1 http://jamaicanottawaassn.org TEL: 613 526-9085 959 Wellington Street West Ottawa Ontario K1Y 2X5 Corporation Number: 0766577 President’s Report for 2011 Membership to date 300 registered Members PAID-UP MEMBERS Honorary 2 Members Associate 2 Members General 21 Members Life Members 6 Family Members 5 Student 1 Members Senior Members 38 TOTAL 75 Executive Members: President: 1st. Vice President: 2nd. Vice President: 3rd. Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: Assistant Secretary: Immediate Past Pres.: Elisha Luke Campbell Mrs. Judith Headley Vacant Ms. Lurlene Wright Ms. Thelma Gravelle Ms Jennifer Denis Ms. Yanique Brown Mr. Christopher Harris 2 Appointed Officers: Membership: Education: Junior Liaison: Calling Committee Chair: Award Chair: Vacant Vacant Vacant Ms Pearl Parks Mr. Chris Harris Summary of the Association’s Activities for 2011 In August 2010 the Jamaica Ottawa Community Association (JOCA) successfully established a website the under the leadership of Mrs. Judith Headley. The address is: http://jamaicanottawaassn.org. Mrs. Headley kept the site updated during her terms as 1st Vice President for 2011 and Second Vice President 2010. In 2011 Ms. Joanne Robinson convened monthly activities on Healthy Life Style under the offices of the association and with the support of Ms. Barbara Wilson, Mrs. Joyce Smith and a group of dedicated volunteers. Ms. Joanne Robinson facilitated these activities in conjunction with The OC Transport Club, the Community Food Advisor (CFA) program affiliated with the City of Ottawa Public Health Department, Jaku-Konbit and other members of the Jamaican Diaspora Community in Ottawa. The Healthy Life Style activities demonstrate our quest to promote harmonious collaboration with other organizations. In March under the offices of the association Ms. Joanne Robinson also chaired the Annual “Jamaica Night at the Races”, our most profitable event each year. The President also negotiated a partnership with Mr. Ewart Walters, President of The National Institute of Jamaican Canadians (NIJC). At Partnership meetings NIJC Representatives were Mrs. Paulette Barker and Mr. Alec Edgar, while Ms. Joyce Smith and Ms. Barbara Wilson represented JOCA. Various activities and presentations were held in conjunction with our monthly meetings to promote community awareness, and to further nurture our camaraderie and friendship with our colleagues in other organizations in the Ottawa region. In April the President with Mrs. Donette Grant Anderson as Co- Chair, Ms. Lurlene Wright, Ms. Myra Flash and all the gracious Volunteers organized the annual Variety Gospel Concert in partnership with the Big Soul Project Community Choir. This event was a great success. The Big Soul Project Community Choir is booked for the 2014 Concert. In June 2011 Ms. Jennifer Denis, Ms. Barbara Wilson, Ms. Lurlene Wright and Mrs. Edith Allen, along with dedicated volunteers took on the task of organizing the Annual Brunch and this was another successfully implemented event. We extend our Thanks to all those who gave not just their time, but contributed products for the occasion. 3 In July the Association represented by the President, Ms. Lurlene Wright and Ms. Jennifer Denis, in Collaboration with the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa hosted a round table session moderated by the President of JOCA to discuss the challenges of cultural differences faced by the youths of Caribbean descent in their care. Topics discussed included Health & Nutrition, Schoolwork, Home and General Upbringing of Children in Caribbean homes. The presenters who were members of JOCA and the Community at Large included: Approaches to child rearing: Ms. Joycelyn Loeffelholz-Rea, Author /Writer Approaches to child discipline: June Girvan, Retired Teacher/ School Principal Roles of Fathers in our society: Mr. Rueben Brown & Mr. Leslie Ennis, J OCA Members Food and nutrition: Mrs. Edith Allen & Ms. Hyacinth Mason, Community Food Advisors, City of Ottawa Public Health 57 people attended the event which was well organized professionally delivered. We were very proud of the attendance which was comprised of 53 % of persons who were non-Jamaican heritage. There will be a follow up session in 2012. The Annual Jam-Day Three Days Event was Chaired by Mrs. Donette Grant Anderson with Mr. E Campbell as Co-Chair. The major daily events were: Friday August 5th Flag Raising th Saturday August 6 Jam-Day Fete Sunday August 7th Church Service The committee that was responsible for this Job Well Done Comprised: Children’s Village Lottery Logistics / Ground Layout Set-up/Take-down Security Coordinators Maypole Entertainment Decorations Gate/Finance (tickets) Office Coordinator Information Booth Healthy Lifestyles Booth Edith Allen Oswald Butler and Moses Robinson Elisha Campbell, Donette GrantAnderson, Reuben Brown Jennifer Dennis & Chris Harris Des Doran / Joanne Robinson Donette Grant-Anderson & George Roxborough Thelma Gravelle Thelma Gravelle Elisha Campbell Adeline Hardie Joanne Robinson & Godwin Ifedi 4 Volunteer Coodinators Domino FA & Merchants Lunch Coordinator Charmaine Johnson-Mentlak & Joanne Robinson Nerval Mitchell Joyce Smith Lurline Wright We sincerely thank the 50 + other volunteers who gave their time to make the event a successful one for the second year in a row. In October the annual Heroes’ Awards Gala was chaired by Mr. Chris Harris with Mrs. Joyce Smith as Co-Chair. The Chairs and all the volunteers organized a successful event. In December Ms. Lurlene Wright Chaired the annual Christmas Party. With the continued overwhelming support from the same group of dedicated members we couldn’t have ended the year on a better note. It was a great party. Special Thanks to Mr. Trevor Hendricks for his generous contribution of music for the second year at no charge. In fact Mr. Hendricks was able to accommodate all our Music needs for our 2011 events. We thank him. Ladies and Gentlemen, Being the president of the Jamaica (Ottawa) Community Association for the past 2 years has been challenging, interesting, and frustrating at times. My second term had a challenging start, but with the help and guidance of the faithful and dedicated members I must say we balanced things well. Special Thanks to Ms. Jennifer Denis, Mrs. Judith Headley and Ms. Yanique Brown who did not follow the naysayers but came on board. Of course it could have been a lot better, but hopefully as the years go by we will continue with the drive to do more for the association and the community at large. On behalf of the executive members please accept our profound gratitude for your continued support. But always be cognizant of the fact that there are many Jamaicans in Ottawa who are not a part of the team. This is therefore an excellent opportunity to reach out to these persons to achieve the maxim “strength in numbers”. The Jamaican (Ottawa) Community Association Inc. needs the support of all Jamaicans in Ottawa. We all know that a unified people can achieve so much more than a disparate group. While operating with much reduced human and financial resources The High Commissioner’s office stands ready to support our efforts to engage members of the community and to be a source of guidance where possible. We thank Her Excellency Mrs. Sheila Sealy Monteith and her staff. We are quite pleased to have a representative (Ms. Barbara Wilson) on the Jamaica 50th committee as they engage in the ongoing preparation and hosting of the various events 5 being planned for the one year celebration of the Jamaica 50th Anniversary in Ottawa. There are several other JOCA members on subcommittees of the event. JOCA has a very important role to play in ensuring that Jamaica and Jamaicans are viewed as worthy of emulation and respect. The contribution Jamaicans have made to Canada surpasses all other Caribbean Islands. It is no longer an option to be constrained by either distance or time. All Jamaicans, and especially those of us in the Diaspora, have a responsibility to protect and promote a positive image of our country. Over the years Canadians have enjoyed our Jamaican hospitality as Jamaica remains a favored Canadian tourist destination. The close ties between Jamaica and Canada can be seen as a step into many doors of the private and the public sector for our association. I ask everyone to be more proactive. The Jamaican (Ottawa) Community Association Inc can use these close ties to our advantage. During the year we have mounted several social and non-social events. Our goal was to increase the membership, and to widen our image in the larger community. We have taken our charge seriously and over the past two years we have been actively pursuing these goals at the political, cultural and community levels. Building on the excellent relations which exist between JOCA and other Jamaican and non –Jamaican Caribbean Associations, Other organizations, and sports clubs in Ottawa, we have sought to enhance the ties and can recall with deep sense of appreciation the successes we have garnered to date. On the cultural plane, and with much gratitude for the support of the community, we have been able to share the many facets of our culture and in the process gained deeper respect for “Things Jamaican”. Once again the Association’s principal objective is to better acquaint other nationalities with our culture and heritage. So far we managed to fulfill a great portion of this mandate. Part of our outreach to the community is through collaborating with others. Our Calling committee headed by our Third -Vice President Ms. Lurlene Wright has done an excellent job in keeping in touch with members of the community who are unable to attend events and meetings. She reports on activities such as hospital visits, bringing us up to date on their conditions at our monthly meetings. She also keeps in touch with the community in times of illness or bereavement. Ms Jennifer Denis is our Secretary and JOCA contact to the Jamaican High Commissioner and OCISO. She is ably supported by our Assistant Secretary Ms. Yanique Brown. We thank them We must also note with pride and thanks the enhancement and management of of our website by our First Vice President Mrs. Judith Headley for the 4th year. She has done a magnificent job in keeping the website updated with all our events as they unfold. She is pretty sharp. 6 Ms. Thelma Gravelle, our Treasurer came aboard at a very late stage but nevertheless with a dedicated group of Professional members we managed to bring the books up to date. She has also done a great job. Thanks to Mr. Robert Kirlew, Ms. Andrea Green and Mrs. Donette Grant Anderson for their contribution as they worked many hours getting the end of year statement ready. We thank them for their great team work. Mr. Christopher Harris, our Immediate Past President has also participated in many facets of the year’s activities, including being part of the security team for Jam Day and chairing the Annual Hero’s Awards gala. To our members, we the executive members were most pleased to see so many of you so willing and ready to serve as volunteers when called upon. The success of all our events was based on the hard work and commitment of our members and non-members who donated their time and expertise, including providing their various talents as performers. So it is with heartfelt gratitude that we thank you all. I must mention too Mr. Oswald Butler and Mr. Moses Robinson for their immeasurable contribution in again taking on the lottery for the second year. There are many others who contributed but of course, it is not possible to name each of you individually for the role you play. The association continues to donate a portion of proceeds from our events to the Sickle Cell Society, the Diabetes Association, the Adopt-a-Gran program in Jamaica, CKCU and CHUO Radio fund-raising campaigns and, new this year, the Jamaica Self-Help committee. We have been supporting other Associations by sending representatives to their events. The president and other Members & nonmembers of the association volunteered to man the telephones for the CKCU fund-raising telethon drive for the second year. For the second year we also participated in the Christmas tree exhibition at the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau headed by Mr. Desmond Doran with the support of Mrs. Adeline Hardie, Ms. Thelma Gravelle and Mr. Reuben Brown. We thank them. The president’s interview with CBC Radio before Jam Day and many other media appearances on TV and in the print media were organized by Mrs. Donette Grant Anderson, the Jam Day Chair and we thank her for her great team work. The president also organized a CBC radio interview with Mr. Ewart Walters before he was honored by JOCA with a special tribute at the October 15th Hero’s Awards Gala, held at the Ottawa Travelodge Hotel. Also coming off very well was the Friendly Corners’ Fruit Basket, which was presented by Ms. Joanne Robinson. Our annual Christmas fruit baskets to our shut-in seniors were all delivered by the President this year. 7 The above mentioned activities are some of what we set out do when we took office in an effort to extend the association into the community at large. The job is by no means finished, one could say not started. JOCA is the oldest and largest Caribbean association in Ottawa, and in spite of our ups and downs we have survived for over 40 years. It is often said we do not have a place for ourselves and where do the funds go. Here is one example: our 2011 income from membership fees totaled $1,690.00 while after review of our insurance coverage our 2011 insurance policy only cost us $810.00. This compares with the fact that over the last ten years we spent over TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS PER YEAR FOR INSURANCE. We should be working toward getting our own building but the fact that we have to use the funds raised from events to operate the association each year is a major constraint. Until our membership income is able to fund the administrative and operational costs of the association this will be a hard obstacle to overcome. This is something to which we will have to give serious consideration. It was through the effort of all the members of the Executive and members of the association in conjunction with the chairs of all the committees that enabled us to work together as a team to accomplish what we have. If I am reelected as your president I do hope the good Lord will continue to bless us all with good health and a peaceful mind as we continue to work toward our ultimate goal of acquiring a place to call the Jamaican (Ottawa) Community Association Centre. Ms. Lurlene Wright, get ready for the first set of fried dumplings, Ms. Adeline Hardie dancing up a storm on the dance floor and our dedicated member Mr. Renford Thomas expressing his joy to live to see his plaque hung with the names of past presidents - which he had donated years ago. We all with great anticipation await this joyous moment. Some may say I am dreaming; many an American’s dream was to own a British sports car, smoke a Havana Cigar, and drink Russian Vodka on the French Riviera. Our Dream is to one day be eating Jerk chicken and drinking Red Stripe in our own Building/ Centre. I could not have done this alone. I want you all to join me in thanking the Executive members who worked diligently over the past 2 years. I want to also thank my wife and family for their support to me as I took on the task as President of JOCA over the 2010 2011 terms. It was a very busy year; I sincerely thank all the members of the Executive for their input and their continued support in all areas. In every organization there will be times when we disagree on some issues pertaining to the operation of the association. However, we should not allow dissention to take root among us but we must strive for a better understanding as we are working for the same objectives. The Executive has worked very hard this year. Every one of us has served on more than one committee as Chair or CoChair -- too many times to mention. Our quest to capture the interest of our youth and make them an integral part of the association was not accomplished in 2010 and 2011. Let us hope that this can be 8 accomplished in the years to come. The Walk-A-Thon did not take place this year due to time constraints. There is always a good crop of food for thought. What we need is enough enthusiasm to harvest it. Let’s not worry about the few things we missed. If we are not happy with what we have, how can we be happier with more? Many will have doubts let’s feed our faith and our doubts will starve to death. Let us laugh some more and together each day. As we face 2012 we ask for you continued support and your sharing of your various talents, knowledge and laughter. God never imposed a duty without giving us the time and strength to perform it. Thanks to you all and may God bless us all. God Bless Jamaica and God Bless Canada! 9 Bio of Elisha Luke Campbell Married to Clerene Campbell for 43 Years; 4 Children After 42 years in Canada still holding a Jamaican Passport Professional background Retired Certified Master Chef De-Cuisine, International Cuisine. Restaurateur in Ottawa for over 30 years with several news Paper write ups, Radio and TV appearances. Chef and Food and Beverage Manager, Beacon Arms Hotel, Ottawa. Chef and Food and Beverage Manager, Vacation Inn Hotel, Arnprior, Ontario. Co Owner, 19 Hole Golf Club, Buckingham, Quebec. President & CEO Ackee Hill Properties Inc. Community Involvement Volunteering and otherwise While serving as President of The Jamaican (Ottawa) Community Association Inc. is also affiliated with the following groups: Community Food Advisor, City of Ottawa Public Health Social Director, Canadian Culinary Institute, Ottawa Branch Visiting Chef Instructor, Algonquin College, Ottawa Liaison at the Ottawa Mission for the Canadian Federation of Chefs & Cooks.