Net-Banking Retail

N(A Government of India Undertaking)
Core Banking Group
(Delivery Channels)
Department of Information Technology
Naveen Complex, 14, M G Road, Bangalore - 560 001
Phone: 25559264, 25584040 (Ext- 335) Fax: 91-80-25596539
E-mail :
Net Banking Corporate
The following facilities are available on-line to the Corporate users of Internet &
Mobile Banking under CBS.
1. View/Query/Print of account summary, account details and transaction details of all Operative
2. Funds transfer between your own accounts and Third party account. Under pilot testing . Will
be provided shortly.
3. Viewing and Initiating Term Deposits.
4. Online Excise / Service Tax payment
5. Facility to request for account transaction statement for a particular range based on dates,
amounts, only debits or credits.
6. Request for issue of cheque book.
7. Stop payment Instruction.
8. Initiation, modification and Inquiry of Letter of Credits.
9. Initiation, modification and Inquiry of Bank Guarantee.
10. Inquiry on Forex rates .
11. Inquiry on Deposit and Loan interest rates.
12. View Bulletins posted by the Bank
13. Facility to change password
Net-Banking is the Internet Banking service provided by Canara Bank in Core Banking
Branches. Net-Banking Corporate is a part of Internet-Banking tailor made specifically for
Corporate customers.
What is required for Login to Net-Banking?
PC (preferably Pentium) with Windows 98 and above. Internet Explorer 6 and above or
Netscape Navigator 8.0 and above.
Internet Connection
User ID and Password for Login
Type at the Address Box appearing on the Internet Explorer
Screen and press ‘Enter’ key or click on ‘Go’
You now see the main page of Net-Banking
Click on ‘Corporate Banking’ icon
You now see the login page of Net-Banking Corporate.
Enter your User_id and Password and click on Submit Button
If you are logging in for the first time, enter the user id and password, sent by the
Bank in the PIN Mailer Stationery.
Both user-ID and Password are case sensitive
Now you are asked to change both your log-in and transaction password provided by
the Bank.
There are two grids for change of password. First one for changing log-in password
and the second one for changing transaction password.
For changing Log-in password: Type the log-in password provided by the Bank in the
first box and enter your new password in the next two boxes to register your own login password.
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For changing transaction password: Type the transaction password provided by the
Bank in the first box and enter your new password in the next two boxes to register
your own transaction password.
After changing both the passwords, a line along with a box states “I have read the
Terms and Conditions and Disclaimer for availing Net-Banking and agree to it”.
A hyperlink is provided when you click on “Terms and Conditions”, which you are
requested to go through.
Check the box for having read the “Terms and conditions” and you have agreed to it.
Click Change button. If you successfully change the passwords provided by the Bank,
system will display appropriate message and you click continue button to enter into
the application.
Now you get the home page of Net-Banking Corporate where summary of your accounts is
Home Page of Net-Banking Corporate :
On your left side top corner, your name is displayed followed by date and time of
current login and immediate previous login.
On the right side top corner, option is provided to change your password, view activity
log of current login and provision for logging out
In this page, you find summary of all your operative accounts.
By clicking Account numbers you can see the account transactions details for the
current date and previous date of the respective account.
Indian Rupee Balance in accounts can also be seen in selected foreign currency
converted at Notional Rate.
You can also take print of the details shown here
On scrolling horizontally towards your right, you can find additional details of the
On the left side of the Summary page, you find the menu options as follows:
Customer Service
Funds Transfer
Term Deposits
Letter of Credits
Bank Guarantees
Under this menu option you will find the following sub-menu
Pending Authorization:
Depending on the requirement and resolution of the corporate, all
types of transactions can be enabled for maker checker concept at various
Minimum two people require for completion of any financial
This option will show the item pending for authorization for the higher level
users who further authorize the transactions.
Here Description and count of number of transaction pending for
authorization is shown.
On clicking the items shown under description column, system displays the
respective authorization screen.
Authorisation of Bank Guarantee
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On clicking Bank Guarantee description in Pending authorization screen,
system display all the Bank Guarantees which are in initiated or semiauthorized status and pending for authorization.
Here system will display user and bank reference number, status, amount
initiator name and initiation date.
You can select the Bank guarantee which you want to reject or authorize
by checking the square box against the respective bank guarantee item
and click reject button by furnishing reasons for rejection in case you want
to reject the Bank guarantee initiation. In case you want to authorize click
authorize button.
In case you require to see more details of each bank guarantee before
authorization/rejection, click on Bank reference number of the respective
record. System will display all the details of Bank guarantee along with
audit details where version numbers, status of each operations, initiator
name, etc., would be displayed.
Here back button is provided to go back to the previous screen.
Authorization button is provided for authorization of the transactions and
reject button is provided for rejection of the transaction.
Wherever you want to reject the Bank Guarantee initiation, please furnish
the reasons for rejection which is mandatory.
In case you decide to authorize the transaction, system will insist for
entering transaction password.
In case transaction password is valid, system shows verification screen
and on confirmation of the details, the system will convert status of the
Bank guarantee initiation transaction as authorized/semi-authorized.
Authorization of Own Account Funds Transfer
On clicking Own Account funds transfer description in Pending
authorization screen, system display all the Own Account Funds Transfer
which are in initiated or semi-authorized status and pending for
Here, by default system will display all the own account funds transactions
that are in initiated and semi-authorized status under Own Account Funds
transfer category. The details shown here are user and bank reference
number, source account, amount of transfer, destination account, status,
initiated dated, initiator name and narration of transaction.
If required, to shorten the selection list you can search the required record
on the basis of initiator, status, bank’s reference number, user’s reference
number, from and to date of initiation of the transaction, etc.,
You can select all the records listed on the screen and authorize/reject all
the same in single shot, select all the items and click authorize/reject
buttons as the case may be. In case of rejection, reason for rejection is
By clicking back button you can go back to the previous screen.
In case you require to authorize/reject the items on selective basis, select
the required record by checking the square box provided in the beginning
of the records and click authorize/reject button.
In case you require to see all the details of each record before
authorization/rejection, click on Bank reference number of the respective
record. System will display further details about the transaction, such as
bank & users reference number, details of the transaction initiated,
initiator’s name, version number of the transaction, authorization number
and present status.
Authorization button is provided for authorization of the transactions and
reject button is provided for rejection of the transaction.
Wherever you want to reject the Bank Guarantee initiation, please furnish
the reasons for rejection which is mandatory.
In case you decide to authorize the transaction, system will insist for
entering transaction password.
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In case transaction password is valid, system shows verification screen
and on confirmation of the details, the system will convert status of the
own account funds transfer transaction as authorized/semi-authorized.
Authorization of Internal Funds Transfer
On clicking Internal transfer description in Pending authorization screen,
system display all the Internal Funds Transfer which are in initiated or
semi-authorized status and pending for authorization.
Here, by default system will display all the Internal funds transfer
transactions that are in initiated and semi-authorized status under Own
Account Funds transfer category. The details shown here are user and
bank reference number, source account, amount of transfer, destination
account, status, initiated dated, initiator name and narration of
If required, to shorten the selection list you can search the required record
on the basis of initiator, status, bank’s reference number, user’s reference
number, from and to date of initiation of the transaction, etc.,
You can select all the records listed on the screen and authorize/reject all
the same in single shot, select all the items and click authorize/reject
buttons as the case may be. In case of rejection, the reason for rejection
is mandatory.
In case you require to authorize/reject the items on selective basis, select
the required record by checking the square box provided in the beginning
of the records and click authorize/reject button.
In case you require to see all the details of each record before
authorization/rejection, click on Bank reference number of the respective
record. System will display further details about the transaction, such as
bank & users reference number, details of the transaction initiated,
initiator’s name, version number of the transaction, authorization number
and present status.
By clicking back button you can go back to the previous screen.
Authorization button is provided for authorization of the transactions and
reject button is provided for rejection of the transaction.
Wherever you want to reject the Bank Guarantee initiation, please furnish
the reasons for rejection which is mandatory.
In case you decide to authorize the transaction, system will insist for
entering transaction password.
In case transaction password is valid, system shows verification screen
and on confirmation of the details, the system will convert status of the
Internal funds transfer transaction as authorized/semi-authorized.
Authorization of Letter of Credit
On clicking Letter of Credit description in Pending authorization screen,
system display all the Bank Guarantees which are in initiated or semiauthorized status and pending for authorization.
Here system will display user and bank reference number, status, amount
initiator name and initiation date.
You can select the letter of credit which you want to reject or authorize by
checking the square box against the respective letter of credit item and
click reject button by furnishing reasons for rejection in case you want to
reject the Letter of Credit initiation. In case you want to authorize click
authorize button.
In case you require to see more details of each letter of credit before
authorization/rejection, click on Bank reference number of the respective
record. System will display all the details of respective Letter of credit
along with audit details where version numbers, status of each operations,
initiator name, etc., would be displayed.
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Here back button is provided to go back to the previous screen.
Authorization button is provided for authorization of the transactions and
reject button is provided for rejection of the transaction.
Wherever you want to reject the Letter of Credit initiation, please furnish
the reasons for rejection which is mandatory.
In case you decide to authorize the transaction, system will insist for
entering transaction password.
In case transaction password is valid, system shows verification screen
and on confirmation of the details, the system will convert status of the
Letter of Credit initiation transaction as authorized/semi-authorized.
Authorization of Term Deposit Initiation
On clicking Term Deposit description in Pending authorization screen,
system display all the Term Deposits initiation transaction which are in
initiated or semi-authorized status and pending for authorization.
Here, by default system will display all the Term Deposits that are in
initiated and semi-authorized status under Term Deposit initiation
category. The details shown here are user and bank reference number,
amount of transfer, source account, status, initiated dated, initiator name
and Bank Branch the code
If required, to shorten the selection list you can search the required record
on the basis of initiator, status, bank’s reference number, user’s reference
number, from and to date of initiation of the transaction, etc.,
You can select all the records listed on the screen and authorize/reject all
the same in single shot, select all the items and click authorize/reject
buttons as the case may be. In case of rejection, the reason for rejection
is mandatory.
In case you require to authorize/reject the items on selective basis, select
the required record by checking the square box provided in the beginning
of the records and click authorize/reject button.
In case you require to see all the details of each record before
authorization/rejection, click on Bank reference number of the respective
record. System will display further details about the transaction, such as
bank & users reference number, source account, period of deposit, product
type, source account, etc., along with audit details like initiator name,
version number of the transaction, authorization number and present
By clicking back button you can go back to the previous screen.
Authorization button is provided for authorization of the transactions and
reject button is provided for rejection of the transaction.
Wherever you want to reject the Bank Guarantee initiation, please furnish
the reasons for rejection which is mandatory.
In case you decide to authorize the transaction, system will insist for
entering transaction password.
In case transaction password is valid, system shows verification screen
and on confirmation of the details, the system will convert status of the
Term Deposit initiation transaction as authorized/semi-authorized.
Under this menu option you will find the following sub-menus
Account Activity
Accounts Balance inquiry
Account Summary
Statement Request
Account Activity:
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Here you can select a particular Cust_id, Branch, and Account or a
particular account pertaining to any cust_id or Branch for inquiry of
transaction details.
You can select 25/50 transactions per page to view. Transaction date also
can be given to view the transactions between a given date range.
In this option, you can view/print maximum 100 transactions matching the
given selection criteria since querying more than 100 transactions may
cause performance problem over internet.
In addition to the above select criteria, system support value date range
selection, amount range selection, transaction type (Debit/Credit)
selection, sort order selection (ascending/descending). By toggling
between ascending and descending order, you can enquire maximum 200
transaction matching the given selection criteria.
The reference number criteria given here can be used for inquiry of a
status of a issued cheque by prefixing the cheque number prefixed with as
many zeros as required to make it 12 digits.
Three buttons namely view, print and download is provided in the bottom
of the screen.
On clicking view button system will display the transaction details which
are matching the selection criteria provided by you, on the screen. At the
bottom the number of pages the transaction is fitted in is shown. By
clicking the particular page is shown. Four buttons namely First, Previous,
next, and last are provided for you to navigate between the respective
pages by click of a button. The number of Pages depends on the
transaction per page value selected by you and the number of transactions
fetched based on the selection criteria for the given account. System gives
details like opening & balance closing balance, total debit & credit amount,
On clicking print button, the system will enable you to print the statement
on your printer. The details will be similar to the view option said in the
above point.
On clicking the download button system will enable you to download the
statement in one of the three formats like PDF/MS Money/Comma
Delimited format basing on the type of download selected by you. If you
select comma delimited format, system accepts any delimiter character in
delimiter box and insists you to select all or any of the fields in the
required order from selection box provided in the bottom. After
downloading download button system will allow you to save or open the
transaction file in the selected format. Here MS Money format and Comma
delimited format files would be MS Office Excel files.
Account Balance Inquiry :
Here you can see the accounts details of selected Operative account.
The details contained here are current Balance, unclear funds, amount on
hold, balance available, required minimum balance, net balance available
for withdrawal, etc., for the selected account.
A link also provided to account summary option from here.
Account Summary :
In this page, you find summary of all your operative accounts.
By clicking Account numbers you can see the account transactions details
for the current date and previous date of the respective account.
Indian Rupee Balance in accounts can also be seen in selected foreign
currency converted at Notional Rate.
Your can also take print of the details shown here
If scroll the horizontal bar towards your right, you can find additional
details of the accounts like unclear funds, minimum balance required,
amount on hold, etc.,
Statement Request :
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System will display statement request screen
Select operative account from the drop down list for which you want
statement. You can select any or all customer_id and Branch against the
respective box.
Select from and to date range for which you require statement
Click Request button
System will display statement request screen with request received date,
request confirmation number, account number and date range for which
statement is requested
Click print button to take print of the screen
Click another statement request button to request statement for another
Applicable charges will be debited from your account.
Cheque book request :
Click on option cheque book request to make system to display cheque
book request screen.
Select an operative account from the drop down list against select account
box. You can select any or all customer_id and Branch against the
respective box.
Select book let size from the drop down list.
After Clicking request button. System will force you to enter your
transaction password two times by displaying transaction password screen.
Enter your current transaction password correctly two times and click
submit button or use clear button to clear the passwords entered by you.
System will check correctness of your transaction password and throws
error “Invalid PIN” message if the same is wrongly entered.
If the transaction password entered by you is correct, system will show
again cheque book request screen with details like your request received
date and request confirmation number. Account number, etc.,
You can take print of the screen in your local printer by clicking print
button. You can also place another request for cheque book by clicking
place another request for cheque book or back button.
Applicable charges will be debited from your account.
Stop Cheque Request
On clicking option stop cheque request, the system will display stop
cheque request screen.
Select an operative account from the drop down account list against select
an account box. You can select any or all customer_id and Branch against
the respective box.
Enter cheque number to be stopped against start cheque number box.
Leave the end cheque number box blank to stop a single cheque
Enter cheque number against end cheque number to stop a series of
cheque. (to stop more than one cheque in a series)
Enter reasons for stop payment against stop cheque reason box
After Clicking request button. System will force you to enter your
transaction password two times by displaying transaction password screen.
Enter your current transaction password correctly two times and click
submit button or use clear button to clear the passwords entered by you.
System will check correctness of your transaction password and throws
error “Invalid PIN” message if the same is wrongly entered.
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If the transaction password entered by you is correct, system will check
whether the cheque has been issued to the same operative account you
have selected or cheque has been already paid. If this condition is true
system will display appropriate message.
If cheque number is valid and not paid, system will display stop cheque
request acceptance screen with the details like request received date,
request confirmation number, account number, start cheque number and
end cheque number. You can take print of the screen in your local printer
by clicking print button. You can also place another request for stop
payment by clicking place another request for stop payment or back
Bulletins :
Click Bulletin button to make system to show all the bulletins sent by Bank
System will display bulletin posted date, subject of the bulletin and Message
The message can be read on the screen itself in message box provided the
message is not uploaded by way of separate file by the bank
If Message is uploaded by the Bank through a file a message “Click here to
view the Details” is displayed. On click, system will open the file uploaded by
the Bank Administrator
Forex Rates Inquiry
This option is provided to know only the notional rates of some of the foreign
Click Forex Rate Inquiry menu option to make the system to provide foreign
exchange rates of different currencies.
Notional rates of few foreign currencies are shown on the screen in Indian
Rupees against fixed unit of one foreign currency.
Limits Query
This facility enables your enquire on various limits being enjoyed and their
present utilization position.
Mail Message
This option would help you to send/receive mail to/from Bank administrators.
Click Mail Box option to make the system to display Mail Message Screen
By default, in the first page, system will display all the messages in your
inbox with information like subject, from and received date.
You can see the message in detail by clicking on the subject of respective
mail. This would enable you to read the message in full and also enables you
to forward the mail to another Administrator or reply or delete or print the
message by click the respective button.
On clicking draft button you can see the mails drafted and saved by you and
yet to be sent to recipients.
You can delete and send the selected mails from this option.
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You can send mails to Bank’s Administrators using this option
Click Compose button to make system to display the screen meant for
composing mail
You can click “TO” and “CC” to input values for the user_id of the Bank
Admin or the other users belonging to your organization/company to
correspond/mail. Select the Administrators from the list for whom you want to
send the mail. Here selection of administrator against “TO” is mandatory.
Input in subject box is mandatory.
Input in Message box is also mandatory and it can support maximum 2000
After message is entered, click send button to send the mail or click save
button to save the mail in drafts or click print button to print the message
Sent items
You can know the messages sent by you using the option.
Click Sent Items button to know the list of messages
System will display Subject, Sent to and Sent date of each message
You can see the message in detail by clicking on the subject of respective
mail. This would enable you to read the message in full and also enables you
to forward the mail to another Administrator or delete or print the message by
clicking the respective button.
You can take print out of sent messages by selecting from the list by
selecting the sent message.
Contact Netbanking Admin :
This option can be used to send messages to the Netbanking Administrator
of the Bank. The email of ID of bank’s admin is populated by default and this
cannot be modified. The Message sent from this option with reach the
administrator through external mailing services. The subject of mail should
be selected from the drop list provided in the screen. Message upto 500
characters only supported.
Change Password
This menu option is provided on the top right corner of the screen and bottom
left corner in the screen.
Click this menu option to make the system to display change password
In change option box, select login password or transaction password from
the drop down list
Enter the present login or transaction password as the case may in “Enter old
password box”
Enter the new passwords two times in “Enter new password” and “Confirm
new password” boxes.
Some of the rules while changing the passwords is given for your information
at the bottom of the screen.
Click change button to change the passwords
Click clear button clear the inputs given by you
This menu consist following options
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Beneficiary Maintenance
Own Account Funds Transfer
Internal Transfer
Modify Funds Transfer
View Funds Transfer
Funds Transfer Template
Beneficiary Maintenance
Click option “ Beneficiary Maintenance” available under FUNDS TRANASFER
System shows Search Beneficiary screen. By clicking search button you
can get a list of existing Beneficiaries already added by you. You can select
the beneficiary from the list and click delete button for deletion. Click
select all / deselect all to select/deselect the items.
For deleting a beneficiary, select the beneficiary concerned and click on
delete button.
For modifying/viewing a existing beneficiary, click on beneficiary_id
from the list populated by the system. The system will display details of
the respective beneficiary. Modify the required details and click on Modify
button. Thereafter system will seek your confirmation for the
To add a new beneficiary, click on add beneficiary button. System will
display Customer number and customer names attached to you by the
bank. Click on required customer number to proceed further.
On clicking customer number, system display beneficiary list screen. By
default internal transfer item is select in the payment type box.
Click on add beneficiary to proceed further for adding a beneficiary.
System will display beneficiary for internal payment – add screen.
Here beneficiary_id can be entered for identification purpose. This is a free
text field. This a mandatory field
Beneficiary name of the destination account should be entered for proper
recognition. This is also a free text field. This is a mandatory field.
Email_id of the beneficiary for your information sake can be entered here.
Enter 13 digit Account number of the beneficiary. Please ensure
that account number is valid and actually relates to the respective
Against transaction limit box enter the transaction limit, if required. Here
you can mention amount as zero also. By default, the currency code would
be ‘INR’ i.e. Indian Rupees only.
Click on Add beneficiary button to proceed for adding the beneficiary. Click
on Clear button to clear the screen. Click on Cancel button to come out the
After clicking Add beneficiary button system will display the details you
have entered in the confirmation screen. Click confirm button to confirm
the System will display confirmation screen with the Account Number and
the Name of the Depositor as entered by you.
Verify the details shown. If you want to change the details, click change
button or Click confirm button. On clicking confirm button system will
confirmation screen with a message beneficiary successfully added.
If the account number mentioned by you is wrong, system will show error
message - Invalid account number
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Own Account Funds transfer
This option can be used to transfer amount between two different
operative accounts under the same customer_ids.
Click option “Own account Funds Transfer” available under FUNDS
System shows Own Account Funds Transfer – Initiate screen. You can give
your own reference number in user reference number box.
Under source account you can select the required customer_id. Branch
and source account. Selection of Customer_id and Branch is not
mandatory. But selection of account is mandatory.
Transfer Amount should be entered in amount field. The currency of
transfer would be India Rupees (INR) by default and cannot be modified.
After selection of account number under source account system will
display the available balance in the respective account. Besides, system
will display the customer_id of source account in destination account box .
This can not be modified because system will allow transfer of funds
between accounts under the same customer_id only.
Payment Details can be entred for your reference. This is a free text field
and mandatory.
System will not do funds transfer if the source account and destination
account are similar. Gives error “Source and Destination account cannot be
Click Initiate button. System will force you to enter your transaction
password two times by displaying transaction password screen.
Enter your current transaction password correctly two times and click
submit button.
System will check correctness of your transaction password and throws
error “Invalid PIN” message if the same is wrongly entered.
If the transaction password entered by you is correct will display
transaction verification screen. Verify all the particulars shown in this
screen and click confirm button if you find that the details shown are
correct. In case, details are not correct click Change button to go back and
change the details. In case you want cancel the transaction, click cancel
On clicking confirm button, system will show the own account transfer –
confirmation with details like user reference number, bank reference
number, status, source and destination account, amount of transfer and
Branch name. Besides, this system will also display the audit details like
user_id who initiated the transactions, date of initiation, version number of
the transactions and status of the transaction. When the transaction is
first created, always the status would be initiated and system
expects one more level of authorization for execution of
transactions. Click “create more” button to create another own account
Funds transfer.
Note the Bank and user reference number for your future reference.
Internal Funds Transfer
This option can be used to transfer funds between your accounts under
different customer_id and to transfer funds to a third party.
Click option “Internal Transfer” available under FUNDS TRANASFER menu
System shows Internal Account Transfer – Initiate screen.
Enter input against User reference box. This is a free text field and the
reference entered here would be for your subsequent reference.
Enter input in template_id box if you want to save the inputs as a funds
transfer template.
Under source account you can select the required customer_id. Branch and
source account. Selection of Customer_id and Branch is not mandatory.
But selection of account is mandatory.
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Amount should be entered in Transfer amount field. The currency of
transfer would be India Rupees (INR) by default and cannot be modified.
After selection of account number under source account, the system will
display the available balance in the respective source account.
Against beneficiary list, select the beneficiary you want to transfer the
amount. Once beneficiary is selected, system will display the destination
account number and the beneficiary name as entered by you while
creation of beneficiary through option beneficiary maintenance.
In case the beneficiary to whom you wish to transfer funds is not added in
the beneficiary list, you can select item “others” under beneficiary list box
and enter the account number and beneficiary name or add the beneficiary
details under beneficiary maintenance option first and then try this option.
Enter 13 digit Account number of the beneficiary. Please ensure
that account number is valid and actually relates to the respective
Payment Details can be entred for your reference. This is a free text field
and mandatory.
System will not do funds transfer if the source account and destination
account are similar. Gives error “Source and Destination account cannot be
Click “Save as template” Button to save the details entered by you as a
funds transfer template which can be used in future, if required. To save
as template, the template_id is mandatory. On clicking the “Save as
Template” button system shows the particulars entered by you and seeks
your confirmation. Click “Confirm” button to proceed further.
For putting through the funds transfer transactions, Click Initiate button,
the system will display Internal account transaction - verification screen.
Verify all the particulars shown in this screen and click confirm button if
you find that the details shown are correct. In case, details are not correct
click Change button to go back and change the details. In case you want
cancel the transaction, click cancel button.
On clicking confirm button, System will force you to enter your transaction
password two times by displaying transaction password screen.
Enter your current transaction password correctly two times and click
submit button.
System will check correctness of your transaction password and throws
error “Invalid PIN” message if the same is wrongly entered.
If the transaction password entered by you is correct system will show the
Internal account transfer – confirmation screen with details like user
reference number, bank reference number, status, source and destination
account, amount of transfer and Branch name. Besides, this system will
also display the audit details like user_id who initiated the transactions,
date of initiation, version number of the transactions and status of the
transaction. When the transaction is first created, always the status
would be initiated and system expects one more level of
authorization for execution of transactions. Click “create more”
button to create another Internal Funds transfer.
Note the Bank and user reference number for your future reference.
Funds Transfer Modify :
This option enables you to modify the Funds Transfer instructions when it
is in initiated and semi-authorized status.
On clicking Funds Transfer Modify option, system will display Funds
transfer modification screen containing some of the search conditions like
like customer, source account, branch, transfer mode, status, initiator,
user reference, bank reference, initiation date range, amount range,
destination account, etc., User can structure his query by
entering/selecting the required conditions here. If the conditions are not
given here, system will list all the Funds transfer transactions irrespective
of date, status, source and destination account, etc.,
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After providing conditions/inputs for conditional search, click search button
to enable the system to fetch the matching items. In case you want to
clear the input given by you, click clear button.
On clicking search button, system will display user and bank reference
number, transfer mode, status, amount, source account number, branch
name, initiator_id, and initiation date of all funds transfer transactions.
Click on the Bank reference number value of the funds transfer transaction
for which you want to do the modifications. System will display the details
of the transactions. Modify the details you want to modify and click the
modify button.
System will insist for your transaction password. Enter the same two
Thereafter, system will show you verification screen, on clicking change
button system allows you to change the details again. In case you want to
cancel the modifications, click cancel button. On clicking the confirm
button system will show the confirmation screen with funds transfer details
and audit details about number of modifications taken place with respect
to the particular funds transfer transaction.
View Funds Transfer :
This option enables you to view all the Funds Transfer instructions
happened through internet banking from your accounts.
On clicking View Funds Transfer option, system will display Funds transfer
view screen containing some of the search conditions like like customer,
source account, branch, transfer mode, status, initiator, user reference,
bank reference, initiation date range, amount range, destination account,
etc., User can structure his query by entering/selecting the required
conditions here. If the conditions are not given here, system will list all the
Funds transfer transactions irrespective of date, status, source and
destination account, etc.,
After providing conditions/inputs for conditional search, click search button
to enable the system to fetch the matching items. In case you want to
clear the input given by you, click clear button.
On clicking search button, system will display user and bank reference
number, transfer mode, status, amount, source account number, branch
name, initiator_id, initiation date, destination account number and
narration of the transactions of all funds transfer transactions.
The status “Initiated” denotes that the funds transfer transactions are just
created and yet to be authorized by another user.
The status “Semi-Authorized” denotes that the funds transfer transactions
are authorized by one user and require one more higher level of
authorization for completion of authorization process.
The status “authorized” denotes that authorization process is complete and
transaction is yet to reach the Bank.
The status “Sent to host” denotes that the transaction request reached the
Bank and transaction is yet to be posted to the respective accounts.
The status “Rejected by the Authorizer” denotes that the funds transfer
transaction initiated are rejected by the authorizer.
The status “Rejected by the host” denotes that the funds transfer
transactions could not be posted into the accounts successfully by the
The status “Accepted by host” denotes that the bank has accepted the
“Liquidated” denotes that the fund transfer transaction has been
successfully completed.
Click on the Bank reference number value of the funds transfer transaction
for which you want to view the detail. System will display the details of the
transactions like source and destination account, amount, initiation date
and other audit details.
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Funds Transfer Template :
This option can be used to create a new funds transfer template, modify a
existing template, copy an existing template to create Internet funds
transfer transaction in quick time and to delete a existing template.
Click on Funds transfer template to see search template screen. Be default
system will show all the existing templates created by you.
Your can search on template_id, customer, source account, destination
account and beneficiary name. Click on search button to search an existing
template. Click on Add a Template button to add a new template. Click on
clear button to clear the screen.
To modify an existing template, click on modify button provided
against the template which you want to modify. System will display the
internal template modify screen. Modify the values which you require to be
modified and click modify button. System will display the verification
screen with the modified values. Ensure that the values shown are correct
before clicking the confirm button. On clicking the confirm button system
will store the modified values. In case details shown in verification screen
are not correct, click change button to change the details further.
To initiate a fresh internal funds transfer transaction by copying
the existing template, click on copy button provided against the
template which you want to copy for initiating a funds transfer. System
will display the internal funds transfer–initiate screen. In this screen
System will automatically display all the values as available in the
template choosen for copying. If required, You can modify any of these
values including source account and destination account. Enter input
against User reference box. This is a free text field and the reference
entered here would be for your subsequent reference. Before clicking
initiate button ensure that correct amount is entered against
transfer amount box and source and destination account are
Enter 13 digit Account number of the beneficiary. Please ensure
that account number is valid and actually relates to the respective
For providing inputs in this screen, the guidelines mentioned under
Internal Funds Transfer can be referred.
For putting through the funds transfer transactions, Click Initiate button,
the system will display Internal account transaction - verification screen.
Verify all the particulars shown in this screen and click confirm button if
you find that the details shown are correct. In case, details are not correct
click Change button to go back and change the details. In case you want
cancel the transaction, click cancel button.
On clicking confirm button, System will force you to enter your transaction
password two times by displaying transaction password screen.
Enter your current transaction password correctly two times and click
submit button.
System will check correctness of your transaction password and throws
error “Invalid PIN” message if the same is wrongly entered.
If the transaction password entered by you is correct system will show the
Internal account transfer – confirmation screen with details like user
reference number, bank reference number, status, source and destination
account, amount of transfer and Branch name. Besides, this system will
also display the audit details like user_id who initiated the transactions,
date of initiation, version number of the transactions and status of the
transaction. When the transaction is first created, always the status
would be initiated and system expects one more level of
authorization for execution of transactions. Click “create more”
button to create another Internal Funds transfer.
Note the Bank and user reference number for your future reference.
To ADD a new Template, click on “add template” button. System
will show template list screen. Click add button to add a new template.
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System display Internet template Add screen. This screen is similar to the
internal funds transfer screen. All the inputs should be given as explained
under Internal Funds Transfer option stated above. Amount and payment
details can be left blank here.
After clicking save button the system will displace verification screen. If
details shown are correct click confirm button to save the template with
the templated_id mentioned by you.
This menu consist the following options:
Modify Term Deposit
View Term Deposit
Term Deposit initiate
Modify Term Deposit
This option enables you to modify Term Deposit details initiated through
Internet Banking Channel and before authorization.
On clicking the option, system will Term Deposit Modify screen. By default
system will display details of term deposit initiated/authorized only through
internet banking channel.
Here user can give selection condition like bank/user reference number,
customer, initiator, initiation date range, etc., After providing selection criteria
if search button is clicked system will display the details of term deposits
initiated/opened only through Internet Banking channel.
The system will display details like bank & user reference number, amount,
status, source account, initiator, etc.,
On clicking Bank reference number system will display term deposit initiate
screen with all the details.
Do whatever modification you required to do and click open account button.
System will display Term Deposit – Verification screen.
Click change details button, if you are required to further change the details.
Click confirm button to confirm the operations.
After clicking confirm button system will force you to enter transaction
passwords. If the passwords are correct, system will display term deposit
initiation confirmation screen containing details like bank and user reference
number, Deposit details like Deposit Product, Source Account, Deposit
Amount, Deposit date, Tenure, Interest Instructions, Interest payout Account
Number, Principal payout Instructions, etc., Besides, this system will also
display the audit details like user_id, date of modifications, version numbers,
View Term Deposit
This option enables you to view all the live Term Deposit account details
On clicking the option, system will Term Deposit View screen. By default
system will display details of all the term deposit initiated only through
internet banking channel.
Here user can give selection condition like bank/user reference number,
customer, initiator, initiation date range, etc., After providing selection criteria
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if search button is clicked system will display the details of all the term
deposits matching all the selection conditions given by you.
To view all the Term Deposits accounts held by you in the Bank, select
status “Accepted by Host” amongst other selection conditions. On click
search button system will display the term deposits with details like account
number, amount, type of deposit, customer number, type of deposit, rate of
internet and maturity date.
To view more details of an account, click on account number of the
respective deposit to enable the same system to display term deposit inquiry
screen which contain other details like deposit accounts number, rate of
interest, maturity amount, maturity date, lien on the account, interest
payment details, etc.,
Click back button to come back to the previous screen term deposit view
Click on print button to print the details on your printer.
Term Deposit Initiate :
Click on Term Deposit Initiate under Term Deposit menu on Left hand side.
Term Deposit initiate screen is displayed.
Select New account for new deposit
If you would like to add one more deposit to the existing deposit select
“Add to Existing Account”.
Choose the ‘Deposit Product’ from the drop down list
The product selected is displayed on the screen
Select the Source account from where you wish to transfer the funds
Select the deposit amount, tenure of deposit
For fixed deposit, select interest pay plan, i.e., monthly, quarterly, halfyearly, yearly or at maturity
If the deposit is Kamadhenu deposit, please select interest pay plan as ‘at
maturity’ only
Under Interest Instructions select the mode of payment of interest i.e.,
‘Account transfer’ .
Select the account number to which the interest to be credited
In Principle Instruction mention the mode of payment of principle on
maturity i.e., Account transfer.
Select the account number to which the principal to be credited on
You are required to accept to the Terms & Conditions of the deposits.
Hyperlink is provided on ‘Terms & Conditions’ to view the same.
After entering the details click on Open deposit
The system will insist for transaction password. Enter your transaction
passwords correctly two times and click submit button.
System will display Term Deposit – Initiate verify screen with Deposit
details such as Deposit Product, Deposit Type, Source Account, Deposit
Amount, period, Interest pay plan, Interest Payment instructions and
Principal Payment Instructions, etc.,
Click on confirm deposit button to confirm the deposit. System will display
Term Deposit initiate-Confirmation screen with the above said details in
addition to the audit details of the operations.
This menu consist the following options
View letter of Credits
Letter of Credit Initiate
Letter of Credit Template
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Modify Letter of Credit
View Letter of Credits
Here you can view the issued or under process Import and export LC
On click of the option view Letter of Credit option, system will display list
of letter of credits – view screen. This screen will have provision for stating
some of the selection conditions for the purpose of searching LCs.
You can select one of LC TYPE i.e. either under process Import LCs or
Issued Import LCs or Export LCs.
Under each type of above stated LCs, you can mention conditions like
corporate, status, initiation date range and user reference.
After selection of required type of LC and mentioning the selection
conditions if you click on search button, system will display the list of LCs
matching the given conditions.
The list displayed by the system will contain details like user reference,
initiation date, issue date, expiry date, amount in LC Currency and status
of each LC.
UnderProcess Import LC will have one of the status like initiated ( Not
Authorized), Semi-uathorized (further authorization required), authorized
(authorization complete but not reached the Bank), rejected by the
authorizer, sent to host ( reached the bank ), rejected by the host
(rejected by the bank) and hold ( Bank is yet to process the LC).
Issued Import LC and Export LCs will have one of the status like accepted
by the host or liquidated or closed
In case you required to see more details of a particular LC listed by the
system on the basis of search conditions given by you, click on user
reference number of the respective LC. System will display letter of credit
details screen containing all the details of LC.
Letter of Credit Initiate (IMPORT / INLAND LC)
This will enable you to send only a request to the Branch to issue LC as per
the details provided through internet banking channel. Submission of
application and related documents is procedural. Bank will take action on
your request only after production of the required documents and availability
of sufficient unutilized limits. Only advantage here is Branch can process
your request faster subject to fulfillment of other conditions.
On clicking the option, system will display LC initiation screen. You can click
new button provided in the screen to proceed further.
On clicking new button, system will display LC initiation screen.
This screen contains several grids like General, Parties, Shipment, Goods
Description, Transport Document, Insurance, Other Documents, Ship Marks
and Conditions.
In General Grid you can enter your reference number, select your branch,
select the LC type under product type. Fill all the relevant data correctly in
conformity with your LC application and requirements. Click Save button
provided in the bottom of this grid to save the details in between.
In Parties Grid under party code you can select beneficiary, applicant,
advising bank, advise through bank and reimbursement bank and provide the
details of respective party. After entering each party details click accept
button provided at the bottom of this grid so as to enable the system to store
the details of each of the party separately. You can also delete the required
parties details even after acceptance by click on remove button, provided at
the bottom this grid, by selecting the party details which you want to delete.
After entering all the required parties details click on save button provided at
the bottom of this grid to save the data in between your operations. The
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details provided here should in conformity with the LC application to be
submitted to the Bank.
In Shipment grid enter the details of shipment from and to Places, last date of
shipment and other details as per your LC application to be submitted to the
Under Goods description provide details like, description of goods, tenor
CIF/FOB/C&F/C&I, import licence details, etc., as per your LC application to
be submitted to the Bank.
Under transport grid provide details like AWB/BL and other details as per
your LC application to be submitted to the Bank.
Under Insurance grid, details like whose responsibility to take the cover and
risk coverage should be stated.
Under other documents grid the number of copies required to be submitted
by the exporter/seller to be stated.
Ship marks and other condition grids are not mandatory. If required relevant
details can be entered by you.
You can click save button provided on the bottom of the screen to save the
information entered by you and the can be recalled and initiated as and when
required. To recall this LC details for initiation, invoke option LC initiate once
against, System will list this LC and click on user reference to get the details
of LC on the screen for initiation by completing the information required.
You can also click on initiate button to initiate the request. System will display
LC verification screen. Here you can confirm the initiation by clicking confirm
button or change the details by clicking change button or completely delete
the LC by click delete button or you cancel the latest modification done by
clicking cancel button.
On clicking confirmation button system will insist for your transaction
password. Enter the same correctly and click submit button.
Thereafter, system will display letter of confirmation screen.
Letter of Credit Template
This option would be helpful in case you are required to open LCs on same
parties very frequently and there would not be much variation in terms and
conditions of LC. In such cases, if you create a LC template, initiation of LC
would be very easy. Hence, this option is provided to you.
Click on Letter of Credit template to see letter of credit template screen.
Be default system will show all the existing templates created by you.
You can search on template name. Click on search button to search an
existing template. Click on new button add a new template. To delete an
existing template, select the respective template and click on delete
To modify an existing template, click on modify button provided
against the template which you want to modify. System will display the
Letter of credit template initiate screen. Modify the values which you
require to be modified and click save button. System will display the latest
save time at the top of the screen after saving the changes.
To initiate a fresh LC by copying the existing template, click on copy
button provided against the template which you want to copy for initiating
a LC. System will display the Letter of Credit–initiate screen. In this screen
System will automatically display all the values as available in the
template choosen for copying. Here modify the required values and ensure
that mandatory details are filled. PLEASE REFER GUIDELINES FOR
SAME FOR REST OF THE ACTIVITIES to initiate a Letter of Credit.
For Deleting a template click on select the template which you
want to delete and click delete button.
To ADD a new Template, click on “new” button. System will show
letter of credit initiation screen. This screen is similar to the Letter of
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credit initiation. All the inputs should be given as explained under LETTER
Modify Letter of Credit
By invoking this option you can modify a LC which is in initiated or semiauthorized status.
On click this option, system will display LC list – Modification screen with
selection provision for stating some selection conditions like user reference
number, initiation date range, status of LC.
After providing the selection conditions click the search button.
System will display the LCs which are matching the conditions.
Click on user reference to view more details of the LC.
Modify the details which you wish to modify and click save button to save the
changes or click modify button to modify and further initiate the LC.
On click modify button, system insist for transaction password. Enter the
transaction passwords correctly and click submit button.
System will display LC verification screen. Click confirm button to confirm the
modification or cancel button to cancel the modification done or change
button to further change the details of LC.
On clicking confirm button system will display LC confirmation screen with all
the details of LC and audit details of the record.
This menu consist following options
Bank Guarantee initiate
Modify Bank Guarantee
View Bank Guarantee
Bank Guarantee initiate
This will enable you to send only a request to the Branch to issue BG as per
the details provided through internet banking channel. Submission of
application and related documents is procedural. Bank will take action on
your request only after production of the required documents and availability
of sufficient unutilized limits. Only advantage here is Branch can process
your request faster subject to fulfillment of other conditions.
On clicking the option, system will display BG initiation screen. You can click
new button provided in the screen to proceed further.
On clicking new button, system will display BG initiation screen.
This screen contains several grids like General, Parties and Conditions.
In General Grid you can enter your reference number, select your branch,
select the BG type under product type. Fill all the relevant data correctly in
conformity with your BG application and requirements. Click Save button
provided in the bottom of this grid to save the details in between.
In Parties Grid under party code you can select beneficiary and applicant and
provide the details of respective party. After entering each party details click
accept button provided at the bottom of this grid so as to enable the system
to store the details of each of the party separately. You can also delete the
required parties details even after acceptance by click on remove button,
provided at the bottom this grid, by selecting the party details which you want
to delete. After entering all the required parties details click on save button
provided at the bottom of this grid to save the data in between your
operations. The details provided here should in conformity with the BG
application to be submitted to the Bank.
Condition grids are not mandatory. If required relevant details can be entered
by you.
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You can click save button provided on the bottom of the screen to save the
information entered by you and the can be recalled and initiated as and when
required. To recall this BG details for initiation, invoke option BG initiate once
against, System will list this BG and click on user reference to get the details
of BG on the screen for initiation by completing the information required.
You can also click on initiate button to initiate the request. System will display
BG verification screen. Here you can confirm the initiation by clicking confirm
button or change the details by clicking change button or completely delete
the BG by click delete button or you cancel the latest modification done by
clicking cancel button.
On clicking confirmation button system will insist for your transaction
password. Enter the same correctly and click submit button.
Thereafter, system will display letter of confirmation screen.
Modify Bank Guarantee
By invoking this option you can modify a BG which is in initiated or semiauthorized status.
On click this option, system will display List for BG - Modification screen with
selection provision for stating some selection conditions like user reference
number, initiation date range, status of BG.
After providing the selection conditions click the search button.
System will display the BGs which are matching the conditions.
Click on user reference to view more details of the BG.
Modify the details which you wish to modify and click save button to save the
changes or click modify button to modify the BG.
On click modify button, system insist for transaction password. Enter the
transaction passwords correctly and click submit button.
System will display BG verification screen. Click confirm button to confirm the
modification or cancel button to cancel the modification done or change
button to further change the details of BG.
On clicking confirm button system will display BG confirmation screen with all
the details of BG and audit details of the record.
View Bank Guarantee
Here you can view the issued or under process BG details.
On click of the option view Bank Guarantee, system will display list of BGs
– view screen. This screen will have provision for stating some of the
selection conditions for the purpose of searching BGs.
You can select one of BG TYPE i.e. either under process BGs or Issued
Under each type of above stated BGs, you can mention conditions like
corporate, status, initiation date range and user reference.
After selection of required type of BG and mentioning the selection
conditions if you click on search button, system will display the list of BGs
matching the given conditions.
The list displayed by the system will contain details like user reference,
initiation date, issue date, expiry date, amount of BG and status of each
Under Process BG Type will have one of the status like initiated ( Not
Authorized), Semi-authorized (further authorization required), authorized
(authorization complete but not reached the Bank), rejected by the
authorizer, sent to host ( reached the bank ), rejected by the host
(rejected by the bank) and hold ( Bank is yet to process the BG).
Issued BG Type will have one of the status like accepted by the host or
liquidated or closed
In case you required to see more details of a particular BG listed by the
system on the basis of search conditions given by you, click on user
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reference number of the respective BG. System will display Bank
Guarantee details screen containing all the details of BG.
This consists following options
View Export Bills
View Import Bills
View Export Bills
Here you can view details of the export and inland sales bills.
On click of the option view export bills, system will take you to view export
bills screen. This screen will have provision for stating some of the
selection conditions for the purpose of searching Export bills
You can mention conditions like collection reference number, Corporate
name, operation status (like all operations, payment, purchase,
negotiation, discounting, collection, and acceptance) and date range
basing on maturity date or lodgment date.
After required selection condition is given, if you click on search button,
system will display the list of Export/Inland sales Bills matching the given
The list displayed by the system will contain details like contract reference
number, product type, bill amount, maturity date, status and customer
In case you required to see more details of a particular Bill listed by the
system on the basis of search conditions given by you, click on contract
reference number of the respective Bill. System will display Bill details
screen containing the details like bill amount, outstanding amount, bill
operation type, maturity date, lodgment date, etc., for the respective bill.
Click on View list to go back to previous screen.
View Import Bills
Here you can view details of the import and inland purchase bills.
On click of the option view import bills, system will view import bills
screen. This screen will have provision for stating some of the selection
conditions for the purpose of searching Export bills
You can mention conditions like reference user number, corporate name,
operation status (like all operations, discounting, advance, collection, and
acceptance) and date range based on maturity date or lodgment date.
After required selection condition is given, if you click on search button,
system will display the list of Import/Inland purchase Bills matching the
given conditions.
The list displayed by the system will contain details like contract reference
number, product type, bill amount, maturity date, status and customer
In case you required to see more details of a particular Bill listed by the
system on the basis of search conditions given by you, click on contract
reference number of the respective Bill. System will display Bill details
screen containing the details like bill amount, outstanding amount, bill
operation type, maturity date, lodgment date, etc., for the respective bill.
Click on View list to go back to previous screen.
Change Password
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This menu option is provided on the top right corner of the screen
Click this menu option to make the system to display change password
In change option box, select login password or transaction password from
the drop down list
Enter the present login or transaction password as the case may in “Enter old
password box”
Enter the new passwords two times in “Enter new password” and “Confirm
new password” boxes.
Some of the rules while changing the passwords is given for your information
at the bottom of the screen.
Click change button to change the passwords
Click clear button clear the inputs given by you
Log off / Logout
This menu option is provided on the top right corner of the screen and bottom
left corner in the screen.
This menu option can be used by you for proper logout
After clicking this menu option system will display log off confirmation screen
with the details of various activities carried out by you during the current
session with the date and time stamp.
Click “clear all windows” button for proper logout and end of session.
You can take print of this screen if you desire
Activity Log
This menu option is provided on the top right corner of the screen.
This menu option can be used by you for seeing the various activities carried
out by you during the current session.
After clicking this menu option system will display session summary history
for the current session which consists of various activities carried out by you
during the current session with the date and time stamp and description.
You can take print of this screen if you desire
The report included the details of logins, with date and time, along with
details of activities carried by the user through the internet.
It also provides details of the account number accessed and nature of activity
carried out.
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