MUNICIPALITY OF THORNE Regular Sitting held on June 7, 2011 (7:00pm) Minutes of the meeting of the Municipality of Thorne held on Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 2011 at 7:00pm in Thorne Township, under the chairmanship of the Mayor, Mr. Ross Vowles. 1. OPENING AND ATTENDANCE M. Guitard, J. Schock Pulley, E. Dagenais-Schwartz, K. Kelly, E. Pasch, R. Charette 2. QUESTION PERIOD 3. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 142-06/2011 It is moved by M. Guitard and resolved to adopt the agenda with modifications. Carried 4. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 3, 2011 MEETING 143-06/2011 It is moved by R. Charette and resolved to adopt the minutes of the May 3, 2011 meeting, with modifications to #14, by adding the snowplowing of the parking area of the rink, and #22, by replacing the word “painted” with “decal”. Carried 5. FOLLOW-UP 1) ADMQ Insurance: 144-06/2011 It is moved by K. Kelly and resolved to purchase the additional insurance from the ADMQ for a fee of $175.00. Carried 2) ATV Club: Yach road is not being used by the ATV club and no signs are posted. 3) “Up the Hills to Home”: A student from PHS has volunteered to type the text of the book in order to make it ready for reprinting. 4) Family Policy: The public meeting for the action plan will be held at the Otter Lake RA on Saturday, June 18th at 1pm 5) Canada Summer Jobs: Although the application for a summer student was an eligible project, the request was denied as the demand for funding exceeded the budget available in our constituency. 6) Safety Boots: 145-06/2011 It is moved by E. Dagenais-Schwartz and resolved to add the increase to the Municipal employees’ cheques in a separate allocation on their cheque instead of an increase to their hourly wage, that being $2.88/pay. Carried 6. DEEDS There were 3 deeds for the month of May 2011. 7. INSPECTOR’S REPORT There were 2 inspections for the month of May 2011. 8. ROAD FOREMAN’S REPORT The Road Foreman’s monthly report was deposited. After inspecting the section of Johnson road between 74 and 78, the road Foreman has recommended that no work is needed on that section at the present time. The portion of road closer to where Mr. Cluff’s garage was located would benefit from work, if any money was to be spent on Johnson road. In the Road Foreman’s opinion, money would be more wisely spent on gravel for Thorne’s roads, Greermount, Bryson, etc. 9. WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE 146-06/2011 It is moved by R. Charette and resolved to authorize the Director General (DG) to give replacement stickers to those ratepayers whose stickers were mailed to their mortgage holder. Carried 147-06/2011 It is moved by M. Guitard and resolved to purchase 2 sets of rechargeable batteries for the camera at the dump gate, a battery charger, and another SD card so that they can be rotated weekly. Carried 148-06/2011 It is moved by E. Pasch and resolved to purchase another camera, to be used at the waste management site, and to purchase 2 sets of rechargeable batteries and 2 more SD cards so that they can also be rotated weekly. Carried 149-06/2011 It is moved by J. Schock Pulley and resolved to replace all items stolen at the dump. Carried 10. LETTER FROM A RATEPAYER The DG responded to a letter from a ratepayer explaining the procedures at the waste management site, along with a list of refused and accepted materials for recycling. Page 239 11. SNOWPLOWING ON APRIL 21, 2011 150-06/2011 It is moved by E. Dagenais-Schwartz and resolved to send a letter to Tom Orr Cartage explaining that the Municipality is unable to pay the invoice #10135, for snowplowing on April 21, 2011, given that Article 10 of the current contract states that “This contract commences with the first winter storm, snow or freezing rain and terminates when spring thaw is completed”. Carried 12. DIRECTOR GENERAL’S HOLIDAYS The DG will be taking one week of holidays in July and one week in August and the Assistant Director General will be working so that the office remains open. 13. BY-LAW ON GARBAGE 151-06/2011 It is moved by M. Guitard and resolved to accept by-law #04-2011. Carried BY-LAW # 04-2011 CANADA, PROVINCE OF QUEBEC M.R.C. Pontiac Municipality of Thorne REGULATIONS FOR THE BILLING OF HOUSEHOLD WASTE WHEREAS the Municipality of Thorne finds it necessary to implement a by-law for the billing of household waste; WHEREAS the Municipality of Thorne pays per ton on the collection of household waste; CONSIDERING THAT a Notice of Motion of this law was duly given by Councilor Mike Guitard, at the regular meeting of council held on May 3, 2011; FOR THESE REASONS, THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THORNE ORDERED THAT: Article 1 Preamble The preamble of this by-law forms part of all legal purposes. Article 2 Title and Number This Regulation is numbered 04-2011 and is entitled "Regulations for the billing of household waste." Article 3 Purpose The purpose of this by-law is to establish the rules for billing household waste. Article 4 Obligations Ratepayers are obligated to put one garbage sticker on each 20 lbs (bag/box) of household garbage or recycling when bringing their waste to the Waste Management site. Article 5 Price Should a ratepayer refuse to put a sticker on garbage or recycling, the dump attendant will notify the Director General (DG) of the amount of garbage left. Article 6 Method Should a person refuse to place the required number of stickers on the waste that they deposit, the DG will charge the appropriate fee to the ratepayer’s tax file, per 20 pounds, based on the price the Municipality pays to the contractor for the same weight, along with a $20.00 administrative fee for each occurrence. The corresponding bill will be mailed to the ratepayer with a 30 day delay before interest will start accumulating. Article 7 Interest The same percent interest will apply for unpaid garbage fees as that of annual land taxes. Article 8 Entry into force This By-law comes into force on the day of its publication in accordance with the Act. 14. THORNE NOTICE BOARD 152-06/2011 It is moved by K. Kelly and resolved to cover the expenses incurred to add a link on the municipal website to the “Thorne Notice Board” monthly newsletter, and to send a Thank You to Bob and Joyce Binder for their dedicated work. Carried 15. PONTIAC AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 153-06/2011 It is moved by E. Pasch and resolved to donate $100 to the Pontiac Agricultural Society. Carried 16. GASOLINE PRICES A letter from Charlotte L’Écuyer written to the Pontiac Chamber of Commerce concerning the impossibility of lowering the gasoline tax was read to council. Page 240 17. ROUTE 148 154-06/2011 It is moved by M. Guitard and resolved to support the Municipality of Bristol’s request for major repairs to Route 148 from Luskville to Aylmer by writing a letter of request to the MTQ (Ministry of Transport of Quebec). Carried 18. FQM COURSE ON ETHICS 155-06/2011 It is moved by J. Schock Pulley and resolved to enroll the Mayor and all 6 councilors for the English course offered in Shawville on November 26, 2011. Carried 19. JOHNSON LAKE ASSOCIATION 156-06/2011 It is moved by K. Kelly and resolved to donate $100.00 towards the Parade of Lights and fireworks, taking place on July 9th. Carried 20. FIRE COMMISSION COUNCILOR 157-06/2011 It is moved by E. Pasch and resolved to name Mayor Vowles and Interim Fire Chief, Donna Early, as municipal representatives when meeting with other municipalities regarding inter-municipal agreements, in accordance with the Fire Safety Cover Plan. Carried 21. SNOWPLOWING OF ROUTE 366 EAST 158-06/2011 It is moved by M. Guitard and resolved to authorize Ginger Finan, Director General, to sign the contract with the MTQ (Ministère du Transport du Québec) for the snowplowing, salting, and sanding of Route 366 East in the amount of $20,178.70, and to have the Director General (DG) sign the contract on behalf of the Municipality of Thorne. Carried 22. 159-06/2011 OKTOBERFEST LADYSMITH Essie Dagenais-Schwartz will represent the Municipality at the opening ceremonies. It is moved by R. Charette and resolved to make a donation of $100.00 to Oktoberfest Ladysmith. Carried 23. CARREFOUR ACTION MUNICIPALE ET FAMILLE 160-06/2011 It is moved by E. Pasch and resolved to re-new the membership with the Carrefour Action Municipale et Famille for $38.45. Carried 24. REQUEST FROM THE MUNICIPALITY OF SHAWVILLE 161-06/2011 It is moved by R. Charette and resolved to donate $200 to the Municipality of Shawville to be used towards their new Splash Pad at Mill Dam Park. Carried 25. FARM CREDIT CANADA – AGRISPIRIT FUND 162-06/2011 It is moved by E. Pasch and resolved to apply to the Farm Credit Canada (FCC) – AgriSpirit Fund for $25,000 for funding to cement the outdoor rink. Carried 26. MRC/SQ GOLF TOURNAMENT No donation will be made to the golf tournament at this time. 27. MUNICIPAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT HELP PROGRAM 163-06/2011 It is moved by R. Charette and resolved to apply to the Municipal Road Improvement Help Program for $20,000 for road preparation for paving for Bryson road or road base excavation on Johnson road. Carried 28. REQUEST FROM THE MUNICIPALITY OF LITCHFIELD 164-06/2011 It is moved by M. Guitard and resolved to pay for 3 loads of gravel through the contractor that the Municipality of Litchfield is using to be used for the Thorne portion of Crawford road. Carried 29. REQUEST FROM MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS (MAMROT) FOR DIRECT DEPOSIT 165-06/2011 It is moved by M. Guitard and resolved to have the Director General enroll with MAMROT for Direct Deposit, given the postal strike. Carried 30. TOUR OF TRANSFER STATION AND THE LACHUTE LANDFILL 166-06/2011 It is moved by J. Schock Pulley and resolved to send 2 councilors to tour Tom Orr Cartage’s Transfer Station and to visit the landfill site in Lachute, and to cover the dining expenses incurred. Carried 31 PLACE AUX JEUNES 167-06/2011 It is moved by E. Pasch and resolved to donate $64.95 to Place au Jeunes du Pontiac. Carried Page 241 32. MAYORS REPORT OF THE MRC MONTHLY MEETING The Mayor had no report to deposit. 33. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MRC MEETING No business arising from MRC meeting. 34. VARIA: 35. 168-06/2011 PAYMENT OF INVOICES It is moved by R. Charette and resolved that invoices totaling $78,094.72 be paid. Carried Certificate of Authority of Funds. I, the undersigned, Ginger Finan, Director General for the Municipality of Thorne certify that there are credits available to pay the expenses listed above. Whereof, this certificate is given in Ladysmith, this June 7, 2011 _________________________________ Ginger Finan, Director General 36. SOLAR LIGHT 169-06/2011 It is moved by E. Pasch and resolved to purchase and install a solar streetlight at the corner of Route 366 and Bryson road. Carried 37. BUILDING INSPECTOR 170-06/2011 It is moved by M. Guitard and resolved to have the Administration Committee recommend a solution for hiring a Building Inspector, 1 day/week. Carried 38. TCRA REQUEST 171-06/2011 It is moved by J. Schock Pulley and resolved to give a donation of $5343.18 to the TCRA, to cover their 2011 municipal taxes. Carried 39. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATIONS The Administration Committee is looking into the obligations regarding the keeping of documents before any renovations will commence. 172-06/2011 It is moved by J. Schock Pulley and resolved to cover half the expenses of private health and medical insurance for any employee who wishes to benefit from coverage and to have the Administration Committee decide which company and benefit plan to choose. Carried 40. INVITATION FROM MCDOWELL SCHOOL 173-06/2011 It is moved by K. Kelly and resolved to send the DG as the Municipal representative to the auction at McDowell school, being held on June 17th. Carried 41. HYDROQUEBEC OUTAGES 174-06/2011 It is moved by M. Guitard and resolved to write a letter to Hydro Quebec regarding our ratepayers’ concerns when reporting an outage and the difficulties experienced when contacting Hydro. It is also noted that Hydro’s automated service often rejects the voice recognition of Thorne’s postal code. It is requested that Hydro improve the efficiency of their system. Carried 42. 2133 ROUTE 303 175-06/2011 It is moved by R. Charette and resolved to request that the road crew remove the remaining debris from 2133 Route 303, as soon as they have the time. Carried 43. FAMILY FUN DAY 176-06/2011 It is moved by M. Guitard and resolved to host a Family Fun Day on Sunday, July 17th from noon to 4pm, and to cover expenses for food and beverages, as well as the advertisement. The event will include baseball, volleyball, horseshoes, sack races, 3 legged race, etc. A request for volunteers to help with the event will be circulated. Carried 44. ADJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING 177-06/2011 It is moved by E. Dagenais-Schwartz and resolved to adjourn the meeting at 9:06pm. Carried Next regular sitting of Council will be at 7:00P.M. on July 5, 2011. …………………. Ross Vowles Mayor …….…………………… Ginger Finan Director General Page 242