The Odyssey
Book 1
Line #
Hints and Questions
Lines 1-25 are a prologue. The “man” referred to is Odysseus. Reading these lines of the prologue, what has Odysseus been through?
In this part of the prologue: 1. Where is our man, Odysseus? 2. Why is Odysseus stuck there?
We now shift to our story, but we’re on Mount Olympus to see what the gods are saying about Odysseus.
Where is Poseidon?
Zeus is angry at the mortals for making messes and then blaming the gods—when mortals (humans) only really have themselves to blame and the gods warn the mortals of trouble. He uses the House of Atreus and Agamemnon as examples. No question, just informing you.
Athena: What is she asking of Zeus?
Infer: Why is it convenient that Poseidon is not on Mount Olympus at this time?
Zeus: How does he feel about Odysseus? What reason does he give for Poseidon’s anger against Odysseus?
Athena: What is she going to ask Hermes to do?
What will she do herself? And what will this do for Telemachus?
How does Athena go to see Telemachus? (Hint: Does she “dress” in a certain way?)
How does Telemachus treat the visitor? Why
What are Telemachus’s problems?
How does Athena identify herself?
Why is Athena/Mentes there?
How does Athena/Mentes describe Telemachus?
What is Telemachus’s concern?
What is Athena/Mentes’s answer to his concern?
Telemachus lists more problems. What are they? Give DETAILS.
What plan does Athena/Mentes lay out for Telemachus? Give all of the steps.
We meet Penelope. Who is she? How is she feeling and why?
What does Telemachus say to his mother?
How does Penelope feel about this?
We meet the suitors and Telemachus interacts with them. How does Telemachus act toward them? What does he say he’ll do? List everything. How do the suitors respond—Antinous and Eurymachus?
The Odyssey
Book 2
(from previous chapter) Why did Telemachus call this assembly?
Lines 96-122. Describe the trick Penelope has been playing on the suitors. What do you think about this?
Lines 123-142. Antinous is the one who tells us about the trick Penelope has been playing. After he tells that story he has demands and threats for Telemachus. What are these demands and threats?
Lines 149-154. What answer does Telemachus give to Antinous about his demands?
Lines 161-163. What prayer does Telemachus say to Zeus?
Lines 164-172. What does Zeus send to “seal his prayer”? Describe.
Lines 173-186. Who interprets Zeus’s eagles? What does he say it means?
Lines 198-215. How does Eurymachus, one of the suitors, respond to the interpreter? What do you think about Eurymachus?
Lines 216-230. Eurymachus continues to speak and gives “advice” to Telemachus. What is this advice?
Lines 231-248. How does Telemachus respond to this advice?
Lines 250-271. Mentor steps forward and talks to the people of Ithaca. Who is Mentor? What does he have to say about the people of Ithaca? Why do you think he said this?
Lines 422-442. What specifically does Athena (“Pallas”) do to help Telemachus after the assembly?
The Odyssey
Book 3
Answer the following questions with each assigned reading.
Page 108. How does Telemachus feel about talking to King Nestor? Why do you think he feels that way?
Page 108. Who helps Telemachus to be able to talk to King Nestor? What does this character do to help?
Page 108. How does King Nestor greet Telemachus?
Page 111. What does King Nestor have to say about Odysseus? Looking for at least two things about
Page 111. What does King Nestor have to say about Telemachus in relation to Odysseus?
Page 122. Telemachus must now leave for Sparta to visit Menelaus and find out more about his father.
How is he going to get there (what mode of transportation)? Why do they have to use this mode of transportation (as opposed to a ship)? Who will go with Telemachus? Why do you think he is going with Telemachus? List as many reasons as you think appropriate.
Page 118. What does Athena do in front of everyone in Pylos? Why do you think she does this?
The Odyssey
Book 4
Part One
Page 124. What is going on at King Menelaus’s house in Sparta?
Page 125. How does King Menelaus greet Telemachus and Pisistratus? What do you think about this?
Page 129. Who tells the king who Telemachus is? What do you think about this?
What does King Menelaus have to say about Odysseus? Looking for at least two things about Odysseus
(there are two stories pages 132-133).
Page 143. How does Telemachus show he’s becoming a leader / man when he speaks to Menelaus?
Page 143. What does King Menelaus have to say about Telemachus in relation to Odysseus?
Part Two – pp 144 - 151
Explain the Mentor controversy (remember Athena’s disguise).
What are the suitors planning for Telemachus’s return?
Why is Penelope so upset?
How does Athena help Penelope, and what does Athena say to Penelope?
The Odyssey
Book 5
NOTE: The story of Telemachus stops and will restart in chapter 14. We are now on the island of Ogygia,
Calypso’s island, with Odysseus.
Page 152. Who is holding Odysseus captive on the island?
Page 153. Which god asks for Odysseus’s release? Whom does he ask? What fate does this messenger god say is in store for Odysseus?
Page 153. What does Zeus do to help release Odysseus?
Page 155. What does Hermes (“god of the golden wand”) do in this chapter?
Page 156. Calypso complains to Hermes about other gods having affairs. What is her real complaint, here? (you’ll need to read carefully)
Page 156. Why is Calypso holding Odysseus captive?
Page 157. What is the plan Calypso gives to Odysseus to go home?
Page 157. What does Odysseus think of her and her plan at first?
Page 158-159. What does Calypso offer to Odysseus to entice him to stay?
What do you think about Odysseus in turning down Calypso’s offer?
Page 160. How long does it take Odysseus to build his raft?
Page 161. How long is Odysseus on the open sea on his raft before a certain god notices?
Page 161. Which major god notices Odysseus on the sea and what does this god do?
Page 162. Which god (a minor god) comes in to help Odysseus and what does she do?
Page 163. Does Odysseus follow this god’s plan immediately? When does he follow the plan?
Page 165-166. How does Odysseus get to shore?
The Odyssey
Book 6
Answer the following questions with each assigned reading. The questions are in order.
Who is Nausicaa?
What does Athena send her to do and why?
While Nausicaa is playing ball with her maids, what happens (a surprise)?
How do Nausicaa’s maids respond to this surprise? How does Nausicaa respond and why does she respond this way?
What is Nausicaa’s plan for Odysseus? What help does she offer (at least three things of help)?
What does Odysseus say he’ll do when traveling to the palace? Why will he do this?
What does this chapter show about “womanhood”?
The Odyssey
Book 7
Answer the following questions with the assigned reading. The questions are in order.
Page 179-180 (bottom). How does Odysseus get to the king’s palace? In other words—who helps him and how does this entity help?
Page bottom183-184. Welcome to the land of Phaeacia and the palace of King Alcinous and Queen
Arete. How does Odysseus ask Queen Arete for help—what does he do and say?
Page 185. What does King Alcinous do for his guest once he has made his plea and sunk to his knees?
Page 185-186. What does Pontonous the seer have to say about Odysseus?
Page 186. What is Odysseus’s response to what Pontonous said about him? What does Odysseus ask and how does he ask it?
Page 189. How does King Alcinous respond to his daughter, Princess Nausicaa, not having brought
Odysseus to the palace herself?
Page 189. What does Odysseus say in response to what King Alcinous thinks happened?
Page 189. What does King Alcinous say about Odysseus when he hears the truth? What does he offer
Odysseus? What do you think about this offer ?
The Odyssey
Book 8
Chapter 8
For All students :
Create and answer at least 5 questions which ask students to understand highlights of this chapter.
Remember, answer your own questions.
These questions and answers will be collected and graded as a quiz.
You pick the highlights—so these will depend on your interests. You may create more questions if you find more interesting things about the chapters. Some questions will be shared with the class anonymously, and we will answer them as a class.
This will be graded—an equal amount for each good question and answer.
Good questions are open-ended questions—questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no.
Good questions ask for more than just a name for the answer.
Good questions will ask about what someone’s personality is like, what happened during a certain event, why a certain event took place, what someone is saying when they say (and then give the quote), etc.
Good questions test skills in reading and understanding (comprehension).
Check list :
___ 5 Good questions
___ 5 Good answers – one answer for each question I created
The Odyssey
Book 9
Odysseus begins to tell his story from the time he left Troy (“Illium”) at the end of the Trojan War, and he will continue through chapter 13 with his story.
First stop: Ismarus and the Cicones (bottom 212-213 middle) a.
Give a play by play account of what happens here: b.
What life lesson can we infer from what happens?
Second stop: Land of the Lotus Eaters (214-main paragraph—they had been at sea 9 rough days) a.
Summarize what happens here: b.
What life lesson can we infer from what happens?
Third stop: Land of the Cyclops (215 “Now”- 229) a.
Why do Odysseus and his men go into the Cyclops’s cave? What do they do in there? b.
How does Polyphemus feel about his “guests”? What does he do? c.
How do Odysseus and his men escape from the cave? What does Odysseus say his name is?
Why does he do this? (infer) d.
What does Polyphemus cry out to his brothers after Odysseus wounds him? What do his brothers do and why? e.
Odysseus back on the ship, Polyphemus and Odysseus have a brief exchange. What do you think Odysseus said that brings his and his crew’s downfall (almost literally)? f.
To whom does Polyphemus cry out now? Why does he cry out to him? What does this “person” do? g.
What life lesson can we infer from this event?
The Odyssey
Book 10
Odysseus continues to tell his story to the Phaeacians.
First stop: Aeolian island with Aeolus (230-233) a.
What does Aeolus give to Odysseus? b.
What do the men do with Odysseus’s gift and why? Where is Odysseus at this time? c.
What happens to them once the men mess with Odysseus’s gift? d.
Does Aeolus help them again? Why/why not? e.
What life lesson can we infer from what happens?
Second stop: Land of the Laestragonians (p.233-234) a.
A small scout party is sent to search this land. They meet a normal enough looking young woman and ask her to see the king. She points them in the palace’s direction and the scout party goes there. They meet the royalty there—what are they like and what do they do? b.
What do the Laestragonians do as Odysseus and his men begin to leave?
Third stop: Aeaea and Circe a.
Why are the men crying when they are sent off on their scout mission? (p.234) b.
What happens to the men when the go into Circe’s home? Who escapes and why does he escape? (p.237) c.
Odysseus decides to go get his men. How will he survive Circe’s witchcraft? (hint: he has help—who is it and what does he do? p.239) d.
How long do the men stay in Aeaea after Circe is “tamed”? Who mentions going home? (p.245) e.
Where must Odysseus go now before he goes home? (p245-247) f.
What happens to Elpenor and why? (p.247)
The Odyssey
Book 11
Welcome to the Land of the Dead, the underworld, the home of Hades. Odysseus, remember, was instructed to come here by Circe, perform a ritual sacrifice and listen to Tiresias before the other “shades”.
Who is the first dead person to speak to Odysseus and what does he want? (p. 251)
What are the instructions Tiresias gives? (p. 252 ln 100 – p. 254 top)
Why is Odysseus’s mother (Anticlia) in Hades? (p. 254). What does she tell Odysseus? (p. 255 ln 206 on)
What happened to Agamemnon when he returned home? How does Agamemnon feel about women? (p.
What does Achilles want to know from Odysseus? (p. 264 bottom – 265 ln 570)
How does Ajax respond to Odysseus and why? (p. 267 ln 620-630)
How is Heracles (Hercules) in Hades? Why do you think he meets with Odysseus? (p. 269 ln 690 – p.
Yes, there are lots of other shades who wish to speak with Odysseus. What does Odysseus do when the shades keep coming…?
The Odyssey
Book 12
Odysseus is in the homestretch, now. This is an action packed chapter, much like a fireworks finale.
Odysseus goes back to Aeaea from his trip to the underworld. a.
What is the first thing he does when he returns to Aeaea? (p. 271 ln 8-15 on the next page) b.
What does this say about the dead in ancient Greek culture?
Odysseus and his crew are off—on their final leg home. a.
How do they get by the Sirens? What does the crew do for Odysseus during this episode?
(p. 276 ln 180- p. 277 ln 210) b.
What does this say about his crew?
Why do they steer clear of the Clashing Rocks? (p. 273 ln 61-80)
Why does Odysseus choose to go by Scylla rather than Charybis? (p. 273 ln 81-136; p. 278 ln 241-p.
279—this shows what happens; infer why)
They land on Thrinacia—the Island of the Sungod, Helios. a.
What are they not supposed to do? (you already know) b.
What does the crew end up doing (you already know) and why? (p. 281) c.
Where is Odysseus when his crew does what they do? (p. 282) d.
What lesson can we learn here? e.
Shouldn’t Odysseus have been able to trust his crew? (think of earlier episode in this chapter)
What happens when Odysseus and his crew try to leave and go home? (p. 283 ln 435)
Give a play by play of what happens to the crew and where Odysseus ends up. (p. 283-285)
Where is Odysseus really? (you already know)
The Odyssey
Book 13
Home. Home on the…jagged, cliff-filled island of Ithaca.
How does Odysseus finally get home? (p. 289 lns 89-106)
What happens to the Phaeacians as they enter their own shores? Who is responsible? (p. 290 – 291)
Why do the Phaeacians think this has happened, what do they think will happen and what do they do to try to prevent it? (p. 292 lns 193-212)
Who greets Odysseus when he wakes up on shore? (p. 293 ln 252) a.
How does she feel about Odysseus and why? (p. 295 ln 325-339)
Does Athena reveal herself? What must Odysseus go through now? (p. 296 ln 340-353) Why do you think Odysseus must go through this?
What does Athena do for Odysseus (2 things) and why must he go to the swineherd? (p. 299 lns 448-
The Odyssey
Books 14, 15 & 16
Ch. 14 – Odysseus stays with the swineherd. They talk and talk and talk and talk…
Ch. 15 – Telemachus on his way home
What does Menelaus say about keeping guests or letting them go? What does this say about ancient
Greek culture? (p.321 lns 73-81)
Helen interprets the eagle with the goose in its talons that flies overhead as Telemachus is getting ready to leave. What is the interpretation? (p. 324 ln 179-199)
Why does Telemachus take the route he does on the ocean to get home? (p. 319–320 ln 10-43)
Why does Telemachus decide to go see Eumaeus first when he lands in Ithaca? (p. 320 ln 43-48)
What does Telemachus think of Pisistratus? (p. 325 ln 216-221)
Who is Theoclymenus? (p. 326-327 ln 286-311)
What does Theoclymenus say about the hawk with the dove in its talons that flew over them on the right? (p. 336 ln 588-597)
Ch. 16 – Father and Son together at last
How does Emaeus greet Telemachus? (p. 338 lns 12-20)
What is the family line of Odysseus’s house? (p. 342 ln 131-135)
How does the son know the father? (p. 344 ln 209-247)
What is their plan together? (p. 347 ln 298-341)
What is the suitors’ plan for Telemachus, now? Whose idea is this? What do we think about him? (p.
350 ln 401-413)
What does Amphinomus (another suitor—the one Penelope favors if she has to marry) say about the plan? (p. 350 ln 435-449)
Who tells Penelope about the suitors’ plan? What does Penelope say to Antinous? What do we think about Antinous now? (p. 351 ln 453-480)
How does Eurymachus respond to Penelope? What do we think about Eurymachus? (p. 352 ln 481-496)
The Odyssey
Books 17 & 18
Book 17 – Stranger at the Gates. Odysseus, disguised as the old beggar, walks with Eumaeus to the palace as planned by Odysseus and Telemachus in the previous chapter.
On the way, what does the goatherd Melanthius say and/or do to Odysseus (who is disguised as a beggar)? (p. 361 lns 222-250)
How does Odysseus respond and why do you think he responds this way? (p. 361 lns 251 on)
Whom do we meet on page 363 ln 317-360? What happens to him and why do you think this happens?
In the palace, Odysseus begs for food. Do the suitors give him any? Who does not? (p. 366 lns 396-
What does Antinous say and do to Odysseus? (p. 368 lns 492-509)
How does Odysseus respond to Antinous and why do you think he responds this way? (lns 510-514)
Read the bottom of 371-middle of 372 for the prayer and omen. What is this omen made of (is it birds or something else)? What does this omen mean and why? What do you think about this kind of omen?
Book 18 – The Beggar-King of Ithaca
Another beggar comes into the palace. What is his name? (lns 1-9)
Why is the boxing match planned between this new beggar and Odysseus (as a beggar)? (lns 10-57)
What does Athena do for Odysseus before he fights? (lns 76-81)
Who wins the fight and how? Why doesn’t Odysseus kill Irus? (p. 378 lns 102-120)
From whom does Odysseus now have respect? (lns 128-131)
p. 386 We meet Melantho. Who is she and what does she do?
pp. 387-388 What transpires between Odysseus and Eurymachus? How does this end?
The Odyssey
Books 19, 20 & 21
Book 19 – Penelope and her Guest.
At the beginning of this chapter, the suitors go home for the evening. What does Odysseus instruct
Telemachus to do? Why does Odysseus have Telemachus do this?
No need to read this part of the book to answer this question. Penelope talks with this old beggar in her palace. He gives her details about Odysseus (right down to the clothes he was wearing when he left for
Troy), telling her he knew Odysseus and befriended him, and then tells her that Odysseus will come home soon. Penelope, however, doesn’t believe Odysseus will come home. In spite of Penelope’s despair, Odysseus remains disguised as the old beggar.
What do you think was going through Odysseus’s mind as he told Penelope all those details about
Odysseus and then heard her say she doesn’t believe he’ll come home?
p 403 ln 444 – 405 ln 530. Eurycleia is assigned to bathe the old beggar. As she is washing his feet, she notices something and then realizes something. What does she notice and what does she realize?
p 407 ln 603 – 408 ln 629. What is Penelope’s dream and what does it mean?
Read pp 408 ln 641 – 409 ln 655. What does Penelope plan for the suitors for the next day and why?
Book 20 – Portents Gather – this chapter is about two omens coming together as a sign for Odysseus in his moment of despair when he overhears Penelope, his wife, asking the gods to end her life. If you choose to do your essay about omens, this chapter can help. This is also a moving moment of a husband and wife.
Book 21 – Odysseus Strings his Bow
p. 427 ln 112-115 What does fate have in store for Antinous and why?
p. 428 ln 134-148 Telemachus tries to string the bow three times. Notice the book tells us that on the fourth try, he would have strung the bow (he would have been successful), but what stops Telemachus?
Why do you think this happens?
Antinous and Eurymachus attempt to string the bow. What is the outcome? How does each respond to his failure? (Antinous p429 top – ln 185 & p432 ln 286-299; Eurymachus p 432 ln 273-285)
p430 ln 214- p431 ln 265 What happens between Odysseus, Philoteus (the cowherd) and Eumaeus (the swineherd) and why?
What happens at the very end of the chapter with Odysseus?
The Odyssey
Books 22, 23 & 24
Book 22 – Slaughter in the Hall
You could probably tell by the title that this is the chapter where all the suitors and disloyal workers get their comeuppance. You do not need to read the gory parts of this chapter. I do need to tell you the following so the end of the book makes a little more sense. Antinous is the first to go—Odysseus shoots an arrow through his neck. Eurymachus is killed next; the rest of the suitors, and finally those traitors Melanthius and Melantho are hanged.
Read p449 ln345 - p451 ln408. Which people are spared and why are they spared? Think beyond what’s written.
Book 23 – The Great Rooted Bed
Read pp 457 ln 64-458 ln95. Does Penelope believe her nurse Eurycleia that the old beggar is
Odysseus? Why not?
Read p461 ln193-ln202 when Penelope is talking to Odysseus. What does she ask Eurycleia to do?
Read ln203-ln229 (p462). How does Odysseus respond to Penelope’s request of Eurycleia?
Read ln230-ln261. Why did Penelope make this request about the bed? Explain how this scene ends.
Book 24 – Peace – Odysseus and Telemachus go to reunite with Odysseus’s father Laertes.
Read p474 ln226 – p478 ln365. What does Odysseus decide to do to his father before he reveals himself? How does Laertes respond? What do you think about what Odysseus did?
Read p478 ln366 – p479 ln388. How does Odysseus prove himself?
p. 481 ln 457-top 482. Who leads the revenge on Odysseus? Give his name and his relation.
p. 482. Which two people try to talk them out of revenge and how do they try?
p. 483. What conversation transpires between Odysseus and Telemachus? What do you make of this?
p. 483. What happens to the man leading the revenge? Make some connections with all the killing
(look at the summary for chapter 22 at the top of this page)…
p. 484. An all out war almost starts. Who stops it and how does she stop it? What do you think about this?