A&D 113: BASIC DRAWING Meeting Days & Time: _______________________ Location & Room #: _____________________ Instructor: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Office Location/Hours: _______________________ Class Locker Combo: ____________________ COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces and incorporates a variety of methods and media used in constructing a basic understanding of drawing. Core concepts of line, gesture, shape, plane, volume, value, texture, form, composition, and space will be explored and developed. COURSE OBJECTIVES: To develop and strengthen observational, perceptual, and creative drawing skills. To challenge those skills by exploring a variety of media, practices, and concepts. To sharpen one’s ability to communicate verbally and analyze drawings through constructive criticism. RECOMMENDED TEXT: Drawing: A Contemporary Approach by Claudia Betti/Teel Sale A&D 113 COURSE WEBSITE: www.drawing113.wordpress.com MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Portfolios: Three Portfolios will be turned in for grading. Portfolios will include work that is completed in class and homework assignments. Portfolios that do not contain all of the required assignments and/or contain unfinished drawings will receive a grade of C, D, or F. Grades on late portfolios will be lowered. Presentation is an important element in the evaluation of your work, so keep your drawings in good condition for your portfolio. Evaluation of drawings will be based upon the following elements: Understanding and application of the visual elements. Execution of the drawings and handling of the materials. Meeting the requirements for each assignment. 2. Homework: You will be required to complete at least three drawings outside of class throughout the semester. Homework assignments will be included in each portfolio. 3. Written Assignments: In addition to drawings completed for each portfolio, you will be assigned at least one written assignment during the semester. Written projects will relate to material covered in class and may include short exhibition analysis papers, research papers, or responses to assigned readings. PARTICIPATION, ATTITUDE, AND PREPAREDNESS: At the end of the semester you will receive a participation grade which will constitute roughly 10% of your final grade. Participation grades will be based on the following: 1. Participation during class critiques, attentiveness during instructor demonstrations, and overall effort put into individual drawing activities and assignments. 2. Attitude expressed during class and thoughtful consideration of opinions and work of others. 3. Willingness to explore new ideas and visual concepts. 4. Coming to class prepared with the appropriate materials to fulfill each assignment. 5. Efficient use of class time and ability to work through challenging visual problems. Cell phones are a huge distraction to the instructor and other students, so cell phone use is not permitted during class. Excessive cell phone use will result in a poor participation grade. Mp3 players are not permitted for use in class unless your instructor allows them during longer drawing activities. Do not use camera phones when drawing from life. Personal time in the drawing room must be spent recording what you see in order to fulfill the requirements of each assignment. ATTENDANCE POLICY FOR A&D 113: 1. Poor participation, disruptive behavior, excessive cell phone use, or coming to class unprepared may result in up to one full absence for each class in which an issue arises. 2. You are required to attend all critiques even if your assignment is unfinished. 3. You are allowed 3 absences before your final grade is affected. On your 4th absence (12 hours) your final grade will be lowered by one letter grade. Each absence thereafter will cause your grade to be lowered by half a letter grade. If you miss 7 classes (21 hours) you will receive an “F” and will need to contact the Office of the Dean of Students if you still wish to pass the course. 4. Coming to class late or leaving early will be noted and count towards your absence total. Class Attendance Statement: Purdue University policy states that all students are expected to be present for every meeting of classes in which they are enrolled. All matters relative to attendance, including the make-up of missed work, are to be arranged between you and the instructor. Only the instructor can excuse you from classes or course responsibilities. In the case of an illness, accident, or an emergency, you should make direct contact with your instructor as soon as possible, preferably prior to class. If the instructor cannot be reached directly a message should be left in the instructor’s departmental mailbox or with the department secretary. If you are absent for more than five days and have not been able to reach your instructor in person, by email, or through leaving notification of your circumstances with the divisional secretary, you should notify the Office of the Dean of Students: https://www.purdue.edu/odos (765-494-1747). Be advised, you may be asked to provide documentation from an authorized professional or agency which supports an explanation for your absence. GRADING POLICY: Your final grade will be based on the following: Three Portfolio grades worth 100 points each: Written Assignments: Participation Grade: 300 points 20 points 40 points Total Points: 360 points GRADING SCALE: A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD F 97% 93% 90% 87% 83% 80% 77% 73% 70% 60% 0% - 100% - 96% - 92% - 89% - 86% - 82% - 79% - 76% - 72% - 69% - 59% (348-360) (334-349) (323-333) (312-322) (297-311) (287-296) (279-286) (261-278) (251-260) (215-250) (0-214) Art & Design Policy on Academic Honesty and Student Code of Honor: The Dean of Students Office policy covers all academic activities at the university, including examinations, written papers, research, and visual works of art and design. http://www.purdue.edu/univregs/pages/stu_conduct/code_of_honor.html "To foster a climate of trust and high standards of academic achievement, Purdue University is committed to cultivating academic integrity and expects students to exhibit the highest standards of honor in their scholastic endeavors. Academic integrity is essential to the success of Purdue University’s mission. As members of the academic community, our foremost interest is toward achieving noble educational goals and our foremost responsibility is to ensure that academic honesty prevails." http://www.purdue.edu/univregs/pages/stu_conduct/stu_regulations.html Part 5 - Student Conduct Section III - B. Student Conduct: Misconduct Subject to Disciplinary Penalties: The following actions constitute misconduct for which students may be subject to administrative action or disciplinary penalties. Dishonesty in connection with any University activity: cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University are examples of dishonesty. The commitment of the acts of cheating, lying, stealing, and deceit in any of their diverse forms (such as the use of ghost-written papers, the use of substitutes for taking examinations, the use of illegal cribs, plagiarism, and copying during examinations) is dishonest and must not be tolerated. Moreover, knowingly to aid and abet, directly or indirectly, other parties in committing dishonest acts is in itself dishonest.” Information for Art & Design studio courses: Copying, appropriation, reference and/or citation of visual works of art and design are permitted only when given as an assignment or with permission of instructor. One assignment to copy or appropriate should not be considered permission to copy or appropriate for any or all other course work. Students should consult with their instructor to avoid violating the policy. In the interests of fostering a positive environment with high standards of integrity and achievement, copying or appropriating visual works of art and design created by other members of the Purdue University community (students, staff, and faculty) will be considered a violation of the code of honor and are prohibited. This policy is not intended to supersede or replace US or international copyright laws. Students are strongly advised to avoid violating copyright. The Purdue University Department of Art and Design (School of Visual & Performing Arts) retains a non-exclusive right to reproduce all undergraduate and graduate student projects for the purpose of education, publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, trade in any manner or medium now known or later developed in perpetuity. Course Fees for Studio-Based Courses in the Department of Art & Design: Course fees for A&D studio-based courses enhance the educational experience of all students enrolled in studio-based courses in the Department of Art and Design. The objectives of the course fees are: to provide and maintain the best stateof-the-art equipment and support possible for optimal learning in all programs in the department, and to obtain and distribute course materials that are more economical to purchase in bulk, are more environmentally-friendly, or that may not be available locally. Course fees do not cover all costs associated with a studio-based course. Students may have additional materials and/or texts to purchase in addition to what is supplied by the instructor. Department of Art and Design course Fee Refund Policy: If an Art and Design course with course fees is dropped within the first week of classes, the fee will be removed from the student’s account at 100%. If the student drops the course after the first week of classes the fee is considered non-refundable. If the student chooses to appeal this, they would need to contact the Chair of the Department of Art and Design; if an exception were approved then the Department Chair would email the Comptroller & Bursar Office to adjust the fee as appropriate. After Friday, January 16th, there will be NO refunds of course fees. Disabilities and Adaptive Programs Statement: Students with disabilities must register with Adaptive Programs in the Office of the Dean of Students before classroom accommodations can be provided. If you are eligible for academic accommodations because you have a documented disability that will impact your work in this class, please schedule an appointment with the instructor as soon as possible to discuss your needs. Course Evaluations Statement: During the last two weeks of the semester, you will be provided with an opportunity to evaluate this course and your instructor. Purdue now uses an online course evaluation system. Near the end of classes, you will receive an official email from administrators with a link to the online evaluation suite. You will have up to two weeks to complete this evaluation. Your participation in an integral part to this course and your feedback is vital to improving education at Purdue University. I strongly urge you to participate in the evaluation system. Emergency Alert: In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances. In the event of a security-related emergency, students with a purdue.edu email address may join an emergency notification group where security-related information will be posted. The quickest way to warn the campus is through sirens, often related to tornado activity, but can apply to any security emergency. This signal means to shelter in place. Follow instructions posted in hallways for sheltering. Check emails, text messages and the Purdue home page or news media to learn the nature of the problem. Weather Alert: In the rare instance of a suspension of classes due to inclement weather, check the Purdue home page and news media sources to learn of scheduled closings and re-opening of classes. VPN: Q) What does the VPN do for me, and what is a VPN? A) The VPN allows you to receive a Purdue IP address and act as an on-campus host. This allows access past port restrictions and other security measures, and allows your system to easily interoperate with on-campus services that may not work for off-campus systems. Q) How do I set up my system to use the VPN? Is it hard? A) For most common systems, VPN set up is fairly easy. See http://www.itap.purdue.edu/telecom/vpn for details. Q) I live outside of town or need to access Purdue resources from a remote site. Does this apply to me/will the VPN work? A) The VPN is accessible from anywhere in the world with proper Purdue credentials (Purdue career account) A&D 113 Drawing Coordinator: Eric Penington Office Location: PAO 3159 Email: epeningt@purdue.edu If you have unresolved questions or wish to discuss course content, attendance policy, grading, or evaluation of your performance, please contact Eric at any time throughout the semester. A&D 113 Course Website: www.drawing113.wordpress.com Helpful handouts and artist examples can be found on the class website. A&D 113: Basic Drawing - Materials List: Newsprint paper pad, 18 x 24 inches White drawing paper pad, 18 x 24 inches, any brand labeled Drawing, NOT sketching Artbin Quickview Case or tackle box for storage of supplies Portfolio: 20 x 26 inches or slightly larger (cardboard or nicer material) for storage of drawings to be turned in for grading Graphite pencils: (one each) HB, B, 2B, 4B, and 6B or full set with additional pencils Woodless graphite pencil: 6B (soft) Charcoal Pencils: 4B soft and 2B medium (Generals, Prismacolor, Cretacolor, or other brand) Vine charcoal: package of thin and package of thick (Winsor & Newton, Generals, or other brand) Compressed charcoal: package of mixed hardness (Prismacolor, Derwent, Faber-Castell, Generals, or other) Conté Crayon Matchbox Set of 4: black, white, sepia (brown), and sanguine (red orange/brown) Conté Pencils: one each: white and black (or other brand of pastel pencil like Derwent or Cretacolor) Erasers: white Staedtler Mars vinyl eraser, large kneaded erasers (2), and Tuff Stuff eraser stick (retractable eraser) Black water soluble ink (India ink, Higgins Black Magic, Speedball, or other brand) Bamboo point brush (CC2) and/or #10 camel hair brush Bamboo drawing tool Blending sticks (tortillions) Clips (at least 2 Bulldog or other large paper clips) Pencil sharpener: two hole w/canister to collect shavings Masking tape Black ballpoint pen Optional Drawing Supplies: Graphite stick 6B (soft), graphite chunk, or powdered graphite Watercolor brushes: various sizes (for ink drawings) Char-Kole package (2-3) square compressed very soft black charcoal Mechanical (graphite) pencil Prismacolor Pencils (individual colors or set) or other brand of colored pencil Workable spray fixative (Krylon, Prismacolor…higher end fixatives: Lascaux, Delacroix, or Sennelier) Some assignments will require other materials that your instructor will provide for you. NOTE: Spray fix drawings using the spray booths. Some people are sensitive to fumes from spray fixative, as it can be particularly dangerous to breathe for asthmatics and those in the early stages of pregnancy. Do not over fix your drawings or the surrounding atmosphere. Spray drawings outside if possible. Class Card for A&D 113: Basic Drawing Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________ Major _________________________________________________ Minor or other interest ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any drawing experience?_______________________________________________________________________________ Goals and desires for this class? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any concerns?___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have read the attendance policy and student evaluation procedures and guidelines, and I understand the information completely. Signed_________________________________________________Date_________________________________ I give permission for my work to be displayed on hallway boards and photographed during the semester. Signed_________________________________________________Date_________________________________