Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Lakeland R-III School District 12530 Lakeland School Drive Deepwater, MO 64740 417-644-2223 Fax: 417-644-2316 Board Approved: 3/13/2008 Table of Contents Introduction to the Lakeland R-III School District………………………………….3 Mission Statements…………………………………………………………………...3 District Mission Statement…………………………………………………...3 District Technology Mission Statement……………………………………..3 Technology Planning Committee……………………………………………………4 Review of Previous Technology Plan……………………………………………….5 Compiling Raw Data……………………………………………………………….....6 Total Cost of Ownership……………………………………………………………...7 Three Year Technology Budget……………………………………………..7 Technology Focus Areas………………………………………………………….....8 TFA 1 Student Learning……………………………………………………..............8 Strengths and Weakness…………………………………………………….8 Action Plans and Implementation…………………………………………...9 Data Analysis and Objectives………………………………………………12 TFA 2 Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction ………………………...13 Strengths and Weakness……………………………………………………13 Action Plans and Implementation…………………………………………..14 Data Analysis and Objectives……………………………………………….17 TFA 3 Administration/Data Management/Communication.……………………...18 Strengths and Weakness……………………………………………………18 Action Plans and Implementation…………………………………………..19 Data Analysis and Objectives……………………………………………….22 TFA 4 Resource Distribution and Use ………………………..............................23 Strengths and Weakness……………………………………………………23 Action Plans and Implementation…………………………………………..24 Data Analysis and Objectives……………………………………………….26 TFA 5 Technical Support………………..............................................................27 Strengths and Weakness……………………………………………………27 Action Plans and Implementation…………………………………………..28 Data Analysis and Objectives……………………………………………….29 Dissemination, Monitoring, and Evaluation………………………………………..30 2 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Introduction The Lakeland R-III School District is a rural school district located in west central Missouri. The school is located approximately 80 miles North of Springfield, MO and 75 miles southwest of the Greater Kansas City, MO Metro area, just off of Highway 13. The preK-12 school campus is located in St. Clair County on the St. Clair / Henry County line. The Lakeland R-III School District is a consolidated district made up of the communities of Deepwater and Lowry City. The current K-12 enrollment is 465 students. The district employs 46 certified staff members. The District budget is $4.1 million on an assessed valuation of $26,811,078. The Lakeland R-III School District is recognized by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as an Accredited with Distinction school. The population of the Lakeland R-III School District was 3,256 residents according to the 2000 census. The school district is predominantly Caucasian. The median household income is $32,740. The median home value in the district is $45,875. Many blue collar workers work in the Kansas City area in the fields of construction, manufacturing, or other manual labor activities. There are white collar workers as well, though much in the minority. These individuals work in businesses and organizations in the surrounding communities. Health care service workers also make up a sizeable proportion of the available workforce. District Mission Statement The Lakeland R-III School District will prepare and empower students to become contributing members of a democratic society with high moral standards who take responsibility for their own actions. Technology Mission Statement The technology mission of the Lakeland R-III School District is to prepare our students to compete in an era of an increased globalized economy. Technology will be integrated into the curriculum to prepare students for the work force and college. The Lakeland R-III School District will provide the necessary technological resources for teachers to teach and the students to learn. The Lakeland R-III School District will also provide the necessary professional development for teachers to acquire the skills necessary to successfully implement a comprehensive technology integrated curriculum. The Lakeland RIII School District will provide opportunities for the community’s adult learners to acquire the necessary technology skills to compete in today’s economy. 3 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Technology Planning Committee The Lakeland R-III School District has a planning committee comprised of local stakeholders including faculty, staff, administration, parents, and students. The technology committee has equitable representation and members are linked to Technology Focus Areas. Each TFA was thoroughly examined by more than one member of the committee. Meetings are scheduled and announced as needed. The group reviewed the 2005-2008 technology plan to determine what progress was made and how to improve areas addressed as weaknesses. In response to this evaluation, the committee has chosen to revise the previous plan’s goals and objectives. Technology Planning Committee Members Name Ryan Huff Carrie Lasswell Rob Foltz Lianna Bennett Kathy Deckard Denise Fast Amanda Mills Keri Towne Jennifer McClimans Jim Young Trish Munsterman Mitch Towne Adri Molder Gini Foster Paula McCormick Adam Collins Jeff Osner Lawanna Austin Michelle Dunning Position Superintendent Technology Coordinator Student Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher High School Teacher High School Teacher Parent Elementary Teacher High School Teacher Elementary Principal Parent Student Secretary School Board President High School Teacher High School Principal Parent Secretary TFA(s) Addressed 1,2,3,4,5 4 1 1 1 4 2 1,2 2 5 3 1,2,3,4,5 1 4,5 3 5 3 1,2 4,5 4 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Review of Previous Technology Plan Action Plan After school tutoring and test taking skills workshops will be offered to help raise student test scores Computers will be purchased to supply each classroom with at least on workstation Additional classes will be added that instruct in the use of technology Curriculum guides will include technology skill at all levels. Evaluation Met/Ongoing Overall Progress Standardized test scores have improved. Evidence District Testing Data Met All classrooms have one or more workstations. Technology Inventory Met/Ongoing A web design class was added to the high school schedule. High School Schedule Not Met/Ongoing Curriculum Guides Technology inservices will be provided for teachers. Met/Ongoing Each classroom will have 3 to 4 computer workstations for student use. Classrooms will have additional technology, such as interactive whiteboards, TV, DVD players, and other technological tools. All new computers purchased must meet district standards. All computer repair requests will be completed as soon as possible. Computer workstations will be connected to the network and have printers available. Not Met Most grade levels incorporate technology use in the classroom, but it is not district wide at this time. Teacher training has been provided and teachers are becoming more comfortable using technology. Few classrooms have multiple computers. Met/Ongoing Three classrooms have interactive whiteboards and all have TVs and DVD players Technology Inventory Met All computers meet district standards Technology Inventory Met Repair issues are dealt with appropriately and promptly. All classrooms and administrative offices have computers that are networked and have printers available. District Technology Survey Met District Technology Survey Technology Inventory Technology Inventory 5 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Compiling Raw Data The following sources of data have been used to help identify strengths and weaknesses within the Lakeland R-III School District. The analysis of this data was used to help formulate strengths and weaknesses for the action plans references in the TFAs. Data Analyzed Data Source Data Origination TFA Reviewed Missouri Assessment Program Scores Standardized Assessment State 1 ACT Test Scores / Summary Standardized Assessment National 1 Plan Test Scores / Summary Standardized Assessment National 1 SAT Test Scores Standardized Assessment Surveys and Records National 1 District and State 1,4,5 Technology Usage Surveys ( Student and Staff ) Professional Development Data Surveys and Records District 1,2,3 Surveys and Records District 2 Administrative Tools and Core Data Reports Surveys and Records and Annual Reports District and State 1,4,5 Missouri School Improvement Program Surveys and Records District 1,2 Curriculum Guides Student and Teacher Standards Local Performance Assessments District 1,2 District 1 Census of Technology Common Assessments, Scoring Guides, Rubrics, Observations etc. 6 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Total Cost of Ownership The Lakeland R-III School District is committed to meeting the technology needs of our school. We fully understand that it is our responsibility to plan, fund, and implement technology on a continuing basis. The following considerations are addressed in all technology planning: The cost of maintenance and repair. The replacement cost of obsolete computer infrastructure. The daily cost of supplies to keep technology functioning properly. The replacement of outdated software and other computer peripherals. Appropriate video resources such as TVs, VCRs, and DVDs. The ongoing cost to train staff members in technology skills Distribution of equipment for student and teacher use. Three Year Technology Budget TFA Line Item Budget: 1 year Student Learning Microsoft Software / Licensing Computer / Printer Maintenance and Repair Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Professional Development / In-Service Administration / Data Management / Communication Resource Distribution and Use 3 year $5,000 $20,000 $15,000 $60,000 $5,000 $15,000 Replacement Servers Server Maintenance / Repair School Management Software Website Hosting Printer Maintenance $5,000 $20,000 $8,000 $1,500 $12,000 $15,000 $60,000 $24,000 $4,500 $36,000 Computers – New Expansion Printers Interactive White Board Systems $40,000 $2,000 $15,000 $120,000 $6,000 TOTALS $133,500 $400,500 7 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Current Technology Focus Areas and Goals TFA 1: Student Learning Goal #1: The Lakeland R-3 School District will improve student academic performance and achievement through the integration and expansion of technology into all curricula. Objective 1: The district will raise student scores on MAP, ACT, and other assessments by revising and reviewing the curriculum to include technology. Objective 2: The district will provide technology training for all students K-12. Objective 3: The district will provide students with relevant technological opportunities for use in their academic careers and/or the job market after graduation. Table: Strengths and Weaknesses of Student Learning Strengths Weaknesses 1. SIS – School Information System with 1. Technology professional development Parent Portal 2. Teachers who have access to technology, 2. Accelerated Reader but do not utilize it 3. District website 3. Lack of projectors 4. Technology addressed in curriculum 4. No eMints classrooms 5. Use of software and keyboarding programs 5. No interactive white boards in Elementary 6. 2 district labs and 2 library media center 6. Age of equipment in computer labs 7. High School has a variety of technology 7. Number of computers in classrooms equipment 8. Limited software and technology 8. Grades 9-12 have email accounts 9. Lack of keyboarding and word processing 9. Shared district drive for teachers instruction in the Elementary 10. High school students can attend Clinton 10. Software support Technical School 11. High School has computer-assisted vocational classrooms 8 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 1 Student Learning Goal 1: The Lakeland R-3 School District will improve student academic performance and achievement through the integration and expansion of technology into all curricula. Objective 1: The district will raise student scores on MAP, ACT, and other assessments by revising and reviewing the curriculum to include technology. TFA: Student Learning Review Dates and Correction Strategies: See Communication, Monitoring, and Evaluation MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) 6.1, 6.2, 1.1, 5.1, 5.2 Students will use a 9.1, 9.4 variety of technologically driven strategies to solve real-world problems 6.1, 6.2, 5.1, 5.2 Students will use a 9.1, 9.4 variety of media tools to publish and communicate information 6.1, 6.2, 1.1, 1.3, Integrate technology 9.1, 9.4 5.1, 5.3 into curriculum to ensure that student competencies are addressed for testing Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.4, 2.7 Person Responsible Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate Timeline/ Completion Date Principals, Teachers District Budget Ongoing/Yearly Principals, Teachers District Budget Grants Ongoing/Yearly Principals, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers District Budget, Grants Ongoing/Yearly 9 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 1 Student Learning Goal 1: The Lakeland R-3 School District will improve student academic performance and achievement through the integration and expansion of technology into all curricula. Objective 2: The district will provide technology training for all students K-12. TFA: Student Learning Review Dates and Correction Strategies: See Communication, Monitoring, and Evaluation MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) Train students to use interactive white boards and accessories and projectors Increase the number of computers accessible to students in each classroom Improve the Elementary computer lab with updated technology and a larger work area Apply for eMints classrooms 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 5.1, 5.2 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 5.1, 5.2 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 5.1, 5.2 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 5.1, 5.2 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Purchase up to date software, licenses and media resources 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 5.1 Provide computer instruction and keyboarding skills in the Elementary Achieve a 100% return rate of Acceptable Use Policies signed by parents and teachers 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 5.3 Adopt textbooks that incorporate technology in instructional materials 6,1, 6.3, 6.4 1.3, 5.1 Implement an 8th grade technology literacy program Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.4, 1.8, 2.1, 2.7 Person Responsible Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate District Budget, Grants Timeline/ Completion Date Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator District Budget, Grants Ongoing/Yearly District Budget, Grants Ongoing/Yearly Superintendent, Principals, Teachers Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator Principals, Teachers District Budget, Grants District Budget, Grants Ongoing/Yearly District Budget Ongoing/Yearly Principals, Technology Coordinator, Teachers, Secretaries Principals, Teachers District Budget Ongoing/Yearly District Budget Ongoing/Yearly Principals, Teachers, Counselors District Budget Grants Ongoing/Yearly Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator 10 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Ongoing/Yearly Ongoing/Yearly Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 1 Student Learning Goal 1: The Lakeland R-3 School District will improve student academic performance and achievement through the integration and expansion of technology into all curricula. Objective 3: The district will provide students with relevant technological opportunities for use in their academic careers and/or the job market after graduation. TFA: Student Learning Review Dates and Correction Strategies: See Communication, Monitoring, and Evaluation MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) Person Responsible 1.3, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.3, 9.4 3.3, 5.2 Superintendent, Principals, Teachers, Counselors 1.3, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.3, 9.4 5.3, 5.4 High school students will continue to attend the Clinton Technical School for advanced technology instruction Develop a district-wide technology assessment 1.3, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.3, 9.4 1.3, 4.3, 5.3 Identify real-world technological applications and incorporate into curricula (projects/assignments) Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.4, 1.8, 2.1, 2.6, 2.7, 4.8 Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator, Teachers Principals, Teachers Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate District Budget Timeline/ Completion Date District Budget Ongoing/Yearly District Budget Ongoing/Yearly 11 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Ongoing/Yearly Student Learning TFA – Data Analysis, Objectives and Action Plans Data Analysis: Appropriate data was analyzed as related to the Student Learning TFA to determine our strengths and weaknesses. This analysis provided the information needed to determine what steps were necessary to improve the district’s student learning. Technology use is present in the curriculum, but we are lacking in resources. While the high school does have some excellent resources, the elementary does not have many of the same items. In addition, we believe that implementation of eMints classrooms, more technology professional development, and increasing the number of computers in classrooms will help us to attain our objectives. Objectives: From the above Data Analysis and meetings of the Technology Planning Committee, we formulated these objectives for Student Learning for the 2008-2011 Plan. Objective 1: The district will raise student scores on MAP, ACT, and other assessments by revising and reviewing the curriculum to include technology. Objective 2: The district will provide technology training for all students K-12. Objective 3: The district will provide students with relevant technological opportunities for use in their academic careers and/or the job market after graduation. Action Plans: The objectives then led to the following action plans that will generate steps to improve student learning. We linked the appropriate Show Me Standards and as well as MSIP and CSIP standards to these action plans. Evaluation: Evaluation of each action step, objective, and overall goal will be done according to the Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation. 12 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Current Technology Focus Areas and Goals TFA 2: Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Goal #2 The Lakeland R-3 School District will provide on going Professional Development to assist teachers in acquiring or updating their technological skills. Objective 1: The District will provide professional development activities to train teachers on current classroom technologies. Objective 2: The District will provide professional development activities to enhance teacher knowledge of the integration of technology into the curricula. Objective 3 The District’s professional development technology training opportunities will be increased yearly utilizing internal and external resources. Table: Strengths and Weaknesses of Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Strengths Weaknesses 1. Electronic Grade Book 1. Professional development 2. SIS-School Information System with Parent 2. Comfort, familiarity and understanding of Portal technology 3. Internet access 3. Acceptance and lack of use of technology by 4. Networked Computers in the classrooms teachers 5. Two District Computer Labs 4. Accountability for teacher use of technology 6. Two Library Media Center 5. Limited equipment technology/software 7. Shared District drive across the district 6. Interest to learn to integrate technology in the classroom 13 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 2 Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Goal 2:The Lakeland R-3 School District will provide on going Professional Development to assist teachers in acquiring or updating their technological skills. Objective 1: The District will provide professional development activities to train teachers on current classroom technologies. TFA: Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Review Dates and Correction Strategies: See Communication, Monitoring, and Evaluation MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7 1.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7 1.2, 5.1, 5.2 Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) Teachers will be encouraged to attend professional technology in-services and conferences to learn to use the current instructional technology aides. Person Responsible Training by the District will be provided as new technology is acquired. Technology Coordinator, PDC Superintendent, Principal, Professional Development Committee (PDC) Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate District Budget Timeline/ Completion Date District Budget Ongoing/Yearly Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.7, 3.6, 4.8 14 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Ongoing/Yearly Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 2 Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Goal 2: The Lakeland R-3 School District will provide on going Professional Development to assist teachers in acquiring or updating their technological skills. Objective 2: The District will provide professional development activities to enhance teacher knowledge of the integration of technology into the curriculum. TFA: Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Review Dates and Correction Strategies: See Communication, Monitoring, and Evaluation MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) Provide teachers with technological resources to enhance instruction Person Responsible Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate Timeline/ Completion Date 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 1.2, 5.1, 5.2 Principals, PDC, Technology Coordinator Teachers District Budget, PDC Funds Ongoing/Yearly 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 8.1 5.1, 5.4 Develop a comprehensive survey and provide training based on the needs assessment Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator, PDC District Budget, PDC Funds Ongoing/Yearly 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7 5.3 Teachers will increase the implementation of technology into the classroom instruction. Principals,, Technology Coordinator, PDC, Teachers District Budget, PDC Funds Ongoing/Yearly Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 2.7, 3.6, 4.8 15 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 2 Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Goal 2: The Lakeland R-3 School District will provide on going Professional Development to assist teachers in acquiring or updating their technological skills Objective 3: The District’s professional development technology training opportunities will be increased yearly utilizing internal and external resources TFA: Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Review Dates and Correction Strategies: See Communication, Monitoring , and Evaluation MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) Yearly PDC technology activities will be determined by using the comprehensive survey results. Person Responsible Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate Timeline/ Completion Date 6.3,6.4, 6.7, 8.1 5.3, 5.4 Superintendent, Principal, Technology Coordinator, PDC District Budget, PDC Funds Ongoing/Yearly 6.3, 6.4, 6.7 1.2, 5.1, 5.4 New teacher training will include basic competencies ex. email, network access, software Superintendent, Principal, Mentor, Technology Coordinator District Budget, PDC Funds Ongoing/Yearly 6.1 1.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 Technology training will be provided. Superintendent, Principal, Technology Coordinator, PDC District Budget, PDC Funds Ongoing/Yearly 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7 1.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 Teachers will be encouraged to attend professional technology conferences Superintendent, Principal, Technology Coordinator, PDC, Teacher District Budget, PDC Funds Ongoing/Yearly Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.7, 3.6,4.8 16 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction TFA – Data Analysis, Objectives and Action Plans Data Analysis: Appropriate data was analyzed as related to the Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction TFA to identify our strengths and weaknesses. The analysis provided the information needed to determine what steps were necessary to improve the districts teacher preparation and delivery of instruction in regards to technology. An action plan was created to address the identified weaknesses. Technology use is present in the curriculum, but we are lacking in teacher knowledge and interest. Getting the technology into the hands of the teachers as well as providing the training is a crucial need to increase comfort with the use of technology. Technology should not be used as an afterthought but be integrated into the daily curriculum and instruction. Increased technical support and professional development opportunities are also recognized as being necessary to further the comfort and familiarity with technology. Objectives: From the above Data Analysis and meetings of the Technology Planning Committee, we formulated these objectives for Student Learning for the 2008-2011 Plan. Objective 1: The district will provide professional development activities to train teachers on current classroom technologies. Objective 2: The district will provide professional development activities to enhance teacher knowledge of the integration of technology into the curriculum. Objective 3: The District’s professional development technology training opportunities will be increased yearly utilizing internal and external resources. Action Plans: The objectives then led to the following action plans that will generate steps to improve student learning. We linked the appropriate Show Me Standards and as well as MSIP and CSIP standards to the action plan. Evaluation: Evaluation of each action step, objective, and overall goal will be done according to the Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation. 17 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 TFA 3: Administration/Data Management/Communication Goal #3 The Lakeland R-III School District will use technology to improve administration, data management, and communication throughout the school system as well as to improve communication between the school system and the community. Objective 1: Provide a standardized data management system throughout the district. Objective 2: Provide a more adequate and efficient system for accessing district and student information by students, staff, parents and the community. Table: Strengths and Weaknesses of Administration Strengths 1. District Website 2. SIS Parent Portal (grades, lunch, attendance) 3. SIS (grade book software) Reports 4. Sped Trac (special service student management) Reports 5. SIS Student Records 6. Microsoft Outlook Email for all employees 7. School wide phone/intercom system 8. Accelerated Reader program 9. Computers available to all administration and faculty 10. All staff members have computers with internet access 11. All computers in the district are networked Weaknesses 1. School website underutilized by parents 2. Varying ability levels of users 3. Professional development in technology use 4. More interactive components are needed on the district website 5. Curricula are not published on the district website 6. District’s data collection and management systems are DOS based 18 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 3- Administration / Data Management / Communication Goal 3: The Lakeland R-III School District will use technology to improve administration, data management, and communication throughout the school system as well as to improve communication between the school system and the community. Objective 1: Provide a standardized data management system throughout the district TFA: Administration / Data Management / Communication Review Dates and Correction Strategies: MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) Person Responsible Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate District Budget Timeline/ Completion Date 6.4, 8.7 5.2, 5.4 Assess time appropriateness of moving the District’s Student Information Collection System from a DOS based system to a web-based system (SIS) Administration, Technology Coordinator, Building Secretaries, Counselors 6.4, 8.6 5.2, 5.4 Assess time appropriateness of moving the District’s Financial Management System from a DOS based system to a webbased system (SISFin) Administration, Bookkeeper, Central Office Secretary District Budget 2010 6.4, 6.7 1.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 Continue to increase staff utilization of district provided e-mail accounts and implement e-mail accounts for student use in grades 7-12 Building level administration, Technology Coordinator PDC Funds / District Budget Ongoing / Yearly 6.4 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 Review, evaluate, and revise network infrastructure Technology Department District Budget Ongoing / Yearly 6.4 5.2, 5.4 Maintain and assess the backup of critical district data Technology Coordinator District Budget Ongoing / Yearly Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.4, 1.8, 2.7, 4.8 19 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 2010 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 3- Administration / Data Management / Communication Goal 3: The Lakeland R-III School District will use technology to improve administration, data management, and communication throughout the school system as well as to improve communication between the school system and the community. Objective 2: Provide a more adequate and efficient system for accessing district and student information by students, staff, parents, and community TFA: Administration / Data Management / Communication Review Dates and Correction Strategies: MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) Person Responsible Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate District Budget Timeline/ Completion Date 6.4, 6.7 1.2, 5.2, 5.4 Continue the necessary security, professional development, and support to make communication of grades, attendance, schedules, and homework available to parents from home Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator 6.4, 7.5 5.3, 5.4 Publish District Curriculum on the district website Technology Coordinator District Budget 2009 6.4,7.5 5.2, 5.4 Develop and maintain an interactive component to the district website to provide daily information, exemplary lesson plans and resources for parents, teachers, and the community, etc. Principals, Technology Coordinator District Budget Ongoing / Yearly 6.4, 6.5, 7.5 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 Increase the number of parents utilizing the parent portal component of the student information system Principals, Technology Coordinator District Budget Ongoing / Yearly Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.4, 1.8, 2.7, 4.8 20 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Ongoing / Yearly Administration TFA – Data Analysis, Objectives and Action Plans Data Analysis Appropriate data was analyzed as related to the Administration TFA to identify our strengths and weaknesses. This analysis provided the information needed to determine what steps were necessary to improve the districts administrative technology. An action plan was created to address the identified weaknesses. The technology committee determined that many technological resources are available in the district, but are underutilized due to lack of training. Training and support will be necessary in the future to make more efficient use of existing resources. Objectives: From the above Data Analysis and meetings of the Technology Planning Committee, we formulated these objectives for Student Learning for the 2008-2011 Plan. Objective 1: Provide a standardized data management system throughout the district. Objective 2: Provide a more adequate and efficient system for accessing district and student information by students, staff, parents and the community. Action Plans: The objectives led to the creation of the following action plans that will generate steps to improve administration of the district. We linked the appropriate Show Me Standards and as well as MSIP and CSIP standards to the action plan. Evaluation: Evaluation of each action step, objective, and overall goal will be done according to the Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation. 21 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Current Technology Focus Areas and Goals TFA 4: Resource Distribution and Use Goal #4: The Lakeland R-3 School District will continue to maintain, replace and upgrade current technology, including software to enhance classroom instruction/resources for students, teachers and the community. Objective 1: Develop a systematic process for upgrading and replacing technology/software throughout the district. Objective 2: Enhance technology resources for teacher and student use. Objective 3: Implement a technology literacy course for the adult learners in our community. Table: Strengths and Weaknesses of Resource Distribution and Use Strengths Weaknesses 1. Student information software programs 1. Technology driven professional 2. Student information software parent development portal 2. Need interactive white boards, visual 3. Accelerated Reader presenters, projectors and accessories 4. District website district wide 5. Technology addressed in curriculum 3. Out-dated/lack of technology/limited 6. District Network software 7. Microsoft 2003 Server/with domain 4. Need to purchase Accelerated Math infrastructure/Smart filter program 8. Operating systems (OS) consist of 5. Electrical outlets/locations needed to Win2000 or XP on computers accommodate current/future 9. Keyboarding program (MicroType Pro) technology 10. Technology courses for students 6. Additional computer lab for district/or 11. Staff/Grades 9-12 email accounts mobile lab 12. 3 Promethean Boards, projectors, 7. Need more courses educating students ELMO’s, activotes and 2 activslates in technology (HS) 8. Minimal funds available for purchasing 13. Mobile Projector and ELMO equipment 14. Internet access district wide 9. Interior security camera system 15. Wireless Router/with mobile laptop 10. Library Media Centers need station additional/current technology 16. Library/media software (Destiny) 11. Community technology courses not networked throughout district and available linked on website 12. Limited use of website for 17. Laptops available for student use communication 18. Handheld devices for students (Palm 13. Student information software program pilots with keyboards, graphing is not web-based calculators) 14. Site license for current OS 19. 2 computer labs 15. Site license for yearly agreement with 20. 2 Library Media Centers with Microsoft for most recent software computers releases and update packages 21. Exterior security camera system 16. Wireless District 22. Back up server for data 22 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 4 – Resource Distribution and Use Goal 4: The Lakeland R-3 School District will continue to maintain, replace and upgrade current technology, including software to enhance classroom instruction/resources for students, teachers and the community. Objective 1: Develop a systematic process for upgrading and replacing technology/software throughout the district. TFA: Resource Distribution and Use Review Dates and Correction Strategies: MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy 6.4, 7.3, 9.4 5.2 Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) Establish a short and long term replacement schedule for technology/software 8.5 5.2 Increase budget allowance for technology purchases 8.11 5.2 Provide a security system internal and external throughout the campus Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.4, 2.7 Person Responsible Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate District Budget, Grants Timeline/ Completion Date Superintendent District Budget Ongoing/Yearly Superintendent District Budget, Grants Ongoing/Yearly Superintendent, Technology Coordinator 23 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Ongoing/Yearly Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 4 – Resource Distribution and Use Goal 4: The Lakeland R-3 School District will continue to maintain, replace and upgrade current technology, including software to enhance classroom instruction/resources for students, teachers and the community. Objective 2: Enhance technology resources for teacher and student use. TFA: Resource Distribution and Use Review Dates and Correction Strategies: MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) Person Responsible Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate PDC Funds, District Budget Timeline/ Completion Date 6.4, 6.7, 7.3, 9.4 1.2, 4.3, 5.1 Provide faculty/staff training to integrate technology PDC, Superintendent, Principals, Teachers 6.4, 7.3, 9.4 5.1, 5.2 6.4, 7.3, 9.4 5.2 8.11 5.2 6.4, 7.3, 9.4 4.3, 5.1, 5.2 Provide the district with an additional Computer Lab with at least 20 workstations (or mobile lab) Provide interactive white board, digital presenter, projectors and accessories district wide Establish electrical outlets/locations needed to accommodate current/future technology Provide advanced courses in technology for students to prepare for post-secondary education/career Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator District Budget, Grants Ongoing/Yearly Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator District Budget, Grants Ongoing/Yearly Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator, Teachers Superintendent, Principals, Counselor, Curriculum Committee, Teachers Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator Superintendent, Principals, Technology Coordinator District Budget Ongoing District Budget Ongoing/Yearly 6.4, 7.3, 9.4 5.1, 5.2 Wireless Technology throughout the district District Budget, Grants Ongoing 6.4, 6.8, 7.3, 9.4 5.1, 5.2 Enhance Library Media Centers with additional workstations District Budget, Grants Ongoing/Yearly Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.4, 1.8, 2.6, 2.7, 4.8 24 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Ongoing Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 4 – Resource Distribution and Use Goal 4: The Lakeland R-3 School District will continue to maintain, replace and upgrade current technology, including software to enhance classroom instruction/resources for students, teachers and the community. Objective 3: Implement a technology literacy course for the adult learners in our community. TFA: Resource Distribution and Use Review Dates and Correction Strategies: MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) 7.6 4.3, 5.1, 5.2 Provide technology course(s) for the community Person Responsible Superintendent, Principals, Teachers, Technology Coordinator 6.4, 6.7, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2 Allow Superintendent, 6.8, 7.3, Student/Community Principals, 7.6, 9.4 access after school Faculty, hours to use district Technology technology Coordinator Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.4, 1.8, 2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 2.7,4.8 Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate District Budget, Grants Timeline/ Completion Date District Budget, Grants Ongoing/Yearly 25 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Ongoing/Yearly Resource Distribution and Use TFA – Data Analysis, Objectives and Action Plans Data Analysis: Appropriate data was analyzed as related to the Resource Distribution and Use TFA to identify our strengths and weaknesses. This analysis provided the information needed to determine what steps were necessary to improve the districts technology. An action plan was created to address the identified weaknesses. Committee members evaluated software and hardware inventories along with student and staff surveys to analyze the resources available to them on a daily basis. As stated before, student access to technology is available in all classrooms. Internet access with SmartFilter content filtering is installed and running on all computer workstations. The 2007-2008 Technology Surveys expressed the need for up-to-date technology, software and an equipment rotation/replacement schedule. The Student Technology Survey revealed that 68% of the students in grades 4-12 feel that Lakeland provides them with adequate technology for class assignments. However, only 45% felt technology was available before, during or after school and 54% felt the technology at Lakeland will prepare them for future endeavors. These Technology Surveys have provided us direction in developing action plans and steps for the 2008-2011 Technology Plan. We also reviewed our prior technology plan to identify strengths and weaknesses as well as progress in meeting prior objectives. Objectives: From the above Data Analysis and meetings of the Technology Planning Committee we formulated these objectives for Resource Distribution and Use for the 2008-2011 Plan: Objective 1: Develop a systematic process for upgrading and replacing technology/software throughout the district. Objective 2: Enhance technology resources for teacher and student use. Objective 3: Implement a technology literacy course for the adult learners in our community. Action Plans: The objectives led to the following action plans that will generate steps to improve our use of technological resources within the district. We aligned the appropriate Show Me Standards as well as MSIP and CSIP standards to these action plans. Evaluation: Evaluation of each action step, objective, and overall goal will be done according to the Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation. 26 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 TFA 5: Technical Support Goal #5: The Lakeland R-III School District will continue to provide timely, quality assistance and support that maintains the student and staff learning and work environments. Objective 1: Continue to offer efficient and productive technological support and training. Table: Strengths and Weaknesses of Technical Support Strengths 1. Technical support staff acknowledges problems in a timely manner. 2. Technical support staff resolves priority problems in a timely manner. 3. Technical support staff is able to effectively prioritize and address critical issues in a timely manner. 4. Technical support staff provides training for Student Information System (SIS). 5. Technical support staff provides training in using school web page and parent portal. Weaknesses 1. Not enough technical support staff, as a result some issues often given a low priority for response. 2. District needs to update the standard minimum operating system. 3. Minimal budget for equipment. 4. No budget for additional support staff. 27 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 5 – Technical Support Goal #5: The Lakeland R-III School District will continue to provide timely, quality assistance and support that maintains the student and staff learning and work environments. Objective 1: Continue to offer efficient and productive technological support. TFA: Technical Support Review Dates and Correction Strategies: MSIP Standard/ Indicator CSIP Objective/ Strategy Action Step/Activity (Strength & Weakness Table Reference) Person Responsible Funding Sources/ Cost Estimate District Budget Timeline/ Completion Date 6.4 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 Inventory district to assess current desktop operating systems on all computers and update all systems. Technology Dept. 6.4, 6.7 1.2, 5.1, 5.4 Train additional staff to provide support and assistance. Superintendent, Principal, Teachers, Technology Dept, District Budget Ongoing 6.4, 8.1 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 Review technology goals on an annual basis and support their implementation. Principals, Teachers, Technology Dept. District Budget Yearly 6.4, 6.7 5.2, 5.4 Encourage teachers to write grants for new technology. Superintendant, Teachers, Principals District Budget Ongoing 6.4 5.2, 5.4 Allocate additional funding for new technology equipment and support staff. Superintendant District Budget Ongoing 6.4, 6.7 1.2, 5.1, 5.4 Continue to provide training in SIS, school web page, and parent portal. Technology Dept. District Budget Ongoing 6.4, 8.1 5.1, 5.3, 5.4 Technology Dept. District Budget Monthly Formulate technical support plan utilizing current technology staff. Missouri Show Me Standards: 1.4, 2.7 28 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 2008 Technical Support TFA—Data Analysis, Objectives and Action Plans Data Analysis: Appropriate data was analyzed as related to the Technical Support TFA to identify strengths and weaknesses. This analysis provided the information needed to determine what steps were necessary to improve the district’s technical support. An action plan was created to address the identified weaknesses. The technology committee administered surveys to gather information from teachers about their comfort level using technology and how teachers felt about the technical support staff’s ability to acknowledge and repair problems. From this information we identified concerns related to training in the use of technology and support. Objective: From the above Data Analysis and meetings of the Technology Planning Committee, we formulated this objective for Technology Support for the 2008-2011 Plan. Objective 1: Continue to improve and offer efficient and productive technological support and training. Action Plans: This objective then led to the creation of the following action plans that will generate steps to improve the districts technical support. We linked the Show Me Standards as well as MSIP and CSIP standards to these action plans. Evaluation: Evaluation of each action step, objective, and overall goal will be done according to the Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation. 29 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011 Dissemination, Monitoring, and Evaluation Disseminating, monitoring, and evaluating the technology plan will be an ongoing process for the Lakeland R-III School District. The technology plan will be presented to the board of education, administration, faculty, and staff. In addition, it will be available for examination by the community in the district’s central office and on the Lakeland School R-III website. The plan will be reviewed twice yearly by the technology committee and building administrators to determine whether goals and objectives are met. Monitoring will be accomplished in part by interpretation a wide variety of sources including, but not limited to surveys, test scores and other records to ensure progress is being made. If changes to the plan are required, they will be made to meet local, state, and national standards. Collection and evaluation of data will be a continual process facilitated by periodic meetings by the technology committee. Information gathered will serve as the basis for any future recommendations and for the development of strategies to achieve the goals set by the technology plan. 30 Lakeland R-III School District Technology Plan 2008-2011