Keuka College Bachelor of Science in Management Syllabus INS 301J Leadership Professor: Dr. Chris R. Crumley Spring Semester 2015 Yunnan University of Finance and Economics (YUFE) Keuka College INS 301J Leadership 1 Professor: Dr. Chris R. Crumley E-Mail Address: Instructor Availability/Office Hours: You will be able to speak with the instructor before and following each class session. Appointments for additional meeting times may be made following each class session. Course Credits: 3 credits Course Prerequisites: Sophomore Level PROFESSOR: Dr. Chris R Crumley, Keuka College BIOGRAPHY: B.S., School of Management, George Mason University. (M.S.A.), School of Government & Business Administration, George Washington University. Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.), H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship, Nova Southeastern University, More than 25 years experience in Financial Management, Budgeting, Accounting and Contract Administration COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will examine the elements of effective leadership. Among key topics of exploration are definition, roles and responsibilities, role models, skills and attitudes, leadership development, change making, ethical issues, and principle-based leadership. The two primary goals are for students to have an intellectual understanding of leadership and a working model for their own continued lifelong development. TEXTBOOK Leadership: Theory and Practice, 6th edition By Peter G. Northouse, Abridged English reprint version, 2014 China Renmin University Press. ISBN: 978-7-300-18306-0 COURSE RESOURCES Textbook Student Resources for Leadership: Theory and Practice 6e Introduction to the library for international students: Business and Management library guides: 2 American Rhetoric. Martin Luther King Speech: I Have a Dream. Barack Obama’s 2008 Victory Speech. Critical Thinking, Mind Tools, STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs) INS 301J Leadership By the end of the course students will 1. Define Leadership and describe its differences from management How assessed? Written Assignment Appendix C 2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of leaders 3. Describe different styles of leadership and explain when to use them Read & Study 4. Describe how to build constructive change in an organization or a community Written assignment 5. Compare Western leadership and Chinese leadership styles and examine some differences. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Chapters 1-10 Written Assignment Appendix C Team Project Team Project The following are the requirements for this course: Therefore, specifically for INS 301J, students must: 1. Define Leadership and describe its differences from management. What will you use as evidence that they can do this? (quizzes, exams, other?) 2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of leaders. What will you use as evidence that they can do this? (Presentations of cases-oral or written, surveys, summaries, quizzes, exams, other?) 3. Describe different styles of leadership and explain when to use them. What will you use as evidence that they can do this? (team projects, short papers, quizzes, exams, other?) 4. Describe how to build constructive change in an organization or a community. What will you use as evidence that they can do this? (conduct surveys or interviews, summarize readings, team projects, oral presentations of news articles, other?) 3 5. Compare Western leadership and Chinese leadership styles and examine some differences. What will you use as evidence that they can do this? (team projects, case analysis questions from textbook, quizzes, other?) Three Written Essay (60%): The three Essays will cover lessons in the textbook and class lectures. The instructor, in advance of the assignments, will provide a review of topics. The three written essays will assess concepts, theories and cases with the following SLOs: 1. Define Leadership and describe its differences from management 2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of leaders 3. Describe different styles of leadership and explain when to use them 4. Compare Western leadership and Chinese leadership styles and examine some differences Team Project: (30%): Students will choose their teams at the beginning of the term. The team will work together on a project, designed to challenge and improve your leadership and teamwork skills as well as make a contribution to your school or surrounding community. More details about the group project will be provided in a hand-out and will address the following SLO: 1. Students will learn how to bring about constructive change in organizations and in communities by first developing their own effective team organization, then working with other organizations to bring about constructive change in communities. 2. In addition, through participation and action in carrying out a project, students will be able to practice and improve their leadership and team skills, thus better learning about the roles and responsibilities of leaders. 3. The team project will also help students learn the differences between leadership and management: on the one hand, they will select leaders; they must develop a vision and mission for their project, and engage in energizing team-building activities (all aspects of leadership); on the other hand, they will learn how to make a plan, delegate work, manage resources (time and money) and solve conflicts (all aspects of management). Class Participation & Attendance (10%): Students receive, if earned, 5% for class participation, and 5% for attendance (see below for attendance rubric). WEIGHTING OF ASSIGNMENTS POINT VALUE Written Papers Assignments (3) SEE ATTACHMENT Appendix C 60% Class Participation & Attendance (5%: class participation/5%: attendance) 10% Team Project (Difference between Western & Chinese Leadership Styles) 30% Outline of the Course: All schedules in this syllabus are tentative and subject to change Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1- Knowledge 2- Comprehension 3- Application 4- Analysis 5- Synthesis 6- Evaluation 4 Session 1 Topic Introductions; review syllabus; expectations and responsibilities; first leadership essay writing assignment Power and Leadership Defined Leadership Defined Session 2 SLO: 4 Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3 Great Man Theory Essence of Leadership Emotional Intelligence In-Class Activity Lecture: Course overview, class policies, and requirements; overview of Basic Level APA Guidelines 6th edition to avoid plagiarism. Reading/Homework Reading Textbook and additional website resources. Review entire Syllabus and course expectations. Introductory writing task(individual): “Introduce yourself” Lecture: Concept and Definition of Critical Thinking Task: Write 2 questions you have after today’s lecture. "What is a Leader? Discuss Leadership Presentations Read: Critical Thinking Community, our-concept-and-definition-of-critica thinking/411 Leadership - Pictures INS301JLeadership-skills,Read Chapter 1 in Textbook, 3 Essays Team Project, "Comparison of Leadership Styles between Chinese & Western Countries, Students Choose Teams with 6-7 members, Ch1 "What is a Leader? The Great Man Theory Session 3 SLO: 5 Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3 Session 4 SLO: Trait Approach What Are Leadership Qualities? A Born Leader? Three Traits Every Successful Leader Must Have Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) Lecture: Trait Approach Assign students to teams of 6 or 7 for Team Project. Brainstorming task : Teams and class: List words that are related to leadership in China and the West。 Write on the board,. Read: “Creative Tools e/newCT_00.htm Team Project Theme: What is the difference between Western Leadership Styles and Chinese Leadership Styles? Read Chapter 2 in Textbook Trait ApproachTask: Lecture Read Chapter 2 in Textbook Session 5 SLO : 4 Skills Approach Skills Inventory Bloom’s Lecture: Differentiating Between Management Skills and Leadership Skills Our Perceptions of 5 Read Chapter 3 in Textbook Level: 1, 2, 3, 4 Technical Skills Human Skills Conceptual Skills Leadership Session 6 SLO: Skills Approach Skills Model – Individual Attributes, Competencies, Leadership Outcomes Lecture: Team task: Develop a process schedule of responsibilities for your Team Project including Written Paper, Preparation of PPT Slides and Oral Presentation. Lecture The Personality Matrix : Direct, Spirited, Systematic, Considerate The Platinum Rule Session 7 SLO: 2 Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3, 4 Session 8 SLO: 2 Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3, 4 Style Approach How Your Personality Style Affects Your Ability to Lead – Behavior Transformational Leadership Blake & Mouton Leadership Grid Style Approach Task/Relationships Style Questionnaire Team task: Draft outline of Team Project - Written Paper PPT Slides & Oral Presentation Lecture on speeches: Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have a Dream” Barack Obama, Election Victory Speech Team task: Discuss and comment on speeches Session 9 SLO: 2 Situational Approach Paul Hersey & Ken Blanchard – 4 Leadership Styles – Delegating, Supporting, Coaching, Directing Charisma Vision Read Chapter 3 in Textbook Read Chapter 4 in Textbook Style Approach: Shared Vision, Leadership, Personalities, Autocratic, Democratic, Bureaucratic, Charismatic Leadership Think-Pair-Share task: How are Chinese and US similar or different in terms of leadership and personality? Read Chapter 5 in Textbook Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 6 Session 10 SLO: 1 Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3, 4, Session 11 SLO: 1 Situational Approach Contingency Approach Leader-Member Relations (LPC) Session 12 Path-Goal Approach SLO: 3 Directive, Supportive, Participative, Achievement & Bloom’s Employees Level: Characteristics 1, 2, 3, 4 Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire Session 13 Leader-Member SLO: 3 Exchange Approach Dyadic Relationship both content and Bloom’s process Level: In-group, out-group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, LMX Theory 6 Session 14 Transformational SLO: 2 Leadership Approach 1. Charismatic or Idealized Lecture: Read Chapter 5 in Textbook Team or individual task: Write 10 questions and answers about the Term Project Read Chapter 6 in Textbook Lecture Read Chapter 7 in Textbook Lecture: Read Chapter 8 in Textbook- Lecture: Read Chapter 9 n Textbook 7 Influence 2. Inspirational Motivation 3. Intellectual Stimulation 4. Individualized Consideration Session 15 SLO: 2 Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Session 16 SLO: 2 Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Session 17 SLO: 5 Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Session 18 Transformational Leadership Approach Read Chapter 9 in Textbook Team task: Prepare and Transactional hand in draft of Written Leadership Project, Prepare Power 5. Contingent Point Slides Reward 6. MBE 7. Laissez-Faire Charismatic Leaders, Personality Behaviors shared vision Authentic Leadership Approach 5 Characteristics Lecture: Team task: Prepare and hand in a draft of your Oral Presentation for the Team Project Read Chapter 10 in Textbook Presentations Team Presentations: What is the difference between Western Leadership Styles and Chinese Leadership Styles? Team Presentations Team Presentations: What is the difference between Western Leadership Styles and Chinese Leadership Styles? Team Presentations Team Presentations: What is the difference between Western Leadership Styles and Chinese Leadership Styles? Team Presentations Team Presentations: What is the difference between Western Leadership Styles and Chinese Leadership Styles? Team Presentations Difference between Western & Chinese Leadership Styles Presentations Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Session 19 Difference between Western & Chinese Leadership Styles Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Session 20 Difference between Western & Chinese Leadership Styles Bloom’s Level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Lecture: Presentations Presentations Difference between Western & Chinese Leadership Styles 8 Grading Guidelines for Transfer Credit (International Programs) The chart below depicts how course points will equate to grades. KEUKA COLLEGE COURSE GRADING POLICY QUALITY POINTS POINTS 4.00 93-100 A- 3.67 90 - 92 B+ 3.33 87 - 89 3.00 83 - 86 B- 2.67 80 - 82 C+ 2.33 77 - 79 2.00 73 - 76 C- 1.67 70 - 72 D+ 1.33 67 - 69 1.00 63 - 66 0.67 60 - 62 0 0-59 A B C D SUPERIOR COMMENDABLE SATISFACTORY DEFICIENT DF FAILING Outstanding work not completed in 30 days will result in a grade of “F.” Please note: You must have a grade-point average (GPA) of 2.0 in order to graduate from Keuka College. If you do not have a GPA of 2.0 you will not get a Keuka degree. Expectations English Language Skills This course and the Business Management degree program are focused on increasing English proficiency as well as business management skills. Students need to demonstrate strong English language skills to succeed in this course, it is suggested that students read any assigned readings carefully prior to class discussions. Here is one method: 1. First, print out the readings so there is a copy of the reading to work with. 2. Then, using a dictionary, look up and write out (on the copy) the Chinese definitions of key words in the assignment. 3. Work through the assignment before class, so there is a general understanding of what the reading is about. 9 4. Ask the instructor about phrases or statements in the assignment that still are difficult to understand. 5. Write down what the instructor says about the reading assignment on the sides, bottom, or on the back of the copy of the reading assignment. This will provide a good study guide for any exam on this material. IT IS THE STUDENT’S JOB TO ASK QUESTIONS! The instructor cannot guess what a student does not understand. The instructor expects and appreciates students’ questions. Students who ask the most questions in class often get the highest grades. COURSE ATTENDANCE and PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR: Attendance is mandatory. Being on time and prepared to do your job is a key business behavior. This is a business course and so it requires a business-like approach to attendance, fulfilling assignments, meeting deadlines, conducting respectful and professional conversations, and handing in homework. Attendance Students need to be in their seats ready to answer the roll call by the beginning of class. Each class in a business program is like a business meeting. Attendance will be taken during each session. Students who miss 4 hours of instruction in a course may have their grade lowered by one letter grade. For example, an A grade will be lowered to a B. Students who miss an additional 4 hours of instruction may have their grade lowered another full grade. For example, a B grade will be lowered to a C. Students who miss 12 or more hours of instruction will fail the course. Homework Unless otherwise noted, homework is due at the beginning of class when the instructor calls for it to be turned in. Late homework is not acceptable. The instructor may penalize late homework or may refuse to accept late assignments. Please Note: Assignments turned in after the last day of class will not be accepted without prior arrangement. Homework assignments are to be completed in your own words. (See section on “Academic Honesty” below.) Class Participation 10 The instructor expects students to focus on in-class exercises and lectures and make an effort to understand the point of the lecture or exercise. If the instructor finds students sleeping in class, chatting loudly with classmates, reading books from other classes, or spending class time to do something other than participating actively in what is planned for the class that day, the instructor may deduct points from the student’s final grade and/or expel the student from the class. Academic Honesty Academic honesty is very important to Keuka College. All written work must meet the standards of work for students at Keuka College, set by the faculty. Plagiarism (the use of another’s material without citation or reference) will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or copying parts of other’s assignments will result in a ‘0’ grade for that assignment for all parties involved. That means both the person who copies from another student and the person who allows their work to be copied may receive a ‘0’ grade. Cheating on a final exam or final project can result in a student receiving an “F” for the course. The instructor may also officially notify the university that students were caught cheating and identify the names of the cheaters. Examples of cheating are: Having a tutor or friend complete all or a portion of an assignment Having any other person make revisions to a student’s final work Copying work submitted by another student Using information from online information services without proper citation Completing a test with answers other than the student’s own Using a cell phone to receive text answers during an exam Using a cell phone to text a friend about the questions on an exam Writing information on a desk to use in an exam Using an electronic translator to store information for an exam Bringing notes of any sort into an exam unless authorized by the instructor Attempting to buy an exam Other efforts to use other people’s work instead of one’s own work Appendix A KEUKA COLLEGE VISION STATEMENT To be renowned as a global leader in comprehensively integrating liberal arts, digital technologies, experiential learning, and professional practice. 11 KEUKA COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT To create exemplary citizens and leaders to serve the nation and the world of the 21st century. We provide a transformational liberal arts-based education, strengthened by experiential learning that challenges students to develop their intellectual curiosity and to realize, with purpose and integrity, their full personal and professional potential. STATEMENT OF PROGRAM OUTCOMES On successful completion of the B.S.M. degree a student will be able to demonstrate mastery of the following: 1. Management competencies Knowledge of the functions of accounting, marketing, finance and management in a successful organization. The ability to apply knowledge of business concepts and functions in an integrated manner. Knowledge of the legal, social and economic environment of business. Knowledge of the global environment of business. Knowledge of the ethical obligations and social responsibilities of business. The ability to work in a group. 2. Decision making competencies The ability to use decision support tools. 3. Communication competencies The ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. This course addresses program outcomes number 1 and 3 above. 12 Appendix B INS 301J Leadership Assignment Rubrics Term Project & Papers Content Assessment and Oral Presentation Rubrics Requirements of submission: Short paper assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Arial Font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Page length requirements: 4 pages See Instructor. Failure to adhere to these requirements of submission will result in the paper not being graded. Content Assessment Rubric Critical Distinguished Proficient Elements Main Includes all of the Includes most of the Elements main elements and main elements and requirements and requirements and cites cites multiple many examples to examples to illustrate each element illustrate each (20-22) element (23-25) Inquiry and Provides in-depth Provides in-depth Analysis analysis that analysis that demonstrates demonstrates complete complete understanding of understanding of multiple concepts some concepts (18-20) (16-17) Integration All of the course Most of the course and concepts are concepts are correctly Application correctly applied applied (9-10) (8) Critical & Creative Thinking Research Writing (Mechanics/ Citations) Draws insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with evidence and examples (18-20) Incorporates many scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research (14-15) No errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations (9-10) Draws informed conclusions that are justified with evidence (16-17) Incorporates some scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research (12-13) Minor errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations (8) Emerging Not Evident Includes some of the main elements and requirements Does not include any of the main elements and requirements (18-19) (0-17) Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of minimal concepts (14-15) Does not provide indepth analysis 13 25 Some of the course concepts are correctly applied (7) Draws logical conclusions, but does not defend with evidence (14-15) Does not correctly apply any of the course concepts (0-6) 10 Does not draw logical conclusions 20 Incorporates very few scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research (11) Some errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations (7) Does not incorporate scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research 20 (0-13) (0-13) (0-10) Major errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations (0-6) Earned Total: Comments: Value 15 10 100% Oral Presentation Assessment Rubric Critical Elements Distinguished Proficient Emerging Organizatio n Clear and consistent organization, communicate d to audience. Presentation flow is clear and communicat ed to audience. Some sections are clear No clear organization (18-19) (0-17) Audience may have some trouble understanding some presenters due to pronunciation, rhythm and stress, grammar, or other factors. Audience has trouble hearing or understanding presenters due to unclear pronunciation, lack of emphasis of key points, grammar or other factors. (14-15) (0-13) Each group member presents. May read from notes or refer briefly to text. Presenters look at the audience and delivery is loud and clear enough for audience to hear. (7) Not all group members participate in presenting. Presentation is not succinct, clearly organized and spoken loudly and clearly. Poor answers to audience questions. (0-6) Language Flow is smooth between intro, body and conclusion that recaps message. (23-25) Presenters have good accuracy and fluency. Key points emphasized. Volume adequate. Some speakers may interact with audience with humor or other verbal techniques Not Evident Value 15 (20-22) Most presenters have comprehensible pronunciation, rhythm and stress. Sentences are clear and simple. Key points repeated or emphasized. (16-17) 20 (18-20) Delivery Each group member presents with equal professional skill. Presentation is clear, thorough, and wellrehearsed. Each group member presents. Most are comprehensible, thorough and clear. Most presenters engage the audience and field questions. One presenter may be dominant. (8) 14 10 Presenters engage audience and respond to questions. (9-10) Supporting materials Content better than expected. A variety of supporting materials explanations , examples, illustrations, statistics, quotations) ( Central message give information or analysis that significantly supports the presentation. (18-20) Central message is compelling (precisely stated, appropriately repeated, memorable, and strongly supported.) (14-15) Good content. Supporting materials make appropriate reference to information or analysis that generally supports each section of the presentation. Sources are cited. (16-17) Central message is clear and consistent with the supporting material. (12-13) Content is adequate. Supporting materials give information or analysis that supports the presentation. Gaps may remainnot every section of the presentation has enough support. Sources are cited. (14-15) Content is lacking. Insufficient supporting materials. Materials may be used without citing sources. Information or analysis minimally supports the presentation. Central message is basically understandable but is not often repeated and is not memorable. (11) Central message can be deduced, but is not explicitly stated in the presentation. 20 (0-13) 35 (0-10) Comments: 100% Appendix C Requirements of submission: Essay papers must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Page length requirements: See Instructor. Failure to adhere to these requirements of submission will result in the paper not being graded. 15 Homework Written Assignments Three Written Essays (60%): Requirements of submission: Each Essay paper must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Arial font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Page length requirements: 4 pages maximum. See Instructor. Failure to adhere to these requirements of submission will result in the paper not being graded. FRONT PAGE QUESTION # 3 Dr. Chris R. Crumley INS301 Leadership Fall, 2014 Your Name in Pinyin 2ndPage QUESTION : #2 Write a four page essay in which you discuss the skills approach to leadership. Begin Essay # 1 Write a four page essay in which you explain what does it mean to be a leader? 16 Why is leadership important and explain the following components of leadership: process, influence, group context, and goal attainment. What is the difference between assigned and emergent leaders? Discuss the Trait versus Process Leadership and include the five basis of power. Also, provide examples of a leader or leaders that have used each of these forms of power. Define power as it is explained in the text, and then distinguish between position power and personal power. Next, define coercion as a specific type of power. What is your opinion on the difference between Leadership and Management? Can someone be both a leader and a manager? Essay # 2 Write a four page essay in which you discuss leadership in terms of traits and characteristics of leaders. Discuss the importance of the following traits associated with leaders: intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability. What are the “Big Five” personality factors? How do they affect leadership abilities and capabilities? Which factors are most strongly associated with leadership? Discuss which of these personality traits you believe are most important and provide examples of how they benefit in a leadership context. What is emotional intelligence? What impact do you think it has on people being successful? Provide examples of its impact on leaders? What is your opinion on how the trait approach works? Why do people’s perceptions of leaders matter? Essay # 3 Write a four page essay in which you discuss the skills approach to leadership. What are the three basic personal skills and explain each element presented in the textbook? How might the skills approach be used for personal awareness and development of leaders? Your answer should include examples of specific leaders that use these individual skills? How do leaders and managers differ in problem-solving skills? Why are social judgment skills and knowledge important competencies in problem solving? In your opinion, what are the most important items in the Skills Inventory Questionnaire on page 68 in the textbook? What are the individual leadership competencies? Does this mean that one or two of the skills are stronger than others? When, where, why and how do these different skills work? 17 Essay # 4 Write a four page essay in which you discuss the style approach to leadership. Explain the style approach and two general kinds of behaviors. What is the purpose of the style approach? Summarize the results of the Ohio State and Michigan studies. How were the findings similar and different? What were the findings in the two studies? Compare and contrast Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid theory to the Ohio State and Michigan studies. Study the managerial (leadership) grid and explain the five major styles. Discuss each of these styles and explain when, where and how each of these styles work? How should leaders attempt to balance their task and relationship behaviors? Is the “Impoverished management” style ever appropriate or desirable for an organization? Explain the Paternalism/Maternalism style and explain the behaviors associated with this style. Provide examples of leaders today who use this style? When, where, why and how does this style work? Who is the best leaders and worst leaders you know? How much has the style approach account for the differences between these leaders? Essay # 5 Write a four page essay in which you discuss the Situational Approach to leadership. What are Blanchard’s four leadership styles depending on the followers? Explain and provide examples of behaviors corresponding with the different styles. What are the characteristics of the four categories of directive and supportive behaviors? What are the characteristics of the four levels by which employee development can be classified? What outside influences might affect followers’ commitment or competence? Does a leader’s motivation for adapting his or her leadership style have any effect on followers? In other words, would a leader with a high concern for task differ from a leader with a high concern for relationships? If a leader uses a different style of leadership with each of his followers, how might that lead to perceptions of favoritism? How could a leader avoid this impression while still being adaptable to follower needs? Explain why it could be difficult for some leaders to exhibit Style 4 Leadership. How could the situational approach be affected by the number of followers in the organization of the leader? Essay # 6 Write a four page essay in which you discuss the Contingency Theory. 18 What is the Fiedler’s Contingency theory? Explain the development of the theory and how styles and situations impact leadership. Describe the task motivated and relational motivated style. Is the Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) scale an accurate measure of one’s task and relationship motivations? Why or why not? What are the three factors that need to be assessed when characterizing a leadership situation? Explain each of the three factors and how they are related to the idea of “favorableness” of situations. How is the favorableness of a situation related to leader effectiveness? Explain how the Contingency Model depicted in Figure 6.1 works. What should organizations do when there is a mismatch between the leader and the situation in the workplace? How does position power in the contingency model agree with R. J. French and B. Raven’s five power bases (see Chapter 1Introduction page 10)? How is high task structure and high position power a leadership situation rather than a management situation? Essay # 7 Write a four page essay in which you explain the PathGoal Theory. What is the underlying assumption of this theory? What is the path-goal theory designed to explain? Discuss each of the four leader behaviors associated in path-goal theory. Explain each style. Can leaders exhibit more than one style? Identify several ways in which subordinate and task characteristics might determine which style of leadership is most appropriate. Identify the subordinate characteristics that influence how workers interpret a leader’s behavior. How does each subordinate characteristic affect that interpretation? Identify the task characteristics that influence how workers interpret a leader’s behavior. How does each task characteristic affect how the leader’s behavior influences motivation? Is path-goal theory useful for deciding how to teach a college class? How is an academic classroom different from a work environment? How would you assess the subordinate characteristics and task characteristics of your class? What is the role of a subordinate in pathgoal theory? Essay # 8 Write a four page essay in which you explain the LeaderMember-Exchange Theory 19 Explain LMX theory, including the following concepts: vertical dyads, ingroup and out-group, personality and subordinate initiative as predictors of group status. Contrast the experiences of in-group and out-group members. Do you know groups that fit these descriptions in an organization? Provide specific examples to support your observations. What are the specific benefits of high quality leader-member relationships for leaders? Explain the concept of leadership making and characterize its three phases. What is the relationship between LMX and employee empowerment? Explain differences in goal accomplishment using in-groups as compared to out-groups. In your opinion, what is the relationship between LMX and employee effort and creativity? What do Graen and Uhl-Bien suggest for the development of leaders in three phases? Essay # 9 Write a four page essay in which you explain the Transformational Leadership. Explain the concept of transformational leadership. Why is this leadership style important to leadership research? Distinguish between transactional and transformational leadership. Describe pseudotransformational leadership. Provide two examples of leaders that represent this leadership style. Explain the difference between personalized leadership and socialized leadership. What is charisma and identify five types of behaviors exhibited by charismatic leaders. Discuss world leaders, past or present who would be considered transformational leaders. Identify and explain four of Bass’ factors associated with transformational leadership. Provide examples from your own experiences or knowledge that use two of these factors. Contrast the expectations of transactional and transformational leaders. Explain four common transformational leadership strategies identified by Bennis and Nanus. Also, discuss Kouzes and Posner’s five practices that enable leaders to attain extraordinary accomplishments. Essay # 10 Write a four page essay in which you explain the Authentic Leadership. 20