بزbazza u to bud, burgeon بوزbuzz, bizz pl. بوزازbizāz, ابوزازabzāz nipple, mammilla (of the female breast); teat, female breast 56 بووظوووزىbronzi bronze, bronzy│اا عصووووا ‘( ا بووظزىaṣr) the Bronze Age بووىbarā i (bary) to trim, shape ( هوs.th.), nib ( هوa pen), sharpen ( هوa pencil); to scratch off, scrape off ( هوs.th.); to exhaust, tire out, wear out, emaciate, enervate ( هs.o.), sap the strength of ( )هIII to vie, compete (ه with s.o.). try to outstrip ( هs.o.) VI to vie, compete, contend, be rivals; to meet in a contest, try each other’s strength (esp. in games and sports) VII to be trimmed, be nibbed, be sharpened; to defy, oppose (ل s.o.); to undertake, take in hand ( لs.th.), set out to do s.th. ()ل, enter, embark (ل upon); to break forth ( موfrom); to get barīṯānī, ابأووزازibtizāz theft, robbery; fleecing, robbing (of s.o.) ( بووظزFr.) bronz bronze 1 بويةsee 1 بوأand 2بو 3 بزbazz pl. بزوزbuzūz linen; cloth, dry goods بوووزbizza clothing, clothes, attire; uniform│( بز ارسميةrasmīya) uniform بزازbazzāz draper, cloth merchant بزازbizāza cloth trade بزبازbazbūz pl. بزابيزbazābīz2 nozzle, spout بزرbazara i (bazr) to sow بوزرbizr pl. بوزورbuzūr seed(s); pl. ابوزار abzār and اب زيوabāzīr2 spice بوزرbizra (n. un.) seed; kernel, pip, pit, stone (of fruit); germ بزارbazzār seedsman بزيوbuzaira pl. -āt spore (bot.) بوزغbazaga u to break forth, come out; to dawn (day); to rise (sun) بوزوغbuzūg appearance, emergence; rise (of the sun) بزbazaqa u (bazq) to spit بزالةbazzāqa snail; cobra 1 مبووو ز mabāziq2 ابوزلbazala u (bazl) to split ( هوs.th.); to pierce ( هs.th.), make a hole ( هوin); to tap,broach ( هوs.th.; a cask); to puncture, tap ( هs.o.; med.); to clear, filter ( هa liquid) بوزلbazl puncture, tapping, paracentesis (med.) بزالbuzāl bung (of a cask) مبووزلmibzal pl. مب و زلmabazil spigot, tap; cock, faucet 2 2 spile, ( ابز ةIt. piselli) bizilla and بزالgreen peas ابزيمibzīm pl. اب زمabāzim2 buckle, clasp بزماbizmūt bismuth بزظ وbizanṯī Byzantine بو زbāzin pl. بووزاbuzāh, بواازbawāzin, بيوزان bīzān falcon بسbass and بسةbassa pl. بس سbassās cat بسوبbasa’a a ( بوسbas’) to treat amicably (ب s.o.); to be intimate, be on familiar terms ( بwith) بس رابيbesārābiyā Bessarabia بسوب سbasbās, بسب سوةbasbāsa (eg.) mace (bot.); (magr.) fennel بسباس وةbasbāsa (eg.) pastry made of flour, melted butter, sugar and oil ( بسأيليةFr.) bastīliya pastilles, lozenges 1 ( ابسوأانFr. piston) bistōn, ( بسوأEngl.) bistan pl. بس تbasātin2 piston 3 ( ابسووأانIt. bastone) bastūnī spades (suit of playing cards) بس ةbasḳa Easter; Passion Week (Chr.) بسووbasara u ( بسوارbusūr) to scowl, frown; -basara u (basr) and VIII to begin too early ( هوwith), take premature action, be rash ( هin s.th.) بسووbusr (n. un. ) pl. بسو رbisār unripe dates بزاbuzāq spit, spittle, saliva مبزلوووةmibzaqa pl. spittoon, cuspidor 2 بسأ نbustān pl. بس تيbasātīn2 garden بسووأ ظوbustānī gardener; garden (adj.); horticultural بسأ ةbastana gardening, horticulture ب سووووارbāsūr hemorrhoids pl. بااسوووويو bawāsīr2 بسوطbasaṯ u (basṯ) to spread, spread out ( هو s.th.); to level, flatten ( هوs.th.); to enlarge, expand ( هوs.th.); to stretch out, extend ( هو s.th.); to unfold, unroll ( هوs.th.); to grant, offer, present ( هs.th.); to submit, state, set forth, expound, explain ( هوs.th., لor علوو to s.o.); to flog ( هs.o.; Nejd); to please delight ( هs.o.)│ ( بسوطا راعيوdirā‘aihi) to spread one’s arms; 57 بسووطايووداا مس و عد ال (yada l-musā‘ada) to extend helping hand to s.o.; بسوطاا م ئودto lay the table; -- basuṯa u (بسوووو هة basāta) to be simple, openhearted, frank, candid II to spread, spread out, extend, expand ( هوs.th.); to level, flatten ( هوs.th.); to simplify, make simple ( ه وs.th.) III to set forth, state, expound, explain; to be sincere ( ه بwith s.th. about or in s.th.), confess frankly (ه ب to s.o. s.th.) V to be spread, be unrolled, be spread out, be extended; to speak at great length ( ووabout), enlarge ( ووon), treat exhaustively, expound in detail ( ووa theme); to be friendly, communicative, sociable, behave unceremoniously, be completely at ease│ اتبسوطا و اا حوديثto talk freely, without formality VII to spread, extend, expand (intr.); to be glad, be delighted, be or become happy بسوووووطbasṯ, extension, spreading, unrolling, unfolding; presentation, statement, explanation, exposition; cheering, delighting, delectation; amusement; (Eg.) numerator (of a fraction)│ ابسوطاا يودb. al-yad avarice, greed, cupidity بسو ةbasṯa extension, extent, expanse; size, magnitude; skill, capability, abilities; excess, abundance; (pl. -āt) statement, exposition, presentation; -- (pl. بسو هbisāṯ) landing (of staircase); estrade, dais, platform (eg.) بسو هbisāṯ pl. -āt, ابسو ةabsiṯa, بسوطbusuṯ carpet, rug│ ابسووو هاا وحموووةb. ar-raḥma winding sheet, shroud; وضا( مسب ةor) هوحا ( علووابسو هاا بحوثmas‘alata, baḥtan) to raise a question, bring a question on the carpet, also ( علووابسو هاا م لشوةb. il-munāqaša) for discussion; هوواىاا بسو هابمو ا يوto bring the matter to an end, settle it once and for all بسوويطbasīṯ pl. بس وbusaṯā’2 simple; plain, uncomplicated; slight, little, modest, inconsiderable, trivial, trifling; ا بسويطname of a poetical meter; pl. بسوsimple souls), ingenuous people│ بسويطاا يوديb. al-yadain (pl. بسطbusuṯ) generous, openhanded ا بسي ةal-basīṯa the earth, the world بسووووو ئطbasā’iṯ2 elements; simple remedies, medicinal plants; basic facts بس هةbasāṯa simplicity, plainness O ابسواهةubsūṯa pl. اب سويطabāsīṯ2 rim, felly (of a wheel) ابسوووطabsaṯ extensive 2 simpler; wider, more تبسيطtabsīṯ simplification اظبسووو هinbisāṯ (n. vic. ) extensity, extensiveness, extension; expansion, expanse; joy. delight, happiness, gaiety, cheerfulness ‘ ع لةاب س ةaḍla bāsiṯa extensor (anat.) مبس واهmabsūṯ extended, outstretched; spread out; extensive, large, sizeable; detailed, elaborate (book); cheerful, happy, gay; feeling well, in good health; (tun.) well-to-do م بسووطmunbasiṯ extending, spreading; gay, happy, cheerful; level surface ( بس ومةTurk.) basṯurma a kind of jerked, salted meat (eg.) ا باسفارal-busfūr the Bosporus بسوقbasaqa a ( بسواbusūq) to be high, tall, lofty, towering; to excel, surpass ( هor علوو s.o.) ب سقbāiq high, tall, lofty, towering م بسووووقmunbasiq towering high, tall, lofty, ( بسكليتFr. bicyclette) biskilēt, baskilēt bicycle ( بسكاIt. biscotto) baskūt biscuit بسكايتbaskawīt biscuit 2 بسوولbasula u ( بس و ةbasāla) to be brave, fearless, intrepid V to scowl, glower X to be reckless, defy death 58 بس ةbasāla courage, intrepidity اسأبس لistibsāl death defiance بس و ةbāsil pl. بسووالbusalā’2, بااسوول bawāsil2 brave, fearless, intrepid مسبسلmustabsil death-defying, heroic 2 ابسلةbisilla peace بسمbasam i (basm), V and VIII to smile بسمbasma pl. basamāt smile بس مbassām smiling مبسومmabsim, pl. مب سومmabāsim2 mouth; mouthpiece, holder (for cigars, cigarettes, etc.) ابأسو مibtisām and (n. vic.) ابأسو مةpl. -āt smile بسوملbasmala to utter the invocation بسووما ا “ ا وووحم اا وووحيمIn the name of God, the Benificent, the Merciful” بسووملbasmala utterance of the above invocation; the invocation itself بسي ةbusaina kitty بسيكا اجوpsikolōjī psychological(aI) بوشbašša a (bašš, بش شوةbašāša) to display a friendly, cheerful, happy mien; to smile; to be friendly ( لto s.o.). give s.o. ( )لa smile بشواشbašūš, baššāš smiling, friendly, cheerful بش شةbašāša smile; happy mien ب شbāšš smiling, happy; friendly, kind بشوتbušt (Nejd, Baḥr., Ir.) a kind of cloak, = ‘ عبabā’a بشوأةbišta (eg.) woolen cloak worn by Egyptian peasants 1 بشووbašar i, bašira a to rejoice, be delighted, be happy ( بat s.th.) II to announce (as good news; ه بto s.o. s.th.); to bring news ( ه بto s.o. of s.th.); to spread, propagate, preach ( بs.th.; a religion, a doctrine)│ا (بشوووواظفسووو ابnafsahū) to indulge in the happy hope that … IV to rejoice (at good news) X to rejoice, be delighted, be happy ( بat s.th., esp. at good news), welcome, ( بs.th.); to take as good omen ( بs.th.)│ا ( اسأبشوواب و ا يووواḳairan) to regard s.th. as auspicious بشووووىbašarī human; human being; epidermal, skin (adj.)│اهبيووووووبابشوووووووى dermatologist بشووووbašara outer skin, epidermis, cuticle; skin; complexion بشويةbašarīya, mankind, human race مبشوmibšara pl. مب شووmabāšir2 scraper, grater مب شووmubāšara pursuit, practice; direct, physical cause (Isl. Law); mubāšaratan immediately, directly بشوbišr joy مبشوووارmabšūr: shredded cheese بشوbušr glad tidings بشوىbušrā glad tidings, good news بشو رbišāra pl. -āt, بشو ئوbašā’ir good news, glad tidings; annunciation, prophecy; gospel; بشووو ئوgood omens, propitious signs│ ‘ اعيوداا بشو رīd al-b. the Annunciation, the Day of Our Lady (Chr.) مب شووmubāšir pl. -ūn direct, immediate; practitioner, pursuer, operator; director; O manager (Eg.); court usher (Syr.); (mil.) approx.: staff sergeant (Eg. 1939)│غيوووا ( مب شوiṣābāt) directs 2 بشويوbašīr pl. بشوواbušarā’ bring.r of glad tidings, messenger, herald, harbinger, forerunner, precursor; evangelist (Chr.) 2 تبشووويوtabšīr announcement (of glad tidings); preaching of the Gospel; evangelization, missionary activity بشووشbašrūš flamingo بشوواbaši‘a a ( بشوو عةbašā‘a) to be ugly, loathsome II to make ugly, disfigure, distort ( هوs.th.); to disparage, run down ( هو s.th.) X to regard as ugly, find ugly or repugnant ( هs.th.) بشوواbaši‘ ugly; offensive, disgusting, distasteful, repugnant; unpleasant تبشيوtabšīrī missionary بشو عةbašā‘a ugly; offensive, disgusting, distasteful, repugnant; unpleasant تب شوويوtabāšīr2 foretokens, prognostics, omens, first signs or indications, heralds (fig.); beginnings, dawn│ اتب شويواا فجووt. alfajr the first shimmer of aurora, the first glimpse of dawn مبشووووmubaššir pl. -āt announcer, messenger (of glad tidings); evangelist (Chr.); preacher; missionary (Chr.) مسأبشوmustabšir happy, cheerful 2 ابشووbašara u to peel ( هوs.th.); to scrape off, shave off, scratch off ( هوs.th.); to grate, shred ( هوs.th.) III to touch ( هوs.th.), be in direct contact ( ه وwith s.th.); to have sexual intercourse ( هwith s.o.); to attend, apply o.s. ( بor بto s.th.), take up, take in hand, pursue, practice, carry out ( هو s.th., job, a task, etc.) 59 بش ووbašar man, human being; men, mankind ( جب وووةامبشوووارjubna) بش عةbašā‘a ugliness ابشاabša2 uglier; more repulsive 1 2 ب شقlook up alphabetically ( بشقeg.; Turk. baška; invar.) different بشلVIII to lie, prevaricate بشbaššāk liar ابأشibtišāk lie, deceit, trickery 1 بشوكارbaškūr pl. بشو كيوbašākīr2 poker, fire iron 2 بشكيوbalkir pl. بش كيوbašākīr2 towel ( بشلةIt.) bišilla pl. -āt bacillus بشومbašima a (bašam) to feel nauseated, be disgusted ( موby s.th.), be fed up ( موwith) IV to nauseate, sicken, disgust ( هs.o.) بشمbašam surfeit, satiety, loathing, disgust بشم رbašmār (tun.) lacework, trimmings within sight; ووووو ابصوووووواب وووووو knowledgeable, in, h. is familiar with بشو موىbašāmirī (tun.) laceworker, lacemaker بصوىbaṣarī optic(al), visual, ocular بشومقbašmaq slipper (worn by fuqahā’ and women) بصويbaṣarīyāt optics ابصو رbasāra perception, discernment; perspicacity, acuteness of the mind, sharpwittedness بش ةbašna (magr.) sorghum, millet بشو سbašan the ninth month of the Coptic calendar بصويوbaṣīr pl. بصوواbuṣarā’2 endowed with eyesight; acutely aware ( بof), having insight ( بinto); possessing knowledge or understanding ( بof), discerning, discriminating, versed, knowledgeable, proficient (ب in), acquainted ( بwith s.th.); بشو الةbašnūqa pl. بشو ظيقbašānīq2 kerchief tied under the chin (pal.) بش يbašnīn lotus بوصbaṣṣa i (baṣṣ, بصوويصba ṣ) to glow, sparkle, glitter, shine; -- (eg.) u to look بصويوbaṣīra pl. ( بص و ئوkeen) insight, penetration, discernment, understanding, (power of) mental perception, mental vision│ عو ابصويوdeliberately, knowingly; كو ناعلووابصويو اموto have insight into s.th., be informed about s.th.; ظ ووولاا بصووويو discerning, clear-sighted, perspicacious, sharp-witted; ظفو اا بصويوnafād al.-b. sharp discernment, perspicacity بصةbaṣṣ embers بصويصbaṣīṣ glow, shine; glimpse, ray (e.g., of hope); lustrous, shining بصو ئصbaṣā’iṣ lustrous, shining; (eg.) spy, detective بصوبصbaṣbaṣa ( بصبصوةbaṣbaṣa) to wag ( بلظبو bi-danabihi its tail); (eg.) to ogle, make sheep’s eyes, cast amorous glances ابصوabṣar2 more discerning بص ةbaṣḳa see بس ة 2 بصووbaṣura a (baṣar) to look, see; to realize, understand, comprehend, grasp ( بs.th.) II to make ( هs.o.) understand or realize ( هو or بs.th.), make ( هs.o.) aware ( هوor بof s.th.); to enlighten 60 ( ه هوor ه بs.o. on or as to s.th.); to tell, inform ( ه هوor ه بs.o. about) IV to see ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to make out, behold, perceive, discern, notice ( هو, ه s.o., s.th.), set eyes on ( )ه هو, catch sight of ( هو. ;)هto recognize ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to reflect ( بon). ponder ( بs.th.) V to look ( هوat), regard ( هوs.th.); to reflect ( ووon s.th.), ponder ( وووs.th.) X to have the faculty of visual perception, be able to see; to be endowed with reason, be rational, reasonable, intelligent; to reflect ( وon s.th.), ponder ( وs.th.) بصووbaṣar pl. ابصو رabṣār vision, eye-sight; glance, look; insight; sight, discernment, perception│لصوووووويواا بصووووووو shortsighted, myopic; موااا بصووlamḥ al-b.glance of the eye; كلموااا بصوو, و ا موااا بصوو, ونا موااا بصوو (dūna), ( و االوولا مووااا بصوووaqalIa) in the twinkling of an eye, in a moment, in a flash. instantly; ( علووووامووودىاا بصووووmadā) is تبصوtabṣira enlightenment; instruction, information تبصووtabaṣṣur reflection, consideration; penetration, clear-sightedness, perspicacity ب صوbāṣira pl. بااصوbawāṣir2 eye 2 اا بصوal-baṣra Basra (port in S Iraq) بصقbaṣaqa u to spit ( علوon s.o.) بصوووقةbaṣqa (n. vic.) expectoration; (expectorated) spit, spittle, saliva بصbuṣaq spit, spittle, saliva مبصقةmibṣaqa spittoon, cuspidor بصولbaṣal (coll.; n. un. ) onion(s); bulb(s)│ا بصلاا ف رb. al-fa’r sea onion (Scilla verna) بصلوbaṣālī bulbous بصويلةbuṣaila pl. -āt, بصويلةاا شوعوb. ašša‘r bulb of the hair (anat.) بصوومbaṣama u (baṣm) to print, imprint ( ه و s.th.); to stamp ( هs.th.); to make, or leave, an imprint ( هon) بصووومة baṣma pl. baṣamāt imprint, impression│ابصوومةاا ووأمb. al-ḳatm stamp imprint, stamp; بصمةااالص باfingerprint بصاbaṣwa embers بbaḍḍ tender-skinned ب واbaḍa‘a a (baḍ‘) to cut, slash or slit open ( ه وs.th.); to cut up, carve up, dissect, anatomize ( s.th.); to amputate (surg.) II to cut up, carve up, dissect, anatomize III to sleep ( ه وwith a woman) IV to invest capital ( )ه وprofitably in a commercial enterprise V pass. of n; to trade; to shop, make purchase X to trade 61 ب اbaḍ‘ amputation to be late ( عوfor s.th., in meeting s.o.), keep s.o. ( )عوwaiting V to be slow, tardy ( ووin) VI to he slow, leisurely, unhurried; to go, drive, act or proceed slowly, leisurely; to he slowgoing, slow-footed, slow-paced; to slow down X to find slow ( ه, هs.o., s.th.); to have to wait a long time ( هfor s.o.), be kept waiting ( هby s.o.) بوووطbuṯ’ slowness, tardiness│ ابوووبط slowly, leisurely, unhurriedly ب وئbaṯI’ pl. ب وbiṯā’ slow, unhurried; slowgoing, slow-footed, slow-paced; tardy, late; sluggish, lazy; slow, gradual, imperceptible│O اب و اا أوb. at-taraddud of low frequency (el.) ب واbiḍ‘ (commonly, with genit. pl. of f. nouns, ب وعةwith genit. pl. of m. nouns; in classical Arabic ب واwith both genders) some, a few, several اب ووبabṯa’2 slower│ااب وووباموو اغوووواباظووواح (gurābi nūḥ) tardier than Noah’s raven, i.e., slower than a ten years’ itch (proverbially of s.o. who ia very tardy) ب وعةbiḍ‘a pl. ب و ئاbaḍā’i‘ piece (of meat); meat; see also biḍ‘ above اب وibṯā’ slowing down, retardation, deceleration, reduction of speed; tarrying, delay; slowness│ ا وناابwithout delay ب اbuḍ‘ vulva ب و عةbiḍā‘a pl. ب و ئاbaḍā’i2 goods, merchandise, wares, commodities; that which s.o. has to offer, which he has to &how, with which he is endowed (also attributes, qualities)│ ال و راا ب و عةfreight train; ا و ام اع دهامو اب و عةhe said what he had intended to say مب ووواmibḍa‘ pl. مب ضووواmabāḍi‘2 dissecting knife, scalpel تبو هؤtabātu’ slowness; slowing down, retardation ب ريةbaṯṯārīya pl. -āt battery (el. and mil.) ب هbaṯāṯā, ب هbaṯāṯā sweet potato, yam ب هسbaṯāṯis potatoes ب لةsee ب ق ب بطbaṯbaṯa ( ب ب ةbaṯbaṯa) to quack (duck) اب وووووibḍā‘ mandate for the management of affairs (lsl. Law); partnership in a limited company, capital investment ب واbaṯaḥa a (baṯḥ) to prostrate, lay low, fell, throw to the ground, throw down ( هو, ه s.o., s.th.) V and VII to he prostrated, be laid low; to lie prostrate, sprawl, stretch out; to extend, stretch; to lie مب وواmubḍi‘ pl. -ūn limited partner (com.) اب واabṯaḥ2 flat, level; (pl. ابو هاabāṯiḥ2) basin-shaped valley, wide bed of a wadi مسأب وواmustabḍi‘ manager, managing agent (Isl. Law) ب ح وbaṯḥā’ pl. ب و حbiṯāḥ, ب ح و وا baṯḥawāt basin-shaped valley; plain, level land, flatland, open country; (tun.) public square بطbaṯṯ (n. un. ) duck; ب ةbaṯṯa leather flask│ا ب ةاا س اcalf (of the leg) ب وؤbaṯu’a u ( بوطbuṯ’, ب وbiṯā’, ب وbaṯa’a) to he slow; to he slowgoing, slow-footed, slow-paced; to tarry, linger, wait, hesitate II to retard, slow down, delay, hold up (ب علوووs.o. in s.th.) IV to slow down, decelerate, retard, delay, hold up ( هوs.th.); to he slow, go or drive slowly, slow down; ب يحةbaṯīḥa pl. ب ئاbaṯā’iḥ wide bed of a stream or wadi; a stagnant, shallow and broad body of water م وب اmunbaṯiḥ prostrate; flat, level; level land, plain 62 ب ويخbiṯṯīḳ, baṯṯīḳ (n. un. ) melon, watermelon; baṯṯīḳ hub (of a wheel; syr.) ة 1 to be inactive. be oat of work II to thwart, foil, frustrate, make ineffective counteract, neutralize, nullify, invalidate ( هوs.th.); to abolish, cancel, annul, suppress ( هوs.th.) IV = II; to talk idly, prattle; to paralyze, immobilize, hold down, pin down ( هthe opponent) مبmabṯaḳa melon patch اب وووbaṯira a (baṯar) to be wild, wanton, reckless; to be proud, vain; to be discontented ( هwith s.th.); to disregard ( ه s.th.) IV to make reckless ب وولbuṯl nullity; uselessness, futility. vanity; falsity, falseness, untruth ب وووووbaṯar wantonness, cockiness, arrogance, hubris, pride, vanity vivants, ب ووووةbiṯāla and baṯāla idleness, inactivity; free time, time off, holidays, vacations; unemployment ا ب وووواal-baṯrā’ Petra (ancient city of Edomites and Nabataeans; ruins now in SW Jordan) ب ووو لbaṯṯāl pl. –ūn idle, inactive; unemployed, out of work ابوووو هوabāṯira (pl.) playboys, epicures 2 bona ب والنbuṯlān nullity; uselessness, futility, vanity; falsity, untruth; invalidity ب وخbaṯraḳ pl. ب رخbaṯāriḳ2 roe (of fish) ب وسbuṯrus Peter ب وشوويلbaṯrašīl and (Chr.) اب وووو لibṯāl thwarting, frustration, invalidation; ruin, destruction; abolition, cancellation ب وشوويbaṯrašīn stole ب هولbāṯil nugatory, vain, futile; false, untrue; absurd, groundless, baseless; worthless; invalid, null, void; deception, lie, falsehood; ب ب هوولand بوو هالbāṯila falsely; futilely, in vain; pl. اب هيولabāṯīl2 vanities, trivialities, trifles, flimflam, idle talk, prattle ب ويقbiṯrīq pl. ب رلوةbaṯāriqa, ب و ريقbaṯārīq2 patrician; Romaean general; penguin (zool.) ب وbaṯrak, ب ويولbaṯrīk, ب ويووbaṯriyark pl. ب ركووووةbaṯārika Patriarch (as. an ecclesiastic title, Chr.) ب وكيووةbaṯrakīya, ب ويوكيووةbaṯriyarkīya patriarchate (Chr.) ب وشbaṯaša i u (baṯš) to attack with violence; to bear down on, fall upon s.o. ( بor ;) وو to knock out ( هs.o.); to hit, strike ( بs.th.). land with a thud ( بon) ب ووووشbaṯš strength, power, force, violence; courage, valor, bravery; oppression, tyranny ب شةbaṯša impact ب لووةbiṯāqa pl. –āt, ب و ئقbaṯā’iq2 slip (of paper), tag; card, calling card; ticket; label│ اب لةاا زي رcalling card; ب لةاش صويةا (šaḳṣīya) and ب لوةاا أعويوفidentity card; ب لةاا ماا اا غلائيوةb. al-mawādd al-gidā’īya, ب لوةاا أموايfood ration card; ب لوةاا مع يودb. al-mu‘āyada greeting card 1 اب ولbaṯala u (buṯl, ب والنbuṯlān) to be or become null, void, invalid, false, untenable, vain, futile, worthless; to be abolished, fall into disuse, become obsolete; to cease, stop, be discontinued; مب لmubṯil prattler, windbag; liar مب لmubṯal nugatory, futile, vain مأب لmutabaṯṯil unemployed 2 اب ولbaṯula u ( ب وةbaṯāla, ب ا وةbuṯūla) to be brave, be heroic, be a hero ب ولbaṯal pl. اب و لabṯāl brave, heroic; hero; champion, pioneer; hero, protagonist (of a narrative, etc.), lead, star 63 (of a play); champion (athlet.)│ اب ولاا عو مb. Al-‘alam world champion ب ل وةbaṯala heroine (of a narrative), female lead, star (of a play); woman champion (athlet..) ة بbaṯāla bravery, valor, heroism ب ا وةbuṯūla bravery, valor, heroism; leading role, starring role (theater, film); championship (athlet.)│اا ب ا وووووةاا ع ميوووووة (‘ālamīya) and ب ا ةاا ع مb. al-‘ālam world championship (athlet.); وراا ب ا وةthe part or role of the hero, leading role سة بbaṯālisa Ptolemies ب مbuṯm, buṯūm terebinth (bot.) 1 ابbaṯana u (baṯn, ب وانbulan) to he hidden, concealed, to hide; -- baṯuna u (ب ظ وة baṯāna) to be paunchy II to line ( ه وa garment, هو بs.th. with); to cover the inside ( هو بof s.th. with), hang, face, fill ( ه و بs.th. with) IV to hide, conceal, harbor ( ه وs.th.) V to be lined, have a lining (garment); to penetrate, delve ( هو into), become absorbed, engrossed ( هوin) X to penetrate, delve ( هوinto), become absorbed, engrossed ( ه وin); to try to fathom ( هs.th.); to fathom ( هوs.th.), get to the bottom of ( ;)هووto have profound knowledge ( هوof s.th.), know thoroughly, know inside out ( هs.th.) ب وbaṯn pl. ب وانbuṯūn, اب وabṯun belly, stomach, abdomen; womb; interior, inside, inner portion; depth│ اب اا قدمb. alqadam sole of the foot; ب و اا كوفb. al-kaff palm of the hand; رلوصاا وبand رلووصا ا ب انraqṣ al-b. belly dance; ( وابbaṯni) in, within, in the midst of; وواب وانinside, within, in; ( و وود اب و اواحوودااwaladat) she gave birth only once; ( ب و ا رهووli-ẓahrin) upside down ب وbaṯnī ventral, abdominal بbaṯin paunchy ب وووووةbiṯna indigestion gluttony; overeating, ب و نbiṯān pl. اب وةabṯina girth (of a camel) ب ظووةbiṯāna pl. ب و ئbaṯā’in2 inside, inner side; lining (of a garment); retinue, suite, entourage│ ا وواب ظوةamong, amidst; within ب ويbaṯīn pl. ب و نbiṯān and مب و ن mibṯān, paunchy, fat, corpulent, stout; gluttonous ب يbuṯain ventricle (of the heart; anat.) ب ظيوةbaṯṯānīya pl. -āt, cover; blanket; quilt ب و هيbaṯāṯīn2 ب و هbāṯin pl. بووااهbawāṯin2 inner, interior, inward, inmost, intrinsic; hidden, secret; ا ب ه ةcoastal plain of E Oman; ب ه و bāṯinan inwardly, secretly│ اب و ه اا كووفb. al-kaff palm of the hand; بو ه اا قودمb. alqadam sole of the foot; وووابو ه ااالموووat bottom, after all, really; ب وااه ااالموووthe factors, circumstances or reasons at the bottom of s.th.; بوااه ااالرb. al-arḍ the secret depths of the earth بوووو هbāṯinī internal│ امووووو ابوووو ه (maraḍ) internal disease; ( ا باا بو هṯibb) internal medicine ا ب ه يوةal-bāṯinīya name of a school of thought in Islam, characterized by divining a hidden, secret meaning in the revealed texts مب وانmabṯūn affected with a gastric or intestinal ailment مبmubaṯṯan lined; filled ( بwith) 2 ابII (tun.) to full ( هs.th.) ( ب ه نSpan. batán) bāṯān fulling mill ب هيةbāṯiya pl. بااهbawāṯin pitcher, jug بbaẓẓa u to spout, gush out, well out بروbaẓr pl. برارbuẓur clitoris (anat.) 64 بعباbu‘bu‘ pl. بع باba‘ābi‘2 bugaboo, bogey بعوثba‘ata a (ba‘t) to send, send out, dispatah ( ب ا ووor هو, هs.o. or s.th. to); to forward ( ب ا ووor هوs.th. to); to delegate ( بor ا وو ه s.o. to); to emit ( بor هوs. th.); to evoke, arouse, call forth, awaken ( هوs.th.); to stir up, provoke, bring on ( هوs.th.); to revive, resuscitate ( هs.th.); to resurrect ( هs.o., مو ا ا مواfrom death); to incite, induce ( علووto s.th.), instigate, ( علووs.th.); to cause (علوو s.th.; e.g., astonishment)│بعثاا ي اهز اا واا (hazzat al-ḳauf) to scare the wits out of s.o.; ( بعووثاروحاا حي و ا وrūḥa l-ḥayāh) to breathe life into s.th. or s.o., revive s.th. VII to be Bent out, be emitted, be dispatched, be delegated; to be triggered, be caused, be provoked; to be resurrected ( مو اا مواfrom death); to originate ( موin), come ( موfrom), be caused ( موby); to emanate (fragrance); to arise, spring, proceed, develop ( موfrom), grow out of ( ;)م وto set out to do s.th. (with foll. imperf.) VIII to send, dispatch ( هs.o.) بعووووثba‘t sending out, emission, dispatching, delegation, etc.; resurrection; pl. بعوووووووواث bu‘ūt delegations, deputations│ حوزباا بعوثḥizb al-b. approx.: Renaissance Party, a political party with strong socialist tendencies; ياماا بعوثDay of Resurrection (from the dead) بعثووووةba‘ta pl. ba‘atāt delegation, deputation, mission; expedition; student exchange; group of exchange students; revival, rebirth, renaissance, rise│ابعثووةا ‘( عسوكويةaskarīya) military mission; بعثوةا بلام سووويةdiplomatic mission; بعثوووةااثويوووة (atarīya) archaeological expedition; رئويسا ا بعثةra’īs al-b. chief of mission (dipl.) ب عاثbā‘ūt Easter (Chr.) مبعووووثmab‘at sending, forwarding, dispatch; emission; awakening, arousal; -(pl. مب عثmabā‘it2) cause; factor ب عوثbā‘it pl. بااعوثbawā‘it2 incentive, inducement, motive, spur, reason, cause, occasion مبعووواثmab‘ūt dispatched, delegated; envoy, delegate; representative, deputy (in the Ottoman Empire) م بعثmunba‘at source, point of origin بعثووba‘tara ( بعثوووba‘tara) to scatter, strew around, fling about ( هs.th.); to disarrange, throw into disorder ( هوs.th.); to squander, waste, dissipate ( هs.th.) II tabatara pass. مبعثوmuba‘tar scattered, widespread بعba‘aja a (ba‘j) to slit open ( هوthe belly); to groove, dent, notch ( هوs.th.) VII to have indentations or notches; to be bruised, dented, bumpy; to get battered م بعmunba‘ij notched, indented بعودba‘uda u (bu'd) to be distant, far away, far off; to keep away, keep one’s distance ( عو from); to go far beyond ( )عو, exceed by far ( عوs.th.); to be remote, improbable, unlikely│ بعداب اعوhe kept him away from; الايبعووداانit is not unlikely that ... II to remove ( هs.o.); to banish, exile, expatriate ( هs.o.) III to cause a separation ( بووي between)│ ب عدابي ا الناوبوي اا شوto prevent s.o. from attaining s.th.; ب عوودابووي ااجف ظوو (ajfānihī) to stare wide-eyed IV to remove ( ه وs.th.); to take away ( هووs.th.); to eliminate ( هوs.th.), do away with ( ;)هوto send away, dismiss ( هs.o.); to expatriate, banish, exile ( هs.o.); to exclude, make unlikely, improbable, impossible ( هوs.th.); to go or move far away; to go very far (وو in or with s.th.) VI to be separated, lie apart, lie at some distance from one another; to separate, part company, become estranged; to move away, go away, withdraw, depart ( عوfrom); to keep away, keep one’s distance ( عوfrom); to quit, leave, avoid ( عوs.th.); to follow in regular 65 intervals VIII to move or go away; to keep away, withdraw ( عوfrom); to quit, leave, avoid ( عوووs.th.); to leave out of consideration, disregard ( عوs.th.) X to single out, set aside ( هوs.th.); to think remote, farfetched ( هوs.th.); to regard as unlikely ( هs.th.); to disqualify ( هs.o.) distance, long-range; extensive, farreaching; بعيوداا رووb. an-naẓar farsighted; farseeing; بعي وداا م و لb. al-manāl hardly attainable, hard to get at; هبابعيوداto go far away, go to distant land.; ت لوااا ووابعيودto look off into the distance بعيودbu'aida (prep.) shortly after, soon after بعودbu‘d remoteness, farness; (pl. ابعو ab‘ād) distance; dimension; interval (mus.)│ اعلوابعدand علواا بعدin the distance, far off; علووابعودامئوةامأووat a distance of 100 meters; عو ابعودand امو ابعودfrom a distance, from afar; واثالثوةاابعوthree-dimensional; ليو سااالبعوqiyās al-a. linear measure; بعودا ا همووووةb. al-himma high aspirations, loftiness of purpose; بعوداا شوقةb. aš-šiqqa wide interval, wide gap; بعوداا صويتb. aṣ-ṣīt renown, fame, celebrity; بعوداا صواb. aṣṣaut do.; بعوووداا رووووb. an-naẓar far sightedness, foresight; بعوداbu‘dan li away with ... ! ابعوودab‘ad2 pl. اب عوودabā‘d2 farther, remoter, more distant; more extensive; less likely, more improbable; pl. اب عوود abā‘d2 very distant relative│ا شووو ااالبعوود (šarq) the Far East; االبعودthe absent one (used as a polite periphrasis for s.o. who is being criticized or blamed for s.th.; also when referring to the 1st and 2nd persons) ابع يةab‘adīya pl. -āt country estate تبعيدtab‘īd banishment بعbi‘ād distance مب عودmubā‘ada sowing of dissension, estrangement, alienation بعوودba‘du then, thereupon; afterwards, later, after that, in the following; still, yet│ ا يم ابعدafterwards, later; ام ابعدsee 1 ;ام هواابعوداصوغيوhe is only a small boy, be is still young; ( مايب ابعودya’ti) he hasn’t come yet ابعوib‘ād removal, separation, isolation; elimination; expatriation, banishment, deportation تب عووودtabā‘ud estrangement بعودba‘da (prep.) after; in addition to, beside; aside from│...( ابعووداكاظ و اkaunihī) aside from the fact that he is ... ; بعودا ول afterwards, after that, later (on); besides, moreover; بعودا اbesides, moreover; بعوداان ba‘da an (conj.) after; ( اid), بعوداموand مو ا ( بعوداموba‘di) do.; ( سوف امو ابعودهاسوفsafahun) the height of stupidity بعدئووووولba‘da’idin then, thereafter, thereupon, after that, afterwards بعيودba‘īd pl. بعوداbu‘adā’, بعودbu‘ud, بعودانba‘dān, بعوbi‘ād distant, far away, fur (or from); remote, outlying, out-of-theway; far-reaching, extensive; farfetched, improbable, unlikely; unusual, strange, odd, queer; incompatible, inconsistent ( عو with)│ امو ابعيودfrom afar, from a distance; ‘( م ولاعهودابعيودahd) along time ago; بعيودااالثوو b. al-atar of far-reaching consequence; بعيدا ا أو ريخremote in time, going way back in history, ancient; بعيوداا شوبرb. aš-ša’w highminded, bold; بعي وداا شووقةb. aš-šiqqa far apart; بعيووووداا غووووارb. al-gaur deep; unfathomable; بعيوداا مودىb. al-madā long- interdistance; mutual مبعدmub‘ad deported; deportee مأب عووودmutabā‘id separate│ا ووو ا أووووا ا ( مأب عودfatarāt) in wide intervals; و ا أووا ا ( مأب عووود امووو اا وووزمzaman) at infrequent intervals, from time to time مسووأبعدmustab‘ad improbable, unlikely 66 1 ابعوba‘r, ba‘ar, droppings, dung (of animals) 2 ابعيووba‘īr pl. ابعووab‘ira, بعووانbu‘ran, ابو عو abā‘ir2, بع ريba‘ārīn2 camel بعوووزba‘zaqa ( بعزلوووةba‘zaqa) to scatter, dissipate, squander, waste ( هs.th.) مبعوزmuba'ziq squanderer, spendthrift, wastrel بعوII to divide into parts or portions ( هوs.th.) V to be divided, be divisible بعو اba‘ḍ part, portion; one; some, a few; a little of, some of│ ابعو اا علموb. al‘ulamā’ one (or Borne) of the scholars; ( ر ع و ابع وهما ووا ابع وrafa‘na) we have exalted some of them above the others;ا ا ووبع —ا ووبع ااب ووواsome—some, a few others; بع همابع وone another, each other, mutually, reciprocally; بع ا وابعوone in the other, within one another; بعو اا شو ba‘ḍa š-šai’ to some extent, somewhat, a little, rather; ( م ثلوةابعو اا مم ثلوةba‘ḍa l-m.) he resembled him somewhat, to some extent; ( م لالوناوبعو الوونqarn) for the last hundred years and more بعاba‘ūḍ (n. un. ) gnats, mosquitoes تبعووووويtab‘īḍ portioning division, partition. بعولba‘l the god Baal; land or plants thriving on natural water supply; -- (pl. بعوالbu‘ū, بعا ةbu‘ūla) lord; husband بعلةba'w wife بعلوba‘l, unirrigated (land. plants) بعلبوولba‘lbakk2 Baalbek (ancient Heliopolis, village in E Lebanon) بغووتbagata a (bagt, بغأووةbagta) to come unexpectedly, descend unawares ( هupon s.o.) III do.; to surprise (. s.o.) VII to be taken by surprise; to be taken aback, be aghast, he nonplused بغأووةbagta surprising event, surprise; bagtatan, علووابغأوةbagtatin all of a sudden, suddenly, surprisingly مب غأوووووةmubāgata sudden arrival, surprising incident or event, surprise; sudden attack, raid بغ ثbugāt pl. بغث نbigtan small birds باغ بغ ودII tabagdada to swagger, throw one's weight around, be fresh (properly, to behave like one from Baghdad) بغداbagdād2 Baghdad بغودا ىbagdādī pl. -ūn, native of Baghdad 1 بغوbagādida a ابغشbagaša a: ( بغشوتاا سومsamā’u) there was a light shower بغشةbagša light rain shower 2 بغشةbugša = بقشة بغ شووةbagāša stuffed pastry made of flour, eggs and butter بغوbagiḍa a, baguḍa u (bugḍ, بغ ضوةbagāḍa) to be hated, hateful, odious II to make (ه s.o.) hateful ( ا وووto s.o.) III to loathe, detest, hate ( هs.o.) IV to loathe, detest, hate ( هs.o.) VI to hate each other بغووbugḍ, بغ وووةbigḍa and bagḍā’2 hatred, hate بغ ووو بغويbagīḍ, hateful, odious ( ا ووto s.o.), loathsome, abominable تب غtabāguḍ mutual hatred مبغاmabgūḍ detested, hateful, odious بعكاكةbu‘kūka club, society بغsee 3 موبغmubgiḍ pl. -ūn hater; -- mubgaḍ detested, hateful, odious بغولbagl pl. بغو لbigāl, ابغو لabgal mule; بغلوة bagla pl. bagalāt female mule│ ابغ لاا ق وو b. al-qanṯara the piers of the bridge بغو لbaggāl pl. -ūn mule driver, muleteer 67 بغووbagā i ( بغوbugā’) to seek, desire, covet, seek to attain ( هs.th.), wish for s.th. ( ;)هو- (bagy) to wrong, treat unjustly ( علووs.o.) , to oppress ( علوووs.o.), commit outrage ( علووupon); to whore, fornicate VII ي بغووit is desirable, necessary; it is proper, appropriate, seemly, it ought to be, should be; with و: it behooves him, with عليو: he must, he should, he ought to VIII to seek, desire ( هوs.th.), aspire ( هوto s.th.), strive ( هfor) بغووووووbagy infringement, injustice, wrong بغووووbagīy pl. prostitute outrage, بغ يوووbagāyā whore, بغيوةbugya object of desire, wish, desire, bugyata (prep.) with the aim of, for the purpose of بغbigā’ prostitution بغوbugā’ wish(ing), desire, endeavor, effort مبغوmabgan pl. مب غmabāgin brothel مبو غmabāgin coveted things, desiderata, wishes, desires ابأغوووibtigā’ desire, wish; ibtigā’a (prep.) for the purpose of بووو غbāgin pl. بغوووbugāh desiring, coveting, striving; committing outrages, oppressive, unjust; oppressor, tyrant مبأغووmubtagan aspired goal, aspiration, desire, endeavor, effort بفأةbafta calico, Indian cotton cloth بفأيلbiftēk beefsteak 1 2 ابوقbaqq (n. un. ) bedbug, chinch│شوجو اا بوق elm (bol.) ابقbaqqa u (baqq) to give off in abundance بقوووbaqqāq garrulous, loquacious, chatterbox, prattler بقبوقbaqbaqa ( بقبقوةbaqbaqa) to gurgle, bubble, splutter, purl (water); to chatter, prattle بقبوووbaqbāq garrulous, loquacious, chatterbox, prattler بقبالةbaqbūqa blister (of the skin) بقجةbuqja pl. بقbuqaj bundle, pack, package بقدوظسbaqdūnis, baqdūnas parsley بقووbaqara u to split open, rip open, cut open ( هs.th.) IV do. بقووbaqar (coll.) bovines, cattle; n. un. بقوbaqara pl. -āt cow بقوووىbaqarī bovine, cattle-, cow- (in compounds) بق رbaqqār pl. cowhand, cowboy بقسbaqs box, boxwood (bot.) بقسمbuqsumāt rusk, zwieback; biscuit بقشةbuqša Yemenite copper coin بقشوويشbaqšīš pl. بق شوويشbaqāšīš2 present of money; tip, gratuity, baksheesh بقواII to spot, stain, smudge; ( هوs.th.) V to become stained, get smudged; to be spotted, stained بقعوةbuq‘a pl. بقواbuqa‘, بقوbiqā‘ spot, blot, smudge, stain; place, spot, site, plot. patch, lot ابقاabqa‘2 spotted, speckled ب لعوةbāqi‘a pl. باالوواbawāqi‘ sly dog, shrewd fellow بقلbaqala u (baql) to sprout (plant) بقولbaql (coll.; n. un. ) pl. بقوالbuqūl, ابقو ل abqāl herbs, potherbs, greens, herbaceous plants, specif., legumes│ اا فصويلةاا بقليوةthe Leguminosae; ا بقل وةاا ب و رhyacinth bean (Dolichos lablab L.), ( ا بقلوةاا حمقوḥamqā’) purslane (bot.), ( ا بقلوووةاا لهبيوووةdahabīya) garden orach (bot.), بقلوووووةاا ووووو هيفا celandine (bot.), بقلوووةاا ملووولb. al-malik common fumitory (bot.) 68 بقووو لbaqqāl pl. -ūn بق وووةbaqqāla greengrocer; grocer بق ةbiqāla the grocery business بقوالوbaqlāwa, بقوالواa kind of Turkish delight, pastry made of puff paste with honey and almonds or pistachios بق مbaqqām brazilwood بق وbaqiya a ( بق وbaqā’) to remain, stay, continue to be ( علوin a state or condition); to keep up, maintain ( علوووa state or condition); to be left behind, be left over; to last, continue, go on; (with foll. imperf. or part.) to continue to do s.th., keep doing s.th.; to become│( ومايبوقاهفوالyabqa ṯiflan) he is no longer a child II to leave, leave over, leave behind ( هوs.th.) IV to make (ه s.o.) stay; to retain, leave unchanged, leave as it is, preserve, maintain, keep up ( هs.th.); to leave, leave over, leave behind ( هوs.th. هs.o.); to leave untouched, save, spare ( علووs.o., s.th., e.g., s.o.’s life) V to remain, stay, continue to be ( علووin a state or condition); to be left, be left over X to make stay, ask to stay, hold back, detain (ه s.o.); to spare, save, protect ( هs.o., ه و s.th.); to preserve ( هوs.th.); to retain, keep ( هs.th.); to store, put away ( هs.th.) بقيووةbaqīya pl. بق يوbaqāyā remainder, rest; remnant, residue│ ابقيووةاا وودولb. adduwal the remaining countries, the rest of the countries; ( ا بقيوةاا ب ليوةbāqiya) the last remnant بقوbaqā’ remaining, staying, lingering, abiding; continuation, continuance, duration; survival, continuation of existence after life; immortality, eternal life; existence; permanence│ اراا بق وthe hereafter ابقووabqā more lasting. more durable. more permanent; better preserving; conducive protecting to longer wear. better ابقووووibqā’ continuation, retention; maintenance, conservation, preservation│ا ابق اا ح ةاعلوام اك ظتاعليmaintenance of the status quo بكووbikr pl. ابكو رabkār first-born, eldest; firstling: unprecedented, novel, new; virgin; virginal بكوىbikrī first-born, first بكويةbikrīya primogeniture اسووأبقistibqā’ continuation, retention; maintenance, conservation, preservation بكووbakra and bakara pl. بكووbakar, -āt reel; pulley (mech.); spool, coil; winch, windlass│ ا يطابكوḳaiṯ b. thread بوووbāqin staying; remaining; left; remainder (arith.); lasting, continuing, permanent, unending; surviving; living on; everlasting, eternal (God)│اا ب ليووو ا ا ص حthe good works بكوووbakra: ‘ علوووابكووو اابوويهمalā bakrati abīhim, ع و ابكووو اابوويهم اand ع و ابكوووتهمall without exception, all of them, all together; وجتاا جم هيواعو ابكوتهوthe crowd went forth as one man مأبوووقmutabaqqin remainder, rest بكووbukra pl. بكووbukar early morning; بكووووbukratan early in the morning; tomorrow; on the following day, next day residue, remnant, بولbē (Eg. pronunciation) pl. بكوااbakawāt, بهوااbahawāt bey (title of courtesy; cf. )بيل بكايةbekawīya rank of a bey بكوbakī’ pl. بكوbikā’ having or giving little, sparing (e.g., of words) بك سيbikāsīn bécassine, snipe (zool.) ( بك اريوووووFr. baccalauréat) bakālōriyā baccalaureate, bachelor’s degree بكووو ارياسbakālōriyūs bachelor (academic degree) ( بكب شووTurk. binbaşı) bimbāšī, bikbāšī major (mil; formerly, Eg.) بكتto censure, blame ( هs.o.) تبكيوووتtabkīt blame, reproach│اتبكيوووتا ا ميوremorse بكأيوىbaktērī bacterial, caused by bacteria بكأيويbaktēriyā bacteria بكووbakara u to set out early in the morning, get up early; to come early ( ا ووto), be early ( ا ووat) II do.; بكووا ووand بكووابwith foll. verbal noun: to do s.th. early, prematurely, ahead of its time III to be ahead of s.o. ()ه, anticipate, forestall (ه s.o.) IV = I; VIII to be the first to take ( هو s.th.), be the first to embark ( هو69 on s.th.); to deflower ( هوa girl): to invent ( هو s.th.); to create, originate, start ( هs.th.) بكووbakr pl. ابكوووabkur, بكوووانbukrān young camel بكيوووووbakīr coming premature; precocious early; early, بكارbakūr and ب كارbākūr coming early; early, premature; precocious بكوووارbukūr earliness, prematureness, premature arrival│ ‘( ابكووارىا ووواا عوواaud) my early return بك رbakāara virginity بكو رbakkāra pulley (mech.)│ابكو ر اموكبوة (murakkaba) set of pulleys, block and tackle بكوووارbukūra and بكاريوووةbukūrīya primogeniture بووو كارbakūra pl. بوووااكيوbawākīr2 firstlings; first results, first fruits; beginning, rise, dawn; (with foll. genit.) initial, early, first; pl. بوااكيوfirst signs or indications; initial symptoms; heralds, harbingers (fig.)│ ابو كار اا فااكوearly fruit; ك ناب كار ااعمthe first thing he did was... ابكوabkar2 rising earlier مبكوmibkār precocious ابأكو رibtikār pl. -āt novelty, innovation; creation; invention; origination, first production; initiative; creativity, originality; pl. ابأكو راspecif., creations of fashion, fashion designs بو كوbākir early; premature; بو كواbākiran in the morning; early (adv.)│ووواا صووب حا ( ا ب كوṣabāḥ) early in the morning; ا واا بو كو till tomorrow 1 بولbal (also with foll. وwa-) nay, --rather... ; (and) even; but, however, yet بو كوbākira pl. بوااكوbawākir2 firstlings, first produce, early fruits, early vegetables; pl. first indications or symptoms, heralds, harbingers 2 بلballa u (ball) to moisten, wet, make wet ( هو s.th., هs.o.);--balla i to recover ( مو اموو from an illness) II to moisten, wet, make wet ( هوs.th., هs.o.) IV to recover ( مو اموو from an illness) V and VIII to be moistened, be wetted; to become wet مبكووmubakkir doing early; early;│امبكووا mubakkiran early in the morning, early بلball moistening, wetting; moisture مبأكووووووmubtakir creator; creative; inventor; -- mubtakar newly created, novel, new, original; (pl. -āt) creation, specif., fashion creation, invention│ثووابا ( مبأكووtaub) original design, model. dress creation بووووولbill recuperation بولbalal moisture, humidity; moistness, dampness, wetness بقسم بكولII to buckle, buckle up, button up ( هوs.th.); to fold, cross ( هthe arms) بليلbalīl a moist, cool wind بليلةbalīla (eg.) dish made of stewed maize and sugar بكلةbukla pl. بكلbukal, -āt buckle ( بكالهIt. baccalá) bakalāh codfish ابووواللiblāl recovery, convalescence, recuperation بكلاريووواسbakalōriyūs bachelor (academic degree) بوووولtaballul humidity بكومbakima a to be dumb: -- bakuma u to be silent, hold one’s tongue IV to silence (ه s.o.) V to become silent; to become dumb بكمbakam dumbness ابكومabkam2, f. بكموbakmā’, pl. بكومbukm dumb 70 3 بالsee 2ب بالتي, ﭙالتيblātī., plātīn platinum ( بالFr. plage) blāž beach بالجواbalagrā pellagra بالرbalāraj stork ( بالسأيلFr. p1astique) blāstīk plastik بالهsee بلط حو ئطاا مبكوووḥā’iṯ al-mabkā the Wailing Wall (in Jerusalem) بالن, بالظةsee بل بوbākin pl. بكوbukāh weeping, crying; weeper, wailer, mourner مبوولmubkin, mubakkin, causing tears, tearful; sad, lamentable, deplorable بكيbikīn Peking dampness, بلووbillī (from Fr. bille): ( كوسو ابلووkursī) ball bearing بكوbakkā’ given to weeping frequently, tearful, lachrymose ب كيووةbākiya pl. بووااbawākin wailingwoman, hired mourner; (eg.) arch, arcade moistness, مبلوالmablūl, مبلولmuballal, مبأولmubtall moist, damp, wet بكااand بكايةsee بل بكووbakā i ( بكوbukā’, بكووbukan) to cry, weep ( علووover); to bemoan, lament, bewail (ه s.o.), mourn ( هfor) II and IV to make (ه s.o.) cry X to move ( هs.o.) to tears, make ( هs.o.) cry convalescence, بلةbilla moisture, humidity│امو ازا اا وي ا بلووةmā zālda ṯ-ṯīna billatan what made things even worse ... بكوbakraj pl. بك رbakārij2 kettle, coffee pot بكسم, بكسم ه, see recovery, ( بالEngl. plug) spark plug (ir.) بلبطbalbaṯa to gurgle 1 بلبوولbalbala to disquiet, make uneasy or restive, stir up, rouse, disturb, trouble, confuse ( هs.o., هوs.th.) II tabalbala to feel uneasy, be anxious; to be or become confused, get all mixed up بلبلووةbalbala pl. بالبوولbalābil2 anxiety, uneasiness, concern; confusion, muddle, jumble, chaos مأبلدmutaballid besotted, dull, stupid بلب لbalbāl anxiety, uneasiness, concern ابليزlook up alphabetically بالبلbalabil2 anxieties, apprehensions ابليسpl. اب سةlook up alphabetically تبلبوولtabalbul muddle, confusion│بلبوولا اال سو ةt. al-alsina confusion of tongues (at the tower of Babel) 2 تبلدtaballud idiocy, dullness, obtuseness, apathy بلبلbulbul pl. بالبلbalabil2 nightingale بلس نba1asān balsam, balm; balsam tree; black older (bot.) بلسمbalsam pl. بالسمbalāsim2 balsam, balm بلسمbalsamī balsamic, balmy بلوbalaja u ( بلواbulūj) to shine; to dawn (morning, aurora); -- balija a (balaj) to be happy, be glad ( بabout), be delighted (ب at) IV to shine (sun) V and VII = balaja بلشوفbalšafa to Bolshevize II tabalšafa to be Bolshevized ابلوablaj gay, serene, bright, clear, fair, nice, beautiful بلشووووفوbulšifī pl. بالشووووفةbalāšifa Bolshevist(ic); Bolshevik, Bolshevist بلشفةbalšafa Bolshevization 2 اظبال اا فجوinbilāj al-fajr daybreak بلجيكbeljīka Belgium بلجيكوbeljīkī Belgian (adj. and n.) بلشفيةbulšifīya Bolshevism بلشانbalašūn heron (zool.) 1 بلاbalaḥ (coll.; n. un. ) dates (bot.) بلودbaluda u ( بوالbalada) to be stupid, idiotic, dull-witted II to acclimatize, habituate ( هو s.th., to a country or region) V pass. of II; to become .tupid, be.otted, lapse into a state of idiocy; to show o.s. from the stupid side VI to feign stupidity بلوصbalṣ extortion, blackmail; forcible imposition of taxes 2 بوووالصballāṣ pl. earthenware jar 1 بلطII to pave ( هs.th., with flagstones or tiles) بلودbalad m. and f., pl. بوالbilād country; town, city; place, community, village; بوال country; بلودانbuldān countries│ابوال اا حوبش b. al-ḥabaš Ethiopia; بوال اا صويb. aṣ-ṣīn China; بال اا ه دb. al-hind India بالهووووةbalāṯa floor slabstone; paving stone بالbalāda stupidity, silliness (eg.) tile; flagstone, تبليطtablīṯ paving, tile-laying مبلطmuballaṯ paved, tiled 2 بلاهballūṯ oak; acorn 3 بل ةbalta pl. -āt, بلطbulaṯ ax بلديووووةbaladīya pl. -āt township, community, rural community; ward, district (of a city); municipality, municipal council, local authority بليودbalīd and ابلودablad2 stupid, doltish, dull-witted, idiotic بال ووويصbalālīṣ2 بوالهbalāṯ pavement, tiled floor; floor tiles; palace; pl. ابل وووةabliṯa floor tiles│( ا وبالهاا ملكووmalakī) the royal court; حدا اا بالهḥidād al-b. court mourning بلودbalda town, city; place, community, village; rural community; township بلودىbaladī native, indigenous, home (as opposed to foreign, alien); (fellow) citizen, compatriot, countryman; a native; communal, municipal│( امجلوسابلودىmajlis) city council, local council بلوصbalaṣa u (balš) and II to extort wring forcibly ( ه موfrom s.o. s.th.); to blackmail ( هs.o.) بل جووbalṯajī pl. -īya engineer, sapper, pioneer (mil.); gangster; procurer, panderer, pimp; sponger, hanger-on, parasite 4 بل ةbalaṯa balata gum 5 ( بل واFr. paletot) balṯō pl. –āt, بالهووbalāṯī paletot, overcoat 6 بل ووbulṯī bolti (Tilapia nilotica), a food fish of the Nile بل يقal-.balṯīq the Baltic countries│ابحواا بل يوق baḥr al-b. the Baltic Sea بلاظوةbālūẓa hand pres.; (eg.) a kind of cream made of cornstarch, lemon juice and honey, or the like بل واbala‘a and bali‘a a (bal‘) to swallow, swallow up ( هوs.th.); to gulp down ( هو s.th.); to put up ( هوwith s.th.), swallow, stomach, brook ( هوs.th.)│ ( ابلوااريقوrīqahū) lit.: to swallow one’s saliva, i.e., to catch one’s breath, take a little rest, have a break; to restrain o.s., hold back (said of one in a rage) II and IV to make ( هs.o.) swallow ( ه وs.th.)│ ( ابلع و اريق وrīqahū) to grant s.o. a short rest VIII = I بلعةbal‘a large bite, big gulp بالعوةballā‘a, بلاعوةballū‘a pl. –āt, بال يوا ba1ālī‘2 sink, drain ب اعووةbālū‘a pl. –āt, باا يوواbawālī‘2 sewer, sink, drain بلعومbul‘um pl. بالعومbalā‘im2 and بلعوامbul‘ūm pl. بالعويمbalā‘īm2 pharynx (anat.); ابلعوام gullet, esophagus (anat.) 1 بلوbalaga u ( بلواغbulūg) to reach ( هs.o. هو s.th.), get ( هو, هto), arrive ( هوat); to come, amount ( هوto), be worth ( هوso and so much); to come to s.o.’s ( )هears; to attain puberty (boy); to ripen, mature (fruit, or the like); to come of age; to exhaust, wear out ( موs.o.); to act ( موupon s.o.), have its effect ( موon), affect ( موs.o.); to go far ( و, مin s.th.), attain a high degree ( و, م of s.th.)│ابلو ابو اا ووto make s.o. or s.th. get to or arrive at, lead or take s.o. or s.th. to, get s.o. or s.th. to the point where, بلو ابو ا ( ا أوووظااانtarannuḥ) he began to reel so violently that ... ; ( بل ااالموامبل اا جودmablaga l-jidd) the matter became serious; بلو اا سويلا ا زبووb. s-sailu z-zubā the matter reached a climax, things came to a head; بلو امبل و ا ( ا وج و لmablaga r-rijāl) to be sexually mature, attain manhood, come of age; بلو ا ( اشوودهاašuddahū) to attain full maturity, come of age; to reach its climax; بلو ا ووا ( ا ش و امبلغ وmablagan) to attain a high degree of s.th.; حووي ابلغووتابوولكوي ت اهوولااا مبل و (ḥīna, dikrayātī, mablaga) when I had come to this point in my reminiscences; بل ا ( م و اكولامبلوkulla mablagin) to work havoc on s.o.; ( بلو ام أهو هmuntahāhū) to reach its climax, come to a head II to make ( هs.o.) reach or attain ( هوs.th.); to take bring (ا وو هوs.th. to s.o.) see that s.th. ( )هوgets (ا وو to); to convey, transmit, impart, communicate, report ( ه هوto s.o. s.th.); to inform, notify ( ه هوs.o. of s.th.), tell, let know ( ه هs.o. about); to report ( عabout), give an account of ( ;)عوto inform ( عو against s.o.), report, denounce ( عوs.o.)│ا بل و ارس و ةto fulfill a mission, بلغ و اسووالمو ballighu salāmī give him my best regards! III to exaggerate ( ووin s.th.); to overdo. do too long ( ووs.th.); to go to greatest lengths, do one’s utmost ( وووin) IV to make ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) reach or attain (ا وو s.th.); to make ( هوs.th.) amount ( ا ووto), raise ( هوan amount, a salary, ا ووto); to inform, notify ( بor عوs.o. of s.th.), tell, let know ( بor ه ع وs.o. about); to announce, state, disclose ( هووs.th.); to inform ( عوagainst s.o.), report, denounce ( عs.o.)│ ابلو اا بوا يسابto report s.th. to the police V to content o.s., be content (ب with); to eke out an existence; to still one’s hunger ( بwith), eat ( بs.th.): to b. delivered, be transmitted سمع االابالغsam‘an lā balāgan! may it be heard but not fulfilled, i.e. God forbid! (used at the mention of s.th. unpleasant) بلغووةbulga and بووالغbalāg sufficiency, competency, adequacy (see also 2ابلغوووة below) بوووالغbalāg pl. -āt communication, information, message, report; announcement, proclamation; communiqué; statement; notification (of the police)│ بالغاا يوultimatum بلي وbalīg pl. بلغ وbulagā’ eloquent; intense, lasting, deep, profound (e.g., an impression); serious, grave (e.g., an injury) بلواغbulūg reaching, attainment, arrival (at); maturity, legal majority بالغووةbalāga eloquence; art, of good style, art of composition; literature│اعلوما ‘ ا بالغةilm al-b. rhetoric ابلوووablag2 intenser, deeper, more lasting; more serious, graver مبلوmablag pl. مبوmabālig2 amount, sum of money; extent, scope, range; (see also examples under بلI)│( امبل ااسموismī) nominal par; ( ا مب و اا ما ع وةmūda‘a) the deposits (at a bank); يأبوي امبلو الوا وامو اا جودا (li-yatabayyana, qaulī, jidd) in order to find, out to what extent my words were meant seriously 3 بلمIV to be silent, hold one's tongue بووالنballān bathhouse attendant; name of a plant growing near stagnant waters بالظةballāna female bathhouse attendant; lady's maid بل سويةbalansiya2 Valencia (region and city in E Spain) تبليووووtablīg pl. -āt conveyance, transmission, delivery ( ا ووووto s.o.); information ( عوووووو about); report, notification ( عوووof); communication, announcement, notice│ اكأوووووووو باا أبليوووووووو credentials بليpl. بال يlook up alphabetically بلوbaliha a to be stupid, simple-minded VI to feign foolishness, pretend to be stupid X to deem ( هs.o.) stupid or simple-minded بل وbalah and باله وةbalāha stupidity, foolishness, simple-mindedness; idiocy, imbecility│ بالهوووووووةامبكوووووووو (mubakkira) dementia praecox مب غةmubalaga pl. -āt exaggeration ابالغiblāg conveyance, transmission بووووbālig extensive, far-reaching; considerable; serious (wound), deep, profound, violent, vehement (feelings), strong, intense; mature; of age, legally major بلbalha let alone, not to speak of, not to mention مبلووووmuballig bearer (of news), messenger; informer, denouncer; detective بله رسويbilkarsiyā bilharziasis, schistosomiasis (med.) بلغووةbulga, balga pl. -āt, bulag slipper of yellow leather بله يوةbulahniya abundance, wealth, variety (of earthly possessions) بلغ ريbulgāriyā Bulgaria 1 بلهاانsee بهلاان 2 □ بلهوانbulhōn pl. 2 بلغ رىbugārī Bulgarian (adj. and n.) بلغمbalgam phlegm; (pl. بالغمbalagim2) expectoration, sputum بلغمووووbalgamī phlegmatic; phlegmy, mucous بلفbalafa i (balf) to bluff II do. بلفbalf, بلفةbalfa bluff ابلقablaq2 piebald بلقويسbilqīs2 Muslim name of the Queen of Sheba ا بلق نal-balqān the Balkans بلق ظوbalqānī Balkan بلقواbalqa‘ and بلقعوةbalqa‘a pl. باللواbalāqi‘2 wasteland بللsee بلا بلكانbalkōn balcony 1 بلمbalam anchovy 2 بلمbalam pl. ابالمablām sailing barge (ir.) ابلوablah2 stupid, doltish, dull-witted; idiotic بالهويbalāhīn2 (= ابوااا هوال eg.) sphinx ( بلاand بوال )بلووbalā u (balw, بوالbalā’) to test, try, put to the test ( هوs.o., • s.tb.); to know from long experience ( هوs.th.); to afltict ( هوs.o.); -- بلووbaliya a ( بلووbilan, بوال balā’) to be or become old, worn, shabby (clothes); to dwindle away, vanish; to deteriorate, decline, become decrepit; to disintegrate (a corpse), decay, rot, spoil III to care, be concerned ( بor هو, هabout), be mindful ( بor هو, هof s.o., of s.th.); to pay attention ( بor هto), mind, heed, take into consideration, take into account ( بor هو s.th.); to take notice ( بof)│ مو اابو وmā ubālī, الاابو وI don’t care! I don’t mind! it's all right with me! ( الايبو وas a relat. clause) unconcerned, heedless, careless, reckless IV to try, test, put to the test ( هوs.o.); to make experienced, harden, inure ( هs.o.; said of trials, experiences); to work havoc ( هon s.th.); to wear out ( هs.th.) │ابلوابوال ا ( حسوbalā’an ḥasanan) to stand the test; to prove o.s. brave (in war) VIII to try, tempt, put to the test ( هوs.o.); to afflict (ب هs.o. with), visit ( ه بon s.o. s.th.); pass. ubtuliya to become or be afflicted ( بwith, by), suffer ( بfrom) بلوارىballūrī, billaurī crystalline; crystal (adj.) بلووbilan decline, deterioration; decay, putrefaction, decomposition; worn condition; wear; shabbiness candied بلاريوةballūrīya, billaurīya pl. -āt lense (opt.) مبلووارmubalwar: fruits 75 ( بلازFr. blouse) bəlūz, bəlūza pl. –āt blouse ( بلواTurk. bölük) bulūk pl. -āt company (mil.; Eg.)│ ابلوووا اامووويb. amīn (mil.) approx.: quartermaster sergeant (formerly, Eg.) بلوbalīy worn, old, shabby, threadbare; decrepit, dilapidated, decaying, decomposed, rotten بليووةbalīya pl. باليووbalāyā trial, tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress, misfortune, calamity بووالbalā’ trial. tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress, misfortune; scourge, plague; creditable performance, bravery, gallantry, heroic action│ ( بوال احسوḥasan) favor, blessing, grace (of God); good performance بلواىbalwā trial; tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress, misfortune, calamity; necessity, need│‘( عمتاا بلواىammat) it has become a general necessity ااكووو امبلووار بلانballūn balloon 1 ابلوbalā yes, yes indeed, certainly, surely 2 ابلوbaliya etc., see بلا ( بلي تشاIt. paglaccio) palyatšō clown, buffoon ( ابلي ر وIt. bigliardo) bilyardō billiards بليسيbilīsēh plissé, pleating 1 ابليballīn pl. بال ويbalālīn2 pallium, liturgical vestment of a bishop worn over the chasuble (Chr.); monk's robe (Copt.·Chr.) 2 ابليوانbalyūn pl. باليويbalayīn (U.S.) billion, (G.B.) milliard; (U.S.) trillion, (G.B.) billion مبووو الmubālāh consideration, regard, heed, attention│ االامبووووووووو الlā-mubālāh indifference, unconcern, carelessness بمbamm lowest string of a musical instrument ابوأالibtilā’ trial, tribulation, affliction, visitation بمب ىbombāy Bombay بو لbālin old, worn, worn out; shabby, threadbare, ragged, tattered; decrepit, dilapidated; decayed, rotten; obsolete, antiquated مب لmubālin observant, heedful, mindful ( بof)│اغيوامب لابheedless of مبألووووmubtalan (less correctly مبأووول mubtalin) afflicted ( بwith, by), suffering ( بfrom) بلوووارII tabalwara to crystalize; to be crystalized; to be covered with crystals بلوارballūr, billaur pl. -āt crystal; crystal glass, flint glass, glass│O بلوواراصوو وى (ṣaḳrī) rock crystal, transparent quartz بلووارbillaura (n. un.) pl. -āt crystal; crystal glass, flint glass, glass; tube (radio); crystal, quartz plate (of a detector; radio); (syr., pronounced ballōra) negative (phot.) بمب غbumbāg, بمب غةbumbāga bow tie ب ميةlook up alphabetically 1 ابوV تب ووto adopt as son ( هs.o.); to adopt. embrace ( هs.th.) ابوibn pl. اب وabnā’, ب وانbanūn son; descendant. scion; offspring, son (of a nation or people)│ اابو اآ مpl. ( ب وااآ مson of Adam) man, human being; ابو اآوىibn āwā jackal; ابوووو اا بلوووودibn a1-balad local inhabitant, native; اب و اا بلودnatives, native population; ابو اا حووبibn al-ḥarb warrior; soldier; warlike, bellicose; ابوووو اا سووووبيل wayfarer, wanderer; ابو ا مسوي اسو ة50 years old; ابووو اسووو عأibn sā‘atihī temporal, transient, passing; ابو اصولبibn ṣulbihī his own son; ابو اعووسibn ‘irs weasel; ب واامو ا ا سومbanū mā’ as-samā’ the Arsbs; ب واا سايفBeni Suef (city in Egypt, S of Cairo) اب وةibna and ب ووتbint pl. ب وbanāt daughter; ب ووتgirl│ ااب وةاا عوومi. al-‘amm (female) cousin; periphrastically for wife: اب وةاعمولyour wife; ب وتاا فولb. a1-fikr pl. ب و ااال كو رthought, idea; ا ب و ااالرb. a1arḍ insects and worms; ب و ابووئسb. bi’s calamities, afflictions; ب اا ودهوb. ad-dahr do.; ب وتاا شوفb. aš-šafa word; ب و اا صودرb. aṣ-ṣadr worries, fears, anxieties; ب و اور ان b. wardāna earth worms, rainworms ب دلوbunduqī Venetian sequin ب دليوةbunduqīya pl. ب وbanādiq2 rifle, gun│ اب دليةارشb. rašš shotgun ا ب دليةal.bunduqīya Venice ب ودل ظوbunduqani pl. -ūn, ب لوةbanādiqa a Venitian بbunaiya my little son ب دوbundūq pl. ب يقbanādīq2 bastard ب اbunuwwa sonship, filiation ب وودورbanadōra (syr.; from It. pomodoro) tomatoes ب اىbanawi filial توبtabannin adoption (also fig., e.g. of ideas, principles, etc.) 2 ابbunn coffee beans, coffee احمواب دورىaḥmar2 banadōrī tomato-red ( ب دولFr. pendule) bandūl pendulum ( ب وووديوSpan. bandera) bandēra pl. ب ووو ر banadir2 pennon, flag, banner ب وbunnī coffee-colored, brown ب و نbanān finger tips│( ايشو راعليو ابب و نyušāru lit.: he is pointed at with fingers, i.e., he is famous man; اظووو ااهوووا اب ظووولanā tau‘a banānika I am at your disposal, I am at your service ب ارbannūr (= بلارballūr) glass ب زهيوbanzahīr bezoar, bezoar stone ب زيbanzīn, benzīn gasoline, benzine ( ب سEngl.) pence ب و ورbanādōra (syr.; from It. pomodoro) tomato(es) ب و رسbanāris2 Banaras or Benares (the Holy City of the Hindus, in N India) ب ب شوsee بكب شو ب تsee 1 ب سليbenisilīn penicillin ( ب سيFr. pensée) banēh pansy (bot.) ب سوووويانbansiyōn pl. boarding school -āt boardinghouse; ب صوbinṣir f., pl. ب صوbanāsir2 ring finger اب ب أواbintū napoleon, louis d'or (gold coin of 20 francs) بوII to dope, narcoticize (with banj; اهs.o.); to anesthetize (. s.o.) ب وbanj henbane (Hyoscyamus niger; bot); an anesthetic, a narcotic ا ب جوو بal-banjāb the Punjab (region, NW Indian subcontinent) ب طbunṯ pl. ب اهbunūṯ point (stock market) ب لووانbanṯalūn (from It. pantaloni) pl. –āt trousers, pants ب غ و زىbangāzī Bengasi (city in NE Libya, capitalاof Cyrenaica) ا ب غ و لal-bangāl Bengal (region, NE Indian subcontinent) ب فسbanafsaj (coll.; n. un. ) violet (bot.) ب فسجوbanafsajī violetlike, violetish; ب جوbanjar red beet (eg.) ب ووودband pl. ب ووواbunūd article, clause, paragraph (of a. la.w, contract, etc.); banner; large body of troops violet (adj.)│ ا وووا اا ب فسوووجوor ورا اا ب فسوووجو ultraviolet ب ووودرbandar pl. ب ووو رbanādir2 seaport; commercial center; district capital (Eg.); ب و رsee also under ب وديوbelow│اب ودراعبو س ‘abbās Bandar Abbas (seaport in S Iran) ب قوةbinaqa and ب يقوةbanīqa gore, gusset (of a shirt or garment) ب دورlook up alphabetically ب ودbunduq (coll.; n. un. ) pl. ب وbanādiq hazelnut(s), filberts; hazel, hazel tree; ب دلوة hazelnut, filbert; bullet 2 ب فشbanfaš, banafš amethyst (min.) 1 اب ولbunk root, core, heart, best part│اب ولاا عموو b. al-‘umr the prime of life, the best years 2 ب لbank pl. ب اbunūk bank, banking house│ا ب ولاا أسوليفcredit bank; ب ولاا أووا يوdeposit bank; ب ولاا ودمb. ad-dam blood bank; ا ب ولا ( ا دو وdaulī) the World Bank 3 مب لmubannak stranded 4 مح ولامب ولmuḥannak mubannak shrewd, sly, astute تبtabannin see 1 اب ب نbānin pl. مب ووووmabnīy built, set up. erected; founded, based, resting ( علوووon); fixed, established; indeclinable; ending indeclinably ( علوin; gram.) ( ب ك اEngl.) banknōt banknote ب اand ب اىsee 1 ب ( ب واارFr. baignoire) banwār baignoire, theater box of the lowest tier 1 ب ووbana i ( ب وbinā’, ب يو نbunyān) and VIII to build, erect, construct, set up ( هوs.th.); to build, establish, rest ( هو علووs.th. on); to consummate the marriage ( به وand عليه و with a woman); pass. buniya, ubtuniya to be based, be built, rest ( علووon)│ب وواكلموةا ( علووووkalimalan) to give a word an indeclinable ending in (a certain vowel or a vowelless consonant; gram.) V see 1 اب ب ووووbinā’ building, construction, erection, setting up; structure (also, e.g., of an organism), setup, make-up; (pl. اب يوة abniya) building, structure, edifice│اعو ا ا ب وi‘ādat al-b. reconstruction; ا ب و اا حوو (ḥurr) Freemaaonry; ب و اعلووbinā’an ‘alā according to, in accordance with, on the basis of, by virtue of, on the strength of; ب اعلواهلاaccordingly, thus ب ووو ئوbinā’ī constructional, building (used attributively); architectural; structural ب يوةbinya, bunya pl. ب ووbinan, bunan structure, setup, make-up; binya build, frame, physique, physical constitution│ ضوووووعيفاا ب يوووووةof delicate constitution; صووحيااا ب يووةand سووليماا ب يووةof sound constitution, healthy; لا اا ب يةqawīy al-b. husky, sturdy ب ووbannā’ pl. -ūn builder; mason; constructive│(اب احوḥurr) Freemason ب يووةbināya pl. -āt building, structure, edifice ب يووو نbunyān building, construction, erection, setting up; building, structure, edifice; physique, stature مب ووmabnan pl. مبو نmabānin building, construction, erection, setting up; building, structure. edifice; form; foundation, fundament, basis │اا ووووأىا ( وا مب وra’y) content and form بbunāh builder 2 ( اﭙظوEngl.) penny ( ب ياIt. bagno) banyō batb, bathtub بهوتbahita a, bahuta u and pass. buhita (baht) to be astonished, amazed, bewildered, startled, perplexed, flabbergasted, speechless; -- bahita to be or become pale, fade (color); -- bahata a to astonish, amaze, bewilder, startle, stagger, flabbergast ( هs.o.); ( بهأووو نbuhtān) to slander, defame ( هs.o.) III to come or descend unexpectedly ( هupon s.o.); to startle, stagger, flabbergast ( هs.o.) IV to surprise, astonish, amaze ( هs.o.) VII = I بهوتbuht and بهأو نbuhtān slander, false accusation; lie, untruth بهأووووةbahta perplexity, bewilderment, stupefaction amazement, ب هووتbāhit pale, pallid, faded (color); perplexed, aghast مبهوواmabhūt perplexed, astonished, amazed, startled, flabbergasted, aghast بهوbahija a to be glad, he bappy ( بabout), he delighted ( بat); -- bahuja u to be beautiful, look wonderful IV to gladden, delight, make happy ( بs.o.) VIII to be glad, be happy ( بabout), be delighted (ب at) بهجوووةbahja splendor, magnificence, beauty, resplendence; joy, delight│بهج وةا االظر رdelight of the eyes, welcome sight بهوووbahij, بهووويbahīj magnificent, splendid, beautiful; happy, joyous; delightful مبهجوةmabhaja a moment of happiness and joy مبو هmabāhij joys, delights; pleasures, amusements, diversions; splendid things; splendor, pomp, magnificence ابأهibtihāj joy, rejoicing, delight ( بat) موووووبهmubhij delightful pleasant, charming, مبأهmubtahij happy, glad, delighted بهووودلbahdala to insult ( هs.o.); to treat contemptuously, meanly ( هs.o.); to expose ( هs.o.) to ridicule, make a laughingstock (ه of s.o.) II tabahdala pass. of I بهد وووةbahdala insult, affront, abuse, outrage; meanness; triteness, insipidity مبهودلmubahdal maltreated, oppressed, miserable بهووbahara a (bahr) and IV to glitter, shine; to dazzle, overwhelm ( هs.o., هوs.o.’s eyes)│ا شو ايبهووااالبصو رa dazzling, overwhelming thing; -- pass. buhira to be out of breath, to pant VII to be dazzled, blinded; to be smitten with blindness; to. be out of breath VIII to flaunt, parade, show off, present in a dazzling light ( بs.th.) بهوbahr deception, dazzlement ( بby) بهوووbuhr difficult respiration, labored breathing بهوجوووةbahraja empty show, hollow pomp بهوج نbahrajan tinsel, frippery مبهووmubahraj showy, tawdry, gaudy, ornate, ostentatious; trashy, rubbishy, cheap, inartistic بهويزbahrīz (eg.) a soup بهوbahaza a (bahz) to oppress weigh down (ه s.o.; a load, work), weigh heavily ( هوon s.o.) IV do. ب و هbāhiẓ heavy, oppressive, trying; excessive, exorbitant, enormous; expensive, costly بهوقbahaq a kind of lichen (bot.); herpetic eruption, tetter; vitiligo alba, a mild form of leprosy (med.) بهولbahala a (bahl) to curse ( هs.o.) V and VI to curse one another VIII to supplicate, pray humbly (to God) ابهلabhal savin (Juniperus sabina; bot.) ابأه لibtihāl supplication, prayer بهووووbahra (n. vic.) being dazzled, dazzlement ب ه ولbāhil pl. بهوولbuhl, buhhal free, independent بهوووbuhra middle, center│...ا وووابهووو ا amidst بهلوالbuhlūl, bahlūl pl. به يولbahālīl2 buffoon, jester, clown, fool ابهوووو abhar2 more brilliant, more magnificent بهلواانbahlawān pl. -āt, -īya acrobat, tumbler, equilibrist, ropedancer, tightrope walker ابهوabhar2 aorta (anat.) به رbahār pl. -āt spice ابأهو رibtihār dazzling display, show (ب of s.th.) ب هوbāhir dazzling, brilliant, splendid مبهوارmabhūr breathless, out of breath, panting بهووbahraja ( بهووbahraja) to adorn, deck out, dress up showily; to give a deceptive brightness ( هto); to glamorize ( هs.th.); to reject as false ( هa witness); to fake, counterfeit ( هوs.th.) II tabahraja to adorn o.s., spruce o.s. up, dress up; to be fake بهووbahraj false, spurious, fake, sham, worthless, bad; counterfeit money; tinsel, frippery, cheap finery; trash, cheap stuff بهلوووااظوbahlawānī acrobatic│حوكووو ا ( بهلااظيوةḥarakāt) acrobatics; antics, capers of a tumbler; ( هيووانابهلوااظوṯayarān) aerial acrobatics, stunt flying بهومIV to make obscure, dubious, unintelligible ( هوووs.th.) V and X to be obscure, ambiguous, unintelligible ( علوto s.o.) بهمةbahma lamb, sheep بهيمbahīm pl. بهمbuhum jet-black بهيم وةbahīma pl. به و ئمbahā’im beast, animal, quadruped; pl. livestock, cattle, (large) domestic animals بهيموbahīmī animal, bestial, brutish بهيميووةbahīmīya brutishness, bestiality, brutality ابهوووو مibhām ambiguity obscurity; vagueness, ابهو مibhām pl. ابو هيمabāhīm2 thumb; big toe ب همbāhim big toe مووبهمmubham obscure, dark, cryptic, doubtful, vague, ambiguous│اعووود اموووبهم (‘adad) abstract number (math.); O ا عصوبا ‘( ا موبهمaṣab) the vagus (anat.); االسوماا موبهم (ism) the demonstrative pronoun (gram.) 1 ( بهو )بهواbahā u, bahuwa u and بهووbahiya a ( به وbahā’) to be beautiful III to vie, compete ( ه بwith s.o. in s.th.); to pride o.s. ( بon) وbe proud ( بof), boast ( بof, ه بto s.o. of s.th.) VI to compete with one another; to be proud ( بof), pride o.s. (ب on) بهواbahw pl. اابهوabhā’ hall; parlor, drawing room, reception hall بهوووووbahīy beautiful, magnificent, splendid; brilliant, radiant, shining بهووووbahā’ beauty, splendor; brilliancy magnificence, بهو ئوbahā’ī Bahai (adj.); (pl. -ūn) an adherent of the Bahai sect, a Bahai ابهوabhā more splendid, more brilliant مب هوmubāhāh and تبو هtabāhin pride, vainglory, boastfulness 2 بهااsee بل ( بو )بواbā’a u to come again, return; to come back ( بwith s.th.), bring back, yield, bring in ( بs.th.)│ بو اب يبوةor ب فشول (ḳaiba, fašal) to fail II to provide accommodations ( لand هfor s.o., هوat a place), put up ( لor هs.o., هوat)│ بواأامك ظو (makānan) to take a place, settle down, live or stay at a place IV to provide accommodations ( هfor s.o., هوat a place); to settle down, reside, live ( بat a place) V to settle down ( ه وat a place), occupy ( موكووزاmarkazan a place), hold ( مق موو maqāman a position)│ ( تبواأامك ظوmakānan) to gain ground, become generally accepted; ‘( تبواأاا عووشاarš) to ascend the throne; ( تباأاا حكوماḥukm) to come to power, take over power بيئووةbī’a pl. -āt (usually pronounced bai’a) pl. -āt residence, domicile, seat; situation; surroundings, environment, milieu; home, habitat مبوmabā’a place to which s.th. comes; abode, dwelling, habitation تبوواtabawwu’: تبووا اا عوووشt. al-‘arš accession to the throne بوابII to divide into chapters or sections ( هو s.th.); to arrange in groups, arrange systematically, class, classify ( هs.th.) ب و بbāb pl. ابوواابabwāb, بيب و نbībān door;; gate; opening, gateway; entrance; chapter, section, column, rubric; group, class, category; field, domain (fig.)│ا بو با ا عو وthe Sublime Porte; بو باا م ودبb. almandab Bab el Mandeb (strait between SW Arabia and Africa; geogr.); علووااالبوااب near, imminent; وأااب بو اجديوداto open up a new way, a new possibility; وأاابو بfutiḥa bāb ... was (were) begun, ... got under way; ( لفلابو باا شوqafala) to put an end to s.th., terminate, close s.th.; ( م اب باا ف ولb. il-faḍl) as a favor; (امو ابو بااو ووaulā) with all the more reason, the more so; وواهولاا ا بو بabout this matter, about this; مو ابو با ( ا وووور اانb. iḍ-ḍarūra) it is necessary that ... ; ( هولاا ويسامو ابو باا صود ةb. iṣ-ṣudfa) that’s no coincidence; ك نام اب بor ولا و ا ( بو بwith foll. genit.) to belong to, fall under; ويودا و اب بوunique of its kind; هلواا علووابو باto pursue one's livelihood, earn one’s bread 80 ب بوووةbāba pl. -āt kind, sort, class, category بوووواابbawwāb gatekeeper pl. -ūn doorman, باابةbiwāba office of gatekeeper باابوووةbawwāba pl. -āt (large) gate, portal│ باابةاا ق وb. al-qanṯara lock gate تبايووبtabwīb division into chapters, sectioning, classification, systematic arrangement, grouping مبووابmubawwab arranged in groups, classed, classified بابليboblīn poplin ( بابي ةFr. bobine) bobīna spool, reel بايتseeبيت ا بات س, ( بات سIt. potasa) būtāsā, būtās potash باتقووةbūtaqa (usually pronounced bautaqa) crucible, melting pot│وووو اباتقووووةاا زموووو ن (zamān) in the melting pot of time بوووااخbuwāḳ evaporation, exhalation, vapor, steam تبووايخtabwīḳ: تبووايخاا كأووةan-nukta the spoiling of the point of a story ( باجيةFr. bougie) bužīh pl. -āt spark plug (eg.) ( بو ح )بواحbāḥa u (bauḥ) to become known, be revealed, be divulged, leak out (secret); to reveal, disclose, divulge ( هوor بs.th., a secret; ا ووand لto s.o.) IV to disclose, reveal ( هوor بs.th., لto s.o.); to release, abandon, make public property, declare ownerless ( هوs.th.); to permit, allow, leave (s.th., لto s.o.); to justify, warrant ( ه و s.th.) X to reveal ( هوs.th.); to regard as public property, as ownerless, as fair game; to deem permissible, lawful ( ه و s.th.); to hurt ( حومأ وḥurmatahū s.o.’s honor); to take possession ( هوووof), appropriate, take as booty ( ه وs.th.); to seize, confiscate ( هوووs.th.)│ اسوووأب حا مووو (damahū) to proscribe, outlaw s.o. بوواحbauḥ divulgence, disclosure (of a secret); confession بوواحbūḥ wide, open space; courtyard; hall □ بو يخbāyiḳ spoiled, bad; vapid, insipid, stale (also, e.g., of a joke) با رستbūḳārest Bucharest ( با رFr. poudre) būdra powder با لووةbūdaqa pl. melting pot با اbūdā Buddha با ىbūdī Buddhistic; Buddhist با يةbūdīya Buddhism ( بو ر )بارbāra u (baur, بواارbawār) to perish; to lie fallow, be uncultivated (land); to be futile, unsuccessful, unprofitable, lead to nothing (work); to be unsalable, be dead stock (merchandise)│ ( بو ر اا ب وbint) the girl could not get a husband II to let lie fallow ( ه وland); to make unprofitable, useless ( هs.th.) IV to destroy بوارbūr uncultivated, fallow│اار ابووار (arḍ), pl. ( ارا ابوارarāḍin) fallow land, wasteland ب حوةbāḥa pl. -āt wide, open space; open place, square, plaza; courtyard; hall اب حوةibāḥa divulgence, disclosure (of a secret); permission, authorization; licentiousness ابووو حوibāḥī licentious, unrestrained, uninhibited; anarchist; freethinker اب حيووةibāḥīya freethinking, libertinism; anarchism اسووأب حةistibāḥa appropriation, capture, seizure; spoliation, confiscation مبووووو حmubāḥ permitted, allowed, permissible; legal, lawful, licit, legitimate; open to everyone, permitted for all, free; ownerless (1.1. Law); indifferent (said of actions for which neither reward nor punishment is to be expected, but which are permissible, pl. مب حووindifferent, permissible actions, Isl. Law) ( ب و خ )بوواخbāḳa u to abate, subside, let up, decrease; to die, go out (fire); to fade, bleach; to spoil, rot (e.g., meat) II to spoil ( هs.th.) بووااbawādiq2 crucible, باارbawār perdition, ruin│ ا اراا باارhell ب ئوbā’ir uncultivated, fallow (land) باراظوbaurānī (eg.) a vegetable stew بواراسوعيدbūr sa‘īd Port Said (seaport in NE Egypt) بواراسوا انbūr sūdān Port Sudan (seaport in NE Sudan) بارتاريكاburturīkū Puerto Rico بارتغ لburtugāl Portugal بارصةbūrṣa pl. -āt stock exhange بووارا ووؤاPort Fuad (seaport in NE Egypt, opposite Port Said) بارbauraq borax بارمburma Burma 1 ( ابارىTurk. boru) būrī trumpet, bugle باروجوbiūjī pl. -īya trumpeter, bugler 2 ابوارىbūrī (pl. بواارىbawārī) striped mullet (Mugil cephalus; zool.) 3 1 ( اباريFr.) būrēh purée ( با يFr. buffet) būfēh buffet; bar; sideboard ابازII to pout, sulk, look glum, sullen باII to blow the trumpet بازbūz pl. اباازabwāz muzzle, snout بوواbūq pl. -āt, ابووااabwāq trumpet, bugle; fanfare; horn (of an automobile, of a gramophone); acoustic signaling device; megaphone; mouthpiece, spokesman; duplicity, treachery, betrayal│ ابووا اا صووا b. aṣ-ṣaut or بوووا اا وا يووواloudspeaker (radio); O ( بووا ارحموووraḥimi) oviduct, Fallopian tube (anat.) تبايزtabwīza sullen mien مبازmubawwaz sullen, glum 2 3 ابازbūz, بازbum ice cream ابازbūza a beerlike beverage 4 اب زbāz pl. اباازabwāz, بيزانbīzān falcon 1 باسbūs bus 2 ب س )باسةbāsa u (baus) to kiss ( هs.o.) بااbawwāq trumpeter, bugler ب ل وةbāqa bundle; bunch of flowers, nosegay, bouquet باسةbausa, būsa kiss ب ئقةbā’iqa pl. باائوقbawā’iq2 misfortune, calamity ( باسأاIt. busto) bustū corset باس ة, ( باسأةIt. posta) busṯa, busta post, mail ا باسفارal-busfūr the Bosporus بالو لbūqāl, بال ووةbūqala pl. بااليوولbawāqīl2 vessel without handles, mug باكسوووفارboksəford patrol wagon, paddy wagon, Black Maria ب و شايبوواشةbāša u (bauš) to be boisterous, shout, roar (crowd) II do. باشbauš pl. اوب شaubāš (for )ابااشmob. rabble 1 ( باكسك اEngl.) bokəkāf box calf 1 باصbūṣ (coll.; n. un. ) reed باصةbūṣa pl. -āt inch 2 بالbaul pl. اباالabwāl urine│اا بالا ا سكوىmaraḍ al-b. as-sukarī diabetes باصbūṣ pl. ابااصabwāṣ, linen or silk fabric ( باصلةIt. bussola) bōṣla compass باظةbūẓa a beerlike beverage 2 بواbū‘ metatarsal bone (anat.)│الايعووااا كوا ا مو اا بواh ثwouldn’t know his knee from his elbow (proverbially, of a stupid person) ب وbā‘ pl. ابووااabwā‘ the span of the outspread arms, fathom; in Eg. today = 4 ḍirā‘ mi‘mārīya = 3 m│ اهايولاا بوmighty, powerful; capable, able; knowledgeable; generous, liberal; لصوويواا بووpowerless, helpless, impotent, weak, incapable; niggardly, stingy; لصوويواا ب وimpotence, weakness; incapability ( عof); ب ب اوا ولرا with might and main 1 باغII to surprise 1 ب غةbāga celluloid; tortoise shell باغbūgāda and باغ ضةbūgāḍa potash, lye باغوو زbūgāz pl. بووااغيزbawāgīiz2 strait(s); harbor│اباغ زاا در ظيلthe Dardanelles امو با وbaulī uric, urinary, urinous│اا مسو لا ا با يوةthe urinary passages; االمووا اا با يوة diseases of the kidney and urinary bladder; (تسوووممابوووا واtasammum) uremia (med.) باهةbūṯa crucible, melting pot 1 ( بو ل )بوالbāl u (baul) and V to make water, urinate IV to be diuretic X to cause to urinate بيلووووةbīla: O ( بيلووووةاآح ظيووووةāḥīnīya) albuminuria; O ( بيلوووةا مايوووةdamawīya) hematuria (med.) باا ةbawwāla public lavatory مبا وةmabwala pl. مبو ولmabāwil2 urinal; a diuretic; -- mibwala chamber pot; toilet, water closet اسوأباالistibwāl: O اسوأباالist. ad-dam uremia (med.) 2 ابو لbāl state, condition; heart, mind; notice, regard, attention│وابووووو ل significant, notable, considerable, important, serious, grave; وواغاا بو لfarāg al-b. leisure; مشوغالا ا بو لanxious, uneasy, concerned, worried.; هايولاا بو لlong-suffering, patient; ...مو اب و ا (with verb) why is it that he (it) ... ? why ... ? مو اب ولhow about you? what do you think? والاب وḳalā bāluhū his mind is at rest, he has no worries; ووووابب ووو it occurred to him, it came to his mind; اع وا ( يا قوىاجعولةاب و اا ووايلةa‘ṯā, alqā, ja‘ala) to turn one’s mind to, give one’s attention to, pay attention to, take into account, be mindful of, bear in mind, heed s.th.; ومايلوقا قوا وابو الlam yulqi li-qaulī bālan he didn't pay any attention to what I said; الايقولاع و ا ( ب الyaqillu) no less significant than this بالbūl postage stamp 3 ب لbāl whale (zool.) 4 ب ةlook up alphabetically 5 □ باالbūlād (= ) االsteel ب هاbāh coitus; sexual potency; sexuality ( باهيميEngl.) bōhīmiyā Bohemia باهيمbōhēmī Bohemian (adj. and n.) باهيميووووووة bōhēmīya Bohemian life بؤوظةba’ūna the tenth month of the Coptic year ( بايةTurk. boya) bōya paint; shoe polish بووايجو, ( بايوو جوeg.) boyagī house painter, painter; shoeshine, bootblack بيةbayya = ب يةlook up alphabetically بيئةsee با بيbiyāda infantry (Eg.) با صةsee با يسة باالbūlāq2 a district of Cairo با دbōlanda Poland با دىbōlandī Polish; (pl. -ūn) Pole بي ىbiyādī infantryman, foot soldier بيو ن, بي ظوة, ا بيو ظاbiyān, biyāna, biyānō pl. biyānāt piano با اظbūlūnī Polish; Pole 1 ( با يسFr. police) būlīs police│ با يسااب ابvice squad; ( ا بوووا يساا ج ووو ئووووjinā’ī) criminal police; ( ا بوووا يساا حوبووووḥarbī) military police; ( ا بوا يساا سوووىsirrī) secret police; با يساا موورtraffic police روايووةابا يسوويةriwāya būlīsīya detective story 2 با يسوةand ( با يصوةFr. police) būlīsā, būlīṣa pl. بواا صbawāliṣ2, بواا سbawālis2 certificate of insurance, policy│ با يسووةاا شووحb. aššaḥn bill of lading با يفيbūlīfiyā Bolivia با يفوbūlīfī Bolivian O ا اا با يdā’ al-baulīnā uremia بامbūm (coll.; n. un. ) pl. اباامabwām owl 1 بانbaun, būn interval, distance; difference 2 بو نcoll.; n. un. ) ben tree (Moringa; bot.; horse-radish tree (Moringa oleifera; bot.); Egyptian willow (Salix aegyptiaca L.; bot.) باظس يوساBuenos Aires ( باظوEngl.) bōnī pl. بااظوbawānī pony بي ظو 1 بيووبbīb pipe, tube; feed pipe, spout (of a reservoir or tank) 2 بيبةbība (Western) smoking pipe با اbōlō polo ( با اظيIt. Polonia) būlūniya Poland Bohemianism, ( بو )بيوتbāta i ( مبيوتmabīt) to pass or spend the night; to stay overnight; to become; to be ( ووin a situation); with foll. imperf.: to get into a situation. Get to the point where; to continue to do s.th., go on or keep doing s.th., stick to s.th. II to brood (by night; هabout s.th.); to contrive, hatch ( هوan evil plan, لagainst s.o.), plot (ل against s.o.); to put up for the night (ه s.o.)│( بيوتا وواا صوفṣaff; eg.) to flunk, fail promotion (pupil) IV to put up for the night ( هs.o.) بيوتbait pl. بيواbuyūt, بياتوbuyūtāt house, building; tent (of nomads); room; apartment, flat; (garden) bed; family; case, box, covering, sheath; pl. بيات وlarge, respectable houses; respectable families; (pl. ابيوabyāt) verse│ ابيوتااالبووb. al-ibra (navigator’s) compass; اهولاا بيوتahl al-b. family, specif., the family of the Prophet; اهولاا بياتوpeople from good, respectable families; ( بيات اتج ريةtijārīya) commercial houses; ( ا بيتاا حووامḥaram) the Kaaba; بيوتا ا والb. al-ḳalā’ and بيوتااال بb. al-adab toilet, water closet; بيوتاا وداorigin or seat of the disease; ( بيووتاريفوووrīfī) country house; بيوووتاا قصووويدand ( بيوووتاا قصووويدthe essential, principal verse of the kasidah, i.e.) the quintessence; the gist, the essential, the hit of s.th.; s.th. that stands out from the rest, the right thing; بيوتا حوم baitalaḥm2 Bethlehem; ا بيتاا مللthe ruling house; بيوووتاا مووو لtreasure house; fisc, treasury, exchequer (Isl. Law); (Tun.) administration of vacant Muslim states بيأووbaitī domestic, private, home, of the house, house(in compounds); domesticated (animals); home made 2 بيوووbairaq pl. standard بياbayyūt stale, old ( جبو لاا بيوظيوFr. Pyrénées) jibāl al-bīrinēh the Pyrenees 1 بيووbērū Peru 2 ( بيووFr. bureau) bīrō pl. -āt office, bureau بيوولواهوbīruqrāṯī bureaucratic بيزظ يbīzanṯiyā Byzantium ب ئوتbā’it stale, old; (eg.) not promoted, ( واا صفṣaff) in school بيسانbīsōn bison ( ب و )بيوودbāda i to perish, die, pass away, become extinct IV to destroy, exterminate, extirpate ( ه, هs.o., s.th.) بيووداانbaida anna although, whereas; (esp., introducing a sentence:) yet, however, but, ... though بيوداbaidā’2 pl. بيودbīd, desert, steppe, wilderness بيوداواbaidawāt اب وibāda annihilation, extermination, eradication, extirpation ب ئودbā’id passing, transitory, temporal; past, bygone مبيودmubīd destructive, annihilative; (pl. -āt) means of extermination│امبيودا احشووية (ḥašarīya) insecticides ابيlook up alphabetically بيدرbaidar pl. بي رbayādir2 threshing floor بيودbaidaq (and )بيولpl. (in chess) بيوbayādiq2 pawn بيلظج نsee ب ظج نalphabetically 1 بيووتووbairūtī pl. باارتوةbawārita, بي رتوة bayārita a native or inhabitant of Beirut مبيووتmabīt overnight stop, overnight stay; shelter for the night بيج مbījāmā and بيج مةbījāma pajama 2 بيووbairūt2 Beirut (capital of Lebanon) بيوولواهيةbīrūqrāṯīya bureaucracy; red tape مبيتmubayyit plotter, schemer, intrigant 1 بو يوbayāriq2 flag, banner, بيولودارbairaqdār color-bearer, standardbearer بايوتbuwait pl. -āt small house; small tent بي وbayyāt pl. -ūn and بي ت وةbayyāta boarder (student); (pl. -ūn) pupil of a boarding school (tun.) بيووا, ( بيووIt. birra) bīrā, bīra beer│مصو ااا بيووا maṣna‘ al-b. brewery □ بيو رbayyāra pl. -āt (pal.) irrigation wheel; plantation بيزظbīzanṯī Byzantine ( )بوي بوbāḍa i to lay eggs (also ;)هوto stay, settle down, be or become resident ( بat a place)│( اب اب مك ناو وخwa-farraḳa) to be born and grow up in a place; to establish itself and spread (plague) II to make white, paint white, whitewash, whiten ( هو s.th.); to bleach, blanch ( هوs.th., textiles, laundry, rice, etc.); to tin, tinplate ( ه و s.th.); to make a fair copy ( هوof s.th.)│ا (بووي اا اجوwajhahū) to make s.o. appear blameless, in a favorable light, to whitewash, exculpate, vindicate, justify s.o., play s.o. up, make much of s.o.; to honor s.o., show honor to s.o.; بي ا اوجهو may God make him happy! الايبووي ام و ا صوووحيفأthis doesn't show him in a favorable light V pass. of II; IX to be or become white بيbaiḍ pl. بياbuyūḍ eggs بي وةbaiḍa (n. un.) pl. -āt egg; testicle; helmet; main part, substance, essence│ابي وةاا وديل b. ad-dīik (the egg of a rooster i.e.) an impossible or extraordinary thing; بي ةاا بلد b. al-balad a man held in high esteem in his community; ( ووابي وةاا هو رb. in-nahār) in broad daylight; ا بي وةاا صويفb. aṣ-ṣaif the hottest part of the summer; بي وةااالسوالم the territory or pale of Islam; ا د اع ابي ةا ا وودي, 85 ( عو ابي ووةاا وواهb. id-dīn, b. il- بو ئbā’iḍ pl. laying waṯan) defense of the faith, of the country; بي ةاا درb. al-ḳidr a woman seluded from the outside world, a chaste, respectable woman مبوويmubayyiḍ pl. -ūn whitewasher; bleacher; tinner; copyist, transcriber (of fair copy) بي ووbaiḍī, بي واىbaiḍawī and بي و وى baiḍāwī egg-shaped, oviform, oval, ovate بيي وةbuyaiḍa and باي وةbuwaiḍa pl. -āt small egg, ovule; ovum بيوووووو bayāḍ white, whiteness: whitewash; -- (pl. -āt) barren, desolate, uncultivated land, wasteland: gap, blank space (in a manuscript); blank; leucoma (med.); linen, pl. بي ضووlinen goods, linens; (syr.) milk, butter, and eggs│ابيو ا ا بيتb. al-bait white of egg, albumen: بي ا ا عويb. al-‘ain the white of the eye: بيو ا ا هو رb. an-nahār daylight, (acc.) by day, during the daytime; بي و ايام و اوسوواا ا يل و bayāḍa yaumihi wa-sawāda lailihi by day and by night: بيو اا اجوb. al-wajh tine character, good reputation; سوووملابيووو samak b. a Nile fish (eg.); علووابيوblank, free from writing, printing or marks, uninscribed; ( ارتودىor) ( وبساا بيوlabisa, irtada) to dress in white بيواbayūḍ pl. laying بويbuyūḍ, bīḍ (egg-) ابيabyaḍ2, f. بيbaiḍā’2, pl. بيbīḍ white; bright; clean, shiny, polished; blameless, noble, sincere (character); empty, blank (sheet of paper); pl. ا بي و ن al-bīḍān the white race; االبويwhite of egg, albumen│ ( اار ابي وarḍ) barren, uncultivated land, wasteland; ثووار ابي و (ṯaura) peaceful, bloodless revolution; ( ا يطااالبيḳaiṯ) first light of dawn; ا ولهبا ( االبيdahab) platinum; ب سالحااالبيwith cold steel; ( صووحيفأ ابي وṣaḥīfatuhū) his reputation is good: he has noble de.ds to his credit, he has a noble character; صوحفا ( بي وṣuḥuf) noble, glorious deeds: اكلوبوةا ( بي وukdūba) white lie, fih: يلووةابي و (laila) a sleepless night, a night spent awake: ( ا ما ااالبيmaut) natural death; يدا ( بيyad) beneficent hand, benefaction مبيmabīḍ, mibyaḍ ovary (anat.) تبيي ةtabyīḍa fair copy O ابيibyiḍāḍ leukemia (med.) بوواائbawā’iḍ2 (egg-) مبي ةmubayyaḍa fair copy بي ووbaiṯara to practice veterinary science; to shoe ( هa horse) بي وووو رbaiṯar pl. veterinarian; farrier بيوووو هو bayātira بي وووىbaiṯarī veterinary│ا ووباا بي وووى (ṯibb) veterinary medicine; هبيووبابي وووى veterinarian بي وbaiṯara veterinary science; farriery 1 ( ب )بياbā‘a i (bai‘, مبياmabī‘) to sell ( هوs.th., هor لto s.o., بfor a price) III to make a contract ( هwith s.o.); to pay homage ( هto s.o.); to acknowledge as sovereign or leader ( هs.o.), pledge allegiance ( هto) IV to offer for sale ( هوs.th.) VI to agree on the terms of a sale, conclude a bargain VII to be sold, be for sale VIII to buy, purchase ( ه مs.th. from s.o. and ه هfrom s.o. s.th.)│ ( االاابأووو ام ووو اوالاابيعوووabtā‘u, abī‘uhū) I don't trust him بيوواbai‘ pl. بيواbuyū‘, بياعو اbuyū‘āt sale│ لبيواfor sale; بياعو ( جبويوةor) بيوا (jabrīya) forced sales, compulsory sale by auction: ( بيوااب جملوةjumla) wholesale sale; ( بيوااب يو رḳiyār) optional sale (Isl. Law); ( بيوااب وواراغوبli-āḳir rāgibīn) sale to the highest bidder; بيوااا عي ووةb. al-‘īna credit operation (Isl. Law) بيعوووةbai‘a agreement, arrangement; business deal, commercial transaction, bargain; sale; purchase; homage│علوواا بيعوة into the bargain بيوbayyā‘ salesman, merchant, dealer, commission agent, middleman مبيواmabī‘ sale, pl. -āt sales (esp. on the stock market) مب يع وةmubāya‘a pl. -āt conclusion of contract; homage; pledge of allegiance; transaction ابأيibtiyā‘ purchase بو ئاbā’i‘2 pl. ب عوةbā‘a seller, vendor; dealer, merchant; salesman ب ئعةbā’i‘a saleswoman مبياmabī‘ and مبmubā‘ sold مبأmubtā‘ buyer, purchaser 2 ابيعووةbai‘a pl. -āt, بيوواbiya‘ (Chr.) church; synagogue بيولbē (eg.), bēg, bēk pl. بيكوااbēgawāt (syr.) bey (title of courtesy); cf. بل بيكايةbīkawīya rank of bey بيك رbīkār compass, (pair of) dividers بيكب شوsee بكب شو ( بيكFr.) bīkeh plqué (fabric) 1 ( بيولFr. bille) bīl ball│ كوسووابيولkursī b. ball bearing 2 بيلةbīla see بال بيلس نbailasān black elder (bot.) بيله رسيbilharsiyā bilharziasis, schistosomiasis (med.) ( بيليFr. bille) bīlya pl. -āt little ball, marble بيم رسأ نbīmāristān hospltal; lunatic asylum 1 بو ن يبوي ةbāna i ( بيو نbayān) to be or become plain, evident, come out, come to light; to be clear ( لto s.o.); ( بوويbain, بي اظووة bainūna) to part, be separated ( موfrom) II to make clear, plain, visible, evident ( هو s.th.); to announce ( هوs.th.); to state ( هو s.th.); to show, demonstrate ( هوs.th.); to explain, expound, elucidate ( هوووs.th.), throw light ( هوon) III to part, go away (ه from), leave ( هs.o.); to differ, be different ( هوو, هfrom), be unlike s.th. ( ;)هووto contradict ( هوs.th.), be contrary ( هوto); to conflict, be at variance, be inconsistent ( هو with s.th.) IV to explain, expound, elucidate ( هو لs.th. to s.o.); to separate, sift, distinguish ( هو موs.th. from); to be clear, plain, evident V to be or become clear, intelligible ( لto s.o.); to turn out, prove in the end, appear, become evident; to follow ( موfrom), be explained ( موby); to be clearly distinguished ( موfrom); to seek to ascertain ( هوs.th.), try to get at the mct8 ( هوof); to eye or examine critically, scrutinize ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to look, peer ( هو at); to see through s.th. ( )هو, see clearly, perceive, notice, discover, find out ( ه و s.th.); to distinguish ( هو موs.th. from) VI to differ, be different, be opposed, be contrary; to vary greatly, differ widely; to vary, differ, fluctuate ( بوويbetween two amounts or limits) X to be or become clear, plain, evident; to Bee, know, perceive, notice ( هs.th.); pass. ustubīna to follow clearly, be clearly seen ( مfrom) بوويbain separation, division; interval; difference│ ا اا بوووويenmity, disunion, discord; واا بيmeantime, meanwhile بوويbaina (prep.) or يم و ابوويfī-ma b. between; among, amidst│– بي ا–اواeither -or, partly -- partly, e.g., كو ناا قوامابوي اصو متا ( ومأكلمṣāmitin wa-mutakallimin) the crowd was divided among those who were silent and those who talked; ( بوي ايديوyadaihi) in front of him, before him, in his presence; with him. on him, in his possession, e.g., الا ( سووالحابووي ايديووsilāḥa) he hasn’t got a weapon on him, he is unarmed; يمو ابوي ا ول meanwhile, in the meantime; يمو ابي وواوبوي ا ظفسووin my heart, at heart, inwardly; بوي ا راعيوin his arms; مو ابيو همmin bainihim from among them, from their midst; بي ابوي something between, a cross, a mixture, a combination; neither good nor bad, medium, tolerable; شو ابوي ابويsomething between, a cross, a mixture, a combination; ( بي اولتاوآ وwaqt, āḳar), بي ا ( أوو اوأ ووىfatra, uḳrā) at times, from time to time م ابيmā-baina look up alphabetically بي وbainā, بي موbainamā (conj.) while; whereas بويbayyin clear, plain, evident, obvious, patent; (pl. اب يabyinā’2) eloquent بيو نbayān pl. -āt clearness, plainness, patency, obviousness; statement, declaration, announcement; manifestation; explanation, elucidation, illustration; information, news; (official) report. (official) statement; enumeration, index, list; eloquence; ا بيو نthe Koran; see also alphabetically│بيوووووو ناا حقيقووووووة correction (journ.); ( غ وووو اعوووو اا بيوووو نganīy) selfexplanatory, self-evident; ‘ علوماا بيو نilm alb. rhetoric; ‘ ع وفاا بيو نaṯf al-b. explicative apposition (gram.) بيوو ظوbayānī explanatory, illustrative; rhetorical بي ووووةbayyina pl. -āt clear proof, indisputable evidence; evidence (Isl. Law); a document serving &8 evidence│بي ووووووووووووةاظو يووووووووووووة (ẓarfīya) circumstantial evidence; علوووابي ووةas has been proved; ك و ناعلوووابي ووةام وto be fully aware of; to he well-informed, wellposted, up-to-date about تابيوكاtābiyōkā tapioca ابويabyan2 clearer, more distinct, more obvious 1 تبي و نtibyān exposition, demonstration, explanation, illustration 2 تبيويtabyīn and اب ظووةibāna exposition, demonstration, explanation, illustration تبووو يtabayun difference, unlikeness, dissimilarity, disparity تبوووو ي وtabāyunī conflicting different, differing, بو ئbā’in clear, plain, evident, obvious, patent; final, irrevocable (divorce; Isl. Law); of great length│ بو ئ اا والb. aṯ-ṯūl towering, of unusual height (person) ب ئ ةbā’ina bride’s dowry مبياظةmabyūna distance مبيmubīn clear, plain, evident, obvious, patent│ ا كأ باا مبيthe Koran مأبووو يmutabāyin dissimilar, unlike, differential, differing, varying 2 بي ن, بي ظةlook up alphabetically بي ب شوsee بكب شو بي أاsee ب أا ر ووااا مي و هt. raf‘ al-miyāh Archimedean screw; تابوت الساقيةt. as-āqiya scoop wheel, Persian wheel تأتأta’ta’a to stammer (with fright) تsee تا تؤsee وأ توبرIV ( اتأأ البرأbaṣara) to stare ( هor الأat s.o.) ت رsee تار ت زtāza (= )ه زfresh, tender, new تأاtaka fem. of the demonstrative pronoun ذا dāka (dual nom. ت ظولtānika, genit., acc. تينtainika) تاأم, تا مtau’am, f. , pl. تاائمtawā’im2 twin ا أ ميزat-tāmīz the Thames ت ىtay (tun., alg.) tea│ ت ىااحموblack tea تو يارtāyōr and تو ييوtāyēr (Fr. tailleur) pl. -āt ladies’ tailored suit, tailleur توبtabba i (tabb, تبوبtabab, تبو بtabāb) to perish, be destroyed X to stabilize, be stabilized, be or become stable; to be settled, established, well-ordered, regular, normal; to progress well│اسووأأبا و ااالمووو everything went well with him تبو ا وtabban lahū may evil befall him! may he perish! اسوووأأب بistitbāb normalcy, regularity, orderliness, order; stability; favorable course or development ا أبتat-tibt Tibet بيbēh = بل 1 ( بياريEngl.) biyūrē purée 2 ( بياريFr. pyorrhée) biyōrēh pyorrhea (med.) ت 1 abbreviation of تلفانtelephone 2 ta (particle introducing oaths) by, تو هللtallāhi by God! تtā’ name of the letterا تو باtābūt pl. تاابيوتtawābīt2 box, case, chest, coffer; casket, coffin, sarcophagus│تو با ا ا عهودt. al-‘ahd ark of the covenant; تو با ا تبووtabara i (tabr) to destroy, annihilate ( هو s.th.) تبوووtibr raw metal; gold dust, gold nuggets; ore تب رtabār ruin, destruction تبويةtibrīya dandruff تبويوزtabrīz2 Tabriz (city in NW Iran, capital of Azerbaijan province) تبوواtabi‘a a (taba‘, تب ع وةاtabā‘a) to follow, succeed ( هs.o., هوs.th.), come after s.o. or s.th. ( هو, ;)هto trail, track ( هو, هs.o., s.th) go after s.o. or s.th. ( هو, ;)هto walk behind s.o. ( ;)هto pursue ( هوs.th.); to keep, adhere, stick ( ه وto s.th.), observe ( ه وs.th; to follow, take ( هوa road), enter upon يهوa road or course); to comply ( هوwith s.th.); to belong, pertain ( هووووto); to be subordinate, be attached ( هto s.o.), be under s.o.’s ( )هauthority or command, be under s.o. (( تبااا ودروس│)هdurūsa) to attend classes regularly III to follow ( هو, هاs.o. s.th.; also = to keep one's mind or eyes on, e.g., on a development); to agree, concur ( هwith s.o., علووin s.th.), be in agreement or conformity ( هو, علووwith); to pursue, chase, follow up ( هs.o., هووs.th.); to continue ( هوs.th.; سويوهsairahū on one’s way), go on ( هوwith or in) IV to cause to succeed or follow (in time, rank, etc.); to place ( هs.o.) under s.o.’s يهةاauthority or command, subordinate ( هاهاto s.o. s.o., هو هوto s.th. s.th.) V to follow ( هوs.th., esp. fig.: a topic, a development, the news, etc., = to watch, study); to pursue, trail, track ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to trace ( هوs.th.); to be subordinate ( هو, هاto), be attached ( هto s.o.) VI to follow in succession, be successive or consecutive, come or happen successively; to form an uninterrupted sequence VIII to follow, succeed ( هs.o., هوs.th.), come after ( هو, ;)ه to make ( هs.th.) be succeeded or followed ( بby s.th. else); to prosecute ( هs.o.), take legal action ( هagainst); to follow, obey, heed, observe, bear in mind ( هوs.th.); to pursue ( هوs.th.); to examine, investigate, study ( هوs.th.); pass. uttubi‘a to have or find followers, adherents ( علوووfor s.th., e.g., for an idea)│( اتبوااسي سوةsiyāsatan) to pursue a policy; ( اتبوواايمي وyamīnahū) to keep (to the) right X to make ( هs.o.) follow, ask ( هs.o.) to follow; to seduce (ه s.o.); to have as its consequence, engender, entail ( هs.th.); to subordinate to o.s., make subservient to o.s. ( هs.th.) تبوواtaba‘ succession; subordinateness, dependency: following. Followers; subordinate, subservient ( لto s.th.): بو أبا successively, consecutively; تبعو الtaba‘an li according to, in accordance with, pursuant to, in observance of; due to, in consequence of, as the result of; (pl. اتبو atbā‘) follower, companion, adherent, partisan; subject, national, citizen; appertaining, appurtenant, pertinent, incident تبعوtaba‘ī: ‘( عقابةاتبعيةuqūba) incidental punishment (jur.) تبعووووةtabi‘a pl. -āt consequence; responsibility, irresponsibleness│ا قواا أبعوةا ( علوalqā) to make s.o. or s.th. responsible تبياtabī‘ pl. تبtibā‘ following attached, attending, adjunct; -- (pl. تب و ئاtabā’i‘2) follower, adherent, partisan; aide, help, assistant, attendant, servant تبعيوووةtaba‘īya pl. -āt subordination, subjection; subordinateness, dependency; citizenship, nationality; ب أبعيوووووووووة subsequently, afterwards; consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly تب عوtibā‘an in succession, successively, consecutively, one after the other, one by one مأ بعوووةmutāba‘a following, pursuing, pursuit, prosecution; continuation اتبووitbā‘ (gram.) intensification by repeating a word with its initial consonant changed, such as katīr batīr تأبواtatabu‘ following (esp. fig., of an argument, of a development, see V above); pursuit; prosecution; succession, course│ ا أأبوااا أو ري وthe course of history; ‘( تأبعووووو اعد يوووووةadlīya) legal action, prosecution تأ و باtatābu‘ sucession; relay (athlet.); ب أأووو باconsecutively, successively, in succession; serially, in serialized form اتبوittibā‘ following; pursuit (e.g., of a policy); adherence (to), compliance (with), observance (of); اتب عو الittibā‘an li according to, in accordance or conformity with, pursuant to, in observance of O اتب عوittibā‘ī classical O اتب عيةittibā‘īya classicism ت و باtābi‘ pl. تبع وةtaba‘a, تب وtubbā‘ following, succeeding, subsequent; subsidiary, dependent; minor, secondary; subordinate ( لto s.o.), under s.o. (;)ل belonging ( لto); subject to s.o.’s ()ل authority or competence; adherent ( لto) following ( لs.o. or s.th.); -- (pl. اتب و atbā‘) adherent, follower, partisan; subject, citizen, national; subordinate, servant; factotum; (pl. )تاابوواappositive (gram.); appendix, addendum, supplement; O function (math.)│اا وودولا ( ا أ بعةduwal) the satellite countries ت بعووةtābi‘a pl. تاابوواtawābi‘2 female attendant, woman servant; a female demon who accompanies women; appurtenance, dependency; consequence, effect, result; responsibility; pl. تاابوووا dependencies, dependent territories; O satellites (pol.), = ( ا ودولاا أاابواduwal) the satellite countries ت بعيةtābi‘īya nationality, citizenship مأب واmatbū‘ followed, succeeded (ب by); one to whom service or obedience is rendered, a leader, a principal (as distinguished from ت باsubordinate) 90 مأأ باmutatābi‘ successive, consecutive مأبوواmuttaba‘ observed, adhered to, complied with (e.g. regulation, custom); followed, traveled (road, course) تبtibg pl. تباغtubūg tobaooo تبولtabala i to consume, waste, make sick (ه s.o.; said of love) II, III and تابولtaubala to spice, season ( هs.th) ت بووولtābal, tābil pl. تاابووولtawābil2 coriander (bot.); spice, condiment, seasoning 1 ا أأوat-tatar and ا أأ رat-tatar the Tatars تأوىtatarī Tatarian; Tatar تأوووىtatra (from )وتوووone after the other, successively, in succession تألtitik trigger تأtutun tobacco تأ اسtetanūs tetanus (med.) تجووtajara u and VIII to trade, do business; to deal ( وor بin s.th.) III do. ( هwith s.o.) تج و رtijāra commerce; traffic, trade; merchandise تجووو رىtijārī commercial, mercantile, trade, trading, business, (used attributively); commercialized│بيوتاتجو رى (bait) commercial house, business house; ( ا حوكوةاا أج ريوةḥaraka) trade, traffic; شووكةا ( تج ريوةširka) trading company; اتفو اتجو رى (ittifāq) trade agreement مأجووmatjar pl. مأو جوmatājir2 bussiness, transaction, dealing; merchandise; store, shop مأجوىmatjar commercial, trade, trading, business (used attributively) اتج رittijār trade, business ( بin s.th) تبا وةtabbūla (syr., leb.) a kind of salad made of bulgur, parsley, mint, onion, lemon juice, spices, and oil تو جوtājir pl. تجو رtujjār, tijār merchant, trader, businessman, dealer, tradesman│ا ت جواا جملةt. al-jumla wholesale dealer; ت جوا ا أجزئوةt. at-tajzi’a and تو جواا ق و عوt. alqiṯā‘ī retailer مأبوالmatbūl (Iove-)sick, weak, ravaged, consumed ب وووو عةاتوووو جوbiḍā‘a marketable merchandise مأبووووولmutabbal spiced, seasoned, flavored; (syr., leb.) stuffed with a mixture of rice, chopped meat and various spices, e.g., بلظج نامأبلstuffed eggplant ( تبلاهFr. tableau) tablōh pl. -āt a painting تبtibn straw تب وtibnī straw-colored, flaxen تب نtabbān straw vendor رباا أ ب وة Way darb at-tabbāna the Milky مأووبmatban pl. stack اتبياكtabiyōkā tapioca مأ و بmatābin2 straw- tājira salable, تجو هtujāha (prep.) in front of, opposite, face to face with, facing ا تحووتtaḥta (prep.) under; below, beneath, underneath│ ( تحوتtajriba) on probation; in an experimental state; تحوتاا أح وويوin preparation; ( تحووتاا حف وḥifẓ) in custody, under guard; ( تحوتاا سوداsadād), تحوتاا أسوديد due, outstanding, unsettled, unpaid (com.); تحووووتاا سووووالحunder arms; تحووووتاسوووومعهم (sam‘ihim) in their hearing, for them to hear; ( تحووتاا أسووايةtaswiya) outstanding, unpaid, unsettled (com.); تحوووتااشوووواا (išrāfi) under the patronage or superintendence of; تحوووووووتاا شوووووووعار subconscious; ( تحووتاتصوووtaṣarrufihī) at his disposal; ( تحتاا بواṯab‘) in press; تحوتا ‘( ع اانunwāni) under the title of; تحتااعي و (a‘yuninā) before our eyes; تحوتاا أموويin training; ( تحوتاا يودyad) in hand, at hand, available, handy; تحتايودهاin his power; مو ا تحوتmin taḥt from under, from beneath; under تحوووتاtaḥtu (adv.) below, beneath, underneath تحأوووو ظواtaḥtānī lower, undercompounds)│امالبساتحأ ظيةunderwear (in تحفوةtuḥfa pl. تحووفtuḥaf gift, present; gem (fig.), curiosity, rarity, article of virtu, objet d'art; work of art│تحفووةا يووة (fannīya) unique work of art matāḥif2 aš-šam‘ تخtaḳḳa u to become sour, ferment (dough) 1 ات وتpl. tuḳūt bed, couch; bench; seat; sofa; chest, case, box, coffer, cabinet; wardrobe; platform, dais; band, orchestra│ات وووتاا ملووولt. al-mulk throne; royal residence, capital; ت وتاا مملكوةt. almamlaka capital (of a country) ت ووووووتاروان, ت أووووووووان taḳtaruwān, taḳtarawān mule-borne litter 2 ات أةtaḳta board; desk; blackboard ات ومtaḳima a to suffer from indigestion, feel sick from overeating IV to surfeit, satiate ( هs.o.)اto give ( هs.o.) indigestion, make sick ( هs.o.); to overstuff, cloy ( هthe stomach) VIII = I ت موووةtuḳama, tuḳma pl. ت وووم, -āt indigestion, dyspeptic مأ ووووووام matḳūm indigestion, dyspeptic 2 suffering from ات ومtaḳama i to fix the limits of ( )هو, delimit, limit, confine, bound ( هوs.th.) III to border ( هon), be adjacent ( هto s.th.) ت وومtaḳm pl. ت ووامtuḳūm boundary, border, borderline, limit مأ مmutāḳm neighboring, adjacent ( توابيزeg.; tarābēza) pl. -āt table توا امtrāḳōmā trachoma (med.) ( تواسFr. terrasse) terās terrace تووبtariba a to be or become dusty, covered with dust II and IV to cover with dust or earth ( هs.o., هوs.th.) III to be s.o.’s ()ه mate or comrade, be of the same age ( هas s.o.) V to be dusty, be covered with dust تووبtirb pl. اتووابatrāb person of the same age, contemporary, mate, companion, comrade توبtarib dusty, dust-covered توبوةturba pl. تووبturab dust; earth, dirt; ground (also fig.); soil; grave, tomb; graveyard, cemetery, burial ground توبوturabī pl. -īya (eg.) gravedigger تووابturāb pl. اتوبوةatriba, توبو نtirbān dust, earth, dirt; ground, soil توابوturābī dusty; dustlike, powdery; earthlike, earthy; dust-colored, gray O توابةturāba cement ت أخtaḳtaḳa to rot, decay 1 تدموىtadmurī, usually pronounced tudmurī anyone│االاتدموىnobody, not a living soul توام, توامااىtrām, tramwāy tramway تحفIV to present ( ه بor ه هs.o. with s.th) مأحووووفmatḥaf pl. مأوووو حف museum│امأحووووووفاا شووووووما m. waxworks تدموtadmur2, usually pronounced tudmur2 Palmyra (ancient city of Syria, now a small village) تويبةtarība pl. توائبtarā’ib2 chest, thorax مأوبوووووةmatraba poverty, misery, destitution; (pl. مأ ربmatārib2) dirt quarry مأوبmutrib dusty, dust-covered توبسtarbasa (= ) ربسto bolt ( هa door) توبو سtirbās pl. توووابيسtarābis2, توووابس tarābis2 bolt, l&tch (of a door or window) توب أيtarbantīn turpentine ( توبيزeg.) tarabēza table توبيtrbīn pl. -āt turbine تواثsee وتوث توتوtirtir gold and silver spangles (eg.) تووجمtarjama to translate ( هوs.th. عوfrom one language ا ووto another); to interpret ( هو s.th.); to treat ( ه وof s.th.) by way of explanation, expound ( هوs.th.); to write a biography ( لof s.o., also )ه opulent means, surround with luxury (ه s.o.) V = I توووووجمtarjama pl. تووووواجمtarājim2 translation; interpretation; biography (also ;)توجموووووةاا حيوووووintroduction, preface, foreword (of a book)│اا أوجموووةاا سوووبعي ية (sab‘īnīya) the Septuagint توووواtaraf and تو وووةturfa luxury, opulence, affluence; effemination توجموو نturjumān pl. تواجم وةtarājima, تواجيمtarājim2 transla.tor, interpreter ,-:;" mutarjim translator, interpreter; biographer مأوجمmutarjam translated│مأوجماعلواا فلوم (film) synchronized (film) تووحtariḥa a (taraḥ) and V to grieve, be sad II and IV to grieve, distress ( هs.o.) تواtarif opulent, sumptuous, luxurious مأوواmutraf living in ease and luxury; sumptuous, luxurious; luxuriously adorned, ornate, overdecorated ( بwith) تو سtirfās (magr.) truffle (bot.) تو لtarfala to strut تولوواtarquwa pl. clavicle (anat.) 1 تووحtaraḥ pl. اتوواحatrāḥ grief, distress, sadness توزىtarzī pl. توزيةtarzīya (eg.) tailor توزيةtarziya tailoring 1 تواسlook up alphabetically 2 توسII to provide with a shield or armor توووسturs pl. اتوووسatrās, تووووسturūs shield; disk of the sun; -- tirs pl. turūs cogwheel, gear│ اصو دو اا أوووسṣundūq alt. gearbox, transmission; سوملاا أووسsamak at-turs turbot (zool.) مأووسmatras, mitras pl. مأو رسmatāris2 and مأواسmitrās, pl. مأو ريسmatārīs2 bolt, door latch; rampart, bulwark, barricade; esp. pl. مأ ريسbarricades تووواtarāqin collarbone, تووtaraka u (tark) to let be, leave, relinquish, renounce, give up, forswear ( هوs.th.); to desist, refrain, abstain ( هوfrom s.th.); to leave, quit ( هs.o., هوa place); to leave out, omit, drop, neglect, pass over, skip ( ه و s.th.); to leave ( لor هو ا وs.th. to); to leave behind, leave, bequeath, make over ( ه و s.th., لto s.o.; as a legacy)│ 93 توك ايفعولto let s.o. do s.th.; توو امك ظو اا ووto leave one place for (another); ( توكووو ا ووو ا مأوووfī dimmatihī) to leave s.th. in s.o.’s care, leave s.th. to s.o.; توكو اعلوواح وto leave s.th. or s.o. unchanged, leave s.th. or s.o. alone; ( توك اوشوبظwa-ša’nahū) to leave s.o. alone, leave s.o. to his own devices III to leave ( هs.o.); to leave alone ( هs.o.); to leave off hostilities ( هagainst s.o.) توووووووو tark omission, relinquishment, abandonment; leaving behind neglect; leaving, توسووو ظةtarsāna, توسوووح ظةtarsḳāna arsenal; shipyard, dockyard توكوةtarika pl. -āt (also tirka) heritage, legacy, bequest ( توسكلFr. tricycle) tricycle تويكوةtarīka pl. توائولtarā’ik2 old maid, spinster ( توسي ةIt. terrazzino) tarasīna balcony مأ رmutāraka truce تووtari‘a a to be or become full (vessel) IV to fill ( هs.th., esp. a vessel) توع وةtur‘a pl. توووtura‘, -āt canal; artificial waterway│ توعوةاااليوواt. al-īrād feeder, irrigation canal; توعوووةاا أصوووويف drainage canal (Eg.); ا أوعووةاا شووويفةthe Residence of the Sultan of Morocco توغل, توغلةturgul, turgulla turtledove توواtarija a to live in opulence, in luxury IV to effeminate ( هs.o.); to provide with مأووmatrūk pl. -āt heritage, legacy 2 توووII to Turkify, Turkicize ( هs.o.) X to become a Turk, become Turkified, adopt Turkish manners and customs ا أوووat-turk and Turks االتووواal-atrāk the توك ووturkī Turkish; Turk; ا أوكيووةatturkīya theTurkish language توكيturkiya Turkey تأويلtatrīk Turkification توكسأ نturkistān2 Turkstan ا أوكم نat-turkumān the Turkmen توومبيطturumbēt (syr.) pl. -āt (Western) drum; تومبي وةturumbīṯa (eg.) pl. -āt do.; specif., bass drum تومب جووturumbaṯgi (eg.) drummer; bandsman (mil.) تومسturmus, توماسturmūs lupine (bot.) تومامأوtermūmitr thermometer توظturunj see اتو, اتوظ توهtariha a to concern o.s. with trifles توهووةturraha pl. -āt sham, mockery, farce; lie, humbug, hoax ( تووا هFr. Troade) tirwāda Troy ( توووووووبEngl. troop) squad, platoon; squadron│( تووووباسووواارىsawārī) cavalry squadron (Eg.) تومب جو = تومبيأجوsee under تومبيطabove تويtiryāq theriaca; antidote ( تويكاFr.) tricot تسعةtis‘a (f. تساtis‘) nine تسعةاعشوtis‘ata ‘ašara, f. تسوااعشووtis‘a ‘ašrata nineteen تسواtus‘ pl. ninth part اتسوatsā‘ one ninth, the تسعانtis‘ūn ninety ا أ ساat-tāsi‘ the ninth تشووي ااالولtišrīn al-wwal October, تشووي اا ثو ظو t. at-tānī November (Syr., Ir., Leb., Jord.) 2 تشيكاسلا كيtšekoslovākiyā Czechoslovakia تشيلوtšīlī Chile ت اانtiṯwān 2 Tetuēn (city in N Morocco) تاabbreviation of تع و, see علا تعوبta‘iba a (ta‘ab) to work hard, toil, slave, drudge, wear o.s. out; to be or become tired, weary ( موof s.th.) IV to trouble, inconvenience ( هs.o.); to irk, bother, weary, tire, fatigue ( هs.o.) تعوووبta‘ab pl. اتعووو بat‘āb trouble, exertion, labor, toil, drudgery; burden, nuisance, inconvenience, discomfort, difficulty, hardship; tiredness, weariness, fatigue; pl. اتع بfees, honorarium تعوبta‘ib and تعبو نta‘bān tired, weary, exhausted 94 مأ عوبmatā‘ib2 troubles, pains, efforts; discomforts, inconveniences, difficulties, troubles; complaints, ailments, ills (attending disease); hardships, strains مأعوبmut‘ib troublesome, inconvenient, toilsome, laborious; burdensome, irksome, annoying; wearisome, tiresome, tiring; tedious, dull, boring مأعباmut‘ab tired, weary اتعأوااta‘ta‘a to stammer; to shake ( هs.o.); اتعأوا itta‘ta‘a to move, stir تعوزta‘izz2 Taizz (city in S Yemen, seat of government) اتع وساta‘asa a, ta‘isa a to fall, perish; to become wretched, miserable; ta‘asa and IV to make unhappy or miserable, ruin (s.o.) تعوسta‘s and تع سوةta‘āsa wretchedness, misery تعوسta‘is and تعويسta‘īs pl. تعسوtu‘asā’ wretched, miserable, unfortunate, unhappy مأعووواسmat‘ūs pl. مأووو عيسmatā‘is wretched, miserable, unfortunate, unhappy تفtaffa to spit II to say "phew" توفtuff dirt under the fingernails; تفو ا ول tuffan laka phew! fie on you! O تف ةtaffāfa spittoon, cuspidor تفأtafettā, تفأ هtaffeta تف حtuffaḥ (call.; n. un. ) apple(s) تفكةtufka pl. تفلtufak (ir.) gun, rifle تفلtafala u i (tafl) to spit تفلtufl and تف لtufāl spit, spittle, saliva ت لtāfil ill-smelling, malodorous مأفلةmitfala spittoon, cuspidor تفوtafiha a (tafah, تف هوةtafāha, تفواهtufūh) to be little, paltry, insignificant; to be flat, tasteless, vapid, insipid تفوووtafah and تفوووtufūh paltriness, triviality, insignificance تف هووووةtafāha paltrineBB, triviality, insignificanceاflatness, vapidity, insipidity, tastelessness; inanity, stupidity, silliness تف وtafih and ت وtāfih little, paltry, trivial, trifling, insignificant; worthless; commonplace, common, mediocre; flat, tasteless, vapid, insipid; trite, banal ت هوةtāfiha pl. تاا وtawāfih2 worthless thing; triviality, trifle 2 اتكألtaktaka to bubble, simmer (boiling mass) 3 اتكألtaktaka to tick (clock) تكأكووةtaktaka ticking, ticktock (of a clock), ticking noise 4 اتكيووةtakīya pl. تك ي وtakāyā monastery (of a Muslim order); hospice; home, asylum (for the invalided or needy) 1 اتولtall pl. تواللtilāl, اتواللatlāl, تلوالtulūl hill, elevation│اتولاابيوبt. abīb Tel Aviv (city in W Israel) 2 اتلtull tulle تق وىsee لاى تقليةsee للو تقوIV to perfect, bring to perfection ( هوs.th; to master, know well ( هوووs.th., e.g., a language), be proficient, skillful, wellversed ( هin s.th.) تقtiqn skillful, adroit تالتلtalātil2 hardships, troubles, adversities تليودtalīd, ت ودtālid, توالtilād inherited, timehonored, old (possession, property) تلسكابtiliskūb telescope تق ظةtaqāna firmness, solidity; perfection اتقatqan2 more perfect, more thorough اتقووو نitqān perfection; thoroughness, exactitude, precision; thorough skill, proficiency; mastery, command (e.g., of a special field, of a language)│ا واغ يوةااالتقو ن to greatest perfection; of excellent workmanship امأق اmutqan perfect; exact, precise تقوtaqā i to fear (esp. God) VIII see ولو اتقووtaqīy pl. اتقيوatqiyā’ God-fearing, godly, devout, pious 2 اتقوatqā more pious تقوووtuqan and تق واىtaqwā godliness, devoutness, piety 1 اتكأيلtaktīk tactics اتووولtakka u to trample down, trample underfoot, crush ( هوs.th.); to intoxicate (ه s.o.; wine) تلواIV to stretch one's neck; to crane ( هوthe neck) تلع وةtal‘a pl. تووالtilā‘ hill, hillside, mountainside; (torrential) stream تلي واtalī‘ long, outstretched, extended; high, tall تلغووووااtiligrāf, taligrāf pl. -āt telegraph; telegram, wire, cable│ ارسوولاتلغوا و اا وووto send a wire to تلغوا وtiligrāfī, taligrāfī telegraphic تل وفtalafa a (talaf) to be annihilated, be destroyed; to be or become damaged or spoiled, be ruined, break, get broken, go to pieces II to ruin ( هوs.th.); to wear out, “finish” ( هs.o.) IV to destroy, annihilate ( هوs.th.); to ruin, damage, spoil, break ( هو s.th.); to waste ( هs.th.) تلووفtalaf ruin, destruction; ruination, damage, injury, harm.; loss; waste 2 اتولtikka pl. تكولtikak waistband (in the upper seam of the trousers) 95 تلفو نtalfān spoiled; useless, worthless, good-for-nothing 3 اتلtakka to tick (clock) مألووفmatlaf, مألفووةmatlafa pl. مأوو ف matālif2 desert تكوةtikka pl. -āt ticking, ticktock (of a clock), ticking noise 3 اتكيةlook up alphabetically تكاtukūt pl. of Engl. ticket 1 اتكأووولtaktaka to trample down, trample underfoot ( هs.th) موأالاmitlāl wastrel; ruinous, harmful, injurious اتوووووالاitlāf pl. -āt annihilation, destruction; damage, injury, harm تووو فtālif ruined, damaged, broken; spoiled, bad مأل وااmatlūf and مألووفmutlaf ruined, damaged, broken; spoiled, bad مألووووفmutlif annihilator, destroyer; injurer; damaging, ruinous, harmful, injurious, noxious تلفزtalfaza to televise, transmit by television تلفزtalfaza television ا اعوووةاتلف زيوووةiḍāfa talfāẓīya television broadcast, telecast O تلف زtilfāz television set ( تلفزيانFr. télévision) tilivisyōn television تلفtalfana to telephone تلفانtilifūn and تليفانtalīfūn pl. –āt telephone تلقsee قو يتالايتلاةtalā u ( تلاtulūw) to follow, succeed; to ensue; -- ( توالوtilāwa) to read, read out loud ( هوs.th., علووto s.o..); to recite ( هو s.th.) VI to follow one another, be successive تلاtilwa (prep.) after, upon│ارسلاكأ ب اتلواا كأ بto send letter after letter تووالوtilāwa reading; public reading; recital, recitation تووووو لtālin following, succeeding, subsequent, next; ب أو وbi-t-tālī then, later, subsequently; consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly مأأ لmutatālin successive, consecutive تلوtallī (tun.) tulle تليب ثوtilībātī telepathy; telepathic تليسtallīs, tillis pl. تال يسtalālīs2 sack تللtilka fem. of the demonstrative pronoun ل ( تليفزيانFr. télévision) tilīvisyōn television تلمtalam pl. اتالمatlām (plow) furrow تليفانpl. –āt talīfūn telephone تلمولtalmada to take on as, or have for, a pupil or apprentice ( هs.o.); to be or become a pupil or apprentice ( لof s.o., 96 also )علوو, receive one’s schooling or training (علوو from) II tatalmada to be or become a pupil or apprentice ( لor اعلووايودهاof s.o.), work as an apprentice ( لor علووايودهunder s.o.) تلمولtalmada school days, college years; apprenticeship; (time of) probation تلمtilmād learning, erudition تلميوولtilmīd pl. تالميوولtalāmīd2, تالموول talamida pupil, student, apprentice; probationer; trainee; disciple│اتلمي ولابحوووى (baḥrī) approx.: chief warrant W-3 (naval rank; Eg.); ( تلمي ولاسووفوىsafarī) approx.: chief warrant W-4 (naval rank; Eg.) اتلميلtilmīda pl. –āt girl student تلمس نtilimsān2 Tlemcen (city in NW Algeriaة تلماtalmūd Talmud تلوtaliha a (talah) to be astonished, amazed, perplexed, at a loss ت وtālih and مأل وmutallah at a loss, bewildered, perplexed│ ت و اا عقولt. al-‘aql absent-minded, distracted تليفواظوtalifūnī telephonic, telephone- in compounds) توومtamma i to be or beoome complete, completed, finished, done; to be performed, be accomplished ( لby s.o..); to come to an end, be or become terminated; to come about, be brought about, be effected, be achieved, come to pass, come off, happen, take place, be or become a fact; to be on hand, be there, present itself; to persist ( علوووin); to continue ( علووs.th. or to do s.th.) II and IV to complete, finish, wind up, conclude, terminate ( ه وs.th.); to make complete, supplement, round out, fill up ( هوs.th.); to carry out, execute, perform, accomplish, achieve ( هووs.th.) X to be complete, completed, finished تموو مtamām completeness, wholeness, entirety, perfection; full, whole, entire, complete, perfect; separate, independent; تم مووووtamāman completely, entirely, wholly, perfectly, fully, quite; precisely, exactly│(ابدراتم مbadr) and ( لمواتمو مqamar) full moon; وواتمو ماا سو عةاا س سوةat 6 o'clock sharp; ( بأمو مامع وواا كلموةma‘nā l-kalima) in the full sense of the word; ب أمو مentirely, completely تميمةtamīma pl. تم ئمtamā’im2 amulet اتمatamm2 more complete, more perfect تأموووووووووووة tatimma completion; supplementation; supplement تأمووويمtatmīm completion; perfection; consummation, execution, fulfillment, realization, effectuation, accomplishment اتمووو مitmām completion; perfection; termination, conclusion; consummation, execution, fulfillment, realization, effectuation, accomplishment 97 اسأأم مistitmām termination, conclusion ( ت بولTurk. tembel) tambal pl. ت بلوةtanābila lazy ( ت جسأيFr. tungstène) tongəstēn tungsten ( ت دIt. tenda) tanda awning, roofing, sun roof ت وارtannūr pl. ت و ظيوtanānīr2 a kind of baking oven, a pit, usually clay-lined, for baking bread ت ارtannūra (syr., leb.) (lady's) skirt ت سtennis 1 ت كجوtanakjī tinsmith, whitesmith تووو مtāmm complete, perfect, entire, consummate; of full value, sterling, genuine تمب وtumbāk Persian tobacco (esp. for the narghile) تموأماtamtama to stammer, mumble, mutter; to recite under one's breath ( بs.th) تموووtamr (coll.; n. un. , pl. tamarat, تم وار tumūr) dates, esp. dried ones│اتمووواه وودى (hindī) tamarind (bot.) ات لtanak tin plate ت كوةtanaka pl. -āt tin container, can, pot, jerry can 2 ات ظلtānika see تalphabetically ت يسtennis ت يtannīn tannin, tannic acid تهأtahtaha to stammer, stutter 1 اتهموةtuhma pl. تهومtuham accusation, charge; suspicion; insinuation ( تموجووeg. tamargī), تموارجو, تواموجوpl. -ya male nurse, hospital attendant; تموجيوةpl. āt female nurse 2 ته موةtihāma2 Tihama, coastal plain along the southwestern and southern shores of the Arabian Peninsula تمازlook up alphabetically توااtawwan right away, at once, immediately; just (now), this very minute│ا لأاli-t-tawwi at once, right away, also with pers. suffix.: أواىli-tawwī, أاهوli-tawwihā (I have, she has) just ... ; at once, presently, immediately تمس حtimsāḥ pl. تم سياtamāsīḥ crocodile 2 تمغةtamga stamp; stamp mark│ ور اتمغةwaraq t. stamped paper تمtumman rice تمازtammūz2 July (Syr., Ir., Leb., Jord.) 1 2 ( تاا يتFr. toilette) tuwālēt toilette اتtunn tuna (zool.) تاأمsee تبم اتي وtinnīn pl. ت و ظيtanānīn2 sea monster; Draco (astro.); waterspout (meteor.), see also alphabetically تو ب يتوابةtāba u ( توابtaub, تابوةtauba, مأو ب matāb) to repent, be penitent, do penance, with عو: to turn from (sin), be converted from, renounce, forswear s.th.; (said of God) to restore to His grace, forgive (علوو s.o.)│ تووو باا وووواto turn to God in repentance II to induce to repentance or penitence, make repent ( هs.o.) X to call on s.o. ( )هto repent ت ظئtāni’ pl. تtunnā’ resident ت ب وtunbāk (pronounced tumbāk) and ت بوول tumbak Persian tobacco (esp. for the narghile) ت بو لtinbāl pl. ت بيوولtanābīl2 short, of small Stature ( ت بووFr. timbre) tambar pl. ت و بوtanābir2 stamp (magr.) امأ بواmutambar stamped (magr.) تابووووةtauba repentance, contrition; penance 98 penitence, تواابtawwāb doing penance; repentant, penitent, contrite; forgiving, merciful (God) ت ئبtā’ib repentant, penitent, contrite تابلsee تبل تاباغوا يtobogrāfiyā topography 1 2 تانtūn and تاظةtūna (zool.) ( تاظTurk. tunç) tunj bronze اتاظسtūnus2 Tunis تاظسوtūnisīy pl. تااظسوةtawānisa Tunisian (adj. and n.) اتواtūt mulberry tree; mulberry│توا اارضوو (ardī) and ( توا اا وظجوواifranjī) strawberry; ( تا اشاكوšaukī) and توا اا عليوقt. al-‘ullaiq raspberry تاظيوةtūniya pl. توااظوalb of priests and deacons (Chr.) اتاtūt the first month of the Coptic calendar ( ت ه )تاهtāha u and II = ( ت ه )تيtāha i and II تاتيtūtiyā, تاتيtūtiyā’, تاتيةzinc تواII to crown ( هs.o.; also fig. هو بs.th. with) V to be crowned توpl. تيجو نtījān crown; miter (of a bishop)│ تو اا عمواt. al-‘amūd capital of a column or pilaster); ت و اا كوووt. al-kura calotte تايtuwaij little crown, coronet تأايtatwīj crowning, coronation تاجواtōgo and تاجا ودtōgōland (Eg. spelling) Togo (region in W Africa) ( ت ح )تاحsee تيا تو رtāratan once; sometimes, at times│تو ر ا–ا ت ر, ( ت ر ا–اهواراṯauran), ( تو ر ا–اا ووىuḳrā) sometimes – sometimes, at times – at other times تاراtaurāh Torah, Pentateuch; Old Testament تارﭙيود, تاربيودturpīd, turbīd torpedo (sub-marine missile) تاربيturbīn pl. -āt turbine تارتةtorta pl. -āt pie, tart ( تو )تواtāqa u (tauq, تالو نtawaqān) to long., yearn, wish ( ا ووfor), hanker ( ا ووafter), desire, crave, covet ( ا ووs.th.), strive (ا وو for), aspire ( ا وto) تووواtauq, تالووو نtawaqān longing, yearning, craving, desire تووااtawwāq longing, yearning, eager ( ا وfor), craving ( ا وs.th) تو ئقtā’iq longing, yearning, eager (ا وو for), craving ( ا وs.th) تاهةtūha daughter ( تي تووIt. teatro) tiyātrō theater □ تيألtaital pl. تي تلsee ثيأل تيأ اسtītānūs tetanus (med.) ( تو ح )توياtāḥa i to be destined, be foreordained (by fate, by God; لto s.o.); to be granted, be given ( لto s.o.) IV to destine, foreordain ( ل هوto s.o. s.th.); to grant, afford, offer ( ل هوs.o. s.th.); pass. utīḥa to be destined, be foreordained, be granted, be given ( لto s.o.)│( اتوياا و اا أا يوقutīḥa)ا he met with success, he was successful; ( اتووياا و اا فوصووةfurṣa) he was given the opportunity, he had the chance . تيو رtayyār pl. -āt flow, stream, course, current, flood; fall (of a stream); movement, tendency, trend; draft (of air); (el.) current│O ( تيو رامب شووmubāšir) and تيو را مسوأموmustamirr) direct current; O تيو را ( مأ ووو وبmutanāwib) and O تيووو رامأغيوووو (mutagayyir) alternating current; O تيو را مألبوولباmutadabdib) oscillating current (el.); O ( يو راظو بnābiḍ) pulaoting current; 99 O ( ي و راسووويااا أوووsarī‘ at-taraddud) high-frequency current; O اا أووو تي و رب (baṯī’ at-taraddud) low-frequency current; O ‘( تي راعو واا جهودālī l-jahd) heigh-tension current; O ( تيو راواهوئاا جهودwāṯI’ al-jahd) low-tension current; O ( تي را اتووdātī) selfinduced current O مأ رmatār (Byr.) dynamo, generator ( تيزTurk. teyze) tēza maternal aunt ( تاكووةاام ميووةtōka amāmīya; eg.) belt buckle (mil.) تيسtais pl. اتي سatyās, تياسtuyūs billy goat تالtūl tulle ا حمووواا أيفا يووةal-hummā t-tīfūdīya fever تاموجوsee تموجو اتيسatyās2 foolish, crazy typhoid تيفاسtīfūs typhus تيولtīka fem. of the demonstrative pronoun ا dāka 1 تيولII (from Turk. tel) to cable, wire, telegraph (syr.) 2 تيلtīl hemp; linen 3 تيلةtīla fiber, staple 1 ( تو م )تويمtāma I (taim) to become enslaved, enthralled by love; to enslave, make blindly subservient ( هs.o.; through love) II to enslave, enthrall (love; هs.o.); to make blindly subservient, drive out of his mind, infatuate ( هs.o.; love) مأويمmutayyam enslaved, enthralled (by love), infatuated 2 اتيمtaimā’ Taima (oasis in NW Arabia) تيم رجوsee اتموجو تويtīn (coll.; n. un. ) fig │ ( توي اشواكšaukī) fruit of the Indian fig (Opuntia ficusindica Haw.) تي لtainika see تalphabetically ( تو ه )تيوtāha i to get lost, wander about, 1ose one's way, go astray; to stray, wander (thoughts); to escape ( موs.o.), slip ( مو s.o.’s memory); to perish, be destroyed, be lost; to be perplexed, startled, astonished; to be haughty; to swagger, boast, brag (علو to s.o.)│ تأيو اعلووواوجهو اابأسو مةasmile flits over his face II to mislead, lead astray (ه s.o.); to distract, divert ( هs.o.); to confuse, confound, bewilder ( هs.o.) IV = II تيtīh desert, trackless wilderness; maze, labyrinth; haughtiness, pride تي و هtayyāh straying, stray, wandering; haughty تيهو نtaihān2 straying, stray, wandering; perplexed, at a loss, bewildered; proud, hughty تيه وtaihā’2 and matāha a trackless, desolate region; مأ هةmaze, labyrinth ت ئووtā’ih straying, stray, wandering, roving, errant; lost in thought, distracted, absent-minded; lost, forlorn; infinite; haughty ( تيا يبEngl.) tulip ث ثabbreviation of ث ظيةsecond (time unit) ثtā’ name of the letter ث ثئبta’iba a ( ثببta’b) and VI to yawn ثؤب وtu’abā’ yawning, yawn; fatigue, weariness ثوبرta’ara a (ta’r) to avenge the blood of ( هor )ب, take blood revenge ( هfor 100 s.o. killed), take vengeance, avenge o.s. (ه ب on s.o. for, also موor لfor) IV and VIII اثووبرitta’ara to get one’s revenge, be avenged ثبرta’r pl. -āt أث رat’ār, آث رātār revenge, vengeance, blood revenge; retaliation, reprisal│ أ ووولاثوووبرهor أ ووولاب ثوووبرto take revenge, avenge o.s.; مبو را اا ثووبرmubārāt at-t. return match (sports) ث ئوtā’ir avenger ثؤ والtu’lūl and ثؤ ا وةtu’lūla pl. ث يولta’ālīl2 wart ثبىta’ā scars ثبوتtabata u ( ثبوtabāt, ثبواtubūt) to stand firm, be fixed, stationary, immovable, unshakable, firm, strong, stable; to hold out, hold one's ground ( لagainst s.o. or s.th.), be firm, remain firm ( لtoward s.o. or s.th.), withstand, resist, defy ( لs.o. or s.th.); to be established, be proven (fact); to remain, stay ( بat a place); to maintain ( علوووs.th.), keep, stick, adhere ( علوووto s.th.), abide or stand by s.th. ( ;علووe.g., by an agreement); to insist ( علووon)│اثبوتا ووا ( وجهوfī wajhihī) to hold one’s own against s.o., assert o.s. against s.o. II to fasten, make fast, fix ( هوs.th.); to consolidate, strengthen ( هوs.th.); to stabilize ( هوs.th.); to confirm, corroborate, substantiate ( ه و s.th.); to appoint permanently (. s.o.; to an office); to prove, establish ( هوووs.th.), demonstrate, show ( ب و نthat); to prove guilty, convict ( علووووa defendant); to confirm (Chr.)│ (اثبوتابصووهابوbaṣarahu) to fix one’s eyes on, gaze at; ثبووتالدميوو (qadamaihi) to gain a foothold IV to establish, determine ( هوs.th.); to assert as valid or authentic, affirm ( ه وs.th.); to confirm, corroborate, substantiate ( هووو s.th.); to prove ( هو علووs.th. to s.o.; لto s.o., انthat); to demonstrate, show ( ه و s.th.); to furnish competent evidence ( هو for); to bear witness, attest ( ه وto); to acknowledge ( هوs.th., e.g., a qualification, a quality, لin s.o.), concede ( هو لs.th. to s.o.); to prove guilty, convict ( علوووa defendant); to enter, record, register, list ( ه وs.th. in a book, in a rooter, etc.)│ااثبأ ا ( ووواا ووارwaraq) to put s.th. down in writing, get s.th. on paper; اثبووتاا ش و ص (šaḳṣa) to determine s.o.’s identity, identify s.o.; ( اثبوتاش صويأšaḳṣīyatahū) to identify o.s., prove one’s identity V to ascertain, verify ( وs.th., هولif), make sure ( وof s.th., هلif); to consider carefully (وو s.th.), proceed with caution ( ووin) X to show o.s. stead-fast, persevering; to seek to verify ( هوs.th.), try to make sure ( هوof), seek confirmation of or reassurance with regard to ( ;)هوto ascertain, verify ( هوs.th.), make sure ( ه وof s.th.); to find right, proven or true, see confirmed ( هوs.th.); to regard as authentic ( هs.th.) ثبووووتtabt firm, fixed, steadfast, unflinching; brave established; ثبتtabat reliable, trustworthy, credible ثبتtabat pl. اثبatbāt list, index, roster ثبوووووtabāt firmness; steadiness, constancy, permanence, stability; certainty, sureness; perseverance, persistence, endurance; continuance, maintenance, retention ( علووووof s.th.), adherence ( علوto) verification│ اشوو هدااثبووwitness for the prosecution; ‘ عب ااالثبوib’ al-i. burden of proof (jur.) اثب و توitbātī affirmative, confirmatory, corroborative, positive تثبتtatabbut ascertainment; verification, examination, check; careful, cautious procedure, circumspection; interment (of the remains of a saint; Chr.) ث بوووتtābit firm, fixed, established; stationary, immovable; steady, invariable, constant, stable; permanent, lasting, durable, enduring; confirmed, proven; a constant│ اث بتاا جوبشt. al-ja’š undismayed, fearless, staunch, steadfast; ث بوتاا عوزمt. al‘azm firmly resolved, determined; امووال ا ث بأةand أماالاث بأوةimmovable property, real estate, realty; O ث بووتااالتج و هt. al-ittijāh unidirectional, rectified (el.) ث بأةtābita pl. ثاابتtawābit2 fixed star مثبوواmatbūt established, confirmed; certain, sure, positive, assured; proven ثبوووtabara u to destroy, ruin ( هs.o.); (ثبووار tubūr) to perish III to apply o.s. with zeal and perseverance ( علووto s.th.), persevere, persist ( علوin) ثبوارtubūr ruin, destruction│ظو ىاب ايولا عو ( وا ثبارor) nādā (da‘ā) bi-l-wail wa-t-t. to wail, burst into loud laments مثووووووووو بو mutābara persistence, perseverance, endurance; diligence, assiduity ثبووواtubūt constancy, immutability, steadiness; permanence, durability; certainty, sureness│اثبووا اا شووهوt. aš-šahr the official determination of the beginning of a lunar month ثوبطtabaṯa u and II to hold back, keep, prevent ( ه عوs.o. from doing s.th.); to hinder, handicap, impede, slow down, set back ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to bring about the failure ( هof s.th.), frustrate ( هs.th.) اثبوتatbat more reliable, firmer, steadier, etc. ثب وةtubna pl. ثوبtuban lap, fold of a garment (used as a receptacle) تثبيوتtatbīt consolidation, strengthening; stabilization; confirmation; corroboration, substantiation│ اسوووواا أثبيوووتsirr at-t. the Sacrament of Confirmation (Chr.) اثبوووitbāt establishment; assertion; confirmation; affirmation, attestation; demonstration; proof, evidence; 101 registration, entering, listing, recording; documentation, authentication, ثب نtibān = ثب ةtubna ثيألlook up alphabetically ثtajja u to flow coplously ثجtajjāj coplously flowing, streaming ثtaḳuna u to be or become thick, thicken; to be firm, solid, compact IV to wear out, exhaust, weaken ( هs.o.)│ اث وووو اضوووووب (ḍarban) to wallop s.o., give s.o. a sound thrashing; ‘( اث ا واا عدوaduw) to massacre the enemy; اث و ابو جواحto weaken s.o. by inflicting wounds اثوي اturayyā Pleiades; (also )ثويةpl. ثوي ا turayyāt chandelier ث وtiḳan, ث ظووةtaḳāna, ث اظووةtuḳūna thickness, density; consistency; compactness ثعب نtu‘bān pl. ثع بيta‘ābīn snake│ اثعب ناا موt. al-mā’ eel ث يtaḳīn pl. ثtuḳanā’2 thick; dense ثودىtady and tadyan m. and f., pl. اثوداatdā’ female breast; udder ثوtarr abounding in water│ ( ثو امو اا ودماdam‘) tear-wet, tear-blurred (eye) ثووبtaraba i (tarb) and II to blame, censure (ه and علوs.o.) تثويبtatrīb blame, censure, reproof ثوثوtartara ( ثوثوtartara) to chatter, prattle ثوثو رtartār prattler, chatterbox; ثوثو ر tartāra do. (fem.) ثوثوtartara chatter, prattle ثوtarada u to crumble and sop ( هbread) ثويودjarid a dish of sopped bread, meatا and broth مثوmitrad bowl ثوومtarama i (tarm) to knock s.o.’o ( )هtooth out; -- tarima a (taram) to have a gap between two teeth ( ثوووand ثووى )ثووىtariya a to become wealthy IV to become or be rich, wealthy ( بor مو through s.th.); to make rich, enrich ( هs.o.) 102 مثوmutr wealthy, rich ثعبووووو ظوtu‘bānī serpentine; eely snaky, snakelike, مثعبmat‘ab pl. مث عبmatā‘ib2 drain ثع ةtu‘āla fox ثعلووبta‘lab pl. ثع ووبta‘ālib2 fox│ا ا اا ثعلووب alopecia (med.), loss of hair ثعلبوta‘labī foxy, foxlike ثعلبةta‘laba vixen; O tetter (med) ثغووtagir pl. ثغووارtugūr front tooth; mouth; port, harbor, inlet, bay; seaport ثغووtagra pl. ثغووtugar breach, crevasse, crack, rift, crevice; opening, gap; cavity, hollow; narrow mountain trail ثغمtagam white, whiteness ث غمtāgim white (adj.) ثغ ايثغاةtagā u ( ثغtugā’) to bleat (sheep) ثغtugā’ bleating, bleat ث و غtāgin bleating│ام و ا و اث غيووةاوالاراغيووة (tagiya) he has absolutely nothing, he is deprived of all resources, prop.: he has neither a bleating (sheep) nor a braying (camel) ثفوtafar pl. اثف رatfār crupper (of the saddle) ثووىtaran moist earth; ground, soil│ايو ا ا ثووووىامووو اا ثويوووaina t-t. min t-turayyā (proverbially of things of disproportionate value) what has the ground to do with the Pleiades? ( هيووبا اثووواهṯayyaba) approx.: may God rest him in peace! ثفلtufl dregs, lees, sediment; residues ثوووىtarīy pl. اثوي وatriyā’2 wealthy, rich│ ثووىاا حوووبt. al-ilarb war profiteer, nouveau riche اثفيةlook up alphabetically اثوtarīyāt plantations ثوووtarwa and ثوووtarā’ fortune, wealth, riches│ اهوولاا ثووووahl at-t. the rich, the wealthy; ( ثووووو الاميوووةqaumīya) national wealth; ( ثوووو ام ئيووةmā’īya) abundance of water, abundant supply of water (of a region) ثفوIII to associate ( هwith s.o.), frequent s.o.’s ( )هcompany; to pursue, practice ( هs.th.) ثف ووةtaftna pl. -āt, callosity ثفووtifan callus, ثقةsee وثق ثقوبtaqaba u (taqb) to bore, or drill, a hole ( هو in s.th.), pierce, puncture, perforate ( ه و s.th.) II do. II and IV to light, kindle ( هو s.th.) V and VII to be pierced, be punctured, be perforated ثقووبtaqb piercing, boring, puncture, perforation; (also tuqb pl. ثقوابtuqūb, اثقو ب atqāb) hole, puncture, borehole, drill hole ا ثقبةtuqba pl. ثقبtuqab hole ثقو بand ‘ عوا اا ثقو بūd al-tiqāb matchstick; matches ا ثقوابtuqūb keenness, acuteness (of the mind) مثقوباmitqab pl. مث لووبmatāqib2 borer, drill, gimlet, auger, brace and bit, wimble, perforator; drilling machine اثق بitqāb kindling, lighting ث ل وبdqib penetrating, plercing, sharp (mind, eyes)│ اث لووووباا روووووt. an-naẓar perspicacity; sharp-eyed; ث لباا فكووt. al-fikr sagacity, acumen, mental acuteness; shrewd, sagacious, sharp-witted ث لبtāqibāt borers (zool.) 103 ثقوفtaqifa a (taqf) to find, meet ( هs.o.); -taqifa a and taqufa u to be skillful, smart, clever II to make straight, straighten ( هو s.th.); to correct, set right, straighten out ( هوs.th.); to train, form, teach, educate ( هو s.o.); to arrest ( هوs.o.); to seize, confiscate ( هs.th.) III to fence ( هwith s.o.) V to be trained, be educated ثق وووووةtaqāfa culture, refinement; education; (pl. -āt) culture, civilization strength, ask too much ( علووof s.o.); to trouble, inconvenience, bother ( علووs.o. ب with s.th.), pester, molest ( علووs.o.)│اثقولا ك هلوand ( اثقولاك هلوkāhilahū) to burden s.o. or s.th; اثقلاك هلاا ميزانto burden the budget IV to burden ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to oppress, distress ( هs.o.). weigh heavily ( هon); to be hard to bear ( هfor s.o.)│ ااثقووولاك هلووو (kāhilahū)اsee II; VI to become or be heavy; to be troublesome, burdensome ( علووto s.o.), trouble. oppress ( علووs.o.); to be sluggish. doltish. slow; to be in a bad mood, be sullen, grumpy; to find burdensome and turn away ( عووfrom s.th.); not to bother ( عوabout); to be too dull, too sluggish ( عوfor s.th., to do s.th.) X to find heavy, hard. burdensome, troublesome ( هوs.th.), find annoying ( هو, ه s.o.. s.th.)│ ( اسوأثقلاظلوẓillahū) to find s.o. unbearable, dislike s.o. ثقولtiql pl. اثقو لatqāl weight; burden load; gravity; heaviness│ ار اااالثقو لraf‘ ala. weight lifting (athlet.); ا ثقووولاا ووواعوا (nau‘ī) specific gravity ثقوووولtiqal dullness heaviness; sluggishness, ثقلtaqal pl. اثق لatqāl load, baggage ا ثقالنat-taqalān the humans and the jinn ثقووو وtaqāfī educational; intellectual; cultural│( املحووووقاثقوووو وmulḥaq) cultural attaché ثقوووولtaqla discomfort ثقيووفtatqīf cultivation of the mind; training, education; instruction ثقووولtaqala heaviness; sluggishness, doltishness; dullness مث لفوةmutāqafa fencing, art or sport of fencing, swordplay, swordsmanship ثقيوولtaqīl pl. ثقووالtuqalā’2, ثق و لtiqāl heavy; weighty, momentous, grave, serious, important; burdensome, troublesome, cumbersome, oppressive; unpleasant, disagreeable, distasteful (person)│ اثقيولاا ودمt. ad-dam insufferable, unpleasant, disagreeable (person); ثقيووولا ا ووووحt. ar-rūḥ doltish, dull (person); a bore; ثقيووولاا رووولt. aẓ-ẓill disagreeable, insufferable (person); ثقيولاا فهومt. al-fahm slow of understanding, slow-witted; ثقيولا ا سوماt. as-sam‘ hard of hearing; صو عةاثقيلوة (ṣinā‘a) heavy industry; موو اثقي ولheavy water (phys.) تثقوووفtataqquf culturedness, culture, refinement, education مثقووووفmutaqqaf cultured educated; trained; ثقلtaqula u (tiql, ثق وةtaqāla) to be heavy; with بto load or burden s.th., make s.th. heavy; to be hard to bear ( علووfor s.o.), weigh heavily ( علووon), be burdensome, cumbersome, oppressive ( علووto s.o.); to be heavy-handed. sluggish, doltish, dullwitted; to be too dull, too sluggish ( عوfor s.th. to do s.th.), not to bother (or about) II to make heavy, weight ( هووs.th.); to burden, encumber ( علووs.o., هوwith s.th.), overburden ( علووs.o.), overtax s.o.’s ()علوو trouble, inconvenience, اثقلatqal2 heavier; more oppressive مثقو لmitqāl pl. مث ليوولmatāqīl2 weight (also s.th. placed as an equipoise on the scales of a balance); miskal, a weight (in Egypt = 24 = لواه4.68 g)│ امثق لا رm. 104 darra the weight of a dust speck, i.e., a tiny amount; a little bit; مثقو لاموa little of, a little bit of تثقيوووولtatqīl molestation weighting, burdening; ثالثووtalātī tertiary; Tertiary (geol.)│مو ا لبلاا ثالثوpre-Tertiary ثالثووةاعشوووtalātata ‘ašara, f. ثووالثاعشووو talāta ‘ašrata thirteen ا ث ثat-tālit the third; ث ثوtālitan thirdly; ث ثة1/60 of a second ثالثانtalātūn thirty تث للtatāqul sluggishness, dullness مثقوولmutaqqal and mutqal burdened, encumbered; overloaded; weighted (ب with s.th.); oppressed ( بby); heavy مأث لوولmutatāqil sluggish, dull; sullen, grumpy ثكولtakila a (takal) to lose a child ()ه, also: to be bereaved of a loved one ( )هby death IV اثكولاادماو ودهatkala l-umma waladuhā to bereave a mother of her son ثكولtakal state of one who has lost a friend or relative; mourning over the loss of a loved one ثكالنtaklān (2) bereaved of a child ثكلوtaklā bereaved of a child (mother) ا ثلثوat-talatā’ and Tuesday يواماا ثلثوyaum at-t. ثوالثtulāt2 and مثلوثmutallat three at a time ثالثووtulātī tripartite, consisting of three, (gram.) triliteral, consisting of three radicals; tri-; trio (mus. )│ ثالثوواا زوايوt. zzawāyā triangular; ثالثوووواا ارلووو t. lwaraqāt trifoliate ثو اثtālūt Trinity (CM.); trinity, triad; triplet│ زهووو اا ثوو اثzahrat at-t. pansy (bot.) تثليوثtatlīt doctrine of the Trinity; Trinity (Chr.) تثليثوtatlītī trigonometric(al) ث كلوةtākila pl. ثااكولtawākil bereaved of a child (mother) 2 ثلوةtulla pl. ثلولtulal troop, band, party, group (of people); military detachment مثلووثmutallat tripled, triple, threefold; having three diacritical dots (letter); triangular; (pl. -āt) triangle (geom.)│اا وايوةا ( ا مثلثوةااد واانrāya), ‘( ا علوماا مثلوثalam) and ا مثلوثthe tricolor; ( ا مثلوثاا حوḥadd) acuteangled triangle; مثلوثاا زوايوm. az-zawāyā triangular; ( ا مثلوثاا مأسو وىاا سو ليmutasāwā s-sāqain) isosceles triangle; ا مثلوثاا مأسو وىا ادضووالequilateral triangle; ا مثلووثاا ق و ئم right-angled triangle ثلوبtalaba i (talb) to criticize, run down (ه s.o.); to slander, defame ( هs.o.) ا مثلث وal-mutallatāt and ḥisāb al-m. trigonometry ثك ةtuknā pl. ثكtukan, -āt barracks (mil.) ثولtalla u ( ثلولtalal) to tear down, destroy, overthrow, subvert ( ه وs.th., esp. عوش و ‘aršan to topple a throne) VII to be subverted, overthrown (throne) ثلبtalb slander, defamation حس و باا مثلث و ثلوثII to triple, make threefold ( هوs.th.); to do three times ( هs.th.) ثلوtalaja u: ( ثلجوتاا سومsamā’u) it snowed, was snowing; -- talija a to be delighted, 105 be gladdened (soul, heart; بby) II to cool with ice ( هوs.th.); to freeze, turn into ice ( هوs.th.) IV اثلجوتاا سومit snowed, was snowing; to cool, moisten ( هوs.th.)│اثلو ا ( صودرهṣadrahū) to delight, please, gratify s.o. V to become icy, turn into ice, congeal; to freeze ثلوثtult pl. اثوالثatlāt one third; tulut a sprawling, decorative calligraphic style ثلوtalj pl. ثلواtulūj snow; ice; artificial ice│ ظد ةاا ثلnadfat at-t. snowflake ثالثةtalāta (f. ثالثtalāt) three; ثلثtalātan three times, thrice ثلجووtaljī snowy, snow- (in compounds); icy, glacial, ice- (in compounds) مثلبووووةmatlaba pl. shortcoming, defect, disgrace ث ووووبtālib slanderer مث ووووبmatālib blemish, stain, slanderous, 2 defamatory; ثليtalīj icy ثالtallāj pl. -ūn ice vendor ثالجووةtallāja pl. -āt iceberg, ice floe; refrigerator, icebox ثمووtamara u to bear fruit IV do. X to profit, benefit ( هوfrom); to exploit, utilize ( هو s.th.); to invest profitably ( هmoney) ثموووtamar pl. ثم و رtimār, اثم و رatmār fruits, fruit (coll.); result, effect, fruit, fruitage; yield, profit, benefit, gain مثلجوةmatlaja pl. مثوmatālij2 icebox, refrigerator; cold-storage plant ثموووtamara (n. un. of tamar) pl. -āt fruit; result, effect; yield, profit, benefit, gain مثلوواmatlūj snow-covered; iced, icy; مثلاجfrozen food; iced beverages مثلmutallaj iced; icy, ice-cold ثلومtalama i (talm) to blunt, make jagged ( هو s.th.), break the edge of ( ;)هوto make a breach, gap or opening ( هوin a wall); to defile, sully ( هووreputation, honor); -talima a to be or become jagged, dull, blunt II to blunt ( هوs.th.) V to become blunt VII to be defiled, be discredited (reputation) اسووأثم رistitmār exploitation (also pol.econ.), utilization, profitable use مثموووووmutmir fruitful, profitable, lucrative مسوأثموmustatmir pl. -ūn exploiter (pol.econ.); beneficiary ثمولtamila a (tamal) to become drunk IV to make drunk, intoxicate ( هs.o.) ثلوومtalm nick, notch; breach, opening, gap; crock, fissure, rift│ ثلوماا صويتt. aṣ-ṣīt defamation ثملtamal intoxication, drunkenness ثملةtamala drunken fit, drunkenness ثملtamil intoxicated, drunk(en) ثلموةtulma pl. ثلومtulam = talm│ سوداثلموة sadda talmatan to fill a gap; ثلمووةاالاتسوود (tusaddu) a gap that cannot be closed, an irreparable loss ث مtalim dull, blunt ثم وةtumāla residue, remnant, dregs (of a liquid), heeltap (of wine); .cum, foam, froth 106 1 مثلوامmatlūm defiled, sullied (reputation, honor) موثلمmutatallim blunted, blunt; cracking (voice) ثميtamīn costly, precious, valuable ثومtamma there ثومmin tamma hence, therefore, for that reason اثمووatman2 costlier, more precious, more valuable ثومtumma then, thereupon; furthermore, moreover; and again, and once more (emphatically in repetition)│كوووالاثوووماكوووال (kallā) no and a hundred times no! مو اثوم min tamma then, thereupon تثموووويtatmīn estimated, assessment, valuation, rating appraisal, مثمانmatmūn object of value مووووووووووثم mutammin appraiser│ بيوامثمassessor ثمةtammata ( )ثمتthere; there is│ويساثموة there isn't اثمدlook up alphabetically اثموII to appraise, asses, estimate ( هوs.th.), determine the price or value ( هof s.th.); to price ( هوووs.th.)│ االاثمووولlā yutammanu invaluable, inestimable, priceless ثموpl. اثموatmān, اثم ووةatmina price, cost; value│( ا وثم اادصولوaṣlī) cost price; ( ا ثم اادس سوasāsī) par, nominal value م وثلماا صويتmuntalim aṣ-ṣīt of ill repute, of dubious reputation ثم مtumām a grass│( علواهووااا ثمو مṯarafi t-t.) within easy reach, handy; جعلو اعلوووا هووووووااا ثمووووو مhe made it readily understandable, he presented it plsusibly for all productive, موووووثمmutamman valuable, precious estimator, prized, valued, مثمmutmin costly, precious, valuable مثمmutman object of value 2 ثم ظيةtamāniya (f. ثم نtamānin) eight ثم ظيةاعشوtamāniyata ‘ašara, f. ثم ظ اعشو tamāniya ‘ašrata eighteen ثمpl. اثم نatmān one-eighth ثم وةtumna pl. -āt a dry measure (Eg. = 1/3 = لدح.258 l; Pal. = ca. 2.25 l) ثم ظانtamānūn eighty ا ث مat-tāmin the eighth مثمmutamman eightfold; octagonal ث ةtunna pl. ثtunan fetlock ث ودوtunduwa pl. male) ث وtanādin breast (of the ث ووtanā i (tany) to double, double up, fold, fold up, fold under ( هوs.th.); to bond, flex ( هوs.th.); to turn away, dissuade, keep, prevent, divert ( ه عوs.o. from)│اث وواع و نا ‘( وسوināna farasihī) he galloped off II to double, make double ( هs.th.); to do twice, repeat ( هوs.th.); to pleat, plait ( هوs.th.); to form the dual ( هوof a word); to provide with two diacritical dots ( هوa letter) IV to commend, praise, laud, extol ( علوووs.th., s.o.), speak appreciatively ( علووof)│ااث ووا ‘( علي اعو هواا ث وāṯira tanā’) to speak in the most laudatory terms of s.o. V to double, become double; to be doubled; to be repeated; to bond, fold; to be bent, be folded. be folded up or under; to walk with a swinging gait VII to bend, bend up, down or over, lean, incline, bow; to fold, be foldable, be folded back; to turn away ( عوfrom), give up, renounce ( عوs.th.); to turn, face (لI toward); to apply o.s., turn ( ا ووto s.th.); (with foll. imperf.) to set out, prepare (to do s.th.) X to except, exclude ( ه موor هوs.th. or s.o. from), make an exception ( هof s.th.) ث ووtany bonding; folding; turning away, dissuasion, keeping, prevention ث ووtiny pl. اث وatnā’ fold, pleat, plait, crease (in cloth); bond, twist│اث يو ابعوداث وو tinyan ba‘da tinyin from time to time اث وatnā’ (prep.) during; in the course of│ ووااث وfī atnā’i do.; ووااث و ا ول, وواتلولا االث و, اث و ا ولin the meantime, during all this time, meanwhile ث يووةtanya pl. tanyāt fold, pleat, plait, crease (in cloth) ث يوةtanya pl. ث يوtanāyā middle incisor; narrow pass; mountain trail│ ا وواث يوin, inside, among, between, frequently only a fuller, rhetorically more elegant expression for "in". e.g., وواث يو اظفسوin his heart, inwardly, وواث يو اا كأو بin the book; بوي اث يوin, inside, among, between; هوال ا ا ث يوووṯallā‘ at-t. one with high-flung aspirations 107 ث وtanā’ commendation, praise, eulogy; appreciation ثtunā’2 and مث وmatnā two at a time ث اىtanawī dualist ث ايةtanawīya dualism ث ئوtanā’ī laudatory, eulogistic ث ووو ئوtunā’ī twofold, double, dual, binary, bi-; biradical (gram.); duet, duo (mus.)│ ( محوو اث و ئواا مشواارmuḥarrik t. lmišwār) two-cycle engine O ث ئيووةtunā’īya dualism; duet, duo (mus.) اث نitnāni, f. اث أ نitnatāni two اث و اعشووitnā ‘ašara, f. اث أو اعشووitnatā ‘ašrata twelve يووامااالث وويyaum al-itnaini and Monday االث ووي ا ثو ظوat-tānī the second; the next; ث ظيو tāniyan and ث ظيوةtāniyatan secondly; for the second time, once more, again│اثو ظوا اث ويt. itnain the second of a pair, pendant, companion piece, match ث ظيوةtāniya pl. ثواانtawānin second (time unit) ث ظاىtānawī secondary; minor│اماراث ظاية matters of secondary importance, minor matters; مدرسوووةاث ظايوووةsecondary school; تساي اث ظاsubletting تث يوةtatniya repetition; plaiting, pleating; doubling, gemination; (gram.) dual; second sequel (e.g., of a collection of short stories); commendation, praise, eulogy│ اتث يةااالشأواDeuteronomy اظثintinā’ bending, flection; flexibility, foldability│ ال بلا الاظثfoldable, folding اظث وintinā’a pl. -āt (n. vic.) bend, flexure, curve اسووأثistitnā’ exception, exclusion│ا ب سوأثwith the exception of, except; بودونا اسأثwithout exception اسوووأث ئوistitnā’ī exoeptional; اسوووأث ئي istitnā’īyan as an exception│ااحواالااسوأث ئية emergencies; جلسووووووةااسووووووأث ئية (jalsa) emergency session مث وووmatnīy folded; plaited, pleated; doubled مث وووmutannan ouble, twofold; in the dual (gram.) مسأث وmustatnan excepted, excluded ( مو from) ثاsee ثاى 1 ثو بايثوابةtāba u to return, come back (also, e.g., a state or condition, ا ووor لto s.o.); with ب: to return s.th. ( ا وto s.o.)│اثو باا ووا ظفسوto regain consciousness, come to; ثو با ( ا يو ارشودهrušduhū) to recover one’s senses II to reward ( هs.o.; said of God) IV to repay, requite ( هو هوs.th. with); to reward ( ه علوs.o. for) X to seek reward ثووابtaub pl. ثي و بtiyāb, اثوواابatwāb garment, dress; cloth, material; (fig.) garb, outward appearance, guise, cloak, mask; pl. ثيو بclothes, clothing, apparel│ ثيو با ا سووهوt. as-suhra formal dress, evening clothes; واثابابسويطin plain, homely form; هووووو هواا ثيووووو بof flawless character, irreproachable ثوارtaur pl. ثيووانtīrān bull, steer; ox; Taurus (astron.)│ اشوواربةا يوولاا ثووارšōrabat dail at-t. oxtail soup ثووووارtaura excitement, agitation; outbreak, outburst, fit (of fury, of despair, etc.); eruption (of a volcano); (pl. -āt) upheaval, uprising, insurrection, riot, rebellion, revolt, revolution│ثوووار ااهليوووة (ahlīya) internal strife, civil war ثارىtaurī revolutionary (adj. and n.) ثوواروىtaurawī revolutionary (adj. and n.) ثواابtawāb requital, recompense, reward (for good deeds); (Isl. Law) merit, credit (arising from a pious deed) ثوووارانtawarān agitation, excitation, flare-up, emption, outbreak, outburst, dust whirl مثابوووةmatūba requital, recompense, reward (bestowed by God for good deeds) مثو رmatār incentive, stimulus, motive, spur, occasion, cause│ امث و راا جوودلm. aljadal and مثو راا وزاobject of controversy, point of contention مثو بmatāb and مث بووةmatāba place to which one returns; meeting place; rendezvous; resort, refuge مث بوةmatāba (with foll. genit.) place or time at which s.th. appears or recurs; 108 manner, mode, fashion; see also preceding entry│( ابمث ب وةwith foll. genit.) like, as; tantamount to, equivalent to, having the same function as 2 difficulty, وواوجهوfī wajhihī before s.o.); to be triggered, be unleashed, break out; to revolt, rebel, rise ( علووagainst); to rage, storm│( اث و راث و ئوهtā’irohū) to fly into a rage, become furious, flare up IV to agitate, excite ( هs.o., هوs.th.); to stimulate ( هs.o., هs.th.); to irritate ( هs.o., هs.th.); to arouse, stir up, kindle, excite ( هوs.th., e.g., feelings), cause, provoke, awaken ( هووو s.th.); to raise, pose, bring up (مسووب ة mas’alatan a question, a problem)│ااثو را ( ث ئوتوtā’iratahū) to infuriate s.o., excite s.o. X to excite, stir up, kindle ( هوs.th., esp. passions); to rouse ( هووs.th.); to arouse, awaken ( هوs.th., esp. feelings); to elicit, evoke ( هوwails, outcries, موfrom s.o.); to incite, set ( ه علووs.o. against)│ا ( اسووأث راغ ووبgaḍabahū) to infuriate s.o., make s.o. angry ثئب( تث ب = اتث وبVI) to yawn ث و رايثووارةtāra u to stir, be stirred up, be aroused, be excited; to swirl up, rise (dust); to arise (question, problem; a اثوووو رitāra excitation, kindling; agitation, provocation, (a)rousing, irritation, stimulation stirring up, incitement; awakening; ثووو ئوtā’ir excited, agitated, raving, furious, mad; rebellious; fury, rage (in the idiomatic phrase ثو راثو ئوsee above); (pl. ثووووووواار tuwwār) insurgent, rebel, revolutionary ث و ئوtā’ira pl. ثوواائوtawā’ir2 tumult; excitement, agitation; fury, rage مثيوووووmutīr exciting; provocative; stimulative, irritative; excitant, irritant, stimulant; instigator; germ, agent; pl. مثيواstimulants ثاريامtōriyūm thorium (chem.) ثوالVII to swarm, crowd, throng ( علووaround s.o.); to come over s.o. ()علو ثوالlaw and ثوالاا حولt. an-nḥl swarm of bees possessed, undismayed; بجووبشارابووطwith unswerving courage, unflinchingly ج كأ, ج كأةand ج كيأžakēta jacket, coat ج انgalōn gallon ( ج يوىEg. spelling) galērī gallery (theat.) ج مjām pl. –āt cup; drinking vessel; bowl ج مكيةjāmakīya pl. -āt, جااملjawāmik2 pay ج ماسjāmūs pl. جااميسjawāmīs2 buffalo ثامtūm (coll.; n. un. ) garlic ثاىtawā i ( ثااtawā’, ثاىtuwīy, مثواىmatwan) to stay, live ( بat a place); to settle down ( بat a place); pass. tuwiya to be buried IV to stay, live; to lodge, put up as a guest ( هs.o.) ثاىtawīy guestroom ثواtūwa pl. ثواىtuwan signpost, roadsign مثوواىmatwan pl. مثو وmatāwin abode, habitation, dwelling; place of rest ثيوبtayyib pl. -āt a deflowered but unmarried woman, widow, divorcée ثيأولtaital pl. ثي تولtayātil2 a variety of wild goat (Capra jaela) 109 ج ج ماسةjāmūsa buffalo cow ( جووو ظوpronounced žānəreg, from Turk. caneriği; coll.; n. un. žānərgēye) a variety of small green plum with several stones (syr.) جو هjāh rank, standing, dignity, honor, glory, fame ج وهjāwa Java جو وىjāwī Javanese; benzoin; (pl. -ūn) a Javanese ج و ارjāwadār rye ج ويشčāwīš sergeant = ش وش, ش ويش 1 جووبjubb pl. اجبو بajbāb, جبو بjibāb well, cistern; pit 2 جبوةjubba pl. جبوبjubab, جبو ب, jibāb, جب ئوب jabā’ib2 jubbah, a long outer garment, open in front, with wide sleeves جوباjabḥ pl. اجوباajbuḥ, جبو حjibāḥ, اجبو حajbāḥ beehive ج ثليقjātalīq = جثليق جؤجوؤju’ju’ pl. جو جئja’āji breast; prow, bow (of a ship) 2 جوبرja’ara a (ja’r, جوؤارju’ār) to low, moo; to supplicate, pray fervently ( ا وto God) جوبرja’r, and جوؤارju’ār, lowing, mooing (of cattle) 1 ج زgiiz pl. -āt (Eg. spelling) gas 2 ج زjāz jazz ( ج زونFr. gazon, Eg. spelling) gāzōn lawn جوووبشja’aša a (ja’š) to be agitated, be convulsed (with pain or fright) جووبشja’š emotional agitation; heart, soul│ اربوطاجبشوrabaṯa ja’šahū to remain calm, composed, self-possesed; رابوطاا جوبش or ث بوتاا جوبشcalm, composed, cool, self- جب ظووةjabḳāna, jabaḳāna powder magazine; ammunition; artillery depot جبوووjabara u (jabr, جب وارjubūr) to set ( ه و broken bones); to restore, bring back to normal ( هوs.th.); to help back on his feet, help up ( هs.o.; e.g., on. fallen into poverty); to force, compel ( ه علووs.o. to do s.th.)│( اجبوووا و هوهḳāoṯirahū) to console, comfort, gratify, oblige s.o.; to treat (s.o.) in a conciliatory or kindly manner II to set ( هوbroken bones) III to treat with kindness with friendliness ( هs.o.), be nice ( هto s.o.) IV to force, compel ( ه علووs.o. to do s.th.); to hold sway ( علووover) V to show o.s. proud, haughty; to act strong, throw one’s weight around; to show o.s. strong or powerful, demonstrate one’s strength or power; to be set (broken bones)│اتجبووا ا ( ب ب ولbi-bnika) God has demonstrated His power on your son, i.e., He has taken him unto Himself VII to be mended. repaired, restored جبوووjabr setting (of broken bones); force, compulsion; coercion, duress; power, 110 might; (predestined, inescapable) decree of fate; جبوواjab,an forcibly, by force│اعلوما ‘ ا جبوilm al-j. algebra; ياماجبوواا بحووyaum j. al-baḥr a local holiday of Cairo (the day on which, in former times, the water of the Nile was channeled into the nowabandoned ḳalīg, or City Canal, thus mar وووng the beginning of the irrigation season) جب سووةjabbāsa gypsum quarry; plaster kiln 2 جبسjabas (coll.; n. un. ; syr.) watermelon(s) 1 اجبولjabala u i (jabl) to mold, form, shape, fashion ( هوs.th.); to knead ( هوs.th.); to create ( ه علووs.o. with a natural disposition or propensity for); pass. ( جبلاعلووjubila) to be born for, be naturally diaposed to, bave a propensity for جبلووووةjibla, jibilla pl. disposition, nature, temper -āt natural جبوووووىjabrī algebraic; compulsory, forced; -- jabarī an adherent of the doctrine of predestination and the inescapability of fate; fatalist اجبولjabal pl. جبولjibāl, اجبو لajbāl mountain; mountains, mountain range│ اجبو لااال وبj. al-alb the Alpes; جب و لااالوراسthe Aurès Mountains (in E Algeria); جبلاجليودiceberg; جبوولاسوويj. sīnā Mount Sinai; جبوولاه و ر Gibraltar; جبلاظ رvolcano جبويووةjabarīya an Islamic school of thought teaching the inescapability of fate; fatalism جبلوjabalī mountainous, hilly; mountain (adj.); montane; (pl. -ūn) highlander, mountaineer جبو رjabbār, pl. -ūn, جبو بوjabābir2, جبو بو jabābira giant; colossus; tyrant, oppressor; almighty, omnipotent (God); gigantic, giant, colossal, huge; Orion (astron.)│ اجبو راا واj. al-ḳuṯ.wa striding powerfully, ta وng buge strides جووووبالوىgabalāwī mountaineer جب رjibāra (art of) bonesetting جبيوووjabīra and جبو رjībāra pl. جبو ئو jabā’ir2 splint (surg.) جبوووووjabarūt omnipotence; power, might; tyranny جبويjibriyā’ pride, haughtiness 2 O تجبيوtajbīr, تجبيواا عر مorthopedics اجب رijbār compulsion, coercion اجبوووووو رى ijbārī forced, forcible, compulsory, obligatory│ا أج يوووودااالجبوووو رى compulsory recruitment; military conscription ج بوjābir and مجبوmujabbir, bonesetter مجبوارmajbūr and مجبووmujbar forced, compelled جبوئيلjabra’īl2 اجبويلjibrīl2 Gabriel 2 جبسjibs gypsum; plaster of Paris اجووبسII to plaster, coat, patch, or fix with plaster ( هوs.th.); to put in a cast, set in plaster ( هs.th.) 2 (eg.) highlander, جباليةgabalāya pl. -āt (eg.) grotto, cave جووبjabuna u (jubn, جب ظووةjabāna) to be a coward, be fearful; to be too much of a coward ( عوto do s.th.), shrink ( عوfrom s.th.) II to cause to curdle ( هوmilk); to make into cheese ( هوs.th.); to curdle; to accuse of cowardice, call a coward ( هs.o.) V to curdle (milk), turn into cheese جبjubn and جب ظةjabāna cowardice جبjubn and جب ةjubna cheese جب و نjabān pl. cowardly جب وjubanā’2 coward; جب نjabbān cheese merchant جبيjabīn pl. جبjubun, اجب ةajbina, اجوب ajbun forehead, brow; façade, front; face مو اجبي ووmin jabīnī I alone; علوواجبوي اا سوم in the sky 111 جبي وjabīnī frontal اجبajban2 more cowardly جب ظةjabbāna pl. -āt cemetery تجبويtajbīn cheese making, processing into cheese 1 جبjabaha a to moot, face, confront ( هs.o.) III to face, confront, oppose, defy ( هs.o., هو s.th.), show a hold front ( هto); to face ( هوa problem, a difficulty) جبهوةjabha pl. جبو هjibāh, جبهوjabahāt forehead, brow; front, face, façade; frontline, battle front مج بهوةmujābaha facing, confrontation, opposition 2 جب ا ظةsee جب ظة جبووjabā i ( جب يوةjibāya) to collect, raise, levy ( هوtaxes, duties) II to prostrate o.s. (in prayer) VIII to pick, choose, elect ( هوs.th., هs.o.) جب يوةjibāya raising, levying (of taxes); (pl. oat) tax, duty, impost جب ئjibā’ī tax- (in compounds); fiscal جوو ثمjātim pl. جووثمjuttam squatting, crouching; perching; prostrate, prone ( جثو )جثواjatā u (jutuw) to kneel, root on the knees; to bend the knee, genullect; to fall on one’s knees جثاjutūw kneeling pooition جثواjutwa rock pile, mound; sepulchral mound, tumulus مجثوmajtan hassock جووو ثjātin kneeling; ا جووو ثوHercules (astron.) جحودjaḥda a (jaiḥd, جحواjuḥūd) to negate ( هو s.th.); to disclaim, disavow, disown, deny ( هوs.th.); to refuse, reject, repudiate ( هو s.th.); to renounce, forswear, adjure ( هوa belief); to deny ( ه هوs.o. his right)│اجحودا ( جميلjamīlahū) to he ungrateful to s.o. مجبوووmajban pl. مج و بmajābin tax, impost جحودjaḥd denial; repudiation, disavowal, rejection, disclaimer; unbelief (rel.) جو بjābin pl. جبوjubāh tax collector, revenue officer, collector; (bus, etc.) conductor (ir.) جح واjuḥūd denial; evasion, dodging, shirking (of a moral obligation); ingratitude; repudiation, disavowal, rejection, disclaimer; unbelief (rel.) ج بيةjābiya pl. جاابjawābin pool, basin جأ وjatā (abbreviation of )جيووباا أم و مcosine (math.) ج حدjāḥid denier; infidel, unbeliever جحوVII to hide in ito hole or den (animal) جوثjatta (jatt) and VIII to tear out, uproot ( هوa tree, also fig.) جحووjuḥr pl. اجحو رajḥār, جحوارjuḥūr hole, den, lair, burrow (of animals) 112 جثوةjutta pl. جثوثjutat, اجثو ثajtāt body; corpse, cadaver; carcass جحوشjaḥš pl. جحو شjiḥāš, جحشو نjiḥšān, اجحو ش ajḥāš young donkey; (pl. جح واشjuḥūš) trestle, horse مجأثmuitat uprooted (also fig.) جحشة جثلjatl thick, dense (esp. hair) a young female donkey جثليقjitlīq pl. جث قوةjatāliqa catholicos, primate of the Armenian Church جحوjaḥaẓa a ( جحواظjuḥūẓ) to bulge, protrude (eyeball) جوثمjatama u i (jatm, جثوامjutūm) to alight, sit, perch (bird); to crouch, cower; to fall or lie prone, lie face down; to beset, oppress ( علوs.th.) جحواظاا عويjuḥūz al-‘ain exophthalmic goiter, abnormal protrusion of the eyeball جثموةjatma (n. vic.) motionless sitting or lying جثو مjutām and جو ثامjātūm nightmare, incubus جثم نjutmān pl. -āt hody, mortal frame جثمووووو ظو corporeal jutmānī hodily, physical, جحوفjaḥafa a (jaḥf) to peel off, scrape off ( هو s.th.); to sweep away ( هوs.th.); to have a bias ( موواfor), side ( موواwith s.o.) IV to harm, hurt, injure, prejudice ( بs.o., s.th.); to ruin. destroy ( بs.o., s.th.); to wrong (ب s.o.) اجحووو اijḥāf injustice, wrong; bias, prejudice مجحووفmujḥif unjust, unfair; biased, prejudiced جحفوولjaḥfala pl. جح وولjaḥāfil2 multitude, legion, host, large army; army corps (Syr.); eminent man جحيمjaḥīm f. (also m.) fire, hellfire, hell جحيموjaḥīmī hellish, infernal جخjaḳḳa (eg.) to lord it, give o.s. airs; to boast, brag; (syr.) to dress up (slightly ironical) ج خjaḳḳāḳ boaster, braggart 1 جدjadd pl. جدوjudūd, اجajdād grand-father; ancestor, forefather│( اا جوووودااالعلوووووa‘lā) ancestor جدjadda pl. -āt grandmother 2 جوودjadda i to be new; to be a recent development, have happened lately, have recently become a fact; to be added, crop up or enter as a new factor (circumstances, costs); to appear for the first time (also, e.g., on the stage); to be or become serious, grave; to be weighty, significant, important; to take ووs.th.) seriously; to strive earnestly ووfor), go out of one’s way ( ووto do s.th.), make every effort (وو in); to be serious, be in earnest ( ووabout), mean business; to hurry ( ووone’s step) II to renew ( هوs.th.); to make anew, remake ( هs.th.); to modernize ( هs.th.); to restore, renovate, remodel, refit, recondition, refurbish ( هوs.th.); to be an innovator, a reformer; to feature s.th. new or novel, produce s.th. new; to rejuvenate, regenerate, revive, freshen up ( هوs.th.); to renew,اextend ( هa permit); to begin anew, repeat ( هوs.th.), make a new start ( هوin s.th.); to try again ( حر وḥaẓẓahū one’s luck) IV to strive, endeavor, take pains; to apply o.s. earnestly and assiduously (ووو to), be bent, be intent ( وووon s.th.); to hurry ( ووone's step); to renew, make new ( هوs.th.) V to become new, be renewed; to revive X to be new, be added or enter as a new factor, come newly into existence; to make new, renew ( هs.th.) جودiadd pl. جودوjudūd good luck, good fortune جوووودjidd seriousness, earnestness; diligence, assiduity, eagerness; جوداjiddan very, much│ ابجوودand موو اجوودearnestly, seriously; جودابو هjiddu bāhiẓin very high (price); جووداعروويمj. ‘aẓīmin very great; ( ي ألفوواناجوودااال ووأالاjidda l-iḳtilāf) they differ widely; ( ولفاعلوواسو اا جودالsāqi l-j.) to apply o.s. with diligence to, take pains in, make every effort to جودىjiddī serious; earnest; جوديjiddīyan in earnest, earnestly, seriously جديووةjiddīya earnestness; seriousness, gravity (of a situation) جوودjidda newness, recency, novelty; modernness, modernity; O rebirth, renaissance جودjudda2 Jidda (eeaport in W Saudi Arabia, on Red Sea) 113 جديوودjadīd pl. جوودjudud, judad new, recent; renewed; modem; novel, unprecedented│ ا جديودانal-jadīdān day and night; مو اجديودanew, again; (eg.) جديودا و gadīd lang brand-new. اجوودajadd2 more serious, more intent; newer, more recent تجديوودtajdīd renewal (also. e.g., of a permit); creation of s.th. new origination; new presentation, new production (theat.); innovation; reorganization, reform; modernization; renovation, restoration, remodeling. refitting. reconditioning, refurbishing; rejuvenation, regeneration; pl. -āt innovations; new achievements تجووودtajaddud renewal, regeneration, revival جوjādd in earnest, earnest; serious (as opposed to comic, funny) جوjādda pl. –āt, jawādd2 main street; street مجدوmajdūd fortunate. lucky مجووودmujaddid renewer; innovator; reformer مجووودmujaddad renewed, extended; remodeled, reconditioned, renovated, restored; rejuvenated, regenerated, new, recent, young مجوووودmujidd assiduous painstaking, diligent, مسأجدmustajidd new, recent; incipient جودبjaduba u جدوبوةjudūba) to be or become dry, arid (soil) IV to suffer from drought, poverty or dearth; to be barren, sterile; to come to nothing, go up in smoke, fall flat, fizzle out; (syr.) to explode in the barrel (shell; mil.) جودبjadb drought, barrenness, sterility; sterile, barren جووديبjadīb and اجوودبajdab2, f. jadbā’2 barren, sterile اجوودajda‘ mutilated (by having the nose, or the like cut off) 114 2 □ جودgada‘ (= جولjada‘) pl. جودع نgid‘ān (eg.) young man, young fellow; heman 1 اجوداII to curse, blaspheme ( علووs.o., esp. God) جوودب مجوودبmujdib barren, sterile; desolate, arid; unproductive, unprofitable جدثjadat pl. اجداثajdāt grave, tomb تجديفtajdīf imprecation, blasphemy 2 مجدااmijdāf pl. مج اmajādif2 oar 1 جدجدjudjud pl. جداجدjadājid2 cricket (zool.) 1 اجدرjadura u ( جدارjadāra) to be fit, suitable, proper. appropriate ( بfor s.o., for s.th.); to befit, behoove ( بs.o., s.th.); to be worthy ( بof), deserve ( بs.th.)│ايجدرا كووه (dikruhū) and يجووودراب ووولكوit is worth mentioning جوديوjadīr pl. -ūn جودراjudarā’2 worthy, deserving ( بof s.th.); becoming, befitting ( بs.th.); proper, suited, suitable fit (ب for), appropriate ( بto)│( اجوديواب ولكوdikr) worth mentioning اجود وjadalī controversial; disputatious; a disputant جووووودالjaddāl and مجووووودالmijdāl disputatious, argumentative; mijdāl see also below اجودرajdar worthier; more appropriate; better suited, more suitable جوووودارjadāra worthiness; fitness, suitability, aptitude, qualification; appropriateness جديلوةjadīla pl. جودائلjadā’il2 braid, plait; tress مجدالmijdāl pl. مجو لmajādil2 flagstone, ashlar; see also above under jaddāl جودارjidār pl. جودرjudur, جودرانjudrān wall جودالjidāl and مج وةmujādala pl. –āt quarrel, argument; dispute, discussion, debate│االايقبووووووووووولاا جووووووووووودال (yaqbalu) incontestable, indisputable; الاجووودالlā jidāla and بوالاجودالbi-lā j. incontestably, indisputably جدارىjidārī mural, wall (adj.) اجدرjudira (pass.) and II to have smallpox جدرىjudarī, jadarī smallpox مجووودورmajdūr and مجووودرmujaddar infected with smallpox; pock-marked مجوودولmajdūl tightly twisted; braided, plaited; interwoven, intertwined (tress of hair); slender and trim, shapely (e.g., leg) مجودرmujaddara dish made of rice or (in Syr.) of bulgur with lentils, onions and oil (eg., syr.) جودjada‘a a (jad‘) to cut off, amputate ( هو s.th., esp. some part of the body) بجوود ااالظووفbi-jad‘i l-anf (prop., at the cost of having the nose cut off) at any price, regardless of the sacrifice involved اجودلjadala u i (jadl) to twist tight, tighten, stretch ( هوa rope); to braid, plait ( هوs.th., the hair, etc.) II to braid, plait, ( هوs.th.) III to quarrel, wrangle, bicker ( هwith s.o.); to argue, debate ( هwith s.o.); to dispute, contest ( ووs.th.) VI to quarrel, have an argument; to carry on a dispute جوودلjadal quarrel, argument; debate, dispute, discussion, controversy│ا وووو ا جودالfaraḍa jadalan to assume for the sake of argument, propose as a basis for discussion جدرjadr wall 2 اجداjadafa i and II to row (o a boat) مج و لmujādil disputant, opponent in dispute 2 اجودولjadwal pl. جوداولjadāwil2 creek, brook, little stream; column; list, roster; index; chart, table, schedule│( جودولا راسووdirāsī) curriculum; جودولاا بارصوةstock list, ا و ر ا ( جوودولاا بارصووةḳārija) not quoted (stock exchange); جوودولااالعمو لagenda; working plan جوداايجودوةjadā u to give a present ( علووto s.o.) IV to give as a present ( علوو بs.o. s.th.), present ( علوو بs.o. with); to be of use, be useful, profitable│ ( اجودىاظفعوnaf‘an) to be useful; هلااالايجوديلthat won’t help you, that will be of no use (to you); مو ايجودىاع ولاهولا do.; ( الايجودىا أويالfatīlan) = الايغ وواا أويالsee أيولX to beg for alms; to implore, beg ( ه هو s.o. for s.th.), plead ( هfor s.th.) جداjadā’ advantage, gain (.r for s.o.) جوودوىjadwā gift, present; advantage, benefit, gain│( ابالاجدوىbi-lā) and علوواغيووا ( جودوىgairi) of no avail, useless, futile, in vain اجووووودىajdā advantageous more useful, more جودىjady pl. جوداjidā’, جودي نjidyān kid, young billy goat; Capricorn (astron.); ا جودىthe North Star جلjadda u (jadd) to cut off, clip ( هs.th.) جوولاjadāda pl. -āt slip of paper; pl. جووولا اsmall pieces, shreds, scraps, clippings جولبjadaba i (jadb) to pull, draw ( هوs.th.); to attract ( ه وs.th.); to pull out, draw out, whip out ( هوs.th.), draw ( هوa weapon, or the like); to appeal, prove attractive ( هto s.o.), attract, captivate, charm, allure (ه s.o.), win ( هs.o.) over ( ا يto one’s side) III to contend ( هwith s.o.) at pulling, tugging, etc. ( هوs.th.)│ ج بو اا حبول115 (ḥabla) to vie with s.o.; (to be able) to compete with s.o., measure up to s.o., be a match for s.o.; ج ب اا كالمor ج ب احديثor ج بو ااهوواااا حوديث (aṯrāfa l-ḥ.) he engaged him in conversation, involved him in a discussion; ( ج بو ااهووواااا ح و رaṯrāfa lḥaḍāra) to vie with s.o. in culture VI to pull back and forth ( هs.o.); to contend (ه, هfor); to attract each other│اتجو بااااهووااا ( ا حووديثaṯrāfa l-ḥ.) they were deep in conversstion, they were talking together VII to be attracted; to be drawn, gravitate (JI toward, to) VIII to attract ( هs.o., هو s.th., ا يوto o.s.; also magn.); to allure, entice ( هs.o.); to win ( هs.o.) over ( ا يوto one's side); to draw, inhale ( هوpuffs from a cigarette, etc.) جولبjadb attraction; gravitation; appeal, lure, enticement, captivation│ اا وولاجوولبto wrest away, take away by force; ا جوولبا ( ا ج سوjinsī) sex appeal جولابjaddāb attractive; magnetic (fig.); suction, suctorial; winning, fetching, engaging; charming, enticing, captivating, gripping اجووولبajdab2 more attractive, more captivating اظجووولابinjidāb attraction, inclination, pronenesa, tendency اجألابijtidāb attraction; enticement, lure ج و بjādib attractive; magnetic (fig.); winning, fetubing, engaging; charming, enticing, captivating, gripping ج بيووةjādibīya gravitation; attraction; attractiveness; charm, fascination; magnetism (fig.); lure, enticement│O ج بيةاا ثقلj. ataql gravitational force; ج بيةا ( مغ يسويةmagnaṯisūya) magnetism; ج بيوةا ا ج سj. al-jins sex appeal مجووولوبmajdūb attracted; possessed, maniacal, insane; (pl. مج و بmajādib2) maniac, lunatic, madman, idiot│مسأشووفوا ا مج يبmustašfā l-m. mental hospital مأج و بmutajādib mutually attractive; belonging together, inseparable م جووولبmunjadib attracted; inclined, tending ( ا وto) جولرjadara u (jadr) to uproot, tear out by the roots ( هوs.th.) II do.; to extract the root ( هو of a number; math.); to take root جولرjidr, jadr pl. جولورjudūr root (also math.); stem, base, lower end; (pl. اجولار ajdār) stub (of a receipt book, or the like)│ ( جوولراتوبيعوووtarbī‘ī) square root (math.) جلرىjidrī, radical, roct (adj.) تجووليوtajdīr evolution, root extraction (math.) جولjada‘ pl. جولjud‘ān young man, young fellow (cf. □ جودgada‘); new, incipient│ ( ع و اا حوووباجلعووةḥarbu, jada‘atan) the war broke out again, started all over again; ( اع و ااالمووواجوولعl-amra) he reopened the whole affair, he reverted to the earlier status جولjid‘ pl. اجولاajdā‘, جولوjudū‘ stem, trunk.; stump, tree stump; torso جلعوjid‘ī truncal جلاII to row ( هa boat) مجلااmijdāf pl. مج اmajādif2 oar جووللjadala a (jadal) to be happy, gay, exuberant, rejoice IV to make happy, gladden, cheer ( هs.o.) جللjidl pl. اجولالajdāl, جولولjudūl stump (of a tree) جوليلjadīl wooden post on which camels rub themselves جوللjada1 gaiety, hilarity, exuberance, happiness 116 جوللjadil pl. جولالنjudlān gay, hilarious, cheerful, in high spirits, exuberant, happy جولالنjadlān2 gay, hilarious, cheerful, in high spirits, exuberaut, happy جولمijdama i (jadm) to out off, chop off ( هو s.th., esp. a part of the body); to remove, ta.ke out, excise ( هوe.g., the tonsils, the appendix; surg.); pass. judima to be afllicted with leprosy جلمjidm pl. جلومjudūm, اجلامajdām root جلامjudām leprosy جلامةjudāma stubble اجولامajdām2 pl. جولاموjadmā mutilated (from having an arm, a hand, etc., cut off); leprous; leper مجلومmajdūm leprous; leper جلمارjudmur stump جولوjadwa, jidwa, judwa pl. جولىjidan, judan, جلاjidā’ firebrand; burning log جووjarra u (jarr) to draw, pull ( هوs.th.); to drag, tug, haul ( هs.th.): to tow ( هs.th.); to trail ( هs.th.); to drag along ( هs.o., هs.th.); to draw ( ه علوs.th. on s.o.), bring ( هs.th.) down ( علوووupon s.o.); to lead ( ا وووto), bring on, cause ( ا ووs.th.); to entail ( هوe.g., some evil, علووووfor s.o.); (gram.) to pronounce the final consonant with i, put (a word) into tho genitive│ جوووواجويوووو (jarīratan) to commit an outrage, a crime ( علووagainst s.o.); ( جوواليوا اquyūdan) to be in shackles, go shackled; جوواا و راا ووالوصو (qurṣihī) to secure advantages for o.s., feather one’s nest; الايجوووووا سوووو ظ ابكلمووووة (lisānahū bi-kalima) he won’t let a word escape his lips IV to ruminate VII passive of I; to be driven; to be swept along, drift, float│ ( ااظجوواا وواا واراwarā’i) to withdraw, fall back, give way VIII to ruminate│ااجأووا ( آالمālāmahū) to mull over one’s grief جووووjarr pull(ing), drawing, draft.; traction, drag(ging), tugging, towage, hauling; bringing on, causing; genitive│ا حوووااا جوووḥarf al-j. (gram.) preposition; وهلماجواwa-halumma jarran and so forth جوjarra pl. جوارjirār (earthenware) jar جووjarra, jurra trail, track; rut (left by a wagon)│ ابجووو اللوومbi-j. qalam with one stroke of the pen جوjirra cud (of a ruminant) مو اجووىmin jarrā because of│ امو اجووا because of you, on your account, for your sake م اجواmin jarā’i because of, due to│م ا جوا اأنbecause جوووارjarrār huge, tremendous (army); potter; (pl. -āt) tractor; tugboat, steam tug, towing launch ج و رورjārūr pl. جووااريوjawārīr2 (syr.) drawer (of a desk, etc.) ج رورjārūra (leb.) rake (tool) جويوووjarīr pl. جوائووووjarā’ir2 guilt; offense, outrage, crime│ امووو اجويوووmin jarīrati because of, on account of جووووارjarrāra pl. -āt a variety of scorpion; tractor مجوmijarr trace, tug (of a harness) مجوmajarra galaxy اظجواريوةinjirārīya (eg.) towage charges for watercraft مجوووورmajrūr drawn, dragged, towed, etc.; word governed by a preposition, word in the genitive form; (pl. مج و ريو magārir2) drain, sewer (eg.); مجووو ريو sewers, sewage system (eg.) مجأوmujtarr ruminant (adj. and n.) جووjaru’a u ( جووأjur’a, جوواjarā’a) to dare, venture, risk, hazard ( علووs.th.), take the risk ( علووof, انof doing s.th.), have the 117 courage ( علووfor s.th.) II to encourage ( ه علووs.o. to s.th.) V to dare, venture, risk. hazard ( علووs.th.) VIII to be venturesome, be daring; to become bold, make bold (علو with s.o.); to venture ( علووs.th. or upon s.th.), have the audacity ( علوto do s.th.) جووووjarī’ pl. اجويوووajriyā’ bold, courageous (ب, علوووin s.th.); forward, immodest, insolent; daring, reckless, foolbardy تجويبووووووtajrībī trial, test (adj.); experimental; based on experience, empirical│‘( علوماا و فساا أجويبووilm an-nafs) experimental psychology O تجويبيةtajrībīya empiricism (philos.) مجووووبmujarrib experimental; tester; examiner; tempter مجووبmujarrab tried, tested; proven or establisbed by experience, time-tested, time-tried; experienced, practiced, seasoned; man of experience 2 جوووأjur’a and جووواjarā’a courage, boldness, daring; forwardness, insolence مجأوmujtari’ bold, forward ( جواFr.) garāž pl. -āt garage (eg.) جواظيأوgranītī granitic (eg.) جوب ديةjarabandīya (and )جواب ديةknapsack, rucksack جووبjariba a (jarab) to be mangy; (eg.) to fade (color) II to test ( هوs.th.); to try, try out, essay ( هوs.th.); to sample ( هوs.th.); to rehearse, practice ( هوs.th.); to attempt ( هو s.th.); to put to the test, try, tempt ( ه و s.o.)│ اجووباظفسو ا وووto try one’s hand at; ( جوبااالي مayyāma) to gather experience جوبjarab mange; itch, scabies جوبjarib mangy; scabby اجووبajrab2, f. جوبوjarbā’2, pl. جووب jurb and جوب نjarbān2 mangy; scabby جووابjirāb pl. اجوبوةajriba, اجووبjurub sack, bag, traveling bag; knapsack; scrotum; covering, case; sheath, scabbard (for the sword) جوابjurāb pl. -āt stocking, sock جويبjarīb a patch of arable land تجوبوةtajriba pl. تجو ربtajārib2 trial, test; tryout; attempt; practice, rehearsal; scientific test, experiment; probation; trial, tribulation; temptation; experience, practice; proof sheet, galley proof, also ( تجوبةام بعيةmaṯba‘īya) test(ing); جوبووزjurbuz pl. جوابووزjarābiza impostor, confidence man, swindler جوباjarbū‘ (= )يوباpl. جوابياjarābī‘2 jerboa (zool.) جواظيتgranīt granite (eg.) تجويووووبtajrīb trial, tribulation; temptation جوبلjarbada = جوبز جوبووزjarbaza (also )جوب ولdeception, swindle جوامgrām gram (eg.) 2 اجاربlook up alphabeticaUy 2 trial, جوثامjurtūm, جوثاموةjurtūma pl. جوواثيمjarātīm2 root; origin; germ; microbe, bacillus, bacterium│اتحووووووتاا جوثووووووام taḥt al-j. inframicrobe جواlook up alphabetically جوجووjarjara ( جوجووjarjara) to gargle; to jerk or pull back and forth; to trail, drag ( هو s.th.); to tow away ( هوs.th.)│اجوجووا و ه (ḳuṯāhū) to drag one’s feet, shuffle along II tajarjara pass. and refl. of I جوجوjarara gargling; rombling noise; rumble, clatter (of a wagon) جوجوjirjir (large, thick) beans جوجيوjirjīr watercress (eg., syr.) 118 جووحjaraḥa a (jarḥ to wound ( هs.o.); to injure, hurt ( هs.o.; also fig., the feelings) II to invalidate ( هووووteatimony), challenge, declare unreliahle ( هa witness), take formal exception (ه, هوto) VIII to commit ( هووan outrage, a crime)│ ااجأوووحاا سووي (sayyi’āt) to do evil things جوووحjurḥ pl. جووواحjirāḥ, جووووحjurūḥ, جووحوووjurūḥāt, اجوووواحajrāḥ wound, injury, lesion جواحjarrāḥ pl. -ūn surgeon│جوواحااالسو ن dental surgeon اجواajrād2, f. جوو اjardā’2, pl. جووjurd desolate, bleak, without vegetation; hairless, bald; threadbare shabby, worn (garment); open, unprotected (border) جواحةjirāḥa surgery جواحووووjirāḥī surgical│اعمليووووةاجواحيووووة (‘amalīya) surgical operation جواjarād (coll.; n. un. ) locust(s)│اجوا ا ( ا وحو لraḥḥāl) migratory locust(s); جووا ا ا بحوووj. al-baḥr langouste, sea cray-fish; بجوا هbi-jarādihā in its entirety جوووياjarīḥ pl. جوح ووjarḥā wounded, injured, hurt تجوووووياtajrīḥ disparagement surgery; جوي ودjarīd palm branches stripped of their leaves; jeered, a blunt javelin used in equestrian games defamation, جو رحjarīḥ injuring; wounding, stinging, painful, hurting; rapacious (beast), predatory جويودjarīda pl. جوائودjarā’id2 (n. un. of )جويودpalm-leaf stalk; list, register, roster, index; newspaper│( جويوود اياميووةyaumīya) daily newspaper; جوائوداا مسوj. al-masā’ the evening papers; ا جويد اا هقةand ا جويد ا ا سي م ئيةtho newsreel ج رحووووةjāriḥa pl. جوووواارحjawāriḥ2 predatory animal or bird│ اجاارحاا يوj. aṯṯair predatory birds جواارحjawāriḥ2 limbes, extremities (of the hody)│ ابكوولاجاارح وwith might and main, with all his strength اجوو ىajrūdī (syr.) beardless, hairless مجوmijrad pl. مج رmajārid2 scraper مجوووووحmajrūḥ pl. مجووو رياmajārīḥ2 wounded, injured, hurt جووjarada u (jard) to peel, pare ( هوs.th.); to remove the shell, peel, rind or husk ( هوof s.th.); to denude, diveet, strip, bare ( ه و s.th.); (com.) to take stock; to make an inventory ( ا ب و ئاof goods on hand) II to peel, pare ( هوs.th.); to remove the shell, peel, rind or husk ( هوof s.th.); to denude, divest, strip, dispossess, deprive ( هو موor ه s.o. or s.th. of); to withhold ( ه موfrom s.o. s.th.); to draw, unsheathe ( ا سووويفthe sword); to unleash ( هو علوووs.th. against s.o.); to send, dispatch ( ه وa military detachment, troops, ضوودor علوووagainst s.o.); to free ( هو موor هs.o. or s.th. from); to isolate ( هوs.th.); to abstract ( هوs.th.); to divest ( موss.o. of his citizenship, of a rank, of a vested right, etc.)│اجو هام اا سالح to disarm s.o.; جو اظفس امto free o.s. from, rid o.s. of, give up s.th. V pass. of II; to strip o.s., rid o.s., get rid ( مor عof), free o.s. ( موor عوfrom); to be free ( موor عو from, لfor a task); to devote o.s. exclusively ( لto s.th.); to give up, renounce ( موor عوs.th.); to isolate o.s. ; to be absolute جووjard bare, threadbare, shabby, worn; (com.) inventory; stocktaking جوي ودjarīd without vegetation, barren, bleak, stark (landscape) تجويووووووود tajrīd peeling. paring; disrobement, stripping; denudation; deprivation; divestment; disarmament; dispatching (of troops); freeing; isolation; abstraction│ تجويووداموو اا سووالحdisarmament 119 تجويدtajrīda pl. -āt تج ريدtajārīd2 military detachment, expeditionary force تجووtajarrud freedom ( موor عوfrom); isolatedness, isolation; independence, impartiality; absoluteness; abstractness, abstraction مجوووmujarrad denuded, bare, naked; freed, free ( موor عوfrom); pure, mere, nothing more than; sole; very, absolute; abstract; selfless, disinterested; 1st stem of tbe verb (gram.)│with foll. noun in genitive = mere, sheer, nothing but:) مجوو ا هواmujarradu lahwin mere play, just fun; ب عي اا مجوwith the naked eye; بمجو امbimujarradi mā as soon as, at the very moment when جو لjardal pl. جوا لjaradil2 bucket, pail جوjurad pl. جو انjirdān, jurdān large rat جوو ونjirdaun pl. جووا يjarādīn2 large rat 1 جوووسjarasa i (jars) to ring, toll, knell, (re)sound II to make experienced, inure by severe trials, sorely try ( هs.o.; time, events); to compromise, disgrace, discredit, expose, bring into dierepute (ب s.o.) جوسjars, jirs sound, tone جوسjaras pl. اجواسajrās bell جوسوةjursa defamation, public exposure; scandal, disgrac 2 اجوسو يةjirsāya, جوسويةjirsīya pl. -āt jersey, woolen sweater; جوسوjersey cloth جوشjaraša u (jarš) to crush ( هوs.th.); to grate, bruise, grind ( هs.th.) جوشjarš a grating, scraping noise جوا ووةjarrāfa pl. -āt, جواريووفjarārīf rake; harrow 2 مجوواmajraf pl. مجو راmajārif2 torrent, .trong current مجو وووةmijrafa shovel, scoop; (syr.) mattock; trowel مجووااmijrāf pl. مجو راmajārīf2 shovel, scoop جو راjārif torrential (stream, mountain creek); stormy, violent (emotions, passions) 120 ا جوكسal-jarkas the Circassians جووويشjarīš crushed, bruised, coarsely ground; crushed grain; grits جوكسووووjarkasī pl. جواكسوووةjarākisa circassian (adj. and n.) ج روشوةjārūša pl. جواارشjawarīš2 quern, hand mill (for grinding grain) جوومjarama i (jarm) to sone ( ا حومal-laḥma the meat); -- to commit an offense, a crime, an outrage ( علوor ا وagainst s.o.), sin ( علووor ا ووagainst s.o.), injure, harm, wrong (علوو or ا ووs.o.) II to incriminate, charge with a crime ( هs.o.; syr.) IV to commit a crime, to sin ( علووor ا ووagainst s.o.), do wrong ( علوor ا وto s.o.), harm, wrong ( علووor ا وو s.o.) VIII = IV جووjaraḍa a (jaraḍ): ( جوو ابويقوbi-rīqihī) he choked on his saliva, could not swallow his saliva (because of excitement, alarm, or grief), he was very upset, in a atate of great agitation, deeply moved; -jaraḍa u (jarḍ) to choke, sulfocate ( هs.o.) IV ( اجوضو ابويقوcf. I) to alarm s.o., fill s.o. with apprehension جويjarīḍ: اح لاا جوي ا وناا قوويḥāla l.j. dūna l-qarīḍ (proverb; lit.: choking prevented poetry, i.e.) in the face of death one does not think of rhyming (among other interpretations) جووjara‘a a (jar‘) and jari‘a a (jara‘) to swallow, gulp, devour ( هوs.th.); to pour down, toss down ( هوa drink) II to make (ه s.o.) swallow ( هوs.th.); to gulp down V to drink ( هوs.th.) VIII to swallow, gulp down ( هs.th.) جوعوةjur‘a, jar‘a pl. جووjura‘, -āt gulp, mouthful, draught; potion, dose (med.) جواjarafa u (jarf) and VIII to sweep away ( هو s.th.); to wash away ( هوs.th.); to shovel away ( هوs.th.); to remove ( هوs.th.); to tear away, carry off ( هوs.th.); to carry along ( هو or هs.o. or s.th.) VII to be swept away, be carried away جوواjurf, juruf pl. جووواjurūf, اجوواا ajrāf undercut bank or shore; clilf, steep slope, precipice; bluff (along a river or coast)│ ( اجوااجليدjalīdī) avalanche جومgarm pl. جوومgurūm (eg.) long, flatbottomed sarge, lighter (naut.) جومjirm pl. اجوامajrām, جومjurum body; mass, sulk, volume (of a body)│ااالجوواما ( ا فلكيةfalakīya) the celestial bodies جوومiunn pl. اجوووامajrām, جوووومjurūm offense, crime, sin الاجووومlā jarama surely, certainly, of course جووووويمjarīm hulking, voluminous, of great size bulky, huge, جويموةjarīma pl. جوووائمjarā’im2 crime; offense; sin│(اعرموووووor) جويمووووةاكبوووووىا (kubrā, uẓma) capital offense; لو ظاناا جووائم penal code اجوووووووام ijrām delinquency crime; culpability, اجواموijrāmī criminal حمامجوومlaḥm majrūm fillet (meat) س ةامجومةsana mujarrama an entire year مجوووومmujrim criminal; (pl. -ūn) a criminal; evildoer, culprit, delinquent│ مجوماع ئدrecidivous criminal جوامووزjarāmiz2 and جواميووزjarāmīz2 limbs, legs│( اضوماجواميوزهḍamma) he beat it, he made off ا جوم و نal-jarmān the Germanic tribes, the Teutons جوم ظوjarmānī Germanic, Teutonic 1 اجونjurn pl. اجووانajrān (stone) basin; mortar; (eg.) threshing floor, barn│ اجووناا معما يوةj. al-ma‘mūdīya baptismal font 2 اجوووانjirān the front part of a camel’s neck│ ضووبابجواظوto become established, take root; ( ا قوواعليو اجواظوalqā, jirānahū) to apply o.s. to s.th. and adjust to it, accustom o.s. to s.th. جوظ لjurnāl (eg. also gurnāl) pl. جواظيلžarānīl2 (eg., garānīl2) journal, newspaper, periodical جواظيتgranīt granite جواظيأوgrānītī granitic جوووjarw (jirw, jurw) pl. اجووajrin, جوواjirā’, اجوواajrā’, اجويوةajriya puppy, whelp, cub (of a dog or beast of prey) جووسةgrōsa gross (= 12 dozen) جووىjarā i (jary) to flow, stream (water); to run; to hurry, rush; to slow (wind); to take place, come to pass, happen, occur; to be under way, be in progress, be going on (work); to befall ( لs.o.), happen ( لto); to be in circulation, circulate, be current; to wend one’s way ( ا ووto), head ( علووfor); to proceed ( علوووin accordance with); to follow ( مواs.th.), yield, give way ( مواto, e.g., to a desire); to entail ( بs.th.); (with )وراto run or be after s.th., seek to get s.th.│اجووىا و احوديثامواhe had a talk with; ( جوووىامجووواهmajrāhū) to take the same course as, be analogous to, follow the same way as, proceed or act in the same manner as; ( جووىام و اا شو امجووىاا ودمminhu š-šai’u majrā d-dam) it had become second nature to him; جوووىاعلوووااال سوو (alsun) to circulate, make the rounds (rumor); 121 جوووىاعلووواكوولا س و نto be on everyone’s lip; ( جووىاعلوواللموqalamihī) to come to s.o.’s pen (e.g, a poem); جووىاعلووا ( وةḳiṯṯa) to follow a plan; مو ايجووىاعليو ا ‘( ا عمولamalu) the way things are handled, what is customary practice; جووىابو اا عمولto be in force, be valid, be commonly observed (law, custom); جوو اا عو ابto be customary, be common practice, be a common phenomenon, have gained vogue; جوووووىاب عوووو اعلوووووto do s.th. customarily, se in the habit of doing s.th.; جوو ابول لاعو تهمthat was their habit II to cause to run│ ( جووىاريقوrīqahū) to make s.o.’s mouth water III to concur, agree, be in agreement ( هwith s.o., ووin s.th.); to keep pace, keep up ( هwith s.o.; also intellectually); to be able to follow ( هs.o.); to go (along) ( هوwith); to adapt o.s. adjust, conform ( هوto), be guided ( هوby) IV to cause to flow, make flow ( ه وs.th.); to cause to run, set running ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to make ( هوs.th.) take place or happen, bring about ( هوs.th.); to carry out, execute, enforce, put into effect, apply ( ه وs.th., e.g., rules, regulations); to carry out, perform ( هوan action); to Set going, set in motion ( هووa project), launch ( هووan undertaking); to channel ( علووor هو لs.th. to), bestow, settle ( علووor هو لs.th. upon s.o.); to impose, inflict ( هو علوووs.th., a penalty, on s.o.)│( ااجووىاتجوبوةtajribatan) to carry out an experiment; اجووىاتحقيقوto conduct an investigation; اجوووىا وو ااع ظوووة (i‘ānatan) to grant s.o. a subsidy; اجووواها ( مجووىmajrā, with foll. genitive) to treat s.th. in the same manner as, put s.th. on equal footing with جووىjary course│ جويو اعلووjaryan ‘alā in accordance with, according to جوووواmin jarāka and min jarā’ika because of you, on your account, for your sake جواjarrā’ runner, racer جوايوةjirāya pl. -āt daily (food) rations; pay, salary│‘ عوويشاجوايووةēš girāya (eg.) coarse bread جويووو نjarayāan flow, flux; course; stream مجوووووىmajra.. pl. مجوووو رmajārin watercourse, stream, rivulet, gully; torrent or flood of water; pipeline; canal, channel; drain, sewer, pl. sewers, sewage system; power line (el.); current (el.); current (of a stream); guide rail (tech.); course (of events), progress, passage│ مجوىاا بالm. lbaul urethra (anat.); مج و رىاا أ و فسm. ttanaffus respiratory tract (anat.); مجوووىا ا هوااm. l-hawā’ air stream, current of air, draft; ا ولامجوواهto take its course; See also جوىI and IV cases (jur.); ( ج و ااجزئيووةjunaḥ) summary delicts (jur.); محوووو كماجزئيووووةcourts of summary justice; ( ظي بوووةاجزئيوووةniyāba) parquet of a summary court; ح ثووةاجزئيووة minor incident; ( تسوايةاجزئيوةtaswiya) part payment; ( ا جزئي و اوا كلي وkullīyāt) the particular and general aspects, the minor and the major issues م جويوmājarayāt, mājariyāt (pl. of مو ا ( )جوىcourse of) events, happenings جزjuzai’ pl. -āt molecule مجو راmujārāh keeping up (with foll. genitive: with); conformity (with foll. genitive: with)│ مجو را الmujārātan li in conformity with, in accordance with, according to اجزائوajzā’ī pl. -ūn pharmacist, druggist اجزاجووووajzājī pl. -īya pharmacist, druggist اجزائيةajzā’īya and اجزا ظةajzāḳāna pl. āt pharmacy, drugstore اجووواijrā’ pl. -āt performance (of an action); execution; enforcement; pl. measures, steps, proceedings│ اات ولااجووا ا (ittaḳada) to take measures; اجووا ا ال ظاظيوة (qānūnīya) legal step, proceedings at law جو رjārin flowing, streaming, running; circulating; current, present│اا شووهواا جو رى (šahr) the current month ج ريوةjāriya pl. –āt, جواارjawārin girl; slave girl; maid, servant; ship, vessel جوزjazza u (jazz) to cut off, clip ( هوs.th.); to shear, shear off ( هوs.th.; esp. the wool of sheep) تجزئوووووةtajzi’a division; partition; separation; dissociation; breakdown (into classes, categories, etc.); fragmentation│ا ل بلا لأجزئةdivisisle; ل بليةاا أجزئوةdivisibility; ت جواا أجزئةretailer, retail merchant جز انjuzdān, jidān pl. -āt wallet; change purse جووزرjazara u (jazr) to slaughter; to kill, butcher ( هوan animal); -- i u (jazr) to sink, fall, drop, ebb (water) جوزرjazr slaughter; butchering; ebb (of the sea) جزرjazra blood sacrifice جووزjizza pl. جووززjizaz, جزائووزjazā’iz2 shorn wool, fleece, slip جزورjazūr pl. جزرjuzur slaughter camel جوزازjuzāza pl. -āt slip of paper; label, tag جزارjazzār pl. , -ūn butcher جزيووjazīra pl. جزائووjazā’ir2, جوزرjuzur island│ شب اجزيوšibhu j. peninsula; ا جزيو Al Jazira, (Northwest) Mesopotemia; ا جزائووAlgeria; Algiers; جزيوو اا عووبj. al‘arab Arabia, the Arabian Peninsula; ( ا جزائوواا وداḳālidāt) the Canary Islands; ووا ( ا جزيوو ااḳaḍrā’) Algeciras (seaport in SW Spain) جزازjazzāz pl. –ūn shearer, woolshearer مجزmijazz woolshears 122 جوزأjaza’a a and VIII to be content, content o.s. ( بwith) II to divide, part, separate, break up, cut up, partition ( هوs.th.) V to divide, break up, be or become divided; to be separated, be detached, be partitioned off; to be divisible, separable ( عfrom) جزرىjazarī insular; (pl. -ūn) islander جووزjuz’ pl. اجووزاajzā’ part, portion; constituent, component; fraction; division; section; the 30th part of the Koran (= 2 ḥizb) جزائووىjazā’rī pl. -ūn Algerian (adj. and n.); islander جزئوووووjuz’ī partial; minor, trivial, insignificant, unimportant; (jur.) minor, petty; جزئيوjuz’īyan partly; جزئيوjuz’īyāt details, particulars; trivialities; subordinate partly; divisions, sections (e.g., of a court of justice)│( امووواا اجزئيوووةmawādd) petty مجوووزرmajzara pl. مجووو زرmajāzir2 butchery; massacre, carnage مجووووزرmajzar pl. مجوووو زرmajāzir2 slaughterhouse, abattoir; butchery 2 اجزرjazar (coll.; n. un. ) carrot(s) جزjazi‘a a (jaza‘, جزjuzū‘) to be or become anxious, worried, concerned; to be sad, unhappy ( موabout); to feel regret ( علووfor s.o.), pity ( علووs.o.); to mourn (j. for s.o.) V to break apart, break, snap 2 اجزالنjuzlān = جز ان 1 اجوزمjawma i (jazm) to cut off, cut short, clip ( هوs.th.); to judge; to decide. Settle ( هو s.th.); to be positive ( بabout), be absolutely certain ( بof s.th.); to assert authoritatively ( بs.th.); to make up one's mind, decide, resolve ( علووto do s.th.); to impose, make incumbent ( هو علووs.th. on s.o.); (gram.) to pronounce the final consonant (of a word) without a vowel; to put ( هوa verb) into the apocopate form or the imperative جزjaz‘ onyx جزjuz’ axle; shaft (techn.) جوووووزjaza‘ anxiety, uneasiness, apprehension, concern; anguish, fear; sadness جووزjazi‘ restless, impatient; anxious, worried, uneasy, apprehensive جوزمjazm cutting off, clipping; decision; resolution, resolve; apodictic judgment; (gram.) apocopate form│اعالمووووةاا جووووزم ‘alāmat al-j. = jazma جوووزjazū‘ and جووو زjāzi‘ restless; impatient; anxious, worried, uneasy, apprehensive مجووووزmujazza‘ marbled, variegated, dappled 123 جزمووووةjazma diacritical mark (o) indicating vowellessness of a final consonant veined; جووووزاIII to act at random, blindly, Indiscriminately, take a chance; to speculate (fin.); to speak vaguely, in general terms; to risk, stake ( بs.th.)│ا ج زااب فسوto risk one’s life; جو زاابو ا ووto plunge s.o. into (some adventure) جوزااjuzāf purchase of a certain amount of things (Isl. Law); جزا ووjuzāfan at random, haphazardly مجوزومmajzūm cut off. cut short, clipped; decided. settled; (gram.) vowelless (final consonant); in the apocopate form مج ز وةmujāzafa rashness, recklessness, foolhardiness; risk, hazard; adventure, venture م جزمmunjazim (gram.) in the apocopate form مجو زاmujāzif rash, reckless, foolhardy; adventurous; venturesome 2 اجوزلjazūla u to be considerable, abundant, plentiful IV ‘( اجوزلا و اا ع وaṯā’) to give generously, openhandedly, liberally to s.o. VIII to write shorthand جوزلjazl and جزيولjazīl pl. جوزالjizāl abundant, plentiful, ample, much; pure, lucid, eloquent (style)│ اجوووزلاا ووووأof sound, unerring judgment; شوكوهاشوكوااجوزيال šakarahū šukran jazīlan he thanked him profusely; شكوااجزيالmany thanks! جزلjizla piece, slice جزا وووةjazāla profusion, abundance; (rhet.) purity (of style) مجأزلmujtazil stenographer 1 جوووو زمjāzim decisive; peremptory, definite, definitive, final; firmly convinced, absolutely certain ( بof s.th.); (pl. جوووواازمjawāzim2) governing the apocopate form (gram.) اجازلlook up alphabetically 2 اجزموةjazma pl. –āt, جوزمjizam (pair of) shoes (pair of) boots│( اجزموةابوبو هbi-ribāṯ) laced soots; ( جزموةا م عوةlammā‘a) patent-leather shoes جزمجووووgazmagī (eg.) and جزمووو تو gizamātī (eg.), jazmātī (syr.) pl. -īya shoemaker جوزىjazā i ( جوزاiazii') to requite, recompense ( هs.o., بor علووfor), repay ( هto s.o., بor علووs.th.); to reward ( هs.o., بor علووfor); to punish ( هs.o., بor علووfor); to satisfy (ه s.o.), give satisfaction ( هto s.o.); to compensate, make up ( هو بfor s.th. with or by); to compensate, offset ( عوs.th.)│ا ( جوزا ا ا يوواḳairan) may God bless you for it!; ( جوزاهاجوزا اسو م رjazā’a sinimmāra) he returned to him good for evil III to repay, requite ( هو بs.th. with, ه بs.o. for), recompense ( ه بs.o. for); to reward (علوو or ه بs.o. for); to punish ( علووor ه بs.o. for)│( اجزاهما يواḳairan) he invoked God’s reward upon them IV to suffice ( هs.o.), do for s.o. ( ;)هto take the place, serve instead ( عof), replace ( عs.th.) جوووووزاjazā’ requital, repayment; recompense, return; compensation, setoff; 124 amends, reparation; punishment, penalty│ ( اجزا اظقدnaqdī) fine جزائوjazā’ī penal جزيوةjizya pl. جوزىjizan, جوزاjizā’ tax; tribute; head tax on free non-Muslims under Muslim rule تجزيةtajziya reward مجووو زاmujāzāh requital, repayment; punishment جوسjassa u (jass, مجسوةmajassa) to touch, feel, handle ( هوs.th.); to palpate, examine by touch ( هوs.th.); to test, sound, probe ( هو s.th.); to try to gain information ( هوabout), try to find out ( هوs.th.); to spy out ( هو s.th.)│ ( اجوساظب وnabḍahū) to feel s.o.’s pulse, (fig.) جوساظوب اا شوto probe, sound out, try to find out s.th. V to try to gain information ( هوabout), try to find out ( هو s.th.); to reconnoiter, scout, explore ( ه و s.th.); to be a spy, engage in espionage; to spy, pry, snoop ( علوووon s.o.)│اتجسوسا و ا ( ا بو راaḳbāran) to gather information for s.o., spy for s.o. VIII to touch, feel, handle ( هs.th.); to spy out ( هs.th.) جوسjass: هووىاا جوسṯarīy al-j. delicate to the touch, having a tender surface, fresh ج ساسjāsūs pl. جااسيسjawāsīs2 spy ج ساسةjāsūsa woman spy ج ساس ووjāsūsī of espionage, spy- (in compounds) ج ساسيةjāsūsīya spying, espionage جاسسةjausasa spying, espionage مجوسmajass spot which one touches or feels; sense of touch│ ا شو اا مجوسḳašin alm. coarse to the touch, having a rough surface مجسmijass probe (med.) تجسسtajassus spying, espionage ج سئjāsi’ hard, rough, rugged جسودII to make corporeal, invest with a body, embody, incarnate ( هوs.th.), give concrete form ( هوto s.th.); to render or represent in corporeal form ( ه وs.th.) V to become corporeal, assume concrete form, materialize; to become incarnate (Chr.); to become three-dimensional جسدjasad pl. اجسajsād body│اعيوداا جسود ‘īd al-j. and ميساا جسودCorpus Christi Day (Chr.) جسدىjasadī bodily, fleshly, carnal جسداظوjusdānī bodily تجسدtaia.snul materialization; incar· nation (OM.) مجسدmujassad embodied, corporified مأجسوودmutajassid corporeal; incarnate (Chr) جسووjasara u to span, cross, traverse ( هوs.th.); ( جسو رjasāra, جسوارjusūr) to venture, risk ( علووs.th.), have the courage ( علووto do s.th.) II to build a dam or dike; to embolden, encourage ( هوs.o., علووto do s.th.) VI to dare, venture, risk ( علووs.th.), have the audacity ( علووto do s.th.); to be sold, forward, insolent, impudent (علووو with s.o.) VIII to span, cross, traverse ( هو s.th.) جسوووjisr pl. اجسوووajsur, جس وارjusūr bridge; dam, dike, embankment, levee; -(pl. جس وارjusūra) beam, girder; axle, axletree│ ( اجسووامأحووmuḥarrik) movable bridge; ( جسوووامعلووقmu‘allaq) suspension bridge; جسوواعو ئمpontoon bridge, floating bridge جسوووارjasār sold, daring; forward, insolent, impudent جسووو رjasāra boldness, recklessness, intrepidity; forwardness, insolence تج سوووtajāsur boldness, recklessness, intrepidity; forwardness, insolence مأج سووmutajāsir bold, daring; forward, insolent, impudent 125 جسsee ا اجص جسومjasuma u ( جسو مةjasāma) to be great. Big, large. bulky. huge. immense II to make corporeal. invest with a body ( هوs.th.), give ( هوs.th.) shape or form; to materialize ( هوs.th.); to cause to stand out. bring out ( هs.th.); to enlarge, magnify ( هوs.th.; e.g., microscope); to make big, bulky, huge ( هو s.th.); to play up, exaggerate ( هوs.th.) V to become corporeal, become embodied; to materialize; to assume a form, take shape, become tangible or concrete; to be materialized; to become big, large, huge, increase in volume, grow in size جسومpl. اجسو مajsām, جسوامjusūm body (also O of an automobile); substance, matter; mass; form, shape جسوموiiaa1 bodily, physical; substantial, material اجسويمjasīm pl. جسو مgreat, big, large; voluminous, bulky, huge; vast, immense; stout, corpulent; weighty, most significant, momentous, prodigious جسوويمjusaim pl. -āt particle (phys.); corpuscle (biol.) اجسوومajsam2 more voluminous, larger; stouter, more corpulent جسوومjasāma size, volume; stoutness, corpulence جسم نjusmān body, mass جسووووم ظوjusmānī bodily, Corporal│ا أب يووووووووباا جسووووووووم ظو punishment physical. corporal تجسوووويمtajsīm embodiment; relief; enlargement, magnification, magnifying power جسومmujassam bodily, corporeal; (math.) body; three-dimensional; tangible, material, concrete; raised, relieflike, standing out in relief (e.g., وي ووةامجسوومة relief map); relief; enlarged. Magnified│ا لوووووومامجسووووووم (film) three-dimensional (stereoscopic) film, 3-D motion picture جسم ظيةjasmānīya2 Gethseman جس ايجساةjasā u to become hard, solid جوشjašša u (jašš) to grind, crush, bruise, grate ( هs.th.) جوشjušša hoarseness, huskiness, raucity (of the voice) جشيشjašīš ground, grated, crushed اجووشajašš2, f. جشووjaššā’2 hoarse, husky, raucous (voice) جشبII and V to belch, burp جش وjušā’ and جش وبjaš’a belch(ing), burp(ing) جش رjušār livestock جشواjaši‘a a (jaša‘) and V to be covetous, greedy جشوواjaša‘ greed, avidity, inordinate desire جشاjaši‘ greedy, covetous جشومjašāma a (jašm, جشو مةjašāma) to take upon o.s. ( هوsome hardship) II to make (ه s.o.) suffer or undergo ( هوs.th.); to impose ( ه هوon s.o. s.th. difficult), burden ( ه هوs.o. with s.th.) V to take upon o.s., suffer, undergo ( هs.th., e.g., hardships) ( جشو وeg., cf. ششو وšišnī) sample, specimen; sampling جصII to plaster, whitewash ( هs.th.) جصjiṣṣ gypsum; plaster of Paris جصوII tajaṣṯana to lounge, stretch lazily, loll جعةji‘a beer جعبII to corrugate ( هs.th.) جعبةja‘ba pl. جع بji‘āb quiver; tube, pipe; gun barrel; o cartridge pouch (Syr.)│اجعبوةاا بو ر j. aḳbār town gossip (person) 126 جعجواja‘ja‘a ( جعجواja‘ja‘a) to clamor, roar, shout; to clatter, clap; to bluster, explode in anger جعجعوةja‘ja‘a hubbub, rumpus, clamor, roar; creak, clapping noise (of a mill wheel); bluster جعجوووja‘jā‘ clamorous, boisterous, noisy; bawler, loud-mouthed person جعدja‘uda a ( جعواju‘ūda, جعوja‘āda) and V to become curly, frizzed, kinky, curl (hair); to be wavy; to be creased; to be wrinkled II to curl, frizz ( هوs.th.; the hair); to wave ( هوs.th.; the hair); to crease, pleat, plait ( هcloth); to wrinkle ( هthe skin) جعودja‘d (or جعوداا يودj. al-yad, جعوداا كوفj. al-kaff) stingy, niggardly, tightfisted جعدja‘da curl, lock, ringlet جعدىja‘dī and اجعدaj‘ad2 curly جعيودىgə‘īdī (eg.) bum, loafer, good-fornothing تج عيوودtajā‘īd2 wrinkles, lines (of the face) تجعداtaja‘‘udāt wrinkles مجعوودmuja‘‘ad curled, frizzed; wavy; furrowed, creased; wrinkled مأجعودmutaja‘‘id curled, frizzed; wavy; furrowed, creased; wrinkled جعدظةja‘dana idle talk, gossip (leb.) جعوja‘ara a (ja‘r) to drop its manure (animal) ابوااجعووانabū ji‘rān2 scarabaeus; dung beetle جعفوja‘far little river, creek جعولja‘ala a (ja‘l) to make ( هوs.th.); to put, place, lay ( هوs.th.); to create ( هوs.th.); to effect, bring about ( هوs.th.); to make ( هو هو s.th. a rule, a principle, or the like, ه هs.o., e.g., leader, king, etc.), appoint ( ه هs.o. to an office, rank, or the like); to fix, set ( ه ه a sum, a price, at); to think, deem, believe ( ه بor ه هs.o. to be …, هو هوs.th. to be ...), take ( ه باor ه هs.o. for, هو هوs.th. for); to represent ( هوs.th., وواصوارas, or in the form of, s.th. else); to appoint, settle (هو ل s.th. for s.o., in s.o.’s favor); to give, grant, concede ( هو لs.th., an advantage, to s.o.), put s.o. ( )لin the way of s.th. ( ;)هوto attribute ( ل هوto s.o. s.th.), maintain that s.th. ( )هوbelong. to s.o. ( ;)لto entrust (ا وو هوs.th. to s.o.); to put, get ( هs.o., هوs.th., into a specific state or condition); (with foll. imperf.) to begin to, set out to│جعلو ا يفعولto induce s.o. to do; to make s.o. do s.th. (in a narrative); ( جعلووو ابم ز وووةbimanzilati) to place s.o. on equal footing with; ( جعلووو ا ووووامأ ووو ولايووودهfī mutanāwali yadihī) to bring or put s.th. within s.o.’s reach III to seek to bribe, try to win (ه ب s.o. with s.th.) جعولju‘l pl. اجعو لaj‘āl pay, wages; piece wages; reward, prize جعلوju‘līi: ( اتف اجعلواittifāq) piece-work contract جعولju‘al pl. جعوالنji‘lān dung beetle; scarabaeus جع ةji‘āla, ja‘āla, ju‘āla pl. جع ئولja‘āil2 pay, wages; allowance; reward, prize: bribe جغوا يووووjugrāfiyā and جغوا يووووةjugrāfīya geography│جغوا يوووووووةاهبيعيوووووووة (ṯabī‘īya) physical geography جغواjugrāfī geographical; geographer جوفjaffa (1st pers. perf. jafaftu) i ( جفو اjafāf, جفوااjufūf) to dry, become dry; to dry out II to dry, make dry ( هs.th.) جفو اjafāf dryness; desiccation; drying up; dullness اتجفو اtajfāf pl. تجو يفtajāfīf2 protective armor تجفيوووووفtajfīf drying; dehydration; drainage 127 desiccation; جو اjāff dry│( اللوماحبوواجو اqalam ḥibr) ball-point pen مجفووووفmujaffaf dried, desiccated, dehydrated; مجففdehydrated foods جفوووjufā’ useless, vain, futile│ ا هوووباجفووو dahaba jufā’an to be in vain, be of no avail, pass uselessly جفتjift, ﭽ وتčift (pronounced šift; eg.) pincers, tweezers; metal clamp│ اجفوووتاشووووي نj. šaryān arterial clamps ( ﭽ أشوpronounced šiftišī; eg.) filigree جفألولjiftlik farm, country estate; government land (Pal.) جفووووjafr, ‘ علوووماا جفووووilm al-j. divination, fortunetelling جفوjufra pl. جفوjufar pit, hole جفولjafala i u (jafl, جفوالjufūl) and IV to start, jump with fright; to shy (horse) II to start, rouse ( هs.th., .s.o.); to scare away ( هs.o.) جفولjafl and جفوالjufūl fright, alarm; shying ( ﭽ للpronounced šiflik; eg.) = جفألل جفpl. جفانjufūn, اجف نajfān eyelid جف وةjafna pl. جفو نjifān, bowl; grapsvine جف وjafanāt ( جفو )جفواjafā u (jafw, جفوjafā’) to be rough, coarse; to treat ( هs.o.) roughly, harshly; to turn away (. from), shun, avoid, flee (ه s.o.) III to treat ( هs.o.) roughly, rudely, جلووةjulla, jilla droppings, dung (of animals); julla pl. جلولjulal (cannon) ban; bomb 128 harshly; to be cruel ( هto s.o.); to be cross ( هwith s.o.); to elude, flee ( هs.o.; slumber); to offend ( هوagainst good taste, one’s sense of honor, or the like) VI to withdraw ( عوfrom), shun, avoid ( هs.o.); to loathe ( عوs.o., s.th.), have an aversion ( عوto); to display rude manners, act the ruffian جلوةjulla attire, clothing│اا جلوةاا جبووتيوةا يا كه اتيوووووةة (ḥabrawīya, kahnūtīya) Episcopal (sacerdotal) vestments (Chr.) جليلjalīl pl. اجالajillā’2, اجلةajilla, جالئل jalā’il2 great, important, significant, weighty, momentous; lofty, exalted, sublime; revered, honorable, venerable; glorious, splendid جفاjafw roughness, harshness جفووواjafwa roughness; estrangement, alienation; disagreement, dissension, quarrel جوووووالل jalāl loftiness, augustness; splendor, glory جفوووووjafā’ roughness; harshness; sternness; antipathy, aversion, distaste, loathing; estrangement, alienation اجفووajfā refraining even more ( لfrom), more averse ( لto s.th.) جال وووووةjalāla loftiness, sublimity, augustness; majeoty│اص حبايصو حبةةاا جال وة His (Her) Majesty, جال وةاا ملولj. al-malik His Majesty, the King جو اjāfin pl. جفوjufāh harsh, rough, coarse; brutish, uncouth, rude اجولajall2 greater; more sublime; more splendid ج كأةlook up alphabetically مجلوةmajalla pl. -āt periodical; review, magazine│ ( مجلوةااسوباعيةusbū‘īya) weekly magazine; ( مجلووةاشووهويةšahrīya) monthly publication; مجلووووووةا صووووووةاب (ḳāṣṣa) professional journal for a. ; مجلووةااالحك و م lawbook, code; مجلةاا قااظيdo. جكوIII (syr.) to tease ( هs.o.) 1 sublimity, جوولjalla i ( جوواللjalāl) to be great, lofty, exalted, illustrious, sublime; to be too great ( عوfor), be beyond s.th. ( )عو, be far above s.th. ( ‘(اجلاع اا حصو│)عan il-ḥaṣr) to be innumerable II to honor, dignify, exalt ( هs.o.); to cover ( هوs.th., esp. the ground, as snow, plants, etc.); to envelop, wrap, drape, clothe; to border, edge ( هو s.th., بwith) IV to honor, dignify, revere, venerate, esteem highly, exalt ( هs.o.); to deem too high, too exalted ( عوfor s.th.), consider far beyond s.th. ( )عوVI to deem o.s. far above s.th. ( )عوX to be great, exalted, sublime جلgreat, outstanding; bulky جوولjull major portion, bulk, majority, main part│ جلjulluhū most of it; جلااالموةj. al-umma the majority of the people; جولامو ا يوits main contents; ( وجولامو ايقو لااظوjullu) that much, at least, can be said that ... جلووووولjalal important, momentous, weighty significant, جلووjullā pl. جلولjulal matter of great importance, momentous undertaking, great feat, exploit تجلوووةtajilla and اجووواللijlāl honor, distinction; esteem, deference, respect; reverence 2 اجلjull rose جالبjulāb, jullāb rose water; julep ( جالتيFr. gélatine) želātīn jelly ( جالسيةFr. glacé) glasēh (eg.) kid leather 1 جلوبjalaba i u (jalb) to attract ( هوs.th.); to fetch, get, bring ( هوs.th., لto s.o.); to import ( هوgoods); to bring about ( هوa state, condition); to bring ( هوharm, shame, etc., علوupon s.o.); to gain, win, obtain ( هو s.th.); to earn ( هs.th.); ( جلابjulūb) to scar over, heal (wound) II to shout, clamor; to be noisy, boisterous IV to earn, gain, acquire ( هوs.th.); = II; VII pass. of I VIII to procure, bring, fetch, get ( هوs.th.); to draw ( هوon s.th.); to import ( هوgoods) X to import ( هوgoods); to fetch, summon, call in ( هs.o.); to attract, draw ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to seek to attract or win ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to get, procure ( هs.th.) جلوووووووب jalb bringing, fetching; procurement; acquisition; importation, import; causation, bringing on, bringing about جلبjalab imported; foreign جلبjalab and جلبةjalaba clamor; uproar, tumult, turmoil جلبةjulba scar جليوبjalīb imported, foreign; (pl. جلبووو jalbā, جلبjulabā’2) foreign slave جوووالبjallāb attractive, captivating; importer, trader; see also alphabetically│ا جالباا عبيدslave trader جالبيووةgallābīya (eg.) pl. -at, جال يووب galālīb2 galabia, a loose, shirtlike garment, the common dreao of the male population in Egypt جلب بbelow under جلبب جلوووبajlab2 more attractive, more captivating مجلبوووةmajlaba pl. مج وووبmajālib2 causative factor, motive, reason, cause, occasion 2 3 اجلجلةjuljula, جبلاا جلجلةjabal al-j. Golgotha 3 اجلجالنjuljulān, jiljilān sesame جلاjaliḥa a (jalaḥ) to be or become bald اجلواajlaḥ2, f. جلحوjalḥā’2, pl. جلواjulḥ bald-headed, bald جلوخjalaḳa a and II to sharpen ( هوs.th.); to whet, hone ( هوa knife), strop ( هوa razor); to stretch, extend, roll out ( هmetal) جلخjalḳ grindstone, whetetone, hone جلودjalada i (jald) to whip, flog, lash ( هs.o.); -jalida a to be frozen, freeze; -- jaluda u to be tough, hardy, undismayed, steadfast, patient II to bind ( هوa book); (to cause) to freeze ( هوs.th.) III to fight ( هs.o.) IV to freeze; to be frozen, be covered with ice V to take heart; to show o.s. tough, hardy, robust; to resign o.s. to patience; to bear, suffer VI to engage in a sword fight جل ودjald flogging; -- (pl. اجووالajlād) staunch, steadfast; strong, sturdy جلودjild pl. جلواjulūd, اجوالajlād skin, hide; leather│( اجلوووووداسووووو أي نsuḳtiyān) morocco; ( جلدا مlammā‘) patent leather اسووووووووأجالب istijlāb procurement, acquisition; importation, import; supply; attraction│ ااسووأجالباا س و ئحيpromotion of tourist traffic جلودjilda skin, hide; piece of leather; race│ اابووووو اجلووووودتibn jildatinā our countryman, our fellow tribesman, pl. ب واا جلدتbanū j. ج وووبjālib causative factor, motive, reason, cause, occasion جلووودىاjildī dermal, cutaneous, skin (adj.)│ ااموا اجلديةskin diseases اجالبjulāb, jullāb rose water; julep اجلبjalabā jalap (bot.) جلبوبII tajalbaba to clothe o.s. ( بwith), be clothed, be clad ( بin a garment, also fig.) جلبو بjilbāb pl. جالبيوبjalābīb2 garment, dress, gown; woman's dress جلبوو نjulubbān chickling vetch, grass pea (Lathyrus sativua) 1 2 اجلجولjaljala to reverberate; to resound, ring out; to rattle; to shake ( هs.th.) جلجولjuljul pl. جالجولjalājil2 (little) bell, sleigh bell; cowbell; jingle جلجلوةjaljala sound of a bell; loud, shrill sound مجلجولmujaljil shrill, piercing; ringing, resounding, reverberant جليودjulaida pl. -āt membrane, pellicle; O film (phot.) جلودjalad enduranos; suffering; patience; firmament جلدjalda lash, stroke with a whip جليوودjalīd pl. جلووداjuladā’2 staunch, steadfast; strong, sturdy جليودjalīd ice│ اجبولاجليودjabal j. iceberg; ( ل عةام اا جليدqiṯ‘a) ice floe جليودىjalīdī icy, ice-covered, glacial, ice (adj.); snow-covered│‘( اا عصوواا جليودىaṣr) the Ice Age جلاjalūd long-suffering, patient جووالjallād pl. -ūn leather merchant; executioner, hangman جوالjalāda and جلواjulūda endurance, patience مجلدmijlada whip, lash, scourge تجليدtajlīd freezing; bookbinding جالjilād fight, battle (against) تجلدtajallud endurance, patience مجلوودmujallid: مجلووداا كأووبm. al-kutub bookbinder مجلودmujallad frozen, icy, ice-covered; bound (book); (pl. -āt) volume (book) مج دmujālid pl. -ūn gladiator مأجلدmutajallid patient جلمزjillauz (coll.; n. un. ) hazelnut; hazel جلوسjalasa i ( جلواسjulūs) to sit down ( ا ووwith s.o., at a tabl., etc., علووon a chair); to sit ( ا ووwith s.o., at a table, علووon a chair)│ا ( جلوساا وواا وسو مrassām) to sit for a painter III to sit ( هwith s.o., next to s.o., in s.o.’s company); to keep s.o. ( )هcompany IV to ask to sit down, make sit down, eeat (ه s.o.) جلسووةjalsa pl. -āt seat (in an auditorium); session (of parliament, of a committee, 130 of a court, etc.); party, gathering, meeting│‘ عقوووداجلسوووةaqada jasatan to convene a session; ‘( جلسووةاع مووةāmma) plenary session جلسةjilsa manner of sitting جلويسpl. جلسوjulasā’2 participant in a social gathering; table companion: one with whom one sits together; جليسوthe man who was at the party with him ا جليسووةjalīsa lady companion; fem. of جليس جلوووواسjulūs sitting: sitting down; accession to the throne; pl. of ج سsitting مجلووسmajlis pl. مج و سmajālis2 seat; session room, conference room; party, gathering, meeting; social gathering: session, sitting; council meeting; council; concilium; collegium, college: board, committee, commission; administrative board; court, tribunal│ وووامجلسوin s.o.’s presence, in s.o.’s company; مجلوساا أب يوب and مجلوساتوب يبوdisciplinary board; مجلوسا تبسيس ووconstituent assembly; مجلووساآ و لو regional court (tribunal régional; Tun.); مجلووساادمووةm. al-umma parliament (Ir.); مجلساادموm. al-amn the Security Council; مجلوساا بلديوةm. al-baladīya and مجلوسابلودى (baladī) local council, municipal council; مجلوساا حووبm. al-ḥarb war council; مجلوسا ( حسوبوḥasbī) probate court (for Muslim; Eg.); ( مجلووسام ووألطmuḳtaliṯ) mixed court (eg.); مجلووساا وودdefense council; مجلووسا اال ارm. al-idāra administrative board, committee of management, directorate; board of directors (of a corporation or bank); مجلووووساا مديويووووةm. al-mudīrīya provincial council, provincial parliament (Eg.); مجلووساا دو ووةm. ad-daula Supreme Administrative Court (Eg.); مجلووساروحووو (rūḥī) religious court, clerical court (of the Coptic Church); مجلوساشوارىاا دو وةm. šūrā d-daula council of state; مجلوووساا شوووياخ council of elders: Senate (Eg.); مجلوساعود و (‘adlī) court, tribunal (Syr.); ( عسوكوىor) ‘( مجلووساعو وووurfī, ‘askarī) court-martial; مجلساعصبةاادممm. ‘uṣbat al-umam Council of the League of Nations; مجلوساا عموامthe House of Commons; مجلوساادعيو نm. ala‘yān senate (Ir., Jord.); مجلوساااللأوواdraft board, recruiting commission (mil.); مجلوسا ( لوووىqarawī) local council; مجلوساالأصو ى (iqtiṣādī) economic council: مجلووسالووامو (qaumī) national assembly; مجلساليو اا ثوار m. qiyādat at-taura Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal (Eg.): ا مجلوساا كبيوو and ( ا مجلسااالكبوakbar) the Grand Council (= le Grand Conseil; Tun.); مجلوساا لوار ي the House of Lords: مجلووساا وواابm. annuwwāb lower house, chamber of deputies; ( مجلووساظي و بوniyābī) parliament; مجلوساا جهوةm. al-jiha approx.: provincial council (= conseil de région; Tun.); مجلوسا ا وازراm. al-wuzarā’ cabinet, council of ministers مج سةmujālasa social intercourse جو سjālis pl. جلواسjulūs, جوالسjullās sitting; pl. جووالسparticipants in a social gathering جلوطjalaṯa i (jalṯ) to chafe, gall, abrade ( هوthe skin); to shave ( ا وأسar-ra’sa the head اجل وووةjulṯa lump, clot│اجل وووةا مايوووة (damawīya) blood clot, thrombus جلفjilf pl. اجالاajlāf boorish, rude, uncivil جلفطjalfaṯa ( جلف ةjalfaṯa) to calk ( هa ship) جلفgalfana (eg.) to galvanize clarify, clear up ( هوs.th.), throw light ( ا هو on); to uncover, unearth, bring to light, find out, discover, detect ( هs.th.) جلف ةgalfana galvanization مجلفmugalfan galvanized ابو اجوالibn jalā a famous, well-known man, a celebrity جاللووةاjalāqa: ( جاللووةالوويووةاqarawīya) yokel, bumpkin جلووjalīy clear, plain, evident, patent, manifest, obvious, conspicuous; جليوووو jalīyan obviously, evidently جلمjalama i (jalm) to clip, shear off ( هs.th.) جلمjalam pl. اجالمajlām shears جليووةjalīya pl. جاليوjalāyā sure thing, plain fact│ جليوةاادمووjalīyat al-amr the true state of the affair ابااجلمباabū galambū (eg.) a variety of crab جلمدII tajalmada to be petrified جلمودjalmad pl. جالمودjalāmid2 and جلموا julmūd pl. جالميدjalāmīd2 rook, bolder اجلووajlā clearer, more obvious, more distinct جل رjullanār pomegranate blossom (ا جلواand جوال )جلووjalā u to clean, polish ( هوs.th.); to clear ( هوthe view); to make clear, make plain, clarity, clear up ( ه و s.th.), throw light on ( )هو, to reveal, unveil, disclose ( هوووs.th.), to dislodge, oust, remove ( هو عوor هs.o. or s.th. from), to shine, be brilliant, distinguish o.s. ( ووin s.th.); to be or become clear, evident, manifest; to pull out, move out ( عوof a place), go away, depart ( عوfromاa place), leave, quit, evacuate ( عوa place); -- جلوو jalā i to polish, burnish ( هوs.th.) II to reveal, disclose, bring to light ( عوor هو s.th.); to show, represent ( هs.o., هوs.th.), IV to remove, dislodge, oust, drive away ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to evacuate ( هs.o. from); to move away, go away ( عوfrom a place), leave ( ع وa place) V to become clear, evident, manifest; to reveal itself, be revealed, to appear, show, come to light, come out, manifest itself, to be manifested, be expressed, find expression VII to be clean or cleaned, be polished, be burnished, to be removed, be dislodged, be ousted; to move away ( ع وfrom a place), vacate, evacuate ( عوa place), to be dispelled, vanish, go away, pass (crisis, difficulty, etc.), to disappear, to reveal itself, be revealed, be disclosed; to be unveiled (bride), to become manifest, manifest itself; to become clear or plain; to clear up and reveal ( عوs.th.), to lead, come ( عوto), end ( عوin), to result ( عو in)│ مو اي جلووواع و اادموووthe outcome of the matter, what will come of it VIII to reveal, disclose ( هو اs.th.), to regard ( هوs.th.), look at ( )هوX to seek to clarify ( هوs.th.), to جلواىjalwā unveiling (of the bride)│يلوةا ا جلاlailat al-j. wedding night جوووالjalā’ clarification, clarity, clearness, plainness, departure, (e)migration ( evacuation ( ع وof an area; clearly, plainly جليووووو نjalayān apocalypse (Chr.) elucidation; distinctness; عووووfrom), mil.); بجووال vision, revelation, مجووو لmajālin (pl. of مجلووووmajlan) manifestations تجليوةtajliya: ( تجليوةااالهيوةilāhīya) divine revelation; theophany (Chr.) تجوولtajallin revelation, manifestation; Transfiguration (of Christ)│‘ عيووداا أجلوووīd at-t. Transfiguration Day (Chr.) اجأالijtilā’ contemplation اسأجالistijlā’ clarification, elucidation ج يوةjāliya pl. -āt, جواالjawālin colony (of foreigners); colony of emigrants ا مجلوal-mujallī the winner (in a race) ا مأجوووولmutajallin manifest, patent obvious, evident, جلانgalōn pl. -āt gallon (eg.) مجلانmugalwan galvanized (eg.) جلوjullā see 1جل جلياتيgilyotīn guillotine (eg.) 1 امabbreviation of ج ي امصوىEgyptian pound 2 جومjamma i u (jamm) to gather; to collect one’s thoughts, concentrate; to rest II and V to grow luxuriantly (plants) X to gather; to collect one’s thoughts, concentrate; to rest, relax, seek recreation ( ا موfrom); to be covered with luxuriant vegetation (ground) جومjamm abundant, plentiful; much, a great deal of; many, numerous; manifold, multiple; crowd, group of people│جوماادثوو j. al-atar effective, efficacious; احبو احبو اجمو (aḥabbahū ḥubban) to be more than fond of; اائوداجموةnumerous advantages, ample benefits; جماغفيوlarge crowd, throng جمو مjamām rest, relaxation, recreation, gathering of new strength مجومmajamm place where s.th. gathers or flows together│ مجووووماهوووولااا وووووأ اومسووووأجمع (mustajma‘uhū) what this opinion amounts to تجموويمtagmīm (eg.) bobbed hairdo (of women) اسوووووووأجم تم istijmām collectedness; concentration; attentiveness, attentive reverence; rest, relaxation, recreation جمب ز, ج ب زىsee ج ب ز, ج ب زى ( جمبوووىfrom It. gambero) gambarī, جموووى gammarī (eg.) shrimp (zool.) 2 جمجوومjamjama ( جمجمووةjamjama), جمجووماا كووالم (kalāma) and II tajamjama to articulate indistinctly, stammer; to express o.s. poorly, speak incoherently; to mumble 2 جمجمووةjumjuma pl. جم و جمjamājim2 skull, cranium جمجموjumjumī cranial جمواjamaḥa a (jamḥ, جمو حjimāḥ, جمواحjumūḥ to holt (horse); to he refractory, unruly, recalcitrant; to be defiant; to be capricious, whimsical; to run out on her husband, run away from home (wife) 2 اجمودjamada u, jamuda u (jamd, جمواjumūd) to freeze; to congeal, harden, stiffen, be or become hard or solid, solidify; to coagulate, clot (blood); to be rigid, inflexible (in one’s thinking); to stagnate; to be apathetic, indolent, dull, indifferent│ا جمود اظفسو اعلووto be indifferent toward, put up with, acquiesce in; ( جمد ايودهyaduhū) to be niggardly, tightfisted II to freeze, frost, congeal ( هوs.th.); to solidify, coagulate, harden, stiffen ( هs.th.); to curdle ( هs.th.); to freeze ( هوassets V to freeze, become frozen, turn into ice, freeze up. become icebound; to freeze to death; to congeal; to solidify; to harden, set (e.g., cement); to coagulate, clot (blood) VII to freeze up, become icebound; to freeze, become frozen, turn to ice جمووووودjamd freezing; congelation, solidification, coagulation│رجوووووةاا جمووووود darajat al-j. freezing point جمدjamad ice جم وjamād pl. -āt a solid; inorganic body; mineral; inanimate body, inanimate being; O neuter (gram.) جمواjumūd frozen state; solid, compact state, compactness, solidity; rigor, rigidity, stiffness; inorganic state; hardening, induration; hardness, inflexibility; deadlock, standstill; inertia, inaction, inactivity; lethargy, apathy, passivity, indifference جماjumūda solidity, hardness تجميوودtajmīd solidification, hardening; consolidation; reinforcement (of a foundation)│ تجميوووودااالموووواالt. al-amwāl freezing of assets تجمووووود tajammud freezing; frost; congelation; solidification; coagulation جمووو حjimāḥ recalcitrance, defiance; willfulness اظجموinjimād freezing up or over, icing up; ice formation جمووواحjumūḥ recalcitrance, defiance; willfulness ج مووودjāmid hard, solid; stiff; rigid; motionless; inanimate, inorganic; (gram.) defective; dry. dull (book, and the like); impervious to progress to innovation, ossified, ultraconservative; pl. جااموووود jawāmid2 inanimate things, inorganic matter, minerals جمواحjamūḥ headstrong, defiant, unruly, ungovernable جو ماjāmiḥ headstrong, defiant, unruly; indomitable, untamable مأجموودmutajammid frozen, icy; stiff, congealed; coagulated م جمودmunjamid frozen, icy, ice (adj.); arctic│( ا محوويطاا م جمووودmuḥīṯ) the Arctic Ocean 2 اجم و ىjumādā name of the fifth and sixth months of the Muslim year ( جمو ىااالو ووj. al-ūlā Jumada I and جم ىااب ووj. al-āḳira Jumada II) جموII to roast ( هmeat) VIII to bum incense جمواjamr embers, live coal│اك ناعلوااحوا ( مو اجمووaḥarra) to be on tenter-hooks; to be in greatest suspense, be dying with curiosity جمووjamra (n. un. of )جموووlive coal; firebrand, smoldering embers; rankling resentment; (pl. -āt) carbuncle (med.)│O ا جمو اا بيثةanthrax جم و رjummār palm pith, palm core (edible tuber growing at the upper end of the palm trunk) مجمووووmijmara pl. مجووو موmajāmir2 brazier; censer 2 جموىsee جمبوى ( جموeg.) gumruk pl. جموgamārik2 customs; customhouse│ رسووووماا جموووووrasm al-g. customs duty, tariff جموك ووgumrukī customs, tariff (used attributively)│( ااتحووووو اجموكووووووittih ād) customs union مجموmugamrak duty paid جميوزjummaiz (coll.; n. un. ) sycamore (Ficus sycomorus; bot.) ج ماسlook up alphabetically جموشjamaša i u (jamš) to unhair ( هوs.th.) II to make love, caress, pet جمواjama‘a a (jam‘) to gather ( هوs.th.); to collect ( هوe.g., money); to unite, combine, bring together (parts into a whole); to put together. join ( هوthings); to set, compose ( هوtype; typ.); to compile ( هوa book); to summarize. sum up ( ه وs.th.) to rally, round up ( هومpeople); to pile up, amass accumulate ( ه وs.th.); to assemble (هووم several persons); to convoke, convene, call ( هوa meeting); to add ( هوnumbers), add up ( هوa column); (gram.) to make plural, pluralize ( هوa word); to unite, link, bring together ( بووويseveral things or persons); to combine ( بووي ا–اوe.g., both strength and courage); to contain, hold, comprise ( هووووs.th.)│ جموووواااهووووواااا شوووو (aṯrāfa) to summarize, sum up s.th.; to give a survey of s.th.; جمااا بواعةامو ااهوا هو ا (barā‘ata) to be very efficient, do an excellent job, do superlatively good work; ( جموااشوملاا ق يواšamla l-q.) to round up the herd; ( يجمااا كأ بابي اصفح تهṣafaḥātihā) the book contains, lists …; يجمواابيوتاعلووابيوا (yujma‘u) the plural of bait is buyūt II to pile up, amass, accumulate ( هوs.th.); to rally, round up ( هووs.th., هوومs.o.); to assemble ( هوthe parts of a 134 machine) III to have sexual intercourse ( هوwith a woman) IV to agree ( علووon s.th., to do s.th.); to be agreed ( علوووon); to decide unanimously ( علووon), resolve ( علووto do s.th.)│( اجمعااااموهمamrahum) they came to terms, they made a joint decision V to gather; to assemble, congregate; to rally, band together, flock together (people); to pile up; to accumulate; to gather into a mass, agglomerate; to cluster; to coagulate VIII to be close together; to come together, meet, join; to unite, combine (ب with); to assemble, meet, convene (an organization, a committee, etc.); to be or get together, have a اmeeting, interview or conference, hold talks (ب, مواwith s.o.), meet (ب, مواs.o.; to concur ( علووin), agree, be agreed ( علوووon s.th.) X to gather, collect ( هوs.th.; also لووااهquwāhu one’s strength, ا كو رهafkārahū one’s thoughts); to summarize, sum up ( هوووs.th.); to possess, combine ( هs.th.) جمووووواjam’ gathering; collection; combination; connection, coupling, joining; accumulation; (arith.) addition; union, merger, aggregation, integration ( بويof) holding together ( بويof divergent, separate things); (pl. جموووواjumū‘) gathering, crowd, throng; gang, troop; (gram.) plural│ اجمااا شوملj. aš-šaml union, integration; جموووااا أكسووويوthe broken (= internal) plural, ا جموااا سو مthe regular (= external) plural; اسووووماا جمووواism al-j. collective noun (gram.); جموااا يودj. al-yad fist جماjum‘, جمااا كفj. al-kaff, جمااا يودj. alyad fist, clenched hand│ ابجموواايدي وwith clenched fists جمع وةjum‘a pl. جموواjuma‘, -āt week; Friday│ ايواماا جمعوةyaum al-j. Friday; جمعوةا ابالمPassion Week; ا جمعوةاا عريموةand يواما ا ا جمعةاا حزي ةGood Friday (Chr.) جمعيوةاjam‘iya pl. -āt club, association, society; corporation, organization; 135 assembly│ جمعيةاادمومj. al-umam League of Nations; ( جمعيووةا يويووةḳairīya) charitable organization; جمعيوووةااالسوووع اj. al-is‘āf approx.: civil ambulance service; جمعيووة (tašrī‘īya) legislative assembly; جمعيوووةا ‘ عماميوةumūmīya) and ‘( جمعيوةاع موةāmma) general assembly; general meeting; plenum, plenary session; جمعيوووةاتع وظيوووة (ta‘āwunīya) cooperative جمي واjamī‘ (with foll. genitive) total; whole, entire; all; entirety; e.g., جميوااا و س all men, all mankind; ا جميواall people, everybody; the public at large; جميعووو jamī‘an in a body, altogether, one and all, all of them; entirely, wholly, totally جمواajma‘ pl. -ūn, f. جمعوjam‘ā’ , pl. جماjuma‘2 entire, whole, all`│ا ع مااالسالموا ( اجماajma‘a) the entire Islamic world; ا دارا ( جمعوjam‘ā’a) the whole house; ب جمعوbiajma‘ihī in its entirety, to its full extent, completely, altogether; جو واابو جمعهمall of them came 2 2 جموووjummā‘ aggregate; total, total amount O جمووو اكهوبووو ئو storage battery jammā‘ kahrabā‘ī; جم عوةjamā‘a pl. -āt group (of people); band, gang, party, troop; community; squad (military unit; Eg. 1939)│اجم عو ا وا ووا اjamā‘ātin wa-afrādan in groups and individually جمو عوjamā‘ī collective (as opposed to و ىfardī individual) مجمواmajma‘ pl. مجو ماmajāmi‘2 place where two or more things meet, place or point of union, junction; meeting, congregation, convention, assembly; (also مجموااعلمووm. ‘ilmī) academy (scientific); college (e.g., of ecclesiastical dignitaries); synod│( مجماابلودىbaladī) provincial synod (Chr.); ( مجماااكليوكووiklīrīkī) clerical synod (of the Coptic Church); ا ولابمجو مااا قلوابto win or captivate the hearts; 135 بمج مااعي يو bi-m. ‘ainaihi (to look at s.o.) with complete concentration, intently مجمعوووواmajma‘ī academician academy member, اتجموtajmī‘ assembly, assemblage (of the parts of machinery) جموووjimā‘ sexual intercourse; s.th. comprising or involving another thing or a number of things│اا مواجم ااالثمal-ḳamr j. al-itm wine involves sin, wine اجموijmā‘ agreement, unanimity (also ;)اجمو اا ووأunanimous resolution ( علووto do s.th.); (Isl. Law) consensus (of the authorities in a legal question; one of the four uṣūl of Islamic Law)│ اب الجمووو unanimously ا اجموووو عوijmā‘ī based on general agreement, unanimous; collective, universal تجمواtajammu‘ pl. -āt coming together, meeting; gathering; troop concentration; crowd, throng, mob; agglomeration; O agglutination (chem.-med.) اجأموijtimā‘ pl. -āt meeting ( بwith s.o.; of a corporate body; of parliament); get-together, gathering, assembly; reunion; rally; convention; conjunction, constellation (astron.); confluence (of rivers); life in a social group, community life, social life; االجأموووووhuman society│ اجأموووو اا وووووijtimā‘ aṯ-ṯuruq crossroads, intersection, junction; علوووما ‘ االجأموilm al-ijt. sociology; علمو ااالجأمو sociologists اجأمو عوijtimā‘ī community, group (used attributively); social; socialist(ic); sociological│وزار اا شووووووووووووووؤونااالجأم عيووووووووووووووة ministry for social affairs; ا ح وةااالجأم عيوة personal status; ( ا دمووةااالجأم عيووةḳidma) social service, social work; ا مس وا ااالجأم عية (musāwāh) social equality; ا هيئوةااالجأم عيوة (hai’a) human society اجأم عيةijtimā‘īya socialism ج و ماjāmi‘ comprehensive, extensive, broad, general, universal; collector; compiler (of a book); compositor, typesetter; (pl. جاامواjawāmi‘2) mosque│ا ( مسوجداجو ماmasjid) great, central mosque where the public prayer is performed on Fridays ج معووةاjāmi‘a pl. -āt league, union, association; community; federation; religious community, communion; commonness, community of interests or purpose; university│O ج معوةاا كهوبوj. alkahrabā’ storage battery, accumulator; ج معوةااالمومj. al-umam League of Nations; ( ا ج مع وةااالسووالميةislāmīya) Pan-Islamism; ‘( ا ج معووةاا عوبيووةarabīya) and ج معووةاا وودولا ( ا عوبيةduwal) the Arab League; ج معوةاشوعبية (ša‘bīya) university extension, adult education courses, evening courses ا جووو معوjāmi‘ī academic, collegiate, university (adj.); university graduate مجمووواmajmū‘ collected, gathered; totality, whole; total, sum (arith.)│اا حوواا ا مجماعةmatter (typ.); مجما ااراضواا ق ووm. arāḍī l-quṯr the total area of the country; مجما اهاm. ṯūlihī its total length; ا مجما ا ‘( ا عصبaṣabī) the nervous system ا مجماعوةmajmū‘a pl. -āt, مجو مياmajāmī‘2 collection (e.g., of works of art, of stamps, etc., also of stories); compilation, list; group {also, e.g., of trees, of islands, etc.); series (e.g., of articles in a newspaper; O battery (el.); alliance, league, bloc (e.g., of states); collective, collectivistic organization; aggregate; complex, block (of buildings); system; bulletin, periodical│( اا مجماعوةاا شمسويةšamāīya) the solar system; ( مجماعوووةاصووو عيةṣinā‘īya) syndicate مجموواmujammi‘ collector (techn.); O storage battery, accumulator مجموااعليوmujma‘ ‘alaihi (that which is) agreed upon, unanimous مجأمواmujtama‘ pl. -āt gathering place, place of assembly; meeting place, rendezvous; assembly, gathering, meeting; society; human society; community, commune, collective ج مكية = جمكيةlook up alphabetically 1 اجمولjamala u (jaml) to sum up, summarize ( هوs.th.); -- jamula u ( جمو لjamāl) to be beautiful; to be handsome, pretty, comely, graceful; to be proper, suitable, appropriate ( بfor s.o.), befit ( بs.o.) II to make beautiful, beautify, embellish, adorn ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) III to be polite, courteous, amiable (. to 8.0.) IV to sum, total, add ( هو s.th.); to treat as a whole, mention collectively ( هووووs.th.); to sum up, summarize ( هوs.th.); to act well, decently, be nice V to make o.s. pretty, adorn o.s. VI to be courteous, be friendly to one another جملوةjumla pl. جمولjumal totality, sum, whole; group, troop, body; crowd; wholesale; (gram.) sentence, clause; جملوة jumlatan completely, wholly, on the whole, altogether, in general, at all│اجملوةا واحودjumlatan wāḥidatan all at once, at one swoop; جملوووةاا ك ئ وووeverything in existence; ك نام اجملوةااصوح بhe was one of his companions, he belonged to his companions; ( ل و لا ووواجملووةام و ال و اjumlati) among other things, he said ... ; وجملوةاا قوالا انwa-jumlatu l-qauli anna or ا وجملةااالمواان in short ... , to sum up …, briefly stated ... ; علووواا جملووةin short, in a word; ب جملووة wholly, on the whole, altogether, in general, at all; by wholesale (com.); جملوةا االجوووو اا مسوووأحقةj. al-ujra al-mustaḥiqqa gross wage; تووو جواا جملوووة wholesaler, wholesale dealer; 41.J:1 ~ sr,. al·j. wholesale price; ( جملووةااسووميةismīya) nominal clause; ( جملةا عليةfi‘līya) verbal clause; جملةا ( ا ب ريوةiḳbārīya) or ( جملوةا بويوةḳabarīya) declarative sentence (or clause); جملةااظشو ئية (inšā’īya) exclamatory sentence; جملوةاح يوة (ḥālīya) circumstantial clause; ااجملوووةا (شوووهšarṯīya) conditional clause; جملووةا ( معأوضةmu‘tariḍa) parenthetical clause حسو باا جمولḥisāb al-jummal (or jumal) use of the letters of the alphabet according to their numerical value جم لjamāl beauty│O ‘ علوماا جمو لilm al-j. aesthetics جمي ولjamīl beautiful, graceful, lovely, comely, pretty, handsome; friendly act, favor, service, good turn; courtesy│اعأوااا ب جميل, معو ةاا جميولma‘rifat al-j. and عو و نا ‘( ب جميووووولirfān) gratitude; اظكووووووانا ا جمي ولnukrān al-j. ingratitude; ظ و كواا جمي ول ungrateful; ( حف ا اجميالḥafiẓa) to keep s.o. in fond remembrance, remember s.o. with gratitude اجملajmal2 more beautiful تجميوووووووووول tajmīl embellishment; cosmetics beautification, مج ملوةmujāmala pl. -āt (act of) courtesy; civility, amiability; flattery; مج ملوووووة mujāmalatan amicably, in a friendly way│ا زيو ر امج ملوةziyārat m. courtesy call; لااعودا ا مج مالetiquette اجم و لijmāl summation, summing up; summarization; اجمووو الijmālan on the whole, in general, generally speaking, as a general principle│ ااجم و الا وول لاالووالto sum up, I (would) say ... ; وووااجم وin its entirety, as a whole; ب الجم لand علووااالجمو ل in general, on the whole, altogether; باجو ا االجم لbi-wajhi l-i. = اجم ال اجمو وijmālī comprehensive, summary, general, over-all, total, collective│تقويوووا اجموووو وover-all report; غوامووووةااجم يووووة (garāma) collective penalty; ظرووو ااجم يووة (naẓra) general view مجموووولmujmil wholesale dealer 2 pl. -ūn wholesaler, ا تجمهوووtajamhur gathering (of people; crowd جوjanna u (jann, ج وانjunūn) to cover, hide, conceal, veil ( هو, علووs.th.); to descend, fall, be or become dark (night); pass. junna: to be or become possessed, insane, mad, crazy│ ( اج و اج اظ وjunūnuhū) to get madly excited, become frantic II to craze, make crazy, drive insane, madden, enrage, infuriate ( هs.o.) IV to cover, veil, hide, conceal ( ه وs.th.); = II; V to go mad, become crazy X to be covered, veiled, concealed; to regard ( هs.o.) as crazy, think ( هs.o.) mad ( جcoll.) jinn, demons (invisible beings, either harmful or helpful, that interfere with the lives of mortals) ج وjinnī demonic; jinni, demon ج يةjinnīya female demon ج ووةjanna pl. -at, ج و نjinān garden; paradise│ اج و اا عوويمparadise; س و ك اا ج و ن inhabitant of paradise, deceased person, one of blessed memory مجمووووولmujmal summary, resume, synopsis, compendium; general concept; sum, total│ ب مجملby wholesale ج ي وةاjunaina pl. -āt, ج و ئjanā’in2 little garden; garden اجموولjamal pl. جموو لjimāl, اجمووو لajmāl camel│ جملاا يهاj. a1-yahūd chameleon ج وةjinna possession, obsession; mania, madness, insanity جم لjammāl pl. -ūn camel driver جم نjumān (coll.; n. un. ) pearls جمهوووjamhara to gather, collect (ه, هوs.th., s.o.);اto assemble ( هs.o.) II tajamhara to gather, flock together (crowd) جمهوjamhara multitude, crowd, throng; the great mass, the populace جمهوووارjumhūr pl. جمووو هيوjamāhīr2 multitude; crowd, throng; general public, public; ا جم هيوthe masses, the people جمهوىiumhllri republican (adj. and nة. جمهاريووووووووة jumhūriya pl. -āt republic│ ‘( ا جمهاريووةاا عوبيووةاا مأحوودarabīya, muttaḥida) the United Arab Republic; ( ا جمهاريوووةااالتح يوووةااال م ظيوووةittiḥādīya) the Federal Republic of Germany; ا جمهاريووةا ( ا ديمالواهيوووووةااال م ظيوووووةdīmūqrāṯīya) the German Democratic Republic ج ئ وjanā’inī gardener ج ووةاjunna pl. shelter, shield ج وjunan protection, ج نjanān pl. اج نajnān heart, soul ج نjannān gardener ج ويjanīn pl. اج وةاajinna, اج واناajnūn embryo, fetus; germ (in a seed, etc.) ج ووووانjunūn possession, obsession; mania, madness, insanity, dementia; foolishness, folly; frenzy, rage, fury; ecstasy, rapture│ ا ج ووانا ووانal-j. funūn madness has many varieties, manifests itself in many ways ج واظjunūnī crazy, insane, mad; frantic, frenzied مجmijann pl. مج نmajānn2 shield مج ةmajanna madness, insanity ج نjānn jinn, demons مج وووانmajnūn pl. مجووو ظيmajānīn2 possessed, obsessed; insane, mad; madman, maniac, lunatic; crazy, cracked; crackpot; foolish; fool ج وبjanaba u to avert, ward off ( ه هوfrom s.o. s.th.) II to keep away, avert, ward off ( ا ه ه from s.o. s.th.), keep s.o. ( )هout of the way of ( )هو, spare ( ه هوs.o. s.th.) III to be or walk by s.o.’s ( )هside; to run alongside of ( )هو, run parallel to ( )هو, skirt, flank ( هو s.th.); to avoid ( هوs.th.) V to avoid ( هو s.th., هs.o.); to keep away ( هو, هfrom), steer clear, get out of the way ( هو, ا هof) VI and VIII = V; VIII to be at the side of ( )هو, run side by side with ( )هو, run alongside of ( )ه, skirt, flank ( هs.th.) ج وبjanb pl. ج وابjunūb, اج و بajnāb side; janba (prep.) beside, next to, near, at│( ج ب اا واج بalso )ج بو ا ج وبside by side; ( بي اج بيjanbaihi) inside (it), within; م ابوي ا ( ج بي وbaina janbaihi) what it contains, comprises, its contents; علووواج ووبaside, apart; ا اا ج بpleurisy ج بووةjanba pl. janabāt side; region, area│ ا وواج ب توin it, within, wide; ضوم ابوي ا ( ج ب توووḍammahū) to comprise, hold, contain s.th.; ج ب و اا غو ووةj. al-gurfa the whole room; بوي اج بو اا غو وةin (the middle of) the room; زا واا ج بcrammed, chockfull, brimful, filled to overflowing or bursting ج بوjanbī lateral, side (adj.) ج ووبjunub in a state of major ritual impurity; not belonging to the tribe, not a kinsman│اا جوووو راا ج ووووبthe neighbor not belonging to the family ج و بjināb (title of respect) approx.: Right Honorable; ج و بكمYour Honor; you (polite form) ج بوةjanāba major ritual impurity (Isl. Law) ج بjunāb (= ) ا اا ج بpleurisy ج وووابjanūb south; southward, to the south ج ابوووjanūban ج ابjanūbī southern│ اج ابواا ويقيSouth Africa ج بjānib pl. جااظوبjawānib2 side; lateral portion; sidepiece; flank; wing; face (geom.); part, portion, partial amount; partial view, section ( مof a scene, picture or panorama); quantity, amount; a certain number ( موof), a few, some│ امو اج ظبوon his part; مو اج ظوبا–امو اج ظوباآ ووon the one hand -- on the other hand; ا وواج ظبوto him, to his address; at his (its) side, next to him (it); بج ظبوbeside him (it), next to him (it); ا وواج ظوبand بج ظوبside by side with; in addition to; apart from, aside from; وضوع ا ج ظبوto put s.th. aside; و عو اج ظبوto leave s.th. aside, omit s.th.; وووواج ظوووبin comparison with, as compared with, as against; regarding, with regard to; مو ابوي ا جااظبهمtheir hearts; ج ظب اا فمjānibā l-fam the comers of the mouth; ج ظووووبامووووa considerable, or certain, degree of; a considerable amount of, a good deal of; ج ظوباكبيوواموa great deal of, a large portion of; علوواج ظوباكبيوواموhe is very …; كو ناعلووا ( ج ظووباعروويمام و اا كووومkaram) to be very generous; علوووووواج ظوووووباعرووووويمامووووو ااالهميوووووة (ahammīya) of great importance; علوااعروما ‘ ج ظبام اا وارalā a‘ẓami jānibin min alkuṯūra of utmost importance, of greatest significance; واكلاج ظوبeverywhere, on all sides; ( فو ا و اج ظبوḳafaḍa, jānibahū) to show o.s. condescending, affable or gracious to s.o.; to meet s.o. on fair terms; امو اج ظبوamina jānibahū to be safe from s.o.; ( ومااعووهاج ظوبااهأمو مu‘irhu) I paid not the least attention to him; اايرهوبىاهو بةا ( ج ظبوjānibahū) to fear s.o., be afraid of s.o.; مللاا ج ظبmilk al-j. crown lands; ج ظوبا ا ميوووj. al-mīrī (eg.) fisc, treasury; ووي ا ا ج ظوبlayyin al-j. gentle; docile, tractable, compliant; ووي اا ج ظووبlīn al-j. gentleness; رحووباا جااظووبraḥb al-j. roomy; spacious, unconfined; رليوقاا ج ظوبfriendly, amiable, gentle; موهواباا ج ظوبfeared, dreaded; عزيوزا ا ج ظوبpowerful, mighty, strong; عوز اا ج ظوب ‘izzat al-j. power; مهيوباا ج ظوبmahīb al-j. dreaded, respected; واجااظوباا ودارabout the house, all over the house; often = وواجااظبو ي جووو ظبوjānibī lateral, side, by- (in compounds) اج بajnabī foreign, alien; (pl. -ūn, اج ظوب ajānib2 foreigner, alien│ ا ووبال اادج بيووةthe foreign countries, the outside world; ولوةا االج ظبfirqat al-ajānib the Foreign Legion ج بيووةgannābīya pl. –āt (eg.) curb; embankment, levee; side channel, lateral ج ظاjāniḥ side, flank, wing (following a road or railroad tracks); bypass (of a lock or sluice) ج ظحوةjāniḥa pl. جوااظاjawāniḥ2 rib; pl. also bosom, heart, soul│ بوي اجوااظحin my bosom, at heart; ( هفوو اجااظحهوṭafarat) she became happily excited, she trembled with joy تج بtajannub avoidance اجأ بijtināb avoidance ا مج بووةmujanniba flank, wing (of an army ج بوsee اجمبو ج ب و زjunbāz, جمب و زcalisthenics; gymnastics; athletics ج بو زjunbāzī ( )جمبو زcalisthenic(al), gymnastic│ ااال عووووو باا جمب زيوووووةgymnastic exercises, physical exercises مج ااmujannaḥ winged ج ودII to draft, conscript, enlist, recruit ( هs.o.; mil.); to mobilize ( هوan army, علووagainst) V to be drafted, be conscripted, be enlisted (for military service) ج ودjund m. and f., pl. ج واjunūd, اج و ajnād soldiers; army│ ج ووداا ووالصj. alḳalāṣ Salvation Army ج و ااjanaḥa a ( ج واحjunūḥ) to incline, be inclined, tend ( لor ا وto); to lean ( لor ا وو to or toward); to turn, go over ( ا ووto), join ( ا وووs.th.), associate o.s. ( ا وووwith); to strand ( علووor ا وووon a coast; ship); to diverge, deviate, depart ( عوfrom); to turn away ( عوfrom), break ( عوwith) II to provide ( هوs.th.) with wings, lend wings ( هوto s.th.) IV to incline, be inclined, tend ( لor ا وto); to lean ( لor ا ووto or toward); to turn ( لor ا وto s.th.); to strand (ship) ج ووودىjundī pl. ج ووواjunūd soldier, private│( اج ووودىااولawwal) private first class (Ir., Syr.); ( ج وودىامسووأجدmustajidd) recruits (Ir., Syr.); ا ج ووود اا مجهوووالthe Unknown Soldier ج ديوةjundīya military affairs, the army, the military; military service تج يووودtajnīd draft, enlistment (mil.) recruitment; mobilization│ ا أج يووودااالجبووو ر (ijbārī) military conscription ج اjinḥ side جو اjunḥ, jinḥ darkness gloom│وواجو اا ( ا ليولj. il-lail) in the dark of night, under cover of night; ( بوي اج حو اا كووىjunḥay ilkarā) lit.: between the two halves of slumber, i.e., at night when everyone’s asleep ج حوةاjunḥa pl. جو اjunaḥ misdemeanor (jur., less than a felony, ج يوة, and more than an infraction, )م فة ج و حjanāḥ pl. اج حوةajniḥa, اجو اajnuḥ wing (of a bird. of an airplane, of a building, of an army); side; flank│ااظو ا ووا ا ج حوI am under his protection; علوواج و حا االثيووover the ether, by radio; علووواج و حا ( ا سوعةj. is-sur‘a) with winged haste تج دtajannud military service مج دmujannad recruit ج دارىgindārī standard-bearer, comet (Eg.) ج دبjundub pl. ج بjanādib2 grasshopper 1 اج درgandara (eg.) to mangle ( هlaundry) ج وودرgandara mangling (of laundry); press; O rotary press (typ.) 2 اج دارىlook up alphabetically ج درمةžandarma gendarmery ج درموžandarmī gendarme ج د لوganduflī (eg.) oysters 140 1 ج و حjunāḥ misdemeanor (jur.); sin│االا ( ج و حاعليوjunāḥa) it won’t be held against him if he ... ; it won't do any harm if he … ج ودلjandala to throw to the ground, bring down, fell ( هs.o.) ج ودلjandal pl. ج و لjanādil2 stone; pl. ج لcataract, waterfall (eg.) اج اajnaḥ2 more inclined ( ا وto 2 ج احjanūḥ inclined ( ا وs.th.) ج ووالjenərāl, ginrāl (eg.) general (military rank) ج وواحjunūḥ inclination, leaning, bent, tendency ( ا وto) ج دولgundūl (eg.) pl. ج يلganādīl2 gondola ج وزII to say the burial prayers, conduct the funeral service ( هfor the deceased; Chr.) ج و زjināza, janāza pl. -āt ج و ئزjanā’iz2 bier; funeral procession تجو سtajannus acquisition of citizenship, naturalization ج و زjunnāz pl. ج و ظيزjanānīz2 requiem, funeral rites, obsequies; funeral procession اتجووووووووووووووو ظسtajānūs homogeneity, homogeneousness; likeness, similarity, resemblance ج زبيلjanzabīl (= )زظجبيلginger 1 مجوو ظسmujānis similar, like, related; homogeneous ج زيوووjanzara (= )زظجوووto be or become covered with verdigris مأج سmutajannis naturalized ج زارjinzār (= )زظج رverdigris 2 ج زيووjinzīr (= )زظجيووpl. ج و زيوjanāzīr2 chain; track (of a caterpillar, of a tank, etc.); a linear measure (= 5 qaṣaba = 17.75 m; also = 20 m; Eg.)│ هو ر اج زيووṭārat j. track sprocket, sprocket wheel مج زرmujanzar track-laying (vehicle) ج سII to make alike, make similar ( هوs.th.); to assimilate, naturalize ( هs.o.); to class, classify, sort, categorize ( هوs.th.) III to be akin, be related, similar ( هو, هto), be of the same kind or nature ( هas s.o., هوas s.th.), be like s.o. or s.th. ( هو, )هresemble ( هs.o., هوs.th.) V to have o.s. naturalized, acquire the citizenship ( ;)بto be naturalized VI to be akin, related, of the same kind or nature, homogeneous ج و سjins pl. اج و سajnās kind, sort, variety, species, class, genus; category; sex (male, female); gender (gram.); race; nation│ااسوماا جو سism al-j. (gram.) generic noun, collective noun of nonpersonal things (which form a n. un. in ); ا جو سا ( ا بشووbašarī) the human race; اب و اج سو abnā’ jinsinā our fellow tribesmen; هوواا مصوو اا جو سhe is Egyptian by nationality; ا جو ساا ل يوفthe fair sex; ا جو ساا شوthe strong sex ا ج سjinsī generic; sexual; racial ا الج سlā-jinsī asexual, sexless ا ج سوووويةjinsīya citizenship pl. -āt nationality, تج ويسtajnīs naturalization; paronomasia (rhet.) ج ووو سjinās (rhet.) assonance, pun, paronomasia مج ظسووةmujānasa relatedness, kinship, affinity; similarity, likeness, resemblance مأجو ظسmutajānis akin, related, of the same kind or nature, homogeneous ( ج ي ظLat. Gentiana) gentian (eg.) 1 اج وفVI to deviate ( عوfrom); to incline, be inclined ( ا وor لto s.th.) 2 اج يفlook up alphabetically ج ف صjunfāṣ, ج فيصjunfaiṣ sackcloth, sacking ج لjunk pl. ج اjunūk harp ج ااjanowā Genoa (seaport in NW Italy) ج ووjanā i (jany) to pick, gather, harvest, reap ( هوs.th., also the fruits of one’s work); to pocket, rake in, collect ( هوs.th.); to derive ( هوprofit, موfrom); to secure, realize ( هو profits, an advantage); to incur ( هوevil, harm, punishment); to cause, 141 provoke, bring about ( هوs.th.); -- ( ج يوةjināya) to commit a crime, an outrage ( علووon); to offend, sin ( علوووagainst); to commit, perpetrate (ج يوة, ظبوdanban a crime, an offense; علووو, less frequently ا ووو, on or against); to inflict ( هوsome evil, علووon s.o.); to harm ( علوووs.o., s.th.) V to incriminate, accuse, charge with a crime ( علوووs.o.), lay the blame ( علوووon s.o.), blame ( علوووs.o.); to act meanly VIII to gather, harvest ( هs.th.) ج ووjany harvest; reaping (fig.); -- janan (coll.) fruits ج ي وةjināya pl. -āt perpetration of a crime; felony (jur.; in the strictly legal sense, more than a misdemeanor, ج حووة, and an infraction, )م فوة, capital offense │ محكموووةاا ج يوووmaḥkamat al-j. criminal court ج و ئjinā’ī criminal│ law محكموةاج ئيوة (maḥkama) criminal court; ا ق و ظاناا ج و ئ criminal law, penal law مج وmajnan pl. مج نmajānin that which is picked or harvested, a crop; source of profit or advantage تجوtajannin incrimination, accusation ( علووof s.o.); mean way of acting, low, underhand dealings جو نjānin pl. ج وjunāh perpetrator (of a delict); delinquent, criminal مج واعليوmajnīy ‘alaih, harmed, injured; aggrieved party; victim of a crime ( ج يفFr. Geneve) žənēf Geneva ( ج يوEngl. guinea) ginēh, also gunaih pl. –āt pound (eg.)│ ج ي و ااظجليووز اياسووأو ي ةpound sterling, English pound; ج يوووو امصووووو Egyptian pound (abbreviation: ) ام جهةsee اوج جهبولjahbad pl. جه بولjahābida man endowed with a critical mind; great scholar; bright, brilliant, intelligent much as possible; جهوداه لأوj. ṭāqatihī as much as he can, to the limit of his abilities; جهداامك ظjuhda imkānihī do.; جهودا موjuhda mā as much as. to the limits of what ... ; جهدjuhdī as far as I can جهيدjahīd see جهدjahd جهوjihād fight, battle; jihad, holy war (against the infidels, as a religious duty) جهjihādī fighting, military امج هدmujāhada fight, battle اجهووووijhād exertion; overstrain(ing) 142 overexertion, اجأهوijtihād effort, exertion, endeavor, pains, trouble; application, industry, diligence; (Isl. Law) independent judgment in a legal or theological queetion, based on the interpretation and application of the 4 uṣūl, as opposed to taqlīd, q.v.; individual judgment جهودjahada a (jahd) to endeavor, strive, labor, take pains, put o.s. out; to over-work, overtax, fatigue, exhaust ( هs.o.) III to endeavor, strive; to fight ( وواسوبيلاا شوfor s.th.); t.o wage holy war against the infidels IV to strain, exert ( هوs.th.); to tire, wear out, fatigue ( هs.o.), give trouble (ا ه to)│( اجهوداظفسو ا ووnafsahū) to go to great lengths, go out of one’s way ( وfor or in s.th.); ( اجهودا كووها ووfikrahū) to concentrate on, put one's mind to, apply o.s. t.o VIII to put o.s. out ( ووfor s.th.), work hard; (Isl. Law) to formulate an independent judgment in a legal or theological question (based on the application of the 4 uṣūl; as opposed to taqlid, q.v.) مجهواmajhūd pl. -āt endeavor, effort, exertion, pains, trouble, work; O voltage, tension (el.)│ بووللامجها اتوto make every effort, go to greatest lengths جهودjahd pl. جهواjuḥūd strain; exertion; endeavor, attempt, effort; trouble, pains ( ووon behalf or for the sake of s.th.); O voltage, tension (el.)│ جهوووداجهووودهjahada jahdahū, also عمولايحو ولةاجهودهto do (try) one’s utmost, do (try) all in one’s power, make every conceivable effort; بجهوداجهيود bi-jahdin jahīdin with great difficulty, by dint of atrenuous efforts; بعوداجهوداجهيودafter a lot of trouble O ‘( جهووداع و لālin) high tension (el.) جهوjahara a (jahr, جهو رjihār) to be brought to light, come out, show, appear; -- to declare publicly, announce ( هوor بs.th.); to avow in public, proclaim ( بs.th.); to raise ( ا هوthe voice); -- jahura u ( جهو ر jahāra) to be loud, be clearly audible (voice) III to declare or say openly, voice, utter, express frankly ( بs.th.) جهوودjuhd strain, exertion; juhda (used prepositionally) to the limit of ... │جهودا ا لوةjuhda ṭ-ṭāqa as far as possible, as جهووjahratan openly, overtly, frankly, publicly مج هودmujāhid pl. -ūn fighter, freedom fighter; warrior; sergeant (Eg. 1939) مجهودmujhid strenuous, exacting, trying, grueling; -mujhad overworked, exhausted مجأهودmujtahid diligent, industrious; (pl. -ūn) mujtahid, a legist formulating independcnt decisions in legal or theological matters, based on the interpretation and application of the four uṣūl, as oppoeed to muqallid, q.v. جهوووjahr and جه و رjihār publicness, publicity, notoriety; جهوواjahran and جهو را jihāran publicly, in public جهووووjahrī notorious, well-known, public جهيوjahīr loud (voice, shout) اجهوajhar2 day-blind اجهووووajhar2 (elative) louder, more audible جمهوjahwarī loud (voice) مجهوmijhar loud-voiced مجهوووووmijhar microsoope pl. مجوووو هو majāhir2 مجهوىmijharī microscopic(al) مجهوووووو ر mijhār loudspeaker loud-voiced; O مجو هوmujāhara franknees, candor (of one’s words) جهووزjahaza a to finish off ( علوووa wounded man), deliver the coup de grace to ( )علوII to make ready, prepare ( هs.th.); to arrange ( هوs.th.); to provide, supply ( هو s.th.); to equip, fit out, furnish, supply, provide ( ه بor هوs.th. or s.o. with) IV to finish off ( علووa wounded man), deliver the coup de grace to ( ;)علووto finish, ruin يعلوووs.o.) V to he equipped, furnished, supplied, provided; to equip o.s.; to prepare o.s., get ready; to be ready, be prepared جهو زjahāz (alas pronounced jihāz) pl. āt, اجهووزajhiza equipment, appliances, outfit, gear, rig; trousseau; contrivance, gadget; implement, appliance, utensil; installation, apparatus (techn.); system, apparatus (anat.) │ ( جهو زاالسولكlā-silkī) wirelees set, radio; جهووو زارا يوووااradio (receiving set); O ( جه زامسوأقبلاmustaqbil), O جه و زااالسووأقب ل, O جه و زااال أق و هreceiver, receiving set (radio); (جهو زاموليااmuḍī‘), O جهو زااالرسو لاj. al-irsāl transmitter (radio); جه زاتليفزياظ اtelevision set; جه زاا حفوj. alḥafr drilling rig; oil derrick; جه و زا ور (daurī) circulatory system (anat.); جه و زا أسجيلااالهأزازا ااالرضويةor جهو زاليو ساا هوزا ا ( االرضويةhazzāt, arḍīya)seismograph; جهو زا سووووووو (sirrī) secret organization, underground organization; جهووو زااالسوووأم sound locator; ‘( ا جه و زاا عصووبaṣabī) the nervous system; جهوو زاا ه وومj. al-haḍm digestive apparatus تجهيوووزtajhīz equipment, furnishment; preparation; pl. تجهيووزاequipment, gear 144 تجهيوزtajhīzī preparatory; (of a school) preparing for college جو هزjāhiz ready, prepared; readymade; equipped │ ملباسو ( ج هزor) ( ا بسوةalbisa) ready-made clothes مجهوووزmujahhaz equipped, provided, furnished, supplied ( بwith); armed (ب with guns; of a ship, tank, etc.) جهوشIV to sob, break into sobs│ اجهوشاب بكو (bukā’) to be on the verge of tears, struggle with tears; to break into tears ا جهشوةjahša (n. vic.) pl. -āt sob; outburst of tears اجه شijhāš outburst of tears جهوIV to bear young ones, litter; to have a miscarriage (woman)│ اجه وووووتاظفسوووووه (nafsahā) she induced an abortion جهjihḍ miscarried fetus جهيjahīḍ miscarried fetus اجهوووijhāḍ miscarriage, abortion; induced abortion جهولjahila a (jahl, جه وةjahāla) to be ignorant; not to know ( بor هs.th., how to do s.th.); to be irrational, foolish; to behave foolishly ( علوووtoward) VI to ignore ( هو s.th.); to refuse to have anything to do ( هو with), shut one’s eyes ( هوto), disregard ( هو a fact); to affect ignorance, pretend to know nothing X to consider ignorant or stupid ( هs.o.) جهوولjahl and جه وةjahāla ignorance; folly, foolishness, stupidity│ عو اجهولout of ignorance جهالjahūl ignorant; foolish, stupid مجهووولmajhal pl. مج هووول majāhil2 unknown region, unexplored territory │ مج هلاا ويقيunknown Africa تجهيلtajhīl stultification تج هلtajāhul ignoring, disregard(ing) ج هولjāhil pl. جهلوةjahala, جهولjuhhal, جهو لjuhhāl, جهوالjuhalā’ not knowing (ب s.th., how to do s.th.); ignorant, uneducated, illiterate; foolish; fool جو هلوjāhilī pagan, of or pertaining to pre-Islamic times ج هليوةjāhilīya state of ignorance; preIslamic paganism, pre-Islamic times مجهوووالmajhūl unknown; anonymous (also مجهووالااالسوومm. al-ism); pl. مج هيوول majāhīl2 unknown things│اصوويغةاا مجهووال ṣīgat al-m. passive (gram.) مجها يووووةmajhūlīya unknown nature being unknown, جهومjahuma u ( جه موةjahāma, جهاموةjuhūma) to frown, glower V to frown, scowl, glower; to regard with displeasure ( هو, هor لs.o. or s.th.), frown ( هوor لon); to eye gloomily, coolly, grimiy ( هو, هor لs.o., s.th.); to become sullen, gloomy (face) جهومjahm sullen, glum, morose, gloomy (face) جه مjahām clouds جه موةjahāma and جهاموةjuhūma grim look, sullen expression; gloominoss; brooding silence جه مjahannam2 (f.) hell جه مjahannamī hellish, infernal جوواjaww pl. اجووااajwā’, جووااjiwā’ (pl. frequently with singnlar meaning) air; atmosphere (also fig.); sky; weather; sphere, milieu, environment; جوااjawwan by air; by telegraph, telegraphically│بويودا ا جواair mail; هبقو اا جواṭabaqāt al-j. air layers; ( وووواجووواامم ووووmumṭir) in rainy weather جووواىjawwī air, aerial, aero- (in compounds); airy, atmospheric(al); weather (used attributively), meteorologic(al)│ ا وووووغطاا جووووووا (ḍagṯ) atmospheric pressure; ( هبقو اجايوةṭabaqāt) air layers; ( اس الاجواusṭūl) air fleet; غو ر ا جايوةair raid; ( ا قواا اا جايوةquwāt) air force; ا مالحووةاا جايووةaviation; ( مي و اجايووةmīnā’) airport; ارصووووو اجايوووووة meteorological observations; ( حجواجاḥajar) meteorite ( جوااcolloq.) jawwā (pronounced gūwa in Eg.) in it, within; inside جووااظوjawwānī, juwwānī inner, inside, interior جاا ةguwāfa (eg.) guava (fruit); guavshrub ( جاالeg.) guwāl pl. -āt sack ( جااظأIt. guanti; eg.) gloves 1 ( جابFr. jupe) skirt 2 جو ب يجوابةjāba u (jaub) to travel, wander ( هو through), traverse, roam, tour, explore ( هو s.th., e.g., foreign lands); to pierce, penetrate ( ه وs.th.), cut through ( ;)ه وto wander, cruise ( هوabout a place) III to answer ( هs.خ., علووs.th.), reply, respond (ه to s.o., علووto s.th.); to comply (هو اwith), accede ( هوto) IV to answer ( هor ا ووs.o., عوor علووa question), reply, respond ( هor ا ووto s.o., علووto s.th.); to comply ( هوwith a request), accede, defer ( هوto); to hear (ه s.o.), accede to the request or wishes of ( ;)هto fulfill, grant ( هوa wish); to consent, assent, agree ( ا وووto); to concur (ا ووو in)│ اجو باا وواهلبوṯalabihi) to comply with s.o.’s request VI to reply to one another; to echo ( هو, بfrom); to ring out (voices); to be (mutually) corresponding, harmonize; to be favorahle, propitious (موا to s.o.; situation) VIl to scatter, break up, pass over (clauds); to be dispelled, disappear, vanish (worries); to fade (darkness) X اسوأج بto hear, answer ( هوa prayer), grant ( هوa request); to comply with the request of ()ل, accede or defer to the wiohes of ( ;)لto react ( لto); to respond ( لto, بwith), listen, pay attention ( لto), show interest ( لin); to meet, answer ( ل بs.o. with), reply ( ل بto s.o. with or hy doing s.th.); to resound, reverberate, re-echo; to resonate ( لor ا وو to s.th.), be in resonance with (phys.); - اسوأجابistajwaba to interrogate, examine, question ( هs.o.); to hear ( هthe defendant or witn...); to interpellate ( هs.o.; in parliament) جابjaub travening, touring, exploration (of foreign countries); piercing, penetration جابوةjauba pl. -āt, جوابjuwab opening, gap; hole, pit جوواابjawāb pl. اجاب وةajwiba answer, reply; octave (to a given tone; mus.); (eg.; pronounced gawāb pl. -āt) letter, message│ جوووااباا شووووهj. aš-šarṭ, main clause (conclusion) of a conditional sentence, apodosis جوووووواابو jawābī attributively) answering (used جووواابjawwāb traverser (of foreign countries), traveler, explorer اج بوووةijāba answer(ing), reply(ing), response, respondence; compliance; fulfillment, granting (of a request); accession, consent, assent│اج بوووةا لووووبكم ijābatan li-ṭalabikum, in compliance with your request; in answer to your request تجو وبtajāwub agreement, conformity; harmony اسوأج بةistijāba hearing, answering (of a prayer); granting, fulfillment (of a request); resonance; consonance (phys.)│ا اسوأج بةالistijābatan li in compliance with, in answer to, in deference to اسووأجاابistijwāb pl. -āt interrogation, questioning; hearing; interview; interpellation (in parliament) مأج وبmutajāwib harmonious مسوووأجيبmustajīb hearing, answering, granting; reverberant, resonant, resonating; responsive, susceptible, impressible 145 ( جاEngl.) jūt jute جو حايجواحةjāḥa u and IV to annihilate, destroy, ruin; to flood, inundate ( هوthe land) VIII do.; to carry away, sweep away ( هs.o., s.th.; storm); to put down, subdue, quell ( هs.th., e.g., a riot) اج حوووةdestruction, annihilation; crop damage; crop failure, bad harvest اجأي و حijtiyāḥ destruction, annihilation; subdual, suppression اجوووو ئاjā’iḥ disastrous crushing, devastating; ج ئحوةjā’iḥa pl. جواائاjawā’iḥ calamity, disaster, ruin; epldemic; crop damage 2 جاخjūḳ pl. اجااخajwāḳ broadcloth جو ايجوا ةjāda u ( جواjūda) to be or become good, become better, improve; -- (jūd) to grant generously ( بs.th.), be so generous as to do s.th. ( بwith verbal noun); to be liberal, openhanded ( بwith s.th., علووو toward s.o.), bestow liberally (ا بs.th., علوو upon s.o.), grant, give lavishly ( بof s.th., علووto s.o.), shower ( علوو بs.o. with); to donate ( بa sum of money, etc.) │ جو اب فسو to sacrifice o.s.; to give up the ghost; ج ا ‘( عي ووو هاب ووودمااaināhu bi-d-dam‘) tears welled from his eyes; ( ج اا سوم اheavens granted rain) it rained II to do well ( هو s.th.); to make better, improve, better, ameliorate ( هوs.th.); to recite (the Koran; cf. )تجايودIV to do well, do excellently ( هو s.th.); to master ( ه وs.th.), be skilled, proficient ( هوin), be an expert ( هوat), be conversant ( ا ه وwith an art or field of knowledge); to accomplish or say good, excellent thing; to achieve excellent results; to be excellent, outstanding, distinguish o.s. (e.g., as a poet) │اجو ا غوةا (lugatan) to master language; اجو اا عوزاا ‘( علوواا بيو ظااazfa) to play the piano well X to think ( هووs.th.) good or excellent, approve of ( ;)ه وto consider ( ه وs.th.) suitable for or appropriate to ()ل جووواjūd openhandedness, liberality, generosity جاjaud heavy rains جsee under 2جد جاjūda goodness, excellence جيودjayyid pl. جيوjiyād good, perfect, faultless; outstanding, excellent, first-rate; good (as an examination grade); جيوودا jayyidan well, excellently; thoroughly │ا ( جي وداجووداjidda) very good (also as an examination grade) اجاajwad2 better , جااjawād pl. اجوااajwād, اجو وajāwid2, اج ويدajawīd2, جاjūd openhanded, liberal, generous, magnanimous; jawād pl. جي و jiyād, اجيajyād, اج ويودajāwīd2 race horse, racer; charger │ ااب ااالجااnoble man تجايودtajwīd art of reciting the Koran, Koran reading (in accordance with established rule, of pronunciation and intonation) مجيدmujīd adept, efficient, proficient جا ارjaudār see ( ج و اراalphabetically) جو رايجوارةjāra u (jaur) to deviate, stray ( عو from); to commit an outrage ( علوon), bear down ( علووووupon), wrong, persecute, oppress, tyrannize ( علووs.o.); to encroach, make inroads ( علووon another’s territory) III to be the neighbor of s.o. ()ه, live next door to ( ;)هto be adjacent, be next ( هوto s.th.), adjoin ( هووs.th.); to be in the immediate vicinity of ()هو ه, be close to (ه, ا;)هوto border ( هوon) IV to grant asylum or a sanctuary ( هto s.o.); to protect ( هs.o., مو from), take ( هs.o.) under one’s wing; to stand by s.o. ()ه, aid ( هs.o.) VI to be neighbors; to be adjacent; to have a common border X to seek protection, seek refuge ( بwith s.o., موfrom s.th.), appeal for aid ( هto s.o., مagainst s.th.) 146 جوارjaur injustice; oppression, tyranny; outrage جو رjār pl. جيووانjīrān neighbor; refugee; protégé, charge ج رjāra pl. -āt neighboress جيوjīra neighborhood جارjūra pl. جارjuwar pit, hole جارىsee alphabetically جوواارjiwār neighborhood, proximity; بجوواارin the neighborhood of, in the vicinity of, near, close to مجوووووو ور proximity mujāwara neighborhood, ج و ئوjā’ir pl. جووارjawara, ج و رjāra unjust. unfair; tyrannical, despotic; tyrant, oppressor, despot مج و ورmujāwir neighboring, adjacent; near, close by; (pl. -ūn) student (esp. of Al Azhar University; living in the vicinity of the Mosque) ئمجيوmujīr protector مأجوو ورmutajāwir having a common border; adjoining, adjacent, contiguous جاربjaurab pl. جااربjawārib2 stocking; sock جارجيوووjorjiyā Georgia (republic of the U.S.S.R.) 1 جووارjūrī damask rose (Rosa damascena, bot.); crimson 2 ( جارEngl.) jūrī jury 1 جو ز يجوازةjāza u ( جواازjawāz, مجو زmajāz) to pass, come, travel ( هوthrough); to pass ( هو an examination, a test); to be allowed, permitted, permissible; to be possible, conceivable; to work, succeed ( عليوwith s.o.; deceit, artifice) │( ج ز اعلي اا حيلوةḥīla) the trick worked with him, he fell for the trick II to permit, allow ( ه وs.th.); to approve ( هووووof), sanction, warrant, authorize ( هوs.th.) III to pass ( هوs.th. or by s.th.), go or walk past s.th. ( ;)ه وto go beyond s.th. ( )ه و, overstep, cross, leave behind ( هوs.th.), also, e.g., جو وزاا ثالثوي امو ا ‘( ا عمووumr) he is past thirty; to exceed, surpass ( هوs.th.); to pass over s.th. ( )عو, disregard ( عوs.th.), pay no attention ( عو to); to let ( عوs.th.) go unpunished; to give up, forgo, relinquish ( ع وs.th.) IV to traverse, cross ( هوs.th., ا ووon the way to); to permit, allow ( ل هوto s.o. s.th.); to authorize ( ل هوs.o. to do s.th., also ;)ه هوto license ( ه وs.th.); to approve, confirm, endorse ( هوa decision, a judgment); to approve ( هof s.th.), sanction ( هs.th.) V to tolerate, suffer, bear VI to pass ( هوs.th. or by s.th.), go or walk past s.th. ( ;)هوto go beyond s.th. ( )ه و, overstep, cross, leave behind ( هوs.th.); to exceed, surpass ( هو s.th., also ;)علووto go too far, overstep all bounds, encroach, make inroads; to pass over s.th. ( )عو, disregard ( عوs.th.) pay no attention ( عووto); to give up, forgo, re1inquish (A s.th.); to refrain from) VIII to pass, run, go ( هوthrough), cut across ( ;)ه وto cross ( ه وa border, a street, a mountain range); to traverse ( هوa country or sea); to cover ( هوa distance); to pass ( هو through the mind; said of ideas, thoughts); to go ( هوthrough hard times or a crisis); to surmount, overcome ( ه وa crisis) X to deem permissible ( هوووs.th.); to ask permission جوازjauz pl. اجواازajwāz heart, center (of a desert, of a large area, etc.) │ا وووا اجواازamid, in the middle of, in; ووااجواازا ( ا فfaḍā’) in space جواازjawāz permissibility, admissibility; lawfulness, legality; permission, (official) permit, license, authorization; possibility, conceivability; passing (of an examination) │ اجواازاا سوفوj. as-safar (pl. āt) (traveling) passport 147 مجو زmajāz crossing; passage; corridor (pol.-georgr.); metaphor, figurative expression (rhet.) │ مجو زاmajāzanl, علوووا سبيلاا مج زfiguratively, metaphorically مج زىmajāzī figurative, metaphorical اجووووو زijāza pl. -āt permission, authorization; approval; license; = Fr. licence اas an academic degree; permit; vacation, leave (of absence) │ااجو ز اا حصوو i. al-ḥaṣr grant of patent, issue of letters patent; patent; ( اجووو ز ال صوووليةqunṣulīya) exequatur of a consul (dipl.); اجو ز اموضوية (maraḍīya) sick leave; االجوو زا اا مدرسووية (madrasīya) school vacation; غ ئوباب الجو ز on leave, on vacation جاسقjausaq pl. جااسوقjawāsiq2 palace; manor, villa مجوو وزmujāwaza and تجوو وزtajāwuz crossing; exceeding; overdraft, overdrawing (of an account); disregard ( عfor); relinquishment ( عof s.th.) جاعو نjau‘ān2, f. جواعوjau‘ā’, pl. jiyā‘ hungry, starved, famished اجأيوووو زijtiyāz traversing, crossing; passage; transit; covering (of a distance); passing (of an examination); surmounting (of difficulties) ج و ئاjā’i‘ pl. جي وjiyā‘, جوواjuwwa‘ hungry, starved, famished جووو ئزjā’iz permitted, lawful, legal; conceivable, thinkable جاي وةgawīṭa pl. جواائطgawā’iṭ2 (eg.) dowel, peg جو ايجوا ةjā‘a u to be hungry; to starve II to cause ( هs.o.) to starve, starve out, famish ( هs.o.) IV do. جواjū‘ hunger, starvation │ مو اجاعوto starve to death مج عةmajā‘a pl. -āt famine تجاياtajwī‘ starving out اج عةijā‘a starving out جااII to make hollow, hollow out ( هs.th.) جوااjauf pl. اجواااajwāf hollow, cavity; depression; interior, inside, center, heart; belly, abdomen; north (magr.) │و اجوواا inside, in the interior of, in the middle of; ( اجاااا ليلj. il-lail) or ( جاااا ليلjaufa) in the middle of the night ج و ئزjā’iza pl. جوواائزjawā’iz2 prize, reward, premium │( جو ئز ا راسويةdirāsīya) stipend, scholarship مجو زmujāz licensed; licentiate (as an academic title, = Fr. licencié; e.g., مجو زا ووا ا علامlicencié ès sciences) 2 جووواjaufī inner, interior, inside; subterranean, underground, subsurface (of geological strata); northern (magr.) │اميو ها جا يةground water 148 □ زو = اجازاII to give in marriage □ اجازjauz pl. اجاازajwāz = زوcouple □( امجووازsyr.; pronounced məžwez, مووزوmuzwaj) wind instrument with a double pipe, corresponding to the Egyptian zummāra) 3 4 اجوااajwaf2, f. جا وjaufā’, pl. جوااjūf hollow; empty; vain, futile, inane, pointless, senseless 1 تجايوفtajwīf pl. تجو وااtajāwīf2, hollow, cavity ا جازاal-jauzā’ Gemini (astron.) اجوازjauz (coll.; n. un. pl. -āt) walnut │جوازا ا يوبj. aṭ-ṭīb nutmeg; جوازاا قوj. al-qai’ nux vomioa; جوازاا ه ودj. al-hind, جوازاه ود (hindī) coconut; جوازاا قوزj. alqazz cocoon, chrysalis of the silkworm مجااmujawwaf hollowed out, hollow جواjauq pl. اجوااajwāq and جالوةjauqa pl. -āt troop, group; theatrical troupe, operatic company; choir (mus.); orchestra, band (also اموديواا جوا │ )جالوةاماسويقيةmudīr al-j. conductor, bandleader, choir leader; جالةاا شواj. aš-šaraf Legion of Honor جازgōza (eg.) narghile جوازjauzī nut (used attributively and in compounds); nut-brown, hazel 5 ج زlook up alphabetically جازلjauzal pl. جاازلjawāzil2 young pigeon ( جو س )جواسjāsa u to peer around, pry around, look around ( وواللkilāla in); to search, investigate, explore ( هوووs.th.) VIII to search, investigate, explore ( هs.th.) جيو 1 ج لايجالةjāla u (jaul, جا وةjaula, تجواالtajwāl, جوواالنjawalān) to roam, rove, wander about; to move freely, be at home ( وin a field of learning), occupy o.s. ( وwith); to be circulated, go the rounds; to pass ( و, ب through the mind)│ جو لابوأسوto preoccupy s.o., engross s.o.’s attention; مو ايجووالا و ا هوهايب هوهةwhat he is preoccupied with, what is on his mind; ج و لاا وودماا و اعي ي و (dam‘, ‘ainaihi) his eyes swam in tears; ( ج وتايودها وyaduhū) he laid his hands on, he committed defalcations of IV to circulate, pass around ( هوs.th.) │ اجو لاا ووأ (ra’ya) to weigh s.th. thoroughly, ponder s.th.; ( اجو لاا رووnaẓara) to let one’s eyes wander about; to look around V to roam, rove, wander about, move around; to patrol, go the rounds; to cruise; to tour, travel from place to place, travel about جا وةjaula pl. -āt circuit, round; patrol; excursion, outing; tour; (round) trip; voyage, run (of a steamer); (round-trip) flight (of an airplane); round (in sports) جوووواالjawwāl wandering, migrant, itinerant, roving; cruising; traveling; ambulant; traveler, tourist; see also alphabetically │اراماجواالrāmin jawwāl pl. رمو اجاا وةrumāh jawwāla rifleman (mil.; Syr.) مأجووالmutajawwil wandering, migrant, roaming, roving, itinerant; ambulant; traveling; traveler │ وكيوولامأجووالtraveling salesman; ( بيووو امأجوووالbayyā‘) peddler, hawker; ( لسووويسامأجوووالqissīs) itinerant preacher 2 جا فgolf golf (eg.) ج مlook up alphabetically جانjūn pl اجاانajwān gulf, inlet, bay جاظلوة, جواظال, ( جاظيلوةIt. gonnella)gonella pl. -āt (woman’s) skirt (eg.) 149 ج هlook up alphabetically جاهوII tajauhara to become substance جواهوjauhar pl. جوااهوjawāhir2 intrinsic, essential nature, essence; content, substance (as opposed to form; philos.); matter, substance; atom; jewel, gem; pl. jewelry │( ا زيوفاوا جواهوzaif) the spurious and the genuine جاا وةjawwāla one given to roaming or traveling; wanderer, wayfarer; O motorcycle; cruiser جاهوjauhara jewel, gem جووواهوjauharī substantial; intrinsic, essential, inherent; fundamental, main, chief, principal; material; jeweler تجووواالtajwāl migration, wandering, roving, traveling; nomadic life, nomadism جووواالناjawalān migration, wandering, roving, traveling; nomadic life, nomadism │ اجووواالناا يووودj. al-yad embezzlement, defalcation مجو لmajāl pl. -āt room, space ( لfor s.th.); field, domain, sphere; scope, extent; reach; range; elbowroom, free scope; play, clearance; field (magn.)│مو اتوو امجو الا لشول (šakk) to admit of no doubt; الامجو لا ل عو ا ( يوmajālan, ṭa‘n) (it is) incontestable; و ا هلااا مج لin this connection; و اا مج لاام مو ا ( سويحamāmahū) to give s.o. a free hand, wide scope of action; ( مجو لاحيواḥayawī) lebensraum; مجو لاا عمولm. al-‘amal field of activity; مجوووووو لامغ يسوووووو (magnaṭīsī) magnetic field; شود اا مجو لšiddat al-m. field intensity (magn.) تجوووووالtajawwul roaming, roving, wandering, migration; going out, moving about; patrol, round; (round) trip, tour; traveling │ ام ااا أجالman‘ at-t. curfew بووو ئااجووو ولbā’i‘ jāwil pl. ب عوووةاجووو ئلان peddler, hawker جاالlook up alphabetically جاهوجjauharjī jeweler مجووواهواmugauharāt (eg.) jewelry, trinkets; jewels, gems 1 جوواىjawiya a (jawan) to be passionately stirred by love or grief جاىjawan ardent love, passion 2 ج وىlook up alphabetically ج و ار = جايدارlook up alphabetically ج ايج ةjā’a يجyajī’u ( مجmajī’) to come (ه, هto); to get ( هto), reach ( هa place); to arrive; to bring ( بs.th.; ه بto s.o. s.th.); to bring forth, produce ( بs.th.); to set forth ( بs.th.); to do, perform; to commit, perpetrate ( هووووs.th.); to occur, be mentioned, be said ( وووin an article, document or book); (with foll. Imperf.) to be about or set out to do s.th. │ج ا واجويد ا ادهوووواماانthe newspaper “Al Ahram” reports that ... ; جو امو ابو ريساانa report from Paris says that ... ; ج اظأ ئجو ام بقوةال (muṭābiqatan) its results coincided with...ا جيئووةjī’a, jai’a coming, arrival │جيئووةا ( و ه بdahāb) coming and going, هباجيئوةا و ه بto pace the floor, walk up and down مجmajī’ coming, arrival, advent جيشووو نjayašān excitement, agitation; raging جو اايجيوفةjāfa i, II and V to be putrid, stink (decaying cadaver) ا ج ئيal-jā’iyāt the things to come 1 جيوبjaib pl. جيوابjuyūb breast, bosom, heart; sine (math.); hole, hollow, cavity, excavation; pocket; purse │اا جيوووووبا (ا و صḳaṣṣ) the privy purse; تم و ماا جيووب tamām al-j., جيباا أم مcosine (math.); سو عةا ا جيوبpocket watch; مصوووااا جيوبpocket money; ( ا جي وابااالظفيووةanfīya) the nasal sinuses (anat.); جيوووواباا مق ومووووةj. almuqāwama pockets of resistance (mil.) جيبjaibī pocket (adj.) 2 جيبjīp, جيبjīb and سي ر اجيبsayyārat j. jeep ( ﭽيتir.) čīt a colorful cotton fabric, chintz 1 جيدjīd pl. اجيajyād, جياjuyūd neck 2 جيدjayyid see جا 3 جي, اجيsee اجااjawād 1 جيوjairi surely, truly, verily 2 جيوjīr lime جيفةjīfa pl. جيوفjiyaf, اجيو اajyāf corpse, cadaver ﭽيكوčīkī Czech جيوولjīl pl. اجي و لajyāl people, nation, tribe; generation; century; epoch, era ( جيالتIt. gelati) jēlātī ice cream جيمjīm name of the letter ( جيFr. gaine) corselet, sheath corset (eg.) جياغوا ي وjiyogrāfiyā geography │اا جياغوا ي و ا ( ا بشويةbašarīya) anthropogeography ا جيا يزيjiyofīziyā geophysics جيا يزي ئjiyofīziyā’ī geophysical │اا سو ةا ( ا جيا يزي ئيةsana) the geophysical year جيا يزيقjiyofīzīqī geophysical جيا اجيjiyolōjiyā geology جيا اجjiyolōjī geologic(al) ح جيوjīrī calcareous, lime (adj.) جي رjayyār unslaked lime حḥā’ name of the letter ح جي رjayyāra limekiln 3 جيوII to endorse (fin.) ( جيووIt. giro) endorsement (fin.) 4 جيو, جيوانsee جار جيوزgīza Giza (city in N Egypt); a brand of Egyptian cotton جو شايجويشةjāša i ( جيشو نjayašān) to be excited, be agitated; to rage, storm; to boil, simmer II to levy troops, mobilize an army X to raise, mobilize ( ه وan army, also, e.g., اظص راanṣāran followers) جويشjaiš pl. جيواشarmy, troops, armed forces │ اجوويشااالحووأاللoccupation forces; جوويشااحأي و هarmy reserve; ا جوويشاموووابط (murābiṭ) territorial army; جويش االظقوj. alinqād Salvation Army; جيشاا مسal-masā’ dusk, evening twilight 150 جيووو شjayyāš agitated, impassioned; excited, boiling up; ebullient; pleasurably excited, happily stimulated ح مḥāḳām rabbi│ ا ح مااالكبوthe chief rabbi حؤولsee حال ح موḥāmī Hamitic ح نand ح ظةsee حي ( ح ظبوةpronounced ḥamba) pl. حااظوبḥawānib2 (formerly Tun.) hamba, palace gendarme of the Bey of Tunis ح ظاsee ح ا 1 حوبḥabba i (ḥubb) to love, like II to evoke ( ا وin s.o.) love or a liking (ه, هfor s.th. or s.o.), make ( ا ووs.o.) love or like (ه, هوs.th. or s.o.); to endear ( ه ا وs.th. to s.o.), make ( هوs.th.) dear, lovable, attractive ( ا ووfor s.o.), make ( هوs.th.) palatable, acceptable ( ا ووto s.o.); to urge ( هو ا ووs.th. on s.o.), suggest ( ا وs.th. to s.o.) IV ( حبḥubb, محبوة maḥabba) to love, like ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to wish, want, or like, to do s.th. (احوباان│)ان uḥibbu an I should like to ... ; احوبا و اانto like about s.o. that he ... ; الايحوباا يووا و (ḳaira) he doesn’t want him to be happy, he grudges him everything V to show love, reveal one’s affections ( ا ووto s.o.); to endear o. s. ( ا وووto s.o.), make o.s. popular, ingratiate o.s. ( ا ووwith s.o.); to court, woo ( ا ووa woman) VI to love one another X to like ( هوs.th.); to deem ( هو s.th.) desirable, recommendable; to prefer ( ه علوs.th. to s.th. else) محبابوووةmaḥbūba sweetheart, darling, beloved woman حووبḥubb love; affection, attachment │ حووباا وولاḥ. ad-dāt self-love, amourpropre; حوووووووبااالسوووووووأ ال curiosity, inquisitiveness; حوووباا ووواهḥ. al-waṭan patriotism; ( حبو الḥubban) out of love or affection for, out of friendship for; حبو ا و in the desire to … dear friend; محبوااابثو رfriends of archeology; ( محبا لاتli-datihī) egoist حبḥubbī friendly, amicable, loving; حبي ḥubbīyan in an amicable manner, amicably; by fair means (jur.) حوبḥibb pl. احبو بaḥbāb darling, dear, dearest (one) حب بḥabāb aim, goal, end 151 حبيبḥabīb pl. احبaḥibbā’ , احبةaḥibba, احبو بbeloved, sweetheart, lover; darling; dear one, friend; dear ( ا ووto s.o.); popular; االحب بthe beloved ones, the dear ones 2 حبيبووووةlabība pl. حب ئووووبḥabā’ib2 sweet·heart, darling, beloved woman احوووبaḥabb2 dearer, more desirable, preferable ( ا وto s.o.) حبوولاḥabbadā (with foll. Nominative) how nice, how lovely is ... ! how good, excellent, perfect is …! │ حبولاا واhow nice it would be if …; حبولااا حو لا واا عولh. l-ḥālu lau fa‘ala it would be nice, or he would do well, if he did it; ( يو احبولااا حو لḥālu) that’s just wonderful! محبووووووة maḥabba love; affection, attachment │ محبوووةاا ووواهm. al-waṭan patriotism تحببtaḥabbub courtship, wooing تح بووبtaḥābub mutual love, concord, harmony محبوابmaḥbūb beloved; dear; lovable, desirable; popular; favorite; beloved one, lover; (pl. مح بيووبmaḥābīb2) gold piece, sequin (in Ottoman times; eg.) محبوووبmuḥabbab agreeable, pleasant, desirable, lovable, dear ( ا ووto s.o.); nice, likable محوووبmuḥibb pl. -ūn loving; lover; fancier, amateur, fan; friend │محووباا و س philanthropic(al), affable; محب اا عزيزour مأح و بmutaḥābb loving one another, concordant مسوووأحبmustaḥabb (re)commendable, desirable (said of acts whose neglect is not punished by God, but whose performance is rewarded; Isl. Law); well-liked, popular 2 حوبII to produce seed, go to seed (plant); to bear seed (grain); to granulate, become granulated; to granulate ( هوs.th.) IV to produce seed حوبḥabb (coll.; n. un. ) grains; seed; -- ا pl. حبوووابḥubūb grain, cereals, corn; seed(s); grains, kernels; granules; pellets; pills, pastilles; berries; acne, pustules, pimples│ حوووووباا عزيوووووزchufa (Cyperus esculentus L.; bot.); حووباا فقودḥ. al-faqad chaste tree (Vitex agous castus L.; bot.); ا croton seeds (seeds of Croton tiglium; bot.); (magr.) cherries; حوباا هو لاḥ. al-hāl and ( حوباا هو ن )حبهو نḥ. al-hān cardamom (Amomum cardamomum L.; bot.); حووبا ا غم مḥ. al-gamām hail, hail-stones حبوةḥabba (n. un.; see also حوبḥabb) pl. -āt grain, granule; seed; kernel; pill, pastille; berry; pustule, pimple; triviality, trille; a square measure (Eg.; = 58.345 m2); pl. حبوbeads (of the rosary)│حبوةا شووعيوḥ. ša‘īr a linear measure (Eg.; = 0.205 cm); ( حبوةاحلواḥulwa) aniseed; حبوةا ( سووا اsaudā’) black caraway (Nigella sativa L.; bot.); حبو اا ومو لgrains of sand; حبوةاا عويḥ. al-‘ain eyeball; pupil (of the eye); حبووةاا قلووبḥ. al-qalb dearest one, beloved, darling حببḥabab blister حبيبوةḥubaiba pl. -āt little grain, small kernel; small pimple or pustule حبيبḥubaibī granular, granulated│ ا ومدا ( ا حبيبramad) trachoma (med.) حبحبḥabḥab (coll.) watermelon (hij.) حب حبḥubāḥib firefly, glowworm حبوولII to approve, think wall ( ه وof s.th.), commend ( هوs.th.); to applaud, acclaim, cheer ( هs.o., هs.th.) حبلاsee 1حب تحييووولtaḥyīd approval; acclamation, acclaim, applause, cheering 152 حبووḥabara u (ḥabr) to gladden, make happy, delight ( هs.o.); -- ḥabira a ( حبوارḥubūr) to be glad, happy II to embellish, refine, make workmanlike ( هوs.th.); to compose ( هوووs.th.) in elegant style; to write, compose ( هs.th.) حبوḥibr ink│ اماا حبووumm al-ḥibr squid, cuttlefish; ( حبوواعلوواورwaraq) mere ink on paper, of no effect (e.g., an agreement, a treaty) حبووḥabr, ḥibr pl. احبو رaḥbār a nonMuslim religious authority, 1earned man, scribe; hishop; rabbi│ ا حبوااالعرمthe Pope; سفوااالحب رsifr al-a. Leviticus (Old Test.) حبووووḥabrī pontifical │ لوووداساحبوووو (quddās) pontifical mass (Chr.) حبويووةḥabrīya office or dignity of a bishop, bishopric, pontificate حبووḥabara, ḥibara pl. -āt silken shawl or wrap (worn in public by ladies) حبو رḥabār, ḥibār pl. -āt mark, trace (esp. of blows), welt, wale احبارḥubūr joy حب و رḥubārā pl. bustard (zool.) حب ري وḥubārayāt يحبارyaḥbūr bustard chick (zool.) محبووووmiḥbara, maḥbara pl. محووو بو maḥābir2 inkwell حووبسḥabasa i (ḥabs) to obstruct, shut off, confine ( هو, هs.o., s.th.), block, bar, hold back, check ( هوs.th. عوfrom; also tears, laughter, etc.); to withhold ( ع هfrom s.o. s.th.); to hold in custody, detain ( هs.o.) to apprehend, arrest, jail, imprison ( هs.o.); to keep, keep back, put aside, put away (علوو هs.th. for); to tie up, invent inalienably ( ه capital) │ حووبساظفسوو اعلوووto devote o.s. entirely to ... ; ( حوبسايودهاعوyadahū) to take (s.th.) out from under s.o.’s power; حوبسا ( علي ااظف سوanfāsahū) to make s.o. catch his breath, take s.o.’s breath away; حووبساموواا ا شووووغلḥubisa ma‘a š-šugl he was committed to prison under hard labor II to tie up inalienably ( هوfunds, علووfor, esp. for a pious purpose), make a religious bequest ( هو, for the benefit of )علووVII to be held back, be held up, stop, be interrupted, intermit; to restrain o.s., hold back VIII to block, obstruct, bar, confine ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to detain, hold in custody ( ه و, هs.o., s.th.); to hold back, retain, suppress ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to be detained, held up; to be impeded, held back; to falter, break, fail (voice), stop (breath) حوبسḥabs (act of) holding or keeping back, obstruction, check, repression; blocking off, barring, confinement; damming up, staving off; safekeeping, custody, retention; imprisonment, arrest, detention, jailing; (pl. حبواسḥubūs) prison, jail │ ( حوووبسااحأيووو هiḥtiyāṭī) detention (pending investigation); حوووووبسااظفووووووا (infirādī) solitary confinement; حووبساشووديد penal servitude حبسḥibs pl. احب سdam, weir, barrage حوبسḥubs, ḥubūs pl. احبو سaḥbās (Tun., Alg. Mor. = waqf) inalienable property the yield of which is devoted to pious purposes, religious bequest, (Fr. jur.) “habous”│‘( حوبساعو مāmm) public habous, ( حوبسا و صḳaṣṣ) private habous; كو ناحبسو ا )كووو ناولفووو اعلوووو = ( علوووto be entirely dependent on … حبسوةḥubsa speech defect, impediment of speech حبوووويسḥabīs blocked-off, shut-off, barred, confined, locked-up; secluded; bated (breath); choking (voice); (pl. حبسو ḥubasā’2) hermit محوووبسmaḥbas, maḥbis pl. محووو بس maḥābis2 place where s.th. is confined or locked up; jail, prison; (prison) cell 153 محوبسmiḥbas device for shutting off or blocking off محبسةmaḥbasa hermitage اظحبو سinḥibās seclusion, confinement; stoppage, interruption; cessation احأبوووو سiḥtibās retention, restraint; inhibition, impediment, obstruction, stoppage │ احأبووو ساا بوووالiḥtibās al-baul suppression of urine, ischuria 1 حبولḥabl pl. حبو لḥibāl, احبولaḥbul, حبوال ḥubūl, احب و لaḥbāl rope, cable, hawser; cord, string, thread; (pl. حبو لḥibāl) beam, ray (e.g., of the sun, of light), jet (e.g., of water); vein; sinew, tendon │حبوولاا اريوود jugular vein; ( ا حبولاا سووsurrī) umbilical cord; ( ا حبولاا شواكšaukī) spine; حبو لاصواتية (ṣautīya) vocal cords; حبوولاا مسوو كيivy (bot.); حبو لاا موjets of water; ا قوواياهلوقةا ا حبلاعلواا غ ربalqā (aṭlaqa) l-ḥabla ‘alā lgārib to let things go, slacken the reins, give a free hand, impose no restraint; ارت ووو اا حبووولslackening of the reins, yielding; relenting; اض و وباحبل وiḍṭraba ḥabluhū to get into a state of disorder, of disorganization, of disintegration, get out of control; ( تعباعلواا حبلويla‘iba, ḥablain) to play a double game, work both side, of the street محبووواسmaḥbūs shut-off (from the outside world), isolated, secluded, confined, locked-up; imprisoned, captive; tied-up (funds); (pl. محووو بسmaḥābis2) prisoner, prison inmate, convict محوبسmuḥabbis donor of a habous (see حبسḥubs) اا محوووووبساعليوووووal-muḥabbas ‘alaihi beneficiary of a habous (see حبسḥubs) م حبسmunhabis secluded, shut-off ا حبشal-ḥabaš Abyssinia, Ethiopia; (pl. االحبو ش al-aḥbāš) the Abyssinians, Ethiopians ا حبشووووةal-ḥabaša Abyssinia, Ethiopia (and ا حبشووووḥabašī pl. Abyssinian, Ethiopian )بووووال اا حووووبش احبوووو ش aḥbāš احبا ةuḥbūla pl. اح بيولaḥābīl2 snare, net; rope with a noose; pl. اح بيولtricks, wiles, artifices, stratagems (in order to get s.th.) حوبطḥabaṭa i (( حبواهḥubūṭ) and ḥabiṭa a to come to nothing, fail, miscarry, go wrong; to be futile, be of no avail, be lost IV to frustrate, thwart, foil, defeat ( هs.th., ه علو in s.th. s.o.; negotiations, efforts, an attempt, etc.) حب ةḥibāla pl. حب ئلḥabā’il2 snare, net ح بوولḥābil: ( ا ووألطاا ح بوولاب بوولiḳtalaṭa) everything became confused, got into a state of utter confusion; ح بوولاوظ و بلهمall together, all in a medley 154 حبطḥabaṭ scar of a wound, wale, welt حباهḥubūṭ futility, failure احب هaḥbāṭ frustration, thwarting, foiling حبووقḥabaq basil (bot.); (eg.) a variety of speedwell (Veronica anagallis aquatica L.) حبولḥabaka i u (ḥabk) to weave well and tight ( هوs.th.); to braid, plait ( هوs.th.); to twist, twine, tighten ( هs.th.); to knit ( هوs.th.); to devise, contrive ( هوa plan, a plot) II to twist, twine, tighten ( هوs.th.) to fasten ( هو s.th.) حبكوووةḥabka fabric, tissue; texture, structure حبولḥubuk: p. حبولاا جوامḥ. an-nujūm the orbits of the celestial bodies حب كةḥibāka weavers trade, weaving محبواmaḥbūk tightly woven; tight, taut; sturdy, strong, robust, husky محأبلmuḥtabik interwoven, intersecting حبلVIII to ensnare, catch in a snare ( ه, هs.o., s.th.) 2 حبوولḥlabila a (ḥabal) to be or become pregnant, conceive and IV to make pregnant ( اهa woman) حبلḥabal conception; pregnancy حبلووḥublā pl. حبو وḥabālā and حبالظوة ḥablāna pregnant حبḥabana dropsy حب وباا ه و ن( حبه و نḥabb al-hān) cardamom (Amomum cardamomum L.; bot.) حبو ايحبوواةḥabā u (ḥabw) to crawl, creep: to present ( ه هs.o. with s.th.), give, award ( هو هto s.o. s.th.) III to be obliging ( هto s.o.), show one’s good will ( هtoward s.o.); to favor ( هs.o.); to side ( هwith s.o.), be partial ( هto s.o.); to show respect, deference ( هto s.o.) VIII to sit with one’s legs drawn up and wrapped in one's garment حباḥibwa, ḥubwa, ḥabwa gift, present حبḥibā’ gift, present مح بووووووووو muḥābāh complaisance, courtesy; favoritism, partiality الاحأميوووووة (philos.) obligingness favor(ing), محوووأمmuḥattam imposed, enjoined, obligatory; determined, definitive, determinate, unalterable, inevitable; destined, predeotined, ordained (fate) حأةḥitta pl. ḥitat (eg.) piece, bit, morsel حأḥutāt scraps; morsels, crumbs تحtaḥāt corrosion حأدḥatida a (ḥatad) to be of pure origin محأدmaḥtid descent, origin, lineage حأوḥutra small piece, bit, trifle مأحووأمmutaḥattim absolutely necessary; imperative (duty) حأوsee احت حثḥatta u (ḥatt) to urge, incite, prompt, goad, spur on, egg on, prod, provoke, 155 impel ( هs.o., علوto do s.th.) │حثا ه (ḳuṭāhū) to quicken one’s pace, hurry (ا و to a place); ( حثاا ويقṭarīqa) to hurry, hasten; ( حثالدميqadamaihi) to quicken one’s pace, break into a run VIII and X = I 1 حأو رḥitār pl. حأوووḥutur border, edge, fringe, surroundings, vicinity حأفḥatf pl. حأوااḥutūf death │يبحوثاعو اييسوعوا ا وووةاحأفوو ابرلفووyabḥatu ‘an (yas‘ā ilā) ḥatfihī bi-ẓilfihī he brings about his own destruction, digs his own grave; مو احأوفا اظفوmāta ḥatfa anfihī he died a natural death حأمḥatama i (ḥatm) to decree, make necessary, prescribe ( هو علووs.th. for s.o.), make ( هو s.th.) a duty, a necessity ( علووfor s.o.); اto impose, enjoin ( هو علووs.th. upon s.o.); اto decide, determine definitely ( بs.th.) II to decree, make necessary, prescribe (هو علوو s.th. for s.o.), make ( هوs.th.) a duty, a necessity ( علووfor s.o.) V to be necessary; to be s.o.’s ( )علووduty, be incumbent (علوو upon s.o.) حووأمḥatm pl. حأووامḥutūm imposition, injunction; final decision, resolution, determination; حأموووḥatman decidedly, definitely, neceaoarily, inevitably حأموووḥatmī decided, definite, final, conclusive, definitive, unalterable, irrevocable, inevitable حأميوةḥatmīya decidedness, definiteness, definitiveness, determinateness, unalterableness; necessity indeterminism محأووووامmaḥtūm imposed, enjoined, obligatory; determined, definitive, determinate, unalterable, ineviroble; destined, predestined, ordained (fate) حوتḥatta u (ḥatt) to rub off, scrape off, scratch off ( هs.th.) حأووḥattā (prep.) until, till, up to, as far as; (conj.; with perf.) until, so that; (with subj.) until, that, so that, in order that; -(particle) even, eventually even; and even; حأووا واeven if; (with preceding negation) not even, and be it only… lā-ḥatmīya حثيثḥatīt quick, rapid, quick ح ثةḥātta hormone 2 حثḥittī Hittite (n. and adj.) حث وةḥutāla dregs, lees, sediment; scum (fig.); offal, discard, scraps │ احث ووةاا حويوووsilk combings حث ايحثاةḥatā u (ḥatw) to strew, scatter, spread, disperse ( هs.th.) حوḥajja u to overcome, defeat ( هs.o., with arguments, with evidence), confute ( هs.o.); اto convince ( هs.o.); -- (ḥajj) to make the pilgrimage (to Mecca), perform the hadj III to dispute, debate, argue, reason ( هwith s.o.) VI to argue against each other, carry on a dispute, to debate; to take counsel VIII to advance (ب s.th.) as an argument, plea, excuse, or pretext; to allege in support or vindication, plead (ب s.th.); to vindicate, justify ( لs.th.); to protect, remonstrate ( علووووagainst), object, raise objections ( علوto) حوḥajj and حجوةḥijja pl. -āt, حجوḥijaj pilgrimage; hadj, the official Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca │ واا حجوةdū l-ḥijja Zu’lhijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar حجووةḥujja pl. حجووḥūjaj argument; pretense, pretext, plea; proof, evidence; document, writ, deed, record; authority │ا بحجوةاانunder the pretense that …, on the plea … on the pretext of … bar; diaphragm (also ;ا حجو باا حو جزanat.); amulet حجوḥajāj pl. احجوةaḥijja circumorbital ring (anat.) حج بةḥijāba office of gatekeeper احأجو بiḥtijāb concealment, hiddenness, seclusion; veiledness, veiling, purdah محmaḥajj destination (of a journey) محجووووةmaḥajja pl. محووووmaḥājj2 destination of a pilgrimage, object of pilgrimage, shrine; destination (of s journey); goal; road; way; procedure, method │ امحج وةاا صوواابm. aṣ-ṣawāb the Right Way, the Straight Path; محجوةاا حديود railroad حجḥijāj argument, dispute, debate تحجوtaḥajjuj argumentation, pleading, offering of a pretext, pretense, excuse احأجوووiḥtijāj pl. -āt argumentation; pretext, excuse, plea, pretense; protest, remonstrance ( علووووagainst), objection, exception ( علوto) ح وḥājj pl. حج وḥujjāj, حج ويḥajīj pilgrim; hadji, Mecca pilgrim, honorific title of one who has performed the pilgrimage to Mecca حجوبḥajaba u (ḥajb) to veil, cover, screen, shelter, seclude ( هو علوs.th. from); to hide, obscure ( هو عوs.th. from s.th. else, e.g., from sight); to eclipse, outshine, overshadow (ه s.o.); to make imperceptible, invisible ( هو عوs.th. to); to conceal ( هو عوs.th. from s.o.); to make or form a separation ( اوبووي-- بووي اbetween – and) II to veil, hide, conceal; to hide from sight, keep in seclusion ( هوa woman); to disguise, mask ( هو بs.th. with) V to conceal o.s. hide ( ع وfrom), flee from sight, veil o.s. VII to veil o.s., conceal o.s.; to be covered up, become hidden be obscured VIII to vanish, become invisible, disappear from sight; to veil conceal ( عو hide; to become hidden, be concealed ( عو from); to withdraw; to elude perception; to ease or interrupt publication (newspaper, periodical) حجوووبḥajb seclusion; screening off; keeping away, keeping off حجو بḥijāb pl. حجوبḥujub, احجبوةaḥjiba cover, wrap, drape; curtain; woman’s veil; screen, partition, folding screen; barrier, ح جووووبḥājib concealing, screening, protecting; (pl. حجو بḥujjāb, حجبوةḥajaba) doorman, gatekeeper; chamberlain; orderly (Syr., mil.); (pl. حااجوبḥawājib2) eyebrow │ ح جوباا هوااḥ. al-hawā’ airtight, hermetic محجابmaḥjūb concealed, hidden, veiled 1 حجووḥajara u (ḥajr, ḥijr, ḥujr, حجووانḥijrān, ḥujrān) to deny access ( علوووto s.o.);اto stop, detain, hinder ( علوووor هs.o.); to forbid, interdict ( ه و علوووs.th. to s.o.), prohibit ( علووs.o.) from doing s.th. ( ;)هوto place ( علووووs.o.) under guardianship, declare ( علوs.o.) legally incompetent حجووووووḥajr restriction, curb(ing), check(ing), obstruction, impeding, limitation, curtailing ( علوof s.th.); barring, closing, debarment, preclusion; detention; blocking, confinement, containment, suppression (as a protective measure); interdiction, prohibition, ban; revocation, or limitation, of s.o.’s ( )علووووlegal competence │ ( حجوصحṣiḥḥī) quarantine ( حجوووووḥijr forbidden, interdicted, prohibited; lap; (pl. احج و رaḥjār, حج وار ḥujūr, حجارḥujūra) mare حجووḥujra pl. ḥujarāt, حجووḥujar room; cell; (railroad) compartment; chamber │ حجوو ااالظأرو رwaiting room; حجوو اا وامḥ. an-naum bedroom; ا حجووووووو اا فالحيووووووة (fallāḥīya) chamber of agriculture حجووmaḥjar pl. محو جوmaḥājir2 military hospital, infirmary; prison, jail, dungeon │ ( محجواصوحṣiḥḥī) quarantine, quarantine station حجووmaḥjir, miḥjar, maḥjar pl. محو جو maḥājir2 (= محجووواا عووي اm. al-‘ain) eye socket; see also below تحجيوووtaḥjīr interdiction, prohibition, ban; see also below محجوارmaḥjūr pl. محو جوmaḥājir2 (and )محجاراعليone placed under guardianship; minor; ward, charge 2 حجووII to petrify, turn into stone ( هوs.th.); to make hard as stone ( هوs.th.) V to turn to stone, petrify, become petrified detention, seizure, confiscation, sequestration ( علووof s.th.); reservation (of seats) │ حجزاا حويةḥ al-ḥurrīya deprivation of liberty, unlawful detention duress (jur.); ( ا قووواا حجوواعلوووalqā) to confiscate s.th. حجووḥajar pl. احجو رaḥjār, حجو رḥijāra, حج و رḥijār stone; weight (placed as an equipoise on the scale of a balance) │ ( ا حجووووااالس سوووasāsī) the foundation stone, cornerstone, وضوووااا حجووووااالس سووو (waḍ‘) laying of the cornerstone; حجواا وباله ḥ. al-balāṭ flagstone, paving stone; حجووا جه و مḥ. jahannam lunar caustic, silver nitrate; حجواا جيووḥ. al-jīr limestone; ا حجووا ا سوم لor ( حجوواا سوم لsummāqī) porphyry; ( ا حجووااالسواaswad) the Black Stone (of the Kaaba); حجووواا ش و ظةhematite (min.); حجواا عثوḥ. al-‘atra stumbling block; حجوا ا فالسوفةphilosopher’s stone; O حجوواا قمووḥ. al-qamar selenite; حجوواكوويمand حجوواثموي ا precious stone, gem; ( هبوااعلوواا حجووtab‘) lithograph; هب عةاا حجوLithography حجووḥajarī stony, stone (adj.) │ا عصووا ‘( ا حجوaṣr) the Stone Age; ا عصوواا حجوو ا ا حوديثthe Neolithic period; ا عصوواا حجوو ا ا قديمthe Paleolithic period حجيوḥajīr stony, petrified حج رḥajjār stone mason, stone cutter محجووmaḥjir pl. محو جوmaḥājir (stone) quarry 2 تحجيوووووو quarrying taḥjīr petrification; stone تحجوtaḥajjur petrification مأحجوmutaḥajjir petrified مسأحجوmustaḥjir petrified 157 حجودزḥajaza u i (ḥajz) to hold back, restrain, hinder, prevent ( هو عوs.th. from); to keep away ( هو عوs.th. from); to block (off), close, bar; to isolate, insulate, confine, seclude; to make inaccessible; to set apart; to separate ( بوويtwo things); to arrest, detain; to seize, sequester, impound (علوو or هوs.th., e.g., s.o.’s property, salary); to confiscate, safeguard ( ا هوs.th.); to reserve ( هوs.th.); to make a reservation ( هوfor a. theater seat, a steamer cabin, a ticket, etc.) VIII to retain for o.s., reserve to o.s. ( هو s.th.) حجوزḥajz curbing, prevention, restraint; seclusion, confinement, containment, isolation, insulation, separation; arrest, ا حجوو زal-ḥijāz Hejaz, region in W Arabia, on the Red Sea coast حجو زḥijāzī of or pertaining to Hejaz; pl. -ūn) an inhabitant of Hejaz حو جزḥājiz and حو جزpl. حوااجزḥawājiz2 obstacle, hindrance, impediment, obstruction; partition, screen, dividing wall j block, blockade, road block; fence, gate, railing, balustrade; hurdle; bar, barrier; barricade │اا حجوووووو باا حوووووو جز diaphragm (anat.); O حووووو جزااالمووووواا breakwater; ا حوووووااجزاا قموليوووووةايا جموكيوووووةة (qumruqīya, gumrukīya) customs barriers; O ح جز اا صااعقlightning rod ماظوووفاحووو جزmuwaẓẓaf ḥājiz approx.: bailiff 1 امح جفةmuḥājafa singlestick fencing 2 ااحج اiḥjāf = اجح ا حجولḥajala u i (ḥajl, حجوالنḥajalān) to hop, leap; to skip, gambol حجولḥajl, ḥijl pl. حجوالḥujūl, احجو لaḥjāl anklet حجوولḥajal (coll.; n. un. ) pl. حجووالن ḥajlān, حجل ووḥijlā partridge; mountain partridge, mountain quail حجوولاḥajala pl. حج و لḥijāl curtained canopy, or alcove, for the bride │اربو ها ا حج لrabbāṭ al-ḥ. the ladies عبةاا حجلةla‘bat al-ḥajala hopscotch محجووووولmuḥajjal wearing anklets (woman); white-footed (horse); bright, brilliant, radiant; unique, singular, esp. in the phrase ( أغوامحجلagarr2) حجومḥajama u (ḥajm) to cup ( هs.o.; med.) IV to recoil, shrink, flinch ( عوfrom); to desist, abstain, refrain ( ع وfrom), forbear ( ع و s.th.); to withdraw, retreat حجومḥajm pl. حجوامḥujūm, احجو مaḥjām bulk, size, volume; caliber (of a cannon) │ كبيواا حجمbulky, sizable, massive حج مḥajjām cupper حج موةاḥijāma cupping, scarification, art of cupping محجومmiḥjam, m محجومmiḥjama pl. محو جم maḥājim2 cupping glass احجووو مiḥjām desistance, restraint, aloofness, reserve abstention; حجوḥajana i (ḥajn) to bend, curve, crook ( ا هو s.th.) VIII to snatch up, grab ( هوs.th.) take hold ( هof s.th.) احجaḥjan2 curved, crooked, bent ا محجوmiḥjan pl. محو جmaḥājin2 staff or stick with a crooked end, crosier; hook حج ابو ا يوواايحجواةḥajā bihī ḳairan to think well of s.o., have a good opinion of s.o. III to propose a riddle ( هto s.o.); to speak in riddles, be enigmatic حجو ا, حجووḥijan pl. احجوaḥjā’ intellect, brains, understanding, discernment, acumen, sagacity, wit, intelligence 158 حجوḥajiy appropriate, suitable, proper ( باfor) احجووووaḥjā more appropriate, more suitable, more proper; more correct, better احجيوةuḥjīya pl. احو جوaḥājīy, riddle, puzzle, enigma احوaḥājin ح مḥaḳām = ( ح مlook up alphabetically) حوودḥadda u (ḥadd) to sharpen, hone ( ه وa knife); to delimit, delineate, demarcate, mark off, stake off ( هوland, موfrom); to set bounds ( ه وto s.th.), limit, restrict, confine ( هوs.th.); to impede, hinder, curb, check ( موor هوs.th.); -- i ( حودḥidda) to become furious, angry ( علووat): -- i u ( حودا ḥidād) to wear mourning, mourn ( علووthe deceased) II to sharpen, hone ( هوa knife); to forge ( هوووs.th.; syr.); to delimit, demarcate ( هوs.th.); to set bounds ( هوto s.th.), circumscribe, mark off, delineate sharply; to limit, restrict, confine ( موor هو s.th.); to determine, appoint, assign, schedule, lay down, set down, establish ( هو s.th.); to fix). e.g., prices); to define ( هو s.th.) │( حود ابصووهbaṣarahū) to dart sharp glances; to scrutinize ( ووs.th.), look sharply ( وat s.th.) III to oppose ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) act contrary ( هو, هto s.o., to s.th.), contravene, counteract, violate ( هs.th.) IV to sharpen, make sharp ( هs.th.) │ااحداا روا (ا وواnaẓar) to look sharply at, stare at; احودا ( بصووهbaṣarahū) to dart sharp glances; to scrutinize ( وs.th.), look sharply ( وat s.th.); ( احوودام و ابصوووهbaṣarihī) to glance sharply; -- to put on garments of mourning V to be delimited, be delineated, be bounded, be circumscribed; to be determined, be established, be set down, be scheduled, be fixed; to by defined, be definable VIII to be or become angry; to become infuriated, be furious ( علووat), be exasperated ( علووwith); to be agitated, be upset, be in a state of commotion حدḥadd pl. حدوḥudūd (cutting) edge يof a knife, of a sword); edge, border, brink, brim, verge; border (of a country), boundary, borderline; limit (fig.), the utmost, extremity, termination, end, terminal point, terminus; a (certain) measure, extent, or degree (attained); (math.) member (of an equation), term (of a fraction, of a proportion); divine ordinance, divine statute; legal punishment (Isl. Law) │ حودli-ḥaddi or ا ووا حودuntil, till, up to, to the extent of, ا وواحودا ابن, حوداابنli-ḥ. l-āna up to now, so far; ( ا وواحوداموḥaddin) to a certain degree, to a certain extent; ا وواحوداكبيوو, ا وواحودابعيودto a considerable extent or degree, considerably, extensively; ( ا ووواأ احودayyi ḥaddin) how far, to what degree or extent; ( الاحوووودا ووووḥadda) boundless, infinite, unbounded, unlimited; بالاحدbi-lā ḥaddin, ا وووواغيوووواحووودilā gairi ḥaddin boundless, unlimited, without limits; ‘ علوواحوداسوااalā ḥaddin sawā’, ‘ علووواحووداس واىalā ḥaddin siwan in the same manner; equally, likewise; ( علووواحوودḥaddi) according to, commensurate with; و احوودا ات وfī ḥaddi dātihī and بحودا اتوin itself, as such; ا حودا ( االعلووووa‘lā), ( ا حوووداااللصووووaqṣā) the maximum; ( ا حدااال ظووadnā) the minimum; ( ‘ حووداعموووumrī) age limit; واحووديdū ḥaddain two-edged; ( ووو احووودوḥudūdi) within, within the framework of; بلو االصووا ( حودو هaqṣā ḥudūdihI) to attain its highest degree; حودو اthe bounds or restrictions that God has placed on man's freedom of action حودḥidda sharpness, keenness; pitch (of a tone); distinctiveness, markedness; vehemence, violence, impetuosity; fury, rage, wrath, ire, anger; irascibility, passionateness excitability, delimited, determinate, fixed, definite, definitive │ محووودو اا مع ووووm. al-ma‘nā unambiguous; محودو اا وم ناm. aḍ-ḍamān of limited liability; شوووكةامحوودو ايا مسووئا يةة (širka) limited company, corporation حوداḥidād (act of) mourning ( علووover) │ اثووواباا حوووداtaub al-h. garmente of mourning; حوودا اا ووبالهḥ. al-balāt court mourning محووودmuḥaddad sharpened, sharp; determined, fixed, appointed, destined (ل for) strictly delimited, clearly defined حدḥida see وحد حدḥadad forbidden 159 حديودḥadīd iron; pl. حدائودḥadā’id2 iron parts (of a structure); forgings, hardware, ironware │ احديودا و مcrode iron, pig iron, iron ore; O ( حديودام و وmutāwi‘) wrought iron; ( حديوداغفولgufl) unprocessed iron, pig iron; ظهوواا حديودẓahr al-ḥ. حديوداا رهووcast iron; سوكةاا حديودsikkat al-ḥ. railroad; ضووبا احديدابويدsee ضوب حديدḥadīd pl. حوداḥidād, احوداaḥiddā’2, احودaḥidda sharp (knife, eye, tongue, etc.), keen (mind) احووودaḥadd2 sharper, keener; more vehement, more violent حديودḥadīda pl. حدائودḥadā’id2 piece of iron; object or tool made of iron │احديودا ا حووثḥ. al-ḥart plowshare; ( علوواا حديودeg.) in financial straits, pinched for money حديوودḥadīdī iron (adj.) │اسووكةاحديديووة (sikka) railroad ا حديودal-ḥudaida Hodeida (seaport in W Yemen) حداḥaddād ironsmith, blacksmith حداḥidāda smithcraft, art smithing تحديوووودtaḥdīd pl. -āt limitation, delimitation; delineation, demarcation; restriction, curb, confinement; determination, fixation, appointment; definition │ علوواا أحديودand علوواوجو اا أحديود (wajh) to be exact …, strictly speaking … حوḥādd sharp (also, fig., of a glance), keen (mind); high-pitched (tone); vehement, fiery, impetuous; fierce; vivid; acute (illness) │ حو اا موزاḥ. al-mizāj, حو ا ا بواḥ. aṭ-ṭab‘ hot-blooded, hot-headed, hot-tempered, irascible; ( زاويوةاحوzāwiya) acute angle; تحتاا حدsubacute محوودوmaḥdūd bounded, bordered (ب by); circumscribed, confined; limited (= small, e.g., number, knowledge, etc.); محأوووووود muḥtadd exasperated angry, furious, حودأḥid’a, pl. حودأḥida’, حوداḥidā’, حودآنḥid’ān kite (zool.) حدأḥada’a pl. حوداḥidā’ double-bladed axe حودبḥadiba a (ḥadab) to be convex, domeshaped, cambered, bent outward; to be hunchbacked; to be nice, kind, friendly ( علووor بto s.o.). be solicitous ( علووor ب about s.o.), care ( علووor بfor s.o.) اtake care ( علووor بof s.o.) II to make convex, emboss, camber, vault, curve, crook, bend ( هوs.th.) V and XII احودو بiḥaudaba to be crooked, vaulted, cambered, embossed, convex حوودبḥadab affection, fondness, love; kindliness; solicitude, care; (pl. حوووداب ḥidāb, احووودابaḥdāb) elevation of the ground │(ام اكلاحودباوصواباwa-ṣaubin) or كوولاصوواباوحوودبfrom all sides, from all directions, from everywhere; و اكولاصوابا وحودبeverywhere, in every quarter, on all sides حودبḥadib curved, cambered, vaulted, convex; hunchbacked; kindly, friendly حدبḥadaba hunchback, hump; camber, vaulting, curvature احودبaḥdab2, f. حودبḥadbā’, pl. حودب ḥudb hunchbacked, humped; -- (elative) kindlier, friendlier محودبmuḥaddab embossed; cambered, convex 160 حودثḥadata u ( حودوثḥudūt) to happen, occur, take place, come to pass; -- (ḥaduta u ( حداثووةḥadāta) to be new, recent; to be young II to tell, relate, report ( هto s.o., ب or هs.th., , عabout); to speak, talk ( هto s.o., عووor وووabout, of) │ حدثوو اللبووو (ḥaddatahū qalbuhū and حدثأوووو اظفسوووو ḥaddatathu nafsuhū his heart, his innermost feeling told him ( بs.th.); حودثا ( ظفسو ابnafsahū) to talk o.s. into (s.th.), try to believe s.th. or see s.th. (as factual); to resolve, make up one’s mind to do s.th.; حدثاظفسو اانhe said to himself, told himself that … III to speak, talk ( عوor ه وto s.o. about s.th.); to discuss ( عor هwith s.oا. s.th.), converse ( ع وor ه وwith s.o. about); to negotiate, confer ( هwith s.o.) to address, accost ( هs.o.); to call up ( هs.oا,.by telephone) IV to bring forth, produce, create, originate ( هوووs.th.); to found, establish ( هوs.th.); to bring about, cause, occasion, provoke, effect ( هوs.th.); to drop excrement │ ( ااحودثاحودثḥadatan) to bring about s.th.; to cause or do s.th., esp., s.th. evil, do mischief V to speak, talk ( ا ووto s.o., عو, بor j about or of s.th.), converse, chat ( ا وor ماwith s.o., عوto, بor j about s.th.) VI to talk with one another, converse, have a conversation X to renew ( هs.th.) to buy new ( هوs.th.); to introduce, start, invent, originate, create ( هوs.th.); to find or deem ( هs.o.) to be young وا وةḥ. ḳurāfa fabulous story, silly talk; ( حووديثالدسووqudsī) Muslim tradition in which God Himself speaks, as opposed to ( حوديثاظبواnabawī) an ordinary Prophetic tradition; حوديثاا و فسḥ. an-nafs s.th. one talks o.s. into; premonition حوودثḥadat pl. احووداثaḥdāt a new, unprecedented thing, a novelty, innovation; event, incident, occurrence, happening; phenomenon; evil symptom; misdeed; misfortune; ritual impurity (Isl. Law); excrement, feces; (pl. احوداث, حودث ن ḥudtān) young man, youth; احداثjuveniles مح ثوووةmuḥādata pl. -āt discourse, conversation, discussion, talk, parley حديثḥadīt pl. حداثḥidāt, حودثḥudatā’ new, novel, recent, late; modern; حووديث ḥadītan recently, lately │ حوديثاا ب وḥ. albinā’ new-built, recently built; احديثاا سḥ. as-sinn young; حووديثاا عهوودḥ. al-‘ahd of recent date, recent, new, young; حوديثاا عهودا ب, ( حوديثاعهودابḥ. ‘ahdin) having adopted or acquired (s.th.) recently; not long accustomed to (s.th.), inexperienced at (s.th.), new at (s.th.), newly, e.g., حديثاا عهدا ( بو االbi-l-wilāda) newborn, حووديثاا غهوودا ( بو زواbi-z-zawāj) newly wed; كو ناحوديثا ا عهوداببوربوhe had not known Europe until recently 2 حووديثḥadīt pl. اح يووثaḥādīt2, حوودث ن ḥadtān speech; chat, chitchat, small talk; conversation, talk, discussion; interview; prattle, gossip; report, account, tale, narrative; Prophetic tradition, Hadith, narrative relating deeds and utterances of the Prophet and his Companions │احوديثا حوودوثḥudūt setting in (of a state or condition), occurrence, incidence (of a phenomenon); occurrence, incident, happening حداثوةḥadāta newness, recency, novelty; youth, youthfulness احداثaḥdāt2 newer, more recent حودث ناا ودهوḥidtān (or ḥadatān) ad-dahr misfortune, adversities, reverses احدوثوةuḥdūta pl. اح يوثaḥādīt2 speech; discussion, talk, conversation; chatter; fabling, fibbing; topic, subject of a conversation; gossip, rumor (about a person) │ حس ااالحدوثةḥusn al-u. praise (of s.o.) سوووا ااالحدوثوووة sū’ al-u. slander, defamation احوووداثiḥdāt production, creatuion, invention, origination; causation, effectuation 161 ا احوووداثيiḥdātīyāt (pl.) co-ordinates (math.) │‘( ااحوووووداثي اعما يووووةamūdīya) ordinates; ( احوداثي اأ قيوةufuqīya) abscissas (math.) اسوووأحداثistiḥdāt invention, creation, production, origination ح ثḥādīt occurring, happening, taking place; new, recent; fresh; -- (pl. حوواا ث ḥawādit2, also -āt) occurrence, incident, event, happening; episode; case (jur.) accident, mishap │ احو ثاتزويوووa case of forgery; مك و ناا ح و ثmakān al-ḥ. site of action, scene of the crime, locus delicti ح ثوووةḥādita pl. حووواا ثḥawādit2 occurrence, event, happening; plot (of a play) ; incident, episode; accident, mishap │اح ثةاا موورḥ. al-murūr traffic accident ا محودثmuḥaddit pl. -ūn speaker, talker; spokesman; conversation partner, interlocutor; relator, narrator; a transmitter of Prophetic traditions, traditionary, م حوودرmunḥadir descending; lowered, dipped; slanting, sloping, declivitous (terrain); declining, waning, being on the downgrade, in a state of decadence or decline; run-down, seedy, down-at-theheels, down-and-out representative of the science or study of Hadith (see above); O phonograph, gramophone مأحدثmutaḥaddit spokesman, speaker مسأحدثmustaḥdat new, novel, recent, -(pl. –āt) novelty, innovation; recent invention, modern product; neologism حودḥadaja i and II to stare, look sharply ( هو, ه at s.o., at s.th., often with ببصوووهbibaṣarihī or ب روهbi-naẓarihī) حودḥidj pl. حودوḥudūj, load, burden, encumbrance احوداaḥdāj ابااحديabū ḥadīj stork حداجووةḥidāja pl. saddle حوودائḥadā’ij2 camel حودرḥadara, ḥadura u (ḥadr, حودارḥadāra) to be thick; -- ḥadara u i (ḥadr, حودرḥudūr) to bring down, lower ( هوs.th.) to cause ( هو s.th.) to descend; to drop ( هوs.th.); to shed ( هوtears); ( حودراحودراḥadran) to rattle off, express quickly (an utterance, a thought); -- (ḥadr) to come down, step down, descend; to glide down, swoop II to drop ( هوs.th.) to lower, inclines, dip ( هوs.th.) V to descend gradually; to glide down; to come down, descend; to flow down (tears); to derive, stem, originate ( مfrom) VII to come or go down, descend; to glide down, sink down; to be in decline, be on the downgrade, to decline, wane; to flow down (tears); to slope down, slant down, be inclined (terrain); to come ( ا وووto a place), arrive ( ا وat) م حدرmunḥadar pl. -āt depression; slope, talus, incline, descent, declivity; fall (of a river) حدسḥadata i u (ḥadt) to surmise, guess, conjecture ( هs.th.) حدسḥadt surmise, guess, conjecture; O intuition 162 □ حوودااḥaddāf ()ح ولاا, shuttle (weaving) □ هووو ر احدا وووةṭāra ḥaddāfa (syr.) flywheel 1 حديقةḥadīqa pl. حدائقḥadā’iq2 garden │ا حديقوةاا حيااظوḥ. al-ḥayawānāt zoological garden, zoo احوووووووووودا iḥdāq encompassment ( بof) ووووامحووود danger downgrade, تحوودراtaḥaddur descent, slant, slope, inclination, incline, declivity اظحوووودارinḥidār slant, dip, pitch, inclination, decent, slope; declivity; fall (of a river); decline, waning; ruin, decay, decadence ح رḥādir thick مأحودرmutaḥaddir descending, slanting, sloping downward احودḥadaqa i (ḥadq) to surround, encircle, encompass ( بs.o., s.th.); (with بعي وbi‘ainihī) to look, glance ( هat s.o.) II to look, glance, gaze, stare ( ا ووor وat, also (احوود اا روووا و │ )بnaẓara) to fix one’s glance on … IV to surround, encircle, encompass, enclose ( بs.o., s.th.); to look, glance ( , ا وor بat) │ ااحد اا رواا رووا و (naẓara) to fix one’s glance on … حدلوةḥadaqa pl. -āt, حودḥadaq, حودا ḥidāq, احوداaḥdāq pupil (of the eye); pl. احداglances حودرḥadr rapid recitation of the Koran (a terminus technicus of tajwīd) حووووودورḥadūr slope, declivity, declivitous terrain ( حووداااا م و كاsyr.) 2 encirclement, ḳaṭar muḥdiq imminent □ حودII (= )حودto make acid, sour, tart, or sharp ( هs.th.) □ حوḥādiq (= sharp (taste) )حوsour, tart, acid, حودلḥadala i to flatten, level, even, roll ( هو s.th.); (ḥadl, حودولḥudūl) to treat unjustly ( علوs.o.) محد وةmiḥdala pl. محمودلmaḥādil2 roller, steamroller حودمVIII to burn, glow, blaze; to burn up, be consumed by fire; to flare up, break out (fight); to be furious, burn with wrath (علوو at, over), also ( احأدماغيرgaiẓan) احأدامiḥtidām paroxysm محمووودمmuḥtadim furious, infuriated, enraged حدḥida see وحد 1 2 □ حدوḥidwa horseshoe ( حودوand حودا )حودىḥadā u (ḥadw, حوداḥudā’, ḥidā’ to urge forward by singing ( هوو camels); to urge, spur on, egg on, prompt, instigate, induce, move ( بor هs.o., ا ووto s.th., to do s.th.); حوداابto instigate s.th.; to sway, rock, roll (rider, camel); to swing along, rock along (in riding) │حداابهماا حديثا ا وtheir conversation led them to …; غو ا ( تحوودىاا ي و اا وك ئووبgaraḍun tuḥdā) a goal much sought after or worth striving for V to compete, vie ( هwith s.o.); to challenge, provoke ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to defy, oppose, resist, withstand ( هو, هs.o., s.th.), stand up ( هو, هagainst s.o., against s.th.) to incite, stimulate, arouse, animate, sharpen ( ه و s.th.; ك و هdakā’ahū s.o.’s intellect); to intend ( هوs.th., to do s.th.), be bent ( هوon doing s.th.) حوووووداḥudā’ animating chanting of the caravan leader singsong, حداḥaddā’ camel driver, cameleer احودوuḥduwa, احديوةuḥdīya song of the camel drivers تحووودtaḥaddin pl. challenge, provocation تحوووديtaḥaddiyāt حوḥādin pl. حوداḥudāh caravan leader (who urges the camels forward by singing); camel driver, cameleer; leader مأحدmutaḥaddin challenger, provoker 1 2 3 حودḥadiya a to remain, stay ( بat a place), stick ( بto a place) ح ىاعشوsee احد □ حدايةḥidāya, ḥiddāya = حدأḥid’a حوولرḥadira a (ḥidr, ḥadar) to be cautious, wary, to beware ( موor هو, هof s.o., of s.th.), be on one’s guard ( م وor ه و, ه against) II to warn, caution ( ه موs.o. of or about), put ( هs.o.) on his guard ( م و against) III to watch out, be 163 careful; to be on one’s guard ( هagainst), be wary (ه of s.o.) V to beware, be wary ( موof) VIII =I حووووولرḥidr and ḥadar caution, watchfulness, alertness, wariness, circumspection; precaution │ا وووولاحوووولره (ḥadarahū) to be on one’s guard; علوواجولر ‘alā ḥadarin cautiously, warily; on one’s guard ( مagainst) حلرḥadir cautious, wary حلارḥadārī beware ( انof doing …, م of s.th.)! watch out ( موfor)! be careful ( مو of)! تحوليوtaḥdīr warning, cautioning ( موof, against) امحوو رmuḥādara caution, precaution, precautionary measure محولورmaḥdūr that of which one should beware, against which one should guard; object of caution; -- (pl. -āt) danger, peril; trouble, difficulty, misfortune حولاḥadafa i (ḥadf) to shorten, clip, curtail ( هو or مs.th.); to take s.th. away, cut s.th. off, clip s.th. off ( موfrom s.th.), reduce ( مو s.th.), strike or cross s.th. ( موoff s.th.); to cancel, strike out, delete, drop, leave out, omit, suppress ( هوs.th.); (gram.) to elide, apocopate, drop by aphaeresis; to deduct, subtract ( هوs.th.); to throw ( ه بat s.o. s.th.), pelt ( ه بs.o. with s.th.); to cast away, throw away, discard ( بs.th.) II to clip, trim ( هوs.th.); to give ( هوs.th.) shape, to trim, clip, or cut ( هوs.th.) into proper shape حولاḥadf shortening, curtailing, cutting off, trimming, etc.; canceling, cancellation, striking off, crossing off, deletion; omission, dropping, suppression; (gram.) elision, ellipsis, apocopation حولا يوḥadāfīr2: ا ولهابحولا يوهhe took all of it, he took it lock, stock and barrel حولḥadiqa a, ḥadaqa i (ḥidq, حلالوةḥadāqa) to be skilled, skillful, well-versed, proficient ( هوor وin s.th.), master ( هوs.th.); -ḥadaqa u ( حولوḥudūq) to turn sour (milk) V to feign skillfulness, proficiency, cleverness or smartness حووولḥidq and حلالوووةḥadāqa skill, dexterity, proficiency; smartness, cleverness, intelligence; sagacity, acumen perspicacity, ح وḥādiq pl. حوولاḥuddāq skillful, skilled, proficient; well-versed, clever, smart; intelligent; sour حول قII taḥadlaqa to pretend to be clever or skilful, feign skiIl or knowledge; to be pedantic حل قةḥadlaqa skillfulness, dexterity حلاايحولوةḥadā u: ( حولااحولوهḥadwahū) to imitate s.o., take after s.o., follow s.o.’s example III to be opposite s.th. ( )هface, parallel ( هو s.th.), run parallel ( هوto) VI to be opposite each other, be parallel VIII to imitate, copy ( بor علووs.o. s.th., also هوs.th.), take or follow ( بor علووs.o., s.th., also هوs.th.) as an example or model; to be shod; to wear ( هs.th.) as footgear حلوḥadwa (prep.) opposite, face to face with │ حلو اا علاب عولḥadwaka n-na‘la bin-na‘li in a completely identical manner, to a T, like two peas in a pod حولاḥidā’ pl. احليوةaḥdiya shoe; sandal │ ص ظ اادحليةshoemaker حولاḥidā’a (prep.) and بحولاbi-ḥidā’i opposite, face to face with حلاḥaddā’ shoemaker, cobbler ‘ علوو ) و ( محو اalā (fī) muḥādāti along, alongside of, parallel to احألاiḥtidā’ imitation, copying محmuḥādin opposite, facing حوḥarra u i (ḥarr, حوارḥarāra) to be hot II to liberate ( هs.o.); to free, set free, 164 release ( هs.o.); to emancipate ( هs.o.); to consecrate ( هs.o.) to the service of God; to clarify, clear up, make clear ( هs.th.); to formulate precisely, phrase accurately, define exactly, pinpoint ( هوs.th.); to revise ( هوa book); to edit, redact ( هوa book, a periodical); to write, pen, indite, compose, compile ( هوs.th.) V to become free; to be freed, be liberated ( موووfrom); to be emancipated VIII to be kindled, be heated, flare up حوḥarr heat, warmth حووḥurr pl. m. احووارaḥrār, pl. f. حوائوو ḥarā’ir2 noble, free-bom; genuine (jewels, etc.), pure, unadulterated; free; living in freedom; freeman; independent; free unrestrained; liberal (pol.; االحووووارthe Liberals); frank, candid, open ( علووtoward s.o.); free, available, uninvested (money) │( االحأيووو هاا حووووihtiyaṭī) free reserves, unencumbered reserves; م و احوووام وmin ḥurr mālihī with his own cash, with funds at his disposal حووḥarra pl. -āt stony area; volcanic country, lava field حويوةḥurrīya pl. -āt freedom, liberty; independence, unrestraint, license (e.g., poetic) │ احويوةاا عبوḥ. al-‘ibāda freedom of worship; حويوةاا فكووḥ. al-fikr freedom of thought; حويوةاا كوالمḥ. al-kalām freedom of speech; ( حويوةاا شووor )اا صوح ةḥ. an-našr (aṣ-ṣiḥafa) liberty of the press حويوḥarīr silk; pl. حوائوḥarā’ir2 ()حوايو silken wares, silks │ ( حويووواص و وṣaḳrī) asbestos; حويواص عrayon حويوḥarīrī silken, silky, of silk حوائوووووḥarā’irī silken, silkcompounds), of silk; silk weaver (in حوارḥarrār ssailk weaver حووارḥarāra heat; warmth; fever heat, fever; temperature; ardor, fervor (of emotion), passion; eagerness, enthusiasm, zeal; vehemence, violence, intensity; burning (of the skin) حويوḥuraira pl. -āt calorie حوارḥarārī thermal, thermic, thermo-, heat (used attributively); caloric │وحوود ا ( حواريةwaḥda) calorie O حواريةḥarārīya pl. -āt calorie حووورḥarūr f., pl. حوائووḥarā’ir2 hotwind حووانḥarrān2, f. حوووىḥarrā, pl. حوووار ḥirār, حوووارىḥarārā thirsty; passionate, fervent, hot (fig.) │( ز ووو احوووىzafra) a fervent sigh; ما احوىhot tears احووaḥarr2 hotter, warmer │علووااحووامو ا ( ا جموووjamr) on pins and needles, on tenterhooks, in greatest suspense or excitement O محووmiḥarr heating system, heating installation تحويووووووtaḥrīr liberation; release; emancipation; record(ing), writing; editing, redaction; editorship (of a newspaper, a periodical); (pl. -āt, تحو ريو taḥārīr2) piece of writing, record, brief, document │ رئوويساا أحويوووeditor-in-chief; ا ار اا أحويوboard of editors, editorial staff محوووابmiḥrāb pl. مح و ربmaḥārib2 a recess in a mosque indicating the direction of prayer, prayer niche, mihrab تحويوووووووووو taḥrīrī emancipational; liberal; writing, written, in writing liberational; recorded in مح و ربmuḥārib warring, belligerent; warrior, combatant, fighter; corporal (Eg. 1939) حو رḥār hot; warm; ardent, glowing, fervent, passionate ا مأحو ربانal-mutaḥāribūn the belligerents, the warring parties محووووورmaḥrūr hot-tempered, headed, fiery, passionate, furious hot- حوباشووةḥarbūša pl. ( حوووابشḥarābiš2 (tun.) pastille, pill محووووورmuḥarrir pl. -ūn liberator, emancipator; writer, clerk; editor (of a newspaper, of a periodical) حووثḥarata i u (ḥart) to plow ( هوthe soil); to cultivate, till ( هthe ground) محوورmuḥarrar consecrated to God; let down in writing, recorded in writing, written; booked; pl. محووووراbooking, entries مأحوووورmutaḥarrir emancipated; an advocate of emancipation 165 حووبḥariba a (ḥarab) to be furious, enraged, angry III to fight, combat ( هs.o.) battle, wage war ( هagainst s.o.) VI to fight (one another), be engaged in war VIII = VI ( حووبḥarb f., pl. حوووبḥurūb war, warfare; fight, combat, battle; enemy, enemies (علوو or لof s.o.) │( احووبااهليوةahlīya) civil war; ( حووباصوح يةṣiḥāfīya) press feud; ا حوووبا ( ا صووليبيةṣalībīya) the Crusades; ا حوووبا ‘( ا عرموووuẓmā), ‘( ا حوووباا ع ميووةālamīya), ‘( ا حووباا ع موةāmma) World War I; كشوفتا ا حووباعو اسو لهkašafat il-ḥarbu ‘an sāqihā and ل مووتاا حوووباعلووواسوqāmat il-ḥ. ‘alā sāqin war flared up, fierce fighting broke out حوبوووووḥarbī warlike, bellicose, belligerent, martial, war (adj.), military; (pl. -ūn) warrior, soldier, military man │ا ( ا با يساا حوبbūlīs) military police حوبوةḥarba pl. حووابḥirāb lance, spear; spearhead; bayonet, sidearm حوبووووḥirbā’ chameleon (zool.) pl. حوابووووو ḥarābīy وااحوبو هwā ḥarabāh! (exclamation of lament) alas! goodness no! oh my! مح ربوووةmuḥāraba struggle, combat, fight, battle; warfare احأوابiḥtirāb mutual struggle حووووثḥart plowing, tilling, tillage, cultivation of the soil; arable land, tilth; plantation, culture حوثةḥarta (n. un.) arable land, tilth حواثووةḥirāta cultivation of the soil, farming, agriculture حواثḥarrāt plowman محواثاmiḥrāt pl. مح رثmaḥārit2 plow حو رثḥārit pl. حوواثḥurrāt plowman │ ابااا ح رثabū l-ḥārit lion حووḥarija a (ḥaraj) to be close, tight narrow; to be straitened, be confined, get into a strait, be cornered, be hard pressed; to be oppressed, be anguished (heart); to be forbidden ( علووto s.o.) اto narrow, tighten, straiten ( هوs.th.); to complicate ( هوs.th.), make ( هوs.th.) difficult; to forbid (هو علوو s.th. to s.o.); to persist (J in s.th.) IV to narrow, straiten, confine, cramp. hamper, impede, restrict ( هوs.th.); to complicate, make difficult, aggravate, jeopardize ( هو situation, s.o.’s position); to embarrass (ه s.o.); to coerce, constrain, press ( ه ا ووs.o. to); to forbid ( هو علووs.th. to s.o.) V to refrain from sin or evildoing; to abstain, refrain ( موfrom), avoid ( موs.th.); to be cornered, be forced to the wall; to become or be oppressed, anguished, distressed; to become critical, become complicated or difficult, be aggravated (situation), be jeopardized (s.o.’s position) │تحوو اصودرها ( مو ايبةṣadruhū) to feel depressed by, feel annoyed at; تحوو ابو اا و سthis made things difficult for people ( حوووووḥaraj closeness, tightness, narrowness; confinement, straitness. constriction, crampedness; restriction, impediment; oppression, distress, anguish; difficulty; critical situation; prohibition, interdiction; s.th. forbidden, s.th. interdicted, sin │ ( الاحووḥaraja) there is no 166 objection; الاحووو اعليوولnothing stands in your way, you are at liberty حووḥaraj (coll.; n. un. ) pl. -āt, حوو ḥirāj, احووواaḥrāj thicket; dense forest; woodland, timberland حوووووḥarij narrow, close, tight, confined, straitened; oppressed, hard pressed, harassed; critical (situation, position) احوووaḥrāj2 narrower, closer, tighter, more straitened; more critical حواḥarāg (eg.) auction حواجوووةḥarāja seriousness, gravity, difficulty, complicatedness (of a situation) تحويtaḥrīj forestation, afforestation حووووووtaḥarruj restraint, reserve, aloofness; timidity, diffidence, faintheartedness; critical complication, gravity, difficulty (of a situation) حووmuḥarrijāt: محوجو اااليمو نm. alaimān binding, committing, or solemn, oaths محوووووووووو embarrassing muḥrij disconcerting, مأحووmutaḥarrij: مأحوو اا صودرm. aṣṣadr annoyed, vexed, anguished, oppressed حووووḥarida a (ḥarad) to be annoyed, disgruntled, angry, furious ( علوat, with) حو رḥārid, حووḥarid and حوو انḥardān annoyed, disgruntled, angry, furious حو ونḥardaun pl. حوا يḥarādīn2 lizard حووزḥaraza u (ḥarz) to keep, guard, protect, preserve ( هوs.th.), take care ( ه وof); -ḥaruza u ( حووازḥarāza) to be strong be strongly fortified, be impregnable IV to keep, preserve, guard ( هوs.th.); to obtain, attain, achieve, win ( هوs.th.) │ااحووزاظصوواا ( ياظأصو راةnaṣran) to win a victory; احووزا ( لصوووباا سوووبقqaṣaba s-sabq) to come through with flying colors, carry the day, score a great success V to be wary ( موof), be on one’s guard ( موagainst) VIII to be wary ( موof), guard, be on one’s guard ( مو against), be careful, take heed, take precautions حوووزpl. احوووازaḥrāz fortified place; refuge, sanctuary, retreat; custody; (pl. احواز, )حووزamulet حويوزḥarīz strongly fortified, guarded; inaccessible, impregnable احوووازiḥrāz acquisition, acquirement, obtainment, attainment, achievement, winning, gaining احأووازiḥtirāz pl. -āt caution, wariness, prudence, circumspection; reservation, reserve │ بكلااالحأوازwith all reservation O ح رزḥāriza fuse (el.) محووزmuḥriz obtainer, acquirer, winner, gainer; possessor, holder ( علوof s.th.) حووسḥarasa u (ḥars, حواسوةḥirāsa) to guard, watch, control (ه, هوs.th., s.o.); to oversee, supervise, superintend (ه, هوs.th., s.o.); to secure, protect, safeguard, preserve, keep (ه, هوs.th., s.o.); to watch ( علووover) V and VIII to beware, be wary ( موof), guard, be on one’s guard ( مagainst) حووووسḥaras watch; guard, escort; bodyguard │( ا حووساا سوي رsayyār) militia, "garde mobile" (syr.) │ حووساا شوواḥ. aššaraf honor guard; ( ا حوووساا ملكوmalakī) the royal guard (formerly Ir., Eg.); ا حووسا ( ا ملواكmulūkī) (formerly) bodyguard of the Bey (Tun.); ( ا حووساا واهwaṭanī) the National Guard حواسووووةḥirāsa guarding, watching, control; watch, guard, guard duty; supervision, superintendence; guardianship, tutelage, custody, care, protection; safe conduct, escort; administration; administration of an estate (jur.); sequester │ حواسةاا سااحلcoast guard 167 احأووووواسiḥtirās caution, wariness, prudence; (pl. -āt) precaution, precautionary measure │ احأواسووو اموووfor protection from or against ح و رسḥāris pl. حوسووةḥarasa, حووواس ḥurrās vigilant, watchful; watchman; sentry, sentinel, guard; overseer, supervisor, superintendent; administrator; guardian, custodian, keeper, protector, tutelary (in compounds) │ حو رساا أوكووةḥ. at-tirka administrator of aD estate; حو رسا ا ااتمkeeper of the seal; ح رساا مومووḥ. almarmā goal keeper; ( حو رسال و ئqaḍā’ī) sequestrator, receiver (in bankruptcy, in equity); ( موووال احووو رسmal’ak) guardian angel (Chr.); ح و رساا ليوولḥ. al-lail night watchman حووII to goad, prod, spur on, egg on, incite, rouse, provoke ( ه علووs.o. to s.th. or to do s.th.); to instigate, abet, stir up, agitate ( ه علوs.o. to or against); O to induce (el.) محووووسmaḥrūs guarded, safeguarded, secured; protected (by God; esp. used ss an epithet after the names of cities); ا محوسانthe children, the family تحوي ووtaḥrīḍī inciting, instigative, agitative, inflammatory; provocative محأوسmuḥtaris cautious, wary, careful حووشḥaraša i (ḥarš) to scratch ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) II to instigate, prod, incite, provoke, incense ( هs.o.); to set ( بويpeople against each other), sow discord, dissension ( بوي among) V to pick a quarrel, start a brawl ( بwith s.o.) provoke ( بs.o.) حووشḥirš, ḥurš pl. احوواشaḥrāš, حوووش ḥurūš forest, wood(s) حوووشḥariš and احوووشaḥraš, rough, coarse, scabrous حووشḥaraš, حوشوةḥurša, حواشوةḥarāša roughness, coarseness, scabrousness تحوووويشtaḥrīš instigation, prodding, incitement, provocation, agitation, incensement تحوووووووووش taḥarruš importunity, obtrusion, uncalled-for interference provocation, meddling, حوشفḥaršaf pl. حواشفḥarāšif2 scales (of fish) حووصḥaraṣa i and ḥariṣa a (ḥirṣ) to desire, want, covet ( علووs.th.); to be intent, be bent ( علووon); to strive ( علووfor), aspire ( علوto) حوووصḥirṣ greed, avidity, cupidity, covetousness; desire; aspiration, endeavor, wish ( علووfor); avarice │ حوصو اعلووin the desire for …, in the endeavor to …; حوصو ا علوااالرواحdanger! (on warning signs) حووويصḥarīṣ pl. حووواصḥirāṣ, حوص و ḥuraṣā’2 covetous, greedy, avid, eager ( علوfor); bent ( علوon), desirous ( علوof) احوصaḥraṣ more covetous, greedier تحوويtaḥrīḍ incitement, provocation; instigation, abetment, agitation ( علوووto); inflammatory propaganda ( علووووagainst s.o.); O induction (el.) │ اتحووي ا اتوselfinduction (el.) ح رḥāriḍ bad, wicked, evil محووmuḥarriḍ pl. -ūn inciter, baiter; instigator, abettor; demagogue, rabble rouser; agitator, provocator; O inductor (el.) مأحوmutaḥarriḍ O induced (el.) حووواII to slant, incline, make oblique ( ه و s.th.); to bend off, up, down or back, turn up, down or back, deflect ( ه وs.th.); to distort, corrupt, twist, pervert, misconstrue, falsify ( هوs.th.) │حو و اعو ا ‘( ماضوعan mauḍi‘ihī) to distort the sense of 168 s.th., rob s.th. of its true meaning V to turn off, branch off, take a turning; to deviate, depart, digress ( ع وfrom); to avoid ( عوs.th.); to be or become bent off, distorted, corrupted, perverted VII to tum off, branch off, ta.ke a turning; to deviate, depart, digress, turn away ( عوfrom); to slope down, slant, be inclined (terrain); to turn ( ا وووto, toward); to be twisted, be distorted; to be oblique, slanting; to be cocked, rakish (headgear); with بto make s.th. appear oblique, slanted, or distorted; to be corrupted, perverted │ ااظحوااب اعوto dissuade s.o. from; ( اظحواامزاجوmizājuhū) to be indisposed, be ill VIII to do ( هوs.th.) professionally, practice ( هووs.th.) as a profession; to strive for success حوواḥarf pl. حوواḥiraf (cutting) edge (of a knife, of a sword); sharp edge; border, edge, rim, brink, verge; -- (pl. حوواḥurūf, احواaḥruf) letter; consonant; particle (gram.); type (typ.) │علووواحوووا irresolute, wavering, on the fence; ا ف ظو ا بحوو ه وalfāẓuhū bi-ḥurūfihā his words literally; بو حواor بو حوااا ااحودliterally, verbatim, to the letter; حو و ابحوواḥarfan bi-ḥarfin literally, word for word; ولوواا ( ب و الحوااااالو وووwaqqa‘a, ūlā) to initial (e.g., مع هدmu‘āhadatan a treaty); ا حووواا ( االبجديووةabjadīya) the alphabetic letters, the alphabet; حووواامجماعوةmatter (typ.); ( ا حووووااا شمسوويةšamsīya) the sun letters (i.e., sibilants, dentals, r, l, n to which the l of the article assimilates), ا حووووااا قمويووة (qamarīya) the moon letters (to which the l of the article does not assimilate); حوواا ا جووḥ al-jarr preposition (gram.) حووواا ا فوḥ al-ḳafḍ do.; حووااا أعويوفarticle (gram.); حووااا ع وفḥ al-‘aṭf coordinating conjunction (gram.); حوووووواااالسووووووأفه م interrogative particle (gram.); حووااا قسومḥ. al-qasam particle introducing oaths (gram.) حوḥarfī literal حوواḥurf common garden pepper cress (Lepidium sativum L.; bot.) حو وةḥirfa pl. حووواḥiraf profession, occupation, vocation, business, craft, trade حويوفḥarīf pl. حو وḥurafā’2 customer, patron, client (tun.) حويفḥirrīf pungent, acrid (taste); spicy food, delicacies حويفو حوا ةḥarāfa pungency, acridity (taste) تحويوفtaḥrīf pl. -āt alteration, change; distortion; perversion, corruption, esp. phonetic corruption of a word اظحوووووااinḥirāf pl. -āt deviation, digression; obliqueness, obliquity, inclination, slant; declination (astrom.); ailment, indisposition, also اظحواااا مزا احأووااiḥtirāf professional pursuit (of a trade, etc.) محواmuḥarraf corrupted (word) م حووووواmunḥarif oblique; slanted, slanting, sloping, inclined; distorted, perverted, corrupted, twisted; deviating, divergent; trapezium (geom.) محأووااmuḥtarif one gainfully employed ( بin), person doing s.th. ()ب professionally; professional, a pro (sports); professional (adj.), e.g., صووح ا ( محأوووواṣiḥāfī) professional journalist; climber, careerist محأواmuḥtaraf pl. -āt studio, atelier حووḥaraqa i (ḥarq) to burn ( هوs.th.); to burn, hurt, sting, smart │ ( حوو اللبوqalbahū), pl. ( حوو اللوابهمqulūbahum) to vex, exasperate s.o.; -- u (ḥarq) to rub together ( هوs.th.) II to burn ( هوs.th.); ( حوو ااسو ظasnānahū) to gnash one’s teeth V to burn ( هوs.th.); to destroy by fire ( هوs.th.); to singe, scorch, parch ( هs.th.); to scald ( هs.th.); to kindle, ignite, set on fire ( هs.th.) │ااحوو ا حموةا يلو ا ( وfaḥmata lailihī) to spend the night doing 169 (s.th.), burn the midnight oil over… V to burn, be aflame, burn up, take fire, he consumed hy fire, he burned; to be consumed (by an emotion), pine away ( هو with), he pained ( هوby), eat one’s heart out │ ( تحوو اشوالšauqan) to be overcome with longing or nostalgia VIII to burn, be aflame, burn up, take fire, be consumed by fire, he burned حووووووḥarq burning, incineration, combustion; kindling, igniting, setting afire; arson, incendiarism; pl. حوووḥurūq burn (med.) حوḥaraq fire, conflagration حولوةḥurqa, ḥarqa burning, incineration, combustion; stinging, smarting, burning (as a physical sensation); torture, torment, agony, pain, ordeal حواḥurāq, ḥurraq tinder حواḥarrāq hurning, aflame, afire; hot حويوقḥarīq and حويقوةpl. حوائوقḥarā’iq2 fire; conflagration O احوالةاḥarrāqa torpedo حولوووو نḥaraqān burning, stinging, smarting (as a painful sensation; e.g., of the feet) O محوووmaḥraq pl. focus (phys.) مح و رmaḥāriq2 تحوو ريقtaḥārīq2 (Eg.) season of the Nile’s lowest water level, hottest season of the year احواburning, incineration, combustion تحووووtaḥarruq buming, combustion; burning desire احأوواiḥtirāq burning, combustion; fire, conflagration │O غو وةااالحأوواgurfat al-i. combustion chamber (techn.); ل بولااالحأووا qābil al-i. combustible ح رḥāriq arsonist, incendiary محوووووووmaḥrūq burned, charred, scorched, parched; reddish, hronzecolored; pl. محوولوmaḥrūqāt fuel │ا و را (محووfaḳḳār) fired clay محووووmuḥriq: ( ل بلوووةامحولوووةqunbula) incendiary bomb O محوmuḥraq crematory محولةmaḥraqa burnt sacrifice حولدḥarqada pl. حوالدḥarāqid2 Adam’s apple حولفوةḥarqafa pl. حوالووفḥarāqif2 protruding part of the hipbone حووII to move, set in motion, drive, propel, operate ( هووs.th.); to march, move (ه troops); to stir ( ه وs.th.); to start, get started, get underway ( هوs.th.); to agitate, excite, stimulate ( هوووs.th.); to incite, instigate, goad, prod, provoke, actuate, urge ( ه علووs.o. to do s.th.); to awaken, arouse, foment, stir up ( هوs.th.); to vowel, vowelize (gram., هوa consonant) │حوو ا ( مشو عوهmašā‘irahū) to grip, excite, thrill s.o.; حوو اا عااهوفto affect the feelings, be touching, moving, pathetic; الايحووو اس و ك (sākinan) he doesn’t budge, he doesn’t hend his little finger, he remains immobile, apathetic; ( حوو اسو كsākinahū) to rouse s.o., put s.o. in a state of excitement, commotion or agitation V to move, be in motion, stir, hudge; to start moving, get moving; to start out, get underway (traveler); to depart, leave (train); to put out, to sail (fleet); to he set in motion, be driven, be operated; to be agitated, be excited, be stimulated; to be awakened, be roused, be fomented, be provoked, be caused حوووḥarik lively, active, brisk, agile, nimble حوكوةḥaraka pl. -āt movement, motion; commotion; physical exercise; stirring, impulse; proceeding, procedure, policy; action, undertaking, enterprise; military 170 operation; continuation, progress; traffic (rail, ohipplng, otreet); movement (as a social phenomenon); vowel (gram.) │ ( و احوك ت و اوسووك تsakanātihī) in all his doings; in every situation; حوكووةاا موووور (through) traffic; حوكووةاا مواكووبshipplng traffic; حوكووةاا ب و ئاexchange of goods; حوكوةاادمواالturnover (com.); ا حوكوةاا سواية (niswīya) feminist movement; فيوفاا حوكوة nimble, lithe, light, quick, agile, adroit; ثقيولاا حوكوةslow in motion, heavy-handed, clumsy, sluggish, lumbering, inert, indolent O حوكḥarakī kinetic (phys.) حواḥarāk movement, motion محوووmaḥrak path, trajectory (of a projectile) محواmiḥrāk poker, fire iron تحويكtaḥrīkī dynamic تحووووtaḥarruk pl. -āt movement, motion; forward motion; start; departure; sailing (of a fleet) ح رḥārik withers محووmuḥarrik mover, stirrer; rouser, inciter, fomenter, awakener, agent; instigator; -- (pl. -M) motive, springs, incentive, spur, motivating circumstance, causative factor; motor, engine (tech.) مأحوووmutaḥarrik moving, movable, mobile; pronounced with following vowel, voweled, vowelized (consonant; gram.) │( صوووارامأحوكوووةṣuwar) movies, motion pictures حوكوثḥarkata (and حووكشḥarkaša) to stir up, agitate, excite, thrill حووومḥaruma u, ḥarima a to be forbidden, prohibited, interdicted, unlawful, unpermitted ( علوووto s.o.); -- ḥarama i (ḥirm, حومو نḥirmān) to deprive, bereave, dispossess, divest ( ه هوor ه موs.o. of s.th.) take away, withdraw, withhold ( ه هوor هو موor هform s.o. s.th.), deny, refuse ( ه هوor مو هوor ه موto s.o. s.th.); to exclude, debar, preclude, cut off ( ه هوor ه موs.o. from s.th.); to excommunicate ( هs.o.) II to declare ( هوووs.th.) sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable, or taboo, to taboo ( هوs.th.); to declare ( هs.th.) unlawful, not permissible, forbid, interdict, proscribe ( هوs.th., j. to s.o.); to render ( هs.o.) immune or proof ( موagainst), immunize ( ه موs.o. against) │ حومو اعلوواظفسوto deny o.s. s.th., abstain, refrain from s.th. IV to excommunicate (ه s.o.; Chr.); to enter into the state of ritual consecration (esp., of a Mecca pilgrim; see احوووامiḥrām) V to be forbidden, interdicted, prohibited; to be holy, sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable VIII to honor, revere, venerate, esteem, respect ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) │ احأووماظفسوto be self-respecting X to deem ( هوs.th.) sacrosanct, sacred, holy, inviolable; to deem ( ا هوs.th.) unlawful or unpermissible حومḥirm excommunication (Chr.) حوومḥaram p1. احووامaḥrām forbidden, prohibited, interdicted; taboo; holy, sacred, sacrosanct; s.th. sacred, sacred object; sacred possession; wife; sanctum, sanctuary, sacred precinct; ا حومو نthe two Holy Places, Mecca and Medina │ث ووثا ا حوووميtālit al-ḥaramain the third Holy Place, i.e., Jerusalem حوموةḥurma pl. -āt, ḥurumāt, ḥuramāt holiness, sacredness, sanctity, sacrosanctity, inviolability; reverence, veneration, esteem, deference, respect; that which is holy, sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable, or taboo; -- (pl. حووومḥuram) woman, lady; wife حووامḥarām pl. حوومḥurum forbidden, interdicted, prohibited, unlawful; s.th. forbidden, offense, sin; inviolable, taboo; sacred, sacrosanct; cursed, accursed │ابو ا حووامibn ḥ. illegitimate son, bastard; 171 االراضووو اا حووووامno man’s land; neutral territory; ( ا بيتاا حوامbait) the Kaaba; ا شوهوا ( ا حووامšahr) the Holy Month Muharram; ( ا مسوجداا حووامmasjid) the Holy Mosque in Mecca; حووواماعليوولyou mustn’t do (say) that! ب حوامillicitly, illegally, unlawfully حوووومḥurūm pl. -āt excommunication (Chr.) حوام وḥarāmī pl. -īya thief, robber, bandit حومووووووووو ن ḥirmān deprivation, bereavement, dispossession (of s.o., موof s.th.) debarment, exclusion, preclusion ( مو from); excommunication (CHr.); privation │ حومو نااالرثḥ. al-irt exclusion from inheritance, disinheritance (Isl. Law) محوومmaḥram pl. محو رمmaḥārim2 s.th. forbidden. inviolable, taboo, sacrosanct, holy, or sacred; unmarriageable, being in a degree of consanguinity precluding marriage (Isl. Law) محومووةmaḥrama pl. مح و رمmaḥārim2 handkerchief تحوويمtaḥrīm forbiddance, interdiction, prohibition, ban احووامiḥrām state of ritual consecration of the Mecca pilgrim (during which the pilgrim, wearing two seamless woolen or linen sheets, usually white, neither combs nor shaves, and observes sexual continence); garments of the Mecca pilgrim احأووامiḥtirām pl. -āt deference, respect, regard, esteem, reverence; honoring (e.g., of a privilege); pl. honors, respects, tributes محووووومmaḥrūm deprived, bereaved, bereft ( موووof); excluded, precluded, debarred ( موfrom); suffering privation (as opposed to ;)مووووزوexcommunicated (Chr.) محوومmuḥarram forbidden, interdicted; Muharram, name of the first Islamic month; محووماا حووامm. al-ḥarām honorific name of this month حوووامḥirām pl. -āt, احومووةaḥrima a woolen blanket (worn as a garment around head and body) محوومmuḥrim Mecca pilgrim who has entered the state of ritual consecration (see احوامiḥrām) حووويمḥarīm pl. حووومḥurum a sacred, inviolable place, sanctum, sanctuary, sacred, precinct; harem; female members of the family, women; wife محأوووومmuḥtaram honored, revered, venerated, esteemed, respected; (in the salutation of letters:) my dear …; venerable, reverend; notable, remarkable, considerable حويمḥarīmī women’s (in compounds), for women حومولḥarmal African rue (Peganum harmala L.; bot.) حومولḥarmala pl. حوامولḥarāmil2 loose wrap worn over the shoulders (garment of the dervishes) حوونḥarana, ḥaruna u ( حوونḥiran, ḥuran) to be obstinate, stubborn, headstrong حووونḥarūn pl. حوونḥurun obstinate, stubborn, refractory, reluctant, resistant ح رونḥārūn brazior حووووḥarwa burning; wrath, rage; acridity, pungency (of taste); pungent, disagreeable odor حووىV to seek, pursue ( هوs.th.), strive ( هوfor), asplre ( هوto); to examine, investigate ( هو s.th.); to inquire ( عوor هوinto), make inquiries ( عوor هوabout); to be intent ( هو on s.th.), take cars ( هof s.th.), attend ( هto s.th., also ) و, look ( هوafter s.th., also ;) و to see to it ( انthat) 172 ب حوىbi-l-ḥarā hardly, barely حووىḥarīy pl. احويوaḥriyā’ adequate, appropriate, suitable ( بfor), worthy ( بof s.th.) │( احووووووىاب ووووولكوdikr) worth mentioning, considerable; حوووو اب أصوووديق credible, believable; اواب و حوor to be exact, or rather احووىaḥrā more adequate, more proper, more appropriate │ ااوابو الحوىor to tell the truth, or more explicitly, or put more exactly, or rather تحووووtaḥarrin pl. تحويوووtaḥarriyāt inquiry; investigation │ اشوهةاا أحووšurṭat at-t. or مصولحةاا أحووmaṣlaḥat al-t. secret police حوزḥazza u (ḥazz) to notch, nick, incise, indent ( وs.th.), make an incision, cut ( وinto s.th.) II and VIII = I حوزḥazz pl. حوزوزḥuzūz incision, notch, nick; the right time, the nick of time حزḥazza incision, notch, nick; tim; the right time, the nick of time; predicament, plight حزازḥazāz head scurf, ringworm; tetter, eruption (med.) حزازḥazāza rancor, hatred, hate محوزmaḥazz notch, nick │ اصو باا محوزto find the right solution, hit the nail on the head, hit the mark, strike home حوزبḥazaba u (ḥazb) to befall ( هs.o.), happen, occur ( هto s.o.) │ احووزبااالموووthe matter became serious II to rally ( هs.o.); to form or found a party 111 to side, take sides (ه with), be an adherent ( هof s.o.) V to take sides; to form a party, make common cause, join forces حوزبḥizb pl. احوزابaḥzāb group, troop, band, gang; party (pol.); the 60th part of the Koran │ اهواامو ااحزابوhe belongs to his clique. he is of the ...me breed حزبḥizbī party (adj.), factional حزبيووووووة ḥizbīya party activities; partisanship, partiality; factionalism حيزبانḥaizabūn old hag تحووووووووزب factionalism taḥazzub factiousness; حو زبḥāzib: حزبو احو زبḥazabahū ḥāzib he met with a mishap مأحوووزبmutaḥazzib partisan partial, biased; حووزرḥazara i u (ḥazr, محووزرmaḥzara) to estimate, assess, appraise ( ه وs.th.); to make a rough estimate ( هوof s.th.), guess ( هs.th.) حووووزرḥazr estimation, assessment, appraisal; conjecture, guess, surmise حزورḥazūra riddle, puzzle محوزرmaḥzara estimation, assessment, appraisal; conjecture, guess, surmise حزيوانḥazīrān June (Syr., Leb., Ir., Jord.) حزل ظḥuzuqqānī choleric حزولةḥazūqa, ح زولةḥāzūqa hiccups حوزمḥazama i (ḥazm) to tie up, bundle, wrap up, pack, do up in a package or bundle ( هو s.th.); to girth ( هوan animal); to make fast, fasten, tie ( هوs.th.) │( احوزماامووهamrahū) to take matters firmly in hand; -- ḥazuma u (ḥazm, حزامةḥazāma, حزوموةḥuzūma) to be resolute, firm, stouthearted, intrepid II to gird ( هs.o.) V and VIII to be girded; to gird o.s. put on a belt احوووووووزمḥazm packing, packaging, wrapping; determination, resoluteness, firmness, energy; judiciousness, discretion, prudence حزموووةḥuzma pl. حوووزمḥuzam s.th. wrapped up or tied up, bundle, fagot, fascine; beam of rays, radiation beam (phys.); bunch (of herb., etc.); sheaf; package, parcel حوزامḥzām pl. -āt, احزموةaḥzima, حوزم ḥuzum belt, girth; girdle; cummerbund, 173 waistband (worn over the caftan to fasten it); sword belt │ حوزامااالموḥ. al-amn wety belt احوووزمaḥzam2 more resolute: more judicious حو زمḥāzim pl. حزموةḥazama and حوزيم ḥazīm pl. حزموووḥuzamā’ resolute, energetic; judicious, discreet, prudent حوزنḥazana u to make sad, sadden, grieve (ه s.o.); -- ḥazina a (ḥuzn, ḥazan) to be sad, grieved ( لor علوووat or because of): to grieve. mourn ( علوووover) II and IV to make sad, sadden, grieve ( هs.o.) حزنḥuzn pl. احوزانaḥzān sadness, grief, sorrow, affliction حزنḥazn pl. حزونḥuzūn rough, rugged, hard ground حزنḥazin sad, mournful, grieved حووزيḥazīn pl. احزظ وḥuzanā’2, حزاظووو ḥazānā sad; mourning (for a deceased person); sorrowing, mournful, grieved │( ا جمعةاا حزي ةjum‘a) Good Friday (Chr.) حزظو نḥaznān2 very sad, very grieved, worried; in mourning □ حزاي وḥazāyinī ( حزائ وḥazā’inī) sad, mournful, melancholic; mourning (in compounds), mortuary, funereal │لم و شا ( حزاي ووووqumāš) cloth for mourning garments تحوزنtaḥazzun sadness; behavior of a mourner محوزونmaḥzūn grieved, grief-stricken, pained, sad, saddened محوزنmuḥzin grievous, saddening; sad; melancholic; tragic: محزظوووmuḥzināt grievous things │( الصوةاتمثيليووةامحزظوةqiṣṣa tamtīlīya) and ( روايوةامحزظوةriwāya) tragedy (theat.) حوسḥassa (1st pers. perf. ḥasastu) u (ḥass) to curry, currycomb ( هوan animal); to feel, sense ( هوs.th.); -- ḥassa (1st pers. perf. ḥasistu) a to feel srry, feel sympathy or compassion ( لfor), sympathize ( لwith), II to grope, feel IV to perceive, sense, experience ( هوor بs.th.); to feel ( هوor ب s.th.); to notice ( هوor بs.th.); to hear ( هوa sound, a noise, etc.); to take notice ( هof s.o.) V to grope, probe ( هfor s.th.), finger, handle, touch ( هوs.th.), run the hand ( هو over s.th.); to grope about, feel around: to seek information, make inquiries ( مووو about); to sense, experience, perceive ( هو, بs.th.); to feel ( بs.th.); to be affected, be deeply touched ( بby s.th.) حوسḥass sensation, perception, feeling, sentiment حوسḥiss sensory perception, sensation; feeling, sentiment; sense; voice; sound; noise حسوووووو ḥissī sensory; sensuous; perceptible; palpable │O ا مووولهباا حسووو (madhab) sensationalism, sensualism حسيḥissīyāt sensations حسيسḥasīs faint noise حسو سḥassās sensitive; sensible; readily affected, susceptible; sensual (pleasure) حس سةḥassāsa sensory organ حس سوḥassāsī allergic │احس سوية allergic diseases, allergies (med.) اامووا حس سوووويةḥassāsīya sensitivity (also techn.); sensibility; faculty of sensory perception; susceptibility; sensuality │ا مو اا حس سيةmaraḍ al-ḥ. allergy (med.) محسةmiḥassa currycomb احسو سiḥsās pl. -āt, اح سويسaḥāsīs2 feel, feeling: sensation, sense ( بof s.th.) perception ( بof s.th.); sensitivity; pl. احس سوfeelings, sentiments │O احس و سا بو ارsensitivity to light; O شووديدااالحسو س 174 highly sensitive; احسوووو سامشووووأو (muštarak) feeling of harmony, concord, unanimity; للوووووةااالحسووووو سqillat al-i. insensitivity, dullness, obtuseness O ا ئفووةااالحس سوويةaṭ-ṭā’ifa al-iḥsāsīya the impressionists ح سوةḥāssa pl. حوااسḥawāss2 senastion; sense │ اا حااساا مسthe five senses محسوووووواس maḥsūs felt; sensed; perceptible, noticeable, palpable, tangible; appreciable, considerable (e.g., loss); ا محسواسthat which ill perceptible through the senses; appearance, evidence; ا محساسوthings perceptible through the senses حسووبḥasaba u (ḥasb, حس و بḥisāb, حسووب ن ḥisbān, ḥusbān) to compute, reckon, calculate; to count; to charge, debit (هو علوو s.th. to s.o., to s.o.’s account); to credit (ل هوs.th. to s.o., to s.o.’s account) │احسوبا ( حسو بḥisābahū) to take s.th. or s.o. into account or into consideration, reckon with s.th. or s.o., count on s.th. or s.o.; حسو ب ال ( حسبḥisāban) do.; to attach importance to s.o. or s.th.; ( حسباا وفاحسو بالalfa) to hove a thousand apprehensions about …; -ḥasiba a i ( حسوب نḥisbān, محسوبmaḥsaba, maḥsiba) to regard ( ه هs.o. as), consider, deem ( ه هs.o. to be …); to think, believe, suppose, assume; to consider, regard ( ه مو s.o. as belonging to), count ( ه م وs.o. among); to see ( و ه وin s.o. s.th.); -ḥasuba u (ḥasab, حسو بةḥasāba) to be of noble origin, be highborn; to be highly esteemed, be valued III to settle an account, get even (with s.o.); to call (ه s.o.) to account, ask ( هs.o.) for an accounting; to hold ( هs.o.) responsible, make ( هs.o.) answerable │ اح سوباعلوواظفسو to be careful, be on one’s guard V to be careful, be on one’s guard; to take precautions; to seek to know, try to find out ( هوs.th.) VI to settle a mutual account VIII to debit or credit; to take into account, take into consideration ( بor هو s.th.); to reckon ( بor هووwith); (to anticipate a reward in the hereafter by adding a pious deed to one’s account with God -- such as resigning in God’s will at the death of a relative; hence:) احأسوباو ودا waladan) to give a son, be bereaved of a son; احأسوباع ودا اا شوto sacrifice s.th. in anticipation of God’s reward in the hereafter; to charge ( هو علووs.th. for); to think, believe, suppose; to take ( ه هs.o. for or to be …); to be content, content o.s.(ب with); to disapprove ( هو علووs.th. in s.o.), take exception ( هو علوووto s.th. in s.o.), reject ( هو علوs.th. in s.o.); to call ( علووs.o.) to account, ask ( علوs.o.) for an accounting حسووووبḥasb reckoning, computing, calculation; thinking, opinion, view; sufficiency │ حسووبلايبحسووبلةا رهوومḥasbuka (bi-ḥasbika) dirhamun one dirham is enough for you; حسوبلاانit suffices to say that …; you know enough when you hear that …; you need only ... ; بحسوبلامق عو اان (muqni‘an) it will be enough to convince you if …; ( وحسبلابهلااكل اشواbi-hādā kullihī šarran) but enough of all these negative aspect! حسوبfa-ḥasb and that’s all, and no more, only (interchangeable with ) قط حسبḥasbī ( مجلساحسبmajlis) pl. مج سا ا حسووبيةguardianship court, probate court (Eg.) حسوبḥasab pl. احسو بaḥsāb measure, extent, degree, quantity, amount; value; esteem, high regard enjoyed by s.o.; noble descent; ḥasaba (prep.), بحسوبbi-ḥasabi and ‘ علوواحسوبalā ḥasabi according to, in accordance with, commensurate with, depending on حسووبمḥasbamā (conj.) according to what ... , as, depending on how … │حسوبم ا ( اتفقttafaqa) as chance will have it حسبةاarithmetical problem, sum 175 حسوووويبḥasīb pl. حسووووبḥusabā’2 respected, esteemed; noble, of noble birth, highborn حسووب نḥusbān calculation, reckoning, accounnting; computation │كو نا و اا حسوب ن to be taken into account, be taken into consideration; to be expected, be anticipated; كوووو نا وووو اا حسووووب ناانit was expected that ... ; حسب ظ اانI expect that … حسووو بḥisāb arithmetic, reckoning, calculus; computation; calculation, estimation, appraisal; accounting, settlement; consideration, consideratedness; caution; -- (pl. -āt) bill, invoice; statement of costs (bank) account; pl. حسو بbookkeeping │حسو با ا جمولḥ. al-jummal (al-jumal) use of the alphabetic letters according to their numerical value; ‘ علووماا حسوو بilm al-ḥ. arithmetic; حسووو باا أف ضووولḥ. al-tafāḍul differential calculus; حس و باا أك موولḥ. attakāmul integral calculus; كو نا و احسو بhe reckoned with it, he expected it, he was prepared for it; عمولاحسو ب ا وto take s.o. or s.th. into consideration; to reckon with s.o. or s.th.; ( ا حسو باا أو مḳitāmī) and حسو با ( ظهو ئnihā’ī) final statement of account, final accounting; ( ع هاا واا حس بda‘āhū) he called him to account; يواماا حسو بyaum alḥ. the Day of Reckoning, Judgment Day; الو ماحسو ب الto render account to s.o.; بوالا حس بwithout limit or bounds, to excess, to an unlimited extent; مو اغيوواحسو بblindly, without forethought, at random; حس با والن to s.o.’s credit, to s.o.’s advantage; علووا حسو با والنto s.o.’s debit, at s.o.’s expense, to s.o.’s disadvantage; قووو اسوووا اا حسووو ب laqiya sū’a 1-ḥ. he got a raw deal, he was in for it; ( حسو باجو رjārin) current account; حس و ب اص و دو اا أووا يوḥ. ṣundūq at-taufīr savings-bank accounts; حسوووو بامالوووواا blocked account; حسو ب ا وبيوةdouble-entry bookkeeping; ( ا حسوو باا شوووولšarqī) the Julian calendar; ( ا حسو باا غوبوgarbī) the Gregorian calendar حس بḥisābī arithmetical, mathematical, computational مح سووبةmuḥāsaba pl. -āt accounting; clearing (com.); bookkeeping; request for accounting; examination of conscience (theol.) │ لسماا مح سبةqism al-m. accounting department, comptroller’s office; clearing house احأس بiḥtisāb computation; calculation, consideration, reflection; debiting; crediting; valuation; contentedness, satisfaction ح سوووووبḥāsib counter, reckoner, arithmetician, calculator, computer محسابmaḥsūb pl. -ūn, مح سوبmaḥāsib2 protégé, pet, favorite; obedient, subservient ( علوto s.o.) محسوابيةmaḥsūbīya esteem enjoyed by s.o., position of distinction; patronage, favored position, favoritism مح سووبmuḥāsib, مح سووبجmuḥāsibgī (eg.) accountant, bookkeeper; comptroller, auditor محأسوبmuḥtasab that for which one can expect reward in the hereafter (e.g., suffering, loss, etc.) حسودḥasada u (ḥasad) to envy, grudge ( هs.o., علوor هوs.th.), be envious ( هof s.o., علووor هbecause of s.th.) VI to envy each other حسدḥasad envy حساpl. حسدḥusud envious تح سدtaḥāsud mutual envy ح سوودpl. حس وḥussād, حسوودḥasada envious; envier, grudger محسواmaḥsūd envied; smitten by the evil eye حسووḥasara u i (ḥasr) to pull away or off, remove ( هو عوs.th., a cover, a veil, from); to uncover, lay bare, unveil ( عوs.th.); -(ḥusūr) to become dim (sight); -- ḥasira a ((ḥasar, حسووḥasra) to regret ( علووs.th.), be grieved, be pained ( علووby 176 s.th.); to sigh ( علووover s.th.); -- ḥasara i, ḥasira a (ḥasar) to become tired, fatigued II to fatigue, tire, weaken, sap ( هs.o.); to grieve, sadden ( هs.o.), cause pain or grief ( هto s.o.); to remove ( هa cover, عوfrom), lay bare, unveil ( عوووs.th.) V to be distressed, be pained, be grieved ( علووby); to sigh ( علووover) VII to be pulled away or off, be removed ( عfrom); to be rolled up. be turned back (sleeve, عوfrom the arm); to disappear suddenly ( عfrom) حسووḥasar fatigue, debility, weakness │ حسووواا بصوووḥ. al-baṣar nearsightedness, myopia حسووووḥasir grieved, sad; fatigued, languid, weary, tired حسوووḥasra pl. ḥasarāt grief, sorrow, pain, distress, affliction; sigh │ يو ا لحسووyā la-l-ḥasrati alas! Unfortunately! يو احسووت yā ḥasratī and وااحسووت هwā ḥasratāh what a pity! too bad! حسيوḥasīr pl. حسوىḥasrā tired, weary, fatigued, exhausted; dim, dull (eye), nearsighted │حسووويواا بصوووو ḥ. al-baṣar nearsighted, myopic حسارḥasūr nearsightedness, myopia حسووووانḥasrān regretful, sorry, sad, distressed, grieved تحسوtaḥassur sighing; regret ح سووḥāsir pl. حااسووḥawāsir2 bared, denuded │ اح سووووواا بصوووووḥ. al-baṣar nearsighted, myopic; ح سوواا ووأسḥ. ar-ra’s bareheaded, hatless حسوولḥasak (coll.; n. un. ) thorns, spines; spikes, pricks; fish bones; awns, beard (bot.); name of several prickly herbs, esp. of the genus Tribulus حسكḥasakī thorny, prickly, spiny حسومḥasama i (ḥasm) to cut, sever, cut off ( هو s.th.); to finish, complete, terminate ( ه و s.th.); to decide ( هa question); to settle ( هو an argument); to deduct, discount ( هوan amount from a sum of money) VII to be severed, be cut off; to be finished, be completed, be terminated; to be settled (argument) حسوووومḥasm finishing, completion, termination; decision; settling, settlement (of an argument); discontinuance, shutdown, closing down; deduction, discounting (of an amount) حس مḥusām sword, sword edge حسوامḥasūm fatal, trying, grueling (pl.; days, nights, also years) ح سومḥāsim decisive; final, peremptory, conclusive, definite, definitive حسوووḥasana u (ḥusn) to be handsome, beautiful, lovely, nice, fine, good; to be expedient, advisable, suitable, proper, fitting; to be in a proper state, be in a desirable condition │ اناحسوو ا ووديلin ḥ. ladaika if you like it, if it seems all right to you; يحسو ابولاانit is to your advantage that you ... ; you ought to …; حس ااسوأعدا هال he was all willing to … II to beautify, embellish ( هوs.th.); to adorn, decorate ( هو s.th.); to improve, put into better form, ameliorate, better ( ه وs.th.); to make a better presentation ( هوof s.th.); to present in a favorable light, depict as nice or desirable ( هو لs.th. to s.o.;اto sugar-coat, make more palatable ( هوs.th. unpleasant, s.th. disadvantageous) III to treat ( هs.o.) with kindliness IV to do right, act well; to do ( هوs.th), well, expertly, nicely; to know ( هhow to do s.th.), be able ( هوto do s.th.); to master ( هوs.th.), have command ( هوof s.th.), be proficient ( هوin s.th.; a language, an art, a handicraft, etc.), be conversant ( هو with s.th.); to do good, be charitable; to do favors, do good ( ا ووor بto s.o.), do ( بor بs.o.) a good turn, be nice, friendly (ا وو or بto s.o.); to give 177 alms, give charity ( ا وووto s.o.) │ مو ااحسوmā aḥsanahū how good he is! how handsome he is! احس و ت aḥsanta well done! bravo! احسووو ااال م ظيوووة (almānīya) to master the German language, know German well; احسو اا أسوديدto aim well or accurately; ( احسو امشوارتmašūratahū) to give good advice; ( احسو اا رو ابẓanna) to have a good opinion of ... , judge s.th. favorably; ( احس و امع ملأ وmu‘āmalatahū) to treat s.o. well V to become nicer, more handsome, more beautiful; to improve, ameliorate, get better X to deem ( هوs.th.) nice, etc., or good; to regard ( هوs.th.) as right, advisable or appropriate; to approve ( هوof s.th.), sanction, condone ( هوs.th.); to come to like, to appreciate ( هوs.th.), find pleasure ( هوin s.th.); also = IV: اسأحس و ا ( االظجليزيوةingilīzīya) to know English well; pass. ustuḥsina to be good, commendable, advisable حسووووḥusn beauty, handsomeness, prettiness, loveliness; excellence, superiority, perfection │ حسوووووو اا حوووووو fortunately; حسو اا سولاgood manners, good behavior; good conduct; ( حس اا سيواوا سولاḥ. as-sair) an irreproachable life; حسو اا أصووا ḥ. al-taṣarruf discretion, individual judgment; حسو اا روgood opinion, favorable judgment; حس اا أعبيوeuphemism; حسو اا قصودا يا يوةةḥ. al-qaṣd (an-nīya) good intention, good will, good faith; حسو اياسوفḥ. yūsuf beauty spot, patch; سووتاا حس وa kind of bindweed (Convolvulus cairicus L.; bot.); deadly nightshade, belladonna حس وḥasan pl. حس و نḥisān beautiful, handsome, lovely; pretty, nice; good, agreeable; excellent, superior, exquisite; حسوḥasanan well, splendidly, excellently, beautifully; ا حس نthe ladies; -- high sandhill ا حسو يانal-ḥasanīyūn the Hasanides, the descendants of ḥasan, son of ‘Alī and Fāṭima احس وaḥsan2 pl. اح س وaḥāsin2 better; nicer, lovelier, more beautiful; more excellent, more splendid, more admirable│ هواااحسو احو الامو همhe is better off than they are; ( بو أ اهو ااحسوbi-llatī) in a friendly manner, amicably, with kindness حوشḥašša u (ḥašš) to mow, cut ( هوs.th.) II to smoke hashish حسووḥasnā’2 pl. حسوو نḥisān (of a woman) beautiful, a beauty, a belle حشوويشḥašīš (coll.) pl. احش و ئشhāšā’iš2 herbs, grasses; weeds; hay; hemp (Cannabis sativa L.; bot.), hashish, Cannabis; stillborn child │ احشيشاا دي رḥ. ad-dīnār hops ا حسو وal-ḥusnā pl. -āt (f. of االحسوalaḥsan) the best outcome, the happy ending; fair means, amicable manner │ب حسووو و amicably, by fair means, in a friendly manner; ( االسوووم اا حسووو وasmā’) the 99 attributes of God حسوووو ةḥasana pl. -āt good benefaction; charity, alms; pl. advantages, merits حسوانḥassūn pl. finch deed, حسوووو حس سويḥasāsīn2 gold- محس و ةmaḥsana s.th. nice, s.th. good; advantage; pl. مح سووmaḥāsin2 beauties, charms, attractions, merits, advantages, good qualities تحسووووووووووي taḥsīn beautification, embellishment; improvement, amelioration, betterment; processing, refining, finishing; (pl. تح سوويtaḥāsīn) ornament, decoration │O تحسي اا سلt. an-nasl eugenics مح سووو ةmuḥāsana friendly treatment, kindliness amicability احسووووو نiḥsān beneficence. charity, almsgiving, performance of good deeds تحسووووووووو taḥassun improvement, amelioration │ وو اا أحسووon the way to recovery حشيشةḥašīša (n. un.) herb حشو شḥaššāš pl. -ūn smoker or chewer of hashish. hashish addict حشو شḥuššāš, حش شوةḥušāša last breath, last spark of life حشيش وḥašīšī (eg.) sap-green, resedacolored محووشmiḥašš, محشووةmiḥašša pl. مح و ش maḥāšš2 sickle, scythe; fire iron, poker محشووةmiḥašša pl. -āt (eg.) tool for weeding, weeder محششmaḥšaš, محششا ظةm. ḳāna hashish den محششةpl. مح ششmaḳāšiš2 hashish den حشودḥašada i u (ḥašd) to gather, concentrate, mass ( هesp. troops), call up, mobilize ( هan army); to pile up, store up, accumulate ( هو s.th., ا ووat a place) II to amass, accumulate ( هوs.th.), mass, concentrate ( هesp. troops) V and VIII to rally, come together, assemble, gather, crowd together, throng together; to be concentrated, be massed (troops); to fall into line (troops) اسأحسوووو نistiḥsān approval, consent; acclaim; discretion; application of discretion in a legal decision (Isl. Law) حشودḥašd pl. حشواḥušūd assembling, rallying; gathering, assembly, crowd, throng; concentration, massing (esp. of troops); mobilization. calling up (of an army) محسوmuḥassin embellisher, beautifier, improver; pl. محسmuḥassināt cosmetics حشوودtaḥaššud pl. -āt concentration (of troops) محسmuḥsin beneficent, charitable مسأحسووووووووو mustaḥsan approved, commendable; pleasant, agreeable 178 ( حس )حساḥasā u (ḥasw), V and VIII to drink, sip ( هs.th.) حساḥasw and حسḥasā’ soup, broth حساḥaswa pl. ḥasawāt a sip حسواḥuswa pl. ḥusuwāt, ḥusawāt, احسوية aḥasiya a sip, small quantity of liquid; soup, broth; bouillon احأشوiḥtišād pl. -āt gathering, crowd; concentration (of troops) حشوووويدnumerous (of an assembly), crowded (of a public demonstration) O ح شدḥāšida battery (el.) حشووḥašara i u (ḥašr) to gather, assemble, rally ( هpeople); to cram, crowd, pack, jam (together); to squeeze. press, force, stuff, tuck ( بيor هs.th. into) يووواماا حشووووyaum al-ḥašr the day of congregation (of the dead), the Day of resurrection حشوووḥašara pl. -āt insect; pl. vermin, insect pests │ ‘ اعلووووماا حشووووواilm al-ḥ. entomology حشووḥašarī insectile, insectival, insect(in compounds); entomologic(al) حشووḥašraja and II taḥašraja to rattle in the throat حشوجةḥašraja rattling, rattle in the throat حشفV to be dressed shabbily, dress slovenly حشفḥašaf dates of inferior quality حشفةḥašafa glans (penis; anat.) حشولḥašaka i (ḥašk) to cram, jam, squeeze, stuff ( هs.th. into) حشومḥašama i (ḥašm) to shame, put to shame (ه s.o.) 11 and IV do. V and VIII to be ashamed to face s.o. ( م وor ;)ع وto be reticent, modest, shy, bashful, diffident حشومḥašam servants, retinue, entourage, suite حشومةḥišma shame, bashfulness, timidity, diffidence; modesty; decency, decorum 179 حشويمḥašīm pl. حشومḥušamā’2 modest, timid, bashful, shy, diffident مح شمmaḥāšim2 pubes, genitals تحشومtaḥaššum and احأشو مiḥtišām shame, shyness, modesty, reticent, decency, decorum محأشوومmuḥtašim shy, bashful; modest, reticent, decent, decorous حشو ايحشواةḥaša u (ḥašw) to stuff, fill, dress (هو ب s.th. with; esp. fowl, etc.); to fill in ( هs.th.); to load ( هوa firearm; هو هوs.th. with, e.g., a camera); to fill ( هa tooth); to insert ( هs.th.) 11 to interpalate ( هs.th.); to insert ( هوs.th.); to provide ( هوs.th.) with a margin; to hem ( هوa dress); to supply ( هوa book) with marginal notes or glosses III to except, exclude ( ه موs.o. from) V to keep away, stand aloof, abstain ( ه موfrom), avoid, shun ( موs.th.), beware ( موof), be on one’s guard ( موagainst) VI to keep away, abstain ( عوor موfrom), beware ( هوor عوor موof), avoid, shun ( هor عor مs.th.) حشواḥašw that with which s.th. is stuffed or filled; dressing, stuffing (of fowl, .to.); filling (of tooth); insertion; (gram.) parenthesis; interpolation حشووواḥašwa pl. -āt filling, stuffing (cushion, cookery, etc.); load (of a cartridge), charge (of a min.); panel, inlay, inserted piece (in paneling, in a door) حشوووḥašan pl. احشوووaḥšā’ bowels, intestines; interior, inside │ و ااحشوin the interior of, within, in حشوḥašan = حشḥašan حشويةḥašīya pl. –āt, حشو يḥašāyā cushion, pillow; mattress ح شوḥāšā (with genit., acc. or )لexcept, save │ح شوواهلل, ح شو اهللGod forbid! ح شو ا ولاان far be it from you that you ...; ح شاهلل, ح شا ول (ḥāša) = ح ش اهلل, ح ش ا ل180 تحشيةtaḥšya insertion; interpolation تح شtaḥāšin avoidance ح شوويةḥāšiya pl. حوااشḥawāšin border; seam, hem; edge; margin (of a book); marginal gives; marginal notes; commentary on certain words and passages of a book, supercommentary; footnote; postscript; retinue, entourage, suite, servants; dependents; pl. حوووااشcritical apparatus │ ارليقاا ح شيةand رليقاا حااشnice, polite, courteous, gracious, amiable, kindly, friendly; رلوةاا حهشويةriqqat al-ḥāš. niceness, amiability, graciousness محشوواmaḥšūw filled, dressed; stuffed; loaded (firearm); pl. محشوووااmaḥšūwāt filled, or stuffed, dishes محشوmaḥšīy filled, stuffed (esp. food); s.th. filled or stuffed حوصḥaṣṣa u to fall as a share ( هto s.o.) III to share ( هو هs.th. with s.o.) IV to allot s.o. ()ه his share حصḥuṣṣ saffron حصوةḥiṣṣa pl. حصوصḥiṣaṣ share, portion, allotment; share (fin.); contingent, quota; span of time; lesson, class period │احصوةا و ا ا وووباḥ. fī r-rabḥ dividend (fin.); O حص وةا ا أبسويسfounders’ share; O ظرو ماا حصوصquota system, apportionment; و احصوةاوجيوزin a short time تحصووووووويص taḥṣīṣ apportionment quota system, مح صوةmuḥāṣṣa allotment; sharing (with s.o.), partaking, participation حص ب نsee حصو حصوبḥaṣaba i u to cover or strew with pebbles or gravel ( هوground); to macadamize ( هو ground), metal ( هوa road); -- ḥaṣiba a and pass. ḥuṣiba to have the measle II to cover or strew with pebbles or gravel ( هوground); to macadamize ( هground), metal ( هa road) 180 حصوبḥaṣab road metal, crushed rock, ballast حصبḥaṣbā’2 (coll.) pebbles; gravel حصبḥaṣba measles (med.) ح صبةḥāṣiba storm, hurricane حصوحصḥaṣḥaṣa to be or become clear, plain, manifest; to come to light (truth) حصودḥaṣada i u (ḥaṣd, حصوḥaṣad, ḥiṣad) to harvest, reap ( هوs.th.); to mow ( هوs.th.) IV, VIII and X to be ripe حصوودḥaṣd and حص وḥiṣād harvesting, reaping, harvest; حصharvest time حصوويدḥaṣid, حصوويدḥaṣīda pl. حصوو ئد ḥaṣā’id2 crop, harvest yield │ال و ئماوحصوويد everything without exception حصḥaṣṣād reaper; harvester محصدmiḥṣad pl. مح صدmaḥāṣid2 sickle O حصوḥaṣṣāda and O محصودmiḥṣada mowing machine, mower │ O حصو ا راسوة (darrāsa) combine ح صدḥāṣid reaper O ح صدḥāṣid mowing machine, mower محصاmaḥṣūd harvested, reaped, mown محصدmuḥṣid and mustaḥṣid ripe حصووḥaṣara i u (ḥaṣr) to surround, encircle, encompass, ring ( هوs.th.); to enclose ( هو s.th.); to parenthesize ( هوووa word); to blockade ( هوو, هs.o., s.th.); to besiege, beleaguer ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to detain, deter, restrain, contain, hold back ( هs.o.); to limit, restrict ( هو وor بs.th. to); to condense, reduce in scope ( هوs.th.); to narrow down, confine ( هو وs.th. to, also a suspicion to s.o.); to bring together, compile, arrange ( و هs.th. under a rubric); to enter ( هوs.th. in a list); to put together, set up, list, enumerate ( ه وs.th.); to comprise, contain, include, involve ( هوs.th.); -- ḥaṣira a (ḥaṣar) to be in a fix, be in a dilemma III to encircle, surround ( ه, هs.o., s.th.); to shut off, seclude ( ه و, هs.o., s.th.); to block ( ه وs.th.); to beleaguer, besiege ( هوو, هs.o., s.th.); to blockade ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to detain, deter, restrain ( هs.o.) VII to be straitened, confined, narrowed in; to be or become restricted, limited ( بor وto); to limit o.s. ( بor وto); to be condensed ( وto), be concentrated ( وin); to be or become united (e.g., تحووتاحكم وunder s.o.’s rule); to be reducible ( to), be expressible ( وin terms of), consist ( in) حصوḥaṣr encirclement, encompassment, enclosure, corralling; parenthesizing; blocking, blockading, beleaguering, siege; detention, determent; restraint, retention, containment, check; limitation, restriction, confinement ~ narrowing; gathering, collecting (of s.th. scattered), compilation; enumeration, listing, counting, computing; centralization, concentration; (tobacco) monopoly │ اب حصووstrictly speaking; علووا سوبيلاا حصوحصووexhaustively; حصوواا أموايḥ. al-tamwīn rationing; ‘ عالمةاا حصووalāmat alḥ. parentheses, brackets (typ.); الايود لاتحوتا ( ا حصووووyadḳulu) or ( الاحصووووا وووḥaṣra) boundless, infinite, immeasurable, innumerable; يفووا اا حصوووyafūqu al-ḥaṣra do.; O اجو ز اا حصووijāzat al-ḥ. patent on an invention; ا ار احصوواا أبو اوا أ بوidārat ḥ. attibg wa-t-tumbāk Government Tobacco Monopoly (Syr.) حصوووووḥuṣr constipation retention (of urine); حصووḥaṣar dyslogia, inability to express o.s. effectively حصيوḥaṣīr pl. حصوḥuṣur mat حصيوḥaṣīra pl. حص ئوḥaṣā’ir2 mat حصوو رḥiṣār block, blockage, barrier; blockade; siege 181 مح صوووووmuḥāṣara barrier; blockade; siege block, blockage, اظحصو رinḥiṣār restrictedness, limitation, confinement; (tobacco) monopoly محصوووارmaḥṣūr blocked, blockaded; beleaguered, besieged; limited, restricted, confined ( to); narrow حصوومḥiṣrim (coll.; n. un. ) unripe and sour grapes (syr.) حصوفḥaṣufa u ( حصوفḥaṣāfa) to have sound judgment, be judicious, discriminating حصووووفḥaṣif endowed with judgment, judicious, discriminating sound حصوووويفḥaṣīf endowed with judgment, judicious, discriminating sound حصوووووو ة ḥaṣāfa judiciousness sound judgment, حصولḥaṣala u ( حصوالḥuṣūl) to set in; to be there, be existent, extant; to arise, come about; to result, come out; to happen, occur, transpire, come to pass, take place; to happen, occur ( لto s.o.), come ( لupon s.o.), befall, overtake ( لs.o.); to originate, emanate, derive, stem ( موfrom), be caused, be produced ( موby); to attain, obtain, get, receive, achieve ( علووs.th.), win ( علووs.o. or s.th.); to come into possession ( علووof s.th.); to seek ( علوووa permit), apply ( علوووfor a permit); to collect, recover ( علووa debt), call in ( علووfunds); to receive. take in ( علووs.th.) II to cause s.th. ( )هوto happen or set in; to attain. obtain ( هوs.th.); to acquire ( هوs.th., also knowledge); to infer, deduce ( هوs.th.); to collect ( هوa fee, fare, etc.), levy ( هوtaxes, fees, etc.), call in ( هوmoney); to summarize, sum up ( هوs.th.) V to result ( موfrom), come out (sum); to be obtained, be attained; to be raised, be levied, be required. be demanded; to be taken in, come in (fees, taxes, funds); to be collected (taxes); to procure for o.s., get ( علووs.th.); to attain, receive, obtain (علوو s.th.); to acquire ( علووs.th.); to collect (علوو fees) X to procure for o.s., get ( علووs.th.); to attain. Receive, obtain ( علووs.th.); to acquire ( علوs.th.) حصوووالḥuṣūl setting in, occurrence, incidence. happening (of an event or process); obtainment. attainment ( علوووof s.th.); achievement ( علوof s.th.); acquisition ( علوof s.th.) حصوويلةḥaṣīla pl. حص و ئلḥaṣā’il2 rest, remainder; amount collected, proceeds, returns; revenue, receipts, yield, income, takings حاصووول, حاصووولةand حايصووولةlook up alphabetically حص ةḥaṣāla collection box, alms box محصوولmaḥṣal result, outcome, upshot, issue تحصوووويلtaḥṣīl pl. -āt attainment, obtainment, gain; acquisition (also of knowledge); learning, studying, scientific studies; collection, raising, levy(ing), calling in (of funds, taxes); income, revenue, receipts, returns, proceeds; résumé, summary, gist (of a speech or opinion); مو ا تحصويلاا ح صولاانايقو لin summary, it may be said ... تحصيلجtaḥṣīlgī (eg.) = محصلmuḥaṣṣil ح صولḥāṣil pl. حااصولḥawāsil2 setting in, occurring, taking place, happening; result, outcome, sum, total, product (also math.); revenues, receipts, proceeds, gain; income, returns; crop, harvest; warehouse, storehouse, granary, depot, magazine; main content, purport, gist, essence, substance (of a speech); ا ح صوولbriefly, in short; pl. ح صوووووالproduct(s), yield. produce. production (econ.) محصوالmaḥsūl pl. -āt, مح صولmaḥāṣīl2 result, outcome, issue; yield, gain; product, produce; crop, harvest; production 182 محصولmuḥaṣṣil collector; tax collector; cashier; (bus, streetcar) conductor مأحصوووولmutaḥaṣṣil yield, revenue, proceeds, receipts, returns ( مfrom) حصوووḥaṣuna u ( حصووو ظةḥaṣāna) to be inaccessible, be well fortified; to be chaste (woman) II to make inaccessible ( هوs.th.); to strengthen ( هوs.th.); to fortify, entrench ( هوs.th.); to immunize, make proof (ضود ḍidda against) IV to make inaccessible ( هو s.th.); to fortify, entrench ( هوs.th.); to be chaste, pure (woman); to remain chaste, be of unblemished reputation (woman) V to strengthen one’s position, protect o.s.; to be fortified; to be secure, be protected حصḥiṣn pl. حصوانḥuṣūn fortress, fort, castle, citadel, stronghold; fortification, entrenchment; protection │احصووو اهووو ئو Flying Fortress حص و نḥiṣān pl. حص وḥuṣun, احص و ة aḥsina horse; stallion │ احصو ناا بحووḥ. albaḥr hippopotamus; ( حصو ناب و رbuḳārī) iron horse; لووا احصوqūwat ḥ., or حصو ن alone, horse power حصوووويḥaṣīn inaccessible, strong, fortified, firm, secure(d), protected; immune, proof, invulnerable ( ضوودḍidda against) │ ( اا حصو اا حصويḥiṣn) stronghold (fig.; e.g., of radicalism) ابااا حصيabū l-ḥuṣain fox حصووو ظةḥaṣāna strength, ruggedness, forbiddingness, impregnability, inaccessibility; shelteredness, chastity (of a woman); invulnerability, inviolability; immunity (of deputies, diplomats; against illness) ح ويḥaḍīḍ, pl. ح وḥuḍuḍ, اح وة aḥiḍḍa foot of a mountain; lowland; perigee (astron.); depth; state of decay │ا ظوزلاا وواا ح ويto sink low (fig.); كو اا ووا ( ا ح ووووويdakkahū) to ruin s.th. completely, run s.th. into the ground تحصووويtaḥṣīn pl. -āt fortification, entrenchment; strengthening, cementing, solidification; immunization ح ووḥaḍara u ( ح وارḥuḍūr) to be present ( هو at), be in the presence ( هof s.o.); to 183 attend ( هوs.th.); to be present ( هوin s.o.’s mind), be readily recalled ( هby s.o.); to take part, participate ( مجلسوmajlisan in a meeting); to come, get ( ا ووor هو, هto s.o., to a place), arrive ( ا ووor هوat a place); to visit ( هa place), attend ( هوa public event), go ( هوto a performance, etc.); to appear ( امو مbefore a judge, etc., ا ووin, at), show up ( ا ووin, at); to betake o.s., go (مو ا وو from ... to); ( ح و رḥaḍāra) to be settled, sedentary (in a civilized region, as opposed to nomadic existence) احصوووووووو ن iḥṣān blamelessness, unblemished reputation, integrity (Isl. Law) تحصوtaḥaṣṣun securing, safeguarding, protection, protectedness محصوmuḥaṣṣan fortified; entrenched; immune, proof ( ضدḍidda against) محصوو ةmuḥṣina, muḥṣana sheltered, well-protected, chaste; of unblemished reputation (woman; Isl. Law) حص ووIV to oount, enumerate ( ه وs.th.); to calculate, compute ( هوs.th. موfrom); to debit, charge ( هووو علووووs.th. to s.o.’s account), hold ( هs.th. علوagainst s.o.) │الا ( يحصوyuḥṣā) innumerable حصوḥaṣan (coll.) pebbles, little stones حصوḥaṣāh, حصواḥaṣwa pl. حص وي ḥaṣayāt little stone; pebble; calculus, stone (med.) │( احصو ابا يوةbaulīya) cystic calculus; ( حصووووو اصوووووفواويةṣafrāwīya) gallstone, biliary calculus حصووا بو نḥaṣā lubān, حصو ب نrosemary (bot.) حصاḥaṣawī stony, pebbly, gravelly احص وiḥṣā’ pl. -āt count, counting; enumeration; calculation, computation; statistics │ ااحصووو اا سوووك نi. as-sukkān census احصوو ئiḥṣā’ī statistic(al); (pl. -ūn) statistician احص ئيةiḥṣā’īya pl. -āt statistics حوḥaḍḍa u (ḥaḍḍ) and II to spur on, incite (ه s.o., علووto), goad, prod ( هs.o.• علووto do s.th.) حوووḥaḍḍ incitement, inducement, prodding, prompting, instigation II to ready, make ready, prepare ( هوs.th., also, e.g., as medicine = to compound), make, produce, manufacture ( هوs.th.); to study, prepare ( هوa lesson); to fetch, get, bring (ه s.o., هوs.th.), procure, supply ( هوs.th.); to settle ( هs.o), make s.o. ( )هsedentary; to civilize ( هs.o., هوs.th.) III to give a lecture, present s.th. in a lecture ( هto s.o.); to lecture, give a course of lectures IV to fetch, get, bring ( هو, هs.o., s.th.), procure, supply ( هوs.th.); to take ( هs.o., هوs.th., ا وو to a place) │ اح ووهامعوto have s.th. with one, bring s.th. along V to prepare o.s., ready o.s., get ready ( لfor); to be ready, prepared; to become settled, be sedentary in a civilized region; to be civilized, be in a state of civilization; to become urbanized, become a town dweller VIII to come ( هto s.o.), be in the presence ( هof s.o.); to live in a civilized region; pass. ustuḥḍira to die X to have s.th. ( )ه و brought, to call, send ( هو, هfor s.o., for s.th.), have s.o. ( )هcome; to summon (ه s.o.); to fetch, procure, supply, get, bring ( هوs.th.); to conjure, call up, evoke ( هوa spirit); to visualize, envision, call to mind ( هوs.th.); to carry with o.s., bring along ( هو s.th.); to prepare ( هو, هe.g., a medicinal preparation) ح وووḥaḍar a civilized region with towns and villages and a settled population (as opposed to desert, steppe); settled population, town dwellers (as opposed to nomads) ح وووووḥaḍarī settled, sedentary, resident, not nomadic, non-Bedouin, like urbanites; civilized; urban; town dweller ح ووḥaḍra presence │ و اح ووin the presence of ...; ‘( ا ح وو اا ع يوةāliya) His Highness (formerly, title of the Bey of Tunis); ح وووتكمa respectful form of address, esp. in letters; ح و اا ودكأارcf. Fr. Monsieur le docteur ح ووووووار ḥuḍūr presence; visit, participation, attendance; (as one pl. of )ح ضوووthose present │ بح ووارهin his presence; ح ووووواراا حفلوووووةḥ. al-ḥafla attendance of the celebration ح اراا له اḥ. ad-dihn presence of mind; ورلووةاح ووار waraqat ḥ. summons (jur.) ح وارḥuḍūrī: ( احكو ماح واريةaḥkām) judgments delivered in the presence of the litigant parties after oral proceedings (jur.); ح وواريḥuḍūrīyan contradictorily (jur.) ح ووو رḥaḍāra civilization; culture; settledness, sedentariness ح يوḥaḍīra pl. ح ئوḥaḍā’ir a small group of 6 to 12 people (specif., the smallest unit of boy scouts = patrol); section, squad (mil.; Syr.) 2 مح وووmaḥḍar presence; attendance, coming, appearance (of s.o.); assembly, meeting, gathering, convention; (pl. مح ضو maḥāḍir2) minutes, official report, process-verbal, record of the factual findings │ مح وواا جووm. al-jard inventory list; بمح وام وbi-maḥḍarin minhu in s.o.’s presence تح ووويوtaḥḍīr preparing, readying, making ready; (pl. -āt) preparation ( لfor; also e.g., for an examination); making, preparation, cooking (of food, etc.), production, manufacture تح ويوtaḥdīrī preparatory, preparative │ ا موودارساا أح وويويةا لمعلمووي (mu‘allimīn) 184 preparatory institutes for teachers, teachers’ colleges (Eg.) مح ضوmuḥāḍara pl. -āt lecture اح وو ر iḥḍār procurement, supply, fetching, bringing تح وtaḥaḍḍur civilized way of life ر احأiḥtiḍār demise, death اسأح و رistiḥḍār making, production, manufacture; preparation; summoning │اسأح وووووو رااالرواح istiḥḍār al-arwāḥ evocation of spirits, spiritism ح ضووḥāḍir pl. ح ووḥuḍḍar, ح وار ḥuḍūr present; attending; ا ح ضووووthe present (time); prepared ( لfor); ready; (pl. ح و رḥuḍḍār, ح وووḥaḍara) settled, sedentary, resident, village or town dweller, not nomadic │ ا و اا ح ضووor و ا ا الوتاا ح ضووat present, now; ح ضوواا فكووḥ. al-fikr quick-witted, quick at repartee; ظقودا ( ح ضوnaqd) cash, ready money ح ضووووḥāḍira pl. حااضووووḥawāḍir2 capital city, metropolis; city (as a center of civilization) مح وارmaḥḍūr possessed, haunted or inhabited by a jinni; demoniac مح ووووmuḥaḍḍir maker, producer, manufacturer; dissector (med.) مح ضوmuḥāḍir lecturer, speaker مح وmuḥḍir court usher مأح وmutaḥaḍḍir civilized محأ ووmuḥtaḍar dying, in the throes of death, on the brink of death; a dying person; haunted or inhatbited by a jinni; demoniac مسأح ووmustaḥḍar pl. -āt preparation (chem., pharm.) │ ( امسأح ووا وائوdawā’ī) medicinal preparation ح وماḥaḍramaut2 Hadhramaut ح ووومḥaḍramī pl. ح و رمḥaḍārim2 man from Hadhramaut; Hadhramautian (adj.) ح وḥaḍana u (ḥaḍn, ح و ظةḥiḍāna) to clasp in one’s arms, embrace, hug ( هs.o.); to nurse, bring up, raise ( هa child); (ḥaḍn, ح و نḥidān, ح و ظةḥiḍāna, ح وانḥuḍūn) to hatch, brood, incubate ( هوan egg; of a bird) VI to embrace one another, cling to one another, nestle against each other VII to clasp in one’s arms, embrace, hug ( هو, ه s.o., s.th.); to harbor in one,s bosom ( هو feeling); to hatch, concoct, contrive ( ه و s.th.); to bring up, raise ( هa child) ح وḥaḍn pl. اح و نaḥḍān breast, bosom (between the outstretched arms); armful, that which can be carried in one's arms │ ( البلو اب ح وqabilahū) he received him with open arms; بوي ااح و نand و ا اح و نamid, among; with, in the presence of (s.o.); ( و ااح و ناا صوحواsaḥrā’) in the heart (or folds) of the desert; ا ولت ابوي ا اح ظهshe took me in her arms ح و ظةḥiḍāna, ḥaḍāna raising, bringing up, nursing (of a child); hatching (of an egg), incubation │ا اراا ح ووو ظةchildren’s home, day nursery, crèche ح ويin embraced, bugged, resting in s.o.’s arms مح وmaḥḍan pl. مح ض وmaḥādin2 children’s home, day nursery, crèche احأ ووو نiḥtiḍān embrace, hug(ging), accolade ح ضوو ةḥāḍina pl. nurse-maid, dry nurse حااضوووḥawāḍin2 محأ وmuḥtaḍin embracing, hugging; tender, affectionate حوطḥaṭṭa u (ḥaṭṭ) to put, place, put down, set down ( هوs.th.); to take down ( هوa load, burden); to lower, decrease, diminish, reduce ( هوor موs.th.); to depreciate (مو ا لودرهmin qadrihī or مو اليمأوmin qudratihī the value of s.th.) │( حوطاا وحو لriḥāla) to halt, make a stop, dismount, encamp (while traveling on horseback, 185 camelback. etc.); -- u (ḥaṭṭ, ح واهḥuṭūṭ) to sink, descend, go down; to alight (bird); to land (airplane); to drop (price) II to put down, set down, take off, unload ( هوa load) VII to sink, descend, go down; to decrease, diminish; to decline, decay, wane VIII to put down, set down, take down ( هs.th.) حطḥaṭṭ (act of) putting or setting down; depreciation, belittling, derogation, disparagement ( م وof s.th.); reduction, diminution, decrease ( مof s.th.) ح وةḥiṭṭa alleviation, relief, mitigation; abasement, debasement, demotion, degradation (in rank, dignity, prestige); humiliation, insult, indignity احطaḥaṭṭ lower ح ي ةḥaṭīṭa price reduction محوطmaḥaṭṭ place at which s.th. is put down or deposited; stopping place, stop; pause fermata, hold, concluding strain, cadence (mus.) │ محوطاابمو لobject of hope, that on which one's hopes are pinned; كو نا محووطاادظر و رto attract the glances, draw attention to o.s.; محووطاا كووالمm. al-kalām sense, or meaning, of one’s words مح ووةmaḥaṭṭa pl. -āt stopping place, stop (also of public conveyances); station, post; railroad station; broadcasting station, radio station │ امح وةاتحايولاا أيو رm. taḥwīl at-tayyār transformer station; مح وةااال اعوةا يا السوووولكيةةm. al-idā‘a (al-lāsi1kīya) broadcasting station, radio station; transmitter (station); ( مح وةارئيسويةra’īsīya) (railroad) main station; O مح وةااالشو راm. al-išārāt signal post; O مح وةااالرسو لm. alirsāl transmitter (station; radio); مح ووةا ( الرصوووو اا جايووووةli-l-arṣād al-jawwīya) meteorological station, weather station; مح وةاا صوواm. aṣ-ṣarf (Eg.) pump station (for drainage); power plant; O مح ووةا االسوأقب لreceiving station (radio); O مح وةا ( السولكيةالصويو اادموااlā-silkīya qaṣīrat alamwāj) short-wave transmitter station; مح ةاتا يداا كهوبوm. taulīd al-kahrabā’ and مح ةاكهوب ئيةpower plant اظح ووو هinḥiṭāṭ decline, fall, decay, decadence; inferiority │احسووو سااالظح ووو ه iḥsās al-inḥ. sense of inferiority اظح هinḥiṭāṭ postclassical writer م حطmunḥaṭṭ low, base, low-level, lowgrade; fallen, degraded (woman); mean, vile, vulgar; inferior ح وبḥaṭaba i to gather firewood │اح وبا و ا (حبلوfī ḥablihī) to support s.o., stand by s.o., back s.o. up VIII to gather firewood ح بḥaṭab pl. اح بaḥṭāb firewood ح و بḥaṭṭāb wood gatherer; woodcutter, lumberjack; vendor of firewood تح يووبtaḥṭīb singlestick fencing (a popular game, esp. in rural areas; eg.) ح هبtaḥṭīb wood gatherer; woodcutter, lumberjack; vendor of firewood │اكح هوبا يوولka-ḥāṭibi lailin lit.: like one who gathers wood at night, i.e., blindly, at random, heedlessly (said of s.o. who does not realize, or think about, what he is doing) ح ومḥaṭama i (ḥaṭm) to break, shatter, smash, wreck, demolish ( هوs.th.) II = I; V to break. go to pieces; to be broken, b. smashed, be shattered; to crash (e.g., airplane, structure, etc.); to be wrecked (ship) VII = V ح مةḥiṭma pl. ح مḥiṭam particle, small piece, shred, bit, morsel; s.th. broken ح و مḥuṭām debris, rubble; fragments, shards, broken pieces; wreckage, wreck (of a ship) │ ح ووو ماا ووودظيad-dunyā the ephemeral things of this world, the vanities of the world ح يمḥaṭīm smashed, shattered, wrecked 186 تح وويمtaḥṭīm smashing, shattering, wrecking, breaking, demolition, destruction, disruption │O سفي ةاتح ويماا جليود icebreaker تح ووووووووووم taḥaṭṭum crumbling, disintegration; crash (of an airplane); collapse, breakdown ح هموةḥāṭima: O ح هموةاا جليودicebreaker (naut.) مح وومmuḥaṭṭim crashing, thundering, roaring (of an explosion. etc.) – muḥaṭṭam broken (language) مح موةmuḥaṭṭima: ( مح موةاثلجيوةtaljīya) icebreaker (naut.) حḥaẓẓa a (ḥaẓẓ) to be lucky, Fortunate IV=I حوḥaẓẓ pl. حرواظḥuẓūẓ part, portion, share, allotment; lot, fate, destiny; good luck, good fortune; affluence, wealth, fortune; prosperity; pleasure │ ا واح و ام و endowed with; حسو اا حوli-ḥusni l-ḥ. and مو احسو اا حوfortunately, luckily; سوا اا حو sū’ al-ḥ. bad luck, misfortune; سو اا حو sayyi’ al-ḥ. unlucky, unfortunate; سووا ا ا حunfortunately; م احسو احروluckily for me, fortunately; كو نامو احسو احرو اانhe was lucky in that he ...; ويسااحسو ام هو احروhe is no better off than she is حريḥaẓīẓ lucky, fortunate محر واظlucky, fortunate; content(ed), happy, glad حرووḥaẓara u (ḥaẓr) to fence in, hedge in ( هو s.th.); to forbid ( علووو ه وto s.o. s.th.), prohibit ( علو هs.o. from doing s.th.) حرووووḥaẓr forbiddance, interdiction, prohibition, ban; embargo حرووو رḥiẓār, ḥaẓār wall, partition, screen; fence, palisade, railing حريوووووḥaẓīra pl. حروووو ئوḥaẓā’ir2 enclosure, railing, fence, palisade, hedge; compound, yard, pound, pinfold; corral, pen, paddock, coop; hangar, shed; field, domain, realm (fig.) │ ( و احريووwith foll. genit.) inside of, within; جلب و اا ووواحريوت و (jadabahū) to bring s.o. under one’s influence; حرو ئواا و ئواaircraft hangars; حريو اا قدسḥ. al-quds Paradise محروارmaḥẓūr interdicted, prohibited, forbidden ( علوووto s.o.); embargoed; pl. محراراforbidden things, restrictions ( حرواand حرو )حروḥaẓiya a ( حروا ḥuẓwa, ḥiẓwa) to enjoy the favor or good graces of s.o. ()ع ود, be in s.o.’s ( )ع ودfavor or good graces; to acquire, obtain, attain, gain, win ( بs.th.) حروواḥuẓwa, ḥiẓwa favored position, role of favorite; precedence; favor, grace; good will, benevolence; prestige, credit, standing, respect, esteem │اظو لاحرووا اع وودا ي دىةto find favor with s.o. حريوةḥaẓīya pl. حر يوḥaẓāyā paramour, mistress, concubine محريوووةmaḥẓīya pl. -āt paramour. mistress, concubine حوفḥaffa u (ḥaff) to surround (هو ب, هs.o., s.th. with, also بand حوالs.o., s.th.), enclose, encompass, border (ب, هوs.th.); to depilate ( هa part of the body), unhair ( هوthe skin); to trim, clip ( هوthe beard); to chafe, rub off, abrade ( هوs.th.) │ اتحوفابو اا عويhe is the object of admiring glances, he is the center of attention, all eyes are upon him; -- i ( حفيوفḥafīf) to rustle II and VIII to surround, (حال, ب, هو, هs.o., s.th.), enclose, encompass, border (حال,ب, هs.th.) حف اḥifāf side حفيفḥafīf rustle, rustling محف وةmiḥaffa (also maḥaffa) pl. -āt litter, stretcher; roller stretcher; sedan حو اḥaff: ( بوزاحو اḳubz) plain bread (without anything to go with it; eg.)187 ح وووةḥāffa pl. -āt enclosure, edge, margin; brim of a vessel; border, brink, verge; fringe, hem │’اعلواح وةاا ووابalā ḥ. al-ḳarāb on the brink of ruin حفيدḥafīd pl. احفوaḥfād, حفودḥafada grandson; descendant, offspring, scion حفيدḥafīda granddaughter حفووḥafara i (ḥafr) to dig ( هوs.th.): to drill (for oil): to excavate (archeol.): to carve ( هو s.th.): to engrave, etch ( هوmetal) │احفووا to dig trenches; ( حفوواحفووḥufratan) to prepare a pitfall, prepare an ambush VII pass. of I; VIII to dig حفوḥafr digging, earthwork, excavation (also archeol.); unearthing; drilling (for oil): carving, inscribing (e.g., of letters); engraving, etching; graphic arts (etching, wood engraving); scurvy (syr.) │اجه و زا ا حفواjahāz al-ḥ. oil rig; oil derrick حفوووḥufra pl. حفوووḥufar pit; hollow, cavity, excavation; hole حفويووةḥafrīya digging, excavation; O gravure; pl. حفويexcavations (archeol.) حف و رḥaffār digger; engraver; driller; stone mason │ احف راا قبارgravedigger حفي ووḥafīr dug, dug out, excavated, unearthed حفيوووḥafīra pl. حفوو ئوḥafā’ir2 s.th. excavated or unearthed; pl. excavations (archeol.) احفوووارuḥfūr pl. احووو يوaḥāfīr2 s.th. excavated; fossil; pl. excavations (archeol.) محفوmiḥfar pl. مح وmaḥāfir2 spade حو وḥāfir pl. حواا وḥawāfir2 hoof │ولواا ا ح و واعلووواا ح و وto coincide, happen to correspond exactly; علوواا حو وon the spot, right away, at once ح وḥāfirī ungular, ungulate حووووو وḥāfira original condition, beginning │ ع ووداا حو وon the spot, right away, at once; رجااا واح وتوto revert to its original state or origin محفوارmaḥfūr dug; inscribed, engraved; carved حفوزḥafaza i (ḥafz) to pierce, stab ( هs.o., ب with the spear); to incite, instigate, urge, prompt, induce ( علووor ه ا ووs.o. to s.th.) V to prepare o.s. get ready, be ready, be about to do s.th. ( لor )ا وو. set out to do s.th. ( لor ;)ا ووto get ready to jump, make a running start; to listen, pay attention VIII to be about to do s.th., be ready (ل for) تحفووزtaḥaffuz preparedness, readiness; vim, dash, verve, sweep, élan حو زḥāfiz pl. حواا زḥawāfiz2 spur, drive ( علوووto do s.th.), incentive ( علوووto), initiative مسأحفزmutaḥfiz ready, prepared ( لfor) حفوḥafiẓa a (ḥifẓ) to preserve ( هوs.th.); to protect, guard, defend ( هs.o.): to observe, bear in mind ( هوs.th.), comply ( هوwith s.th.), be mindful, be heedful ( هوof s.th.); to keep up, maintain, sustain, retain, uphold ( هوووs.th.); to hold, have in safekeeping ( ه وs.th.), take care ( ه وof s.th.); to keep, put away, save, store ( هو s.th); to conserve, preserve ( هوs.th.); to retain in one’s memory, remember, know by heart ( هوs.th.); to memorize, learn by heart, commit to memory ( هوs.th., esp. the Koran); to reserve ( فسو هfor o.s. s.th.): to stay, discontinue, suspend ( ا أحقيوووقa judicial investigation; jur.) │ حفرو اmay God protect him! حفو اب بويودto hold in care of general delivery ( هs.th.); يحف ا اا باس ة (yuḥfaẓu) in care of general delivery, poste restante; ( حفو اا ا و الwafā’a) to be loyal to s.o., keep faith with s.o. II to have s.o. ( )هmemorize ( هوs.th.) III to preserve, keep up, maintain, uphold, sustain (علووو s.th.); 188 to supervise, control ( علووs.th.), watch ( علووover s.th.); to watch out (علوو for), take care, be heedful, be mindful (علو of), look ( علووafter), attend, pay attention ( علووto); to keep, follow, observe, bear in mind ( علوووs.th.), comply ( علوووwith), conform ( علوووto) ; to protect, guard, defend ( هوand علوو, also عوs.th.) IV to vex, annoy, gall, irritate, hurt, offend (ه s.o.) V to keep up, maintain, preserve (ب s.th.); to observe, keep in mind ( بs.th.), be mindful, be heedful, take care ( بof s.th.), be concerned ( بwith); to be cautious, be wary, be on one’s guard; to be reserved, aloof; to have reservations VIII to maintain, uphold ( بor هوs.th., e.g., بحقالووone’s rights); to keep up, maintain, retain ( بor ه وs.th., e.g., a posture, a characteristic); to take care, take over custody ( بof s.o.), protect, guard (ب s.o.); to defend (against encroachment), hold, maintain ( بa possession); to preserve, sustain, continue, keep up (ب s.th.); to hold, possess ( بs.th.); to put away, hold, have in safekeeping ( بs.th.), take care ( بof s.th.); to keep, retain (ب s.th.); احوووأف ا فسوووto keep for o.s., appropriate, reserve for o.s. ( بor هوs.th.), take complete possession ( هوof) X to ask s.o. ( )هto guard or protect ( هوor علووs.th.); to entrust ( علووor ه هوto s.o. s.th.), commit s.th. ( علوor )هto the charge of s.o. ()ه حفوووḥifẓ preservation; maintenance, sustentation, conservation, upholding; protection, defense, guarding; custody, safekeeping. keeping, storage; retention; observance, compliance (with); memorizing, memorization; memory; (jur.) discontinuance, stay, suspension (of legal action, of a judicial investigation) │ا حفووووووو اابثووووووو رpreservation of ancient monuments (Eg.); حفو اا صوحةḥ. aṣ-ṣiḥḥa hygiene, sanitation; رج لاا حفpolice حفروووووةḥifẓa anger, resentment, rancor indignation, حف و ظḥifāẓ pl. -āt dressing, ligature, bandage │ احفو ظاا حويḥ. al-ḥaiḍ sanitary napkin حفويḥafīẓ attentive, heedful, mindful; preserving, keeping, guarding ( علوs.th.) حفيروةḥafīẓa pl. resentment, rancor حفو ئḥafā’iẓ2 grudge, محفروةmaḥfaẓa, miḥfaẓa pl. -āt, محو 2 maḥāfiẓ folder, bag, satchel, briefcase dispatch case, portfolio; wallet, pocket, book محفرةmiḥfaẓa capsule تحفووووويtaḥfīẓ memorization inculcation (esp. of the Koran) drill, حفو ظḥifāẓ defense, protection, guarding (esp. of cherished, sacred things); preservation, maintenance ( علووووووof interests); keeping, upholding (of loyalty), adherence (to a commitment) مح روووووووووة muḥāfaẓa guarding; safeguarding; preservation; protection, defense; conservation, sustaining, upholding; retention, maintenance ( علووof s.th.) conservativism (pol.), conservative attitude; following, observance ( علوووof s.th.), compliance ( علوووووwith s.th.), adherence ( علووto); guarding ( موagainst misfortune), saving ( مووووووو from misadventure); garrison (mil.); (pl. -āt) governorate (one of five administrative divisions of Egypt, in addition to a mudīrīyāt); office of the muḥāfiẓ (head of a governorate); province, anyone of the larger administrative districts (Syr.) │ا ا مح روةاعلووواا و فسself-preservation; موولهبا ا مح رووووةmadhab al-m. conservative movement, conserativism, Toryism تحفووووtaḥaffuẓ caution, wariness, restraint, reticence, reserve, aloofness; -189 (pl. -āt) precaution, precautionary measure; reservation, limiting condition, conditional stipulation, proviso │ موااا وأحف with full reservation تحفرووووووو taḥaffuẓī precautionary, preventive │( اجووووووا ا اتحفريوووووةijrā’āt) precautionary measures; ( صولااتحفروṣulḥ) settlement before action, preventive settlement (jur.) احأف و ظiḥtifāẓ guarding, safeguarding; preservation; retention, maintenance, continuation, conservation, defense, protection, vindication, sustaining, upholding; keeping, holding, safekeeping, custody ( بof s.th.) ح وḥāfiẓ keeper, guarder, guardian, custodian, caretaker; (pl. حفو ظاا قووآنḥuffāẓ, حفروةḥafaẓa) one who knows the Koran by heart (formerly an honorific epithet) ح رووةḥāfiẓa memory; -- (pl. حوواا ḥawāfiẓ) wallet, pocketbook, money order (Eg.) محفواظmaḥfūẓ kept, held in safekeeping, deposited, guarded, preserved; memorized, committed to memory, etc.; conserved, preserved (food); reserved; ensured, secured, safeguarded; -- pl. محفاظووووcanned goods, concerves; archives; memorized material, what s.o. knows by heart │ ا اراا محفاظو اا مصوويةthe Egyptian Public Record Office; م وبكاال ا محفاظ وةconcerves, canned goods; جميوواا ا حقا امحفاظةall rights reserved محوmuḥāfiẓ supervisory, controlling; observing ( علوووs.th.), complying (علووو with), etc.; conservative (pol.), ا محو ران the Conservatives, the Tories; keeper, guarder, guardian, custodian, caretaker, supervisor, superintendent; mayor; governor (Eg.: title of the chief officer of a governorate; Syr.: chief officer of a province); director general, president (= Brit. governor) (dīnīya) religious ceremony, Divine Service; حفلوةاسو هوand حفلوةاسوموḥ. samar evening party, soirée; حفلوةاسوي م ئيةmotionpicture show; حفلةاا شtea party; حفلةاا عوسا ḥ. al-‘urs wedding;( حفلووةااالسووأقب لاpublic) reception; حفلةاماسيقيةاconcert حفيلḥafīl eager, assiduous, diligent محفوولmaḥfil pl. مح وولmaḥāfil2 assembly, congregation, meeting, gathering; party; 190 body, collective whole; circle, quarter │ محفلام ساظMasonic lodge; ا مح لاا وسميةا ( يا سي سوويةةrasmīya, siyāsīya) the official (political) circles or quarters احأفوووو لiḥtifāl pl. -āt celebration, ceremony, festival, festivities ح ولḥāfil pl. حفولḥuffal, حاا ولḥawāfil2 full ( بof), filled, replete ( بwith); abundant, copious, lavish; much frequented, well attended (by visitors, participants, etc.), numerous (of attendance); solemn, ceremonial, festive موأحفmutaḥaffiẓ vigilant, alert, wary, cautious; reticent, reserved, aloof; staid, sedate مسأحفmustaḥfaẓ pl. -āt reserve (mil.) حفووولḥafala i (ḥafl) to gather, assemble, congregate; to flow copiously; to be replete, teem, superabound ( بwith); to pay attention, attend, give one’s mind (ب or لto s.th.), concern o.s. ( بwith), make much ( بof), set great store ( بby) │االا (حفوووولابووووlā ḥafla) indifferent, of no consequence II to adorn, decorate, ornament ( ه بs.th. with) VIII to gather, rally, throng together; to celebrate ( بs.th., s.o.); to concern o.s. ( بor لwith), attend, pay attention. give one’s mind ( بor لto s.th.); to honor, welcome, receive kindly ( بs.o.) ح لوةhāfila pl. -āt, حاا ولḥawāfil autobus O محأفولmuḥtafil: ا محأفلوانthe participants in a festive event, the celebrators محأفووووولmuḥtafal assembly place, gathering place; party; محأفلابcelebrated حفوḥafana u to scoop up with both hands ( هو s.th.); to give a little ( لto s.o.) حف ةḥafna pl. ḥafanāt handful 1 حفوووووول ḥafl gathering, meeting, assembling; assembly, congregation, throng, crowd; performance, show, public event; celebrations; feast, festival حفلوةḥafla pl. -āt assembly, gathering, meeting, congregation; party; (social or public) event; show, performance (theater, cinema); concert; festivity, ceremony, festival, festive event, celebration │احفلوةا ا أووووببيcommemoration. Commemorative, ceremony for a deceased person; ا حفل وةا ( ادو ووūlā) premiere; حفلوةاح لوةnumerous assembly; ( حفلوووةا يويوووةḳairīya) charity performance, charity event; حفلوةاا ود اaddfn funeral ceremony, obsequies; حفلوةا ي يوة 2 ( حفواand حفو )حفووḥafiya a ( حفو وḥafāwa) to receive kindly and hospitably, to welcome, receive with honors, honor (ب s.o.) V to behave with affection, be affectionate ( بtoward) VIII do.; to celebrate ( بan occasion, a festival) حفوḥafīy welcoming, receiving kindly, greeting ( بs.o., s.th.) حفوووو وḥafāwa friendly reception, welcoming, welcome, salutation ( بof s.o.) احأفووووiḥtifā’ reception, welcome, salutation ( بof s.o.); celebration, festivity 2 احفوḥafiya a ( حفوḥafā’) to go barefoot; to have sore feet ح اḥāfin pl. حفḥufāh barefoot(ed) حوقḥaqqa i u to be true, turn out to be true, be confirmed; to be right, correct; (also pass. ḥuqqa) to be necessary, obligatory, requisite, imperative ( علوووfor s.o.), be incumbent ( علووupon s.o.); to be adequate, suitable, fitting, appropriate ( علووfor s.o.); to be due ( لs.o.); يحقا وhe is entitled to it, he has a right to it; حوقاعليوhe deserved it (punishment); -- u to ascertain ( هوs.th.), make sure, be sure ( هوووof s.th.); to recognize. identify ( هs.o.) II to make s.th. ( )هوcome true; to realize ( هوs.th., e.g., a hope), carry out ( هوe.g., a wish), carry into effect, fulfill, put into action, consummate, effect, actualize ( هوs.th.); to implement ( هووe.g., an agreement); to produce, bring on, yield ( هوresults); to determine, ascertain, find out, pinpoint, identify ( هوs.th.); to prove s.th. ( )هوto be true, verify, establish, substantiate ( هووو s.th.); to confirm, assert, aver, avouch, affirm ( هوs.th.); to be exact, painstaking, meticulous, careful ( هوin doing s.th.), e.g., ( حق وقاا روووnaẓara) to look closely; to study, examine, investigate, explore ( ه و s.th.), look, inquire ( هinto s.th.); to verify, check ( هوor وs.th.); to investigate ( و s.th., police); to make an official inquiry ( هوinto s.th.), institute an investigation ( هو of or into; court; jur.); to interrogate (موا s.o.), conduct a hearing ( مواof s.o.; jur.) III to contend for a right ( هwith s.o.), contest or litigate a right ( هagainst s.o.) IV to tell the truth; to be right ( وin s.th.); to enforce ( هوs.th., e.g., a legal claim) V to prove true. turn out to be true, be confirmed, prove to be correct; to materialize, become a fact; to be realized, be effected, come into effect; to be examined, be explored; to ascertain ( ه و s.th., also )مو, make sure, reassure o.s., gain proof, convince o.s., be convinced, be sure, be certain ( هوof s.th.); to check, verify ( هوor مو. s.th.); to be serious (ب about s.th.) X to be entitled, have a claim ( هto s.th.); to claim ( هs.th.), lay claim ( هو to); to deserve, merit ( هوs.th.), be worthy ( هووووof); to require, demand, 191 necessitate, make requisite ( هs.th.); to fall due. become payable (sum of money), mature. become due (note); to be due (ل s.o.) │( يسوووووأحقاا ووووولكوdikra) worth mentioning, noteworthy; الايسوأحقاعليو اا وسوم (rasmu) not subject to a fee. free of charge حوقḥaqq truth; correctness, rightness; rightful possession. property; one’s due; duty; proper manner; true, authentic, real; right, fair and reasonable; correct, sound, valid; ا حوقan attribute of God; (pl. حقوا ḥuqūq) right, title, claim, legal claim ( و to); ا حقووواlaw, jurisprudence, legal science; حقوḥaqqan really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in truth; justly, rightly, by rights │ احقو ا ولis that (really) so? really? بحوقjustly, rightly, by rights; بو حقtruly, in reality, actually; properly, appropriately, in a suitable manner; بحوقbi-haqqi and و احوقas to ..., as for ..., with respect to, concerning, regarding; هااعلواحقhe is in the right; ا حقا معyou are right; ا حوقاعليولyou are wrong; هااحقاعليلit is your duty; هولااحقو اعلويكمyou owe this to me; ‘( عو ظ ا حقه اعليirfānan) in recognition of what he owed her; م احقوhe is entitled to it, it is his due; كو نامو احقو اان he should have ..., he ought to have …; و ا ا حووقا وhe is entitled to ...; وا حووقايق و ل (yuqāl) one may say, it must be admitted, it’s only fair to say, say what you will ..., ... though (as a parenthetical phrase); عواا ( حوووقاا معو وووةḥaqqa l-ma‘rifa) to know exactly, know for certain, know very well, also ( علوماحوقاا علومḥaqqa l-‘ilm); هوماحوقاا فهوم fahima ḥaqqa l-fahm to understand precisely, comprehend thoroughly, be fully aware; ( ا سوووع اا حقوووةsa‘āda) true happiness; كليووةاا حقوواkullīyat al-ḥ. law school, faculty of law حووقḥuqq hollow, cavity; socket of a joint (anat.); also = حقةḥuqqa حقوةḥuqqa pl. حقوقḥuqaq, حقوḥiqāq, احقوaḥqāq small box, case, pot or jar; receptacle, container; -- (pl. -āt, حقوووق ḥuqaq) a weight (Syr., Pal.) = الةuqqa; حقةا = اسأ ظبا ية1.280 kg (Ir.) احووقaḥaqq2 worthier, more deserving ( بof s.th.); more entitled ( بto s.th.) حقيووقḥaqīq pl. احقوaḥiqqā’2 worthy, deserving ( بof s.th.), fit, competent, qualified; entitled ( بto) حقيقووةḥaqīqa pl. حق و ئقḥaqā’iq2 truth, reality (also philos.); fact; the true state of affairs, the facts; true nature, essence; real meaning, true sense; ḥaqīqatan really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in truth │ ارأيأو اعلوواحقيقأوI saw its true nature, as it really is; و احقيقوةاادمووin reality, really, actually; ويسا و احقيقوةit does not really exist, it is not real حقيقوḥaqīqī real, true; actual; proper, intrinsic, essential; genuine; authentic; positive حقالḥuqūqī juristic(al); (pl. -ūn) jurist, jurisprudent, lawyer احقيةaḥaqqīya legal claim, title, right حق و ظḥaqqānī correct, right, proper, sound, valid, legitimate, legal حق ظي وةḥaqqānīya justice, law │اوزار ا ا حق ظيةMinistry of Justice (formerly Eg.) تحقيووقtaḥqīq realization, actualization, effectuation, implementation; fulfillment (of a claim, of a wish, etc.); achievement, accomplishment, execution; ascertainment, determination, identification, verification; substantiation; assertion, affirmation, confirmation; pinpointing, precise determination; exactness, accurateness, precision; (= تحقيقا ا وقt. an-nuṭq) precise pronunciation; -(pl. -āt) verification, check, checkup, investigation; official or judicial inquiry, 192 inquest │ ا أحقيوقاانit is a matter of fact that ..., it is certain that ...; علووواا أحقي وق properly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; exactly, precisely; positively, definitely; ع ووداا أحقي وقproperly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; تحقيوقاا ش صويةt. aš-šaḳšīya identification (of a person), proof of identity; شوووه اتحقيوووقاا ش صوووية šahādat t. aš-šaḳšīya identity card; للماتحقيقا ا ش صوووويةqalam t. aš-š. bureau of identification; تحقيوووقاا لاتيوووةt. ad-dātīya identification; ل ضوووو اا أحقيووووقexamining magistrate; تحقيوووقاادربووو حrealization of profits (stock market) احقiḥqāq: احق لو ا لحوقiḥqāqan li-l-ḥaqq (so) that truth may prevail تحقوقtaḥaqquq ascertainment, making sure; conviction, certainty, certitude; verification, check, checkup اسوووأحقistiḥqāq pl. -āt worthiness, deservingness, merit; one’s due or desert; maturity, payability, falling due (of a sum of money); reclaiming or calling in of s.th. due, demand of a right; vindication (1.1. Law), replevin, detinue│ عووووو ااسوووووأحق deservedly, justly, by rights; بودونااسوأحق undeservedly; توووو ريخااالسووووأحقdate of maturity (e.g., of a bond); االسوأحق اا لب و ظ (lubnānī) name of a Lebanese order محقواmaḥqūq worthy, deserving (ب, ل of), fit, competent, qualifying (ب, لfor); wrong, at fault, on the wrong track محقوقmuḥaqqiq investigator; inquirer; examining magistrate محقوقmuḥaqqaq sure, certain, beyond doubt, unquestionable, indubitable; assured, established, accepted, recognized │ام اا محقوقاانit is certain that ..., it is a fact that … محووقmuḥiqq telling the truth, in the right, being right محقوووقmutaḥaqqiq convinced, sure, certain, positive مسووأحقmustaḥiqq entitled; claiming; beneficiary (of a wakf); deserving, worthy │ مسأحقاا د اm. ad-daf‘ due, payable (sum) حقبVITI to put into one's bag, to bag ( هs.th.) حقوبḥuqb pl. احقو بaḥqāb, حقو بḥiqāb long stretch of time, long period حقبوةḥiqba pl. حقووبḥiqab long time, stretch of time; period, age │احقبةامو اا زمو ن ḥiqbatan min az-zamān for quite a time, for some time حقوبḥaqab pl. احقو بaḥqāb a kind of ornamental belt حقو بḥiqāb pl. حقووبḥuqub a kind of ornamental belt حقيبوةḥaqība pl. حق ئوبḥaqā’ib2 valise, suitcase, traveling bag; leather bag │احقيبوةا بلام سووويةdiplomatic pouch; حقيبوووةاا قوووا portemonnaie, change purse; حقيبةاا يدḥ. alyad ladies’ purse, handbag حقودḥaqida a, ḥaqada i (ḥaqd, ḥiqd) to harbor feelings of hatred ( علوagainst) IV to incite to hatred or resentment, embitter, envenom ( هs.o.) V = I; VI to hate one another حقوودḥiqd pl. احقوaḥqād, حقواḥuqūd hatred, malice, spite, resentment, rancor field; oil area; حقوالاا أجو ربexperimental fields; ( حقلاكهوب ئkahrabā’ī) electric field حقيودḥaqida pl. حق ئودḥaqā’id2 hatred, malice, spite, resentment, rancor حقلḥaqlī field- (in compounds) مح للوةmuḥāqala sale of grain while still in growth, dealing in grain futures (Isl. Law) حق واḥaqūd full of hatred, spiteful, resentful, malicious, malevolent, rancorous حقوḥaqana u (ḥaqn) to hold back, withhold, keep back, detain, retain ( ه وs.th.); to suppress, repress, restrain ( ه وs.th.); to keep to o.s. ( ا سووas-sirra the secret); to spare ( موdamahū s.o.’s blood or life); to give ( هs.o.) an injection (med.) VIII to become congested (esp. blood); to suffer from strangury; to take an enema, a clyster; to be injected │ احووووأق اوجهوووو (wajhahū) his face was flushed, his face turned red ح لووودḥāqid full of hatred, spiteful, resentful, malicious, malevolent, rancorous; pl. حقوودḥaqada malevolent people حقووḥaqara i (ḥaqr) to despise, scorn, disdain ( هs.o., هوs.th.); to look down ( هو, ه on), have a low opinion ( ه و, هof); -ḥaqura u 193 to below, base, contemptible, despicable; to be despised, degraded, humiliated II to disparage, decry, depreciate ( هs.o.), detract, derogate ( هfrom s.o.); to degrade, debase, humble, humiliate; to regard with contempt, despise, scorn, disdain ( هs.o., هوs.th.) VIII to despise, scorn, disdain ( هs.o., هوs.th.), look down ( ه و, هon) X to regard as contemptible or despicable, disdain, despise ( هs.o., هوs.th.), look down ( هو, ه on) حقووووḥaqn retention, withholding; sparing; injecting. injection (med.) │احق و ا وودم ئهمḥaqnan li-dimā’ihim in order to spare their blood; حقووو ا ووو احبووولاا اريووود intravenous injection (med.) حق وةḥuqna pl. حق وḥuqan injection (med.); hypodermic; clyster; enema محق وووةmiḥqana pl. syringe (med.) حقيووḥaqīr pl. حقوواḥuqarā’2 low, base, mean, vulgar, vile; little, small, paltry, inconsiderable, poor, wretched, miserable; despised; despicable, contemptible احقوووووaḥqar contemptible 2 lower, baser, احأق نiḥtiqān congestion │ احأق ناا ودمiḥt. ad-dam vascular congestion محووأقmuḥtaqan reddened by blood congestion, flushed, red (face) more حقوووو رḥaqāra lowness, vulgarity, baseness, vileness, meanness; smallness, paltriness, insignificance, poorness, wretchedness, miserableness; despicability, contemptibleness; ignominy, infamy محووو لmaḥāqin2 حقواḥaqw pl. حقوḥiqā’, احقوaḥqā’ loin, groin │ شد احقايوšaddada ḥaqwaihi to gird one’s loins احأق رiḥtiqār contempt, disdain, scorn │ا (ظرواا يو ابعوي ااالحأقو رbi-‘aini l-iḥt.) to regard s.o. with contempt, look down one’s nose at s.o. حولḥakka u (ḥakk) to rub, chafe; to scrape; to scratch; to rub off, scrape off, scratch off, abrade ( هوs.th.) │( احولا و اصودرهṣadrihī) it impressed him, affected him, touched s.th. inside him IV to itch V to rub o.s., scrape, chafe ( بagainst); to pick a quarrel (ب with s.o.) VI to rub or scrape against each other VIII to rub o.s. scrape, chafe (ب against); to be in contact, in touch (ب with) │( ااحألا اصدرهṣadrihī) it impressed him, affected him, touched s.th. inside him محأقووmuḥtaqar despised; contemptible, despicable حوولḥakk rubbing, chafing; friction; scratching تحقأووtaḥqīr contempt, disdain, scorn; degradation, humiliation, abasement حق ولḥaql pl. حق والḥuqūl field (also fig. = domain); column │احقوالاا بأووولoil fields; حقولاا زيوتḥ. az-zait, حقولاا و فطḥ. an-nafṭ oil 1 حلḥakka itching; scabies, itch (med.) حكḥakkāk lapidary 194 محولmiḥakk touchstone; test │ثبوتاعلووا محلاا روtabata ‘alā m. in-naẓar to stand a critical test محكةmiḥakka currycomb تحtaḥākk (reciprocal) friction احأكوووiḥtikāk pl. -āt (reciprocal) friction; close touch or contact; friction (fig., = dissension, controversy) │مو اغيووا احأكmin gair ḥt. frictionless محكلmuḥakkak chafed, worn away 2 حكةḥukka (tun., = ḥuqqa) pl. حكولḥukak small box, case, pot or jar حكووVIII to buy up, hoard and withhold, corner ( هوa commodity); to monopolize ( هوa commercial article); to have exclusive possession ( هوof s.th.), hold a monopoly ( هover s.th.) حكووḥikr, ḥukr and اجوو اا حكووujrat al-ḥ. ground rent, quitrent حكوḥakar, ḥukar hoarded حكووووḥukra hoarding (of goods); monopoly ح كارḥākūra small vegetable garden احأكو رiḥtikār pl. -āt cornering, buying up; monopoly; preferential position; supremacy, hegemony │ ااحأك راتجو ر اا وبalbunn coffee-trade monopoly; احأكو راا سووكو iḥ. as-sukkar sugar monopoly احأكوو رiḥtikārī rapacious, grasping, greedy حكوومḥakama u (ḥukm) to pass judgment, express an opinion (علو, وon s.th.), judge ( علووs.th., بby, from); to decide, give a decision, pass a verdict, pass sentence (علو on); to sentence ( علووs.o., بto a penalty; said of the judge), impose, inflict ( بa penalty) on s.o. ( ;)علوووto pronounce a verdict or judgment, deliver judgment, rule ( لin s.o.’s favor); to adjudicate, adjudge, award ( ل بto s.o. s.th.); to take ( بs.th.) as a standard or norm; to have judicial power, have jurisdiction, have authority ( علووand هover), govern, rule, dominate, control ( علووor هs.o.); to order, command ( بs.th.); to bridle, check, curb (ه, هوs.th., s.o.) │( احكوماعليو اب العودامḥukima, i‘dām) he was sentenced to death; حكووما ( بإ اظأوbi-idānatihī) to convict s.o., find s.o. guilty (jur.); ( حكوماببوا توbi-barā’atihi) to acquit s.o. (jur.) II to appoint ( هs.o.) as ruler; to choose ( هs.o.) as arbitrator, make ( هs.o.) the judge ( وover or in s.th., بوي between) III to prosecute ( هs.o.); to arraign, bring to trial, hale into court (ه s.o.); to interrogate, hear ( هs.o.) IV to make ( هوs.th.) firm, strong, sturdy, solid; to fortify ( هوووs.th.); to strengthen, consolidate ( هووs.th.); to do well, do expertly, master ( هوووfield, work), be proficient ( هin) │( ااحكمااموهamrahu) to do s.th. thoroughly, carefully, properly; احكوما ( لفوولاا ب و بqafla l-bāb) to lock the door firmly; ( احكووما غووةlugatan) to master a language V to have one's own way ( وin), proceed ( وwith) at random, at will, handle ( وووs.th.) arbitrarily; to pass arbitrary judgment ( وon); to make o.s. the judge ( علوof), pass judgment ( علوon); to decide ( بon); to rule, reign, hold sway ( وover); to dominate, control ( وs.th.), be in control, be in command ( وof) VI to bring one another before the judge (ا ووا ;)ا ح و كمto appeal ( ا وووto) for a legal decision; to be interrogated, be heard (in court) VIII to have one’s own way ( وin), proceed ( وwith, in s.th.) at will, at random, handle ( وs.th.) arbitrarily, judge arbitrarily; to rule, reign, hold sway (علوو, وover); to be in control, be in possession ( علوووof); to appeal ( ا وووto) for a legal decision, seek a decision ( ا ووfrom), have s.o. ( )ا ووdecide X to be strong, sturdy, solid, firm; to become stronger, be strengthened, be 195 consolidated; to take root, be or become deep-rooted, deepseated, ingrained, inveterate, marked, pronounced (feeling, trait) حكوومḥukm pl. احك و مaḥkām judgment, valuation, opinion; decision, (legal) judgment, verdict, sentence; condemnation, conviction; administration of justice; jurisdiction, legal consequence of the facts of a case (Isl. Law); regulation, rule, provision, order, ordinance, decree; judiciousness, wisdom, judgeship, command, authority, control, dominion, power; government, regime; pl. احكو مstatutes, by-laws, regulations, rules, provisions, stipulations, principles, precepts; حكم وḥukman virtually; legally │ بحكوومbi-ḥukmi by virtue of, on the strength of, pursuant to, by force of; احكم as good as, all but, e.g., ( هواا و احكومfī ḥukm l-‘adam) it is as good as nothing, it is practically nonexistent; اصوباا و احكوماا مقوور aṣbaḥa fī ḥukmi l-muqarrar it is all but decided, ك نا احكماا شalso: to be subject to s.th.; ظوزلاعلوواحكموto give in, yield to s.o., حكوماا بوواḥ. al-barā’a acquittal, حكوما ( ح ارḥuḍūrī) judgment delivered in the presence of the litigant parties, after oral proceedings (jur.), ( ا حكووماب العوودامi‘dām) death sentence; ( حكووووماغيوووو بgiyābī) judgment by default (jur.); ( ا حكماا لاتdātī) self-determination, autonomy (pol.); ا حكوما ( ا جمهوارjumhūrī) the republican form of government, the republican regime; ا حكوما ( ا م لووووقmuṭlaq) the absolute, i.e., authoritarian, regime, ( ا حكوماا هو ئniyābī) the parliamentary regime, parliamentarianism; ج ووةاا حكوومlajna al-ḥ. board of examiners, review board; االحكو ما ‘( ا عو يووةurfīya) martial law; احك و مااظأق يووة (intiqālīya) provisional regulations (jur.); ( احكوو ما أ ميوووةḳitāmīya) final regulations (jur.); ( احكووووو ما صوووووةḳāṣṣa) special regulations; ( كولاسو احكموsinn) every age has its own set of rules, must be judged by its own standards, ( ل وووور ااحكوو مli-ḍḍarūra) necessity has its (own) rules, (approx.: necessity knows no law) حكمḥukmī legal ( حكمووودارeg.; pronounced ḥikimdār) commandant; chief of police ( حكمداريوةeg.; pronounced ḥikimdārīya) commandant’s office حكومḥakam pl. حكو مḥukkām arbitrator, arbiter; umpire, referee حكم وةḥikma pl. حكوومḥikam wisdom; sagacity; philosophy, maxim, rationale, underlying reason │( ا حكموووةwith foll. genit.) on account of, because of حكموووووḥikmī gnomic, aphoristic, expressing maxims │ ( اا شووعواا حكم وši'r) gnomic poetry حكموةḥakama pl. -āt bit (of a horse’s bridle) حكوويمḥakīm pl. حكم وḥukamā’2 wise, judicious; wise man, sage; philosopher; physician, doctor حكيمب ش وḥakīmbāšī senior physician, chief surgeon حكامةḥukūma pl. -āt government حكوووووامḥukūmī of government, governmental; official, state-owned, statecontrolled of the state, state- (in compounds) احكمaḥkam2 wiser محكمووةmaḥkama pl. مح و كمmaḥākim2 court, tribunal │ امحكمووةااالسووأئ اm. alisti’nāf court of appeal, appellate court; ( محكموةااهليوةahlīya) indigenous court (Eg.; jurisdiction limited to Egyptian nationals), ( محكموووةاابأدائيوووةibtidā’īya) court of first instance, ( محكمووةاابأدائيووةاكليووةkullīya) civil court with jurisdiction in cases of major importance, at the same time appellate instance of ( محو كماجزئيوةEg.); 196 محكموةا ( جزئيوةjuz’īya) in Eg., lowest court of both ( محو كمااهليوةapprox.: district courts) and of محوووو كماشوووووعيةcanonical courts (with jurisdiction in marital and family matters); summary court; محكموةاا ج يوm. al-jinīyāt criminal court; محوووو كماادحوووواالاا ش صووووية (šaḳṣīya) courts dealing with vital statistics; ( محكمووةام أل ووةmuḳtaliṭa) mixed court (with jurisdiction over residents of foreign nationality); ( محكموةاشووعيةšar’īya) canonical court (administering justice on the basis of the Sharia), court dealing with family matters of Muslims; محكموةاموكزيووة (markazīya) county court, dealing with minor offenses, esp. misdemeanors (Eg.); محكمووةاا ق و ااال ارm. al-qaḍā’ al-idārī administrative court; محكمةاا و ق اواالبووامm. an-naqḍ wa-l-ibrām Court of Cassation, the highest court of appeal in Egypt; ا محكموةاا أمييوزCourt of Cassation (Syr., Leb. = محكموةاا و ق اواالبووامin Eg.); سو حةاا محو كم tribunals تحكوووويمtaḥkīm appointment of an arbitrator; arbitration; arbitral decision, award; pl. تحكيم وfortifications │اتحكوويما ا حو لstarting from the present state of a court’s findings (Isl. Law); هيئووةاا أحكوويم hai’at at-t. board of arbitration; jury, committee of judges, committee of umpires (in sports), committee of referees (in mil. maneuvers); ( ج ةاتحكيميةlajna) do. مح كموةmuḥākama judicial proceeding; trial, hearing (in court); legal prosecution احكوووو مiḥkām perfection; accuracy, exactness, exactitude, precision; exact performance, precise execution │ا ب الحك مaccurately, exactly, precisely; ب ا ا االحك مof highest perfection resemble ( هوs.th.), be attuned, adjusted, adapted ( هوto), be in harmony ( هوwith) 197 حك يوووةḥikāya pl. -āt story, tale, narrative, accountj (gram.) literal quotation (of the words of others) تحكوومtaḥakkum arbitrariness, arbitrary powers or action; despotism; domination, dominion, rule, sway, power; control ( و of, over) مح ك وmuḥākāh imitation; similarity, resemblance; harmony حوووووḥākin narrator, storyteller; phonograph; O loudspeaker, radio تحكمtaḥakkumī arbitrary; despotic اسووووووأحك م istiḥkām intensification, increase, strengthening; consolidation, stabilization; fortification; pl. اسووأحك م fortifications حو كمḥākim ruling, governing; decisive; --(pl. -ūn, حكو مḥukkām) ruIer, sovereign; governor; judge │(احوووووو كمbi-amrihī) autocratic; autocrat, dictator; حووو كماعووو م (‘āmm) governor general; حو كماا مبو راalmubārāh umpire, referee (athlet.); ح و كما ا صولاḥ. aṣ-ṣulḥ (Syr.) justice of the peace; ح و كماا حيووةḥ. an-nāḥiya (Tun.) district magistrate ح كميوةḥākimīya domination, dominion, rule, sovereignty; judgeship, judicature, jurisdiction (ir.) محكواماعليوmaḥkūm ‘alaih sentenced (ب to) │(امحكوووواماعلوووويهماب العوووودامi‘dām) those sentenced to death; ( محكواماعليو اب فشولfašal) doomed to fail محكووومmuḥakkam pl. -ūn arbitrator, arbiter; umpire, referee ( in, over) محكومmuḥkam strengthened, reinforced; firm, solid, sturdy; tight, taut; perfect, masterly, masterful; well-aimed (blow, hit); accurate, precise, exact │امحكوماا أودبيو well-planned, well-contrived مسوأحكمmustaḥkam reinforced, fortified; strengthened, consolidated, strong; inveterate, deep-seated, deep-rooted, ingrained (custom, trait, etc.); pl. مسوأحكم defenses, fortifications حكمدار, حكمداريةsee حكم حكووḥakā i ( حك يوةḥikāya) to tell, relate ( هوs.th.), report, give an account ( هوof); to speak, talk (syr., leb.); to imitate, copy ( هو s.th.); to resemble ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) III to imitate, copy ( هوs.th.), assimilate o.s. ( هو to); to be similar ( هوto), be like s.th. ( )هو, محكmaḥkīy imitated, imitation (adj.) حكيمب شsee حكم حولḥalla u (ḥall) to untie ( هوa knot), unbind, unfasten, unravel, undo ( هوs.th.); to solve ( ه وa problem, a puzzle); to decipher, decode ( هوs.th.): to dissolve in water ( هوs.th.; chem.); to resolve ( هوs.th. into its components), analyze ( هوs.th.); to melt ( هوs.th.); to decompose, disintegrate ( هs.th.); to disband, break up, dissolve ( هو an organization or party, parliament); to open, unpack ( هوa package, and the like); to loosen, relax ( هوs.th.); to release, set free, let go ( ه وs.th., هs.o.); to clear, exonerate, exculpate ( ه مووs.o. from), absolve ( هs.o., موfrom his sins; Ch,.); pass. ḥulla to be free; to be relaxed; -- i u ( حلوالḥulūl) to dismount, alight, stop, halt; to settle down, stay ( بat a place, also و and علو ;هwith s.o., at s.o.’s house), come (for a visit, علوto); to take up residence ( ه in a place or country); to descend, come down; to descend ( علووupon s.o.; wrath); to overcome, overwhelm ( علووs.o.; sleep); to befall ( بand علوووs.o.; punishment, suffering), occur, happen ( بto s.o.); to become incarnate ( وin s.o.; God); to set in, arrive, begin (time, season); -- i to pass into solution, dissolve: to fade (color); -- i (ḥill) to be allowed, permitted, permissible, lawful; to be due, payable (debt) │( حولا و ام صوبmanṣib) to take over or hold an office; ( حولامحلوmaḥallahū) to be in the right place; حولامحولا والن, حولامحولا ( ا شوmaḥalla) to take the place of s.o. or s.th., replace, supersede s.o. or s.th., substitute for s.o. or s.th.; حلوتا و اللبو امحوال (qalbihī) she held a place in his heart; حولا ( محلاا أقديوا ديوmaḥalla t-taqdīri ladaihi) to enjoy s.o.’s. high esteem; حلام اظفاساا قووا ا ( محوولmin nufūsi l-qurrā’i maḥalla listiḥsān) to appeal to the readers, meet 1 with the readers' approval II to dissolve, resolve (into its component parts), break up, decompose, analyze ( هوs.th.): to make a chemical analysis ( ه وof s.th.): to be dissolvent, act as a solvent ( هوon; med.): to discharge, absolve, clear, exonerate, exculpate ( هs.o.); ( تحلوةtaḥilla) to expiate an oath: to make permissible or lawful, legitimate, sanction, justify, warrant ( ه و s.th.); to declare permissible or lawful, allow, permit ( هوs.th.) IV to discharge, release, absolve, disengage ( ه مووs.o. from); to declare ( هوs.th.) lawful, legally permissible, permit, allow ( ه وs.th.); to cause to set in or occur, bring about, produce, cause to take root, establish, stabilize ( هs.th.): to cause ( هs.th.) to take or occupy the place ( هوof), shift, move, translocate ( هو هوs.th., e.g., a tribe, to a place); to settle ( هو بويs.th. among) │احلو ا ( محولmaḥallahū) to cause s.o. or s.th. to take the place of s.o. or s.th. else, replace s.o. or s.th. by, substitute s.o. or s.th. for, take s.o. or s.th. as substitute for; أحلاا ش ا ( محووولاا ع يوووةmaḥalla l-‘ināya) to pay attention to s.th., make s.th. one’s concern V to dissolve, melt, disintegrate; to disengage o.s., disassociate o.s., extricate o.s., free o.s. ( موfrom) VII to be untied (knot); to be solved, be unraveled (problem); to be dissolved, be broken up, be disbanded (also, of an organization, a party, etc.); to dissolve, melt; to become .lock, limp, weak, loose, relaxed; to disintegrate; to melt away VIII to settle down ( هوat a place); to occupy (mil., هوa territory); to assume, take over, occupy, hold, have ( ه وa place, 198 a rank, an office) │( احأووولاا مكووو ناادولal-makāna lawwala) to occupy the foremost place; ( احأولاأعم وa‘mālahū) to take over s.o.’s functions X to regard ( هوووs.th.) as permissible or lawful, think that one may do s.th. ( ;)هto regard as fair game, as easy prey, seize unlawfully, misappropriate, usurp ( هs.th.) حووولḥall pl. حلوووالḥulūl untying, unfastening, undoing (of a knot); solution (of a problem, of a puzzle, etc.); unriddling, unraveling, explanation; solution (chem.); dissolution, disbandment, breaking up (of all organization, etc.), abolition, cancellation, annulment; release, freeing, liberation; decontrol, release, unblocking (e.g., of a blocked sum); discharge. clearing, exoneration, exculpation; absolution (Chr.) │ ل بولا لحولsoluble, solvable; O ا حولا ( ا يفṭaifī) spectral analysis; اهلاا حلاوا عقود ahl al-ḥ. wa-l-‘aqd or ( اهلاا حولاوا ووبطrabṭ) influential people, those in power; و احلو ا ( وتوح وtarḥālihī) in all his doings, in everything he did حلḥill: ( ( ك نا احلام )عḥillin) he was free to …, he was at liberty to ...; he had free disposal of ...; اظتا احلامyou’re free to ..., you may readily ... حلووةḥalla pl. حلوولḥilal low copper vessel; cooking pot (eg.) حلوةḥilla way station, stopping place, stop, stopover; encampment; absolution (Chr.); dispensation (Chr.) حلوةḥulla pl. حلولḥulal clothing, dress, garb; vestments (ecclesiastic; Chr.); (complete) suit of clothes; (Western) suit │( حلةارسوميةrasmīya) uniform; حلوةاا سوهوḥ. as-suhra formal dress حووواللḥalāl that which is allowed, permitted or permissible; allowed, permitted, permissible, allowable, admissible, lawful, legal, licit, legitimate; lawful possession │ ابووو احووواللibn ḥ. legitimate son; respectable man, decent fellow حلالḥulūl stopping, putting up, staying; descending, coming on, befalling, overtaking; incarnation; setting in, advent, arrival (of a time, of a deadline), beginning, dawn; substitution (for s.o.) حليلḥalīl pl. احالaḥillā’2 husband حليلةḥalīla pl. حالئلḥalā’il2 iI' wife احليولiḥlīl outer opening of the urethra; urethra (anat.) محولmaḥall pl. -āt, محو لmaḥāll2 place, location, spot, site, locale, locality, center; (place of) residence; business; business house, firm, commercial house; store, shop; object, cause (e.g., of dispute, admiration, etc.); gear (automobile) │حولا محلوand احلو امحلوsee حولI and IV; محلو (maḥallahū) in his (its) place; و امحلوin his (its) place, in his (its) stead, instead of him; كو نا و امحلوto be in the right place; to be appropriate, expedient, advisable; to be justified, warranted; و اغيووامحلوimproper, misplaced, unsuitable, ill-suited; out of place; inappropriate, inexpedient, inopportune; صو اامحلوṣādafa maḥallahū to be convenient, be most opportune; الا ( محلا وmaḥalla) there is no room for ... ; it is out of place, quite déplacé; محولاا عمولm. al-‘amal place of employment; محولااالل موة m. al-iqāma (place of) residence, address; ( محوووولاظجوووو رtijārī) business house, commercial house; ا محوووووال اا عماميوووووة (‘umūmīya, tijārīya) public utilities and commercial houses; اس وماا محوولism al-m. firm; محوولارهاظوm. ruhūnāt pawnshop; محوال اا سوي حةm. as-siyāḥfa travel agencies; محووولاموهبوووm. muraṭṭibāt refreshment parlor; محلاا لهواm. al-lahw and محولاا مالهو m. al-malāhī (pl. )محو لamusement center; محوووولاظووووزا اm. nizā‘ object 199 of controversy, controversial matter; الاارىا محوالا عجوبlā arā m. li-‘ajabin I don’t see any reason for amazement, there is nothing to be astonished about; محوولm. naẓar s.th. deserving attention, a striking, remarkable thing محلوmaḥallī local; native, indigenous; parochial; pl. محليوlocal news, local page (of a newspaper) محلmaḥill due date; date of delivery محلوووةmaḥalla pl. -āt way station, stopping place, stop, stopover, encampment; camp; section, part, quarter (of a city) │( ا محلةاا كبووىkubrā) Mahalla el Kubra (city in N Egypt) تحليووولtaḥlīl dissolution, resolution, breaking up, decomposition, specification, detailing, analyzation; (pl. تح يولtaḥālīl2) analysis (chem.); absolution (Chr.) │ ب أحليوولin detail; معموولاتحليوولma‘mal t. laboratory for chemical analyses; تحليوولا ( كهوبوو ئkahrabā’ī) electrolysis; ا أحليووولا ( ا فس ايا فس ظ ةnafsī) psychoanalysis تحليلtaḥlīlī analytic(al) putrefaction; slackening, exhaustion, prostration, weakness, impotence احوأاللiḥtilāl occupation (mil.) │جيواشا االحأاللoccupation forces احأال وiḥtilālī occupying, occupation (used attributively); advocate of foreign occupation محلووووالmaḥlūl solved; dissolved, resolved, broken up; loose; untied, unfastened, unfettered, free, at large; weakened, prostrate, exhausted, languid; solution (liquid; chem.) │ محلالاا شعوm. ašša‘ar with loose, disheveled hair محللmuḥallil analyzer م حوووولmunḥall solved; dissolved, resolved, broken up; disbanded; languid, prostrate, weak; permitted, allowed جيوواشامحألووةjuyūš muḥtalla occupation forces 2 حيلا ةsee حال 2 حلوبḥālaba i u (ḥalb) to milk ( هوan animal) │ حلباا ودهوااشو وهḥalaba d-dahra ašṭurahū he has seen good and bad days V to run, drip, trickle, ooze, seep, leak; to water. drool (mouth, with appetite) │تأحلووبا و ا ( اد ووااهafwāh) making the mouth water, appetizing; ( تحلوباا لعو با و ا موal-lu‘ābu fī famī) my mouth was watering VIII to milk ( هوan animal) X do.; to squeeze juice ( هو from) حلبḥalb milking حلبḥalab milk حلبوةḥalba pl. ḥalabāt race track; arena; dance floor; race horses │ حلبوةاا وولصḥ. arraqṣ dance floor; اظو ا ويسامو اتلولاا حلبوةhe is not made for that, he doesn’t belong there, it is not in his line; رساحلبةابa master of, excelling or outstanding in حلبووووةḥulba fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum; bot.); tonic, prepared of yellowish grains, for women in childbed (eg., syr.) تحلووولtaḥallul dissolution, breakup; separation, disengagement, disassociation حليووبḥalīb milk │ ووب احليووبlaban ḥ. cow’s milk (eg.) اظحووواللinḥilāl dissolution, breakup, decomposition; disintegration; decay, حلوووابḥalūb lactiferous │بقوووو احلووواب (baqara) milk cow; ( ا م شويةاا حلوابmāšiya) dairy cattle حالبḥallāb milker حالبوووةḥallāba milkmaid, dairymaid; dairywoman; milk cow 200 محلوبmaḥlab mahaleb (Prunus mahaleb; bot.) ح بḥālib ureter مسأحلبmustaḥlab emulsion│مسأحلباا لواز m. al-lauz almond milk 2 حلبḥalab2 Aleppo حلأيوتḥiltīt, ḥaltīt asafetida (Ferula assafoetida; bot.) حلوḥalaja i u (ḥalj, cotton) حلوويḥalīj) to gin ( ه و حلوويḥalīj ginning (of cotton); ginned (cotton) حالجووةḥilāja cotton ginner’s work or trade حالḥallāj cotton ginner محلوmaḥlaj pl. ginnery مح و محوmaḥālij2 cotton حلحولḥalḥala to remove, drive away, shove away II taḥalḥala to stir from one’s place; to move, stir, budge حلزونḥalazūn snail; spiral حلوفḥilf sworn alliance, confederacy, league; federation; (pl. احوالاaḥlāf) ally│ا ‘( حلووفاعسووكوىaakarī) military alliancc; ( ا حلفااالهل وaṯlanṯī) the Atlantic Pact حليفةḥalīfa pl. -āt f. of حليف حلوااḥallūf pl. حال يوفḥalālīf2 (magr., eg.) wild boar; pig, swine حلفوḥulafā’ and حلفوةḥalfa (bot.) alfa, esparto تحليفtaḥlīf swearing in │ج ةاا أحليف lajnat at-t. the jury (in court) مح فةmuḥālafa alliance تح فtaḥāluf state of alliance; alliance, treaty of alliance محلفmuḥallaf sworn, bound by oath; (pl. -ūn) juror (in court) مأح فmutaḥālif interallied, allied حلزوظةḥalazūna (n. un.) snail; spiral حلزوظووḥalazūnī spiral, helical, volute, winding حلوسḥalisa a to remain, stay permanently ( بat a place), stick ( بto a place) حلووسḥi1s pl. احووالسaḥlās (with foll. genit.) one addicted or given to s.th., one adhering to s.th.│ احووالساا لهوواa. al-lahw people given to pleasure and amusement, bons vivants, playboys حلوسḥils pl. احوالسaḥlās, حلوواسḥulūs saddle blanket احلووسaḥlas2, f. chestnut (horse) حلفḥalf, ḥilf swearing, oath│ احلفاا يموي taking the oath حليوفḥaīf pl. حلفوḥulafā’2 confederate; ally; allied │ ا حلفthe Allies (pol.) حلḥalj ginning (of cotton) محل وmiḥlaj, محلجووةmiḥlaja pl. maḥālij2 cotton gin in ( هs.o.); to adjure, entreat earnestly (ه s.o.) III to enter into a confederation, into an alliance ( هwith s.o.), become an ally (ه of s.o.) VI to commit one another by oath ( علووto do s.th.), join in alliance; to ally, makc an alliance ( مواwith) X to make (ه s.o.) swear, exact an oath ( هfrom s.o.); to adjure, entreat earllestly ( هs.o.) حلسووḥulasā’2 bay, حلفḥalafa i (ḥalf, ḥilf) to swear ( ب هللby God)│ ( حلوفايمي وyamīnan) to take an oath II to make ( هs.o.) swear; to put to oath, swear حلوقḥalaqa i (ḥalq) to shave ( هوthe head, the face); to shave off ( ه وthe beard) II to circle in the air, hover; to fly, soar (bird; airplane; علوand ) واover or above s.th.); to round, make round, circular or ringshaped ( هوSotho); to 201 ring, surround, encircle ( علوووs.o., s.th.); to clothe V to form a circle, sit in a circle; to gather in a circle ( علوaround s.o.) حلقḥalq shaving, shave; (pl. حلواḥulūq, احالaḥlāq) throat, gullet, pharynx حلقوḥalqī guttural, pharyngeal حلقḥalaq rings, earrings حلقوةḥalqa, ḥalaqa pl. احلوقḥalaq, حلقو ḥalaqāt ring (also earring, etc.); link (of a chain); circle (also of people); group of students studying under a professor, hence: lecture, course (e.g., at Al Azhar University); part of a sequence or series; ringlet; disk; decade; market│ احلقوةاا جوḥ. an-najāh life buoy, life preserver; Jl-احلقوةا االتصو لḥ. al-ittiṣāl and حلقوةاا اصولḥ. alwaṣl connecting link ( بويbetween; fig.); ا حلقووووةاا مفقوووواthe missing link, the intermediate form; وواا حلقوةاا س سوةامو اعمووه (‘umrihī) in the sixth decade of his life, in his fifties; حلقةااالسمfish market; حلقةاا ق ḥ. al-quṯn cotton market حلقوووو circular ḥalaqī annular, ring-shaped, حوالḥallāq pl. -ūn barber │ حوال اصوح (ṣiḥḥī), حووال اا صووحةḥ. aṣ-ṣiḥḥa barbersurgeon حليقḥalīq shaved, shaven, shorn حاللوةḥallāqa shaving, shave; barber’s trade │ اصو باناا حاللوةṣābūn al-ḥ. shaving soap; صو اناا حاللوةbarbershop; ل عوةاا حاللوة qā‘at al-ḥ. do.; O م كي ةاحاللةand O آ وةاحاللوة safety razor محلوقmiḥlaq pl. محو قmaḥāliq2 straight razor تحليوقtaḥlīq flying, flight (of all aircraft; علووand واover a country); take-off (of an airplane) م اح قmin ḥāliq from above حلقوامḥulqūm pl. حاللومḥalāqim2 throat, gullet │ راحوةاا حلقوامrāḥat al-ḥ. a kind of sweet made of cornstarch, sugar, mastic and pistachios (eg.) حلولḥalika a (ḥalak) to be pitch-black, deepblack XII احلا لiḥlaulaka do. حللḥalak intense blackness حلكةḥulka intense blackness حلوووولḥalik pitch-black, gloomy, murky deep-black; حلاكوووةḥulūka gloominess, darkness; blackness ح ووولḥālik pitch-black, deep-black; gloomy, murky حلومḥalama u to dream ( بor عوof; وواانof being, becoming, doing, etc., in the future); to muse, reflect, meditate ( بon s.th.); to attain puberty; -- ḥaluma u to be gentle, mild-tempered VIII to attain puberty حلوومḥulm, pl. احووالمaḥlām, dream; pl. irreality, utopia حلموḥulmī dream- (in compounds), of or pertaining to dreams حلمḥulum sexual maturity, puberty │ابلو ا ا حلمto attain puberty حلوومḥilm, pl. حلوامḥulūm, احووالمaḥlām gentleness, clemency, mildness; forbearance, indulgence; patience; insight, discernment, understanding, intelligence, reason │اصوووغ رااالحوووالم simpleminded people, simple souls حلوومḥalam (coll.; n. un. ) tick; mite; nipple, teat, mammilla (of the female breast) حلموووḥalamī parasitic; mammillary, nipple-shaped حليمḥalīm, pl. حلمḥulamā’ 2 mild, mildtempered, gentle; patient 202 احلووامḥālūm, حوو امḥālūm a kind of Egyptian cheese ح مḥālim pl. -ūn dreamer محووووألمmuḥtalim sexually pubescent, marriageable mature, ( حلواand )حلووḥaluwa u, ḥaliya a, حوالḥalā u ( حوالوḥalāwa, حلواانḥulwān) to be sweet; to be pleasant, agreeable ( لto s.o.) │حالا ا ا ش وhe enjoyed the thing; حووالا و اانit pleased him that ..., he was delighted that ...; ( حسوووبم ايحلووواا وووḥasabamā) at his discretion, as he pleases; -- حلووḥalā i to adorn, grace; -- حلووḥaliya a to be adorned ( بwith) II to sweeten (II s.th., e.g., a beverage with sugar); to adorn, bedeck, embellish, attire, furnish, provide ( ه و, ه s.o., s.th., بwith) V to adorn o.s., be adorned, decked out, embellished, graced, endowed, furnished, provided ( بwith) X to find sweet or pleasant, like ( هوs.th.), be delighted ( هby) حالḥalan sweetness, pleasantness حلوووواḥulw sweet; pleasant, nice, charming, delightful, pretty │ حلوااا حوديثa gifted raconteur, amusing, entertaining; ( ا غد اا حلاgudda) pancreas (anat.) حلوḥaly pl. حلوḥulīy piece of jewelry, trinket حمةḥamma hot spring حموووةḥumma blackness, swarthiness, dark coloration; fever حليوووةḥilya pl. حلووووḥilan, ḥulan decoration, embellishment, finery; ornament حمومḥumam (n. un. ) charcoal; anything charred or carbonized; ashes, cinder; lava حلوواىḥalwa pl. حووالوىḥalāwa candy, confection, confectionery, sweetmeats حم ووḥumma f., pl. حمي وḥummayāt fever, fever heat │ ا حموواا أيفا يوةand ا حمووا ( ا أيفيوةtīfīya) typhoid fever, typhus fever; حمواا دḥ. d-diqq hectic fever; حموواا وبواḥ. r-rib‘ quartan fever; ا حموواا واجعوةrelapsing fever; ا حموووواا صوووفواor ا حموووواا صوووفواوية (ṣafrā’, ṣafrāwīya) yellow fever; حموواا غوب ḥ. l-gibb tertian fever; ا حموووواا فحميوووة (faḥmīya) anthrax; ا حموووووووواا قومزيوووووووة (qirmizīya) scarlet fever; حمواا قشḥ. l-qašš hayfever; ( ا حموواا قالعيوةqulā‘īya) foot-andmouth disease; ا حموووووواا م يوووووةاا شووووواكية (mukkīya, šaukīya) cerebrospinal meningitis; ( ا حمووواا مأماجووةmutamawwija) undulant fever, Malta fever, brucellosis; ( ا حمووواا ف سوويةnifāsīya) puerperal fever, childbed fever; O ( ا حموواا مشويةnamašīya) spotted fever حلااfi.alwa'2 candy, confection, con· fectionery, sweetmeats حلاي وḥalwayāt (and eg. ḥalawīyāt) sweets (in general); sweet pastry; candies, confectionery, sweetmeats حووووالوḥalāwa sweetness; candies, confectionery, sweetmeats; grace, gracefulness, charm, refinement, wittiness, wit; present of money; ransom │( احوالو احمصويةḥummuṣīya) a sweet made of roasted chick-peas; حووووالو اهحي يووووة (ṭahīnīya) a sweet made of sesame-seed meal; ( حوالو ا ازيوةlauzīya) a sweet made of almonds حلووواانḥulwān gratuity, tip present of money, حموḥummī feverish, febrile, fever- (in compounds) حلوووااظḥalwānī and حلووواائḥalwā’ī confectioner, candy dealer; pastry cook, fancy baker حمو مḥamām (coll.; n. un. ) pl. -āt, حمو ئم ḥamā’im2 dove, pigeon │ حم ماا زاجولcarrier pigeon; سووو اا حمووو مbugloss, oxtongue (Anchusa officinalis; bot.) مو ااحيلووmā uḥailā oh, how sweet is ..., م ااحيالهoh, how sweet he is! حم مḥimām (fate of) death تحليوةtaḥliya decoration, embellishment, ornamentation حمو مḥammām pl. -āt bath; swimming pool; spa, watering place │ حمو ماشوومسḥ. šams sunbath; ( حم مووو ابحويوووةbaḥrīya) seaside resorts محل ووmuḥallan sweetened; decorated, embellished, adorned, ornamented (ب with) 1 حموويمḥamīm pl. احموaḥimmā’2 close friend; close, intimate; -- hot water احوومḥam pl. احم وaḥmā’ father-in-law; pl. relatives of the wife by marriage, in-laws of the wife احومaḥamm2, f. ḥumm black حموḥamāh pl. حموااḥamawāt motherin-law; see also 1 احموand 2حمو 2 حمḥuma see 2احما 3 حومḥamma u (ḥamm) to heat, make hot ( هو s.th.); pass. ḥumma to be feverish, have a fever │( حما و ا ولḥumma) that was decreed to him, that is his lot, his destiny II to heat, make hot ( هوs.th.); to bathe, wash ( هو or هs.o. or s.th.) IV to heat, make hot ( هو s.th.) X to bathe, take a bath حموḥammā’2, pl. حووم محومmiḥamm hot-water kettle, caldron, boiler اسأحم مistiḥmām bathing, bath محموووامmaḥmūm feverish, having a fever; frantic, hectic 1 حمبḥama’a a to clean out, dredge ( هa well) حمبḥama’, حمبḥam’a mud, mire, sludge 2 حموئḥami’a to be or become angry, furious, mad ( علوat s.o.) حمحوومḥamḥama ( حمحمووةḥamḥama) to neigh, whinny (horse) حمحموةḥamḥama neigh(ing), whinnying, whinnies حمحوووومḥimḥim oxtongue, (Anchusa officinalis; bot.) bugloss حموودḥamida a (ḥamd) to praise, commend, laud, extol ( ه علووs.o. for, هوs.th.) II to praise highly ( هs.o.) حموووودḥamd commendation, praise, laudation │ ا حموداهللal-ḥamdu lillāh thank God! praise be to God! praised be the Lord! حميووودḥamīd praiseworthy, laudable, commendable; benign, harmless (disease) حموواḥamūd praiseworthy, laudable, commendable, praised احمووودaḥmad2 more laudable, more commendable ا شووويعةاادحمديووةaš-šarī‘a al-aḥmadīya Mohammedan Law محموودmaḥmada pl. مح موودmaḥāmid2 commendable act; pl. مح مووودpraises, encomiums حمو رḥimār pl. حميووḥamīr, حمووḥumur, احمووaḥmira donkey, ass │ حمو راا واحشḥ. al-waḥš and ( حمو راوحشوwaḥšī) wild ass, onager; سووماا حموو رsamm al-ḥ. oleander (Nerium oleander; bot.) حمو رḥimāra pl. حمو ئوḥamā’ir2 she-ass, female donkey حموووارḥumūr red, red color(ation), redness حميوḥumaira redstart (zool.) حم رḥammār pl. donkey driver احمووaḥmar2, f. حموواḥamrā’2, pl. حموو ḥumr red, red-colored, ruddy; rosy, pink │تحتاادحمو, وناادحموinfrared; ا بحوواادحموو the Red Sea; ا صوليباادحمووthe Red Cross; ( ا مووا اادحموووmaut) violent death; ا هوواىا ( ادحمووhawā) sexual intercourse; ادحمووان (“the two red ones”, i.e.) wine and meat; “( االسوا اواالحمووthe black and the red”, i.e.) all mankind; احمواا شف هlipstick حموووواḥamrā’2 smut, rust (disease affecting cereals); ا حمووواAlhambra, the Citadel of Granada يحموارyaḥmūr red; deer, roe, roebuck; wild ass; hemoglobin (physiol.) محمواmaḥmūd praised; commendable, laudable, praiseworthy احموووارiḥmirār reddening, blush(ing), redness, red coloration; erythema (med.) محموووووووووود muḥammad commendable, laudable محمووmuḥammar roasted │ ب و هسامحموو (baṭāṭis) fried potatoes praised; محموووودmuḥammadī pertaining attributable to Mohammed or حمووزḥamaza i (ḥamz) to bite, or burn, the tongue (taste) حمدلḥamdala to pronounce the formula ا حمداهلل "Praise be to God!” حموسḥamisa a to work with zeal, be zealous, eager, ardent, be or become enthusiastic, get all worked up, get excited, be filled with fanatic enthusiasm V = I; to be overzealous or over-enthusiastic ( وin s.th.); to advocate fervently ( لs.th.), throw o.s. wholeheartedly behind s.th. ()ل حمد وةḥamdala the formula ( ا حموداهللsee above) حمووII to redden, color or dye red ( هوs.th.); to roast ( هs.th.); to fry ( هs.th.); to brown ( هو flour in preparing a roux) IX to turn red, take on a reddish color, redden, blush 204 حموḥumar asphalt حموووḥumarī asphaltic, asphalt, tar, tarry حمووḥumra redness, red color(ation), red; rouge (cosm.); brick dust, brick rubble; erysipelas, St. Anthony's fire (med.) حمووووسḥamis and احمووووسaḥmas2 unflinching, staunch, steadfast, ardent, eager, zealous, stout, hearty; fiery, enthusiastic, full of enthusiasm حمووو سḥamās, and حم سوووةḥamāsa enthusiasm, fire, ardor, fervor, zeal, fanaticism حم سوووḥamāsī enthusiastic, ardent, fiery, zealous, fanatic; stirring, rousing, thrilling, electrifying تحموووسtaḥammus unflinching zeal, enthusiasm ( لfor), fanaticism موووووأحمسmutaḥammis enthusiastic, ardent, fiery, zealous, fanatic; an ardent follower, a fanatic adherent, a fanatic حموشḥamaša u to excite, irritate, infuriate, enrage ( هs.o.) حمشةḥamša catgut (med.) 1 حمصII to roast; to fry, broil (A s.th.) حموووصḥimmiṣ, ḥimmmaṣ; (colloq.) ḥummuṣ (coll.; n. un. ) chick-pea 2 حموصMm,' Homs (the ancient Emesa, city in oentral Syria) حموḥamuḍa u ( حماضووةḥumūḍa) to be or become sour II to make sour, sour, acidify, acidulate ( هs.th.); to develop ( هوa photographic plate, a film; phot.); to cause ( هs.th.) to oxidize حموḥamaḍa pl. احموaḥmāḍ acid (chem.) │ ( حم اباbaulī) uric acid شجواحمšajar ḥamḍī citrus trees حم يةḥamḍīya pl. -āt citrus fruit 205 حماضةhummūḍa sourness, acidity │ ما داا حماضةmuwallid al-ḥ. oxygen (chem.) حموḥammāḍ, حمويḥummaiḍ sorrel (bot.) تحموويtaḥmīḍ souring, acidification; development (phot.) احموiḥmāḍ jocular language, joking remark حو مsour, acid; acidulous; (pl. حواام ḥawāmiḍ) acid (chem.) │ حو م اا فحومḥ. alfaḥm carbonic acid: ( حو م اكبويأوkibrītī) sulphuric acid حمووقḥamiqa a and ḥamuqa u (ḥumq, حم لووة ḥamāqa) to be stupid, silly, foolish, fatuous; to become angry or furious II and IV to regard ( هs.o.) as a fool, consider (ه s.o.) dumb, stupid, idiotic n pretend to be stupid VII to become angry or furious X to consider ( هs.o.) dumb, stupid, idiotic حموووووقḥumq foolishness, folly stupidity, silliness, حم لووووةḥamāqa stupidity, silliness, foolishness, folly; anger, wrath حمووو ḥumāq, ḥamāq smallpox, variola (med.) حموقaḥmaq2, f. حمقوḥamqā’2, pl. حموق ḥum(u)q, حمقوووḥamqā, حموو لوḥamāqā dumb, stupid, silly, foolish, fatuous; fool, simpleton, imbecile حموووقḥamqān dumb, stupid, silly, foolish; angry, furious حمولḥamala i (ḥaml) to carry, bear ( هوs.th.); to lift, pick up ( هوs.th. in order to carry it), load up and take along ( هs.th.): to hold ( ه s.th., in one’s hand); to carry on or with one. take or bring along ( ه وs.th.); to transport, carry, convey ( هوs.th.); to bring, take ( ا ووor هو لs.th. to s.o.); to take upon o.s. ( عوinstead of or for s.o., هوa burden), carry, assume ( هوthe burden, عوof s.o. else), relieve ( عو هوs.o. from s.th.), take ( هوa burden, a grievance, etc.) from s.o. ( ;)ع وto extend, show, evince, cherish, ha.rbor ( هوa feeling, لtoward s.o.); to become or be pregnant ( موby s.o.): to bear fruit (tree); to induce, cause, prompt, get ( ه علووs.o. to do s.th.), make s.o. ( )هdo s.th. ( ;)علووto convert, bring around, win over ( ه علوووارأي وs.o. to one’s opinion), convince ( ه علووارأيوs.o. of one’s opinion); to attack ( علوووs.o.), also حموولاحملووةاعلووو (ḥamlatan) to launch or make an attack on; to know by beart ( هوa book); to relate, refer ( هو علووs.th. to). bring ( هوs. th.) to bear ( علووupon s.th.), link, correlate, bring into relation ( هوs.th., علووwith); to trace, trace back ( هو علوووs.th. to); to ascribe, attribute, impute ( هو علووs.th. to s.o.); to make ( هa word) agree grammatically (علو with another) │ احموووولا وووو اظفسووووto feel annoyed, be in a melancholy mood, feel blue; حموولاعلووواظفسوto pull o.s. together, brace o.s.; ( حمل اعلووامحمولmaḥmali) to take s.th. to mean …, interpret or construe s.th. in the sense of …, as if it were ...; حمل اعلوا غيوامحمولto misinterpret, misconstrue s.th.; ( حمل امحملاا جدmaḥmala l-jidd) to take s.th. seriously, take s.th. at face value II to have or make ( هs.o.) carry or bear ( هوs.th.), load, burden, charge, task ( هو, هs.o. or s.th. هوwith), impose ( ه هوon s.o. s.th.) V to hear, assume, take upon o.s. ( هوs.th., e.g., ا فقan-nafaqāt the expenses, ا مسوؤو يةalmas’ūlīya the responsibility); to bear up ( ه وunder), bear, stand, sustain, endure, tolerate, stomach ( ه وs.th.); to undergo, suffer ( هوs.th.); to be able to stand ( هs.o.) or put up ( هwith s.o.); to set out, get on one’s way; to depart VI to maltreat, treat unjustly ( علوووs.o.), be prejudiced, be biased, take sides ( علوووagainst s.o.); to struggle to 206 one’s feet, rise with great effort │ ( اتح موولاعلووواظفسوnafsihi) to brace o.s.; to pull o.s. together, take heart, pluck up courage VIII to carry, bring ( هوs.th.); to carry away, take away, haul off, lug off ( هو s.th.); to suffer, undergo, bear, stand, endure, sustain ( هوs.th.); to allow, permit, suffer, tolerate, brook, stomach ( هوs.th.), acquiesce ( هوin), put up, bear ( هوwith s.th.); to hold ( هوs.th.), have capacity ( هو for); to imply that s.th. ( )هوis possible, permissible, or conceivable; يحأمووووول yaḥtamilu and (pass.) yuḥtamalu (it is) bearable, tolerable; (it is) conceivable, possible, probable, likely حموووووول ḥaml carrying, bearing; inducement, prompting, encouragement (of s.o., علووووto); delivery; transport, transportation, conveyance; portage, carrying charges; -- (pl. احمو لaḥmāl, حمو ل ḥimāl) foetus; pregnancy │‘ عدماا حملadam al-ḥ. sterility (of a woman) حمولḥiml, ḥaml pl. احمو لaḥmāl cargo, load, burden │ حملاحḥaml ḥayy pay load, commercial load, live load; حمووولاميوووت mayyit) dead load; dead weight (arch.); ( حمووووولامووووواازنmuwāzin) counterpoise, counterweight حموولḥamal pl. حمووالنḥumlān, احم و ل aḥmāl lamb; (unconsecrated) Host (Chr.Copt.); Aries, Ram (astron.) حملوةḥamla pl. ḥamalāt attack ( علووon); offensive; campaign; military expedition; expeditionary force │( حملةاتب يبيوةta’dībīya) punitive expedition; m حملوووووةاصوووووح ي (ṣiḥāfīya) press campaign; حمل وةااسأكش و ية (istikšāfīya) reconnaissance raid (mil.); حملوةاميك ظيكيوةmotorized detachment (mil.); ( حملةااظأ بيةintikābīya) election campaign حمل وḥamalī pl. -īya ambulant water vendor حميوووولḥamīl warrantor foundling; guarantor, حميلووةاعلوووḥamīla ‘alā a burden to, completely dependent upon حموووالḥamūl long-suffering; gentle, mild-tempered حم لḥamnāl pl. -ūn, porter, carrier حم وةḥimāla work and trade of a porter or carrier حم وةḥammāla (carrier) beam, girder, support, base, post, pier, pillar; suspenders │( حم ةاا صدرṣadr) brassiere حما وةḥumūla pl. -āt load capacity, load limit, capacity; tonnage (of a vessel); portage, freightage, transport charges; (pl. حم ئلḥamā’il2) family (Ir.) محمولmaḥmal see حمولḥamala; also أ ولا ( شويئ اعلووامحمولاا جودm. il-jidd) to take s.th. seriously محملmaḥmil (colloq. maḥmal) pl. مح مول maḥāmil2 camel-borne litter; mahmal, a richly decorated litter sent by Islamic rulers to Mecca as an emblem of their independence, at the time of the hadj تحميولtaḥmīl burdening; encumbrance; imposition; loading, shipping, shipment تحميلوووةtaḥmīla pl. تح مووولtaḥāmil2 suppository (med.) تحمولtaḥammul taking over, assumption (of burdens); bearing, standing, sufferance, endurance; durability; strength,hardiness, sturdiness, solidity (of a material) تح ملtaḥāmul prejudice, bias, partiality; intolerance احأموووو لiḥtimāl bearing, standing, suffering, sufferance, toleration; probability, likelihood, potentiality │صعبا ( االحأم لṣa‘b) hard to bear, oppressive ح موولḥāmil pl. حملووةḥamala porter, carrier; bearer (of a note, of a check, etc.; of an order or decoration); holder (of an identification paper, of a diploma, of a 207 certificate); holding device, holder, clamp, fastener, hold, support (tech.); fighter ( علووagainst), (pl. حاامولḥawāmil2) pregnant │ ح مولاا بويودcourier, حملوةاادسوهمḥ. al-ashum shareholders; حملوووةاادلوووالمthe publicists, the writers; ح ملاكالماḥ. kalām allāh one who knows the Koran by heart; ( تيوو راح موولtayyār) carrier current (el.), ( ماج اح ملةmaujāt) carrier waves (el.) حميوووووḥumayyā heat; excitement, agitation; enthusiasm; fire, passion, impetuosity, vehemence; fury, rage; wine حم وḥamāwa heat محمووmaḥman fire chamber, furnace (of a stove, oven, etc.) ح ملوةḥāmila pl. -āt device for carrying, carrier │اح ملةا وي وةmap case; ح ملوةاهو ئوا ḥ. ṭā’irāt aircraft carrier محموالmaḥmūl carried, borne, bearable, tolerable; load weight, service weight, cargo; tonnage (of a vessel); predicate, attribute (logic), محموالاعليوsubject (logic) │( مشو امحما ووةmušāh) motorized infantry (mil.); ج ووا امحما واناجووااairborne troops (mil.) محمولmuḥammal loaded, laden, heavily charged, burdened ( بwith), encumbered ( بby) محأموولmuḥtamal bearable, tolerable; probable, likely حملوقḥamlaqa ( حملقوةḥamlaqa) to stare, gaze ( or بat) حماليḥimalāyā Himalaya 1 حمواḥamū (construct state of حومḥam) and حمو ḥamāh see 1احم حمواةand حمو )حمووḥamiya a to be or become hot; to glow (metal); to flare up; to fly into a rage, become furious ( علووووat) │احمووووا ا واهيسfierce fighting broke out II to make hot, heat ( هوs.th.), to heat to glowing ( هوmetal); to fire up ( هوa stove); to kindle, inflame, stir up, excite ( هوs.th.); to bathe (= 3 احومII) IV to make hot, heat ( هs.th.) 2 حم واḥamw heat │ حم وااا ي ولḥ. an-nīl prickly heat, heat rash, lichen tropicus (eg.) حماḥumūw heat حموةḥuma pl. -āt, حم ووḥuman sting, stinger (of insects); prick, spine (of plants) حمḥamīy hot, glowing; heated, exited حموḥummā see 3احم حميووووةḥamīya zeal, ardor, fervor; enthusiasm, ardent zeal, fanaticism; violence, vehemence; passion, rage, fury; heat of excitement; temper, temperament │(اا حميةاا قاميةqaumīya) chauvinism حو مḥāmin hot; heated, violent, fierce (e.g., a battle); glowing, passionate, fiery; burning 1 احمووḥamā i (ḥamy, حم يوةḥimāya) to defend, guard ( هو, هs.o., s.th., موagainst), protect, shelter, shield ( هو مو, هs.o., s.th. from); to deny ( ا مويthe patient) harmful food ( ;هو = to put him on diet); to forbid ( ه انs.o. to do s.th.) III to defend ( موs.o. or s.th., also, of a lawyer in court); to shield, protect, support ( عوs.o. or s.th.), take up the cause of ( )عو, stand up for ( )عوVI to keep away ( هوfrom), shun, avoid ( هوs.th.) VIII to protect o.s. (ه, هوfrom s.th., from s.o.), defend o.s., cover o.s. ( بwith s.th.), seek protection, seek shelter or refuge ( بwith s.o., also م ;ع دfrom) حموووووḥiman sanctuary protection; defense; حميوةḥimya that which is defended; diet 208 حم يووووةḥimāya pl. -āt patronage, sponsorship, protectorate (pol.) protection, auspices; مح م وmuḥāmāh defense (jur.); legal profession, practicing of law │ اهيوب اا مح مو ḥai’at al-m. the bar احأم وiḥtimā’ seeking cover, seeking protection; cover, shelter, protection ح و مḥāmin pl. حم وḥumāh protector, defender, guardian; patron │اا دو ووةاا ح ميووة (daula) protecting power (of a protectorate) ح ميووووةḥāmiya pl. -āt protectress; garrison (mil.) patroness, محموmaḥmīy protected ( بby); being under a protectorate, having the status of a protectorate │( م قوووووةامحميوووووةminṭaqa) protectorate (country) محميوووةmaḥmīya pl. -āt protectorate (country; pol.) مح و مmuḥāmin pl. مح و ميانmuḥāmūn defense counsel, counselor-at-law, lawyer, barrister, attorney (at law), advocate مح ميةmuḥāmiya woman lawyer ح ظبةlook up alphabetically محووووأمmuḥtamin one who seeks protection; protégé; being under a protectorate, having the status of a protectorate 2 احم, حم هḥamāh Hama (city in W Syria) ح ووةḥanna sympathy; commiseration, compassion, pity; favorable aspect, advantage ح و نḥanān sympathy, love, affection, tenderness; commiseration, compassion, pity; ح ظيوولḥanānaika have pity! have mercy! compassion, ح بلḥanbalī Hanbalitic, of or pertaining to the madhab of Aḥmad ibn ḥanbal; puritanical, strict in religious matters; (pl. ح بلوووة ḥanābila) Hanbalite ح ظا, ح ظاتsee ح ا حوḥanna i ( ح ويḥanīn) to long, yearn, hanker ( ا ووfor), crave ( ا ووs.th.); -- ( ح وةḥanna, ح و نḥanān) to feel tenderness, affection, sympathy ( علوووfor s.o.); to sympathize, commiserate ( علووwith), feel compassion ( علووfor); to pity ( علووs.o.), have mercy ( علوووon) II to move, touch, fill with tenderness, soften, fill with compassion ( للب وqalbahū s.o.’s heart); to blossom, flower, be in bloom (tree) V to feel sympathy, feel pity, feel compassion (علوو for s.o.), commiserate ( علووwith s.o.); to be tender, affectionate ح ظوووووةḥanāna commiseration (redbreast); ( تمووواا ح ووcolloq. tamr elḥinna) henna plant (Lawsonia inermis; bot.) pity, ح وثḥanita a (ḥint) with و ايمي وor بيمي و: to break one’s oath V to practice piety, perform works of devotion; to seek religious purification; to scorn sin, not yield to sin ح ثḥint pl. اح ثaḥnāt perjury; sin 209 ح جوḥanjara pl. ح جوḥanājir2 larynx, throat ح جوارḥunjūr pl. ح و جيوḥanājīr 2 larynx, throat ح جوولḥanjala to prance (horse); to caper, gambol II taḥanjala to dance, caper, gambol, frisk ح دسḥindis pl. ح سḥanādis2 dark night ح ودلاḥandaqūq (bot.) melilot, (yellow) sweet clover (Melilotus) ح شḥanaš pl. اح شaḥnāš snake حو طII to embalm ( هa corpse); to stuff ( هوa carcass) ح ةḥinṭa wheat ح وووووي ḥanīn longing, yearning, hankering, nostalgia, craving, desire اح هةḥināṭa embalming ح وانḥanūn affectionate, loving, softhearted, tenderhearted, compassionate, merciful; tender, soft, gentle, kind, moving, touching (voice) مح طmuḥannaṭ mummified ح وووو نḥannān affectionate, loving, tender; compassionate, sympathetic تح ووو نtiḥnān attachment, devotion, loyalty تحووtaḥannun tenderness, affection, sympathy ح بII to dye red ( هs.th., with henna) ح وḥinnā’ henna (a reddish-orange cosmetic gained from leaves and stalks of the henna plant) │ ابوااا ح وabū l-ḥ. robin تح طtaḥannuṭ mummification ‘ عوبوةاا ح وارarabat al-ḥanṭūr, victoria, light carriage. designed for two passengers ح رووولḥanẓal (coll.; n. un. ) colocynth (Citrullue colocynthis; bot.) ح فḥanafa i to turn or bend sideways ح يووفḥanīf pl. ح فوووḥunafā’2 true believer, orthodox; one who scorns the false creeds surrounding him and professes the true religion; true (religion) │( ا ودي اا ح يوفdin) the True (i.e., Islamic) Religion, also ( ا ح يفةاا سمحsamḥā’) ح ف وḥanafī pagan, heathen, idolater (Chr.); Hanafitic (see ( ;)ح يفووةpl. -ūn) Hanafi ح فيووةḥanafīya paganism, heathendom (Chr.); Hanafitic madhab (an orthodox school of theology founded by Abu Hanifah); -- (pl. -āt) faucet, tap; hydrant ا ح يفيوووةal-ḥanīfīya the True (i.e., Islamic) Religion اح وفaḥnaf2 afflicted with a distortion of the foot ح وقḥaniqa a (ḥanaq) to be furious, mad, angry; to be annoyed, exasperated, peeved, irritated ( علوووor موat, by), be resentful ( علووor موof) IV to infuriate, enrage, embitter, exasperate, irritate (ه s.o.) ح وقḥanaq fury, rage, ire, wrath, anger, exasperation, resentment, rancor ح ووووقḥaniq furious, mad, angry; resentful, bitter, embittered, annoyed, exasperated, peeved حوووو ظقḥāniq furious, mad, angry; resentful, bitter, embittered, annoyed, exasperated, peeved │ حوووو ظقاعلووووواا حيوووو (ḥayāh) weary of life, dispirited, dejected; ( ح ظقاعلواا سnisā’) misogynist مح ووووووق muḥannaq infuriated, enraged; embittered, bitter, angry, exasperated, resentful ح ولḥanaka i u, II and IV to sophisticate, make experienced or worldly-wise through severe trials (said of fate, time, age) ح لḥanak pl. احaḥnāk palate ح كḥanakī palatal ح ولḥunk, ḥink and ح كوةḥunka worldly experience, worldly wisdom gained through experience, sophistication مح وولmuḥannak experienced, worldly wise, sophisticated │( مح وووولامب وووولmubannak) shrewd, smart, sharp ( ح واand ح و )ح ووḥanā u and ح ووḥanā i to bend, curve, twist, turn; to lean, incline ( علووor ا ووtoward s.o.); to feel for s.o. ()علووووو, sympathize ( علوووووwith s.o.), commiserate, pity ( علوووووs.o.), feel compassion, feel pity ( علوووfor s.o.); to bend, bow, flex, curve, crook ( هوs.th.) IV to bend, bow, tilt, incline ( هوs.th.; e.g., رأسوra’sahū one’s head); to sympathize ( علوو210 with s.o.), feel compassion, feel pity ( علووfor s.o.), commiserate, pity (علوو s.o.) VII to bend, curve, twist, turn; to be winding, be tortuous, wind, meander (e.g., a road); to turn, deviate, digress ( عوو from); to bow ( لto s.o.); to lean, incline ( علووor ; واover s.th., ا وووtoward s.o., toward s.th.); to devote o.s. eagerly ( علووto s.th.); to contain, harbor ( علووs.th.) │انا ( ضوولاع االات ح و اعلووواضووغḍulū‘ī, ḍign) I harbor no grudge, I feel no resentment ح واḥanw bending, deflection, flexing, flexure, curving, curvature, twisting, turning ح اḥinw pl. احaḥnā’ bend, bow, turn, twist, curved line, curve, contour; pl. ribs │ بي ااح ئهin her bosom ح ووواḥunuw sympathy, compassion, tenderness, affection ح وḥanīy bending, deflection, flexing, flexure, curving, ourvature, twisting, turning ح يةḥanya bend, turn, curve ح يةḥanīya pl. ح يوḥanāyā arc; camber, curvature │ و اح يو اصودرهin his bosom; و ا ح ي اظفسin his heart, deep inside him ح يوووووةḥināya curving, twisting, turning, bending curvature, ح ظاsee below مح ووووmaḥnan pl. محووو نmaḥānin curvature, bend, flexure, bow, turn, curve اظح وووووinḥinā’ bend, deflection, curvature; curve; arc; inclination, tilt; how, curtsy اظحinḥinā’a (n. vic.) bow, curtsy ا حوااظal-ḥawānī the longest ribs; (fig.) breast, bosom │ بموول احووااظيهمbi-mil’i ḥ. (they shouted) at the top of their lungs, with all their might مح وووmaḥnīy bowed, inclined (head); bent, curved, crooked مو ح اmunḥanin bent, curved, crooked, twisted; inclined, bowed م ح وmunḥanan pl. م ح يوmunḥanayāt bend, flexure, deflection, curvature; turn, twist, break, angle; curve (of a road, end math.); slope حو ظاḥānūt pl. حااظيوتḥawānīt2 store, shop; wineshop, tavern حوو ظاتḥānūtī pl. -īya (eg.) corpse washer; undertaker, mortician, gravedigger حااḥawwā’2 Eve حوابV to abstain from sin; to lead شpious life; to refrain, abstain ( مfrom s.th.) حابوووةḥauba sin, offense, misdeed, outrage essentials; محوولاا ح جووةmaḥall al-ḥ. the essential passage, the gist, the substance, the crux, the interesting part (of an exposition); سووداح جأ وsadda ḥājatahū to meet s.o.’s needs, provide for s.o.’s needs; ل وواح جأوqaḍā ḥājatahū to fulfill s.o.’s wish; ل واا ح جةto relieve nature ح جيوḥājīyyāt everyday commodities, utensils, utilities, necessaries, necessities احواin greater need ( ا ووof s.th.); more necessary احأيوiḥtiyāj want, need, requirement, (pre)requisite, necessity; pl. -āt needs, necessities, necessaries حابḥaubā’ soul محو ويmaḥāwīj2 (pl. of محواmuḥwij) needy, poor, destitute people حواpl. حيأو نḥītān, احوااaḥwāt fish; whale; Pisces, Fishes (astron.) │ حووا اسووليم نḥ. sulaimān salmon محأوmuḥtāj in need, in want ( ا ووof s.th.), requiring ( ا ووs.th.); poor, destitute, indigent 2 حواIV aḥwaja to have need, stand in need, be in went ( ا ووof s.th.), need, require, went ( ا ووs.th.); to put ( هs.o.) in need of ()ا وو, make necessary ( ه ا ووfor s.o. s.th.), require ( ه ا وof s.o. s.th.), compel, oblige ( ه ا وs.o. to); to impoverish, reduce to poverty (ه s.o.) │( امو ااحاجو اا ووaḥwajahū) how much he .tends in need of ...! how urgently he needs ...! VIII to have need, stand in need, be in went ( ا ووof; also )ل, need, want, require ( ا وs.th. s.o.) حواḥauj need, want, lack, deficiency, destitution ح جوةḥāja pl. -āt need ( ا ووor بof); necessity, requirement, prerequisite; natural, bodily need; pressing need, neediness, poverty, indigence, destitution; object of need or desire; desire, wish, request; necessary article, requisite; matter, concern, business, job, work; thing, object; -- pl. حواائḥawā’ij2 needs 211 necessities, necessaries; everyday objects, effects, belongings, possessions, stuff; clothes, clothing │ك نا اح جوةاا ووايلة to stand in need, be in want of (s.th.), need, require (s.th.); ( الاح جةاا ووايلةḥājata) … is not necessary, not required, there is no need of ...; الاح جوةا و ابوI don’t need it; ع وداا ح جوةif (or when) necessary, if need be, in case of need; ( و اغيووواح جووةgairi ḥājatin) unnecessarily; مووو ابووو اا ح جوووةthe حاجلةḥaujala pl. حااجلḥawājil2 phial (chem.) حو ايحووا ةḥāda u (ḥaud) to turn aside, turn away ( عوfrom), turn ( عوoff) II to turn off, take a turning ( حاḥauda) turn, turning حو ايحوا ةḥāda u (ḥaud) to urge on, spur on ( هو animals) IV do. X اسووأحاistaḥwada to overwhelm, overcome, overpower (علووو s.o.; esp. emotions), get the better of ()علو, gain mastery ( علووover); to seize ( علووon), take possession ( علوof), usurp ( علوs.th.) حاḥūdī coachman, cabman, driver حا يةḥūdīya coachman’s work or trade حو رايحوارةḥāra u to return ( ا ووto); to recede, decrease, diminish, be reduced ( ا ووto) II to change, alter, amend, transform, reorganize, remodel, modify ( ه وor م و s.th.); to roll out ( ه وdough); to make white, whiten ( هوs.th.); to bleach ( هوa fabric) III to talk, convene, have a conversation ( هwith s.o.); to discuss, debate, argue IV (with جاابوjawāban) to answer, reply (with negations only) V to be altered, changed, amended, transformed, reorganized, remodeled, modified VI to carry on & discussion حووووارḥawar white poplar (also pronounced ḥaur); bark-tanned sheepskin, basil; marked contrast between the white of the cornea and the black of the iris حو رhāra pl. -āt quarter, part, section (of & city); (Tun.) ghetto; lane, alley, side street (with occasional pl. حواارḥawārī │ حو ر اا سودḥ. as-sadd blind alley, dead-end street احواارaḥwār2, f. حواراḥaurā’2, pl. حوار ḥūr having eyes with a marked contrast of white and black, (also, said of the eye:) intensely white and deep-black حووواارḥawāra (ḥawarāt) cretaceous rook; chalk حواارḥawārī pl. -ūn disciple, apostle (of Jesus Christ); disciple, follower حاارىḥawārā cretaceous rock; chalk حاريووةḥūrīya pl. -āt, حووارḥūr houri, virgin of paradise; nymph; (pl. -āt) young locust │ حاريةاا مwater nymph, nixie حوووووارانḥaurān2 the Hauran, a mountainous plateau in SW Syria and N Jordan 212 محارmiḥwar pl. مح ورmaḥāwir2 rolling pin; pivot, core, heart, center; axis; axle, axletree مح و رmaḥār (coll.; n. un. ) oysters; shellfish, mussels; mother-of-pearl, nacre محو ر اmaḥāra (n. un.) oyster; oyster shell, mussel; trowel تحووووايوtaḥwīr alteration, change, transformation, reorganization, reshuffle, remodeling, modification حاارḥiwār talk, conversation, dialogue; argument, dispute; text (of a play); script, scenario (of a motion picture) مح و ورmuḥāwara talk, conversation, dialogue; argument, dispute تح ورtaḥāwur discussion ( حازand ح ز )حيزḥāza u (ḥauz, حي زḥiyāza) to possess, own, have ( هوs.th.); to gain, win, get, receive, obtain, achieve, attain ( ه و s.th., e.g., success, victory, etc.); to gain pos....ion. gain control ( هوof s.th.), seize, monopolize ( هوs.th.); -- ḥāza i ( حيوزḥaiz) to drive on, urge on ( هووcamels) V taḥawwaza and taḥayyaza to writhe, twist, coil; -- taḥayyaza to stay away, keep away, seclude o.s., isolate o.s. ( عوfrom); to be disposed, incline, tend, lean (ا ووو toward); to join ( ا ووs.o. or s.th.); to side (ل, ا ووwith), take sides (ل, ا ووin favor of) VII to isolate o.s., seclude o.s. separate, segregate,· disengage o.s., dissociate o.s., stay away, keep away, retire, withdraw ( عوor موfrom); to join ( ا ووS.o. or s.th.); to unite ( ا ووwith); to side ( ا ووor لwith), take sides ( ا ووor J in favor of) VIII to possess, own, have ( هووs.th.); to take possession ( هوof s.th.); to keep, prevent, hinder ( ه عs.o. from) حوازḥauz possession, holding, tenure; obtainment, attainment, acquisition; taking possession, occupation, occupancy; (jur.) tenancy; -- (pl. احووواازaḥwāz) enclosed area, enclosure; precinct(s), boundary, city limits حازḥauzī possessor, tenurial حوازḥauza possession, holding, tenure; property; area, territory │ و احوازهor و ا حاز ايدهfī ḥ. yadihī in his possession; ا د ا ع و احوواز امصوووthe defense of Egyptian territory حيوزḥayyiz, ḥaiz pl. احيو زaḥyāz scope, ا range, reach, extent, compass, confines, field, domain, realm; sphere │الايود لا و ا ( حيووزاا معقووالyadkul) it is not within the bounds of reason; ( بوووزاا ووواحيووزاا معقووالto advance to the realm of fact, i.e.) to become a reality; و احيووزااالمكو نfī ḥ. ilimkān within the realm of possibility, quite possible حيوووو زḥiyāza possession, holding, tenure; taking possession, occupation, occupancy; acquisition of title, acquisition of the right of possession; obtainment, attainment, acquisition تحيزtaḥayyuz partiality; prejudice, bias اظحيووو زinḥiyāz isolation, seclusion, retirement; partiality; prejudice, bias ح ئزḥā’iz possessor, holder, tenant مأحيووزmutaḥayyiz partial, prejudiced, biased م حووووو زmunḥāz secluded, retired, withdrawn, removed ( عوووfrom); an outsider, a stranger ( عto) حواسVIII (eg.) to be in a quandary, waver, hesitate 1 حو شايحواشةḥāša u (ḥauš) to round up, drive into a trap ( ه وgame); to stop, check, prevent, hinder ( هوs.th.), stand in the way ( هوof); to hold back, stem, stave off ( هو s.th.) II to gather, collect, amass, accumulate, pile up, hoard ( هوs.th.); to save, put by ( هوmoney); to find ( هوs.th.) 213 حاشḥauš p1. احوااشaḥwāš, حيشو نḥīšān enclosure, enclosed area; courtyard حاشḥawaš mob, rabble, riffraff حاشوḥūšī wild; unusual, odd, queer, strange اسوبا اا حو شusbū‘ al-ḥāš Passion Week (Chr.) 2 ح ش, ح شوsee حشا, ح شاهللḥāša lillāh = ح شواهلل حواصḥawaṣ squinting of the eye (caused by constant exposure to glaring light) احوواصaḥwaṣ2 f. حاص وḥauṣā’2, pl. حاصḥūṣ having narrow, squinting eyes حي صةḥiyāṣa girth حاصولḥauṣa, حاصولةḥauṣala craw (of a bird); bladder; pelican │اا حاصوووووولةاا مواريووووووة (marārīya) gall bladder, bile (anat.) حايصولḥuwaisil blister, bleb, vesicle; water blister حايصولةḥuwaisila pl. -āt blister, bleb, vesicle حواḥauḍ pl. احوااaḥwāḍ, حيوḥiyāḍ basin; water basin; trough, tank, cistern, reservoir, container; basin of a river or sea; pool; (in the Egyptian irrigation system) a patch of land surrounded by dikes, flooded by high water of the Nile; pond; pelvis (anat.); (garden) bed; dock; pl. ( حيوḥiyāḍ) ground, area, domain (to be protected), sanctum │( احوا اجو اjāff) dry dock; حووا احم و مḥammām bathtub; ‘( حوا اعواامawwām) floating dock; ا اعو ا حي ضوto assume the defense of s.o., make o.s. the champion of s.o.; to defend o.s.; ( باح و احي و اا ووديdabba) to defend the faith; احووواا اا فوووماوا حديووودcoal and iron deposits O حاي ةḥuwaiḍa renal pelvis (anat.) ح و هايحوواهةḥāṭa u (ḥauṭ, حي ووةḥaiṭa, حي هووة ḥiyāṭa) to guard, protect ( هو, هs.o., s.th.), watch ( هو, هover s.o., over s.th.), have the custody ( هو, هof); to attend ( هوto), take care ( هووof), look after s.th. ( ;)هووto surround, encircle, enclose, encompass (ب s.o., s.th.) II to build a wall ( هوaround s.th.), wall in ( هوووs.th.); to encircle, surround ( هوs.th.), close in from all sides ( هوon s.th.) III to try to outwit, dupe, or outsmart ( هs.o.); to mislead, lead astray, seduce ( هs.o.) IV to surround ( بs.o., s.th., also هو, هs.o., s.th., y with); to encompass, enclose, embrace, comprise, contain (ب s.th., also ;)هوto ring, encircle ( بs.o., s.th., also هو, هs.o., s.th., بwith s.th.), close in from all sides ( بon); to know thoroughly, comprehend, grasp completely, understand fully ( بs.th.), be familiar, be thoroughly acquainted (ب with) │ ’( احو هابو اعلموilman) to know s.th. thoroughly, have comprehensive knowledge of s.th.; to take cognizance, take note of s.th.; اج هو اعلمو ابhe informed him of ..., he let him know about ... ; he brought ... to his notice V to guard, protect (.., 6 s.o., s.th.); to take precautions ( هو with regard to), attend ( ه وto); to be careful, be cautious, be on one’s guard VIII to be careful, be cautious, watch out, be on one’s guard; to take precautions, make provision ( لfor, so as to ensure ... ); to surround ( بs.o., s.th.); to guard, protect, preserve ( ب علووs.th. from), take care ( بof), attend ( بto), look after ()ب, see to it ( ببنthat) حي وووووةḥīṯa, ḥaṭa, حاهوووووةḥauṭa cautiousness, caution, provident care, prudence, circumspection │اأ ووووووولا (حي أوḥīṭatahu) to be on one’s guard, take precautions; بوووووالاحي وووووةthoughtlessly, unthinkingly, inadvertently حي هوووووةḥiyāṭa guarding, protection, care 214 custody, تحايطtaḥwīṭ encirclement اح هووووووووووة iḥāṭa encirclement, encompassment; comprehension, grasp, understanding, knowledge, cognizance (ب of s.th.), acquaintance, familiarity (ب with); information, communication تحوووواهtaḥawwuṭ provision, care, attention, precaution, prudence; pl. -āt precautionary measures, precautions حو ايحوا ةḥāqa u (ḥauq) to surround, enclose, infold, embrace ( بs.o.. s.th.) II = I (علوو s.o., s.th.) احأيووو هiḥtiyāṭ caution, cautiousness, prudence, circumspection, carefulness; provision, care, attention, precaution, prevention; pl. -āt precautionary measures, precautions │ علوواسوبيلاا مثو لas a precaution, out of precaution, to be on the safe side 1 احأيووووووو ه ihṭiyāṭī precautionary; prophylactic; preventive; replacement; spare- (in compounds); reserve- (in compounds); stand-by; reserve funds, capital reserves (fin.); reserve (mil.) │حوبسا ( احأيووووو هḥabs) detention pending investigation; توودابيوااحأي هي وةprecautionary measures, precautions ( لاا ااحأي هيوةquwāt) reserves (mil.); مو لااحأيو هcapital reserve, reserve fund; ( احأيو هواا زيوتاا و مcrude-)oil reserves حو ئطpl. حي و نḥīṭān, حيو هḥiyāṭ, حواائط ḥawā’iṭ2 wall │ ح و ئطاا مبكوووḥ. al-mabkā Wailing Wall (in Jerusalem); ضوووبةاب و ا عووو اا ح و ئطor) ا قوووalqā (ḍaraba) bihī ‘urḍa l-ḥā’iṭ to make little of s.th., scorn, disdain, despise s.th.; to reject s.th., discard s.th., throw s.th. overboard; to ruin, thwart, foil s.th. حايطḥāwiṭ (eg.) clever, smart, shrewd محووويطmuḥīṭ surrounding ( بs.th.); comprehensive; familiar, acquainted (ب with); -- (pl. -āt) circumference, periphery; extent, range, scope, compass, reach, domain, area; milieu, environment, surroundings; ocean; pl. محي وووووو surroundings, environment │اا محووووويطا (االهلaṭlanṭī) the Atlantic Ocean; ا محويطا ( ا هḥādi’) the Pacific Ocean مح هmuluiJ surrounded ( بby) مأح واهmutaḥawwiṭ cautious, prudent, provident, circumspect, careful, watchful حوااḥauf edge, rim, brim, brink; border, hem, fringe ح وةḥāfa pl. -āt, حواااḥawāfin border, rim, brim, brink, verge; edge; fringe, hem │ بي احاا يwithin it, in it, therein احالولḥauqala ( حاللوةḥauqala) to pronounce the formula: ( الاحوالاوالالوا ااالابو هللsee حوال ḥaul) احاللوةḥauqala pl. حاالولḥawāqil2 phial (chem.), Florence flask 2 ح و ايحووا ةḥāka u (ḥauk, حي وḥiyāk, حي كووة ḥiyāka) to weave ( هوs.th.); to interweave ( هs.th.); to knit ( هs.th.); to braid, plait ( هو s.th.); to contrive, devise, hatch, concoct ( هوs.th.; e.g., ruses, intrigues, pretexts), think up, fabricate, create ( هوs.th. in one’s imagination) حي كوووووةḥiyāka braiding, plaiting weaving; knitting; ح ئوولḥā’ik pl. ح كووةḥāka weaver; -(mor.) an outer garment made of a long piece of white woolen material, covering body and head ( حوالand حو ل )حيولḥāla u to change, undergo a change, be transformed; to shift, turn, pass, grow ( ا ووinto s.th., also )هو, become ( ا وs.th.); to deviate, depart ( عfrom, e.g., a commitment), dodge, evade, fail to meet ( عوs.th.); to elapse, pass go by (time); -( حيلا وةḥailūla) to prevent ( ونs.th.); to intervene, interfere, interpose, come ( بووي between) │‘( حو لاعو اعهودahd) to withdraw from a contract; حو لابوي ا والناوبوي اادموو215 to make s.th. inaccessible to s.o., impossible for s.o.; to bar or obstruct s.o.’s way to s.th.; to prevent s.o. from s.th., deny s.o. s.th.; ح لابي اظفسو اوبوي ااإلشوف (išfāq) to resist compassion, deny o.s. any sympathy II ḥawwala to change ( هو ا ووor هووو هوووs.th. to s.th. else), transform, transmute, convert, turn, make ( هو ا ووor هو هوs.th. into s.th. else); to transplant (s.th.); to transfer ( هوs.th.); to convert ( هوs.th., mathematically); to switch commutate ( هو current; el.); to convert, transform ( ه و current; el.); to shunt ( هوa railroad car); to switch ( هوa railroad track); to remit, send, transmit ( هوs.th., e.g., money by mail, ا وو to s.o.); to pass on, hand on ( هو ا ووs.th. to s.o.); to forward ( هو ا ووs.th. to s.o. or to an address); to endorse ( هوa bill of exchange, a promissory note); to direct, turn ( هوs.th., also ظروووnaẓratan a glance, ا وووto or toward); to divert, distract, keep ( هو عor ه s.o. or s.th. from); to turn away, avert ( بصووهاعوbaṣarahū one's eyes from); to turn off, switch off, disconnect ( هوcurrent; el.) │( حووالاا د ووةdaffa) to turn the helm, change the course III (ḥāwala to try, attempt, endeavor ( هوs.th., انto do s.th.), make an attempt, make an effort ( انto do s.th.); to seek to gain ( هوs.th.) by artful means; to deceive by pretenses, make excuses, hedge, dodge IV to change هو هو or هو ا ووs.th. to), transform, transmute, turn, make ( هو هوor هو ا ووs.th. into); to convert, translate ( هو هor هو ا ووs.th. into); to transfer ( هوs.th.); to remit, send ( هوs.th. ا وor علووto s.o.); to assign ( هو, هs.o., s.th., ا ووor علووto s.o.); to turn over, hand over, pass on ( هو علووor هs.o. or s.th. to); to forward ( هو علووs.th. to); to refer ( ه ا ووs.o. to); to cede, transfer ( هوa debt, علووto s.o.; jur.) │( احيولاعلووايا ووةاا معو شuḥīla, ma‘āš) and ( احيووولاا وووواا أق عووودtaqā‘ud) he was pensioned off; احيلتاا كمبي وةاا وواا بووتسوأاthe bill was protested (fin.) V taḥawwala to change, undergo a change; to be changed ( ا ووto), be transformed, be transmuted, be converted ( ا وووinto), become ( ا وووs.th.), turn, grow ( ا وinto), transform (اا وو-- موor عوfrom -- into), change, develop, evolve (اا وو-- مو اfrom to); to withdraw, go away, leave; to move ( ا ووto a residence); to turn away ( موfrom), turn one’s back ( عوon); to deviate ( عوfrom); to depart, digress, stray ( عووو اا ويوووقfrom the way); to renounce, forgo, relinquish, disclaim (s.th.); to proceed slyly or cunningly │ تحالاكلاحيلوةto employ every conceivable trick; -- taḥayyala to employ artful means; to ponder ways and means ( لto an end, in order to attain s.th.) VI taḥāwala to try, endeavor, take pains ( علوووto do s.th.), strive ( علووfor); -- taḥāyala and VIII to employ artful means, resort to tricks, use stratagems ( علووagainst s.o.); to deceive, beguile, dupe, cheat, outwit, outsmart (علوو s.o.); to be out ( علووfor s.th.) or achieve ( علووs.th.) by artful means, by tricks VIII to work or strive (on one’s own resources), make efforts (on one’s own) IX احوالaḥwala to be cross-eyed, to squint X to change ( ا وووto, into), turn, be transformed, be converted ( ا ووinto); to be transubstantiated (bread and wine, ا ووinto the body and blood of Christ; Chr.); to proceed, pass on, shift, switch ( ا ووto s.th. new or s.th. different); to be impossible ( علووfor s.o.); to be inconceivable, absurd, preposterous ح و لḥāl m. and f., pl. احوواالaḥwāl condition, state; situation; position, status; circumstance; case; present, actuality (as opposed to future); circumstantial expression or phrase (gram.); pl.: conditions, circumstances; matters, affairs, concerns; cases; ḥāla (prep.) during; immediately upon, right after; just at; in case of …, in the event of …; حو ال216 ḥālan presently, immediately, at once, right away, without delay; now, actually, at present │ اا ح لand لح لon the spot, at once, immediately; ( علواكلاحو لkulli ḥālin) and ( علوواأ احو لayyi ḥ.) in any case, at any rate, anyhow; ( يبقووواعلووواح ووyabqā) it remains unchanged, just as it is; احو لامو ا ادحواالin some case or other, anyway, if occasion should arise, possibly; (with neg.) by no means, under no circumstances, not at all, in no way; علووا حو ل, بحو ل, بوب احو لbi-ayyi ḥ. with neg.: by no means, not at all, in no way; كول لاا حو لا وthe same goes for ..., it is the same with …; it is also the case with ...; كم اهااا ح لا as is the case with; كيوفاح ولhow are you? ش و ابح وa thing in itself, a separate, independent thing; ( ادحواالاا جايوةjawwīya) atmospheric conditions; محوووو كماادحوووواالا ( ا ش صويةšakṣīya) courts dealing with vital statistics; ظر و م( ادحوواالاا ش صوويةor) ل و ظان personal statute; صو حباا حو لnoun referent of a circumstantial phrase (gram.); عوو ا ‘ ح لarḍ ḥ. application, memorial, petition; س ناا ح ل, س ناحsee س ن ح مḥālama (conj.) as soon as ح وووةḥala pl. -āt condition, state; situation; (possible, actual) case; ḥālata (prep.) during │ ح وةاانḥālata an (conj.) whereas; وا ح وووووةاهووووولهunder these circumstances, such being the case, things being as they are; ( و اح وةḥālati) in (the) case of ..., in the event of …, e.g., و اح وةا ( غي بوgiyābihī) in case of his absence, و ا ( ح وةاا ا وwafāh) in case of death; و اهولها ا ح وةin this (that) case; ح وةاانli-ḥālati an in case that …, in the event that …; اح ةا م اا اif; كم اه اا ح وةا وif as is the case with …; ( ح وةااجأم عيوةijtimā‘īya) marital status; ( ا ح وووووةاا جايوووووةjawwīya) atmospheric conditions; ح وةاا ووḥ. al-kaṭar stand-by, alert, state of alarm; ا ح وةاا واه وةthe status quo; ح وةاا وواارḥ. aṭ-ṭawāri’ state of emergency; ( وووو اح ووووةاا ألووووبسtalabbus) flagrante delicto (jur.); ا ح ووووةاا مدظيووووة (madanīya) civil status, legal status; سوا ا ا ح ةsū’ al-ḥ. predicament, plight حوووḥālī present, current, actual, existing; momentary, instantaneous; ح يو ḥālīyan at present, actually │صووار اح يووة (ṣūra) snapshot (phot.) ح يووووةḥālīya timeliness actuality, topicality, حوالḥaul pl. احواالaḥwāl year; might, power │ الاحوالاوالالوا ااالابو هللlā ḥaula wa-lā quwata illā bi-llāh there is no power and no strength save in God; الاحوالا و اوالاحيلوة (wa-lā ḥīlata) he is completely powerless, he can do nothing, he is at the end of his resources حوالḥiwal change of place, change │الا ( يبأغاناع و احواالyabtagūna) they don’t want it otherwise, they ask for it حوالḥaula (prep.) around, about; circa, about, some, approximately, roughly (with following number); about (esp. in news headings, approx. = re, concerning) │امو ا ( حا وḥaulihī) (= )حا وaround him (or it), about him (or it); ( مو احا يهموḥaulaihimā) around the two of them, about them; from their vicinity, from their surroundings (dual) حاḥaulī periodic, temporary, interim; one year old (animal), yearling; young animal; lamb, wether O حا يوḥaulīyāt yearbook, annals (= Fr. annales, as a scientific publication) حيلḥail strength, force, power, vigor │ا (علواحيلstanding) upright, erect; الالا ا اوالا ( حيوولqūwata) completely helpless and paralyzed حيلوةḥīla pl. حيولḥiyal, اح ييولaḥāyīl2 artifice, ruse, stratagem, maneuver, subterfuge, wile, trick; device, shift; a 217 means to accomplish an end; expedient, makeshift, dodge, way-out; legal stratagem (for the purpose of in fraudem legis agere) │مو ا ا حيلةwhat’s to be done! ( الاحيلةا اḥīlata) I have no possibility to …, I am in no position to …; ( مو ابيود احيلوةbi-yadī) I can do nothing, I can get nowhere; مايجداحيلوةااال lam yajid ḥīlatan illā he couldn’t do anything except …, he had no other choice than …; ( اعيأ اا حيلوةa‘yathu) he was at a loss, he was at the end of his wits حيلوḥiyalī cunning, crafty, wily, sly, tricky, foxy احيلaḥyal2 craftier, wilier حالḥawal squinting, strabismus احوالaḥwal2, f. ḥaula’2 ḥaulā2, pl. حوال ḥūl squinting, squint-eyed, wall-eyed, walleyed حوووؤولḥu’ūl change, transformation, transmutation; prevention ( ونof s.th.) حاالḥiwāl obstacle; partition, screen حيو لḥiyāla (prep.) in view of ..., with regard to …, in the lace of, opposite, in front of, before حاا وةḥawāla pl. -āt assignment, cession (jur.); bill of exchange, (promissory) note, check, draft │حاا ةاا بويد, حاا وةابويديوةmoney order; حاا ةاا سفوḥ. safar traveler’s check حوواا وḥawālā (prep.) around, about; circa, approximately, roughly, about, some (with following number) حيلا ووةḥailūla separation, interruption, disruption; prevention ( ونof s.th.) الامح لlā maḥalla = ( الامح ةsee below) مح وةmuḥāla roller, wheel (of a draw well) الامح ووةام وlā maḥālata minhu it is inevitable; there is no doubt about it; (also الامح ووةalone) most certainly, positively, absolutely, by all means تحايوووووووول taḥwīl transformation, transmutation, conversion ( ا ووinto s.th.); change, alteration, modification; transplantation; transposition, reversal, inversion, translocation, dislocation, displacement; transfer, assignment; conversion (e.g., of currency); conversion, transformation (of electric current); O transfer (fin.; also تحايولاا وديt. ad-dain); remittance (of money), transmittal, sending, forwarding; bill of exchange, promissory note, draft (com.); check; endorsement (com.); c.o.d., cash on delivery │ل بليةاا عملةا لأحايلاا واا عمال ااالج بية (qābilīyal al-’mla, ajnabīiya) convertibility of currency frequently changing; feeble, languid, wan, pallid تحايلةtaḥwīla pl. تح ويولtaḥāwīl2 branch, offshoot; siding, sidetrack (railroad); side canal (irrigation; Eg.); switch (railroad) محالاعليوmuḥawwal ‘alaihi c.o.d., cash on delivery; محالابcollected on delivery مح و ووةmuḥāwala pl. -āt attempt, try; effort, endeavor;. recourse to expedients, shifts, or dodges, dodging, hedging │ا (مح و وةاعلوواحي توḥayātihī) attempt on s.o.’s life, murderous assault اح ووووةiḥāla transfer, conveyance, assignment; remittance; forwarding, referring ( ا وووor علوووto a competent authority); transmission, transmittal; O transfer (fin.); cession, assignment (Isl. Law); absurdity │ اب الح ووووةاعلوووووwith reference to; ل ضو ااالح وةmagistrate sitting at defendant’s arraignment, trial judge; ( اح وةاا ووايعلووةاا معو شma‘āš) and اح وةاا ووا ( ا أق عدtaqā‘ud) pensioning off تحوالtaḥawwul change, transformation, transmutation; abrupt change, sudden turn, reversal; shift, transition; departure, deviation, digression ( عووووو from); renunciation ( عof) │ ظق ةاا أحالnuqṭat att. turning point محوووالmuḥawwil pl. -āt converter, transformer (el.); endorser محا ةmuḥawwila switch (railroad) محي ولmuḥīl transferor, assignor (Isl. Law) محو لmuḥāl inconceivable, unthinkable, impossible, absurd, preposterous, unattainable مأحووووووال mutaḥawwil changeable, variable, changing │(اادعيو اا مأحا وةa‘yād) the movable feasts (Chr.) محأو لmuḥtāl artful, cunning, deceitful, treacherous, perfidious, fraudulent; swindler, cheat, impostor, fraud; crook, scoundrel; assignee (Isl. Law) │ امحأو لاعليو debtor of a ceded claim, transferee (Isl. Law) مسووأحيلmustaḥīl impossible, absurd, preposterous; مسوأحيالimpossible things, impossibilities, absurdities تح يولtaḥāyul and احأيو لiḥtiyāl use of tricks, trickery; cunning, craft, subtlety, artfulness; malice, treachery, perfidy; deception, fraud ( حو م )حوامḥāma u (ḥaum, حوامḥawamān) to circle, hover. glide (in the air; of a bird, also of an aircraft); to hover, swarm, buzz ( حوالand علووaround) │اح موتاا شوبهةاضووده (šubha, ḍiddahū) suspicion concentrated on him, he was suspected II to circle in the air; to hover in circles, to circle; to go around, revolve (thoughts and images, in one’s head or mind); to browse ( وin a book) تحووو يلtaḥāyulī and احأيوووiḥtiyālī fraudulent, e.g., ( ا ووووالسااحأيووووiflās) fraudulent bankruptcy حاموةḥauma pl. -āt turmoil of battle, thick of the fray; main part, bulk, main body; (tun.) quarter, section (of a city) تحيلtaḥayyul use of tricks, trickery 218 اسوأح ةistiḥāla change, transformation, transmutation, turn, shift, transition; transubstantiation (Chr.); impossibility, inconceivability, absurdity, preposterousness ح ئوولḥā’il pl. حاائوولḥawā’il obstacle, obstruction, impediment ( ونon the way to s.th., او-- بوي اsee حو لḥāla I); barrier; partition, screen, folding screen; -- (pl. حووووالḥuwwal) changeable, variable, ح نandاح ظةاsee حي ح ظاsee اح ا حواىḥawā i to gather, collect, unite ( هوs.th.); to encompass, embrace, contain, hold, enclose, comprise, include ( ه وs.th.); to possess, own, have ( هوs.th.); to clasp ( هو s.th., the hand) V to curl (up), coil (up) VIII to encompass, embrace, contain, hold, enclose, comprise, include ( هوor علوو s.th.); to possess, own, have ( هوor علووو s.th.) حايووةḥawīya convolution, coil, curl, roll; pl. حااي وḥawāyā intestine, bowels, entrails حاايوةḥiwāya pl. -āt (eg.) wase round pad to support a burden on the head or on the back حووو وḥāwin pl. حوووااḥuwāh snake charmer; juggler, conjurer, magician محأاي وmuḥtawayāt content(s) (of a book. of a receptacle) │ محأايو اا فواسthe innermost thoughts. the secrets of the heart (حو, حيو )حياḥayiya, حوḥayya يحيوyaḥyā ( حيو ḥayāh) to live; حوḥayya to live to see, experience, witness ( ه وs.th.), live ( هوو through a time) يحو اا ملولli-yaḥyā 219 lmalik long live the king! حيوḥayiya يحيو yaḥyā ( حيوḥayā’) to be ashamed ( موof; because of) II حيوḥayyā to keep ( هs.o.) alive, grant ( هs.o.) a long life; to say to s.o. ()ه: حيو اmay God preserve your life!; to greet, salute ( هs.o.) IV احيوaḥyā to lend life ( هو, هto s.o., to s.th.), enliven, animate, vitalize, endow with life, call into being ( هوs.th.), give birth ( هوto); to revive, reanimate, revivify ( هوs.th.), give new life ( هوto); to put on, produce, stage, arrange ( هe.g., a theatrical performance, a celebration, and the like); to celebrate ( هو s.th., also a festival) │( احيو اا ولكوىdikrā) to commemorate (a deceased person), observe the anniversary (of s.o.’s death); ( احي اا ليولlail) to burn the midnight oil, احيو ا ( ا ليولاصوالṣalātan) to spend the night in prayer; ( احيو اا سوهوsahrata) to perform in the evening (of an artist); احيووو احفلوووة (ḥaflatan) to give a performance; to perform at a celebration (artist); لودااحيوتا ا فولوةاثوالثا يو لqad aḥyat il-firqatu talāta layālin the theatrical troupe gave three evening performances X اسوأحيistaḥyā to spare s.o.’s ( )هlife, let live, keep alive (ه s.o.); اسووأحيistaḥyā, اسووأحوistaḥā to be ashamed ( هto face s.o.; مof s.th., because of s.th.); to become or feel embarrassed ( موin front of s.o.), be embarrassed ( مو by); to be bashful, shy, diffident ح وḥayy pl. احي وaḥyā’ living, live, alive; lively, lusty, animated, active, energetic, unbroken, undaunted, undismayed; living being, organism; tribe, tribal community; block of apartment houses; section, quarter (of a city) │علوما ‘ ادحيوilm al-aḥyā’ biology; ‘ حو اا عو مilm al-‘ālam houseleek tree (Sempervivum arboreum L.; bot.) حوḥayya: حو اعلوواا صوالḥayya ‘alā ṣṣalāh come to prayer! حيةḥayya pl. -āt snake, serpent, viper O احيو ئaḥyā’ī biologic(al); (pl. -ūn) biologist │( كيميووو ااحي ئيوووةkīmiyā’) biochemistry حيوووḥayīy bashful, shy, diffident, modest حيووووو ḥayā’ shame, diffidence, bashfulness, timidity; shyness │ لليولاا حيو shameless impudent; للوةاا حيوqillat al-ḥ. shamelessness, impudence حيوḥayāh pl. حيوااḥayawāt life; lifeblood; liveliness animation │ حيو اا ويوفḥ. ar-rīf country life, rural life; ا حي و اا ع مووة (‘āmma) public life; ا حي اا ع ئليةfamily life; ميأواىاا حيوmustawā l-ḥ. living standard; O ‘ علماا حيilm al-ḥ. biology حيواḥayawī lively, full of life, vital, vigorous; vital, essential to life حيايةḥayawīya vitality, vigor, vim حيايووḥayawīyāt: موواا ام وو ا لحيايوو (mawādd muḍādda) antibiotics حي واانḥayawān pl. -āt animal, beast; (coll.) animals, living creatures │حيااظو ا ( ثديوووةtadyīya) mammals; حيااظووو امجأوووو (mujtarra) ruminants; ( حيوااناهفيلوṭufailī) parasite; ‘ علماا حياانilm al-ḥ. zoology حيوووووااظḥayawānī zoologic(al) animal (adj.); حيااظيوةḥayawānīya bestiality; animality, animal nature حوايḥuwayyin pl. -āt minute animal, animalcule احيووaḥyā livelier; more vigorous, more vital تحيوةtaḥīya pl. –āt, تح يوtaḥāyā greeting, salutation; salute; cheer (= wish that God may give s.o. long life) │تحيوووةا ووولكواه taḥīyatan li-dikrāhu in order to keep his memory alive, in remembrance of him; ‘( ا أحيةاا عسكويةaskarīya) military salute احيوووiḥyā’ animation, enlivening; revival, revitalization, revivification; arranging, staging. conducting, putting on, 220 holding (of a celebration) │ احيو اا ولكوىi. ad-dikrā commemoration (of a deceased person); احيو ا ولكوىI (iḥyā’an) (with foll. gen.) in commemoration of …, in memoriam ...; احيوو اا مووااi. al-mawāt cultivation of virgin land اسوووأحيistiḥyā’ shame; diffidence, bashfulness, timidity; shyness محيmūḥayyan face, countenance ا سوووووتاا مسوووووأحيةas-sitt al-mustahīya sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica; bot.) 1 حيوثḥaitu (conj.) where (place and direction); wherever; since, as, due to the fact that; whereas; inasmuch as │( حيووثاانanna) since, as, because, due to the fact that ... ; in that ... ; حيوثاكو نwherever it be; in any case, at any rate; ا وواحيوثilā ḥaitu where (direction); to where …, to the place where ...; مو احيوثmin ḥaitu from where, whence, wherefrom; where (place); whereas; (with foll. nominative) as to, as for, concerning, regarding, with respect to, in view of, because of; م احيوثاا ثق وةmin ḥ. taqāfatu with regard to education, as far as education is concerned; م و احيووثايوودر اوالا ( يوودرyadrī wa-lā yadrī) whether he knows it or not, knowingly or without his knowledge; ( م و احيووثاالwith foll. perf.) without (being, doing, etc.); م و احيووثاهووا such, in itself, ‘( ا عو مامو احيوثاهواālam) the world in itself, the world as such; مو احيوثا ( انanna) inasmuch as; in view of the fact that; since, as, due to the fact that; بحيوثbiḥaitu inasmuch as; in such a manner that ..., so as to ...; so that ...; such as ...; (he found himself) at a point or degree where, e.g., ( ك نام اا بووا ابحيوثاالاتووىbarā’a, tarā) = she was so naive that she couldn't see ...; بحيوثاالinsofar as ... not, provided that … not; ( بحيوثاانanna) in such a manner that ..., so as to ..., so that ... حيثمووḥatumā wherever, wheresoever (place); wherever, no matter where ... (direction) │( حيثمو ااتفوقittafaqa) anywhere, wherever it was (or he), haphazardly, at random حيثيووةḥaitīya pl. -āt standpoint; view, point, point of view, approach; aspect, respect, regard, consideration; high social standing, social distinction, dignity; pl. also: considerations, legal reasons on which the judgment is based, opinion (jur.) │( وواا حيثيةايا بو رز ةdawū) or اصوح با ا حيثيووة, اصووح باا حيثيووpeople of (high) social standing, prominent people, people of distinction; موووووو اا حيثيووووووةاا حيااظيووووووة (ḥayawānīya) from a zoological viewpoint 2 ا حيثيانal-hātīyūn the Hittites ( ح و )حيوودḥāda i (ḥaid, حيوواḥuyūd, حيوودان ḥayadān, محيودmaḥīd) to deviate, swerve, depart, desist (If from); to leave, quit, give up, abandon, relinquish ( عs.th.); ح اب اع to dissuade or get s.o. away from ... ; to incline, tend (ا وو, ظحواto, toward), sbade, blend (ا وو, ظحواinto) II to keep aside, put aside ( هوs.th.) III to stay away, keep apart ( هو, هfrom s.o., from s.th.); to avoid, shun ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) VII to depart, deviate, digress, swerve ( عfrom) حيوودḥaid, حيوودانḥayadān deviation, digression, departure, swerving, turning aside, turning away حيوووودḥaida deviation, digression, swerving, departure (from a course); neutrality; impartiality │ علووواحيوودaside, apart, to one side محيودmaḥīd avoidance ( عوof s.th.) │الا ( محيدmaḥīda) it is unavoidable ح يودḥiyād neutrality (pol.) │ علوواا حيو neutral; ( حيووو اعووو اا وووطkaṭṭ) derailment (railroad) 221 حيḥiyādī neutral (pol.) مح يدmuḥāyada neutrality (pol.) ح ئدḥā’id neutral (pol.) مح يوودmuḥāyid neutral (pol.); ا مح يوودون the neutrals (pol.) مأح يدmutaḥāyid neutral (pol.) حيدرابḥaidarābād2 Hydarabad حو رايحيووةḥāra (1st pers. perf. )حووa ( حيوو ḥaira, حيوانḥayarān) to become confused; to become or be helpless, be at a loss, know nothing ( وof, about); to waver, hesitate, be unable to choose ( اوبوي--بوي ا between - and) │( حو را و اامووهamrihi) to be confused. baffled, bewildered, dismayed to be at a loss, be at one’s wit’s end II to confuse, baffle, bewilder, nonplus, embarrass ( هs.o.) V to become confused; to be or become dismayed, startled, baffled, perplexed ( وby), be at a loss ( و to); to waver (uncertainly) ( بويbetween) │( تحيوووا و ااموووهamrihi) to be confused, baffled, bewildered, disconcerted, be at a loss, be at one’s wit’s end VIII = V محوويصmaḥīṣ flight, escape; place of refuge, retreat, sanctuary │ مو اع و امحويصit is unavoidable; وومايك و ا هوومام و امحوويصthey couldn’t but ..., they had no other alternative but to ... ( حيوووḥair fenced-in garden, enclosure │ حيوووواا حيووواانḥ. al-ḥayawān zoological garden, zoo حيوووووḥaira confusion, perplexity, bewilderment, embarrassment, helplessness احيوembarrassed, at a loss, helpless حيḥaiḍ (n. un. )حي ةand menstruation, monthly period حووو ئوḥā’ir disconcerted, perplexed, startled. dismayed; embarrassed, helpless, at a lost, at one’s wit’s end; baffled, bewildered, confused, uncertain ( وووو about); straying, astray │حووو ئوا ووو اامووووه (amrihī) confused, baffled, bewildered, embarrassed, at a loss, helpless محيووmuḥayyar embarrassed, at a loss, helpless محيوmuḥayyir and محأ رmuḥtār = ح ئو حيزsee احازا حي ة, حي هة, حي ن, احي هsee احاه 1 حو اايحيوفةḥāfa i (ḥaif) to deal unjustly (علوو with s.o.), wrong, injure, harm ( علووs.o.); to restrict, limit, curtail, impair ( علووs.th.), encroach ( علوووupon) V to 222 impair, injure, prejudice, violate ( هوor موs.th.), encroach, infringe ( هor مupon) حيوووفḥaif wrong, injustice; harm, damage, prejudice │ احيوفاعليوwhat a pity! too bad! ( الاحيوفابوḥaifa) it is not out of place, it is quite appropriate 2 احيفḥaifā’ Haifa (seaport in NW Israel) حو ايحيوقةḥāqa i to surround, beset from all sides ( بs.o.); to fall, descend, come (ب upon s.o., punishment), befall, overtake, grip, seize, overcome ( بs.o.), happen, occur ( بto); to penetrate, pierce ( وthe body; of a sword); to affect, influence ( و s.o., s.th.) IV to surround, beset from all sides ( بs.o.); to bring down ( ب هوupon s.o. s.th.), cause s.th. ( )هوto descend ( ب هو upon s.o.) حيوووقḥaiq consequence, effect (of a misdeed redounding upon the evildoer) حيلII to weave حيزبانsee احزبا حي كةsee حا حو صايحويصةḥāṣa i (ḥaiṣ, حيصوةḥaiṣa, محويص maḥīṣ) to flee, escape ( عوs.th. or from s.th.), run away ( عوfrom), turn one’s back ( عon) VII do. حيلḥaik = ح ئلsee حا حيصḥaiṣ, حيصةḥaiṣa flight, escape ولواا و احويصابويصwaqa‘a fī ḥaiṣa baiṣa to get into a bad fix, meet with difficulties حي صةsee حاص حيḥiyāḍ ح ئḥā’iḍ (f.) and ح ئ ةmenstruating حيووانḥairān2, f. حيووىḥairā, pl. حيو رى ḥayārā, ḥuyārā confused, perplexed, startled, dismayed, disconcerted, baffled, Nonplused, bewildered, appalled, taken aback, stunned; embarrassed, at a loss, at one’s wit’s end; uncertain, helpless, sheepish (smile, etc.), confused, incoherent (words, and the like) تحيوووtaḥayyur confusion, perplexity, bewilderment, dismay; embarrassment, helplessness ح ضووت )حوويḥāḍat i (ḥaiḍ, محوويmaḥīḍ, محوmaḥāḍ) and V to menstruate, have a monthly period 1 احيولV, حيلوة, احيول, حيو ل, حيلا وة, etc., see ;حوال احيلsee حلا 2 اح يلḥāyil2 Hail (town and oasis in N Nejd) ح نايحوي ةḥāna i to draw near, approach, come, arrive (time); to happen accidentally │حو نا ا الوتthe (right) time has come; now is the time; حو نا و اا الوتthe time has come for him to …; ( ام و اح و نا هووماانايفهمووااamā, an yafhamū) haven’t they understood yet ...?; ( ح ظتام اا أف توةminnī iltifāta) I happened to turn around ( ا ووto), it just happened that my eyes fell on ( )ا ووII to set a time ( هfor s.o.) IV to destroy, wipe out ( هs.o.) V to watch, wait ( هوووfur a time or an opportunity) │( تحوي اا فوصوةfurṣata) to wait for an opportunity, bide one's time X اسأحيistaḥyana to wait for the right time ح نḥān bar; cabaret ح ظوةḥāna pl. -āt bar, wineshop, wine tavern; pub, tavern, taproom ḳā’ name of the letter خ و تانḳātūn pl. وااتيḳawātīn2 lady, socially prominent woman│ زهوو اا و تانzahrat alḳ. little blue flower of the steppe (syr.) م ḳāḳām (= )ح مrabbi رصي حي ئولḥīna’idin at that time, then, that day حي ولاḥīnadāka at that time, then, that day ḳāriṣīnī (eg.) zinc و زوḳāzūq pl. اازيوقḳawāzīq2 post, stake, pole; dirty trick│ اهوولاا و زوthat’s tough luck! لو ن حيḥain death, destruction حويḥīn pl. احيو نaḥyān, احو ييaḥāyīn2 time; propitious time, good time, opportunity; ḥīna (prep.) at the time of ..., at, upon; (conj.) at the time when, when; as soon as; حي وḥīnan for some time; once, one day; احي ظوaḥyānan occasionally, from time to time, sometimes │ احي ووو--حي ووو ا sometimes -- sometimes, at times -- at times; ااالحو ييat times, sometimes, once in a while; و ابعو اادحيو نايادحو يي ةfī ba‘ḍi l-a. and بعو اادحيو نba‘ḍa l-a. sometimes, occasionally, now and then, once in a while, from time to time, at times; ااغلوبا ادحيو نfī aglabi l-a. mostly, most of the time, in most cases; ا وواحويfor some time; meanwhile, for the time being; و احي و then, at the time, in his (its) time; in due time, at the appointed time; ااا حويdā lḥīna just now, right now; م ا ولاا حويfrom that time on, from then on; ا ووا ولاا حوي until that time, till then; ( و احويwith foll. verb) whereas; و احووي اانand علووواح وي اان (ḥīni) at the same time when ..., while; whereas, also without ان, e.g., علوواحوي اهوما ‘ يزعموانalā ḥīni hum yaz‘umūna whereas they, on the other hand, claim; مو احوي اا ووا حي, بي احي اوحي, حي ابعداحي, ( م احي اب وliākara) and ( بوي احوي اوب ووwa-ākara) from time to time, now and then, once in a while ḳāriṣīn and رصي و كو ḳāqān pl. وااليḳawāqīn2 overlord, ruler, sovereign, monarch, emperor ḳākī earth-colored, khaki ؤول, ؤو ةsee ال وووو م ḳām raw, unworked, unprocessed; untanned; linen; calico; (pl. -āt) raw material; inexperienced, green, untrained, unskilled, artless, uncouth, boorish; pl. موraw materials│ جلوا ا و مraw leather; يواها و مraw fibers; ( زيوتا و مzait) crude oil; ( سوكوا و مsukkar) raw sugar; ا مواا اا و م (mawādd) the raw materials و نḳān pl. -āt hostel, caravansary; inn, pub, tavern│( ا ناا ليلووḳalīlī) district of Cairo (center of art trade and market activity); وو نايوواظسKhan Yunis (town in Gaza sector) ظوووة pl. -at column (e.g., of a newspaper); square (e.g., on a chessboard) وبḳabba u (ḳabb, بوبḳabab, بيوبḳabīb) to amble (animal); to trot (horse); to jog, saunter (person), to sink ( ووin sand); -- u (ḳabb) to surge, heave, be rough (sea) V and VIII to amble (animal); to trot (horse) ببḳabab amble; trot وبḳabb, ḳibb heaving, surging (of the sea,اrough sea بḳabb impostor. swindler بḳaba’a a and II to bide, conceal ( هوs.th) V to hide, conceal o.s.; to be hidden, be concealed VIII to hide, conceal o.s.; to disappear; to be hidden, be concealed ب اḳib’ that which is hidden, a hidden thing حي مḥīnamā (conj.) while; when, as حياان, حياand حيايةاsee ح223 خ بيئووة ḳabī’a pl. ب ي وḳabāyā that which is hidden; a hidden, secret thing; a cache│ ب يو ااالرḳ. l-arḍ that which is hidden in the earth; natural resources م بوبmaḳba’ pl. م و بئmaḳābi’2 hiding place; hide-out, refuge, haunt, retreat; cellar, shelter, air-raid shelter بو ḳibā’ pl. ا بئوةaḳbi’a, ا بيوةaḳbiya tent; husk, hull (of grain) بئةḳābi’a, بيةḳāiya pl. اابئḳawābī’2, وااب ḳawābin large vessel, cask, jar م بوووmuḳabba’āt hidden, secret things; secrets م أبئmuḳtabi’ hidden, concealed بتIV to be humble ( ا وbefore Godي بوث ḳabuta u (ḳubt, ) ب ثوةto be bad; to be wicked, evil, malicious, vicious, malignant VI to behave viciously, display malice; to feel awkward, feel embarrassed ا بووووثḳubt badness, wickedness; malignancy (e.g., of a disease); malice, malevolence, viciousness بثḳabat refuse, scum, dross, slag بيوثḳabīt pl. بوثḳubut, بثوḳubatā’2, ا بو ثaḳbāt, بثوةḳabata bad, evil, wicked; malicious, vicious, spiteful; noxious, injurious, harmful; malignant (disease); offensive, repulsive, nauseating, disgusting (odor) ا بثaḳbat worse; more wicked ب ثووووة ḳabāta badness malice, malevolence, malignancy wickedness; viciousness, بووḳabara u (ḳubr, بووḳibra) to try, test ( هو s.th.); to experience ( ه وs.th.); to have tried, have experienced, know by experience ( هووs.th.); to get to know thoroughly, know well ( هوs.th., هs.o.); ḳabura u to know thoroughly ( بor ه و s.th.), be fully acquainted ( بor هوwith s.th.) II to notify, advise, apprise, inform, tell ( هs.o., بof or about) III to write ( هto s.o.). address ( هs.o.), turn, appeal ( هto s.o.), contact ( هs.o.) in writing; to negotiate, treat, parley ( هwith s.o.) IV to notify, inform, apprise, advise ( ه بs.o. of), let know, tell ( ه بs.o. about); to communicate, report, relate ( ه بto s.o. s.th.), tell ( ه بs.o. s.th.) V to inquire ( هof s.o.), ask ( هs.o.) VI to inform one another, notify one another; keep one another informed; to correspond, write each other; to negotiate, treat, parley ( مواwith s.o., و about) VIII to explore ( هوs.th.), search ( هو into), seek information ( هوabout); to test, examine ( هs.o., هوs.th.); to try, put to the test ( هs.o., هوs.th.); to have tried, have experienced, know by experience ( هووو s.th.); to know well ( هوs.th.) X to inquire ( ه عof s.o. about), ask ( ه عs.o. about) بووووḳabar pl. ا بووو رaḳbār news; information, intelligence: report, communication, message; notification; rumor; story; matter, affair; (gram.) predicate of a nominal clause; pl. annals │ سوب اعو اأ بو رهto inquire of s.o. about s.o. else; كوو نا وو ا بووواكوو نor وولا وو ا بووواكوو ن (ḳabari kana) to belong to the past, be passé, be no longer existent بووووḳibra, بوووو knowledge ḳubr experience; بيووkabīr experienced, expert ( بin); familiar, conversant, well-acquainted (ب with), cognizant ( بof); ا بيوthe Knowing (one of the attributes of God); (pl. بووا kubarā’2) expert, specialist │ا بيوووووا ا وائبtax expert, tax adviser بارkābūr pl. اابيوkawābīr2 peg; pin; wedge م بووووووو makbar significance; (pl: laboratory sense, intrinsic م ووووو بوmakābir2) م بو رmikbār pl. م و بيوmakābīr2 test tube (chem.) م بوmukābara pl. -āt correspondence, (esp. written) information (in classified ads: ا م و بو ابplease write to ..., please contact ...), notice, notification, communication │ ام و بو اتلفاظيووةtelephone call, telephone conversation; م و بو ا رجيوة (kārijīya) long-distance call; م و بو اسوووية (sirriya) secret communiqué; للوااا م و بوا qalam al-m. intelligence bureau; ا م و بو ا ( ح وواريḥuḍūrīyan) apply in person (in classified ads) ا ب و رikbār notification, information, communication, note, message; report; indirect discourse, oratio obliqua (gram.) ا ب و رikbārī news-, information- (in compounds) ت وووووووووو بو takābur correspondence ground ( هs.o.); to bump, hit ( هوagainst), collide ( هوwith), stumble ( هوover); to be lost, wander about, stray; to grope about, fumble about; to struggle, resist; to clatter over the ground, gallop (horse) VIII to bump (against); to struggle, resist; to grope about, fumble about; to be lost, wander around, stray; to stir, bustle negotiation; ا أبو رiktibār pl. -āt exploration, study; examination; test; test item (of an examination); trial, testing; (scientific) investigation, research, experiment; experience, empirical knowledge; practical experience │ا أبوووو را اتحويويووووة (taḥrīrīya) written examination items; ا أبو را اتو225 (dātī) personal experience; علواسبيلااال أب رexperimentally; تحوتااال أبو ر on probation, on trial; حقوووالااال أبووو ر experimental fields ا أبووووووو ر iktibārī experiential; empirical experimental; ب ووةkabta blow, stroke; rap, knock; noise, din, uproar بو هkubāṭ insanity, madness, mental disorder بوول ا أب ريةihtibārīya empiricism اسوأ أب رistikbàr pl. -āt inquiry │ا ائوو ا االسأ أب راinformation bureau م بوmukbir pl. -ūn reporter; detective م أبوmuktabar pl. -āt laboratory بزkabaza i (kabz) to bake ( هbread) VIII do. بزkubz pl. ا ب زakbāz bread بزkubza loaf of bread بووولkabl, kabal confusion; mental disorder, insanity ب زkubza pl. -ūn, ب زbaker بووو زkubbaz, بيوووز kubbazā mallow (bot.) kubbaiz, بووو زى بوووول kabil mad, crazy, feebleminded, dim-witted ب زkibāza baker’s trade, art of baking ا أب لiktibāl mental disorder وبصkabaṣa i (kabṣ) to mix, mingle, intermix ( هوو بs.th. with) II to mix, mingle, intermix ( ه وs.th.); to muddle, jumble, confuse ( هs.th.), make a mess ( هof) بوووو ص kabbāṣ one who causes confusion, who messes things up; an irresponsible, light-minded person وبط kabaṭa i (kabṭ) to beat, strike ( هوs.th., against s.th.); to knock, rap ( هوon, ا بو بon the door); to stamp ( االرthe ground; of animals) │ ( اي وبطا وبطاعشوااkabṭa ‘ašwā’) he acts haphazardly, he proceeds rashly or at random V to beat, strike, hit ( هs.o.); to bring down, fell, knock out, throw to the insane; ا بولakbal 2 mad, crazy, insane; feebleminded, dim-witted م بوزmakbaz, م بوزpl. م و بزmakābiz2 bakery بووويصkabīl, بيصوووةmedley, mess, mishmash, hodgepodge; بصوةa jellylike sweet kabala u (kabl) to confound, confuse, mess up, complicate ( هوs.th.); to hinder, impede, handicap, stop, hold back ( هs.o.); to befuddle ( هs.o.), confuse s.o.’s ( )هmind, rob ( هs.o.) of his senses make ( هs.o.) crazy; -- kabila a (kabal, بو لkabal) to get confused; to be or become mentally disturbed, crazy, insane II to confound, confuse ( هوs.th., هs.o.); to complicate, entangle, mess up, muddle, throw into disorder ( هوs.th.); to rob of his senses, drive insane ( هs.o.) VIII to become muddled, disordered (mind) م بوووالmakbūl mad, crazy, idiotic, imbecilic, mentally deranged, insane; muddlehead, dolt, fool م بووووولmakbal confused. baffled, perplexed, dismayed; muddled, confused, mixed up ( بو ) بواkabā u (kabw, kubūw) to go out, die (fire) ب يand بpl. ا بيةsee بب بية pl. اابsee بب226 بي رkibyārī caviar أووو katara i (katr) to betray ( هs.o.), act perfidiously, disloyally ( هtoward s.o.); to deceive, cheat, dupe ( هs.o.) أووووو katr disloyalty, breach of confidence, perfidy, treachery, betrayal, deception ا أأ و مiktitām end, close, conclusion, termination تموةkātima pl. وااتمkawātim2, وااتيم kawātīm2 end, close, conclusion, termination; epilogue (of a book); وااتيم final stage أوو رkattār traitor, disloyal person, cheat, swindler ووو تو kātir disloyal treacherous, perfidious, أولkatala i u (katl, وأالkatalan) to dupe, gull, cheat, double-cross, deceive ( هs.o.) III to deceive, cheat, dupe ( هs.o.); to behave hypocritically VIII = I م وأمmukattam ringed, adorned with a ring or rings (hand) م أوأمmuktatam end, close, conclusion, termination ا وأkatana i (katn) to circumcise ( هa boy) VIII pass 1 أولkatl and م تولmukātala deception, trickery, double-dealing, duplicity, duping, gulling أkatn circumcision ووأkatan pl. ا أو نaktān son-in-lawا bridegroom م توولmukātil deceitful, crafty, wily, foxy وأمkatama i (katm, أو مkitām) to seal, provide with a seal or signet ( هوs.th.); to stamp, impress with a stamp ( هوs.th.); to seal off, close, make impervious or inaccessible ( هو s.th.; also علووthe hearts, said of God); to put one’s seal ( هوon), conclude, terminate ( هوs.th.); to wind up, finish, complete ( هو s.th.); to close, heal, cicatrize (wound) V to put on or wear a ring (ات وأماب ولهب│ )ب (dahab) to wear a golden ring VIII to conclude, finish, terminate, wind up ( هو s.th.) أمkatm sealing; -- (pl. ا أ مaktām, أوام kutūm) seal, signet, seal imprint; stamp, stamp imprint; also = ( أموةsee below) │ا وووأماا بويووودpostmark, (postal) cancellation stamp; شمااا أمšam‘ al-k. sealing wax أموةkatma pl. katamāt recital of the entire Koran, esp. on festive occasions و تمkātam, kātam pl. ووااتمkawātim2 seal ring, signet ring; ring, finger ring; seal, signet; stamp │ و تماا ووزواk. zawāj wedding ring; و تماا بيويk. an-nabīyīn the Seal (i.e., the last) of the Prophets = Mohammed تو مkātām pl. وااتيمkawātīm2 seal ring, signet ring; ring أ و مkitām sealing wax; end, close, conclusion, termination │ و اا أو مat the end, at last, finally, eventually أ و مkitāmī final, concluding │كلمووةا ( أ ميةkalima) concluding speech أ نkitān, أ ظةkitāna circumcision 2 ا تانlook up alphabetically ثوو katara u and katira a to become solid, become thick, solidify, thicken; to be or become viscous, syrupy; to clot, coagulate (liquid); to curdle (milk) II and IV to thicken, inspissate, condense, coagulate ( ه liquid); to curdle ( هmilk) V = I O ثوkatra thrombosis (med.) ثو رkutar dregs (of a liquid); scum of the earth, riffraff, mob ثوو ر kutāra dregs (of a liquid); sediment, lees 227 ت ثووtakattur coagulation │O ( ت ثوواا موخmukk) cerebral thrombosis و ثو kātir thickened, inspissated, condensed; viscous, ropy, sirupy; curdled, coagulated, clotted; yoghurt, curd م ثووووووmukattar thickened, inspissated, condensed; viscous, ropy, sirupy; curdled, coagulated, clotted جلkajila a (kajal) to become embarrassed; to be ashamed ( موof s.th. or to face s.o.), be abashed ( by s.th.), feel embarrassed ( مو about s.th. or in front of s.o.) II and IV to shame ( هs.o.); to embarrass, abash, put to shame ( هs.o.) جولkajal shame ( موat); bashfulness diffidence, timidity, shyness; abashment; disgrace, shame, ignominy │( يو ا ل جولla-lkajal) O disgrace! the shame of it! جوووول kajil abashed, embarrassed; bashful, diffident, shy, timid; overgrown with luxuriant, profuse vegetation; long and flowing (garment) وودرkadir numb (limb); benumbed, torpid, dazed جوالkajūl abashed, ashamed, shamefaced; shy, bashful, diffident, timid و رkādir limp, languid; benumbed, torpid, dazed; hidden in his den, lurking (lion) جووووالن kajalān abashed, ashamed, shamefaced; shy, bashful, diffident, timid; bewildered with shame, embarrassed م جالmakjūl ashamed, shamefaced م جولmukjil arousing shame, shameful; shocking, disgraceful, ignominious │( اع اا م جلةa‘ḍā’) the pudenda دkadda u to furrow, plow (a the ground) V to be furrowed; to become wrinkled (akin) دkadd pl. دوkudūd cheek; lateral portion, side │ صعوا دهṣa‘‘ra kaddahū to put on a contemptuous mien دkadd and دkudda pl. دkudad furrow, ridge, groove, rut ا دوukdūd pl. ا يدakādīd2 furrow, ridge, groove, rut; trench, excavation دmikadda pl. مmakadd2 cushion, pillow; seat cushion ديkadīj premature child داkidāj abortion, miscarriage وودر ووووووووودر takdīr narcotization anesthetization, و رkādira chrysalis (of a caterpillar; zool.) م ودرmukaddir anesthetic, painkilling, tranquilizing; (pl. -āt) an anesthetic; a narcotic, drug, dope م ووووودرmukaddar numb, torpid, insensible; (eg.) tipsy, fuddled, drunk م ودرmukaddira girl kept in seclusion from the outside world 228 ودشkadaša i (kadš) to scratch ( هوs.th.); to maul, lacerate, tear to pieces ( هوs.th.); to violate ( ه وthe rules of decency, s.o.’s honor, and the like); to disturb ( هthe peace); to ruin, sully, run down ( سووومعأ sum‘atahū s.o.’s reputation) II to scratch ( هوs.th.) j to maul, lacerate, tear to pieces ( هووs.th.); to violate ( هووthe rules of decency, s.o.’s honor, etc.); to ruin, sully, run down ( سوووومعأsum‘atahū s.o.’s reputation) ودشkadš pl. ودوشkudūš, ا وداشakdāš scratch, scratch mark; graze, abrasion kadira a (kadar) to be numb, prickle, tingle (leg, arm); to be or become limp, benumbed, paralyzed; -- kadara u to confine to women’s quarters, keep in seclusion ( هوa girl) II to numb, benumb, stupefy ( هs.o., هوa s.th.); to anesthetize, narcotize, put to sleep ( هs.o., ه وs.th.; med.); to confine to women’s quarters, keep in seclusion (la a girl) IV to make torpid, stupefy, benumb, deprive of sensation, narcotize ( هs.o., هوs.th.) V to be numbed. be stunned, be stupefied, be deprived of sensation; to come to rest, calm down ودkada‘a a to cheat ( هs.o., عوout of s.th.); to deceive, mislead, dupe, gull ( هs.o.); pass. kudi‘a to be mistaken, be wrong ( عو about); to fail to see clearly ( ع وwith regard to), get the wrong impression ( عو of s.th.) III to cheat, dupe, deceive, take in ( هs.o.); to try to deceive or double-cross (ه s.o.) VII to let o.s. be deceived, be deceived, deluded, misled ( بby); to be mistaken, be wrong ودرkidr pl. ودورkudūr, ا ودارakdār, ا و يوakādīr2 curtain, drape; women’s quarters of a tent; boudoir, private room (of a lady) دعوةkuda‘a impostor, swindler, cheat, sharper ودرkadar and ودرkudra numbness, insensibility (esp. of a limb gone to sleep); daze. torpor, stupor ودkud‘a pl. ودkuda‘, -āt deception, cheating, swindle سوواىا وودsawwā akda‘ahū to crush s.o.’s pride, humble s.o. ديعةkadī‘a pl. دائاkadā’i‘2 deception, deceit, betrayal, treachery, perfidy, trickery, imposture وووودا kaddā‘ impostor, swindler, sharper, cheat, crook; deceptive, delusive يدkaida‘ fata morgana, mirage ا ووو ياakādi‘2 swindles, underhand dealings, crooked practices; phantoms, phantasms, delusions م ودmika‘, mukda‘, makda‘ pl. م و 2 makādi small room, chamber, cabinet; bedchamber وداkidā‘ deception, deceit, swindle, imposture, betrayal, treachery, perfidy, trickery, duplicity وووداع kidā‘ī deceitful, fraudulent; deceptive, delusive, fallacious م وووmukādi‘ swindler, impostor, cheat, sharper, crook وودل kadala a to stiffen, become rigid; to become numb, torpid, limp ودم kadama i u ( ودمkidma) to serve, be at service, do service; to have a job; to work; to wait ( هon s.o.); to serve ( هs.o., هوs.th.); to render a service ( هto s.o., هوto s.th.), stand up ( هfor s.o.) │ ا ودماادرto till or cultivate the soil; دموووو ا وووودم اكثيووووو (kidamātin katīratan) he rendered him many services; ( دماركو با والنrikāba) to be at s.o.’s beck and call; وودمامص و اا ووالن (maṣāliḥa) to serve s.o.’s interests; وودما ( ا قوداسquddāsa) to celebrate Mass (Chr.) II to employ, hire ( هs.o.), engage the services ( هof s.o.); to give work ( هto s.o.), provide work ( هfor) X to employ, hire, take on ( هs.o., لfor s.th.), engage the services ( ه لof s.o. for s.th.); to put in operation, operate ( هe.g., a public utility); to employ, use ( هوs.th., لfor), make use, avail o.s. ( هof s.th., لfor a purpose) دمkadam servants, attendants ا دموةkidma pl. ودمkidam, -āt a service (rendered); attendance, service; operation; office, employment, occupation, job; work │ ا و ا دموةاشوin the service of s.th.; و ا دمأكمat your service; ( دما لحقيقةkidmatan) in the interest of truth, for the sake of truth; '( دموووةاعسوووكويةaskarīya) military service; ا دمووووووةااالجب ريووووووة (ijbārīya) conscription, compulsory service; ا دم وةا ( ا سوويةsirrīya) secret service (pol.); دموةا ا قووداسk. al-quddās celebration of Mass (Chr.) 229 ودامkaddām pl. manservant, servant, attendant; woman servant, female domestic servant, maid وووودام kadāma attendance, service; employment, occupation, office, job ودامkaddāma pl. -āt woman servant, female domestic servant, maid ت وديمtakdīm work, occupation or duty of an employment agent ( م ودمmukaddim see below) │ امكأباا أ وديمmaktab at-t. labor office, employment bureau اسأ دامistikdām (putting into) operation; use, utilization; employment, hiring (of an employee); service, occupation, position, job وو مkādim pl. وودامkuddām, دموووة kudama domestic servant, help; manservant; woman servant; employee; attendant; waiter; deacon (Chr.) مووة kādima woman servant; female domestic servant, maid; woman attendant مية kādimīya status of a servant م ودومmakdūm pl. -ūn, م و يمmakādīm2 master, employer م دوموةmakdūma mistress, lady (of the house), woman employer م دوميوةmakdūmīya status of the master or employer م وودمmukaddim pl. -ūn employment agent مسوأ دمmustakdim pl. -ūn employer; -mustakdam (colloq. mustakdim) pl. -ūn employee, official ودنIII to befriend ( هs.o.), make friends ( هwith s.o.); to associate socially ( هwith) وودنkidn pl. ا وودانakdān (intimate) friend, companion, confidant وووووودي kadīn (intimate) companion, confidant دياkidīw, دياkudaiwī khedive دياkidīwī khedivial friend, لأX to submit, subject o.s. مسووأ لmustakdi’ submissive, servile, subservient, obedient ولرواkūdrūf pl. ولاريف top واس و نkurāsān2 Khurasan (province in NE Iran) 1 kadārīf2 (spinning) لروkudrūfī turbinate, toplike لاkadafa i (kadf) to hurl away ( ه, بs.th.) م ل ةmikdafa sling, slingshot, catapult وولل kadala u (kadl, وولالنkidlān) to leave, abandon, forsake, desert, leave in the lurch ( هor عوs.o.); to stay behind; to disappoint; pass. kudila to fail, suffer a setback, meet with disappointment III to leave, abandon, forsake, desert, leave in the lurch ( هs.o.) VI to let up, flag, grow slack, languish, wane, decrease, fade, grow feeble VII to be left in the lurch; to be helpless; to be defeated; to meet with disappointment وبkarb destruction, devastation وبkurb hole; eye of a needle; anus ووووبkarib destroyed, demolished, wrecked, devastated, waste; dilapidated, tumble-down, ramshackle; broken, ruined, out of order وبةkirba pl. وبkirab (site of) ruins; ruin, disintegrating structure للkidlān disappointment وبووووووة karba, lawlessness ت أوووووللta!:d4u.l fatigue, languor, weakness, feebleness; relaxation, lessening of tension; disagreement, dissent, disunion وووابkaràb ruin, ruination; state of destruction or dilapidation; desolation; (pl. ا وبةakriba) (site of) ruins وابووةkarāba pl. -āt, وائووبkarā’ib2 disintegrating structure, ruin, ruins لوX to submit, subject o.s. وبوووو ن karbān, kirbān destroyed, wrecked, demolished, devastated, waste; ruined, broken, out of order subservience, مسووأ لmustakdin submissive, servile, subservient, obedient وو ت ويوووبtakrīb pl. -āt destruction, wrecking, sabotage karra i ( ويووkarīr) to murmur, bubble, gurgle, purl (of running water); to ripple, trickle; to snore; -- (karr, وور230 kurūr) to fall, fall down, drop; to sink to the ground, prostrate o.s. │ ا وواعلوواادرfall to the ground; ( ووابوي ايديوbaina yadaihi) he prostrated himself before him; وواتحوتا ( لدميtaḥta qadmnaihi) he fell at hill feet ويوkarīr purl, murmur, ripple (of water) ووو kari’a a ( ووو bowels, defecate ووو feces kar’) to evacuate the kur’ and وووا karā’ excrement, irreligion, وبةkariba (site of) ruins mutakādil languid, weak, exhausted, spent, effete اسووووووووأ لا istikdā’ submissiveness, servility kurba وبةkurba pl. ووبkurab hole; eye of a needle; anus اظ ووووووووولال inkidāl forsakenness, desertedness, abandonment; defeat ووولل وووبkaraba i (karb) to destroy, wreck, demolish, shatter, devastate, lay waste ( هو s.th.); -- kariba a ( ووابkarāb) to be or become destroyed, ruined, waste, go to ruin, fall apart, disintegrate II to devastate, lay waste, destroy, wreck, demolish, ruin, lay in ruins ( هوs.th.) IV = II; V to be or become destroyed, ruined, waste, go to ruin, Call apart, disintegrate devastation, demolition; ‘ عملات ويبamal takrībī act of sabotage رب kārib annihilator, destroyer م وووبmukarrib pl. -ūn annihilator, destroyer; saboteur م وبmukrib annihilator, destroyer 2 وووبkarrūb (coll.; n. un. ) carob, locust; carob bean, locust pod, St.-John’s-bread ووبوةkarrūba pl. -āt kharouba, a dry measure (Eg.; = 1/16 = لدح.291 l) وبشkarbaša to scratch; to scrawl, scribble وبواشkarbuš pl. ووابيشkarābīš (syr.) tent O م وبشmukarbašāt graffiti وووووبط karbaṭa to throw into disarrange, confuse ( هs.th.) disorder, وبوقkarbaqa to perforate, riddle ( هوs.th.); to spoil, mar ( هs.th.) وبقkarbaq hellebore (bot.) ووkarata u (kart) to pierce, bore, perforate ( هs.th.), make a hole ( هin) ووkurt, kart pl. ا وواakrāt, ووو kurūt hole; bore, drill hole; ring, eye, eyelet حويوووتkirrīt experienced, practiced, skilled; guide وتيتkartīt rhinoceros وkaraja u ( وووkurūj) to go out, walk out; to come out ( موof), emerge ( موfrom); to drive or ride out, go out (in a vehicle); to flow out, exude, effuse; to go away, depart, leave, retire; to protrude, 231 project, stick out; to leave ( موs.th.); to dismount, alight, disembark ( موfrom), get out, step out ( موof); to emanate, issue, arise, originate, result ( موfrom); to draw away, segregate, separate, secede, dissent ( عوfrom), disagree ( عوwith); to deviate, depart ( عوfrom an arrangement, from a principle); to be an exception ( عوto); to be outside a given subject ( )عو, go beyond a topic ( )عو, exceed ( عوa topic); to be alien ( عto), be extraneous ( عوfrom), not to belong ( عوto), be not included ( عوin), have nothing to do with ( الاي وو اعو ;)عوit is limited to ..., it is nothing but ... ; to go forth (into battle); to attack ( علوs.o., s.th.), rise, fight ( علووagainst); to rebel, revolt ( علووagainst); to violate, break, infringe ( علووa rule, a regulation); وو اعليو ابto come up to s.o. with …, confront s.o. with ... ; to get out, bring out, take out ( بs.o.); to turn out, oust, dislodge ( بs.o.); to lead away, dissuade ( ب عوs.o. from); to find out, discover ( بs.th.) │( وو اعو اا وطkaṭṭ) to be derailed, run off the track (train) II to move out, take out, dislodge ( هs.o., هو s.th.); to turn out, oust, expel, evict, drive out ( هs.o., هوs.th.); to remove, eliminate (ه s.o., هوs.th.); to exclude, except ( هوs.th.); to train ( هs.o., وin a skill, and the like); to educate, bring up ( هs.o.); to distill ( هو s.th.); to pull out, extract ( ه وs.th.); to gather, deduce, infer ( هوs.th.); to explain, interpret, expound, elucidate ( هوs.th.) IV to move out, take out, get out, bring out, dislodge ( هs.o., هوs.th.); to unload ( ه و s.th.), disembark, detrain, etc. ( هs.o., e.g., troops); to turn out, oust ( هs.o.); to emit, send out ( هوs.th., e.g., electric waves); to stick out ( هوe.g., the tongue); to fish out ( هوs.th. from the pocket); to bring out into the open, make public ( هs.th.); to remove, extract ( هوs.th.); to eliminate ( هوs.th.); to expel, evict, exile, expatriate ( هs.o., مو from a country); to dismiss, fire, remove (ه s.o., م وfrom an office); ا وج و ام و اثووت و (tarwatihī) to rob s.o. of his property, dispossess, expropriate s.o.; to give off, sound, emit ( هوs.th., e.g., a tone; said of a musical instrument); to set forth, state, express, utter, voice ( هوan opinion); to break ( ريحوrīḥan wind); to educate, bring up ( هs.o.); to train ( هs.o.); to stage, produce ( هوa play; theat.); to bring out, make, shoot ( روايوةriwāyatan a film, said of a director); to except, exclude ( هوs.th., عوfrom); to pull out, extract ( هوs.th.); to select ( هوs.th.) V to be educated; to be trained ( in a school, college, also و ;مو in a field); to graduate ( وfrom a school, from a college, also )مووVI to part company, separate; to disengage, disassociate, withdraw from one another; to cede, assign, transfer, make over (عو ل s.th. to s.o.) X to get out, move out, remove ( هوs.th., موfrom); to take out, draw ( هs.th., موfrom); to pull out, extract ( هووs.th., مووfrom); to mine, extract, recover ( ه وmineral resources); to win, gain, make ( هوa product, موfrom); to copy, excerpt (A s.th., موfrom a book or document); to derive, draw, deduce, figure out, compute ( ه مs.th. from); to elicit ( هو s.th., e.g., astonishment, موfrom s.o.); to find out, discover ( هs.th.) وووووو karj expenditure, outlay, expense(s), costs; land tax; s.th. appropriate or suitable, that which is s.o.’s due, which s.o. deserves, which s.o. needs; (eg.) ration (food); (pl. ووجوkurūjāat) trimming; edge, edging, piping; pl. lace; trimmings │ هوولاا واج ولthat’s what you need, what you deserve; وو اا مشو قةk. almašnaqa one who deserves to be hanged pictures, theater); ... مو اا ووا اdirected by ا (motion picture) وووkurj pl. وجووة portmanteau 232 kiraja saddlebag, ت ووووtakarruj graduation (from a school or college) وجوةkarja pl. karajāt exit, departure; protrusion, protuberance, projection, salient part; (eg.) funeral ت رtakāruj separation, disassociation, disengagement, (mutual) withdrawal وووا Law) اسوأ واistikrāj taking out, moving out, pulling out, removal; withdrawing; extraction, derivation, gaining (of industrial products, etc.), mining, recovery (of mineral resources); preparation of an extract; excerpting, copying; deduction, inference; solution (of a problem) karāj tax; kharaj, land tax (Isl. واجوkarājī of or pertaining to land tax; of or pertaining to the taxed and cultivable area ووkurāj (coll.; n. un. , pl. -āt) skin eruption; tumor, abscess وو رkārij outer, outside, outward, exterior; external, foreign j outside, exterior (n.); foreign country or countries; quotient (arith.); karija (prep.) outside, out of رجوkārijan outside │ رجو اع و outside of, apart from; و اا و رabroad, in foreign countries; outside; ا وووواا ووو ر abroad, to foreign countries; to the outside, outward, out وووkurūj exit; egression, emergence; departure; exodus; emigration; raid, foray, sortie ( علووووagainst), attack, assault ( علوووon) │( ا وووو اع و اا ووطkaṭṭ) derailment (of a train) ويkirrīj pl. -ūn graduate (of a school, college, or university) │مووؤتمواا ووويجي ا ا عووبmu’tamar al-k. al-‘arab Congress of Arab Graduates (a supra-national organization of university graduates advocating a unified Arab world) ا رج وةEl Khārga (town in central Egypt, in Khārga oasis) ووووو رج kārijī outer, out- (in compounds), outside, outward, exterior, external; foreign; nonresident │عي ا رجية (‘iyāda) policlinic; وزار ا رجيوةministry of foreign (external) affairs, foreign ministry; ( تلميلا و رجtilmīd) a student not living at a boarding school, a day student م ووmakraj pl. م و رmakārij2 (place of) exit; way out (of a difficult situation), outlet, escape, loophole, shift, dodge, excuse; articulation (of a sound); O cathode (el.) │ علمام ر اا حوواphonetics ت وووويtakrīj education, training (in schools, colleges); raising, upbringing, rearing (of children); extraction; derivation, deduction; interpretation, exegesis واارkawārij2 the Khawarij, Kharijites (the oldest religious sect of Islam); dissenters, dissidents, backsliders, rebels ا ووواikrāj taking out, moving out, removal; unloading, disembarkment, detrainment; emission; moving, carting away, hauling off; evacuation; publication, publicizing, bringing before the public; extraction, removal; elimination; dismissal, removal (from an office); ousting, expulsion, eviction, expatriation, banishment (from a country); excretion (biol.); finding out, discovery, figuring out; training, formation, education; direction, production, staging (motion pictures, theater) │ تووا وااال وووا (tawallā) to have the, direction (motion م ووmukraj excerpt, extract (from a book); م وجexcretions (biol.) 233 م ووmukrij pl. -ūn (screen or stage) director مأ وmutakarrij pl. -ūn graduate ( وor مof a school or college) مسوووأ وmustakraj pl. -āt extract; excerpt ( مfrom), partial copy ( مof) و وkarkara to snore 1 ووkarida a to be a virgin, be untouched, innocent, chaste ويوودkarida pl. وائوودkarā’id2, ووو kurud virgin; unbored pearl 2 ووkurda scrap metal, scrap iron; pl. kardawāt notions, smallwares; goods, smalls, miscellaneous articles; (eg. also) novelties, fancy for ladies و جوووو kurdajī smallwares dealer in وو وا small small goods miscellaneous وkurdaq, kurduq small shot, buckshot وو ل kardal (coll.; n. un. ) mustard seeds; mustard وزkaraza I u to pierce, bore ( هs.th.) م وووزmikraz pl. م و رزmakāriz2 awl; punch م وازmikrāz awl; punch ا ووسkarisa a (karas) to be dumb mute; to become silent, keep silent, hold one’s tongue IV to silence, reduce to silence, gag ( هs.o.) ا ووسakras2, f. وسوkarsā’2 pl. ووس kurs, وس نkursān dumb, mute وس نkarsān2 dumb, mute ا وس و نkarasān, وس و ظةkarasāna concrete (béton) │O ( وسووو ظةامسووولحةmusallaḥa) armored (or reinforced) concrete وشووااkuršūf (coll.; n. un. ) pl. واشوويف karāšīf artichoke ووصkaraṣa u (karṣ) to guess estimate ( هو s.th.); to conjecture, surmise ( ه وs.th.), form conjectures ( ه وabout); to tell an untruth, a falsehood, to lie V to fabricate lies ( علوووagainst s.o.); to raise false accusations ( علوagainst s.o.) وووصkirṣ, kurṣ, pl. وص و ن kurṣān earring kirṣān, وواصkarrāṣ pl. -ūn Ii&!', slanderer, calumniator وووه ووواهkarrāṭ pl. -ūn turner, lather; braggart, bluffer, storyteller واهةkarrāta skirt (syr.) وي ةkarīṭa pl. وائطkarā’iṭ, وهkuruṭ map, chart م وهوووةmikraṭa, makraṭa pl. م ووو ره makāriṭ2 lathe رهة kāriṭa pl. -āt map, chart م ووهmakrūṭ cone (math.); conic 234 وسkaras dumbness, muteness 2 وهkarṭ pulling-off (of leaves); ونا لا وهاا قأsee ونturning, turnery واهوةkirāṭa turner’s trade, turnery, art of turning وزkaraz (coll.; n. un. ) pearls 1 lathe; to join, enter ( و, و اسوللfī silk an organization, a community), affiliate ( و, ووووو اسووووولل with an organization, a community); to penetrate ( وs.th. or into); to plunge headlong ( ووinto), embark rashly ( وupon); to labor, slave, toil │ ( اظ وها اا بكbukā’) to break into tears karaṭa u i (karṭ) to pull off, strip ( هو leaves from a tree); to turn, lathe, shape with a lathe ( هوووwood, metal); to exaggerate, boast, brag, lie; -- u (eg.) to cut into small pieces; to mince, chop, dice ( هوmeat, carrots, etc.) II (eg.) to cut into small pieces, mince, chop ( هوs.th.) VII to be turned. be lathed. be shaped with a م ووهmakrūṭī conic وهواشkarṭūš, وهاشوةkarṭūša pl. وواهيش karāṭīš 2 cartridge; lead (of a pencil); cartouche (arch.); daybook وه لkarṭāl oats وهوامkarṭūm pl. وواهيمkarāṭīm2 proboscis, trunk (of the elephant); hose ا وهوامal-karṭūm Khartoum (capital of the Sudanese Republic) واهيkarāṭīn2 a kind of earthworm واهيkarāṭīnī wormlike, vermiform وهيطkarṭīṭ rhinoceros ووkaru‘a u (kur‘, واعوةkurā‘a) and kari‘a a (kara‘) to droop, be or become slack, limp, flabby; to be or become languid, soft, spineless, yielding VII do. VIII to invent, devise, contrive ( هوs.th.); to create. originate ( هs.th.) ووkari‘ and ويواkarī‘ soft, languid, yielding, spineless, devoid of energy, nerveless ووووkirwa‘ castor-oil plant, palma Christi (Ricinus communis; bot.) ا أواiktirā‘ pl. -āt invention م أوmuktari‘ pl. -ūn inventor م أوmuktara‘ pl. -at invention وواkarifa a (karaf) to dote, be senile and feeble-minded; to drivel, talk foolishly وواkaraf feeble-mindedness, dotage, senility; childishness (of an old man) ووواkarif and و و نkarfān feebleminded, doting; childish; dotard ويفkarīf autumn, fall ويفkarīfī autumnal وواkarūf pl. ووااkirāf, ا و وةakrifa, و و نkirfān young sheep, lamb, yearling; wether وا وةkurāfa pl. -āt superstition; fable, fairy tale وkarq tearing, rending, laceration; piercing, boring, perforation; penetration; disruption; breakthrough; traversion, crossing, transit; violation, breach; (pl. ووkurūq) hole, aperture, opening │و ا ادم ام اا ع مk. al-amn al-‘āmm violation of public security; وو اا عوoffense against common usage, violation of mores; اتسواا ( ا و اعلواا والاittasa‘a) the rent is beyond repair 235 وkurq and ولوةkurqa awkwardness, clumsiness; stupidity │ ( ا و ا اا ووأra’y) stupidity; folly, madness; م اا و ا اا ووأ ا ... اناit would be very unwise to ... ولوةkirqa pl. ووkiraq tatter, shred; rag; scrap (of paper); polishing cloth; eraser (cloth) fictitious, ا ووakraq2 f. ولوkarqā’2, pl. وو kurq clumsy, awkward; stupid; irregular; illegal, illicit, unlawful م و وةmakrafa prattle, drivel, twaddle, bosh م ولةmakraqa trickery, sleight of hand, legerdemain, hocus-pocus, swindle وا وووو kurāfī legendary fabulous, ت ويووفtakrīf folly, delusion; foolish talk, drivel, twaddle, bosh, buncombe م وواmukarrif childish, foolish; (pl. ūn) prattler, chatterbox, windbag; charlatan و شkartaša to shuffle, mix ( هs.th.) و اشوةkarfūša pl. ووا يشkarāfīš2 card of low value, discard (in card playing) ووkaraqa I u (karq) to tear, rend, tear apart ( ه وs.th.); to make a hole ( ه وin); to perforate, pierce, bore ( هوووs.th.); to penetrate ( هوs.th.), break, pass ( هوthrough s.th.); to traverse, cross, transit ( هوs.th., a country); to violate, impair, infringe ( هو s.th.), encroach ( هوupon); to break ( هوa vow, and the like), commit a breach of ( ;)هوto exceed the ordinary, be unusual, extraordinary, unprecedented, unheard-of │ وو اا عوto go beyond what is ordinary or customary IV to lurk, lie in wait V and VII to be torn, be rent, be pierced, be broken VIII to pierce ( ه وs.th.); to cut, break, pass' ( هوthrough s.th.), penetrate ( هو s.th.); to traverse, cross, transit ( هوs.th.), travel through s.th. ( ;)هوto exceed ( هوe.g., a limit), go beyond s.th. ( ا أوو امسو مع │ )هو (masāmi‘ahū) to shrill in s.o.’s ears م رmakāriq2 a kind of pastry (tun.) ا أوووواiktirāq penetration; piercing, disruption; traversion, crossing, transit و رkāriq and ( لع وor) و ر اا ع و exceeding the customary, unusual, extraordinary, unprecedented, unheard-of; pl. ووووواار kawāriq2 preternatural phenomena. miracles; that which transcends the conceivable or the rational │ ا ر اا بيعةsupernatural; اار اا مصو k. al-muṣādafāt miraculous coincidences م أوmuktaraq passage, passageway وومkarama i (karm) and II to pierce ( هوs.th.), make a hole or holes ( هوin); to perforate ( هوs.th.) VII to be pierced, be riddled, be torn; to be deranged, unsettled, disorganized; to come to an end, run out, peter out, get lost VIII to destroy, annihilate ( هs.o.); to carry off, carry away ( هs.o., of death); to break ( ا صووفااthe ranks), pass through s.th. ( )ه وومkarm pl. ووومkurūm gap, blank (e.g., in a manuscript, or the like) ومkurm hole │ ا ومااالبووk. al-ibra eye of the needle واموةkarāma drill, bit, auger, gimlet; punch, perforator زا ةkizāfa potter’s trade, pottery وزkazaqa i to pierce, stab, transfix ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to drive, ram هو ا و اادرs.th. into the ground); to tear, rend, rip apart ( هو s.th.) II to tear, rend, rip apart ( هوs.th.) V and VII pass of I and II وومakram having a perforated nasal septum 2 ت وويمtakrīm piercing, boring, drilling; perforation; punching; lace-making, lacework ت ويموووووةtakrīma openwork, filigree lace, زkazq rip, rent, tear, hole (in a garment) و زوkāzūq pl. واازkawāziq2 post, stake, pole; dirty trick │ هولاا و زوthat’s tough luck! lace-work, اظ وووامinkirām state of unsettlement, disturbance, disorganization, derangement │( اظ وواما و اا أواازنtawāzun) disturbance of equilibrium م وووومmakrūm defective, incomplete (e.g., a manuscript) م ووومmukarram perforated; done in openwork, in filigree 2 ازlook up alphabetically زلkazala i (kazl) to cut off, sever ( هs.th.); to hinder, prevent, hold back, restrain, keep ( هs.o., عوfrom) VIII to cut off, cut short, end abruptly ( هوs.th.); to shorten, abridge, abbreviate ( هs.th.); to stand alone ( بwith an opinion) ا أوزالiktizāl abridgment, abbreviation; shorthand, stenography وم شةkurmāša pl. -āt (ir.) harrow وظوابkurnūb carob, locust; carob bean, locust pod, St.-John’s-bread وظووق وووو kirniq pl. واظووق leveret karāniq2 young hare, kirwa‘ castor-oil plant, palma Christi (Ricinus communis; bot.) 1 ا وزkazza u to pierce, transfix ( هs.o.); to stab ( هs.o., بwith) VIII to pierce, transfix (ه s.o., بwith) 2 ز 1 وزرkazara uto look askance ( هat s.o.), give s.o. ( )هa sidelong glance 2 بحواا زرbaḥr al-kazar the Caspian Sea pl. زوزkuzūz silk fabric يوزرانkaizurān pl. يو زرkayāzir2 cane, reed; rattan; bamboo يزراظةkaizurāna cane, stick زkaza‘a a (kaz‘) to cut, sever ( هs.th.) زعبلkuza‘bal idle talk, bosh زعبولkuza‘bala pl. -āt idle talk, bosh; joke, jest, hoax; fib, yarn; cock and bull story 236 ووزا kazaf pottery, earthenware; porcelain, china; ceramics ز وووkazafī (made of) porcelain; porcelaneous, porcelain, china (adj.) زااkazzāf dealer in chinaware; potter م أزلmuktazil stenographer ووزم kazama i (kazm) to string, thread ( ه و pearls) │ ( ا ووزمااظفوanfahū) to pierce the nasal septum (of a camel) and insert the nose ring for the bridle; to make s.o. subservient to one’s will ووزامkizām, زامووة kazā’im2 nose ring kizāma pl. ووزائم زاموkuzāmā lavender (bot.) وزنkazana u (kazn) to store, stock, lay up, hoard, amass, accumulate; to keep secret, keep ( هوa secret) II and VIII to store, stock, lay up, warehouse ( هوs.th.); to store up, accumulate ( هوs.th.); to dam ( هوs.th.); to put in safekeeping, keep ( هs.th.) ووووزن kazn storing; accumulation, hoarding, amassing; storage, warehousing زظوةkazna treasure house; safe, coffer, vault; wardrobe, locker; cupboard زاظووةkizāna pl. -āt, ووزائkazā’in2 treasure house; vault, coffer, safe; treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; locker, wardrobe, closet; cupboard; library │زاظةا ا دو وةk. ad-daula and ‘( زاظوةاع موةāmma) public treasury, exchequer; زاظوةاا وثلk. attalj icebox, refrigerator; زاظوةاا كأوبk. al- kutub bookcase; library; زاظووةا صاصووية (kuṣūṣīya) private library; زاظووةاا مالبوووس wardrobe, closet, locker زي وةkazīna pl. وزائkazā’in2 treasure house; public treasury, exchequer; treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; cashier’s office; vault, coffer, safe; cashbox, till (of a merchant) │( اا زي ووووةاا صووووةkāṣṣa) (formerly) the Royal Privy Purse (Ir.); زي ووةاا دو ووةk. ad-daula public treasury, exchequer; زي ووةاراصوود, زي ووةاظقووا اراصوود cash register ووزانkuzzān pl. -āt, ووزازيkazāzīn2 dam; reservoir; basin, sump, pool; storage tank (also for oil); - (pl. -ūn) storehouseman, warehouseman م وووزنmakzan pl. م ووو زنmakāzin2 storeroom, storehouse; depository; stockroom, storage room; depot, magazine, warehouse; store, shop, department store; ا م وووزنal-makzan the Makhzan, the Moroccan government (formerly: govemmental finance department; Mor.) │ا م ووزناا ويووةm. adwiya drugstore; م ووزنا االصودارm. al-iṣdār shipping room (com.); م وووزناا عفوووشm. al-‘afš trunk (of an automobile) 237 م زظmakzanī being under government control or administration. belonging to the government (Mor.) │( اموال ام زظيوةamlāk) government land (Mor.) م وووو زظmakāzinī gendarme (Mor.) pl. -īya native م زنmakāzin2, م زناا ويقm. aṭ-ṭarīq the nearest, shortest way, a short cut م زظجوووووmakzanjī warehouseman storehouseman, زظدارkazandār, kaznadār treasurer ت ووووووزي takzīn storage, storing, warehousing; storing up, accumulation; damming زنkāzin pl. زظوةkazana, وزانkuzzān treasurer م وووزونmakzūn stored, stored up, deposited, warehoused; (pl. -āt) stock, supply, stock in trade وزkaziya a (kizy, kazan) to be or become base, vile, despicable, contemptible; (زايوة kazāya) to be ashamed ( موof); -- kazā i to disgrace, dishonor, discredit, put to shame ( هs.o.); to shame, abash, embarrass ( هs.o.) IV to humiliate, degrade, dishonor ( هs.o.); to shame, put to shame ( هs.o.) X to be ashamed وووزىkizy, kazan shame, disgrace, ignominy │! يو ا ل وزىyā la-l-kazā what a shame! زيو نkazayān2 f. زيوkazyā, pl. زايو kazāya ashamed, shamefaced, abashed; shameful, disgraceful, scandalous, infamous, base, mean, vile م وووزاmakzāh pl. م ووو زmakāzin a shameful thing, a disgrace; reason for shame; pl. shameful things, disgraceful acts, infamies م ووزmakzīy ashamed, shamefaced, abashed; embarrassed, confused; ا م ووز the Devil م وووزmukzin disgraceful, shameful, scandalous, infamous م زيوةmukziya pl. -at disgraceful act, infamy وسkassa (1st pers. perf. kasistu) a ( سوةkissa, س سوةkasāsa) to be mean, base, vile; to become less, decrease, diminish, depreciate, fall in value; -- kassa u to lessen, reduce, diminish ( ه وs.th.) II to lessen, reduce, diminish ( هs.th.) سkass lettuce (Lactuca sativa; bot.) سkassa (n. un.) head of lettuce وسkissa and س سوةkasāsa meanness, baseness, vileness سوويسkasīs pl. ا س وakissā’2 mean, base, low, vile, despicable, contemptible, miserable سيسوةkasīsa pl. سو ئس trick, infamy kasā’is mean سوبkasa’a a (kas’) to chase away ( هs.o.); - سوئkasi’a a to be driven away, make off │ سووئتkasi’ta beat it! scram! ا سووباا يوول iksa’ ilaika do. ا سوووبaksa’2 baser, meaner, more despicable; weaker سوئkāsi’ spurned, rejected, outcast; low, base, vulgar, despicable, contemptible; disgraceful, shameful, scandalous, infamous; futile, vain (attempt); weak, feeble, languid سأكةkastaka indisposition م سووألmukastak indisposed, unwell, sickly شkašša i u (kašš) to enter ( ش شkišāš vermin, insects شوبII to lignify, become woody or woodlike; to line, face or cue with wood, to panel, wainscot ( هو8.tb.) V to lignify, become woody or woodlike; to become bard, still, firm, rigid; to stiffen, freeze (e.g., with panic) سووkasara a (kusr, سو رkasār, سو رkasāra, سوووانkusrān) to incur a loss, suffer damage; to lose, forfeit ( هوs.th.); to go astray, lose one’s way, get lost; to perish II to cause loss or damage ( هوto s.o.); to do harm ( هto s.o.); to destroy, 238 ruin ( هو s.o.); to corrupt, deprave ( هs.o.) شووبkašab pl. شووبakšāb wood, lumber, timber │ شوباادظبيوk. al-anbiyā’ guaiacum wood, lignum vitae شوبةkašaba pl. –āt, ا شو بakšāb piece of wood; a timber; pale, post; plank, board │ شوباا ميوتal-mayyit coffin; شوبةاا مسووح al-masraḥ stage (of a theater), علووا شوبةا ا مسوحon the “boards” IV to cause a loss ( هto s.o.); to shorten, cut, reduce ( هوs.th.) X to grudge ( علووor و s.o., s.th.), envy s.o. ( علوووor ) وthe possession of ( )ه شوبkašabī wooden, woody, ligneous, made of wood; timber-, lumber- (in compounds) سوkur loss, damage ش بkaššāb pl. lumber merchant سووانkusrān loss, damage, forfeiture; decline, deterioration; depravity, profligacy ت شيبtakšīb paneling, wainscoting ت شويبةtakšība pl. -āt, ت شويبtakāšīib2 barrack, wooden shed سو رkasāra pl. سو ئوkasā’ir2 loss, damage; pl. losses, casualties ( وin; mil.) │ اي ا س رwhat a pity! too bad! ت شوبtakaššub stiffness, rigor, rigidity; stiffening مأ شوبmutakaššib frozen, rigid; stiff, bard, firm سووانkusrān (eg.) loser; affected by damage or loss سوووkāsir lost, hopeless; involving substantial losses; loser; depraved, corrupted; profligate, disreputable person, scoundrel م سوووووmukassir causing damage, harmful, noxious, injurious, detrimental سوفkašafa i (kasf, سوااkusūf) to sink, sink down, give way, cave in, disappear, go down; to be eclipsed (moon); -- i (kasf) to cause to sink, cause to give way │ا سفا ا بو اادرk. llāh bihī l-arḍa God made him sink into the ground, God made the ground swallow him up VII to sink, sink down, go down سفkasf baseness, ignominy, disgrace, shame; inferiority │ اسو ما سوفsāma kasfan to humiliate, abase, degrade (.s.o.) سوااkusūf occultation (astron.); lunar eclipse s.th.) شتkušt pl. شاkušūt javelin 1 ش و شkaškāš (coll.; n. un. ) pl. ش و يش kašākīš2 poppy ش شkaškša to clank, clatter, rattle; to rustle ش شووةkaškaša pl. -āt noise; clank, clatter, rattle; rustle, rustling; crash )ش شي ة =( ش شيةrattle (toy) شو رkušāra leftover (of a meal); offal, refuse; a discard, a worthless thing شواkaša‘a a ( شواkušū‘) to be submissive, be humble; to humble o.s.; to fade (voice) │( ا شااببصوهbaṣarihī) to lower one’s eyes II to humble, reduce to submission ( هs.o.) V to display humility; to be humble; to be moved, be touched شووووووووا kušū‘ submission, humility submissiveness, شواkaši‘ pl. شوعةkaša‘a submissive, humble 239 شو اkušāf various fruits, stewed and waked in syrup or rose water, compote شك رkuškār coarsely ground grain, grits شكويشةkaškarīša scab, slough, scurf شمII to intoxicate, make drunk ( هs.o.) شمkašm nose; mouth; vent, outlet يشوامkaišūm pl. ي شومkayāšim2 nose; gills; also pl. ي شيمnose شو kašuna u ( ) شوواظةto be rough, coarse, crude; to be raw, uncut, unpolished II to roughen, coarsen, make crude ( هوs.th.) III to be rude, uncivil, boorish ( هto s.o.) V to display rough, rude, or coarse, manners; to be rough, uneven; to lead as rough life XII ا شاش وikšaušana to be rough, coarse, crude; to lead a rough life شوkašin pl. شو نkišān rough, crude; coarse (as opposed to ظو عمnā‘im); rude, unpolished, uncouth; tough, harsh (life); hoarse, raucous (voice) │ شو اا لموسk. allams coarse to the touch, rough, uneven, wrinkled; ش و اا لووقk. al-kulq uncouth, boorish; شووو اا قشووووk. al-qišra thickshelled; ( ا ج ساا شjins) the strong sex ا شوakšan2, f. شوkašnā’2, pl. شو kušn rough, tough, harsh, rude, uncouth ا شوal-kašnā’ the vulgar, uneducated people شوواظةkušūna roughness, coarseness; crudeness; rudeness شوkašiya a (kašy, شويةkašya) to fear, dread ( هs.o., هوs.th., علووfor s.o. or s.th.), be afraid ( هof) II to frighten, scare, terrify, alarm ( هs.o.) V = I; VIII to be embarrassed; to be ashamed شويةkašya fear, anxiety, apprehension │ شيةامkašyatan min for fear of ا شووakšā more timorous, more fearful; more to be feared. more frightening شوي نkašyān2. f. شويkaāyā, pl. شو ي timorous, timid, anxious, apprehensive و شkāšin timorous, timid, anxious, apprehensive وصkašša u to distinguish, favor (especially, before others), single out ( هs.o.), bestow special honors ( هupon s.o., in preference to others); to endow ( بs.o. with), confer, bestow ( بupon s.o. s.th.); to apportion, allot, assign, accord, give, dedicate, devote ( ه بto s.o. s.th., in preference to others); with فسوto take possession ( هو of), demand ( ه وs.th.; also ووصاب و اظفس و nafsahū); to be specifically associated (ه with s.o.), be characteristic ( هof s.o.), be peculiar ( هto); to apply in particular ( هو to), be especially valid ( هوfor); to concern, regard ( هs.o., هووs.th.), have special relevance ( هوto), bear ( هوon) │ صو ابع يأو (bi-‘ināyatihī) to devote one’s attention to s.o., favor s.o. with one’s attention; صو ا ( ب ولكوbi-d-dikr) to make special mention of s.o. or s.th.; ( وا ووصام و همakuṣṣu) I mention, among them, especially (with foll. acc.); هوولااالاي صووthis does not concern me, this is none of my business II to specify, particularize, itemize ( هوs.th.); to specialize ( هs.th.), narrow, restrict (ه ل s.th. to); to designate, destine, set aside, earmark, single out ( هو لor هs.o. or s.th. for a purpose); to devote in particular, dedicate, assign ( هو لs.th. to); to allocate, allot, apportion ( هووو لs.th. to); to appropriate ( هو لfunds for); to reserve, held, withhold ( هو لs.th. for); to tie down ( ه بs.o. to a special field) V to specialize ( لin, also بor وin a scientific field); to devote all one’s attention ( لto s.th.); to apply o.s. ( لto), go in for s.th. ( ;)لto be peculiar ( بto); to be chosen, destined, earmarked ( لfor) VIII to distinguish, favor ( ه بs.o. with), confer distinction (ب هupon s.o. by); to devote, give, accord, afford ( ه بto s.o. s.th., in preference to others); to dedicate ( ه بto s.o. s.th., e.g., one’s services); (with ) فسوووto take exclusive possession ( هوووof), claim, demand ( هوs.th.), lay special claim ( هوto; also ا ووووأصابوووو اظفسووووnafsahu); to be distinguished, be marked ( بby); to possess alone, in distinction from all others, have above others ( بs.th.), have the advantage over others ( بthat); to be peculiar ( بto); to concern, regard (ب s.th.), bear ( بon); to be pertinent, have relevance ( بto), have to do ( بwith); to be duly qualified, be competent, have jurisdiction ( بin; e.g., an authority); to have as a special function or task ( بs.th.) صlettuce (bot.) ووصkuṣṣ pl. ص و صkiṣāṣ, ا ص و ص akṣāṣ, صواصkuṣūṣ, hut, shack, shanty, hovel صةkaṣṣa jet of water صوووو ص kaṣāṣ crevice, crack, gap interstice, interval, ص صوةkaṣāṣa crevice, crack, interval, gap صيصووةkaṣīṣa pl. ص و ئصkaṣā’iṣ2 special characteristic or quality, specialty, particularity, peculiarity صيصkiṣṣīṣan particularly, especially, specifically صووواصkuṣūṣ specialness; صاصووو kuṣūṣan especially, in particular, specifically │ب صواص, و ا صواصand مو ا صوووواص (with foll. genit.) as to, concerning, regarding, with respect to, as regards; بهلااا صاصand م اهلااا صواصin this connection, in this matter, in this respect, about this, concerning this; علووا ا صواصand ( علوواوجو اا صواصwajhi l-k.) especially, particularly, in particular, specifically صاصوووو personal kuṣūṣī; special; private, ص صووووة kaṣāṣa poverty, privation, destitution, want penury, ا وووصakaṣṣ2 more special, more specific │ علووااد وصespecially; و ااد وص do. ا صوووو confidante 2 akiṣṣā’ intimate friends, ا ص ئikṣā’ī see 2صو ت صووووووويص takṣīṣ specialization; specification, particularization, itemization; designation, destination (for a purpose); allotment, apportionment, allocation; reservation; (pl. -āt) appropriation, financial allocation; credit │ علووووات صووويصand علوووواوجووو اا أ صووويص specifically ت صوصtakaṣṣuṣ specialization (esp., in a scientific field) ا أصوو صiktiṣāṣ pl. -āt jurisdiction, competence; special province or domain, bailiwick (fig.); pl. prerogatives, privileges, monopolies; concessions (Intern. Law); واي ا ةااال أصوو صايduly qualified, authorized, responsible, competent; ائووووو ااال أصوووو صscope of competence, sphere of authority, jurisdiction, province, domain, field ا أص صiktiṣāṣī pl. -ūn specialist و صkaṣṣ special, particular; specific, peculiar; relative, relevant, pertinent (ب to), concerning ( بs.th.); earmarked, Designated, destined, set aside ( بfor); especially valid or true ( بfor), especially applicable ( بto), characteristic ( بof); distinguished; private; exclusive, not public │ جويود ا صوةابprofessional journal for ...; ‘( ا و صاوا عو مāmm) the special and the general; high and low, all people; ا بيباا صphysician in ordinary 241 صوةkāṣṣa pl. وااصkawāṣ2 exclusive property; private possession; specialty, particularity, peculiarity, characteristic, property, attribute; essence, intrinsic nature; leading personalities, people of distinction, ا ص وةthe upper class, the educated; kāṣṣatan and ب صوةbi-kāṣṣatin especially, in particular │ و ا صوةااظفسوهمfī k. anfusihim at the bottom of their hearts, deep inside صويةkāṣṣīya pl. -āt, صو ئصkaṣā’iṣ2 specialty, particularity, characteristic, peculiarity, property, special attribute, feature, trait, qualification; prerogative, privilege; jurisdiction, competence ايصوةkuwaṣṣa (dimin. of ) صوةone’s own business, private affair │يوود لا وو ا ايص وةااموووhe meddles in my private affairs م صاصmakṣūṣ special م صووصmukaṣṣaṣ chosen, set aside, earmarked, designated, destined ( لfor); allotted, apportioned, allocated; -- pl. م صصووووووو (financial) allocations; appropriations, credits; (daily) allowance; (food) rations │( ام صصو ااضو يةiḍāfīya) extra allowances; م صص و اا ملوولm. almalik civil list م ووأصmuktaṣṣ pertaining, pertinent, relevant, relative ( بto); duly qualified, authorized, responsible, competent; special; pl. م أصووووووو muktaṣṣāt competences │اا مق موووووووو اا م أصووووووووةthe competent authorities; ا وووودوائواا م أصووووة competent (or authoritative) quarters صوبkaṣaba i and kaṣiba a (kiṣb) to be fertile (soil) II to make fertile ( ه وs.th.); to fructify, fertilize ( هs.th.) IV = I صوبkaṣib fertility; abundance, plenty; superabundance, profusion صووبkaṣib and صوويب productive, fat kaṣīb fertile, صوولةkaṣla pl. ص و لkiṣāl quality, property, characteristic, peculiarity, trait; (natural) disposition صوم to bring legal action ( هagainst s.o.), sue (ه s.o.), litigate ( هwith); VI to quarrel, argue, have a fight; to go to law, carry on a lawsuit, litigate ( مواwith s.o.) VII to be deducted, be subtracted VIII to quarrel, argue, have a fight صووم kaṣm pl. صووامkuṣūm, ا ص و م akṣām adversary, antagonist, opponent; opposing party (in a lawsuit) صابةkuṣūba fertility ت صيبtakṣīb fructification, fertilization صوومdeduction; subtraction; rebate; discount; pl. صامkuṣūm ا ص بikṣāb fertility م صبmukaṣṣibāt fertilizers liabilities (fin.) │ سوعواا صوامsi‘r al-k. discount rate, bank rate; صوماا كمبيو الk. al-kambiyālāt bill discount م صبmukṣib fertile, productive, fat صوkaṣira a (kaṣar) to become cold; to suffer from the cold III to clasp ( هs.o.) around the waist, put one’s arm around s.o.’s ()ه waist VIII to shorten, condense, abridge, epitomize ( هs.th.); to summarize ( هs.th.) صيمkaṣīm pl. صمkuṣamā’2, ا صوم ن kuṣmān adversary, antagonist, opponent صوووامةkuṣūma quarrel, argument, dispute, controversy, feud; lawsuit صووkaṣr pl. صوارkuṣūr hip, haunch, waist صو مkiṣām quarrel, argument, dispute, controversy, feud; lawsuit م صوووmikṣara pl. م صوووmakāṣir2 stick, baton, wand; mace, scepter م صوومmukāṣim adversary, opponent, opposing party (in a lawsuit); antagonist; litigant ا أصو رiktiṣār shortening, condensation, abridgment, summarization, epitomizing (of a statement); brevity │ ب ال أصو رand ب أص رbriefly, in short, in a few words 1 صوkaṣā ( صkiṣā’) to castrate, emasculate ( هs.o.) صوkasīy pl. صي نkiṣyān, صويةkiṣya a castrate, eunuch م أصووmuktaṣar shortened, condensed, abridged; brief, short; concise, terse, succinct; (pl. -āt) short excerpt, brief exposition, synopsis, outline, summary, abstract, epitome, compendium صووkāṣira pl. ااصووkawāṣir2 hip, haunch, waist │ ( اشواكةا و ا صووتšauka) a thorn in his side صوفkaṣafa i (kaṣf) to mend, repair, sew ( هوa shoe) صووفةkaṣfa pl. ص و ا (made of palm leaves) صوولة kaṣama i to defeat ( هan opponent) in argument; to deduct, subtract ( هوs.th., مو from): to discount ( هوa bill, a note III to argue, quarrel, dispute ( هwith s.o. 242 kiṣāf basket kuṣla pl. صوولkuṣal, -āt tuft; bunch, cluster; lock, wisp (of hair) صيةkuṣya pl. صوkuṣan testicle م صوmakṣīy castrated, emasculated ( وسام صوfaras) gelding 2 ا صو ئikṣā’ī pl. -ūn specialist; expert (of a specialized field) و kaḍḍa (kaḍḍ) to jolt, jog ( هوs.th.); to shake ( هs.th.); to frighten, scare ( هs.o.) ب اlaban kaḍḍ buttermilk ووة kaḍḍa concussion, shock, jolt; fright, terror, fear ووب kaḍaba i (kaḍb) to dye, color, tinge ( هوs.th.); -- kaḍaba i and kaḍiba a (وواب kuḍūb) to be or become green (plant) II to color, tinge ( هوs.th.); to dye ( هوs.th) XII ا اضوبikḍauḍaba to be or become green (plant) Oب kaḍb chlorophyll (biol.) يوا O ار وا ووم kuḍūb green, greenness, green يب و ḳaḍkaḍa ( و ḳaḍkaḍa) to set in motion, upset, rock, shake ( هs.th.) و kaḍkaḍa concussion, shock, وا ود kaḍada i (kaḍd) to cut off, break off ( هو thorns) │ ( ا وداشواكأšaukatahū) to tame s.o., hold s.o. in check, curb s.o.’s power وو kaḍira a (kaḍar) to be green II to make green, dye or color green ( هوs.th.) │ا ووا ( ادرarḍ) to sow the land, till the earth IX to be or become green XII ا اضوو ikḍauḍara = IX ضوواkāḍi‘ pl. ووا kuḍa‘, ووع ن kuḍ‘ān, kiḍ‘ān submissive, humble; obedient, pliant, tractable; subject, liable, prone ( لto s.th.) kuḍarī greengrocer kadīr green ر kaḍāra greens, herbs, potherbs ر kaḍḍār greengrocer وووووا اal-kaḍrā’ “the (epithet of Tunis); the sky 243 ول Verdant” وواوا kaḍrāwāt vegetables; greens, herbs, potherbs kaḍila a to be or become moist II and IV to moisten, wet ( هs.th.) IX = I ول kaḍil moist, wet; juicy, succulent; refreshing, gay, lighthearted وم ا ووakḍar f. ووا kaḍrā’ pl. وو kuḍr green │( اتوواعلووااال وواوا يو بسatā) to destroy everything, wreak havoc kuḍu‘ submissive, ا وووikḍā‘ subjugation, subdual; subjection ووو kuḍra green, greenness, green color; - (pl. وووو kuḍar) vegetation, verdure, greenery, greens; meadow; وو vegetables يو kaḍa‘a a ( وا kuḍū‘) to bow, defer, submit, yield, surrender ( لto s.o., to s.th.), humble o.s. ( لbefore), obey, follow (ل s.o. or s.th.); to be subject ( لand ا ووto a law, to a power, etc.), be under s.o.’s ( لor )ا ووووcontrol II and IV to humble, subjugate, subdue, make tractable ( هs.o.); to submit, subject, expose ( ه لor هوs.th. or s.o. to s.th.) ا kaḍū‘ pl. وا humble وو اal-kaḍir, al-kiḍir a well-known legendary figure ور kaḍār green, greenness, green color; greens, herbs, potherbs kiḍrim pl. و رم kaḍārim2 abundant, copious; well-watered, abounding in water; openhanded, generous, liberal, munificent ووا kuḍū‘ submission, obedience, humility, subjection ووو kaḍir green, verdant; verdure, greenery; young green crop (of grain) و مmukaḍḍarāt vegetables م وومmukaḍram designation of such contemporaries of Mohammed, esp. of poets, whose life span bridges the time of paganism and that of Islam; an old man who has lived through several generations or historical epochs kaḍīb dyed jolt يyakḍūr chlorophyll (biol.) م ووmakḍara meadow, lawn, turf, sod, greens, verdant land ب kiḍāb dye, dyestuff │O باا ودم k. ad-dam hemoglobin (biol.) واب color اal-kuḍairā’ Paradise kaḍama i (kaḍm) to munch ( هوs.th., with a full mouth), bite ( هinto s.th.) وم kiḍamm vast (said of the sea); sea, ocean وطkaṭṭa u (kaṭṭ) to draw or trace a line (علوو on); to draw, trace, sketch, design ( ه و s.th.); to write, pen ( هوs.th.); to carve, engrave, inscribe ( ه وs.th.); to outline, mark, trace out, prescribe ( ل هوfor s.o. s.th.) │( ا وطا و ايسو واةkaṭṭan, satran) to draw a line; و اا شوويب (šaibu) his hair turned gray II to draw lines; to rule ( هو s.th.); to furrow, ridge ( هوs.th.); to mark with lines or stripes, stripe, streak ( ه و s.th.); to pencil ( هوthe eyebrows); to mark, designate, earmark, indicate ( هوs.th.); to demarcate, delimit, delineate, stake out, survey ( هوland, real estate); to layout, map out ( ه وroads) VIII to trace out, mark, outline, prescribe ( ه وa way); to mark, demarcate, delimit, stake out, delineate ( هو s.th.); to map out, plan, project ( هوe.g., the construction of a city); to make, design, devise ( هوa plan); to plan ( هوs.th.), make plans ( هfor) ووطkaṭṭ pl. وواه kuṭūṭ line; stroke; stripe, streak; (railroad) line, line of communication; telephone line; frontline (mil.); furrow, ridge; handwriting; writing, script; calligraphy, penmanship │O ووطا ( ارضوarḍī) ground wire (radio); O ا وطا ( االسوفيisfīnī) cuneiform writing; ا واها ( ادم ظيوةamāmīya) the foremost lines, battle lines (mil.); ( وطابو رزbāriz) relievo script; وووطاتلفووواظtelephone line; ووواهاجايوووة (jawwīya) airlines; ( وطاحديودḥadīdī) and ووطاسووكةاا حديوودk. sikkat al-ḥadīd railroad line, railroad track; وطاا وزوالk. az-zawāl meridian (astron.; = وطاظصوفاا هو رk. niṣf an-nahār); O ( ا وووطاا مسوووم رmismārī) cuneiform writing; وطااالسوأااk. al-istiwā’ equator; طاا الk. aṭ-ṭūl or ( طاهواṭūlī) circle of longitude, meridian (geogr.); وطا ا عوووk. al-‘arḍ or ‘( ووطاعوض وarḍī) parallel (of latitude) (geogr.); طاتقسويماا ميو ه k. taqsīm al-miyāh divide, watershed; وطا ا قووا اا كهوب ئيووةk. al-qūwa al-kahrabā’īya power lines; وطاا هو جوmeridian (grogr.); ووو اعو اا ووطto derail, run off the rails (train); علووووووا وووووطامسوووووأقيم (mustaqīm) straightaway, in a straight line; outright, out and out; ( علوواهووالاا وطṭūl al-k.) all along the line وطkuṭṭ section, district, quarter (of a city) kaṭṭī handwritten; linear; spear ووة kuṭṭa matter, affair; condition, state; office, function, position وة kiṭṭa, kuṭṭa pl. وط kiṭaṭ, kuṭaṭ a place of land acquired for the purpose of building a house; a place of real estate, lot; district; map or plan of a place of real estate, layout; plan, project, design, intention; line of action, course, policy, rule, precept, guiding principle │وطاا عمول k. al-‘amal operation plan, work plan; هبقو ا ووووةاموسووووامة (ṭibqan) according to schedule, as scheduled or planned ووووو ه kaṭṭāṭ pl. -ūn penman, calligrapher; -- tracing lines, leaving straight trace │( شولا و هfašak) or لليفوةا هة tracer bullet, tracer (mil.) ت وويطtakṭīṭ ruling, drawing of, or marking with, lines; lineation; designation, marking, earmarking; surveying, survey (of land); planning; projecting, mapping out, laying out (of cities, of roads); plan, design ( رسوومات ي وrasm) rough draft, first sketch, design اه مmakṭūṭ handwritten; manuscript اه مmakṭūṭa pl. -āt manuscript م وطmukaṭṭaṭ striped, streaked, ruled; furrowed; designated, marked, earmarked; planned, guided, controlled; (pl. -āt) sketch, design, plan, layout; map (of a city) وئ kaṭI’a a (وب kaṭa’) to be mistaken; to commit an error, make a mistake; to sin II to charge with an offense, incriminate, declare guilty ( هs.o.); to accuse ( هs.o.) of an error or mistake; to fine ( هs.o.; tun.) IV to be mistaken, to err, commit an error, be at fault ( وin); to be wrong ( وabout, in); to make a mistake ( وin, with); to miss (ه s.o., e.g., a shot; هوthe target); to escape (ه s.o. or s.o.’s notice; a fact) │اأ وووبا ( ب وfa’luhū) (his omen was wrong, i.e.) his expectations do not come true, are not fultilled; that’s where he is wrong, that’s where he made a mistake! أ ووبهاا ش و (šai’u) (lit.: the thing escaped him, missed him, i.e.) he lacked it; أ ووبهاا أا يووقhe failed, was unsuccessful; أ وبا و ااسوأ أ ج ت he drew the wrong conclusions; أ وبابوي ا ا شوويئيhe confused the two things, he mistook one thing for the other طkiṭ’ slip, lapse, fault, offense, sin بkaṭa’ and وkaṭā’ error; mistake, incorrectness; offense, fault; kaṭa’an erroneously, by mistake │...امو اا وبااناit is (would be) wrong to …; اصووالحاا ووب iṣlāḥ al-k. corrigenda, errata, list of corrections; لأولاا وبqatl al-k. accidental homicide (jur.) يئوووة kaṭī’a pl. -āt, يووو kaṭāyā mistake, blunder; slip, lapse; fault, offense; crime, sin; fine (tun.) و هئkāṭi’ wrong, incorrect, erroneous; mistaken, at fault; (pl. kuṭāh, actually, pl. of colloq. kāṭī), f. هئةkāṭi’a pl. وااهئ kawāṭ’2 sinner م وئmukṭi’ mistaken, at fault, wrong; incorrect, wrong, erroneous وب kaṭaba u (بوة kuṭba, بوة kaṭāba) to deliver a public address, make a speech; to preach, deliver a sermon ( اا و سand ا و س an-nāsa to the people); -- (kaṭb, 245 بوة kiṭba) to propose ( هوto a girl; said of the man), ask for a girl’s hand ( )هوin marriage ( لon behalf of s.o.; said of the matchmaker); to give in marriage, betroth, affiance, engage ( علووووor ب أووو الone’s daughter to s.o.) │ ووباو ه و (wuddahā) and ( وباما تهوmawaddatahā) he courted her love III to address ( هs.o.), speak, talk, direct one's words ( هto s.o.), turn ( هto s.o., orally or in writing) │ هب و اب و أليفانto telephone s.o., call s.o. up; ( هبو اب كو اbil-kāf) to address s.o. on an intimate firstname basis VI to talk to one another; to converse, confer, have a talk, carry on a conversation; to write each other, correspond, carry on a correspondence VIII to seek a girl’s ( )هوhand in marriage, ask for a girl’s hand وب kaṭb pl. وب kuṭb matter, affair, concern, business; situation, conditions, circumstances; misadventure, mishap │ام ا بووولwhat do you want? what’s the trouble? what’s the matter with you? مو ا ب اwhat concern of his is ...? what has he to do with ...? مو ا وبا ولwhat’s it all about? بوووووة kiṭba engagement courtehip; betrothal, بوووة kuṭba pl. وووب kuṭab public address; speech; lecture, discourse; oration; sermon, specif., Muslim Friday sermon, khutbah │ا بوووةااال أأووو حopening address و بkiṭāb pl. -āt, ا بوةakṭiba public address, speech; oration; letter, note, message │ ا ووووو باتوحيوووووبwelcoming address; باا عوش k. al-‘arš speech from the throne; وووو بامسووووأعجل (musta‘jil) express letter, special-delivery letter; با تقدمووةtaqdima letter of introduction; O ب و ا ا اا قيمووةاا مقووور (dāt al-qīma almuqarrara) (= lettres avec valeur declarée) registered, insured letters (eg.); صوووولاا وووو بfaṣl al-k. (in letters:) conclusion of the formal greetings by the words ام و ابعوودamma ba‘du; conclusion, termination, end; decision; unmistakable judgment; بي ووو اوبي ووولا صووولاا ووو بwe’re through with one another once and for all ووو ب kiṭābī oratorical, rhetorical, speech-, lecturing (in compounds) يوب kaṭīb pl. بو kuṭabā’ (public) speaker; orator; lecturer; preacher, khatib; suitor (for the hand of a girl); fiancé يبة بووة oratory kaṭība fiancée kaṭāba preaching, sermonizing, بوة kiṭāba rhetoric, oratory; speech, lecture, discourse ابوووة kūṭūba courtship; betrothal, engagement م هبوةmukāṭaba pl. -āt address; public address, speech; proclamation; conversation, talk; conference, parley │ م هبوووةاتليفاظيوووةtelephone conversation, telephone call ت أ ووووبtakāṭub conversation; talk, discussion; (inter)communication (also, e.g., telephonic, by radio, etc.) │غةاا أ ب lugat it-takāṭub colloquial language هبkāṭib pl. ب suitor; matchmaker kuṭabā’2, و هبووةkāṭiba pl. و ب matchmaker ابة kuṭṭāb kuṭṭāb woman مmakṭūba fiancée م هوبmukāṭab addressed, spoken to; (gram.) second person باه وو اlook up alphabetically وووان kaṭarān swinging, oscillation, vibration kaṭara i ( ووانkaṭarān) to swing, wave, brandish ( بs.th.); to shake, tremble, vibrate; to walk with a (proud) swinging gait; to strut, parade haughtily; -- i u (ار kuṭūr) to occur ( لto s.o.), come 246 to s.o.’s ( )لmind │ ( ا وواعلوواب وbālihī) the matter came to his mind, occurred to him, he recalled the matter (also و اب وand بب و or. وا ا هو ;)علوابhe had an idea; اموا ( وووماي وووواببووو لlam yakṭur bi-bālin) an unexpected matter, s.th. one wouldn’t dram of; -- kaṭura u ( وارkuṭūra) to be weighty; to be important, significant; to be grave, serious, momentous, dangerous, perilous, risky, hazardous III to risk, hazard, stake ( بs.th. ب فسوone’s life); to incur the danger, run the risk ( بof), risk ( بs.th.); to bet, wager ( هs.o., علووa stake) IV to notify, inform ( هs.o.), let ( هs.o.) know ( بabout s.th.); to warn, caution (ه s.o.) V to walk with a lofty, proud gait; to stride, strut (with a swinging gait); to pendulate, oscillate, vibrate VI to make a bet ( علوagainst stake) ا وووakṭar2 more dangerous, riskier; weightier, of greater consequence; more serious, graver و م هوmakāṭir2 dangers, perils م و هوmukāṭara pl. -āt venture, risk, hazard ا و رikṭār notification, information; warning و هوkāṭir pl. ووااهوkawāṭir2 ideas, thought, notion; mind; desire, inclination, liking │ ( دجولا و هوli-ajl) for your sake; م و اكوولا و هوmin'n kulli kāṭirin with all one’s heart, most gladly; ‘ عو اهيبوةا و هوan ṭībati kāṭirin gladly, with pleasure; of one’s own free will, voluntarily; علوووا و هوas you like; ا وولاب و هوهto afford satisfaction to s.o., to comfort, reassure s.o.; ا لاعلوا هواموto feel offended by, to take offense at; صووود ا ووو هوهṣadda‘a kāṭirahū to trouble, bother s.o.; هموو ا ( ا وااهوṭammana) to calm the excitement; ( موواب و هوهاانmarra) the thought crossed his mind that ...; ( اكوامو ا و هوikrāman) for your sake, to please you; سووعةاا و هو sur‘at al-k. presence of mind; سوويااا و هو quick-witted وووووووووووو kaṭar weightiness, momentousness; importance, consequence, significance; seriousness, gravity; -- (pl. -āt, ا و رakṭār) danger, peril, menace ( علوووووto); riskiness, dangerousness; risk; hazard; (pl. وو ر kiṭār) stake, bet, wager │ جليلاا ووof very great importance, momentous; وا وووو dangerous, perilous; معووووووو ا ل ووووووو (mu‘arraḍ) endangered, jeopardized; اش ر ا ا وišārat al-k. alarm signal م و هوmukāṭir one who risks s.th., who takes a chance; daring, bold, venturesome م ووmukṭir dangerous, perilous, risky, hazardous ووو kaṭir dangerous, perilous, risky, hazardous; serious, grave, weighty, important, significant ووا ووkaṭara pl. kaṭarāt pompous walk, strut; swinging gait; idea, thought, notion وف ر kaṭṭār pendulum (phys.) يوووو kaṭīr pl. وووو kuṭr weighty, momentous; important, significant; grave, serious │ يواا شبنof great importance ووووووووار importance, consequence, seriousness kuṭūra weight(iness), moment(ousness); significance; gravity, مlook up alphabetically kaṭrafa (eg.) to be delirious,. to rave, to talk irrationally وة kaṭrafa delirium, raving kaṭifa a, kaṭafa i (kaṭf) to snatch, wrench or wrest away, seize, grab ( هوs.th.); to make off ( هوwith s.th.); to abduct, kidnap ( هs.o.); to dazzle ( ا بصوو247 al-baṣara the eyes) V to carry away, sweep away (. s.o.) VI to snatch or seize ( هوs.th.) from one another VII to be snatched away, be wrested away; to be carried away, be swept away VIII to grab, seize, take forcibly ( هوs.th.); to snatch, wrest, wrench ( هو موs.th. from s.o.); to abduct, kidnap (ه s.o.); to run away, elope ( هووwith a woman); to make off ( هوwith s.th.); to dazzle ( ا بصوal-baṣara the eyes) ووف kaṭf grabbing, forcible seizure, rape; abduction, kidnapping; فو kaṭfan rapidly, quickly فوووة kaṭfa pl. kaṭafāt (n. vic.) a snatching away, a grab; sudden stirring, flash │ ( و ا فوةاا بووbarq) instantly, in a trice, like a streak of lightning; فوةامو ا ف اا شعارan impulse, a sudden emotion ا kaṭṭāf rapacious; robber وا kuṭṭāf pl. و هيف kaṭāṭīf2 (iron) hook; fishhook; (coll.; n. un. ) swift, a variety of swallow يف kaṭīf pl. هيف kaṭāṭīf2 iron hook ا أ اiktiṯāf grabbing, forcible seizure, rape; abduction, kidnapping هفkāṭif pl. ااهفkawāṭif ravenous; rapacious; rapid, prompt; quick, sudden; lightninglike; fleeting; short, brief │ئو با هفوةravenous wolves; ( صوار ا هفوةṣūra) snapshot; ( حوبا هفةḥarb) Blitzkrieg 2 ول kaṭila a (kaṭal) to talk nonsense IV do. V to strut, walk with a pompous gait; to walk with a proud, swinging gait ل kaṭal idle talk, prattle لkaṭil garrulous, chattering, given to silly talk; stupid, foolish وم kaṭm nose, snout, muzzle (of an animal); front part (nose and mouth); foremost or first part; important matter │اهوولام مووة (aṭalla) approx.: to manifest its force, set in (e.g., of a disaster) مو kiṭmī, kaṭmī (coll.; n. un. ) marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis; bot.) وم kiṭām pl. kuṭum noseband, halter (of a camel) واة و ايkaṭā u (kaṭw) to step, pace, walk; to proceed, advance, progress │و ا وواا ا ( واسوعةkaṭawātin) to take large strides, also fig. = to make extraordinary progress II and V to overstep, transgress ( هوs.th.), to cross ( هوs.th.), go or walk through s.th. ( ;)هوto ford ( هوa river); to leave its banks, overflow (river); to cross, traverse (ا بحو ر the seas); to omit, disregard, ignore, pass by ( هso.); to go beyond s.th. ( ;)هوto extend ( ا ووto); to exceed, transcend ( هوs.th.); to excel, surpass, outstrip, outdo ( هs.o.); to proceed, pass ( ه وthrough s.th., ا وووto), leave s.th. ( )هوbehind and turn to s.th. else ( ;)ا ووto disregard ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) in order to turn one’s attention to (ت واب اا وا│ )ا و ( االمو مilā l-amāmi) to promote, advance s.th. VII to step, pace, walk; to proceed, advance, progress وا kaṭwa pl. kaṭawāt and kuṭwa pl. kuṭwāt, kuṭuwāt, ووو kuṭan step, pace, stride │( سو را و ا و هkuṭāhū) to walk, or follow, in s.o.’s footsteps; تقودما وا ا وا taqaddama kutwatan fa-kutwatan to proceed or advance step by step; ات ولا وا ا ( ح سومةittakada) to take a decisive step; اتو ناولفوزkaṭwatan wa qafza hop, skip and jump (athlet.) يوووة kaṭīya (= ) يئوووةslip, lapse, transgression, fault, offense, sin kuṭāh pl. of هئ kāṭi’ sinner وفkaffa i to be light (of weight); to be slight, insignificant; to become lighter, decrease in weight, lose weight; to decrease in intensity, grow lighter (color); to be nimble, agile, quick; to hasten, hurry, rush ( ا ووto) II to make lighter ( هوs.th.), reduce the weight of ( ;)هوto ease, lighten, relieve, soften ( ع و ه وfor s.o. s.th. difficult or oppressive, also مو ;علوو هs.th., e.g., s.o.’s situation); to lessen, decrease, reduce, diminish ( ه وor م وs.th.); to mitigate, alleviate, moderate, temper ( هor موs.th.); to thin, dilute ( هوe.g., a liquid); (gram.) to pronounce ( هوa consonant) without tašdīd │ فوفاع ولkaffif ‘anka! cheer up! be of good cheer! فووفاموو اسوووعألkaffif min su‘atika! slow down! فووفاابالماع ووto soothe s.o.’s pains V to dress lightly; to disburden, relieve o.s. (of a burden); to rid o.s., free o.s. ( موof s.th.); to hurry away ( موfrom), leave ( موs.th.) in a hurry X to deem ( ه وs.th.) light; to value lightly, disdain, scorn, despise ( بs.o. or s.th.), look down ( بupon), think nothing ( بof), make light ( بof), set little store ( بby); not to take seriously ( بs.th.), attach no importance ( بto); to carry away, transport ( هs.o., e.g., joy) وفkuff pl. فو اkifāf, ا فو اakfāf shoe, slipper; -- (pl. ا فو اakfāf) camel hoof; foot (of the ostrich); sole (of the foot) │ا رجووااب فو اح وويraja‘a bi-kaffai ḥunain to return with empty hands, without having achieved one’s mission; to accomplish nothing, fail, be unsuccessful ` فوووووةkiffa lightless (of weight); slightness, insignificance, triviality; sprightliness, buoyancy; agility, nimbleness; inconstancy, fickleness, flightiness, levity, frivolity │ ا فوةاا حوكوةk. al-ḥaraka, فووووةا وووو اا حوكووووة nimbleness, agility, quickness; فوووةاا ووودمk. ad-dam amiability, charm; وفاا وووحk. ar-rūḥ do.; فوةاا يودk. al-yad manual skill, dexterity, deftness ا وووفakaff2 lighter; lesser, slighter; weaker │ اا وفاا ووريa. ad-ḍararain the lesser of two evils فوو اkafāf, حجوووواا فووو اḥajar al-k. pumice, pumice stone ف نkuffān pumice, pumice stone فيوفkafīf pl. فو اkifāf, ا فو اakfāf, ا فوakiffā’2 light (of weight); slight, little, trivial, insignificant; thin, scanty, sparse; nimble, agile, sprightly, lively; -- ا فيووف name of a poetic meter │ فيوفاا حوكوةk. alḥaraka easily movable, very mobile; nimble, agile; وفاا ودمk. ad-dam amiable, charming; فيووفاا ووووحk. ar-rūḥ likable, charming, winning, amiable; gay, in high spirits, cheerful; فيوووفاا رووولk. az-zill likable, nice (person); فيوفاا ع رضويk. al‘āriḍīn having a thin beard; فيوفاا عقولk. al-‘aql feeble-minded, dimwitted; فيفاا يود k. al-yad nimble-fingered, deft; شو ا فيوف weak tea ت فيوووووفtakfīf lightening, easing; lessening, decrease, diminution; reduction; allaying, mitigation, alleviation, palliation, moderation; commutation (jur.); relief; thinning. dilution (e.g., of a liquid) │ ظوووووووااا أ فيوووووفextenuating circumstances (jur.) اسوووووأ ف اistikfāf disdain, contempt; levity, frivolity scorn, ظوواام ففةẓurūf mukaffafa extenuating circumstances (jur.) م ففmukaffaf thin, diluted فتkafata u ( فاkufūt) to become inaudible, die down, die away (sound, voice); to become silent, become still III تابكالمو ىا ( بصوواتbi-kalāmihī, bi-ṣautihī) to lower one’s voice IV to silence, reduce to silence ( هs.o.) VIII = I فاkufūt fading (radio) فووتkāfit dying away, dying down, becoming silent; inaudible; faint, dying, fading, trailing off (sound, voice); soft, subdued (light, color) م أفتmuktafit soft, low, subdued 249 فووkafara u (kafr, فو رkifāra) to watch ( هو, ه s.o., s.th. or over s.o., over s.th.), guard, protect ( هs.o., هوs.th.); -- kafira a (kafar, فو رkafāra) to be timid, shy, bashful II = I kafara V = I kafira فوkafr watching, watch, guard(ing) فوووkafar guard detachment, guard; escort │ ا فواا سااحلcoast guard (Eg.) فووووووو kafar timidity, bashfulness, diffidence shyness, فووkafir bashful, diffident, timid, shy, embarrassed, coy فيووkafīr pl. فوواkufarā’2 watchman; protector, guardian; guard, sentry, sentinel فوو رkafāra watch(ing), guard(ing), protection; guard duty م فووووmakfar pl. م ووو وmaḳāfir 2 guardhouse, guardroom; guard, control post │ ام فووواا شوووهةm. aš-šurṭa police station و وkāfira: و و اا سوااحلk. as-sawāḥil coastguard cruiser (Eg.) م فووارmakfūr under escort, escorted; covered, sheltered, protected فوسkafasa u (kafs) to ridicule, scorn ( هs.o.), laugh, mock ( هat); to destroy, demolish, tear down ( هa house) فشkafaš day blindness, hemeralopia ا فوشakfaš2, f. فشوkafšā’2, pl. فوشkufš day blind, hemeralopic; weak-sighted, afflicted with defective vision ف شkuffāš pl. ف شkafāfiš2 bat (zool.) فka i (kafḍ) to make lower ( هوs.th.); to lower, decrease, reduce, lessen, diminish ( هوs.th.); to lower, drop ( هو, مو s.th., also, e.g., the voice); (gram.) to pronounce the final consonant of a word with i; to put ( هوa word) in the genitive │ ( فو اج حوjanāḥahū)to unbend toward s.o., show o.s. open-minded, responsive, accessible to; -- kafuḍa u to be carefree, easy, comfortable (life); to sink, dip, drop, settle, subside; to become low, drop to an undertone (voice) II to lower, decrease, reduce ( هوs.th., price) │ فو اعليولkaffiḍ ‘alaika! take it easy! فوو اعليوولاجبشووول (ja’šaka) cool off! calm down! relax! IV ( ا فو اصواتṣautahū) he lowered his voice V and VII to sink, dip, drop, settle, subside; to be lowered, be reduced (price); to decrease, grow less; to be diminished فووووو kafḍ lowering, lessening, decrease, diminution, reduction; subduing, lowering, muffling (of the voice); curtailment, limitation, restriction; ease (of life); (gram.) pronunciation of the final consonant with i │ فو اا قيموةk. al-qīma devaluation (of a currency); فو اا عويشk. al-‘aiš carefree, easy life; هواا و ا فو امو ا ا عويشhe lives in ease and comfort; فو ا ا صواk. aṣ-ṣaut lowering of the voice; حوااا فḥarf al-k. preposition (gram.) فkafiḍ low, soft, subdued (voice) ت فيtakfīḍ lowering, cutback, reduction (esp. of prices); diminution, decrease, lessening, curtailment, restriction, limitation اظ فوinkifāḍ sinking, dropping, subsidence; lowering, reduction; lessen ing, decrease. diminution, decrement; dropping of the water level, low water │ اظ فووو اجوووا (jawwī) low-pressure area (meteor.) م فوووmukaffaḍ lowered, reduced, low, moderate (price, rate); lower موو فmunkafiḍ low (altitude, frequency, price, etc.); soft, low, subdued, muffled (voice) │ ادراضو اا م ف وةthe Netherlands; -- munkafaḍ pl. -āt low ground; depression (geogr.) 250 فوق kafaāqa i u (kafq, فقو نkafaqān, فووا kufūq) to vibrate; to tremble, shake; to beat, throb, palpitate (heart); to flutter, wave, stream (flag); to flap the wings, flutter (bird); to waver, flicker; -- (kafq) to flash (lightning); to beat, whip ( هs.th.; eggs, cream, etc.); to make the sound of footsteps (shoe); - ( فواkufūq) to drop one’s head drowsily, nod off, doze off ( فوقا فقوةk. kafqatan); -- i ( فواkufūq) to set, go down (celestial body) II to roughcast, plaster, stucco ( هوa wall) IV to flap the wings, flutter (bird); to set, go down (celestial body); to be unsuccessful, go wrong, fail, miscarry, come to nothing, be abortive; to fail, be unsuccessful ( وin s.th.) فووووق kafq throb(bing) palpitation; beating, beat; footfall, footstep, tread (of a boot, of the foot) فقووةkafqa pl. kafaqāt (n. vic.) beat, throb; tap, rap, knock; ticking noise, tick فقو نkafaqān palpitation of the heart, heartbeat; throb(bing), beat(ing); f1uttering, flutter فوkaffāq palpitant, throbbing (heart); fluttering, waving, streaming (flag) O م فقةmikfaga whisk, eggbeater ا فikfāq failure, fizzle, flop, fiasco و قkāfiq palpitant, throbbing (heart); fluttering, waving, streaming (flag); ا فقو ن al-kafaqān East and West; ا اا ووقalkawāfiq the cardinal points, the four quarters of the world و قkāfiqī mortar, plaster, rough-cast; stucco ف نsee ف فووkafiya a to be hidden, be concealed; to be unknown (a fact; علووto s.o.); to disappear, hide │ الاي فوواانit is well known that ...; as everybody knows ..., it is obvious that ... ; الاي فوواعليولyou know very well ..., you are well aware (of it); -- kafā i to hide, conceal ( هوs.th.); to keep secret ( هوs.th.) IV to hide, conceal ( هوs.th.); to afford ( هو s.o.) a place to hide, shelter, hide ( هوs.o.); to keep secret ( هووs.th.); to disguise, conceal ( ه وs.th., علوووor ع وfrom s.o.) │ ا فوواا صواto lower the voice, speak in an undertone V to hide, keep o.s. out of view; to disguise o.s. VIII to hide, keep o.s. out of view; to disappear, vanish; to be hidden, be unknown; to be lacking, be missing, be absent │ ا أفوواعو اادظرو رto be hidden or disappear from sight X to hide, keep o.s. out of view; to be hidden, be concealed; to be hidden from s.o.’s ( )عو view, become invisible ( عوووto s.o.), disappear from sight ف وkafīy hidden, concealed; secret, unknown; unseen, invisible; mysterious │ فو ااالسومk. al-ism anonymous; O اظواارا ( فيةanwār) indirect lighting فيووووة kufyatan, kifyatan secretly, clandestinely, covertly; فيةاعwithout his knowledge فيوةkafīya pl. ف يوkafāyā a secret, a secret affair فkafa’ secrecy, hiddenness │ اا فو secretly, clandestinely, covertly; الا فو ا و ا ( انkafā’a) it is quite evident, it is quite obvious that ... ا فوووووو ikfā’ hiding, secretion; concealment; lowering of the voice ت فtakaffin disguise ا أفiktifā’ disappearance و اkāfin hidden, concealed; secret, unknown; unseen, invisible يةkāfiya pl. واااkawāfin a secret; -pl. ا ووواا وal-kawāfī the coverts, the secondaries (of a bird’s wing) م فmakfīy hidden, concealed 251 مأ فmutakaffin disguised, in disguise م أوووفmuktafin hidden. Concealed, clandestine, covert, secret; disappearing, vanishing م أفوmuktafan hiding place, hide-out لن look up alphabetically ولkalla u (kall) to pierce, transfix ( هوs.th.) II to turn sour; to make sour, to sour, acidify ( هوs.th.); to pickle, marinate ( هوs.th.); to salt. cure with salt or in brine ( هوs.th.); to pick ( هوthe teeth); to run the fingers (ه through s.th.), part, comb ( هوthe hair, the beard, also with the fingers) III to treat (ه s.o.) as a friend IV to offend ( بagainst), infringe, transgress ( بs.th.); to violate, break ( بs.th., e.g., a rule, a custom); to fail to fulfill, fail to meet ( بan agreement); to forsake, desert, abandon (ب s.o., s.th.); to disturb, upset, harm, prejudice ( بs.th.) V to be, lie or come between s.th. ( ;هوalso in time), intervene ( هوbetween); to be located or situated, be Interposed, be placed ( ه وbetween); to Permeate, pervade, interpenetrate ( هs.th.), mix, mingle, blend ( هوwith) VIII to be or become defective; to be in disorder, be faulty, deficient, imperfect; to become disordered; to be upset, be unbalanced; to be disturbed (order, system) │ا ألوتاا شوووه the conditions are not fulfilled; ا أولاتاازظو (tawāzunuhū) to lose one’s balance, become unbalanced; ‘( ا أولاعقلوaqluhū) to be mentally deranged لkall vinegar وولkill, kull pl. ا وواللaklāl friend, bosom friend لولkalal pl. واللkilāl gap, interval, interstice; cleft, crack, rupture, fissure; a defective, unbalanced state, imbalance; defectiveness, imperfection; fault, flaw, defeat, shortcoming; disturbance, upset, disorder; damage, injury, harm (that s.th. suffers or suffered); وواللkilāla during; between; through │ و ا لولfī kalali and و ا وواللfī kilāli during; in the course of, within, in a given period of; و ا واللا ول meanwhile, in the meantime; مو ا واللmin kilāli across, through, right through the middle of; out of, from within; (to judge, reason, draw conclusions, etc.) by, on the basis of, on the strength of, (to recognize) from لوةkalla need, want, luck; -- (pl. والل (kilāl) property, attribute, peculiarity; characteristic; natural disposition لةkulla pl. للkulal friendship وواللkilāl pl. ا لووةakilla boring or drilling implement; peg, pin; spit, skewer; (also ال وةpl. -āt) toothpick; see also لول kalal ليولkalīl pl. ا والakillā’2, والنkullān friend, bosom friend; lovers; ا ليولHebron (town in Jordanian Palestine) │ ليوولا epithet of Abraham ليلوةkalīla pl. -āt girl friend, woman friend; sweetheart, paramour اماا لووالumm al-kulūl river mussel (zool.) لبوواصkalbūṣ pl. البووويصkalābīṣ2, البصووةkalābiṣa (eg.) clown, buffoon, harlequin ا وواللiklāl pl. -āt breach, infraction, violation (of a law, of a treaty, and the like); offence (against), transgression, infringement (of); disturbance (of an order, of a system); impairment, injury, harm (to); average, damage, by sea │مواا ‘( عوووودمااال وووواللابadami l-i.) without prejudice to, without detriment to ا وأالل iktilāl deficiency, defectiveness, imperfection; (a falling into) disrepair, deterioration; faultiness; disturbance (of a system, of a function, of the equilibrium, etc.); disorder, confusion لوkalaja i and III to be on s.o.’s ( )هmind, trouble, preoccupy, prepossess ( هs.o., s.o.’s mind; said of worries, doubts, etc.); to pervade, fill ( هs.o.; said of a feeling) │ا اللب (qalbahū) to be uppermost in s.o.’s heart V to be shaken, be convulsed, be rocked VIII to quiver, tremble, quake, shake; to twitch (eye, limb, body); to animate, move, stir, inspire, fill, pervade, possess ( هو, وthe heart; said of a feeling) │ ( اا وأل اغم وgamman) to be filled with sorrow, with grief (heart) م لولmukallal pickled; salted; (pl. -āt) pickles, pickled vegetables لجووووة kalja pl. ka1ajāt emotion, sentiment; scruple, qualm, misgiving م ولmukill disgraceful, shameful │م ولا ب ب ابimmoral, indecent, improper 252 لويkalīj pl. لوkulj, لجو نkuljān bay, gulf; canal; ا لويname of Cairo’s ancient city canal which was abandoned and leveled at the end of the 19th century │ ا لي اا ف رسthe Persian Gulf لوبkalaba i u (kalb) to seize with the claws, clutch ( هوs.th.), pounce ( هوon); -- u (البوة kilāba) to cajole, coax, wheedle ( هs.o.); to inveigle, beguile, bewitch, enchant ( هs.o., ‘ عقلوووaqlahū s.o.’s mind); to charm, fascinate, captivate ( هs.o.) III to cajole, wheedle, coax. inveigle, beguile, bewitch, enchant ( هs.o.) VIII to seize with the claws, clutch ( هوs.th.), pounce ( هوon); to cajole, inveigle, beguile, bewitch, enchant ( هs.o.) لووبkilb pl. ا ووالبaklāb fingernail, claw, talon بووو ا لووبbarqun kallābun and barqu kullabin lightning without a downpour; a disappointing, disillusioning matter; لووب and لبام ابوdelusion, illusion ووال qualm kilāj misgiving, doubt, scruple, ا أالجةiktilāja (n. vic.) convulsion, jerk, twitch; tremor جوةkālija pl. وااkawālij2 emotion, sentiment; scruple, qualm; idea ل لkalkala to shake, convulse, rock ( هوs.th.); to rarefy ( هوs.th., e.g., air; chem.- phys.) II takalkala to be shaken, be rocked; to come off, become disjointed, become detached; to become loose, work loose; to be or become rarefied (chem.- phys.) ل لkalkal pl. ال لkalākil2 anklet لب وkullabī: ( شوولا لووبfašak) blank cartridges (Syr.; mil.) ل لkalkāl pl. ال يلkalākīl 2 anklet وووالب kallāb gripping, captivating, fascinating; attractive, engaging, winning; tempting, enticing; fraudulent, deceitful; deceptive, delusive, fallacious م ل ولmukalkal and مأ ل ولmutakalkil rarefied البوووووة kilāba engaging attractiveness, charm manners, م لووبmiklab pl. م ووبmakālib claw, talon ب kālib = البkallāb لبصII kalbaṣa (eg.) to clown ت ل لtakalkul rarefication لود kalada u ( لواkulūd) to remain or last forever, be everlasting; to be immortal, deathless, undying; to abide forever ( ا ووor بin, with); to remain, stay ( ا ووor بor ل at a place) │ا لداا واا واحوةto rest, relax; لودا ا وواا وامto lie down to sleep II to make eternal or everlasting, perpetuate, eternalize ( هوووs.th.), make immortal, immortalize ( هوووووs.o.); to make ineffaceable, unforgettable ( هووs.th.; a memory); to remain, stay, abide, linger (ب at, in a place); to grow very old, enjoy a long life, be long-lived IV to eternize, immortalize, make immortal ( هs.o., ه و s.th.); to perpetuate ( هوs.th.); to remain, stay, abide, linger ( ا ووor بat, in a place) 253 to be disposed, incline, lean, tend (ا وو to) V to become eternal or immortal, perpetuate o.s. j to be or become long, lasting, perpetual لودkuld infinite duration, endless time, perpetuity, eteruity │ا اراا لودParadise, the hereafter لدkuld mole (zool.) لودkalad, pl. ا والaklād mind, heart, spirit, temper لوواkulūd infinite duration, endless time, perpetuity, eternity; eternal life, immortality; abiding, remaining, staying ت ليوودtaklīd perpetuation, eternization, immortalization دkālid everlasting, perpetual, eternal; immortal, deathless, undying; unforgettable, glorious; pl. اا ودkawālid2 mountains │ ا جزائوووواا وووداthe Canary Islands م لودmuklid disposed, inclined, tending ( ا وto) لوسkalasa i (kals) to steal ( هوs.th.); to pilfer, filch, swipe, purloin ( هوs.th.) III لسو اا روو (naẓara) to glance furtively at s.o. VIII to steal, pilfer, filch, swipe ( هوs.th.); to get under false pretenses or by crooked means ( هوs.th.); to embezzle, misappropriate ( هو s.th.); to spend secretly ( هوhours) │ا وألسا ( ا وواا ووkuṭā) to sneak up on s.o.; ا وألسا ا رواا واي ةto glance furtively at s.o. لسووةkulsatan by stealth, stealthily, surreptitiously, furtively السkilāsī mulatto, bastard ا ووأالسiktilās pl. -āt embezzlement, misappropriation, defalcation م ألسmuktalis embezzler, defalcator لووص kalaṣa u ( لوواصkulūṣ) to be pure, unmixed, unadulterated; to belong ( لto s.o.); to get, come ( ا وto), arrive ( ا وat); -( والصkallāṣ) to be or become free, be freed, be liberated ( موfrom), be cleared, get rid ( موof); to be saved, be rescued, escape ( م وfrom); to be redeemed, be delivered, attain salvation (Chr.); -(colloq.) to be finished, be done, be through, be over; to be all gone II to clear, purify, refine, purge, rectify ( هوs.th.); to clarify ( هوa situation); to liberate, free, save, rescue ( هs.o., موfrom), rid (. s.o., مو of); to redeem, deliver (Chr.); to prepay the postage ( علووon); to pay duty (علووا ا ب ئاon merchandise), clear ( علووgoods); to settle ( هوa bill); (colloq.) to finish ( هو s.th.) │ ( لصاحقḥaqqahū) to restore one’s right, secure one’s due III to act with integrity, with sincerity ( هtoward s.o.), treat ( هs.o.) fair and square; to get even, become quits ( هwith s.o.) IV to dedicate ( ل هوto s.o. s.th.); to be loyal ( لto s.o.); to be devoted, be faithful ( لto) │ا لوصا و ا ( ا حوبḥubba) to love s.o. dearly; ا لوصاهللا ( ي ووli-llāhi dīnahū) to worship God faithfully and sincerely V to rid o.s. ( مو of), free o.s. ( موfrom), get rid ( موof); to be freed, be delivered, be saved, be rescued, escape ( موfrom) VI to act with reciprocal integrity and sincerity; to be quits, be even X to extract ( هوs.th., مو from); to copy, excerpt ( هوs.th., موfrom); to abstract, take, gather, work out ( هوs.th., as the quintessence, م وof); to deduce, infer, derive ( موووs.th., موووfrom); to discover, make out, find out ( هوs.th.); to select, choose ( هووs.th.) ; to demand payment of a sum ( )هوand get it ( موfrom s.o.) │ اسأ لصا ئد اموto derive profit from, profit, benefit from; اسوووأ لصام ووو اوعووودا (wa‘dan) to exact a promise from s.o. وووالصkalāṣ liberation, deliverance, riddance; rescue, salvation ( مووfrom); redemption (Chr.); payment, settlement, liquidation (of a bill); receipt; placenta, afterbirth 254 الصوةkulāṣa pl. -āt excerpt; extract, essence; quintessence, substance, gist (of s.th.); abstract, resume, summary, epitome; synopsis │( الصوةاظه ئيوةnihā’īya) summation (jur.); ( ا الصوووةاا الهاتيوووةallāhītīya) the “summa theological” (of Thomas Aquinas); ‘( الص وةاع ويووةiṭrīya) perfume essence; وا الصةin short, briefly, in a word (introducing a summary of the basic ideas) لوويصkalīṣ, pl. لص وkulaṣā’2 pure, clear, unmixed, unadulterated; sincere, faithful, loyal; loyal adherent لواصkulūṣ clearness, purity; sincerity, candor; frankness الصkallāṣ (magr.) tax collector م لوووصmaklaṣ safe place; refuge, escape, rescue, salvation, deliverance ت لووويصtaklīṣ clearing, purification, refining, rectification; clarification; liberation, extrication, deliverance, rescue, salvation; payment, settlement, liquidation; prepayment of postage (علووو on); customs clearance, payment of duty ( علوواا ب و ئاon merchandise; also ت لويصا )ا ب ئا م صةmukālaṣa pl. -āt receipt ا ووالصiklāṣ sincere devotion, loyal attachment, sincere affection; sincerity, frankness, candor; loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, allegiance ( لto) ت لوووصtakalluṣ freedom, liberation, release, extrication, escape ( مfrom) اسوأ الصistiklāṣ extraction; excerption; derivation, deduction; selection; collecting (of a sum of money) و صkāliṣ pl. لوصkullaṣ clear; pure, unmixed, unadulterated; sincere, frank, candid, true; free, exempt ( موووfrom) │ صاادجوk. al-ujra post-free; صاا وو k. ar-radd prepaid, reply paid for (telegram); ووو صامووو اا كموووو (gumrug) dutyfree; صاا ويبةtax-exempt م لووووصmukalliṣ Redeemer (Chr.) liberator; Savior, م لوصايعليو ةmukallaṣ (‘alaihi) postage paid م لووصmukliṣ devoted; sincere, frank, candid; loyal; faithful ( لto s.o., to s.th.); purehearted, virtuous, righteous; ا م لووص (in letters) approx.: yours truly …, sincerely yours ... مسوووأ لصmustaklaṣ pl. -āt extract, excerpt لوطkalaṭa i (kalṭ) to mix, mingle, commingle, blend ( هووو بs.th. with); to confuse, confound, mix up ( بيtwo things; بي ا–اوبي s.th. with), mistake (او-- بوي اs.th. for) II to mix, mingle, commingle, blend ( هوs.th.); to cause confusion III to mix, mingle, blend, merge, fuse ( هووwith s.th.); to meddle ( هوin), interfere ( هوwith); to mix, associate ( هwith s.o.); to have to do ( هwith s.o.) │ ( و طاظفسوnafsahū) to befall, attack s.o. (pain, etc.); ووا طا و اعقل وkūliṭa fī ‘aqlihi to be or become disordered in mind VIII to be mixed, mix, mingle, form a mixture or blend; to consist of a heterogeneous mixture, be motley, promiscuous; to associate, be on intimate terms ( بwith); to be or become confused, get all mixed up لوووووووط kalṭ mixing, blending; combination; mingling, commingling (ب with); confusing, confounding, mistaking, mix-up, confusion لوطkilṭ pl. ا والهaklāṭ component of a mixture; ingredient; pl. mixture, blend │ا ا والهااالظسو نthe four humors of the human body (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile); ا والهامو اا و سcommon people, populace, rabble, riffraff, mob; لطاملوطkilṭ milṭ, kalṭ malṭ motley, pell-mell, promiscuously 255 ل ةkalṭa mixture, blend, medley ل ةkulta company; mixture والهand الهوة mixing machine kallāṭa pl. -āt mixer, لووويطkalīṭ mixed, blended; motley, heterogeneous, promiscuous; mixture, blend ( موof); medley, hodgepodge; (pl. ل وووkulaṭā’2) associate, companion, comrade ت ليطtaklīṭ pl. -āt insanity; delirium وة مmukālaṭa company, intercourse, association ا وووأالهiktilāṭ (process of) mixing, blending; mingling, commingling; confusion; mental disorder; (social) intercourse, association, dealings ( بwith) م لووواهmaklūṭ pl. م ووو يطmakālīṭ2 mixture, blend; alloy م لطmukallaṭ confused, disordered م طmukālaṭ stricken, afflicted ( بe.g., by a disease) م وألطmuktaliṭ mixed │اا محو كماا م أل ووة the mixed courts, see تعلوويمام ووألط ;محكمووة coeducation لواkala‘a a (kal‘) to take off, put off, slip off ( هوa garment); to doff, take off (هوباشوة one’s tarboosh); to extract, pull ( ه وa tooth); to wrench, dislocate, luxate ( هوa joint); to depose, remove, dismiss, discharge ( هs.o., موfrom an office); to renounce, forgo, give up ( هوووs.th.), withdraw ( هوfrom); to throw off, cost off (‘ عووولارهidārahū one’s restraint, one’s inhibitions); to refuse ( ا عوةobedience); to disown, repudiate ( اب وone’s son); to divorce ( ه وone’s wife) in return for a compensation to be paid by her; to get through, have done ( ه وwith s.th.), be through, have gone through s.th. ( ه, e.g., a hard day); to impart ( هو علووs.th. to); to confer, bestow ( هو علوووs.th. upon s.o.), grant, award ( هو علوs.th. to s.o.) │ ا لوااثي بو (tiyābahū) to undress; ‘( لعو امو اا عووشarš) to dethrone s.o.; ( لوااعليو ا لعوةkil‘atan) to bestow a robe of honor upon s.o.; لوااعلووا ( ظفس احوقḥaqqa) to arrogate to o.s. the right of ...; -- kalu‘a u ( العووةkalā‘a) to be dissolute, morally depraved II to take away, remove, displace, dislocate ( هووو s.th.); to knock out of joint, take or break apart ( ه وs.th.); pass. kulli‘a to fall to pieces, get out of joint III to divorce ( هو one’s wife, in return for a compensation to be paid by her) V to go to pieces, fall apart, break; to become or be luxated, dislocated (joint); to take a vacation in the country (tun.) │(ات لاا اا شووابšarāb) to be addicted to drinking, drink heavily VII to be displaced, be dislocated, be removed; to be divested, be deprived, be stripped ( موof s.th.), forfeit, lose ( موs.th.) │ااظ لواا ( للب وqalbuhū) he was completely taken aback, he was alarmed, startled لوواkal‘ slipping off, taking off (of clothes); deposition (e.g., of a ruler); dislocation, luxation │ لااادس نextraction of teeth لواkul‘ khula, divorce at the instance of the wife, who must pay a compensation (Isl. Law) لعةkil‘a pl. لاkila‘ robe of honor ليوواkalī‘ pl. لع وkula‘a’2 deposed, dismissed, discharged (from an office); repudiated, disowned; wanton, dissolute, dissipated, profligate, morally depraved وووالkallā‘ wild, unruly, wanton, shameless, impudent العوةkalā‘a dissoluteness, dissipation, profligacy, wantonness, licentiousness, moral depravity; (tun.) recreation in the country, summer vacation ا اkaula’ fool, dolt, simpleton 256 ووو ا kāli‘: ووو ااا عووولار k. al-‘idār unrestrained, ;uninhibited, wanton; libertine, debauchee, roué, rake م لواmaklū‘ unrestrained, uninhibited, wanton; wild, unruly; reckless, heedless, irresponsible; crazy, mad لوفkalafa u to be the successor ( هof s.o.), succeed ( هs.o.): to follow ( هs.o.), come after s.o. ()ه: to take the place of s.o. ()ه, substitute (. for s.o.): to replace ( هs.o., هو s.th.): to lag behind s.o. ( )ع و: to stay behind ( عوafter s.o.’s departure); to be detained, be held back, be kept away, stay away ( موfrom) II to appoint as successor ( هs.o.); to leave behind, leave ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to have descendants, have offspring III to be contradictory, contrary, opposed ( هوto): to conflict, clash, be at variance ( هو with); to contradict ( هs.o., هوs.th.); to be different, differ, diverge ( ه وfrom), be inconsistent, incompatible, not in keeping, not to harmonize ( هوwith); to offend ( هو against a command, a rule), break, violate, disobey ( هوa command, a rule) IV to leave ( هoffspring, children); to compensate, requite, recompense ( علوووs.o.; said of God): to break, fail to keep ( وعودهwa‘dahū one’s promise), go back on one’s word; to disappoint ( ا وجوar-rajā’a the hopes) V to stay behind; to lag or fall behind ( ;)عو to stay, stay on, remain; to fail to appear or show up; to play truant; to be absent; to stay away ( عوfrom), not go ( عوto), not attend ( عs.th.) │ ( ت لفاع اا مجmajī’) to fail to come or arrive; ت لووفاعوو اا عووا (‘auda) not to return VI to disagree, differ, be at variance; to differ in opinion, be of a different mind VIII to differ, be different, vary ( ع وfrom); to be varied, varying, variable, various, diverse, dissimilar; to vary ( بويbetween); to disagree, differ in opinion, be at variance, argue, quarrel, dispute ( وووabout); to come or go frequently ( ا ووto), frequent, patronize (ا وو a place), visit frequently ( ا ووs.o., s.th.), come and go ( ا ووat); to come, descend ( علووupon s.o.; said of afflictions), befall, overtake ( علووووs.o.) X to appoint as successor or vicar ( هs.o.) لوفkalf back, rear, rear part or portion; successors; kalfu and مو ا لووفmin kalfu (adv.) at the back, in the rear; kalfa (prep.) behind, after, in the rear of │ اجووىا لفهوhe ran after her: مو ا لوفmin kalfi behind, in the rear of; مو اا لوفfrom behind, from the rear; ا وواا لوفto the rear, backward, back; ا ووا لوفاا شوin the wake of s.th.; و اا لوف in the rear; at the back, in the background لفkalfī rear, hind, hinder, back لووفkilf pl. ا ووالاaklāf test, nipple, mammilla لووووف kulf dissimilarity, disparity, difference, contrast, variance, discrepancy لووفkalaf pl. ا ووالاaklāf substitute; successor; descendant, offspring, scion لفووووة kilfa dissimilarity, disparity, difference; that which follows s.th. and replaces it (e.g., second growth of plants, day and night, etc.) ليفووةkalīfa pl. لف وkulafā’2, الئووف kalā’if2 vicar, deputy; successor; caliph; (formerly) senior official of the native administration in Tunis, assigned to a ل ئود (formerly) title of the ruler of Spanish Morocco ا م قوةاا ليفيوةal-minṭaqa al-kalīfīya the Caliphate Zone (formerly, designation of Spanish Morocco) ال وووة kilāfa vicarship, deputyship; succession; caliphate, office or rule of a caliph: (formerly) administrative department of a ( ليفةTun.), see above م وووالاmiklāf pl. م ووو يفmakālīf2 province (Yemen) 257 والاkilāf pl. -āt difference, disparity, dissimilarity; divergence, deviation; contrast, contrariety, incongruity, contradiction, conflict; disagreement, difference of opinion ( علووor وabout); dispute, controversy; kilāfa (prep.) beside, apart from, aside from │ ال وkilāfuhū (= )غيووهother, the like, ال هومothers (than those mentioned), و ال وand the like (after an enumeration); ب ووالاbi-kilāfi beside, apart 'from, aside from; contrary to, as opposed to, unlike; ال ووو الkilāfan li contrary to, against, in contradiction to; علووا والاا ولunlike that, contrary to that, on the contrary, on the other hand الkilāfī controversial, disputed م فووووةmukālafa pl. -āt contrast, contrariety; contradiction, inconsistency; contravention, infringement, violation; misdemeanor (jur.; as distinguished from ج حةand ;)ج يةfine (for a misdemeanor) ت لووووووف takalluf staying away, nonappearance, nonattendance, nonpresence, absence, truancy (also ت لوفا ;)عو اا ح ووارstaying behind, staying on; stopover (railroad); backwardness ا ووووأالاiktilāf pl. -āt difference, dissimilarity, disparity; diversity, variety; variant, variation; difference of opinion, disagreement; controversy │ا وعيوووةاعلووووا ( ا ووأالااا موولاهباا دي يووةra‘īya, dīnīya) the subjects of every (= irrespective of their) religious denomination; علوواا وأالاااحوزابهم whichever party they may belong to; ا فااك ا علوواا أال هوall the different fruits, fruits of every kind م لا ةmaklūfa pl. -āt camel saddle م لووفmukallaf left, left behind; left over; pl. م لفوheritage, legacy, estate; scraps, leftovers م وووو فmukālif divergent, varying, different; inconsistent, incompatible, contradictory, contrasting, conflicting; transgressor (of a command) مأ لووفmutakallif residual; left over; retarded, backward, underdeveloped (mentally, in growth, etc.); pl. -ūn one left behind; straggler; pl. مأ لفوووheritage, legacy, estate; leftovers; scraps, refuse, offal │( اتوبوةامأ لفوةatriba) waste material, overburden, superstratum (in mining); ا مي ها ( ا مأ لفةmiyāh) waste water, sewage م ألووووفmuktalif different, varying, divergent ( موووfrom); varied, various, diverse; having a different opinion, disagreeing ( or علوabout) disgraceful, ignominious, despicable; a worthless fellow, a good-for-nothing ليوووقkalīq pl. لقوووkulaqā’2 fit, qualified, suitable, appropriate (ب, لfor s.th., انto do s.th.); apt ( انto do s.th.); in keeping with ()ب, adequate ( بto), worthy ( بof) │ ظحو ا ليقواناانit is (would be) only fair that we ..., we should ..., we ought to ...; هوواا ليوقاانhe is apt to ..., it is only natural for him that he ...; ليوقابهولااانايكوانا ( مؤ موmu’liman) this is apt to be paicful. it is only natural that this is painful; ظروو ا ( يسويو ا ليقوةااناتق ع و ابوبنtuqni‘anā) no more than a quick glance is apt to convince us that ... م ألووفا ي و ايعلي و ةmuktalaf fīhi (‘alaihi) controversial, disputed لوقkalaqa u (kalq) to create, make, originate ( هوs.th.); to shape, form, mold ( هوs.th.); -kaliqa a and kaluqa u to be old, worn, shabby (garment); -- kaluqa u (اللوووة kalāqa) to be fit, suitable, suited II to perfume ( هوs.th.) IV to wear out ( هوs.th.), let ( هوs.th.) become old and shabby V pass. of II; to be molded, be shaped ( بby a model or pattern), change ( بwith a model); to become angry VIII to invent, contrive, devise ( ه وs.th.); to fabricate, concoct, think up ( هوs.th.); to attribute falsely ( علو هto s.o. s.th.) لواkalūq of firm character, steadfast, upright ا لوووقaklaq more adequate, more appropriate, more natural لوقkalq creation; making; origination; s.th. which is created, a creation; creatures; people, man, mankind; physical constitution الkallāq Creator, Maker (God) ليقوةkalīqa the creation, the universe created by God; nature; natural disposition, trait, characteristic; creatures, created beings; pl. الئوقkalā’iq2 creatures, created beings لوقkulq, kuluq pl. ا والaklāq innate peculiarity; natural disposition, character, temper, nature; -- pl. ا والaklāq character (of a person); morals; morality │ سوا اا لوق sū’ al-k. ill nature; سيئاا لقsayyi’ al-k. illnatured; سوهلاا لوقsahl al-k. complaisant, obliging; ضويقاا لوقḍayyiq al-k. impatient, restless; ‘ علومااد والilm al-a. ethics; moral science, morals; 258 سماااد والsumūw ala. nobility of character; مكو رمااد والnoble manners, high moral standards; شوووهةا اد الšurṭa al-a. vice squad ا اللوaklāqī moral; ethic(al); ethicist, moral philosopher │ ( جووووماا اللوووjurm) offence against public morals; ا فلسوووفةا ( اد الليووةfalsafa) moral science, moral philosophy; ethics أ الليةaklāqīya morality, moral practice لق ظkulqānī dealer in old clothes وو ق (God) لقوkulqī ethic(al), moral │اجووائما لقيوة offenses against public morals م لواmaklūq created; (pl. -āt. م و يق makālīq2) creature, created being لوقkalaq (m. and f.) pl. لقو نkulqān, ا وووالaklāq shabby, threadbare, worn (garment) م ألوقmuktaliq inventor, fabricator (of untruths) لقوةkilqa pl. لوقkilaq creation; innate peculiarity of character, natural disposition, nature; constitution; physiognomy; kilqatan by nature لق وkilqī natural, native, congenital, innate, inborn, inbred لقةkalaqa rag, tatter والkalāq share (of positive qualities, of religion) │ ( االا وووووال ا وووووkalāqa) kāliq creative; Creator, Maker م ألوقmuktalaq fabricated, trumped up, invented, fictitious; apocryphal; pl. -āt lies, falsehoods, fabrications, fictions لقويkalqīn pl. اللويkalāqīn2 caldron, boiler, kettle 1 2 ا لkalanj heath, erica (bot.) ا ل جو نkulungān (eg.) (rhizome of) galingale (Polypodium Calaguala Kz.; bot.) ووالاي لوواةkalā u (kulūw, ووالkalā’) to be empty, vacant; -- (kuluw) to be free ( موor عوfrom); to be devoid ( موof s.th.), lack, want ( موs.th.), be in need ( موof); to be vacant (office); -- ( لواkalwa) to be alone (ب, ا وو, مواwith s.o., ا ووalso: with or in s.th.); to isolate o.s., seclude o.s.; to withdraw, retire ( لمداو وةli-l-mudāwala for deliberation; court, jury); to withdraw for spiritual communion, in order to take counsel ( ا ووwith); to devote o.s., apply o.s.. give one's attention ( لto s.th.); والابو to forsake, desert s.o., leave s.o. in the lurch; -- to pass ( هs.o.), go by s.o. ( ;)هto pass, elapse, go by, be bygone, past, over (time) │( ووالا و اا جوواjaww) to have free scope. have freedom 259 of action; الاي لواا ( مو اجمو لjamāl) it is not without a certain beauty; ( الاي لوواام و امب غووةmubālaga) it is slightly exaggerated; الاي لاامو ا ئودit is not quits useless; والاا وواظفسوto be alone with o.s.; to commune with o.s., take counsel with o.s., search one’s heart; م لاعشواس اا ا لوتmundu ‘ašri sanawātin kalat for the past ten years II to vacate, evacuate ( هو s.th.); to leave, leave alone ( هs.o.); to release, let go ( هs.o., هوs.th.); to desist, abstain, refrain ( عوfrom), give up ( عو s.th.) │ ( لوواسوبيلsabīlahū) to let s.o. off, let s.o. go, release s.o.; لووابوي ا والناوبوي ا ا شوto give s.o. a free hand in, let s.o. have his own way with or in, let s.o. alone with; to open the way for s.o. to; ولاع ولا هوولهاا ميووالkalli ‘anka h. l-muyūla desist from such desires! IV to empty, void, drain, deplete ( هو موs.th. of); to vacate, leave uninhabited or untenanted ( هووa place); to evacuate ( هوa city) │ ا لوواسوبيل (sabīlahū) to let s.o. off, let s.o. go, release s.o.; ا لوواا سوبيلالto open the way for ...; ( ا لوواهوواṭarafahū) to dismiss, discharge s.o., send s.o. away; to exonerate, exculpate, clear s.o.; ( ا لواسمع الsam‘ahū) to be all ears for ..., listen intently to ...; ا لوابي و اوبوي امو ايقوالto let s.o. say whatever he likes, let s.o. talk freely V to give up, relinquish, forgo, abandon ( عor موs.th.), withdraw, resign ( عوor موfrom); to cede, leave, surrender ( عو لs.th. to s.o.); to lay down ( عوووan office) VIII to retire, withdraw, step aside, be alone ( بor موا with) لاkilw free ( مfrom), devoid ( مof) لواkulūw emptiness, vacuity; freedom ( مfrom) والkalā and ( مو ا والwith foll. acc. or genit.) except, save, with the exception of ووالkalā’ emptiness, vacuity; empty space, void, vacancy, vacuum; open country │ تحوتاا والor و اا والunder the open sky, outdoors, in the open air; بيوتا ا الbait al-k. toilet, water closet لووووا kalwa pl. kalawāt privacy, solitude; seclusion, isolation, retirement; place of retirement or seclusion, retreat, recess; secluded room; hermitage; religious assembly hall of the Druses; booth, cabin │ علوووووا لوووواalone; in retirement, in seclusion; لوا اا حمو مk. alḥammām bathhouse لواkalawī lonely, solitary, secluded, isolated, outlying; located in the open country, rural, rustic, country │ بيوتا لووا (bait) country house لوووkalīy pl. ا لي وakliyā’2 free ( م و from), void, devoid ( م وof) │لووواا ب و ل carefree, easygoing, happy-go-lucky ليوةkalīya pl. اليوkalāyā beehive; cell (biol.) │( ا ليوةاا حيايوةاادو ووal-ḥayawīya lūlā) protoplasm; مو ا اليوfrom within ..., from inside ..., out of ... م الmiklāh nosebag ت ليةtakliya vacating, evaluation ا والiklā’ emptying, voiding, draining; clearing; vacating, evacuation │ ا وال اسوبيل i. sabīlihī; his release ت وووووووول takallin relinquishment, abandonment, surrender, renunciation, resignation ( عof s.th.) ا أالiktilā’ privacy, solitude ول kālin empty, void; open, vacant (office, position); free, unrestrained, untrammeled, unencumbered; free ( موfrom), devoid ( مو of) │in numerous compounds corresponding to Engl. -less or un-, e.g., لام اا ف ئودuseless, ( و لامو اا سوك نsukkān) uninhabited, untenanted, unoccupied; ا ا ووديkālī d-dain not bound by, without obligation to, free ( م وfrom); و واا ب و ل carefree, easygoing, happy-go-lucky; -(pl. واالkawālin) 260 past, bygone (time) │ ا قوووناا يوةthe past centuries; و اااليو ما ا ااfī l-ayyāmi l-kawālī in the days past ripe, ripen (also fig.: an idea in s.o.’s mind) ومkamma u (kamm) to sweep ( هوa room); -- i u (kamm, موامkumūm) to exude a rotten, foul smell; to rot, putrefy, decay مووkamr m. and f., pl. موارkumūr wine; pl. alcoholic beverages, liquor ومkumm pl. ا مو مakmām coop, chicken coop, brooder; poultry pen موووkamrī golden brown, reddish brown, bronze-colored (actually, winecolored) مةkamma putrid smell, stench مود موkamra wine و مkāmm stinking, rotten, putrid, foulsmelling; kām look up alphabetically مويووةkamrīya pl. -āt wine poem, bacchanalian verse م وومmukimm stinking, rotten, putrid, foul-smelling م ر/fimar pl. ا موakmira, موkumur veil covering head and face of a woman مو decay kamija a (kamaj) to spoil, rot, مو رkumār aftereffect of intoxication, hang-over kamada u ( موواkumūd) to go out, die (fire); to abate, subside, let up, calm down, cease, die down IV to extinguish, put out ( هوfire); to calm, appease, placate, soothe, lull, still, quiet ( هوووs.th.); to suppress, quell ( هs.th.); to subdue, soften, deaden, dull ( هوs.th.); to stifle, smother, kill ( هs.th.; fig.) ميوووkamīr leavened (dough); ripe, mature, mellow; leaven; leavened bread مووووا kumūd extinction; decline, degeneration, deterioration; quietness, stillness, tranquility, calm; immobility, motionlessness ا مووikmād extinction, putting out; calming, soothing, placation, appeasement, lulling, stilling; subduing, softening, dulling; settlement; suppression, quelling (of a riot) مودkāmid dying; abating, subsiding; calm, tranquil, still, quiet مووkamara u (kamr) and II to cover, hide, conceal ( ه و8.th.); to leaven, raise ( ه و dough); to ferment ( هوووs.th.), cause fermentation ( هوووin) III to permeate, pervade ( هوs.th.), mix, blend ( هوwith); to possess, seize, overcome ( هs.o., e.g., an idea, a feeling) IV to leaven, raise ( ه و dough); to ferment ( هوووs.th.), cause fermentation ( هin); to harbor, entertain ( ه s.th.); to bear a grudge, feel resentment (ل against s.o.) V to ferment, be in a state of fermentation; to rise (dough); to veil the head and face (woman) VI to conspire, plot, collude, scheme, intrigue (علوووو against) VIII to ferment, be in a state of fermentation; to rise (dough); to become ميووkamīra pl. مو ئوkamā’ir2 leaven; ferment; barm, yeast; enzyme (chem.); (fig.) starter, nucleus, basis (from which s.th. greater develops) مو رkammār wine merchant, keeper of a wineshop م رkammāra wineshop, tavern ميووووkimmīr winebibber, drunkard, tippler, sot ت ميووووtakmīr leavening, raising (of dough); fermenting, fermentation ا أم رiktimār (process of) fermentation م موووارmakmūr drunk, intoxicated, inebriated م أمووmuktamir fermenting, fermented; alcoholic 261 موسII to quintuple, make fivefold, multiply by five ( هوs.th.); to make pentagonal ( هو s.th.); to divide into five parts ( هs.th.) مووسkums pl. مووسakmās one fifth │ ضوباا م س ا ااسداسḍaraba akmāsahū fī asdāsihī and ( ضووووباا م سووو ادسوووداسliasdāsin) to rack one’s brain in search of a way out; to be at one’s wit’s end; to scheme, intrigue مسةkamsa (f. مسkams) five مسوةاعشووkamsata ‘ašara (f. موساعشوو kamsa ‘ašrata) fifteen مسانkamsūn fifty │ ‘ اعيوداا مسويīd alk. Whitsuntide, Pentecost; احداا مسويaḥad al-k. Whitsunday; أي و ماا مسوويayyām alkamsīn the period of about 50 days between Easter and Whitsuntide; □ مسوي and م سويkhamsin, a hot southerly wind in Egypt موولkami and ملووةkamla nap, the rough, hairy surface of a fabric; fibers مووول listless مووووال kumūl obscurity; weakness lassitude, languor, lethargy; indolence, sluggishness, inactivity; apathy, indifference; sleepiness, drowsiness ‘ عيدا مسيīd kamsīn 50th anniversary مويسkamīs and يواماا مويسyaum al-k. Thursday │ مويساا جسودk. al-jasad Corpus Christi Day (Chr.); مويساا فصواk. al-fiṣḥ, مويساادسووارk. al-asrār, and مويساا عهودk. al-‘ahd Maundy Thursday (Chr.) ميلووةkamīla pl. م ئوولkamā’il2 place with luxuriant tree growth; thicket, brush, scrub مووووول kāmil unknown, obscure, undistinguished, unimportant, minor; weak, languid, sluggish موو سkammās pl. م سوووةkamāmisa (magr.) sharecropper receiving one fifth of the crop as wages م ملmukmal velvet-like fabric, velvet م ملmukmalī velvety │ ( جلودام ملوjild) deerskin, buckskin م سووو kumāsī fivefold, quintuple; consisting of five consonants (gram.) │ م سوووو (zawāyā) pentagonal, fivecornered موII to guess, conjecture, surmise; to make conjectures ( هوas to); to assess, appraise, estimate ( هs.th.) 262 ميسووووة kumaisa (mor. Pronounced kmīsa) ornament in the shape of a hand (worn by women and children as a talisman against the evil eye) ت مووويtakmīn appraisal, assessment, estimation; ت مي وtakmīnan and علووات موي approximately, roughly ا مسal-kāmis the fifth مmukammin appraiser, assessor م موووسmukammas pentagonal, fivecornered; pentagon; fivefold, quintuple; O pentameter 1 ا وkanna i ( وويkanīn) to speak nasally, nasalize; to twang, speak through the nose ة موشkamaša i u (kamš) and II to scratch ( هو e.g., the face, the skin, with the nails) مووشkamš pl. موواش scratch mark, scar kamaṣa u and kamiṣa a to be empty, hungry (stomach) 2 وkunn (= ومkumm) pl. ا و نaknān coop. chicken coop, brooder ووث موا kanit oft, effeminate ثووkuntā pl. و ث hermaphrodite اثة kināt, و ثو kanatā kunūta effeminacy ت ثtakannut effeminacy kumū‘) to limp, مولkamala u ( موالkumūl) to be unknown, obscure, undistinguished; to be weak, languid kanita a to be soft, effeminate V to display effeminate manners, become or be effeminate ث ا موصاا قودمakmaṣ al-qadam pl. ا و مصakāmiṣ2 hollow of the sale (of the foot) │امو اا ووأسا ا واا مصاا قدمfrom head to toe kama‘a a (kam‘, walk with a limp kanīn twanging, nasal twang ا وakann2, f. وkanna’2 twanging, speaking through the nose موويصkamīs موويصاا ووبk. al-baṭn, موويصاا حشووk. al-ḥašā with an empty stomach, hungry موا kunna nasal twang ي kumūš scratch, م شةkumāša pl. -āt scratch, scar موص kamil languid, sluggish, dull, م ووثmukannat bisexual; effeminate; powerless, impotent, weak جو kanjar pl. جو kanājir2 dagger وkankana to nasalize, speak, nasally; to twang, speak through the nose د د kandaqa to dig a ditch or trench ( ;) ودلto take up positions, prepare for battle kandaq pl. زواظية زب زيوو kanādiq2 ditch; trench وق kanq strangling, strangulation; throttling, suppression │ا قاادظواارk. al-anwāar dimout قةاا يد و kunzuwānīya megalomania kanzab Satan, Devil kinzīr pl. و زيوkanāzir2 swine, pig, hog; ( زيوابوbarrī) wild hoar; زيوscrofula, scrofulosis (med.) زيو زيو kinzīra sow kanāzīrī scrofulous شر kinšār fern (bot.) اص kinnauṣ pl. ظيص سو م وقmaknaq neck, throat │ أ ولهابم قوto grab s.o. by the throat, bear down on s.o.; to have power over s.o. و kansā’2, pl. و س kinṣir pl. صووو kanāṣir2 little finger │ عقداا صووايا صووةاعلووto give s.th. toprating because of its excellence, put s.th. above everything else وا kana‘a a ( واkunū‘) to yield, surrender, bow, stoop ( لor ا ووto s.o.). humble o.s., cringe ( لor ا وbefore s.o.) ووووو ظق kāniq choking, strangling; suffocating, asphyxiating, stifling, smothering; throttling, throttle· (in compounds; tech.); (pl. ااظووقkawāniq2) choke coil, reactor (radio); gorge, ravine, canyon │ غو زا و ظقasphyxiating gas; ا ووووو ظقاا ووووولئب k. ad-di’b wolfsbane, monkshood, aconite (bot.) م وواmaknūq strangled; suffocated, stifled, smothered; suppressed, choking (voice, laughter, etc.); constricted; strangulated; throttled واkunū‘ submissiveness, meekness, servility kanaf (eg.) twanging, nasal twang فو kanfara to snuffle, snort و فس kunfus and فسوkunfusā’2 pl. و س kanāfis2 dung beetle, scarab ووق kanaqa u (kanq) to choke ( هs.o.); to suffocate, stifle, smother, strangle, throttle, choke to death ( هs.o.); to throttle down (techn.; هوs.th.); to slow down, cut, check, suppress ( هوs.th.) III to quarrel, have a fight ( هwith s.o.) VI to quarrel, dispute, have a fight ( موواwith s.o.) VII pass. of I; VIII to he throttled, be suppressed; to be tight, constricted (throat); to be strangled, be choked to death kināqa quarrel, ا أ وiktināq suffocation, asphyxiation; constriction; asphyxia (med.) واkanū‘ submissive, servile, meek, humble; treacherous, perfidious, disloyal ف kināq strangling cord; neck, throat │ضويقا ( ا و اعلوووḍayyaqa) to tighten the grip around s.o.’s throat, tread on s.o.’s neck, oppress s.o., beset s.o. grievously; أ لاب ل to grab s.o. by the throat وkināq and لووة fight, row kanānīṣ2 piglet صووو kunāq suffocation; angina (med.); kunāq and و ظاkānūq quinsy, diphtheria 263 (med.); pl. ااظووقkawāniq2 and ااظيووق kawānīq2 do. kannāq choking, throttling, strangling ا و سal-kannās epithet of the Devil (properly speaking, he who withdraw, when the name of God is mentioned) ا و سaknas f. kuns pug-nosed kanqat (kunqat) al-yad wrist م أ وقmuktaniq crammed, jammed, crowded, chock-full ( بwith) (وا and و ) ووkanā u, وkaniya a (وو kanan) to use obscene language IV to hit hard, afflict grievously, wear down, ruin, destroy, crush ( علوs.o., s.th.; said of fate) وووو kanan obscene language; s.th. indecent or obscene; prostitution; fornication ااجوةkawāja pl. -āt sir, Mr. (title and form of address, esp., for Christians and Westerners, used with or without the name of the person so addressed) وواان kuwān, kiwān pl. ا اظووةakwina, ا و وي akāwīn2 table │ وووااناا زي وووةk. az-zīna dressing table ( ه وinto s.th.), tackle courageously ( ه و s.th.), embark boldly ( هوon); to penetrate ( هوووor وووinto), become absorbed, engrossed ( هor وin); to go into a subject ( ), take up ( هو وsubject), deal ( وwith) │( ووو اا معوكوووةma‘raka) to rush into battle; ( و اغمو راا حووبgimāra l-ḥarb) to enter the war اجةkōga (eg.) teacher, schoolmaster اخII (eg.) to rot, decay, spoil واخkauk (coll.; n. un. ) peach (eg.); plum (syr.) وووا kawḍ, plunge, rush (into); entering, entry (into, e.g., into war, into negotiations); penetration; search ( ووو into), examination, discussion, treatment ( of a subject) ا ووووة kauka pl. kuwak skylight, windowlike opening; wicket (of a canal lock, of a gate); (eg.) alley connecting two streets اkūda pl. -āt, اkuwad helmet 1 و راي ووارةkāra ( وواارkuwār) to low, moo (cattle); -- وارkawira a ( وارkawar) and و رkāra u to decline in force or vigor; to grow weak, spiritless, languid, to languish, flag; to dwindle, give out (strength) وارkaur pl. ا واارakwār, يووانkīrān inlet, bay وووووار kawar weakness, enervation, languor, lassitude fatigue, weak, languid, وارkūrī pl. ارظوةkawārina parson, curate, priest; see also under يو 2 ارسkūrus choir (of a church) وواز kauzaqa to impale ( هs.o.); to comer, drive into a comer, get into a bad fix (ه s.o.) زو see ا ز ور ا اشووقwaraq kaušaq wrapping paper; blotting paper 1 اصkūṣ (coll.; n. un. ) palm leaves اصووةkūṣa (eg.) plaitwork of palm leaves (resembling that of Panama hats; used as a tarboosh lining) ااصةkiwwāṣa art of palm-leaf plaiting 264 2 اصkawaṣ and ا اصsee اص 3 ايصة 1 ة 2 مsee م وmakāwiḍ2 م و ااي وااةkāfa (1st pers. perf. kiftu) a (kauf, م ةmakāata, يفةkīfata) to be frightened, scared; to be afraid ( هو, هor مو. of), dread ( هو, هor موs.o. or s.th.); to fear ( هو, هor مو s.o., s.th.; علووfor s.o., for s.th.; انthat) II and IV to frighten, scare, alarm, fill with fear ( هs.o.) V = I ووااkauf fear, dread ( م وof); ا و kaufan for fear ( مof), fearing ( علوfor) اارkuwār lowing, mooing وووووواار kawwār strengthless م ضةmakāḍa pl. -āt, ford see ا صا و اي واkāḍ هوu (kauḍ, يوkiyāḍ) to wade ( هوinto water); to plunge, dive, rush يفةkīfa fear, dread ( مof) واااkawwāf, ايوفkawīf fainthearted, fearful, timid, timorous; coward, poltroon ا ووااakwaf2 more timorous; more dreadful, more to be feared م وووةmakāfa fear, dread │م وووةاان (makāfatan) for fear that ..., afraid that ... م و واmakāwif2 (pl. zu )م ووةfears, apprehensions, anxieties; horrors, dangers, perils ت ايوووووفtakwīf and وووووة intimidation, bullying, frightening, scaring ا ikāfa cowing, ت ااtakawwuf fear, dread و ئفkā’if pl. ووااkuwwaf fearful, timid, timorous; scared, frightened, alarmed ( موby); afraid ( موof); anxious ( علوabout), apprehensive ( علوfor) م ووووواا makūf dangerous, perilous feared, dreaded; م يووفmukīf fear-inspiring, frightful, dreadful, terrible, horrible كو ووؤونka’ūn faithless, false, disloyal, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious; unreliable, tricky, deceptive look up alphabetically والII to grant, accord, give, concede ( ه هوto s.o. s.th., also ;ل هوesp., the right, the power to do s.th.), bestow, confer ( ه هو upon s.o. s.th., also )ل هو, vest, endow ( ه هو s.o. with s.th., also. )ل ووواانkawwān unreliable, faithless, disloyal, treacherous, perfidious; traitor وو ئkā’in pl. وواانkuwwān, اظووة kawana disloyal, faithless, false, unreliable, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious; traitor لkāl pl. ا االakwāl, وؤولku’ūl, ا وة ku’ūla (maternal) uncle; -- (pl. ويالنkīlān) mole, birthmark (on the face); O patch, beauty spot 2 ن ة 3 اانlook up alphabetically kāla pl. -āt (maternal) aunt والkawal chattels, property, esp., that consisting in livestock and slaves; servants; (eg.) dancer; effeminate person, sissy 1 and ظة واkawā i ( وااkawā’, واىkawan) to be empty, be hungry; -- kawiya a ( وواا kawā’) to be empty, bare, dreary, desolate, waste ووا وkaulī supervisor, overseer (of a plantation); gardener ووووواا kawā’ and ووووواى kawan emptinessv(of the stomach), hunger ؤو ووووة ku’ūla maternal uncle the و وkāwin empty, vacant; dreary, waste, desolate │ وووو واعلووووواعووشوووو (‘urūšihī) completely devastated; و وىاا ا وk. lwifāḍ (= ) واا اwith an empty pouch, empty-handed, without a catch و ناي وانةkana u (kaun, ي ظوةkiyāna) to be disloyal, faithless, false, treacherous, perfidious, act disloyally, treacherously, perfidiously ( هtoward s.o.); to betray (ه s.o.); to cheat, dupe, gull, hoodwink (ه s.o.), impose ( هupon), deceive ( زوجأ و one’s wife); to fool, deceive, mislead 265 ( هs.o.; said, e.g., of the memory); to forsake, let down, desert ( هs.o.); to fail (ه s.o.; e.g., the voice, and the like); to fail to keep ( ه وe.g., a promise), break (عهوودا ‘ahdan a contract) II to regard as or call faithless, false, disloyal, treacherous, dishonest, unreliable ( هs.o.); to distrust, mistrust ( هs.o.) V to impair, harm, hurt, prejudice ( ه وs.th.) VIII to dupe, gull, cheat, deceive, double-cross, betray ( هs.o.) X اسوأ انistakwana to distrust, mistrust (ه s.o.) واىIII to join ( هs.o.), join the company of ()ه, accompany ( هs.o.) relationship of م الmukawwal authorized ( بto) م 1 look up alphabetically look up alphabetically ي ظووةkiyāna faithlessness, falseness, disloyalty, treachery, perfidy; breach of faith, betrayal; treason; deception, fooling │ ي ظوةاادم ظوةk. al-amāna breach of faith; ‘( ي ظةاعرموuẓmā) high treason; ي ظةاا اعا breach of promise اkuwaiy little brother وواkuwa brotherliness, fraternity (= ا اukūwa) م وmukāwin brotherly, fraternal ي رkiyār (coll.; n. un. ) cucumber │ا يو راشو يو k. šanbar (eg.) drumstick tree, purging cassia (Cassia fistula; bot.); ي و رالشووةk. qašša (eg.) gherkins, pickles و باي يوبةkāba i ( يبوةkaiba) to fail, miscarry, be without success, be unsuccessful; to be frustrated, be dashed, be disappointed (hopes); to go wrong II and IV to cause to fail; to thwart, frustrate, fail, defeat ( هو s.th.); to disappoint, dash ( أم وāmālahū s.o.’s hopes) V = I يبووووة kaiba failure, miscarriage, defeat, frustration; fizzle, flop; disappointment │ و دا يبوةwalad k., f. ب وتا يبوةbint k. (eg.) a good-for-nothing, a ne’er-do-well ئووب kā’ib failing; abortive, unsuccessful; disappointed و راي يووةkāra i to choose, make one’s choice; to prefer ( ه علوs.th. to) II to make or let (ه s.o.) choose ( بويbetween, وfrom), give (ه s.o.) the alternative, option or choice ( بوي between, وin); to prefer ( هو علووs.th. to) III to vie, compete ( هwith s.o.); to make or let ( هs.o.) choose, give ( هs.o.) the choice, option or alternative V to choose, select, pick ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) VIII to choose, make one’s choice; to choose, select, elect, pick ( ه, هs.o., s.th.), fix upon s.o. or s.th. ( ه, ;)ه to prefer ( ه علوs.th. to) │ا أ را اا واجواارها ... (jiwārihī) approx.: the Lord has taken ... unto Himself X to seek or request what is good or best ( )هوfor o.s. ( هfrom s.o.); to consult an oracle, cast lots │ اسأ را ا وto ask God for proper guidance in يوkair pl. ي رkiyār, ا يو رakyār good; excellent, outstanding, superior, admirable; better; best; - (pl. يووار266 kuyūr) good thing, blessing; wealth, property; -- good, benefit, interest, advantage; welfare; charity │ يوواا و سthe best of all people; يو راا و س, ا يو راا و سthe beat people, the pick of the human race; هواا يووام ولhe ill better than you; هواا يووا ول it is better for you; ا يوواكولاا يووthe very best; ‘( ا يوواا عو مāmm) the commonweal, general welfare; و وووةاا يووواا عوو مwelfare state; يوfor the benefit of; يووااظفسوهمli-k. anfusihim for their own good; اعمو لاا يوو charitable deeds; صب حاا يوṣabāḥ al-k. and صووب حلابوو يوgood morning! كوووهابوو يو (dakarahū) to retain a good impression. of s.o.; to speak well of s.o. يووووو kairī charitable, beneficent, benevolent, philanthropic │جمعيوووةا يويوووة (jam‘īya) charitable organization يويووةkairīya charity, charitableness, benevolence, beneficence يووووووو kayyir generous, liberal, openhanded, munificent; charitable, beneficent, benevolent; benign, gracious, kind يوووkaira pl. -āt good deed, good thing; pl. يوواresources, treasures (e.g., of the earth, of a country), boons, blessings يووkīra and kiyara the best, choice, prime, flower, pick, elite يوkīrī gillyflower (bot.) ا يووakyar 2, f. يووىkīrā, وارىkūrā pl. ا يوakāyir2 better, superior يو رkiyār choice; option, exercise of the power of choice (Isl. Law); refusal, right of withdrawal (Isl. Law); the best, choice, prime, flower, pick, elite; see also alphabetically يوووو ر kiyārī voluntary optional, facultative; ا أيو رiktiyār choice; election (also pol.; pl. -āt); selection; preference ( علوووto); option; free will (philos.); ا أيو راiktiyāran of one’s own accord, spontaneously, voluntarily ا أي و رiktiyārī voluntary, facultative, elective (studies) م يوووmukayyar having the choice or option م أو رmuktār free to choose, having the choice or option ( وin), volunteering, م أوووو راmuktāran (adv.) voluntarily, spontaneously, of one’s own accord; choice, select, exquisite; chosen, preferred, favorite; a favorite; م أوو را selection, selected writings, anthology; (pl. م و تيوmakātīr2) village chief, mayor of a village (šyr., Leb., Ir.) يزرانsee ا زر و ساي ويسةkāsa i ( ويسkais, يسو نkayasān) to break ( بan agreement, a promise) يشkaiš sackcloth, sacking, canvas ويشkaiš place of sackcloth; (pl. -āt, وويشkiyaš) sack; straw mattress, pallet; Bedouin tent يشامsee شم و هاي ويطةkāṭa i (kaiṭ) and II to sew, stitch ( هو s.th.) وويطkaiṭ pl. يوواهkuyūṭ, ا يو هakyāṭ, ي و نkīṭān thread; twine cord; packthread, string; fiber │ وويطااموولk. amal a spark of hope, a thread of hope يkaiṭī threadlike; fibrous ي هkiyāṭ needle يووووو ه kiyāṭa swing; needlework, tailoring, dressmaking │ آ وةاا ي هوةsewing machine ي وkayālī imaginary, unreal; ideal, ideational, conceptual; utopian ا يولakyal2 more conceited, haughtier, prouder ي هkayyāṭ pl. -ūn tailor ي هوةkayyāṭa pl. -āt dressmaker; seamstress ا يلakyal pl. يولkīl, ا يولakāyil2 green woodpecker م يطmikyaṭ needle ئط 1 ووووووويال kuyalā’2 (f.) conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride; ا وويال al-kuyalā’ هhaughtily, proudly kā’iṭ tailor 267 و لاي يولةkāl هو هوto imagine, fancy, think, believe, suppose ( انthat); to consider, deem, think ( ه هs.o. to be …, هو هوs.th. to be ...), regard ( ه هs.o. as, هو هوs.th. as) II to make ( ا ووs.o.) believe ( انthat), suggest ( ا ووto s.o., هوs.th.), give s.o. ( )ا وووthe impression that ( يووولاا يووو اي ووو ةاان│ )هووو (kuyyila) he imagined, fancied, thought that it seemed, it appeared to him that …; ( علووووواموووولا يلووووتkayyalat; ا وووو فسbeing understood) as the heart dictates, i.e., as chance will have it, at random, unhesitatingly IV to be dubious, doubtful, uncertain, intricate V to imagine, fancy ( هو s.th.); to present itself, reveal itself ( لto s.o.’s mind), become the object of imagination. appear (= II kuyyila; لto s.o.) │( ت يولا يو اا يووkaira) to suspect good qualities in s.o., have an inkling of s.o.’s good qualities, think well of s.o., have هو good opinion of s.o. VI to pretend ( ل بto s.o. s.th., that ...), act ( لtoward s.o., بas if); to feel self-important, be conceited; to behave in pompous manner, swagger, strut about; to conceive eccentric ideas, get all kinds of fantastic notions, have هو bee in one’s bonnet; to appear dimly, in shadowy outlines; to appear, show (علوو on), hover ( علووabout; e.g., هوsmile about s.o.’s lips) flit ( علووacross, e.g., هوshadow across s.o.’s face, etc.) VIII to feel selfimportant, be conceited; to behave in هو pompous manner, swagger, strut about يو لkayāl pl. ا يلوةakyil هوdisembodied spirit, ghost, specter; imagination; phantom, apparition; phantasm, fantasy, chimera, vision; shadow, trace, dim reflection │ ي و لاا شوولk. ašakk slightest doubt; ي لاا صحواk. aṣ-ṣaḥrā’ scarecrow; ي لاا رلk. aẓ-ẓill shadow play ي ةkayāl هpl. -āt ghost, spirit, specter; phantom; phantasm, fantasy, chimera يلا ووةkailūl ه وconceit, conceitedness, snobbery, arrogance, haughtiness م يلووةmakīl ه وconceit, conceitedness, snobbery, arrogance, haughtiness; (pl. م يولmakāyil2) indication, sign, symptom, characteristic; pl. م ي ولvisions, mental images, imagery ت ييولtakyīl playacting │ و اا أ ييولfann at-t. dramatic art ت يووولtakayyul pl. -āt imagination, phantasy; delusion, hallucination, fancy, whim, fantastic notion ت يلووووtakayyulī imaginary fantastic, ا أيووووو لiktiyāl haughtiness pride; fanciful, arrogance, م يلةmukayyil هimagination, phantasy م يلmukīl dubious, doubtful, uncertain, intricate, tangled, confused; confusing, bewildering م أوووو ل arrogant 2 muktāl conceited, haughty, يلII to gallop (on horseback) يولkail (coll.) pl. يوالkuyūl horses; horsepower, H.P. │ سوب اا يولhorse racing, horse race ي لkayyāl pl. , -ūn horseman, rider ي ةkayyāl هcavalry (Ir.; Eg. 1939) سوووويةا ي وووةsarīy هوووkayyāl هوووcavalry squadron (Eg. 1939) 268 2 ل see ال 1 ويمII to pitch one’s tent, to camp; to settle down; to stay, linger, rest, lie down, lie ( علووon, ووor بat هوplace); (fig.) to reign (e.g., calm, silence, peace, etc.; ووor بat, in), settle ( علووover) V to pitch one’s tent; to camp يمةḳaim هpl. -āt, ي مḳiyām, ويمḳiyam tent; tarpaulin; arbor, bower; pavilion يمḳayyām tentmaker ويمmuḳayyam pl. -āt camping ground, camp, encampment 2 ويم ḳīm natural disposition, nature, temper, character; inclination, bent, tendency│ا ولا ( يموeg.) to fool s.o.’s pulse, sound s.o. out 3 م look up alphabetically □ يةḳayya pl. -āt noose أبda’aba a (da’b, da’b, وبdu’ūb) to persist, persevere, be indefatigable, untiring, tireless ( ووor علووin s.th.); to go in for s.th. ()علوو, apply o.s., devote o.s. ( علوto), practice eagerly ( علوs.th.) أبda’b pl. ا بad’ub habit أبda’b, da’ab and وب du’ūb persistence, perseverance, tirelessness, indefatigability, assiduity, eagerness ئووبda’ib and ائووبdā’ib addicted, devoted, persistent, assiduous, eager, indefatigable, untiring, tireless ( علوin) وب da’ūb untiring, tireless, indefatigable, persevering, persistent ا أبad’ab assiduous 2 more persistent, more اdāda governess, dry nurse, nurse اغdāg pl. -āt brand (made on cattle, etc.) الdāl name of the letter ا يdāliyā dahlia(s) (bot.) اموdāmā checkers│ احووةاا وودامlauḥat ad-d. checkerboard امج ظةsee مج ظة ( اظأيالFr. dentelle) dantilla lace اظقdānaq, dāniq pl. واظوقdawāniq an ancient coin. = 1/4 dirham; small coin; a square measure (Eg.; = 4 sahm = 29.17 m2) 2 اظم رdannmark Denmark اظم ركوdanmarkī Danish ا داظ ابad-dānūb the Danube ايةdāya pl. -āt wet nrse; midwife بdabba i (dabb, بيوبdabīb) to creep, crawl (reptile); to proceed, advance, or move slowly; to go on all fours; to enter (ووو s.th.), come ( ووinto); to steal, creep (ووا ظفسوinto s.o.’s heart; of a feeling, e.g., doubt); to spread ( ووover, in, through), fill, pervade, invade ( ووs.th.) ; to gain ground; to gain ascendancy ( ووin s.o.; of a condition, an idea, a sensation); to stream in, ruah in (of sensations, ووupon s.o.)│ ( ا با ي ا بيباا حيd. al-ḥayāh) to gain vitality II to sharpen, point, taper ( هs.th.) بdubb pl. ا ب و بadbāb, بب وةdibaba bear│(اا ودبااالصوغوaṣgar) Little Bear, Ursa Minor (astron.); ( ا ودبااالكبووakbar) Great Bear, Ursa Major (astron.) 269 بdubbī ursine بةdabba sand hill, mound بيوووووب dabīb creeping, crawling; infiltration; influx, inflow, flow (e.g., of sensations, of life, of vigor); reptile بو بdabbāb creeping, crawling, repent, reptant ب بةdabbāba pl. -āt tank, armored car مووودبmidabb: مووو امووودباا يووولاا ووووامصوووب (maṣabbihī) from the lower Nile to its mouth ابووةdābba pl. وابdawābb2 animal, beast; riding animal (horse, mule, donkey) ويبوةduwaibba tiny animal, animalcule; insect امدببmudabbab pointed, tapered بوII to embellish, decorate, adorn, ornament ( هوs.th.); to put in good style, formulate, compose, write down, put down in writing ( هs.th.) يبوووdībāj pl. brocade بووو بي dabābīj2 silk يب جوةdībāja (n. un. of ) يبوbrocade; introductory verses or lines, proem, preamble; face, visage; style, elegance of style; renown, repute, standing, prestige تودبيtadbīj embellishment, adornment, ornamentation; composition, writing (of a book) disposal, regulation; economy, economization; -- (pl. تووودابيوtadābīr2) measure, move, step │ اتوودبيواا م ووزلt. almanzil housekeeping, household management; ( تودبيوام ز وmanzilī) do.; لو ما ب أوووودابيواا الزمووووةand ات وووولاا أوووودابيواا الزمووووة (ittakada,qāma) to take the necessary measures مودبجmudabbajāt embellishments of speech, fine figures of speech بدبdabdaba to tread, tap بدبوووةdabdaba sound of footsteps, footfall, pitapat; pattering or clattering noise; snapping, flapping noise ا ب رidbār flight, retreat تودبوtadabbur reflection, meditation ( و on), thinking ( وabout); consideration, contemplation ( of) بدوبةdabdūba pl. ب يوبdabādīb2 point, tip, tapered end 1 بووdabara u ( بوارdubūr) to turn one’s back; to elapse, pass, go by (time) II to make arrangements, make plans ( هووووfor), prepare, plan, organize, design, frame, devise, concert, arrange, get up, bring about ( هوs.th.); to hatch ( هوa plot, etc.); to contrive, work up ( هوa ruse); to direct, conduct, manage, run, engineer, steer, marshal, regulate ( هs.th.), be in charge ( هو of); to manage well, economize ( هوs.th.) │( بووا وةkiṭṭatan) to devise a plan; بووا ا شوؤونto conduct the course of business, be in charge IV to turn one’s back ( عوor علووon s.o.); to flee, run away; to escape, dodge; to slip away V to be prepared, planned, organized, managed; to reflect, ponder ( وor هوon); to consider, weigh, contemplate ( وor هوs.th.); to treat or handle with care, with circumspection ( و s.th.) VI to face in opposite directions, stand back to back; to be contrary, opposite, opposed; to be inconsistent, incompatible X to turn the back ( هon s.o.) بووdubr, dubur pl. ا بو رadbār rump backside, buttocks, posteriors; rear part, Rear, hindpart; back; last part, end, tail │ا مو ا بووbehind, at the back, in the rear; from behind, from the rear; و وووا بوووهwallā duburahū to turn one’s back; to flee, run away بوووdabarī trailing behind, belated, late بوdabra turn (of fate) بارdabūr west wind بووارdabbūr pl. -āt dabābīr2 hornet; wasp تووووودبيوtadbīr pl. -āt planning, organization; direction, management, ت ودابوtaddbur disparity, dissimilarity, contrast ابوووdābir past, bygone (time); the ultimate, utmost, extremity. end; root │ ( ل اا ابواا شوdābira š-šai’) to eradicate, root out s.th., suppress s.th. radically; ( بو دمساا ودابوamsi) sometime in the past; ( هباكبمساا دابوka-amsi d-dābiri) to vanish into thin air, disappear without leaving a trace (actually: like yesterday gone by) مودبوmudabbir manager, director; ruler, disposer; leader; ringleader │م ودبواا مك ئوود schemer, intriguer, intrigant مودبوmudbir: امودبوااومقوبالmudbiran wamuqbilan from the rear and from in front 2 بوو رdubāra (= ) وبوو ر اpackthread, string, twine, cord, rope j thread 1 بووسdibs sirup, molasses, treacle, esp. of grapes 2 باسdabbūs pl. ب بيسdabābīs2 pin; safety pin │ باسااظكليزsafety pin بوووش dabaš junk, rubbish, trash; -- dabš rubblestone, rubble; crushed rock (used as substratum in macadamizing) بdabaga a i u (dabg) to tan ( هa hide) ب غةdibāga tanning, tanner’s trade ب غdabbāg tanner مدبغووةmadbaga pl. tannery موودابmadābig 2 بوقdabiqa a (dabaq) to stick, adhere ( بto); to cleave, cling ( بto) II to catch with birdlime ( هa bird) بقdibq birdlime بقdabiq sticky, gluey, limy بلdabaka u (dabk) to stamp the feet; to dance the dabka (see below) s.th.); to deceive, dupe, cheat, take in (علوو s.o.), impose ( علوon) بكووةdabka (syr.) a group dance in which the dancers, lined up with looked arms or holding hands, stamp out the rhythm and sing جووولdajl deceit, trickery, humbug, swindle بلةdibla pl. بلdibal ring بلامdiblōm and بلامةdiblōma pl. -āt diploma بلام سdiblōmāsī diplomatic; diplomat بلام سيةdiblōmāsīya diplomacy ثووdatara u ( ثوارdutūr) to fall into oblivion, be forgotten, become obsolete, antiquated, extinct; to be blotted out, wiped out, effaced, obliterated (track by the wind) II to cover, envelop ( هs.o.); to destroy, annihilate ( هوs.th.) V to wrap o.s. ( وin), cover o.s. ( وwith) VII to be or become wiped out, blotted out, effaced, obliterated; to be old; to be forgotten, have fallen into oblivion, be obsolete VIII iddatara to wrap o.s. ( بin), cover o.s. (ب with) ث رditār pl. ثوdutur blanket, cover موودثارmadtūr past, bygone, ancient (time) dajja i (dajj, جويdajīj) to walk slowly II جج اب سالحto arm s.o. to the teeth dujj (syr.) thrush (zool.) جوووةdujja intense darkness, pitchdarkness جوdajāj (coll.) chickens; fowl (as a generic designation) ج جوةdajāja (n. un.) hen; chicken │ا ج جةاا حبشd. al-ḥabaš guinea fowl مودج اب سوالحmudajjaj bi-s-silāḥ heavily armed, bristling with arms 271 جووdajira a (dajar) to be embarrassed, be at a loss يجوارdajūr pl. يو جيوdayājīr2 gloom, darkness, dark يجارdaijūrīi dark, gloomy جولdajala u to deceive, dupe, cheat, take in ( علووs.o.); to be a swindler, a charlatan, a quack II to coat, smear ( هs.th.); to gild ( هو 2 جوو لdajjāl pl. -ūn, ج جلووة swindler, cheat, imposter; charlatan (fem. ;) ج ةAntichrist dajājila quack, توووودجيلtadjīl imposture, charlatanry, quackery humbug; جلةdijla the Tigris river جوdajana u (dajn, جوdujūn) to be dusky, murky, gloomy (day); -- (dujūn) to remain, stay; to get used, become accustomed, become habituated; to become tame, be domesticated II to tame; to domesticate ( هوan animal) │ا ج و ا دموةا ( والنli-kidmati f.) to put s.th. or s.o. to use for s.o., make s.th. or s.o. of service to s.o. III to flatter, cajole, coax, wheedle, try to win or entice by gentle courtesy ( هs.o.) IV to be murky, gloomy, overcast (day); to be dark (night) ج وووووة dujna, gloominess, gloom dujunna darkness, ا جadjan2 dark اجوdājin tame, tamed, domesticated (animal); dark, gloomy │احيااظووو ا اج وووة (ḥayawānāt) domestic animals واجdawājin2 poultry جو اي جواةdajā u to be dark, gloomy, dusky; to overshadow, cover, veil, shroud, blanket ( هوs.th.), spread ( هوover) III to play the hypocrite, JlOIl'l as a friend ( هof s.o.); to cajole, flatter ( هs.o.) جوdujan gloom, darkness, duskiness ي اا ليلdayājī l-lail dark of night موووداجmudājāh hypocrisy; flattery, adulation, sycophancy اdājin dark, gloomy حدحII tadaḥdaḥa to waddle حودحdaḥdaḥ and حوداحdaḥdāḥ dumpy, squat, stocky حوdaḥara a (daḥr, ) حارto drive away, chase away ( هs.o.); to dislodge, remove ( هs.o.); to defeat ( هan army) VIII to be driven away, be routed, be repelled, be thrown back; to be defeated (army); to go under, go to ruin, succumb, break down, collapse اظوودح رindiḥār banishment, rejection; (pl. -āt) defeat (mil.); ruin, fall, breakdown, collapse; catastrophe │اظوودح راا كووان ind. al-k. end of the world مووووودحارmadḥūr routed, repelled; expelled, cast out; ostracized, banished حووdaḥraja to roll ( هوs.th.) II tadaḥraja to roll, roll along; to roll down احسdāḥis pl. dawāḥis whitlow, felon (med.) حوسdaḥasa a (daḥs) to insert, thrust in, shove in, foist in, smuggle in VII to interfere, meddle; to mix حوdaḥāḍa a to be invalid, void, untenable (argument); to disprove, refute, invalidate ( هوan argument) II and IV to disprove, refute, invalidate ( هan argument) حdaḥḍ refutation, disproof حووواduḥūḍ: invalidity, shakiness, weakness, refutability (of an argument or a claim) مدحmiḍḥāḍ: ( عاىامودحda‘wā) an invalid, unjustified claim 273 حو اي حواةdaḥā u (daḥw) to spread out, flatten, level, unroll O مودحوmidḥan pl. موداحmadāḥin roller, steamroller ا وiddakara, مد وseeا و س dukas dolphin ول dikala u ( والdukūl) to enter ( هو, less frequently و, also ا ووو, s.th.), go, step, walk, move, come, get ( هو, و, ا ووinto); to penetrate, pierce ( هو, و, ا ووs.th.); to take possession of s.o. ()ه, befall, seize ( هs.o.; e.g., doubt); to take up ( دموةa post), start at a job; to enter s.o.’s ( )علوووroom or house, drop in on s.o. ()علوو, come to see s.o. ( ;)علوووto call on s.o. ( ;)علوووto consummate the marriage, cohabit, sleep (", or علووwith a woman); to come (علوو over s.o.; e.g., joy); (gram.) to be added ( علوووto); to supervene, enter as a new factor, aspect, element, etc. ( علوووupon s.th.), be newly introduced ( علووinto s.th.); to make one’s own, acquire ( علووs.th.); to join, enter ( ه وor وe.g., a religious community); to participate, take part ( هو in); to set in, begin (time, event); to be included ( وin; ضومḍimna), fall, come ( و, ضوم, تحوتunder), belong, pertain ( و, ضوم, تحوتto), be within s.th. ( و, ضوم, ;)تحوتpass.: dukila to be sickly, diseased, abnormal │( لاعلواادمواتعديلta’dīlun) the matter has undergone modification; ولا ( ا دموةkidma) to take up one’s post, start at a job, report for work; وولاا مدرسووة (madrasa) to enter school; ووولاا مي ووو (mīnā’) to enter the harbor, put in; ولا ا ماضواto come to the point; ولا و اعقلو ا ي و اجسوم ةdukila fī ‘aqlihi (fī jismihī) to suffer from a mental (physical) disturbance II to make or let enter, bring in, let in ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to enter, insert, include ( هs.th., وor هوin) III to come over s.o. ()ه, befall, seize ( هs.o.; e.g., doubt, suspicion, despair) IV to make or let enter, bring in, let in, admit, lead in, show in ( هs.o.); to move, take, haul (علوو or هو وs.th. into); to incorporate, include, embody, insert ( وor هو هوs.th. in); to cause to set in, bring about, produce, set off, trigger ( ه علوs.th. in); to introduce ( هو s.th., e.g., an innovation, an improvement, علوin or on s.th.) │( ا لو اا مدرسوةmadrasa) to send s.o. to school; ا وولاتغييووااعلوووto bring about a change in ...; ا لووتاعلي و ا ( تعوديالudkilat) the matter was subjected to modifications V to meddle ( وin), interfere ( وووin, with); to interpose, intervene ( وin); to invade ( وs.th.), intrude, obtrude ( وon), disturb ( وs.th.); to interlock, mesh, gear VI to meddle ( و in, e.g., و اشوؤوظin s.o.’s affairs), butt in ( و اا حوديثon a conversation); to interfere ( وin, with), interpose, intervene ( وin); to interlock, mesh, gear; to be superimposed; to intergrade, shade, blend ( بوبعor بع و ا و ابعوone into the other); to come over s.o. ()ه, befall, strike, seize (ه s.o.; e.g., doubt. grief) وولdakl income; revenues, receipts, returns, takings (as opposed to karj); interference, intervention; doubt, misgiving │ ضويبةاا د لincome tax; ويسا و ا ( ا ا ولا يوayyu daklin) and الا ولابوor و ا ( يوdakla) he should not meddle in ..., he has nothing to do with ..., it is none of his business وول dakal disturbance, derangement, disorder, imbalance, or defect of the mind; defect, infirmity introduction (e.g., of a constitution; of an improvement, علووon an apparatus, or the like) لووة dikla intrinsic nature, essence; inner self, innermost, heart, soul (of a person); secret intention │ راجاا لأوrāja‘a diḳlatahū to commune with o.s., search one’s soul تود لtadakkul entry, entrance; invasion; interference ( وwith, in), intervention; intrusion, obtrusion │ ‘ عودماا أود لadam att. noninterference, nonintervention (pol.) لوووة dukla: يلوووةاا د لوووة wedding night لة dukkala a variety of warbler 273 يولdakī1 inner, inward, internal; inner self, heart, core; -- (pl. ووالdukalā’2) extraneous; foreign, alien; exotic; foreigner, alien, stranger; not genuine, false, spurious; newly added ( علوووto); novice; (new) convert; guest; protégé, charge, ward │( كلموةا يلوةkalima), فو ا يول (lafẓ) foreign word or expression; (syr.pal.) ( يللdakīlak) please, if you please يلوةdakīla pl. ئولdakā’il2 inner self, inmost being, intrinsic nature, essence; heart, soul │ و ا يلوةاظفسوinwardly, inside, in his heart; ئولاظفاسوour inmost being; ئلاادموارthe underlying nature of things, the factors at the bottom of things; ئولا شوؤوظd. šu’ūnih his private affairs, (of a country, etc.) its internal affairs والdukūl entry, entranoe, admission; entering, ingress; beginning, setting in; penetration; intrusion, invasion; first coition in marriage (Isl. Law) │الاا حووب d. al-ḥarb entry into war ا ية تودا لtadākul interference, intervention; interlock, meshing, gearing; superimposition; intergradations; permeation, pervasion; O interference (phy.) lailat ad-d. dukūlīya octroi, city toll لmadkal pl. مودا لmadākil2 entrance; hallway, vestibule, anteroom; entrance hall, lobby, foyer; mouth (of a port, of a canal); O anode (el.); introduction (to a field of learning); behavior, conduct │ ( مود لاا سوي راsayyārāt) driveway; مود لا دراسوةاا قو ظانintroduction to the study of law; حسو اا مود لḥusn al-m. good manners, good conduct مدا لوووووووة mudākala interference, intervention; participation, interest ( in) ا وو لidkāl bringing in, involvement, interpolation, leading in, showing in, taking in, hauling in; implication; insertion, incorporation, inclusion; ا ولbelonging, pertaining ( وto), falling ( و under), included ( وin); inner, inward, inside, interior, internal; inside, interior (of s.th.); dākila (prep.) within, inside, in; ا والdākilan inside (adv.) │ مو اا ودا لfrom within; from the inside ا لوةdākila pl. وا ولdawākil2 interior, inside, inmost, hidden part; ا دا لووةthe Dakhla oasis (in central Egypt) ا لوdākilī inner, inward; internal; interior, inside; domestic, home, inland (as opposed to و رجkārijī external, foreign; pol.); indigenous, native; private; belonging to the house; ا لي وdākilīyan inside (adv.) │ تالميوووولا ا ليووووةboarding students (as opposed to رجيوووة day students); ( حوووبا ا ليووةḥarb) civil war; ( مدرسووةا ا ليووةmadrasa) boarding school; مالبوسا ا ليوةunderwear; مالحوةا ا ليوةinland navigation ا ليوةdākilīya interior │ ا ليوةاا وبالthe interior of the country, the inland; وزار اا دا ليووة ministry of the interior; وزيوووواا دا ليوووة minister of the interior مووود الmadkūl sickly, diseased, abnormal; (mentally) disordered; of weak character, spineless; (pl. موودا يلmadākīl2) revenue, receipts, takings, returns موس dakmasa ( مسوة, dakmasa) to fool (علوو s.o.) about one’s real intentions, pull the wool over s.o.’s ( )علووeyes; to cheat; to be sly, crafty, artful مسووة dakmasa deception, fooling, trickery; cunning, craft, slyness 274 و dakina a to be smoky; to taste or smell of smoke; -- dakina a u to smoke, emit smoke (fire) II to fumigate, fume ( هوs.th.); to smoke, cure with smoke ( هوfoodstuffs); to smoke ( هوa cigarette, tobacco, a pipe) IV to smoke, emit smoke (tire) V to be smoked, be cured with smoke; to be fumigated رdurrī glittering, twinkling, brilliant (star) رdirra, darra pl. ررdirar teat; udder مودرارmidrār showering abundant rain (sky, cloud); spouting, pouring forth, welling out dukn pearl millet, dukhn dakan smoke, fume, vapor اadkina ارdārr flowing copiously; productive, rich, lucrative; profitable ووة dukna smoke color; a kind of incense (Calamus aromatious) مودرmudirr: ( مودراا بوالbaul) diuretic(al), pl. مودرا اا بوالdiuretics; ‘( مودراا عووaraq) sudorific و نdukān (dukkān) pl. ووة smoke, fume, vapor; tobacco Oية dakīna cigarette dakākinī (eg., tun.) tobacconist ووو madkana pl. موووداmadākin2 chimney, smokestack, funnel رأdara’a (dar’) to reject ( هوs.th.); to avert, ward off ( هوs.th., e.g., وووا kaṭaran a danger, عوfrom) VI iddāra’a to contend ( for) ر dar’ repulsion, prevention, averting; warding off, parrying تود يtadkīn fumigation; smoking (e.g., of fish); (tobacco) smoking ا وووةdākina pl. وا ووو chimney, smokestack, funnel dawākin2 مدmudakkin smoker يدب نlook up alphabetically ريئةdarī’a pl. -āt target رابوزيdarābazīn railing, parapet, banisters, balustrade را Durrës (It. Durazzo, seaport in W Albania) يدنdaidan habit, practice راdurrāq (syr.) peach ىIII to pamper, spoil ( هa child) رامdərāmī dramatic رdarra i u (darr) to flow copiously; to stream, flow, well; to accrue ( علووto s.o.; profit, wealth); to be abundant, plentiful IV to cause to flow; to bestow lavishly, heap ( ه علوووs.th. upon s.o.), shower, overwhelm ( ه علووwith s.th. s.o.); to yield ( هوa profit, علووto s.o.) X to stream, flow; to be abundant; to cause or try to bring about the abundant flow of ( ;)هوto cause s.th. ( )هوto yield in abundance; to be out for s.th. ( )هو, seek to gain ( هوa profit), try to make ( هa living) رر darr milk; achievement, accomplishment │ هللا رهli-llāhi darruhū (literally: his achievement is due to God) how capable, how good, how excellent he is! رdurr (coll.) pearls رdurra (n. un.) pl. -āt, ررdurar pearl; -- a variety of parrot (Psittacus A1exandri L.) رب dariba a (darab, ربdurba) to be accustomed, be used ( بto), be practiced, trained, skilled ( بin) II to habituate, accustom ( هو, هs.o.) s.th., وor بor علوو to); to practice, drill ( هs.o., ب علووor علوو in); to school, train, coach, tutor ( هs.o., و, بor علووin) V to be accustomed, be used ( علوووor وto); to be or become 275 practiced, skilled, trained, drilled, schooled ( علوor وin); to train (athlet.) ربdarb pl. روبdurūb narrow mountain pass; path, trail, track; road; alley, lane│ رباا أب ظووةd. at-tabbāna the Milky Way ربوةdurba habituation, habitude, habit; familiarity (with s.th.), experience; skill, practice ريبةdarība court of first instance (Tun.) توودريبtadrīb habituation, accustoming; practice; drill; schooling, training, coaching, tutoring│ اا أووووووودريباا عسوووووووكو (‘askarī) military training مودربmudarrib pl. -ūn instructor, drill instructor; trainer, coach (atthlet.); tamer (of wild animals) مودربmudarrab experienced; practiced, skilled; trained; schooled رازيوdarābazīn and رزيوdarbazīn railing, parapet, banisters, balustrade ربسdarbasa to bolt ( هa door) رب و سdirbās pl. رابوويسdarābīs2 bolt, doorbolt to be classified ( ووin, تحوتunder) X to make ( هs.o.) advance or rise gradually, promote ( هs.o.) by degrees; to lead ( هs.o.) gradually ( ا ووto), bring ( هs.o.) around to (ا وو, ;)لto bait, allure ( هs.o.); to entice, tempt, lure into destruction ( هs.o.) رdarj registration, paper; roll, book; اا كوالم of the talk entry, entering, registering, recording; a rolled or folded scroll│ ا وووا ر اا كأ و بin the وا رd. il-kalām in the course ربكوةdarabukka (eg.), dirbakka (syr.) pl. –āt darabukka, a conical, one-headed hand drum, open at the small end رdurj pl. ا راadrāj drawer (of a table, desk, etc.); desk (e.g., for pupils in school) ربكوةdarbaka banging or rattling noise, din, uproar, turmoil رdaraj pl. ا راadrāj way, route, course; flight of steps, stairs, staircase│ا رجااا راجraja‘a adrājahū (also )عو اا راجو to retrace one's steps, go back the way one came; to go back, turn back; 276 هباا را ا ( ا ويو حadrāja r-riyāḥ) to go the ways of the winds, i.e., to pass unnoticed, without leaving a trace; to end in smoke, come to nothing, be futile, be in vain رdaraja u ( روdurūj) to go, walk, move, proceed, advance (slowly); to approach gradually, step by step ( ا ووs.th.); to follow a course ()علوو, proceed along the lines of ()علوو, proceed in such and such a manner ( ;)علوووto go away, leave, depart; to outgrow ( موa nest, a habitation); to be past, bygone, over (time); to have passed away, be extinct; to circulate, be in circulation, be current, have currency; to grow up (child); -- (darj) to roll up, roll together ( هوs.th.); to wrap, wind, twist ( هو علووs.th. around); -- darija a to rise or advance step by step│ر اا عووووااعلوووو daraja l-‘urfu ‘alā it has become the general practice to ... II to make ( هs.o.) rise or advance by steps, promote ( هs.o.) by degrees; to move or bring ( ه وs.th.) gradually closer ( ا ووto); to approximate ( هو ا وs.th. to); to roll up, fold up ( هوs.th.); to circulate, put into circulation ( هوs.th.), give currency ( هوto s.th.), make ( هوs.th.) the general practice; to divide into degrees, steps or grades, graduate, grade, gradate ( هوs.th.); to insert, include, enter ( هو ووs.th. in) III to go, keep up ( هوwith, e.g., with the time, with a fashion) IV to insert, include, incorporate, embody (هو وو s.th. in); to enter, register ( هو ووs.th., e.g., in a list), book ( هوs.th.) V to progress by steps, advance gradually; to proceed step by step ( ا ووto); to make progress ( ووin); to graduate, grade, be graded, graduated, gradated VII to be inserted, entered, incorporated, embodied, included ( ووin); رجوةdaraja pl. -at step, stair; flight of steps, stairs, staircase; degree, step, tone (of a scale; mus.); degree (math., geogr.; of temperature); grade, fate; degree, order, rank; club (also, e.g., in trains, of a decoration); phase state, stage (of a development); mark, grade (in school)│ا رجوووةاا حووووارd. al-ḥarāra (degree of) temperature; ‘( ا ووودرج اا عليوووulyā) the maximal temperatures; ا وووودرج اا سووووفلو (suflā) the minimal temperatures; رجووةا ا وووالd. aṯ-ṯūl degree of longitude (geogr.); ‘( رجووووةاعلميووووةايج معيووووةةilmīya, jāmi’īya) academic degree; رجةاا عقلd. al'aql level of intelligence, IQ; أوواا ودرج report card (in school); م اي وةاا درجوةااالو وو (ūlā) first-rate, first-class; وا رجوووةof superior quality, high-grade, high-class; ( درجوةاانli-darajati) to the extent that ... ; to such an extent that ...; to much that ... راdurrāj pl. راريوdarārīj2 francolin (zool.); see also alphabetically تدرtadruj2, تدرجةtadruja pheasant راجوةdarrāja pl. -at bicycle│راجوةاظ ريوة motorcycle مودرmadraj pl. مودارmadārij2 way that one follows or pursues; course, route; road, path; starting point, outset, rise, growth, birth, dawn, beginning(s); tarmac, runway (of an airfield); (as also mudarraj) amphitheater; (amphitheatered) auditorium or lecture room; grandstand, bleachers│ ام ولامدرجوsince its beginnings; موودر اظشووبتnaš’atihī the place where he grew up; ( س را ووامودار اا ولوm. ir-ruqīy) to travel the road of progress ت ودريtadrīj graduation; classification, categorization; gradation│ اعلوواا أودري, مواا ا أوودري, ب أوودريgradually, by and by, by degrees, by steps, step by step, more and more توووودريجوtadrījī gradual, gradatory, progressive; توودريجيtadrījīyan gradually, by and by, by steps, by degrees, in stages ا راidrāj insertion, incorporation; entry, recording ( وin a list) interpolation, registration, تووودرtadarruj gradual advance or progress; gradation, graduation│ اب أووودر gradually, by and by; تووودر اارتق ئوووt. irtiqā’ihi his gradual rise ااسووأدراistidrāj capability of gradually winning s.o. over, persuasiveness, art of persuasion ا راdarrāj current, prevalent, widespread, popular, common, in vogue, circulating, in circulation│ ا كوووالماا ووودرا (kalām) and ( ا لغوةاا دارجوةluga) the popular language, colloquial language مودرmudarraj graded, graduated; -- (pl. -āt) open staircase, open-air stairs, fliers, stoop; grandstand, bleachers; amphitheater; (amphitheatered) auditorium or lecture room مووودرmudrai inserted, interpolated, incorporated; entered, registered; contained, included ( وو, بin), comprised ( و, بby) رdarida a (darad) to become toothless, lose one’s teeth ا رadrad2 toothless ر ىdurdī sediment, dregs, lees ر بيسdardabīs ugly old woman. hag ر رdardara roar, rush (of water); idle talk, prattle, chatter ر ارdardār elm (bot.) ر ورdurdūr eddy, whirlpool, vortex ر شdardaša idle talk, prattle, chatter 277 1 رزdaraza u to sew, stitch رزdarz pl. روزdurūz seam, hem; suture 2 رزىdurzī pl. روزdurūz Druse│جبولاا ودروز jabal ad-d. the Jebel ed Druz, the mountainous homeland of the Druses in S Syria رسdarasa u (dars) to wipe out, blot out, obliterate, efface, extinguish ( هوs.th.); to thresh ( هوgrain); to learn, study ( هوs.th., علوunder s.o.), ‘( رساا علماعلوilm) to study under (a teacher, a professor); -- u (روس durūs) to be effaced, obliterated, blotted out, extinguished II to teach; to instruct (ه s.o., هوin s.th.); III to study ( هtogether with s.o.) VI to study ( هوs.th.) carefully together VII to become or he wiped out, blotted out, effaced, obliterated, extinguished رسdars effacement, obliteration, extinction; -- (pl. روسdurūs) study, studies; lesson, chapter (of a textbook); class, class hour, period; lecture; lesson (taught by experience, etc.)│ اا قووا روسو اعو (alqā) to lecture on ... ; ( اع ووا روسوa‘ṯā) to give lessons; ( روسام ز يووةmanzilīya) homework (of a pupil or student) راسdirās threshing (of grain) راسةdirasa pl. -āt studies; study│ا راسةا ‘( ع يوةāliya) collegiate studies; راسوةاث ظايوة (tānawīya) attendance of a secondary school, secondary education, high-school education; ( راسوووةامأاسووو ةmutawassiṯa) secondary education, high-school education (Syr.) راسووdirāsī of or pertaining to study or studies; scholastic, school; instructional, educational, teaching, tuitional│ارسووواما راسووويةtuition fees; ( سووو ةا راسووويةsana) academic year; scholastic year, school year ريسdarīs dried clover ‘ عمووو لاا دريسوووةummāl ad-darīsa (eg.) railroad section gang, gandy dancers راسdarrās pl. -ūn (eager) student O راسووووة machine│O combine ( مدرعوةsayyāra) armored car; مشو امودرعان (mušāh) armored infantry (mil.) darrāsa flail; threshing ( حصووووو ا راسوووووةḥaṣṣāda) رواسdirwās mastiff مدرسوووةmadrasa pl. مووودارسmadāris2 madrasah (a religious hoarding school associated with a mosque); school│امدرسوةا ( ابأدائيوةibtidā’īya) the lower grades of a secondary school, approx. = junior high school; ( مدرسوةااو يوةawwalīya) elementary school, grade school; مدرسوووووةاث ظايوووووة (tānawīya) secondary school, high school; ( مدرسوةاتج ريوةtijārīya) commercial college or school; ( مدرسوةاحوبيوةḥarbīya) military academy; ( مدرسوةا ا ليوةdāḳilīya) boarding school; ‘( مدرسووةاع يووةايعليوو ةāliya, ‘ulyā) college; مدرسوووةاا ف ووواناوا صووو ئاschool of industrial arts, school of applied art and handicraft; ( مدرسووةاكبوووىkubrā) college; ا مدرسووووةاا قديمووووةthe old “school” (= intellectual or artistic movement) مدرسmadrasī scholastic, school تدريسtadrīs teaching, instruction, tuition │ هيئووةاا أوودريسhai’at at-t. teaching staff; faculty, professoriate (of an academic institution) ارسdāris pl. وارسdawāris2 effaced, obliterated; old, dilapidated, crumbling │ تجوود ا ارس وtajaddada dārisuhū to rise from one’s ashes موووودرسmudarris pl. -ūn teacher, instructor; lecturer │( مودرسامسو عدmusā‘id) assistant professor رII to arm; to armor, equip with armor ( هو s.th.) V and VIII iddara‘a to arm o.s., take up arms, put on armor رdir‘ m. and f., pl. روdurū‘, ا ر adru‘, ا راadrā‘ coat of mail, hauberk; (suit of) plate armor; armor plate; armor; armature; (pl. ا راadrā‘) chemise 278 راعةdarrā‘a pl. -āt armored cruiser راعووةdurrā‘a pl. رارdarārī‘2 loose outer garment with sleeves, slit in front ارdāri‘ armored, armor-clad, ironclad ارعوةdāri‘a pl. وارdawārī‘2 armored cruiser مووودرmudarra‘ armored; armadillo (zool.) │( الا امدرعةqūwa) tank corps; سي ر ا مدرعةmudarra‘a pl. -āt armored cruiser راdarf side, flank, wing; protection ر وةdarfa pl. راdiraf leaf (of a double door or window) ر يلdarfīl dolphin 1 ا رلةdaraqa (leather) shield O رdaraq thyroid gland رل و daraqī shield-shaped; thyroid │اا غوود ا (ا درليةgudda) thyroid gland 2 ا راlook up alphabetically 1 رII to last, continue, keep up (rains) III to reach, get, catch, overtake, outdistance, outrun ( هو, هs.o., s.th.), catch up, come up ( هو, هwith); to keep up, continue without interruption ( هs.th.) IV to attain, reach ( هو s.th.), arrive ( هوat); to get, catch, overtake ( هs.o., هوs.th.), catch up, come up ( هو, ه with); to come suddenly, unexpectedly (ه upon s.o.), overtake ( هs.o.; death); to obtain ( هوs.th.); to grasp, comprehend ( هو s.th.); to perceive, discern, notice ( هs.th.); to realize, understand ( هوs.th.), become aware, become conscious ( هوof s.th.); to mature, ripen (e.g., a fruit); to attain puberty, reach sexual maturity (boy) V ( توداركتاا شومساا وواا مغيووبšams, magīb) the sun prepared to set VI to reach and seize one another; to continue without interruption, go on incessantly; to face, meet, obviate, take steps to prevent ( هو s.th.); to put in order, set right, correct ( هو s.th.), make amends ( هووfor), provide compensation or indemnity ( هوfor a loss, or the like) X to correct, rectify, emend ( هو s.th.); to set right, put in order, straighten out ( هوs.th.); to make good, repair, redress ( هوa damage, a mistake, etc.), make up ( هو for); to supplement, supply ( هوthat which is missing); to anticipate, forestall, obviate ( هan event) رdarak attainment, achievement, accomplishment; overtaking, catching up; police; (pl. ا راadrāk) bottom, lowest level ركdarakī policeman ركوووةdaraka lowest level; pl. –āt descending steps (as opposed to ; رجوcf. رج اا حيو او ركو اا مواdarajāt al-ḥayāh wa-d. al-maut) را darrāk much-accomplishing, efficient, successful تدرظtadarrunī tuberculous مأووووودرنmutadarrin tubercles, tuberculated ا راidrāk reaching, attainment, achievement, accomplishment; realization, perception, discernment, awareness, consciousness ( قوووودااال را faqd al-i. unconsciousness); comprehension, understanding, grasp; reason, intelligence; sexual maturity, puberty; age of maturity │ سو ااال راof sinn al-i. age of discretion (Isl. Law) رهوووم dirham pl. راهووومdarāhim2 dirhem, drachma (Ir. = coin of 50 ;) لوسa weight (Eg. = 1/12 = اوليووةca. 3.12 g); راهووم money, cash ريهموووduraihimāt (dimin. with a derogatory sense; approx.:) pennies روdirwa pl. -āt (eg.) protecting screen or wall; parapet رواسdirwās mastiff رويشdarwīš pl. راويشdarāwīš2 dervish 1 تدرtadarruk gradual decline اسوووأدراistidrāk redress, reparation; correction, emendation, rectification 279 مووودرmudrik rational, reasonable, endowed with reason, intelligent; (sexually) mature, pubescent, at the age of puberty مووووووودرك mudrakāt realizations; cognitions; fixed notions, established concepts 2 with مدرهmidrāh pl. مدارهmadārih2 spokesman مودارmadārik2 mental faculties, mental powers, intelligence, intellectual capacities, perception, discernment │ ا مدار اا مسthe five senses راكوووو dirākan (adv.) constantly, incessantly, without interruption affected رىdarī ī ( رايوةdirāya) to know ( بor هوs.th. or of s.th.); to be aware, be cognizant (ب or هوof); to understand, comprehend ( بor هوs.th.) │... ومو ايودر ااالاواall of a sudden there was ... III to flatter, treat with flattery or gentle courtesy, cajole, coax (ه s.o.); to deceive, fool, mislead ( هs.o.); to dissemble; to conceal, hide, mask, disguise ( هs.th.) IV to let ( هs.o.) know (ب s.th. or about s.th.), inform, notify, advise ( ه بs.o. of) │...( ومو اا را امو اadrāka), also ومو اا را ابdo you realize what ... is? you don’t even know what ... means! VI to hide, conceal o.s. رايووةdirāya knowledge, cognizance, acquaintance ا رىadrā more knowledgeable, better informed, knowing better ( بs.o., s.th.), better acquainted ( بwith) ( رEngl.) derrick, derrick crane رمdarima a to fall out (teeth) II to clip, trim ( هnails) الاا رlā-adrī a skeptic رنdarina a (daran) to be dirty, filthy IV do. V to suffer from tuberculosis مووداراmudārāh sociability, affability, companionableness رنdarn pl. ا رانadrān dirt, filth; tubercles; tuberculosis │ ( ا رنارئواri’awī) pulmonary tuberculosis ارdārin knowing, aware, cognizant (ب of s.th.) رظوةdarana (n. un.) pl. -āt tubercle; small tumor, outgrowth, excrescence, tuberculc, nodule رظdaranī tubercular, tuberculous تودرنtadarrun tuberculosis │ تودرنارئوا (ri’awī) and تودرناا وئوةt. ar-ri’a pulmonary tuberculosis 2 مودرىmidran, مودرmidra (= موو ىmirdan), مودراmidrāh pl. مودارmadārin pole (esp. one for punting boats) ريdiryāq (= )تويtheriaca; antidote ( زي ةIt. dozzina) dazzīna dozen سdassa u (dass) to put, get, slip, shove, thrust, insert ( هو وs.th. into); to bury ( و هوs.th. in the ground); to instill, infuse ( و ب, هوs.th. in); to administer surreptitiously ( ا سومas-samma poison, لto s.o.); to foist ( هو وs.th. into); to smuggle ( هو وs.th. into, ه بويs.o. among); to interpolate ( هو s.th.); to intrigue, scheme, plot (علووو, ل against s.o.) │ ساا دس و ئسto engage in secret machinations, intrigue scheme II to put in, get in, slip in, shove in, thrust in, insert ( هs.th.); to hide, conceal ( هوs.th.) V to engage (secretly, ا ووin); to be hidden ( وin) VII to slip ( بويbetween or among, وinto), creep, steal, sneak ( بويamong, و into), 280 infiltrate ( وs.th.); to ingratiate o.s., insinuate o.s. ( وor ا ووto s.o., into s.o.’s confidence); to be hidden سيسوةdasīsa pl. سو ئسdasā’is intrigue, machination, scheme, plot │ساا دسوو ئس dass ad-d. machinations, intrigues, scheming, plotting ( ضوودagainst); plot, conspiracy سوووو سdassās pl. -ūn intriguant, intriguer, schemer, plotter, conspirator; sand snake (Eryx jaculus) 1 سوتdast pl. سواdusūt place of honor, seat of honor, seat of office; council │ستاا حكم d. al-ḥukm (a ruler’s) throne 2 سوتdist pl. سواdusūt kettle, boiler, caldron made of copper (eg., syr.) 3 سأةdasta dozen; pack, packet, package سوووأارdustūr pl. سووو تيوdasātīr2 statute; regulations; by-laws; (basic) constitutional law; constitution (pol.); -- (colloq.) dastūr permission سووأارdustūrī constitutional │ا ر و ما ا دسأارىconstitutional form of government سأاريةdustūrīya constitutionality │اعدما ’ا دسأاريةadam ad-d. unconstitutionality سووdasara u (dasr) to push, shove, push off ( هs.th.) O اسوdāsir propeller, airscrew سكوdaskara pl. س كوdasākir2 village سمdasam fatness (of meat); fat, grease سوومdasim fat; fatty, greasy, grimy, grubby; rich, abundant, substantial; meaty, pithy, full of thoughts (e.g., reading material) ا سومadsam2, f. سومdasmā’2, pl. سوم dusm very fat; fatty, greasy, grimy, grubby; -- richer, more substantial, pithier سووو مةdasāma fattiness, greasiness, griminess, grubbiness سووووامة dusūma substantiality fatness; richness, س مdassām plug, stopper يسمdaisam amaranth (bot.) سمبوdisembir, disambir December سواII to introduce, bring in ( هوs.th.) V to be hidden, concealed; to penetrate ( ا وinto) ( شFr. douche) duš shower, douche شويشdašīš and شيشوةa kind of porridge made of crushed wheat and butter شتdašt junk, trash, rubbish, refuse ش وII to hand over, present ( ه وs.th.); to consecrate, dedicate, inaugurate ( هs.th.) تدش ويtadšīn consecration, dedication, inauguration │ اتدشي اا ك يشوةconsecration of the church شاV to belch, burp, eruct عةda‘a see و da‘‘ to rebuff, turn down (contemptuously, II the poor, an orphan) عبda‘aba a ( ع بةdu‘āba) to joke, jest, make fun ( هwith s.o.) III to play, toy (ه, هوwith s.th., with s.o.); to joke, jest, make fun (ه with s.o.); to give ( هs.o.) a good-natured slap or smack ( ;)بto flirt ( ه وwith a woman) ; to dally, philander, play around ( هوwith a woman); to play ( هabout s.o.; e.g., waves); to stroke gently, caress, fondle ( هs.th.); to beguile, tempt, delude (ه s.o.; said of hopes); to play ( هوa musical instrument) │ا اع وباا بي و ظاto play on the piano VI to make fun, have fun together, have a good time اعبdā‘ib joking, jocose, playful, jolly, gay, funny 281 ع بوةdu‘āba pl. -āt joking, jesting, funmaking, fun; joke, jest ع بda‘‘āb jocose, playful, jolly, gay مداعبووةmudā‘aba pl. -āt play, funmaking, fun; joke, jest; pleasantry; dalliance, flirtation, philandery اعبdā‘ib joking, jocose, playful, jolly, gay, funny مداعبmudā‘ib joking, jesting عبلdi‘bil frog spawn, frog’s eggs مدعبلmuda‘bal indisposed, out of sorts; round, ball-shaped ا عad‘aj2, f. عجوda‘jā’2, pl. عوdu‘j blackeyed; deep-black and large (eye) عوda‘ira a (da‘ar) to be immoral عوda‘ar immorality, indecency ع ووda‘ir unchaste, lewd, licentious, dissolute, obscene, bawdy, immoral, indecent عووووو ر da‘āra, di‘āra indecency, immorality, licentiousness, debauchery │ بيتاا دع رbait ad-d. brothel اع ووdā‘ir pl. ع و رdu‘‘ār unchaste, lewd, licentious, dissolute, obscene, bawdy, indecent, immoral عووس da‘asa a (da‘s) to tread underfoot, trample down, crush ( هوs.th.); to knock down, run over ( هs.o.; automobile) VII pass. of I عولda‘aka a (da‘k) to rub ( هوs.th.); to scrub, scour ( هوs.th.); to scrub on a washboard ( هوlaundry); to crush, squash, mash ( هو s.th.); to crumple ( هpaper) عومda‘ama a (da‘m) and II to support, hold up ( هوs.th.); to prop, shore up, stay, buttress, underpin ( هوs.th.); to cement, consolidate, strengthen ( هوs.th.) VIII ا عومidda‘ama to be supported; to rest, be based ( علوon) عمةda‘ma pl. عمdi‘am support, prop ع مووةdi‘āma pl. -āt, ع و ئمda‘ā’im2 support, prop, stay, shore; pier; buttress; pillar (esp. fig., e.g., عو ئماا سويpillars of authority) تووودعيمtad‘īm support, strengthening, reinforcement, consolidation, underpinning عواةand عو ) عوda‘ā u ( عوdu‘ā’) to call (ه s.o.); to summon ( بor هs.o.), call or send for s.o. ( بor ;)هto call up ( بs.o., ا وو, ل for); to call upon s.o. ()ه, appeal to s.o. ()ه for s.th. or to do s.th. (ل, )ا وو, invite, urge (ل, ه ا ووs.o. to do s.th.); to invite, ask to come ( ه ا ووs.o. to; e.g., to a banquet); to move, induce, prompt (ل, ه ا ووs.o. to do s.th.), prevail (ل, ه ا وon s.o. to do s.th.); to call (ب, ه هوs.o. by a name), name (ب, ه هو s.o. so and so), pass.: عوdu‘iya to be called, be named; to invoke ( God = to pray to); to wish ( لs.o.) well, bless ( لs.o.; properly: to invoke God in favor of s.o.), invoke a blessing ( )بupon s.o. ()ل, pray ( بfor s.th., لon behalf of s.o.), implore ( ل بfor s.o. s.th.); to curse ( علوووs.o.; properly: to invoke God against s.o.), call down evil, invoke evil ( علووupon s.o.); to propagate, propagandize ( لs.th.), make propaganda, make publicity ( لfor); to demand, require ( ا وs.th.), call for ( ;)ا ووto call forth, bring about, cause, provoke, occasion ( ا وs.th.), give rise ( ا ووto) │عو ا ( الجأموdu‘ya) to be summoned, be called into session (parliament); عوو اا ووواحموولا ا سوالحdu‘iya ilā ḥamli a-silāḥ to be called up for military service, be called to the colors; ...( رجولايودعواyud‘ā) a man called ..., a man by the name of ...; عو ا و اب والا ( ا عمووṭūli l-‘umr) he wished him a long life III to challenge ( هs.o.); to pick a quarrel ( هwith); to proceed judicially (ه against), prosecute ( هs.o.) VI to challenge each other, call each 282 other forth or out, summon each other; to evoke one another (thoughts, reminiscences, sentiments); to be dilapidated, be tumbledown, threaten to fall (walls); to sink, subside, cave in; to fall down, sink to the ground (person); to collapse, break down, decline, degenerate (fig., of a cultural phenomenon); to dock together, rally VIII ا عووidda‘ā to allege, claim, maintain ( هو s.th., انthat); to lay claim ( هوto s.th.), demand, claim ( هوs.th.); to make undue claims ( ه وto s.th.), arrogate (to o.s.), assume unduly or presumptuously ( هوو s.th.); to effect, feign, simulate, pretend, purport ( بs.th.); to testify (in court); to accuse ( بor علو هs.o. of), charge ( بor هو علوs.o. with), blame ( بor علوو هوs.o. for), hold s.th. ( بor )هوagainst s.o. ( )علووX to call or send ( هfor s.o.), summon ( هs.o.); to cite, summon for examination or trial (ه s.o.; court, police); to recall ( هs.o., e.g., a diplomatic envoy); to call, appoint ( هs.o., e.g., a professor to a chair); to invoke (ه s.o.); to invite, urge ( ه ا ووs.o. to do s.th.), suggest ( ه ا ووto s.o. s.th. or to do s.th.), call upon s.o. ( )هto do s.th. ()ا وو, appeal ( ه ا ووto s.o. for s.th. or to do s.th.); to call for ( )هووو, require, demand, necessitate, make necessary or requisite ( هs.th.) عووواda‘wa call; appeal; bidding, demand, request; call, convocation, summons ( ا ووto), calling up, summoning; (official) summons, citation; invitation; claim, demand, plea; missionary activity, missionary work (also ظشوواا ودعاnašr add.), propaganda; -- (pl. عووااda‘awāt) invocation, imploration, supplication, prayer; good wish │ عوواا اص و حgood wishes; ( عوووا اب شووووšarr) imprecation, curse; ص حباا دعاhost عوواىda‘wā pl. ع و وىda‘āwā, ع و و da‘āwin allegation, pretension; claim; lawsuit, case, action, legal proceedings (Isl. Law) │ بدعاىاانon the pretext that ... allegation; pretension, pretense; accusation, charge; اال عوthe prosecution (in a court of justice) اسوأدعistid‘ā’ summons, summoning; recall, calling back; official summons, citation اdā‘in pl. عوdu‘āh one who invites, inviter; propagandist; host; motive, reason, cause │ ( الا اعوdā‘iya) it is not necessary, there is no need, there is no cause ( لfor) اعيةdā‘iya one who calls for s.th. ()ا و, invites to s.th. ( ;)ا وpropagandist (with foll. genit. or ا ووو: of s.th.), herald; 283 (pl. وا dawā‘in) motive, reason, cause, occasion; pl. واrequirements, exigencies │اعيووةا حوووبwarmonger; وودوا اصووحيةli-dawā‘in ṣiḥḥīya for reasons of health; مو ا واع و ا سوورit gives me great pleasure ... مودعاmad‘ūw one invited, guest; called, named, by the name of مأووداmutadā‘in evoking one another, one leading to the other (reminiscences, thoughts); frail. shaky (constitution); dilapidated, tumble-down; ready to fall, threatened with collapse; declining, in a stage of decline, on the downgrade عوda‘īy pl. ا عي وad‘iyā’ adopted son; bastard; braggart, bigmouth, showoff; pretender; swindler, impostor 2 عوووdu‘ā’ pl. ا عيوووةad‘iya call; invocation of God, supplication, prayer; request, plea; good wish ( لfor s.o.); imprecation, course ( علوagainst s.o.) مووودmuda‘in one who makes an allegation or pretension, alleger, pretender; claimer, claimant; plaintiff; prosecutor (jur.); arrogant, presumptuous, bumptious │ ‘( ا موودع اا عمووامumūmī) the public prosecutor; ‘( ا مودعواا عو مāmm) do. (Mor.) ا عووووad‘ā more conducive, more stimulating, of greater incentive (ا وو, لto), causing or provoking to a greater extent (ا و, لs.th.) ع وda’āwa, di‘āwa pl. -āt propaganda (pol.); publicity ( ا وfor) مودعوmuda‘an claimed; ا مودعواعليوthe defendant (jur.); pl. موودعيmuda‘ayāt claims, pretensions ع وىda‘āwī, di‘āwī propagandistic ع يةdi‘āya propaganda (pol.) ع ئdi‘ā’ī propagandistic موووودعmad‘āh determining factor, decisive motive or incentive, cause, occasion توووووداtadā‘in imminent collapse, impending breakdown; mutual summoning │ توداعواا معو ظوtadā‘ī l-ma‘ānī association of ideas ا عوiddi‘ā’ pl. -āt claim; arrogation, undue assumption, presumption; مسأدmustad‘in applicant, petitioner غودغdagdaga to tickle ( هs.o.); to crush; to chew, munch ( هs.th.) 1 غووdagara a (dagr, غووىdagrā) to attack ( علوs.o.). fall upon s.o. ()علو غوdagr attack, assault غوىdagrā attack, assault 2 ا غووىdugrī (eg., syr.) direct, straight; straight ahead غشIV ا غشتاا ودظيadgašat id-dunyā it became dark, twilight fell difā’ heating dafā’a warmth, warmness, heat غشdagaš darkness, dusk, twilight □ ية غيشةdagīša darkness, dusk مود بmidfa’ and مود بmidfa’a pl. مودا ئ madāfi’2 stove, heating stove غوصdagiṣa a (dagaṣ) to be chock-full, on tile point of bursting اغصووةdāgiṣa pl. واغووصdawāgiṣ knee-pan, kneecap, patella غلdagal pl. ا غ لadgāl, غو لdigāl place with luxuriant tree growth; thicket, bush, jungle; -- defectiveness, faultiness, corruption اغوووولdagil covered with dense undergrowth (place); impenetrable; corrupted مووودغلmudgil covered with dense undergrowth (place); false, perfidious, insidious (in character) غومIV and VIII ا غومiddagama to put ( هو و s.th. into), insert, incorporate, embody ( و هوs.th. in); (gram.) to contract ( هو وone letter into another), assimilate ( هو وs.th. to) VII to be incorporated, embodied, merged, amalgamated; to be assimilated, contracted اdaffa i ( يوفdafīf) to flap the wings (bird) II to hurry, rush اdaff pl. واا surface أووdaftar pl. و توdafātir 2 booklet; notebook, copybook; daybook, journal; ledger (com.); roster, register, official register │ا ( أووواحس و بḥisābī) account book; bankbook, passbook; أوواا حسو بd. al-ḥisābāt letter file, letter book, folder, portfolio; أووواا شووووهpublication setting forth the terms of a purchase, the conditions of a lease, the stipulations of a contract, or the like; أوااالشأواsubscription booklet; أووا ا ص دوd. aṣ-ṣundūq cashbook (com.); أوا ا مسو حةcadastre, land register; أوواا ياميوةd. al-yaumīya diary, journal; مسولاا ود توmask ad-d. bookkeeping أو ظوووةdaftarkāna archives, public records office (Eg.) │ا أو ظةاادموال اا عق ريوة d. al-amlāk al-‘aqārīya land-registry office (Tun.) أيويdiftēriyā diphtheria ووdafara to push, push back ( هs.o.); dafira a (dafar) to stink وdafar stench وdafir stinking, fetid وةdaffa side; leaf (of a double door or window); cover (of a book), ا ود أ نthe two covers of a book; rudder, helm │ ل ئداا د ةor موووووديواا د وووووةmudīr ad-d. steersman, helmsman; لووب اعلوووا ووةاا أ فيوولto take the helm, make o.s. the leader; يوداا د وةyad add. tiller; ( مو اا د وةا لشو بارeg.) all together, one and all, all without exception يةdiffīya (eg.) loose woolen cloak وئdafi’a a and وؤdafu’a u to be warm; to feel warm II and IV to warm, heat ( هو s.th.) V, VIII ا وبiddafa’a and X to warm o.s. اdif’ warmth, warmness, heat ن تد ئةtadfi’a heating, generation of heat dufūf side; lateral اduff, daff pl. ااdufūf tambourine ئdafi’ and daffāya pl. -āt stove 284 dafī’ warm daf’ān2, f. بىdaf’ā warm سdafasa to hide (A s.th.); to push وا dafa‘a a (daf‘) to push; to push away, shove away, push back, drive back, repel, remove, dislodge, drive away ( هو ع, هs.o., s.th. from); ( ع و اج ظب وjāniban) to push, shove, or elbow, s.o. aside; to rid ( عو اظفسو o.s., هوof s.th.), get rid of s.th.; to get the better ( ه و, هof s.o., of s.th.), conquer, master control ( هs.o., هوs.th.); to fight (ب هوs.th. with); to reject, repudiate ( هوs.th.); to rebut, refute, disprove ( ه وs.th.); to propel, drive ( هوs.th.); to move, cause, urge, impel, egg on, goad ( هor بs.o., ا وو or لto do s.th.), induce, incite, force, compel, oblige ( هor بs.o., ا ووor لto), make s.o. ( بor )هdo s.th. ( ا ووor ;)لto band over, present, turn over ( لor هو ا وو s.th. to s.o.); to pay ( ثم وtamanan a price, ا ووor لto s.o.) │( واا و هاا ووkuṭāhū) to wend one’s way to III to resist, withstand ( هs.o., .s.th.). offer resistance ( هو, هto); to contradict, oppose ( هs.o., عso as to make him abstain from s.th.), dissuade ( هs.o., ع from); to suppress ( هوs.th.); to defend ( عو s.o., s.th.), uphold ( عوووs.th.); to be entrusted with the defense ( عوof s.th., of s.o., also jur.) V to dash forward; to dart off, rush off; to pour forth, flow, stream, gush forth (water); to spring up, make itself felt (an idea, a social tendency, and the like) VI to shove or push one another; to push or shove one another away or aside; to push off, shove off ( عوfrom); to issue in intermittent bursts, gush forth intermittently; to burst forth, rush out, sally ( موfrom); to be propelled, be driven forward; to storm forward VII to dart off, rush off; to proceed rashly, blindly, without forethought; to be too impetuous, be too hotheaded; to plunge headlong ( و into s.th.); to rush, dart. make ( ا ووat s.th.), pounce ( ا ووon s.th.); to rush off, hurry off, go quickly ( ا ووto; with foll. imperf.: to do s.th.); to give o.s. ( لto s.o.); to burst forth, gush out, pour forth, spurt, spout, flow, run ( موfrom; water); to let o.s. be carried away or be overcome ( وراby s.th., e.g., ورا اشووهااتšahawātihī by one’s bodily appetites, ورا اشعارهby one’s feelings, ورا ا ا ع جلوةby worldly things); to proceed, set out, begin (with foll. imperf.: to do s.th.) X to try to ward off or stave off ( هوs.th., ب by) واdaf‘ pushing back, shoving aside; repulsion. driving away, driving off; dispelling; parrying, warding off, staving off; repulse, rejection. repudiation; rebuttal; handing over, turning in; payment 285 عوةdaf‘a (n. vic.) pl. dafa‘āt shove, push, thrust; impetus, impact, momentum, forceful impulse, drive; ejaculation; payment; deposit; disbursement; pl. issues (stock market) عووةdaf‘a pl. dufu‘āt, dafa‘āt that which issues at anyone time, a burst, a gush, a spurt, and the like; time, instance │ ( عوةاواحودduf‘atan) all at one time, all at once, in one stroke, in one fell swoop; هولها ا د عوةthis time; سوتا عوsix times; علووا ( ع امأف وتةmutafāwita) at different times وdaffā’ propelling, impelling, giving impetus; O piston (techn.) موود اmidfa’ pl. موودا اmadāfi‘2 gun, cannon │O ( مودا اابعيوود اا موموووba‘īdat almarmā) long-range guns; مووود اارشووو ش (raššāš) machine gun; O مووودا ااضووو مة (ḍakma) heavy artillery; O ا موودا ااا م و ا ( ل ئواmuḍādda) or ا مدا ااا مق وموةا ل و ئوا (muqāwima) antiaircraft guns; O مد ااثالثو ا ( م ووو ا ل ووو ئواtulātī, muḍādd) threebarreled anti-aircraft gun (mil.); مود ااهوان m. hāwun mortar; ضووبامود ااا رهووḍarb m. aẓ-ẓuhr marking of exact noon by cannon shot مود عmidfa‘ī gun-, cannon-, artillery(in compounds); artilleryman, gunner, cannoneer مد عيةmidfa‘īya artillery و difā‘ protection; defense ( ع وof s.th., of s.o., also jur.) │ وطاا ودkaṭṭ ad-d. line of defense; halfbacks (soccer); مجلوسا ا ودmajlis ad-d. defense council; وزار ا ا ودministry of defense, war ministry; ( ا د اا اهwaṭanī) national defense; ا د ا ( ا م وووو ا ل وووو ئواmuḍādd) anti-aircraft defense; اشوع legitimate self-defense ع difā‘ī defensive, protective مدا عةmudāfa‘a defense ( عof s.th.) اظودindifā‘ pl. -āt rush(ing), plunging, plunge ( وووinto); outburst, outbreak eruption; élan, dash, impetuosity, rashness, hotheadedness, fire, exuberance, effusiveness; self-abandon; اظد عindifā‘an spontaneously اظد عوةindifā‘a (n. vic.) sudden outburst, outbreak (e.g., of wailing) ا واdāfi‘ repellent, expellant; driving, pushing, giving impetus, incentive, impellent, propelling, propulsive, etc.; repeller; payer, e.g., ا عواااا ووائبthe taxpayers; (pl. وا ووواdawfi‘2) incentive, impulse, impetus, spur, motive; ( بودا اwith foll. genit.) motivated by ..., by reason of ..., on the strength of … مد اعmadfū‘āt payments مودا اmudāfi‘ defender ( عوof s.o., of s.th.) قdafaqa u i (dafq) to pour out, pour forth ( هو s.th.); -- u (dafq, واdufūq) to be shed; to flow, well out, spout, gush forth; to overflow (0 with s.th.) V to pour forth, spout forth, gush forth; to rush in; to break forth, break out, burst out; to go off (shot); to plunge blindly ( , ا وinto s.th.); to rush ( علوagainst); to crowd ( علوinto) VII = V قdafq pouring out, effusion قوةdufqa pl. dufuqāt, dufaqāt, dufqāt = عووةduf‘a │ ( قوةاواحوودdufqatan) = عووةا ق اا ويا ;واحدd. ar-rīḥ gusts; قوةامو اا مو gush of water وdafāq bursting forth, darting out, rushing out تود قtadaffuq outpour, outflow, issue, effluence, efflux, effusion; influx, run, rush, inrush, inpour; outbreak, outburst; impulsiveness; exuberance, effusiveness ا وقdāfiq pl. وا وقdawāfiq2 bursting forth, breaking out, erupting; gushing, torrential مأود قmutadaffiq impulsive; exuberant, effusive 286 لوdiflā oleander (Nerium oleander L.; bot.) و dafana i (dafn) to bury, inter, inhume (ه s.o.); to hide, conceal, keep secret ( هs.th.) dafn burial, interment, inhumation وويdafn pl. وو intend; hidden, secret ي ووةdafīna pl. و ئ treasure, treasure-trove dufanā’2 buried, dafā’in2 hidden م ودmadfan, مد وةmadfana pl. م ودا madāfin 2 burying place, burial ground, cemetery ية see ئ daqqa i ( لوةdiqqa) to be thin, fine, fragile, frail; to be little, small, tiny, minute; to be subtle, delicate; to be insignificant, unimportant, trifling, inconsiderable; to be too fine, too subtle ( عوfor perception); -u (daqq) to crush, bruise, bray ( هوs.th.); to grind, pulverize, powder ( هووs.th.); to pound ( هووs.th., e.g., meat); to strike (clock); to beat, throb (heart); to hammer, throb (engine); to knock, rap, bang (ا بو ب al-bāba on the door); to bump (رأسو اب حو ئط ra’sahū bi-l-ḥā’iṭ one’s head against the wall); to drive ( هوa nail); to ram in, drive in (constr. eng.); to beat, strum, play (علوو a musical instrument); to type ( علووon a typewriter); -- to sound, resound, ring out (said of musical instruments) │ا ا (ا جوووسjarasa) to ring the bell; اجوووسا ( ا ووj. al-kaṭar) to sound the alarm; ا ا جووساعلووto call s.o. up, give s.o. a ring; ( اا جووسjarasu) the bell rang; لوتاا سو عة the clock struck II to triturate, pulverize, reduce to powder (oil s.th.); to he precise, exact, strict, meticulous, painstaking, proceed with utmost accuracy or care ( و in s.th.); to scrutinize, examine closely, determine exactly ( هs.th.); to do ( هs.th.) carefully, with precision! ( لوقاا بحوثbaḥta) to investigate carefully; ( لوقاا رووnaẓara) to watch attentively or carefully, scrutinize, examine closely ( وs.th.); لوقا ( ا مالحروةmulāḥaẓa) to observe closely III to deal scrupulously ( هwith s.o.) IV to make fine, make thin ( هs.th.) VII to be crushed, brayed, pounded; to be broken │ ‘( اظود اع قوunquhū) he broke his neck X to be or become thin or fine daqq crushing, bruising, braying, pounding; pulverization, trituration; grinding (down); beat(ing), throb(bing); bang(ing), knock(ing), rap(ping); tattoo(ing) │اا جوووس d. al-jaras peal, ringing, sound of a bell; اا ح ووقd. alḥanak chatter, prattle diqq fine, thin; little, small, tiny, minute; delicate, fragile, frail │ شووجوا (šajar) shrubbery, brush, scrub; حموواا ود ḥumma d-d. hectic fever لوةdaqqa (n. vic.) pl. -āt bang, knock, rap; beat, throb; stroke, striking (of a clock); hammer, hammering sound; thumping, thump │ ل و اا قلووبd. al-qalb heartbeats; لوةاا جووسd. al-jaras peal, or ring, of a bell; telephone call, ring لوةdiqqa thinness; fineness; smallness, tininess, minuteness; triviality, pettiness, paltriness; subtlety, subtleness, finesse; critical or precarious state, delicate situation; accuracy, exactness, exactitude, precision │ بدلووووةexactly, accurately, precisely, minutely, painstakingly, meticulously, sharply; لوةاا شوعارacuteness of feeling, sensibility sensitivity, sensitiveness, لووةduqqa pl. ل وقduqaq fine dust; powder لووووduqāq crushed, brayed, or pulverized, substance; powder; dour of lupine ليوقdaqīq pl. لوdiqaq, ا لوةadiqqa fine, thin; delicate, frail, fragile; little, small, tiny, puny, minute; subtle; 287 paltry, petty, trifling, trivial; precise, accurate, exact; painstaking, scrupulous, meticulous; inexorable, relentless, strict, rigorous; delicate (situation), critical, trying, serious, precarious; -- flour, meal │ ليوقاا حسو بkeeping strict account, strict, relentless, inexorable; ليقاا شوعارsensitive; ليووقاا ص و اd. aṣ-ṣan‘ finely worked, of delicate workmanship; ليووقاا روووd. annaẓar clear-sighted, penetrating, discerning, sensitive; ابووواا ليوووقabū d. butterfly; ( ادع اا دليقةa‘ḍā’) the genitals الووdāqira pl. والووdawāqir2 elay vessel 2 (tun.); -- stipend for underprivileged students (tun.) لشوامdaqšūm (eg.) rubblestone, crushed rock; brickbats, gravel لواdaqi‘a a (daqa‘) to grovel, cringe; to be miserable, wretched, humble, abject; to live in poverty IV do.; to make miserable ( هs.o.; poverty) ا لiddiqā‘ mass poverty موووودلاmudqi‘ miserable, degrading, abasing (poverty) لولdaqal mast (of a ship); mainmast; (coll.; n. un. ) a brand of dates of good quality (magr.) 1 ليقوةdaqīqa pl. لو ئقdaqā’iq2 particle; nicety; intricacy; detail, particular; minute (time unit) │ لووو ئقاادموووارthe niceties, intricacies, or secret implications of things كوةdakka pl. -āt rubblestone, crushed rock; hallast كةdikka pl. كلdikak bench كو نdukkān pl. كو كيdakākīn2 bench; store, shop ل لووةdaqqāqa knocker, rapper (of a door) كوووووووو ظج dukkānjī shopkeeper, retailer 2 م ودmidaqq beetle; pounder, pestle; (eg.) trail, footpath مدلةmidaqqa pl. موداmadāqq2 pounder, pestle; beetle; clapper. tongue (of a bell) توووودليقtadqīq accuracy, precision, exactness, exactitude بأوووودليقexactly, precisely, accurately, minutely مووووودلقmudaqqiq exact, accurate (scholar), thorough (investigator), painstaking, meticulous, strict, relentless مدلقmudaqqiq precise, exact (data) dakka u (dakk) to make flat, level or even, to smooth, level, ram, stamp, tamp ( ه و earth, the ground, a road); to press down, weigh down; to beat down; to devastate, demolish, destroy, ruin ( هوs.th.) II to mix, mingle ( هs.th.) VII to be crushed; to be leveled dakk pl. كواdukūk level ground; -devastation, demolition, destruction لووdaqqāq grinder, crusher; flour merchant; frequently or constantly beating, striking, etc.; player of an instrument │ س عةا ل لةrepeater (watch) اadaqq finer; more delicate; smaller, tinier; more accurate, preciser; stricter wretched; storekeeper, مدmidakk pl. -āt ramrod; O tamper rammer 2 II to provide ( هوtrousers) with a waistband (dikka or tikka) كوةdikka (= تكوةtikka) waistband (in the upper seam of trousers) كأ تاريةdiktātūrīya dictatorship كأ تارىdiktātūrī dictatorial كأارduktūr pl. ك توdakātira doctor │ا كأارا ا ا حقواdoctor of laws, LL.D.; كأوارا و اا وب (ṭibb) doctor of medicine, M.D. كأواراduktūrāh doctorate, doctorship, doctor’s degree, title of doctor │اا ودكأارا ( ا ف ويةfakrīya) honorary doctorate 288 ا كوsee كو ( كويأاIt. decreto) dikrītō pl. 1 كويأdecree ا ك وadkan2, f. ك وdaknā’2 pl. blackish, dark (color) cicerone; pilot (of a ship, of an airplane); guidebook, guide manual, handbook; directory, telephone directory; railroad guide, timetable; guide rail (tech.); roller path (in steel construction) │الو ماا ود يلاعلوو to furnish the proof for, demonstrate, prove s.th.; ( يولاظو وẓarfī) circumstantial evidence; يووووولالووووو ها cogent proof, conclusive evidence ك وdukn اكوdākin dark, dark-colored │اح ووا اكوdark green; اصوفوا اكوyellowish, of a dingy yellow, mud-colored 2 ك نsee 1 لdalla a ( ال وةdalāa) to show, demonstrate, point out ( ه علوووto s.o. s.th.); to lead, guide, direct, conduct ( ا ووor ه علووs.o. to), show s.o. ( )هthe way ( ا ووor علووto); to show, indicate, mark ( علووs.th.); to point ( علوووto s.th.), evince, indicate, denote, imply, bespeak, suggest ( علوووs.th.), be indicative, be suggestive ( علوووof); to furnish evidence ( علوfor s.th.), prove (علوو s.th.); -- (1st pers. perf. dalaltu) i (الل dalīl) to be coquettish, flirt, dally (of a woman; علووwith s.o.) II to prove (علوو s.th.), furnish the proof ( علووfor), confirm, corroborate ( علوو بs.th. with); to sell or put up at auction, auction off ( علوs.th.); to pamper, coddle, spoil ( هs.o.); to fondle, caress, pet ( هa child) IV to make free, take liberties ( علووwith s.o.); to pride o.s. (ب on), be conceited ( بof) V to be coquettish, flirt, dally (of a woman; علوو with s.o.); to be coy, behave affectedly; to take liberties ( علووwith s.o.); to pamper, coddle ( علوs.o.) X to ask to be shown (علو s.th.); to seek information, inform o.s. (علو about); to obtain information; to be informed ( علووabout); to be guided ( بby), act or proceed in accordance with ( ;)بto conclude, gather, infer ( علووs.th., بor مو from), draw conclusions ( بor موfrom, علووwith regard to), judge ( علووs.th., بor مby) لdall proper, dignified conduct; coquetry, flirtation ووةdalla pl. اللdilāl pot with long curved spout and handle used for making coffee (among Syrian nomads and in some parts of Saudi Arabia) اللdallāl auctioneer; broker, jobber, middleman, agent, commission merchant; hawker ال وةdalāla pl. -āt pointing; guidance; leading, leadership; indication ( علوووof); sign, token; sense, meaning ال ووووةdilāla auction, public sale; business of a broker or middleman; brokerage commission; trade of a dealer, jobber or agent ال وووة broker ا لadall2 proving more cogently (علوو s.th.), more indicative or suggestive (علوو of) │( ا لا يووولاعلووووdalīlin) the surest evidence of, the best proof of توود يلtadlīl reasoning, argumentation, demonstration; proving ( علووووووof), furnishing of proof or evidence ( علووfor); corroboration, substantiation, confirmation; pampering, oeddling, spoiling; fondling, petting, caressing; pet form (of a name) │ اسماا أد يلpet name; تد يالا مa pet form of ... توود لtadallul coquetry, coquettishness; pampering, coddling, spoiling 289 اسووووأداللistidlāl reasoning, argumentation, demonstration; conclusion, inference, deduction; proof, evidence ( علوof) ا وةdālla familiarity, chumminess; liberty (that one takes with s.o.); audacity. boldness مود الmadlūl proven; (pl. -āt) meaning, sense │ مود اال اا كلموm. al-kalimāt lexical meanings اللdalāl coquetry, coquettishness; pampering, coddling, spoiling يلdalīl pl. ا ةadilla, الئولdalā’l2, ا ال adillā’2 (the latter of persons) indication ( علوووof); sign, token; symptom; proof, evidence ( علوووof); guide; tourist guide, dallāla middlewoman, woman مد لmudallal pampered, spoiled (child) مدلmudill presumptuous, arrogant │مدلا ( ب فسbi-nafsihī) conceited, self-important 1 لdulb plane tree, sycamore (bot.) 2 و بpl. وا يبlook up alphabetically to set, go down (sun) II to rub ( هوs.th., ه s.o.), embrocate ( ه وs.th.); to knead; to massage ( هs.o.) أNile Delta, Lower Egypt IV to set out at nightfall وولdalk rubbing; grazing, brushing, touching, touch احdalūḥ pl. اduluḥ moisture-laden cloud ودل اdalūk liniment daldala to set into a swinging motion, dangle II tadaldala to hang loosely, dangle اdulūk, ا اا شمسd. aš-šams sunset تد يلtadlīk embrocation; massage ودلduldul and ودولduldūl porcupine (zool.) وسII to swindle, cheat; to counterfeit, forge, falsify ( هوs.th.) III to deceive, defraud (ه s.o.), impose ( هon) تد يسtadlīs deceit, fraud; swindle مد كةmudallika pl. -āt masseuse وII to rob s.o. ( )هof his senses, drive ( هs.o.) crazy (love) V to go out of one’s mind, go crazy (with love) │ ( تود هتا و احبوḥubbihī) she has fallen in love with him مدmudallah madly in love 290 تد يسtadlīsī fraudulent مد سmudallas forged, counterfeit │ظقا ا مد سوةcounterfeit money; مفو تياامد سوةforged keys واdala‘a a (dal‘) with سو ظlisānahū: to stick out one’s tongue; to loll, let the tongue hang out II to pamper, spoil ( هa child); to caress, fondle, pet ( هs.o.) IV شو ايود ااظفسو (eg.) a nauseating, disgusting thing VII to stick out, be stuck out, hang out, loll (tongue); to dart out, lick out, leap out. dare up (dame), break out (fire); to be pampered, spoiled (child) اdal‘: اسماا د اism ad-d. pet name الdallā‘ (coll.; n. un. ) watermelon (magr.) غ نdilgan clay وفdalafa i (dalf, وااdulūf, فو نdalafān) to walk with short steps. toddle; to go or walk slowly, saunter, stroll ( ا وووto); to advance (Jo toward); to approach step by step ( ا ووs.o. or s.th.); to penetrate, reach ( ا ووas far as); to grope ( ا ووfor, of the hand); to leak, drip, trickle (water) O ا وفdālif pl. وا وفdawālif2 ricochet (mil.) فيdulfīn pl. ال يdalāfīn2 dolphin وقdalaqa u to spill, pour out ( هوa liquid) VII to be spilled (liquid) ولdalaka u (dalk) to rub ( هوs.th.); to stroke ( هوs.th.), pass the hand ( هوover s.th.); to knead ( ا عجويthe dough); -- u ( واdulūk) هومIV idlahamma to be dark, gloomy; to be deep-black همdalham dark, gloomy; deep-black ا هم مidlihmām a deep black مود همmudlahimm dark, gloomy; deepblack وا II to let hang, dangle ( هوs.th.); to hang, suspend ( هوs.th.); to lower ( هوs.th.); to drop, let down, let fall down ( هوs.th.) IV = II; to cast down ( هوglances, ا ووon s.o.); to let one’s glance ( ب ظرو رهbi-anẓārihī) sweep down; to express, utter, voice ( بs.th., e.g., بوأي وbi-ra’yihī one’s opinion); to deliver, make ( بأصوياa statement; pol.); to adduce, present, advance, offer ( بحجوةbiḥijjatin an argument); to inform, notify, advise ( ا و بs.o. of), let ( ا ووs.o.) know (ب about); to offer, present ( ا ووو بto s.o. s.th.); to grant, give ( بحوديثالan interview to s.o.); to slander, defame: asperse ( و s.o.) │ ( ا ووا واهابوي اا ودالdalwahū, dilā’) or ا وووووابوووود اها وووو اا ووووودالto make one’s contribution (together with others), add one’s touch, put in one’s two bits’ worth V to hang down, be suspended, dangle (ب from); to be lowered, be let down; to be or become low; to sink, descend │تود وا لسوقاه to threaten to fall down, be ready to fall واdalw usually f., pl. ا لadlin, ال dilā’, ا الadlā’ leather bucket; bucket, pail; Aquarius (astron.) اليةdallāya pendant ا الidlā’ delivery (of a statement); utterance, statement; presentation; granting incorporated ( وin) II to write shorthand IV to twist tightly, twine firmly ( هوs.th.); to enter, insert, include, incorporate, embody ( هو وs.th. in); to 291 introduce, interpolate, intercalate ( هو وs.th. in); to annex ( وs.th. to) VII to be inserted, he incorporated ( in); to be annexed ( to); to merge ( وwith), be swallowed up, he absorbed ( ووby); to be fused, fuse, amalgamate ا يوةdāliya pl. والdawālin waterwheel (for irrigation); trellis, espalier on which grapevines are trained; varix, varicose vein مأ ودلmutadallin pendent, suspended, hanging, dangling; projecting, overhanging, ready to fall down تدميtadmīj shorthand, stenography ا يlook up alphabetically 1 ا مووidmāj insertion, incorporation, interpolation; inclusion ( وووووو in); assimilation مdam pl. موdimā’ blood; موhomicide cases (jur.) │ مااد وووايd. al-akawain dragon’s blood (a dark-red, resinous substance derived from the dragon tree, Dracaena draco) اظودمindimāj incorporation, insertion ( وin); amalgamation, merger, merging ( وwith); absorption ( وby); annexation ( to); fusion; assimilation موووdamī blood- (in compounds), sanguine مدمmudmaj firm, compact مواdamawī blood- (in compounds), sanguine; sanguinary, bloody 2 مdamma u (damm) to coat, smear, besmear ( هو بs.th. with); to paint, daub, color, dye, tinge, tint ( ه و بs.th. with) II to rub, embrocate, anoint ( ه بs.th. with) مdamm ointment, unguent, salve, liniment, embrocation; paint; pigment, dye, dyestuff; rouge م دمmundamij firm, compact, tight مج ظوةdamajāna (also ) امج ظوةpl. -āt demijohn, carboy مدمdamdama to mutter, grumble, growl, snarl م ودمdamdama pl. -āt growl, snarl; rumbling noise, rumble 1 مو مdimām ointment, unguent, salve, liniment, embrocation; paint; pigment, dye, dyestuff; rouge مووويمdamīm pl. مووو مdimām ugly; deformed, misshapen │ا موويماا لقووةd. alkilqa ugly to look at, of repulsive appearance موثdamuta u ( م ثوةdamāta) to be gentle, mild (character) II to soften, mellow ( هs.th.) موثdamit pl. مو ثdimāt: gentle, mild-tempered موثااد وال م ثوووةdamāta mildness, gentleness, tenderness (of character) مdamaja u ( ومdumūj to enter ( or come into ( ) وووو, be s.th.), go inserted, damara u to perish, he ruined, he destroyed II to annihilate, destroy, ruin, demolish, wreck ( هوووs.th.) V to he destroyed, demolished, ruined, wrecked VII to he destroyed, be annihilated م رdamār ruin, destruction ت ودميوtadmīr annihilation, destruction, demolition اظوووودم رindimār utter destruction, annihilation موووووو م damāma ugliness; ugly appearance; abominableness, monstrosity ا ودم مad-dammām Dammam (seaport in E Saudi Arabia, on the Persian Gulf) مووو defeat, rout, مووودموmudammira pl. -āt destroyer (naut.) 2 ا مارdammūr (eg.) a coarse calico-like fabric موارdammūrī (eg.) made of dammūr (see above) 3 4 ميوdamīra (eg.) flood season of the Nile □االا ومووىlā dūmarī (= )الاتودموnobody, no one, not a living soul 5 اتوودموtadmur2, usually pronounced tudmur, Palmyra (ancient city in Syria, now a small village) امغووةdāmiga cogent argument; شووه ا ( امغةšahāda) irrefutable testimony تودموtadmurī, usually pronounced tudmurī, someone, somebody; الاتودموnobody, no one, not a living soul موdamaga u (damg) to stamp, provide or mark with a stamp ( هوs.th.); to hallmark ( هgold and silver articles); to brand ( هوan animal) موسdamasa u to hide, conceal, disguise ( هو s.th.); to bury ( ها وو اادرs.o. in the ground) II do. مdamg stamping │ م اا مصاغd. almaṣūgāt hallmarking of gold and silver articles 2 مسdims (eg.) cinders, ashes مغوةdamga stamp; hallmark (on gold and silver articles) │ ور ا مغووةwaraq d. stamped paper م سةdamāsa darkness ا م سadmās (pl.) hovels, shanties, huts موواسdammūs pl. م و ميس cave, cavern damāmīs2 مدماغmadmūg stamped, bearing a stamp مقواهdimuqrāṭī democratic; democrat مقواهيوووووة dimuqrāṭīya democracy; democratic attitude or conviction يمو سdaimās, dīmās, يمواسdaimūs pl. ي ميسdayāmīs2 dungeon; vault اموسdāmis pitch-dark; dark, gloomy, dusky مقسdimaqs raw silk مقسdimaqsī silken, silky الامدمسfūl mudammas stewed beans مشوقdimašq2, dimišq2 Damascus (capital of Syria) مودماmadmūk and مودملmudmak firm, tight, taut موول مدمشووووووق mudamšaq damascened, damasked; (syr.) having adopted a sophisticated style of living (imitating that of Damascus), urbanized مواdama‘a a to water (eye) IV to cause to weep, evoke tears, make (the eyes) water مولdummal (n. un. ) pl. م مولdamāmil , م ميوولdamāmīl2 abscess, boil, sore, tumor, ulcer; furuncle; bubo, plague boil; inveterate evil 2 ماdam‘ pl. ماdumū‘ tears معوةdam‘a (n. un.) tear, teardrop; (eg.) dim‘a gravy هووو عانا ملوووṭā‘ūn dummalī bubonic plague معوdam‘ī: ( ل بلوةا معيوةqunbula) teargas bomb مع وةdam‘a and مي واdamī’ pl. مع وو dam‘ā, مو ئاdamā’i‘2 readily inclined to weep, frequently weeping, tearful, lachrymose (woman) 292 1 damala u (daml, مووالنdamalān) to fertilize, manure, dung ( ه وthe soil); -damila a (damal) to heal, heal up, scar over, cicatrize (wound) VII to heal, heal up, scar overt cicatrize (wound); to fester, suppurate (sore) ملdumluj pl. 1 مdamālij2, bracelet, bangle موdamana u (damn) to fertilize, manure, dung ( هthe soil) IV to give o.s. up, devote o.s., apply o.s. ( علوor هوto), go in for (علوو or ;)هto be addicted ( علوe.g., to liquor) مواdamū‘ and موdammā‘ watering, watery, tearful (eyes) موdimn (coll.; n. un. ) pl. موdiman fertilizer, manure, dung مووودماmadma‘ pl. موووداماmadāmi‘ lachrymal canal م وةdimna pl. موdiman vestiges or remnants of a dwelling, ruins م وdamaga a to refute, invalidate ( ه وa falsehood, an error, a false accusation); to triumph ( هover falsehood; said of truth) م غdimāg pl. ا مغةadmiga brain م نdamān fertilizer, manure, dung ا مو نidmān addiction; excess; mania; dipsomania │ ا مو ناا مسوكواi. al-muskirāt alcoholism مودمmudmin addicted, given up (علوو e.g., to wine); an addict ( علوof) 2 م نdumān see وم ن م هارdamanhūr2 Damanhur (city in N Egypt) ماsee 1م 1 مووdamiya a to bleed II and IV to cause to bleed امdāmin bleeding, bloody, gory مدموmudamman, f. مودمbloody; bloodred 2 ميوةdumya pl. مووduman statue, statuette; image, effigy; dummy; doll مي هdimyāṭ2 Damietta (city in N Egypt) نdanna u (dann, ظويdanīn) to buzz, hum (insect); to drone s.th.); to dishonor, disgrace ( هوs.th.); to desecrate ( هs.th.) V pass. of II ظوسdanas pl. ا ظو سadnās uncleanness, dirt, filth, squalor; stain, blemish, fault ظسdanis pl. ا ظ سadnās, ظسdunasā’2 unclean, soiled, sullied, foul, polluted, defiled, stained تووودظيسtadnīs pollution, defilement, soiling, sullying, contamination; dishonoring, disgracing; desecration, profanation ظفdanifa a (danaf) to be seriously ill IV do. ظفdanif pl. ا ظ اadnāf seriouly ill ظووفdanaf long illness; O cachexia, marasmus (med.) موووودظفmudnif, haggard, weak mudnaf emaciated, نdann and ظوويdanīn buzz(ing), hum(ming), droning, drone اظقlook up alphabetically نdann pl. ظو نdinān earthen wine jug 293 ظقلوةdunqula Dongola (town in N Sudan, on the Nile) ظوبdana’a a and ظوؤdanu’a u ( ظواdunū’a, ظوdanā’a) to be low, mean, base, vile, contemptible, despicable ظوdanī’ pl. ا ظيوadniyā’2, ا ظوadnā’ low, base, mean, vile, despicable, contemptible; inferior, second-rate, of poor quality ا ظوبadna’2 lower, viler, meaner; more inferior, of poorer quality ظووووو danā’a lowness, meanness, vileness; inferiority baseness, ظأال, ( ظألةFr. dentelle) dantilla lace, lacework ظجولdinjil (eg.) pl. ظ جولdanājil2 axle, axletree ( ظدرمTurk. dondurma) dandurma ice cream ظ شوةdanādiša common people, people of no consequence ظودنdandana to buzz, hum; to drone; to hum softly, croon (a song); to murmur ظدdindī (eg.) turkey ي رpl. ظ ظيوlook up alphabetically ظوسdanisa a (danas) to be soiled, sullied, defiled, polluted II to stain, soil, dirty, befoul, sully, pollute, contaminate ( هوو ظجل = ظكل ظموdanmark2 Denmark ( ظوواand ظ و ) ظوووdanū u ( ظوواdunūw, ظ و و danāwa) to be near, be close; to come or go near s.o. or s.th. ( م وor ا وووor )ل, approach ( مو, ا وو, لs.o., s.th.); to come close, get close ( م, ا وو, لto), approximate ( م, ا و, لs.th.); to draw near, be imminent (time, event); ظ ابو اموto bring s.o. close to ...; -- ظوdaniya a ( ظوdanan, ظ يوةdanaya) to be low, lowly; to be or become mean, base, vile, despicable, contemptible II to bring close ( هوs.th., هs.o., موto), bring, take or move ( هوs.th., هs.o.) near ( )مو, approximate ( هوs.th., موto); to apply o.s. ( وto s.th.), busy o.s. ( وwith s.th.), delve ( وinto); ( ظوواظفسوnafsahū) to lower o.s., abase o.s., humble o.s. III to approach (ه s.o., هوs.th.), come or get near s.o. or s.th. (ه, )ه و, come or get close ( ه و هto); to approximate ( هوs.th.); to measure up ( هو, ه to) │( شو االايووداظوyudānā) an unequaled thing IV to be near, be close; to approach ( موor ا ووor لs.o. or s.th.), come, go or draw near s.o. or s.th. ( مو, ا وو, )ل, come close, get close ( مو, ا وو, لto); to bring close ( هs.o., هوs.th., موto), bring, take or move ( هs.o., هوووs.th.) near ( )مووو, approximate ( هs.th., مto); to lower, drop ( ه وs.th., e.g., the veil) V to approach gradually ( ا ووs.th. or s.o.); to be debased, sink low, sink, decline; to lower o.s., abase o.s., humble o.s. VI to come near each other, get close to each other, approach one another; to 294 be close together; to approach, approximate ( م و s.th.) VIII ا ظووiddanā to be near, be close, come or draw near, approach X to wish to be nearer or closer, try to come nearer or closer; to seek to fetch or bring closer ( هو s.th., ا ووto, to o.s.), reach out ( هوfor s.th.), wish ( ه ا يfor s.th.) ظواdunūw advent, approach; proximity, nearness, imminence (of an event) ظووdanīy pl. ا ظيوadniyā’ near, close; low, lowly; mean, base, vile, despicable, contemptible, inferior, infamous, depraved ظيوةdanīy pl. -āt, ظ يوdanāyā a base quality or habit; s.th. disgraceful, infamy, vile action ا ظوووadnā, f. ظي وdunyā pl. m. ا ان adānin, ا ظانadnūn pl. f. ظوdunan nearer, closer; situated lower down, nether; lower, inferior; lowlier; smaller, of less significance; more appropriate, better suited, more suitable │( ا شوو ااد ظووšarq) the Near East; ( ا مغووووبااد ظووووmagrib) Algeria; ( ا ظووامو احبولاا اريودḥabli al-warīd) very near or close, imminent; ادل ربااد ظوان the closest relatives; مووو اا ظووو هاا وووواالصووو ه (aqṣāhū) from one end to the other; wholly, entirely, completely, altogether; ( ا حووودااد ظووووḥadd) the minimum; ا ظووو ه hereinafter, below (in writings, documents, etc.) e.g., ا مالعوووواناا ظوووو ه (muwaqqi‘ūn) those signed below, the undersigned; ( الاا ظووwith foll. genit.) not the least, not a single, not one ظيوdunyā (f. of ا ظووadnā) world; earth; this world (as opposed to ;)آ ووlife in this world. worldly existence; worldly. temporal things or possessions; earthly things or concerns │ ا حيو اا ودظيlife in this world; اماا ودظيumm ad-d. Cairo; الو ماا ودظي ا والعودهaqāma d-d. wa-aq‘adahā approx.: to kick up a dust, make a stir, move heaven and earth ظيواdunyawī, ظيو وdunyāwī worldly, mundane, secular; earthly, temporal, transitory, transient ظوووو وdanāwa nearness, closeness, proximity, propinquity; lowness, lowliness; meanness, baseness, vileness ظ يووووة danāya lowness, meanness, baseness, vileness lowliness; تووودنtadannin sinking, decline; low level, nadir (fig.) │ ( ا أودظ ااد اللوaklāqī) the low level of morality, the moral decline انdānin low; near, close مأدانmutadānin close together هووdahr pl. هوارduhūr, ا هووadhur time; long time, age, epoch; lifetime; eternity; fate, destiny │ ب و اا ودهوbanāt ad-d. blows of fate, trials, afflictions, misfortune; تص ريفا ا ودهوand صوووااا ودهوvicissitudes of fate. changes of fortune; adversities, adverse circumstances; هواا داهويdahra d-dāhirīn for all eternity, foever and ever; ا وواأ ووا ا ودهوilā ākir d-d. do.; اا ودهواكلو...( الاaddahra kullahū) never in all one’s life هووdahrī an adherent of the dahrīya, a materialistic, atheistic doctrine in Islam; atheist, freethinker هووduhrī very old, far advanced in years هوسdahasa a (= ) اسto trample underfoot, trample down, crush ( هوs.th.), tread ( هوon s.th.); to run over ( هs.o.) هوشdahiša a and pass. duhiša to be astonished, amazed, surprised ( موor لat); to wonder, marvel ( موat); to be baffled, startled, puzzled, perplexed, taken aback ( موor لby) II and IV to astonish, amaze, surprise, baffle, puzzle, perplex, startle (ه s.o.) VII = dahiša 295 هوووشdahaš perplexity, surprise, consternation, alarm, dismay هوووووش dahiš astonished, amazed, surprised; baffled, puzzled, nonplused, perplexed, startled, disconcerted, alarmed, upset; dazed, stunned هشوةdahša astonishment, amazement, surprise, wonder; perplexity, consternation, bafflement, bewilderment, dismay, alarm اظووووووووده ش indihāš amazement; perplexity, bafflement, bewilderment astonishment, consternation, مووودهشmudhiš astonishing, amazing, surprising, marvelous; pl. -āt amazing things, marvels, wonders م ودهاشmadhūš and م ودهشmundahiš astonished, amazed, surprised; perplexed, baffled, puzzled, nonplused, startled; overwhelmed 1 هووقdahaq stocks (to hold the feet of an offender by way of punishment) هdiḥāq full (cup), brimful 2 ا هقووو نdihqān, pl. ه ل وووةdahāqina, هووو لي dahāqīn2 man of importance, one who plays an important role, leading personality; grandee (in ancient Persia) │ا هوو لي اا سي سووةd. as-siyāsa the political leaders هولdahaka a (dahk) to crush; to mash ( هو s.th.) هلوزII tadahlaza to stroll about, walk about (in a hall) هليزdihlīz pl. هو يزdahālīz 2 anteroom, vestibule, lobby, foyer; corridor, hall-way │ ابووو اا ووودهليزibn ad-d. pl. اب ووو اا وووده يز foundling هلdihlī Delhi هومdahama a (dahm) and dahima a (daham) to come or descend ( هupon s.o.) suddenly; to surprise, take unawares, take by surprise ( هs.o.), come unexpectedly ( هto s.o.); to enter suddenly, raid, invade ( هو s.th.) II to blacken ( هs.th.) III to befall, seize, grip, attack ( هs.o.), come over s.o. ( ;هe.g., sickness, despair); to surprise, take unawares, catch red-handed ( هs.o.); to attack suddenly ( هs.o.), fall upon s.o. ()ه, invade, raid ( هe.g., a house); to overtake (ه s.o.; fate), catch up with ( )هIX to be black همةduhma blackness ا هومadham2, f. هموdahmā’ 2, pl. هوم duhm black, deep-black │ اهيوووةا همووو (dahiya) disaster, catastrophe ا وودهمad-dahmā’ 2 the masses, the common people, the populace, also همو ا ا س مداهم وةmudāhama police raid; house search مدهمmudhamm very dark, pitch-dark هوdahana u (dahn) to oil (ه, هوs.th., s.o., ب with); to anoint (ه, هوs.th., s.o., بwith); to grease, smear (ب, هوs.th., s.o., بwith); to rub, embrocate (ه, هوs.th., s.o., بwith); to paint, daub ( هs.th.); to varnish ( هوs.th.) II do. III to treat with gentleness ( هs.o.); to cajole, flatter ( هs.o.), fawn ( هon s.o.); to cheat, dupe, gull, take in, outsmart ( هs.o.) V pass. of I ه وdahn oiling, greasing; painting, daubing هوduhn pl. ا هو نadhān, هوانduhūn, āt, هو نdihān oil (edible, lubricating, for the skin); fat, grease ه وduhnī oily, oil, oleic, oleo- (in compounds); fatty, greasy ه يووووduhnīyāt substances fats, oils; fatty هdahnā’ desert ه نdahhān house painter, painter هي ةdahīna pomade 296 هو نdihān pl. -āt, ا ه وةadhina cosmetic cream, cold cream, salve, ointment, unguent; consecrated oil, anointing oil; paint, varnish; hypocrisy, dissimulation, deceit; -- (without pl.) painting, daubing; whitewashing │( اورشووووةا لووووده نwarša) paintshop مداه وووةmudāhana flattery, adulation, sycophancy, fawning; hypocrisy, dissimulation; deceit, trickery مووووداهmudāhin flatterer, sycophant; hypocrite adulator, مدهmudhin oily; fatty, greasy هوارdahwara to hurl down ( هوs.th.); to tear down, topple, overthrow ( هوووs.th.) II tadahwara pass. of I; to fall, tumble; to slump, sink; to be dragged down, sink to the lowest level تودهارtadahwur fall, downfall; decline, slump dizzy; to molest, bother, trouble ( هs.o.); to daze, stun ( هs.o.) │ ( وخارأسوra’sahū) to make s.o.’s head go round, make s.o. dizzy هوdahiya a ( هوdahā’) to be clever, smart, cunning, artful, wily; -- dahā a to befall, overtake, hit, strike ( هs.o.), come over s.o. ( ;هmisfortune) II = dahā VI to pretend to be smart or cunning هووووو dahā’ smartness, slyness, shrewdness, subtlety, cunning, craft ا هووadhā smarter, shrewder; craftier, wilier; more skillful, subtler, more resourceful; worse, more calamitous و ووةdauka vertigo, dizziness; coma; nausea ائخdā’ik dizzy تدويخtadwīk subjugation, conquest 1 وdūd (coll.; n. un. ) pl. يودانdīdān worm; maggot; larva; caterpillar │ا و ا ا حويووand و اا قوزd. al-qazz silkworm; و ا ا قووd. al-qar‘, ( و الوعوqar‘ī) ascarids; و اا قوموزd. al-qirmiz cochineal; و اا موش 297 d. al-mišš cheese maggots; ا دو اا احيود tapeworm اهdāhin pl. ه وduhāh smart, sly, shrewd, subtle, cunning, wily, artful; resourceful person اهيوةdāhiya smart fellow, old fox, sly dog اهيوةdāhiya pl. واهdawāhin calamity, disaster, catastrophe │ ( اهيوةا هيوdahyā’) and اهيوووووةا همووووو (dahmā’) disaster, catastrophe; ( ليلهبا و ا اهيوةfal-yadhab) let him go to hell! ا اي و ةdā’ pl. ا واadwā’ disease, malady │ ا اا ثعلوبd. at-ta‘lab alopecia, loss of the hair; O ا اا ووولصd. ar-raqṣ St. Vitus’s dance; O ا اا فيولd. al-fīl elephantiasis; ا ا ا م قوووةd. al-minṭaqa shingles, herpes zoster (med.) واsee وى وبII to wear out, wear off ( هs.th.) وبووdūbara packthread, string, twine, cord, rope; thread وبيوتdūbait a rhymed poem consisting of four hemistichs وحVII to spread وحdauḥ branching trees, branches وحوووةdauḥa tall tree with many branches; family tree, genealogical table احةdāḥa top (child’s toy) اخاي وخةdāka u (dauk) to conquer, subjugate ( ا ووa. country); to resign o.s., humble o.s.; to be or become dizzy, have a feeling of dizziness; to feel ill, be sick, feel nausea II to conquer, subjugate ( ه وa people); to make submissive, subdue, humble, humiliate, degrade ( هs.o.); to make ( هs.o.) ا وII to be or become worm-eaten وdūdī wormlike, worm-shaped, vermiform. مودوmadūd, mudawwid wormy, wormeaten 2 □ مدوmidwad = ملو اراي ورةdāra u (daur, ورانdawarān)to turn, revolve, rotate, move in a circle (علوو, ب, حالaround s.th. or s.o.), circle (علوو, ب, حوالs.th. or s.o.); to begin to turn or rotate; to circulate; to go round, spread, be current, make the rounds (of rumors, etc.); to run, be in operation (of a machine or engine); to start running, start up (engine); to walk or go about, run around; to roam, rove, move about, wander about, gad about; to make the rounds ( علووووamong people), turn successively ( علووووto several people); to turn, turn one’s face, wheel around; to veer, shift, change its direction; to change, take a different turn, become different; to turn ( علووagainst s.o.); to have to do, deal ( حالor علوwith), treat ( حوالor علووof), refer ( حوالor علووto), bear ( حوالor علوو on), concern ( حوالor علووs.th.); to take place, be going on, be in progress, be under way; to be discussed, be talked about ( بوويamong); to circulate, pass around ( بs.th.); to lead, guide or &how around ( بs.o.); to let roam, let wander (ب روووه, بعي وbi-naẓarihī, bi‘ainaihi one’s eyes, one’s glance, و over) │ رdur! about face! (command; mil.); ( ارارأسوووra’suhū) to be or become dizzy, giddy; اراموووااا فووووص (furaṣ) to trim sail, adapt o.s. to the situation; ( ار ارحواا حووبraḥā l-ḥarb) war broke out; ا معو ر اا أو ا ار ارح هو ا امسthe battles that raged yesterday; ارا ( ب فسوbi-nafsihī) it passed through his mind; ( اراعلوااد سوalsun) to be muchdiscussed, be on everyone’s lips; ارا ( علوووااد ووااهاواسووال اادلووالمafwāh, asalāt al-aqlāmi to be current in both the spoken and written language, be in general use, be generally accepted (e.g., words); ارابوووووال ااواكووووولااعيووووو ا (bilādan, a‘yādan) he had bean around in the world and had seen a lot; (colloq.) ( اراب وووbālahū) to pay attention (ا وو, علووto), be careful (ا وو, علوووwith); ار اعلوويهماا وودائوcalamity overtook them II to turn in a circle, spin, whirl, rotate, revolve (ب, هوs.th.); to turn, turn around (ب, هوs.th.); to invert, reverse (ب, هوs.th.); to make round, to round ( هوs.th.); to circulate, pass around ( هوs.th.); to set going, set in motion, start ( هوs.th.); to wind ( هوa watch, a clock); to look, search (علوو for s.th.) │ ( ورارأسوra’sahū) to turn s.o.’s head, persuade s.o., bring s.o. round III to go or walk around ( هwith s.o.); to try to bring ( هs.o.) round; to ensnare, inveigle ( هs.o.); to try to ensnare ( هs.o.); to try to deceive (ه s.o.); to cheat, trick ( علوor ه عs.o. out of s.th.); to get away, escape, dodge, duck out IV to turn, revolve, rotate, spin, whirl ( هو, بs.th.); to turn around, turn ( هو, بs.th., رأسو اا ووone’s head toward); to direct ( علووor هو ا ووs.th. to, toward), aim ( علووor هو ا ووs.th. at); to circulate, pass around ( هوs.th.); to set in operation, set going, set in motion ( هوa machine, an apparatus); to start, start up ( ا محووووal-muḥarrik the motor); to play, play back ( ه وe.g., شووائطاظ هقوةtapes); to act upon s.th. ( )هو, drive ( هوs.th.); to get under way ( هوa job, a project); to take up ( هوs.th.); to initiate ( هوs.th.); to divert, turn away ( هو عو, هs.o., s.th. from); to direct, conduct, steer, manage, head, run ( هو s.th.), be in charge ( هوof); to revolve in one’s mind, think over, ponder ( هs.th., انthat) │( ا اراباجهو اا ووbi-wajhihī) to turn around to s.o., look back at s.o.; ( ا ارارأسوra’sahū) to turn s.o.’s head, persuade s.o., bring s.o. round; ا ارا ا حووووديثا وووو اا ماضوووواto bring 298 conversation around to a topic, broach or discuss a subject V to be or become round; to be circular X do.; to circle, rotate, revolve, spin, turn; to turn (ا وو to), face ( ا ووs.o.); to turn around; to turn one’s head, look back; to circle ( حالs.th.), walk around s.th. (~)حال ارdār f., pl. ورdūr, يو رdiyār, يو را diyārāt, يووووdiyara house; building, structure, edifice; habitation, dwelling, abode; residence, home; seat, side, locality; area, region; land, country (esp. pl. يو رsee below │ اراابثو رmuseum (of antiquities); اراا بويدpost office; اراا بقوd. al-baqā’ the eternal abode, the hereafter; ( ا وداراا ب ليووةbāqiya) do.; اظأقولا لوداراا ب ليووةto pass away, die; ( الا اراا بي وووbaiḍā’) Casablanca (seaport in W Morocco); the White House (in Washington); اراا أجو ر commercial house, business house; ارا ا حووبd. al-ḥarb war zone, enemy territory (Isl. Law: non-Muslim countries); ارا ا وي سووةseat of the chief executive of a country; اراا سووووووع d. as-sa‘āda Constantinople; اراا سوول ةd. as-salṭana Constantinople (designation before World War I); اراا سووالمd. as-salām paradise, heaven; epithet of Baghdad; Dar es Salaam (seaport and capital of Tanganyika Territory); وراا سوووي مcinemas, movie houses; اراا سل ةd. aš-šurṭa police station; اراا صو عةor اراا صو عةarsenal; اراصووي (ṣīnī) cinnamon; اراا ووبd. aḍ-ḍarb and اراا سوكةd. as-sikka mint (building); ا ودي را ‘( ا عواليوةirāqīya) Iraq; اراا علوامname of a college in Cairo; اراا ف وd. al-fanā’ (as opposed to اراا بقوووsee above) the temporal world, this world; اراا قd. alqaḍā’ court of justice, tribunal; اراا كأوبd. al-kutub public library; وراا لهواd. al-lahw amusement centers; night clubs; اراا أمثيول theater, playhouse; اراا ملوولd. al-mulk (royal) residence; ( ا ودي راا مصووويةmiṣrīya) Egypt; اراا هجوووd. al-hijra Medina; ارا اديأوو مd. al-aitām orphanage, orphans’ home ارdāra pl. -āt halo (of the moon); circle; O (el.) circuit; O villa ارىdārī domestic, native ورىdūrī domestic (animal); عصووفارا ‘( ورuṣfūr) and ورhouse sparrow ورdaur pl. ا وارadwār round (of a patrol; in sports); role, part (played by s.o. or s.th.); film role, stage role; periodic change, rotation, alternation; crop rotation; period; (one’s) turn; phase, stage, step, degree, station; epoch, age. era; fit, attack, paroxysm (of a disease); floor, story; musical composition; number, single performance (within a program) │( وراوتسلسوولwa-tasalsul) vicious circle, circulus vitiosus; ( وراظه و ئnihā’ī) final round, finals (athlet.); ورااالظعق وd. alin‘iqād session, term (parl.); ا ودوراادول (awwal) or وراا ب ا وةd. al-buṭūla leading role, starring role; ل و ماب ودورor عووبا ورا (la‘iba) to play a part or role; وراارضو (arḍī) ground floor, first floor; كو نا ورهit was his turn; ا ودورا وit is his turn; ياظو ةا بودورI for one; (I) for my part, يهواةابودوره he in turn, (he) for his part; ب ووودور alternately, by turns ورdaura pl. -āt turn, revolution, gyration, rotation; circulation; cycle; circuit; round, patrol; procession (Chr.); round trip; tour (in general, of an artist or performer); detour; period (O also el.); session (of parliament); course (of instruction) (ir., syr.) │ا وووودور اا دمايووووة (damawīya) blood circulation; ا ودور اا جايوة (jawwīya) air circulation; ور ااجأي زايتج وزةا ا وتبوةd. ijtiyāz (tajāwuz) ar-rutba officers’ training course (mil., Syr.); ور ازراعيووة (zirā‘īya) crop rotation; ور اتشووووويعية (tašrī‘īya) legislative period; ور اا فلولd. al-falak revolution of celestial bodies; ور ا ( ا أف يوةiltifāfīya) flanking maneuver (mil.); ( ور ام يووةmālīya) 299 financial period, fiscal year; ور اا ميو هd. al-miyāh lavatory (with running water), toilet, water closet ورdaurī patrolling, patrol- (in compounds); periodic, occurring at regular stated times, recurring, intermittent; circulatory, cyclic, etc., see ورand ورseries (athlet.) ا جهو زاا ودور (jahāz) the circulatory system وريووةdaurīya pl. -āt patrol, round; patrol, reconnaissance squad │وريووو ا االسأكش اreconnaissance squads, patrols □ اوريةdāwirīya = وريةdaurīya يوdair pl. ا ي رadyār, ا يوadyira, يار duyūra monastery, convent, cloister يووووو cloistral dairī monastic, ministerial, يووdīra region, area, land, homeland (bedouin) وارduwār, dawār vertigo, dizziness, giddiness; seasickness وارdawwār rapidly or constantly turning, whirling, spinning, rotating, circling, circulating; revolving, rotary, rotatory; whirlpool, eddy, vortex; itinerant, ambulant, roving; (eg.) farm building, farm │ بو با وارrevolving door; بوو ئاا وارpeddler, hawker; جهوو زاحفوووا وار (jahāz ḥafr) rotary drilling rig; اراا شومسd. aš-šams sunflower ي رdayyār monastic, friar, monk يواظوdairānī monastic, friar, monk وارdawwāra whirlpool, eddy, vortex; compass, pair of dividers (syr.) │O وار ا ا هااd. al-hawā’ weather vane ي رdiyārī domestic; native ورانdawarān turn(ing), rotation, revolution, gyration; circulation, circling, circuiting; round trip, tour ا ورadwar2 (elative): ا وراعلوووااد سوو (alsun) more talked about, more frequently expressed or discussed مووودارmadār pl. -āt orbit; circling, circuiting, circuit, revolution; axis; pivot; (fig.) that upon which s.th. turns or depends, the central, cardinal, or crucial factor, the pivot; center; subject, topic, theme (of a conversation, of negotiations); scope, range, extent, sphere; tropic (geogr.); O steering wheel │موداراا سووه ن m. as-saraṭān Tropic of Cancer, موداراا جود m. al-jady Tropic of Capricorn; كو نامودارها علووit (i.e., the dispute, or the like) was about ..., it hinged on ...; ( علوواموداراا سو ةm. is-sana) throughout the year, all year round تودويوtadwīr recitation of the Koran at medium speed (between tartīl and ḥadr; a technical term of tajwīd) موووداورmudāwara pl. -āt cheating, humbug, trickery; outwitting; attempted evasion or circumvention, shift, dodge; persuasion, inveigling, ensnaring ا ارidāra turning; turning around or over, reverting, reversion, inversion; starting, setting in operation; operation; drive (techn.); direction, management; administration; administrative agency, department, office, bureau │ ا ار اادمi. alamn the police; ‘( ا ار اعو يوووةurfīya) military administration; سوا ااإل ارsū’ al-i. mismanagement, maladministmtion; مجلسا اإل ارMajlis al-i. board of directors, administrative board, committee of management; موظوووزااإل ارmarkaz al-i. administration center, headquarters ا ار idārī administrative, departmental; administrative officer; manager (athlet.); ا اريوidāriyan through administrative channels, administratively, officially اسووأدارistidāra roundness, rotundity, circularity ائووdā’ir turning, revolving, spinning; circulating; current (e.g., expression), common; ambulant, itinerant; in progress, 300 under way j working, in operation; running (machine, engine); round ائوووdā’ira pl. وائوووdawā’ir2 circle (also math.); ring; circumference, perimeter, periphery; sphere, scope, range, compass, extent, circuit; field, domain (fig.); official agency, department (esp. Ir., Syr., Leb.); office, bureau; department of a court of justice (Eg., Tun.); farm, country estate (eg.); misfortune, calamity, affliction │...ووووو ا ائوووووو ا within the framework of ...; ‘ علوواشوكلاظصوفا ائووalā šakli niṣfi d. semicircular; ظق ةاا دائوnuqṭat ad-d. essential factor, pivot, crucial point, crux; O ( ائوو اكهوب ئيوةkahrabā’īya) electric circuit; O ائو الصيوshort circuit (el.); ائو ا ا معووووو راencyclopedia; وائوووووواا حكاموووووة government circles, ا ودوائواا وسوميةايا سي سويةىا ( ا عسوووكويةةrasmīya, siyāsīya, ‘askarīya) official (political, military) circles or quarters (journ.); ائووووووو ااال أصوووووو ص jurisdiction (of an official agency, esp., of a court of justice); ( ا ودائو اا س و يةsanīya) civil list; ( ائو ااسأئ يةisti’nāfīya) appellate court (Eg.; jur.); ( ائوو ااظأ بيووةintikābīya) electoral district; ار اعليو اا ودوائوto suffer adversities ائووووو annular dā’irī circular, ring-shaped, مدورmudawwar round, circular موووديوmudīr head, chief, director; administrator; manager; intendant, superintendent; rector (of a university); mudir, chief officer of a mudiria, approx. = governor (Eg.); (pl. موودراmudarā’2) administrative officer at the head of a county (Syr., Leb., Ir., Saudi Ar.) │اموديوا ا جواm. al-jauq bandleader, conductor of an orchestra مديوmudīra directress; administratress مديويووووووووووة mudīrīya direction; administration; management; -- (pl. -āt) mudiria, province (Eg.); approx.: main department of a ministry (Ir.) مسوأديوmstadīr round; circular │موؤتموا ( ا م ئود اا مسوأديوmu’tamar al-mā’idat al-m.) roundtable conference ورdauraq pl. وارdawāriq2 (eg.) bulging vessel with a long, slender neck, carafe وزنdauzana to tune (a musical instrument); O to tune in (radio) وزانdūzān and وزظوةdauzana tuning (of a musical instrument); وزظوةO tuning (radio) ( وزي ةIt. dozzina) dōzīna dozen اساي وسةdāsa u (daus, يو سdiyās) to tread, step ( هوon); to tread ( هوs.th.); to tread down, trample down, trample underfoot, crush ( هوs.th.); to thresh (grain); to treat with disdain, humiliate ( هs.o.); to run over ( هs.o.; automobile) VII pass. of I وسdaus treading, trampling, tread, step يسةdīsa dense forest, jungle, thicket واسةdawwāsa pedal مداسmadās shoe, sandal موودوسmadūs, مووداسmudās trodden, trampled down; crushed; run over ري وسdusinṭāriyā, ا وس أ ريdysentery ( وسويةFr. dossier) dosyē, وسويdōsē pl. -āt dossier, file 1 ( وشeg.) dawaš to irritate ( هs.o.) or drive s.o. crazy by noise وشوةdauša (eg.) din, noise, clamor, uproar, hubbub, hullabaloo 2 (ا وشFr. douche) dūš pl. -āt shower, douche ( وهةIt. dote) dōṭa dowry وغII to imprint a mark, to brand اغdāg pl. -āt brand (on cattle) 301 اااي واةdāfa u (dauf) to mix, mingle ( هو و s.th. with); to add, admix ( هs.th. to) وdūq duke ولةdūqa duchess ولdūqī ducal وليةdūqīya dukedom, duchy وII to chatter, prattle وdauka din, row, hubbub, turnult, confusion 1 الاي ولةdāla u" ( و ووةdaula) to change periodically, take turns, alternate, rotate; to change, turn (time, fortune) │ا وتا و وةا االسووأبداthe time of absolutism is over, belongs to the past; ا تا اا دو ةfortune has turned in his favor ( عليوagainst him) III to alternate, rotate ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to cause to succeed by turns or to follow one another ( ادي مal-ayyāma the days; God); to alternate ( بويbetween); to confer, talk (ه with s.o., وabout), discuss ( ه وwith s.o. s.th.) IV to give ascendancy, afford superiority, give the upper hand ( ه موto s.o. over); to make victorious, let triumph ( ه علوs.o. over), grant victory ( ه علووto s.o. over); to replace ( هو بor موs.th. with), exchange, substitute ( هو بor موfor s.th. s.th.) │ ا يوولا ب و اا عبو سامو اب و ااميووةudīla libanī 1-‘abbās min banī umayyata the rule passed from the Ommaiads to the Abbasides VI to alternate, take turns ( هو with or in s.th., e.g., in some work); to hand each other s.th. ( )هو, pass s.th. ( )هو alternately between themselves; to handle alternately ( هوdifferent things), take now this, now that; to exchange ( ا ووأىar-ra’y views); to make frequent use ( هوof s.th.); to confer, have a discussion, take counsel, deliberate; to parley, negotiate; to circulate, be in circulation, be current, have currency │ تداو أ ااديودtadāwalathu laidī it passed from hand to hand, it made the rounds, it circulated; تداو أووو ااد سووو (alsun) it passed from mouth to mouth, it was the talk of the town, it was on everybody’s lips و ووةdaula pl. ولduwal alternation, rotation, change; change of time, turn of fortune; dynasty; state, country; power, empire │ ص و حباا دو ووةtitle of the Prime Minister; و وةارئويساا حكاموةdaulat r. al-ḥ. His Excellency, the Prime Minister; موةا ا دو وةfakāmat ad-d. title of the President of the Republic (Syr., Leb.); ا دو وووةاا عليوووة (‘alīya) name of the ancient Ottoman Empire; ( ا دولاا كبوىايا عرموةkubrā, ‘uẓmā) the big powers; ( و ووةام أدبووةmuntadaba) mandatory power ( و ووةdam., pronounced dōle = ركووا rakwa) metal vessel with long curved handle used for making coffee و وووو daulī international state (adj.); duwalī و يووووووة duwalīya internationality; internationalism; the International ويوووالduwailāt petty states, small countries وا يولdawālaika alternately, by turns; successively, one by one, one after the other │( وهكوولاا وا يوولwa-hākadā) and so forth, and so on تدويلtadwīl internationalization مداو ووووةmudāwala pl. -āt parley, negotiation; deliberation, consultation; discussion; mudāwalatan alternately, one after the other, one at a time توووداولtadāwul alternation, rotation; circulation, currency; circulation of money │ ب أوداولalternately, by turns, one by one مأوداولmutadāwal current, circulating, in circulation; valid; common, in common use, prevailing │( ا كوالماا مأوداولkalām) the colloquial language 302 2 وا مواd. at-taqaddum in a state of constant progress and growth والdawālin see ول ائموdā’iman always │( ائمو اابوداabadan) always and ever والبdūlāb pl. وا يووبdawālīb2 wheel; tire; gearing, gears, wheels, mechanism, machine, machinery; closet, looker, cabinet, cupboard │ والباا مالبسwardrobe ائمdā’imī = ائم مدامmudām wine مسووأديمmustadīm constant, continuous, continual, incessant, uninterrupted والرdūlār pl. -āt dollar 2 اماي ومةdāma u (daum, وامdawām) to last, continue, go on; to persevere, persist │ مو ا امmā dāma as long as; (the more so) since, inasmuch as, as, because; while he is ..., when he is ... ; ( مو ا اماحيوḥayyan) as long as he is alive; ( مو ا موتامعولdumtu) so long as (or while) I am with you II to move in a circle, turn, spin, revolve, rotate, gyrate, circle; to turn, revolve, spin, twirl ( هوs.th.) III to persevere, persist (علوو in), apply o.s. diligently and steadily (علوو to), pursue with diligence and perseverance ( علووs.th.); to continue IV to cause to last or continue, perpetuate, make lasting, make permanent ( هوs.th.) X to make ( هوووs.th.) last or continue; to continue, go on ( هwith s.th.) 2 وم نdūmān rudder, helm وم ظجdūmānjī steersman, helmsman 1 ونII to record, write down, set down, put down in writing ( هوs.th.); to enter, list, register, book ( ه وs.th.); to collect ( ه و poems) │ ( وناشووهšarṭan) to stipulate a condition V to be recorded, be written down, be put down in writing ياانdīwān pl. واويوdawāwīn2 account books of the treasury (in the older Islamic administration); divan, collection of poems written by one author; governmental office, administrative office; chancellery, office, bureau, secretariat; council or state, cabinet; council, consultative assembly, board of advisers, executive committee; government; court or justice, tribunal; hall; davenport, divan; (railway) compartment │ غوووةاا ووودواويlugat ad-d. official jargon, officialese; يوووااناا أفأووويش inquisitional court; the Inquisition ومdaum continuance, permanence, duration; وموdauman constantly, at all times, ever, always; -- doom palm (bot.) يمووةdīma pl. يوومdiyam, يووامduyūm continuous rain وامdawām duration, continuance, permanence, perpetuity; uninterrupted succession; endurance, perseverance; abiding, stay (of s.o., وat a place); وامو dawāman and علوووواا ووودوامpermanently, perpetually, at all times, ever, always │ا ولوتاا ودوام, اولو اا ودوام, سو ع اا ودوامworking hours, office hours (Ir., Syr.) يووووووووااظ dīwānī administrative, administrational, official; an Ottoman style of cursive (used by the secretaries of the State Chancellery for treaties, diplomas, firmans, etc.) تودويtadwīn recording, writing down; entry, listing. booking; registering, registration 303 يمامةdaimūma = وام مدوظوةmudawwana pl. -āt record, note; entry: body of laws; pl. مودوظwritings, literature (on a given subject) واموووةduwwāma top (child’s toy); whirlpool, eddy, vortex مداومووووووة mudāwama endurance, persistence; duration; continuation perseverance, continuance, ائوومdā’im lasting, enduring; endless, eternal, perpetual, everlasting; perennial; continued, continuous, continual, incessant, unceasing, constant; permanent, standing, established; durable │ائووماا أقوودما 2 ون dūn low, lowly; bad, poor, inferior; meager, inadequate │ ع ملووووو اب ووووودون (‘āmalahū) he snubbed him ونdūna (prep.) below, beneath, under (in rank, value, etc.); this side of, short of; before; without more than; with the exclusion of, leaving ... aside, disregarding ...; and not by any means, but not │ ( ونا ولwith foll. nominative) on the way to that, there is ... , before accomplishing that one must …, ونا ولا ( ووهاا قأوkarṭ al-qatad) before one can do that, one must strip the tragacanth of its leaves, i.e., accomplish the impossible; بوودون, ( موو ا ونdūni) without; with the exclusion of, excluding; بدوناانand م ا ونا انwithout (+ foll. gerund in Engl.); وظول dūnaka (with foll. acc.) here you are! take ...! watch out ( هوfor)! beware ( هوof)! هواا ونhe is below him, he doesn’t measure up to him; ( كو نا وظو اأهميوةahammīyatan) to be of less importance than ...; اثما وظو اكولااثوم itmun dūnahū kullu itmin a sin to end all sins; ( ا وووولي اهووووما وناا سوووو اا عسووووكويةsinn, ‘askarīya) those below the age for military service; ( ونامو اظروواا ووnaẓarin) regardless of, irrespective of; ونام و ا ئوودwith no benefit at all; completely useless; ت شوواانا ( يسووعدنا وظه وtakšā an yas‘adna) she is afraid they will be happier than she is; تلولا ( ا كأبا وناغيوهkutub, gairihā) those books and no others; انامأعجوبامو ا وللا وناعلمول (muta‘ajjib, faḍlika, ‘ilmika) I admire your virtue, but not your knowledge, or, I admire your virtue more than your knowledge; كوومااد ووااها ونا وناا أوولمواوا شووكاى (kamma, tadammur, šakwā) he stopped their mouths to keep them from muttering and complaining; ا ااكو ناا غصو ا ونامو ايحأملو (guṣnu, yaḥtamiluhū) if the branch is not strong enough to carry him; اوصلا وظهوماا ووا ا غ يوةit was he, not they, who reached the goal; ( اش حتاباجهه ا وظوašāḥat· bi-wajhihā) she averted her face so that he could not see her; ح لا وناا شto prevent s.th.; ادشعةا ( وناا حمووواaši‘‘a, ḥamrā‘) the infrared rays; ( ا ماجوو ا وناا قصوويوmaujāt) ultrashort waves (radio) وظومdūnum a square measure (Ir. = about 2500 m2; Pal. = roughly, 900 m2) 1 وىdawā and II to sound, resound, ring out; to drone; to echo, reverberate III to treat (ه a patient, هa disease) VI to treat o.s. (with a medicine); to be cured وىdawan pl. ا واadwā’ sickness, illness, disease, malady وdawīy sound, noise, ring, clang, roar, thunder, drone; echo, reverberation واdawāh (□ وايووةdawāya) pl. duwīy, diwīy, ويdawayāt inkwell و واdawā’ pl. ا ويووةadwiya remedy, medicament, medication, medicine, drug وائوووdawd'i medicinal, medicative, curative اsee و واdiwā’ treatment, therapy (med.) موووداواmudāwāh treatment, therapy (med.) تداوtadāwin cure 2 ( وىFr. douille) dūy socket (of a light bulb) ي اdiyalōg (Eg. spelling) pl. -āt dialogue يبand يب جةsee ب يواثdayyūt (□ ) يواسcuckold; procurer, pimp; a variety of warbler (zool.) يجارsee جو ا وووديجا يانad-dēgōlīyūn (Eg. spelling) the Gaullists 304 يووودب نdaidabān, daidubān pl. -āt, ي بوووة dayādiba guard, sentry: sentinel │يودب نا ا مواكبship’s pilot يدنsee ن يو, يو, ا ي ر, ا يو, يوى, ي ر, يواظsee ور يسdīs diss (Ampelodesma tenax; bot.) يسمsee سم يسمبوdisembir, disambir December يولdīk pl. يكوةdīka, يواduyūk, ا يوadyāk cock, rooster │ يووولاا حوووبشd. al-kabaš turkey, turkey cock; ( يولاروموrūmī) do.; وزناا ديلwazn ad-d. bantam weight ا سوع لاا وديكas-su‘āl ad-dīkī whooping cough كأ تار = يكأ تار ( يكارFr. décor) pl. -āt décor, stage decoration يمو سdaimās, dīmās, يمواسdaimūs pl. يو ميس dayāmīs2 dungeon, vault يمة, يم, يمامةsee وم يماهيقdīmūṭīqī demotic (writing) يموووالواه, يمقواهووو democrat dimuqrāṭī democratic; يمالواهيوة, يمقواهيوةdimuqrāṭīya pl. -āt democracy; democratic attitude or conviction 1 ا اناي يو ةdāna i to borrow, take up a loan; to be a debtor, be indebted; to owe ( ل بs.o. s.th., also, e.g., ( انا و اب شوكوšukr) d. lahū bi-š-šukr to owe s.o. one’s thanks; بs.th., e.g., ب حيوbi-l-ḥayāh one’s life, لto s.th. or s.o.); to be indebted ( ل بto s.o. for); to be subject, subject o.s., bow, yield, ( لto s.o. or s.th.), be under s.o.’s ( )لpower, owe allegiance ( لto s.o.), obey ( لs.o.); to grant a loan, lend money ( هto s.o.); to subject, subjugate ( هs.o.): to requite, repay ( هs.o.): to condemn ( هs.o.), pass judgment ( هon s.o.) III to have a debt ( هwith s.o.), be indebted ( هto s.o.): to be the creditor (ه of s.o.), have a money claim ( هon s.o.) │( اي و ابمبلو ا مسووةالووووشbi-mablag kamsat q.) he had a claim of five piasters on him IV to lend money ( هto s.o.): to sell on credit ( هto s.o.); to convict, find guilty, pronounce guilty ( هs.o.) V to be indebted, have debts; to subject o.s. ( لto) VI توداي ااا ( بووديdain) to contract a mutual loan, borrow money from each other X to make or incur debts, take up a loan يوdain pl. يوانduyūn debt; pecuniary obligation, liability: obligation (Isl. Law); claim (Isl. Law), financial claim │ ب وديon credit; رباا وديrabb ad-d. creditor; يوانا ا حوووبd. al-ḥarb war debts: ي و ام وومان bonded, or funded, debt; يوووو اممأوووو ز (mumtāz) preferred, or privileged, debt; ( يو اماحودmuwaḥḥlad) consolidated debt; ( يو ام لوقmuṭlaq) debt not bound to the physical person of the debtor, but outliving him (Isl. Law); يووو امسوووأغو (mustagriq) claims against an estate which exceed or equal the assets (Isl. Law) ي اظةdainūna judgment; Last Judgment ا ودي نad-dayyān the Judge (attribute of God) مدي ووةmadīna pl. موودائmadā’in2, موودن mudun town, city; ا مدي ةMedina (city in W Saudi Arabia); see مدن ا اظوةidāna verdict of guilty: conviction │ صووودراا حكووومابإ اظأوووṣadara l-ḥukmu biidānatihī he was convicted اسأداظةistidāna incurrence of debts ائdā’in creditor موووديانmadyūn indebted, in obligated, under obligation 305 مدياظيووووووة obligation madyūnīya debt: indebtedness موديmadīn owing; indebted, obligated, under obligation; debtor │( مدي اب شكوšukr) owing gratitude, much obliged; كو نامودي ال to be indebted to s.o., stand in s.o.’s debt مديmudīn moneylender, creditor موودانmudān convicted, found guilty; guilty; judged, condemned 2 اناي يو ةdāna i to profess ( بa religion, a conviction. etc.) │ ا اناب إلسووالمto profess Islam; ( انابع اتوbi-‘ādātihī) to adhere to one’s customs V to profess ( بa religion) يوdīn pl. ا يو نadyān religion, creed, faith, belief │ يواماا وديyaum ad-d. the Day of Judgment ي وdīnī religious; spiritual │ ال ي وirreligious; O ا علماا ديscience of religion يوووdayyin religious, pious, godly, devout ي ظوووووة diyāna pl. -āt religion; communion, confession, denomination, sect │ ص حباا دي ظةfounder of a religion يووو نdayyān pious, godly, devout, religious توووووديtadayyun piety, godliness, devoutness, religiousness, religiosity مأوديmutadayyin pious, godly, devout, religious مأدي ةmutadayyina religious community ي و رpl. ظو ظيوdanānīr2 dinar, a monetary unit (Ir., Jord.); pl. ظ ظيوmoney ي و رdīnārī diamonds (of a deck of cards) ي ماdīnāmō dynamo, generator ي ميتdīnāmīt dynamite O ي و مdainam pl. ي و ظمdayānim2 dynamo, generator يةsee و ى ياانpl. واويand يااظsee 1ون ذ ( اdemonstr. pron.) pl. اوالulā’i this one, this; بولاbi-dā by this, by this means, thereby; ولا li-dā therefore; كولاka-dā so, thus, in this manner; so and so, so and so much; هكولا hā-ka-dā so, thus, in this manner; serves as intensifier after interrogative pronouns (roughly corresponding in English to such phrase as: ... on earth, ... then, or the like): مو اwhat on earth? مو اwhy then? why in heaven’s name? – هواا اhuwa dā, f. هو ا hiya dī that one; look at that one; why, that is ..., now if that isn’t ...!; ه ظوولا hā’anadā behold, it is I, here I am, pl. هو ا ظحو ااوالhā naḥnu ulā’i; -- used as an accusative in the construct state: master, owner, or possessor of, with وnominative (q.v.), as genitive; -- اdāka, f. تو tāka, تيولtīka, pl. اوالئولulā’ika this, this one; ( ا ا اid) then, at that time; in those days; -- ولdālika f. تلولtilka, pl. اوالئول ulā’ika that, that one; بوول لbi-dālika by that, by that means, in that manner; ول لlidālika therefore; بعودا ولba‘da dālika after that, upon that, thereafter, thereupon; مواا لma‘a dālika yet, still, 306 nevertheless, for all that; ( و ولاانanna) that is (to say), namely, to wit; ( و ولادنli-anna) and that is because ..., for the one reason that ...; ( ولابوبنbi-anna) this is due to the fact that ...; كول لka-dālika so, thus, in that manner; equally, likewise, in the lame manner; - كوومdālikum f. تلكوومtilkum, pl. اوالئكووم ulā’ikum اthat one; -- هوولاhādā f. هووله hādihī, هلhādī, pl. هؤالhā’ulā’I, dual m. هولانhādāni, f. ه تو نhātāni this, this one, see ( هلاalphabetically) أبX to be wolflike, be fierce or cruel like a wolf ئبdi‘b pl. ئ بdi’āb, ب نdu’bān dieb (Canis anthus), jackal; wolf │ موو اا ولئبا ادحمووmaraḍ ad-d. al-aḥmar name of a noncontiguous skin disease ابووةdu’āba pl. وائووبdawā’ib2 lock, strand (of hair); tuft, wisp ا, اتand اتيةsee و اsee ا الdāl name of the letter بdabba u to drive away, chase away ( هو, ه s.o., s.th.); to defend ( عs.o., s.th.) ب و بdubāb (coll.; n. un. ) pl. ا بووة adibba, بو نdibbān flies, fly │ بو بالو ر gadfly, horsefly ب بوةdubāba pl. -āt (n. un. of ) بو بfly; tip (of the sword, or the like) ب ظوةdubbāna, dibbāna fly; sight, bead (on a firearm) ملبةmidabba fly whisk, fly swatter بواdabaḥa a (dabḥ) to kill (by slitting the throat); to slaughter, butcher; to massacre; to murder, slay; to sacrifice, offer up, immolate ( هوووan animal) II to kill, slaughter, butcher, massacre, murder باdabḥ slaughtering, slaughter بووواdibḥ sacrificial victim, blood sacrifice بحوووةdibḥa, dubḥa angina (med.); diphtheria │ ( ا لبحةاا صودريةṣadrīya) angina pectoris (med.); O ( ا لبحوةاا فؤا يوةfu’ādīya) do. بوووو حdabbāḥ slaughtering, murdering; slaughterer, butcher killing, بياdabīḥ slaughtered بيحوةdabīḥa pl. بو ئاdabā’iḥ2 slaughter animal; sacrificial victim, blood sacrifice; sacrifice, immolation; offering, oblation مووولباmadbaḥ pl. مووولاباmadābiḥ2 slaughterhouse; altar (Chr.) ملبحووةmadbaḥa massacre, slaughter, carnage, butchery بولبdabdaba to set into a swinging motion, swing, dangle ( هوs.th.) II tadabdaba to swing, pendulate; to oscillate (el.); to be deflected (magnetic needle); to vibrate; to fluctuate; to waver, vacillate, hesitate بلبوةdabdaba pl. -āt pendulous motion, pendulation; oscillation (el.); vibration تلبووولبtadabdaba pendulous motion, pendulation, swinging; oscillation (el.); deflection (of a magnetic needle) O ملبلبmudabdib oscillator (el.) ملبوولبmudabdab fluctuating, variable; vacillating, wavering, hesitant, unsteady مألبولبmutadabdib: ( تيو رامألبولبtayyār) oscillating current (el.) بولdabala, dabula u (dabl, بوالdubūl) to be wilted, to wilt, wither; to fade; to become dry, dry up; to waste away; to become dull, lose its luster (eye) رdarra (n. un.) pl. -āt atom; tiny particle; speck, mote │ مثقو لا رmitqāl d. the weight of a dust particle, a tiny amount; a little bit; مقودارا رmiqdār d. a tiny amount, a jot, an iota; ر ام و اا شوول (šakk) the least doubt بلdabl mother-of-pearl, nacre ب ةdubāla wick رdarrī atomic │ ( ل بلوةا ريوةqunbula) atomic bomb; ( ا شو هاا ولرnašāṭ) and ه لوةا ( ريةṭāqa) atomic energy ابلdābil pl. بولdubul wilted, withered; dry, dried up; faded (color); languid, dull, lackluster, languishing (glance); feeble, weak, tired 307 حووول وو daḥl pl. ا حووو لadḥāl, حوووالduḥūl resentment, rancor, hatred; revengefulness, vindictiveness; blood revenge رورdarūrī pulverized dakara a to keep, preserve, store away, put away ( هوs.th.); to save, lay by ( هوs.th.) VIII ا ووiddakara to keep, preserve, store away, put away ( هوووs.th.); to store, accumulate, gather, hoard, amass ( هs.th.); to lay by ( هوs.th.); to save ( هوs.th., also strength, trouble, etc.) │ ا وووواحبووو ال (ḥubban) to harbor love for; الايوود واجهوودا (juhdan) he spares no effort رdurrī of or pertaining to the offspring or progeny وووdukr pl. ا و رadkār s.th. stored away, put by, hoarded, or accumulated; stores, supplies; treasure يووdakīra pl. و ئوdakā’ir2 treasure; stores, supplies; provisions, food; ammunition (mil.); (holy) relic ا وووو رiddikār storage; amassing, accumulation; gathering; saving hoarding, storing, مول وmudakkir pl. -ūn assistant gunner, ammunition passer (mil., Syr.) مل وmudakkar pl. -āt supply مود وmuddakira pl. -āt (Syr.) storage battery, battery 1 2 رورdarūr powder رdura see رو ا رdarra u (darr) to strew, scatter, spread ( هو s.th.); to sprinkle ( هو بon s.th. s.th.) │ا را (ا وموو ا وو اعي يووar-ramāda fī ‘ainaihī) to throw dust in s.o.’s eyes; -- u ( رورdurūr) to rise, come up, rise resplendent over the horizon (sun) │ ( رالوظوqarnuhū) it began to show, it emerged رdarr strewing, scattering, sprinkling; (coll.) tiny particles, atoms, specks, motes powdery, powdered, ( ريووdarīra pl. رائووdarā’ir2 fragrant powder, cosmetic scented powder ريووةdurrīya pl. -āt, رارdarārīy progeny, descendants, children, offspring 3 يلرyadaru see ()و ر ربdariba a (darab) to be sharp, cutting ربdarab diarrhea (med.) ربdarib pl. ربdurb sharp, cutting │ ( جوووحا ربjurḥ) a malignant, incurable wound راحdurrāḥ pl. راريوواdarārīḥ2 Spanish fly, blister beetle (zool.) رdara‘a a (dar‘) to measure ( هوs.th.); to take the measure or measurements ( هوof s.th.); to cover ( هوa distance); to cross, travel ( هوa country), travel through ( ;)هوto intercede, intervene, mediate, put in a word ( لfor s.o., on behalf of s.o., ع ودwith s.o. else) V to use, employ, apply (بلريعوة bi-darī‘a or باسويلةbi-wasīla a means, an expedient); to use as a pretext, as an excuse ( بs.th.); to use as a means (ب s.th., ا وووto an end) VII to proceed, advance; to intervene رdar‘ power, ability, capability ( بto do s.th.) │ ضو ا رعو ابand ضو اع و ا رعو (dar‘an) not to be up to s.th., be unable to do or accomplish s.th.; to be unable to stand or bear s.th., be fed up with, be tired of, feel uneasy about, be oppressed by 308 راdirā‘ f. and m., pl. ا رadru‘, رعو ن dur‘ān arm; forearm; connecting rod; cubit, in Syria = .68 m │in Egypt: را ا ( بلووودbaladī) = .58 m, را ااسوووأ ظبا (istanbūlī) = .665 m, ( را اه ودازhindāza) = .656 m, ( ذراع معماررmi‘mārī) = ca. .75 m, ( ذراع معمرر مربعmurabba‘) = .5625 m; in Iraq: ( ذراع حلبيḥalabī) = ca. .68 m, ذراع ( بغااااbagdādī) or ( ذراع بلااbaladī) = ca. .80 m, ذراع معمررsee 800 above ذعارda‘ara a (da‘r) to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify ( هs.o.); pass. du‘ira to be frightened ( لby), get alarmed ( لat); -da‘ira a (da‘ar) to be terrified, alarmed, dismayed IV to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify ( هs.o.) V and VII to be frightened, become alarmed ذريااعdarī‘ stepping lively, walking briskly; rapid, quick; torrential; rapidly spreading, sweeping (death); devastating; intercessor ذعرdu‘r fright, terror, alarm, panic ذريعاdarī‘a pl. ذرائاعdarā’i‘2 medium, means, expedient; pretext, excuse ذرفdarafa i (darf, ذريافdarīf, ذروفdurūf, ذرفارdarafan) to flow, well forth (tears); to shed ( هوtears; said of the eye) II to exceed ( علووan age) X to let flow, shed ( هو tears) ذرقdaraqa i u (darq) to drop excrement (bird) IV do. ذرقdarq droppings, excrement (of a bird) ( ذروand ذرا )ذرىdarā u (darw) to disperse, scatter ( هوs.th.); to carry off, blow away ( هوdust; said of the wind); to winnow, fan ( هوgrain); -- ذرىdarā i (dary) do. II do. IV = I; to throw down, throw off ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) │ ( ا ر اا عووي اا وودماdam‘a) the eye shed tears V to be winnowed, be fanned; to climb ( هوon), scale ( هوs.th.); to seek shade or shelter ( بin, at, under); to take refuge ( بwith), flee ( بto) X to take refuge ( بwith), place o.s. under s.o.’s ()ب protection, flee ( بto s.o.) ذرةdura durra, a variety of sorghum │ ( ذرة شاارميeg.) Indian corn, maize (Zea mays L.); ( ذرة صارراṣafrā’) do. (syr.); ذرة ( عويجااااeg.) a variety of millet (Andropogon Sorghum Brot. var. Schwein furtianus Kcke.); ( ذرة بيضارbaiḍā’) millet (syr.) ذرىdaran protection, shelter ذروةdurwa, dirwa pl. ذرىduran summit; top; peak; culmination, climax, acme, apex ماذرىmidran and ماذارةmidrāh pl. ماذار madārin winnow, winnowing fork ذعااارda‘ar fright, alarm, dismay, consternation ذعارفdu‘āf lethal, deadly, immediately killing (poison) │ ( مااوذ ذعاارفmaut) a sudden, immediate death ذعاda‘aqa a (da‘q) to frighten ( هs.o.) by screaming ذعاda‘ana a (da‘an) and IV to submit, yield, give in ( لto s.o.), obey ( لs.o., an order, etc.); to concede voluntarily, grant willingly ( ل بto s.o. s.th.) اذعااااارid‘ān submissiveness, compliance, obedience مااااذعmud‘in tractable, obedient submissive, pliability, pliable, ماذعرmid‘an pliable, tractable, docile, obedient, obliging, compliant وdafar pungent smell, stench لوdaqan, diqan pl. ا لو نadqān, لوانduqūn chin; -- daqn f., pl. لووانduqūn beard, whiskers │ ل و اا شوويخd. aš-šaik; wormwood, absinthe; وووووااد لووو ظهمkarrū liadqānihim they prostrated themselves; 309 ( غووو ا و اا عموولاحأووواا ووللgariqa fī l‘amal) to be up to one’s neck in work, be swamped by work (properly: to drown in work); ( ضحلاعلوا ل وḍaḥika) pl. علووا لواظهم (eg., syr.) to fool s.o., make fun of s.o., lead s.o. around by the nose ( بwith s.th.); to put on an act for s.o.; ضوحلا و ا ل وto laugh in s.o.’s face ذكارdakara u (dikr, تاذكررtadkār) to remember, bear in mind ( هوs.th.), think ( هوof); to keep in mind ( هوs.th.); to recall, recollect ( هوs.th.); -- (dikr) to speek, talk ( هوof, about); to name, mention, cite, quote ( هو s.th.); to state, designate, indicate ( هs.th.); to give ( هوe.g., foots, data); to point, refer ( هوto s.th.); to report, relate, tell ( هو لs.th. to s.o.) │ تقاااي يااذكرtaqaddumun yudkaru notable progress; ( ال ياااااذكرyudkaru) inconsiderable, not worth mentioning; ذكره ( بخيااار لبااار خيرkair) to have pleasant memories of s.o., hold s.o. in fond remembrance; to speak well of s.o.; ذكاره ( بشارšarr) to have unpleasant memories of s.o.; to speak ill of s.o. II to remind (ه ب s.o. of s.th.), point out ( ه بto s.o. s.th.), call s.o.’s ( )هattention ( بto); to make ( هa word) masculine (gram.) III to parley, negotiate, confer, have a talk, take counsel ( هwith s.o.); to memorize, commit to memory, learn, study ( هوووووone’s assignment, one’s lesson) │ ذاكاار ارو ا (durūsahū) to study one’s lessons, do one’s homework IV to remind ( ه هوs.o. of s.th.), call ( هوs.th.) to s.o.’s ( )هmind V to remember, bear in mind ( هs.th.), think ( هو of s.th.) VI to remind each other ( هوof), revive each other’s memory of ( ;)ه وto confer (together), have a talk, take counsel VIII ااكارiddakara = V; X to remember, recall, keep in mind, know by heart ( هو s.th.) ذكاارdikr recollection, remembrance, reminiscence, memory, commemoration; reputation, repute, renown; naming, stating, mention(ing), quoting, citation; report, account, narration, narrative; invocation of God, mention of the Lord’s name; (in Sufism) incessant repetition of certain words or formulas in praise of God, often accompanied by music and dancing │( علاااك ذكااارwith foll. genit.) apropos of, speaking of ...; وعلاك ذكار ذ ا speaking of that, incidentally, in that connection; ا ااذكر ا حكااييthe Koran; اار ف ا ااذكرabovementioned, afore-mentioned; ااعيا ا ااذكرof blessed memory, deceased, late; ( اشارا باذكرهašāda) to celebrate, praise, commend s.o. or s.th., speak in glowing terms of s.o. or s.th.; ( مر زال علك ذكر مdikr min) he still remembered ..., he could still recall ... ذكارdakar pl. ذكاورdukūr, ذكاورةdukūra, ذكراdukrān male; (pl. )ذكورpenis ذكرةdukra reputation, repute, renown ذكاااارىdikrā pl. ذكرياااارذdikrayāt remembrance, recollection, memory; pl. reminiscences, memoirs ذكيرdakīr steel تاااذكررtadkār, tidkār remembrance; reminder, memento; memory, commemoration; souvenir, keepsake; memorial day │ تاذكرر جمياع ا قاي ايt. jamī‘ al-qiddīsīn All Saints’ Day (Chr.) تاااذكررtadkārī, tidkārī serving to remind, helping the memory; memorial, commemorative تذكرةtadkira reminder; memento تااااذكرةtadkira, mostly pronounced tadkara, pl. تاذاكرtadākir2 message, note; slip, paper, permit, pus; card; ticket; admission ticket │ تذكرة برياpostcard; تذكرة اثباارذ ا شخصاايt. itbāt aš-šakṣīya identity card; تااذكرة ذبااري وايااريt. dahāb wa-iyāb round-trip ticket; ( تااااذكرة ا رصاااايفeg.) platform ticket; تااذكرة اشااتراsubscription ticket; ( تااااذكرة بيااااṭibbīya) medical prescription; تاااذكرة مااارورpermit, pass, laissez-passer; passport; تااذكرة ا ورااو310 (Syr.) identity card (= ب لوةاش صوويةEg.); تذكرة االوتخريt. al-intikāb ballot تااذكرجيtadkarjī, تااذكرtadkarī ticket seller, ticket clerk; (streetcar) conductor تاذكيرtadkīr reminding (of s.o., بof s.th:). reminder, memento; fecundation, pollination (of female blossoms; in pomiculture) مااذاكرةmudākara pl. -āt negotiation, consultation. conference; deliberation (of a court; Syr.); learning, memorizing, memorization; study تااذكرtadakkur memory, remembrance, recollection ا ااااااااتذكرر istidkār memorizing, memorization, committing to memory ذاكرةdākira memory ماذكورmadkūr mentioned; said, abovementioned; celebrated │ اي يكا شايئر ماذكورا lam yakun šai’an m. it was of no importance, it was nothing مذكرmudakkar masculine (gram.) ماذكرةmudakkira pl. -āt reminder; note; remark.; notebook; memorandum, memorial, aide-mémoire, (diplomatic) note; ordinance, decree; treatise, paper, report (of a learned society, = Fr. mémoires); pl. reminiscences, memoirs │ ماذكرة االتااريm. al-ittihām bill of indictment (jur.); ماذكرة ا جلايm. al-jalb writ of habeas corpus; ( ماذكرة شارربيšifāhīya) verbal note (dipl.) ( ذكوand ذكر )ذككdakā u (dukūw, ذكارdakan, ذكار dakā’) to blaze, flare up (fire); to exude a strong odor; -- ذكايdakiya ( ذكارdakā’) to be sharp-witted, intelligent II and IV to cause to blaze, fan ( هوthe fire); to kindle ( هوs.th.) II to immolate an animal X = dakā ذكارdakā’ acumen, mental, acuteness, intelligence, brightness; -- dukā’2 the sun ذكايdakīy pl. اذكيارadkiyā’2 intelligent, sharp-witted, clever, bright; redolent, fragrant; tasty, savory, delicious لdalla i (dall, dull, ال وةdalāla, وةdilla, مل وة madalla) to be low, lowly, humble, despised, contemptible II to lower, debase, degrade, humiliate, humble ( ه و, هs.o., s.th.); to subject, break, subdue, conquer (ه s.o.); to overcome, surmount ( هوووو difficulties, obstacles) IV to lower, debase, degrade, humiliate, humble ( هو, ه s.o., s.th.); to subject, break, subdue, conquer ( هو, هs.o. s.th.) V to lower o.s, humble o.s., cringe ( ا ووor لbefore s.o.); to be humble, obsequious X to think (ه s.o.) low or despicable; to think little (ه of), disesteem ( هs.o.); to deride, flout, disparage, run down ( هs.o.) ل dull lowness, lowliness, insignificance; ignominy, disgrace, shame, degradation, humiliation; humility, humbleness, meekness, submissiveness ووةdilla lowness, baseness, vileness, depravity; submissivness, obsequiousness يلdalīl pl. ا الadillā’2, ا ةadilla low, lowly; despised, despicable, contemptible; docile, tractable, pliable; humble, submissive, abject, servile; obsequious, cowering, cringing والdalūl pl. ولdulul docile, tractable, gentie (animal); female riding camel مل ووةmadalla humbleness, meekness, submissiveness; humiliation تووول يلtadlīl derogation, degradation, bemeaning; overcoming, conquering, surmounting (of difficulties, obstacle, and the like) of an ا اللidlāl degradation, debasement, humiliation تل لtadallul self-abasement 311 للduldul pl. ال لdalādil2 lowest, nethermost part of s.th.; train, hem (of a garment) │ ال لاا سthe mob, the riffraff ا وفadlaf2, f. فوdalfā’, pl. وفdulf having a small and finely chiseled nose قdalq tip, point; tip of the tongue ا حوووااا ول قal-ḥurūf ad-dulq, ا حوووواا ا ل قيووةand ( ا حووووااا لو لقيووةdulaqiya) the liquids r, l, n (phon.) قdalq, daliq, يقdalīq eloquent, glib, facile (tongue) اللوةdalāqa eloquence, glibness (of the tongue) لetc., see ا مdamma u (damm, ملموةmadamma) to blame, find blameworthy, dispraise, criticize (ه s.o.), find fault ( هwith s.o.) II to rebuke, censure sharply ( هs.o.) مdamm censure, dispraise, derogation, disparagement مووةdimma pl موومdimam protection, care, custody; covenant of protection, compact; responsibility, answerableness; financial obligation, liability, debt; inviolability, security of life and property; safeguard, guarantee, security; conscience │ ب لم وةhonestly? really? seriously? و ا مأوand علووا مأوupon my word, truly; بلمأ, و ا مأوin s.o.’s debt, indebted to s.o.; م و ابلمأ وhis debt; علوووا مأ وunder s.o.’s protection; at s.o.’s disposal; for the benefit of s.o. or s.th., for s.o. or some purpose (allocation of funds); هو اعلووا مأو she is financially dependent on him, he has to support her; اهولاا لموةahl ad-d. the free non-Muslim subjects living in Muslim, countries who, in return for paying the capital tax, enjoyed protection and safety; هو هواا لموةof pure conscience, upright, honest; ( بوأا مأbarra’a) to relieve one’s conscience, meet one’s obligation موdimmī a zimmi, a free non-Muslim subject living in a Muslim country (see موة dimma: )اهلاا لمة م مdimām pl. ا موةadimma right, claim, title; protection, custody; security of life and property │ و ا م و ماا ليوولfī d. al-lail under cover of darkness مووويمdamīm censured; blameworthy, objectionable, reprehensible; ugly, unfair, nasty ميموةdamīima pl. مو ئمdamā’im2 blame, censure ملمةmadamma pl. -āt blame, censure مولمامmadmūm censured; blameworthy, objectionable, reprehensible موV to grumble, complain ( مor علوabout) مو رdimār sacred possession, cherished goods; honor تووولموtadammur pl. -āt grumbling, complaint, grievance موdamiya a ( موdamā’) to be in the throes of death موdamā’ last remnant; last breath of life │ ( مو امو اا حيوḥayāh) last breath of life ظوبIV to do wrong, commit a sin, a crime, an offense; to be guilty, be culpable X to find or declare ( هs.o.) guilty of a sin, of a crime, of an offense ظوبdanb pl. ظوابdunūb offense, sin, crime, misdeed ظووبdanab pl. ظووبadnāb tail; end; adherent (pol.), follower, henchman ظبووووو danabī caudal, tail- (in compounds); append aged, appendant, dependent ظيبdunaib petiole, leafstalk (bot.) ملظبmudannab comet موولظبmudnib culpable, guilty; sinner; evildoer, delinquent, criminal 312 هوبdahaba a ( هو بdahāb, مولهبmadhab) to go ( ا ووto); to betake o.s., travel ( ا ووto); to go away, leave, depart; to disappear, vanish, decline, dwindle; to perish, die, be destroyed; with ب: to carry s.th. off, take s.th. away, abduct, steal s.th., sweep s.th. or s.o. away, annihilate, destroy s.th. or s.o.; هوبابو اا ووto lead or conduct s.o. to, take s.o. along to; to think, believe (ا وو s.th.), hold the view, be of the opinion (ا وو that); to escape ( عوs.o.; fig.), slip ( عو s.o.’s mind), هوباع و اانto lose sight of the fact that ..., forget that ... ; to ignore, skip, omit ( عوs.th.); (with imperf.) to prepare to ..., be about to ... │ هوباوجوto go back and forth, walk up and down; هوباا وواابعودا ( مab‘ada) to go beyond ... (fig.); مو ايولهبا ( و اظزعأ وnaz‘atihī) what follows along these lines; !( اي ايولهبابولyudhabu) the idea of it! you can’t mean it! ( هوباسودىsudan) to be futile, be in vain, be of no avail; هبا ( ا را اا ويو حadrāja r-riyāḥ) to go the ways of the winds, i.e., to pass unnoticed, without leaving a trace; to end in smoke, come to nothing, be futile, be in vain; هبا ( كوبمساا ودابوka-amsi d-dābir) to vanish into thin air, disappear without leaving a trace (lit.: like yesterday gone by); ( هباببه ئوbibahā’ihi) to take the glamor away from s.th.; ( هوباب فسوbi-nafsihī) to kill s.o. (joy, terror, etc.); ( هوباب ي وbi-kayālihī) to let one’s imagination wander ( ا ووto); هووبا ( ملهبوووmadhabahū) to embrace s.o.’s madhab (see below); to follow s.o.’s teaching, make s.o.’s belief one’s own, embrace s.o.’s ideas; to adopt s.o.’s policy, proceed exactly like s.o.; هوباكولا ( مولهبkulla madhabin) to do everything conceivable, leave no stone unturned, go to greatest lengths II to gild ( هوs.th.) IV to cause to go away, make disappear, remove, eliminate ( هوs.th.); to take away ( هs.th., عfrom s.o.) موولهبII tamadhaba (deriv. of موولهب madhab) to follow, adopt, embrace ( بa teaching, a religion, etc.) هوبdahab (m. and f.) gold; gold piece, gold coin │O ( هباابيabyaḍ) platinum هبوdahabī golden, of gold; precious, excellent, apposite (e.g., advice, saying, etc.) │ آيووةا هبيووةgolden word, maxim, epigram هبيوةdahabīya pl. -āt dahabeah, a long light-draft houseboat, used on the Nile ه و بdahāb going; passing, passage, falling away, decrease, dwindling, loss, disappearance; leave, departure; trip, journey; outward-bound trip or journey (as opposed to ايوو بiyāb return trip; railroad); opinion, view ( ا وواانthat) │ه بو ا ( واي بوiyāban) there and back; back and forth, up and down; تووولكو ا هووو باوايووو ب tadkarat d. wa-iyāb round-trip ticket هابduhūb going │ هواباومو بcoming and going; وو اجيئووةاو هووابcoming and going, in a state of fluctuation, having its ups and downs ملهبmadhab pl. ملاهبmadāhib2 going, leave, departure; way out, escape ( ع و from); manner followed, adopted procedure or policy, road entered upon; opinion, view, belief; ideology; teaching, doctrine; movement, orientation, trend (also pol.); school; mazhab, orthodox rite of fiqh (Isl. Law); religious creed, faith, denomination │O ( ملهب ا اا حيḥayāh) his philosophy of life, his weltanschauung; ( ا مووولهباا موووmāddī) the materialistic ideology, the materialistic approach to life; هوبامولهب ابعيوداto go very far, be very extensive موووووولهب madhabī confessional; sectarian denominational, ملهبيةmadhabīya sectarianism 313 اهوبdāhib: اهوباا لوانd. al-laun faded, colorless, discolored ملهابابmadhūb bihī and ملهاباا عقولm. al-‘aql out of one’s mind, demented ملهبmudahhab gilded هوولdahala a (dahl, هووالduhūl) to forget, overlook, omit, neglect, fail to heed ( عو s.th.); -- dahlia a ( هووالduhūl) to be perplexed, alarmed, dismayed, startled, surprised, baffled; to be astonished, be amazed; to frighten, scare, take alarm, flinch; to be absent-minded, be distracted; to be or become distracted ( ع وfrom), forget, overlook, fail to heed, neglect ( عو s.th.) IV to baffle, startle, nonplus ( هs.o.); to distract ( ه عوs.o. from), make ( هs.o.) forget ( عs.th.) VII = dahila هووالduhūl perplexity, consternation, bafflement, daze, stupor; confusion, bewilderment, dismay, alarm, fright; surprise; amazement, astonishment; absentmindedness, distractedness ( عfrom) distraction, اهوووول diJAil negligent, forgetful, oblivious, distracted, absent-minded; dazed, in a stupor مووولهالmadhūl perplexed, startled, alarmed, dismayed, dazed, confused, baffled, bewildered; distracted, absentminded هلاmudhil startling, baffling, amazing م ووولهلmundahil alarmed, dismayed, perplexed, startled, baffled; distracted, absent-minded هdihn pl. ا ه نadhān mind; intellect هdihnī mental, intellectual ه يةdihnīya mentality وdū, genit. dī, acc. اdā, f. اdāt, pl. m. ووdawū, او واulū, pl. f. واdawāt (with foll. genit.) possessor, owner, holder or muter of, endowed or provided with, embodying or comprising s.th. │ واعقولdū ‘aql endowed with brains, bright, intelligent; وامو لrich, wealthy; واصوحةdū ṣiḥḥa healthy; واشوبنdū ša’n important, significant; واا قوبوووdū l-qurbā relative, kin(sman); ( غيووا ازرzar‘) uncultivated (land); مو ا البولmin dī qablu than before; موووو ا اظفسووووof one’s own accord, spontaneously; ووهdawūhu his relatives, his kin, his folk; وواا معو ووةdawū lmawadda wa-l-ma‘rifa friends end acquaintances; وواا شوبهdawū š-šubuhāt dubious persons, people of ill repute; ووا ا شووبنdawū š-ša’n important, influential people; the competent people (or authorities), those concerned with the matter; او وااااالمووulū l-amr rulers, leaders; او ووووااا حوووولاوا عقوووودulū l-hall wa-l-‘aqd influential people, those in power اdāt pl. واdawāt being, essence, nature; self; person, personality; the same, the selfsame; -self; ا ولواpeople of rank, people of distinction, notables; اتوdātan personally │ ا ا اا بووووووي d. al-bain disagreement, dissension, disunion, discord, enmity; friendship; ا اا ج بd. aljanb pleurisy (med.); ا اا وئووةd. ar-ri’a pneumonia; ا اا صدرd. aṣ-ṣadr disease of the chest, pectoral ailment; ا اا يودd. al- yad wealth, affluence; ا اايوديd. aidīnā our possessions; ا اا يمويdāta l-yamīn to the right, ا اا شووم لdāta š-šimāli to the left, ا اا يس و رdāta l-yasāri do.; ا امووو dāta marratin once, one time, و ا ا امووfī dāti marratin do.; ا ايوامdāta yaumin one day, ا ا ايامfī dāti yaumin do.; ا ا اغود fī dāti gadin sometime in the future, before long; ... و ا ا اfī dāti ... (with foll. genit.) as to …, concerning ..., with reference to …, re; ب وولاbi-d-dāt none other than ..., ... of all things, ... of all 314 people; personally, in person; اظو اب ولاI, of all people, ..., none other than I ...; و ا ودنا ب ولاin London, of all places; ا سوع اب ولا (sa‘āda) essential happiness, happiness proper; ا اظفسوdāt nafsihī, ا ااظفسووهمd. anfusihim his sejf, their selves, his (their) very nature; هواا اتو, ( هواابلاتوhe) himself; ا اا ش وthe same thing; ا اادشوويthe same things; ( ا س و ةا اته وsana) the same year; لاتوby himself (itself); in itself; as such; for his (its) own sake; و ا ات وin itself; احدا اتfī ḥaddi d. do.; ل ئمابلاتselfexistent, independent, self-contained, isolated; ( ا ثقوةاب ولاtiqa) self-confidence; حوووباا ووولاḥubb ad-d. and محبوووةاا ووولا maḥabbat ad-d. self-love, selfishness, egoism; االعأم و اعلووواا وولاself-confidence, self-reliance; صووياابلاتوself-evident, selfexplanatory; م و ل ا ات وmunāqiḍ dātahū self-contradictory; ابووو ا واibn dawāt descended from a good family, highborn ات وdātī own, proper; self-produced, self-created, spontaneous; personal; selfacting, automatic; subjective (philos.); (pl. -ūn) subjectivist (philos.); اتيوdātīyan of o.s., by o.s.; personally, in person │ ا حكوما ( ا لاتḥukm) autonomy اتيووةdātīya personality; subjectivism (philos.); identity (of a person) │تحقيووقا ا لاتيةidentification (of a person) الا اتيةlā-dātīya impersonality واتdawātī high-class, exclusive, luxurious 1 وابةsee أب 1 ) اباي وبةdāba u (daub), (daub, ) وب و نto dissolve; to melt; to melt away; to liquefy, deliquesce; to dwindle away, vanish; to pine away, waste away (حسوووو اواسوووو ḥasratan wa-asan with grief and sorrow) │ ( اباحيوhayā’an) to die of shame; ابوتا ( اظفو رها وaẓfāruhū) to strive in vain for, make futile efforts in order to II to dissolve, melt, liquefy ( ه وs.th.) IV to dissolve (also, e.g., tablets in water), liquefy ( هوs.th.); to melt ( هوs.th.); to smelt ( هوmetal); to consume, spend, exhaust, use up, sap ( هوs.th.) │( ا اباجهودهjuhdahū) to exhaust s.o.’s energy; ا اباعصو ر ام و ا و (‘uṣārata mukkihī) to rack one’s brain with وبdaub dissolution; solution (also, as a liquid) وبوو نdawabān dissolution, melting, deliquescence, liquefaction │وبووو ناا وووثل ا يا ثلووا ةd. at-talj (at-tulūj) snowbreak, thaw; ل بوولا لوولوب نqābil li-d-d. meltable, soluble, dissoluble تووولويبtadwīb dissolution, solution, melting, liquefaction ا ابووووةidāba dissolution, melting, liquefaction solution, ائووبdā’ib dissolved; melted, molten; salable, dissoluble اand واsee و ا اي و ةdāda u (daud, يوdiyād) to scatter, drive away, chase away; to remove ( هو عو, هs.o., s.th. from); to defend, protect ( عو s.o., s.th.) │ ( ا اا واماعو اعي وan-nauma ‘an ‘ainihī) to drive or keep the sleep from his eyes وdaud defense, protection ( ع وof s.th.) يوdiyād defense, protection ( عوof s.th.) مولوmidwād pl. مولاوmadāwid manger, crib, feeding trough ائووودdā’id pl. protector ا dāda defender, ا اي و ةdāqa u (dauq, واdawāq, موولا madāq) to taste, sample ( هوfood, etc.); to try, try out, teat ( هوs.th.); to get a taste 315 ( هof s.th.), experience, undergo, suffer ( هو s.th.), go through s.th. ( )هوIV to have (ه s.o.) taste or sample ( هs.th.), give ( ه هs.o. s.th.) to taste V to taste ( هوs.th.) slowly, repeatedly, thoroughly; to get a taste ( هوof s.th.); to sense, perceive ( هوs.th.); to enjoy thoroughly, savor, relish ( هووs.th.); to derive pleasure ( مfrom) وdauq pl. ا واadwāq gustatory sense; taste ( لfor; also, e.g., literary taste); perceptivity, responsiveness ( ووو for); sensitivity, sensitiveness; savoirvivre, suavity, urbanity, tact; liking, inclination; taste, flavor (of food, etc.) │ ا لو اا سليمgood taste ولdauqī of taste, gustative, gustatory واdawāq taste واdawwāq epicure, connoisseur, gourmet, bon vivant ملاmadāq taste ائقةdā’iqa sense of taste وىdawā i and dawiya a to wither, wilt, fad.; to be withered, be dry IV to cause to wilt, to dry اوdāwin withered, faded, drooping see و ا اي يوواةdā’a i ( يوواduyū‘) to spread, get about, circulate, be spread, be disseminated, be or become widespread; to leak out, become public, become generally known IV to spread. spread out, disseminate, propagate ( هوor بs.th.); to make known, announce, make public, publicize, publish ( هووor بs.th.); to promulgate ( هووor بs.th.); to show, manifest, display ( ه وor بs.th.), give evidence ( هوor بof); to reveal, disclose, divulge ( هوor بs.th.); to emit ( هوelectric waves); to broadcast, transmit ( هs.th., علوو to the public; radio) │ ( ا ا ابو ألفزtalfaza) to telecast ( هs.th.) يوووووووووا duyū‘ widespreadness, commonness; spreading, spread, dispersion, diffusion; circulation (of news) موليmidyā‘ pl. مولايياmadāyī‘2 telltale, talebearer, tattler, blabber,: indiscret person; radio station, broadcasting station; broadcasting; microphone; O radio set ا اعووةidā‘a spreading, dissemination, propagation; announcement, proclamation; publication; revelation, disclosure; playback (of a tape; as opposed to recording); broadcasting, radio; (pl. -āt) (radio) broadcast, transmission │ ا اعووةااد ب و رi. al-akbāir newscast, news (radio); ا اعووووةاتلفزيووووة (talfazīya) television broadcast, telecast; ( ا اعوةاالسولكيةlā-silkīya) and ا اعوةارا يا اظيوة radio broadcast; broadcasting, radio; ا اعوةا ا با يسpolice radio; مجلوةااإل اعوةmajallat ali. radio magazine ائووووا dā’i‘ widespread, common, general; circulating, in circulation; widely known │ ائااا صويتd. aṣ-ṣīt famous, noted, renowned, widely known مووولياmudī‘ spreader, disseminator, propagator, proclaimer; broadcasting, transmitting (used attributively); (radio) transmitter; radio announcer مليعوةmudī‘a pl. -āt woman announcer (radio) يولII to furnish ( هوs.th., esp. a book) with an appendix, add a supplement ( ه وto); to provide ( هوs.th.) at the end ( بwith) IV to trample underfoot, degrade, debase ( ه و s.th.) يولdail pl. يوالduyūl, ا يو لadyāl the lowest or rearmost part of s.th., lower end; tail; hem, border (of a garment); train (of a skirt); lappet, coat tail; bottom, foot, end (of a page); appendage, appendicle; add.nda, supplement, appendix (of a book); retinue, 316 attendants, suite; dependent; result, consequence │ و ا يل و immediately thereafter: ه هواا ليلinnocent, blameless, upright, honest; ههووو ر اا وووليل ṭahārat ad-d. innocence, moral integrity, probity, uprightness, honesty; هايوولاا ووليل long, lengthy, extensive: تمسوووولاب ي وووو tamassaka bi-adyālihī to cling to s.o.’s coat tails, hold on to s.o.; جوواعليو ا يولاا عفو (jarra, ‘alaihi) to wipe out s.th., bring about the doom of s.th., let s.th. sink into oblivion: ال ابب ي لاا شto resort to s.th. ر راrā’ name of the letter ر رئةri’a pl. رئانri’ūn, رئri’āt lung رئووواri’awī pulmonary, pulmonic, pneumonic, of or pertaining to the lung, lung (used attributively) رأبra’aba a (ra’b) to mend, repair, patch up ( هوa rent, and the like); to rectify, put in order, set right ( هs.th.) ر بةru’ba patch (for mending a rent) مووأبmir’ab pl. موائوبmarā’ib2 repair shop, garage ( رابارFr. rapport) report راتيratinaj resin ( رتي ة = راتي ةlook up alphabetically) رru’d soft, tender; ru’d and delicate young girl رئووودri’d pl. approximately contemporary ( أو ارfatāh) ارآar’ād person of the same age, را ارrādār radar را يك لradikālī radical را ياrādiyō radio را يا اجradiyōlōjī radiology را يووووامradiyūm radioactive gladly; juts as you wish! at your service! ‘ علووار وساادشوهalā r. il-ašhād in public, for all the world to see; رأس و اعلووواعقووب ra’san ‘alā ‘aqbin upside down, topsyturvy, e.g., للب ارأس اعلواعقب317 (qalabahū) to turn s.th. completely upside down, upset s.th. from the bottom up; ا ووأساا ووا ( ا قوودمqadam) or م و اا وووأساا ووواأ مووصاا قوودم (akmaṣi l-qadam) from head to toe; ر واابو ا رأسوto pay attention to s.th.; رأسااب وthe principal evil, the root of all evil; رأسات وار Ras Tanura (cape. E Saudi Arabia, oil center); رأساثامr. tūm clove of garlic: رأسا ا جسووووr. al-jisr bridgehead; رأساح ميوووة (ḥāmiya) hothead, hotspur, firebrand; رأسا ا سو ةr. as-sana New Year; رأساا عمواr. al‘amūd capital (of a column or pilaster); رأساا كأو بletter-head; رأساا مو لpl. ر وسا ا موو لcapital (fin.): مسووقطاا وووأسmasqaṭ, masqiṭ ar-r. birthplace, home town; سومطا ا ووأسsamṭ ar-r. zenith (astron.); ا بلوداا ووأس (balad) the capital city; ر وساادصووو با tiptoes │ا وارا يوووواما عوووول رأسوra’sī head (adj.), cephalic; main, chief, principal; perpendicular, vertical رأرأra’ra’a: ( رأرأابعي وbi-‘ainaihī) to roll one’s eyes رأسومra’s-mālī capitalistic; (pl. -ūn) capitalist radium رأسra’asa a ( رئ سوةri’āsa) to be at the head, be the chairman, be in charge ( هوof s.th.); to preside ( ه وover s.th.); to had, lead, direct, manage, run ( ه وs.th.); -- ر س ra’usa u to be the chief, the leader II to appoint as chief or head, make the director or leader, entrust with the direction, management or chairmanship ( هs.o.) V = ra’asa VIII to become or be the chief, head, leader, or director رأسra’s m. and f., pl. ر وسru’ūs, ار سar’us head (also as a enumerative of cattle); chief, chieftain, head, leader; upper part, upper end; tip; top, summit, peak; vertex, apex; extremity, end; promontory, headland, cape (geogr.); main part; beginning: رأسوra’san directly, straightway; immediately │ بوأسووووsui generis, in a class by itself, independent, self-contained, e.g., ‘( علووومابوأسوووilm) a science in itself; ( رأسابوأسboth) alike, one like the other, equally, without distinction: ( علوارأسwith foll. genit.) at the head of; at the end of; at the beginning of, before, prior to; ( علوواا ووأساوا عويwa-l-‘ain) very رأسم يةra’s-mālīya capitalism رئويسra’īs pl. ر سوru’asā’ one at the head, or in charge, of; head; chieftain; leader; chief, boss; rais; director; headmaster, principal, chairman; governor; president; manager, superintendent; conductor (mus.); superior (as distinguished from مووو وسsubordinate); (mil.) captain (Ir. 1922. Leb.; formerly also Syr. And Eg.); ( رئوويسااولawwal) military rank between captain and major (= Fr. capitaine 1ière classe; Ir. 1922, Syr. 1952) │ ارئيساادس لفةarchbishop; رئيساا بلدية r. al-baladīya chief of a municipality, mayor; رئويساا أحويووeditor-in-chief; رئويسا اركوو ناا حوووبr. arkān al-ḥarb chief of general staff; رئوويساا أشووويفr. at-tašrīfāt chief of protocol, master of ceremonies (of the king; formerly Ir.); رأساا شم سوومة archdeacon; رئوويساعو وr. ‘urafā’ (mil.) master sergeant (Ir., Syr.); رئويساادلسو مr. al-aqsām technical director general (of the State Railways; Eg.); رئوويساا وواابr. annuwwāb president of parliament, speaker of the (lower) house; رئويساهيئوةااركو ناا حووب r. hai’at arkān al-ḥarb chief of general staff; رئويساا وازراr. al-wuzarā’ and رئويسا ا ازارprime minister, premier رئيسوووةra’īsa manageress; directress; mother superior رئيسوووra’īsī main, chief, principal, leading │ ( ورارئيس وdaur) leading role, leading part; ( سوببارئيسوsabab) principal cause, main reason; شووو ر ارئيسوووmain street; ا ف ووو ئلاا وئيسووويةcardinal virtues (Chr.); ( مق وووةارئيسووويةmaqāla) editorial, leading article, leader □ ريسrayyis (= )رئيسmate (naval rank; Eg.) │( رئوويساممأو زmumtāz) a naval rank (approx. = petty officer 3rd class; Eg. 1939) رئ سووةri’āsa, ري سووةriyāsa (also )رآسووة leadership, leading position; management, direction; chairmanship; presidency, presidentship; supervision, superintendency │ ارئ سووووةاا ووووازارprime ministry, premiership; اراا وي سووووووووة presidential palace, seat of the chief executive of a country توو سtara‘‘us direction, management; chairmanship روائوسrawā’is2 cliffs lining river bode (wadis) موو وسmar’ūs subordinate; (pl. -ūn) a subordinate, a subaltern رأاra’afa a and ر اra’ufa u ( رأ وةra’fa, رآ وة ra’āfa) to show mercy ( بon s.o.), have pity ( بwith s.o.), be kind, gracious, merciful ( بto s.o.) V do. رأ وووةra’fa and رآ وووةra’āfa morcy, compassion, pity: kindliness graciousness ر واra’ūf merciful, compassionate; kind, benevolent; gracious ارأاar’af kindlier, more gracious (ب toward) 318 را يrāfiyā raffia, raftia palm 1 رأمra’ama a (ra’m) to repair, mend ( هs.th.) 2 رئمra’ima a ( رئم نri’mān) to love tenderly ( هو s.th.), be very fond ( هووof); to treat tenderly, fondle, cares ( هs.th.) رئومri’m pl. ارآمar’ām white antelope, addax ر ومra’ūm loving, tender (mother to her children) راماrāmallāh Ramallah (town in W Jordan, N of Jerusalem) راميووةrāmiya ramie, a strong, lustrous bast fiber; China jute (bot.) راوظدrāwand rhubarb 1 رأىra’ā يووىyarā (ra’y, ر يوةru’ya) to see; to behold, descry, perceive, notice, observe, discern ( هوs.th.); to look ( هو هوat s.th. as), regard ( ه و ه وs.th. as), consider, deem, think ( ه هs.th. to be ...); to judge; to be of the opinion ( انthat), believe, think (ان that); to express one’s opinion; to feel (ان that); to deem appropriate, think proper ( هو s.th.), decide ( هوon s.th., انto do s.th.); to consider, contemplate │ أرأيوتa-ra’aita tell me! what do you think? رأىارأ اا عووي (ra’ya l-ain) to see with one’s own eyes; ( رأىار يوru’yā) to have a dream; رأىام و ا ‘( ا عجوبajaba) to be amazed at s.th.; رأىا لشو ا ئودexpect some benefit from s.th.; ( رأىامو اواجبوmin wājibihī) to regard as one’s duty, deem incumbent upon o.s.; رأىا و اانto think that it would be in s.o.’s interest to ...; ( رأىارأيوra’yahū) to share s.o.’s. opinion; pass.: ( ر اانru’iya) it was decided that ...; ر اا شوit was felt proper to do III it was thought to be the right thing to do ill to act ostentatiously, make a show before people, attitudinize; to do eyeservice; to behave hypocritically, act the hypocrite, (dis)simulate, dissemble ( هtoward s.o.) IV ارىarā to show, demonstrate ( ه هto s.o. s.th.) ي اتوىyā turā (in interrogative sentences) what’s your opinion? would you say ...? │I wonder ..., مأووواي و اتوووىI wonder when ..., توووىاهوول wonder if ..., would you say that ...? اتواهو ا ( جوa-tarāhā) I wonder if she has come, would you say she has come? اتواظو ااعوا would you say I should go back? V to deem, think, believe VI to present o.s. to or come into s.o.’s ( )لview, show o.s. (ل to s.o.); to appear, seem ( لto s.o.); to appear right, seem appropriate ( لto s.o.), be thought proper ( لby s.o.); to see one another; to look at o.s. (in a mirror); to act the hypocrite; to fake, feign, simulate (ب s.th.) VIII to consider, contemplate ( ه و s.th.); to be of the opinion ( انthat), decide ( انthat) │ ( ارتوبىارأيوra’yan) to have an opinion; ( ارتوبىارأيوra’yahū) to share s.o.’s opinion موئوmar’īy seen; visible; ا موئيوthe visible things, the visible world رأra’y pl. آراārā’ opinion, view; idea, notion, concept, conception; advice, suggestion, proposal; (Isl. Law) subjective opinion, decision hued on one’s individual judgment (not on Koran and Sunna) │ا و ا رأيوand ع ودارأيوin my opinion; اظو امو اهولاا ا وأI am of this opinion; م ارأي اانhe is of the opinion that ...; ( أ ولاا ووأ اعلووukida) it was put to the vote, (the matter) was voted upon; ومايكو اع ودارأيهومhe was not what they had expected; مايك ا ا يو ارأhe had no say in the matter; ‘( ا ووأ اا ع و مāmm) public opinion; واا وووأpl. وواابراsensible, judicious; man of good sense and judgment; well-informed, knowledgeable person, one in the know; تب لاابراtabādul al-ārā’, exchange of views; صوولباا ووأ ṣulba ar-r. obstinate, stubborn, opinionated; لسماا وأqism ar-r. committee of experts, council on legal and economio matters (attached to the ministries; Eg.) موووواmurā’in pl. مووووا ونmurā’ūun hypocrite رايةrāya pl. -āt banner, flag 319 ر يووةru’ya seeing, looking, viewing; inspection, examination ر يوru’ya pl. ر ىru’an vision; dream │ اسفواا و يsifr ar-r. the هpocalypse (Chr.) مووووأىmar’an sight, view; vision; apparition │ اعلووواموووأىامووbefore s.o.’s eyes; ( علووواموووأىاومسووماام وwa-masma‘in) before the eyes and ears of; with full knowledge of 2 3 4 رئةand رئاsee ر اراrāy an Egyptian variety of salmon ارايةsee 2ارأى ربrabba u (rabb, رب بوةribāba) to be master, be lord, have possession ( هو, هof), control ( هوو, هووs.o., s.th.), have command or authority ( هو, هover); -- u (rabb) and II to raise, bring up ( هa child) II to deify, idolize ( ه, هs.o., s.th.) ربrabb pl. اربو بarbāb lord; master; owner, proprietor (Isl. Law); (with foil. genit.) one possessed of, endowed with, having to do with, etc.; ا ووبthe Lord (= God) │ ( ربابحوووbaḥrī) a naval rank (approx. = seaman; Eg.); رباا ع ئلوةfather of the family, paterfamilias; ارب باا سل نa. as-sulṭān the rulers; اربووو باا مووو لthe capitalists; صوووعا اا ووووبthe هوووscension (Chr.); اربوووو باا مع شووووa. al-ma’āšāt pensioners; اربو باا سواابقthose previously convicted; ارب باا ف انartists ربوةrabba pl. -āt mistress; lady │ربوةا ا م وزلr. al-manzil the lady of the house; رب وةاا بيووتr. al-bait landlady; رب وةاشووعوهr. ši‘rihī his muse; ربو اا حجو لr. al-ḥijāl the ladies ربrubb pl. رب بribāb, ربوابrubūb rob, thickened juice (of fruit): mash, pulp موووآmir’āh pl. مووواmarā’in, موايوو marāyā looking glass, mirror; reflection, reflected image ربrubba (with fol. indet. genit.) many a, e.g., ( ربارجولrajulin) many a man, ربا ( موmarratin) many a time □ موايووةmirāya pl. -āt looking glass mirror ربموووrubbamā sometimes; perhaps, maybe, possibly رئ وri’ā and ري وriyā’ eyeservice; hypocrisy, dissimulation; dissemblance; simulation ( بof s.th.) ربوةrabba, ribba a kind of skin eruption affecting the head and face مووووواآ, موووووا اmurā’āh eyeservice; hypocrisy, dissimulation, dissemblance; simulation ( بof s.th.) راrā’in viewer, onlooker, spectator, observer O رائيوةrā’iya pl. -āt view finder (of a camera) رب و بrabāib, رب بووةrabāba rebab or rebec, a stringed instrument of the هوrabs resembling the fiddle, with one to three strings (in Eg. usually two-stringed) ربيوبrabīb pl. -āt اربوaribbā’ foster son, stepson; foster father; confederate, ally ربيبووةrabība pl. رب ئووبrabā’ib2 foster daughter, stepdaughter; foster mother; (woman) ally ربابيةrubūbīya divinity, deity, godship رب و نrubbān pl. -īya, رب ب ووةrabābina captain, skipper; a naval rank, approx. = captain, ( ربوووو ناثوووو نtānin) approx. = commander (Eg. 1939) ربو ظrabbānī divine; pertaining to God │ اا وب ظيوووdivine things; ا صوووال اا وب ظيوووةا (ṣalāh) the Lord’s Prayer (Chr.) ( موبوةeg.) mirabba (= موبووmurabban) jam, preserved fruit 320 رابrābb stepfather رابةrābba stepmother ربوبraba’a a to hold in esteem, esteem highly ( بs.o.); If '! 4J to consider s.o. above s.th., above doing s.th., have too high an oplnion of s.o. as to suspect him of (doing) s.th. or as to expect him to do s.th.; ( ربوباب فسو اعوbi.-nafsii) to deem o.s. above s.th., be too proud for, stand aloof from ربيئةrabī’a pl. رب يrabāya guard ربتrabata i (rabt) to pat, caress, stroke ( هs.o.) II do. │( ربوتاعلووا ودهkaddihi) to pat s.o.’s cheek; ( ربوتاعلوواكأفوkatifihi) to pat s.o. on the shoulder; ربوتاظفسوto be self-satisfied, self-complacent, smug ربواrabiḥa a (ribḥ, rabaḥ) to gain ( مو هوfrom s.th. s.th.), profit ( موfrom); to win (sports, games) │( مووو اربحوووتاتجووو رتهمtijāratuhum) their business was unprofitable II and IV to make ( هs.o.) gain, allow s.o. ( )هa profit ربوواribḥ pl. اربو حarbāḥ gain, profit; benefit; interest (on money); pl. proceeds, returns, revenues; O dividends │ربواابسويط simple interest, ( ربوووااموكوووبmurakkab) compound interest رب حrabbāḥ pl. رب بياrabābīḥ2 monkey اربووواarbaḥ2 more profitable, more lucrative موابحوةmurābaḥ (Isl. Law) resale with specification of gain, resale with an advance رابوواrābiḥ profiteer, gainer, winner; beneficiary; lucrative, gainful, profitable (business) مووووووباmurbiḥ profitable lucrative, gainful, ربوودV to become clouded, become overcast (sky); to turn ashen, take on a glowering expression (face, with anger) IX to become ashen, assume a glowering expression (face) موبودmurbadd clouded; gloomy, morose (face) ربوصrabaṣa u (rabṣ) to wait, look, watch, be on the lookout ( بfor) V to lurk, lie in wait ( لfor s.o.), waylay, ambush ( لs.o.); to lay an ambush, move into an ambush; to take up positions (mil.); to expect ( هو, ب s.th.), wait ( هو, بfor s.th.) │تووبصاا فوصوة (furṣata) to wait (or look) for an opportunity; ( تووبصاادمووamra) to wait for s.th. to befall s.o. or to happen to s.o., e.g., ; تووبصابو اا ودوائوto wait; for s.o. to meet with disaster توبصtarabbuṣ probationary term (adm.) مأوبصmutarabbiṣ candidate, aspirant ربوrabaḍa (rabḍ, rubūd) to lie down; to lie, rest (animals; with the chest to the ground); to lurk ( لfor s.o.) ربوrabaḍ pl. اربوarbāḍ outskirts, suburb; place where animals lie down to rest موبmarbaḍ pl. موابmarābiḍ2 place where animals lie down to rest; sheep pen, fold ربوطrabaṭa u i (rabṭ) to bind, tie up, make fast, moor ( هوs.th.); to tie, fasten, attach, hitch ( هو ا ووs.th. to); to connect ( هو ا ووs.th. with); to fix, appoint, determine ( هوs.th.); to value, rate, assess ( ه وs.th.); to add, append, affix ( هو ا ووs.th. to); to insert (ا وو هs.th. in); to combine, unite ( هs.th., بي ا–ا وبويs.th. with); to ligate ( هوs.th.), apply a tourniquet ( هوto); to bandage, dress ( هوa wound); to bridle, check ( هو, علووs.th.); to brake ( هوa train); to suspend ( هa cleric; Chr.) │ ( ربوطا سو ظlisānahū) to silence s.o.; (ربوطاعلووواللبو اqalbihī) to fortify s.o., give s.o. patience (said of God); ربووطاجبشوو (ja’šahū) to keep one’s self-control, remain calm, be undismayed; 321 ربووطا ا ويقوةto practice highway robbery III to be lined up, posted, stationed (troops); to line up, take up positions; to be moored (ship); to move into fighting positions │ ( رابوطا و ال وويأqaḍīyatihī) to defend the cause of, fight for VIII to bind o.s., commit o.s. engage o.s.; to be bound (ب by, also, e.g., by an obligation), be tied (ب to); to be linked, be connected ( بwith); to depend ( بon); to unite, join forces ربوووطrabṯ binding, tying; fastening, joining, attaching, connecting; fixation, determination (of an amount, of a number); valuation, assessment │ اربوطامو financial allocation; اهولاا حولاوا ووبطahl alḥall wa-r. infIuentiBJ people, those in power; مك و ناا ووبطmakān ar-r. (welded) seam, weld (techn.) ربوطrabaṭ (tun.) section, quarter (of a city), suburb ربووطrabṭa pl. -āt, رب و هribāṭ ribbon, band, bandage; bundle; parcel, package │ رب ةاا ولبوةr. ar-raqaba necktie; ربوطاا سو r. as-sāq garter; رب ةاا قاmoney purse ربو هribāṭ pl. -āt, ربوطrubuṭ, ارب وةarbiṭa ribbon, band; ligature, ligament; bandage; dressing (of a wound); bond, fetter, shackle; -- suspension (of a cleric; Chr.); (pl. -āt, ربوطrubuṭ) inn for travelers, caravansary; hospice (for Sufis or the poor) │ رب هااالجوبةr. al-ajriba garter; ربو ها ا جزموةr. al-jazma shoestring; ربو هاا ولبوةr. ar-raqaba necktie ربو هribāṭ, ربو هاا فوأاribāṭ al-fatḥ Rabat (capital of Morocco) رب هاا جوبشribāṭ al-ja’š composure, selfcontrol, calmness, intrepidity مووبطmarbiṭ, marbaṭ pl. مووابطmarābiṭ2 place where aniimals are tied up مووبطmirbaṭ pl. مووابطmarābiṭ2 hawser, mooring cable; rope; O terminal (el.) ارتب هirtibāṭ connectedness, connection, link; contact, 1iaison; tie ( بto); obligation, engagement, commitment; bearing ( بon), connection (( بwith), relation (ب to); unity; league, confederation │اب ودوناارتب و هbidūn irt, not binding, without obligation (com.); ضو بطا ارتب هliaison officer رابطاا جوبشrābiṭ al-ja’š composed, calm, unruffled, undismayed, fearless راب ووةrābiṭa pl. روابووطrawābiṭ2 band; bond, tie; connection, link; confederation, union, league │ اروابوطاا صودالةr. aṣ-ṣadāqa bonds of friendship; ا واب ووووةااالسووووالمية (Islāmīya) the Moslem League موبوووواهmarbūṭ bound; connected; fastened, tied, moored ( ا وووto); fixed, appointed; fixed salary; estimate (of the budget) موووووابطmurābiṭ posted, stationed; garrisoned (troops); Marabout │اا جوويشا ( ا موباهjaiš) the Territorial Army (Eg.) م ووتبطmurtabiṭ connected, linked (ب with); bound, committed ( بby); depending, conditional ( بon) ربواraba‘a a to gallop (horse); -- to sit; to squat; to stay, live II to quadruple, multiply by four, increase fourfold ( ه و s.th.); to square ( هوa number) V to sit or sit down cross-legged; to sit │اتوبوااعلووا ‘(ا عووشarš) to mount the throne, sit on the throne ربواrab‘ pl. ربواrubū‘, ربوribā‘, اربو arbā‘, اربوووواarba‘ home, residence, quarters; pl. رب واregion, area territory, lands; ( ربوواgroup of) people │اا وبووواا ا وRub‘ al Khali (desert region in S Arabia) رباrib‘: حمواا وبواḥummā r-rib‘ quartan (fever) ربواrub‘ pl. ااربوarbā‘ quarter, fourth part; roubouh, a dry measure 322 (Eg. = = لودح8.25 l); (syr.) 25-piaster piece │ربواا س اr. sanawī quarterly, trimestral ربعrub‘ī quarterly, trimestral ربعوةrab‘a: ربعوةاا قواامr. al-qiwām and ربعةاا ق موةr. al-qāma (m. and f.) or medium height, medium sized ربعوةrub‘a robhah, a dry measure (Eg.; = = لدح0.516 l) رب وrabbā‘ athlete (boxer, wrestler, weight lifter, etc.) ربي واrabī‘ spring, springtime, vernal season; name of the third and fourth months of the Muslim year ( ربيوااادولr. alawwali Rabia I, and ربيوااا ثو ظr. at-tānī Rabia Il); quarter, fourth part اربع وةarba‘a (f. اربوواarba‘) four │وا اادربووووا dawāt al-arba‘ the quadrupeds اربعوةاعشووarba‘ata ‘ašara (f. اربوااعشوو arba‘a ‘ašarata) fourteen اربعووووانarba‘ūn forty; ادربعووووانa ceremony held on the 40th day after s.o.’s death │ ‘ عيداادربعويīd al-a. Ascension Day (Chr.) ربوووو عrubā‘ī consisting or four, quadripartite, fourfold, quadruple; quadrangular; tetragonal; (gram.) consisting of four radical letters, quadriliteral; quartet; (pl. -āt) quatrain (poet.) │ ( موووؤتمواربووو عmu’tamar) fourpower conference; ربوووووو ع اادضووووووال quadrilateral; ربوووو ع اادرجوووولr. l-arjul quadruped(al), four-footed; محووو اربوو ع ا ا مشوواارmuḥarrik r. l-mišwār four-cycle engine ادربعal-arba‘ā’, al-arbi‘ā’, يواماادربعو yaum al-a. Wednesday يوبواyarbū‘ pl. يوابيواyarābī‘ jerboa (Jaculus jaculus; zool.) موباmarba‘ pl. مواباmarābi‘ meadow توبيواtarbī‘ lunar quarter; -- (pl. توابيوا tarābī‘2) quadrangle; square, plaza (surrounded by houses) │ توبيوووااا ووودائو quadrature or the circle توبيعوةtarbī‘a pl. توابيواtarābī‘ square, quadrangle; square, plaza; square panel; tile, floor tile 2 توبيعtarbī‘ī quadratic, square ا وابواar-rābi‘ the fourth; رابعوfourthly, in the fourth place رابواrābi‘ (due to erroneous pointing) = رائاq.v. موبووواmarbū‘ of medium height, medium-sized موبووواmurabba‘ fourfold, quadruple; quadragular; tetragonal; square, quadratic; quadrangle; square; (pl. -āt) quadrangular piece; quartet │( مأووواموبوواmitr) square meter; موبااادضالquadrilateral (math.) موبعةmurabba‘a pl. -āt section, district, area موابواmurābi‘ partner in an agricultural enterprise (sharing one quarter of the gains or losses) جلووسامأوبعوjalasa mutarabbi‘an to sit crosslegs رابrābig pleasant, comfortable ربقribq lasso, lariat ربقوةribqa, rabqa pl. ربوقribaq, ribāq, اربarbāq noose ربو ربوولrabaka u (rabk) to muddle, entangle, complicate ( ه وs.th.); to confuse, throw into confusion ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); -- rabika a (rabak) to be in an involved, confused situation VIII to be confused; to become involved ( in) ربلrabak involved, confused situation ربولrabik: confused; in trouble, beset by difficulties ارتبوووirtibāk pl. -āt entanglement, involvement; snarl, tangle, muddle, mess; confusion; embarrassment; upset (of the stomach) 323 موبولmurabbik confusing, bewildering, disconcerting موتبولmurtabik; confused, complicated, involved; bewildered, disconcerted, embarrassed; involved ( in) ربلrabil plump, fleshy, fat (person) ربلrablī, rabalī fleshy ربلةrabla pl. rabalāt (mass of) flesh (of the body) ربيلrabīl fleshy, corpulent, fat رب ةrabāla corpulence ربمsee رب ربو ايربوواةrabā u ( ربوrabā’, ربواrubūw) to increase; to grow; to grow up; to exceed, ( علووa number, also )عو, be more than ( م ايوبااعلواا مئوة│ )علوmore than a hundred II to make or let grow; to raise, rear, bring up ( هs.o.); to educate; to teach, instruct (ه a child); to breed, raise ( هوe.g., poultry, cattle); to develop ( هوe.g., a method) III to practice usury IV to make grow, augment, increase ( هووs.th.); to exceed ( علوووa number, an age, a measure) V to be brought up, be educated; to be bred, be raised رباrabw dyspnea, asthma رب واrubwa (rabwa, ribwa) pl. رب وو ruban hill رباribwa pl. -āt ten thousand, myriad رب وriban interest; usurious interest; usury رباىribawī usurious ربوrabā’ surplus, excess; superiority ( علوover s.o.); favor توبيوووةtarbiya education, upbringing; teaching, instruction; pedagogy; breeding, raising (of animals) │ سيئاا أوبيوةsayyi’ at-t. ill-bred; لليوولاا أوبيووةill-bred, uncivil, illmannered; ‘ علوماا أوبيوةilm at-t. pedagogy, pedagogics; توبيوةاادهفو لbaby care; ا أوبيوةا ( ا بدظيووووةbadanīya) physical education, physical training; توبيوووةاا حيووواانt. alḥayawān cattle farming, stockbreeding; توبيووةاا وودجt. ad-dajāj chicken farming, poultry husbandry; توبيوةاا سوملt. as-samak pisciculture; توبيةاا ب تt. an-nabātāt plant cultivation توبوووواtarbawī, توبيووووا pedagogic, pedagogical tarbiyawī رابيةrābiya pl. روابrawābin hill موووبmurabbin pl. موب وانmurabbūn educator; pedagogue; breeder (of livestock) موبيوووةmurabbiya pl. -āt tutoress, governess; dry nurse, nursemaid موبوووmurabban raised, brought up; educated; well-bred, well-mannered; jam, preserved fruit; pl. موبيووmurabbayāt preserves موابmurābin usurer مأووووبmutarabbin well-bred, wellmannered ( ربارتFr. reportage) pl. -āt reportage, report ارaratt2, f. رتوrattā’2, pl. with a speech defect رrutt afflicted رتوبII to array, arrange, dispose ( هوs.th. in a regular sequence or order); to decorate, dress (iii a show window); to settle, determine, regulate ( هوs.th.); to put into proper order, put together ( هوwords); to prepare, set aside, earmark ( هs.th.); to fix, appoint ( هو لa salary for s.o.); to make ( هو s.th.) result or accrue ( علووfrom), derive ( ه علوs.th. from), make ( هs.th.) the result or consequence of ( )علووV to fall in line; to be arranged, organized or set up (along the lines of); to be set aside, be assigned; to be subordinate ( علوووto s.th.), be the result or consequence ( علوووof), result, follow, derive, spring ( علوووfrom), be caused ( علووby) │ ( توتوبابلمأوbi-dimmatihī) to become the debtor of s.o. 324 رتبوةrutba pl. رتوبrutab degree, grade, level; rank, standing, station; class, quality; (mil.) rank; clerical rank, order (of the Christian ministry); religious ceremony (Chr.) │ كأو باا وتوبritual (of the Roman Catholic Church) رت بةratāba monotony رتيبratīb monotonous رتبوووووو rutabā’2 officers (Syr.; mil.) noncommissioned موتبوةmartaba pl. مواتوبmarātib2 step; a steplike elevation serving as a seat; mattress; grade, degree, rank, class │و ا ( ا موتبةاادو وūlā) first (mortgage) توتيوبtartīb pl. -āt order, arrangement, array; sequence, succession; make-up, setup; layout (of a complex, e.g., of houses); organization; preparation, arrangement, provision, measure, step; rite of administering a sacrament (Chr.) │ ب وتوتيووووبone by one, in proper succession; م و اغيوتووو يووبdisorderly, in confusion توتيبtartībī ordinal │ ‘( عود اتوتيبوadad) ordinal number . راتوووبrātib monotonous; (pl. رواتوووب rawātib2 salary, pay, emolument; pl. رواتوب certain supererogatory exercises of devotion موتوبmurattab arranged; organized, set up, regulated, etc.; (pl. -āt) salary, pay, emolument رتوrataja u (ratj) to look, bar, bolt ( هوthe door); -- ratija a (rataj) to be tonguetied, be speechless, falter IV pass. ارت و اعلي و (urtija) words failed him, he was speechless, he didn't know what to say, he was at a loss رتوritāj pl. رتوrutuj, رتو ئratā’ij2 gate, gateway I eli)1 p muḥkam ar-r. firmly bolted (gate) رتوواrata‘a a (rat‘, رتواrutū‘, رتوritā‘) to pasture, graze; to gormandize, carouse, feast; to revel, indulge freely ( وin) IV to pasture, put out to graze ( هcattle) موتوواmarta‘ pl. مواتوواmarāti‘2 rich grazing land, pasture; fertile ground (ل for; fig.); breeding ground, hotbed (of vice, of evil, etc.) رتوقrataqa u i (ratq) to mend, repair, patch up, sew up ( هs.th.) رتووقratq pl. رتوواrutūq patching, mending, repair; dam (of a stocking) رتولrataka u i, (ratk, ratak, رتكو نratakān) to run with abort steps, trot موتلmartak litharge (chem.) رتولratila a (ratal) to be regular, well-ordered, neat, tidy II to phrase elegantly ( ا كوالمalkalāma one’s words); to psalmodize, recite in a singsong; to sing, chant ( ه و spiritual songs, hymns; Chr.) رتوولratl pl. ارتو لartāl railroad train │ ( رتلاآālī) motorized convoy (mil.) رتووووووووويال rutailā’2 harvestman (Phalangium), daddy longlegs; tarantula توتيولtartīl slow recitation of the Koran (a technical term of tajwīd); psalmodizing, psalmody, singsong recitation; singing, chanting (of hymns, etc.; Chr.); -- (pl. تواتيلtarātīl2) hymn; religious song (Chr.) توتيلةtartīla pl. تواتيلtarātīl2 hymn موتولmurattal church singer; choirboy, chorister (Chr.); singer, chanter رتمratama i (ratm) to utter, say ( بكلمةbi-kalima a word; only with neg.) رتمratam (coll.; n. un. ) retem (Retama raetam Webb., Genista raetam Forsk.; bot.) رتمووةratma and رتيمووةratīma pl. رتو ئم ratā’im2, رتو مritām thread wound around one’s finger as a reminder 325 رتو ايرتواةratā u and II رتووrattā to mend, darn ( هe.g., stockings) ( رتاشFr. retouche) ritūš retouch رتيratīnaj (= )راتيresin ( رتي ووةIt. retina) ratīna pl. incandescent mantle رتوو ئratā’in2 رثratta i ( رث ثوةratāta, رثاثوةrutūta) to be ragged, tattered, shabby. worn (garment) رثratt pl. رثو ثritāt old, shabby, worn, threadbare │ رثاا هيئوةr. al-hai’a of shabby appearance رثووةritta old, outmoded things, worn clothes رثيثratīt old, .habby, worn, threadbare رث ثةratāta shabbiness, raggedness رثاثةrutūta shabbiness, raggedness رثوواةand رث و )رث وratā u (ratw) to bewail, lament, celebrate in an elegy, in a funeral oration ( هa deceased person); -- رثووratā i (raty, رثritā’, موثيةmartiya, موثوmartāh) to bewail, lament, bemoan ( هa deceased person); to elegize, celebrate in an elegy, in a funeral oration ( هa deceased person); to mourn ( لfor, over), deplore ( لs.o. or s.th.); to pity ( لs.o.), feel sorry ( لfor) │ رث و هابموث وto elegize s.o. (a deceased person), bewail and celebrate him in an elegy; ( ش و ايوثوووا وyurtā) a deplorable, regrettable thing رثوووووraty lamentation bewailing, bemoaning, رثووووritā’ bewailing, bemoaning, lamentation; regret; elegiac poetry رثيةratya pl. ratayāt arthritis, gout موثيوةmartiya and موثوmartā’ pl. موواث marātin elegy, dirge, epicedium; pl. موواث funeral orations رraja u (rajj) to convulse, shake, rock ( هو s.th.); pass. rujja to be shaken, tremble, shake, quake VIII to be convulsed, shake, tremble, quake رrajj shaking, rocking, convulsion رجووووووة rajja concussion convulsion; رجووووrajjāj shaking, rocking trembling, راجوووواrājiḥ) superior in weight, preponderant; having more in its favor, more acceptable; preferable; probable, likely shook, quaking, موجاحووةmarjūḥa pl. مووواجياmarājīḥ2 seesaw; swing ارتجووووirtijāj shock, concussion; trembling, tremor │ O ارتجو اا موخirt. almukk cerebral concussion (med.) مووووووووجا murajjaḥ preponderant, predominant; probable, likely رجوبIV to postpone, adjourn, defer, put off ( هو s.th.) رجوووrajraja and II tarajraja to tremble, quiver; to sway ارج وirjā’ postponement, deferment, adjournment رجووووواrajrāj agitated; trembling, tremulous; swaying; quivering; ا وجوواthe sea رجوبrajaba u and rajiba a (rajab) to be afraid ( مor عof), be awed ( مor عby) رجوبrajab Rajab, the seventh month of the Muslim year رجاrajaḥa a i u ( رجاحrujūḥ, رجحو نrujḥān) to incline (scale of a balance); to weigh more, be of greater weight; to preponderate, predominate; to surpass, excel ( هs.o.); to be very likely ( انthat), رجوااع ودهاانit appeared to him most likely that ...; -- to weigh ( ه ابيودهs.th. in the hand) II to make ( هوs.th.) outweigh ( علووs.th. else), give preponderance ( هوto s.th., علوو over); to think ( ه وs.th.) weightier; to prefer ( ه و علوووs.th. to), give ( ه وs.th.) preference ( علوووto), favor ( ه و علوووs.th. more than); to think likely or probable ( هو s.th., انthat) V to carry greater weight, be weightier, preponderate; to swing back and forth, pendulate; to rock; to seesaw, tester VIII to swing back and forth, pendulate; to rook; to seesaw, tester رج حوةrajāḥa forbearance, indulgence, leniency; composure, equanimity رجحووووووو ن rujḥān preponderance, predominance ( علووووover), ascendancy, superiority 326 ارجوووواarjaḥ2 superior in weight, preponderant; having more in its favor, more acceptable; preferable; more likely, more probable │ ادرجوااانit is most likely that ...; probably ...; علواادرجاprobably, in all probability ارجحيووووووة arjaḥīya preponderance, predominance, prevalence ارجاحوةurjūḥa pl. اراجوياarājīḥ2 seesaw; swing; cradle 1 ارجوزVIII to compose or declaim poems in the meter rajaz; to thunder, roar, surge (sea) رجوزrujz, rijz punishment (inflicted by God); dirt, filth رجزrajaz name of a poetical meter ارجو زarjāz verses in the meter rajaz; little (work) song ارجوازurjūza pl. اراجيوزarājīz2 poem in the meter rajaz 2 ارجازlook up alphabetically رجسrajisa a (rajs) and rajusa u ( رج سةrajāsa) to be dirty, filthy; to commit a shameful act, do s.th. disgraceful or dirty رجسrijs pl. ارجو سarjās dirt, filth; dirty thing or act, atrocity رجسrajas pl. ارج سarjās dirt, filth رجسrajis dirty, filthy رج سةrajāsa dirt, squalor رج و سrajjās roaring, surging (sea); thundering رجواraja‘a i ( رجواrujū‘) to come back, come again, return; to recur; to resort, turn (ا وو to); to recommence, begin again, resume ( ا ووs.th.); to fall back ( ا ووon), go back, revert ( ا ووto); to look up ( ا ووs.th. in a book), consult ( ا ووa book); to go back, be traceable ( ا ووto), be attributable ( ا وواانto the fact that ...), derive, stem, spring (ا وو from); رجووااب و اا وووto reduce s.th. to (its elements, or the like); to depend ( ا ووon); to be due, belong by right ( ا ووto); to fall under s.o.’s ( )لjurisdiction, be s.o.’s ()ل bailiwick; to desist, refrain ( عوfrom); to withdraw ( عو, also وe.g., what one has said), revoke, countermand, repeal, cancel ( عوor علووe.g., a decision); to turn against s.o. ( رجووواابووو اعلووووا وووالن ;)علووووto claim restitution of s.th. from s.o.; to demand, claim ( بs.th., علووfrom s.o.); to entail, involve ( بs.th., a consequence); to have a good effect ( وon), be successful ( و with) │ ‘( رجااعلواعقبaqbihī) pl. رجعاااعلووا ( اعقو بهمa‘qābihim) to retrace one's steps, go back the way one came; رجوااا وواا صوحة (ṣiḥḥa) to regain one’s health; رجووااا وووا ( صواابṣawābihī) to come to one's senses; رجوااا وواظفسوto watch o.s., examine o.s.; يوجاا لاا وواانthis is due to the fact that ...; ( يوجوااا سوبباا ووsabab) the reason is to be found in ...; رجعوتابو اا ولاكو اا ووhe recalled, remembered ...; ( رجواا و اكالموkalāmihī) to go back on one’s word II to cause to come back or return; to return, give back; to send back; to turn away ( ه عوs.o. from); to sing or chant in a vibrant, quavering tone; to echo, reverberate ( هوs.th.) │رجواا ( صوداهṣadāhū) to return the echo of s.th., echo s.th. III to return, come back ( هو, ه to); to revert 327 رجع واrujū‘ return; reverting, coming back ( ا ووto); recourse ( ا ووto); traceability ( ا ووto); revocation, withdrawal, retraction ( عوof s.th.); resignation, surrender ( عوof s.th.); reclamation; recall; restitution, return │ بوجا اا بويدby return mail رجياrajī‘ excrement موجواmarji‘ pl. مواجوواmarāji‘ return; authority to which one turns or appeals; place of refuge, retreat; recourse resort; authority, responsible agency; source (esp. scientific), authoritative reference work; resource; source to which s.th. goes back or to which s.th. can be attributed; starting point, origin; recourse (jur.) │اموجووواا ا روm. An-naẓar jurisdiction, competence; ا موجااا يhe is the one to turn to; ا موجاا و ا ولاا ووI am thereby referring to …; كو نا موجوااهولااا شو اا ووthis was due to …, was attributable to …; ( ا ويهماموجوااا ف ولm. ulfaḍl) the merit is due to them موجعيةmarji‘īya authority مواجعوةmurāja‘a reiteration, repetition; inspection, study, examination; consultation (of a reference work); request; application, petition (esp. to an authority); application for advice or instruction, etc., consultation (of s.o.); checking, verification, re-examination; auditing, audit (also ;)مواجعووووةاا حسوووو ب revision, correction (of a manuscript) ارجووووو irjā‘ return, restitution; refundment; attribution ( ا ووto); reduction ( ا وto) تواجوووواtarāju‘ withdrawal, recession, retrogadation retreat; ارتجوirtijā‘ return to an older form or order, reactionism, reaction ارتج عirtijā‘ī reactionary 328 اسووأوجistirjā‘ reclamation; recovery, retrieval; retraction, withdrawal, revocation راجاrāji‘ returning, reverting, etc.; due, attributable ( ا ووto); rightfully belonging ( ا ووto s.o.); subject ( لto s.th.); depending ( لon) │( اا حموواا واجعوةḥummā) relapsing fever مواجووووواmurāji‘ checker, verifier, examiner; reviser │ مواجوواm. al-ḥisāb auditor, comptroller رجووفrajafa a (rajf, رجف و نrajfān) to be convulsed, be shaken; to tremble, quake; to shiver, shudder; -- to agitate, convulse, shake ( هs.o.) IV to make ( هs.o.) tremble or shudder; to convulse, shake, rock ( هs.th.); to spread lies, false rumors; also with ب, e.g., ( ارجوفابو أوا اbi-ftirā’āt) to spread calumnies VIII to tremble, quake; to shudder رجفوةrajfa (n. vic.) trepidation, tremor; shudder, shiver رج اrajjāf trembling, quaking; shaken, convulsed ارج و اirjāf pl. اراجي وفarājīf untrue, disquieting talk, false rumor رجولrajila a to go on foot, walk II to comb ( هو the hair); to let down ( هوthe hair), let it hang long V = I; to dismount ( موor if from; rider); to assume masculine manners, behave like a man │توج ولا و ا هويقوووto walk all the way VIII to improvise, extemporize, deliver offhand ( هوa speech) X to become a man, reach the age of manhood, grow up; to act like a man, display masculine manners or qualities رجلrijl f., pl. ارجلari"l foot; leg رجولrijl pl. ارجو لarjāl swarm (esp. of locusts); -- common purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.; bot.) رجوولrajil going on foot, pedestrian, walking رجولrajul pl. رجو لrijāl man; pl. رجو ال rijālāt great, important men, leading personalities, men of distinction │رج و لا ا دو وةr. ad-daula statesmen; رجو لاا سو دr. as-sanad informants, sources of information رجوووrijālī men’s, for men (e.g., apparel) رجا ووووةrajūla manhood masculinity, virility, رجا يوووةrajūlīya masculinity, virility, manhood موجولmirjal pl. مواجولmarājil2 cooking kettle, caldron; boiler ارتجووووووووو ل irtijāl improvisation, extemporization, extemporary speech ارتجirtijālī extemporary, improvised, impromptu, offhand, unprepared راجولrājil pl. رجولrajl, رج وةrajjāla, رجو لrujjāl, رجوالنrujlān going on foot, walking; pedestrian موتجوووووووول murtajal extemporaneous, impromptu, offhand 1 improvised, extemporary, رجومraiama u (raim) to stone ( هa.o.); to curse, damn, abuse, revile ( هs.o.) │رج وماب غيووب (gaib) to talk about s.th. of which one knows nothing; to guess, surmise, make conjectures; to predict the future II رجوما ب غيبdo. رجوومrajm stoning; (pl. رجوومrujam) missile │( ارجوووماب غيوووبgaib) conjecture, guesswork; prophecy رجمrujum shooting stars, meteorites رجموةrajma pl. رجومrujam, رجو مrijām tombstone رجويمrajīm stoned; cursed, damned; see also alphabetically 2 توجم, توجمةlook up alphabetically موجاظةmarjūna basket 329 رجو ايرجواةrajā u ( رجوrajā’, رجوrajāh, موجو marjāh) to hope; to hope for s.th. ( ;)هوto .xpeat, anticipate ( هوs.th.), look forward ( هوto); to wish ( هوfor s.th., ل هوs.o. s.th., e.g., success); to ask ( هوfor s.th., موor s.o., انto do s.th.), request ( هوs.th., مو from s.o., انthat he ...) │ارجووو ها ووو ا (ا ح حilḥāḥ) to plead with s.o., implore s.o.; ‘( اجوااعودماا مؤا ولadama l-mu’ākadata) │ I must ask your indulgence V to hope (ه, هو for); to expect, anticipate (ه, هوs.th., s.o.), look forward ( هوto); to request ( هs.o.); to ask ( هs.o.) VIII to hope (ه, هوfor); to expect, anticipate (ه, هوs.th., s.o.), look forward ( هto); to dread ( هs.o.) رجوrajan and رجوrajā’ pl. ارجوarjā’ side, direction; region; -- pl. ارجوarjā’ vastness (of a land), expanses; whole vicinity or area │ ووو اارج ئوووabout its interior, e.g., ( و اارج و اا غو ووةgurfa) all about the room, و اارجو اا وبالall over the country, throughout the country; تج وبووتا ( ارجو اا و هوةاب تصوفيقa. ur-radha) the entire auditorium resounded with applause; ش ساا ادرجوand واسوااادرجوvast in extent, vastdimensioned رجوrajā’ hope (ب, وand genit.; of); expectation, anticipation; urgent request │ا علووارجوin the hope of, hoping for; رجو ا ا علومrajā’ al-‘ilm for your information (on memos, records, etc.); رأساا وج و اا ص و ا Cape of Good Hope رجووووو rajāh anticipation hope, expectation, رجيةrajīya s.th. hoped for; hope موجmarjāh hope راrājin hoping, full of hope موجووواmarjūw hoped for, expected; requested │( ا موجاامو ا وللاانmin faḍlika) approx.; I hope you will be kind enough to ...; ( ا موجاامواعو اانmurā‘ātu) please notice that …, attention is called to the fact that … رج وrajiya a to become silent; to remain silent; pass. ( رج اعليوrujiya) to be tonguetied, be unable to utter a sound ( رجيمFr. régime) rijīm diet رحوبraḥiba a (raḥab) and raḥuba u (ruḥb, رح بوةraḥāba) to be wide, spacious, roomy II to welcome ( بs.o., also بs.th., e.g., news), bid welcome ( بto s.o.); to receive graciously, make welcome ( بs.o.) V to welcome ( بs.o.), bid welcome ( بto) رحوووبraḥb wide, spacious, roomy; unconfined │ ارحووووباا صوووودرr. aṣ-ṣadr generous, magnanimous; broad-minded, open-minded, liberal; frank, candid, openhearted; carefree; ( صوووودرارحووووبraḥb) generosity, magnanimity; openmindedness, broad-mindedness, liberality; frankness, candor; رحوووباا بووgenerous, openhanded, liberal; رحباا لراdo. رحوووووبruḥb vastness, wideness, spaciousness unconfinedness │ااتووواعلوووا ( ا وحباوا سعةatā, ṣa‘a) to be welcome; وجدا ( رحبو اوسوعةsa‘atan) to met with a friendly reception رحووووبraḥab vastness, wideness, spaciousness, unconfinedness │رحباا صودر r. aṣ-ṣadr magnanimity, generosity; lightheartedness رحبةraḥba, raḥaba pl. -āt public square (surrounded by buildings); (pl. raḥabāt and رح بriḥāb) vastness, expanse │رحو با ا كانand رح باا فr. al-faḍā’ vastness of outer space رحيبraḥīb = رحبraḥb رح بووووةraḥāba wideness, vastness, spaciousness, unconfinedness │رح بةاا صدر r. aṣ-ṣadr magnanimity, generosity موحب ابلmarḥaban bika welcome! توحو بtarḥāb welcome, greeting │ل بلو ا ( بأوحيووبqābalahū) to receive s.o. with open arms توحيوووبtarḥīb welcoming, welcome, greeting 330 رحووووحraḥraḥa: ( رحووووحابوووو كالمkalām) to equivocate, speak ambiguously, beat around the bush رحووحraḥraḥ and رحوواحraḥrāḥ wide, broad, flat; carefree, pleasant (life) رحraḥaḍa a (raḥḍ) to rinse, wash موح وmirḥāḍ pl. lavatory, toilet مووواحmarāḥīḍ2 رحيقraḥīq exquisite wine; nectar 1 ارحلraḥala a ( رحيولraḥīl) to set out; to depart, leave; to move away, emigrate; to start ( عfrom a place) │( ارجلايوحولاويقويمyuqīm) a man constantly on the go, a dynamic man II to make ( هs.o.) leave, induce or urge ( هs.o.) to depart; to evacuate (ه ا وو s.o. to), resettle, relocate ( ه ا ووs.o. in); to deport ( ه ا ووs.o. to); to allow ( هs.o.) to emigrate; to give ( هs.o.) travel clearance; to carry (passengers e. g., a ship); to transfer ( ه وs.th.); to transport, convey, forward ( هوs.th.); to dispatch, send out ( هو s.th.); to carry over, post ( ه وan item; bookkeeping); to carry forward ( ه وthe balance; bank) V to wander, roam, migrate, lead a nomadic life; to be evacuated VIII to set out, leave, depart; to move away, emigrate │ ارتحولاا ووارحموةاربو (ilā raḥmati rabbihī) to pass away, die رحولraḥl pl. رحو لriḥāl camel saddle; saddlebags; baggage, luggage; pl. stopping place, stop, stopover │شوداا وحو ل (šadda) to set out, break camp; ا قووارح و alqā riḥālahū to stop ( in, at) رحل وةriḥla travel, journey; trip, tour; travelogue رحلوةruḥla destination, place for which one is bound رحيووولraḥīl departure, setting out; emigration; exodus; demise رحوو لraḥḥāl pl. رحوولriḥal roving, roaming, peregrinating, wandering, migratory nomadic; -- (pl. رح وةraḥḥāla) great traveler, explorer; nomad │ا يووارا ا وح ووةmigratory birds; ادعوووابايا عوب و نةا ‘( ا وحلurbān) the nomadic Bedouins رح وةraḥḥāla great traveler, explorer; globetrotter موحلووةmarḥala pl. مواحوولmarāḥil2 a day’s journey; leg of a journey; way station; stage, phase │يزيوووداعليووو ابمواحووول (yazīdu) it exceeds it by far; امواحولاحي تهو (ḥayātihā) throughout her life, in every stage of her life توح لtarḥāl departure, setting out │حي ا ا أوح لḥayāt at-t. nomadic life توحيوووولtarḥīl emigration, exodus; effectuation of (s.o.’s) departure; deportation; evacuation; resettlement; transfer; moving; transport, transportation; posting (of accounts); carrying forward (fin.); dispatch │ توحيوولاعموو لt. ‘ummāl assignment (or detailing) of workmen ارتح و لirtiḥāl departure, setting out; emigration, exodus; demise راحوولrāḥil pl. رحوولruḥḥal departing leaving, parting; traveling; (pl. -ūn) deceased, late, ا فقيداا واحلthe deceased راحلوةraḥila pl. رواحولrawāḥil2 female riding camel│ ( شوداراحلأوšadda) to saddle one’s camel, start out on a journey موحووولmuraḥḥal pl. -āt carry-over │ مجموووا اموحووولbalance carried forward (fin.) 2 راحيلrāḥīl Rachel رحمraḥima a ( رحمةraḥma, موحموةmarḥama) to have mercy ( هupon s.o.), have compassion ( هfor s.o.) ; to spare, let off ( هs.o.); to be merciful II رحوماعليوto say to s.o.: رحمولا raḥimaka llāh may God have mercy upon you; to ask God to have mercy ( علووupon s.o.), plead for God’s mercy ( علووfor what has happened) V = II; VI to show human understanding for one another, love and respect one another X to ask ( هs.o.) to have mercy 331 رحوومraḥim, riḥm f., pl. ارح و مarḥām uterus; womb; relationship, kinship │ووا االرحو مdawū l-a. relatives on the maternal side ت ووحيمtarḥīm: ( ت ووحيماا موواتوmautā) pl. توواحيمtarāḥīm2 intercessory prayer for the dead (Chr.) اسأوح مistirḥām plea for mercy موحوووامmarḥūm deceased, late, e.g., ا موحاماا سيدthe late M. … رحووraḥan f., pl. ارحوarḥā’, رحووruḥīy, ارحيوة arḥīya quern, hand mill │ احجواا وحووḥajar ar-r. millotone; ار ارحوووواا حووووبايا قأووو لة dārat r. l-ḥarb the war (fighting) broke out; the war (fighting) was going on رحاىraḥawī rotating, rotatory رح وىraḥḥāy pl. -ūn grinder رخraḳḳa u to mix with water, dilute ( هwine) رخraḳḳ (n. un. ) light shower رخrukk roc, name of a fabulous giant bird; (pl. ر ةrikaka) rook, castle (chess) ر و خrakāk soft (ground); comfortable, pleasant, easy (life) ر وصrakuṣa (rukṣ) to be cheap, inexpensive; ( ر صةrakāṣa) to be supple, tender, soft II to permit, allow ( لs.o. بor وs.th.); to authorize, license ( لs.o., بor وto do s.th.); to empower ( لs.o.); to reduce the price ( هوof s.th.) IV to reduce the price ( هو of s.th.) V to be willing to please, meet on fair term. ( ماا وs.o. in), show o.s. ready to compromise ( مواwith s.o. وin s.th.); to make concessions ( وor بin s.th.); to permit o.s. liberties, take liberties ( وin) X to find cheap, regard as inexpensive ( هو s.th.); to request s.o.’s ( )هpermission ر صrakṣ supple, tender, soft ر صrukṣ cheapness, inexpensiveness رحمووةraḥma pity, compassion; human understanding, sympathy, kindness; mercy │ كو ناتحوتارحمأوto be at s.o.’s mercy; جعلو ا تحوتارحمأوto leave s.th. or s.o. to s.o.’s mercy; بس هاا وحمةpall ر صةrukṣa pl. ر وصrukaṣ permission; concession, license, franchise; admission; authorization; leave; permit │ر صوةاليو ا ا سووي راr. qiyādat as-sayyārāt driving permit, operator’s license رحويمraḥīm pl. رحموruḥamā’ and رحوام ruḥūm merciful, compassionate ر ويصrakīṣ supple, tender, soft, cheap, inexpensive, low-priced; base, mean, low; trash, trumpery ا وووحمar-raḥmān the Merciful (i.e., God) موحموةmarḥama pl. موواحمmarāḥim2 pity, compassion, sympathy; mercy توو يصtarkīṣ pl. -āt, تووا يصtarākīṣ2 granting of permission; permission; authorization; mandate; concession; license; price reduction, price cut موووووووووت ص murtakiṣ low-priced, inexpensive, cheap │ كولامووت صاوغو لkullu murtakaṣin wa-gālin every conceivable effort, everything (in one’s power) ر ومrakuma u ( ر موةrakāma) and rakama u to be soft, mellow, gentle, pleasant (voice); ر مووتابي ووه ايعلوووابي ووه ةrakamat baiḍahā (‘alā baiḍihā) to sit on the eggs (hen) II to soften, mellow ( هوthe voice); to apocopate ( هوa word); to tile with marble ( هوthe floor) ر وومrakam (coll.; n. un. ) Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus; zool.) ر مrukām marble ر مrukāma pl. -āt marble slab ر ووويمrakīm soft, mellow, pleasant, melodious (voice); O note lowered by a semitone, flat (mus.) 332 توو يمtarkīm shortening, apocopation, esp. of a name in the vocative by elision of the final consonant (gram.) ( ر اand ر وا )رrakuwa u and ر وrakiya a ( ر وrakāwa, رrakā’) to be or become loose, slack, relaxed; to slacken, slump, sag, relax; -- رrakā’ u ( رrakā’): ر ا ‘( عيشوووووaišuhū) to live in easy circumstances, live in opulence IV to loosen, slacken ( هs.th.); to relax ( هوs.th.); to let go ( هوs.th.); to lower, drop, let down ( هs.th.) VI to slacken, sag, droop, become limp; to show little energy or zeal, let up, become lax, be remiss ( عوin s.th.); to go down, slump (prices); to lag, become dull or listless (stock market); to diminish, flag, wane, ebb, decrease; to desist ( عو from); to be lowered, drop, fall (curtain); to be delayed, be retarded VIII to slacken, slump, sag, droop, become limp, flaccid, flabby; to become loose, work loose; to soften, become soft; to relax, become relaxed, unbend; to abate, let up; to languish, nag, lose force or vigor X = VIII ر وواrakw, rikw loose, slack; limp, flabby, flaccid; indolent, languid; soft; supple ر وrakā’ ease, comfort, happiness; prosperity; abundance, opulence (of living); welfare; fairness, lowness (of prices) رrukā’ gentle breeze ر وووو وrakāwa softness; flaccidity, limpness; laxity │ ر وو و اا عوواr. al-‘ūd weakness of character ر وrakīy feeble, weakened, languid; relaxed, at ease; cozy, comfortable توووواخtarākin, limpness; slackness; languor, lassitude; abatement, mitigation, letup; relaxation; loosening, looseness ارت وووirtikā’ loosening, slackening; looseness, slackness; laxity; abatement mitigation, letup; ease, relaxedness; relaxation; limpness; languor, lassitude اسأوistirkā’ = ارتirtikā’ راخrākin sagging, drooping مأوواخmutarākin limp, flaccid, flabby; drooping; languid; negligent, indolent, slack رradda u (radd) to send back; to bring back, take back (هو ا وو, هs.o., s.th. to); to return ( هو ا ووs.th. to its place). put back, lay back ( هو ا ووs.th. in its place); to throw back, repel, drive back, drive away ( هs.o.); to resist, oppose ( هs.o.); to turn down, refuse, decline ( هوs.th., e.g., the fulfillment of a wish); to ward off, parry, repel ( هجام و hujūman an attack); to reject (تهموووة tuhmatan a suspicion); to hand back, give back, return, restore ( هs.th., ا ووto s.o.); to return ( ا سوالمas-salāma the greeting); to reply ( علووto s.o.), answer ( علووs.o.); to reflect ( هوlight); to throw back, echo ( هو the voice); to refute, disprove ( علووs.th.); to hold back, keep, restrain ( ه عوs.o. from s.th.); to dissuade ( ه عوs.o. from), prevail upon s.o. ( )هnot to do s.th. ( ;)عوto trace back, attribute ( هو ا ووs.th. to an origin); to bring, yield ( اهوو اعلوووs.th. to s.o.); to reappoint, reinstate ( هاهs.o. as, e.g., ح كمو ḥākiman as governor) │ ر اا بو بto close the door; ( ر اجاابوjawāban) to answer; مو ا يو اهلااعليلاشيئthis won’t help you at all; الا ( يوووyuraddu) irrefutable; ر هاعلووواعقبيووو (‘aqibaih) pl. ( ر هوماعلووااعقو بهمa‘qābihim) to drive s.o. back to where he came from; ‘( ر اعي و اع وainahū) he averted his eyes from it II to keep away, avert, prevent, stave off ( هs.th.); to repel, throw back ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to repeat (constantly, frequently); to break forth, burst ( هوinto, e.g., into singing), strike up, intone, let ring out ( هوa tune, or the like) │ر اا صودى (ṣadā) to return the echo; ر اا روووا و (naẓara) to look at s.th. again and again; 333 ( ر اهو و ابوويṭarafahū) to let one’s eyes wander between, look first at one, then at the other V to be thrown back, be reflected (voice, echo); to ring out (shouts); to shift repeatedly (wind); to come and go ( علووat s.o.’s house; rarely )ا وو, frequent, visit frequently ( علووs.o.’s house, a place; rarely ;)ا ووto return, recur; to hesitate, be reluctant ( وin s.th., to do s.th.); to waver, become uncertain, become doubtful وin s.th. or as to s.th.) │( توو اعلووااد سو ةalsina) to be frequently diocussed (question) VIII to withdraw, retreat, fall back; to move backward, retrogress; to go back, return, revert (ا وو to); to fall back ( ا وووon); to go away, absent o.s.; to desist, refrain ( عوfrom), renounce, give up, abandon, quit, leave (or s.th.); to forsake, desert (or one’s faith, one’s principles, etc.), apostatize, fall off ( عوfrom) │ ‘( ارتووداعلووواعقبيوaqbaihi), pl. ( ارتودوااعلووااعقو بهمa’qābihim) to withdraw, turn back X to reclaim, demand back, call in ( هs.th.), demand the return ( هوof s.th.); to bring back, lead back ( هاا ووs.o. to); to get back ( ه وs.th.); to retrieve, recover, regain ( ه وs.th.); to withdraw (e.g., يووده yadahū one’s hand; also fig., e.g., اسوأق أ istiqālatahū one’s resignation); to withdraw, take out ( هوmoney, from an account, from a bank) │ اسوووأو ااظف سووو (anfāsahu) to catch one’s breath رradd pl. ر وrudūd return; restoration, restitution; refund, reimbursement; repayment, requital; repulsion; warding off, parrying; denial, refusal; rejection; reply, answer; reflection (e.g., of light); refutation; attribution (ا وو to) │ ر اا فعوولal-fi‘l reaction; ر ااالعأبوو ر rehabilitation; ( ر ااعلووraddan) in reply to ...; ا لاورsee أ لakada رradda ugliness; reverberation, echo; bran رridda apostasy ( عو ااالسوالمor from Islam) ارaradd2 more useful, more profitable ( علوto s.o.) موووmaradd fact to which s.th. is attributable, underlying factor or reason; averting, rejection, repulsion; responsory (Chr.) │ ( الامووو ا وmaradda) irresistible; ( مو هاا وmaradduhū) it is attributable to ..., one must ascribe it to الامووو ا و ااالابواعأ و (maradda, barā‘atuhū) it can only be attributed to his efficiency; ك ناعلوامو ا س ظ (maraddi lisānihi) to be constantly on s.o.’s lips, be a standing phrase with s.o. تووووو اtardād frequentation frequent repetition; تو يدtardīd repetition, reiteration توووtaraddud frequent coming and going, frequentation; frequency (el.); hesitation, irresolution, indecision, wavering; reluctance ارتووووداirtidād retreat, withdrawal; retrogression; renunciation, desertion; apostasy ( عو ااالسوالمfrom Islam) │ك رتودا ا ا وواka-rtidādi ṭ-ṭarf in the twinkling of an eye, in a jiffy اسووأو اistirdād reclamation, claim of restitution, vindication (Isl. Law); recovery, retrieval; retraction, withdrawal; refundment, reimbursement; withdrawal, taking out (of money, from an account) مو وmardūd yield, return(s) موتوووودmurtadd apostate 1 turncoat, renegade, ر أrada’a a (rad’) to support, prop, shore up ( هa wall) رrid’ pl. ار اardā’ support; help, helper 2 رradu’a u ( ر اradā’a) to be bad V to become bad, be spoiled رradī’ pl. ار يوardiyā’2 bad; mean, base, vile; evil, wicked; vicious, 334 malicious │ ر اا سومعةr. as-sum‘a of ill repute ار أarda’2 worse; more wicked ر اradā’a badness; viciousness, maliciousness wickedness; ار بirdabb (now commonly pronounced ardabb) pl. ارا بarādib2 ardeb, a dry measure (Eg.; = 1981) ار بirdabba cesspool ر حradaḥ long period of time │ر حو امو اا هوو radaḥan min ad-dahr for a long time ر مradm filling up (of swamps, ponds, etc.); rubble, debris; dam ر سradasa i u (rads) to crush ( ه. s.th.); to roll smooth, level by rolling ( هground) ر يوومradīm worn, shabby, threadbare (garment) رrada‘a a (rad‘) to keep, prevent ( هاعوs.o. from) VIII to be kept, be prevented ( عو from) ر نradana i (radn) to spin; to purr (cat); to grumble ( علوat) راrādi‘ deterring; (pl. رواrawādi‘) deterrent; impediment, obstacle, handicap; restriction, limitation, curb, check; inhibition (psych.) ر ي ووrudainī spear (originally epithet for one of superior quality) ر غةradga, radaga mud, mire, slush ر اradafa u (radf) and radifa a to come next, come immediately after s.o. or s.th. ( هو, )ه, follow, succeed ( هs.o., هوs.th.) III to ride behind s.o. ( هon the same animal); to be the substitute ( هof s.o.), replace ( هs.o., هو s.th.); to be synonymous ( هوwith) IV to seat ( هs.o.) behind one (on an animal); to make ( هs.th.) be followed ( بby s.th. else); to complement, complete ( هو بs.th. with or by) VI to follow one another, come in succession; to pile up in layers, become stratified; to form a single line; to flock, throng ( علوto); to be synonymous ر اridf pl. ار ااardāf rear man (riding on the same animal); one who or that which is subsequent, follows, comes next; posteriors, backside, rump; haunches, croup (of an animal); dual: ا و نar-ridfān day and night ر ااridāf croup, rump (of an animal) ر يفradīf rear man, one following next in line; redif, reserve (in the army of the former Turkish Empire) ر يفةradīfa fem. of ر يف توا اtarāduf succession; synonymity مووا اmurādif synonym (of a word); synonymous, consignificant ( لwith); corresponding in meaning, analogous مأووا اmutarādif synonymous; synonyms مأوا و ر مradama i u (radm) to fill up with earth ( هو pit, pond) II to repair, fix, mend IV not to leave ( علووs.o.), cling ( علووto s.o.; said of disease) V to be mended, be repaired; to repair, mend ( هوs.th.); to be worn, show signs of wear ر نrudn pl. ار انardān sleeve مو نmirdan pl. موا نmarādin2 spindle ( ر ظجوواFr. redingote) redengōt frock coat, Prince Albert ر هووةradha hall; large room, sitting room, parlor; lobby; entrance hall, vestibule │ ر هوةااالسوأقب لreception hall, drawing room, parlor ر هوووةاا مح ضووووr. al-muḥāḍarāt lecture room رradiya a ( ر ىradan) to perish, be destroyed II to bring to the ground ( هs.o.), bring about the fan of ( )هIV to bring to the ground ( هs.o.), bring about the fall of (;)ه to destroy, ruin ( هs.o.); to fell 335 ( هs.o.); to kill ( هs.o.) │( ارا هالأويالqatīlan) to fell s.o. with a deadly blow V to fall, tumble; to decline, fall off, come down, go from bad to worse; to deteriorate, become worse; to clothe o.s. ( بwith), put on ( بa garment) VIII to put on ( هوa garment or headgear); to wear ( هووa garment, a headgear), be clothed, be clad ( ه وin) │ ( ارتودىامالبسوmalābisahū) to put on one’s clothes, dress, get dressed ر ىradan ruin, destruction ر اridā’ pl. ار يوةardiya loose outer garment, cloak, robe; (lady’s) dress, gown; attire, costume │ ر ا اا مسal-masā’ evening gown مأوmutaraddin dressed رradda u: ( ر اا سومsamā’) and IV there was a drizzle, it drizzled ر اradād drizzle ر لradila a and radula u ( ر ا وةradāla) to be low, base. vile. despicable. Contemptible; -- radala u (radl) to reject, cast off, discard, repudiate, disown ( هو, هs.o., s.th.); to despise, disdain, scorn ( هو, هs.o. s.th.); to disapprove ( هو, هof) IV to reject, cast off, discard, repudiate, disown ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) X to regard as low or despicable ( هو, هs.o., s.th.) ر لradl rejection; repudiation; (pl. ر ولrudūl, ار الardāl) low, base, mean, vile, despicable, contemptible ر يولradīl pl. ر الrudalā’ low, base, mean, vile, despicable, contemptible, depraved ر ا وووووةradāla lowness, meanness, vileness, depravity baseness, ر ا ووةradīla pl. ر ائووولradā’il vice; depravity مووو ولmardūl depraved, despicable, mean, base, vile, evil, wicked with); to bless ( هاهوs.o. with, esp. ما وا ا with a child); -- pass. ruziqa to be endowed ( هوwith); to live VIII to make a living, gain one’s livelihood; to live ( مon or by s.th.) X to seek one’s livelihood; to ask for the means of subsistence رزrizq pl. ارزاarzāq livelihood, means of living, subsistence; daily bread, nourishment, sustenance; boon, blessing 336 (of God); property, possessions, wealth, fortune; income; pay, wages │ ارزا اظ شوفةdry rations, emergency rations (mil.) ا ووووازar-rāziq the Maintainer, the Provider (one of the 99 attributes of God) 1 رزruzz (= )ارزaruzz) rice ارتووزاistirzāq independent livelihood, selfsupport 2 رزrazza u (razz) to insert, drive in ( هوs.th.) II to burnish, polish ( هs.th.) IV to telephone موووزوmarzūq blessed (by God), fortunate, prosperous, successful رزrazza pl. -āt staple, U bolt; ring screw; joint pin موتووزmurtaziq hired, hireling, mercenary, kept O ارزيزirzīz telephone رزأraza’a a ( رزraz’) to deprive ( وor هاهو s.o. of s.th.); pass. رزruzi’a to incur or suffer loss; to lose ( بs.th.); to be afflicted ( بby) رزruz’ pl. ارزاarzā’ heavy loss, serious damage; disaster, calamity رزيئوةrazī’a and رزيوةrazīya pl. رزايو razāyā heavy loss, serious damage; disaster, calamity رزبrazaba u (razb) to keep, stick, cling ( هو to) موزبوةmirzabba pl. موووازبmarāzib2 iron rod موووووزابmirzāb pl. موازيووووبmarāzīb2 waterspout, gargoyle; (roof) gutter موتزلووةmurtaziqa kept persons, hangers-on; mercenaries موتووووزmurtazaq means livelihood, living of رزمrazama i u (razm) to bundle, bale, pack, wrap up ( هs.th.) رزموةrizma pl. رزمrizam bundle; bale, pack; parcel, package; ream (of paper) رزنrazuna u ( رزاظووةrazāna) to be grave, serious, sedate, staid, calm, composed, self-possessed V to display grave or sedate manners, show o.s. calm, composed, self-possessed رزيوrazīn grave, serious, sedate, staid; composed, calm, self-possessed رزاظووووةrazana gravity, sedateness, staidness; composure, self-possession, poise رزحrazaḥa a ( رزوحruzūḥ, رزاحruzāḥ, razāḥ) to succumb, collapse, sink to the ground (under a burden); to descend, hover (e.g., silence) III to suffer رزظ مةruznāma see روزظ مة موزغmarzig muddy, boggy, miry رسيسrasīs covered with verdigris رزrazaqa u to provide with the means of subsistence ( هs.o.; said of God); to bestow ( هاهوupon s.o. s.th., material or spiritual possessions; said of God), endow ( هاهوs.o. subsistence, رزيةpl. رزايsee رزيئة رسوبrasaba u ( رسوابrusūb) to sink to the bottom, settle, subside (esp., in water); to fail, dunk (in an examination) II to cause to settle ( هوs.th., in a liquid), deposit ( هوa sediment); to precipitate ( هs.th.; chem.) V to settle, subside, be deposited; to precipitate (chem.) رسووابrusūb sediment, deposit; lees, dregs, settlings; precipitate (chem.); failure (in an examination) توسوووووووويب tarsīb precipitation (chem.) sedimentation; راسووووبrāsib pl. رواسووووبrawāsib2 sediment, deposit; dregs, lees, settlings; precipitate (chem.); residue رسوأ ميةrustāmīya to tidy, arrange well, put in order ( هs.th.) رسوأقrastaqa to tidy, arrange well, put in order ( هs.th.) رسأا, ( روسأاIt. arrosto) rostō roast meat ( رسأارانFr. restaurant) restorān restaurant موسوواmarsaḥ (= )مسوووحpl. مواسوواmarāsiḥ2 theater, playhouse; stage; party, social gathering موسوووووحmarsaḥī social, party attributively); formal (dress) (used رسووخrasaka u ( رسوواخrusūk) to be firmly established, be deeply rooted ( وin s.th.); to be firm, solid, stable; to be conversant, be thoroughly familiar ( وwith s.th.), be well versed, be at home ( وin s.th., in a field); to seep in; to permeate ( a fabric); to become fast (color or dyes in a fabric) II and IV to make ( هوs.th.) take root(s), establish ( هوs.th.); to implant ( هوs.th.); to secure, make fast, fix firmly, ground ( هو s.th.) │ ( ارسوووخاا شووو ا ووو ا ه وووdihnihī) to impress or inculcate s.th. upon s.o. ارسووخarsaka more firmly established, more deeply rooted │ ( ارسوخالودمqadaman) do. راسووخrāsiq, firmly established, deeprooted; grounded, firmly fixed, stable; conversant ( ووwith s.th.), thoroughly versed, completely at home ( in a field) رسوواسrisrās (eg.) glue, adhesive, specif., one for pasting leather, made of a yellow powder 337 رسrusg pl. ارس غarsāg,