The process essay explains how to do something or how something

AP Composition
Fall 2014
Process Essay
The process essay explains how to do something or how something occurs. It presents a sequence of steps and
shows how these steps lead to a particular result. Depending upon its purpose, a process essay can be either a set
of instructions or a process analysis. Instructions enable readers to perform a process; process analysis helps
readers understand how the process is carried out by identifying component steps that lead to a desired result.
 Recipes
 Handout on how to use a library database
 DVD operating manual
Process Analysis
 How paper is made
 How to succeed in America
 How to tell a joke
 How to be humane
Effective, engaging process analyses move beyond objective instructions and provide or embed within the
instructions reflection on the purpose or meaning of the process. Thus, a process analysis can be used to explain
what unifies a group of people (Explain how a ritual is performed in a community of which you are a part), to
persuade (“The process of harvesting frog legs for restaurants is inhumane and sadistic”), or explain the meanings
and implications of a process or system as a reflection on a way of life or a philosophical outlook (write about how
a process you know well, such a planting a garden, embodies your idea of how to live life).
Readings (all are in The Writer’s Presence): ALL ESSAYS WILL BE READ IN CLASS
 Eighner, Lars: “On Dumpster Diving.”
o Prompt: Reflect on the effect (and effectiveness) of rhetorical decisions Eighner makes
seemingly in response to his consideration of audience.
 Hearne, Vicki: “What’s Wrong with Animal Rights.”
o Prompt: How does Hearne use definitions, specifically of “animal” and “happiness,” to move her
essay towards its purpose?
 Fallows, James. “Throwing Like a Girl.”
o Prompt: How does Fallow’s use of humor either affect the effectiveness of his essay OR enhance
the essay’s movement towards its purpose?
 King, Stephen: “Everything you Need to Know about Writing Successfully—in 10 Minutes.”
Responses are to be composed following analytical paragraph format.
“From our Kitchen to Your
Fallows Response due
Work on Process essay; option
to bring in a draft for peer
Read Eighner essay
Eighner response due
Read Hearne essay
Hearne response due
Read Fallows essay
Read King essay
Work on Process Essay
Process Essay due