Högskolan Dalarna Elektroteknik Per Liljas 2006-08-22/ver1 Course Information, preliminary ETD011 MATLAB programming and Simulink simulation, period 1 2006/2007 Objective: Students shall get knowledge in technical calculations using MATLAB. Simulation of dynamical systems using Simulink. The student shall also get knowledge in how MATLAB perform the calculations. Description: The course consist of matrix algebra, strings, data analysis and statistics, ODE, Linear equations, interpolation, 2D and 3D plotting, programming in MATLAB. Creating models using graphical technique in Simulink. Continuous, Discrete and hybrid systems. S-functions Teaching: Lectures, Exercises, Laboratory work, Project Examination: Approved laboratory reports Approved project work Grades: U, G Total hours: Lectures (Lec), Exercises (Ex): Laboratory work (Lab) (The numbers are estimated) Text: Stephen J. Chapman (2004). MATLAB Programming for Engineers, Third Edition, ISBN 0-534-42417-1 Dabney J.B and. Harman T.L (2004). Masering Simulink 5, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-142477-7 28 h 28 h Reference text: Hanselman D. and Littlefield B. (2001). Mastering MATLAB 6, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-019468-9 Instructor: Per Liljas per.liljas@du.se -1- 023-77 88 60, 070-603 50 66 Course Schedule Week 35 36 Day & Time & Location WW Description Tue 29/8 S319 10-12 Lec Introduction. MATLAB Environment, Basic Features, Branching Statements. Loops Tue 13-15 (15-17) Ex 10-12 Ex 2.1, 2.4, 2.6, 2.10, 2.14, 2.16, 2.18 3.3(2), 3.4(3), 3.14(11), 3.15(12), 3.16(13), 4.19, 4.21, 4.22 Cont. 13-17 Ex Lab Cont. Start of Lab 1 29/8 L309 Thu 31/8 L337, L338 Thu 31/8 L337, L338 Tue 5/9 S319 10-12 Lec Introduction to Simulink, Block diagrams, Building models. Tue 13-15 (15-17) Ex Examples with Simulink 10-12 Ex Cont. 13-17 Ex Lab Lec Cont. Lab 1 and 2 Functions, Strings, Sparse Arrays, Cell Arrays Ex 5/9 L309 Thu 7/9 L337, L338 Thu 7/9 L337, L338 Tue 12/9 S319 Tue 12/9 L309 37 38 10-12 Thu 14/9 L337, L338 10-12 Ex 5.1, 5.2, 5.10(8), 5.16(13), 5.19(16), 5.24(20) 6.1, 6.20(18) 7.6 Cont. Thu 14/9 L337, L338 (13-17) Ex Lab Cont. Lab 1 and 2 Tue 10-12 19/9 13-17 No lecture Tue 19/9 (13-17) L309 Thu 21/9 10-12 S307 Ex Examples, Lab, no instructor Lec Simulink, Continuous & Discrete systems Subsystem and Masking Thu 21/9 L337, L338 Ex Lab Cont. Lab 1 and 2 13-17 -2- Tue 26/9 S319 Tue 39 26/9 10-12 Lec 13-15 (15-17) Ex 10-12 Ex 13-15 (15-17) Ex Lab Cont. Lab 1 and 2 10-12 Lec Graphical User Interface 13-15 (15-17) Ex Lab 10-12 Ex 13-15 (15-17) Ex Lab Cont. Lab 1 and 2 Lec Callbacks, S-functions MATLAB And Simulink L309 Thu 28/9 L337, L338 Thu 28/9 L337, L338 Tue 3/10 S319 Tue 40 3/10 L309 Thu 5/10 L337, L338 Thu 5/10 42 L337, L338 Tue 10/10 10-12 S319 Tue 10/10 13-15 (15-17) L309 Thu 12/10 10-12 L337, L338 Thu 12/10 13-15 (15-17) L337, L338 Project Work 43 Project Work 41 Linear Equations, ODE, Integration, Handle Graphics Ex Lab Ex Ex Lab Cont. Lab 1 and 2 -3- Laboratory work - Start: Laboratory work 1 Laboratory work 2 Laboratory groups should not be larger than 2 students. The MATLAB source code (commented) and Simulink models are to be sent to me by mail before the presentation. Each lab group will give a short presentation of some parts of the laboratory work and will be questioned about the contents before the report is approved. The time schedule for this will be given later. Content Matrix manipulations, Graphics, Equations, statistic. Simulink models Last day to submit code Monday 9 Oct Wed 16 Oct Project - - It is up to you to figure out a project! The project should contain: A Graphical User Interface (GUI) Some model building in Simulink The deadline for submitting the project: Mon 30 Oct Information See the course website for changes in the schedule and other information about laboratory, exercises and lectures. The website is: https://fronter.du.se/ in room ETD011. Other useful links: http://www.mathworks.com http://www.mathworks.com/products/product_listing/index.html -4-