school of architecture, planning and geomatics

Engineering & the Built Environment (EBE)
Research Report 2006
School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics
Research Report 2006
Head of School: Professor Lucien le Grange
School Profile
Research endeavours in the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics includes
both conventional research work as well as creative work. In the context of the
applied nature of the different disciplines that constitute the School, group/individual
professional achievements are recognized as much as academic research is
acknowledged. The professional and research achievements in the fields of planning,
architecture and geomatics include fields such as urban design, architectural design,
contemporary architectural theory, planning theory, urban conservation, geographic
information systems, land tenure and cadastral systems and urban transport.
Ongoing research work continues by staff who is engaged with post-graduate
dissertations. The content of this work varies across a range of topics and includes the
question of architectural education and curriculum (being investigated by Francis
Carter); the issue of space and power as it relates to apartheid architecture (being
researched by Alta Steenkamp); and the implications of power relations on
contemporary housing responses in South Africa (being considered by Sonja Spamer)
The Geomatics division within the school has focussed on a number of areas. These
 Documentation, modelling and visualization of African heritage sites, closerange photogrammetry, laser scanning of architectural structures and remote
sensing of the environment.
 Issues relating to land tenure options, spatial management and conflict
management of informal settlement upgrading, as well as issues relating to
fiscal cadastral reform and modeling for property valuations.
 Modelling of the shape of the Earth (geoid) using gravity and satellite data,
applications of GPS in meteorology and modeling of datum transformations in
In July the division co-hosted the AFREF technical workshop, dealing with the
unification of the geodetic datums in Africa and attended by delegates from 22
African countries.
Academics from the School have over the past year made substantial achievements.
A number of staff members received awards:
Professor Jo Noero (with Noero Wolff Architects), won the Lubetkin Prize for 2006
for the Red Location Museum, Awarded by the Royal Institute of British Architects
for the best building outside of the EU for the period 2004-2006, as well as the Royal
Institute of British Architects International Prize for 2006 for the Red Location
Museum and the Dedallo Minosse Prize - President of the Jury Award for Red
Location Museum, Italy July 2006. Jo Noero (with Noero Wolff Architects), also
won two Institute of SA Architects National Award of Merit for Design for 2006 for
Usasazo High School and Delft Care Centres. The Red Location museum was also
selected for the Exhibition of South African Architecture at the Venice Biennale in
September - November 2006.
Professor David Dewar (with P Louw) won an Architecture South African Merit
Award for Freedom Square : An urban Design Framework and Precinct Plans for
Freedom Square, Windhoek, Namibia and (with P Louw and L Le Grange) another
Architecture South African Merit Award for : A Conceptual Framework and Planning
and Urban Design Concept for the Klipfontein Corridor, Cape Town, as well as an
Award of Commendation in the International Competition entitled ‘Celebrating Cities
2’, organized by the International Union des Architects, for a project entitled
‘Klipfontein Corridor’. Also (with P Louw and B Southworth) SA Planning Institute
Award for best plan over 2002-2006 period for Spatial Framework for the University
of Cape Town.
Professor Lucien le Grange (with P Louw and D Dewar) won an Award of
Commendation in the International Competition entitled ‘Celebrating Cities 2’,
organized by the International Union des Architects, for a project entitled ‘Klipfontein
Corridor’, and an Architecture South African Merit Award for : A Conceptual
Framework and Planning and Urban Design Concept for the Klipfontein Corridor,
Cape Town, The District Six Redevelopment was selected for Exhibition of South
African Architecture at the Venice Biennale in September - October 2006.
Professor Vanessa Watson co-edited with Bruce Stiftel and Henry Acselrad:
Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning 2 (Routledge) and was elected to the
Academy of Science of South Africa.
Sonja Spamer won the Top Billing/Momentum Lifestyle award for 2006. Category –
architects/decorators. The award was for Weavers Nest house, featured on national
television and in Top Billing magazine - 2006.
Research Units and Groups
The Urban Transport Research Group: an interdisciplinary, Faculty-based research
group, in which members of the School’s staff participate, focuses on urban
transport policy and planning issues. Funding for recent projects has been
received from the National Department of Transport and the US Environmental
Protection Agency’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality.
Documenting Modernism in Cape Town Project – NRF Team Project: Prof. L.P.
le Grange (Grant Holder), Prof I. Low, Ms. N.F. Murray
A co-operative African initiative supported by NUFU (a Norwegian agency
funding developing countries) which links schools of architecture and planning in
Addis Ababa , Cape Town, Dar Es Salaam, Kampala, two schools in Nairobi, and,
schools in Oslo and Trondheim, and offers a joint Masters degree.
The Land Tenure and Cadastral Systems research group has been active in
research in land tenure options and investigating the interface between formal and
informal structures and processes for urban informal settlement upgrading. This
research also involves analysing conflicts over land as they affect the urban poor,
and mechanisms of resolution. In addition, research into the fiscal cadastre and
computer assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) has provided key input into the
property valuation and taxation processes of the City of Cape Town.
Space and Transformation research group is located in the MPhil (Arch)
programme which focuses on the interrelationships between social practice and
material production in Cape Town.
School Statistics
Permanent and Long-term Contract Staff
Associate Professors
Senior Lecturers
Technical Support Staff
Administrative Staff
Research Fields and Staff
Permanent and Long-term Contract Staff
Mr. Francis Carter
Senior Lecturer; curriculum theory in relation to undergraduate built environment
design programmes; theories of making, with reference to contemporary South
African architecture; programming for new knowledge space
Dr Nicholas Coetzer
Senior Lecturer: architectural design; contemporary architectural history and theory;
digital technology
Mr. Pieter de Beer
Senior Lecturer; contemporary South African architecture
Professor David Dewar
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment; BP Chair of
Planning; urban structure and form; place making; informal housing; housing policy;
informal economic development; public space; regional planning and development
Mr Fadly Isaacs
Lecturer: (measuring) urban settlement quality, integrating strategic urban
infrastructure investment
Mr. Khalied Jacobs
Lecturer: sustainable urban systems; façade engineering with environmental systems;
socio/urban dynamics; radical urban planning
Ms.Tania Katzschner
Lecturer: education for sustainable development, sustainable urban systems, creating
and nurturing educational systems that serves human needs while also protecting our
resources for future generations, trans-disciplinarity and systems thinking
Professor Lucien le Grange
Urban conservation policy; urban design; mission settlements in South Africa;
documenting modern architecture in Cape Town
Professor Iain Low
Space and transformation; critical thinking / practice and the ‘re-writing’ of
architectural type; post apartheid South African condition: urbanism, the ‘new’ public
realm, contemporary dwelling and architectural pedagogy
Associate Professor Charles Merry
Earth’s gravity field; global positioning system; co-ordinate transformations
Professor Jo Noero
Architectural design
Professor Heinz Rüther
Digital close range and aerial photogrammetry; precise engineering surveying;
geographic information systems; visualisation and 3D modeling
Dr Finzi Saidi
Senior Lecturer: architectural education and curriculum studies, contemporary
landscape architecture history and theory, post-occupancy evaluation of urban
Dr George Sithole
Senior Lecturer: laser altimetry, photogrammetry, 3D object reconstruction
Dr Julian Smit
Senior Lecturer: application of remote sensing, photogrammetry and geographic
information systems for land and environmental management
Ms Sonja Spamer
Lecturer: architectural education; architectural design/marginalized
communities/schools; critical regionalism
Ms Alta Steenkamp
Senior Lecturer: history and theory of Southern African architecture and its relation to
the global environment
Mr Jacques Theron
Senior Lecturer: urban design with a focus on international precedent and it’s possible
application in Southern Africa
Professor Vanessa Watson
Planning theory; governance; housing and urbanisation policy; local area planning
Mrs. Jenny Whittal
Senior Lecturer: land tenure and cadastral systems, specialising in land for the urban
poor and fiscal cadastral systems and reform
Associate Professor Peter Wilkinson
Urban planning and development; urban governance; urban transport policy and
Honorary Staff
Dr Clarissa Augustinus
Cadastral systems and land tenure
Research Associates
Emeritus Professor Julian Cooke
Contemporary South African architecture
Emeritus Professor Fabio Todeschini
Architect, city planner, urban designer, heritage practitioner
Mr. Barrie Gasson
Ecologically sustainable cities; regional planning and development
Contact Details
School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, University of Cape Town, Private
Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, Republic of South Africa
Telephone and Fax:
Architecture: +27 21 650 2374 and Fax: +27 21 650 2383
Planning: +27 21 650 2366 and Fax: +27 21 689 9466
Geomatics: +27 21 650 3577 and Fax: +27 21 650 3572
E-mail Geomatics:
Research Output
Merry, C.L. 2006. Geomatics in southern Africa - a perspective. Survey Review,
38(300): 474-478.
Musekiwa, T. and Whittal, J.F. 2006. Analysis of impact of location factors on
CAMA models. Journal of the South African Valuer, 87(Oct): 7-10.
Sithole, G. and Vosselman, G. 2006. Bridge detection in airborne laser scanner data.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 61(1): 33-46.
Steenkamp, A. 2006. Louis Michel Thibault - Freemason Architect. South African
Journal of Art History, 20(1): 314-324.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Deep difference: Diversity, planning and ethics. Planning Theory,
5(1): 31-50.
Wonnacott, R.T. and Merry, C.L. 2006. The use of GPS for the estimation of
precipitable water vapour for weather forecasting and climate monitoring in South
Africa. Survey Review, 38(301): 594-607.
Dewar, D. 2006. Roelof Sarel Uytenbogaardt: Urbanist. In G. Vio (ed.), Roelof
Uytenbogaardt Senza tempo/Timeless: 37-46. Italy: Il Poligrafo.
Le Grange, L.P. 2006. Roelof Uyntenbogaardt: Homage to a Teacher. In G. Vio (ed.),
Roelof Uyntenbogaardt: Senza tempo/Timeless: 46-52. Italy: Il Poligrafo.
Steenkamp, A. 2006. The politics of spatial difference in the monument and the model
- the affective versus the useful in architecture. In P. Healy and G. Bruyns (eds),
De/signing the urban. Techno-genesis and the urban image: 302-315. Rotterdam: 010
Watson, V.J. 2006. Managing South African cities: The everyday lives of urban
citizens and the spatial/technical-managerial interface. In T. Marcus and A.
Hofmaenner (eds), Shifting boundaries of knowledge: A view on social sciences, law
and humanities in South Africa: 161-175. Scottsville, KwaZulu-Natal: University of
KwaZulu-Natal Press.
Cleobury, J. 2006. Questioning the effectiveness of public-private partnerships in
urban development. In M. Cullinan, C. Madell and V.J. Watson (eds), Proceedings of
the Planning Africa 2006 Conference, 22-24 March 2006, Cape Town, South Africa,
300-318. ISBN 0-620-36402-5.
Dewar, D. 2006. Planning the African city – some lessons from a review of South
African housing policy. In M. Cullinan, C. Madell and V.J. Watson (eds), Proceedings
of the Planning Africa 2006 Conference, 22-24 March 2006, Cape Town, South
Africa, 31-42. ISBN 0-620-36402-5.
Loudon, A.M., Rivett, U.K. and Richards, T.L. 2006. Open source GIS and mobile
devices for water demand management. In A. Bytheway and C. Strumpfer (eds),
Proceedings of Community Informatics for Developing Countries (CIDC) 2006:
Understanding and Organising for a Participatory Future Information Society, 31
August – 2 September 2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 15-175. ISBN 0-620-37058-0.
Phiri, D. 2006. Assessment of vulnerability and exposure to urban disasters. In M.
Cullinan, C. Madell and V.J. Watson (eds), Proceedings of the Planning Africa 2006
Conference, 22-24 March 2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 1154-1173. ISBN 0-62036402-5.
Shakantu, W., Kajimo, K.M., Saidi, F. and Mainga, W. 2006. An investigation into
constraints and strategies for construction micro enterprise development. In S.
Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Postgraduate CIDB Conference, 8-10 October
2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 12-22. Construction Industry Development Board.
ISBN 0-601-36898-9. [CD-ROM].
Shakantu, W., Kajimo, K.M., Saidi, F. and Mainga, W. 2006. Bridging the informal,
formal and indigenous construction knowledge systems to resolve the construction
skills shortage. In S. Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Postgraduate CIDB
Conference, 8-10 October 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 176-182. Construction
Industry Development Board. ISBN 0-601-36898-9. [CD ROM].
Watson, V.J. 2006. 'Best practice' planning and the deSoto Thesis: Questioning the
validity of universalism. In M. Cullinan, C. Madell and V.J. Watson (eds),
Proceedings of the Planning Africa 2006 Conference, 22-24 March 2006, Cape Town,
South Africa, 245-259. ISBN 0-620-36402-5.
Wilkinson, P.B. 2006. 'Transit orientated development': A strategic instrument for
spatial restructuring and public transport system enhancement in South Africa cities?
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Southern African Transport Conference (SATC), 1013 July 2006, Pretoria, South Africa, 223-233. ISBN 1-920-01706-2.
Barry, M.B., Whittal, J.F. and Dewar, D. 2006. Land Delivery Related Conflicts in
Khayelitsha, Cape Town. Proceedings of FIG Congress October 2006, Munich,
Germany, 16-21.
Dewar, D. 2005. Low Income Housing Policy and Products in South Africa : A
Review - Keynote Address. Proceedings of XXXIII World Congress of the
International Association of Housing Science, Pretoria, South Africa. [CD ROM].
Merry, C.L. 2006. Co-ordinate systems and datums in Africa. Proceedings of
Proceedings, AFREF Technical Workshop, Cape Town July 2006. [CD ROM].
Merry, C.L. 2006. Vertical reference surfaces and datums. Proceedings of
Proceedings, AFREF Technical Workshop, Cape Town July 2006. [CD ROM].
Steenkamp, A. 2005. Postwar low-income housing in South Africa - ideal and reality.
Proceedings of VIIIth International DOCOMOMO Conference : Import-Export Postwar Modernism in an Expanding World 1945-1975: New York Sept 2004.
Whittal, J.F. and Barry, M.B. 2006. Theoretical Approaches to Implementation of
Technology for Cadastral Reform. Proceedings of the Commonwealth Association of
Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE) Conference on Promoting and Sustainable
Land Management in Africa March 2006, Bagamoyo, Tanzania, 310-322.
Dewar, D. 2006. A review of the N2 Gateway Housing Project. Western Cape
Provincial Government, Finance Department.
Dewar, D. 2006. Pursuing spatial integration in South African cities. Urban
Skywalkers, Johannesburg.
Dewar, D. 2006. The concept of Urban Corridors: A position paper. The Town and
Regional Planning Commission, KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.
Dewar, D. and Louw, P. 2006. Architecture South African Merit Award for Freedom
Square: An Urban Design Framework and Precinct Plans for Freedom Square. Africa
United Group. Windhoek, Namibia.
Dewar, D., Le Grange, L.P. and Louw, P. 2006. Architecture South African Merit
Award for A Conceptual Framework and Planning and Urban Design Concept for the
Klipfontein Corridor. Klipfontein Corridor, Cape Town.
Dewar, D., Le Grange, L.P. and Louw, P. 2006. Award of commendation in the
International Competition entitled Celebrating Cities 2, for a project entitled
Kilpfontein Corridor. Internationale Union des Architects.
Dewar, D., Louw, P. and Southworth, B. 2006. SA Planning Institute Award for best
plan over 2002-2006 period for Spatial Development Frame work for UCT.
University of Cape Town.
Le Grange, L.P. 2006. N2 Gateway Housing Project - Urban Design Framework with
NM Associates. City of Cape Town.
Le Grange, L.P., Dewar, D. and Louw, P. 2006. Architecture South African Merit
Award for A Conceptual Framework and Planning and Urban Design Concept for the
Klipfontein Corridor, Cape Town with D Dewar and P Louw. Klipfontein Corridor,
Cape Town.
Le Grange, L.P., Dewar, D. and Louw, P. 2006. Award: UIA Honourable Mention
Award, 2006, for Klipfontein Corridor Spatial Concept Project, done in association
with Dave Dewar and Piet Louw. Klipfontein Corridor Spatial Concept Project.
Louw, P. and Dewar, D. 2006. A Spatial Framework for the Fermey District,
Mauritius. Fermey District, Mauritius.
Louw, P. and Dewar, D. 2006. Informants and Constraints affecting the Boschendal
District, Winelands, Cape, input into the Heritage Impact Assessment for the
Boschendal District, Cape Town. Boschendal District, Cape Town.
Louw, P. and Dewar, D. 2006. Precinct Plans for a Historian Precinct and the
Waterfront Precinct, AECI. AECI, Heartlands, Cape Town.
Louw, P., Dewar, D. and Adams, J.F. 2006. An Urban Design Framework for Beau
Sejour. Beau Sejour, Mauritius.
Louw, P., Dewar, D. and Farom, J. 2006. A Spatial Framework for Bel Ombre. Bel
Ombre, Mauritius.
Louw, P., Dewar, D. and Le Grange, L.P. 2006. Klipfontein Corridor: Conceptual
Urban Planning and Design for the Nolungundi Station Precinct. Department of
Transportation, Western Cape Provincial Government, Cape Town.
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. Dedallo Minosse Prize for 2006 - President of the Jury Award.
Italian Institute of Architects. Vicenza, Italy July 2006
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. Lubetkin Prize for 2006 - Red Location Museum- Royal Institute
of British Architects - Awarded to the best building outside of the EU for the period
2004 - 2006 . Royal Institute of British Architects. London June 2006
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. National Award of Merit for Design for 2006. Institute of South
African Architects. Delft Day Care Centers - Cape Town.
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. National Award of Merit for Design for 2006. Institute of South
African Architects. Usasazo High School - Cape Town.
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. Red Location Museum selected for Exhibition of South African
architecture. Department of Arts and Culture. Venice Biennale September - October
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. RIBA International Prize for 2006. Royal Institute of British
Architects. London. June 2006
Petrus-Spamer, S. 2006. Designer Award. Top Billing.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Resource/Information Centre: Building design for the
Arniston/Kassiesbaai Trust. In association with Kruger Roos.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Architect City Planner Urban Designer, "Tangible Heritage
Resources in the Constantia - Tokai Valley: towards a conservation management plan
for this portion of the Cape Winelands Cultural Landscape, Phase 1 Report", prepared
for the Constantia Property Owners' Association, with the collaboration of the South
African Heritage Resources Agency, Heritage Western Cape and the City of Cape
Town, 2 volume illustrated report. Constantia Property Owners' Association.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Architect City Planner Urban Designer, 15 Interim Reports to
the South African Heritage Resources Agency on the Waenhuiskrans Cultural
Landscape. South African Heritage Resources Agency.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Consultant to the Western Cape Government on the "2010 Green
Point Stadium and Park". Western Cape Government.
Steenkamp, A. 2006. Apartheid to democracy: Representations and politics of the
body in the spaces of the Voortrekker Monument and Red Location Museum. The
politics of making: theory, practice, product 3rd annual book of abstracts (ISBN: 1873640-43-9) : 2pgs.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Invited keynote speaker at the International Conference for
Humane Habitat, Risvi College of Architecture, Mumbai, India, 27-29 January 2006.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Invited to give a Habitat Day lecture in Oslo, Norway: "The
significance of settlement structure and the form for performance in a society
characterised by difference and widespread poverty: the need for a paradigm shift",
2nd October 2006.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Invited to participate in the "Protea Hotels Annual Leadership
Conference", Graduate School of Business, UCT.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Seeing from the South : Refocusing Planning Theory on the
Globe's Central Urban issues. 2nd World Planning Schools Congress Mexico City
WPSC-06: 226-227.
Abrahams, M. 2006. Integrated Environmental and Land Use Management: Current
legislative framework, practice, outcomes and the way forward: 114. Masters of City
and Regional Planning.
Blignaut, L. 2006. The Value of Water in Informal Settlements: Its Transformation,
Celebration, Harvesting and Management: 99. Masters of Landscape Architecture.
Combrink, Z.A. 2006. Sensing atmospheric water vapour using the global positioning
system: 1-129. PhD.
Kahonde, J. 2006. The Use of GIS in the Prediction of view for the purposes of
CAMA modelling: 1-120. MSc Eng.
Kirova, R. 2006. Exploring the Potential of Inner City Areas in South Africa: The
case of District Six: 65. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Lombaard, J. 2006. A critical examination of the public participation process that
began in 1989 and concluded in 1992 with the proclamation of Imizamo Yethu as an
informal settlement: 117. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Machacha, I. 2006. City of Francistown Local Economic Development Plan (20062021): 92. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Marks, B. 2006. Transit Orientated Development for the Atlantis Corridor: A
Facilitation Framework: 139. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Mcvitty, L. 2006. A Bioregional Plan and Growth Management Framework for the
Knysna Municipality: 151. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Molatole, A. 2006. Case study of Westlake Estate as an example of disposal of public
owned land for low income housing through public-private partnership: 83. Masters
of City and Regional Planning.
Motsamai, S. 2006. Review of Botswana National Settlement Policy of 1998: 111.
Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Phori, C. 2006. Achieving an integrated development planning system for local
government in Botswana: A case study of Gaborone City Council: 149. Masters of
City and Regional Planning.
Rabe, C. 2006. Addressing Performance Constraints in the Cape Town City Centre's
Movement Network: A Systems Perspective: 190. Masters of City and Regional
Robertson, J. 2006. Unlocking the potential of Cape Town Station: A redevelopment
framework: 108. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Sole, K.-A. 2006. The restoration of environmental integrity and community
upliftment through sustainable development: 146. Masters of Landscape Architecture.
Thebe, S. 2006. Investigating the impacts of intergovernmental initiatives on areabased spatial development: the case of Khayelitsha urban renewal programme: 112.
Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Tuoane, T. 2006. Towards a strategy for promoting and regulating street trading in
Maseru: 56. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Van der Walt, L.E. 2006. Kirstenbosch Guide Plan An Investigation into the role that
Kirstenbosch can play in promoting biodiversity: 119. Masters of Landscape
Merry, C.L. 2006. GPS Modernisation. GPS Modernisation. Position IT Nov/Dec
2006: 45-48.
Benahmed daho, S.A., Kahlouche, S. and Merry, C.L. 2006. Quality study of the
African geoid model in Algeria. European Geosciences Union Scientific Assembly,
Combrink, A., Combrinck, W.L. and Merry, C.L. 2006. GPS-derived precipitable
water vapour: validation, application and improvement. Fourth Inkaba ye Arica
Workshop, Potsdam.
Combrink, A., Fernandes, R., Bos, M., Combrinck, W.L. and Merry, C.L. 2006.
Long-term monitoring of PWV over South Africa using GPS. European Geosciences
Union Scientific Assembly, Vienna.
Dewar, D. 2006. Appointed to the Ministeral Advisory Board. Provincial Government
of the Western Cape.
Dewar, D. 2006. Board member, Community Organisation Resource Centre.
Dewar, D. 2006. Member of the Academy of Science of South Africa evidence led
panel on Science for Poverty Alleviation.
Dewar, D. 2006. Member of the Advisory Board to the Minister of Housing and Local
Government, Provincial Government of the Western Cape.
Dewar, D. 2006. Member of the Peer-reviewed group for SAKHA-IKAPA: A long
term Spatial Development Framework for the city of Cape Town.
Dewar, D. 2006. Member, Interim Certification Board for Environmental Assessment
Dewar, D. 2006. Transforming the City: Concepts of Urban Corridors and Urban
Edges. Master Class, KwaZulu-Natal branch of the South African Planning
Institution, Durban.
Dewar, D. 2006. Urban Planning in South Africa: Trends and Perspectives. Workshop
organised by the Universita' Juan di Venezia, Venice.
Merry, C.L. 2006. Chairman of the South African National Committee for the
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and South African national
delegate to the IUGG. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the
International Association of Geodesy (IAG); chairman of the African Geoid Project of
the IAG and a member of the steering committee for the Gravity Commission of the
IAG. He is a member of the editorial board of the international journal Survey
Review. He advises and consults to government and statutory agencies and survey and
exploration companies on GPS surveying and on co-ordinate transformations.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Member of Advisory Committee to the SA Heritage Resources
Agency on Cultural Landscapes.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Member of the Built Environment and Landscape Permit
Committee of the Chief Directorate Cultural Affairs, Western Cape.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Member of the Standards Generating Body of Planning in terms
of the South African Qualifications Authority.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Member of the Steering Committee and the Standards
Generating Body Architecture in terns of South African Qualifications Authority.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Chair of Heads of South African Planning Schools Committee.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Co-ordinator of the Association of African Planning Schools.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Chair of the Global Planning Education Association Network Coordinating Committee (GPEAN).
Watson, V.J. 2006. Member of the Standards Generating Body (SGB) for Planning.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Member of the Board of the Western Cape South African
Planning Institute.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Representative of the South African Planning Schools on the
National Board of the South African Planning Institute.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Member of the JIPSA Technical Advisory Committee on Town
and Regional Planning Skills in South Africa.
Whittal, J.F. 2006. Member of the Standards Generating Body (SGB) for Surveying
under NSB 12 and under the sub-field of Physical Planning, Design and Management
from levels 1-8 as Terms: July 1999 until July 2002; 8 July 2003 until 07 July 2006.
Standards Generating Body (SGB).
Whittal, J.F. 2006. 1 March 1998 for two years renewed: Alternate member to Prof H.
Ruther on the Education Advisory Committee for the Professional and Technical
Surveyors Organisation. Professional and Technical Surveyors Organisation.
Whittal, J.F. 2006. Mid 1997 - September 2006: Chairperson of the Professional Land
Surveyors and Technical Surveyors Organisation Screening Sub-committee.
Department of Chemical Engineering
Research Report 2006
(Including Bioprocess Engineering Research Unit, Centre for Catalysis Research,
c*change – DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis, Centre for Minerals
Research, the Centre for Research in Engineering Education and the Crystallisation
and Precipitation Research Unit)
Head of Department: Professor E. van Steen
Departmental Profile
The Department of Chemical Engineering has a proud national and international
reputation both for the quality of its graduates at the BSc and postgraduate levels and
for its research programs, thriving on the dynamic created by a synergy between
research, industry and education. The undergraduate program enjoys accreditation with
the Engineering Council of South Africa. The postgraduate program forms the largest
academic research activity in Chemical Engineering on the continent, and is focused on
mineral processing, catalysis, bioprocess engineering, environmental and process
systems analysis as well as precipitation and crystallization. Based on close contacts
with the chemical, petrochemical, biotechnological and mining industries, the research
programs in the Department, although fundamental in nature, have a strong industrial
flavour. The Department of Chemical Engineering is the host of the national DST-NRF
centre of excellence in Catalysis, c*change. At the end of 2003 the department took
occupation of a new building on the upper campus. This building, funded largely by
industrial donors, provides cutting-edge facilities for both research and education.
Integrated mini-plants show students the linkage between the various unit operations in
a (bio-) chemical and minerals processing plant.
Departmental Statistics
Permanent and Long-term Contract Staff
Associate Professors
Senior Lecturers
Research Staff (contract)
Technical Support Staff (permanent)
Technical Support Staff (contract)
Administrative and Clerical Staff (permanent)
Administrative and Clerical Staff (contract)
Honorary Staff
Honorary Professors
Honorary Senior Lecturers
Adjunct Professors
Research Fields and Staff
Professor Stephanie Burton
Director of Postgraduate Studies, Bioprocess Engineering Research Unit –
biocatalysis using oxidative enzymes and membrane bioreactors, biotransformation of
phenolics, amino acid synthesis, accessing enzymes from South Africa’s microbial
Associate Professor Dee Bradshaw
Centre for Minerals Research - reagent development, collectors for sulphide mineral
flotation, froth visualisation
Dr Jenni Case
Education Development Officer; Centre for Engineering Education - student learning,
women in engineering. Approaches to learning, metacognition, experience of
learning, race and gender in engineering
Dr Aninda Chakraborty
Environmental and Process Systems Engineering - Process system analysis, process
optimization, waste minimization
Associate Professor Michael Claeys
Centre for Catalysis Research - Fischer Tropsch synthesis, nano-materials
Associate Professor Dave Deglon
Centre for Minerals Research - modelling of mechanical mineral flotation cells,
computational fluid dynamics, hydrodynamics, gas dispersion, solids suspension
Professor Jack Fletcher
Director of the Centre for Catalysis Research - Director DST-NRF Centre of
Excellence in Catalysis (c*change) - catalysis by noble metals, zeolite catalysed
conversion of phenol and derivatives, wax hydrocracking, shape selectivity in zeolites
and molecular sieves
Professor Duncan Fraser
Environmental and Process Systems Engineering - heat and mass exchange networks.
Centre for Research in Engineering Education - Student learning, use of computer
simulations, factors affecting student success
Professor Sue Harrison
Director of the Bioprocess Engineering Research Unit - interaction of microorganisms with the biochemical, thermal and hydrodynamic environment, bioprocess
kinetics, bioproduct formation, alkane biotechnology, microbial cell damage and
disruption, high temperature (~75°C) bioleaching, biological sulphate reduction and
sulphide oxidation processes, solid-liquid separation in biological processes
Professor Alison Lewis
Director of the Crystallisation & Precipitation Research Unit – Industrial Precipitation
and Crystallisation, aqueous chemistry modeling of speciation, thermodynamic
equilibria, computation of Pourbaix diagrams, hydrodynamic and population balance
modelling of precipitation systems
Associate Professor Klaus Möller
Director of Undergraduate Studies. Process modelling and optimisation group –
multiphase reactor modelling, separator modelling, integrated reaction – separation
systems modelling, parameter estimation, modular process and flowsheet feasibility
and optimisation. Centre for Catalysis Research – wax hydrocracking modelling, FT
process modelling
Dr Paul Musonge
Environmental and Process Systems Engineering - computational fluid dynamics,
filtration, engineering education
Professor Cyril O'Connor
Dean of Engineering and the Built Environment Faculty. Director of the Centre for
Minerals Research, flotation, reagent evaluation, cell design. Centre for Catalysis
Research - heterogeneous catalyst and catalytic processes, zeolites, supported metal
catalysts, metal oxide catalysts
Dr Randhir Rawatlal
Bioprocess Engineering Research Unit - Reactor Engineering with focus on modelling
and simulation. Mass transfer modelling in the activation of alkanes, modelling
metabolic pathways and applications of segregation and compartment models in flow
reactors for minerals bio-leaching
Professor Eric van Steen
Head of Department, Centre for Catalysis Research - Fischer-Tropsch synthesis,
catalysis by gold, nano-materials, molecular modeling of heterogeneous catalytic
systems, reaction kinetics
Dr Harro von Blottnitz
Environmental and Process Systems Engineering - environmental systems analysis
using Life Cycle Assessment, waste management
Honorary Professors, Adjunct Professors, Associate Professors, Senior Lecturers
Professor Mark Dry
Centre for Catalysis Research - Fischer Tropsch (FT) catalytic processes, production
of synthesis gas
Professor Geoff Hansford
Bioprocess Engineering Research Unit – bioleaching, bioprocess treatment of acid
mine drainage
Adjunct Professor Peter Gaylard
Centre for Minerals Research - metallurgical research, development of undergraduate
courses in mineral processing and related fields
Adjunct Professor Peter Harris
Centre for Minerals Research - froth flotation
Professor Jim Petrie
University of Sydney; environmental performance; technology development; life
cycle assessment and management systems; waste management; site remediation and
recovery from waste
Professor Jean-Paul Franzidis
Centre for Minerals Research - mineral and coal flotation, development of
postgraduate development courses in mineral processing
Mr Martin Harris
Centre for Minerals Research – flotation, modelling, simulation
Dr Malcolm Powell
Centre for Minerals Research - comminution; modeling; simulation
Mr Walter Böhringer
Centre for Catalysis Research - Acid catalysis
Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr Bala Balasundaram
Influence of the extent of cell disruption on the adsorption of proteins by expanded
bed chromatography
Dr Gillian Balfour
Hydrogenation over carbon supported materials
Dr Roald Brosius
Selective synthetic distillate fuels synthesis, combining Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and
wax hydrocracking over Co based catalysts at low temperature
Dr Biju Devassey
Zeolite Catalyzed Phenolics Transformations
Dr Clive Garcin
Development of novel process for olive waste extraction
Dr Agnieszka Glowacka
Reversal of Amidase Reaction – A novel approach of synthesis of biologically active,
enantio-pure amides
Dr Robert Karreman
Study of microbial response to process stress
Dr Marlize le Roes
Development of new oxidase biocatalysts
Dr Itai Mabaso
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis – Valuable chemicals
Dr George Obiero
Bioconversion of linear alkanes to value added products using monooxygenases
Dr John Zvimba
Biotransformations of phenols
Dr Yifei Zhang
Modelling of kinetics of gypsum precipitation
Distinguished Visitors
Dr D Alexander
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, University of Queensland, Australia;
Mineral Processing
Dr T Atkinson
TMO (Pty) Ltd UK; Novel enzyme discovery development
M Bedford, J Casci, B Murrer, L Rowsell
Johnson Matthey (UK); Catalysis
K Bolton
University College of Boras, Sweden; Engineering Education
B Brucher
University of Karlsruhe (Germany); Hydantoinase biotransformations
Dr RP Das, A Dalmia
Rubamin (India); Extractive hydrometallurgy
Dr J Dennis
Cambridge University, London, UK; Sustainable processes in chemical engineering
Dr D Drinkwater
Julius Kruttschnitt Minerals Research Centre, Brisbane; Mineral Processing
R Duerr
University of Karlsruhe (Germany); Hydantoinase biotransformations
N Greef
Merisol (UK); Catalysis
R Havenstein
Anglo Platinum, Catalysis
Dr P Holtham
Julius Kruttschnitt Minerals Research Centre, Brisbane; Minerals Processing
Prof D Huisingh
University of Tennessee, Knoxville (USA); Sustainable development
Dr B Johnson
University of Queensland, Brisbane; Mineral processing
G Jonas-Ahrend
Dept of Physics Education, Dortmund University, Germany; Engineering Education
Prof H Kim
University of Seoul, Korea & University of Maryland (USA)
Water Engineering & Control of Activated Sludge processes
Dr M Lastra
BHP Billiton (USA); Heap bioleaching
Prof C Linder
University of Uppsala (Sweden); Engineering Education
P Lipnická, L Pawliková, S Sipko, L Szigeti
Slovakia; Catalysis
M Mazorati
Instituto di chemica del riconoscimento molecolare, CNR, Milan (Italy); Laccase
Dr R Morrison
Deputy Director of the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, University of
Queensland, Australia; Mineral Processing
Dr T Napier-Munn
Julius Kruttschnitt Minerals Research Centre, Brisbane; Mineral Processing
Prof H Niemantsverdriet
University of Eindhoven (Netherlands); Catalysis
Prof V Papangelakis
University of Toronto (Canada); Hydrometallurgy
Prof J Roy
Jadavpur University (India); Environmental Econimics – Climate Change, Energy &
Water Policy studies
Dr S Schwarz
Julius Kruttschnitt Minerals Research Centre, Brisbane; Minerals processing
Dr F Shi
Julius Kruttschnitt Minerals Research Centre, Brisbane, Minerals processing
Professor S Simukanga
University of Zambia; Mineral Processing
M van Lersel – group of PhD students
University of Eindhoven (Netherlands); Chemical Engineering
Contact Details
Postal Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town,
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Telephone: +27 21 650 2509
Fax: +27 21 650 5501
Research Output
Balasundaram, B. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2005. Disruption of brewers' yeast by
hydrodynamic cavitation: Process variables and their influence on selective release.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 94(2): 303-311.
Balasundaram, B. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Study of physical and biological factors
involved in the disruption of E.coli by hydrodynamic cavitation. Biotechnology
Progress, 22(3): 907-913.
Barkhuizen, A., Mabaso, E.I., Viljoen, E.L., Welker, C., Claeys, M.C., Van Steen,
E.W.J. and Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006. Experimental approaches to the preparation of
supported metal nanoparticles. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 78(9): 1759-1769.
Bbosa, L., Powell, M.S. and Cloete, T.J. 2006. An investigation of impact breakage of
rocks using the split Hopkinson pressure bar. Journal of the South African Institute of
Mining and Metallurgy, 106: 291-296.
Botha, T.J. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. A comparison of the environmental benefits
of bagasse-derived electricity and fuel ethanol on a life-cycle basis. Energy Policy,
34(17): 2654-2661.
Bradshaw, D.J., Buswell, M.A., Harris, P.J. and Ekmekci, Z. 2006. Interactive effects
of the type of milling media and copper sulphate addition on the flotation performance
of sulphide minerals from Merensky ore Part I: Pulp chemistry. International Journal
of Mineral Processing, 78: 153-163.
Brosius, R., Gammon, D.W., Van Laar, F., Van Steen, E.W.J., Sels, B.F. and Jacobs,
P.A. 2006. Vapour-phase synthesis of 2-methyl- and 4-methylquinoline over BEA*
zeolites. Journal of Catalysis, 239(2): 362-368.
Case, J.M. 2006. Enhancing teaching in higher education: New approaches for
improving student learning. Studies in Higher Education, 31(4): 511-521.
Case, J.M. and Gunstone, R.F. 2006. Metacognitive development: A view beyond
cognition. Research in Science Education, 36(4): 51-67.
Clarke, K., Johnstone-Robertson, M., Harrison, S.T.L. and Price, B. 2006. Location of
glucose oxidase during production by Aspergillus niger. Applied Microbiology and
Biotechnology, 70(1): 72-77.
Clarke, K., Williams, P.C., Smit, M.S. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Enhancement and
repression of volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient through hydrocarbon addition
and its influence on oxygen transfer rate in stirred tank bioreactors. Biochemical
Engineering Journal, 28(3): 237-242.
Coram-Uliana, N.J., Van Hille, R.P., Kohr, W.J. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006.
Development of a method to assay the microbial population in heap bioleaching
operations. Hydrometallurgy, 83: 237-244.
Deglon, D.A. and Meyer, C.J. 2006. CFD modelling of stirred tanks: Numerical
considerations. Minerals Engineering, 19(10): 1059-1068.
Du Toit, A.J., Gaylard, P., Jahanshahi, S. and Nell, J. 2006. Iron redox-equilibria and
sulphide capacity of PGM melter-type slags. Minerals Engineering, 19: 212-218.
Dürr, R., Vielhauer, O., Burton, S.G., Cowan, D.A., Puñal, A., Brandão, P.F.B., Bull,
A.T. and Syldatk, C. 2006. Distribution of hydantoinase activity in bacterial isolates
from geographically distinct environmental sources. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B
- Enzymatic, 39: 160-165.
Ekmekçi, Z., Bradshaw, D.J., Harris, P.J. and Buswell, M.A. 2006. Interative effects
of the type of milling media and CuSO4 addition on the flotation performance of
sulphide minerals from Merensky ore: Part II: Froth stability. International Journal of
Mineral Processing, 78(3): 164-174.
Farkade, V.D., Harrison, S.T.L. and Pandit, A.B. 2006. Improved cavitational cell
disruption following pH pre-treatment for the extraction of β-galactosidase from
Kluveromyces lactis. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 31: 25-30.
Fraser, D., Allison, S.A., Coombes, H.M., Case, J.M. and Linder, C. 2006. Using
variation to enhance learning in engineering. International Journal of Engineering
Education, 22(1): 102-108.
Govender, I. and Powell, M.S. 2006. An empirical power model derived from 3D
particle tracking experiments. Minerals Engineering, 19(10): 1005-1012.
Govender, N.S., Janse van Vuuren, M., Claeys, M.C. and Van Steen, E.W.J. 2006.
Importance of the usage ratio in iron-based Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis with recycle.
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 45: 8629-8633.
Icgen, B. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Exposure to sulfide causes populations shifts in
sulfate-reducing consortia. Research in Microbiology, 157(8): 784-791.
Icgen, B. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Identification of population dynamics in sulfatereducing consortia on exposure to sulphate. Research in Microbiology, 157(1): 922927.
Lewis, A.E. and Swartbooi, A.M. 2006. Factors affecting metal removal in mixed
sulfide precipitation. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 29(2): 277-280.
Lewis, A.E. and Van Hille, R.P. 2006. An exploration into the sulphide precipitation
and its effect on metal sulphide removal. Hydrometallurgy, 81(3-4): 197-204.
Linder, C., Fraser, D. and Fai Pang, M. 2006. Using a variation approach to enhance
physics learning in a college classroom. The Physics Teacher, 44: 63-66.
Mainza, A.N., Narasimha, M., Powell, M.S., Holtham, P.N. and Brennan, M. 2006.
Study of flow behaviour in a three-product cyclone using computational fluid
dynamics. Minerals Engineering, 19(10): 1048-1058.
Moon, G.C., O’Connor, C.T. and Böhringer, W. 2005. Pressure induced enhancement
of shape selective phenol methylation. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 154
C: 2255-2260.
Moosa, S. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Product inhibition by sulphide species on
biological sulphate reduction for the treatment of acid mine drainage.
Hydrometallurgy, 83: 214-222.
Newell, J.H., Bradshaw, D.J. and Harris, P.J. 2006. The effect of heavy oxidation
upon flotation and potential remedies for Merensky type sulfides. Minerals
Engineering, 19(6-8): 675-686.
Ntuli, F. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. The effect of a morphology modifier on the
precipitation behaviour of nickel powder. Chemical Engineering Science, 61(17):
Ochieng, A. and Lewis, A.E. 2005. Nickel solids concentration distribution in a
stirred tank. Minerals Engineering, 19(2): 180-189.
Ochieng, A. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. CFD simulation of solids off-bottom suspension
and cloud height. Hydrometallurgy, 82: 1-12.
O’Connor, C.T., Malysiak, V. and Shackleton, N.J. 2006. The interaction of xanthates
and amines with pyroxene activated by copper and nickel. Minerals Engineering,
19(6-8): 799-806.
Ogbonna, N., Petersen, J. and Laurie, H.D.G. 2006. An agglomerate scale model for
the heap bioleaching of chalcocite. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining
and Metallurgy, 106: 433-442.
Ojumu, V., Petersen, J., Searby, G.E. and Hansford, G.S. 2006. A review of rate
equations proposed for microbial ferrous-iron oxidation with a view to application to
heap bioleaching. Hydrometallurgy, 83(1-4): 21-28.
Petersen, J. and Dixon, D.G. 2006. Competitive bioleaching of pyrite and
chalcopyrite. Hydrometallurgy, 83(1-4): 40-49.
Powell, M.S. and Mainza, A.N. 2006. Extended grinding curves are essential to the
comparison of milling performance. Minerals Engineering, 19(2): 1487-1494.
Powell, M.S. and McBride, T. 2006. What is required from DEM simulations to
model breakage in mills? Minerals Engineering, 19(10): 1013-1021.
Scott, S.A., Dennis, J.S., Hayhurst, A.N. and Brown, T.A. 2006. In situ gasification of
a solid fuel and CO2 separation using chemical looping. Aiche Journal - American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, 52(9): 3325-3328.
Stafford, W.H.L., Baker, G.C., Brown, S.A., Burton, S.G. and Cowan, D.A. 2005.
Bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of Proteaceae species. Environmental
Microbiology, 7(11): 1755-1768.
Stevenson, R.A., Harrison, S.T.L., Miles, N. and Cilliers, J.J. 2006. Examination of
swirling flow using electrical resistance tomography. Powder Technology, 162(2):
Stewart, M. and Petrie, J.G. 2006. A process systems approach to life cycle
inventories for minerals: South African and Australian case studies. Journal of
Cleaner Production, 14(12-13): 1042-1056.
Streicher, S.J., West, K., Fraser, D., Case, J.M. and Linder, C. 2005. Learning through
simulation: Student engagement. Chemical Engineering Education, 39(4): 288-301.
Taty Costodes, V.C. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. Reactive crystallization of nickel
hydroxy-carbonate in fluidized-bed reactor: Fines production and column design.
Chemical Engineering Science, 61(5): 1377-1385.
Taty Costodes, V.C., Mausse, F., Molala, K. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. A simple
approach for determining particle size enlargement mechanisms in nickel reduction.
International Journal of Mineral Processing, 78(2): 93-100.
Van Steen, E.W.J., Viljoen, E.L. and Claeys, M.C. 2006. A DFT-study on the acidity
of Mo-O-Al-clusters. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A - Chemical, 266: 2254-2259.
Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. A comparison or air emissions of thermal power plants in
South Africa and 15 European countries. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 17(1):
Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. Promoting active learning in sustainable development:
Experiences from a 4th year chemical engineering course. Journal of Cleaner
Production, 14(9-11): 916-923.
Von Blottnitz, H., Rabl, A., Boiadjiev, D., Taylor, T. and Arnold, S. 2006. Damage
costs of nitrogen fertilizer in Europe and their internalization. Journal of
Environmental Planning and Management, 49(3): 413-433.
Wiese, J.G., Harris, P.J. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. The role of the reagent suite in
optimising pentlandite recoveries from the Merensky reef. Minerals Engineering,
19(12): 1290-1300.
Wilkinson, A.J., Randall, E.W., Long, T.M. and Collins, A. 2006. The design of an
ERT system for 3D data acquisition and a quantitative evaluation of its performance.
Measurement Science and Technology, 17(1): 2088-2096.
Winkler, H.E., Borchers, M., Hughes, A.G., Visagie, E.F. and Heinrich, G.S. 2006.
Policies and scenarios for Cape Town's energy future: Options for sustainable city
energy development. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 17(1): 28-41.
Zhang, Y.F. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. Effect of crystallisation on the reaction kinetics of
nickel reduction by hydrogen. Chemical Engineering Science, 61(12): 4120-4125.
Zhuang, Q., Claeys, M.C. and Van Steen, E.W.J. 2006. Novel synthesis route for eggshell, egg-white and egg-yolk type of cobalt on silica catalysts. Applied Catalysis A General, 301(1): 138-142.
Petersen, J. and Dixon, D.G. 2006. Modeling and optimization of Heap Bioleach
Processes. In D.E. Rawlings and D.B. Johnson (eds), Biomining: 155-176. Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag.
Powell, M.S., Smit, I., Radziszweski, P., Cleary, P., Rattray, B., Eriksson, K.G. and
Schaeffer, L. 2006. Selection and design of mill liners. In S. Komar Kawatra (ed.),
Advances in comminution: 331-375. Littleton, Colorado, USA: Society for Mining,
Metallurgy, and Exploration In.
Accolla, C. and Moller, K.P. 2006. The development of a fischer-tropsch wax
hydrocracking model. Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering
Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4.
Ajayi, O. and Musonge, P. 2006. An optimised form of the standard k-ε turbulence
model for stirred tank reactors. Proceedings of the South African Chemical
Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 186840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Amigun, B. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. An investigation of scale economies for
African Biogas installations. Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering
Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4.
Anderson, C., Deglon, D.A. and Harris, M.C. 2006. The effect of energy on quartz
flotation in a novel oscillatory baffled column. In G. Onal, N. Acarkan, M. Celik, F.
Arslan, G. Atesok, A. Guney, A. Sirkeci, A. Yuce and K. Perek (eds), Proceedings of
the XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul,
Turkey, 733-738. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Bagci, E., Ekmekci, Z., Gokagac, G. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. The synergistic effect
of mixture of collectors on adsorption behaviour on chalcopyrite. In G. Onal, et al.
(eds), Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8
September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 625-630. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Balasundaram, B. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Influence of the method and extent of
disruption of Bakers' Yeast on the adsorption performance in expanded beds.
Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22
September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Bepswa, P.A., Deglon, D.A. and Chakraborty, A. 2006. Heuristic methodology for
designing measurement networks for metallurgical accounting. In G. Onal, et al.
(eds), Proceedings of XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8
September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 1777-1782. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Bicak, O., Ekmekci, Z. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. Adsorption of polysaccharides on
pyrite. In G. Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral
Processing Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 479-484. ISBN 9757946-27-3.
Böhringer, W., Dwyer, C.L. and Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006. Acid catalysed conversion of
phenolics – influence of impurities from coal gasification. Proceedings of the South
African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South
Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Böhringer, W., Kotsiopoulos, A., De boer, M., Knottenbelt, C. and Fletcher, J.C.Q.
2006. On the application of non-sulphided base metal catalysts for normal paraffin
hydrocracking. Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering Congress
2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CDROM].
Broadhurst, J.L., Petrie, J.G. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. Understanding element
distribution during primary metal production. Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on the Sustainable Processing of Minerals, 5-6 June 2006, Newcastle,
Australia, 9-24. ISBN 1-920806-44-X.
Burdukova, E., Laskowski, J.S. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. Surface properties of talc
and their effect on the behaviour of talc suspensions. In G. Onal, et al. (eds),
Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September
2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 904-910. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Case, J.M. 2006. Issues facing engineering education in South Africa. Proceedings of
the 3rd African Regional Conference on Engineering Education, 26-27 September
2006, Pretoria, South Africa, 13-30. ISBN 0-620-37232-X.
Chakraborty, A. and Deglon, D.A. 2006. Measurement network design for
metallurgical accounting: A heuristic methodology. In T. Yalcin and H. Shang (eds),
Proceedings of Mineral Process Modelling, Simulation and Control, 6-7 June 2006,
Sudbury, Canada, 409-421. ISBN 0-88667-066-7.
Chakraborty, A. and Moller, K.P. 2006. Reduced order modelling for separation
systems: An evaluation of orthogonal collocation on finite elements (OCFE).
Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22
September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Chandramohan, R. and Powell, M.S. 2006. A structured approach to modelling SAG
Mill Liner Wear – monitoring wear. Proceedings of International Autogenous and
Semi Autogenous Grinding Technology 2006, 23-27 September 2006, Vancouver,
Canada, 133-148. ISBN 0-88865-814-1.
Correia, L.D.C., Clarke, K., Aldrich, C. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. The influence of
gas-liquid interfacial area on the oxygen transfer coefficient in alkane-aqueous
suspensions. Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006,
20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Ekmekci, Z., Can, N.M., Aslan, A. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. Relating the changes in
froth structure to metallurgical performance in flotation using machine vision. In G.
Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral Processing
Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 802-806. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Forbes, G.R., De Jager, G. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. Effective use of bubble size
distribution measurements. In G. Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the XXIII
International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey,
Vol 1: 554-559. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Fraser, D. 2006. Building engineering education capacity in Africa. Proceedings of
the South African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006,
Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Fraser, D. 2006. Building sustainable engineering education in Africa. Proceedings of
the 3rd African Regional Conference on Engineering Education, 26-27 September
2006, Pretoria, South Africa, 121-128. ISBN 0-620-37232-X.
Fraser, D. 2006. Tracking student success in engineering education. Proceedings of
South African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban,
South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Fraser, D. 2006. Tracking student success in engineering education. Proceedings of
the 3rd African regional Conference on Engineering Education, 26-27 September
2006, Pretoria, South Africa, 455-464. ISBN 0-620-37232-X.
Fraser, D., Howe, M., Hugo, A. and Shenoy, U. 2006. Selection of mass separating
agents in mass exchanger network synthesis. Proceedings of the South African
Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa.
ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Fraser, D., Linder, C. and Case, J.M. 2006. Learning through computer simulation.
Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22
September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Fraser, D., Linder, C. and Case, J.M. 2006. Learning through computer simulation.
Proceedings of the 3rd African Regional Conference on Engineering Education, 26-27
September 2006, Pretoria, South Africa, 473-480. ISBN 0-620-37232-X.
Germanis, P. and Burton, S.G. 2006. An investigation into the conditions of
polyphenol extraction from red grape marc (vitis vinifera). Proceedings of the South
African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South
Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Hanrahan, H.E., Beute, N., Fraser, D., Gosling, J. and Jandrell, I.R. 2006. Engineering
education in South Africa: Infragile good health,denial or crisis? Proceedings of the
3rd African Regional Conference on Engineering Education, 26-27 September 2006,
Pretoria, South Africa, 69-78. ISBN 0-620-37232-X.
Harding, K.G., Dennis, J.S., Von Blottnitz, H. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Life-cycle
assessment of industrial biodiesel production using inorganic or biological catalysts.
Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22
September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Isafiade, A.J. and Fraser, D. 2006. Combined heat and mass exchange network
synthesis using pinch technology. Proceedings of the South African Chemical
Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 186840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Johnstone-Robertson, M., Clarke, K. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Comparison of the
location of glucose oxidase in Penicillium Canescens tT42 and Aspergillus Niger
NRRL-3 cultures. Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering Congress
2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CDROM].
Kloppers, J.P., Tapson, J.C., Bradshaw, D.J. and Gaunt, C.T. 2006. Improving
technology transfer in developing countries. Proceedings of the 3rd African Regional
Conference on Engineering Education, 26-27 September 2006, Pretoria, South Africa,
375-380. ISBN 0-620-37232-X.
Kotsiopoulos, A., Hansford, G.S. and Rawatlal, R. 2006. Application of population
balance modeling in continuous tank bioleaching. Proceedings of the South African
Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa.
ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Mainza, A.N. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Enhancing platinum recovery with the threeproduct cyclone. In G. Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the XXIII International
Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Instanbul, Turkey, 1578-1583.
ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Malan, R., Kempener, R., Beck, J., Cohen, B., Basson, L. and Petrie, J.G. 2006.
Analysis of industrial networks for sustainable development – a multi-agent approach.
Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22
September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Modutwane, A.T. and Moller, K.P. 2006. Optimisation of ZSM-5 activity with regard
to crystallinity. Proceedings of the South African Chemical Engineering Congress
2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CDROM].
Morar, H., Hatfield, D.P., Barbian, N., Bradshaw, D.J., Cilliers, J.J. and Triffett, B.
2006. A comparison of flotation froth stability measurements and their use in the
prediction of concentrate grade. In G. Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the XXIII
International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey,
739-744. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Mwakyusa, G., Musonge, P. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. Minimization of water loss
in the mineral process industry. Proceedings of the South African Chemical
Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa. ISBN 186840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Ncanana, S.W. and Burton, S.G. 2006. Enzymatic synthesis of poly (8Hydroxyquinoline) by trametes pubescens laccase as a method to remove 8hydroxyquinoline from aqueous solution: A bioremediation model. Proceedings of the
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South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Newell, J.H., Ekmekci, Z. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. Sulfidisation mechanisms for
heavily oxidised sulfide minerals. In G. Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the XXIII
International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey,
560-565. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Nissing, J. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. A material flow analysis of wood and paper in
Cape Town: Is there potential to re-direct flows in formal and informal sectors to
foster use as a renewable resource? Proceedings of the 12th Annual International
Sustainable Development Research Conference, 6-8 April 2006, Hong Kong. ISBN
962-7589-27-6. [CD-ROM].
Powell, M.S. 2006. The unified comminution model – a conceptually new model. In
G. Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral Processing
Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 1783-1788. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Mwansa, S., Condori, F. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Charge segregation and slurry
transport in long SAG mills. In G. Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the XXIII
International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey,
Vol. 1: 81-86. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Powell, M.S., Smit, I., Radziszewski, P., Cleary, P., Rattray, B., Eriksson, K.-G. and
Schaeffer, L. 2006. The selection and design of mill liners. In S.K. Kawatra (ed.),
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium – Advances in Comminution, St
Louis, USA, 331-376. ISBN 0-87335-246-7.
Reddick, J., Von Blottnitz, H. and Kothuis, B. 2006. A cleaner production assessment
of the ultra-fine waste generated in South Africa. Proceedings of the South African
Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006, Durban, South Africa.
ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Runge, K.C., Franzidis, J.-P., Manlapig, E.V. and Harris, M.C. 2006. Conservation of
floatability across processes in industrial flotation circuits. In G. Onal, et al. (eds),
Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, Istanbul,
Turkey, 3-8 September 2006, 1910-1914. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Schwarz, S., Alexander, D., Whiten, W.J., Franzidis, J.-P. and Harris, M.C. 2006.
JKSimFloat V6: Improving flotation circuit performance and understanding. In G.
Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral Processing
Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 1717-1722. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Shackleton, N.J., Malysiak, V. and O’Connor, C.T. 2006. Surface characteristics and
flotation behaviour of sperrylite and palladoarsenide. In G. Onal, et al. (eds),
Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September
2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 420-425. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Sweet, C.G., Sweet, J.A., Harris, M.C. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Industry taking the
initiative in developing high calibre technical staff. In G. Onal, et al. (eds),
Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September
2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 2055-2059. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Sweet, J.A., Bradshaw, D.J. and Harris, M.C. 2006. Interpreting the individual
contribution of reagents on a plant scale. In G. Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the
XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September 2006, Istanbul,
Turkey, 1961-1965. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Von Blottnitz, H. and Chakraborty, A. 2006. 2nd Generation bio-energy technology:
Thoughts about getting the best new developments to work for Africa. Proceedings of
the South African Chemical Engineering Congress 2006, 20-22 September 2006,
Durban, South Africa. ISBN 1-86840-616-4. [CD-ROM].
Wiese, J.G., Becker, M.E., Bradshaw, D.J. and Harris, P.J. 2006. Interpreting the role
of reagents in the flotation of platinum bearing Merensky ores. Proceedings of the 2nd
International Platinum Conference 'Platinum Surges Ahead', 8-12 October 2006, Sun
City, Rustenburg, South Africa, 175-180. ISBN 1-919783-92-X.
Wiese, J.G., Bradshaw, D.J., Laskowski, J.S. and Harris, M.C. 2006. The role of
activators in pyrrhotite flotation from the Merensky Reef. In G. Onal, et al. (eds),
Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, 3-8 September
2006, Instanbul, Turkey, 727-732. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Condori, F. and Powell, M.S. 2006. A proposed mechanistic slurry discharge model
for AG/SAG Mills. Proceedings of International Autogenous and Semiautogenous
Grinding Technology 2006, Vancouver, Canada, 421-434. ISBN 0-88865-814-1.
Govender, I. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Investigating SAG Model assumptions using
laboratory 3D trajectory data. Proceedings of International Autogenous and
Semiautogenous Grinding Technology 2006, Vancouver, Canada, 436-450. ISBN 088865-814-1.
Lewis, A.E. 2006. Water recovery and salt recovery from brine solutions. Proceedings
of 13th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC) 13-15
September 2006, Delft, The Netherlands, 1-8. ISBN 1-58603-658-0.
Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J. and Gluck, T. 2006. Identifying critical operating parameters
and mechanism for a manganese sulphide precipitation process. Proceedings of 13th
International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 13-15 Sept 2006,
Delft, The Netherlands, 1-8. ISBN 1-58603-658-0
Mainza, A.N. and Powell, M.S. 2006. RoM Ball Mills - A comparison with AG/SAG
Milling. Proceedings of International Autogenous and Semiautogenous Grinding
Technology 2006, Vancouver, Canada, 314-325. ISBN 0-88865-814-1.
Mainza, A.N., Powell, M.S. and Morrison, R.D. 2006. A review of SAG circuits
closed with hydrocyclones. Proceedings of International Autogenous and
Semiautogenous Grinding Technology, Vancouver, Canada, 326-341. ISBN 0-88865814-1.
McBride, T. and Powell, M.S. 2006. A structured Approach to modelling SAG Mill
Liner Wear - Numerical modelling of liner evolution. Proceedings of International
Autogenous and Semiautogenous Grinding Technology 2006, Vancouver, Canada,
120-132. ISBN 0-88865-814-1.
Morrison, R.D., Loveday, B., Powell, M.S., Djordjevic, N. and Cleary, P. 2006.
Applying discrete element modelling to different modes of breakage in AG and SAG
Mills. Proceedings of International Autogenous and Semiautogenous Grinding
Technology 2006, Vancouver, Canada, 407-420. ISBN 0-88865-814-1.
Powell, M.S. and Valery, W. 2006. Slurry pooling and transport issues in SAG Mills.
Proceedings of International Conference on Autogenous and Semiautogenous
Grinding Technology, Vancouver, Canada, 133-152. ISBN 0-88865-814-1.
Powell, M.S., Condori, F., Smit, I. and Valery, W. 2006. The value of rigorous
surveys - the los bronces experience. Proceedings of International Autogenous and
Semiautogenous Grinding Technology 2006, Vancouver, Canada, 233-248. ISBN 088865-814-1.
Van der westhuizen, A.P. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Milling curves as a tool for
characterising SAG Mill performance. Proceedings of International Autogenous and
Semiautogenous Grinding Technology 2006, Vancouver, Canada, 217-232. ISBN 088865-814-1.
Accolla, C. and Moller, K.P. 2006. The development of a Fischer Tropsch wax
hydrocracking model. CATSA Conference: O-5.
Ajayi, O. and Musonge, P. 2006. Application of the standard k - e turbulance model to
stirred tank reactors. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference 2006: O3.
Almendras, M., Carballa, M., Van Hille, R.P., Harrison, S.T.L. and Chamy, R. 2006.
Heavy metal precipitation using sulfate reducing bacteria in liquid and soil medium.
Mineral Processing 2006: PP05.
Amigun, B. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. An investigation of scale economies for
African biogas installations. IEW Conference, Cape Town 2006. CD-ROM.
Anderson, C., Deglon, D.A. and Harris, M.C. 2006. Flotation in an oscillatory baffled
flotation column. Mineral Processing 2006: OR20.
Balasundaram, B. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Influence of the method and extent of
disruption of Bakers'yeast on the adsorption performance of expanded bed adsorption
chromatography. ESBES, Salzburg, Austria 2006.
Barty, A., Powell, M.S. and Meyer, C.J. 2006. A CFD Model for a hydrocyclone
operating with an air core. Mineral Processing 2006: SP19.
Basson, L. and Petrie, J.G. 2006. An integrated approach for consideration of
uncertainty in multiple attribute decision analysis and its demonstration for value
function methods. MCDM, Chania, Greece June 2006.
Basson, L. and Petrie, J.G. 2006. Indifference and indistinguishability - implications
for preference modelling and management of uncertainty in MCDA. MCDM, Chania,
Greece June 2006.
Basson, L. and Petrie, J.G. 2006. The complimentary use of value function and
outranking methods to screen projects for the clean development mechanism of the
Kyoto Protocol. European Conference on Operational Research, Reykjavik, Iceland,
June 2006.
Bbosa, L. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Measuring the energy of impact breakage of rocks
using the split hopkinson bar. Mineral processing: 0R10.
Becker, M.E., Harris, P.J., Wiese, J.G. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. The use of
quantitative mineralogical data to interpret the behaviour of gangue minerals in the
flotation of Merensky Reef ores. Automated Mineralogy, Brisbane, Australia, July
Bepswa, P.A., Deglon, D.A. and Chakraborty, A. 2006. A Heuristic methodology for
designing measurement networks for metallurgical accounting. Mineral processing
2006: OR33.
Blignaut, A., Claeys, M.C. and Van Steen, E.W.J. 2006. Fe-based Fischer-Tropsch
olefin selectivity study evaluating the impact of support basicity and metal particle
size. CATSA Conference Proceedings 2006: FTS-2.
Böhringer, W.F.W., Dwyer, C.L. and Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006. Poisoning of acid
catalysts by impurities in coal-gasification-derived phenolics streams. CATSA
Conference Proceedings 2006: O-9.
Bradshaw, D.J., Newell, J.H. and Skinner, W.M. 2006. Restoring the floatability of
oxidised sulfides using sulfidisation. Mineral Processing 2006: OR18.
Bradshaw, D.J., Wiese, J.G., Becker, M.E. and Harris, P.J. 2006. Incorporating
mineralogical assessment onto analysis of flotation behaviour. UK Minerals
Conference, Imperial College, London Sept 2006.
Brill, C., Moerdyk, C., Nissing, J. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. Composition and
heterogeneity of MSW from Khayelitsha. WasteCon O6, Someset West, September
2006: 43.
Brosius, R. and Martens, J.A. 2006. Adsorbed states of NOx in Zeolite Catalysts and
their role in selective catalytic reduction of NOx using Hydrocarbons. SAIChE Annual
R&D Conference: O10.
Brosius, R., Böhringer, W.F.W. and Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006. Hydrogen spillover in
paraffin hydrocracking. CATSA Conference Proceedings 2006: O-7.
Burton, S.G., Ncanana, S.W., Chigorimbo-Tsikiwa, N.T. and Ting, M.B. 2006.
Sequential biocatalytic oxidation steps to produce novel antioxidant compounds.
Multistep Enzyme Catalysed Bioprocesses, Graz, 2006.
Cairns, P.S., Dry, M.E. and Claeys, M.C. 2006. Copper as a selectivity promoted in
iron based fischer-tropsch synthesis? SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: O7.
Cairns, P.S., Dry, M.E., Van Steen, E.W.J. and Claeys, M.C. 2006. Copper, a
selectivity promoter in iron based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis? CATSA Conference
Proceedings 2006: O-19.
Case, J.M. and Marshall, D. 2006. New ways of characterising the student learning
experience: an identification of students' discourse models. Higher Education Close
Up 3, Lancaster UK 2006: 9-11.
Chandramohan, R. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Monitoring wear of mill liners. Mineral
Processing 2006: SP09.
Cheang, T., Van Steen, E.W.J. and Claeys, M.C. 2006. Preparation of iron-based
supported model catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. CATSA Conference
Proceedings 2006: FTS-4.
Chiyanzu, I. and Burton, S.G. 2006. Immobilization of a novel thermostable nitrile
hydratase (nhase). South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
XXth SASBMB Conference, Pietermartizburg 2006: 189.
Chiyanzu, I., Cowan, D. and Burton, S.G. 2006. Immobilization and characterization
of a novel bacillus sp. rapc8 nitrile hydratase (NHase). The South African Society of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2Oth Congress, Pietermaritzburg, July 2006.
Claeys, M.C., Dry, M.E., Van Steen, E.W.J., Gibson, P., Visagie, J.L., Motjope, T.
and Van zyl, A. 2006. Selectivity improvement via nitriding of iron-based Fischer
Tropsch catalysts. International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2006, Pittsburgh USA,
Sept 2006.
Cohen, B., Basson, L. and Petrie, J.G. 2006. A software platform for industry decision
support. MCDM, Chania, Greece, June 2006.
Cohen, B., Casaroli, S.J.G., Petrie, J.G., Shipley, D.S. and Tong, A.R. 2006.
Cementation and precipitation of contaminant metals in a zinc halide leaching and
recovery circuit: Experimental observations and implications for process design.
Mineral processing 2006: OR23.
Condori, F. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Slurry transport mechanisms in AG/SAG Mills.
Mineral Processing 2006: SP12.
Devassy, B.M., Böhringer, W.F.W. and Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006. Heteropoly Acids:
Catalysts with Acidic and redox properties. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: O9.
Devassy, B.M., Böhringer, W.F.W., Halligudi, S.B. and Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006.
Heteropoly acids: Catalysts with acidic and redox properties. CATSA Cobference
Proceedings 2006: GEN-6.
Diedericks,, Smit, M.S., Rawatlal, R. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. A Kinetic
framework for the production of YARROWIA Biomass to provide catalyst for the
activation of linear alkanes. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: P9.
Dry, M.E. 2006. Development of the Fischer-Tropsch process. CATSA Conference
Proceedings 2006: O-16.
Fletcher, J.C.Q., Barkhuizen, D., Daya, Y., Böhringer, W. and Roberts, S. 2006.
Au/ZnO and WGC Reference Catalysts for Water-Gas Shift. The 4th international
conference on Gold Science, Technology and its Applications, Limerick, Ireland, 3 –
6 September 2006.
Fletcher, J.V., Van der Westhuizen, R., Janse van Vuuren, M. and Van Steen, E.W.J.
2006. Effect of temperature on Fischer-Tropsch selectivity. CATSA Conference
Proceedings 2006: O-17.
Forbes, G.R., De jager, G. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. Effective use of bubble size
distribution measurements. Mineral processing: OR41.
Harding, K.G., Dennis, J.S., Von Blottnitz, H. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006.
Environmental analysis of plastic production processes: Life cycle assessment
comparison of petoleum-based polypropylene and polyethylene versus biologicallybased poly-β-hydroxybutyric acid. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: O13.
Harrison, S.T.L., Correia, L.D.C., Aldrich, C. and Clarke, K. 2006. The influence of
gas-liquid interfacial area on the oxygen transfer coefficient in alikane-aqueous
systems. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: O5.
Harrison, S.T.L., Harding, K.G., Dennis, J.S. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. Comparing
industrial biodiesel production routes based on inorganic or biological catalysts in
terms of process and environmental factors. CATSA Conference: O-4.
Hatfield, D.P., Bradshaw, D.J., Barbian, N., Cilliers, J.J. and Triffett, B. 2006. A
comparison of flotation froth stability measurements and their use in the prediction of
concentrate grade. Mineral processing 2006: OR39.
Hector, D.C.A., Christensen, C.B. and Petrie, J.G. 2006. A problem structuring
method for complex societal decisions; its philosophical and psychological
dimensions. EUROXXI European Conference on Operational Research, Reykjavik,
Iceland, June 2006.
Heyns, M., Janse van Rensburg, T., Böhringer, W.F.W. and Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006.
Investigation of rate limiting steps on a xylene practical apparatus. SAIChE Annual
R&D Conference: P14.
Kamunga Kazadi, T. and Petersen, J. 2006. Measurement of ferrous iron oxidation
kinetics in biological and abiotic systems using the redostat TM device. Mineral
Processing 2006: SP04.
Karbanee, N., Van Hille, R. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. Using gaseous sulphide to control
supersaturation in metal sulphide precipitation. Mineral processing 2006: SP05.
Kulya, C., Govender, I. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Using the dem energy spectra in a
population balance approach to model breakage in the mill. Mineral Processing 2006:
Laskowski, J.S. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. Surface properties of talc and their effect
on the behaviour of talc suspensions. Mineral Processing 2006: OR38.
Law-Brown, J. and Burton, S.G. 2006. Enzyme detection and bacterial isolation from
Antarctic soil samples. South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
XXth SASBMB Conference, Pietermartizburg, 2-5 July 2006: 232.
Lewis, A.E., Hove, M. and Van Hille, R.P. 2006. Characterisation of iron sludge
formed during hydroxide precipitation of iron from ferrous sulphate solutions.
Mineral Processing 2006: OR12.
Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J. and Gluck, T. 2006. Identifying critical operating parameters
and mechanism for a manganese sulphide precipitation process. Proceedings of
Mineral Processing 2006, Newlands, South Africa, 0R04.
Lombard, H.A., Claeys, M.C. and Van Steen, E.W.J. 2006. Alumina as a binder in a
precipitated iron-based Fischer-Tropsch catalyst. CATSA Conference Proceedings
2006: O-20.
Mainza, A.N., Powell, M.S. and Knopjes, B. 2006. Enhancing platinum recovery with
the three-product cyclone. Mineral Processing 2006: OR27.
Maluleke, J. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. The use of sequesntial extraction procedures
for determination and partitioning of metals in mine tailing. Mineral Processing 2006:
Mausse, F. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. Use of artifical neural network models to derive
particle size distributions from chord length distributions. Mineral Processing 2006:
Mausse, F., Seckler, M.M., Guardani, R., Bernado, A. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. Use of
artificial neural network models to derive particle size distributions from chord length
distributions. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference 2006: O4.
Melamu, R. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. A novel fuel cell technology for converting
municipal waste into electricity. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: P4.
Moeketsi, K., Böhringer, W.F.W. and Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006. Zeolite Catalysed
Phenol-Xylenol Transalkylation. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: P15.
Mokone, P. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. Recovery of zinc from solution using a mixed
sulphide/bicarbonate precipitating reagent. Mineral Processing 2006: SP15.
Moon, G.C., Böhringer, W.F.W., Fletcher, J.C.Q. and O’Connor, C.T. 2006. The
methylation of phenol with methanol over HMCM-22. 18th Deutsch Zeolith-Tagung,
Hannover, Germany, 1-3 March 2006.
Mwakyusa, G., Musonge, P. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. Water recovery from
mineral tailings. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: O17.
Mwansa, S., Condori, F. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Charge segregation and slurry
transport in long sag mills. MIneral Processing 2006: SP08.
Nemugumoni, J., Van Hille, R.P. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. The effect of dissolved
silver species on the metabolic activity of micro-organisms implicated in mineral
bioleaching, especially sulfolobus metallicus. Mineral Processing 2006: SP02.
Nissing, J. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. Burn, gasify, pyrolyse or ferment? Making
sense of the many possibilities for energy from waste in South Africa. WasteCon06
Somerset West, 5-8 September 2006.
Ntuli, F. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. The effect of a Morphology modifier on the
precipitation behaviour of nickel powder. Mineral Processing 2006: OR13.
O’Connor, C.T. 2006. The characterisation of mordenite modified by acid washing
and steam treatment. CATSA Conference Proceedings: O-6.
Ogbonna, N., Petersen, J. and Laurie, H.D.G. 2006. An isothermal agglomerate scale
model for the heap bioleaching of chalcocite. Mineral processing 2006: OR06.
Ojumu, V., Petersen, J. and Hansford, G.S. 2006. Effects of solution conditions of
heap bioleach systems on microbial ferrous-iron oxidation kinetics of
LEPTOSPIRILLUM ferriphilum. Mineral Processing 2006: OR25.
Ojumu, V., Petersen, J. and Hansford, G.S. 2006. The effect of total iron
concentration on the microbial ferrous iron oxidation kinetics of Leptospirillum
ferriphilum. The 6th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science,
Salzburg, Austria, August 2006.
Oyekola, O., Van Hille, R.P. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Kinetic analysis of biological
sulphate reduction using lactate as carbon source and electron donor effect of sulphate
concentration. Mineral processing: OR07.
Oyekola, O., Van Hille, R.P. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Kinetic analysis of biological
sulphate reduction using lactate as carbon source and electron donor: effect of
sulphate concentration. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: O16.
Oyekola, O., Van Hille, R.P. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Sulphate reducing bacteria
(SRB) population structure response to physiochemical changes in lactate-fed
anaerobic bioreactors; preliminary study. The South African Society of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 20th Congress, Pietermaritzburg, July 2006: 115.
Parolis, L.A.S., Groenmeyer, G. and Harris, P.J. 2006. The influence of metal cations
on the behaviour of carboxymethyl cellulose depressants. Mineral Processing 2006:
Petrie, J.G., Kempener, R., Basson, L. and Cohen, B. 2006. Analysis and design of
industrial networks for sustainability objectives. EURO XXI European Conference on
Operational Research, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2006.
Petrie, J.G., Kempener, R., Basson, L. and Cohen, B. 2006. Use of MCDA to model
Agent Decisions in Complex Industrial Networks. MCDM, Ghania, Greece, June
Phala, N.S. and Van Steen, E. 2006. Intrinsic Reactivity of Gold Nanoparticles:
Classical, Semi-Empirical and DFT Studies. The 4th international conference on Gold
Science, Technology and its Applications, Limerick, Ireland, 3 – 6 September 2006.
Powell, M.S. 2006. The unified comminution model - a conceptually new model.
Proceedings of Minerals Processing 2006, Newlands, South Africa, 0R03.
Rawatlal, R. 2006. Applications of modified population balance models in bio
reaction engineering. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference 2006: O1.
Reddy, S.T. and Lewis, A.E. 2006. Innovative approaches to brine treatment. Mineral
Processing 2006: SP07.
Sauerbeck, S., Moon, G.C., Böhringer, W.F.W., Fletcher, J.C.Q. and O’Connor, C.T.
2006. The methylation of phenol with methanol over HMCM-22. 18th Deutsch
Zeolith-Tagung, Hannover, Germany 1-3 March 2006: KV15.
Shamaila, S. and O’Connor, C.T. 2006. An investigation of the flotation response of
synthetic PGMS in a natural ore environment. Mineral Processing 2006: OR36.
Sheridan, C., Petersen, J., Rohwer, J. and Burton, S.G. 2006. Constructed wetlands for
the primary treatment of winery effluent. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: O11.
Sheridan, C., Petersen, J., Rohwer, J. and Burton, S.G. 2006. Engineering design of
subsurface flow constructed wetlands for the primary treatment of winery effluent.
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water
Pollution Control 2006, Lisbon, Portugal, 1623-1633.
Spurr, N.R.L., Harrison, S.T.L. and Van Hille, R.P. 2006. Microbial colonisation and
propagation through the mineral ore heap on bioleaching. Mineral Processing 2006:
Sweet, J.A., Bradshaw, D.J., Harris, P.J. and Crafford, H. 2006. Interpreting the
individual contribution of reagents on a plant scale. Mineral Processing 2006: SP10.
Vallabh, H., Barnes, N., Toma, N., Bohringer, W., Halligudi, S.B. and Fletcher,
J.C.Q. 2006. Shape selective Phenol Alkylation with C3 – and C6 – alcohols in Gas
and Liquid Phase. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: P16.
Toma, N.V., Vallabh, H., Barnes, N., Böhringer, W.F.W., Halligudi, S.B. and
Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006. Shape selective phenol alkylation with C3- and C6-alcohols in
gas and liquid phase. CATSA Conference Proceedings 2006: O-8.
Vallabh, H., Barnes, N., Böhringer, W.F.W. and Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006. Shape
Selective Phenol Alkylation in Gas Phase. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: P17.
Van der Westhuizen, A.P. and Deglon, D.A. 2006. Applying components of variance
analyses in metal accounting measurements on a ZN refining operation. Mineral
Processing 2006: SP18.
Van der Westhuizen, A.P., Kola, I. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Milling curves as a tool
for characterising SAG mill performance. Mineral Processing 2006: OR11.
Van Eck, M. and Powell, M.S. 2006. Introducing Liberation into particle breakage
testing. Mineral Processing 2006: SP20.
Viljoen, E.L., Van Steen, E.W.J., Van de Loosdrecht, J. and Claeys, M.C. 2006. The
influence of the acidity characteristics of a cobalt catalyst on the Fischer-Tropsch
selectivity. CATSA Conference Proceedings 2006: O-18.
Welker, C., Moss, J.R., Van Steen, E.W.J. and Claeys, M.C. 2006. Effect of crystallite
size in Ru-based Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: P1.
Welker, C., Moss, J.R., Van Steen, E.W.J. and Claeys, M.C. 2006. Closing the gap
between homo-and heterogeneous Ru-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. CATSA
Conference Proceedings 2006: FTS-7.
Wiese, J.G., Harris, P.J., Bradshaw, D.J. and Laskowski, J.S. 2006. The role of
activators in pyrrhotite flotation from the merensky reef. Mineral processing 2006:
Zhuang, Q., Claeys, M.C. and Van Steen, E.W.J. 2006. Structured cobalt catalysis for
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. SAIChE Annual R&D Conference: P2.
Zizhou, N. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Effect of medium components and growth
conditions on astaxanthin production by Haematococcus pluvialis. Book of Abstracts:
International Marine Biotechnology Conference.
Zizhou, N. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. The flocculation performance of
Haematococcus pluvialis is mediated by a resistant extracellular polysaccharide. Book
of Abstracts: International Marine Biotechnology Conference.
Accolla, C. 2006. Modelling the hydrocracking of Fischer-Tropsch wax: 1-116.
Master of Science in Engineering.
Ajayi, O. 2006. Prediction of the hydrodynamics in stirred tank reactors. Master of
Science in Engineering.
Erasmus, W.J. 2006. Synthesis of cobalt crystallites with a defined crystal size
distribution using ultrasnication: 1-88. Master of Science in Applied Science.
Fernsby, A.M. 2006. Shape Selective methylation of meta-cresol: 1-231. Master of
Science in Engineering.
Garcin, C.J. 2006. Investigation into the bioremediation and beneficiation of olivederived wastewaters from the Western Cape: 165. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical
Germanis, P. 2006. An investigation into the production of Polyphenol Antioxidants
from Grape Marc: 1-146. Master of Science in Engineering.
Gopal, H. 2006. Evaluation of three carbon sources for the biological treatment of
acid mine drainage through process modelling: 1-224. MSc Chemical Engineering.
Govender, N.S. 2006. Investigation on the effect of recycle of the Fischer Tropsch
synthesis. Master of Science in Applied Science: 1-146.
Hatfield, D.P. 2006. The use of a machine vision system in PGM flotation: 177.
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering.
Krige, A.R. 2006. A CFD analysis of reactive crystallisation in stirred tanks - a focus
on metal hydroxides: 1-187. MSc in Engineering.
Mabaso, E.C. 2005. Froth stability restoration: 1-163. DPhil.
Mabaso, E.I. 2006. Nano-sized iron crystallites for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: 93.
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering.
Maidza, T. 2006. Development of a rapid laboratory predictive method using fluidised
bed techniques for the determination of oxidisability of residual Cr (lll) present in
slags: 1-64. Master of Science in Applied Science.
Makhongela, H.S. 2006. Characterisation of a thermostable omidase and development
of a bioreactor process for lactic acid production: 128. MSc Chemical Engineering.
Malherbe, J.A. 2006. The effect of catalyst conditioning on the mechanical integrity
& synthesis performance of an iron-based Fischer-Tropsch catalyst: 1-210. Master of
Science in Engineering.
Maluleke, J. 2006. Empirical confirmation of theoretical predications of leachate
generation potential of wastes from benericiation of copper sulphate ore: 1-156.
Master of Science in Engineering.
Mausse, F. 2006. Population balance modelling in nickel reduction systems: 1-123.
Master of Science in Engineering.
Modutwane, A.T. 2006. The effect of crystallinity on activity and selectivity of
ZSM5: 1-118. MSc Chemical Engineering.
Ntshabele, J.P. 2006. Acid catalyzed alkylation of diphenyl ether with methanol over
shape-selective zeolites: 1-185. MSc Chemical Engineering.
Oborien, B.O. 2006. Solubilisation and depolymerisation of low rank coal by
filamentous fungi: 1-167. Master of Science in Engineering.
Ochieng, A. 2006. A hydrodynamic study of nickel suspension in stirred tanks: 1-189.
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering.
Ogbonna, N. 2006. Mathematical modelling of agglomerate scale phenomena in heap
bioleaching: 137. MSc Chemical Engineering.
Pickering, M. 2006. Studies on growth and filtration of the antagonistic biocontrol
yeast cryptococcus albidus: 174. MSc Chemical Engineering.
Raja, S.B. 2006. The effect of particulate-induced hydro dynamic stress on the
bioleaching of chalcopyrite by a sulfolobus-like culture: 256. Doctor of Philosophy in
Chemical Engineering.
Reddick, J. 2006. Cleaner production in coal mining and processing: 1-143. Master of
Science in Engineering.
Stevenson, R.A. 2006. Analysis of particle suspension and mixing in biological
systems: an application of tomography: 1-310. Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in
Chemical Engineering.
Sumani, O.L. 2006. Production of mid chain branched detergent-range olefins over
shape-selective acid catalysts: 1-100. Master of Science in Applied Science.
Swartbooi, A.M. 2006. Precipitation of nickel and cobalt as sulphides using hydrogen
sulphide: 1-80. MSc in Engineering.
Viljoen, E.L. 2006. The influence of molybdenum and vanadium on the activity and
selectivity of a cobalt Fischer-Tropsch catalyst: 1-238. Degree of Doctor of
Philosophy in Chemical Eng.
Werner, C.M. 2006. An investigation into the bioremediation of black olive brine
wastewater: 113. MSc Chemical Engineering.
Case, J.M. 2006. Enhancing teaching in higher education: New approaches for
improving student learning. Studies in Higher Education, 31(4): 511-521.
Sheridan, C., Nissing, J., Harding, K.G., Karreman, R.J., Van hille, R.P., Ncanana,
S.W. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2006. Enery in South Africa: the potential for bioresources. Chemical Technology: 10-17.
Böhringer, W.F.W. and Fletcher, J.C.Q. 2006. ST 116/01 - 04 Para-ethylphenol
Synthesis. Merisol (Pty) Ltd.
Broadhurst, J.L. and Maidza, T. 2006. Analytical methods for the determination of
chromium in the environment. International chromium development association.
Case, J.M. 2006. Issues facing the engineering profession and engineering education
in South Africa: A briefing paper to inform further research. Human Sciences
Research Council.
Case, J.M. 2006. No time to think, no life, no problem? Insights from a decade of
research on student learning in Chemical Engineering. South African Chemical
Engineering Congress.
Claeys, M.C., Dry, M.E., Van Steen, E.W.J., Botes, G., Bromfield, T. and Crous, R.
2006. Report on HTFT (263/99 ST). Sasol.
Claeys, M.C., Dry, M.E., Van Steen, E.W.J., Van berge, P., Van de Loosdrecht, J. and
Viljoen, E. 2006. Reports 22-25 on cobalt-based FT (023/05 ST). Sasol.
Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. Background briefing paper for the national sustainable
development strategy: solid waste. Dept of Environment Affairs & Tourism.
Von Blottnitz, H. 2006. Towards a critical mass for LCA application in sustainable
consumption and production in Africa. NBEP Headquaters, Nairobi, Kenya.
Department of Civil Engineering
Research Report 2006
Head of Department: Professor G.A. Ekama
Departmental Profile
The Department is involved in research in a number of diverse fields and has strong
research groups in Water Engineering and Water Quality, Concrete, Geotechnics,
Structural Engineering, Urban Engineering and Management and Urban Transport
and GIS and Urban Water Management. It also interacts with research groups in other
departments and institutions, such as CERECAM, Chemical Engineering and the
Universities of Witwatersrand, Stellenbosch, KwaZulu-Natal and Pretoria, and with
outside organisations such as the Cement and Concrete Institute, Water Research
Commission, CSIR and City of Cape Town, City of Tshwane and Sasol. Most of the
work is applied research from practice and of direct benefit to designers, contractors,
industry and communities on the one hand, and the students and staff who develop
high-level expertise on the other hand. The emphasis is on excellence in the
conventional Civil Engineering disciplines of Structures, Geotechnics, Water Quality,
Hydraulics and Materials. However, there is also a shift of emphasis to the provision
of engineering infrastructure to developing communities, e.g. application of
appropriate technology. To this end, the staffing structure of the Department has
changed and new areas of urgently needed research are being developed. The
disciplines of Urban Engineering and Urban Management were introduced in 1996. In
2000, further multi-disciplinary research in Urban Transport Policy, Planning and
Modelling was introduced, coupled with a teaching programme in Transportation
Policy which commenced in 2002 and in 2005. A postgraduate programme in
Municipal Infrastructure Design and Management, and research in Urban Water
Management was started as part of the Faculty’s Cities in Africa Network. In 2003 the
Cell Life initiative was launched jointly with Electrical Engineering, which seeks to
provide an innovative technology based platform for the management of HIV/AIDS.
Departmental Statistics
Permanent and Long-Term Contract Staff
Associate Professors
Emeritus Associate Professors
Senior Lecturers
Research Staff
Technical Support Staff
Administrative and Clerical
Laboratory Support Staff
PG Diploma
International Affiliates
Occasional PG’s
Research Fields and Staff
Permanent Staff
Professor Mark Alexander
Grant holder NRF/ Industry programme on concrete durability; concrete materials,
durability; properties of aggregates; applications to structural design and construction
Associate Professor Neil Armitage
Hydraulics; urban drainage; urban catchment management
Dr Roger Behrens
Activity-based travel analysis; local movement network configuration and
management; non-motorised transportation; and policy analysis in the fields of urban
passenger transport and land use-transport interaction
Associate Professor Romano Del Mistro
Urban engineering and management
Professor George Ekama
Head of department - Director, Water Research Group; chemical and biological
wastewater treatment; physical and biological process modelling
Associate Professor Richard Loewenthal
Water treatment; water chemistry
Dr Alvin Masarira
Structural engineering; stability behaviour of steel structures, cold-formed structures,
composite structures, fire engineering in steel structures
Dr Pilate Moyo
Structural health monitoring and testing
Dr Ulrike Rivett
Spatial information systems and decision making in urban context; data acquisition
using wireless technology
Dr Friedrich Scheele
Geotechnical engineering; rock mechanics; experimental testing and numerical
Dr Marianne Vanderschuren
Assessment of urban transport systems; urban transport decision-making; transport
Professor Alphose Zingoni
Shell structures; space structures, structural mechanics; applications of group theory;
engineering computation; finite element modelling; vibration analysis and structural
dynamics; analysis and design of engineering structures
Contract Research Staff
Professor Mark Wentzel
Chemical and biological wastewater treatment; physical and biological process
Honorary Research Associates
Ms Lisa Kane
Transportation engineering and planning
Contact Details
Postal Address: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, Private
Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: +27 21 650 2584
Fax: +27 21 689 7471
Web :
Research Output
Behrens, R., Diaz Olvera, L., Plat, D. and Pochet, P. 2006. Collection of passenger
travel data in sub-Saharan African cities: towards improving survey instruments and
procedures. Transport Policy, 13: 85-96.
Beushausen, H. and Alexander, M.G. 2006. Failure mechanisms and tensile relaxation
of bonded concrete overlays subjected to differential shrinkage. Cement and Concrete
Research, 36: 1908-1914.
Beushausen, H. and Alexander, M.G. 2006. Spannungen durch
verformunsbehinderung in gebunden aufbetonen (Stresses in bonded overlays
subjected to restrained deformations). Beton - und Stahlbetonbau, 101(6): 394-401.
Ekama, G.A., Wentzel, M.C. and Loewenthal, R.E. 2006. Integrated chemicalphysical processes kinetic modelling of multiple mineral precipitation problems.
Water Science and Technology, 53(12): 65-73.
Ekama, G.A., Wentzel, M.C. and Sötemann, S.W. 2006. Mass balance-based plantwide wastewater treatment plant models - part 2: tracking the influent inorganic
suspended solids. Water SA, 32(3): 277-286.
Ekama, G.A., Wentzel, M.C. and Sötemann, S.W. 2006. Mass balance-based plantwide wastewater treatment plant models - part 3: biodegradibilty of activated sludge
organics under anaerobic conditions. Water SA, 32(3): 287-296.
Ekama, G.A., Wentzel, M.C. and Sötemann, S.W. 2006. Tracking the organic
suspended solids through biological treatment units of wastewater treatment plants.
Water Research, 40(19): 3587-3595.
Gardner, T.J., Stanish, K. and Alexander, M.G. 2006. Critical review of rapid chloride
test methods for concrete. Concrete Beton, September 2006(113): 11-17.
Heiyantuduwa, R., Alexander, M.G. and Mackechnie, J. 2006. Performance of a
penetrating corrosion inhibitor in concrete affected by carbonation-induced corrosion.
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2006(November/December): 842-849.
Lee, B.J., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama, G.A. 2006. Measurement and modelling of
ordinary heterotrophic organism active biomass concerntrationin anoxic/aerobic
activated sludge mixed liquor. Water Science and Technology, 54(1): 1-10.
Muller, A.W., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama, G.A. 2006. Estimation of nitrification
capacity of rock media trickling filters in external nitrification BNR. Water SA, 31
(Special Edition - WISA 2006)(5): 611-618.
Parco, V., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama, G.A. 2006. Kinetics in nitrogen removal in a
MBR nutrient removal activated sludge system. Desalination, 199(1-3): 89-91.
Ramphao, M.C., Wentzel, M.C., Ekama, G.A. and Alexander, W.V. 2006. A
comparison of BNR activated sludge systems with memebrane and settling tank solidliquid separation. Water Science and Technology, 53(12): 295-303.
Ristow, N.E., Sötemann, S.W., Wentzel, M.C., Loewenthal, R.E. and Ekama, G.A.
2006. The effects of hydraulic retention time and feed COD concerntration on the
hydrolosis rate of primary sewage sludge. Water Science and Technology, 54(5): 91100.
Sötemann, S.W., Van Rensburg, P., Ristow, N.E., Wentzel, M.C., Loewenthal, R.E.
and Ekama, G.A. 2006. Integrated chemical, physical and biological processes
modelling of anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge. Water Science and Technology,
54(5): 109-118.
Sötemann, S.W., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama, G.A. 2006. Mass balance-based plantwide wastewater treatment plant models - part 4: Aerobic digestion of primary and
waste activated sludges. Water SA, 32(3): 297-306.
Stanish, K., Alexander, M.G. and Ballim, Y. 2006. Assessing the repeatabilty and
reproducibility of South African durability index tests. Journal of the SA Institution of
Civil Engineering, 48(2): 10-17.
Van Wageningen, H.S., Ristow, N.E., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama, G.A. 2006.
Development of a kinetic model for biological sulphate reduction with sewage sludge
as substrate. Water SA, 31 (Special edition - WISA 2006)(5): 619-626.
Wentzel, M.C., Ekama, G.A. and Sötemann, S.W. 2006. Mass balance-based plantwide wastewater treatment plant models - part 1: Biodegradibility of wastewater
organics under anaerobic conditions. Water SA, 32(3): 269-276.
Zingoni, A. 2006. Behaviour, analysis and design of steel structures. Journal of
Constructional Steel Research, 62(1-2): 1-3.
Vanderschuren, M.J.W.A. 2006. Intelligent transport systems for South Africa impact assessment through microscopic simulation in the South African context: 196.
Netherlands: TRAIL.
Loewenthal, R.E. 2006. Chapter B5: Stabilisation. In F. Schutte (ed.), Handbook for
the operation of water treatment works: 145-157. Pretoria: Water Research
Alexander, M.G., Stanish, K. and Ballim, Y. 2006. A two-level approach to
performance-based durability specifications for corrosion prevention. In K. Kovler
(ed.), Proceedings of the International RILEM-JCI Seminar on Concrete Durability
and Service Life Planning, 14-16 March 2006, Dead Sea, Israel, 281-291. ISBN 2912143-89-6.
Armitage, N.P., Carden, K.J., Winter, K.J., Rivett, U.K. and Sichone, O.B. 2006.
Developing a model to assess management options for greywater in the informal
settlements of South Africa. In A. Deletic and T. Fletcher (eds), Proceedings of the
7th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling and the 4th International
Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design, 3-7 April 2006, Melbourne, Australia,
733-739. ISBN 0-646-45903-1.
Behrens, R. and Del Mistro, R. 2006. Methodological problems in the analysis of
chanhging habitual travel bahaviour over time. Proceedings of the 25th Southern
African Transport Conference (SATC 2006), 10-13 July 2006, Pretoria, South Africa,
195-205. ISBN 1-920-01706-2.
Behrens, R. and Venter, C. 2006. Unravelling travel costs: Towards improved data
collection and transport expenditure policy indicators. Proceedings of the 25th
Southern African Transport Conference (SATC 2006), 10-13 July 2006, Pretoria,
South Africa, 234-243. ISBN 1-920-01706-2.
Brown, S.L., De Jager, D., Wood, R. and Rivett, U.K. 2006. A pharmacy stock
control management system to effectively monitor and manage patients on ART.
Proceedings of the 4th IEE Seminar on Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for
Developing Countries, 23-24 May 2006, London, United Kingdom, 29-35. ISBN 086341-633-0.
Cunninghame, M.E. and Armitage, N.P. 2006. A numerical model for local scour at
piers according to the unit stream power approach. In R.M.L. Ferreira, E.C.T.L. Alv
Es, J.G.A.B. Leal and A.H. Cardoso (eds), Proceedings of River Flow 2006 –
International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 6-8 September 2006, Lisbon,
Portugal, 741-746. ISBN 0-415-40815-6.
Dzvukamanja, S.K., Moyo, P., Alexander, M.G. and Mukwena, T. 2006.
Quantification of uncertainty in damage detection techniques. Proceedings of the 3rd
European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 5-7 July 2006, Granada, Spain,
643-650. ISBN 1-932078-63-0.
Fyn, R.W., De Jager, D., Chan, H.A., Rivett, U.K. and Anand, S.A. 2006. Remote
HIV/AIDS patient monitoring tool using 3G/GPRS packet-switched mobile
technology. Proceedings of the 4th IEE Seminar on Appropriate Healthcare
Technologies for Developing Countries, 23-24 May 2006, London, United Kingdom.
ISBN 0-86341-633-0. [CD-ROM].
Loudon, A.M., Rivett, U.K. and Richards, T.L. 2006. Open source GIS and mobile
devices for water demand management. In A. Bytheway and C. Strumpfer (eds),
Proceedings of Community Informatics for Developing Countries (CIDC) 2006:
Understanding and Organising for a Participatory Future Information Society, 31
August – 2 September 2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 15-175. ISBN 0-620-37058-0.
Martin, L. and Scheele, F. 2006. The application of ground penetrating radar in road
pavement assessments. Proceedings of the 3rd IRF/SARF Regional Conference for
Africa, 11-13 September 2006, Durban, South Africa, 46-55. ISBN 0-620-37058-0.
Ojungu-Omara, I.P. and Vanderschuren, M.J.W.A. 2006. Ways of reducing accidents
on South African roads. Proceedings of the 25th Southern African Transport
Conference (SATC 2006), 10-13 July 2006, Pretoria, South Africa, 454-464. ISBN 1920-01706-2.
Vanderschuren, M.J.W.A. and Cloete, R.O. 2006. The improvement of public
transport operational performance: The case for Gauteng Province, South Africa.
Proceedings of the 25th Southern African Transport Conference (SATC 2006), 10-13
July 2006, Pretoria, South Africa, 130-140. ISBN 1-920-01706-2.
Alexander, M.G., Gardner, T.J. and Stanish, K. 2006. Critical review of rapid chloride
test methods for concrete. Proceedings of 3rd Young Concrete Engineers',
Practitioners' and Technologists' Conference, Cape Town and Midrand, 13.
Alexander, M.G., Stanish, K. and Ballim, Y. 2006. Performance-based durability
design and specification: overview of the South African approach. Proceedings of
International RILEM-JCI Seminar on Performance Based Evaluation Indicators for
Concrete Durability, Madrid, Spain, 1-10.
Beushausen, H. and Alexander, M.G. 2006. Durability as a design criteria for concrete
patch repairs. Proceedings of 7th CANMET/ACI International Conference on
Durability of Concrete, Montreal, Canada, 705.
Carden, K.J., Armitage, N.P., Sichone, O.B., Winter, K.J. and Rivett, U.K. 2006.
Management options for the safe use and disposal of greywater in the non-sewered
areas of South Africa. Proceedings of WISA - Biennial Conference and Exhibition
2006, Durban, 11.
Dzvukamanja, S.K., Moyo, P., Alexander, M.G. and Mukwena, T. 2006. Vibrationbased statistical techniques for detecting damage in concrete structures. Proceedings
of 3rd Young Concrete Engineers', Practitioners' and Technologists' Conference, Cape
Town and Midrand, 7.
Ekama, G.A., Sötemann, S.W. and Wentzel, M.C. 2006. Tracking and modelling
organics and inorganics through whole wastewater treatment plants. Proceedings of
Monitoring and Control of WWTPs: Plant Wide Models As A Tool, Kortrijk,
Belgium. [CD-ROM].
Ekama, G.A., Sötemann, S.W., Wentzel, M.C. and Loewenthal, R.E. 2006. Three
phase mixed weak acid/base chemistry kinetic modelling of multiple mineral
precipitation problems. Proceedings of Hemmis/West Wastewater Treatment Plant
Modelling Workshop, Kortrijk. [CD-ROM].
Ekama, G.A., Wentzel, M.C. and Sötemann, S.W. 2006. Tracking influent suspended
solids through wastewater treatment plants. Proceedings of the IWA World Water
Congress and Exhibition, Beijing, 8.
Mukwena, T., Moyo, P., Alexander, M.G. and Dzvukamanja, S.K. 2006. Modal
analysis for detecting reinforcement corrosion induced damage. Proceedings of 3rd
Young Concrete Engineers', Practitioners' and Technologists' Conference, Cape Town
and Midrand, 11.
Mumenya, S.W., Tait, R.B. and Alexander, M.G. 2006. An appropriate specimen
geometry for direct tensile testing of textile concrete. Proceedings of 3rd Young
Concrete Engineers', Practitioners' and Technologists' Conference, Cape Town and
Midrand, 1-10.
Rivett, U.K. 2006. Giving access to spatial information - open source GIS.
Proceedings of Web-enabled GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and LBS
(Location Based Services), Rosebank, Johannesburg. [CD-ROM].
Wentzel, M.C., Ramphao, M.C., Du Toit, G.J.G., Parco, V. and Ekama, G.A. 2006.
Comparison of the performance of conventional and membrane bioreactor (MBR)
biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems. Proceedings of the IWA World
Water Congress and Exhibition, Beijing, 8.
Vanderschuren, M.J.W.A. 2006. Assesment of ITS measures for South Africa.
Proceedings of 13th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems
and Services, London, UK, 12.
Behrens, R. and Del Mistro, R. 2006. Shocking habits: methododlogical issues in
analysing changing personal travel bahaviour over time. 11th International
Conference on Travel Behaviour Research. [CD-ROM].
Del Mistro, R. and Behrens, R. 2006. Variability in traffic streams: a gateway to
successful travel demand management. 11th International Conference on Travel
Behaviour Research. [CD-ROM].
Du Toit, G.J.G., Parco, V., Ramphao, M.C., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama, G.A. 2006.
Design and performance of BNR activated sludge systems with flat sheet membranes
for solid-liquid separation - part 1. Proceedings of the 9th Biennial WISA Conference
and Exhibition. [CD-ROM].
Muller, A.W., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama, G.A. 2006. Estimation of nitrification
capacity of rock media trickling filters in external nitrification BNR. Proceedings of
the 9th Biennial WISA Conference and Exhibition. [CD-ROM].
Muller, A.W., Wentzel, M.C., Saayman, G.B., Esterhuyse, C.M., Prinsloo, J.P. and
Snyman, J.S. 2006. Two-years operating experience of full-scale external nitrification
BNR activated sludge. Proceedings of the 9th Biennial WISA Conference and
Exhibition. [CD-ROM].
Parco, V., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama, G.A. 2006. Evaluation of kinetics in a
membrane bioreactor biological nutrient removal activated sludge system.
Proceedings of the 9th Biennial WISA Conference and Exhibition. [CD-ROM].
Parco, V., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama, G.A. 2006. Kinetics of nitrogen removal in a
MBR nutrient removal activated sludge system. Proceedings of Euromembrane 2006.
Poinapen, J., Ristow, N.E., Wentzel, M.C., Rose, P.D. and Ekama, G.A. 2006.
Biological sulphate reduction of acid mine drainage using sewer sludge in an upflow
anaerobic sludge bed (UASB)reactor. Proceedings of the 9th Biennial WISA
Conference and Exhibition. [CD-ROM].
Rodda, N., Carden, K.J., Armitage, N.P., Buckley, C.A., Murphy, K. and Du plessis,
M. 2006. Developing guidelines for greywater reuse for small-scale agriculture in
South Africa. 57th IEC Meeting of the International Commission on Irrigation and
Drainage (ICID) and the International Workshop on EWnvironmental Consequences
of Irrigation with Poor Quality Waters: Sustainability, Management, Institutional,
Water Resource, Health and Social Issues. [CD-ROM].
Sötemann, S.W., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama, G.A. 2006. Towards developing a mass
balances based wastewater treatment plant model. Proceedings of the 9th Biennial
WISA Conference and Exhibition. [CD-ROM].
Van Wageningen, H.S., Sötemann, S.W., Ristow, N.E., Wentzel, M.C. and Ekama,
G.A. 2006. Development of a kinetic model for biological sulphate reduction with
sewage sludge as substrate. Proceedings of the 9th Biennial WISA Conference and
Exhibition. [CD-ROM].
Beushausen, H., Alexander, M.G. and Torrent, R.J. 2006. Durability design criteria
and permeability tests - and international overview. Concrete Plant International,
2(April): 54-61.
Heiyantuduwa, R., Beushausen, H. and Alexander, M.G. 2006. Prediction models for
concrete durability. Concrete Plant International, 3(June): 80-88.
Nattrass, N.J., Rivett, U.K. and Wessels, X. 2006. Improving the Efficiency of
monitoring adherence to antiretroviral therapy: A case study of the introduction of
electronic technologies in Gugulethu, South Africa. CSSR Working Paper, 148: 1-19.
Ristow, N.E., Sötemann, S.W., Rajkumar, S., Wentzel, M.C., Brouckeart, C.J.,
Buckley, C.A. and Ekama, G.A. 2006. Integrated physical, chemical and biological
processes kinetic models for anaerobic digesion of primary sewage sludge. Water
Research Commission.
Vanderschuren, M.J.W.A., Kane, L. and Tyler, C. 2006. Sustainable transport
assessment for South Africa (STASSA): Technical User manual. Sustainable Energy
Africa (SEA).
Department of Construction Economics and Management
Research Report 2006
Head of Department: Professor Paul Bowen
Departmental Profile
Research and allied scholarly work in the Department is focused mainly on improving
construction industry practice although research in the field of property studies
continues to grow alongside teaching in this area.
Ongoing research covers construction industry development, building procurement,
strategic property management, project management, quality management, sustainable
building and human resource issues within the sector. Strong research links exist with
academic institutions in the UK, Australia and Central and East Africa, and India, as
well as with institutions within South Africa.
During 2006, papers have been presented at key international conferences in the UK,
China, Australia and Norway. Journal papers have been published in leading
international journals including as well as South African journals frequently with
international co-authorship underlining the Departments international profile and
collaborative research philosophy.
Nationally, the Department continues its
engagement with local organization such as SAPOA and the CIDB and has presented
research at local conferences in Bloemfontein, Johannesburg, Stellenbosch and Cape
Town during 2006.
Ultimately, the quality and quantity of research is dependent on the Department’s
research students. The Department successfully graduated 2 PhDs during 2006 and
registered 5 new PhDs in 2006, supported through NRF and USHEPia programmes.
The Department hosted its second Post Doctoral Fellow during 2006 and continued to
benefit from Prof. Akin Akintoye’s presence as Visiting African Scholar.
Departmental Statistics
Permanent and Long-term Contract Staff
Associate Professors
Senior Lecturers
Administrative and Clerical Staff
Departmental Assistant
Postgraduate Diploma
Research Fields and Staff
Permanent Staff
Professor P A Bowen
Head of Department; construction economics; construction management; building
procurement systems; sustainable construction and development.
Associate Professor K S Cattell
Senior Lecturer; property and facilities management; procurement; international
Dr D Root
Senior Lecturer; construction management, project management, construction project
process, construction human resource management
Dr W Shakantu
Senior Lecturer; construction and demolition waste, sustainable construction,
benchmarking in construction
Ms K Evans
Senior Lecturer; property finance and valuation, quantity surveying
Ms K Le Jeune
Lecturer; quantity surveying; civil engineering measurement; professional practice;
construction economics
Mr M Massyn
Senior Lecturer; construction management, project management, health and safety,
procurement systems
Ms K A Michell
Senior Lecturer; construction economics; construction management; systems theory.
Mr M Mooya
Lecturer, housing policy, property values
Distinguished Visitors
The Department has hosted staff from both Glasgow Caledonian University
(Professor Cliff Hardcastle, Professor Akintola Akintoye, Doctor John Tookey),
Strathclyde University (Professor David Langford), and Loughborough University
(Professor Alistair Gibb).
Contact Details
Postal address: Department of Construction Economics & Management,
University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa
Telephone: +27 21 650 3443
Fax: +27 21 689 7564
Research Output
Bowen, P.A., Cattell, K.S., Michell, K.A. and Kabayadondo, E. 2006. The
effectiveness of construction project briefing as an interpersonal communication
process. Acta Structilia: Journal for the Physical and Development Sciences, 13(2):
Desta, S., Root, D.S. and Diederchs, C.J. 2006. The practice of project management
office (PMO) concept within the German Architect, Engineer, Contractor (AEC)
Sector. Journal of Engineering Design, 4(1): 46-59.
English, P.J., Haupt, T.C. and Smallwood, J. 2006. Women, Construction and Health
and Safety (H&S): South African and Tanzanian Perspectives. Journal of Engineering
Design, 4(1): 18-28.
Kaatz, E.K., Root, D.S., Bowen, P.A. and Hill, R.C. 2006. Advancing key outcomes
of sustainability building assessment. Building Research and Information, 34(4): 308320.
Kajimo, K.M. and Evans, K.M. 2006. The role of banks in the provision of lowincome housing finance in South Africa: Can they play a differenct role? International
Journal of Strategic Property Management, 10(1): 23-38.
Povey, A., Cattell, K.S. and Michell, K.A. 2006. Mediation practice in the South
African construction industry. Acta Structilia, 13(1): 44-64.
Thomson, D.S., Austin, S.A., Root, D.S., Thorpe, A. and Hammond, J.W. 2006. A
problem-solving approach to value-adding decision making in construction design.
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 13(1): 43-61.
Cattell, K.S., Michell, K.A. and McClatchey, J.M. 2006. Is the WWW and online
retail grocery shopping a threat to shopping centres? In P.A. van Brakel (ed.),
Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications, 6-8
September 2006, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1-13. Cape Peninsula University of
Technology. ISBN 0-620-37309-1. [Online]. Available:
Honeywill, D., Desta, S. and Root, D.S. 2006. The financial effect of retention on the
cashflow of sub-contractors within the Western Cape, in the commercial building
sector. In T.C. Haupt and J. Smallwood (eds), Proceedings of the 1st Built
Environment Conference, 18-21 June 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa, 74-83.
ASOCSA. ISBN 0-620-36437-8.
Kaatz, E.K., Root, D.S., Hill, R.C. and Bowen, P.A. 2006. Fostering sustainability
and enhancing quality in construction with a building sustainability assessment. In D.
Boyd (ed.), Proceedings of the ARCOM 22nd Annual Conference, 4-6 September
2006, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 349-359. ARCOM. ISBN 0-9552390-0-1.
Kajimo, K.M. and Root, D.S. 2006. Exploring the significance of preferential
procurement policies for South African construction industry. In P. McDermott and
M.A. Khalfan (eds), Proceedings of W92 Procurement Systems: Symposium on
Sustainability and Value through Construction Procurement, 29 November – 2
December 2006, Salford, United Kingdom, 307-318. University of Salford. ISBN 1905732-11-2.
Kajimo, K.M. and Root, D.S. 2006. Winners and losers in preferential procurement: A
conflict theory view of preferential procurement policies in the construction industry.
In S. Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Postgraduate CIDB Conference, 8-10
October 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 257-267. Construction Industry
Development Board. ISBN 0-601-36898-9. [CD ROM].
Le Jeune, K. and Root, D.S. 2006. An investigation into the perceptions held by
female cognate students of the South African built environment management
professions. In S. Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Postgraduate CIDB
Conference, 8-10 October 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 183-191. Construction
Industry Development Board. ISBN 0-601-36898-9. [CD ROM].
Liu, C., Song, Y. and Root, D.S. 2006. Economic drive effects of the South African
construction sector: 1993-2002. In G. Runeson and R. Best (eds), Proceedings of the
31st Australasian University Building Educators Association Conference, 12-14 July
2006, Sydney, Australia, 1-16. University of Technology Sydney. ISBN 0-9775325-0X.
Mainga, W., Hirschsohn, P. and Shakantu, W. 2006. An exploratory review of
enterprise training and technology upgrading in South African manufacturing firms in
the late 1990's; Gauteng Province. In S.M. Kierkegaard (ed.), Proceedings of the
International Conference on Business, Law and Technology: Present and Emerging
Trends, 5-7 December 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark, 386-401. International
Association of IT Lawyers (IAITL). ISBN 87-991385-1-4.
McClatchey, J.M., Cattell, K.S. and Michell, K.A. 2006. The impact of online retail
grocery shopping on retail space: A Cape Town case study. In T.I. Haugen, A. Moum
and J. Brochner (eds), Proceedings of the CIB W70 Trondheim International
Symposium: Changing User Demands on Building – Needs for Lifecycle Planning
and Management, Trondheim, Norway, 473-484. Norwegian University of Science
and Technology. ISBN 82-7551-031-7.
Shakantu, W. and Kajimo, K.M. 2006. Assessment of supply and demand of
secondary construction material in Cape Town. In S. Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of
the 4th Postgraduate CIDB Conference, 8-10 October 2006, Stellenbosch, South
Africa, 213-223. Construction Industry Development Board. ISBN 0-601-36898-9.
Shakantu, W. and Kajimo, K.M. 2006. Construction management and technology:
Setting the research agenda for the next decade. In S. Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of
the 4th Postgraduate CIDB Conference, 8-10 October 2006, Stellenbosch, South
Africa, 79-91. Construction Industry Development Board. ISBN 0-601-36898-9. [CD
Shakantu, W. and Kajimo, K.M. 2006. The role of procurement in abetting an
averting corruption in the construction industry. In P. McDermott and M.A. Khalfan
(eds), Proceedings of W92 Procurement Systems: Symposium on Sustainability and
Value through Construction Procurement, 29 November – 2 December 2006, Salford,
United Kingdom, 520-527. University of Salford. ISBN 1-905732-11-2.
Shakantu, W. and Kajimo, K.M. 2006. Tracking a decade of procurement reform in
the South African construction industry. In P. McDermott and M.A. Khalfan (eds),
Proceedings of W92 Procurement Systems: Symposium on Sustainability and Value
through Construction Procurement, 29 November – 2 December 2006, Salford, United
Kingdom, 528-537. University of Salford. ISBN 1-905732-11-2.
Shakantu, W., Haupt, T.C. and Tookey, J. 2006. Construction automation and
robotics: Their contribution to improved health and safety on construction sites. In
T.C. Haupt and J. Smallwood (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd South African Health and
Safety Conference: A Team Approach to Construction Health and Safety, 7-9 May
2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 142-149. Construction Research Education and
Training Enterprise. ISBN 0-620-36435-1.
Shakantu, W., Kajimo, K.M., Saidi, F. and Mainga, W. 2006. An investigation into
constraints and strategies for construction micro enterprise development. In S.
Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Postgraduate CIDB Conference, 8-10 October
2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 12-22. Construction Industry Development Board.
ISBN 0-601-36898-9. [CD ROM].
Shakantu, W., Kajimo, K.M., Saidi, F. and Mainga, W. 2006. Bridging the informal,
formal and indigenous construction knowledge systems to resolve the construction
skills shortage. In S. Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Postgraduate CIDB
Conference, 8-10 October 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 176-182. Construction
Industry Development Board. ISBN 0-601-36898-9. [CD ROM].
Shakantu, W., Tookey, J. and Bowen, P.A. 2006. Construction logistics management:
A core competency for a future construction industry. In T.C. Haupt and J.
Smallwood (eds), Proceedings of the 1st Built Environment Conference, 18-21 June
2006, Johannesburg, South Africa, 174-184. ISBN 0-620-36437-8.
Shakantu, W., Tookey, J. and Bowen, P.A. 2006. Construction supply chain and
logistics management: Their role in increasing efficiency and reducing construction
costs. In T.C. Haupt and J. Smallwood (eds), Proceedings of the 1st Built
Environment Conference, 18-21 June 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa, 53-64. ISBN
Shakantu, W., Tookey, J. and Bowen, P.A. 2006. The role of reverse logistics in
reducing construction transport health and safety risks. In T.C. Haupt and J.
Smallwood (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd South African Construction Health and
Safety Conference: A Team Approach to Construction Health and Safety, 7-9 May
2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 71-79. ISBN 0-620-36435-1.
Wachira, I., Olima, W., Root, D.S. and Bowen, P.A. 2006. Characteristics of the
Kenyan construction sector and associated impacts on the training of site production
workers. In S. Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Postgraduate CIDB Conference,
8-10 October 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 163-175. Construction Industry
Development Board. ISBN 0-601-36898-9. [CD ROM].
Walker, J., Hill, R.C., Bowen, P.A., Cattell, K.S. and Michell, K.A. 2006. A
sustainability assessment method for greenfields, low cost, cement block housing
developements on Cape Flats, Cape Town. In T.C. Haupt and J. Smallwood (eds),
Proceedings of the 1st Built Environment Conference, 18-21 June 2006,
Johannesburg, South Africa, 212-225. ISBN 0-620-36437-8.
Evans, K.M., Khan, O., Mokweni, S. and Margolius, J. 2006. The Khayelitsha CBD
development Public Private Partnership: A replicable ans sustainable model for
township urban renewal in South Africa. Proceedings of Africa Region Casle
Conference on Sustainable Land Management in Africa, Bagamoyo, Tanzania, 175182.
Barron, K. 2006. Procurement quality management of construction projects within the
Cape Town regional office of the National Department of Public Works: 1-107. MSc
in Project Management.
Black, P.J. 2006. Re-engineering of the Rural Retail Sector in South Africa: Its
potential for sustainable economic development: 1-85. MSc in Property Studies.
Combrink, C. 2006. The implementation of a project management office in
Parliament: a case study: 1-85. MSc in Project Management.
De Wet, P. 2006. Project Management in the banking industry with specific reference
to modern project management and its support to business strategy: 1-54. MSc in
Property Studies.
Desta, S. 2006. An investigation of the Practice of the Project Management Office
(PMO) Concept in the German Architect, Engineer Contractor (AEC) Sectors: 1-174.
MSc in Project Management.
Dinthe, M. 2006. An investigation of the impact of the preferred procurement tender
system on broad basis black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) objectives: 1-119.
MSc in Project Management.
Hlophe, P. 2006. A study of verificaton agencies: Key drivers of broad-based BEE in
RSA project environments: 1-86. MSc in Project Management.
Ishmail, Z. 2006. Evaluating the utility of participation in development projects: How
project management techniques contribute to efficacy of upgrading informal human
settlements - A case study of the N2 Gateway project: 1-125. MSc in Project
Kaatz, E.K. 2006. Developing a building sustainability assessment model for the
South African built environment - searching for new approaches to improve the
effectiveness of building assessment: 1-289. PhD in Construction Economics and
Karstel, A.J. 2006. Design thinking within inter-disciplinary project teams: 1-108.
MSc in Project Management.
Mahlobo, M.K. 2006. Challenges faced by women contractors in housing
construction: 1-76. MPhil in Housing Development & Management.
Matlhane, T. 2006. Knowledge management solutions in swarm intelligence systems:
1-78. MSc in Project Management.
Mngazi, N.Q. 2006. An investigation on the impact of cultural diversity on women in
construction project teams in Mpumalanga: 1-65. MSc in Project Management.
Muteba, D.K. 2006. The level of Project Management maturity of Spoornet's rolling
stock engineering department with specific reference to time, cost and quality: 1-76.
MSc in Project Management.
Nxumalo, S. 2006. Applying Risk Based Contingencies to improve Class III budget
accuracy at Venetia Mine: 1-70. MSc in Project Management.
Peter, T. 2006. A study exploring what property developers should be doing to
respond to the water crisis in the Western Cape: 1-157. MSc in Project Management.
Plaatjies, N. 2006. Exploring the role and participation of women in people's housing
process: A case study in Vitoria Mxenge and Ekuphumleni: 1-120. MPhil in Housing
Development and Management.
Wonani, W. 2006. An investigation into the applicability of public private
partnerships in financing road projects in Zambia: 1-89. MSc in Project Management.
Shakantu, W. 2006. Corruption in the Construction Industry: Forms, Susceptibility
and Possible Solutions. Civil Engineering: Magazine of the South African Institution
of Civil Engineers, SAICE, 14(7): 43-44.
Shakantu, W., Haupt, T.C. and Khan, Z. 2006. Western Cape Construction Sector
Development Strategy. Southern Africa Built Environment Research Centre.
SABERC, Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
Department of Electrical Engineering
Research Report 2006
Head of Department: Professor CT. Gaunt
Departmental Profile
The Department of Electrical Engineering has 20 full time academic staff, 121 MSc.
students and 40 PhD students. The research activities and projects are largely
industrially based. The main funding sources are Eskom, Telkom, Siemens, De Beers,
Mintek, Water Research Commission, Anglo Platinum, Department of Trade and
Industry, South African National Defence Force, SunSpace, IQS and the NRF.
The Department has seen a growth in the number of undergraduate students over the
past 10 years, which is expected to result in higher postgraduate numbers. There are
six large research groups in the Department, which attract 80% of the postgraduate
students. These are:
 Broadband, Wireless, Communication, and Networks
 Image Processing and Vision Systems
 Instrumentation and Control
 Power Engineering
 Remote Sensing and Radar
 Speech Processing
Departmental Statistics
Permanent and Long-term Contract Staff
Associate Professors
Senior Lecturers
Research Staff
Technical Support Staff
Administrative and Clerical Staff
Departmental Assistants
Honorary Staff
Emeritus Professors
Visiting Professors
Research Fields and Staff
Permanent Staff
Professor M. Braae
Multivariable control; mineral extraction control applications; computer-based
Professor H.A. Chan
Wireless network, broadband communication, telecommunication, reliability
Professor B.J. Downing
Microwave systems and circuits
Professor C.T. Gaunt
Electricity delivery networks
Professor M.R. Inggs
Radar remote sensing; synthetic aperture radar; software defined radio; parallel
Professor J. Tapson
Instrumentation and measurements; ultrasonics; microactuators; probe micropscopy
Professor P. Pillay
Electrical machines and drives
Associate Professor M. E. Dlodlo
3G mobile and future communication systems
Associate Professor K. Folly
Power system stability and control
Associate Professor J. Greene
Optimisation, soft computing, instrumentation
Associate Professor D. Mashao
Communications and signal processing; human language and speech technology
Dr E.O. Bejide
Senor Lecturer; wireless Communications
Dr F.C. Nicolls
Senior Lecturer; Image processing, signal processing and computer vision
Dr A.J. Wilkinson
Senior Lecturer; signals and image processing; radar; SAR interferometry;
tomography, Bayesian interference; inverse problems; RF power amplifiers
Mr. A.W.D. Jongens
Senior Lecturer; acoustics, acoustical properties of materials; environmental &
transportation noise
Mr. M. Malengret
Senior Lecturer; power electronics; remote area power supplies and rural
Mr. J.V. Nierop
Senior Lecturer; power electronics
Mr. M.J.E. Ventura
Senior Lecturer; broadband communications & applications; digital systems
Dr. J. Swartz
Lecturer; rf and microwave engineering; radar and remote sensing
Mr. S. Ginsberg
Lecturer; digital systems
Mr. A. Khan
Lecturer; electrical machines and drives
Mr. I. Khan
Lecturer; high frequency power electronics, induction heating
Honorary/Emeritus Professors
Emeritus Professor G. de Jager
Image processing; machine vision and image compression
Emeritus Professor S.G. McLaren
Emeritus Professor A. Petroianu
Power system analysis; operation and control
Contact Details
Postal address: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town,
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Telephone: +27 21 650 2811
Fax: +27 21 650 3465
Research Output
Howells, M.I., Gaunt, C.T. and Alfstad, T. 2006. Beyond free electricity: The costs of
electric cooking in poor households and a market-friendly alternative. Energy Policy,
34: 3351-3358.
Li, Y., Agbinya, J.I. and Chan, H.A. 2006. An applicable GSM service model for
rural networking. African Journal of Information and Communication Technology
(AJICT), 2(2): 56-62.
Li, Y., Chan, H.A. and Agbinya, A.J. 2006. Networking in rural environments:
Benefits, feasibilities, and requirements. African Journal of Information and
Communication Technology (AJICT), 2(2): 50-55.
Ncemane, S.N., Chan, H.A. and Karem, R. 2006. Mapping wireless access network
traffic to multiservice provisioning platform. Journal of Advanced Computational
Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII), 10(2): 201-206.
Pillay, P. 2006. Adaptive performance improvement of switched reluctance motor
with two-phased excitation. European Transactions on Electrical Power, 16(1): 1-13.
Pillay, P. 2006. Loss of life in induction machines operating with unbalance supplies.
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 21(4): 813-822.
Sebitosi, A.B., Pillay, P. and Khan, M.A. 2006. An analysis of off-grid electrical
systems in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. Energy Conversion and Management, 47: 11131123.
Sebitosi, A.B., Pillay, P. and Khan, M.A. 2006. An approach to rural distribution
network design for Sub-Saharan Africa. Energy Conversion and Management, 47:
Wei, D. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Analysis of energy efficient clustering schemes for ad
hoc sensor networks. GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and
Engineering, 32(1): 142-152.
Wilkinson, A.J., Randall, E.W., Long, T.M. and Collins, A. 2006. The design of an
ERT system for 3D data acquisition and a quantitative evaluation of its performance.
Measurement Science & Technology, 17(1): 2088-2096.
Abdelatif, M.A., Kalebaila, K. and Chan, H.A. 2006. A comparison between MIPv6
and cross layer movement detection mechanisms. Proceedings of the Southern
African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC
2006), 3-6 September 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa. ISBN 0-620-37043-2. [CDROM].
Abrey, R. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Multiple interface management principles for
next generation networks. Proceedings of the Southern African Telecommunication
Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2006), 3-6 September 2006,
Stellenbosch, South Africa. ISBN 0-620-37043-2. [CD-ROM].
Achieng, O. and Chan, H.A. 2006. A QoS enabling queuing scheme and its
performance in 4G wireless access networks. Proceedings of the International
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2006), 3-6
July 2006, Vancouver, Canada. ISBN 1-59593-306-0. [CD-ROM].
Achieng, O. and Chan, H.A. 2006. A queuing theoretic scheme for a QoS enabled 4G
wireless access. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Wireless
Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications (AusWireless 2006), 13-16 March
2006, Sydney, Australia. ISBN 0-9775200-0-5. [CD-ROM].
Akramus, S., Chan, H.A. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. MPLS core network for an
interworked NGN providing QoS. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Services Computing, Singapore, 41-46. ISBN 0-620-37043-2.
Akramus, S., Chan, H.A. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. NGN: Provisioning QoS for a
MPLS core network. Proceedings of the Southern African Telecommunication
Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2006), 3-6 September 2006,
Stellenbosch, South Africa. ISBN 0-620-37043-2. [CD-ROM].
Appana, B.L. and Mashao, D.J. 2006. Open-source tools for a state-of-the-art textindependant speaker cerification baseline system. Proceedings of the Southern
African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC
2006), 3-6 September 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa. ISBN 0-620-37043-2. [CDROM].
Barendse, P.S. and Pillay, P. 2006. A new algorithm for the detection of faults in
permanent magnet machines. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), 7-10 November 2006, Paris, France. ISBN
1-4244-0136-4. [CD-ROM].
Barendse, P.S. and Pillay, P. 2006. A new algorithm for the detection of inter-turn
stator faults in doubly-fed wind generators. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), 7-10 November 2006,
Paris, France. ISBN 1-4244-0136-4. [CD-ROM].
Basich, L.J. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Energy efficient hardware mailbox and scheduling
algorithm for the MAC layer in ad hoc wireless sensor area networks. Proceedings of
the IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS2006), 17-19 January 2006, San
Diego, USA. ISBN 0-9775200-0-5. [CD-ROM].
Basich, L.J. and Chan, H.A. 2006. MAC and physical layer energy efficiency for ad
hoc wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the Southern African
Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2006), 3-6
September 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa. ISBN 0-620-37043-2. [CD-ROM].
Beda-Mutagahywa, E. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Reconsidering socket pair for
connection identification. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on
Telecommunications (ICT 2006), 9-12 May 2006, Madeira Island, Portugal. ISBN
972-98368-4-1. [CD-ROM].
Bejide, E.O. 2006. An agent-based adaptive modulation for future generation mobile
satellite system. Proceedings of the Southern African Telecommunication Networks
and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2006), 3-6 September 2006, Stellenbosch,
South Africa. ISBN 0-620-37043-2. [CD-ROM].
Bekker, B. and Gaunt, C.T. 2006. Modeling hard uncertainty in rural electrification
projects in South Africa using the Shackle model. Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS 2006), 1115 June 2006, Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN 91-7178-352-0. [CD-ROM].
Bergh, E. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Prediction assisted fast handovers for mobile
IPv6. Proceedings of IEEE MILCOM 2006, 23-25 October 2006, Washington, DC,
USA. ISBN 1-4244-0618-8. [CD-ROM].
Bergh, E. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Prediction assisted fast handovers for mobile
IPv6. Proceedings of the Southern African Telecommunication Networks and
Applications Conference (SATNAC 2006), 3-6 September 2006, Stellenbosch, South
Africa. ISBN 0-620-37043-2. [CD-ROM].
Bradshaw, D.J., Forbes, G.R. and De Jager, G. 2006. Effective use of bubble size
distribution measurements. In G. Onal, et al. (eds), Proceedings of the XXIII
International Mineral Processing Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-8 September 2006,
554-559. ISBN 975-7946-27-3.
Brooker, M. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. A high performance IPSec gateway based on
the Intel IXP2400. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on
Telecommunications (ICT 2006), 9-12 May 2006, Madeira Island, Portugal. ISBN
972-98368-4-1. [CD-ROM].
Carrilho, M. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Distributed policy-based network
management with NETCONF. Proceedings of the Southern African
Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2006), 3-6
September 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa. ISBN 0-620-37043-2. [CD-ROM].
Chan, H.A. and Dlodlo, M.E. 2006. Challenges and opportunities in communication
network for academic institutions in Africa. Proceedings of the Southern African
Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC 2006), 3-6
September 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa. ISBN 0-620-37043-2. [CD-ROM].
Chan, H.A. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Towards an open testbed for next generation
network services and opportunities in Africa. In P. Cunningham and M. Cunningham
(eds), Proceedings of Information Society Technologies in Africa (IST-Africa), 3-5
May 2006, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN 1-9-5824-01-7. [CD-ROM].
Cross, N., Herman, R. and Gaunt, C.T. 2006. Investigating the usefulness of the Beta
pdf to describe parameters in reliability analysis. Proceedings of the 9th Conference
on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS 2006), 11-15 June
2006, Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN 91-7178-352-0. [CD-ROM].
De Jager, G. 2005. An explanation for the extreme low, but variable, radiation
dosages measured in a linear slit scanning radiography system. Proceedings of SPIE
Medical Imaging, 13-16 February 2006, San Diego, California, USA, 1138-1145.
ISBN 0-8194-5719-1.
Dlodlo, M.E. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Communication network education and
opportunities in developing countries. In P. Cunningham and M. Cunningham (eds),
Proceedings of Information Society Technologies in Africa (IST-Africa), 3-5 May
2006, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN 1-905824-01-7. [CD-ROM].
Falowo, O. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Fuzzy logic based call admission control for next
generation wireless networks. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on
Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS’2006), 5-8 September 2006, Valencia,
Spain. ISBN 1-42440398-7. [CD-ROM].
Falowo, O. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Joint call admission control for service-cost
reduction in heterogeneous wireless networks. Proceedings of the 13th International
Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2006), 9-12 May 2006, Madeira Island,
Portugal. ISBN 972-98368-4-1. [CD-ROM].
Falowo, O. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Joint call admission control for next generation
wireless network. Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and
Computer Engineering (CCECE), 7-10 May 2006, Ottawa, Canada. ISBN 1-42440038-4. [CD-ROM].
Folly, K.A. 2006. Design of power system stabilizer: A comparison between genetic
algorithms (GSs) and population-based incremental learning (PBIL). Proceedings of
PES, 18-22 June 2006, Quebec, Canada. ISBN 1-4244-0493-2. [CD-ROM].
Folly, K.A. 2006. Effect of the learning rate on the performance of a PSS based PBIL.
Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference 2006, Gaborone, Botswana,
11-13 September 2006. ISBN 0-88986-620-1. [CD-ROM].
Folly, K.A. 2006. Small-signal stability enhancement of power systems using PBIL
based power systems stabilizer. Proceedings of the 1st International ICSC Symposium
on Artifical Intelligence in Energy Systems and Power, AIESP 2006, 7-10 February
2006, Madeira, Portugal. ISBN 972-98368-4-1. [CD-ROM].
Fyn, R.W., De Jager, D., Chan, H.A., Rivett, U.K. and Anand, S.A. 2006. Remote
HIV/AIDS patient monitoring tool using 3G/GPRS packet-switched mobile
technology. Proceedings of the 4th IEE Seminar on Appropriate Healthcare
Technologies for Developing Countries, 23-24 May 2006, London, United Kingdom.
ISBN 0-86341-633-0. [CD-ROM].
Ginsberg, S. and Braae, M. 2006. Engineering an iterative feedback controller. In E.
Boje (ed.), Proceedings of South African Council for Automation and Computation
(SACAC), 6-7 July 2006, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, 64-69.
ISBN 0-620-36726-1.
Golovins, J. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Comparative analysis of low complexity
channel estimation for the pilot-assisted wireless OFDM systems. Proceedings of the
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(SATNAC 2006), 3-6 September 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa. ISBN 0-62037043-2. [CD-ROM].
Good, R. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. A multilayer hybrid architecture to support
vertical handover between 802.11 and UMTS. Proceedings of the International
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference/Next Generation
Mobile Networks (IWCMC 2006), 3-6 July 2006, Vancouver, Canada. ISBN 159593-306-0. [CD-ROM].
Haffajee, H. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Low-cost QoS-enabled wireless network with
interworked WLAN and WiMAX. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International
Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications
(AusWireless 2006), 13-16 March 2006, Sydney, Australia. ISBN 0-9775200-0-5.
Hussein, K., Chan, H.A. and Dlodlo, M.E. 2006. A hierarchical approach to joint call
admission control in heterogeneous wireless networks. In P. Cunningham and M.
Cunningham (eds), Proceedings of Information Society Technologies in Africa (ISTAfrica), 3-5 May 2006, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN 1-9-5824-01-7. [CD-ROM].
Hussien, K., Chan, H.A. and Dlodlo, M.E. 2006. Load balancing in the call admission
control of heterogeneous wireless networks. Proceedings of the International Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2006), 3-6 July 2006,
Vancouver, Canada. ISBN 1-59593-306-9. [CD-ROM].
Kalebaila, K. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Advanced mobility support in next generation allIP wireless networks: A cross-layer approach – part I. Proceedings of the 17th Annual
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Communications (PIMRC 2006), 11-14 September 2006, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 14244-0330-8. [CD-ROM].
Khan, M.A. 2006. Fault tolerance for phase open-circuit and power electronic switch
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Khan, M.A. and Pillay, P. 2006. Application of soft magnetic composites to PM wind
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Khan, M.A. and Pillay, P. 2006. Design and analysis of a PM wind generator with a
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Khan, M.A. and Pillay, P. 2006. Prototyping a composite SMC/Steel axial-flux PM
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375-380. ISBN 0-620-37232-X.
Kumbuza, S. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Using the global positioning system to add
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South Africa, 120-128. ISBN 0-620-36726-1.
Li, Y. and Chan, H.A. 2006. A decision mechanism for processing multimodal
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Li, Y. and Chan, H.A. 2006. A mechanism of applying human intelligence to future
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Li, Y. and Chan, H.A. 2006. A mechanism of applying intelligence to the network by
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Li, Y. and Chan, H.A. 2006. A trust scheme of intelligence networks – for service
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Applications Conference (SATNAC 2006), 3-6 September 2006, Stellenbosch, South
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Li, Y. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Design of network intelligence for future generation
network on an IP multimedia subsystem testbed. In P. Cunningham and M.
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Lilje, P. and Petroianu, A. 2006. Stability analysis of an islanded generator.
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25-28 June 2006, Kananaskis, Canada. ISBN 978-0-08-046620-0. [CD-ROM].
Lin, T.-H.A., John, L. and Tapson, J.C. 2006. Classifying mental states using prefrontal EEG and SVM for use in brain-computer interface systems. In A. Louw, N.
Kleynhans and N. Zulu (eds), Proceedings of the 17th Annual Symposium of the
Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, 29 November – 1 December 2006,
Parys, South Africa, 226-230. ISBN 0-620-37384-9.
Lord, R. and Gaffar, M.Y.A. 2006. Investigation of 3-D RCS image formation of
ships using ISAR. Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture
Radar (EUSAR), 15-18 May 2006, Dresden, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8007-2960-9.
Magedanz, M.T., Chan, H.A., Knuettel, K.K. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Towards an
open testbed for next generation network services and opportunities in Africa. In P.
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Technologies in Africa (IST-Africa), 3-5 May 2006, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN 19-5824-01-7. [CD-ROM].
Mashao, D.J. 2006. Web information access via phone using asterisk and festival.
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Conference (SATNAC 2006), 3-6 September 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa. ISBN
0-620-37043-2. [CD-ROM].
Mathews, K. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. An adaptive mobile video streaming scheme
over mobile IPv6 for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs. In P. Cunningham and M.
Cunningham (eds), Proceedings of Information Society Technologies in Africa (ISTAfrica), 3-5 May 2006, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN 1-9-5824-01-7. [CD-ROM].
Mathews, K. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. An adaptive scheme supporting seamless
handovers over mobile IPv6 for video streaming applications. Proceedings of the
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Mthombeni, L.T. and Pillay, P. 2006. Physical basis for the variation of lamination
core loss coefficients as a function of frequency and flux density. Proceedings of the
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Muwonge, K. and Chan, H.A. 2006. QoS field equivalence classification in optical
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Muwonge, K. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Queuing self-similar traffic in optical burst
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Nxumalo, E. and Mashao, D.J. 2006. Design of the information server: Accessible
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Ozianyi, G., Ventura, M.J.E. and Golovins, J. 2006. Introducing profiles in the pricing
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Petroianu, A. 2006. Affine transformations for on-line power systems applications.
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Rohith, R. and Chan, H.A. 2006. VCAT differential delay minimization for delay
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Salami, M. and Chan, H.A. 2006. A scheduling scheme to improve QoS provisioning
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Salami, M. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Iterative probabilistic scheduling of IP Traffic.
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Salami, M. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Multistage queuing and scheduling of IP traffic for
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Salami, M., Chan, H.A. and Dlodlo, M.E. 2006. A scalable QoS guaranteeing scheme
for scheduling IP traffic. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on
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Salami, M., Chan, H.A. and Dlodlo, M.E. 2006. Probabilistic scheduling of IP traffic.
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Sassen, T. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Performance evaluation of packet classification
on network processors. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on
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Smith, C. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. A fast re-authentication method for IEEE 802.11
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Waiting, D. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. A metric to increase throughput in
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Waiting, D. and Ventura, M.J.E. 2006. Detection of unsolicited voice calls in the IP
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Wei, D. and Chan, H.A. 2006. An efficient clustering algorithm for topology
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Wei, D. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Analysis of the applications and characteristics of ad
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Wei, D. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Clustering ad hoc networks: Schemes and
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SECON 2006), under the track of the IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks (IWWAN 2006), 28-30 June 2006, New York, USA. ISBN
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Wei, D. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Energy distributed algorithm for ad hoc sensor
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Wei, D. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Energy efficient dynamic cluster algorithm for ad hoc
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Wei, D. and Chan, H.A. 2006. Mesh networking backbone with equalized power
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Kaberere, K.K., Folly, K.A., Petroianu, A. and Ntombela, M. 2006. Comparison of
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Mocwane, E. and Folly, K.A. 2006. The Effect of the parameters of the Bilinear
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Ntombela, M. and Folly, K.A. 2006. An Investigation into CRIEPI power system
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Systems. Proceedings of SAUPEC, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 310-316.
Forbes, G.R., De Jager, G. and Bradshaw, D.J. 2006. Effective use of bubble size
distribution measurements. Mineral Processing: OR41.
Achieng, R. 2006. A QoS enabling queuing scheme for 4G wireless access networks:
1-87. MSc(Eng).
Adams, S. 2005. Time Domain Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Processinjg Using
Fast Factorised Backprojection: 1-115. MSc(Eng).
Barendse, P.S. 2005. Design & Implementation of a Variable Speed Wind Energy
Induction Generator Systems for Fault Studies: 1-139. MSc(Eng).
Basich, Z. 2006. Medium access control and physical layer energy efficiency for ad
hoc wireless sensor networks: 1-133. MSc(Eng).
Bauermeister, E.F. 2005. Implementing a Ground Penetrating Radar User Interface in
System-On-Chip Technology: 1-175. MSc(Eng).
Beda-Mutagahywa, E. 2006. Socketless TCP- A Connection Identification Philosophy
for end to end Mobility: 1-118. MSc (Eng).
Bergh, E. 2006. Prediction Assisted Fast Handover for Seamless IP Mobility: 1-123.
MSc (Eng).
Boyle, H. 2005. Modelling the Synaptic Plasticity Underlying Habituation,
Sensitization AND Classical Conditioning of the Aplysia California Gill-Siphon
Withdrawal Reflex: 1-118. MSc(Eng).
Capindissa, C. 2005. Monitoring an Industrial Hydrocyclone Using Frequency
Domain Multiplexing Electrical Impedance Tomography: 1-97. MSc(Eng).
Chang, W. 2005. System Level Investigations of Television Based Bistatic Radar: 1107. MSc(Eng).
De Villiers, M.S. 2005. Limited Angle Tomography: 1-30. PhD.
Dolz, P. 2006. Wireless Data Transfer Using Bluetooth Technology: 1-85. MSc(Eng).
Goldswain, G. 2005. An Investigation Into The Dynamic Implementation of a 16Electrode FDM Electrical Impedance Tomography System: 1-155. MSc(Eng).
Lambert-Porter, J.R. 2005. The Detection and Tracking of Portable GSM Handsets
Using a 5-Element Circular Array: 1-131. MSc(Eng).
Lutchman, R. 2005. Design and Implementation of a 6kW Wind Powered Water
Heater Controller with PI Control: 1-112. MSc(Eng).
Machaba, I.M. 2005. Investigation Into Iterative Feedback Control: 1-118. MSc(Eng).
Martens, A. 2005. A High Speed Data Acquisition System: 1-73. MSc(Eng).
Maunder, N.F. 2005. Virtual View Synthesis using Visual Hulls: 1-88. MSc(Eng).
Milne, P.S. 2005. Visual Hulls for Volume Estimation: A Fast Marching Cubes Based
Approach: 1-89. MSc(Eng).
Mngxuma, K.C. 2005. The Power Quality of Wind Turbines in South Africa and
Their Impacts on Distribution Networks: 1-94. MSc(Eng).
Mohasi, L. 2006. Design of an Advanced and Seamless Sesotho Text-to-Speech
through Intonation: 1-117. MSc (Eng).
Mswane, M. 2005. Lightning Performance Improvement of the Swaziland Electricity
Board Transmission System (66kV & 132kV Lines): 1-90. MSc(Eng).
Muwonge, B. 2006. An assembly and offset assignment scheme for self-similar traffic
in optical burst-switched networks: 1-126. MSc(Eng).
Neilson, R.G. 2005. An Investigation into the use of OFDM in Packet Radio: 1-64.
Nkanza, N. 2005. Image Registration and its Application to Computer Vision:
Mosaicing and Independant Motion Detection: 1-62. MSc(Eng).
Noah, O. 2006. Evaluation of Speaker Adaptation for planned public access IVR
Server: 1-110. MSc (Eng).
Nursimaloo, D.S. 2006. A two-layered mobility support architecture: Fast mobile
IPv6 and session initiation protocol: 1-104. MSc (Eng).
Ozianyi, G. 2006. A Novel Pricing Approach to Support QoS in 3G Networks: 1-105.
MSc (Eng).
Roebl, A.C. 2006. The measurement and Control of Thickeners: 1-200. MSc (Eng).
Sassen, T. 2006. Suitability of Network Processors for Multi-Field Packet
Classification: 1-89. MSc (Eng).
Skosan, M. 2005. Histogram Equalisation for Robust Text-Independant Speaker
Verification in Telephone Environments: 1-118. MSc(Eng).
Verrinder, A. 2006. Embedded Vibration Sensor For Fault Detection on Overland
Comveyor Belts. MSc (Eng).
Walton, M. 2005. Development and Prototyping of a Point Coupled Linear
Transformer (PCLT) Displacement Sensor: 1-249. MSc(Eng).
Wills, A. 2006. Investigation into eye performance parameters: 1-140. MSc (Eng).
Braae, M. 2006. Vitual Laboratory by Control and Instrumentation Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Report 2006
(Including: Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit (BISRU), Centre for
Materials Engineering (CME), Centre for Research in Computational and Applied
Mechanics (CERECAM), Energy Research Centre (ERC), Engineering Management,
ISIQU Orthopaedics, and the SASOL Advanced Fuels Laboratory)
Head of Department: Professor Robert Tait
Department Profile
The Department of Mechanical Engineering includes the following research
groupings, Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit (BISRU), Centre for
Materials Engineering (CME), the Centre for Research in Computational and Applied
Mechanics (CERECAM), the Energy Research Centre (ERC), Engineering
Management, ISIQU Orthopaedics and the SASOL Advanced Fuels Laboratory. The
research activities of the department accordingly span a range of mechanical
engineering disciplines. Classical mechanical engineering research areas include
internal combustion engines, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, fatigue and fracture
mechanics, heat transfer, refrigeration, design, vehicle dynamics and non destructive
evaluation. The research interests of BISRU cover all engineering aspects of blast and
impact scenarios. This includes the impact/blast process, structural response and
material characterisation of structural components, as well as human bio-mechanical
response under impact conditions, with the overall objective of saving lives. Materials
research, carried out in the Centre for Materials Engineering, is directed at an
understanding of the relationships between the production processes, structure,
properties and performance of engineering materials. This encompasses both applied
and more fundamental work on metals, ceramics, polymers and composites and is
concerned with the improvement in performance of materials used in engineering
systems in a wide range of industries. Research carried out in CERECAM includes
mathematical modelling of complex material (particularly non-linear) behaviour,
simulation of processes of deformation and failure of engineering components and
artefacts, development of stable and accurate computational solution techniques, and
fundamental mechanical processes. A fair portion of CERECAM activities centre
around computational fluid dynamics (CFD) ranging from the simulation of basic
aerodynamic flows to the complex flow phenomena associated with chemical
reactors. CERECAM is an interdisciplinary unit, drawing members from the
Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics and
Chemical and Civil Engineering. The Energy Research Centre carries out research in
the areas of energy efficiency, energy modelling, climate change issues and
sustainable energy. In Engineering Management, recent years have seen increased
activity in the fields of quality management, manufacturing systems and systems
practice. The ISIQU Orthopaedics Research Group is concerned with all aspects of
biomedical prostheses, especially their design, optimisation and manufacture, up to
and including implementation. The SASOL Advanced Fuels Laboratory is arguably
the most sophisticated engines laboratory undertaking fuels research in the country,
with full automation and data acquisition, comprehensive on line exhaust gas analysis
and instrumented single cylinder research engines. In addition a major research thrust
concerns optical and cylinder pressure based combustion diagnostics.
Departmental Statistics
Permanent and long-term contract staff
Adjunct Professors
Associate Professors
Senior Lecturers
Part-time Lecturer
Research Staff (contract)
Teaching Assistants
Technical Support Staff
Administrative and Clerical Staff
Post Doctoral
Postgraduate Diplomas
Research Fields and Staff
Professor Kevin Bennett
Director, Energy Research Centre; energy research
Mr Trevor Cloete
Lecturer; BISRU, CERECAM; deformation and tearing of blast loaded metal plates;
high strain rate plasticity; constitutive modelling
Mr Dirk Findeis
Lecturer; non destructive testing; portable ESPI and shearography
Emeritus Professor Jasson Gryzagoridis
CERECAM; heat transfer and refrigeration; combined absorption and compression
refrigeration cycles; optical techniques in non-destructive testing; holographic
interferometry; ESPI; shearography; materials properties evaluation
Associate Professor Robert Knutsen
Director, Centre for Materials Engineering; physical metallurgy; thermo-mechanical
processing; texture; microstructure; microscopy
Associate Professor Candace Lang
Centre for Materials Engineering; physical metallurgy; electrical properties; electron
Mr Gordon Lister
Senior Lecturer, Engineering Management; project management; quality and
productivity performance improvement; maintenance management; operations
Mr Stephen Marais
Senior Lecturer; Electro-Mechanical Design
Dr Kashif Marcus
Senior Research Officer, Centre for Materials Engineering; polymers; composites
Dr Chris Meyer
Senior Lecturer; CERECAM; computational fluid dynamics; heat transfer
Professor Gerald Nurick
Director, BISRU; structural impact; crashworthiness; high strain rates; impact
Dr Howard Pearce
Senior Lecturer; CERECAM; studies in non-linear system dynamics; computational
fluid dynamics; Centre for Research in Engineering Education: Learning in physics
and mathematics, innovations in teaching
Professor Chris Redelinghuys
Simulation of the flight of parafoil suspended unmanned air vehicles; assessment of
technological creativity
Mr Brandon Reed
Senior Lecturer; computer integrated manufacturing; low cost automation and
robotics; social aspects of technology; engineering education; Centre for Research in
Engineering Education: School learners’ experiences of technology
Associate Professor Anthony Sayers
CERECAM; fluid mechanics; industrial aerodynamics; CFD; vehicle aerodynamics;
engineering of sport
Ms Corrinne Shaw
Lecturer; Engineering Management; accelerating management learning; systems
thinking practices
Professor Robert Tait
CERECAM; Centre for Materials Engineering; fracture mechanics; fatigue;
assessment of residual stresses in structural components; applied non-destructive
Dr George Vicatos
Senior Lecturer; heat transfer and refrigeration; combined absorption and compression
refrigeration cycles; bioengineering prosthesis design
Mrs Nicolette Wolmarans
Lecturer; engineering design, engineering education; Centre for Research in
Engineering Education: Teaching of engineering design, industry-university interface
CERECAM Members from other departments
Associate Professor Neil Armitage
Civil engineering; numerical modelling of local scour in rivers
Dr Dave Deglon
Chemical engineering; mineral flotation
Associate Professor Alison Lewis
Chemical engineering; modelling and simulation of precipitation and crystallisation
Dr Alvin Masarira
Senior Lecturer, Civil Engineering; structural engineering
Associate Professor Tim Myers
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics; industrial mathematics, thin film flows, phase
Dr Malcolm Powell
Chemical Engineering; modelling of comminution in mineral processing
Professor Daya Reddy
Director, CERECAM; mathematical and computational aspects of continuum
mechanics; finite elements
Dr Robert Sarracino
Chemical Engineering; Discreet Element Modelling (DEM), Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics (SPH)
Dr Friedrich Scheele
Senior Lecturer, Civil Engineering; geotechnical engineering; soil rock mechanics;
laboratory testing
Professor Alphose Zingoni
Civil Engineering; shell and space structures; computational structural mechanics;
structural engineering
Honorary Lecturers
Professor Andy Yates (Adjunct Professor)
Engines and fuels, SASOL Advanced Fuels Lab
Contract Research Staff
Mr Thomas Alfstad
Research Officer, ERC; energy-economic modelling and energy systems analysis
Mr Victor Balden
Research Officer, BISRU; impact dynamics
Mr Bill Cowan
Principal Research Officer, ERC; energy, poverty and development
Mr Gareth Floweday
SASOL Advanced Fuels Lab, engines and fuels
Mr Mark Howells
Research Officer, ERC; sustainable energy; energy modelling; greenhouse gasses;
energy efficiency
Ms Alison Hughes
Scientific Officer, ERC; energy efficiency; energy modelling
Mr Lindsey Jeftha
Scientific Officer, ERC; mathematical modelling; multi decision criteria analysis;
energy modelling
Mr Andrew Kenny
Research Officer, ERC; sustainable energy; greenhouse gasses; energy and the
environment; nuclear power
Dr Philip Lloyd
Honorary Associate, ERC; fossil fuels; natural gas; rural energy; renewables
Mr Pule Monamodi
Junior Research Fellow, ERC; renewable energy, energy efficiency, and commercial
and residential energy issues
Ms Jocelyn Muller
Chief Scientific Officer, ERC; poverty and development
Mr Stanford Mwakasonda
Principal Research Officer, ERC; energy and climate change
Dr Jabavu Nkomo
Principal Scientific Officer, ERC; economics
Dr Gisela Prasad
Principal Scientific Officer, ERC; energy, poverty and development
Dr Debbie Sparks
Chief Scientific Officer, ERC; energy and climate change
Mr Andre Swarts
Honorary Lecturer, SASOL Advanced Fuels Lab, engines and fuels
Mr Ajay Trikam
Junior Research Fellow, ERC; energy efficiency; greenhouse gases; mitigation
Mr Denis van Es
Research Officer, ERC; energy efficiency; CDM
Mr Eugene Visagie
Research Officer, ERC; energy poverty and development
Dr Harald Winkler
Principal Scientific Officer, ERC; climate change (economics, mitigation & policy)
and environmental economics
Distinguished Visitors
Professor Wesley Cantwell, University of Liverpool, February 2006
Dr Mike Bambach, Monash University, May/June 2006
Professor Manfred Held, TDW Germany, August 2006
Dr Bo Janzon, Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden, August 2006
Dr Steve Hallett, University of Bristol, Sept 2006
JP Leerdam, TNO Netherlands, Sept 2006
M van der Horst, TNO Netherlands, Sept 2006
Professor Dora Karagiozova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Oct-Dec 2006
Contact Details
Postal Address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cape Town,
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Telephone: +27 21 650 3231
Facsimile +27 21 650 3240
Research Output
Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit
Bbosa, L., Powell, M.S. and Cloete, T.J. 2006. An investigation of impact breakage of
rocks using the split Hopkinson pressure bar. Journal of the South African Institute of
Mining and Metallurgy, 106: 291-296.
Cloete, T.J., Hartley, R.S. and Nurick, G.N. 2006. A microstructural investigation of
"machining rings" and deformation uniformity for dynamic ring compression tests.
Journal de Physique IV, 134: 591-596.
Govender, R.A., Cloete, T.J. and Nurick, G.N. 2006. A numerical investigation of
dispersion in Hopkinson pressure bar experiments. Journal de Physique IV, 134(134):
Lemanski, C., Nurick, G.N. and Langdon, G.S. 2006. Understanding the behaviour of
fibre metal laminates subjected to localised blast loading. Composite Structures, 76:
Schleyer, G.K., Kewaisy, T.H., Wesevich, J.W. and Langdon, G.S. 2006. Validated
finite element analysis model of blast wall panels under shock pressure loading.
Journal of Ships and Offshore Structures, 1(3): 257-271.
Centre for Materials Engineering
Lang, C.I. and Carelse, M.I. 2006. Order hardening in platinum 14at.% copper.
Scripta Materialia, 54: 1311-1315.
Lang, C.I. and Jackson, K. 2006. Mechanical properties data pr Pt-5 wt. % Cu and Pt5 wt% Ru alloys. Platinum Metals Review, 50(1): 15-19.
Lang, C.I. and Nxumalo, S. 2006. Thermodynamic stabiltiy of Pt8 V. Journal of
Alloys and Compounts, 425: 181-184.
Lang, C.I. and Nzula, M.P. 2006. The formation of Pt8Cr in Pt 10 at% Cr. Journal of
Alloys and Compounts, 420: 165-170.
Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics
Deglon, D.A. and Meyer, C.J. 2006. CFD modelling of stirred tanks: Numerical
considerations. Minerals Engineering, 19(10): 1059-1068.
Energy Research Centre
Hughes, A.G., Howells, M.I., Trikam, A., Kenny, A. and Van Es, D. 2006. A study of
demand side management potential in South African industries. Energize, Power
Journal of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, September 2006: 16-22.
Winkler, H.E. 2006. Future mitigation commitments: Differentiating amoung nonAnnex 1 countries. Climate Policy, 5: 469-486.
Winkler, H.E., Borchers, M., Hughes, A.G., Visagie, E.F. and Heinrich, G.S. 2006.
Policies and scenarios for Cape Town's energy future: Options for sustainable city
energy development. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 17(1): 28-41.
Mechanical Engineering
Findeis, D.M., Gryzagoridis, J. and Matlali, M. 2006. Phase stepping shearography
and electronic speckle pattern interferometry. Materials Evaluation, 64(10): 10201025.
Gryzagoridis, J. 2006. Parameters affecting the performance of fiber optic
displacement sensors. Smart Materials and Structures, Institute of Physics
Publishing(15): 154-157.
Gryzagoridis, J. and Findeis, D.M. 2006. Simultaneous shearographic and
thermographic NDT of aerospace materials. Insight, 48(5): 294-297.
Redelinghuys, C. 2006. A framework for the assessment of the creativity of product
design teams. Journal of Engineering Design, 17(2): 121-141.
Energy Research Centre
Sparks, D.A. and Mukheibir, P.V. 2006. Climate variability, climate change and water
resource strategies for small municipalities. Report No: 1500/1/06: 1-81. Pretoria:
Water Research Commission.
Winkler, H.E. 2006. Energy policies for sustainable development in South Africa: 1205. South Africa - UCT: Energy Research Centre.
Energy Research Centre
Winkler, H.E. and Davidson, O.R. 2006. Energy policy. In H. Winkler (ed.), Energy
policies for sustainable development in South Africa-Options for the future: 4-22.
South Africa: Energy Research Centre.
Winkler, H.E., Mukheibir, P.V. and Mwakasonda, S. 2006. Sustainability of
electricity supply and climate change in South Africa. In K. Halsnaes and A. Garg
(eds), Sustainable development, energy and climate: 37-42. Denmark: UNEP.
Mechanical Engineering
Redelinghuys, C. 2006. Counting the seeds of innovation: The assessment of
technological creativity. In W.B. Blankley, M.S. Scerri, N.M. Molotja and I.S.
Saloojee (eds), Measuring innovation: 59-72. Cape Town, SA: HSRC Press.
Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit
Chung Kim Yuen, S., Jacob, N., Vara, R. and Nurick, G.N. 2006. Response of
quadrangular mild-steel plates to large explosive load. Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures, 13-15
November 2006, Singapore, 30-44. ISBN 981-05-7000-7.
Jama, H.H.J., Bambach, M.R.B., Nurick, G.N., Grezebieta, R.H.G. and Zhao, X.Z.
2006. Failure modes and thresholds of square tubular steel beams subjected to blast
loads. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Design and Analysis of
Protective Structures, 13-15 November 2006, Singapore, 371-383. ISBN 981-057000-7.
Centre for Materials Engineering
Mshumi, C. and Lang, C.I. 2006. Effect of ordering on the tensile properties of Pt 5
wwt. % Cu. 45th Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the Microscopy
Society of Southern African (MSSA), 29 November – 1 December 2006, Port
Elizabeth, South Africa, 10. ISBN 978-0-620-37294-7.
Nxumalo, S. and Lang, C.I. 2006. Dislocations in Pt8V ordered alloys. Proceedings of
the 45th Annual Conference of the Microscopy Society of Southern African (MSSA),
29 November – 1 December 2006, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 13. ISBN 978-0-62037294-7.
Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics
Kleine, D. and Reddy, B.D. 2006. Finite element simulation of unsteady flows in
secondary settling tanks. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on CFD in
the Process Industries, 13-15 December 2006, Melbourne, Australia, 1-6. ISBN 0643-09423-7.
Energy Research Centre
Howells, M.I., Trikam, A., Hughes, A.G., Kenny, A. and Van Es, D. 2006. A study of
demand side management potential in South African industries. Proceedings of the
Industrial and Commercial Use of Energy Conference 2006, 22-24 May 2006, Cape
Town, South Africa, 95-102. ISBN 0-9584901-5 5.
Lloyd, P. 2006. Carbon capture and storage: Chemical Engineering's contribution to
the mitigation of climate change. Proceedings of the SA Chemical Engineering
Conference, 30 August -15 September 2006, Durban, South Africa, 1-10. ISBN 186840-617-2.
Lloyd, P. 2006. The saga of the paraffin stove – Chemical Engineering at the poverty
line. Proceedings of the SA Chemical Engineering Conference, 30 August – 15
September 2006, Durban, South Africa, 11-17. ISBN 1-86840-617-2.
Mechanical Engineering
Findeis, D.M. and Gryzagoridis, J. 2006. Residual stress determination using digital
shearography. Proceedings of the Annual SEM Conference, 4-7 June 2006, St Louis,
Missouri, USA. ISBN 0-9120539-5. [CD-ROM].
Findeis, D.M. and Gryzagoridis, J. 2006. Vacuum excitation in shearographic NDT.
Proceedings of NDT 2006, United Kingdom. ISBN 0-903132-38-9. [CD-ROM].
Gryzagoridis, J. 2006. Monitoring structural integrity using fibre optic sensors.
Proceedings of NDT 2006, United Kingdom. ISBN 0-903132-38-9. [CD-ROM].
Ryan, T.B. and Shaw, C.B. 2006. Case for mutiny or exhilarating expedition? Student
experiences of learning events. Proceedings of the 3rd African Regional Conference
on Engineering Education, 26-27 September 2006, Pretoria, South Africa, 189-196.
ISBN 0-620-37232-X.
Tait, R.B. and Balden, V. 2006. The application of fracture mechanics and FEM stress
analysis to resolve a failure analysis of a rotary drier. Proceedings of the 5th South
African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM06), 16-18
January 2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 36-48. ISBN 1-919966-01-3.
Energy Research Centre
Howells, M.I., Jonsson, S., Kack, E., Lloyd, P., Conradi, B. and Bennett, K.F. 2006.
Calabashes for kilowatt-hours - Rural energy and market failure. Proceedings of
International Energy Agency workshop on domestic energy July 2006, Cape Town,
Lloyd, P. 2006. Carbon storage - a significant factor in contorlling atmospheric carbon
dioxide. Proceedings of FFF Indaba 2006, University of Cape Town, 18.
Lloyd, P. 2006. High-value uses for Waterberg coal. Proceedings of Waterberg Conf,
FFF 8-06, Univertsity of Cape Town, 18.
Lloyd, P. 2006. SA Energy reserves and the future. Proceedings of Conference on SA
Energy Resources, Geological Society of SA Symposium, Johannesburg, Feb 24,
2006, 21.
Lloyd, P. 2006. The energy debate. Proceedings of The energy debate, University of
Cape Town, 24.
Mechanical Engineering
Gryzagoridis, J. 2006. Static analysis of an actuating device comprising lightweight
C-shaped Piezoelectric elements. Proceedings of Fifth South African Conference of
Computational and Applied Mechanics SACAM06 Cape Town 16-18 January (2006),
Cape Town, CD ROM.
Mumenya, S.W., Tait, R.B. and Alexander, M.G. 2006. An appropriate specimen
geometry for direct tensile testing of textile concrete. Proceedings of 3rd Young
Concrete Engineers', Practitioners' and Technologists' Conference, Cape Town and
Midrand, 1-10.
Reed, B.I. 2006. Phenomenography as a way to research the understanding by
students of technical concepts. Proceedings of NUTAU 2006. ISBN: 858918403X.
Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics
Barty, A., Powell, M.S. and Meyer, C.J. 2006. A CFD Model for a hydrocyclone
operating with an air core. Mineral Processing 2006: SP19.
Bakker, W. 2006. Numerical modelling of an oscillatory baffled column: 1-62. MSc.
Chung Kim Yuen, S. 2006. The effects of blast induced imperfections on the energy
absotption characteristics of square tubes: 1-320. PhD.
Cox, R. 2006. The development of an enhanced auto ignition sub-model for use in
CFD combustion simulations: 1-110. MSc.
Dunn, I. 2006. The numerical investigation of a bank of delta plenum air-cooled heat
exchangers: 1-105. MSc.
Fuggle, T.M. 2006. A numerical Eigenmode analysis of the progressive buckling of
thin-walled tubes: 1-220. MSc.
George, L. 2006. Evaluation of the stress relaxation technique for measuring softening
kinetics in aluminium alloys: 1-106. MSc.
Gower, T. 2006. Managing change - at an individual level: 1-105. Ind Admin.
Hsiao, T.-P. 2006. Flame propagation model for the CFR engine under knocking and
non-knocking conditions: 1-131. MSc.
Kibicho, P.K. 2006. Flow-field structure in wide-angled diffusers: 1-162. PhD.
Leopold-George, F.E. 2006. The Student Governance Review (SGR) 2001 at the
University of Cape Town (UCT) - A systems perspective: 1-96. MSc.
Londleni, C. 2006. A theoretical assessment of fuel combustion attributes to enhance
the operational envelope of HCCI engines: 1-123. MSc.
Mahoi, S. 2006. Influence of shape of solid explosives on the deformation of circular
steel plates - experimental and numerical investigations: 1-259. PhD.
Mainza, A.N. 2006. Contribution to the understanding of the three-product cyclone on
the classification of a dual density ore: 1-78;1-271. PhD.
Marekwa, M.D. 2006. Evaluation of metal dusting of nickel-chromium based alloys in
a laboratory environment: 1-120. MSc.
Mckuur, G. 2006. Defect and fracture detection using Acoustic Emission Monitoring:
1-100. MSc.
Mwansa, S. 2006. Segregation and material flow along low aspect SAG mills: 1-218.
Rabe, T. 2006. Determination of the effectiveness of a hot tube igniter for initiating
HCCI combustion: 1-108. MSc.
Rhodes, C. 2006. An experimental study of the aerodynamic characteristics of a wing
in close proximity to a moving ground plane: 1-110. MSc.
Rosin, M.M. 2006. Integrated resource plane for South Africa using electricity load
profiles: 1-187. MSc.
Sebbit, A.M. 2006. The impact of energy in sustainable economic development in
Uganda: 1-293. PhD.
Swarts, A. 2006. Insights relating to octane rating and the underlying role of autoignition: 1-156. PhD.
Velaers, J. 2006. Investigation of combusion image analysis by the two-colour
method as a technique for comparing diesel fuels: 1-126. MSc.
Winkler, H.E. 2006. Energy policies of sustainable development in South Africa's
residential and electricity sectors: implications for mitigating climate change: 1-250.
Van Es, D. 2006. The many layers of energy efficiency. ESI Africa - The Power
Journal of SA, 13(3): 62-64.
Van Es, D. 2006. Southern African Energy Efficiency Convention "A selective
assessment of business opportunities in South Africa under the Clean Development