College of Engineering and Computer Science Mechanical

College of Engineering and Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering Department
ME 692 – Computational Fluid Dynamics
Spring 2002 Ticket: 57541 Instructor: Larry Caretto
Grid Transformations for CFD Calculations
We want to carry out our CFD analyses in alternative coordinate systems. Most students have
dealt with polar and spherical coordinate systems. In these notes, we want to extend this notion
of different coordinate systems to consider arbitrary coordinate systems. This prepares the way
for the consideration of body-fitted coordinates in CFD problems. Body fitted coordinated start by
fitting a coordinate line to the physical body under consideration. This body may be any arbitrary
shape. One consequence of the use of body-fitted coordinates is that the resulting coordinate
system may not be orthogonal. In an orthogonal coordinate system the unit vectors in any
coordinate direction will be perpendicular to the unit vectors in the other directions. In a general
orthogonal coordinate system we can express the unit vectors in the three coordinate directions,
e(1), e(2), and e(3), as the following column vectors.
e (1)
 0
e ( 2)
 1
e ( 3)
 0
We usually use the notation ei to represent one component of a vector. Here we use the
notation, e(i) instead of ei for the unit vectors to emphasize that these are in fact vectors with three
components; we are not referring to the individual components (the 1’s and 0’s of these vectors
here. With this definition of the unit vectors for the orthogonal coordinate system, the vector dot
product of any two unit vectors may be represented as follows.
1 if i  j
e (i )  e ( j )  e T(i ) e ( j )   ij  
0 if i  j
In equation [2], the first notation is the conventional dot-product notation for vectors; the second
notation is the matrix multiplication notation for column vectors. Both operations produce the
Kronecker delta, defined as the last item in equation [2]. For our Cartesian coordinates, the unit
vectors are usually denoted as i, j, and k. We will call these unit vectors e(x), e(y) and e(z), in these
Coordinate transformations require two different items. The first is a transformation of
coordinates. When we have a derivative of some function with respect to x in a Cartesian
system, how do we express that derivative in a new coordinate system? The second questions
relates to components of vectors. If the velocity vector has certain components along the axes in
a Cartesian system, what are the components of the velocity vector in the transformed system?
In addition to vectors, we have to consider the shear stress, σij. This two dimensional quantity is
known as a tensor and its nine components must have appropriate transformations to get into the
new coordinate system.
When we depart from an orthogonal system, we have an additional complication. There are two
concepts that are the same in orthogonal systems. The first is the tangent to a coordinate line.
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Coordinate transformations
ME 692, L. S. Caretto, Spring 2002
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The second is the normal to a surface where a coordinate is constant. This is not always the
case in nonorthogonal systems. For example, a coordinate line in the direction of angular
displacement, θ, in a cylindrical coordinate system, describes a circle. A tangent line to a line
along which only the θ coordinate varies is a tangent to a circle. In this coordinate system, a
surface, on which θ is a constant, is a plane. A vector normal to this plane of constant θ will point
in the same direction as the tangent to the θ coordinate line. In nonorthogonal coordinate
systems, this is not the case.
Definition of Generalized Coordinate Systems
We are concerned about transformations between two different coordinate systems. Ultimately
the analysis of two general coordinate systems will allow us to obtain relations with the more
familiar Cartesian coordinate system. We use the notation x1, x2, and x3 to define one coordinate
system and the notation xˉ 1, xˉ 2, and xˉ 3, to define the second coordinate system. For example we
could have the Cartesian coordinate system, x1 =x, x2 =y, and x3 =z, as one system.* The other
system might be the cylindrical coordinate system: xˉ 1 = r, xˉ 2 = θ and xˉ 3 =z. In general, any one of
the new coordinates can depend on all three of the old coordinates. Thus, we can write the
following general relationship.
x i  x i ( x1 , x2 , x3 )
i  1, 2, 3
We can write all three relationships as shown below.
x1  x1 ( x1 , x2 , x3 )
x 2  x 2 ( x1 , x2 , x3 )
x 3  x 3 ( x1 , x2 , x3 )
For example, we can write the usual equations for the conversion from a Cartesian coordinate
system to a cylindrical coordinate system in terms of the usual r, θ, z variables and the notation
introduced here in equation [5].
x1  r  x 2  y 2  x1   x2 
x 
 y
x 2    tan 1    tan 1  2 
 x
 x1 
x 3  z  x3
We want to invert the general functional relationship in [3] and [4] so that we go back and forth
between the two coordinate systems. That is we want to have relationships like the following.
xi  xi ( x1 , x 2 , x3 )
i  1, 2, 3
As before, the functional relationships shown in equation [3] are equivalent to the following three
Later in these notes we will use the notation yi to discriminate between a Cartesian system and any other
coordinate system. That is, we will write y1 =x, y2 =y, and y3 =z, for a Cartesian coordinate system.
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x1  x1 ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 )
x 2  x 2 ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 )
x3  x3 ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 )
The equations shown in [5] for transforming a Cartesian system into a cylindrical coordinate
system have the inverse relationships shown in equation [8]. As in equation [5], we write these
equations in terms of the usual r, θ, z variables and the general coordinate system introduced
 
 y  r sin   x sin x 
x1  x  r cos   x1 cos x 2
x3  z  x 3
The inversion of this functional relationship for the coordinate transformation requires the
Jacobian determinant for the transformation be nonzero. This determinant is expressed by the
following symbolic notation.
 ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 )
 ( x1 , x2 , x3 )
The actual definition of this determinant is shown below.
 x1
 ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 )  x 2
 ( x1 , x2 , x3 )
 x3
 x1
 x2
 x3
 x1
 x3
The functional relationships in equation [3] allow us to express a differential change in the new
Cartesian coordinates in terms of the differential changes in the new coordinate system by the
usual relationship for total differentials in terms of partial derivatives.
d xi 
 xi
 xi
 xi
dx1 
dx2 
i  1, 2, 3
We can write the inverse relationship for the total differential by a similar relationship.
dxi 
d x1  i d x 2  i d x 3
 x1
 x2
 x3
i  1, 2, 3
Using the summation convention that repeated indices in a single term are summed over all three
coordinate values, we could write equations [11] and [12] as follows.
Coordinate transformations
ME 692, L. S. Caretto, Spring 2002
d xi 
 xi
dx j
x j
dxi 
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x j
In both cases, the repeated index, j, is summed over its three possible values 1, 2, and 3.
To start our general coordinate system, we consider a position vector, r, that is defined in a
Cartesian coordinate space as follows with unit vectors e(x), e(y) and e(z). The position vector is
defined as follows in a Cartesian system. We use either (x, y, z) or (y1, y2, y3) as our Cartesian
r  xe ( x )  ye ( y )  ze ( z )  y1e (1)  y2e ( 2)  y3e (3)
The derivative of the position vector, with respect to a particular new coordinate, xi, is given by
equation [15], which is also used to define the base vector, g(i), in the new coordinate system.
y j
r y1
e (1)  2 e ( 2)  3 e (3) 
e ( j )  g (i )
xi xi
i  1, 2, 3
In the last expression, we use the summation convention over the repeated index j. The three
base vectors defined in equation [15] are the equivalent of the usual unit vector that we have in
our Cartesian coordinate system. We can use these base vectors to compute the differential
vector length, dr, along any path in our new coordinate system.
dr 
dx1 
dx2 
dx3 
dxi  g (i ) dxi  g (1) dx1  g ( 2) dx2  g ( 3) dx3
In the two middle terms of equation [16] we have used the summation convention – the
summation over repeated indices. We can write an elementary length in Cartesian space, ds, as
the magnitude of the dr vector. This is the square of the magnitude of the vector, which is the
absolute value of the dot product of the vector with itself.
(ds) 2  dr  dr  g (i ) dxi   g ( j ) dx j   g (i )  g ( j ) dxi dx j  gij dxi dx j
Note that all the terms involving indices i and j have both indices repeated. Thus we sum over
both indices and we have nine terms in the sum for (ds)2. The dot product of two base vectors,
g(i) and g(j) is defined gij, one of the nine components of a quantity known as the metric tensor.
From the definition of g(i) in equation [15], we can obtain a scalar equation for gij as follows. In the
following, we use equation [2] that defines the orthogonality condition for the Cartesian unit
vectors, e(i).
 y y
 y
  y
g ij  g (i )  g ( j )   k e ( k )    m e ( m )   k m e ( k )  e ( m )
 xi x j
 xi
  x j
y y
y y
y y y y
 k m  km  1 1  2 2  3 3
xi x j
xi x j xi x j xi x j
For example, in a cylindrical coordinate system, y1 = x1cos(x2), y2 = x1sin(x2) and y3 = x3. We
have the following partial derivatives.
Coordinate transformations
ME 692, L. S. Caretto, Spring 2002
 cos( x2 )
y 2
 sin( x2 )
  x1 sin( x2 )
y 2
 x1 cos( x2 )
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Using equation [18], we can compute some of the gij components for the cylindrical coordinate
y1 y1 y2 y2 y3 y3
 cos 2 ( x2 )  sin 2 ( x2 )  0  1
x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
y y
y y
 2 2  3 3   x1 sin( x2 ) cos( x2 )  x1 sin( x2 ) cos( x2 )  0  0
x1 x2 x1 x2
y1 y2 y2 y3 y3
  x1 sin( x2 )  x1 sin( x2 )  0  x1
x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
y y
y y y y
g 33  1 1  2 2  3 3  0  0  1  1
x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
g11 
y1 y1
x1 x2
g 22  1
g12 
The remaining, unique, off-diagonal terms, g13 and g23 can both be shown to be zero. The
remaining off diagonal terms, g21, g31, and g32 are seen to be symmetric by the basic form of
equation [19]. These terms will also be zero.
When the metric tensor has zero for all its off-diagonal terms, the resulting coordinate system is
orthogonal. In an orthogonal system, each base vector is perpendicular to the other two base
vectors at all points in the coordinate system. The differential path length given by equation [17],
which we use to define a new term, for orthogonal systems only hi = gii.
(ds ) 2  g ii dxi dxi  (hi dxi ) 2  (h1dx1 ) 2  (h2 dx2 ) 2  (h3 dx3 ) 2
In the equation [20] example of cylindrical coordinates, we had g11 = h1 = g33 = h3 = 1, and
g22 = h2 = x1 = r. Thus the three terms in equation [21] are (dx)2, (rdθ)2 and (dz)2. We see that
h2 = r multiplies the differential coordinate, dθ, and results in a length. This is a general result for
any hi coefficient; this coefficient is a factor that takes a differential in a coordinate direction and
converts it into a physical length. This factor also appears in operations on vector components
for orthogonal systems. These factors are usually written in terms of Cartesian coordinates (x, y,
and z) by the following equations, which are a combination of equations [21] and [18].
 x   y   z 
  
  
h  
 x1   x1   x1 
 x   y   z 
  
  
h2  
 x2   x2   x2 
 x   y   z 
  
  
h  
 x3   x3   x3 
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Now that we have an expression for the differential length in our new coordinate system, we can
derive equations for differential areas and volumes. From equation [17] we see that the length of
a path along which only one coordinate, say xk, changes, is given by the equation gkkdxk (no
summation intended); the vector representation of this path is g(k)dxk. To get an differential area
from two differential path lengths, we take the vector cross product of these two differential
lengths. The vector cross product gives the product of two perpendicular components of the
differential path lengths to calculate an differential area, (dS)i.
(dS) i  g ( j ) dx j  g ( k ) dxk   g ( j )  g ( k ) dx j dxk
(no summation)
i, j, k cyclic
i  1, 2, 3
The vector that results from the cross product is in the plus or minus xi coordinate direction
depending on which direction the surface is facing. The notion that i, j, and k are cyclic means
that we use only the following three combinations (i = 1, j = 2, k = 3), (i = 2, j = 3, k = 1), or (i = 3, j
= 1, k = 2). In order to compute the magnitude of the surface area, we need to compute the
magnitude of the vector cross product |g(j) x g(k)|= |g(j) x g(k)|•|g(j) x g(k)|. To obtain a useful result
from this definition, we need to use the following vector identity.
( A  B)  (C  D)  ( A  C)(B  D)  ( A  D)(B  C)
Using A = C = g(j) and B = D = g(k), gives the following result for the cross product of base
(g ( j )  g ( k ) )  (g ( j )  g ( k ) )  (g ( j )  g ( j ) )(g ( k )  g ( k ) )  (g ( j )  g ( k ) )(g ( k )  g ( j ) )  g jj g kk  g 2jk [25]
With this expression, we can write the magnitude of the differential surface area in direction i as
(dS ) i  g jj g kk  g 2jk dx j dxk
(no summation)
i, j , k cyclic
i  1, 2, 3
Next, we obtain an equation for the differential volume element in our generalized coordinate
space. This is done by taking the vector dot product of differential area element in equation [23]
and the differential length element normal to the area. This gives the differential volume element
by the following equation.
dV  g ( i )  (g ( j )  g ( k ) )dxi dx j dxk
(no summation)
i, j , k cyclic
i  1, 2, 3
Just as we did for the differential area element, we also seek the magnitude of the vector term in
the volume element equation. This requires that we find the term |g(i)•(g(j) x g(k))| =
|g(i)•(g(j) x g(k))|•|g(i)•(g(j) x g(k))|. To start this, we need the following vector identity.
A  (B  C)2  (A  A)(B  C)  (B  C)  A  (B  C)2
We can use the identity in equation [24] to substitute for the term (B x C) • (B x C). We can also
use the following identity to substitute for the A x (B x C) term.
A  (B  C)  B( A  C)  C( A  B)
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Since we have only three basis vectors, we will use the following base vectors from equation [27]
in equation [28]: A = g(1) , B = g(2), and C = g(3). Making these substitutions and recognizing that
the dot product g(i)•g(j) = gij, the metric coefficient, gives the following result.
 (g ( 2 )  g ( 3 ) )
 g11 g 22 g 33  g 23
 g132 g 22  g122 g 33  2 g13 g12 g 23
 g11 g 22 g 33  g13 g12 g 23  g13 g12 g 23  g11 g 23 g 23  g13 g13 g 22  g12 g12 g 33
 g11 g 22 g 33  g 31 g12 g 23  g 31 g12 g 23  g11 g 32 g 23  g 31 g13 g 22  g 21 g12 g 33
In rearranging equation [29], we have made use of the symmetry relationship for the metric tensor
components, gji = gij, in obtaining the third line. We see that this final line is just the equation for
the determinant of a 3x3 array. If we write this determinant as g, we have the following result for
the volume element.
dV 
g dx1dx2 dx3  Det ( g ij ) dx1dx2 dx3
The value of g is the same as the value of the Jacobian determinant in equation [10]. You can
show this by writing the Jacobian determinant as a matrix and square that matrix. The
components in the resulting product matrix will be the components of the metric tensor, g ij.
Because the determinant of a matrix product is the same as the product of the determinants of
the two matrices, we have the result that J = g.
If we return to our previous example of cylindrical coordinate systems for which g11 = g33 = 1, g22
= x12 = r2, and g12 = g21 = g13 = g31 = g23 = g33 = 0, the value of g is simply the product of the
diagonal terms which is equal to x12 or r2 in the conventional notation. For this system, equation
[30] for dV gives the usual result for the differential volume in a cylindrical coordinate system,
dV = rdrdθdz.
Exercise: For the spherical polar system the three coordinates are x1, the distance from the
origin to a point on a sphere, x2, the counterclockwise angle on the x-y plane from the x axis to
the projection of the r coordinate on the x-y plane, and x3 = the angle from the vertical axis to the
line from the origin to the point. (These coordinates are more conventionally called r, θ, and φ.)
The transformation equations from Cartesian coordinates (y1, y2, and y3) to spherical polar
coordinates are given by the following equations: x1 = y12 + y22 + y32, x2 = tan-1(y2/y1), and x3 =
tan-1[ y12 + y22/y3]. The inverse transformation to obtain Cartesian coordinates from spherical
polar coordinates is: y1 = x1 cos(x2)sin(x3), y2 = x1 sin(x2)sin(x3), and y3 = x1cos(x3). Find all
components of the metric tensor for this transformation. Verify that this is an orthogonal
coordinate system. What are the three possible differential areas for this system? What is the
volume element for this system?
Vector components in generalized coordinate systems
The simplest vector to consider in a generalized coordinate system is the velocity vector, v,
whose components are the derivatives of the coordinates with respect to time. We can define the
velocity component in a particular direction, xi, by the symbol vi. The definition of vi in the
arbitrary coordinate system, and its relationship to the Cartesian coordinate system is shown
below, where we have used equation [11] or [12] for the coordinate transformation, substituting
the notation of yi for the Cartesian coordinates.
vi 
dxi xi dy1 xi dy2 xi dy3 xi dyk
dt y1 dt y2 dt y3 dt
yk dt
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We see that the terms dyi/dt on the right-hand side of equation [31] are just the velocity
components in the Cartesian coordinate system. In addition, there is no particular reason to
assume that the original system is Cartesian, we could equally well use the notation xˉ i for the
alternative coordinate system and the notation vˉ i for the velocity components in that system. This
gives the following equation for the transformation of velocity components from one coordinate
system to another.
vi 
dxi xi d x1 xi d x 2 xi d x 3 xi
v1  i v 2  i v 3  i v k [32]
dt  x1 dt
 x 2 dt
 x 3 dt
 x1
 x2
 x3
 xk
This transformation equation for components of the velocity vector can be contrasted with the
transformation equation for the components of the gradient vector. Equation [33] is the equation
for the gradient of a scalar, A; written as A , in Cartesian coordinates.
A 
e( x ) 
e( y ) 
e( z )
If we denote one component of this vector as ai, we can write this component and its coordinate
transformation into a new system
ai 
 xi
ai 
A  x i A  x i A  x i A  x i A  x i
xi x1  x1 x2  x 2 x3  x 3 xk  x k xk
If we compare equation [34] for the transformation of the components of a gradient vector with
equation [32] for the transformation of the components of a velocity vector, we see that there is a
subtle difference in the equations. For transforming the gradient vector from the old aˉ i
components to the new ai components, the partial derivatives of the coordinates have xˉ i in the
numerator. For the transformation of the velocity components from the old coordinate system, vˉ i,
into the vi components of the new system, the old coordinates, xˉ i, appear in the denominator. It
thus appears that we have two different equations for the transformation of a vector.
What we have, in fact, is two different kinds of vectors defined by their transformation equations.
A vector that is transformed from one coordinate to system to another using equation [32] is
called a contravariant vector. One that transforms according to equation [34] is called a
covariant vector. (You can remember these names by if you remember that covariant vectors
have transformation relations for vector components in which the old coordinates are collocated
with the old vector components in the numerator of the transformation. The transformation
relations for contravariant vectors have the old coordinates and the old vector components
located in the opposite locations – old vector components in the numerator and old coordinates in
the denominator.) In accordance with these names we call the velocity a contravariant vector and
the gradient a covariant vector.
Although there are naturally two types of vectors, according to their transformation relationships,
these differences disappear for an orthogonal coordinate system. In addition, one can express a
covariant vector by its contravariant components and vice versa. The covariant vector
components represent the components along the coordinate lines. The contravariant
components represent the components along normal to a plane in which the coordinate value is
constant. A vector, such as velocity, always has the same magnitude and direction at a given
location in a flow. The only thing that varies in different coordinate systems is the say in which we
choose to represent the vector. In an orthogonal system, only our choice of coordinate system
changes the representation of the vector. In a nonorthogonal system we choose not only the
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coordinate system, but also whether we want to represent the vector by its covariant or
contravariant components.
Although much of the original work on boundary fitted coordinate systems used different
representations of velocity components, most current day approaches used a mixed formulation.
The coordinate system is nonorthogonal, but we use Cartesian vector components. This is like
using a r-θ-z coordinate system, but leaving the velocity components as v x, vy, and vz. This is not
a wise choice, but it is possible. When we are dealing with complex boundary-fitted coordinate
systems, the use of Cartesian vector components does produce simpler results for the CFD
Transforming the basic equations
The analysis of boundary-fitted coordinates usually starts with the equations in a Cartesian basis
(x, y, z) and speaks of a transformation of a dimensionless coordinate system (ξ, η, ζ). This is
sometimes represented as a transformation from a Cartesian system (x 1, x2, x3) to the
dimensionless system (ξ1, ξ2, ξ3). The latter form of the transformation allows the use of the
summation convention. The task of determining the new coordinate system is the task of finding
the appropriate transformations ξ = ξ(x, y, z), η = η(x, y, z), and ζ = ζ(x, y, z). (These
transformations can be compactly written as the vector transformation, ξ = ξ(x).)
The transformations convert our known geometry (in x, y, z space) into a computational space
whose coordinates are ξ, η, ζ. The task of finding a grid transformation, which is discussed
below, is one of finding Cartesian coordinate values for each grid point defined in ξ-η-ζ space,
such that the x-y-z boundary coordinates of geometry being modeled becomes coordinate
boundaries for the computational grid. The resulting grid requires us to transform the general
equations into the transformed coordinates ξ, η, ζ (or ξ1, ξ2, ξ3 to invoke the convenience in
derivations allowed by the summation convention.) In order to complete the transformation of our
balance equation, we must first obtain some relations among the derivatives of coordinate
The relations among the derivatives are found by rewriting the general equations [11] and [12] in
terms of the particular coordinate scheme described here. Those equations express the fact that
a differential change in any of the xi coordinates in the original coordinate system can cause a
differential change in one of the ξi coordinates. The general equation for dξi is given below.
di 
dx1  i dx2  i dx3 or di  i dx j
x j
i  1,2,3
In the second form of equation [35], there is an implied summation over the repeated j index.
Equation [35] applies for i = 1, 2, and 3.
If we looked at the inverse problem of determining the differential changes in our original
coordinate system (x1, x2, x3), from differential changes in the (ξ1, ξ2, ξ3) coordinate system, we
would have the following analog of equation [35].
dxi 
d1  i d 2  i d 3
 2
 3
dxi 
d j
 j
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We can write both equations [35] and [36] as matrix equations to show that the partial derivatives,
 j
x i
are related to each other as components of an inverse matrix. In matrix form,
 j
equation [35] becomes.
 d 1 
d 
 2
 d 3 
  1
 x1
  2
 1
  3
 x1
 1
x 2
 2
x 2
 3
x 2
 1 
x3 
 2 
x3 
 3 
x3 
 dx1 
dx 
 2
 dx3 
Converting equation [36] to matrix form gives the following result.
 x1
 dx1   1
dx    x2
 2   
 dx3   1
 3
 1
x1 
 3 
x2 
 3 
x3 
 3 
 2
 2
 2
 d 1 
 d 
 2
 d 3 
Equations [37] and [38] can only be correct if the two three-by-three matrices that appear in these
equations are inverses of each other. That is, the partial derivatives are related by the following
matrix inversion.
 1
 x1
  2
 x
 1
 3
 x1
 2
 3
1   x1
 
x3   1
 2   x2
x3   1
 3   x3
x3   1
 2
 2
 2
x1 
 3 
x2 
 3 
x3 
 3 
If a matrix, B, is the inverse of a matrix, A, the components of b are given by equation [40]. In
that equation, Mij, denotes the minor determinant which is defined as follows. If A is an n-by-n
matrix, it has n2 minor determinants, Mij, which are the determinants of the (n-1) by (n-1) matrices
formed if row i and column j are deleted from the original matrix. The minor determinant is used
to define the cofactor, Aij = (-1)i+jMij. The components of the inverse matrix are defined in terms
of this cofactor and the determinant of the original matrix, A.
B  A1 ,
bij 
A ji
Det ( A)
(1) i  j M ji
Det ( A)
The matrix on the right hand side of equation [39] has the same form as the Jacobian determinant
defined in equation [10]. Thus the determinant of this matrix is the Jacobian, J. With this
expression for the cofactor, we can write the following nine equations for the inverse components
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from equation [39]. These derivatives are called the metric coefficients for the transformation.
In the equations below we write these coefficients in both the general form with numerical
subscripts and using the (x, y, z) and (ξ, η, ζ) notation. The final term in each equation is an
alternative notation for partial derivatives.
1 1  x2 x3 x3 x2 
 
 or
x1 J   2  3  2  3 
 1  y z z y  y z  z y
x J      
1 1  x1 x3 x1 x3 
 
 or
x2 J   3  2  2  3 
 1  x z x z  x z  x z
 
y J      
1 1  x1 x2 x1 x2 
 
 or
x3 J   2  3  3  2 
 1  x y x y  x y  x y
z J      
 2 1  x 2 x3 x 2 x3 
 
 or
x1 J   3  1 1  3 
 1  y z y z  y z  y z
x J      
 2 1  x1 x3 x1 x3 
 
 or
x2 J  1  3  3 1 
 1  x z x z  x z  x z
y J      
 2 1  x1 x2 x1 x2 
 
 or
x3 J  1  3  3 1 
 1  x y x y  x y  x y
z J      
 3 1  x2 x3 x2 x3 
 
 or
x1 J  1  2  2 1 
 1  y z y z  y z  y z
z J      
 3 1  x1 x3 x1 x3 
 
 or
x2 J   2 1 1  2 
 1  x z x z  x z  x z
y J      
 3 1  x1 x2 x1 x2 
 
  or
x3 J  1  2  2 1 
 1  x y x y  x y  x y
z J      
The relationships for two-dimensional flows can be found from these equations by recognizing
that in such flows, there is no variation in the third dimension. This means that there is no
variation of x or y with ζ. Thus all derivative of x and y with respect to ζ are zero. We set the
derivative zζ = 1 for applying equation [41] to two-dimensional flows. This is equivalent to
assuming a coordinate transformation of z = ζ for such flow geometries. The results of converting
equations [41a], [41b], [41d] and [41e] to two-dimensional forms are shown below
1 1  x2 
 
 or
x1 J   2 
 1  y  y
x J    J
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1  x 
   1  or
J   2 
1  x 
  
J   
 2
1  x 
   2  or
J  1 
1  y 
  
J   
 2 1  x1 
 
 or
x2 J  1 
 1  x  x
y J    J
(Note that equation [41i] is correct. The left hand side, zζ, is equal to one. The terms in braces
on the left-hand side are just the definition of the Jacobian, J, for the two-dimensional case. Thus
both sides of equation [41i] are equal to one in the two-dimensional case.)
We are now ready to transform the balance equations into our computational space. To carry out
this grid transformation we recognize that a change in any of the transformed coordinates can be
reflected as a change in any of the original coordinates. Thus we write the following equation to
convert first derivatives in our Cartesian coordinate system (with respect to any Cartesian
coordinate, xi) to first derivatives in transformed space.
 
 
 
xi x i  x i  x i 
 j 
x i x i  j
i  1,2,3
The second form of this equation has an implied summation over the repeated j index. We first
apply this to the convection terms, where we write Fi = ρuiφ. In transformed space the convection
terms, with the summation convention, are written as follows.
F1 F2 F3 Fi  j Fi
x1 x 2 x3 xi
xi  j
This equation can be converted into an alternative form by first multiplying by the Jacobian of the
transformation, J, and writing the resulting AdF term as d(FA) – FdA. This gives the following
 j Fi
xi  j  j
 j 
   j 
 JFi
  Fi
 x 
i 
j 
i 
The summation over the two repeated indices in the final term gives nine separate terms for the
transformed convection equation. We can show that the final term, multiplied by Fi is zero for
each value of i by using the metric coefficient relationships in equation [41]. We first get the
following result for i = 1, using equations [41a], [41d], and [41g].
 j
  j 
  1 
 J
 
 J
 
 x1  1  x1   2
 2
 x 2 x3 x 2 x3  
 
  3 1 1  3   3
  2  
 J
 
 3
1 
  3 
  x 2 x3 x3 x 2 
 J
 
1 
1 
3 
 x 2 x3 x 2 x3 
 1  2  2 1 
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Carrying out the indicated differentiations gives the combination of mixed, second-order partial
derivatives shown below. Each of these derivatives occurs two times, once with a plus sign and
once with a minus sign. (The order of differentiation is also different, but mixed second order
derivatives are the same regardless of the order of differentiation.) A letter below the term with a
plus or minus sign indicates the matching terms that cancel. For example, the term labeled (+A)
has a plus sign in the equation that cancels the term labeled (-A).
 j
  j
 J
 x1
 2 x3 x 2 x 2  2 x3
x  2 x 2
 2 x 2 x3
 
 3
  1 2  3  1 2  3  2  1 3  2  1 3
( A)
( B)
( C )
( D)
 2 x 2 x3
 2 x 2 x3 x 2  2 x3
x  2 x3
 2
 2  3  1  2  1  3  3  2  1  1  2  3
( E )
( A)
( B)
( F )
 2 x 2 x3
 2 x 2 x3 x 2  2 x3
x  2 x3
 2
 3  1  2  3  2  1  1  3  2  2  3  1
( D)
This shows that the Fi
( E )
 j
( F )
(C )
  j 
 J
 term in equation [45] is zero when i = 1. The proof that this
 xi 
term is zero for i = 2 and i = 3 follows the same approach used above and is left as an exercise
for the interested reader. With all these terms zero, equation [45] gives the following result for the
transformed convection terms.
 j Fi
xi  j  j
 j 
 JFi
xi 
Recall that Fi = ρuiφ; we can define the velocity, UK as follows.
U j  ui
 j
 u1
 j
 u2
 j
 u3
 j
This equation has the same form as equation [32] that defined the general transformation for
velocity components. At that point, we noted that the velocity was a contravariant vector, which
meant that the direction of the component Uj is was perpendicular to a surface where the ith
coordinate is constant. This contravariant velocity component appears naturally in the
transformed equations. However, we can still replace the general transport variable, φ, by our
choice of velocity components when we write the momentum equations. With this definition of U j,
the convection terms in our momentum equation become.
u i U j 
 j
The transformed convection terms, except for the new definition of Uj in placed of the usual
Cartesian velocity components, have the same form as those in the original equations.
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The next step is the transformation of the second-derivative diffusive terms. We can use the
result obtained above in equation [45], if we change the definition of Fi to apply to the second
derivative terms.
Define Fi   ( )
 ( ) 
xi xi
so that
The result in equation [45] did not depend on the definition of F i; it only depended on the fact that
there was an implied summation over all three components of Fi in the
term. Thus, we can
apply equation [45] to the definition of Fi in equation [48] to obtain the following result.
 ( ) 
xi  j
 j 
  ( )   j 
 JFi
 
 J
xi   j 
xi xi 
To complete the transformation of the second derivative terms, we have to replace the remaining
first derivative of φ in by derivatives with respect to the transformed coordinates, ξi. We use
equation [41] for the transform of this first derivative to obtain the following result.
 
 k
xi xi  k
so that
xi  j
 ( )  k   j
 J
xi  k xi
We use the index, k, for the second implied summation index to get the result that there are three
repeated indices in the final version of equation [50]. We can simplify the notation of this problem
by defining the coefficient Bkj as follows.
Bkj  J
   j  k  j  k  j 
 k  j
 J k
xi xi
 x1 x1 x2 x2 x3 x3 
With this definition we can rewrite equation [50] as follows.
xi  j
 Bkj  ( )
 k
With the transformed convection and diffusion terms (in equations [47] and [52], the general
balance equation, in transformed coordinates, becomes,
 U i
 j
 Bkj  ( )
 k
  JS ( )
The second derivative term in this equation, after application of the summation convention, has
nine separate terms. Three of them are pure second derivatives, which we are used to seeing in
our general transport equation. The other six are mixed, second-order derivatives. In implicit
finite-difference approaches, these mixed terms are usually treated explicitly. The coefficients B kj,
which are related to, but not the same as, the metric tensor coefficients, gij in equation [18], are
zero for orthogonal grids if k ≠ j. These Bkj coefficients with k ≠ j that multiply the mixed second-
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derivative terms, can cause convergence problems is the grid angles are far from orthogonal or if
there are large aspect ratios for the grid cells.
The grid spacing on the computational grid is usually taken as 1; i.e., Δξ = Δη = Δζ = 1. At each
point on the computational grid we will have a known value of x, y, and z. A grid generation
program determines the relationship between these actual coordinates and the dimensionless
computational grid coordinates. The x, y, and z values at the dimensionless coordinates are used
to compute the partial derivatives that appear in the definition of U (defined in equation [46]) and
Bkj, defined in equation [51]. These equations require the evaluation of
 j
. Because the
computational grid has ξ, η, and ζ as the independent variables, we cannot evaluate these
derivatives directly. Instead, equation [41] is used to relate
 j
to derivatives of the form
 j
which are evaluated using conventional, second-order, finite-difference expressions such as the
ones shown below.
x xi 1, j ,k  xi 1, j ,k
y yi , j ,k 1  yi , j ,k 1
Transport equations like equation [53] can be done by finite difference methods using
conventional finite-difference forms.
An alternative approach to nonorthogonal grids uses a finite volume approach with a coordinate
system that handles grid transformations locally. This requires an analysis of the specific
geometry of a typical grid cell.
These notes have not considered the problems of grid generation, which is an entirely separate