
RESUME OF: William Garrison
Phone: 716-401-9499
Languages/Frameworks: PHP (OOP and Procedural), SQL, XML, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5,
Jquery, Smarty (templating), XHTML, Magento, Ruby on Rails, CodeIgniter,
Zend Framework
LAMP, Microsoft Windows
MySQL, SQL-Lite, Apache, Sql Server, PostgresSql
Dev. Software/Tools:
Komodo Edit, VIM, Netbeans, Eclipse
Version Control Systems: SVN / CVS / GIT
Software Developer
Worked with Intel XDK to develop a hybrid html phone application that used a Laravel REST API
on the backend.
Developed multiple internal tools using PHP.
Put together GIT training for new users within the company.
Cognigen Corporation
Software Developer II
Jul 2013 – October 2014
Learned ExtJS / Oracle to assist with maintenance and development of new systems for a web
application designed to manage the pk/pd analysis process.
Worked with a team to put together a new Authorization / Authentication portion of the
Put together GIT training to ease the transfer from SVN to GIT
Blizzard Labs
Senior PHP Developer
November 2014 – Present
Jan 2013 – Jul 2013
Used Ruby On Rails / SQL Server to create an invoicing and payment infrastructure for GMI, a
Gold Refining Company.
Using Magento Enterprise (based on Zend Framework) developed custom extensions to
enhance their current affiliate programs.
Both Magento and RoR were new technologies that I had never touched before working for this
company. I was up and running and developing new technologies on each in under a month.
PHP Developer
Jul 2012 – Dec 2012
Using their custom framework based on PHP, updated and tested their new profile system. This
included back and front end development.
Working in a team developed from scratch a new permissions framework, from designing the
database to implementing the interface.
Using previously mentioned permissions framework we developed a document management
system that included versioning / permissions / groups / html 5 interfaces for uploading /
downloading files.
PHP Developer
Used Zend Framework / PHP / REST services to create 6 new searches and update existing
services for the award-winning Accurint Mobile App.
Using PHP / Javascript / HTML / CSS I created a new “guest checkout” that allowed guest users
to purchase orders on the product.
Worked as a team to implement a large series of changes to (PeopleWise 2.2)
including visual updates / saved credit cards for registered users and new reports and searches.
Using Zend Framework I updated / improved the hits / irst products with better upload modifications.
Including the ability to rotate pdf’s, move added barcodes / line 5 data wherever they were needed
and allowing the upload of TIFF files as well as PDF’s.
Created a new CrossLinks placeholder for Social Security Numbers to be used internally on the
Accurint REST server. This allowed for increased user security.
Ported over “notes database” functionality from the PERL coded Accurint environment over to the
PHP coded Peoplewise environment. This database allows for better logging of user updates /
Worked on front end GUI updates for HITS / IRST products with a combination of PHP / MySQL /
CSS / HTML / Javascript changes.
Currently working on a new prototype REST service that will provide data for a new LexisNexis
Comand Solutions
Web Developer
Jul 2011 – Jul 2012
Apr 2011 – May 2011
Used PHP/ JavaScript/ Jquery / CSS / HTML to develop a prototype for new propel-ant website
( {propelant/webcomand}).
Researched and documented the function of the Boyden site ( to provide future
documentation for developers and Boyden employees.
Used a proprietary CMS (webcomand) to develop the redesign and initial design for both propelant
and Boyden.
Brought on board as a consultant for 3month contract and completed project in 1month.
Synacor Inc.
Jan 2007 – Mar 2011
PHP Developer
 Was a lead developer for Synacor’s main client, Quest.
 Developed the PHP registration and secondary registration for new portal. Registration was a form
that received its initial information from Qwest, stepped the user through registration and then sent
Successes / Failures back to Qwest and forwarded the user on to the new portal.
 Created the user interface / templating engine / controller for Voluntary Migration
Used PHP, database lookups (SQL) and Jquery to create a dynamic page that determined the
users to migrate based on an API call and database search. It then built the page dynamically
depending on the users to migrate
Lead the Forced Migration Project to migrate all Quest domain emails forcefully (1.3 million users)
Responsible for organizing three teams (email ops, Client Deployment, Client Integrations)
Built the PHP intermediary that allowed the user to set up their password and secret question and
answer after being migrated. (Used Synacor Proprietary Framework)
Developed back-end functional solutions for clients with PHP
Used the Synacor proprietary framework that was MVC-based. This included DAO's / using
custom exceptions for error handling and using locale files for simple localization.
Developed a familiarity with both GIT and CVS. (Used CVS for 2 years and then they moved to
Used PHP Unit (using a Synacor proprietary extended class) to test code
Built the API custom hook that hooked into our user_create API to allow welcome emails to be sent
to the old email address
Newwave Communications
Developed a real-time integration that worked with a Daemon and a Perl script intermediary to allow
Newwave to create / update / delete users
State University of New York at Fredonia
 B.A. - Computer Science (Information Technology) (pending degree)
 Was awarded a Computer Science Scholarship for Academic Excellence
2004 - 2006
United States Air Force
2001 – 2004
2E2X1 – Computer, Network, Switching and Cryptographic Systems
 Tech School – Keesler AFB
 6 months of training in Cisco networking / switching, Cryptography, computer repair, network
 First Duty Station - Tinker AFB
 6 months OTJ training in data / voice switching and TDC (Theatre Deployment Communications)