Coastal Taranaki School Technology Faculty Level 1-3 Duration of Unit: 8 weeks Title: Mirror (6 MN) DRAFT IN PROGRESS Brief: Create a mirror for your wall. Specifications: 20mm wide frame, MDF, 12mm x 300x400 Description of Context Define physical/ fiunctional attributes of a mirror frame. Key Focus on Transformation of: Information/Energy/ Materials(Circle) MDF, mirror perspex Learning Outcomes Negotiated Learning (curriculum link) Outcomes: TP-ODE L3 investigate a context to develop ideas for potential outcomes. Trial and evaluate these against key attributes to select and develop an outcome to address the need or opportunity. Evaluate this outcome against the key attributes and how it addresses the sewing need or opportunity. design and make a TK- Tech Modelling L2 puppet theatre Understand that functional models are used to explore, test, and evaluate design concepts for potential outcomes and that prototyping is used to test a technological outcome for fitness of purpose. L3 Understand that different forms of functional modelling are used to inform decision making in the development of technological possibilities and that prototypes can be used to evaluate the fitness of technological outcomes for further development. LO.. ODE L3 LO Tech modeling L2 LO. Tech modeling L3 describe design ideas (either through drawing, models and/or verbally) for potential outcomes describe the sorts of things that functional modeling can be used for in technology evaluate design ideas in terms of key attributes to develop a conceptual design for the outcome select materials/components, based on their performance properties, for use in the production of the outcome produce an outcome that addresses the brief identify the design concept being tested in particular functional models discuss examples to identify the different forms of functional models that were used to gather specific information about the suitability of design concepts identify the benefits and limitations of functional modelling undertaken in particular examples describe examples of particular prototypes that did not meet specifications. explain why functional modelling and prototyping are both needed to support decision making when developing an outcome. identify why prototyping is important in technology identify the specifications used to evaluate particular prototypes. evaluate the final outcome against the key attributes to determine how well it met the need or opportunity. To work safely in workshop Specific Learning Intentions Students will be able to: Review: 28/5/13 Differentiated learning: Cultural- maori students Religion ESOL Special Learning Needs Gifted and Talanted - extend Explore the concept of mirrors. Identify key attributes needed for a mirror(eg, reflection, frame…… Come up with a concept for a mirror. Test the concept using modelling – drawing, collage using aluminium foil and coloured paper, and card Maufacture a quality mirror frame from MDF. Decorate following design – coloured crayons, poker work, spray varnish. Evaluate own and others’ work. Key Focus : Component/s of Technology underpinning unit (circle) Key Focus: Context-specific skills/knowledge Use scroll saw poker machine hot glue gun (to attach mirror) tie aprons wear safety gear- covered shoes, glasses modelling using a range of materials Technological Knowledge Planning for practice Brief development Outcome development and evaluation Technological Practice Technological modelling Technological products Technological systems Terminology (Literacy) functional model manipulate atttribute evaluate Nature of Technology Characteristics of technology Characteristics of technological outcomes Values Co-operation Openness – to new ideas and experimentation Aroha Sustainable Living – use recycled items, minimise waste Tolerance Accountability – come prepared, covered shoes, book, pencils, found materials Leading our learning – communicate with teacher, and each other Numeracy Integrity Ecological sustainability Respect Responsibility Excellence Innovation, inquiry & Curiosity Diversity Equity Community & Participation Literacy neat hand writing read simple terms verbally describe thinking and actions Key Competencies Managing Self Relating to others come prepared tidy up take all gear away again after class listen to teacher and peers, work cooperatively Participating and Contributing listen to instructions, get work out and tidied up quickly. Team work Thinking think independently reflect on class discussions and apply to own work Using language, symbols & txt write neatly use specialised vocab Learning Environment Considerations Safety Issues: Resources Required: Cross Curriculum Links (Refer to MOE Revised Health & Safety Guidelines) paper, card, coloured paper, aluminium foil glue, hot glue guns crayons, pencils etc scroll saw poker machines MDF 9mm spray varnish drill art literacy- procedural documentation wear aprons, covered shoes , no loose clothing in workshop Many classes in rm 12 because of safe height of desks/benches Hot glue gun/ electrical poker machine/ scroll saw small sharp tools eg files Assessment Pre-test Post-test Self assessment- reflection evaluation -Teacher observation Samplephoto Observationin class Peer assessment – peer reflection tick box Other Learning Experiences (broken into session blocks) Class Bus stop Drawing cativity-20seconds to document attributes x 4 Class discussion ability to follow routine and instructions effectively generate ideas Reflect on TK: tech modelling level 2-3 above Create a mirror with a frame Learning intentions identify what the Brief is define “attributes” of characters Transformation identify what products are Resources paper, vivids paper scissors white board& markers modelling Link to learning outcomes To orientate students to know that technology is purposeful design To identify how materials can be quickly transformed into another thing to identify how modelling contributes to desigh Cover page in middle/ front of options book, work through book forwards Discuss (W/B) “Brief” Discuss attributes Establish routine for written work in books To write a Brief, know what it is, :what/why/how To identify attributes of a mirror paper, vivids paper scissors white board& markers A3 paper – group work Identify concept ideas Draw concepts x 3 List key attributes (features, physical/ functional) set up books Will it work? Remodel/draw/collage o Coloured paper frame o Paper and aluminium foil model o Hard card model of decide concept Identify key attributes Identify materials we could use for functional modelling model idea and establish feasibility learn skills needed – develop system to store student work , paper, card, kitchen foil etc accountability- doing bookwork, reflecting on development frameStart manufacture Wear apron correctly- tie behind back Make mirror frame o Mark out o Cut-scroll saw o Drill hole for inside cut o File/ sand all edges, evaluate , modify Document procedures, safety? Continue Continue – complete frame, varnish Cut and attach mirror safety in the workshop, routines manufacture mirror frame Identify L1-3 TK-TM To To assess success Assessment tick box sheet (peer) Assessment tick box sheet (own) relating to TK-Tech products Fill out own assessment worksheet-modelling decide NZC level 1-3