List of Selected Publications

Списък на научните публикации
ст.н.с.II ст. дфн Ана Иванова Георгиевa
I. Публикации в списания
[1] A. Georgieva, P. Raychev and R. Roussev
"Interacting Two-Vector Boson Model of Collective Motions in Nuclei"
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 8 (1982) 1377
[2] А. И. Георгиева, П. П. Райчев, Р. П. Русев,
“Алебраическая двухвекторно-бозонная модель коллективных движений в ядрах”,
Сообщение ОИЯИ Дубна Р4-81-134 (1981).
[3] A. Georgieva, P. Raychev, R. Roussev
“Rotational Limit of the Interacting Two - Vector Boson Model"
J. Phys. G: Nucl Phys. 9 (1983) 521
[4] S.Alisauskas, A. Georgieva, P. Raychev, R. Roussev
“Decomposition of the Hamiltonian of the Interacting Vector Boson Model in
Irreducible Terms”, Bulg. J. Phys. 11 (1984) 150
[5]. A. I. Georgieva, P. P. Raychev, R. P. Roussev ,
“Interacting Vector Boson Model of Collective Nuclear States. Tensorial structure of
the Hamiltonian”, Сообщение ОИЯИ Дубна Р4-83-421 (1983).
[6] A. Georgieva, P. Raychev, R. Roussev
"Interacting Vector Boson Model and Negative Parity Bands in Actinides"
Bulg. J. Phys. 12 (1985) 147
[7] A. I. Georgieva, M. I. Ivanov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev
“Boson Representations of Symplectic Algebras"
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 25 (1986) 1181
[8] A. I. Georgieva, M. I. Ivanov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev
“On The Boson Representations of Symplectic Algebras: General Scheme"
Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci., 40, N 3, (1987), 29
[9] A. Georgieva, M. Ivanov, P. Raychev, R. Roussev
“F-spin and Sp(24,R) Classification of the Even - Even Nuclei"
Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci., 41, (1988), 55
[10] A. I. Georgieva, M. I. Ivanov, P. P. Raychev, and R. P. Roussev,
“Symplectic Classification of the Even - Even Nuclei and Nuclear Spectra”,
Сообщение ОИЯИ Дубна Р4-87-927 (1988).
[11] S. B. Drenska, A. I. Georgieva, M. I. Ivanov, S. Sht. Mavrodiev, P. P. Raychev,
and R. P. Roussev, “A Phenomenological Unified description of the ground band energy
levels of rotational nuclei”, Сообщение ОИЯИ Дубна Р4-88-906 (1988).
[12] A. Georgieva, M. Ivanov, P. Raychev, R. Roussev
“Classification of the Even - Even Nuclei in Symplectic Multiplets”
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 28 (1989) 769
[13] Р. М. Ашерова, А. Георгиева, Ю. Ф. Смирнов, Д. В. Фурса,
“ Векторная модель взаимодйствующих бозонов и другие варианты МВБ”,
Известия Академии Наук СССР, Серия Физическая, 56, 129-136 (1992).
[14] R. M. Asherova, D. V. Fursa, A. Georgieva, Yu. F. Smirnov
“Interacting Vector Boson Model and Other Versions of
Interacting Boson Approximations”
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys., 19 (1993) 1887
[15] S.Drenska, A.Georgieva, M.Ivanov, S. Mavrodiev, R. Roussev and P. Raychev
“Ground Band Energies of Rotational and Vibrational Nuclei”
Int. J. Mod. Phys. E: Nucl. Phys, 2, (1993) 873
[16] A.Georgieva and Ts. Dankova
“Tensorial Structure of a q-Deformed sp(4,R) Superalgebra”
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 27 (1994) 1251
[17] S.Drenska, A.Georgieva, M.Ivanov, S. Mavrodiev,R. Roussev and P. Raychev
“Ground Band Energies of Transitional Nuclei”
Int. J. Mod. Phys. E: Nucl. Phys, 4, (1995) 123
[18] S. Drenska, A. Georgieva, V. Gueorguiev, R. Roussev and P. Raychev,
“Unified description of the low lying states of the ground bands of even-even nuclei”,
Phys. Rev. C 52, (1995) 1853.
[19] A. I. Georgieva, R. P. Roussev, P. P. Raychev, M. V. Stoitsov, S. Pittel
and J. Dukelsky,
“Baryon mappings applied to the three-color delta model”,
Phys. Rev. C 52, (1995) 2131.
[20] V. G. Gueorguiev, A. I. Georgieva, P. P. Raychev, R. P. Roussev,
“q-Analogue of Am-1 An-1 Amn-1”,
Int. J. Theor. Phys.,11, (1995) 2323.
[21] A. I. Georgieva, J. D. Goleminov and R. D. Ginin,
“Mapping Method for Generating a Q-Deformed Version of the Algebraic
SU(3) SO(3) Chain” ,
Phys. of Atomic Nuclei 61, N11, (1998), 1830
[22] A. I. Georgieva, J. D. Goleminov, M. I. Ivanov and H. B. Geyer
“A mapping construction for the q-deformed SO(3)  U(3) embedding”
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32 (1999) 2403
[23] A. I. Georgieva, M. I. Ivanov, K. D. Sviratcheva, V. G. Gueorguiev,
and J. P. Draayer,
“A deformed Sp(4,R) algebra and possible applications”
Revista Mexicana De Fisica, 46, Suplemento 1, (2000) 60
[24] Jacob Katriel, A. I. Georgieva,
“q - similarity transformations”,
Phys. Lett. A 280, (2001) 246.
[25] J P Draayer, A I Georgieva and M I Ivanov,
“Deformations of the boson sp(4,R) representation and its subalgebras”
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) 2999.
[26] K D Sviratcheva, A I Georgieva, V G Gueorguiev , J P Draayer and M I Ivanov,
“Deformations of the fermion realization of the sp(4)algebra and its subalgebras’’
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) 8365.
[27] S. Drenska, A. Georgieva and N. Minkov,
“Staggering behavior of the low lying excited states of even--even nuclei in a Sp(4,R)
classification scheme”,
Phys. Rev. C 65, (2002) 054303.
[28] S. Drenska, A. Georgieva and N. Minkov,
“Staggering Behavior of the First Excited 2+ States of Even--Even Nuclei in a Sp(4,R)
Classification Scheme”,
Prog. Of Theor. Phys. Suppl 146, (2002), 555
[29] J. P. Draayer, J. G. Hirsch, G. Popa, Feng Pan, G. Stoitcheva, A. I. Georgieva
and K. D. Sviratcheva “Novel applications of group theory in nuclear physics,”
Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei (PEPAN)
[ISSN 0367-2026] 33, No. 7 (2002) 53-70 .
[30] A. I. Georgieva, M. I. Ivanov, J. P. Draayer, K. D. Sviratcheva
and V. G. Gueorguiev “Deformations of the Boson and Fermion representations of
sp(4,R) and sp(4)“, Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei (PEPAN)
[ISSN 0367-2026] 33, No. 7 (2002) 129-143.
[31] K. D. Sviratcheva, J. P. Draayer and A. I. Georgieva
“Applications of deformed fermion realizations of Sp(4),”
Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei (PEPAN)
[ISSN 0367-2026] 33, No. 7 (2002) 162-173
[32] K D Sviratcheva, A I Georgieva and J P Draayer
“Generalized q-deformed symplectic sp(4) algebra for multi-shell applications,”
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36 (2003) 7579.
[33] K D Sviratcheva, A I Georgieva and J P Draayer
“An algebraic pairing model with Sp(4) symmetry and its deformation,”
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 29 (2003) 1281.
[34] A. Teymurazyan, A. Aprahamian, and A. Georgieva,
“ Prediction of Nuclear Masses as Functions of P and F-spin in the shell Z=28-50,
N=28-50”, BgNS Transactions, Vol. 9, No 1, (2004) 165.
[35] K. D. Sviratcheva, A. I. Georgieva, and J. P. Draayer
“Staggering behavior of 0+ state energies in the Sp(4) pairing model”
Phys. Rev. C 69, (2004) 024313.
[36] K. D. Sviratcheva, C. Bahri, A. I. Georgieva, and J. P. Draayer
“Physical Significance of q Deformation and Many-Body Interactions in Nuclei”,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004) 152501.
[37] G. Popa, A. Georgieva, and J. P. Draayer
“Systematics in the structure of low-lying, nonyrast bandhead configurations of strongly
deformed nuclei”
Phys. Rev. C 69, (2004) 064307.
[38] H. Ganev, V. P. Garistov, and A. I. Georgieva
“Description of the ground and octupole bands in the symplectic extension of the
interacting vector boson model”
Phys. Rev. C 69, 014305, (2004)
[39] H. G. Ganev, V. P. Garistov, A. I. Georgieva, and J. P. Draayer
“Energy systematics of low-lying collective states within the framework of the interacting
vector boson model”
Phys. Rev. C 70, (2004) 054317.
[40] K. D. Sviratcheva, A. I. Georgieva, and J.P. Draayer,
“Dynamical symmetry of isobaric analog 0+ states in medium mass nuclei”
Phys. Rev. C 70, (2004) 064302.
[41] A. I. Georgieva, K. D. Sviratcheva, V. G. Gueorguiev, and J.P. Draayer,
"Deformed fermion realization of the sp(4) algebra and its reductions,"
Acta Physica Hungarica – A) Heavy Ion Physics, 19, (2004), 3-4, 227-231
[42] H. G. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva and J. P. Draayer
“Six-dimensional Davidson potential as a dynamical symmetry of the symplectic
interacting vector boson model”
Phys. Rev. C 72, (2005) 014314 (9 pages).
[43] H. G. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva, and V. P. Garistov
“Analytic formulae for the matrix elements of the transition operators
in the Symplectic Extension of the Interacting Vector Boson Model”
Bulg. J. Phys, 32, (2005) 124-135.
[44] K.D. Sviratcheva, A.I. Georgieva, and J.P. Draayer,
“Isospin symmetry breaking in an algebraic pairing Sp(4) model”,
Phys. Rev. C 72, (2005) 054302.
[45] K. D. Sviratcheva, A. I. Georgieva, J. P. Draayer
“Microscopic Description of Isospin Mixing Pairing Correlations in the Framework of
an Algebraic Sp(4) Model”
invited paper in Bulg. J. Phys, 32, (2005) 159-174.
[46] A. A. Solnyshkin, V. P. Garistov, A. Georgieva, H. Ganev, and V. V. Burov,
“Analysis of new experimental data on the 160Dy spectrum with the symplectic interacting
vector boson model”
Phys. Rev. C 72, (2005) 064321.
[47] G. Popa, A. Aprahamian, A. Georgieva, J. P. Draayer
“Systematics in the structure of low-lying, non-yrast band-head configurations of
strongly deformed nuclei”
The European Physical Journal A - Hadrons and Nuclei , 25, Suppl. 1 ,451 – 452 (2005)
[48] H. G. Ganev and A. I. Georgieva
“Transition probabilities in the U(6) limit of the symplectic interacting vector boson
Phys. Rev. C 76, (2007) 054322 (9 pages)
[49]. A.I. Georgieva, H. G. Ganev, J. P. Draayer, and V. P. Garistov,
Description of mixed-mode dynamics within the Symplectic extension of the Interacting
Vector Boson Model,
Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei 40, issue 4 (2009), 461-501 ОИЯИДубна; (Print) 1531-8559 (Online) MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively
by Springer Science+Business Media LLC, ISSN 1063-7796
[50]. H. G. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva, S. Brant, and A. Ventura,
New description of the doublet bands in doubly odd nuclei,
Phys. Rev. C 79, 044322 (2009) [13 pages], ISSN: 0556-2813.
arXiv:0901.3497v1 [nucl-th]
Б. Доклади на Конференции
[Б.1] A. Georgieva, P.Raychev, R. Roussev
“Interacting Vector Boson Model and Collective Motions in Nuclei”
Proc. Int. Conf. On Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Symmetries, Dubrovnik, 1986
[Б.2] A. Georgieva, M. Ivanov, P. Raychev, R. Roussev
“Boson Representations of Sp(24,R) and Classification of the Even - Even Nuclei”
Lecture Notes in Physics, 313, Group Theoretical
Methods in Physics, Proceedings, Varna, Bulgaria, 1987, p.408
[Б.3] A.Georgieva and Ts. Dankova
“ Tensorial Structure of a q-Deformed sp(4,R) Superalgebra “
Proceedings of International Workshop ``Symmetry Methods in Physics'',
Dubna, Russia, July 6 -10, 1993,
Eds. A. N. Sissakian, G. S. Pogosyan, S. I. Vinitsky, Vol. 1, 123--128 (1994)
[Б.4] R. M. Asherova, D. V. Fursa, A. Georgieva, Yu. F. Smirnov,
“ Interacting Vector Boson Model and Other Versions of Interacting Boson
Approximations”, Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop ``Symmetry Methods in Physics'',
(Obinsk, July, 1991), eds. Prof. Yu. F. Smirnov and Dr. R. M. Asherova, p. 140 -153,
Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obinsk, 1992.
[Б.5] R. M. Asherova, D. V. Fursa, A. Georgieva, Yu. F. Smirnov,
“ Relations Between Interacting Vector Boson Model and Some Versions of Interacting
Boson Approximations”,
Proceedings of the X International School of Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and
Nuclear Energy, October 14 -19, 1991 Varna, Bulgaria, p. 223-240.
[Б.6] S. Drenska, A. Georgieva, V. Gueorguiev, R. Roussev and P. Raychev,
“Unified description of the low lying states of the ground bands of even-even nuclei”,
Proceedings of the 5th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics “New
Perspectives in Nuclear Structure”, Ravello, Italy, May 22-26, 1995,
Ed. A. Covello, World Scientific, 327- 335 (1995).
[Б.7] S. Drenska, A. Georgieva, V. Gueorguiev, R. Roussev, and P. Raychev,
“ Unified description of the low lying states of the ground bands of the even-even
nuclei in a symplectic classification scheme”,
Proceedings of VII International Conference “Symmetry Methods in Physics”,
Dubna, Russia, July 10-16, 1995, Eds. A. N. Sissakian, G. S. Pogosyan, Vol. 1,
(1996) 173-181.
[Б.8] A. Georgieva, H. B.Geyer, M. I. Ivanov and K. D. Sviratcheva,
"Applications in Nuclear Structure of a family of Q-deformed algebras"
Proceedings of the International Conference on
The Nucleus -New physics for the New Millenioum 1999;
Faure, South Africa, eds.F.D.Smit, R. Lindsay and S. V. Fortsch (Kluver
Academic/Plenum Publishers), p.205-213
[Б.9] A. I. Georgieva, H. B.Geyer, M. I. Ivanov, and R. D. Ginin,
“Q-mapping of a deformed Sp(4,R) algebra preserving tensorial
properties of its generators”, Proceedings of the Sixth International Wigner
Symposium, 16-22 August, 1999, Istanbul, Turkey, Ed. Engin Arik,
Bogazici Universitesi Press, Istanbul, Vol. 1, 675-684 (2002).
[Б.10] A. I. Georgieva and K. D. Sviratcheva and J.P.Draayer
“A Deformed Sp(4) Model for studying pairing correlations in atomic nuclei,”
BgNS Transactions, Vol. 7, No 1 (2002) 173-180.
[Б.11] S. Drenska, A. Georgieva and N. Minkov,
“Staggering Behavior of the First Excited 2+ States of Even--Even Nuclei in a Sp(4,R)
Classification Scheme”, BgNS Transactions, Vol. 7, No 1 (2002) 168-173.
[Б.12] A. Georgieva, K. D. Sviratcheva and J. P. Draayer,
"Staggering behavior of isovector 0+ state energies in even-even and odd-odd nuclei
classified according to even representations of sp(4),
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear
Structure, ``Mapping the Triangle'', Wyoming, May 22-25, 2002,
Eds. A. Aprahamian, J. A. Cizewski, S. Pittel, and N. V. Zamfir,
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 638, 263-265 (2002)
[Б.13] A. Teymurazyan, A. Aprahamian, and A. I. Georgieva
“Prediction of Nuclear Masses in the A=80 Region of Nuclei as a Function of
P and F-Spin”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear
Structure, ``Mapping the Triangle'', Wyoming, May 22-25, 2002,
eds. A. Aprahamian, J. Cizewski, S. Pittel and N. Zamfir,
AIP Conference Proceedings 638 (2002), 271 - 273
[Б.14] A. I. Georgieva, K. D. Sviratcheva, V. G. Gueorguiev and J.P. Draayer
“Deformed fermion realization of the sp(4) algebra and its application”,
Proceedings of the XXI International Workshop on Nuclear Theory,
June 10-15, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, ed. V. Nikolaev, Heron Press Ltd.,
Sofia, Bulgaria, (2002) 349-357
[Б.15] K. D. Sviratcheva, A. I. Georgieva, V. G. Gueorguiev and J.P. Draayer
“Deformed fermion realization of the sp(4) algebra and its subalgebras,”
Proceedings of the Wigner Centennial Conference (Pecs, Hungary, 8-12 July)
eds. A. Gabris and M. Koniorczyk (2002) paper No. 11
[Б.16] K. D. Sviratcheva, C. Bahri, J.P.Draayer and A. I. Georgieva
"On the role of q-deformation in isovector pairing interactions in
nuclei," Proceedings of the XXIV International Colloquium on Group Theoretical
Methods in Physics, “GROUP 24, Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries”,
July 15-20, 2002, Paris, France, Eds. J.-P. Gazeau et al.,
IOP Conference Series 173, 347--350 (2003).
[Б.17] K. D. Sviratcheva, C. Bahri, A. I. Georgieva, and J. P. Draayer,
“ A q-Deformed Symplectic sp(4) Algebra: How Free Is
the Additional Degree of Freedom?”,
Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, June 16--22, 2003,
Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, Ed. V. Nikolaev, Heron Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, 212-223 (2003)
[Б.18] A. Georgieva, G. Popa, J. P. Draayer,
“Microscopic Interpretation of Kπ=02+,2γ+ Bands in Strongly Deformed Nuclei”
Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory,
June 16--22, 2003, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria,
Ed. V. Nikolaev, Heron Press, Sofia, 224-232 (2003) Bulgaria,
[Б.19] K. D. Sviratcheva, A. I. Georgieva, C. Bahri, and J. P. Draayer,
“ Algebraic sp(4) Pairing Model and its Non-Linear Extension”,
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium “Capture Gamma-Ray
Spectroscopy and Related Topics”, CGS11, September 2-6, 2002,
in Pruhonice near Prague, Czech Republic,
Eds. J. Kvasil, P. Cejnar and M. Krtička, World Scientific, 833-836 (2003)
[Б. 20] A. I. Georgieva, K. D. Sviratcheva and J.P.Draayer
“Algebraic approach to pairing correlations in exotic Z  N nuclei,”
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium ``Capture Gamma-Ray
Spectroscopy and Related Topics'', CGS11, September 2-6, 2002,
in Pruhonice near Prague, Czech Republic,
Eds. J. Kvasil, P. Cejnar and M. Krtička, World Scientific, 668-671 (2003).
[Б.21] G. Popa, A. Georgieva, J. P. Draayer,
“ Microscopic Interpretation of the Kπ=02+,2γ+ Bands of Deformed Nuclei within
the Framework of the Pseudo-SU(3) Shell Model”,
Computational and Group Theoretical Methods in Nuclear Physics:
Proceedings of the Symposium to Honor the 60th Birthday of Jerry P. Draayer
(February 18--21, 2003, Playa del Carmen, Mexico),
eds. J. Escher et al., p. 239--241, World Scientific, 2004.
[Б.22] K. D. Sviratcheva, C. Bahri, A. I. Georgieva, and J. P. Draayer,
“ Sp(4) dynamical symmetry for pairing correlations and higher-order
interactions in atomic nuclei”,
Computational and Group Theoretical Methods in Nuclear Physics:
Proceedings of theSymposium to Honor the 60th Birthday of Jerry P. Draayer
(February 18--21, 2003, Playa del Carmen, Mexico),
eds. J. Escher et al., p. 242--244, World Scientific, 2004.
[Б.23] A. I. Georgieva, H. G. Ganev, J. P. Draayer and V. P. Garistov,
“New dynamical symmetries in the symplectic extension of the Interacting Vector Boson
Model” BgNS Transactions, Vol.10, No 2, 201-214 (2005).
[Б.24] J. P. Draayer, K. D. Sviratcheva, and A. I. Georgieva,
“Symplectic Symmetry in the fp Shell”
BgNS Transactions, Vol.10, No 2, 215-223 (2005).
[Б.25] A. I. Georgieva, K. D. Sviratcheva, C. Bahri and J.P.Draayer,
“Analitical Modeling of Significant Many-Body Nuclear Interactions in
the Framework of the Traditional ''Two-Body'' q-Deformed Approach”,
Proceedings of the IV International Symposium, Varna, Bulgaria, 15 - 21 August 2005,
''Quantum Theory and Symmetries -- QTS-4'', ed. V. K. Dobrev,
supl. to Bulg. J. Phys. vol.33 s1b, p. 925-933, Heron Press, Sofia, 2006.
[Б.26] H. Ganev, V. P. Garistov, and A. I. Georgieva,
“Description of the Ground and Octupole Bands as Yrast Bands in the
Symplectic Extension of the Interacting Vector Boson Model”,
Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory,
June 16--22, 2003, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, Ed. V. Nikolaev,
Heron Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, 246-255 (2003).
[Б.27]. H. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva
“Description of the Ground and Octupole Bands in sp(12,R) sp(4,R)×o(3)
Reduction Chain in the Interacting Vector Boson Model”
Proceedings of the Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union,
Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, 25-29 август, 2003, SP01-010, p. 101-104
[Б.28] H. Ganev, V. P. Garistov, A. I. Georgieva, and J. P. Draayer,
“Symplectic Classification of Collective States with Fixed Angular Momentum in
Interacting Vector Boson Model”, Proceedings of the XXIII International Workshop on
Nuclear Theory, June 14--19, 2004, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, Ed. S. Dimitrova,
Heron Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, 216-227 (2004).
[Б.29] A. I. Georgieva, H. G. Ganev and J. P. Draayer,
“ Transitional Nuclear Spectra within the Framework of Interacting
Vector Boson Model with 6-dimensional Davidson Potential”,
Proceedings of the XXIV International Workshop on Nuclear Theory,
June 20--25, 2005, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, Ed. S. Dimitrova,
Heron Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, 259-271 (2006).
[Б.30] H. G. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva, and V. P. Garistov,
“Electromagnetic Transitions in the Symplectic Extension of the
Rotational Limit of the Interacting Vector Boson Model”,
Proceedings of the XXIV International Workshop on Nuclear Theory,
June 20--25, 2005, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, Ed. S. Dimitrova,
Heron Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, 272--279 (2006).
[Б.31] A. I. Georgieva, V. P. Garistov, H. Ganev, and J. P.Draayer,
“Energy Distribution of Collective States within the
Framework of Symplectic Symmetries”,
Proceedings of the 8th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics,
Key Topics in Nuclear Structure, Paestum, Italy, 23--27 May, 2004,
Ed. Aldo Covello, World Scientific, 379-388 (2005).
[Б.32] J. P. Draayer,V.G. Gueorguiev,K.D. Sviratcheva,C. Bahri, Feng Pan and A. I.
Georgieva, “Exactly solvable pairing models”,
Key Topics in Nuclear Structure, Proc. Of the 8th International Spring Seminar on
Nuclear Physics, Paestum, Italy, 23-27.05.2004,
ed. Aldo Covello, World Scientific,483-494, 2005
[Б.33]. A, I, Georgieva, Tz. Venkova, and A. Aprahamian
“ Systematics of Nuclei with Critical Point Symmetries in the Rare-Earth Region”
Proceedings of the XXIII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory
(14-19 June , 2004, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria), ed. S. Dimitrova,
Heron Press Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria (2005), 283-294
[Б.34] H. G. Ganev and A. I. Georgieva
“Spectra of Odd Mass Nuclei within the Supersymmetric Extension of the Interacting
Vector Boson Model”
Proceedings of the XXV International Workshop on Nuclear Theory
(26. 06-1.07, 2006, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria), ed. S. Dimitrova,
Press Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria (2006), 245-254
[Б.35] J.P. Draayer, K.D. Sviratcheva, C. Bahri, and A.I. Georgieva, “On the physical
significance of q-deformation in many-body physics”, Differential Geometry and Physics:
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of Differential Geometric Methods in
Theoretical Physics, August 20-26, 2005, China, ed. Mo-Lin Ge, Weiping Zhang –
(Mathematics, World Scientific, 2006) pp.179-189
[Б36] A.I. Georgieva , H. G. Ganev , J. P. Draayer and V. P. Garistov, ”Unified
dynamical symmetries in the symplectic extension of the Interacting Vector Boson
Model” , Proceedings of V International Symposium on Quantum Theory an
Symmetries, 22–28 July 2007, Valladolid, Spain, J Phys. Conference Series: 128 (2008)
[Б37] A. I. Georgieva, S. R. Mishev, H. G. Ganev, V. P. Garistov and J. P. Draayer,
Systematics of the behavior of the ground and octupole bands of the deformed even-even
lanthanides Proceedings of the XXVII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (June
23-28, 2008, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria), ed. S. Dimitrova, Printed by BM Trade Ltd.,
Sofia, Bulgaria (2008), pp.143-153.
[Б38] . H. G. Ganev and A. I. Georgieva, Boson and fermion degrees of freedom in
orthosymplectic extension of the IVBM: odd-odd nuclear spectra, Proceedings of the
XXVII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (June 23-28, 2008, Rila Mountains,
Bulgaria), ed. S. Dimitrova, Printed by BM Trade Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria (2008), pp. 155167.
[Б39] . A.I. Georgieva, H. G. Ganev, J. P. Draayer and V. P. Garistov, Description of
mixed-mode dynamics with Symplectic Interacting Vector Boson Model for the
proceedings of the 7th General Conference of the BPU, 9 to 13 September 2009,
Alexandroupolis, Greece, AIP Conference Proceedings 1203, ISBN 978-0-7354-0740-4,
pp 1-6,
[Б40]. H. G. Ganev and A. I. Georgieva
Simultaneous Description of Even-Even, Odd-Mass and Odd-Odd Nuclear Spectra,
proceedings of the 7th General Conference of the BPU, 9 to 13 September 2009,
Alexandroupolis, Greece, AIP Conference Proceedings 1203; ISBN 978-0-7354-0740-4,
pp. 17-22
[Б41]. V.P. Garistov, A.I. Georgieva, A. Solnyshkin, J. Adam, D. Bogachenko, O.
Egorov, A. Islamov, V. Silaev, On the 0+ excited states in even-even deformed nuclei,
proceedings of the XVIII International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and
Applications, September 21 - 27, 2009 Varna, Bulgaria. 2010 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 205
[Б42]. V. P. Garistov, A. I. Georgieva, H. G. Ganev, S. R. Mishev and J. P. Draayer,
Unified Phenomenological Description of the Yrast Lines, proceedings of the Twenty
Eight International Workshop on Nuclear Theory June 22 - 26, 2009 Rila mountains,
Bulgaria ed. S. Dimitrova, Printed by BM Trade Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria (2009), Bulgaria
[Б43]. H. G. Ganev, A. I. Georgieva, S. Brant, and A. Ventura, Structure of the doublet
bands in doubly odd nuclei with mass around 130, for the proceedings of the Twenty
Eight International Workshop on Nuclear Theory June 22 - 26, 2009 Rila mountains,
Bulgaria, BM Trade Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria (2009), Bulgaria, pp177-190
[Б44]. A. I. Georgieva, K. D. Sviratcheva, M. I. Ivanov and J. P. Draayer, Q Deformation of Symplectic Dynamical Symmetries in Algebraic Models of Nuclear
Structure for the proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Symmetry Methods
in Physics (SYMPHYS-XIII), Dubna, Russia, July 6-9, 2009, to be published in the
journal «Physics of Atomic Nuclei»
[Б45]. A. I. Georgieva, M. I. Ivanov, S. L. Drenska, K. D. Sviratcheva,and J. P.
Draayer, Dynamical symmetries in contemporary nuclear structure applications, for the
OF THEORETICAL and MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS” August 21-27, 2009, MoscowDubna, Russia, to be published in the Journal “Physics of Elementary Particles and
Atomic Nuclei”
Други публикации
А1. Ана Иванова Георгиева,
“Модел на взаимодействащите векторни бозони за описание на нисколежащите
колективни състояния в четно-четните ядра”, Автореферат на Дисертация за
получаване на научната степен „Кандидат на физическите науки”, БАН ИЯИЯЕ
София 1984.
Algebraic Methods in Nuclear Theory - collection of scientific papers dedicated to Dr.
Roussy P. Roussev, ed. A. N. Antonov, Heron Press, Sofia, 2002
А2. P. Raychev, M. Ivanov, A. Georgieva, S. Drenska, N. Minkov, V. Gueorguiev
“Symplectic Systematics of Nuclei and Applications to Nuclear Collectivity”, 65-75
А3. V.P. Garistov, A. Georgieva, H. Ganev
“On Simultaneous Description of the Positive and Negative Parity Bands in the
Interacting Vector Boson Model “ , 113 - 117
А4. Ана Иванова Георгиева, “Приложения на бозонни и фермионни реализации на
симплектични алгебри в теорията на ядрената структура”, Автореферат на
Дисертация за получаване на научната степен „Доктор на физическите науки”,
БАН, ИЯИЯЕ, София 2007.
Печатни препринти и други
1. E. Nadjakov, A. Apostolova, V. Kitipova,
“Phenomenology of the back-bending at high spins in nuclear rotational bands”,
Preprint JINR Dubna E4-7753 (1974).
2. Р. М. Ашерова, Д. В. Фурса (Ф ЭИ), А. Георгиева (ИЯИЯЭ БАН), Ю. Ф. Смирнов
“Векторная модель взаимодйствующих бозонов и другие варианты МВБ “(in
English), Препринт Ф ЭИ -2180, Обнинск (1991).
3. A. I. Georgieva, R. P. Roussev , P. P. Raychev, M. V. Stoitsov, S. Pittel, and J.
Dukelsky, “Barion Mappings Applied to the Three-Color Delta Mode”l,
Preprint of Bartol Research Institute BA-95-09 (1995).
4. A. I. Georgieva,
“Tensorial Structure of a q-Deformed sp(4,R) Superalgebra”,
Preprint ICTP Trieste IC/93/50 (1993).
5. S. Drenska, A. Georgieva, R. Rousev, and P. Raychev,
Extending the Unified Description of the Yrast Energies of the Even-Even Nuclei towards
Higher Spins, препринт DOE/ER/40561-240-INT95-18-04.
6. S.Drenska, A.Georgieva, M.Ivanov, S. Mavrodiev, P. Raychev , R. Roussev
“Phenomenology of the low lying nuclear states in a symplectic classification scheme”
Abstract in International Conference on selected problems in nucleus structure, Dubna,
20-24 June 1989, p.51
7. S.Drenska, A.Georgieva, M.Ivanov, S. Mavrodiev, P. Raychev , R. Roussev
“Unified Description of the Low Lying States of the Ground Bands of the Even-Even
nuclei”, Abstracts of 4th International Spring Seminar On Nuclear Structure, Amalfi,
May 18 – 22, 1992, p.44
8. A. Georgieva and Ts. Dankova, “Tensorial Structure of a q-Deformed sp(4,R)
Superalgebra”, “Symmetry Methods in Physics” in memory of Prof. Ya. A.
Smorodinsky, (Dubna, Russia, July 6 -10, 1993), p.27
9. A. Georgieva and T. Dankova, “Tensorial Structure of a q-Deformed sp(4,R)
Superalgebra”CAM 94 Physics Meeting, September 26-30, 1994, Cancun, Quantana
Roo, Mexico, p.38, B13
10. S.Drenska, A.Georgieva, R. Roussev and P. Raychev , “A possibility to generalize
the group of dynamical symmetries of the collective motions in even-even nuclei”
Annual Reports of INRNE, Sofia, 1995, p.24
11. A.I. Georgieva, J.D. Goleminov and R.D. Ginin “ On the application of Dyson
mapping in the q-deformed case” Annual Reports of INRNE, Sofia, 1996, p.21
12. K. D. Sviratcheva, A. I. Georgieva and J. P. Draayer
“Group theoretical approach to pairing and non-linear phenomena in atomic nuclei”
Annual Reports of INRNE, Sofia, 2003, p.73
13. A. I. Georgieva, H. G. Ganev, V. P. Garistov and J. P. Draayer,
“New dynamical symmetries in the symplectic extension of the Interacting Vector Boson
Model” Annual Reports of INRNE, Sofia, 2004, p.89
14. A. Teymurazyan, A. Aprahamian and A. Georgieva
“Prediction of Nuclear Masses as a function of P and F-spin” APS Meeting Abstracts