Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza Template for Hospital and Health Services 2014 Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza Published by the State of Queensland (Queensland Health), May 2014 This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit © State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2014 You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the State of Queensland (Queensland Health). For more information contact: Chief Health Officer Branch/Clinical Innovation Division/Communicable Diseases Unit, Department of Health, GPO Box 2368, Fortitude Valley BC, QLD 4006, email, phone 33289724 or 33289728. An electronic version of this document is available at Disclaimer: The content presented in this publication is distributed by the Queensland Government as an information source only. The State of Queensland makes no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information contained in this publication. The State of Queensland disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation for liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason reliance was placed on such information. Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza - ii - Contents Governance ........................................................................................................ 1 Authority .............................................................................................................. 1 Amendment list .................................................................................................... 1 Aim…................................................................................................................... 2 Objectives ............................................................................................................ 2 Scope .................................................................................................................. 2 Legislation ........................................................................................................... 3 Authority to activate ............................................................................................. 3 Command, control and coordination................................................................... 3 Command arrangements ..................................................................................... 4 Control arrangements .......................................................................................... 4 Coordination arrangements ................................................................................. 5 Concept of operations ........................................................................................ 6 Review and testing ............................................................................................. 7 Glossary of terms................................................................................................. 7 References .......................................................................................................... 7 Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Example border measures command arrangements within the Hospital and Health Services ................................................................. 8 Example border measures job cards ...................................................... 9 Example contact details during response–border measures ................ 11 Example flow chart: communications pathways–border measures response .............................................................................................. 12 Example contact details for key partners–border measures ................. 13 Example roles and responsibilities–border measures........................... 14 Example summary of border measures response ................................ 16 Example border measures actions checklist......................................... 18 Example screening process ................................................................. 20 Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza - iii - TIP – using the pandemic influenza border measures toolkit The toolkit is a compilation of checklists, forms and templates to assist Hospital and Health Services (HHS) with planning for the screening of ill international travellers for pandemic influenza who arrive at Queensland airports and seaports. This standard operating procedure (SOP) template forms part of the toolkit. The toolkit is a guide only. It is not prescriptive or exhaustive and should be modified and expanded to reflect the outcomes of operational planning. Instructions for using this SOP template: transfer this content to the appropriate template within your HHS document the outcome of local planning under each section using the resources provided in the toolkit delete the TIP boxes when you have completed a section. The end result will be a completed SOP which summarises operations for border measures. Most of the operational information will be in separate appendices for easy distribution during a response, or you can use the toolkit to update your current SOP. Governance Authority The development, implementation, testing and revision of the SOP are the responsibilities of (insert nominated HHS position). Proposed amendments to the SOP should be forwarded to (insert nominated HHS position and contact details). Updates will be available at (insert electronic HHS location). The electronic copy is the master copy and, as such, is the only copy recognised as being current. Amendment list Amendment number Amendment date Sections amended Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza Amended by -1- Aim (Insert aim of SOP) TIP E.g. Entry screening minimise transmission of pandemic influenza into the Australian community (Australian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza [AHMPPI] p.109). E.g. Exit screening reduce the international spread of pandemic influenza (AHMPPI, p.125). NB: Although recommendations made in the AHMPPI 2014 do not include a health presence at the international border, the Australian Government may request jurisdictions to deploy health personnel at the time of a pandemic event. Exit screening may be recommended by the World Health Organization under the International Health Regulations 2005 although this is not an obligation (AHMPPI, p.125). Objectives (Insert objectives of SOP) TIP E.g. Entry screening identify suspected cases of pandemic influenza arriving at the (insert name) international air/seaport arrange testing, antiviral treatment and voluntary isolation of suspected cases. E.g. Exit screening reduce the number of ill travellers travelling from Australia arrange testing, antiviral treatment and voluntary isolation of suspected cases. Scope (Outline the activities the HHS will undertake. Activities that the HHS will not undertake could also be documented here.) Border measures activities that the (insert name) HHS will undertake include: (insert activities agreed to be within scope) Border measures activities that the (insert name) HHS will not undertake include: (insert activities agreed to be out of scope) Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza -2- TIP E.g. Within scope provision of advice to Department of Agriculture (DOA) regarding a suspected case of pandemic influenza arriving at the international border screening of passengers arriving at the international border with influenza-like-illness for pandemic influenza. E.g. Outside scope screening of international arrivals via sea-faring yachts or military air/sea craft screening of international arrivals for other quarantinable diseases providing international arrivals with healthcare not related to pandemic influenza. Legislation (Insert legislation of SOP) Relevant Australian Government legislation includes: Quarantine Act 1908 (pending the introduction of a new Biosecurity Act) Air Navigation Act 1920 Customs Act 1901 Privacy Act 1988 National Health Security Act 2007 TIP For further detail about how the above legislation supports the implementation of border measures for pandemic influenza, refer to Appendix A: Legislation and powers of the National Action Plan for Human Influenza Pandemic Any other relevant legislation or agreements can be listed here as well—for example: Torres Strait Treaty (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1984. For further information about the treaty, visit Authority to activate The (insert nominated HHS position) has authority to activate the SOP under delegation from the Chief Health Officer, Queensland Health, or the State Health Coordinator. Command, control and coordination TIP Development of job cards and flow charts may assist the documentation process for this section and could be attached to the SOP as appendices. Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza -3- Command arrangements TIP Command is the internal direction of agency members and resources during an incident. This section should summarise the designated HHS roles which will be involved in leading, coordinating and implementing border measures, including how they will communicate during operations and reporting requirements. It is important to note that formal organisational accountabilities and reporting lines are maintained. It is also important to document which existing HHS position(s) could undertake each of the proposed roles. Refer to: Appendix 1: Example board measures command arrangements within the HHSs Appendix 2: Example border measures job cards The Health Emergency Operations Centre (HEOC) located (insert location) will direct border measures activities. Command roles within the HHS that will lead, coordinate and implement border measures include: (Insert bullet list of roles) For example: Border measures sector commander Border deployment manager Human quarantine officer Border nurse. For further information, please refer to: Appendix *: Command roles–border measures Appendix *: Job cards–border measures Control arrangements TIP Control refers to the overall direction of emergency management activities and operates across all agencies involved in the incident. This section should summarise the decision-making pathway within the HHS, as well as show how HHS command roles will communicate with key partners and their communications facilities. Consider a flow chart to show how the HHS EOC, the air/seaport EOC and the State Health Emergency Coordination Centre (SHECC) will communicate with each other during border measures operations. Refer to: Appendix 3: Example contact details during a response–border measures Appendix 4: Example communications pathways–border measures Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza -4- Key partners involved in supporting border measures activities at (insert international facility e.g. Cairns International Airport) include: (Insert bullet list of key partners) For example: Cairns Airport Pty Ltd Department of Agriculture Australian Customs Service Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Contact details for command roles and emergency operation centres for the HHS and key partners are listed in: Appendix *: Contact list–border measures response Communications and reporting pathways are shown in: Appendix *: Communications pathways–border measures response Coordination arrangements TIP Coordination is the bringing together of organisations and other resources to support an emergency management response. This section should include contact details for key partners for planning and alerting purposes, as well as agreed roles and responsibilities for Queensland Health and all other agencies that will be involved in implementing border measures. Refer to: Appendix 5: Example contact details for key partners Appendix 6: Example roles and responsibilities Contact details of key partners for planning and alerting purposes are listed in: Appendix *: Contact details of key partners–border measures Agreed roles and responsibilities for border measures operations are found in: Appendix *: Roles and responsibilities–border measures Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza -5- Concept of operations TIP This section should summarise how the HHS will implement border measures reflecting the AHMPPI stages and what HHS developed resources will be used to support operations at each stage. Scalability of operations should take into account clinical severity and transmissibility could be low, moderate or high and exit screening, as well as entry screening, may be requested. It should be considered that a health presence at the border may not be requested by the Australian Government. To be effective, border measure operations should be implemented when Australia is notified of sustained human-to-human transmission of a novel virus. If activated, duration of operations may continue until community transmission is well established, or until initial enhanced surveillance provides more information about the disease. Data collected from the first few hundred cases in Australia will inform decisions regarding the best use of limited public health resources (refer to Surveillance Plan, AHMPPI, p.166–167). National operational surveillance guidelines will be provided by the Australian Department of Health. Refer to: Appendix 7: Example summary of border measures response Appendix 8: Example border measures actions checklist Appendix 9: Example airport screening process TIP HHSs may consider either of the following models or a combination of both, during the local planning process: developing an SOP which builds on existing arrangements between the air/seaport and the human quarantine officer (public health medical officer) within the HHS (this model may be considered if the Australian Government does not indicate at the time of a pandemic that deployment of nurses to the international border is required). developing an SOP which considers a scalable HHS response at the international border according to the level of disease severity and transmissibility (this model may be considered if the Australian Government indicates deployment of nurses to the international border is required). (Refer to Attachment F: Implementation Guide, AHMPPI.) Concept of border measures operations in standby, response (initial and targeted) and stand down stages (including supporting resources) is summarised in: Appendix *: Summary of border measures response A checklist of actions for standby, response (initial and targeted) and stand down stages is available in: Appendix *: Border measures actions checklist Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza -6- Screening process showing referral pathways for ill travellers is available in: Appendix *: (insert document) Documentation to be used during operations includes: Appendix *: (insert documents) Review and testing The SOP will be reviewed (insert agreed timeframe e.g. annually, following activation). The SOP will be tested at the following timelines: (Insert agreed timelines e.g. following initial completion, following major revisions, annually.) Glossary of terms Term Definition/explanation/details e.g. Standard operating procedure A set of directions detailing the agreed response to a specific event or an agreed system of best practice in carrying out certain tasks. References Examples include: 1. Queensland Department of Health. Queensland Health pandemic influenza plan. 2014. (Web address TBC) 2. Australian Department of Health. Australian Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza. 2014. (Web address TBC) 3. Department of Health and Ageing. National Pandemic Influenza Airport Border Operations Plan. 2009. 4. Queensland Department of Health. Queensland Health disaster plan. 2014. (Web address TBC) 5. National Health and Medical Research Council. Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare. 2010. 6. Communicable Disease Network of Australia. Influenza Infection: National Guidelines for Public Health Units. 2011. Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza -7- Appendix 1 Example border measures command arrangements within the Hospital and Health Services NB: This is an example only. Role titles and responsibilities as well as first and second nominated positions should be confirmed during the local planning process. HHS role Responsibility Communicates with Reports to Role location Nominated HHS positions (to undertake role) Border measures sector commander Coordinate border measures operations Operations officer HEOC 1st 2nd IMT Air/seaport EOC Human quarantine officer Border deployment manager Human quarantine officer Provide advice to DOA officer/border nurse regarding ill traveller with suspected PI DOA officer Border nurses Chief quarantine officer Border measures sector commander (insert name) Public Health Unit 1st Public health physician 2nd Border deployment manager Coordinate the deployment of staff to the border Border measures sector (insert role) HHS (insert specific location) 1st 2nd Screen international traveller with ILI for PI according to the case definition Human quarantine officer Border deployment Border measures sector commander (insert name) air/seaport 1st Registered nurses 2nd Enrolled nurses Border nurse commander Border nurses manager DOA officer (TIP: Include a prioritised list of HHS areas from which nurses could be deployed. NB: Nurses should not be deployed from emergency, critical care, intensive care, infection control or public health units) HHS: Hospital and Health Service IMT: Incident Management Team (situated in Health Emergency Operations Centre) HEOC: Health Emergency Operations Centre DOA: Department of Agriculture PI: pandemic influenza ILI: influenza-like-illness Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza – Template for Hospital and Health Services -8- Appendix 2 Example border measures job cards NB: These are examples only. Role titles and responsibilities should be confirmed during the local planning process. For more examples of job cards, refer to the Emergency incident management framework (Health Protection Program) Border deployment manager (example) Title: Border deployment manager Authority: Including, but not limited to: Disaster Management Act (2003) Public Health Act (2005) Quarantine Act 1907 Hospital and Health Boards Act (2011) Health Act (1937) Key responsibility: Manage the recruitment, training and deployment of registered nurses and administrative support staff from (insert name) HHS to the international airport or seaport. Key tasks: Arrange appropriate just-in-time training for staff prior to deployment, including air/seaport orientation, review of pandemic influenza, screening procedure and review of infection control principles and procedures. Ensure all staff have received seasonal influenza vaccine (and candidate/pandemic influenza vaccine if available) prior to deployment. Appointed by: (Insert role) Reports to: (Insert role) Delegates to: (Insert role/s) Key contacts: (Insert role/s) Key documents: Queensland Health disaster plan Queensland Health pandemic influenza plan Hospital and Health service pandemic plan Standing operating procedure: pandemic influenza–border measures flu border plan Air/seaport pandemic influenza plans Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza – Template for Hospital and Health Services -9- Border nurse (example) Title: Border nurse Authority: (Including, but not limited to) Disaster Management Act (2003) Public Health Act (2005) Quarantine Act 1907 Hospital and Health Boards Act (2011) Health Act (1937) Key responsibility: Screen ill travellers disembarking at (insert facility) for pandemic influenza. Key tasks: Use established screening protocol to screen ill international travellers presenting with influenza-like-illness for pandemic influenza who have been identified via positive pratique, thermal scanners or health declaration cards. Notify human quarantine officer regarding suspected case(s) of pandemic influenza identified by positive pratique. Notify human quarantine officer of pandemic influenza screening outcomes. Where pandemic influenza is not indicated, refer to DOA officer to continue routine assessment for other quarantinable diseases. Act as a positive role model for consistent infection control practices within the air/seaport setting. Maintain stock in the designated health screening area (i.e. personal protective equipment, alcoholic hand gel, tissues, clinical waste bags, disinfecting wipes). Disinfect the immediate environment in between screening ill travellers. Arrange for complete cleaning and disinfection of the entire designated health screening and waiting area in between screening sessions. If required, provide basic life support for an ill traveller who has presented for pandemic influenza screening until further assistance arrives (i.e. Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting, Queensland Ambulance Service). Appointed by: (Insert role) Reports to: (Insert role) Key contacts: Department of Agriculture officers Australian Customs and Border Protection Service officers Key documents: Queensland Health disaster plan Queensland Health pandemic influenza plan Hospital and Health service pandemic plan Standing operating procedure: pandemic influenza–border measures flu border plan Air/seaport pandemic influenza plans Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza – Template for Hospital and Health Services - 10 - Appendix 3 Example contact details during response–border measures This document could be used to list contact details for border measures roles within the HHS and key partners during a response. NB: Some contact details may not be available until operations are activated. Role Location Phone Fax Email e.g. border nurse Insert name of international air/seaport Insert landline and/or mobile number(s) used when deployed to international air/seaport Insert fax number(s) that will be used when deployed to international air/seaport Insert generic email to use when deployed to international air/seaport e.g. airport incident controller* Insert name of airport emergency operations centre Insert landline and/or mobile number(s) used during a response Insert fax number(s) used during a response Insert email address used during a response *Example only – role titles will need to be confirmed during the local planning process. Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza – Template for Hospital and Health Services - 11 - Appendix 4 Example flow chart: communications pathways–border measures response NB: This is a simplified flow chart to depict how communication and reporting processes may occur between Queensland Health, the air/seaport and the Queensland disaster management system during operations. Processes and role titles should be confirmed during the local planning process. State Health Coordinator Chief Quarantine Officer (Senior Director, Communicable Diseases Unit) State Health Incident Controller State Health Emergency Coordination Centre State Disaster Coordinator State Disaster Coordination Centre Health Incident Controller Health Emergency Operations Centre District Disaster Coordinator District Disaster Coordination Centre Local Disaster Coordinator Local Disaster Coordination Centre Border Deployment Border Measures Sector Commander Manager Border Nurse Support Officer Human Quarantine Officer Air/seaport Incident Controller Air/seaport Emergency Operations Centre Customs Officer Department of Agriculture Officer Communications pathway Reporting pathway Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza – Template for Hospital and Health Services - 12 - Appendix 5 Example contact details for key partners–border measures NB: This document could be used for planning and alerting purposes. Agency Position Name Phone/fax Email e.g. Brisbane Airport Corporation e.g. Port of Brisbane e.g. Department of Agriculture (airport and/or seaport) e.g. Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (airport and/or seaport) e.g. Department of Immigration and Border Protection (airport and/or seaport) e.g. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (specify region/location) Etc. Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza – Template for Hospital and Health Services - 13 - Appendix 6 Example roles and responsibilities–border measures NB: This table is an example only and has been modified from Appendix 2: Queensland Health Pandemic Influenza Guidelines: Enhanced Border Control Measures at International Airports 2009. Review by HHS and key partners is required during the local planning process. Federal Responsibilities agencies Australian Department of Health Provide health assessment support to Queensland Health. Provide pandemic-specific in-flight/on-board announcements. Arrange for distribution of communications materials for incoming or outgoing travellers. Provide travel advice regarding high-risk locations and to raised awareness of symptoms if returning from travel. Provide information for border staff. Arrange transportation of personal protective equipment (PPE) from the national medical stockpile to all international air/seaports. Arrange for collection from Customs of health declaration cards (HDC) from aircraft/sea vessels with a positive pratique after processing by border nurses and Customs (if HDCs are to be used). Load information from HDC onto a database and make the information available as required. Establish national policies if directing jurisdictions to place contacts in quarantine. Provide funding reimbursements for costs incurred by the jurisdictions related to border measures. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Liaise with foreign embassies to ensure adequate support provided to persons Department of Agriculture (DOA) Provide a representative to the air/seaport IMT. Ensure DOA staff is trained in the safe and appropriate use of PPE. Operate thermal image scanners to screen disembarking travellers for elevated from other countries. Provide media advice concerning international media. Coordinate repatriation arrangements for foreign nationals if required. skin temperature as they proceed towards the primary line. Accompany border nurse to aircraft/sea vessel that has reported a traveller on board which has an influenza-like-illness (this may not be required if contacts will not be quarantined at the border). Escort travellers identified by thermal imaging or HDC to the border nurses for further assessment. Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) Provide a representative to the air/seaport IMT. Ensure ACBPS staff is trained in the safe and appropriate use of PPE. Assist with collection of Passenger Locator Forms (PLFs) and assess for Australian Federal Police (AFP) Provide a representative to the air/seaport IMT. Provide a law enforcement presence and response capacity as required. Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Provide medical assistance and emergency treatment to medically completion (if applicable). compromised persons within the airport environment while waiting Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) arrival. Provide medical support to border nurses when requested. Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza - 14 - Ensure ARFF staff is trained in the safe and appropriate use of PPE. Queensland agencies Responsibilities Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) Establish and coordinate the IMT at the air/seaport. Ensure QFES staff is trained in the safe and appropriate use of PPE. Provide support to Queensland Health as required (including establishing communications pathways with key partners if required). Provide equipment for operations not able to be supplied by the HHS or the air/seaport operator. Provide reports to the SHECC. Coordinate on-site media. Coordinate arrangements between the State and Australian Government. Hospital and Health Service (HHS) (includes Queensland Ambulance Service) Coordinate the health response for pandemic influenza at the border. Provide a representative on the air/seaport IMT. Deploy nurses to the international air/seaport to undertake pandemic influenza screening of travellers with influenza-like-illness. Provide quarantine and infection control advice. Coordinate medical resources. Provide emergency treatment to medically compromised persons. Provide ambulance transport to hospital for those requiring further assessment or hospitalisation. Maintain detailed records of the costs associated with the deployment of border nurses and provide these details to the Australian Government upon request. Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services Organise social assistance to affected travellers. Provide access to a range of community agencies/services, including access to Other agencies Responsibilities Sea/airlines Provide a representative to the air/seaport IMT. Provide a representative to the air/seaport IMT. Air/seaport operator mental health services. Monitor care arrangements for unaccompanied minors if required. Assist in provision of onward movement advice to other destinations. Provide advice and support to crew and passengers. Ensure all crew members are trained in the safe and appropriate use of PPE. Distribute PLFs to all travellers on board the aircraft/sea vessel. Clean and disinfect aircraft/sea vessels after all travellers have disembarked. Provide facilities for screening area. Provide personnel to undertake support roles. Clean and disinfect the air/seaport environment (including the designated screening area where border nurses are located). Provide appropriate disposal units for tissues and other contaminated waste. Collection, storage and disposal of waste in the facility. Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza - 15 - Appendix 7 Example summary of border measures response Stage of response Actions to consider during planning Examples of resources HHS may consider developing Standby stage Main actions Resources Trigger: New novel influenza virus with pandemic potential has been detected overseas AND Australian Government indicates that a health presence will be required at the international border HHS to contact key stakeholders Border measures actions NB: Standby stage for border measures may last a matter of hours and place on standby. checklist–standby (Appendix *). Existing arrangements between HQO and DOA to continue with heightened suspicion for ILI in travellers returning from affected countries. Identify and place border nurses on standby and initiate just-intime training. Place on standby the human and material resources required to set up a screening area at the air/seaport. TIP: Refer to Appendix 8: Example border measures actions checklist. Contact list for key partners (Appendix *). PI screening and referral process–HQO and DOA (Appendix *)^. TIP: Refer to Appendix 9: Example airport referral process. HHS deployment package (Appendix *). Set-up of screening area at air/seaport (Appendix *). Response stage Main actions Resources Trigger: New novel influenza virus overseas shows sustained human-to-human transmission AND Australian Government requests entry/exit screening at the international border. If requested by the Australian or Queensland Government: Border measures actions notify HHS and all key partners Set-up of screening area at NB: Border measures response may occur when Australia/ Queensland is in standby stage. collect nasopharyngeal that operations have commenced set up the screening area at the border deploy nurses to the border . screen international travellers with an ILI for PI checklist–response (Appendix *). air/seaport (Appendix *). HHS deployment package (Appendix *). Job cards (Appendix *). PI screening and referral process–border nurses (Appendix *). specimens from suspected cases of PI provide antivirals to suspected cases of PI request voluntary home isolation for suspected cases of PI while awaiting test results and provide information establish communications and reporting requirements with HHS and external stakeholders establish briefing and debriefing arrangements for border nurses prior to and when finishing shifts. Stand down stage Main actions Resources Trigger: Community transmission of PI well established. Cease operations. Hold hot debrief for HHS staff. Hold interagency formal debrief. Border measures actions Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza checklist–stand down (Appendix *). Border measures hot debrief - 16 - Evaluate border measures operations. (Appendix *). Border measures formal debrief (Appendix *)^. HQO: Human quarantine officer DOA: Department of Agriculture ILI: Influenza-like-illness PI: Pandemic influenza ^Health Protection Public Health Incident Debrief Form located at: Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza - 17 - Appendix 8 Example border measures actions checklist Standby stage for border measures (example) Actions (example) Trigger: Novel influenza virus overseas shows sustained human-tohuman transmission AND Australian Government indicates that a health presence will be required at the international border. Review pandemic influenza border measures Status (e.g. initiated, complete) SOP. Appoint pre-identified HHS positions to all border measures roles and place on standby. Alert key partners for border measures and place on standby. Review emergency management arrangements for border measures operations. Review agreed roles and responsibilities of the NB: Standby stage for border measures may last a matter of hours HHS and key partners. Continue existing arrangements between human quarantine officer and DOA with heightened suspicion for influenza-like-illness in travellers returning from affected overseas countries. Review screening procedure for returned ill travellers according to available information regarding disease characteristics. Assess availability of nurses and support staff and place on standby. Place the pre-determined (and scalable) roster for HHS staff on standby. Review and escalate frequency of providing the HHS Deployment Training Program. Ensure all staff to be deployed to the air/seaport have been vaccinated (if pandemic or candidate vaccine available). Ensure all staff to be deployed to the air/seaport have been offered antiviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (if indicated). Review screening/waiting area at the air/seaport, including storage capacity and supply line for PPE and antivirals. Review set-up procedure for the screening/waiting area, including required infrastructure. Review security and parking arrangements at the air/seaport and place on standby. Notify command role for home management operations that border measures operations are on standby. Response stage for border measures (example) Actions (example) Trigger: Novel influenza virus overseas shows sustained human-tohuman transmission Notify all HHS and key partners operations have Status (e. g. initiated, complete) commenced. Set up the screening area at the air/seaport. Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza - 18 - AND Australian Government requests entry/exit screening at the international border. Request PPE and antivirals to be deployed to NB: Border measures response may occur when Australia/Queensland is in standby stage Deploy nurses and support staff to the the air/seaport. Establish communications and reporting requirements with HHS command roles for border measures and with key partners. air/seaport. Ensure all deployed staff have: up-to-date information regarding infection control, case definitions, at-risk groups, etc Health Support Coordination Unit contact details (for suspected cases that require health or community support while in voluntary home isolation). (Insert relevant sections of the home management SOP that contain information regarding the referral, documentation and communications processes required for home management operations.) (Insert relevant documents for assessment and supply of antivirals.) Notify command role for home management operations that border measures operations have commenced. Commence screening ill travellers returning from overseas for pandemic influenza. Establish briefing and handover arrangements for deployed HHS staff prior to starting shifts and when finishing shifts. Monitor deployed staff for fatigue and influenzalike-illness. Scale operations up or down according to latest disease information and resource capacity. If required, recruit more nursing and support staff to ensure sustainability of operations. If required, continue just-in-time training/review for staff being deployed to the air/seaport. Stand down stage for border measures (example) Actions (example) Trigger: Community transmission of pandemic influenza well established in Queensland Notify HHS command roles for border measures Status (e.g. initiated, complete) and key partners when the Australian Government has advised operations to cease. Notify command role for home management operations that border measures operations have ceased. Hold hot debrief for HHS staff. Redeploy HHS staff. Return resources to Queensland Health. Hold interagency formal debrief when able. Evaluate operations when able. Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza - 19 - Appendix 9 Example screening process The following flow chart depicts screening process at the international airport for pandemic influenza which builds on existing arrangements (i.e. without border nurses in place). (Obtained from menu of actions: border measures, AHMPPI 2014, p.111) Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza - 20 - Department of Health Standard operating procedure for border measures Standard operating procedure for border measures–pandemic influenza - 21 -