Works Cited - LeMars Community Schools

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Works Cited
“Adolescent Sleep Needs and School Performance.” New York State United Teachers.
November 1998. 28 November 2004 <
Bayer, Linda N. Sleep Disorders. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2001.
Borbely, Alexander. Secrets of Sleep. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1986.
“Drowsy Driving and Fatigue.” New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. 2004.
6 December 2004. <>
Diconsiglio, John. “Let Me Sleep!”. Electric Library. 14. 11 February 2002. New York Times
Upfront. 3 December 2004. <>
Fernandez, Lisa. “Politician Hopes to Reawaken Sleep Legislation.” San Francisco Chronicle.
March 1999. 12 December 2004. < cgi-bin/ article.cgi?file=/ chronicle/
Grady, Denise. “Sleep Is One Thing Missing in Busy Teenage Lives.” Electric Library. F5. 10
November 2002. New York Times. 3 December 2004. <>
Healy, Bernadine, M.D. “A Nation’s Wake-up Call.” Electric Library. 17 May 2004. U.S. News
and World Report. 3 December 2004. <>
Kantrowitz, Barbara, and Karen Springen. “Why Sleep Matters.” Newsweek. 22 September
2003. Electric Library. 3 December 2004. <>
“Melatonin.” DHEAUSA.COM. 2001. 6 December 2004. <
Mullin, Rita. “Helping Sleep Deprived Teens.” 29 November 2004. Discovery. 29 November
2004. <>
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“The Secret Life of the Brain: the Teenage Brain.” PBS. 2004. 9 December 2004.
“Sleep and Aging.” National Sleep Foundation. 2004. 6 December 2004.
Spinks, Sarah. “Adolescents and Sleep.” Frontline. 2002. 28 November 2004.
“The Stages of Sleep.” Silent Partners Sleep Clinic. 2000. 28 November 2004.
“Teens, Sleep, and School.” Adoption Media, LLC. 1995-2004. 28 November 2004.
Thomas, Amy. “Are You Dreaming of Sleep?.” 2 October 2001. Teenwire. 29 November 2004.
Wahlstrom, Kyla. “Changing Times: Findings from the first longitudinal study of later high
school start times.” Electric Library. 1 December 2002. NASSP Bulletin. 3 December
2004. <>