ECFE 2015-16 Parent Handbook - Elk River


Parent Handbook


Early Childhood Family Education

School Readiness


ISD 728, Elk River Area School District

Community Education Program

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Call ECFE/SR at 763-241-3524

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Our mission is to educate, inspire and empower our diverse learners, to shape their futures, to accomplish their dreams and to contribute

positively to our local and global communities.


September, 2015

What is Early Childhood Family Education?

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a program for all Minnesota families with children between the ages of birth and kindergarten enrollment. It recognizes that families provide children's first and most important learning environments and parents are children's first and most significant teachers. The purpose of the early childhood family education program is to provide parenting education to support children's learning and development.

Why involve parents?

Research shows that early childhood programs involving both parents and children are more effective than programs centering exclusively on the child. Educators and psychologists contend that it is vital for early childhood programs to assist parents in their role as primary educators of their children. Involving families prior to kindergarten enrollment encourages parents to play an active role in their children's learning in the elementary years and beyond.

How is it funded?

Early Childhood Family Education was developed through a series of pilot programs funded by the Minnesota Legislature and coordinated by the Minnesota Council on

Quality Education from 1974 to 1983. In 1984, the legislature made it possible for any school district with a Community Education program to establish an Early Childhood

Family Education program. The programs are funded with a combined local levy/state aid formula, which may be supplemented with registration fees and funds from other sources.

ISD 728 Programs for families with children birth to before kindergarten...

Early Childhood Screening

Because of the importance of a child's early years to their later development, Early

Childhood Screening is required before children attend Discovery Learning Classes and kindergarten. Through the screening process parents can discuss their concerns and

find out about resources in the school and community and problems can be identified early. Children are eligible to be screened at age 3. Families will receive information in the mail about scheduling appointments for Early Childhood Screening. Call the office at 241-3525 with questions.


School Readiness - Discovery Learning Preschool…What is it?

Discovery Learning Preschool focuses on three and four year old children. The purpose of a school readiness program is to prepare children to enter kindergarten .

The program enhances children's learning, development and future success in school. The ultimate goal of Discovery Learning Preschool is to build a "caring community" for children and families by maximizing the use of community resources.

A School Readiness plan was developed through input from area agency staff, school staff and parents. Funding for the program is a result of the State Legislature's action in


Classes for 3 and 4 year old children and home visits are available. If you have questions about the program, please call the ECFE/SR office at 241-3524.

Early Childhood Special Education

Children in ISD 728 can receive educational services from the Early Childhood Special

Education program in the district. Home-based instruction, classroom instruction and parent education are offered. For more information on how to arrange a developmental evaluation for your child or for any other questions you may have, call 241-3400 ext.


Community Programs

Call 241-3524 for more information. ECFE/SR also has information or phone numbers for Community resources such as Head Start, WIC, Social Services and Health Services.


About School Readiness Classes and What to do...

If you'd like to bring someone to class with you

Grandparents, neighbors, relatives, or friends with their children are welcome to attend class with you. Please talk to the children's instructor prior to the day of class if you'd like to bring someone with you.

If you are unable to attend class

If you must miss a class, please call your child’s instructor or the SR office at 241-3524 before your session. If after office hours, please call your child’s instructor directly.

If your child is sick


Please keep your child home if ill, especially those with fever, diarrhea, chicken pox or the flu. If your child becomes ill during a session, we will ask you to take your child home. (Please refer to the district health guidelines in this handbook)

About Immunizations

State law requires that you provide dates of immunization and that your child's immunizations are up to date in order to participate in SR classes. Forms are available from the SR secretary. Please notify the secretary when your child has additional immunizations.

About Birthdays

Children’s birthdays will be acknowledged in class (song, notes) unless parents request that they not be. Birthday treats (food) will not be permitted. Any birthday invitations should be given discreetly outside of the classroom/school out of respect for all children.

About Holidays

Educational information and activities to help children understand a variety of holidays and cultural traditions may be included in your child’s activities or parent discussions.

Please respect our program, safety, and everyone’s beliefs by not bringing in gifts/treats during any holiday. There are multiple opportunities to celebrate holidays through various community activities and events sponsored by our programs.

Halloween and Costumes

Discovery Learning (School Readiness) classes will be planning fall activities in all of the classrooms as part of the regular curriculum. Wearing Halloween costumes are not permitted.

Gift Policy

The district policy approves only of small tokens of appreciation from parents to staff.

Notes of appreciation are suggested.

End of the Year Celebrations

Our Discovery Learning programs offers fun and engaging end of the year celebrations.

This may include: field trips, pictures, food, games, etc. We do not participate in formal graduation ceremonies.

In Case of Bad Weather

Consult WCCO 830 radio, local television stations, the ISD 728 website or call the SR voicemail after hours for the latest information if inclement weather arises. Please do not put you or your child at risk if you feel that weather is an issue. If inclement weather forces the District 728 schools to close, or dismiss early, one of the following announcements will be made:

Two Hour Late Start means morning Community Education and ECFE/SR classes will be cancelled. Afternoon and evening classes will meet as scheduled.

No School means morning, afternoon and evening Community Education and ECFE/SR classes will be cancelled.

Emergency Early Dismissal means all Community Education and ECFE/SR classes for the balance of the day (afternoon and evening) are cancelled.


*Credits will be issued on request. We will not refund your child’s tuition due to weather cancellations. If you would like to request a credit, please contact the ECFE/SR office.

If you need to use child care for siblings

Program Participant Care for brothers and sisters is provided during parent/child/family times.

We cannot accommodate other children in your care.

Registration for sibling care should be completed at the same time as class registration. Call Wendy at 763-241-

3400 x5528. Children must be at least 6 weeks old to be eligible for sibling care; prior to 6 weeks infants may accompany parents to class. Children 6 weeks to 3 months may accompany parents to class, or they may attend sibling care. At 3 months of age, children must attend sibling care.

To request sibling care on a one-time basis, you must call to check availability at least 1 day prior to class.

Lactation Room

Lactation rooms are available at the Handke Family Center for mothers who would prefer privacy for nursing and pumping. Please ask staff if you need assistance.


The safety of your child outside of the classroom is your responsibility. Supervise them at all times. Due to the volume of traffic on the streets and in the parking lots, supervising your child is imperative. Hold their hand when crossing streets/parking lots.

If you need assistance at arrival or departure time, please ask a staff member.


Parking is not allowed in front of the buildings/sites or anywhere there is a yellow curb.

They are fire lanes and you can be ticketed. Also, please be respectful of nearby residents’ driveways and businesses within the area. For safety’s sake, please do not leave babies or children in unattended, parked vehicles.


*Zimmerman- you will need to enter the school through the main doors to the building.

You will be asked to wait in the vestibule until staff arrives for pick up and drop off.

If you arrive late for class, you will need to check in at the office and receive a badge.

Other entrance doors to the school will be locked to provide additional security.


*Rogers- you will need to enter the school through the main door to the office. You will need to use your school card to enter the secured area of the building. If you have any issues, forget your card, or come in when class is not in session, you will need to check in at the office and receive a temporary badge.

*Elk River, you will need to enter the school through the main doors to the building. You will need to use your school card to enter the secured area of the building. If you have any issues, forget your card, or come in when class is not in session, you will need to check in at the office and receive a temporary badge. Other entrance doors to the school will be locked to provide additional security.

As You Arrive for Class

In Discovery Learning, we are preparing the learning environment for your child. Please come to class ready to learn. Leave your personal and work business at home. This includes calls and texts.

We ask that you refrain from cell phone use in the presence of your child whether in the classroom or the hallway.

•Cubbies/lockers are provided for coats and backpacks. They are located in the hallway near your classroom.

•Please do not bring toys and/or valuable items from home to SR classes. (You may bring a “security” item to help ease separation anxiety if needed.) If a toy from home is inadvertently brought to class, we will ask your child to set it aside until after class. In accordance with school district policy, objects or toys resembling weapons of any kind are not permitted on school property; such items will not be allowed at ECFE/SR.

•Some activities may be messy, please dress your child accordingly.

•There will be other district staff, including the ECFE/SR Manager and Assistant

Manager, who may attend or observe classes. We utilize multiple coaching experiences in our classrooms. We also provide opportunities for student teachers to work in the classes.


Parent/child separations can be difficult. We recommend that you prepare your child by telling them you where you will be and if during parent discussion, then notify the you will be in another room (parent discussion) and that you will be back. Working together, the instructor and parent will decide such things as when the parent should leave, how long the parent should stay away and how to make the separation easier. If a plan is made, it will be implemented in the child’s classroom. The parent discussion room is maintained as a safe environment for parents to learn and share. It is not an appropriate environment for children (unless under the age of three months)

When you pick up your child from Discovery Learning

Parents are expected to pick up their child within five minutes of the end of the class. A late fee of $1.00 per minute, per student will apply after the five-minute grace period.

This fee is to be paid at the time of pick up. Chronic late pick-ups or extreme lateness can result in other penalties, including exclusion from the program.


Parent Participation

We look forward to your regular participation on parent-child/family days. Your involvement is key to your child’s success. Parents may be asked to volunteer in their child’s classroom. Volunteering offers a unique chance to participate in your child’s class and provide important benefits for yourself and your child. Additional opportunities to volunteer outside the classroom are available, too.

Technology/Social Media

The district policy guideline (refer to the district site under policy 7049) states any guests using the district’s hardware, software, and network (internet use) need to abide by the policy. Please use these items responsibly. These resources should be used for educational purposes only. Any user should not have any expectation of privacy. The district is able to track usage and will maintain an educational and safe environment for all students, staff, and guests.

In order to maintain professional learning environments and relationships, our ECFE/SR staff members will not “friend” any participant of our programs, for the duration of the programs, on any social media platform. Please refrain from trying to “friend” staff. Also, please be respectful of our program and participants when using social media. We have a Facebook page, where you are able to interact and connect with our programs.

A Word About Injuries

As much as we try to prevent them, minor accidents sometimes happen. Staff will use first aid supplies. Any significant injury will be documented in an injury report with parents being notified.


Personal information discussed within the parenting groups is confidential. However in cases of suspected child abuse, staff members are mandated by law to report it to the proper authorities.


Held twice a year (November/May) with program staff and are available requested by the parent at other times. if

Allergies and Health Concerns

At the time of registration parents will be asked to complete a form indicating any allergy, health, or special needs of their child or children participating in class.

Depending on the nature of the concern, parents may be asked to provide additional information regarding their child. Information may include providing a doctor’s statement or the completion of an allergy or asthma plan with the school nurse.

Information is required to comply with school district requirements and to insure the

well being of your child while at school. Information collected is confidential and will only be shared with staff directly involved in your child’s class.


Donations and Healthy Snacks

We will be asking parents for donations of nutritious snacks to be used for classes. A snack list of items will be available when you come to class. Please sign up regularly. We follow nutrition standards and water will be provided to drink. Classes will participate in cooking activities throughout the year. A snack policy is being put in place. PLEASE refrain from bringing in any items not on the snack list provided as need to protect the safety of our students with health concerns and/or food allergies.

Lockdown/Tornado/Fire Drills

Each school in the district is required, by law, to conduct five lockdown drills each year to determine how a crisis situation might be handled if one should occur at our school.

Fire and tornado drills occur multiple times a year too. Drills are a necessary part of preparing for possible emergencies. We do this to ensure that all students and staff are safe and we take appropriate steps to deal with each situation. In the event of a drill, please be patient if you are on school grounds.

*Please note: if you are in the school during a drill, we ask that you do not take your child away from the class as we need to make sure all children are safe and accounted for.

Toy Donations

We appreciate that families think of Discovery Learning when looking for a home for gently used toys. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept these donations as we can’t verify that they are lead free.

Advisory Council- Parent

Our ECFE/SR Advisory Council consists of a group of parents who want to be involved in our ECFE/SR programs. Their purpose is to represent parent participant concerns and to assist staff with program planning. They sponsor annual activities and fundraisers.

Parent Advisory Council meetings are held monthly during the evenings with free childcare available. Please inquire through the office 763-241-3524 for more information.


High Five is a social emotional framework adopted by our ECFE/SR and ECSE programs in ISD 728. Originally named TACSEI (Technical Assistance Center on Social and

Emotional Intervention), Minnesota was chosen as a federal demonstration program state for TACSEI. The Elk River ECFE/SR/ECSE program was chosen to be one of the first three sites in the state to implement the TACSEI program in 2010. This is a program of staff development, through the use of coaching, that supports social and emotional development of children birth through kindergarten and equips them for success in school. Outside staff members including: behavior specialists, internal coaches, etc. may be working with classroom staff and observing classrooms

. Data will be collected on children in the classroom if any behavior incidents occur and if further intervention is


Data will be shared with a specialist team and families. Staff will work with

9 families if any concerns are present to help every child succeed. Your child will be a part of and benefit from this program when they attend ECFE/SR classes.

In the summer of 2014, our programming was again selected for another opportunity!

We are working with the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center to help promote child engagement. We have combined these frameworks (High Five,ECTA) this year to help children feel more confident and secure by increasing opportunities for interaction.

We are provided coaching along with our High Five program and will collect data on child engagement. General data is submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education yearly.

*Our program rules follow these five guiding rules. Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Helpful, Have

Fun, and Respect Everyone!

BIG (Behavior Intervention Group)

BIG is an intervention and prevention program for children ages: three to five, who are at risk of losing their childcare or preschool placement (outside of Discovery Learning) because of negative behaviors. BIG is a team made up of parent educators and behavior specialists. BIG works with parents, teachers, and childcare providers as a team to build positive behavior skills. Children in the BIG program may be participating in your child’s class. If you are interested in BIG, please contact the ECFE/SR office for more information. Your support and understanding of the process will contribute to the child’s success.

Data Privacy and Release Information

At the time of registration you are asked to provide ECFE/SR with information about your child. Data collected by ECFE/SR is used for the following: To enroll participants in our programs, to assist with program planning and goal setting, to report to parents regarding child’s progress, and to track payment. The data will be provided to the instructor(s), and staff whose jobs require the data, and to staff who may need to contact parents. Data may also be shared with the school district census office.

Information will be released to outside agencies/persons when a Consent to Release

Information form is completed by the parent. Additional information about data privacy and release of information will be available at the time of enrollment.

Mandated Reporting

It’s a state law that all ECFE/SR staff must report any suspected child abuse or neglect to

County Social Services or Law Enforcement.


Inclusion in School District 728 Early Childhood Programs…

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion describes children of all abilities learning, playing and working together in a positive early childhood environment. Children with special needs may be included in any or all of our programs.

Who is Involved?


Families and children who participate in Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE),

Discovery Learning Preschool, and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) may be involved in inclusive classrooms. Staff may be from ECFE, ECSE, and Discovery Learning.

What are the benefits of inclusion?

Children benefit when they


Make friends……Learn to accept others as they are…..Develop patience and compassion…..Learn to help others…..Learn to accept their own strengths and needs…..Accept others as individuals, not “labels”…..Build interdependence and ability to develop skills to deal with conflict......Develop better language and communication skills......Learn self-respect by being part of a positive, natural environment......Notice similarities between themselves and others.

Families and community benefit......

By involvement in an inclusive setting all families can have the opportunity to develop a greater understanding and sensitivity towards all people. Families have opportunities to learn about and discuss differences in human growth and development. Families can learn to accept a variety of people and discover individual differences and strengths in learning styles and abilities.

How might an inclusive classroom look?

-All children will be involved in classroom activities.

-Staff members may provide individualized activities for specific children as well as incorporate adapted activities in small and large group activities.

-Caring and knowledgeable staff will assist children who are learning to manage their behaviors and emotions. This process generally takes many small steps. Patience and acceptance by staff, parents and children will help to support this.

-Staff with expertise in a variety of areas will contribute to the operation and quality of the class. These staff members may participate in the classroom on a daily or weekly basis.


A Healthy Child is a Happy Child…

Your child will learn best when healthy. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and not the mere absence of diseases or infirmity.


Staying Healthy - Teaching children good health habits is an important part of your child's education. Good personal hygiene is a necessary and important part of your child's relationship with others. We teach the principles of good hygiene in school and encourage the students to practice what they have learned.


Wash hands with soap and water before eating and after going to the toilet (many communicable diseases are spread from hand to mouth.)

2. Have an early bedtime.

3. Have a balanced diet including three meals each day, especially breakfast.

4. Brush teeth thoroughly daily.

5. Cover mouth for coughs and sneezes.

It costs more money to be sick or injured then it costs to prevent sickness and injury.

Wise spending for health includes:


Good insurance coverage


Regular visits to the doctor and dentist including immunizations, and medical care early in an illness.


Balanced diet, including all food groups.


Good sleeping habits and good health habits.


Safety measures at home and while traveling – locked medicine cabinet – poisons out of reach of small children.


First Aid supplies and First Aid/CPR courses


Be sure your child is dressed appropriately for weather conditions each day.

Vision and hearing screening is offered as a part of Early Childhood Screening. All children must be screened prior to entering kindergarten. For information call the SR office at 763-241-3525. Early Childhood Health and Developmental Screening is completed through the school district. Screening is not a substitute for a physical examination by a doctor.

Immunizations - Minnesota law requires that all school children be immunized against seven diseases, allowing for certain specified exemptions. Before beginning classes, proof of immunization must be provided. Low cost immunizations are available in each county through Public Health.


Sherburne County 763-241-2750 Wright County 763-682-7468

Anoka County 763-422-7030 Hennepin County 612-348-

Please notify the ECFE/SR office when your child has additional immunizations.

Dental visits should start at the age of 2 or 3 years. Your dentist will suggest how often to visit. Unfilled cavities and early loss of baby teeth can result in lack of space for straight growth of permanent teeth. Your child at 5 has 20 baby teeth. The baby molars will not "shed" until 10-11 years old. The first permanent molars come in at age 6 and 7 and need to be kept brushed and clean.

Is my child well enough to go to class?


Many parents are frequently concerned about when their child should stay home or attend class. Remember that a child ill with an infectious disease can spread the disease when in contact with others in the family and the community.

The following information is intended to help with this decision:

If your child is absent due to illness, please call your child’s instructor.

If your child has had a fever of 100 degrees or more, your child should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal, without fever reducing medication.

If your child has vomited or had diarrhea, your child should stay home for

24 hours after the last episode.

If your child has any rash, check with your family physician before sending your child to class. A child with an undiagnosed rash will not be allowed to stay in class.

If your child is found to have live lice and/or nits within 1/2 inch from the scalp, a parent/guardian will be notified.

When children are ill in class, an attempt is made to first contact the parent and then the name listed on the student emergency information. If you have any questions regarding the above information or your child’s illness, please call your child’s instructor or family physician.


Please notify the school if your child has a contagious condition such as chicken pox, head lice, strep throat, or whooping cough.

Chickenpox (Varicella)

Chickenpox is a viral illness. The symptoms include a rash beginning as red bumps turning into blisters, and possibly a fever. Exclusion from school is until all blisters have dried and formed scabs, about 6 days after the onset of the rash.

Fifth Disease

Fifth disease is a mild, common viral rash illness. Early symptoms are generally mild and may include a sore throat or low-grade fever. When the rash develops, it often appears on the cheeks (a slapped cheek look) and moves to the arms, upper body, buttocks, and legs. The rash on the body appears fine, lacy, and pink is more pronounced with exposure to heat or sunlight. Exclusion from school only if fever is present.

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease is a viral infection causing a blister-like rash. Symptoms include a low-grade fever, sores/blisters on hands, feet, in mouth, and sometimes on

buttocks. Exclusion from school is until fever is gone and child is well enough for routine activities.


Head Lice

Head lice are communicable, but they do not spread infection or disease; they are simply a nuisance. Anyone can get head lice, but they are commonly spread by younger children who have more head to head contact. Sleepovers are a common setting in which head lice can spread. The best prevention is to check your child's hair and scalp routinely throughout the year. For more information, check out the district’s website.


Impetigo is a contagious bacterial skin infection often occurring on the nose, arms, legs, or around the mouth. Sores begin as small fluid-filled blisters, but rupture quickly, producing a thick golden-yellow discharge that dries, crusts, and sticks to the skin. This infection is common in young children and is easily spread from person to person by touching the fluid from the sores. Exclusion from school is until 24 hours after treatment begins and sores are drying.

Influenza-like Illness

Influenza-like Illness is described as symptoms of a cough or sore throat and a fever of

100 degrees or greater. The recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control

(CDC) is that children can return to school

24 hours after their fever is gone without fever-reducing medication

, and they are feeling well enough to participate in school.

Flu symptoms may last 5-7 days.

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)

Pink eye is a common infection involving redness of the inner eyelids. Symptoms include redness, itching, pain and drainage from the eyes. Not all children are sent home from school because their eyes appear red. Red eyes can be the result of a common cold, allergies, irritants and viral or bacterial infection. Whether or not they are sent home depends on the cause of the redness, the age of the child, and if they have a fever or other symptoms.


Ringworm is a fungal infection of the body, scalp, hair, or feet. Ringworm on the body appears as flat, spreading ring-shaped areas on the skin. If lesions can be covered, no exclusion. If lesions cannot be covered, exclusion from school is until 24 hours after treatment begins.


Scabies is an infestation of the skin caused by a tiny, insect-like animal called a mite.

The female mite burrows under the skin to lay her eggs. Symptoms include intense itching (especially at night) and a rash of pink bumps or tiny blisters most commonly seen between the fingers, on the hands, knees, elbows, armpits and around the waist. Exclusion from school is until 24 hours after treatment begins.


Strep Infections

Strep Throat and Scarlet Fever (a strep infection with a rash) are common bacterial infections in young children. Symptoms of strep throat often include a fever, red sore throat, and swollen glands. Headache, nausea, and stomach pain may also be more common in children. If your child is positive for strep, they must be on antibiotics for 24 hours and fever free before they can return to school.

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Whooping Cough is a persistent bacterial cough illness. Common symptoms include a cough that occurs in sudden, uncontrollable bursts, high-pitched whooping sounds, and vomiting after a coughing spell. Exclusion from school is until they have finished five days of antibiotics, unless they have been coughing greater than three weeks.

Whooping Cough is a reportable disease through the Minnesota Department of Health



Superintendent & ISD 728 School Board

Dr. Mark Bezek, Superintendent

Jane Bunting, Chair

Holly Thompson, Vice Chair

Tony Walter, Secretary-Treasurer

Sue Farber, Director

Jaime Plantenberg-Selbitschka, Director

Shane Steinbrecher, Director

Dan Hunt, Director

Community Education

Charlie Blesener, Director of Community Engagement

15/16 ECFE/SR Advisory Council- Leadership

Becky Vevle Andrea McFarland

Chris Gelhaye Amy Schearer

Early Childhood Family Education/School Readiness Staff

Kristen Nelson Manager

Tiffany Grams

Judy Larson

Laura Orwoll

Mary Dwyer

Kathleen Holthaus

Jenny Luing

Beth Britt

Beth Thorson

Cindy Nyquist

Angela Talbot

Nicole Martin

Rebecca Dey

Sherrie Lorentz

Kris Radke

Assistant Manager



Parent Facilitator/Home Visitor

Parent Facilitator/Young Parent Instructor/Home Visitor

Parent Facilitator/Home Visitor

Parent Facilitator/ECFE Child Educator

ECFE Child Educator

ECFE Child Educator

Discovery Learning Instructor

Discovery Learning Instructor

Discovery Learning Instructor/MRC Internal Coach

Discovery Learning Instructor/MRC Professional Corps

Discovery Learning Instructor

Kelly K. Rogers

Lisa Miner

Discovery Learning Instructor

Discovery Learning Instructor/MRC Professional Corps

Amanda Rotz Discovery Learning Instructor

Maureen Bolin

Nancy Fahrner



Lisa Davis Assistant

Wanda Anderson Assistant

Terry Briggs

Teresa Sizen



Liz Frink

Theresa Heinkel

Erin Mathison

Jennifer Podoll





Program Participant Care

Wendy Mitchell Site Supervisor



The mission of District 728 Early Childhood Family Education is to strengthen families and support all parents in providing the best possible environment for the healthy growth and development of their children.



The goals of Early Childhood Family Education are:

 To support children's optimal physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development during the important early years of life.

 To encourage parent involvement in children's learning, development and education.

 To help parents develop informed, realistic attitudes and expectations about raising children.

 To promote effective communication between parents and children.

 To encourage healthy relationships between parents and children.

 To help parents develop and strengthen support networks which enhance effective parenting.

 To encourage development and effective use of community resources for families.

 To help prevent child abuse, family violence, and other negative family outcomes.

 To reach the diversity of families residing within the school district.

 To offer a variety of program opportunities and options so that barriers to participation and learning are eliminated.

Purpose of School Readiness:



The purpose of the School Readiness program is to provide all eligible children adequate opportunities to participate in child development programs that enable the children to enter school with the necessary skills, behavior, family stability and support to progress and flourish, and to prepare children to enter kindergarten.
