PUTTING RENEWABLES AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY TO WORK: HOW MANY JOBS CAN THE CLEAN ENERGY INDUSTRY GENERATE? Max Wei1, Daniel M. Kammen,2,3* Shana Patadia1 1 Haas School of Business Energy and Resources Group, 3Goldman School of Public Policy University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3050 2 max_wei@mba.berkeley.edu • kammen@berkeley.edu • shanapat@berkeley.edu EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The clean energy industry has been targeted as a key area for investment for three primary reasons: greater energy self-sufficiency, improved environmental outlook due to less CO2 emissions, and significant, positive economic impacts. Job creation is an especially urgent issue as we face the most severe recession in decades with a collapse in the financial system and mounting job losses across multiple industries. By developing domestic sources of clean energy, less wealth is exported abroad and more jobs can be created at home. By investing in energy efficiency measures, money otherwise spent on energy costs can be redirected to create a large number of jobs. And by replacing or retrofitting outdated infrastructure, especially in the electric power sector, a foundation is built for future domestic stability and growth, much as the federal highway system spurred domestic development and economic expansion through more efficient travel and transportation in the 1950s and 60s. This study provides a projection of employment impacts in the electric power sector based on 15 independent reports and studies that analyze the economic and employment impacts of the clean energy industry. We have developed a job creation model from 2009 to 2030 which effectively synthesizes the results of the various studies. To put the data from each study on comparable footing, we utilize normalized job creation metrics, and both direct and indirect jobs are included. Our study allows user-specified scenarios for a variety of assumptions, such as total electricity growth and national renewable portfolio standards (RPS), and as output produces net direct and indirect job creation by sector over and above status quo (“business-as-usual”) assumptions. This permits sensitivity analysis of job creation as a function of various technologies, as well as a better understanding of how a prespecified job target in the future can be met. We include renewable energy technologies such as biomass, geothermal, solar and wind as well as the option to include “low carbon” emitting technologies such as carbon capture and storage, nuclear power and conventional hydroelectric power. * Address correspondence to: Professor Daniel M. Kammen, Energy and Resources Group, 310 Barrows Hall #3050, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3050. URL: http://socrates.berkeely.edu/~kammen. 1 Several key conclusions emerge from an analysis of the electricity sector: (1) The renewable energy sector generates more jobs than the fossil fuel-based sector per unit of energy delivered (i.e. per average megawatt). For example, a 20% national RPS in 2020 produces more than a million additional FTE jobs than the case where this 20% of generation is produced by coal and natural gas (see Table ES-2 below). (2) Many sectors can contribute to both very low CO2 emissions and significant job creation. Half a million jobs can be created in 2020 by each of the following scenarios: reducing energy growth by 0.5X over BAU levels through greater energy efficiency measures (0.5% per year annual growth vs. 1% BAU); increasing RPS to 25% from BAU 7%; or increasing nuclear power generation capacity to 30% of overall generation from BAU 20% (see Table ES-2 below). (3) Among the common RPS technologies, solar PV creates the most jobs per average megawatt. A 20% RPS with BAU portfolio of technologies produces 399,000 FTE jobs in 2020, while an RPS with a twice as much solar (2% solar PV vs. BAU 1%) produces 732,000 jobs. (4) A national RPS of 25% in 2025 coupled with 0.5X electricity growth can generated over two million jobs, and further increasing low carbon sources by about 1.5X can generate an additional million jobs (see Table ES-3 below). (5) Carbon capture and storage appears to shift jobs from traditional coal and/or natural gas plants to jobs associate with CCS technology, and as such, does not appear to be a significant driver for expanding employment opportunities. 2 Energy Technology Source of Numbers Total #jobs/MWa Capacity Factor Equipment lifetime (years) Biomass REPP 2006 2.0 85% 25 Geothermal CDEAC 2005 2.2 90% 35 Solar PV 1 REPP 2006 4.5 20% 25 Solar PV 2 IDAE 2005 7.4 20% 25 Solar PV 3 CALPIRG 2002 2.5 20% 25 Solar PV 4 EPIA/Greenpeace 2006 12.2 20% 25 Solar Thermal 1 Skyfuels/NREL 2009 1.8 40% 25 Solar Thermal 2 NREL 2006 1.4 40% 25 Solar Thermal 3 CALPIRG 2002 2.3 30% 25 Wind1 EWEA 2008 2.1 35% 25 Wind 2 REPP 2006 0.6 35% 25 Wind 3 Carbon Capture & Storage VESTAS 2006 1.8 35% 25 J. Friedmann 2009 1.0 80% 40 Nuclear INEEL 2004 1.3 90% 40 Coal REPP 2001 1.0 80% 40 Natural Gas CALPIRG 2002 1.0 85% 40 Energy Efficiency 1 ACEEE 2008 1.5 100% 20 Energy Efficiency 2 J. Goldemberg 2009 5.2 100% 20 Table ES-1: Average employment for different energy technologies. “MWa” refers to average installed megawatts de-rated by the capacity factor of the technology; for a 1MW solar facility operating on average 20% of the time, the power output would be 0.20 MWa. 3 Approach Energy Efficiency (BAU 24% electricity growth to 2030 BAU) 12% growth (0.5X BAU) 0% growth RPS Percentage BAU 7.4% of overall generation 10% of overall generation 20% of overall generation [U.S. target] 30% of overall generation 0% of overall generation Distribution Of RPS Technologies 20% of overall generation with BAU distribution 20% of overall generation with 10% solar PV (2X over BAU) 20% of overall generation with 55% wind (2X over BAU) Carbon Capture and Storage 25% of coal generation 50% of coal generation Nuclear Power Options (BAU 18.7%) 25% of overall generation 30% of overall generation 35% of overall generation Net Jobs-Yrs in 2020 481,403 1,092,427 64,412 399,562 707,094 (657,300) 399,562 732,308 396,352 332,358 595,378 858,398 Table ES-2. Job creation sensitivity in 2020 for increased energy efficiency, RPS standards, carbon capture and storage, and nuclear power. Net job creation is the number of jobs produced by each line item relative to the number of jobs created in the BAU or reference case, with all other factors held constant at BAU levels. [Note 1: “BAU distribution of technologies” is the projected percentages of RPS technologies in 2020 according to the EIA roadmap: approximately 50% biomass and 30 % wind]. 4 Scenario RPS 20% 2020 base case Add 0.5X BAU growth Increase to 30% nuclear Add 25% Carbon Capture & Storage Increase to 10% conventional hydro RPS 25% 2025 base case Add 0.5X BAU growth Increase to 30% nuclear Add 25% Carbon Capture & Storage Increase to 10% conventional hydro RPS 33% 2020 base case Add 0.5X BAU growth Increase to 30% nuclear Add 25% Carbon Capture & Storage Increase to 10% conventional hydro %Renewable Energy % Low Carbon 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 33% 33% 33% 33% 33% 24.6% 25.7% 36.2% 61.2% 65.0% 24.6% 25.7% 36.2% 61.2% 65.0% 24.6% 25.7% 36.2% 61.2% 65.0% %Renewable + Net Total JobLow Carbon Years 44.6% 45.7% 56.2% 81.2% 85.0% 49.6% 50.7% 61.2% 86.2% 90.0% 57.6% 58.7% 69.2% 94.2% 98.0% 399,562 849,688 1,383,310 1,383,310 1,458,458 1,162,127 2,095,403 3,096,949 3,096,949 3,236,893 794,912 1,230,323 1,763,944 1,763,944 1,839,093 Table ES-3. Scenarios in the power sector. Each scenario starts with an RPS baseline case and successively adds the following: improved energy efficiency with 50% less growth than BAU, increased nuclear power from 20% BAU to 30%, addition of carbon capture and storage for 25% of coal generation, and increased conventional hydro power from 6% BAU to 10%. A 25% RPS in 2025 can create over two million jobs with 0.5X electricity growth and over three million jobs by increasing low carbon sources. Scenario RPS 20% 2020 base case Add Zero growth Increase to 30% nuclear 25% Carbon Capture & Storage Increase to 10% Hydro RPS 25% 2025 base case Add Zero growth Increase to 30% nuclear 25% Carbon Capture & Storage Increase to 10% Hydro RPS 33% 2020 case Add Zero growth Increase to 30% nuclear 25% Carbon Capture & Storage Increase to 10% Hydro %Renewable Energy % Low Carbon 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 33% 33% 33% 33% 33% 24.6% 27.3% 36.6% 61.6% 65.0% 24.6% 27.3% 36.6% 61.6% 65.0% 24.6% 27.3% 36.6% 61.6% 65.0% %Renewable + Net Total JobLow Carbon Years 44.6% 47.3% 56.6% 81.6% 85.0% 49.6% 52.3% 61.6% 86.6% 90.0% 57.6% 60.3% 69.6% 94.6% 98.0% 399,562 1,420,278 1,871,545 1,871,545 1,936,162 1,162,127 3,230,066 4,050,168 4,050,168 4,168,633 794,912 1,781,479 2,232,746 2,232,746 2,297,363 Table ES-4. Scenarios in the power sector. Each scenario starts with an RPS baseline case and successively adds the following: improved energy efficiency with 0% growth, increased nuclear power from 20% BAU to 30%, addition of carbon capture and storage for 25% of coal generation, and increased conventional hydro power from 6% BAU to 10%. A 25% RPS in 2025 can create over three million jobs with 0.5X electricity growth and over four million jobs by increasing low carbon sources. 5 INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY An increasing number of studies are finding that greater use of renewable energy systems and energy efficiency provides economic benefits through job creation while at the same time protecting the economy from political and economic risks associated with over-reliance on a limited suite of energy technologies and fuels. This report reviews the range of recent studies on job creation potential of the renewable energy industry. We critically analyze the studies and synthesize a job creation model from the studies with a view to answering three main questions. - What are the job creation sensitivities to the various clean energy approaches?1 How would large scale growth in the renewable energy sector impact affect overall employment taking into account job losses in the fossil fuel sector? What are the clean energy portfolio options to achieve target levels of job creation? A summary of all studies and their respective methodologies is provided in Appendix 1. We next discuss the methodology and framework we use to provide comparisons for employment across different technologies. Table 1 contains a list of the studies reviewed. A complication is that the studies report their data in different forms using different methods and in different units. We follow the approach described in detail in Kammen (2004) to normalize the data from each study. This follows two general steps. First, construction, installation, and manufacturing (CIM) jobs are converted to average jobs per megawatt over the lifetime of the plant. This assumes that a large number of facilities of a given type are being built (and eventually replaced) throughout the economy. With this assumption, the CIM number in jobs per peak MW can be added to the operations, maintenance, and fuel processing job component which is typically reported in jobs per peak MW. Second, the total jobs per peak (or nameplate) megawatt (MWp) is normalized to total jobs per average megawatt (MWa) by dividing jobs per peak megawatt by the capacity factor, where the capacity factor is the fraction of time that the facility is operation. This follows since lower capacity technologies will have to build more plants than higher capacity technologies. Table 2 allows for simple comparison between the jobs created per unit of average power delivered from each energy technology. 1 In this paper, energy efficiency is viewed as both a source of clean energy and a source of renewable energy, since by definition it reduces energy use for the same level of service and is renewable in the sense that historically energy services have become more energy efficient over time as technology improves. 6 No. Year Author 1 2009 Isabel Blanco and Christian Kjaer 2 2009 Julio Friedmann - personal communcation, 13 February 2009 3 2009 José Goldemberg - personal communcation, 13 February 2009 4 2009 SkyFuels - personal communication 21 March 2009 5 2008 John A. "Skip" Laitner and Vanessa McKinney Affiliation European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Study (Model type) Wind at Work: Wind energy and job creation in the EU (Analytical model) Carbon capture and storage job impacts State of São Paulo, Brazil Energy efficiency and jobs data National Renewable Energy Laboratory Solar Thermal jobs data. Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) model (Analytical model) American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Positive Returns: State Energy Efficiency Analyses Can Inform U.S. Energy Policy Assessments (I/O Model) University of California, Berkeley Energy Efficiency, Innovation, and Job Creation in California (I/O model) Solar Generation: Solar Electricity for Over One Billion People and Two Million Jobs by 2020 (Analytical model) 6 2008 David Roland-Holst 7 2006 Winfried Hoffman, Sven Teske European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and Greenpeace 8 2006 Frithjof Staiss, et al. Forschungsvorhaben im Auftrag des Erneuerbare Energien: Arbeitsplatzeffekte (Analytical model) Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Federal Republic of Germany. 9 2006 George Sterzinger Jobs and Renewable Energy Project (Analytical model) 10 2006 L. Stoddard, J. Abiecunas, R. O'Connell 2006 Vestas Renewable Energy Policy Project (REPP) National Renewable Energy Laboratory Windpower and Development: Jobs, Industry and Export Western Governors' Association: Geothermal Task Force 11 Economic, Energy, and Environmental Benefits of Concentrating Solar Power in California (I/O model) Renewable Energy Vermont; Strom Thurmond Institute: McKinsey (Analytical model) Clean and Diversified Energy Initiative (CDEAC) 12 2005 Doug Arent, John Tschirhart, Dick Watsson 13 2005 Jose Gil and Hugo Lucas Institute for Diversification and Saving of Energy (Instituto para la Diversificacion y Ahorro de la Energia, IDAE) Plan for Renewable Energy in Spain 2005-2010 (Plan de Energias Renovables en Espana 2005-2010) 14 2004 Daniel M. Kammen, Kamal Kapadia, and Matthias Fripp Energy and Resources Group, Universtiy of California, Berkeley. Putting Renewables to Work: How Many Jobs Can the Clean Energy Industry Generate? (Analytical model) 15 2004 C.R. Kenley, et al. Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) and Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC U.S. Job Creation Due to Nuclear Power Resurgence in the United States (Analytical model) 16 2002 Brad Heavner and Susannah Churchill CALPIRG (California Public Interest Research Group) Charitable Trust Job Growth from Renewable Energy Development in California (Analytical model) Table 1: List of Studies reviewed. 7 Employment Components Work-hrs per year 2000 Energy Technology Source of Numbers Total #jobs/MWa Capacity Factor Equipment lifetime (years) CIM (personyears/MWp) O&M (jobs/MWp) Total jobs/MWp Fuel extraction & processing CIM (personyrs/GWh) 0.20 0.14 Total jobs/MWa Total person-yrs/GWh O&M and fuel processing CIM O&M and fuel processing CIM O&M and fuel processing sum Biomass REPP 2006 2.0 85% 25 3.38 0.04 1.53 0.16 1.80 0.02 0.21 0.22 Geothermal CDEAC 2005 1.0 190% 35 6.43 1.79 0.00 0.18 1.79 0.10 0.94 0.01 0.11 0.12 Solar PV 1 REPP 2006 4.5 20% 25 21.97 0.19 0.00 0.88 0.19 4.39 0.95 0.50 0.11 0.61 Solar PV 2 IDAE 2005 7.4 20% 25 82.80 0.40 0.00 3.31 0.40 16.56 2.00 1.89 0.23 2.12 Solar PV 3 CALPIRG 2002 2.5 20% 25 9.67 0.12 0.00 0.39 0.12 1.93 0.60 0.22 0.07 0.29 Solar PV 4 EPIA/Greenpeace 2006 12.2 20% 25 36.00 1.00 0.00 1.44 1.00 7.20 5.00 0.82 0.57 1.39 Solar Thermal 1 Skyfuels/NREL 2009 1.8 40% 25 10.31 1.00 0.00 0.41 1.00 1.03 2.50 0.12 0.29 0.40 Solar Thermal 2 NREL 2006 1.4 40% 25 4.50 0.38 0.00 0.18 0.38 0.45 0.95 0.05 0.11 0.16 Solar Thermal 3 CALPIRG 2002 2.3 30% 25 11.69 0.22 0.00 0.47 0.22 1.56 0.73 0.18 0.08 0.26 Wind1 EWEA 2008 2.1 35% 25 10.10 0.33 0.00 0.40 0.33 1.15 0.94 0.13 0.11 0.24 Wind 2 REPP 2006 0.6 35% 25 2.87 0.09 0.00 0.11 0.09 0.33 0.25 0.04 0.03 0.07 Wind 3 Carbon Capture & Storage VESTAS 2006 1.8 35% 25 10.96 0.18 0.00 0.44 0.18 1.25 0.50 0.14 0.06 0.20 J. Friedmann 2009 1.0 80% 40 15.00 0.40 0.38 0.40 0.47 0.50 0.05 0.06 0.11 Nuclear INEEL 2004 1.3 90% 40 9.35 0.93 0.23 0.93 0.26 1.03 0.03 0.12 0.15 Coal REPP 2001 1.0 80% 40 8.50 0.18 0.06 0.21 0.59 0.27 0.74 0.03 0.08 0.11 Natural Gas CALPIRG 2002 1.0 85% 40 8.5 0.18 0.06 0.21 0.63 0.25 0.74 0.03 0.08 0.11 Table 2. Comparison of jobs/MWp, jobs/MWa and person-years/GWh across technologies. (“CIM” = Construction, Installation, Manufacturing). 8 Studies that focus on calculating the employment impacts of the renewable industry can be divided into two main types: (a) those that use input-output (I-O) models of the economy; and (b) those that use simpler, largely spreadsheet-based analytical models. Among the studies reviewed and listed in Table 1, reports number 5, 6 and 10 are based on I-O models, and the rest are based on analytical models. Both types of models have advantages and disadvantages as discussed in Kammen (2004). We also note that some studies were consulted but not included in this report due to lack of information regarding their quoted job estimates. The more comprehensive papers, which presented jobs/MW data along with person-years data, were used most intensively. The definitions of direct, indirect, and induced jobs vary widely by study. Here we describe our definitions and usage of these categories. Direct employment includes those jobs created in the design, manufacturing, delivery, construction/installation, project management and operation and maintenance (O&M) of the different components of the technology, or power plant, under consideration. This data can be collected directly from existing facilities and manufacturers in the respective phases of operation. Indirect employment refers to the “supplier effect” of upstream and downstream suppliers. For example, the task of installing wind turbines is a direct job, whereas manufacturing the steel that is used to build the wind turbine is an indirect job. Induced employment comprehends expenditure-induced effects in the general economy due to the economic activity and spending of direct and indirect employees, e.g. non-industry jobs created such as teachers, grocery store clerks, and postal workers. When discussing energy efficiency, a large portion of the induced jobs are the jobs created by the household savings due to the energy efficiency measures. Most analytical models calculate direct employment impacts only but an increasing number include indirect jobs as well (reports 1, 8, 10, and 15 in Table 1). I-O models have the capability to calculate direct and indirect employment as well as the induced employment due to economic impacts of spending by workers in the new jobs. I-O models provide the most complete picture of the economy as a whole. They capture employment multiplier effects, as well as the macroeconomic impacts of shifts between sectors; that is to say, they account for losses in one sector (e.g. coal mining) created by the growth of another sector (e.g. the wind energy industry). For the purposes of this study and simplicity of output, we report “direct” and “indirect” jobs, with direct as defined above, but with the meaning of indirect employment varying by sector. For the renewable sector and low carbon technologies with analytical model-based studies, “indirect” employment refers to the supplier effect multiplier, while for approaches with I/O based models (energy efficiency in this case) “indirect” employment actually refers to the induced employment which in the case of energy efficiency is due to the economic impacts of additional spending from energy savings. These job multiplier numbers (jobs/MWa) are expected to evolve downward as industries advance on their respective learning curves, but for simplicity are held constant in this study. For our analytical model we use a “net job” creation model. Previous studies have focused on renewable energy job creation under various RPS or technology scenarios, e.g. “a 20% national RPS in 2020 produces 160,000 direct jobs.” While this may be a correct statement, we ask what amount of net jobs can be created over and above what is projected from existing policies and accounting for any job 9 losses that may occur in the fossil fuel industry. For example, in the power sector, we take as our baseline reference the EIA roadmap of electricity generation and contributing electricity sources out to 2030, and calculate the baseline numbers of direct and indirect jobs created with this amount of generation and partitioning of energy sources. Our calculator then computes how the job picture shifts with greater or lower energy efficiency, varying amounts of renewable energy, and differing portfolio mixes of RPS and low carbon technologies. A net job creation number is calculated by factoring in job loss impacts to the coal and natural gas industry due to increases in renewable energy or low carbon technologies. Currently our model does not include a separate category for the utility industry, but while utilities may be losing jobs from a reduction in coal and natural gas supply, they may be gaining jobs from increasing their supply of renewable energy or low carbon sources. For reference, screen shots of our calculator’s input and output sheets in Excel are attached in Appendix 2 and 3. We note that the recently enacted U.S. Federal Stimulus Package of 2009 will make a large impact upon the renewable energy sector, although there is debate as to how many green collar jobs it will create. An estimated 5.3%, or $41.4 billion, of the $787 billion bill is targeted to renewable energy. Based upon the numerical breakdowns published by the Wall Street Journal2 and ProPublica.org3, the largest portions of this energy portion of the stimulus, were put towards energy efficiency (EE) and smart grid technology. According to the Apollo Alliance’s research, it is projected that about 13 FTE jobs4 are created per million dollars invested into EE, and these jobs are due to both direct installation and production of relevant materials and products. Thus, about 150,000 new FTE jobs are expected to result from the $11 billion targeted for increasing energy efficiency ($6.3 billion in grants for increasing energy efficiency at the state and city level, $4.5 billion for increasing energy efficiency in federal buildings, and $0.25 billion for improving energy efficiency in government subsidized housing). Much of this investment into energy efficiency is projected to begin paying for itself overtime. The California Sustainable Building Task Force estimated that for an initial investment of $100,000 in energy efficiency in a $5 million construction project, there would be savings of $1 million over the life of the building. Finally, Roland-Holst (2008) in his study of job creation in California suggests that the induced job growth due to energy efficiency savings is tremendous. His research estimates that about 1.5 million induced FTE jobs with a total payroll of $45 billion were created due to energy efficiency savings of $56 billion in the 34 year period from 1972-2006. Similar trends in induced job creation are expected from the most recent stimulus spending. 2 “Getting to $787 Billion,” Wall Street Journal, 17 February 2009. Accessed at http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/STIMULUS_FINAL_0217.html on 23 March 2009. 3 Michael Grabell and Christopher Weaver, “The Stimulus Plan: A Detailed List of Spending ,” Pro Publica, 13 February 2009. Accessed at http://www.propublica.org/special/the-stimulus-plan-a-detailed-list-of-spending on 23 March 2009. 4 One “FTE job” is equivalent to one person employed full-time for one year. Note then that “50 FTE jobs” could mean either five full time jobs over 10 years, 25 jobs over two years, or other such combinations. 10 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Table 2 presents a detailed summary of the studies that were analyzed. Some technologies were represented by many studies (solar and wind); some technologies were not studied as frequently (geothermal, biomass); and for some, job estimates were not readily available (small hydro, biogas). For the latter we adopted placeholder values of 0.15 jobs/GWh. A large amount of variation is found in the various studies on solar and wind. This may be due to implicit differences in data collection and analysis methodology between different studies. For technologies with more than one study, our approach of averaging the studies thus reduces the weight of any one study. Having said this, solar PV has the highest job multiplier with a large gap between it and the next highest technologies (solar thermal and biomass). Carbon capture and storage is estimated to have the same job multiplier (Jobs/GWh) as coal and natural gas, so to first order increasing CCS shifts jobs from conventional fossil fuel technology to CCS technology. (It is also possible that this is an underestimate of CCS job impact since we were unable to find recent coal and natural gas jobs data and the numbers in Table 2 may be too high). For indirect jobs, we took the average multiplier from three reports, a solar study5 from the United States, a European wind report by Blanco (2009), a German renewable energy study by Staiss (2006). This gave an indirect multiplier of 0.9 that for simplicity we applied to all renewable energy technologies, coal and natural gas. (For example if the direct multiplier is 0.2 jobs/GWh, the indirect multiplier is 0.2 x 0.9 = 0.18 jobs/GWh and the total jobs produced is 0.38 jobs/GWh). For nuclear power we applied an indirect multiplier of 1.7, taken from Kenley (2004). Again, these numbers are quite rough estimates and the distinction between direct and indirect is probably blurred between the studies. For energy efficiency, we used a multipler of 0.38 jobs per GWh6 of energy savings that is the average of Goldemberg (2009) and Laitner (2008). We assume that 90% of these jobs are induced jobs and only 10% are direct jobs associated with energy efficiency products or installation, as the ACEEE has used in the past.7 The “BAU” case of energy demand already assumes a certain amount of energy savings and energy efficiency induced jobs due to existing building codes and appliance standards, industry improvement, and implicit programs,8 so our energy efficiency net job gains are additional jobs above and beyond this implicit baseline level. 5 Roger Bezdek (Management Information Services, Inc.), Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: Economic Drivers for the 21st Century (Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society, 2007), p. 24. 6 A third reference, Roland-Holst (2008), was also consulted for energy efficiency job dividend sensitivity, but this study of job creation in California from 1972-2007 does not quote a parametrized number for jobs vs energy savings. Still, a rough model of energy savings versus cumulative FTE job creation over this time frame was found to yield a multiplier of about 0.4 jobs/GWh saved. 7 Howard Geller, John DeCicco, and Skip Laitner, Energy Efficiency and Job Creation, ACEEE 1992. Accessed at http://www.aceee.org/pubs/ed922.htm on 10 February, 2009. 8 O. Siddiqui, Assessment of Achievable Potential from Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Programs in the U.S. (2010–2030), EPRI 2009. Accessed at http://mydocs.epri.com/docs/public/000000000001018363.pdf on 17 March 2009. 11 Job creation sensitivities and different scenarios to create two to four million FTE jobs (or job-years) in 2025 are shown in the Executive Summary. We now provide a more detailed discussion of those results. Many paths can produce both lower CO2 emissions and create a significant number of jobs (Table ES-2). About 500,000 job-years are produced in 2020 by each of the following paths: (1) 0.5X growth in electricity; (2) just under 25% RPS standard; and (3) increasing nuclear to just below 30% of overall generation. As the national RPS percentage is increased, jobs are created to varying degrees according to the technology mix. Coal and natural gas jobs are lost but at a lower rate than RPS job creation. For example, 20% RPS creates about 400,000 jobs compared to the BAU baseline of 7.4% RPS, while zeroing out the RPS and moving this 20% generation to coal and natural gas would reduce net jobs by over 600,000 compared to the BAU case. Thus a 20% RPS has a net gain of over a million jobs versus the case of having no RPS and moving this 20% to fossil fuels. Solar PV continues to be the most job intensive technology with over 700,000 jobs created in 2020 with a 10% solar fraction of RPS vs. 400,000 jobs with a “BAU” distribution of 50% biomass, 30% wind and 5% solar. An even greater number of jobs could be created with higher solar fractions, but higher solar fractions are likely neither realistic nor costeffective. Our calculator readily models various scenarios that can meet job creation targets. If for example, the target for net job creation in 2020 is 3 million net new jobs in the clean tech industry with 1 million from the electricity sector, Tables ES-3 illustrates two scenarios for reaching this target. Starting with a 20% RPS target in 2020 and increasing energy efficiency measures so as to slow electricity growth by 50% produces 850,000 FTE jobs. Adding to this an increase in nuclear power from 19% to 25% would result in over a million net jobs. Alternately a more aggressive 33% RPS target in 2020 would generate almost 800,000 net FTE jobs and adding a slower rate of electricity growth by 50% produces 1.2 million jobs. CONCLUSION AND POLICY OUTLOOK Large scale federally supported investment in targeted industries is a controversial political and economic issue. Central governments have a mixed record of picking winners and losers among myriad technology options and the allocation of resources outside of market forces is apt to be economically inefficient. However, only the federal government has sufficient reach to impact national energy systems in a coordinated and effective manner. The energy industry is already one of the most regulated industries in the world, dependence on fossil fuels continues to cause global warming, and the existing energy infrastructure is quickly becoming outdated, thus changes are necessary. The current economic crisis with its collapse in both aggregate demand and the credit market provides added urgency for federal infrastructure investment, similar to the New Deal in the 1930s, and levels of deficit spending not seen since the 1940s may be required to revive the U.S. and global economies. An increasing number of studies are finding that greater use of renewable energy systems and energy efficiency provides economic benefits through job creation while at the same time protecting the 12 economy from political and economic risks associated with over-reliance on a limited suite of energy technologies and fuels. This work provides a summary of existing job reports in the electricity industry. It provides a framework for understanding the sensitivities of job creation by technology and readily lends itself to scenario analysis and job projections in time. Key results of this study are the following: (1) The renewable energy sector generates more jobs than the fossil fuel-based sector per unit of energy delivered (i.e. per average megawatt). For example, a 20% national RPS in 2020 produces more than a million additional FTE jobs than the case where this 20% of generation is produced by coal and natural gas (see Table ES-2 below). (2) Many sectors can contribute to both very low CO2 emissions and significant job creation. Half a million jobs can be created in 2020 by each of the following scenarios: reducing energy growth by 0.5X over BAU levels through greater energy efficiency measures (0.5% per year annual growth vs. 1% BAU); increasing RPS to 25% from BAU 7%; or increasing nuclear power generation capacity to 30% of overall generation from BAU 20%. (3) Among the common RPS technologies, solar PV creates the most jobs per average megawatt. A 20% RPS with BAU portfolio of technologies produces 399,000 FTE jobs in 2020, while an RPS with a twice as much solar (2% solar PV vs. BAU 1%) produces 732,000 jobs. (4) A national RPS of 25% in 2025 coupled with 0.5X electricity growth can generated over two million jobs, and further increasing low carbon sources by about 1.5X can generate an additional million jobs. (5) Carbon capture and storage appears to shift jobs from traditional coal and/or natural gas plants to jobs associate with CCS technology, and as such, does not appear to be a significant driver for job creation. Our modeling provides quantitative analysis for the 2009 federal stimulus bill, and this topic will be more fully explored in a future policy memo. Other key questions for the policy maker include: what is the cost/benefit ratio for each technology; what policies can be put in place to maximize the number of domestic manufacturing jobs (assumed to be 100% domestic here); how do job creation effects vary by region and state; and how much change in job creation is expected over time as renewable energy becomes more widely adopted and has a reduced job dividend? Finally, we note that current studies are from developed nations and largely focused on wind, solar, and energy efficiency. More study is needed on emerging technologies such as ocean energy and CCS as well as the electricity grid and storage. More study is also needed in developing nations where renewable energy may play a large role in economic development and traditional power systems may be less deployed. 13 APPENDIX 1. SUMMARY OF STUDIES REVIEWED No. 1 2 Year Author - Affiliation 2009 Isabel Blanco and Christian Kjaer European Wind Energy Association Study Wind at Work: Wind energy and job creation in the EU Method Assumes that wind energy creates 15 jobs (man years) per MW of annual installation, turbine manufacturing, component manufacturing, wind farm development, installation and indirect employment. O&M work contributes an additional 0.33 jobs per MW of total installed capacity. Scenarios used WInd sector employment in EU increasing from 154k in 2007 to 377k in 2030. 180 GW of wind energy will be operating in the EU in 2020 and 300 GW by the end of 2030. Over that period, an increasing share of the installations will be offshore. 2009 Julio Friedmann - Lawrence Livermore Personal communcation, 13 February National Laboratory 2009, on Carbon capture and storage job impacts 2009 José Goldemberg - State of São Paulo, Personal communcation, 13 February Brazil 2009, on Energy efficiency and jobs data Model three paths for CCS: (1) pulverized coal; (2) IGCC; Consider situation where all three paths occur and take average of employment (3) Natural gas carbon capture. effects. 4 2009 SkyFuels - National Renewable Energy Personal communication 21 March 2009 Laboratory on Solar Thermal jobs data. Jobs and Economic Development Impact (“JEDI”) model 1000 MW online by 2014, total projected CSP project job creation through 2014 ~ 33,300 FTE jobs 5 2008 John A. "Skip" Laitner and Vanessa McKinney - American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Positive Returns: State Energy Efficiency Analyses Can Inform U.S. Energy Policy Assessments Summary of state level studies. 6 2008 David Roland-Holst - University of California, Berkeley Energy Efficiency, Innovation, and Job Creation in California (I/O model) 7 2006 Winfried Hoffman, Sven Teske European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and Greenpeace 2006 Frithjof Staiss, et al. Forschungsvorhaben im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Federal Republic of Germany. Solar Generation: Solar Electricity for Over Information provided by industry One Billion People and Two Million Jobs by 2020. Erneuerbare Energien: Arbeitsplatzeffekte 3 8 Based on a review of 48 different assessments, this report highlights the findings of a wide variety of studies that explore the many possibilities of further gains in energy efficiency, especially at the regional and state level. The studies reviewed here show an average 23 percent efficiency gain with a nearly 2 to 1 benefit-cost ratio. From analyzing this set of studies, we estimate that a 20 percent to 30 percent energy efficiency gain within the U.S. economy might lead to a net gain of 500,000 to 1,500,000 jobs by 2030. Detailed I/O tables aggregated to 50-sector framework Modeled 1972-2006 period in California households with redirected expenditures over period 1972-2006 for detailed historical from energy efficiency savings creating about 1.5 million FTE jobs with a total employment impact. payroll of $45 billion, driven by household energy savings of $56 billion. Global PV systems output 589 TWh in 2025, 276 TWh in 2020. 14 No. 9 Year Author - Affiliation Study 2006 George Sterzinger - Renewable Energy Jobs and Renewable Energy Project Policy Project (REPP) 10 2006 L. Stoddard, J. Abiecunas, R. O'Connell - Economic, Energy, and Environmental National Renewable Energy Laboratory Benefits of Concentrating Solar Power in California 11 2008 Vestas 12 2005 Doug Arent, John Tschirhart, Dick Watsson - Western Governors' Association: Geothermal Task Force 13 2005 Jose Gil and Hugo Lucas - Institute for Diversification and Saving of Energy (Instituto para la Diversificacion y Ahorro de la Energia, IDAE) Plan for Renewable Energy in Spain 20052010 (Plan de Energias Renovables en Espana 2005-2010) 14 2004 Daniel M. Kammen, Kamal Kapadia, and Matthias Fripp - Energy and Resources Group, Universtiy of California, Berkeley. 2004 C.R. Kenley, et al. - Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) and Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC Putting Renewables to Work: How Many Jobs Can the Clean Energy Industry Generate? Meta-analysis of 13 studies on renewable energy job creation. Normalization of job creation by average power over lifetime of plant. Comparison of average employement from five electricity generation scenarios. Considers photovoltaics, wind, biomass and coal. U.S. Job Creation Due to Nuclear Power Resurgence in the United States Industry/expert estimates for manufacturing and construction/operations jobs: Indirect/induced jobs via NEI (Nuclear Energy Institute) economic impact studies and U.S. Census Data IMPLAN modeling tool 33-41 Gen III units, 1200-1500 Mwe for 50,000 Mwe by 2020. Construction from 2009-24. 1-2 plants/yr online starting 2014 to 4-5 plants online 2020-2024. 40,000 manufacturing jobs, 80,000 construction/operations jobs and 500,000 total with direct: indirect: induced ratios of 1:1.7:1.7. 2002 Heavner and Churchill - CALPIRG (California Public Interest Research Group) Charitable Trust Job Growth from Renewable Energy Development in California Report detailing job creation potential of renewable energy industry in California. Data is yielded from CEC (Califonia Energy Commission) research, and a CEC funded EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) study from 2001. Comparison of employment projections from CEC and data from existing plants was used to derive employment rates for wind, geothermal, solar PV, solar thermal, and landfill/digester gas. 15 16 Windpower and Development: Jobs, Industry and Export Clean and Diversified Energy Initiative (CDEAC) Method Used enhanced version of 2002 REPP Jobs Calculator and Nevada RPS standards to yield labor information about wind, PV, biomass co-firing, and geothermal technologies. Study focusing on economic return, energy supplyl impact, and environmental benefits of CSP (Concentrating Solar Power) in California. Scenarios used 100 MW parabolic trough plant with 6 hours of storage was used as a representative CSP plant. Cumulative deployment scenarious of 2100 MW and 4000 MW were assumed for 2008 to 2020. Assumed that technological improvements would result in 150 and 200 MW plants in 2011 and 2015, respectively. Included learning curve estimations based on NREL data. Sources: Renewable Energy Vermont; Strom Thurmond Jobs generated by an onshore and on offshore park, considering development and Institute: McKinsey (2006) installation jobs and operations and maintenance jobs. Study synthesizing views and research of 24 members of geothermal community. 15 APPENDIX 2. SAMPLE INPUT DECK FROM JOBS CALCULATOR 16 APPENDIX 2. SAMPLE OUTPUT DECK FROM JOBS CALCULATOR CUMULATIVE TOTAL Jobs created (BAU ref) Direct (BAU ref) Indirect (BAU ref) Jobs created (modeled) Direct (modeled) Indirect (modeled) Net Jobs (modeled - BAU) Net Direct Jobs (modeled - BAU) Net Indirect Jobs (modeled - BAU) Cumulative Jobs-Yrs Net Direct Job-Yrs Net Indirect Jobs-Yrs 2020 1,210,849 582,680 628,169 1,529,601 713,797 815,805 318,752 131,117 187,635 1,603,248 616,058 987,190 2021 1,223,923 589,303 634,620 1,564,355 728,499 835,855 340,432 139,196 201,235 1,943,680 755,254 1,188,426 2022 1,237,815 596,553 641,263 1,604,938 744,683 860,255 367,122 148,130 218,993 2,310,802 903,384 1,407,418 2023 1,253,513 604,814 648,700 1,651,381 762,344 889,036 397,868 157,531 240,337 2,708,670 1,060,915 1,647,755 2024 1,267,687 612,272 655,415 1,694,949 779,335 915,614 427,262 167,063 260,200 3,135,932 1,227,977 1,907,955 2025 1,279,562 618,521 661,041 1,731,484 794,625 936,859 451,922 176,104 275,818 3,587,855 1,404,081 2,183,773 17