PRODUCTS LIABILITY PROPOSAL FORM Please note that you are under a duty to disclose all facts likely to influence the acceptance assessment of your proposal. Failure to do so may prejudice the settlement of any claim. Please mention such facts, or if you are in any doubt refer to the Company. To Yes/No answers please tick the applicable questions. Please answer all questions, Failure to do so may mean that no quotation will be given. If there is insufficient space for a complete answer to any question, please continue on an additional sheet of paper. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.a. Name of Applicant (include all Subsidiary Companies) 1.b Address of Applicant: 2. Please indicate the Applicant's requirements in respect of the following: a. Limit of Indemnity c. Retroactive Date 3. 4. 5. b. Deductible d. Discovery Period Applicant is: an Individual a Joint Venture a Partnership Other (please specify) a Corporation Business of Applicant: Manufacturer Retailer Distributor Other (please specify) Importer/Exporter Does the applicant have any representation or assets in the US/Canada? Yes/No If Yes, please give name(s) and addresses and indicate the nature of representation and/or assets 6.a. How long has the Applicant been in business? 6.b. Has the applicant assumed any liabilities upon the acquisitions of any new entities within the last 5 years? Yes/No 6.c. Has the applicant sold or ceased operating any companies (both under the present name and any previous name) within the last 5 years for which indemnity is still required? Yes/No If Yes to either 6b or 6c please provide, on a separate sheet, full details including a list of the products involved and estimated figures. PRODUCT DETAILS 7. List the turnover figures for the past 5 years as well as the estimated turnover for the forthcoming year. Indicate the approximate percentage split in turnover per territory. Year 8. Turnover % USA/Can. % Japan Australia Europe % Others % List all products manufactured, sold, supplied, distributed or exported by the applicant worldwide during the last 5 years and specify their uses. Please indicate the approximate percentage of overall turnover for the forthcoming year relating to each product and the number of anticipated units. Product 9. Currency % Use % Of turnover USA/Canada Number of units Are any of the applicant's products: a. Used as a component for other products? b. Manufactured by the applicant to the specification of the customer? c. Explosive, flammable or toxic either by itself Or when combined with other materials? d. Pharmaceuticals and/or cosmetics? e. Components for, or used on, or with any aircraft, missile, water craft or offshore operations or used in the transportation, transit or life support services? f. designed by others? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No If Yes to any part of question 9, please give full details: 10. Who assembles the products? The manufacturer The Importer/Exporter The consumer Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No 11.a. Have any new products been introduced in the last 5 years or are any new products anticipated in the next 12 months? Yes/No 11.b. If yes, are any of these products intended for sale within the USA/Canada? Yes/No If yes, to either part of question 11, please give full details. PRACTICES AND PRODCEDURES 12.a. Is a written products liability loss control programme in effect? Yes/No 12.b. Do the products conform with the National Safety Standards applicable to the countries in which they are manufactured, sold, distributed or exported to? Yes/No 12.c. Does the applicant employed the services of a testing laboratory? If yes, what products are tested? 12.d. Has any product ever been subject to inquiry or investigation relative to product safety or breach of legislation by any government or regional agency or department? Yes/No If yes answered to any part of question 12, please give full details: 13.a. Please describe the applicant's quality control procedures: 13.b. Please give details of how the applicant would identify any particular batch of products and distinguish their products/components from other similar products/components? 13.c. What methods of record keeping are in force in respect of the applicants products and how long are such records kept? 13.d. Is there a product Recall Plan in force? Yes/No If yes, please give details, including how often the plan is updated and tested 14.a. Please give details of any warnings, warranties or disclaimers supplied with or on the applicant's products or product literature or within their advertising and state whether written in the language of the country the products are sold in 14.b. Does the applicant retain rights of recourse against the manufacturer of any products or components supplied to them? VENDORS INFORMATION 15. If an indemnity for vendors is required, please list any existing any existing vendors to be included. This list should include the following: a) full name and address of each vendor b) which of the insured's product(s) each vendor sells. c) how long each vendor has been selling the applicants products. d) estimated forthcoming turnover expected in respect of each vendor. Name Address No. Years Products Turnover Retro Date Please note: If submitted for renewal, the existing retroactive dates will be retained unless otherwise advised by the Insured. VENDORS INFORMATION 16. What current provisions exist for the notification of incidents from the vendor to the applicant? Please Note: All the above mentioned vendors will attach to the limited vendors clause. All changes to the above list must be advised to the insurers immediately. All new vendors will be held covered for one months pending receipt of satisfactory information requested in Appendix I. CLAIMS RECORD 17. Please list details of all claims made against the applicant during the last 5 years, including those against any proposed vendors. Such details must include amounts within any past or proposed deductibles, all defence and show whether paid or outstanding Year No. of Claims Total amount incurred in US/Canada Bodily Injury Property Damage Total amount incurred elsewhere Bodily Injury Property Damage Please Note: If no claims in any particular year, write "None". 18. Please describe all claims listed above and state whether paid or outstanding: Date of Occurrence 19. Date of Claim Product Description of Loss Amount Paid or Outstanding Is the applicant aware of any other incidents which may result in a claim against them or of any product which because of known defects or inherent hazards, is likely to cause bodily injury or property damage? Yes/No If yes, please give details: 20. Please advise and give reasons for any product that has been discontinued or recalled in the last 5 years or any product the applicant is considering discontinuing 21.a. Who is the current insurer? 21.b. Has any insurer ever cancelled or refused to renew any insurance policy in respect of the applicant or imposed special restrictions? Yes/No If yes, please give details: Please attach any products brochures/instructions/manuals, product safety surveys and any other information relating to the applicant's products. Do not sign the declaration below until you have read and understood it I/We declare that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief all the statements and particulars made with regard to this proposal are true and I/We agree that this proposal shall be the basis of a contract of insurance to be expressed in the terms of the policy between the applicant and the company. Applicant's signature Applicant's title: Date: